piltover-sharpshooter · 7 months
Cold Steel (Evil Caitlyn AU)
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If there was one thing both sides of the Zaunite Rebellion could agree on, it was the fact that it should have never had reached that far. In another place, on another time, the ragtag group of Zaunites were stopped before they even got off the bridge, but on this world, whether it be a more emboldened group of rebels, a more imcompetent group of enforcers or both, the attack went as far as to reach low Piltover before they were pushed back to their city.
Caitlyn's father, ever the medic and the bleeding heart, decided he should go out in the middle of the attack to help whoever needed it help. They found his body five hours later, dead by a gunshot wound to that same bleeding heart, and Cassandra Kiramman, having been the one to find him, suffered a panic attack so severe it left her bedridden for the rest of her life.
It was on this enviroment where the Heir to the Kiramman name was raised, a father who had abandoned her to die for nothing, and a mother too grief striken to pay attention to her. No matter what she did, how much she exceled in her different fields from politics to shooting, Cassandra remained bedridden with a face of vapid imbecility, even as Caitlyn grew more and more resentful, going as far as to scream at her mother to show anything at all, to no avail.
Soon that anger turned from her parents to the dregs that had taken them from her, doubly so as it seemed that somehow the council became more and more open to Zaun's demands, 'A time of healing' they said, while the Kirammans were left in Tatters. They, who had been the ones to help Zaun the most throught it's history, were rewarded by being struck the hardest, then forgotten.
And as she stood there in her room swearing revenge on the city across the river...someone heard her voice. Camille Ferrors, the Gray Lady, a woman she had only heard whispers about, appeared before her, just as disgusted and angry at the scum of society that dared touch Piltover and the weakness now plaguing her city. She offered Caitlyn a choice, to set things right once more, to put Zaun in it's place and never let them rise again.
She didn't have to wait long for an answer.
From then on, Caitlyn would act as Camille's second, accompanying her on missions first to observe how she worked, then to help her plan, before finally killing her first target herself at the age of 15. After that was when the augmentations began, Clan Ferros had discovered the benefits of Hextech decades ago, secrets they shared now with the young Kiramman. Following the same process as Camille, she was implanted with a hextech heart, though in her case hidden behind armor plating, as well as hundreds of different cybernetics implanted onto her, new eyes, new lungs, new arms and legs and so forth. Soon another myth would join that of the Gray Lady, much more brutal and vicious, leaving bodies ranging from gunshot wounds in the head to drawn and quartered.
Soon the Zaunites would learn to fear 'The Metal Queen'
It was on her 18th birthday, when she was about to officially take command of the Kiramman household, that her mother finally woke up. They met in their living room, each woman unable to recognize the other, and as Cassandra hugged her daughter and promised everything would be alright now, the only thing Caitlyn could think of ...was how she felt nothing from her mother's arms. It was too little, too late.
Cassandra Kiramman was found dead in her bed the next day. The official record attributing the death to the years of stress and grief. Just like it was made to look.
Since then Caitlyn has assumed the position as council head, regaining back power and influence in months that they had lost in years, and though outwardly the most staunch defender of the twin cities' good relationship, every move she has made behind the scene has costed Zaun dearly, whether it be a new law tightening the grip on the city once more, or a high priority target eliminated in the shadows.
Caitlyn now waits, silently, as tensions keep rising once more, as civil war seems inevitable, she waits to show her hand and get the revenge she so rightly deserves.
Piltover would once more takes it place, not as the equal of Zaun, but as it's undeniable master. She'd stomp on the city's neck so hard they'd end up thanking her the boot. And FINALLY, after everything, she would find peace.
And if she could not save it from it's delusion.
Then let Zaun burn.
