#elinor the kitten
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 1 year ago
Kitten update!
So Maraly's kittens are now four weeks (1 month) old and Leeli's are now 3 weeks old! And you know what that means...
I know some of you wanted me to give them Wingfeather names to go with the mamas, but the problem with that is... we can't keep 11 kittens. Even I, who am the epitome of a crazy cat lady with the softest heart for kittens ever, know that this is not feasible. We already had four cats before this, and we're keeping the three original rescues. We can't have 18 cats again, especially if 16 are inside our house! And it's going to be very hard for me to give the babies up as it is and giving them names of characters (or other cats I've had) I love will just make this harder. Also, my mom came home one day like, "so I think we should name the kittens after Inkheart characters" and who am I to disagree I love the Inkheart series. That being said there is one special baby kitten with a Wingfeather name but I'll get to her later.
Maraly's babies names!
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So this is Elinor (Ellie), formerly known as Gray! She is the eldest kitten, Maraly's firstborn, and she acts like it! She is the biggest and most advanced in skills. My mom said the other day (and I agree) that she acts more like a 6 week old than a 4 week old (and she weighs 1.2 pounds! That's about a FOURTH of Maraly's body weight!). She leads the charge in most accomplishments (except eating, interestingly enough, she was the third to start eating wet food) being able to run, hop, climb, play with balls, use the litterbox and attempt to escape their playpen before all the rest of her siblings! And she is the SWEETEST little darling- loves to cuddle and looks at you with the most adoring eyes. We don't know who she's meant to help, but she is an awfully special kitten and God definitely has a plan for her.
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This is Roxanne (Roxie), formerly known as Four as she was the fourth of Maraly's kittens born. She is right behind her sister Ellie in all physical accomplishments, though she was the last kitten to start eating wet food (I JUST got her to start YESTERDAY!). She is a BUSY little thing, always running and adventuring somewhere! She wants to go everywhere and see everything. She's also very sweet, though less cuddly and she likes to try and climb my legs. xD
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Maraly's three black babies are nigh impossible to distinguish in pictures so here's just some cute pictures of the three of them.
The biggest black kitten's name is Inkheart, as she is black and easiest to see markings on in the right light (since Inkheart is the name of a book markings=words, I thought it was fun and my mom insisted we name a kitten Inkheart so xD). She was the first to start eating solid food (wet AND dry food!). She screamed a LOT at me when she was younger but now she likes to climb on my lap and cuddle (or bite me, y'know, depends on the mood xD).
The second biggest kitten is named Sabine, formerly known as white spot. My dad named this one after a character in the Star Wars show Rebels since we've been watching it and we all think she's cool. She was the second kitten to start eating wet food and she ALSO likes to climb on my lap and attack and/or cuddle with me. xD
The littlest black kitten is Maraly's one and only boy, named The Black Prince (Prince) and formerly known as white tip, since he has a few white hairs on the very tip of his tail and it's how I've been distinguishing him since he was a newborn. xD He's an awfully cute little bugger, and fiesty, very playful.
All three of Maraly's black babies frequently play together and get up to trouble together. For instance, today they were trying to climb on top of their play tent WHILE their baby cousins were sleeping in it! They also often gang up on Maraly to nurse from her. xD Two of them (Prince and Sabine, I think) have been claimed by a girl who works at a local bakery my mom often stops at, so they will be able to continue to cause trouble together even after they leave us!
Since tumblr only lets me put ten pictures in a post and this is already quite long I'm going to put the names of Leeli's babies in another post (hopefully soon). In the meantime, here's a few more pictures:
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*I'll make a man out of you playing in the background*
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Meeting uncle Kalmar! (he was so sweet and nice to her! didn't hiss or growl and I think he gave her a kiss here <3)
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This kitten is illegally cute *flips table*
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catsofcalifornia · 2 months ago
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Elinor and Fergus from Kitten Foster Mommas Rescue in Visalia, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help!
Click here for a link to Kitten Foster Mommas Rescue's main website.
Meet Elinor!!!
