#elite immigration services
Elite Immigration Services
If you’re in need of expert visa application assistance, Elite Immigration is your go-to resource for reliable and efficient support. As a leading immigration services company, Elite Immigration excels in guiding clients through the complex visa application process with ease and precision. Our team of experienced professionals provides personalized assistance, ensuring that every detail of your visa application is handled with utmost care. Whether you’re applying for a work visa, study visa, or any other type of visa, Elite Immigration offers the expertise and dedication necessary to navigate the application successfully. Trust Elite Immigration for top-notch visa application assistance and let us help you achieve your travel or relocation goals seamlessly. Visit our website today to find out more about our comprehensive services.
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Canada Startup Visa
Elite Immigration specializes in guiding entrepreneurs through the Canada Startup Visa program, designed to attract innovative business leaders who wish to establish and grow their startups in Canada. This visa offers an opportunity for individuals with a viable business idea and support from a designated Canadian organization to obtain permanent residency in Canada. At Elite Immigration, we provide comprehensive assistance throughout the entire process, from evaluating your business idea and securing support from an approved organization to preparing and submitting your visa application. Our expert team ensures that all documentation is complete and meets the requirements set by Canadian immigration authorities. We help you understand the specific criteria for the Startup Visa, including demonstrating the potential for business success and creating job opportunities for Canadians. With our dedicated support, you can confidently pursue your entrepreneurial dreams in Canada, leveraging the country's favorable business environment and vibrant startup ecosystem. Let Elite Immigration be your partner in turning your innovative business vision into a successful reality in Canada. Read More
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Germany Opportunity Card
The Germany Opportunity Card is a strategic immigration initiative designed to attract elite international talent to Germany. This program streamlines the process for highly skilled professionals to obtain a work visa and relocate to Germany, addressing critical labor shortages in key sectors. Applicants are assessed based on their qualifications, work experience, and language proficiency, with a focus on those who bring exceptional skills and expertise. By facilitating the entry of top-tier talent, the Germany Opportunity Card aims to bolster the country's economy and support its growth through the infusion of global expertise. For the latest details on eligibility and application procedures, prospective applicants should consult the German Federal Employment Agency or the official immigration website. Read More
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Immigration lawyers
If you're in need of expert legal advice for your immigration matters, Immigration Services provides top-tier support from experienced immigration lawyers. Our team of skilled attorneys specializes in handling complex immigration cases, offering knowledgeable guidance on visa applications, residency issues, citizenship processes, and more. At Immigration Services, we understand the intricacies of immigration law and are committed to providing personalized solutions that address your specific needs. Whether you're dealing with an immigration dispute or seeking to navigate the legal requirements for a successful application, our immigration lawyers are here to ensure you receive the highest level of professional assistance. For reliable and effective legal support, visit our website and discover how Immigration Services can help you achieve your immigration goals. Read More
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eliteimmigrationlaw · 3 months
Immigration Consultants Bangalore
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Elite Immigration, Elite Immigration Bangalore, Immigration services, Immigration consultants, Visa assistance, Green card application, Work permit application, Citizenship application, Immigration lawyer/law firm, Immigration advisor, Visa consultant, Immigration assistance near me, Family immigration services, Business immigration services, Student visa services, Immigration forms assistance, Canada Visa, Australian visas, Canada PR Visa, Australian Visa, Work Visa, Best Canada immigration Consultants in Bangalore, Top Visa Consultants in Bangalore , Best Visa Consultants in Bangalore,
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girlactionfigure · 8 days
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Daniel Lewin and Mohammad Hamdani were two 9/11 heroes with very different stories.
Known as Danny by his friends, Lewin was the first person to die in the terrorist attacks, sixteen years ago today.
Danny was a passenger on American Airlines Flight 11 and an Israeli-American veteran of an elite IDF combat unit. He was trained in counter-terrorism and spoke fluent Arabic.
Investigators pieced together that Danny heard the terrorists plotting in Arabic and tried to stop the hijacking. He was stabbed to death by Saudi law student Satam al-Suqami.
