#eliza archambault
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So.. Fin crossovers? 🥺
(so far all Colin ships + his twin but open to anyone else too 🥺)
Princess Carolina
Célestine Archambault
Clarissa Bridgerton
Eliza Huntington
Rosaline Cowper
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filmy 2024
Odkryj to, co najlepsze w polskim kinie: dwa filmy, które trzeba obejrzeć.
Polska ma bogatą tradycję filmową: od wciągających dramatów historycznych po filmy społeczne czy komedie– polskie kino urzeka widzów na całym świecie.
Na tym blogu przyjrzymy się dwóm filmom, które trzeba obejrzeć:
1. Biała Odwaga (2024) - „Biała odwaga”
„Koniec lat 30. na Podhalu. Utalentowany taternik, potomek znakomitego góralskiego rodu Jędrek Zawrat lubi życie na krawędzi (świetny Filip Pławiak! Przed przystąpieniem do zdjęć przez rok uczył się wspinaczki wysokogórskiej pod okiem doświadczonego alpinisty Andrzeja Marcisza – przyp. A.N.). Gdy się wspina, wybiera najtrudniejsze drogi, gdy kocha, gotów jest poświęcić wszystko. Jego wybranką jest piękna Bronka (Sandra Drzymalska), jednak na skutek rodzinnej decyzji ręka dziewczyny zostaje oddana starszemu z braci Zawratów, statecznemu i poważnemu Maćkowi (Julian Świeżewski).
Dumny Jędrek porzuca rodzinne strony, by szukać zapomnienia wśród krakowskiej bohemy”. To tam rozkochuje w sobie piękną Żydówkę Helenę (Wiktoria Gorodecka) i zaprzyjaźnia się z niemieckim alpinistą i naukowcem Wolframem von Kamitzem (Jakub Gierszał), który głosi teorię o pochodzeniu Podhalan od starogermańskiego plemienia Pragotów...
Najlepsze filmy 2024 roku!
2. Przysięga Ireny
„Przysięga Ireny” to prawdziwa, przejmująca opowieść o zachowaniu człowieczeństwa w nieludzkich czasach II wojny światowej. Historia jest oparta na faktach z życia Ireny Gut-Opdyke, która z narażeniem życia ratowała Żydów ukrywających się po likwidacji getta. W głównych rolach zobaczymy gwiazdy światowego kina: Sophie Nelisse i Dougray Scott. W obsadzie polsko-kanadyjskiej koprodukcji znaleźli się wspaniali polscy aktorzy: Andrzej Seweryn, Eliza Rycembel, Irena Melcer, Maciej Nawrocki, Tomasz Tyndyk Aleksander Milicevic. Reżyserii podjęła się wielokrotnie nagradzana Louise Archambault, natomiast za zdjęcia odpowiada Paul Sarossy. Za scenariusz odpowiada Dan Gordon, który jest również autorem sztuki o Irenie Gut-Opdyke, która zdobyła serca nowojorskiej widowni offbroadwayowskiej sceny w 2008 roku.
Zarówno Biała Odwaga, jak i Przysięga Ireny są przykładami filmów jakich jeszcze nie było w polskim kinie. Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś fanem komedii, thrillerów, filmów akcji, te dwa filmy powinny znaleźć się na twojej liście wśród obowiązkowych pozycji filmowych.
Kliknij tę witrynę, aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat nowe filmy.