Elinor came to the rescue on May 31st with her brother Fergus from a colony at a fruit-packing plant in the country. Their mother was trapped and dumped away from them; they were three weeks old. Elinor has developed into a sweet baby girl who loves to snuggle on your chest while napping. She has a playful personality, does well with the other cats in the rescue, and is well-socialized with dogs and kids. She has a unique dark tortie coloring` that is mesmerizing to look at. Fergus has always been such a strong, independent, curious, playful, and incredibly loving boy. He does well with the other cats in the rescue and is well-socialized around dogs and kids. He loves to be around people and often falls asleep snuggled up against you on the couch or in bed.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 1 month ago
Kitties! If you don't mind me askingh
How did Jason get his cats?
are they himalayans? How did they get all their scars?
hiw long did it take elenor and margaret to warm up to him? which one's the bigger cuddler?
does damian sneak in to see the cats
Hey there, anon! Sorry about the late reply!
I think my original idea was that Elinor and Marianne snuck into one of Jason's safe houses during the winter.
They're actually Balinese cats!
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They look very similar to Himalayan cats and I almost ended up choosing that as their breed. Ultimately, I liked how much fluffier Balinese look in comparison to Himalayans and the rest was history <3
Elinor and Marianne got their scars from scrapes with other cats, dogs, shitty people, etc. Pretty much just from the general harsh conditions of being a stray cat in Crime Alley. They're survivors and have stuck by each other's side since they were kittens.
I like to imagine Jason sees a little of himself in them :3
As for how long it took them to warm up to him, I would say probably 3-5ish months. I'm mostly basing this on my experience with adopting stray/rescue cats.
KitKat is my most recent adoption and she unfortunately came from a very neglectful and abusive owner. Her foster parents put a lot of work into rehabilitating her and it took some time to get her comfortable enough to come home with me. Even then, it took her almost 2 months to stop hiding from me and a couple more before she felt safe enough with letting me pet her.
I'm happy to say she's become an absolute cuddle monster over the 3yrs I've had her. She loves to be held like a baby, purrs like absolute thunder, and loves meeting new people now.
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I imagine it was a similar process for Elinor and Marianne to trust Jason.
I think I decided that Elinor is the bigger cuddler. Marianne will definitely come to sit by or on Jason's lap from time to time, but she likes her space. Elinor has no qualms with getting into Jason's space and will stick to him like glue all day if he let's her.
Damian definitely does sneak into Jason's place to see the cats lol
It would be pretty much impossible to keep Damian from breaking in to say hello to Elinor and Marianne and give them new toys or treats. I'm pretty sure Jason gave up after the 3rd or 4th break in and just accepts that he's going to come home some nights to Robin on his couch with Elinor in his lap and Marianne close by.
Thanks for all the questions, anon! This is a very bare bones AU, but hopefully I'll be able to develop it some more soon. We'll see :3
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lctibule · 2 months ago
✏️ once again as many as u like! for joon
incorrect quotesㅤㅤㅤㅤ☾ㅤㅤㅤㅤ accepting!!
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elinor: my hands are cold. minjoon: here, let me hold them. elinor: my lips are cold too. minjoon: *covers her mouth with his hand*
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minjoon: if ellie says he’ll be ready in five minutes, he will be. minjoon: no need to remind her every fifteen minutes about it.
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elinor: so… what would you do if you were in bed with me? minjoon: depends. is your bed comfortable? elinor: yes. minjoon: i'd sleep.
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elinor: the stars are so beautiful… minjoon: they're just giant balls of gas. elinor: you know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then— minjoon: and yet none of them are as huge as my love for you. elinor: oh…
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minjoon: i have a new hoodie. elinor: wrong. elinor: we have a new hoodie.
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elinor, carrying a box: what would you say if— if i, hypothetically, came home with seven kittens one day? minjoon: … minjoon: what’s in the box? elinor: what woul— minjoon: el, what’s in the box? elinor: i think you know.
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kwebtv · 3 months ago
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From the Golden Age of Television
Series Premiere
Father Knows Best - Bud Takes Up the Dance - CBS - October 3, 1954
Running Time: 30 minutes
Written by Dorothy Cooper
Produced by Eugene B. Rodney
Directed by James Neilson
Robert Young as James "Jim" Anderson Sr.
Jane Wyatt as Margaret Anderson
Elinor Donahue as Betty "Princess" Anderson
Billy Gray as James "Bud" Anderson Jr.