Born and raised in Denver, Colorado, Danny emigrated to Israel with his family as a teenager. As a newcomer, he could have skipped his military service, but chose instead to serve and work his way up to the toughest unit in the IDF. He later became a successful internet entrepreneur.
Only 31 when he died, Danny had already made his mark on the world.
Mohammad Hamdani was a first responder who died at the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Mohammad immigrated with his family from Pakistan when he was a year old and grew up in Queens, NY. He played football for Bayside High. Hard-working and ambitious, Mohammad became an EMT and then a police cadet. He also applied to medical school, and in September 2001 he was waiting to hear if he’d been accepted. 
On the morning of 9/11, Mohammad was taking an elevated subway on his way to work when he saw smoke coming from the twin towers. He got off the train and rushed to the World Trade Center to help. Mohammad was never seen alive again. He was only 23 years old.
At first Mohammad was listed as missing. Because of his Muslim background and lack of connection to the World Trade Center, he came under suspicion of being involved in the attack. The cloud over his name did not lift until his remains were found at Ground Zero in October 2001, along with his medical bag and ID. 
Mohammad Hamdani was buried with full honors from the the New York Police Department, and proclaimed a hero by the city’s police commissioner. He is mentioned in the Patriot Act as an example of Muslim-American valor on 9/11. 
May the memories of these two righteous young men always be for a blessing.
Accidental Talmudist
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tanadrin · 2 months
It sounds like you likely side against the protesters in New Caledonia who were apparently protesting about France giving people who moved there recently the right to vote in local elections. (i.e. the native minority doesn't want the colonizers to have the right to vote)
I probably would! If you live somewhere, and pay taxes there, and use the public services and utilities there, you should have full political rights. That policy seems like an overcorrection for historical injustice--e.g., the French not granting Muslims voting rights in North Africa.
And there are other awkward questions you could pose for my open-borders-and-free-citizenship stance--like the fact that the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy was driven in part by immigrants of American background who felt excluded from representation (but who in turn wanted to exclude Asian immigrants from representation), or how small countries that suddenly find themselves in an advantageous economic position often find their demographics rapidly changing (Qatar, Hawaii in the early 20th century).
But the alternative--the whole hog of blood-and-soil nationalism, with a bit of anti-colonial lipstick--seems pretty bad to me. People move around. Places change. Cultures change. We can and should do everything in our power to ensure those changes and that movement is the result of, like, free individual choice, and not war or violent seizure of land or systems of brutal economic exploitation. And sometimes despite those changes, the things people love about their traditional cultures can persist--especially now, in a world that pays much more attention to the rights of (for example) minority language speakers than it used to.
But the desire for the world to remain culturally, linguistically, and economically static is basically reactionary. I mean really, it's the aesthetic heart of reaction. It's also an absurdity. Even perfectly isolated societies can change in dramatic ways. And, of course, very often "tradition" is a cudgel simply wielded in the service of entrenching a different kind of elite power: I am no more supportive of the Hawaiian monarchy, one born of bloody conquest by an imperialistic dynasty, than I am of the British; the British one just happened to be more historically successful, but the underlying principles are the same. Cf. also the way land tenure works in American Samoa, a system that is billed as keeping land in native hands--which it does, by institutionalizing the colonial system of blood quantum and being explicitly racist, and simply serving to prop up a different set of elites (in this case, traditional tribal elites rather than colonial ones).
I think the only way you can really escape the trap of reaction and nationalism is to refuse to play the game in the first place--to put the primacy of your bond to your fellow human beings, regardless of culture or race or origin, and thus inherent political equality (and solidarity) above other considerations. Tribalism, pillarization, byzantine ethnicity-based power-sharing arrangements, special rules for land tenure or voting rights--all these have a nasty way of turning into new forms of exploitation, of someone figuring out how to do the economic and political arbitrage at someone else's expense. The central insight of 1789 was correct here: the only solution is the universal equality of all human beings. The trick is to carry that insight through to its logical conclusion.
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
Every time i think about atsv and its themes, my mind keeps going back to the scene with Miles and his parents in that college counselor’s office, and what its purpose is.
