#elithilanor fics
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A warm hand cups the back of Erestor's neck as another hand presses fingers to his temple. Mint and rosemary assault his senses and the power of the Bruinen pours into him as Elrond hums a healing Song.
He shudders and sinks into this cousin's embrace, feeling relief for the first time in several days.
Its Wednesday. How long has it been this time? Elrond asks through their bond, kindly forgoing actual sound.
Which Wednesday? Erestor replies, tiredly.
Elrond hums softly and some more of the pain leeches out of Erestor's skull, his stomach making it known how hungry he was now that the nausea was beginning to dissipate.
To bed, Erestor. It's time you rested. Elrond's tone is determined as he leads Erestor back to his chambers.
#Drabble#I'm trying to write again so have a Drabble based on the Erestor ask from earlier#elithilanor fics#Elithilanor Drabble#elrond & Erestor
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✍️ Which stat matters most to you (if at all!): subscriptions, kudos/favorites, comments, bookmarks, word count, or hits?
🥳 how are you going to celebrate your writings goal wins this year?
New Year's Writing Goal Ask Game
✍️ Which stat matters most to you (if at all!): subscriptions, kudos/favorites, comments, bookmarks, word count, or hits?
I'm just now realizing that this is actually a very vaguely worded question lol and I don't know if it's intended to be about what matters to me as a writer or what matters to me when I'm reading, so I'll answer both. For my own work - comments. 100% comments. I try not to pay attention to stats but obviously I'm only human, and it feels somehow really demoralizing when I get a good number of hits, kudos, or bookmarks and not a single comment (or a very low number). Like I will take low hits, low kudos, no bookmarks or a few, with one comment over loads of hits/kudos/bookmarks with little to no comments -- it just feels like people liked the fic, but didn't like it enough to say anything to me, or like I'm just shoveling fic into a consuming void, you know? If I'm sharing it's because I'm excited about the piece and I want to connect with people, so to have it just ghost-read does sting a little lol. I think especially bookmarks and subscriptions actually become demoralizing when there is a lack of comments -- because again, like that soulless feeling of 'I'm shoveling my work out to be consumed'. If someone liked the work enough to subscribe or bookmark, it would be encouraging to see them drop me something nice in the comment box. It's not about the stats for me, it's just that little bit of extra effort on the reader's part that means so much to me. Re paying attention to stats when reading: I really don't. If the fic compels me then I pick it up. The summary and tags matter the most.
🥳 How are you going to celebrate when you achieve one of your writing goals?
A lot of my writing goals revolve around finishing pieces this year, so weirdly enough my celebration will be getting to move on to another piece I've been dying to work on haha. I try to refrain from starting too many new things at once because I know I'll hyperfixate if I let myself and other stuff will fall by the wayside. So starting that shiny new project will be reward enough!
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Hi, queer stuff in Dol Amroth sounds very intriguing!
[ID: anon ask saying "Excuse me, may I ask for queer stuff in Dol Armath for 200 please? -@elithilanor"]
Thank you both!
I haven't actually touched this one in a little bit, but it's actually part of my that garden ungrown series (which has one posted fic atm, but the "autistic Faramir" WIPs are also part of it).
In it, recently married Faramir and Éowyn go to Dol Amroth for the summer, and Éowyn finally gets to meet his husband's mother's very colourful family (in which Finduilas was the token cisstraight) in their own element. They are very queer and very neurodivergent.
My headcanons go something like this:
Elphir: bi, married to a trans woman, Ôliel, they got a surrogate for their son and both fell in love with the surrogate and are engaged in a slow burn poly romance
Erchirion: trans man, autistic, ship captain
Amrothos: nonbinary, very colourful, very ADHD, excellent harpist who happens to run most of the Gondorian spy network in Harad
Lothíriel, who thought she was a lesbian until she met Éomer and is now questioning everything
And the generation above who appear a bit less:
Imrahil, very gay except for his late wife, and also the richest man in Gondor, with a passion for fashion
Ivriniel, Lesbian Aunt (tm), also a wheelchair user
Here's a snippet:
“My lady? Or, uh… my lord?” “No!” “Neither?” Éowyn shakes her head. “No, lady is fine, I just meant, please call me Éowyn.” “Oh. My sister has, um, sent me to… advise you, on matters of dress.” “Lothíriel sent you?” “She thought I would be better suited to this particular task than her or Amrothos.” Éowyn frowns uncomprehendingly. Erchirion fiddles with his sleeve, not meeting her eyes. “Lothíriel should probably have explained first,” Faramir comes over to save him. “He’s here to show you how to bind your breasts properly. Thíri was horrified when she saw the way you did it.” Éowyn raises an eyebrow at Faramir, containing her annoyance at his youngest cousin’s meddling. She likes Lothíriel a lot, she enjoys having a friend her own age, even though they have few interests in common, but this is a little too personal. She barely knows Erchirion. “But why you?” she asks him. Erchirion tilts his head, still looking somewhere over her shoulder. “Has that particular titbit of gossip not reached you yet, my lady?” “Gossip?” “I believe even the city’s most tenacious gossipers have grown bored of talking about you,” Faramir snorts at his cousin. The corner of Erchirion’s mouth turns up slightly, and Éowyn thinks that it might be the first time she’s seen him smile.