Lauren Chapin as Cathy "Kitten" Anderson
Susan Whitney as Marcia
Claire Meade as Mrs. Lanson
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howlsmovingmind · 4 months ago
I’ve always wanted to be soft.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been stubborn and passionate and a fighter. I always believe my causes righteous, and I refuse to end a debate until we’ve come to some sort of satisfactory close.
But I wanted to be soft. I wanted to be polite, maternal, sweet, and shy. Endlessly kind and pleasant, even in the face of abuse. I simply wanted to be that kind of person. Not to say that I would be without personality. But simply more reserved and kind.
I’m a Jo who wants to be Beth. I’m a Belle who wants to be a Cinderella. I’m a Neil who wants to be Todd. A Marianne who admires Elinor. I’m Elizabeth who wishes she could be as good and beautiful as Jane.
I’ve grown to love these parts of myself that really throws herself into what I love and not apologize for it. But I still try and be soft. I try to hold back anger. Not be snarky, sarcastic, loud, or boyish. I can be cold, blunt, and awkward.
I always felt that I gave too much of myself away. I was too giving of myself. I wasn't able to keep myself safe because I couldn't help but wear my heart on my sleeve. I couldn't keep my mouth shut about what I loved and how I felt, and it made me unsafe. People used that to hurt me.
I always felt there was a strength in the softness. Violence felt weak. Like cheap beer and blurry thoughts. Softness is disciplined and thoughtful. It takes strength of character to be soft and kind.
I realize now that I have my own type of strength.
Despite the cruelty I may have experienced due to not guarding who I was and not wearing armor, I still do not put any on. Not to say I allow people to mistreat me. But I still remain open and honest about my love. I still dream and cry and love with all of my being, without reserve. Because I have learned that is my strength. I have not allowed cruelty to make me hide or become cruel myself. And that is a type of strength in itself.
I may not be soft like a feather pillow or kitten fur. I may be a little too rough around my edges to fully be soft. But I love. And that is my strength.
Strong Willed,
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miscellaneousruminations · 4 months ago
The it girl isn’t dead, in fact, she’s alive and kicking. (May, 24)
What has two feet (perchance clad in a slingback kitten heel), a cult of Instagram devotees and a vibe nothing short of cunty? If the title didn’t give it away, I’m talking about the it girl.
Though it is nothing new, Charli XCX has just turned the notion of who and what an it girl is on its head. The hyper-pop princess released the music video to her single 360 (If you’ve somehow swerved the bop on TikTok, hi, you’re hearing about it now) and the girls truly turned up and showed off for the occasion.
Julia Fox, Gabriette, Alex Consani, Chloe Sevingy – the list could go on, but I’ll save you the trouble, just trust me when I say miss XCX was in no shortage of it on set.
Despite all the talk about it girls, namely who has it? What is it? And how do I get it? Defining such a term is decidedly tricky. “You actually need to have this like je ne sais quoi,” Julia remarks in the viral video’s intro, “it’s like definitely a je ne sais quoi kind of situation,” adds Charli. The music video’s prelude attempts to lay straight the phenomena. Gabriette pipes in, “it’s about being really hot in like a scary way,” to which Richie (photographer, model and self-proclaimed sister of Julia Fox) responds, “you have to be like known but at the same time unknowable.” 
So where does that leave us? Well, it is ambiguous. It does not shout but whispers with an air of self-confidence and indifference. It has been equally, if not more confusing since it graced collective consciousness in 1927. Based on Elinor Glyn’s novella “IT,” Clara Bow was dubbed a celebutant after taking to the silver screen in a film adaptation of the same name.
Glyn defines it as follows: “‘IT’ is that quality possessed by someone which draws all others with its magnetic force. With ‘IT’ you win all men if you are a woman – and all women if you are a man. ‘IT’ can be a quality of the mind as well as a physical attraction.”
This explanation is certainly dated, its heteronormative assumptions for one (I’ll cut Glyn some slack, seeing as the 100-year mark is encroaching) but a lot of what the novelist was getting at still rings true today. In recent years the elusive it girl, and her even more elusive demise, has been prophesised by commentary channels and writers alike. Note video essays, like “why are there no ‘it girls’ anymore?” as per Jordan Theresa on YouTube, or “did Instagram kill the it-girl?” says W Magazine in an article proclaiming “The ‘it’ girl is dead.”
