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I feel confident enough to post these now. A collection of all the existing posters after some edits from the other post that got 13k notes! These are full size/quality. Go nuts.
You may use them for wallpapers, tabletop campaigns, whatever. Consider tipping me or buying a print or sticker on ko-fi here! If you do use them, let me know what for, or send pictures!
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Cole has always loved flowers. He thinks it started when he was young, when his mother was alive. Since far before Cole's birth, Lily had kept a cute, small garden full of beautiful roses, tulips, etc. Her favorite, though, has always been lilies.
Lily had always made an effort to make sure her Lily garden was always pristine and watered, always taken care of. So, when she became sick, she gave the job to Cole.
Cole started to associate caring for flowers as one of the last few things his mother asked him to do. He always has a garden wherever he lives now; the bounty, the apartment, the monastery. All of them had a little garden for Cole.
Every time someone "dies," he adds a new type of flower to his garden. When Zane died, it was irises, etc. etc.
When he became a ghost, he could no longer water his plants. He feared the water. So, he had thought that his garden would wither away.
He didn't suspect, however, that his friends, his family would take it upon themselves to keep his garden alive. He knows that no matter what happens to him, they'll keep his garden. He wonders what flower they'll plant for him when it's his turn.
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1. Piñata at lunch break
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look at these glucose molecules, they're holding hands 😭
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Tare Zameen Pe and 3 Idiots always make me cry everytime I watch them 😭😭
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Unraveling the Wonders of the Neuron and Brain (Part 1)
Hey there, Tumblr fam! Today, let's dive deep into the intricate world of neurons and the brain. 🧠✨
Anatomy of a Neuron
Neurons are the building blocks of the nervous system, responsible for transmitting information throughout your body. They have a unique structure, consisting of three main parts:
Cell Body (Soma): This is like the neuron's control center. It contains the nucleus, which houses the cell's DNA and controls its activities.
Dendrites: These branch-like extensions protruding from the cell body are the neuron's antennae. They receive signals from other neurons or sensory receptors, transmitting these signals to the cell body.
Axon: Think of the axon as the neuron's transmission line. It's a long, slender, cable-like structure that carries signals away from the cell body, toward other neurons or target cells.
At the end of the axon, you'll find axon terminals, where neurotransmitters are released to communicate with the next neuron or target cell.
Physiology of a Neuron
Neurons are all about transmitting information through electrical impulses and chemical signals. Here's a quick rundown:
Resting Membrane Potential: Neurons have a resting state where the inside is negatively charged compared to the outside due to the uneven distribution of ions (like sodium and potassium) across the cell membrane. This creates a potential difference called the resting membrane potential.
Action Potential: When a neuron receives a strong enough signal (usually from dendrites), it can generate an action potential—a rapid change in membrane potential. This electrical signal travels down the axon like a wave.
Synaptic Transmission: When the action potential reaches the axon terminals, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synapse, the tiny gap between neurons. These chemicals bind to receptors on the next neuron, initiating a new electrical signal.
The Marvelous Brain
Now, let's shift our focus to the brain—the command center of your entire nervous system. 🌟
Your brain consists of various regions, each with specific functions. Here are a few key areas:
Cerebrum: This is the largest part and is divided into two hemispheres, each responsible for various cognitive functions like thinking, memory, and sensory perception.
Cerebellum: Located at the back of your brain, it plays a crucial role in balance, coordination, and fine motor skills.
Brainstem: Situated at the base of the brain, it controls basic life-sustaining functions like breathing and heart rate.
Hippocampus: Essential for memory formation and storage.
Amygdala: Involved in processing emotions and emotional memories.
And there's so much more to explore!
Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A. (2016). "Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain." Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Purves, D., et al. (2017). "Neuroscience." Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Kandel, E. R., Schwartz, J. H., & Jessell, T. M. (2012). "Principles of Neural Science." McGraw-Hill Education.