Ask me about my WIPs!
#echo's fanfiction#that garden ungrown#eowyn#faramir#farawyn#erchirion#dol amroth family#lotr#lotr fic#tolkien
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tag game - tag 9 people you want to get to know better
tagged by @metatomatoes <3
Favorite color: deep emerald green, followed by a kind of blueish lavender.
Last song: The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie by Colter Wall; horror folk kick is going strong.
Currently reading: The Fellowship of the Ring by JRRT; Unfinished Tales by JRRT, ed. by Christopher Tolkien; The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden; Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë; Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson. ...I think that's it?
Last movie: Last movie I intentionally sat down to watch or last movie that was on in my general vicinity? I guess I'll answer both since I'm not sure. I think the last movie I watched on purpose was Crimson Peak (2015) for research because I'm trying to plot out a gothic romance AU fic. And the last movie that was on in my general vicinity was Chopping Mall (1986) because my partner loves off-beat old horror movies. I've seen House on Haunted Hill (1958) more than I've seen any other movie because of this.
Sweet/spicy/savoury: I have a strong sweet tooth (ADHD craves easy dopamine sources) but I do really like savory things too.
Currently working on: the chapter past the current one of Scars of Silver and Gold; a series of non-continuous but interconnected drabbles about Melkor's time imprisoned by the Valar; a Nienna cosplay for a con next month (concern).
No pressure tags: @glorf1ndel, @elithilanor, and any one to whom this looks like fun.
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Passing this ask game on: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers. ❤️ -Elithilanor
Thank you for the tag @elithilanor!
That first coffee/cup of tea of the day. ☕
Getting to sit in the sun listening to my favourite tunes. 😎 (A cheeky pint/drink is optional.)
Playing DnD with friends. 🎲
Finishing a fic! (A rare occurrence.) ✏️
Getting a hug off a loved one. 🫂
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From @elithilanor
🎉 How are you going to be kind to yourself if you don't meet your goals?
Do you have any bad writing habits you want to break?
Thank you @elithilanor !
I’m going to have a lot on my plate this year I’m starting my first job in the profession I’ve trained for and I’ve found my first solo flat to move into. So I think bc I know how much I have on I’m pretty kind to myself about my hobby goals I don’t achieve. I chip away at it when I enjoy it. But I also think that bc I haven’t posted anything I’ve written for the fic I feel less pressure (but also a bit less motivation)
And for bad habits my dialogue is atrocious and I can be too succinct I think I’m trying to develop more of what my character is thinking rather than just what is happening right now.
Thank you so much for the ask I loved doing this!
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Ooh ok this is very interesting, thank you for the lovely tag @middleearthpixie I've loved reading everyone's responses.
Fuck - I think Sweet Conversation Part 2 (I swear I'll figure a better name or something.) I know how it will go as it's just simply very loose pwp in my brain and reading Haldir smut would soothe my soul right now. I just can't seem to get the words out on paper it's incredibly frustrating.
Marry - So, ok. Hear me out. This is one that I don't have a name for and I'd barely plotted out apart from some very loose scenes in my brain. It'll be a submissive Haldir with an oc of my own so the audience for it will be narrowed down to just myself, @elithilanor and @wareagleofthemountain I think. But I literally can't stop thinking about it so that's a good sign right?
Kill - It would be my Boromir fics that is a fix it of sorts. Again I've gotten to a certain point that I just can't seem to get past at all. I wouldn't say I want to kill it completely but every time I go back to it I get incredibly frustrated. Plus I want a better clear goal at the end rather than the nebulous endings I usually do.
