queenolicity · 12 years
Tagging Game
Who tagged me: 447boothbrennan
This tag is to get to know the person behind the blog better. As with any tagging game there are rules:
Rule 1 - Post the rules.
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them.
    1. How old are you?
I'm 16.
    2. What is your favourite movie and why?
I wouldn't say is my favorite, but She's the man is almost the only one I can watch onver and over again. Idk, I guess it just shows me girls can do everything guys do and better and we can still be girly. I just love it.
   3. What is your tumblr name and why did you choose it?
fangsandwands, cause my post used to be mostly about Harry Potter and The Vampire Diaries, but now I have so many fandons it doesn't make sense anymore.
   4. Who is your favourite actress?
I have to go with Blake Lively, she's just so gorgeous it dazzles me. Besides I think she is an amazing actress.
   5. Who is you biggest inspiration and why?
Well, my mother I guess. Cause she's the most strong and determinated person I've ever met, the world might be falling apart she'll still fix it, like she always does.
   6. What is your favourite thing to wear?
I love to wear my pajamas and my hoodies. I'd stay like this forever.
   7. Name something you own that has a special meaning to you.
So many things, I'm gonna go with the ones I'm seeing right in front of me:
My books, all of them, for a long long time they were what kept me sane.
A Teddy Bear named Bobo that my first love gave me.
My headband with my name on it, thar I have since I was little don't worry I just use it at home.
My little pillow, I can't sleep without it.
   8. Favourite country to go on vacation?
I've never been out of my country, but I'd love to travel the world.
   9. Have you ever been in the Netherlands, and if not; would you like to visit it?
No, but YES I'd love to visit!
   10. Favourite band/singer?
Taylor Swift, I guess.
My questions:
Who is the person you like to talk the most?
If you could live anywhere you want, fictional place or not, where would you live?
Worst thing you ever did?
Best fucking friend ever?
Fictional character you love the most?
Last time you cried your eyes out? Why?
Choose one person to take to a desert island with you.
Someone you'd die to be friends with, but you're just too shy?
Best day of your life?
Worst day of your life?
The one that got away?
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queencarebear · 12 years
I was tagged by:-damons
Rule 1 - Post the rules.
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them.
1. What song is your favourite and why?
Bed of Roses by Bon Jovi because I just love it.
2. What’s you’re favourite thing to do when on a break?
Sleep, eat, tumble, sleep some more, go to the beach, sleep.
3. What’s your idea of a perfect Friday night?
Too many different scenario's it depends on my mood and who I'm with. Sometimes I just like to stay home. Watch a movie marathon of anything with a friend. Or go out just driving around or spending the night at seaside boardwalk. Depends.
4. Relationship status right now?
Single as a dollar and not looking for change. (hehe I love that saying.)
5. If you could go back in past, where would you go?
In my past or the past in general? I think this means the past in general in which case I would travel back to around the 1890's early 1900's the days of elegance and fluffy dresses and scandalous behavior.
6. What’s your favourite type of music?
Classic Rock. Preferably around the 70-80's category.
7.What changed in the last 2 years of your life?
Everything. A lot of things have changed about me, you probably would recognize me if you haven't seen me in two years.
8. What’s your dream job?
Being an author. Working with Sam and Dean as hunters (that's a job right?)
9. What is one skill you’d like to have?
Lick my elbow. Lol jk. I wish I was a better artist, I wish I could draw.
10.Fictional character you would like to marry?
Dean Winchester.
11.Favorite hobby?
Besides tumblr? Writing.
1. Favorite book?
2. What's your biggest regret?
3. Would you change it if you could?
4. Favorite band?
5. Favorite quote?
6. Where would people generally be able to find you? (besides on tumblr)(Ex: Like the mall, in Barnes and Noble, Starbucks, ect.)
7. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
8. How would you describe yourself?
9. What's your biggest dream?
10. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
11. What's something that you wish you could change about yourself?
1. afutureblooms
2. delena-only-you-can-save-me
3. drowninginawesome
4. alaricsaltsman
5. brandedsouls
6. josephfuckingmorgan
7. madisalvatore
8. niklauswerewolfson
9. onetrueslayer
11. ariellemorgans
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freakylikethat · 12 years
Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
I was tagged by: KAITLYN!!
