#elisée reclus
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"There is not a single European country in which the traditions of the old communal property have entirely disappeared. In certain areas, notably in the Ardennes and in the steep mountainous regions of Switzerland, where the peasants did not have to submit to the kind of oppression to which the German villagers were subjected after the wars of the Reformation, communal property is still widespread enough to constitute a considerable part of the territory.
In the Belgian Ardennes, the collective lands are composed of three parts: the woods, the freshly cleared ground [sart], and the pastures. They also often include arable land and quarries.
These customs clearly influence the moral character of individuals and greatly develop their spirit of solidarity, mutual kindness, and heartfelt friendliness. Thus it is customary to form voluntary work crews for the benefit of those who need work done. The latter need only to state their request by proceeding noisily through the village, calling out, “So-and-so needs something done! Who wants to help out?” Immediately a group appears and its members put their heads together to figure out who can best undertake the job, and the service is rendered. Such stories also come to us from the Queyras.
In all of Switzerland, two-thirds of the alpine prairies and forests belong to the communes, which also own peat bogs, reed marshes, and quarries, as well as fields, orchards, and vineyards. On many occasions when the co-proprietors of the commune have to work together, they feel as though they are at a festival rather than at work. The young men and women climb to the high mountain pastures, driving their herds before them to the harmonious clinking of the bells. At other times, the work is more difficult. While the snow still covers the ground, the woodsmen, armed with axes, cut the high pines in the communal forest. They strip the sawlogs and slide them down the avalanche corridors to the torrent that will carry them away in its bends and rapids.
Then there are the evening gatherings on winter nights, in which all are summoned to the home of whoever has the most urgent work, whether it is to shell corn, hull nuts, or make wedding gifts for a woman engaged to be married. During these gatherings, the work is a pleasure. The children want to participate, for everything is new to them. Instead of going to bed, they stay up with the adults and are given the best of the chestnuts roasting under the hot embers. When dreamtime is near, they listen to songs and are told stories, adventures, and fables, which are transformed by their imaginations into marvelous apparitions. It is often during such nights of mutual good will that a child’s being permanently takes shape. Here, one’s loves in life are kindled, and life’s bitterness is made sweeter.
Thus the spirit of full association has by no means disappeared in the communes, despite all the ill will of the rich and the state, who have every interest in breaking apart these tightly bound bundles of resistance to their greed or power and who attempt to reduce society to a collection of isolated individuals. Traditional mutual aid occurs even among people of different languages and nations. In Switzerland, it is customary to exchange children from family to family, between the German and the French cantons. Similarly, the country people of Béarn send their children to the Basque country, welcoming in turn young Basques as farm boys. In this way, they will all soon learn the two languages without the parents having to spend any money. Finally, all individuals with a similar trade and common interests—whether they be coal merchants, hunters, or sailors—have established virtual confraternities having neither written constitutions nor signatures, but nevertheless forming small, close-knit republics. Throughout the world, carnival performers who meet by chance on the road are allied in a sort of freemasonry that is far more solemn than that of the “brothers” who gather in the temples of Hiram."
-Elisée Reclus, "Culture and Property" (1905)
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"It has been noted that Reclus begins the first volume of his magnum opus of social theory with the epigraph "Man is nature becoming self-conscious." This concept - literally, that humanity is "nature taking consciousness of itself" - captures the essence of Reclus' message: that humanity must come to understand its identity as the self-consciousness of the earth and that it must complete the process of developing this consciousness in history. In effect, he proposes a theoretical project of understanding more fully our place in nature and of unmasking the ideologies that distort it, and a corresponding ethical project of assuming, through a transformed social practice, the far-reaching moral responsibilities implied by that crucial position. On the basis of this approach, he seeks to explain the development of human society in dialectical interaction with the rest of the natural world, and he expounds a theory of social progress in which human self-realization and the flourishing of the planet as a whole can finally be reconciled with one another."