It establishes the strain that being Spider-Man has put on their relationship, yes - it also establishes that Miles feels trapped and limited, yes - but a lot of fandom discussion overlooks the important parallel that that scene sets in motion between racism in academia and Miles' rejection from Spider Society.
By now, everyone has already figured out that the issue with the 'Canon Event' theory is that it assumes that trauma - specifically experiencing the "right" traumatic events - is what makes a Spider-Man, and it is wrong for Miles to be required to accept this. It isn't enough that he had his uncle die, his father must die also because then he will have sacrificed "enough" to keep the canon intact. No one questions why arbitrary sacrifice is required at all.
The concept of the personal statement being required for college applications, I would like to argue, has the exact same issue.
Miles even says so in the beginning of the movie: "Having 'a story' in the first place sounds gross" (notice how Miles vocally critiques elite academia contantly and has been from the get-go. He is not an apolitical character like some might portray him to be).
It is not enough that Miles is an exceptional student with a variety of interests (art and science), he must have the appropriate traumatic "story" for white academic institutions to find him interesting enough as an applicant, even if the story they want him to tell is not actually his story (no, he is not from a "struggling immigrant family". They own an apartment floor and PR is in the United States). Just like the "Canon events" that Miguel describes are not Miles' story, and Miles does not want them to be because it requires the preventable deaths of innocent people.
In a similar way that has been touched upon more in wider fandom, Rio gives Miles a speech telling him not to let the people in these overwhelmingly-white spaces that he will be entering tell him that he doesn't belong. That speech, as we all know, ends up being a direct parallel to the way Spider Society treats him: he is simultaneously a charity case and a threat just by his mere presence. His very existence is disruptive to the canon: The spider wasn't "supposed" to bite him, he just got lucky. There is a reason why the visual of the ball with Miles' lottery number is constantly paired with the number on the spider that bit him; they are one and the same.
(Side note: this is also what makes Hobie's function as a character so interesting - The idea that you can just simply quit. You do not HAVE to be in these privileged spaces if they don't have your best interests in mind. You don't have to prove yourself to these people to be who you are. But that's a post for another day)
The reason I've been thinking about all this is because I feel like no one really touches upon why Miles' character exists. Like, on a thematic level. Yes, he's there to show that "anyone can wear the mask", but there's a lack of specificity in that statement that I wanted to address with this post.
Miles is a love letter to every black kid that's been told that they're only in the spaces they're in because they "got lucky". He's for every black kid that's ever looked at a college app and been told that they have to take their trauma and put it on display for some white admissions officer to shed a tear over. He's there to argue that you don't have to bend towards any of society's attempts to make a spectacle or a serviceable machine out of you, and that you can just be.
TL;DR: it was never just about the mask MWAH 🫶🏾
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Eric Levitz at Vox:
When Vice President Kamala Harris chose Tim Walz as her running mate, many pundits lamented her decision. In their view, the Democratic nominee should have chosen a vice presidential candidate who could mitigate her liabilities, and balance out her party’s ticket — such as Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro.
After all, Harris had been a liberal senator from one of America’s most left-wing states and then had run an exceedingly progressive primary campaign in 2020. To win over swing-state undecideds, she needed to demonstrate her independence from her party’s most radical elements. And selecting the popular governor of a purple state — who had defied the Democratic activist base on education policy and Israel’s war in Gaza— would do just that. Walz, in this account, was just another liberal darling: As Minnesota governor, he had enacted a litany of progressive policies, including restoring the voting rights of ex-felons and creating a refuge program for trans people denied gender-affirming care in other states. Picking Walz might thrill the subset of Americans who would vote for Harris even if she burned an American flag on live TV and lit a blunt with its flames. But it would do nothing to reassure those who heard two words they did not like in the phrase, “California liberal.”