Don’t get me wrong, these claims aren’t unfounded, they’ve got a point. How is one to be admired for their mystique and unknowability when so much of contemporary culture constitutes being known? It’s a hard pill to swallow, but maybe Instagram has done away with the it girl. At least, the type of lowkey Edie Sedgwick-esc it girl we have come to know and fawn over.
I’m sure XCX would beg differ. Perhaps it’s of no concern to her as she’s busy carving out her own kind of girl. The kind of girl who, despite the tendencies of history, encapsulates a multitude of body types, races and gender identities. Charli has always been unwavering in the way she champions queerness (never one to shy away from poppers) and, in turn, she facilitates countless ways of embodying femininity.
Maybe it’s ambiguity is what resonates with the girls, in that the term has never sat politely atop of a fixed definition. That would be far too easy. Far too prescriptive for a girl still coming to terms with who they want to be.
It could be argued both ways but I think the undefinable mystique of the it girl makes her all the more inclusive. Who’s to say there’s just one way of having it? Even if we can’t pinpoint what makes her so special, just make it up. Have fun with it. Bleach your brows like Julia, or shave one off for all I care. What’s most important is that you do so unabashedly (easier said than done – yes, but stop giving a fuck, that’s it).
I’ve made my case. As for all the commotion about her sudden passing, the it girl is, in fact, not dead. Though, she’s not concerned with your opinion either way.
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wicked2frog175 · 8 months ago
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Hello my name is Frog or Elinor.
I only mad this account to help me find this suit,
Her name is kitten and is a dutchie. She comes with head, hand paws, tali and arm sleeves. I had traded her a long time ago. This is the only photo I could find of her suit.
If you or know of anyone that has or has seen this suit please message me on instagram (wicked_ producer1)
Me and a few of my friends are looking for her, so for nothing has come up.
If you have any information, please let me know
Thank you for reading.
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a-sweaty-bisexual · 5 years ago
Inkheart art dump aka me trying to give Basta some Love & Comfort™
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Please do not use or repost :/
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ashendalia · 5 years ago
Ooh my God I just thought about Elinor finding a stray cat and taking it in and waking up one morning and there's just baby kittens there too bc apparently the cat was pregnant
And Elinor doesn't know what to do and just brings them to the agency in a worried panic
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 1 year ago
If I had a nickle for every time I had a black cat have a litter of black kittens except for one inexplicable gray fluffy one who hops like a bunny and has oodles of personality, I'd have two nickles, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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Ellie (left) aka baby Belle (right) went to her new home this evening! We just got back from dropping her off. It sounds like she will be very loved by her new family. <3 We were there for half and hour talking to her new dad and she was already settling in!
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^Ellie in the window and climber of her new room.
(to be clear, Ellie is not related to Belle at all, Ellie is one of our rescue Bengal kittens we've been working to find homes for. It is purely a hilarious coincidence that she looks like Belle's child.)
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heart-of-dunbroch · 2 years ago
Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing || OPEN
Merida hated shopping. If she could avoid shopping, she would avoid shopping-- rather get her hair straightened or swallow rocks or break a toe! Certainly the most painful way to go shopping though was with Elinor, who could not get it through her thick skull that her daughter did not want to wear pencil skirts and kitten heels. 
However, here was Merida. Shopping. For bloody fookin New Year’s Eve. 
She’d come on her own, sneaking into From Farm to Table like a spy on a mission. She was gonna meet up with Dipper and despite herself she-- she did want to look-- well, not like shit. 
She was frowning at herself in some ugly sparkly dress and saw a stir in the reflection of the mirror, right over her shoulder. 
“Oi!” She whirled on them. “Wut you looking at, eh, min?!” 
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seekers-who-are-lovers · 3 years ago
Thank you again @kakash109 !!!
1) Mrs. Hudson from Sherlock BBC
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2) Elizabeth Midford and Mey-rin from Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
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3) Marianne and Elinor Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility (1995) /Jane Austen
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4) Vanessa Ives and Hecate Poole from Penny Dreadful
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5) Polly Gray from Peaky Blinders
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6) Cynthia and Abby from Great Pretender
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7) Sun Bak from Sense8
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8) Bilquis from American Gods
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9) Aeon Flux
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10) Alexandra Trese
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Tagging the following victims and others who want to participate.