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erratic-onslaught · 4 years
Send me 👥 and I will draw your muse and my muse*Not accepting any more!*
[[ SO FUN FACT, I started this one and then never got to finish it because life happened, but drawing digitally is awful for me nowadays so I don't think I can  complete it, unfortunately;;;
At the very least, I can share the work in progress. Maybe I'll redraw it one day? I dunno o:
Here! Have an uncomfortable Ko and Hale trying to find her in a dumpster :D ]]
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jericho-swaggins · 6 years
///League of Legends ask game///
12. Worse champion design(no skin)?
Widowmak- *cough* Kai’Sa! her face is just a copy-past like most female champs (you know the plain, traditional pretty face) or rather it’s just not interesting to look at especially for someone who spent a really long time in a hell hole like the Void and idk… pointless the cleavage? she looks like a super model and not like someone who fights and struggles for their own survivalher story just doesn’t fit with what she looks likealso riot needs to give their female champs a bit more variety when it comes to body typesalmost all female champs have the same sexy body type and it get’s kinda boring (thank god Illaoi exists)I don’t hate her as character tho! she’s a really nice gal and I also played her a couple of times (more or less successful) I’m just very disappointed in riot because she could’ve been much more interesting to look atbtw I’m really into character design : ^)
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ramblin-rover · 6 years
((Send ‘/taunt’ for jab at your muse || Accepting))
“Me Gran ‘ad a shawl jus’ like t’at. Did you two shop a’ th’ same place?”
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Combat! Repost don’t reblog!
★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆  —  strength ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆  —  offense ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  defense ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ —  speed ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ —  durability ★★★★★★★★★★ —  accuracy ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ —  agility ★★★★★★★★★★ — stamina ★★★★★★★★☆☆ — teamwork ★★★★★★★★☆☆ —  stealth   ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ —  close combat         ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ —  bladed weapons ( swords, dagger/s ) ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  blunt weapons ( club/s, staff/s )   ★★★★★★★☆☆☆  —  ranged weapons ( archery, gun/s ) ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ —  superpowers / abilities ★★★★★★★★★☆  —  traps/setups (Going with tactical choices/planning) ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  —  medic
Any lasting injuries from combat?  —  only ripps on the fake flesh that protects the engines within.
Fighting style?   ( BOLD any that apply. ) —  commander / duelist / honorable  /dishonorable /  would have others do their fighting /  stealthy  / long-ranged /  melee  /technological / sorcery  / superhuman abilities /  has fought in an illegal tourney / a lover of fighting  / a hater of fighting  / cowardly / reckless /strategic / uses underhanded tricks  / renowned for their skill / trained /  untrained / keeps skills secret /won a battle /lost a battle / ruthless  / merciful
Tagging: @thecelestialchibi1 the smol FUCK
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youcannotaffordme · 7 years
19. If you had to judge your muse and sentence them to a “fair” fate, what would your judgement be? Would you punish them? Reward them? How?
//Valentina has equal sins and virtues. Judgement can go either way: she could be punished for killing people, as murder is never a good thing, or she could be rewarded for giving salvation to women who had nothing. I personally would reward her, because I know that Valentina is not inherently a bad person, only that she has done bad things. She is a good person deep down, whose interests and priorities lie in the right place.
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ekkq · 7 years
@eliminate-zaun-gray replied to your post
Ko is good at fangirling
this is very good news
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mythic-cassiopeia · 7 years
eliminate-zaun-gray replied to your audio post: “ I mean, I kind of like Shadow the Headhog...
Caaaassssiiieeeee~ *barges in* I hope you haven’t forgotten meeee~
“ I could never~” Cassie winks.
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prodigal-ezreal · 8 years
eliminate-zaun-gray ha respondido a tu publicación: eliminate-zaun-gray ha respondido a tu publicación...
Could also be the fact that that kind of stuff distracts from the story. It’s stuff that doesn’t really matter. Sexuality tells you nothing about a person other than what they like to bone.
[ Actually I sorta disgress with that last part. Yes my sexuality is just a part of me and not my defining feature, but it does affect the way I act around people, what I say and how I experience life to a degree. And it will shape my experiences in the future if the wrong person ‘finds out’. ]
[ Back to Riot, it really doesn’t say much or matter because the game is non canonical anyways, and they probably wanted more focus on the story than on the character’s sexuality. But I think that It would have been nice. If it doesn’t matter then, why not? its like multipliying by 1 ]
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ramblin-rover · 6 years
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eliminate-zaun-gray liked your post “So who wants to deck Gael? :D”
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The hit connects, but the fist just kinda slides off weakly. Instead of being upset, she almost seems impressed...Doesn’t change the fact that there’s a whole lot of hurt coming...