But there is more than one way to balance a ticket. Or so Harris’s team believes, if the third night of the Democratic National Convention is any guide. On Wednesday night, Democrats used Walz’s nomination to associate their party with rural American culture and small-c conservative moral sentiments, while remaining true to a broadly progressive agenda. Walz may not be especially distinct from Harris ideologically. But he is quite different demographically and symbolically. Harris is the half-Jamaican, half-Indian daughter of immigrant college professors who grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. Walz was born into a family whose roots in the United States went back to the 1800s, and raised in a Nebraska town of 400, where ethnic diversity largely consisted of several different flavors of Midwestern white (Walz himself is of German, Irish, Swedish, and Luxembourgish descent). Harris is an effortlessly cool veteran of red carpets. Walz is a dad joke that has attained corporal form.
In her person and biography, Harris represents the America that has benefited unequivocally from the transformations of the past half-century — the cosmopolitan, multicultural nation that has greeted the advance of racial and gender equality with relief, and the knowledge economy that’s taken to globalization with relish. Walz, by contrast, was shaped by the America that feels more at home in the world of yesterday, at least as it is nostalgically misremembered — a world where moral intuitions felt more stable, rural economies seemed more healthy, and the American elite looked more familiar; the America that put Donald Trump in the Oval Office, in other words. Or at least, the Harris campaign has chosen to associate Walz with all of that America’s iconography, attempting to make it feel as included in the Democratic coalition as possible — without actually ceding much ground to conservative policy preferences. The introduction to Walz’s speech Wednesday night looked like it could have been scripted by a chatbot asked to generate the antithesis of a “San Francisco liberal.” A video montage celebrated Walz’s diligent work on his family farm growing up, his service in the US military, skills as a marksman, and — above all — success as a football coach. Democrats leaned especially hard on that last, most American item on Walz’s resume. Just before the party’s vice presidential nominee took the mic, a group of his former players decked out in their gridiron garments marched on stage to a fight song (not to be confused with “Fight Song”).
[...] There is some basis for believing that Democrats might be able to win over a small but significant fraction of Republican-leaning independents by wrapping center-left policies in conservative packaging. Some political scientists have found that when moderate and conservative voters are presented with a progressive, Democratic economic policy idea — that is justified on the grounds that it will help uphold “the values and traditions that were handed down to us: hard work, loyalty to our country and the freedom to forge your own path” — some do respond favorably (as do liberal voters, who take no offense at such abstract, traditionalist pieties). Whether Walz tying himself to rural American symbology — or Harris tying herself to “Coach Walz” — will be enough to blunt Trump’s attacks on the Democratic nominee’s supposed “communism” remains to be seen. But the Democratic ticket is at least trying to make right-leaning Midwesterners feel like they belong (even if they do not think like Democrats do).
Tim Walz’s DNC speech last night reflects a broader trend of Democrats reclaiming freedom and patriotism while also selling its liberal agenda. #DNC2024 #HarrisWalz2024
See Also:
HuffPost: With Kamala Harris, It’s Cool For Liberals To Be Patriotic Again
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former-leftist-jew · 8 months
i’m a little anxious to send this not on anon but i saw one of your posts where a comment mentioned jewish conversion and you seemed to support it. my boyfriend is jewish and i would like to convert to judaism but a lot of the research i’ve done says that you can’t convert, you have to be born into it since it’s an ethno-religion. i know everyone has different beliefs about this but i worry i won’t be accepted
Hello tyblackthornsheadphones, welcome!
"my boyfriend is jewish and i would like to convert to judaism"
Oooh! Mozel tov! I'm always so happy to meet new people who want to join the Jewish community! <3
"a lot of the research i’ve done says that you can’t convert, you have to be born into it since it’s an ethno-religion"
Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear that! D: There's so much misinformation being passed around online. :( Thankfully, I'm happy to report that those sources are incorrect: It IS possible to convert to Judaism. ^_^
Like any group, though, how friendly any given Jew is to potential Jewish converts depends on the individual and/or the group they belong in. Just as there's elitism and gatekeeping in every group of people ever (like high school cliques and video game circles--"you're not a REAL gamer unless X"), unfortunately you'll also find some snobbery, elitism, and gatekeeping in Judaism. :(
Though I think Rabbi Friedman has a very loving and accepting view of Jews by conversion. ^_^
The way I see it, the differing experiences of a "Jew-by-birth vs a Jew-by-conversion" can be comparable to an American citizen who was just born on American soil vs an American immigrant who had to go through a long and rigorous bureaucratic process to become an American citizen--they have to learn everything there is to know about American history, presidents, laws, customs, the legal system; spend a "probational period" living in America to become a naturalized citizen, etc.