@clouds-of-peach @johnsimms @thegirlfromthesouth @plague-of-insomnia @newbnuuytimes @moonlithaze @tsukun-e @faeries-blood @phantom-17 @kitten-and-crow @a-isabelthings @ashi-ta-ka
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jjadmanii · 3 years ago
Headcanons about Jules?
im sorry but my brain decided ‘random’ was the way to go so here:
hopeless romantic. im talking picnics at sunsets, playlists making, getting you ur fav coffee the morning before ur exam, getting food delivered at ur house when ur too tired to hangout,,,
loves to read any kind of book, the more cheesy the better
her fav movie genre are romcoms
tried to join the soccer team because of her crush but was soo bad at it the coach advised her to change sport
first person she came out to was elinor
when she came out to her family it was super anticlimactic but her mom did lunch herself into telling her story of a collage adventure she had a w a girl
she would tell you shes a dog person but secretly she would choose a kitten over anything
she couldnt pick a fav color if she tried, but green is the one she favors the most
hates twilight (bad vamp stereotypes)
guilty pleasure is (re)watching friends, was a rachel girl but now is crushing hard on monica
favorite ice cream flavor would be strawberry
sweet >>> salty
watched MoM and never wavered from Wandas side
says shes a hufflepuff but never took the test (she would be a gryffindor)
she would do anything for the ppl she loves, including but not limited to, sitting through the bachelor every year, which she does begrudgingly for ben.
about the bachelor: always hopes smth gay is gonna happen ‘cause there is no way that none of those gorgeous ladies are are queer OR that they would all be fighting over the avaragest looking man alive’
thinks she could complete the course of wipe out (spoiler she can not)
would go to uni in europe given the chance
first concert was taylor swift with ben (regrets it because now the standards are too high)
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books-and-tears · 3 years ago
Book characters as things my friends have said (part 4)
Dot: Hate this education shit but God knows I'd never be a housewife so I have to do this
Lucy: Also-
Elinor: No.
Marianne (about Willoughby): I'm pretty sure he's one of those discord mods, but not the kitten ones like the one that scams people
Sophie: Why are they giving us all the school events now?
Agatha: You know how they feed cows a lot before slaughtering it?
Annabeth: Love a bitch that can't tell left from right
Percy: Doctors do not
Walter: I identify as alcohol not a male
Dan: You identify as a bitch
Jem: Sorry nerds, playing chess with brother 2. Your primeval plans will have to wait
Basil: You can't get me, I beat the gay allegations 2 years ago
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persephinae · 3 years ago
doing my own ask meme :P
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
Elinor has violet eyes that are very noticeable and they do glow when she uses her powers, Holly however has light blue/greyish eyes and are a sign of her humanity. 
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Elinor is terrible at lying, she hates lying, she’s just so laughably awful at lying.  However as she was trained in politics she is good at sticking to facts and still using it to her advantage.
Holly is better at lying, she’s had to lie to survive, however she also hates lying and has a hard time remembering her lies, so she tries to remain silent or uses the fae’s ability to twist the truth to where fish means blue. 
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Elinor has trouble being angry I guess?  She dislikes losing control, it became very important to her to remain in control while navigating the Court.  (although she cries very easily and will try to run away so she can cry out of view of most people)
Holly has trouble dealing with love as she was shown very little of it during her life.  She gets confused and will run away from it as it usually meant betrayal and pain to her. 
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
Elinor cries over whiskers on kittens and puppy dogs, she wears her heart on her sleeve. 
Holly doesn’t cry a lot, she’s had to hide her pain and tears for a long time, and will only cry in front of someone she trusts, but she also has a soft heart. 
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Elinor never had a large family, she just had her parents.  She loved her mother but she was closer to her father and would rather cut off her arm than cause him any kind of pain.
Holly has her fae father and human mother (who’s very very old at this point), she also has quite a few fae half-siblings and fae cousins however she’s not very close to them as she was viewed as lesser in the fae court for being half-human.  She has a complex relationship with her father as he’s a fae lord, very knowledgeable and powerful, however he views Holly as a weakness and doesn’t know quite what to do with her.   He loved her mother but now that she’s old she’s kind of been put in a secluded “retirement home” where all her needs are taken care of.  Holly’s very different from the fae and since she’s long-lived due to her fae heritage it’s been an adjustment for her father who is VERY old.
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