1) Who is your favorite TVD character?
Miss Caroline Forbes. I love how her smile lights up the screen and how she's so self-efacing, how she wears her heart on her sleeve and is emotional and unapologetic over her failings. She's loyal and sweet and has developed into a surprisingly strong character. I'm actually really proud of her.
What is one of your biggest goals in life?
To write a novel. Preferably of the bestselling variety.
If you could change one thing about TVD what would it be?
I'd bring back Lexi, Anna, and Jenna. That counts as one thing okay.
Do you have any siblings?
My big brother Hassan (28) and little sister Emily (17).
If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and why?
Oh man. Um. I think as of this moment I'd love to spend a day with Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson (you meant one celebrity of both sexes right? cool.) They seem real and funny and I imagine they'd provide a really entertaining time.
What’s your dream job?
Writing for a TV show would be AWESOME. People who read my fan fiction say I should write for TVD and I'd be so on board with that.
If you had to choose: cell phone or computer? why?
Computer. I communicate primarily through text messages anyway so I could just use email/facebook/tumblr. Plus I constantly forget to charge mine so I'd just borrow someone else's and continue living the way I already do: via tumblr.
When is your birthday?
August 7, 1987 (8787!)
Do you have a hidden talent?
Hahaha honestly I can't think of any, if I'm confident enough to believe I'm good at something I tend to publicly display it. I'm shameless like that.
What are your top 5 OTPS?
Seth and Summer from The OC, Willow and Oz from Buffy, Eric and Tammy Taylor from Friday Night Lights, Cory and Topanga from Boy Meets World, and Dean and Jo a la SPN.
If you could be a character in any tv show, which show would you choose?
Katherine Pierce.
My NEW questions:
1 - Team Stelena or Team Delena? Why?
2 - Who is your all-time favorite TV character?
3 - What are your five favorite shows?
4 - If you could buy any one thing (money isn't an issue but it has to be a SINGLE thing) what would it be?
5 - What's one of your fondest childhood memories?
6 - Is there anything that would make you stop watching TVD? (a character being killed off, an unwanted plot twist, a ship you don't like...)
7 - Who is your least favorite celebrity couple?
8 - What are your thoughts on the Kardashians?
9 - Who are your three favorite people on tumblr?
10 - If you had to pick a character to kill off on TVD who would you choose?
11 - What would be your ideal ending for the series finale of TVD?
People I'm tagging -
Morgan, Dizzie, Mel, Shiny , Marie, Erica, Megan, Tiffany, Lauren, Carol, ADRIANA
can i also shoot this back to kaitlyn?
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delenafantasy · 12 years
Tag Game
tag game
Rule 1 - Post the rules. 
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones. 
Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post. 
Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them.
Tagged by: vampirehunting:)
1. What is your favorite sound?
I actually don't know O.o Does music count as a favorite sound? XD
2. What do you believe happens after death? 
Honestly? I'm not so sure yourself. I kind of go with either spirits or you're just flat out dead.
3. Look at your hands and count to ten…what do you think of?
Ian Somerhalder
4. Romance or friendship? Why? 
Friendship, because it almost always means more. There's a big difference between both of them, and friends...well you need friends. They're there for you ,they understand you ,and you can tell them EVERYTHING. You can't always do that with romance.
5. Can you play chess? 
6. Do you think animals are actually symbolic of certain traits?
I fully understand what you mean O.o but it's probably a yes.
7. A show you like because of Tumblr, but you don’t actually watch? 
Misfits. It looks hilariously awesome.
8. What is your pet peeve? 
Lemme get back to you on that
9. Generally, do you think men are more attractive with short hair or long-ish hair? 
Definitely long-ish hair.
10. Morning or nighttime? 
Night, except I have a hard time staying awake :(
11. What is one thing, small or major, that you hope to see happen on The Vampire Diaries before the show comes to a close?