John Clark, 'Anarchy, Geography, Modernity: Selected Writings of Elisée Reclus'
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Si al referendo de iniciativa polular
Elisée Reclus, L’Anarchie: https://fr.m.wikisource.org/wiki/L%E2%80%99Anarchie_(Reclus)#anarchie / Elisée Reclus, La anarquía: https://libros.uaem.mx/archivos/epub/anarquia-otros-textos/anarquia-otros-textos.pdf
Mikhail Bakunin: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mija%C3%ADl_Bakunin
Sobre el mismo tema:
Et si les “gilets jaunes” s’inspiraient de la Suisse pour le “référendum d’initiative citoyenne” ? On vous présente leur système – France Info: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/transports/gilets-jaunes/et-si-les-gilets-jaunes-s-inspiraient-de-la-suisse-pour-le-referendum-d-initiative-citoyenne-on-vous-presente-leur-systeme_3109759.html#xtor=CS2-765
Sobre los partidos políticos:
Discours : Ma démission de la présidence du Parti Pirate International / My resignation from the presidency of the International Pirate Parties: https://floriemarie.fr/index.php/2023/12/09/discours-ma-demission-de-la-presidence-du-parti-pirate-international-my-resign-of-the-presidency-of-the-international-pirate-parties/
Votations en Suisse – Initiative populaire : l’interview de Vincent Bourquin, journaliste à la RTS: https://youtu.be/McWcQIJdORA
Emmanuel Macron veut faciliter le référendum à l’initiative du peuple et écarte le référendum d’initiative citoyenne – La Provence: https://www.laprovence.com/actu/en-direct/5473091/macron-veut-faciliter-le-referendum-a-linitiative-du-peuple-et-ecarte-le-referendum-dinitiative-citoyenne
Exijimos el R.I.C.: https://www.aurianneor.org/exijimos-el-ric-peticion-a-la-un-para-el/
Le RIC – Référendum d’initiative citoyenne: https://www.aurianneor.org/via-httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv-e2lnzwuy4ks/
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2 France: https://www.aurianneor.org/2-france-jusqua-quand-travail-famille/
Législatives 2024: choisir la gauche ou la droite.: https://www.aurianneor.org/legislatives-2024-choisir-la-gauche-ou-la-droite/
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Vème République, toujours là…: https://www.aurianneor.org/veme-republique-toujours-la-to-read-this-in/
Quelle époque!: https://www.aurianneor.org/quelle-epoque-soyons-daccord-emmanuel-macron/
Les autorités illégitimes: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-autorites-illegitimes/
Marre de la grève? Demandez le référendum d’initiative citoyenne!: https://www.aurianneor.org/marre-de-la-greve-demandez-le-referendum/
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Le référendum est une arme qui tue la violence: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-referendum-est-une-arme-qui-tue-la-violence-oui/
Solidarité Hélvétique: https://www.aurianneor.org/solidarite-helvetique-democratie-semi-directe/
The Gold Flush: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-gold-flush-switzerland-is-so-rich-that-its/
Tomorrow – Chap 4: La démocratie: https://www.aurianneor.org/tomorrow-chap-4-la-democratie-the-panama/
Demainlefilm – Chap 3: L’Economie: https://www.aurianneor.org/demainlefilm-chap-3-leconomie-demainlefilm/
Histoire de Migros, supermarché coopératif Suisse: https://www.aurianneor.org/histoire-de-migros/
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I can’t be a tyrant without you all: https://www.aurianneor.org/i-cant-be-a-tyrant-without-you-all-la-historia-de/
The Good tyrant ?: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-good-tyrant-tyranny-can-legally-exist-in-a/
OSS 117 et la dictature: https://www.aurianneor.org/oss-117-et-la-dictature-dolores-vous-savez/
Oui au Référendum d’initiative populaire: https://www.aurianneor.org/oui-au-referendum-dinitiative-populaire-petition/
Yes to the popular referendum!: https://www.aurianneor.org/yes-to-the-popular-referendum/
#anarquía#aristote#art#aurianneor#bakounine#bakunin#democracia directa#democracia semidirecta#derecho de los pueblos a disponer de sí mismos#derecho de voto#elisée reclus#ideas#libertad#minoría#morir por las ideas#movimiento democrático#naciones unidas#política#pueblo#referéndum#referéndum de iniciativa popular#rey#ric#rousseau#sin tonterías#sociedad de naciones#sostenibilidad#iniciativa ciudadana#Youtube
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Reclus, le requin et le Basque, - petit poème sur l’être et l’avoir
“Elisée Reclus.” Lisant Élisée Reclus, je visualise des paysages d’idées, des images incises, variées. Dans la rade de Rio-Hacha, la mer est « jaune de méduses », de nombreuses tortues franches y « naviguent de concert », des cormorans (appelés busos) « plongent gauchement », tandis que des bandes de tangatangas, « se perchant sur le dos d’oiseaux massifs attendent qu’ils aient saisi une proie…
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« La Passion du Monde » anime le parcours et l’oeuvre de Elisée Reclus, géographe et anarchiste français (1830-1905). Le film de Nicolas Eprendre fait le portrait d’une personnalité peu banale, tout à la fois grand voyageur, scientifique reconnu et homme de conviction. Les photographies de Nadar nous transmettent un regard plein de bonhomie et d’acuité. La voix de Carlo Brandt donne vie à des pages qui mêlent poésie et humour, pensée scientifique et politique. Hélène Sarrazin (biographe), Kenneth White (écrivain), Philippe Pelletier et Federico Ferretti (géographes), dressent tour à tour la figure d’un homme qui nous est proche, et dont les analyses font échos aux nôtres en ce début de 21 siècle.