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So since my game last night is the most fresh in my memory, I’m going to start off my character introductions with Eliza. Eliza Archambault is a twenty-three year old, Neutral Good fallen aasimar College of Glamour bard. But I play her in a very non-typical, high powered campaign, and she is very much a non-typical fallen aasimar. Her father is a deva named Phandriel, who’s voice she used to hear in her head when she was little, as he was her angelic guide. Her mother is named Alice. Eliza was born in Nylen Thalas, and lived there up until she was about 5 years old, a relatively normal life, though some of her memories of it are fuzzy. When she was five, Eliza was abducted by a hag, who fled with her to the Feywild, stole her inner light, and then handed Eliza over to the Fey. The Feywild is where Eliza essentially grew up, learning to be a performer. She doesn’t technically know who taught her bardic magic, only that she learned it from a (until recently) unknown source. And then, my entry to this campaign basically started with Eliza stumbling through a portal back into the Material Plane. This was when she met the majority of her party: Sirius Baskerville, human fighter. Rasegri, half-elf bloodhunter. Ravalee, half-elf sorcerer. Melisandre, human cleric. Torrin Norixius, dragonborn monk. It was not perhaps the smoothest of meetings, as Eliza had been attacked almost immediately and was bleeding out when they found her. Rasegri healed her, and they all managed to take out the man who had attacked her to begin with, but there was quite a bit of suspicion at first, since they had found Eliza in the middle of the wastelands of Dupla. In particular, Rasegri was able to sense fey magic coming from Eliza, which made him even more mistrustful of her, and resulted in him pointing his crossbow at her. An interesting meeting with the party, for sure. But she threw in with them all, and did her best to help how she could. Some interesting things were learned along the way: for one thing, Eliza does not know that she charms people with her Enthralling Performance; she’s entirely unaware and is deeply confused by the amount of attention she gets after she gives a performance for the first time on any given day. The first time she tried it was in a tavern in Wrin, and wound up with a crowd of about 200 people charmed, including some of her own party members - because 19 Spell Save DC. Rex, who plays Rasegri, always opts to make his saves against these effects with Disadvantage, which is funny, because he should technically be immune to charm effects as a half-elf. Eliza charmed Rasegri at one point without realizing it and he bought her a 500 Platinum Piece magical bracelet that only increases her charisma even further. For another thing, the first time Eliza’s wings came out was a surprise to everyone, even myself. I was expecting the skeletal, terrifying wings associated with a fallen aasimar, and I knew in my head, “Oh Eliza isn’t going to use these very often, because she’s going to be ashamed of them.” But that is not at all what happened. When Eliza used her wings, they were brilliant and rainbow colored; her eyes and hair turned rainbow colored as well. Every creature of her choice within a 60 ft. radius had to make a wisdom saving throw or be charmed by her for 1 minute, and she deals an extra amount of force damage equal to her charisma modifier (which is 7). The reason for this, from what we’ve been able to surmise, is that while in the Feywild, an archfey took a liking to Eliza - Artyx the Friendly. He’s the one, we think, that taught her bardic magic, and he is also the one who made her wings this way. It wasn’t until later that she met the other members of her party: Senna Tathdir, eladrin ranger. Lumi the Wanderess, firbolg druid. Raziel Dedford, aasimar paladin. Senna arrived to tell Sirius (her adoptive little brother) that there was trouble with his family; we failed to save them, and wound up having to see the Baskerville’s decapitated by Sirius’ biological father. On a later mission, Senna went missing and we set out to find her, which is what we’re trying to do now - along the way, we met Lumi, and Raziel. It’s been a nice campaign, so far, though battles are always tough as hell. Sirius and Eliza have basically adopted each other as siblings; what started off as a mistrust of Eliza from Rasegri has wound up with the two of them realizing that they’re pretty enamored with each other - we recently decided to narratively explain my taking of the Magic Initiate feat as Rasegri teaching Eliza some of the warlock spells he knows, so that’s fun. It’s been especially great because, last night, I actually dealt damage in a fight for what feels like the first time ever with Eliza. Eldritch blast, I get two beams, 1d12 for each, with a +10 to hit each time, and then an extra +7 force damage to both damage rolls as long as my wings were out. I was doing between like 28-32 points of damage last night. It was pretty excellent.
#dungeons and dragons#dungeons & dragons#dnd#dnd 5e#d&d#d&d 5e#bard#college of glamour#feywild#aasimar#odozan#eliza archambault#rasegri#sirius baskerville#ravalee#melisandre#lumi the wanderess#senna tathdir#raziel dedford#torrin norixius#elegri
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Scenes From The Cafe Imports Legendary Coffee Tour
What’s the sound of sixty coffee cuppers slurping? It’s a symphony, that’s what. I marveled in its glory at the Cafe Imports Legendary Coffee Tour stop in Denver, Colorado, where coffee enthusiasts packed the Huckleberry Coffee roasting works for an evening of talks, pizza, beer, and coffee. This was the last slurp of the Cafe Imports event tour that made stops in Toronto, Miami, Tampa, and Indianapolis.