These references will provide you with in-depth insights into the fascinating world of neurons and the brain. Remember, your brain is a universe waiting to be explored! 🌌💡🔬
Stay curious, Tumblr pals! 😊🧠
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scrunchie photo source
concept art!punkflower moment where miles gives hobie one of these since he doesn't have hair long enough for it, and hobie wears it until the threads fray beyond repair
in his hair, on his wrist. one bored day he tried to see if he could turn it into a choker then quickly aborted the mission when he came too close to ripping it. he keeps it on him so much that ppl start nicknaming him sunflower
which is all fun and games until miles is the one jokingly calling him sunflower one day and hobie.exe promptly crashes
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advice for first year uni students from a uni senior
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the roommate(s) will always be more important than the room
+ for roommates, SET. CLEANING. EXPECTATIONS. EARLY. don't wait until you're uncomfortable with how much mess is in the kitchen for you to start thinking if you should bring it up or not. set standards and make them clear.
put your key on a lanyard and hang it from your doorknob when you’re at home so you don’t forget it on the way out
if your dorm has a shared laundry room, set your timer for when your laundry finishes ~5 mins early to give you time to walk from your room to the laundry - especially during weekends/evenings/finals people wont have the patience to wait for you - even if your load just finished
DONT BUY ANY TEXTBOOKS/MATERIALS UNTIL THE FIRST WEEK/CLASSES ARE OVER. sometimes you’ll have early access to the booklist or syllabus and go ahead and start buying textbooks, but increasingly often you’ll buy the materials and show up to class just to find your prof has uploaded scanned copies of everything. *save your money*, wait!
BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS - look at your class schedule and walk around campus to find each classroom. you will probably get lost on day 1 and so will many other students so this will save you a lot of walking around bumping into other lost first years
trust me after a few weeks you won’t be waking up for that 8am class. i know you did it 5 days a week in high school, but there’s a reason uni students are allergic to morning classes. know your natural energy/attention levels and take advantage of the freedom to build your schedule around your energy fluctuations
compress/stack your class schedule as much as possible. if you absolutely do need breaks, make them at least 1.5-2 hours long or you probably wont get anything productive done and minimize these long breaks as much as you can so you can just get your day over with sooner
work smarter, not harder - when school starts note each course’s assessment type by quizzes/finals/essays. if i ever have a course thats just essays, i only do lecture notes + write my own annotations about readings rather than taking notes on them which saves time i can dedicate to textbook notetaking for courses with frequent quizzes + finals
if your school has benefits/discounts/insurance - know what it is and USE IT.
most clubs wont be like high school where there are regular meetings you attend. unless youre in the exec team the membership fee you pay/when you sign up for membership it’s just for access to their events when they happen. if you want to be involved in a club in a way thats as involved as high school, look at their social media pages for hiring.
+ as someone who has had to hire before - if you’re nervous, literally just do it. i was in an exec position for our student union services and once only had like 3 applicants to pick from
if you want to be noticed by a professor, sit in the front row. and always answer/ask questions - it doesn’t matter if you said anything of substance or not, they will remember that you contributed
that and also always make the point to say hello and goodbye! eventually (in my experience) if you come early enough and are just waiting for class to start, a conversation will happen - make these regular enough and you could have an important connection!
disclaimer: of course, not all of this might be something that resonates with you/possible for your course or school, so in the words of my cousin - take what resonates
+ anyone else is free to add on!!
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fucked up how colors look different depending on what screen you’re looking at them on. that should be illegal I think
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My fricking physics and ib maths and second spanish teachers.
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i find it so unfair that i cant do all the science. like what do you MEAN I can't study bio and chem and biochem and atrophysics and physics and geology and climate science. what do you MEAN i have a limited lifespan and need to get out of school at some point to get a job. i want to collect the science fields like pokemon, this isn't fair
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only one of them has a nobel prize in physics
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We are the ONLY country to do this to our citizens. America will legislate tax policies to create a trillionaire and 100% make sure no one gets socialized medical care by politicians who get socialized medical care.
It's beyond fcuked up.
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