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Entry of the villa Elisée with column restore
On the #117
This is a entry with column of gothic gender.
The abacus with hexagon form, a marquee overcome a ball end the pillar. The cut stones use for making a pillars do not coming of my department.
The black plate with a name is enamel. The first owner of this house is a anarchist because the name of home is a tribute for Elisée Reclus, university professor, reporter, writer and communard.
This architecture is unusual, it is certainly a personal command.
Today, this house is head office for association.
#entry#house#home#architecture#old stones#urban exploration#urban photography#my photography#photographers on tumblr#new treatment photographic
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Author: Ruth Kinna Topic: Christmas
It’s no surprise to discover that anarchist theorist Pyotr Kropotkin was interested in Christmas. In Russian culture, St. Nicholas (Николай Чудотворец) was revered as a defender of the oppressed, the weak and the disadvantaged. Kropotkin shared the sentiments. But there was also a family link. As everyone knows, Kropotkin could trace his ancestry to the ancient Rurik dynasty that ruled Russia before the upstart Romanovs and which, from the first century CE, controlled the trade routes between Moscow and the Byzantine Empire. Nicholas’s branch of the family had been sent out to patrol the Black Sea. But Nicholas was a spiritual man and sought an escape from the piracy and brigandage for which his Russian Viking family was famed. So he settled under a new name in the southern lands of the Empire, now Greece, and decided to use the wealth that he had amassed from his life of crime to alleviate the sufferings of the poor.
Unpublished archival sources recently discovered in Moscow reveal that Kropotkin was fascinated by this family tie and the striking physical similarity between himself and the figure of Father Christmas, popularised by the publication of ‘A Visit from St. Nicholas’ (better known as ‘The Night Before Christmas’) in 1823.
Kropotkin was not quite so portly as Klaus, but with a cushion stuffed up his tunic, he felt he could pass. His friend Elisée Reclus advised him to drop the fur trim on the outfit. That was a good idea as it would also allow him to wear a bit more black with the red. He’d decided to follow Elisée’s advice on the reindeer, too, and to use a hand driven sleigh. Kropotkin wasn’t normally given to dressing up. But exploiting the resemblance to spread the anarchist message was excellent propaganda by the deed.
V, Kropotkin thought that we could all pose as Santa Claus. On the edge of one page Kropotkin writes: Infiltrate the stores, give away the toys!
Faint remnants on the back of a postcard read:
On the night before Christmas, we’ll all be about While the people are sleeping, we’ll realise our clout We’ll expropriate goods from the stores, ‘cos that’s fair And distribute them widely, to those who need care.
His project notes also reveal some valuable insights into his ideas about the anarchistic features of Christmas and his thinking about the ways in which Victorian Christmas rituals might be adapted.
“We all know”, he wrote, “that the big stores – John Lewis, Harrods and Selfridges – are beginning to exploit the sales potential of Christmas, establishing magic caves, grottos and fantastic fairylands to lure our children and pressurise us to buy gifts that we do not want and cannot afford”.
“If you are one of us”, he continued, “you will realise that the magic of Christmas depends on Father Christmas’s system of production, not the stores’ attempts to seduce you to consume useless luxuries”. Kropotkin described the sprawling workshops at the North Pole, where elves worked all year, happily because they knew that they were producing for other peoples’ pleasure. Noting that these workshops were strictly not-for profit, craft-based and run on communal lines, Kropotkin treated them as prototypes for the factories of the future (outlined in Fields, Factories and Workshops).