Tagging but please don't feel pressured I know everyone has a lot on just now - @fizzyxcustard, @heilith, @elithilanor, @wareagleofthemountain @laurfilijames @darth-glitter
new ask game: fuck/marry/kill but it's for your WIPs
fuck - the story you just want to read instead of having to write it yourself
marry - the story you're obsessed with writing and never want to stop working on or thinking about
kill - the story you're most frustrated with and would rather just put in the trash (or maybe just on a high shelf somewhere so you can forget about it for a really long time)
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The Unfinished Drafts
Aka my thoughts on gender and elves isn't super concrete anyone and here's an exploratory draft I had going in themes of forcing myself to write more and get over my imposter syndrome and also it's pride
Aka Haldir is having Thoughts about Gender and Elrond is everyone's dad
Unfinished drafts are things I probably won't complete due to some reason. In this case, my stances on elvish gender have changed so it's not really relevant anymore to my thought process. But it also makes me happy so here it is.
Haldir had spent the better part of a year ruminating over this conversation and yet he found the words still wouldn’t come to him.
“I cannot Shapeshift.” He finds himself blurting out.
“No. I wouldn’t have supposed you could.” Lord Elrond responds, a small tilt of his head as he assesses the Warden. “That is a fairly restricted gift of lineage.”
“Yes, correct. But are there -“ Haldir pauses, his heart pounding in his chest. His hands flutter before he smooths them down at his side.
“Haldir.” Lord Elrond says gently, kindly. He is always gentle and kind; surely he would not think less of him even if it were not possible.
Elven gender is not like the race of Men; they are much more fluid. But he wasn’t changing his role in society or the wardrobe he wore. He was changing the very foundation of his gifts from Illuvitar.
“I - are there ways to change the body's form? Without shifting one’s body? Perhaps… permanently?” He focuses on the roses below the balcony. He finds himself unable to look at the Peredhel Healer.
He’s sure his brothers have guessed, maybe others, perhaps the Lady Galadriel even knows. She has had that mischievous look in her eyes for the past three weeks and his finding Lord Elrond without any additional guests at his side had been surprisingly easy for how busy he was.
But it’s different to say it out loud.
Different to say it out loud and mean it. Different to change things as they are. To change things to what they should be.
He hears Lord Elronds robes brush his legs as he walks away and Haldir’s heart drops. He closes his eyes. Perhaps the whole notion had been ridiculous. He supposes he could try himself, but it truly was a bit too ridiculous to contemplate. Battlefield medic he was, not an elf with the gifts of his Lady.
“There are more than you might think.” Elrond says warmly, squeezing Haldir’s shoulder reassuringly as he appears back in his line of site. Elrond presses a goblet into Haldir’s hand and firmly guides him to the settee. His legs are much less sturdy than he had thought they were. He finds the hand Elrond has on his shoulder the only point of grounding; he feels as light as air.
“Shifting one’s form magically is rare, which means that for ages, others have had to find other means to do. Usually surgically as magic is not precise enough and can cause a host of negative effects. To name a few who have undergone a form of transition to their bodies: Maeglin, Caranthir, King Fingon, Círdan. Elves who farm, and hunt, and clean the floors, and sew garments. Elves who prefer staying in the background; elves who rise in the ranks of the Galadhrim. Elves of all genders changing to what matches their feäs.”
Haldir nods, mind racing. He wasn’t alone. He wasn’t alone.
“I can reach out to some of the others for you? They often like to meet the new and assist with recovery afterwards.” Haldir nods again, eyes wide.
“Please.” He whispers, feä scrubbed raw.
Elrond hums softly and wraps an arm around the younger elf’s shoulders. Some of the tension seeps out of Haldir’s chest.
#Tolkien pride#unfinished drafts#you see what I did there#elithilanor fics#Haldir#ftm Haldir#elrond#elrond is everyone's dad#elvish gender
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Thank you for the tag! I have a lot of wips rn (lol sorry and fml), but this is my favorite I’m currently working on:
The last couple sentences from a wip currently titled, Arwen and the Seamstress, which is Arwen x (obviously) Fem! Elf Steamstress:
“Oh, you sweet child!” Seriel laughed softly at you as she wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “She’s the Lady’s granddaughter! She can choose whatever fabrics she likes; including - especially - this one.”