(The Jewish religion used to be very conversion friendly, but that came to an end when Christianity and Islam became huge world powers who outlawed the Jewish community "tempting" good Christians or Muslims away from the One True Faith.
Jewish identity also used to be passed down from father to children in ancient times--as you'll see in the Torah--but that was changed by Hillel the Elder during the tyrannical reign of King Herod--yes, THAT King Herod! Hillel did this partly to give the children of Jewish mothers who were abandoned by their non-Jewish fathers a place in Jewish society, and he did this partly as a big old political "fuck you!" to King Herod, whose father was only nominally Jewish and his mother was a foreign gentile woman.)
Chabad is an Orthodox Jewish organization.
And here's a link from a Reform Judaism POV. ^_^
In my experience, Reform Jewish synagogues and organizations tend to be more accepting of and friendly to Jewish converts. (Though it's not universal! Sadly, there are snobs everywhere. D:)
So if I were you, I would just start with checking out some books on Judaism from your local library, attend Friday night or Saturday morning Shabbat services with your boyfriend (that's usually a time when non-Jewish guests attend).
If your local college has a Hillel or Chabad Jewish student organization, I would visit that too! They usually host fun events that are free and open to to all, especially students who're just interested in connecting with other Jewish students, and learning about Jewish identity. ^_^
In the meantime, I'd just take time to study and learn about Jewish history and culture just for fun.
I think Sam Aranow's "Jewish History" Youtube series is a very entertaining way to learn about Jewish history, from ancient to modern.
Unfortunately I have to go to work now, but if you have ANY other questions, please reach out to me! I LOVE sharing knowledge and resources about Judaism, especially to potential converts who show a genuine interest and curiosity.
(Jewish culture can be, in my opinion, not as accepting and welcoming of potential Jewish converts as they should be, and I want to make up the difference. ^_^ )
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mariacallous · 9 months
Talking to Applebaum, I imagined a British government abolishing press freedom and the independence of the judiciary and the civil service. I didn’t doubt for a moment that there would be thousands of mediocre journalists, broadcasters, lawyers and administrators who would happily work for the new regime if it pandered to their vanity by giving them the jobs they could never have taken on merit. Hannah Arendt wrote of the communists and fascists that they replaced “first-rate talents” with “crackpots and fools whose lack of intelligence and creativity” was the best guarantee of their loyalty. She might have been talking about contemporary Poland, Britain and America. “Given the right conditions any society can turn against democracy,” Applebaum says, and explains why better than any modern writer I know. To the political consequences of offended vanity – Why am I not more important? Why does the BBC never call? – a sense of despair is vital. If you believe, like the American right, that godless enemies want to destroy your Christian country, and prove their malice by not giving you the rewards you deserve, or think, like Scruton and the Telegraph crowd of the 1990s, that English culture and history is being thrown in the bin, and you are being chucked away with it, or agree with the supporters of the new tyrants of eastern Europe that a liberal elite is plotting to extinguish your culture by importing Muslim immigrants, and proving its contempt for all that is decent by laughing at you, then any swine will do as long as the swine can stop it. You will pay any price and abandon any principle in the struggle against a demonic enemy.