Some people, he felt, thought that Father Christmas’s dream to see that everyone received gifts on Christmas day, was quixotic. But it could be realised. Indeed, the extension of the workshops – which were quite expensive to run in the Arctic – would facilitate generalised production for need and the transformation of occasional gift-giving into regular sharing. “We need to tell the people”, Kropotkin wrote, “that community workshops can be set up anywhere and that we can pool our resources to make sure that everybody has their needs met”!
One of the issues that most bothered Kropotkin about Christmas was the way in which the inspirational role that Nicholas’s had played in conjuring Christmas myths had confused the ethics of Christmas. Nicholas was wrongly represented as a charitable, benevolent man: saintly because he was beneficent. Absorbed in the figure of Father Christmas, Nicholas’s motivations for giving had become further skewed by the Victorian’s fixation with children.
Kropotkin didn’t really understand the links, but felt that it reflected an attempt to moralise childhood through a concept of purity that was symbolised in the birth of Jesus. Naturally he couldn’t imagine the creation of the Big Brother Santa Claus who knows when children are asleep and awake and comes to town apparently knowing which have dared to cry or pout.
But sooner or later, he warned, this idea of purity would be used to distinguish naughty from nice children and only those in the latter group would be rewarded with presents.
Whatever the case, it was important both to recover the principle of Nicholas’ compassion from this confusing mumbo-jumbo and the folkloric origins of Santa Claus. Nicholas gave because he was pained by his awareness of other peoples’ hardship. Though he wasn’t an assassin (as far as Kropotkin knew), he shared the same ethics as Sofia Petrovskaya. And while it was obviously important to worry about the well-being of children, the anarchist principle was to take account of everyone’s suffering.
Similarly, the practice of giving was mistakenly thought to require the implementation of a centrally-directed plan, overseen by an omniscient administrator. This was quite wrong: Father Christmas came from the imagination of the people (just consider the range of local names that Nicholas had accrued – Sinterklaas, Tomte, de Kerstman). And the spreading of good cheer – through festivity – was organised from the bottom up.
Buried in Christmas, Kropotkin argued, was the solidaristic principle of mutual aid.
Kropotkin appreciated the significance of the ritual and the real value that individuals and communities attached to carnivals, acts of remembrance and commemoration. He no more wanted to abolish Christmas than he wished to see it republicanised through some wrong-headed bureaucratic re-ordering of the calendar.
It was important, nonetheless, to detach the ethic that Christmas supported from the singularity of its celebration. Having a party was just that: extending the principle of mutual aid and compassion into everyday life was something else. In capitalist society, Christmas provided a space for special good behaviours. While it might be possible to be a Christian once a year, anarchism was for life.
Kropotkin realised his propaganda would have the best chance of success if he could show how the anarchist message was also embedded in mainstream culture. His notes reveal that he looked particularly to Dickens’ A Christmas Carol to find a vehicle for his ideas. The book was widely credited with cementing ideas of love, merriment and goodwill in Christmas. Kropotkin found the genius of the book in its structure. What else was the story of Scrooge’s encounter with the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future than a prefigurative account of change?
By seeing his present through his past, Scrooge was given the chance to alter his miserly ways and re-shape both his future and the future of the Cratchit family. Even if it was only remembered once a year, Kropotkin thought, Dickens’s book lent anarchists a perfect vehicle to teach this lesson: by altering what we do today, by modelling our behaviours on Nicholas, we can help construct a future which is Christmas!
#christmas#christianity#xmas#xtianity#anarchism#anarchy#anarchist society#practical anarchy#practical anarchism#resistance#autonomy#revolution#communism#anti capitalist#anti capitalism#late stage capitalism#daily posts#libraries#leftism#social issues#anarchy works#anarchist library#survival#freedom#Ruth Kinna
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Intérieur de Monsieur M., Financier, Avenue Elisée Reclus (Champs de Mars), Paris, par Eugène Atget, 1910.
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Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!
This year, maybe more than any other before, I've been plagued with a reading curse : a curse of DNFing books. Not out of boredom or dislike, maybe the exact opposite : a too passionate approach.
This year has been a year of many first in various aspects of my life. One of which less enjoyable than others : my health has taken a toll (which, fingers crossed, will not bear any physical consequences) but which for sure left me with quite a shaken spirit.