The afternoon cupping was a sensory explosion of tastes, smells, and sounds. Director of Education Joe Marrocco lead the coffee tasting exercise and implored guests to keep opinions and reactions to themselves and most importantly not to “talk with your face”. These instructions kept the crowd quiet, with only the sounds of the slurps bouncing off the warehouse walls.
Joe Marrocco
Guests tasted a wide range of coffees from Mexico, Ethiopia, Costa Rica, Brazil, Kenya, and Colombia. Coffees ranged in quality distinctions, from lower scoring specialty coffees all the way to Cauca Best Cup award winning Colombia coffee. Special guest Jairo Ruiz, the owner of BanExport S.A. in Colombia, said a few words to the crowd regarding the Colombia coffees cupped. “The industry fifteen years ago was only focused on volume,” said Ruiz. “Now it has a face.”
Jairo Ruiz of BanExport S.A.
After cups were slurped down to the grounds, sustenance was essential. Folks feasted upon Pizzeria Locale and washed down their glutenous boluses with Denver’s very own heavy metal TRVE Brewing Co. beers (courtesy Mill City Roasters). Once bellies were filled, chairs were provided, for the Stump the Roaster hour had come.
Stump the Roaster panelists Andy Sprenger, Eliza Lovett, Charles Lambert, and Kevin Nealon.
“I find that a lot of roasters are more quiet and reserved, but that’s not always the case!” – Joe Marrocco
Joe Marrocco lead a panel featuring Andy Sprenger of Sweet Bloom Coffee Roasters, Eliza Lovett of Story Coffee Company, Charles Lambert of Boxcar Coffee Roasters, and Kevin Nealon of Huckleberry Coffee Roasters. The group discussed the ins and outs of coffee roasting: the challenges, the pitfalls, the journeys, the passions, the whole roasting coffee and boiling water one mile above sea level thing, and nearly losing ones arm for the thing they love most.
Eliza Lovett of Story Coffee in Colorado Springs
As the panel closed, questions were asked from the audience. Maybe it was the spicy peppers on the pizza, or maybe it was that 6.9% Ostara ale, but the questions came in hot and plentiful. Just how did Andy Sprenger manage to lose so terribly in both regional Brewers Cup competitions, only to take the championships so handily in the nationals? What about air flow, what’s the deal with air flow? How much heat can a body take sitting next to an enormous rotating seed oven for eight hours a day? These are the questions I wanted to personally ask, but I held back.
Coffee events like the Legendary Coffee Tour bring together the specialty coffee community. I saw it myself in Denver, and it’s something the folks at Cafe Imports echoed in exit interviews following the end of the events. “All of us getting together “out of the office” and having honest, thoughtful conversations about coffee roasting and coffee sourcing was pretty impactful for me,” Partner and S.V.P. Sales Noah Namowicz shared with Sprudge. “I think often we want to chat about coffee and business with each other,” adds Sales and Customer Service manager Adrienne Blasky, “but we don’t know how to reach out and get the ball running. I think often we are also worried that we’re the only person who wants to do this. All it takes is one person (or company) to say, ‘Alright everyone! Meet at this place at this time if you want to hang and geek out.’ You’d be amazed at how many folks will show up, because they’ve also been waiting for a chance to connect.”
From Left: Cameron Heath (Revelator Coffee), Chris McArthur (Patriot Coffee), and Veronica Lee Sogno (The Blind Tiger). Photo by Adam Archambault from the Tampa event.
We’re proud to have been a small part of this nationwide event with Cafe Imports, and happen to know some inside information regarding the next round of events on the tour. They won’t be in America; they’re going to awesome; we’ll tell you more soon. The legend continues…
Zachary Carlsen is a co-founder and editor at Sprudge Media Network.
Spros Disclose: Sprudge is the official media partner of the Cafe Imports Legendary Coffee Tour, and proudly partnered with Cafe Imports.
The post Scenes From The Cafe Imports Legendary Coffee Tour appeared first on Sprudge.
seen 1st on http://sprudge.com
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Odkryj historię młodej dziewczyny w filmie "Przysięga Ireny": Film o zwykłej dziewczynie w nieludzkich czasach.