Alaric dying, for good. They can't keep him as a horrid evil vampire, because he'll just be destructive. And lets face it, they probably can't fix him. So I believe, sadly, that they will kill him. Once and for all. :(
My Questions:
1. Chocolate or vanilla?
2. Favorite TVD character and why?
3. How did you discover Tumblr?
4. You can only listen to one song the rest of your life, what is it?
5. Would anything make you stop watching TVD? (Ex: Favorite character dying) If so, what would it be?
6. What do you think your real reaction would be if you found out vampires exist?
7. A quote you live by?
8. Favorite movie?
9. Most embarrassing moment?
10. One place you'd love to travel to/live?
11. You're stranded in the woods, your phone is dead and you can't find your car. From the corner of your eye you see him, Shia LaBeouf. He's gaining on you, with blood all over his face. He's an actual cannibal, Shia LaBeouf. No one can hear you scream. What do you do?
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periodedits · 12 years
The Tag Game
tag game 
tag game
Rule 1 - Post the rules. 
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones. 
Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post. 
Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them.
i’ve been tagged by mylittlecornerofparadise
my question:
1. favourite place in earth:  my bedroom
2. favourite memorie ever:  childhood vacations in the Dominican Republic
3. top 5 movies: Grease, Dirty Dancing, Legends of the Fall, The Proposal, Schindler's List
4. a song that describe you: Skyscraper
5. favourite color: blue
6. one of your big dreams: To be an actor
7. if you could be a famous person who would be? Kate Winslet
8. 1 thing you like and 1 thing dislike in ppl? Honesty & Dishonesty
9. top 3 ship ever: Delena, Ross & Rachel, Pacey & Joey
10. favourite drink: Key Lime Martini
11. favourite book: The Messiah
My Questions:
1. Biggest regret?
2. Best Childhood Memory?
3. If you could change something you did in your past, what would it be?
4. Best quality?
5. Worst quality?
6. What actor would you date not based on looks?
7. Favorite author?
8. Can you dance?
9. Favorite food?
10. Farthest place you've traveled?
11. Make a wish - now what is it?
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yes it will happen to you one day♥ I didn't think something like this would EVER happen to me and it's happening now
awwwwn, you seem so happy, I'm happy for you *-----*omg, God hears your words :)
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jaybunzy0 · 12 years
I can't stop staring at your sidebar GIF
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elenas-salvatore · 12 years
hey anon, I take it your a stelena shipper? well at least we don't send death threats to the producers when we don't have a DE scene
we just shut in our own really solid bubble, and ignore the whole world, while crying because of the emotions our otp gives us. (me, at least)
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freakylikethat · 12 years
the morning after [delena part four]
in the morning, elena would remember none of the events of the previous night.
damon, on the other hand, would remember everything. vividly.
elena woke up feeling nothing short of miserable. her head throbbed and the sunlight filtering through the gap in the curtains seared her eyes. she squinted blearily, her mind blurred, her throat parched.
she'd sell her soul for a glass of water.
dimly, she heard the sound of just that running - water. someone was in the shower.
she sat bolt upright - regretted it instantly as her head screamed in protest - and realized she was stark naked. and the bed she lay in had clearly been disturbed by more than one body.
she reached out a tentative hand and felt the empty space on the mattress beside her. it was still warm.
seriously. shit.
she tried desperately to remember exactly what circumstances had led to her present ones, came up with next to nothing. she had a vague recollection of her nightmare, and damon soothing her through it. then a genius decision to get drunk. then... nothing.
she heard the water in the bathroom switch off and her mind jerked painfully to the present. she needed clothes, and she needed them fast. she looked fruitlessly for her own top but only found damon's button-up black shirt and shoved her arms into the sleeves, still scanning the room hopefully in search of her boxers.
that was when her eyes fell on the lamppost across the room. and the tiny pair of string bikini panties hanging from it.
bile rose in her throat.
pushing the image of her underwear from her mind, she hastily buttoned the shirt, grateful that it was long enough to hit mid-thigh, jumped out of the bed and all but dove for the door to the adjoining room. she closed it behind her with a firm click and headed for the bathroom. took a long breath. flipped the light switch, winced at the harsh fluorescent glow, then steeled herself and looked at her reflection.