One of the effects of said shaken spirit was a feeling of general instability. While, at the same time, I was quite sure to have left behind most of the instability I had lived through until this year... Well, life never goes as planned it seems. Unfortunately, both my physical state and this now infamous feeling of looming instability left me reeling, and I found myself properly unable to finish books which I enjoyed a lot. It sounds strange, believe me it is even stranger to go through it !
The victims of my DNFing :
[Covers of : The Books of Jacob - Olga Tokarczuk (english edition) ; L'Arte della Gioia, Goliarda Sapienza (italian edition) ; Histoire d'un ruisseau, Histoire d'une montagne, Elisée Reclus (french edition)]
These books were fascinating for me, for different reasons :
The Books of Jacob explored a narrative style, as well as a subject and a place throughout centuries I know next to nothing about.
L'Arte della Gioia offered a uniquely endearing story, coupled with a writing style which left me breathless, while also challenging my understanding of italian in a literary setting.
Histoire d'un ruisseau, Histoire d'une montagne might be the odd one out : I would take this book, which is both a study in political ideas and geology, with me while going on hikes. I wanted to observe and be in a similar environment as the one studied there. Obviously, my health being what it is, I didn't hike nor walk as much as I had hoped for.
These books, varied as they are, were so fascinating that I gave it my whole energy when I read them. I would settle, start a sentence, think it over because of how beautiful or thoughtful it was, start dissecting it (as one can do when one is a former literature student...)... and then two chapters in, the energy is out of the window, because life is not un long fleuve tranquille, and I'd find myself at a loss on what to do when my mind cannot focus anymore as much as I would like it to. What a conundrum.
I'm not loosing hope I'll ever be able to read those books entirely at some point (maybe next year even!), but what I can take out of this year is that I might need to stop pushing myself too much.
It's easy, in a way, to feel pressured to read books quickly in our current society. Even more so when there are so many great books that seem to be waiting at your fingertips. And wen book content is being published by single readers at an unfathomable speed, content creators who talk about books are showing off monthly TBRs so high it might swallow them whole if they fall on their heads... How can you remain distant and unaffected ? The answer is quite simple : you can't. So you want to read. You want to read a lot. More. Always more.
And with such an environment, it's just as quickly guilt-tripping to know you enjoy books, to know you are able to enjoy books, but to physically or mentally be unable to read or to stick to a story. I have been through this so many times this year, it's mentally exhausting.
Now, while I had tried this year to work on finding a healthier balance in my work life, I now also hope to find a healthier balance in my hobbies, of which includes reading.
I love reading, but I don't want to feel pressured into reading. I also don't want to spend my free time only reading as a consequence (which happened sometimes, because I felt urged to finish books...for no reasons at all). I have a lot of hobbies besides reading that I which I could dedicate time to : writing first and foremost, but also (as you might have noticed) knitting and embroidery, learning languages... there are so many creatives outlets I wish I could focus on !
But most importantly now, I want to be able to enjoy the books I'm reading without depleting what little energy I have. I want to have a healthier relationship with my hobbies. And while before I was afraid of loosing time by not being in a good enough physical state, I want to take care of myself so that, when I have the energy, I can fully enjoy the hobbies I set for myself. Reading is about learning, discovering, emphasizing. It takes even a lot more out of you, if you try to get out of your comfort reads : changing genre, styles, periods or languages... there is no shame in that. And there is certainly no shame in needing time.
In the end, I DNFed these lovely books out of self-preservation, to go on with a lighter mood and find a better balance in my reading life. Hopefully, in a few months, I can come back to them in a calmer mind and a calmer environment, where I'll be able to dive without fear into their stories to discover them fully, enjoy them fully... and share them with you as much I as I like !
#saintsaens reads 2024 edition#dnf book#shame on me !#(or not)#thoughts on reading#and the pressure of reading more and more and quicker etc#and how life doesn't go as you wish sometimes#but it's fine <3
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Portrait of a Communard (4) : Noémie Reclus (1828-1905)
Here is my 15th post. This time, I'm going back to the subject of the Paris Commune (it was the subject of my firsts posts...). I haven't finished talking about the Communards (whether my followers like it or not). Oh yes, dear followers (and you others who read me), if my post doesn't interest you, answer "I don't care" ("osef" in French). On the other hand, I beg you, don't take me for a pedant !! I'm a historian (Historian? No, a little history master's student, not sane, who's going to become a little eco+ teacher for your kids; supposedly useless job, failed job, useless subject, but I admit ^^).
