tylersobriens-blog · 12 years
I've been tagged by Aleks <3 
Rule 1 - Post the rules. 
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones. 
Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post. 
Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them.
i’ve been tagged by elijahshonour
1. What is one thing that you hate the most? 
WHEN PEOPLE WALK THE SPEED OF SNAILS IN THE HALLWAY.  idk it annoys the hell out of me
2. If you could be in any TV show what would it be?
the vampire diaries because i would go give damon a hug and yell at elena and tell her to tell him that she loves him :)
3. Reading or watching? (tv shows/movies)
uhhhh, BOTH? because i love reading, but watching tv takes less effort 
4. If cats took over the world what would you do?
i would be in heaven! i love cats. i wanna be one. 
5. Least favourite song?
stereo hearts - gym class heroes
6. Favourite youtube video?
oooh, jenna marbles? her videos are hilarious. or the "I'M GONNA GRAPE YOU" one.
7. If you could get rid of one thing in the world what would it be?
8. Animals or people?
animals, for sure
9. Forest or beach?
oh gosh. love them both, but i gotta say beach
10. Would you ever run away to Narnia?
i live in narnia
but yes i would everyday just to get away
11. Social life or fandoms? 
social life
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delenafantasy · 12 years
Tag Game
tag game
Rule 1 - Post the rules. 
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones. 
Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post. 
Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them.
Tagged by: vampirehunting:)
1. What is your favorite sound?
I actually don't know O.o Does music count as a favorite sound? XD
2. What do you believe happens after death? 
Honestly? I'm not so sure yourself. I kind of go with either spirits or you're just flat out dead.
3. Look at your hands and count to ten…what do you think of?
Ian Somerhalder
4. Romance or friendship? Why? 
Friendship, because it almost always means more. There's a big difference between both of them, and friends...well you need friends. They're there for you ,they understand you ,and you can tell them EVERYTHING. You can't always do that with romance.
5. Can you play chess? 
6. Do you think animals are actually symbolic of certain traits?
I fully understand what you mean O.o but it's probably a yes.
7. A show you like because of Tumblr, but you don’t actually watch? 
Misfits. It looks hilariously awesome.
8. What is your pet peeve? 
Lemme get back to you on that
9. Generally, do you think men are more attractive with short hair or long-ish hair? 
Definitely long-ish hair.
10. Morning or nighttime? 
Night, except I have a hard time staying awake :(
11. What is one thing, small or major, that you hope to see happen on The Vampire Diaries before the show comes to a close?
Alaric dying, for good. They can't keep him as a horrid evil vampire, because he'll just be destructive. And lets face it, they probably can't fix him. So I believe, sadly, that they will kill him. Once and for all. :(
My Questions:
1. Chocolate or vanilla?
2. Favorite TVD character and why?
3. How did you discover Tumblr?
4. You can only listen to one song the rest of your life, what is it?
5. Would anything make you stop watching TVD? (Ex: Favorite character dying) If so, what would it be?
6. What do you think your real reaction would be if you found out vampires exist?
7. A quote you live by?
8. Favorite movie?
9. Most embarrassing moment?
10. One place you'd love to travel to/live?
11. You're stranded in the woods, your phone is dead and you can't find your car. From the corner of your eye you see him, Shia LaBeouf. He's gaining on you, with blood all over his face. He's an actual cannibal, Shia LaBeouf. No one can hear you scream. What do you do?
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christapherevans · 12 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! have an amazing dayy!!
thank you darling! (:
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b0rednow-blog · 12 years
Stalking Aleks.....as usual
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b0rednow-blog · 12 years
Tag Game
Rule 1 - Post the rules. 
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones. 
Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post. 
Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them 
What is one thing that you hate the most?  hipocrisy
If you could be in any TV show what would it be? I would say TVD but that would mean to die after 2 episodes so I will say Once Upon a Time 
Reading or watching? (tv shows/movies)  Reading
If cats took over the world what would you do?  I would ask them to turn me into a cat
Least favourite song?  I can't choose one
Favourite youtube video?  I dont have one...
If you could get rid of one thing in the world what would it be? homework
Animals or people?  people, but I love animals
Forest or beach? I've never been in a forest...so beach
Would you ever run away to Narnia?  nop
Social life or fandoms?   hahahah that isn't a question, FANDOMS
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tylersobriens-blog · 12 years
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tylersobriens-blog · 12 years
HEY! LONG TIME NO TALK BUDDY! (like 2 days but pshhh) WHAT'S UP?!
 i should be doing my homework rn but that's not happening! What are you doing?!
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b0rednow-blog · 12 years
I will have a boring night...cuz Aleks has school tomorrow :'( *sobs* stupid school!!!
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b0rednow-blog · 12 years
Stalking Aleks blog...(elijahshonour)
Cuz she and her blog are flawlesss :D
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tylersobriens-blog · 12 years
Easter promo part 2
 elijahshonour <<
Follow them :) 
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delenaforeternity · 12 years
You're an ass. I won't talk to you anymore. Can't you take a hint? I wasn't to impressed the last time you hacked in to my Tumblr. Now again. I guess idiots never learn. And if I hacked into your account on anything you would be so pissed and throw a shit fit. Guess that's why you never have trusted me with your passwords. I trusted you with mine because I seriously thought you would respect my privacy. Stop, seriously. 
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