she'd looked worse, but she'd also certainly looked better. in her haste to dress she'd missed a button on the shirt, making it a little too short for comfort in the front. her skin was sickly pale, the circles under her eyes were dark and bruised, her mascara was smeared, and her hair was hopelessly tangled. it was also damp.
the worst, though, was the mark on her collarbone. a red brand that looked horrifyingly like beard burn.
two thoughts went through her mind, the second nipping the heels of the first:
what the hell had happened last night?
and did she really want to know?
in the other room, damon was reliving the night and alternately cursing himself and elena. mostly elena. for being sweet, for being sexy. for being shitfaced.
if she'd been anyone else, he would've gladly abandoned his already-questionable morals. but she wasn't; she was elena. and for that alone he could hate her.
he found himself ridiculously glad when he came out of the bathroom, showered and clean and entirely dissatisfied, to find the bed empty. her scent lingered, which was seriously annoying, but at least he didn't have to look at her. it made his fingers itch, made them want to move independently of his brain and touch and torture and take.
all of which he could've done in those early hours of the morning. none of which he had.
he hoped, fiercely, that she was enduring the world's worst hangover. after her fourth drink he'd started fixing them for her, and had been as free with soda as she'd been with liquor. by the time she was on her sixth, she was oblivious to the fact that she was drinking a "cocktail" that amounted to 95% coke, 4% ice, 1% vodka. she was a light-weight, and having allowed her to consume the first four drinks had been a mistake of monumental proportions.
she'd run the emotional gamut in the course of maybe three hours. first she was simply relaxed, leaning comfortably against his shoulder as they watched monsters, inc., on pay-per-view (her choice, although he'd only put up a token protest. the little girl was fucking cute, okay?). by the end of the movie she was getting restless, roaming the room on unsteady legs - at one point she walked straight into an ottoman, tumbling over the side of the couch and viciously scraping up the fine line of her collar bone in the process. he'd burst out laughing; she'd burst into tears.
she'd recovered quickly and gallantly told the couch it was okay, she knew it hadn't meant to trip her. then she informed damon that as a kid, she'd taken ballet lessons. she performed a few wobbly pirouettes and it was only his lightning reflexes that saved her from a nasty fall that would've likely ended with a hospital visit - he'd caught her seconds before her head crashed against the vicious corner of the glass coffee table.
she cried for the second time, apologizing profusely for her clumsiness, telling him she'd never been a good ballerina and she'd certainly never star in swan lake which just wasn't fair, the costumes were so lovely and wouldn't she be suited to a career in the spotlight?
he'd humored her, of course. really, she'd been pretty adorable, all drunk and sloppy with those big bedroom eyes and a cute little hiccup.
but at some point she came to the realization that they had access to a hot tub. and that's when things got dicey.
she headed directly for the tub and would've smacked right into the sliding glass door leading to the terrace if he hadn't reached it ahead of her. she'd flashed him a smile, thanked him profusely, then grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the bubbling water. the night air was fragrant with the first scents of summer, and little fairy lights twined the balcony rails, making the setting devastatingly enchanted, devastatingly romantic.
with the carefree glee of a child, she'd shed her tank and boxers, tossed them onto the pavement, and climbed into the water with a laugh and a splash.
damon's jaw nearly broke with the force of his clenched teeth. really, a mostly-naked elena was too much to endure. he wasn't a fucking saint, and despite her repeated invitations, he refused to join her in the tub. a man could only take so much.
his refusal prompted another mood swing; she was angry and petulant, demanding to know why she wasn't good enough. would he rather, she asked, bitingly, have the company of rebekah? was she not hot enough for him?
exasperated, he'd raked restless hands through his hair and scowled at her.