Noémie Reclus is both the cousin and the wife of Elie Reclus... She's a schoolteacher. In 1869, with André Léo (let's not forget him!) and her two cousins, she participated in the founding of the Society for the Demand of Women's Rights. Her project? To create a secular primary school for young girls...
During the Paris Commune, she found André Léo, Elisée Reclus, Anna Jaclard, Isaure Périer and Téodore Sapia, at the Commission intended to organize and supervise teaching in girls' schools. The objectives? To reject Catholic morality, to reject any distinction of sex in education, and to transmit knowledge and democratic principles (see my post on André Léo during the Commune)...
Noémie and Elie took refuge in Switzerland. Elie resumed his activities in Switzerland, the United States, England, and finally Belgium. Noémie died in Brussels in 1905. Her grave is in the Ixelle cemetery, near her cousins (I visited the cemetery a few years ago, so I know what I'm talking about ^^).
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"Today’s domestication of animals exhibits in many ways moral regression since, far from improving animals, we have deformed and corrupted them. Although through selective breeding we have improved qualities such as strength, dexterity, scent, and speed in racing, as meat-eaters our major preoccupation has been to increase the bulk of meat and fat on four legs to provide walking storehouses of flesh that hobble from the manure pile to the slaughterhouse. Can we really say that the pig is superior to the wild boar or the timid sheep to the courageous mouflon? The great art of breeders is to castrate their animals and create sterile hybrids. They train horses with the bit, whip, and spur, and then complain that the animals show no initiative. Even when they domesticate animals under the best possible conditions, they reduce their resistance to disease and ability to adapt to new environments, turning them into artificial beings incapable of living spontaneously in free nature.
Such degradation of species is itself a great evil, but civilized science goes even further and sets about exterminating them. We have seen how many birds have been wiped out by European hunters in New Zealand, Australia, Madagascar, and the polar archipelagos, and how many walruses and other cetaceans have already disappeared! The whale has fled the waters of the temperate zone, and soon will not even be found among the ice fields of the Arctic Ocean. All the large land animals are similarly threatened. We already know the fate of the aurochs and the bison, and we can foresee that of the rhinoceros, the hippopotamus, and the elephant.... How far we have come from the Singhalese of long ago, for whom 'the eighteenth science of man was to win the friendship of an elephant!'!" - Elisée Reclus, "The Extended Family" [La grande famille]
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Là ou le sol est enlaidi, là où toute poésie a disparu du paysage, les imaginations s'éteignent, les esprits s'appauvrissent, la routine et la servilité s'emparent des âmes et les disposent à la torpeur et à la mort.
Elisée Reclus
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We must search fiercely for the truth, discover our own personal duty, learn to know ourselves, engage continually in our own education, and act in ways that respect the rights and interests of our comrades. Only then can one become a truly moral being and awaken to a feeling of responsibility. Morality is not a command to which one submits, a word that one repeats, something purely external to the individual. It must become a part of one's being, the very product of one's life. This is the way that we anarchists understand morality.
Elisée Reclus, 'Anarchy'
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Yes to the popular referendum!