No-pressure tags: @sotwk @runawaymun @outofangband @glassgulls
Last Sentence Tag Game
Last Sentence Tag Game: Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
Tagged by: @tortoisesshells and @aquitainequeen
I bring you, at looong last, the last line of Chapter 29 of what it is to be a thin crescent moon. (Thanks should go to @tortoisesshells, whose recent ask box prompt inspired me to write this…)
“It wasn’t only General Kirigan who has needed you for a time beyond time, Starkova Kirigana.”
Tagging @orlissa @vesperass-anuna @amarguerite @oldshrewsburyian @asteraceae-blue @samsylviasmoustache @broadwaybaggins @fericita-s @sagiow @kivrin @holy-muffins @incognito-princess @saathi1013 @lucyemers @mistressdickens @helenvader
#Elithilanor fics#lotr#lord of the rings#Arwen undomiel#Arwen#sapphic Arwen#lesbian Arwen#Arwen x Reader#Arwen x Fem!Reader
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Themes in Writing
I saw this post going around a while ago that looks for themes and similarities in your writing based on the first sentence of each of your published works and I'm curious! So, without further ado:
Celeborn tilted his head so his long, silvery hair cascaded down his shoulders.
Lan Wangji was going to scream.
Wei Wuxian sank to his knees in the shade, hidden from the main path behind the rock garden and thatched roof.
Imagine waking up to soft kisses in your hair and fingers dancing down your arm, warmly pressed between the two ellon on either side of you despite the rapidly cooling air of summer’s sun decent into evening.
Jumping, you swear with your hands on your hips down at the mess only to look up when a voice says, “Don’t move.”
“Will you stay here in the courtyard paths for the rest of the evening rather than join us then?” Elrohir asks, tone just on the side of disapproving.
Rúmil shudders as he presses into you, his head dropping to your shoulders as he gives a bruising bite to your neck.
You gasp as a cold snap hits your face as you finally manage your way out of one of the circle dances stomping through the Hall of Fire and into the frigid, snow-dusted, air.
“What did I tell you?” Rúmil demands as he turns sharply to face his brother and crosses his arms over his chest.
Your eyes blink open slowly, coming to in the haze of the sun’s warmth as birdsong erupts around the glade, loud and excited.
no pressure tags: @wareagleofthemountain @fenharel-enaste @melpomaen
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It's still October... Icould’ve sworn I already dropped a message, but I can’t find it so a very, very Happy Birthday to my birthday month twin @wareagleofthemountain
The request was family time with forts:
“What did I tell you?” Rúmil demands as he turns sharply to face his brother and crosses his arms over his chest.
Orophin winces as he surveys their half-flooded talan. The storm had only come in last night, but it already had raised the Celebrant a solid quarter foot since and there was no sign of the rain letting up.
Orophin sighs and gestures at last year’s rescues in their open cages. “They needed to be able to come and go.”
“The birds-!” Rúmil stops himself then asks incredulously, anger evident in his tone. “You left open ALL the windows while you were scheduled to be gone for over half a year?”
“Well… not the ones in our sleeping rooms.” Orophin mutters weakly as he dips down to fish out his favorite vase from their rainwater-talan-soup.
It seems the gutters could only do so much as clogged with the autumn leaves as they now were.
“Once the storm clears, it’s an expected warm patch before the mid-autumn festival. The talan should dry out fairly quickly!” Orophin says brightly, forcing his regular optimism out past his own disappointment in spending another night on the forest floor. They were already soaked through to the bone, their cloaks long overdue for a re-weathering and patching.
He falters at the look on Rúmil’s face. “Let’s just spend the night at Haldir’s till the storm lets up.”
Rúmil sighs and steps into the talan, wincing at he makes his way through the knee-height, frigid water to close and lock the windows shut against the intruding water. At least the beavers would be happy with the newly felled trees he could hear cracking in the distance.
He leans his head against a window frame briefly, his muscles aching with exhaustion. He, too, would prefer to be in a real bed with warm quilting. He chuckles wearily and pushes himself back up.
“Fine. But you’re explaining to our dear brother why we’re so rudely interrupting his first night home since last winter solstice.”
Orophin feels a shudder run down his spine at the smirk on Rumil’s face.
“Fine! I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
Orophin shifts his feet and worries his lip, staring at the closed door in front of him while he wrings his dripping hair around a fist.