Jeśli interesują cię nowe filmy pełne emocji to "Przysięga Ireny" jest dla Ciebie! To kanadyjsko-polski dramat wojenny w reżyserii Louise Archambault, który opowiada historię dziewczyny która musiała zostać kochanka starego niemieckiego oficera, aby uratować swoich przyjaciół.
Akcja filmu rozgrywa się w czasach II wojny światowej, a opowiada niezwykłą historię Ireny Gut Opdyke, polskiej pielęgniarki, która odważnie ukrywa Żydów w domu niemieckiego majora, stawiając czoła okrutnej rzeczywistości Holokaustu.
Zapraszamy na emocjonującą podróż śladami młodziutkiej Ireny Gut w filmie"Przysięga Ireny", która poświęciła „siebie��� dla ratowania przyjaciół.
Rzut oka na historię
„Przysięga Ireny” to prawdziwa, przejmująca opowieść o zachowaniu człowieczeństwa w nieludzkich czasach II wojny światowej. Historia jest oparta na faktach z życia Ireny Gut-Opdyke, która z narażeniem życia ratowała Żydów ukrywających się po likwidacji getta.
Gwiazdorska obsada
W głównych rolach zobaczymy gwiazdy światowego kina: Sophie Nelisse jako Irenę, W majora Rugemera wcielił się Dougray Scott.
W obsadzie filmu, znaleźli się też znakomici polscy aktorzy: Andrzej Seweryn, Eliza Rycembel, Irena Melcer, Maciej Nawrocki, Tomasz Tyndyk, Aleksander Milicevic, Rafał mohr. Reżyserii podjęła się wielokrotnie nagradzana Louise Archambault, natomiast za zdjęcia odpowiada Paul Sarossy. Scenariusz napisał Dan Gordon, który jest również autorem sztuki o Irenie Gut-Opdyke, która zdobyła serca nowojorskiej widowni offbroadwayowskiej sceny w 2008 roku.
Historia nadziei i wytrwałości
„Przysięga Ireny” to opowieść o nadziei w obliczu niewyobrażalnych tragedii ludzkich. Przypomina nam o sile serca i odwagi, które zwyciężają nienawiść i przypominają nam o bezinteresowności w pomocy drugiemu człowiekowi.
Nieważne, czy zasiądziesz w multikino, czy wybierzesz seans w innym kinie, jedno jest pewne "Przysięga Ireny" pozostawi w tobie nadzieję, że z każdej sytuacji znajdzie się wyjście. To film o nadziei, że wszystko jest możliwe nawet w sytuacjach wydawałoby się bez wyjścia.
Odwiedź witrynę internetową, aby uzyskać więcej informacji związanych z repertuar kin.
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📂 a fact for each of your Bridgerton oc’s?
Augusta Beauchamp: Augusta and Benedict had slept together before canon and he’s shocked to find out that her father is a lord
Princess Catrina Of Prussia: Friedrich is her older brother but he’s also the only real friend she’s ever had
Célestine Archambault: She meets Colin when he visits France during his travels
Cornelia Fitzwilliam: Cornelia’s parents are both dead — her mother died shortly before canon and her father died when she was much younger
Dorothea Bridgerton: Benedict is the only one of her siblings who knows that she likes girls
Eliza Huntington: Colin calls her Betsey since her full name is Elizabeth
Georgina Pemberton: Georgina got a proposal the year before she made her debut and rejected it quite publicly, which caused a big scandal
Harriet Warwick: Harriet was close friends with both Simon and Anthony when they were in university
Send me a 📂 for a random headcanon
#ask#answered#the october reviewer#augusta beauchamp#about augusta#princess catrina#about catrina#célestine archambault#about célestine#cornelia fitzwilliam#about cornelia#dorothea bridgerton#about dorothea#eliza huntington#about eliza#georgina pemberton#about georgina#harriet warwick#about harriet
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Temporary Bridgerton Masterlist
I’ll make a proper one once I have the energy (and content — downloading the shows/movies for all of the fcs has been a long process lmao) but this is my temporary list of Bridgerton OCs
Name: Augusta Beauchamp
Story: The Hope Of It All
Face claim: Tuppence Middleton
Love Interest: Benedict Bridgerton
Summary: As you well know, my dear reader, there is no place for baseborn children in our society. However, for Lord Beauchamp, widowed with no trueborn children, his baseborn daughter is the only hope for a respectable match for his family. With Miss Beauchamp having been kept out of society for her entire life, this author simply must ask: why was Benedict Bridgerton so very shocked by her presence at the Danbury Ball?