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"Pilties suck eggs!"
You have one ask to piss off my muse; Run with it!
“Uh.....Was that supposed to be an insult?”
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silly-storm-chaser · 7 years
‘Would you ever grow your hair out?’
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First Encounter (Closed Starter)
“Damnit... I clearly underestimated those bastards, now i need to fix my arm before they find me... I need to find a work shop or the very least someone’s house that has the tools I need.”
Eventually, Sirius found a home that looks like he could use and hope do a quick fix before someone finds out he is intruding. He looks though a window to see if no one is around.  Lights are off but the Hex-tech eye shows no one is up.
“Honestly, picking a lock is so much harder with just one hand to work with... There we go. Now to see what kind of tooo.... Hello...”
*Oh shit. This girl spot me, I might have to knock her out and find another place... Huh, she looks like the kind to help others. By the looks of it, she’s not even a chem goon. That’s good.*
“Sorry for intruding. Can i borrow a few tools of yours?”
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youcannotaffordme · 7 years
The sewer grate near the queen's feet starts to rumble before it swings open and Ko crawls out, boots covered in filth. As the inventor climbs out of the whole she notices very fancy shows and follows the legs up until she met eyes with Valentina. "Erm.. hello!" she smiled sheepishly. (Not necessarily a starter but just a funny image that came to mind)
The redheaded woman regarded the strange sight with wide eyes and a tilted head. When greeted, she took a step back, not wanting the filth dragged out by this young woman anywhere near her expensive clothes or shoes. It would be unsightly to arrive at her appointment in any condition less than which she left her quarters in.
“Privyet,” she answered with a lift of her brow and a tone of confusion. Saying no more, the Queen continued to hurry down the street.
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the-evolution-comes · 8 years
“She is interesting. I’ll give her that.”
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infinite-xerath · 2 years
Xerath’s plans for every nation
Should Xerath ever actually succeed in conquering all of Runeterra (something that probably won’t ever happen but bear with me) I imagine his rule would affect the nations of the world as such:
Shurima: Abolish slavery entirely, begin mass excavation of any and all relics worthy of note, continue placing obelisks around the desert to a absorb its power, destroy or otherwise hide the Sun Disc, attempt to purge the Void from Icathia’s ruins, crush any and all rogue warlords
Ixtal: Absorb magics from the jungle, usurp the royal family, begin construction of powerful elemental weapons
Piltover/Zaun: Seek to refine and perfect hextech without the need of crystals (more so because he thinks they’re inefficient than anything else), unite both cities as one, use Hextech to make his forces even more powerful, probably eliminate Zaun Gray at some point (though this wouldn’t be a priority.)
Noxus: Force the Noxians to bend the knee or reduce their entire nation to rubble, show these foolish upstarts what REAL strength is, abolish the Trifarix to claim sole dominion over the land, probably claim whatever secrets he can find in the Immortal Bastion as his own.
Demacia: Abolish the ban on magic, tear down the nation’s petricite walls, do away with the nobility and the royal family, attempt to quell the prejudice against mages (or anyone who displays it, at least.)
Freljord: Unite all the tribes under his rule, tame the primal spirits of the land, probably try and figure out what to do about the Watchers if/when he finds out about them.
Bilgewater/Serpent Isles: Establish order, quell any rogues that dare to defy him, possibly establish a proper fleet, study naval warfare (not that he necessarily needs to), crush the followers of Nagakabouros and any entity that enforces its will.
Ionia: Gain control of the Spirit of Ionia, abolish any traditions deemed foolish or outdated, unite all the conflicting factions under his rule.
Shadow Isles: Purge them.
Targon: Usurp the Aspects and gain entry into the Celestial Realm, bring all the conflicting cults to heel.
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