Really, Haldir would be glad to see them. Again. After half an hour…
At the very least he would never turn them out.
Orophin sighs and Rúmil steps past him with a low, “Here, let me”, and knocks briskly on their brother’s talan door. He is also - rather quite uselessly - attempting to wring out his cloak.
There is no response from inside.
Orophin sighs again and bangs harder on the door. “Haldir!”
There’s a shout, then laughter from inside, and after a prolonged moment, their brother opens the door, half-clad in only trousers. The scent of bread hits the cold air, warming his toes.
“It has been less than an hour. What on Arda has happened to the two of you?” Haldir asks, this brow furrowing in concern.
“And why is it our problem and not yours at home?” Haldir’s partner says warmly, her eyes sparkling as she wraps her arms around her husband from behind and leans out the door. Haldir’s arms wrap over hers.
Rúmil smacks a leaf out of his face and turns to Orophin. “Well?” He snaps, short-tempered as he rarely is. This was his first break home since his most recent promotion and he’d been out even longer than Haldir.
Orophin ducks his head, looking away. “I left the windows open for the birds while we were gone and now the talan is flooded - absolutely flooded, I meant that quite literally - and it’s cold and wet and maybe we could sleep on your floor for the night instead of outside? Please, Haldir?” He mutters in a fast breath, tired and more than a little embarrassed at the whole situation.
Suddenly, as if queued for dramatic effect, the thunder breaks above them - the sound that of a herd of elephants - and the sky opens up as if they were standing under a waterfall.
Haldir frowns, his instincts and worry winning out over his annoyance. “In. Both of you. Now.” And he steps back to let them in, pulling his wife away from trying to catch droplets of fresh rain on her tongue, her laugh carrying in the air.
Orophin hesitates and Rúmil shoves him in front of him, a wall of warmth hitting them as they cross the threshold. Dry, heat, bread.
“Rúmil, go draw yourself a bath. Cool off and warm up. Make sure to take those boots off.” Haldir orders, resorting to his elder brother mentality as he begins divesting both of his younger brothers of their outer layers before wrapping a shivering and contrite Orophin in some damp toweling and rubbing some warmth into his arms.
Rúmil grumbles and stalks off to the bathing room, closing the door behind him.
Silence descends upon the remaining inhabitants of the room.
“How bad is it?” Haldir asks as he starts pulling out their extra blankets.
“Bad.” Orophin winces. “I didn’t mean to.”
“Of course not, you ridiculous elf.” His sister-in-law says, hugging him tightly. “We’ll deal with it tomorrow. Together.”
Haldir nods, then looks up at the ceiling as thunder crashes again. “Or whenever the storm lets up.” He quite suddenly tosses a blanket at his brother then disappears into the kitchen.
Orophin and his sister grin at each other. “His bread senses were tingling.” “Mhm.”
The door to the bathing room opens and Rúmil emerges, long hair wrapped in toweling and the rest of him in dry clothing.
“Yours.” He says to Orophin shortly, his tone lacking most of the bite from earlier.
Orophin grips Rúmil’s arm as he moves past. “I’m sorry.” He says apologetically.
Rúmil lets out a long breath and grips his elbow in return. “I know. We’ll deal with it tomorrow. Love you, little brother. ”
Orophin smiles and shoves him off and goes in search of water hot enough to broil his skin clean off and soap.
When he emerges from the bath, the rest of his family is putting the finishing touches on a blanket fort large enough to hold all four of them: Rúmil obsessively testing the tension of the arches, Haldir laying his freshly-made bread and other fruits and cheeses in the center, and his sister in all but blood stoking the fire higher to fight off the frigid air. The rain had let up some, but still could be heard dancing across the talan’s roof.
Orophin smiles, the warmth of it all chasing away the last of the chill in his bones. As he moves toward the fort, he pulls them all with him, resulting in a string of curses and jabs to his sternum but well worth the effort for the laughs that follow.
Deleted scene because it made me laugh:
The four of them stare in horrified awe at the felled mallorn branch Rúmil and Orophin’s talan had been located on.
“That is so not my fault!” Orophin exclaims.
#haldir of lorien#haldir x ofc#rúmil of lothlorien#orophin#lothlorien boys#lothlorien brothers#tolkien elves#elithilanor fics
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Rúmil x Trans Masc Reader
Tags: First time anal; Feelings about being Trans Masc; praise kink;, light d/s; Dom! Rúmil; no feminizing language
Minors DNI
It’s short and sweet, here ya go:
Rúmil shudders as he presses into you, his head dropping to your shoulders as he gives a bruising bite to your neck.
