Ayy do you have a rules page? If its on your Mun page, the page is coming back not found. Thanks!
//oh wow uh let me take a look at it all. I’m really sorry I’ve been out of the rp scene for a few years so I can only assume my stuff aged poorly lol. To be honest o don’t ever remember setting up one. The mun page should have just been set up to show posts with the tag inventing mun. I’ll go over it and patch everything up. I’ll also put up a rule page and like a pinned post for mobile. So many new things I’ve got to figure out.
I really appreciate you asking and letting me know pages weren’t working. ^-^
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//so with the whole crime city nightmare skins coming out I think I’d like to work on my mafia, or well I suppose crime city, au. Memory serves correct Isabel was a type of arms dealer with no ties to any family. I’ll look and maybe tweak things
I’d love to plan some rps if anyone wants ^-^
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“She says nothing at all, but simply stares upward into the dark sky and watches, with sad eyes, the slow dance of the infinite stars.”
— Neil Gaiman
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April ;; Are you a lover of nature? July ;; Where would you most like to vacation?
"One would think that as an inventor and such i'd have no care for the natural world seeing how modern things can ruin it. But on the contrary, I take great measures to create things that won't cause damage and actively seek out new ways to improve other inventions for the environment. I love nature and all it's wonders and want to help it the best I can."
Isabel pauses long enough to reach up and scratch her head, "Vacation huh. I don't really take them and with how things are at the moment..... I don't see it as advisable. Harrowing is everywhere now, even in the city. I doing my best to help keep it out of my own place. Though if things ever go back to normal, I'd like to visit Ionia. . .if they'd allow it. I can see how they wouldn't be fond of foreigners."
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Mental illness is like fighting a war where the enemy’s strategy is to convince you that the war isn’t actually happening.
Unknown (via quotemadness)
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I was very grateful to have heard it again. Because I guess we all forget sometimes. And I think everyone is special in their own way. I really do.
Stephen Chbosky (via quotemadness)
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“If we were meant to be, we would have been by now.”
— Billie Eilish
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CONGRATULATIONS @the-piltovian-inventor on getting gold this season!!! It’s been a lot of rage inducing games but you did it!
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“Fer what, for me to take off-?~” he grinned and waved a hand in a joking manner, his hand then coming to rest on his knee, “kiddin’! Uhhhh well Shurima’s hot so- maybe shorts and a- tank top? I dunno.”
“Shut up.” She replied face still red slightly before she gave him a look. “Oh really. I though you would have been more creative than that.” Isabel teased smiling as she leaned back agains the couch. 
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“R-right yeah.” God she was awful at this....what ever this was, this game of sorts. For being so smart, she sure felt really stupid sitting there just trying to even come up with a reply. “Uh so um. . . what kind of outfit did you think would be appropriate for it? Just out of curiosity.”
cont. from here
Vince leaned forwards with his hand holding his own head, a sly grin across his lips at her composed state… would it remain? Time to find out- “ Oh, that I am the only one who can take it off you~ ” he grinned and stared at her with half lidded eyes from across the room.
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Purposefully raising her right arm, she slid the cool metal up to cover her mouth as she sat there face slowly becoming more flushed. "Well I um....guess that means next trip your coming with. Can't wear the same outfit everyday." The words came out in a stutter because of how flustered the poor inventor was.
cont. from here
Vince leaned forwards with his hand holding his own head, a sly grin across his lips at her composed state… would it remain? Time to find out- “ Oh, that I am the only one who can take it off you~ ” he grinned and stared at her with half lidded eyes from across the room.
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Emma Stone
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“I’d love to help pick an outfit fer ya~” Vince smirked in return, his eyes playing that teasing game once again, his flirtatious nature was boundless, “on one condition o'course.”
“Oh would you now, hm.” She leaned her head on a hand as she looked over at him...now that her face was more under control. “Oh and what condition would that be huh?”
" BIG HUG! "
The loud words startled her as she prepared herself for on coming said hug.
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“ Yeah it’s a real hot place, guess it’s pretty mysterious too with all the animal people and void lady- ” just a handful of the people he’s met travelling… Shurima was hazardous too, “ … it’s pretty hot- did I say that? ”
Isabel gave a small chuckle as she sat there listening and smiling, “Yeah you did. It sounds pretty cool, I think I’ll put on the list to visit myself. Maybe invest in some cooler clothes if its as hot as you say.” She was teasing him, if she could survive the heat in Shurmia she’s sure she could make it through Ionia.  
" BIG HUG! "
The loud words startled her as she prepared herself for on coming said hug.
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“Huh-? Oh yeah- Ionia, Freljord, Shurima… Demacia once, but never again. Cait says I have mandatory vacation time so I like to see the world,” he shrugged, nodding his head and resting his arms up on the armrests. “Made alot of cool friends…”
Her eyes lit up, “You’ll have to tell about your trips sometime. If you uh are okay with that. I’m just curious is all, I’ve only really ventured around Shurmia and even then it feels as if I’ve barely made a dent in the mystery that surrounds that place.” Maybe she could convince him to go with her, they could go explore and adventure and she really is getting ahead of herself.
" BIG HUG! "
The loud words startled her as she prepared herself for on coming said hug.
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“ Well I can tell you first hand, Ionian’s do NOT like technology. I dunno why maybe it’s cause the war stuff happened but uh-… yeah, not recommended, ” he chuckled and leaned against the couch, more back into it.
“I was thinking more of the jungles. That sounds pretty exciting! I had given thought to the Freljord but I’m too worried the cold might freeze up my parts.” She gave a little shrug as she wiggled metal fingers before pausing. “Wait have you been to Ionia?”
" BIG HUG! "
The loud words startled her as she prepared herself for on coming said hug.
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Vince snickered at her clear flustered embarassment… it was strangely cute, how flushed she acted when both of them clearly remembered their past relations. “So… business been good?”
Isabel was two second from flipping the snickering man off but just took a gulp of her drink instead. “Oh uh it’s been crazy here lately. Ever since I started giving guest lectures at the academy, business has really picked up. Though when I’m here I tend to make as much stock as I can of the more popular inventions. Sadly though I’ve had to cut back on the number of unique commissions I take on. Though getting out and exploring to test new ones that I have has been an adventure. I’ve been trying to plan where to had to next, maybe somewhere other than Shurmia since I’ve been there several times now.”
" BIG HUG! "
The loud words startled her as she prepared herself for on coming said hug.
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