Elisée Reclus, L’Anarchie: https://fr.m.wikisource.org/wiki/L%E2%80%99Anarchie_(Reclus)#anarchie / Elisée Reclus, Anarchy: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/elisee-reclus-anarchy
Mikhail Bakunin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Bakunin
On the same topic:
Et si les “gilets jaunes” s’inspiraient de la Suisse pour le “référendum d’initiative citoyenne” ? On vous présente leur système – France Info: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/transports/gilets-jaunes/et-si-les-gilets-jaunes-s-inspiraient-de-la-suisse-pour-le-referendum-d-initiative-citoyenne-on-vous-presente-leur-systeme_3109759.html#xtor=CS2-765
On political parties:
Discours : Ma démission de la présidence du Parti Pirate International / My resignation from the presidency of the International Pirate Parties: https://floriemarie.fr/index.php/2023/12/09/discours-ma-demission-de-la-presidence-du-parti-pirate-international-my-resign-of-the-presidency-of-the-international-pirate-parties/
Votations en Suisse – Initiative populaire : l’interview de Vincent Bourquin, journaliste à la RTS: https://youtu.be/McWcQIJdORA
Emmanuel Macron veut faciliter le référendum à l’initiative du peuple et écarte le référendum d’initiative citoyenne – La Provence: https://www.laprovence.com/actu/en-direct/5473091/macron-veut-faciliter-le-referendum-a-linitiative-du-peuple-et-ecarte-le-referendum-dinitiative-citoyenne
Oui au Référendum d’initiative populaire: https://www.aurianneor.org/oui-au-referendum-dinitiative-populaire-petition/
Le RIC – Référendum d’initiative citoyenne: https://www.aurianneor.org/via-httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv-e2lnzwuy4ks/
Le référendum est une arme qui tue la violence: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-referendum-est-une-arme-qui-tue-la-violence-oui/
Fed up with strikes? Ask for referendums!: https://www.aurianneor.org/fed-up-with-strikes-ask-for-referendums/
Exijimos el R.I.C.: https://www.aurianneor.org/exijimos-el-ric-peticion-a-la-un-para-el/
Vth Republic, still there…: https://www.aurianneor.org/vth-republic-still-there-pour-lire-ceci-en/
Go, Go, Go!: https://www.aurianneor.org/go-go-go-thank-you-for-opening-the-town-halls/
OSS 117 et la dictature: https://www.aurianneor.org/oss-117-et-la-dictature-dolores-vous-savez/
I can’t be a tyrant without you all: https://www.aurianneor.org/i-cant-be-a-tyrant-without-you-all-la-historia-de/
The Good tyrant ?: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-good-tyrant-tyranny-can-legally-exist-in-a/
Police, Army: https://www.aurianneor.org/police-army/
Illegitimate authorities: https://www.aurianneor.org/illegitimate-authorities/
Quelle époque!: https://www.aurianneor.org/quelle-epoque-soyons-daccord-emmanuel-macron/
Having the majority of political power without the majority of votes: https://www.aurianneor.org/having-the-majority-of-political-power-without-the-majority-of-votes/
Only two candidates to choose from: https://www.aurianneor.org/only-two-candidates-to-choose-from/
2 France: https://www.aurianneor.org/2-france-jusqua-quand-travail-famille/
Tomorrow – Chap 4: La démocratie: https://www.aurianneor.org/tomorrow-chap-4-la-democratie-the-panama/
Demainlefilm – Chap 3: L’Economie: https://www.aurianneor.org/demainlefilm-chap-3-leconomie-demainlefilm/
The Gold Flush: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-gold-flush-switzerland-is-so-rich-that-its/
Solidarité Hélvétique: https://www.aurianneor.org/solidarite-helvetique-democratie-semi-directe/
Banca: https://www.aurianneor.org/banca-the-merchant-of-venice-william/
Histoire de Migros, supermarché coopératif Suisse: https://www.aurianneor.org/histoire-de-migros/
#anarchy#aristotle#art#aurianneor#bakunin#democratic movement#direct democracy#dying for ideas#elisée reclus#freedom#ideas#king#minority#no nonsense#people#politics#referendum#referendum of popular initiative#right of peoples to self-determination#rousseau#semi-direct democracy#society of nations#united nations#Youtube
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“We have permitted cynical political reactionaries and the spokesmen of large corporations to pre-empt these basic libertarian American ideals. We have permitted them not only to become the specious "voice" of these ideals such that individualism has been used to justify egotism; the "pursuit of happiness" to justify greed, and even our emphasis on local and regional autonomy has been used to justify parochialism, insularism, and exclusivity -- often against ethnic minorities and so-called "deviant" individuals. We have even permitted these reactionaries to stake out a claim to the word "libertarian," a word, in fact, that was literally devised in the 1890s in France by Elisée Reclus as a substitute for the word "anarchist," which the government had rendered an illegal expression for identifying one's views. The propertarians, in effect -- acolytes of Ayn Rand, the "earth mother" of greed, egotism, and the virtues of property -- have appropriated expressions and traditions that should have been expressed by radicals but were willfully neglected because of the lure of European and Asian traditions of "socialism," "socialisms" that are now entering into decline in the very countries in which they originated.” ― Murray Bookchin
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Le dictionnaire En lisant Elisée Reclus, histoire d’un ruisseau, dans les veines de la Terre, une anthologie des bassins-versants
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