Name: Princess Catrina of Prussia
Story: Gold Rush
Face claim: Jenna Louise Coleman
Love Interest: Anthony Bridgerton
Summary: Dear reader, it appears that this season shall be even more enthralling than anyone could have anticipated. For not only is Prince Friedrich of Prussia in search of a wife, but he is also in search of a match for his younger sister, the charming Princess Catrina. While it is rumoured that the princess is quite content to allow her brother to select her future husband, this author is not blind to the frequent glances that she directs towards a certain Viscount. It seems that Prince Friedrich is not the only Prussian who has been enchanted by a Bridgerton.
Name: Cornelia Fitzwilliam
Story: Invisible String
Face claim: Clémence Poesy
Love Interest: Simon Bassett
Summary: Everyone, dear reader, including this author, had anticipated that Miss Cornelia Fitzwilliam would be the incomparable of the season. However with the very recent death of her mother, many began to believe otherwise. With her father long since deceased and her brother the new Lord Fitzwilliam, it was left to Miss Cornelia herself to prepare herself for her debut. Many were skeptical regarding her odds, particularly after Miss Daphne Bridgerton earned the Queen’s favour, but I kept my faith. I assure you, dear reader, that should you see the way that the Duke of Hastings looks at her, you will undoubtedly share my certainties regarding Miss Fitzwilliam’s prospects this season.
Name: Célestine Archambault
Story: Perfect Places
Face claim: Anya Taylor-Joy
Love Interest: Colin Bridgerton
Summary: It seems, dear reader, that Colin Bridgerton has returned to the ton; and he does not come alone. No, he is not engaged, he has evidently learned his lesson since Miss Marina Thompson. However, only days after Lord Bridgerton’s return came a new face, a young lady by the name of Célestine Archambault. This name may not sound familiar, but this author has done her research. Célestine Archambault is the daughter of a French lord and an English lady, with whom Lord Bridgerton became quite enamoured when his travels brought him to Paris. It seems that many had expected a proposal before his departure, however our young lord was unwilling to make such a commitment without consulting his eldest brother. And so, dear reader, the Archambault family shall be joining us here in the ton, residing in Lady Archambault’s family home. We can only hope that Lord Bridgerton has not made yet another grievous error in his choice for a future Lady Bridgerton.
Name: Dorothea Bridgerton
Story: Selling Dreams
Face claim: Lily James
Love Interest: Prince Friedrich
Summary: From the moment Queen Charlotte declared Miss Daphne Bridgerton to be flawless, it became quite clear which of the Bridgerton sisters would be the incomperable of this year’s season. However, Miss Dorothea Bridgerton seems not to bear any ill will to her sister, appearing to be perfectly content to remain in the shadows. While Lord Anthony Bridgerton and Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton chaperone Miss Daphne through the balls, Miss Dorothea is chaperoned only by Lord Benedict. Evidently, this author is not the only one who knows which sister is most suited to attracting a significant engagement.
Though I must admit, dear reader, that prior to his courtship with Miss Daphne, I had thought the Duke quite enamoured with the elder Miss Bridgerton. However, after spending the early hours of the Vauxhall soirée talking, and even dancing, with Miss Dorothea, only to disappear quite suddenly and spend the rest of the evening arm in arm with Miss Daphne.
Miss Daphne Bridgerton may be a diamond of the first order, the Duke’s loss appears to be another’s gain, as a certain Prussian Prince now seems to have set his eye on our very own diamond in the rough..