How reputable Conservatives paved the way fo Trump and Brexit
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Work in Canada
Elite Immigration provides expert guidance for individuals seeking to work in Canada, offering comprehensive support throughout the immigration process. Canada, known for its robust job market and high quality of life, attracts many skilled professionals looking for new career opportunities. At Elite Immigration, we help you navigate the various work visa options available, including the Express Entry system, Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs), and employer-specific work permits. Our services include assessing your eligibility based on your skills and experience, assisting with job searches, preparing and submitting your visa application, and ensuring compliance with Canadian immigration regulations. We also offer support in understanding the labor market requirements and connecting with potential employers. With our dedicated expertise, you can confidently pursue your career goals in Canada and take advantage of the diverse and dynamic opportunities available in one of the world's most welcoming countries. Let Elite Immigration guide you through the process and help you achieve a successful work experience in Canada. Read More
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best migration consultancy in Bangalore
If you’re looking for the best migration consultancy in Bangalore, Immigration Services is a premier choice for expert guidance and tailored support. Our consultancy is known for its exceptional service in handling all aspects of migration, including visa applications, residency permits, work permits, and more. We offer personalized advice and solutions, ensuring that your application process is smooth and efficient. With a dedicated team of professionals and a deep understanding of global immigration laws, Immigration Services is committed to helping you achieve your migration goals with confidence. Visit our website to discover how our top-rated consultancy in Bangalore can assist you in making your move successful and hassle-free. Read More
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Germany Opportunity Card
The Germany Opportunity Card is a strategic immigration initiative designed to attract elite international talent to Germany. This program streamlines the process for highly skilled professionals to obtain a work visa and relocate to Germany, addressing critical labor shortages in key sectors. Applicants are assessed based on their qualifications, work experience, and language proficiency, with a focus on those who bring exceptional skills and expertise. By facilitating the entry of top-tier talent, the Germany Opportunity Card aims to bolster the country's economy and support its growth through the infusion of global expertise. For the latest details on eligibility and application procedures, prospective applicants should consult the German Federal Employment Agency or the official immigration website. Read More
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eliteimmigrationlaw · 3 months
Immigration Consultants Bangalore
Elite Immigration, Elite Immigration Bangalore, Immigration services, Immigration consultants, Visa assistance, Green card application, Work permit application, Citizenship application, Immigration lawyer/law firm, Immigration advisor, Visa consultant, Immigration assistance near me, Family immigration services, Business immigration services, Student visa services, Immigration forms assistance, Canada Visa, Australian visas, Canada PR Visa, Australian Visa, Work Visa, Best Canada immigration Consultants in Bangalore, Top Visa Consultants in Bangalore , Best Visa Consultants in Bangalore,
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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Daniel Lewin and Mohammad Hamdani were two 9/11 heroes with very different stories.
Known as Danny by his friends, Lewin was the first person to die in the terrorist attacks, sixteen years ago today.
Danny was a passenger on American Airlines Flight 11 and an Israeli-American veteran of an elite IDF combat unit. He was trained in counter-terrorism and spoke fluent Arabic.
Investigators pieced together that Danny heard the terrorists plotting in Arabic and tried to stop the hijacking. He was stabbed to death by Saudi law student Satam al-Suqami.
Born and raised in Denver, Colorado, Danny emigrated to Israel with his family as a teenager. As a newcomer, he could have skipped his military service, but chose instead to serve and work his way up to the toughest unit in the IDF. He later became a successful internet entrepreneur.
Only 31 when he died, Danny had already made his mark on the world.
Mohammad Hamdani was a first responder who died at the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Mohammad immigrated with his family from Pakistan when he was a year old and grew up in Queens, NY. He played football for Bayside High. Hard-working and ambitious, Mohammad became an EMT and then a police cadet. He also applied to medical school, and in September 2001 he was waiting to hear if he’d been accepted. 
On the morning of 9/11, Mohammad was taking an elevated subway on his way to work when he saw smoke coming from the twin towers. He got off the train and rushed to the World Trade Center to help. Mohammad was never seen alive again. He was only 23 years old.
At first Mohammad was listed as missing. Because of his Muslim background and lack of connection to the World Trade Center, he came under suspicion of being involved in the attack. The cloud over his name did not lift until his remains were found at Ground Zero in October 2001, along with his medical bag and ID. 
Mohammad Hamdani was buried with full honors from the the New York Police Department, and proclaimed a hero by the city’s police commissioner. He is mentioned in the Patriot Act as an example of Muslim-American valor on 9/11. 
May the memories of these two righteous young men always be for a blessing.
Accidental Talmudist
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