"you're plenty hot, elena. but i'm tired. let's go to bed."
a poor choice of words, he'd realized instantly. because her pouty expression turned mischievous and she'd sent him a slow smile of agreement, lifted a regal hand toward him so he could help her from the tub. not wanting to see her do a face plant, he'd taken her hand and carefully steadied her, trying hard to keep his eyes on hers. she hadn't gone to bed in a bra, a fact that was painfully evident. but before he'd been able to force her back into her shirt, she was plastered against him, bare breasts soft against his chest, hot little body wriggling, hotter mouth fused to his in a wet tangle of tongues.
he was only human. well, man, anyway. his brain shut off and he kissed her back, lost himself in her for who knows how long - he wasn't exactly keeping time. but then her hand was slipping between them and moving south, fast, and he'd forced himself to step back, catching her wrist in an iron grip.
"not a good idea, elena," he'd managed through gritted teeth.
"a bad one, then," she'd answered.
"listen to me, elena." he'd jerked her toward him and looked at her, into her, with his eyes blazing. "we're gonna finish this. whatever the hell this is. but when we do, you're going to remember every. single. detail."
even her alcohol-soaked brain registered the threat in his words and her eyes grew wide, a little scared, a lot excited. he let out an imaginative string of curses, yanked the wrist still caught in his hand and drew her inside again.
"get in bed," he'd instructed, his tone clipped, his nerves frayed. "i'm gonna get you a towel. then we're going to sleep."
she'd obeyed a little too easily, and it was as he was walking back out of the bathroom that he caught sight of something flying across the room and landing with a wet 'plop' on the lamppost.
he'd closed his eyes, but the image of her dripping panties was already seared onto his lids.
"come on, damon. i wanna know what all the fuss is about."
amused in spite of himself, he'd quirked a brow. "so there's fuss, huh?"
"mmhmm," she'd answered, licking her lips and making his already rock hard cock throb. she was lying on top of the covers on her stomach, chin propped on her fists, totally naked, totally delicious.
his fists clenched involuntarily at his sides. which reminded him that in one hand he gripped a towel, which he threw across the room almost desperately in an effort to cover her up.
somehow, the drape of the snowy towel over her golden skin made him even hotter - something he hadn't thought possible.
"dry off," he'd instructed her in a clipped voice, then turned on his heel for the bathroom.
"where are you going?"
"to take a fucking shower," he'd snapped, not bothering to look back.
"but - "
"shut up, elena."
"i thought you wanted me," she'd murmured, and her tone was so sad, so genuinely hurt, that he had to turn back. her eyes were damp with tears and he saw that she'd wrapped the towel around her and was starting to shiver.
with slow, movements, he'd retrieved another towel and went to sit beside her on the bed, aware that proximity was a terrible idea, equally aware that he couldn't walk away.
"i do," he told her, running the towel over her hair, brushing her chin with his fingers and angling her face toward him. she suddenly looked so young, so vulnerable, and his heart, already so full of love for her, seemed to throb in his chest. "i do, elena. but not like this."
"how, then?" she stared up at him trustingly, her bottom lip quivering, just a little.
"i don't know, yet. but when i do, believe me, i'll tell you."
she yawned and allowed him to tuck her under the covers, but when he started to pull away she reached for him.
"don't go," she whispered, and it was more than a request - it was a plea. "i don't want to be alone, damon."
"okay," he'd answered automatically, even though his body was desperate for a cold shower or hot release. firmly pushing aside his libido, he'd slipped an arm around her shoulders, although he didn't trust himself to climb under the covers with her. she'd laid her head on his chest and gave a little sigh of pleasure.
"you feel good," she told him.
"you do, too."
"i want to feel all of you," she murmured sleepily.
"go to sleep, sweetheart."
"you'll stay? you won't go?"
"i'm not going anywhere, elena. i'm not gonna leave you."
"they do, though. people leave. mom and dad and jenna. stefan..." 
he felt something hot on his skin and knew it was her tears.
"i'm not people. i'm me."
"you're damon."
"i'm damon," he said, smiling to himself.
"he's good, you know."
damon remained silent, but she went on anyway.
"stefan. he's good. he left, but he's good. he came back... and he loves me. he still does... he loves me..." she trailed off, her words slurred.
it wasn't until her breathing steadied, until sleep claimed her, that damon spoke again.
"but who do you love, elena?"
the question hung like a storm cloud over the two of them. and it was a long time before he joined her in sleep.
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