You hiss at the overwhelming pressure inside of you and he runs a hand down your sweat-soaked skin in response.
“Almost there” He murmurs. “Is it too much? Do you need me to stop?” He asks. You shake your head. Absolutely not; you’d spent much too long preparing for this to give up now.
“I need your words, precious boy, can you do that for me?” You tremble at his words, heart pounding. Your thoughts slam to a halt and your mouth runs dry.
Boy precious boy
You nod shakily and scramble desperately to find your voice.
“D-don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” You beg, voice rasping.
Rúmil presses a kiss to your temple and tucks your long tresses behind your ears. “Good boy. Thank you.”
You flush darkly at his praise. More, anything to get more. “Please. Please, Rúmil. Please anything I-”
Rúmil hushes you. “I’ve got you pretty boy, don’t worry. You’ve taken me so well. Such a good boy.” He leans over to press his lips to yours as he drizzles more of the oil you prefer - the viscous one scented with mallorn - over where his cock is halfway into you.
Your eyes flutter shut and you whine, arching your hips against him. Rúmil’s breath catches and his words falter for just a moment. He presses you back down against the bedding as he tsks, giving your nipple a sharp twist in punishment. You grin up at him and he smiles fondly before he suddenly rolls his hips to sink the remainder of his hard length inside of you.
#minors dni#transmasc reader#rumil of lorien#Rumil#lotr drabble#Rumil x reader#Rumil x trans masc reader#brought to you by my own thoughts and feelings#Elithilanor fics#tell me why I fucked up all the accents then had to fix them lmfao#trans reader#ftm reader#Rúmil x trans reader
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I’m recc-ing some of my favorite queer fics tonight. The best Elrond x Masc! Reader I’ve ever read (one of the only too and that’s sad af). Super steamy
Hands Up, Palms Out, I’m at Your Mercy Now | Elrond x Masc!Reader Version
SUMMARY: Elrond takes the reader’s virginity at his request. Basically, this is just a version of Hands Up, Palms Out, I’m At Your Mercy Now for masc!readers, because masc!readers deserve more love and I really wanted to do this. It’s the exact same thing except mechanics are changed around. Elrond is still topping, reader is still bottoming.
Here’s the original fem!reader version.
AO3 Link, in case anyone wants to easily bookmark this or prefers reading there.
Spice level: 🌶🌶🌶🌶 (pretty dang hot if I do say so myself).
Warnings/tags: first time, getting together, friends-to-lovers, penetrative sex, fingering, oral sex, cuddling, fluff & romance
Word count: 5k WHOOPS
MINORS DNI, your media consumption is your own responsibility.
Your legs feel like jelly as you knock on the door to Elrond’s study. Part of you can’t believe you’re really asking this of him. The rest of you is screaming to get it out before you lose your nerve.
He calls for you to come in. You step inside and shut the door behind you. His study is always so comforting, with its overstuffed reading chairs, the neatly-shelved rows of books, the golden sunlight streaming in through the high windows to glint off the mahogany bookcases. Elrond is at his desk working on some letters, wrapped in a velvet indigo robe, face pinched with concentration. He looks up from his paperwork and his expression softens. He sets down his quill.
“I can come back later if you’re quite busy.” It rushes out of you before he can even greet you.
“What is the matter? You’re shaking,” he says, getting to his feet. Of course he notices. He crosses the room to take your hands in his bigger warm ones. His voice is laced with concern. “What can I do to help?”
“No— I—“ you bite the inside of your cheek, unable to look up at him. This could ruin everything but you can’t think of anyone else you’d rather do this with. “I just wanted to ask you something.”
“Anything,” he says immediately.
You don’t even know where to start. It’s building up inside your ribcage, filling your lungs. You can hear your own heartbeat. This really could ruin everything. He’s your best friend— he’s so good to you—
“I should go,” you say, too anxious to stand it. “This was a bad idea.”
Keep reading
#Elithilanor fic recs#best queer elrond fic#minors dni#queer lord of the rings#queer lotr#queer silmarilion
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From the WIP game, snippet ask from Galadriel x Fem! Reader smut for @starlady66 I’m really struggling with the too many options with this but I like this part
“When was the last time you sat down for a meal?” Your Lady asked sternly, eyebrow raised as she cupped your face in her hands, craning your head up to meet her eyes. You flush under her intense gaze.