Name: Eliza “Betsey” Huntington
Story: Long Way Home
Face claim: Bella Heathcote
Love Interest: Colin Bridgerton
Summary: Many a reader will certainly remember Miss Eliza Huntington, the only daughter of the deceased Lord Horace Huntington, although it has been ten years since her departure from the ton. Prior to her departure, the Huntington and Bridgerton families had been the closest of friends, and a betrothal between Eliza Huntington and Colin Bridgerton had seemed inevitable. However, with the untimely deaths of Lords Huntington and Bridgerton, mere months apart, the Lady Huntington moved herself and her children back to her family home in Brighton, and the chance for an engagement was lost to time.
Now, a full decade since her departure, Miss Eliza Huntington has returned to the ton to make her debut. And should the way Colin Bridgerton looks at her be any indication, it seems that an engagement may not be quite as impossible as we had all believed.
Name: Georgina Pemberton
Story: Two For The Show
Face claim: Ellie Bamber
Love Interest: Benedict Bridgerton
Summary: Dear reader, a scandal has come to the ton. A scandal by the name of Georgina Pemberton. Last season, Miss Pemberton had accompanied her elder sister to London for the season, under the guise of learning what to expect for her own debut. However, despite having not yet debuted, it was the younger Miss Pemberton who received a proposal before the end of the season; a proposal which she very publicly rejected, to all of our shock. This year, as she prepares to make her proper debut with a scandal still attached to her name, the Lady Pemberton has sent her daughter to stay with her dearest friend, our very own Dowager Viscountess.
Unfortunately for Miss Pemberton, even the support of the Bridgerton family may not be enough to protect her from the whispers that follow behind her, with not a single gentleman approaching her at the first ball of the season. This author, however, found that Miss Pemberton appeared quite unconcerned with her lack of prospects at the Danbury Ball, as she spent the evening with a smile on her face and a certain Lord Benedict Bridgerton at her side
Name: Harriet Warwick
Story: Champagne Problems
Face claim: Hailee Steinfeld
Love Interest: Anthony Bridgerton
Summary: Why is the Duke of Hastings so opposed to marriage, you may ask. Well, dear reader, I know the answer, and she has just arrived to London for the season. Harriet Warwick became acquainted with both the Duke and Viscount Bridgerton in Oxford, where her father had tutored the pair — regarding both the classics and their futures in society. The Duke and Miss Warwick courted for quite some time, and it came as no surprise when he finally proposed, shortly before he was due to leave Oxford. However, no one was more shocked than the Duke himself when Miss Warwick refused, offering no reasons or closure, and leaving the Duke forever sworn off of marriage.
This author may have been prepared to let bygones be bygones and let secrets rest, had Harriet Warwick not appeared at the Vauxhall soirée, only to ignore the shocked Duke in order to greet the Viscount. Some may prefer to let sleeping dogs lie, but I am of the belief that sleeping dogs make for the best morning news.
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OCs I’m Feeling RN
okay so basically I’m depressed and tired and lonely and miserable and desperate for anything to distract myself so
Aurora Anderson — Glee (x Sebastian Smythe)
Amethyst Andrews — Riverdale (x Teen Serpents)
Dorothea Bridgerton — Bridgerton (x Prince Friedrich)
Georgina Pemberton — Bridgerton (x Benedict Bridgerton)
Harriet Warwick — Bridgerton (x Anthony Bridgerton)
Princess Catrina — Bridgerton (x Anthony Bridgerton)
Cornelia Fitzwilliam — Bridgerton (x Simon Basset)
Célestine Archambault — Bridgerton (x Colin Bridgerton)
Augusta Beauchamp — Bridgerton (x Benedict Bridgerton)
Eliza Huntington — Bridgerton (x Colin Bridgerton)
Sophie Dugray — Gilmore Girls (x Logan Huntzberger)
Kirsty Gilmore — Gilmore Girls (x Tristan Dugray & Logan Huntzberger)
Cassia Potter — Harry Potter (x Dimitri Aleksander Volkov)
Evie Van Der Woodsen — Gossip Girl (x Theo Archibald)
Also vibing with my harry potter & glee ocs, and, of course, any other ocs are welcome!! These are just the ones I’ve been feeling the vibe for lately!
And of course yall know crossovers are welcome too!!
*as always, I’m happy to answer anything from my ask game tag, but any other questions are more than welcome too!!
**romantic relationships are obviously welcome but I’m happy to talk about any dynamics!
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