Galadriel never makes you feel less than her, but under her attention, you always feel as if she could swallow you whole. You shiver in the cool breeze from the open balcony doors and bite your lip. You wish she would.
The things you would do for her. Oh, the things you would let her do to you.
You would willingly spend the rest of your immortal life at her feet with your lips on her Valar-sent cunt, but unfortunately, that honor belonged to Lord Celeborn.
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3, 12, 14!
Oh, hello there!!! Thank you for dropping in!
3. What are some tropes or details that you find very characteristic about your fics?
I'm not sure about tropes currently, but I've noticed that I have a tendency to talk about eyes and hair and that I try to build expressions or moments of romance into those uses.
I'm not sure it's a trope but I've noticed that with my Haldir fics, there are a lot of reunions in them. I think it's partially due to the coming and going nature of his being a Marchwarden, but also it's easier to start from an entry point (sometimes literally).
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
Friends to lovers has grown on me a bit, but I still don't really like it. I've just ended up reading some really good ones. But that may be fandom-specific because they're all in mdzs. I do better with acquaintances or enemies to lovers, honestly.
Forced proximity! Turns out I just don't like all the ridiculous "I'm snowed it with you and I'm horny", but I love the "I'm snowed in with you and we come to understand and/or worry about each other". I'll blame that on the asepc in me.
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
I actually read a decent amount of tropes I don't really like (kidfic, emotional pregnancy fic - don't at me for the irony), but that's because they're incredibly well-written and I'm a sucker for good characterization. Like I'll read kidfic if there's plot besides just the child. In that vein adoption fics because adoption is fucked up industry (I'm adopted; don't play with me on this) and even when it's not written that way it's often written incredibly problematically and it makes me upset (lol Don't worry Boundless Sky is wonderful and has none of these issues; it's really good!).
I don't like prolonged presumed dead paired with miscommunication, but like if someone like you or glassgulls dropped something like that, I'd at least skim it probably.
I was reading a list of fic tropes to try and answer this one more thoroughly, but that's all I've got sorry! XD
If anyone has noticed any tropes in my writing, lmk! I'm curious now...
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Sapphic Tolkien Creator List
A collection of creators and their Sapphic works for the Tolkien fandom. This list was born out of the frustration of a lack of sapphic and wlw content (trans and non-binary inclusive) preferably created by sapphics and how, when created, it doesn't get any traction.
If you know of any creators that aren't on this list, please tag me at either @elithilanor or @creativity-of-death on their work so I can add them to the list below! If you’re on the list but I missed some of your creations that are sapphic, please tag me on them so I can add them!
Support your queer and fandom communities, so let's start here!
SFW Arwen x Eowyn Lesbian Pride
SFW Galadriel/Artanis x Lúthien
SFW Nerdanel x Indis
SFW Arwen x Fem! Aragorn
NSFW Delayed Gratification: Arwen x Fem! Reader
NSFW Sapphic Arwen Alphabet
SFW Fem!Elrond x GN! Reader
SFW Morwen x Aerin Ficlet
Morwen x Aerin Ficlets
Sad Morwen x Aerin Fic
Morwen x Aerin: With Slander for a Blade
NSFW Dove: RoP! Galadriel x Fem! Numenorean HCs
NSFW Dress: RoP! Galadriel x GN! Reader
SFW Arwen x Fem! Aragorn
SFW Opposites Attract: Tauriel x Fem! Reader
NSFW Silm/LotR Galadriel x Fem! Reader
NSFW Sapphic Tauriel HCs
SFW Mothers: Nerdanel x Indis
What the Water Gave Me: Finduilas x Nienor mentions of suicidal ideation
SFW Quicksilver: Indis x Míriel
Will edit as I’m tagged or discover new stuff!
#sapphic Tolkien#queer Tolkien#lesbian Tolkien#wlw tolkien#sapphic lotr#sapphic silmarillion#queer lotr#queer silmarilion#wlw#sapphic#lesbian#Arwen#Galadriel#rop#Morwen#aerin#nerdanel#indis#fem! Aragorn#fem! elrond#Tauriel#sapphic hobbit movies#Morwen x Aerin#fem! reader#gn! reader#Lúthien#galadriel x luthien
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