#elias woodstone
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hettywoodstonenumber1fan · 13 hours ago
Hetty's power reveal better have something to do with her beating the crap out of Elias like he made her life miserable and now he's coming after the family she's been able to carve out for herself in death if anyone deserves the satisfaction of putting that rat in his place it's her
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mooncalf87 · 4 months ago
Alright I would like to touch on the topic that is Elias and Hetty just having an actual mummy laying around.
This is completely historically accurate, no joke.
The upper class of the gilded age ate mummy's as a delicacy, and they were also prescribed as medicine. They only really stopped eating them when the supply of mummies got so low that they just. Couldn't. Anymore. That's part of the reason why mummys are such a big thing now, because there arnt many left. BECAUSE THE VICTORIANS FUCKING ATE THEM ALL.
I go deeper into the topic under the cut if ur interested
People eating acient Egyptian mummy's started as far back as 12th century Europe. It was believed that they had properties that could cure ailments, from commen stuff like headaches all the way up to the fucking plauge.
At medicine and apothecary shops, ground up mummy's were sold for five hundred years. It wasn't just with mummy's either, people believed things like if you drank healthy blood you would be cured of blood diseases. Hence- eat a ground up mummy's skull and boom no more headaches.
Human fat was made into candles, bones were mixed with molasses, I could go on. The last recorded medical prescription for cannibalism was in 1908, just shy of being only 120 years ago.
Organs stolen from victims of Chinese prisons, body snatching taking its crave on 19 century America and Europe, mummys being stolen out of their resting places in Egypt- these are just a few examples but I could go on and on.
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theydreamtheydream · 2 months ago
You know what fuck Ghosts for making Hetty forgive Elias - I understand what Alberta said about happiness and the weight being taken off of her but he doesn’t deserve 1 minute of fucking peace or forgiveness from the wife he ABUSED
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ghostsshitpost · 4 months ago
Hetty’s Ghost Power
Ok so I’ve been thinking a lot (dangerous I know) abut Hetty’s ghost power and, please correct me if I’m wrong but, have we ever seen someone walk through her?
I honestly can’t think of a single time that’s happened and she’s always hyper aware of where people are and is the one that pulls ghost away from people paths.
It would be super interesting if her power is like Issac, Flower, and Elias and she never discovered it because she didn’t want to get walked through.
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emmi-kat · 4 months ago
Suuuuuper messed up that Hetty's husband and then, over a hundred years later, her boy-toy were both assumed to have run off and started new lives when in reality they died within yards (probably) of each other and within yards of where she died, too.
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radioactivecowgirl · 2 years ago
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sorry guys i just now got furlough from hell:/
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tabbyofwisdom · 9 days ago
Realizing that if Hetty's Irish, that means Elias is Irish as well(since they're, y'know, cousins). Please someone tell him he's Irish when he comes back. I want to see his face.
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h-monayy · 4 months ago
Just saw a youtube shorts comment saying that Elias took Hetty’s last name bc in the flashback her father still calls her Henrietta Woodstone before shes married . Ill be thinking about this and just wanted to put that out here for everyone else
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xxbrightshadowxx · 7 months ago
CBS Ghosts Hotel Au
Here’s a synopsis of an au I’ve had for Ghosts for quite a while:
Samantha Woodstone, determined to get her bed and breakfast on the map, agrees to host a big event which the hosts will play handsomely. Problem? She has two weeks to prepare and needs a new head chief. She soon meets the perfect candidate, Jay Arondekar, an excellent chief however how long will it take before her boss and employee relationship take a turn?
Meanwhile, checking into the bed and breakfast is newly divorced dad Pete Martino and his daughter Laura, wanting to spend time with her before she moved off for college. His daughter, however worried that her dad may never find love again after her mom. Fortunately, the odds turn into her favor as her father pines over entertainer/singer, Alberta Hayes. A woman with a determination to get out of a contract with her manger/cheating bootlegger boyfriend and away from her creepy stalker.
Elsewhere, Issac Higgintoot tries to become co-manger at the hotel, however Nigel Chessum, an old British rival from his years in law school. As their friendly rivalry continues as they fight for the job, Isaac makes a discovery about himself he wasn’t prepared for. The question reminds, will Nigel feel the same?
Native American, Sasappis, is determined to get the spotlight as head performer at the BNB. To get an okay from Sam, he must perform a groundbreaking story, requiring him to find a muse. As the week progresses, he reunites with an old childhood friend and crush of his, Shiki, he believes he finds his muse. Unfortunately, he meets Jessica, one of the two new interns. He soon finds himself in one of his favorite tropes of all, the love triangle.
Looking to reconnect with his son, Thor agrees to a job as security guard at the BNB. As he sees his son again and his grandchildren, Thor struggles to overcome his prejudice beliefs to be a part of his son’s life again. Fortunately for him, he meets former cult member and hippie, Susan ‘Flower’ Montero. As he spends more time with her, determined to let go of his hot-headed behavior, he soon realizes his feelings for her go far beyond platonical.
Finally, the host of the event Elias and Hetty Wood along with their son Thomas, stay at the hotel for Elias and Hetty to renew their vows. Hetty just can’t wait for this to be over, tired of her stale marriage. However, she meets young, finance bro, Trevor Leftkowitz. The young man, desperate to get teenage girl, Stephine to stop hitting on him, he and Hetty set up a strangers with benefits situation. As time past though and the ceremony comes up, Hetty wonders if staying married to Elias is truly worth it.
Unbeknownst to the majority, an evil scheme created by Elias lurks around. A plan made to steal ownership of the BNB and ruin Sam’s life.
Through friendship, change, and love, these strangers’ lives all intertwined in the span of just two weeks. The only question left is, will love triumph or will they be left miserable?
I may or may not write a fic of this. I don’t know yet.
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the-lemonisinplay · 3 months ago
If I had a nickel for every time there was a manipulative bastard named elias who refuses to change and beguiles anyone and everyone then I'd have 3 nickels, which isnt a lot but it's weird that it happened thrice.
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hettywoodstonenumber1fan · 1 month ago
Hetty power reveal, Elias returning, possible discovery of Hetty being Irish
Us Hetty girlies (gender neutral) are being taken care of
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howfrightening · 7 months ago
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CBS Ghosts + Tweets/Textposts
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frankidacre · 4 months ago
Did a double binge of WWDITS and CBS Ghosts and I’m compelled to say that Laszlo’s dad and Elias Woodstone would get along disturbingly well 💀
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jessconsumesmedia · 24 days ago
Did you think having Hetty forgive Elias was a good move? It feels like this show forgets that Elias straight up abused her for years and it just doesn't sit right that all her friends pressured her into forgiving the man who made her life a waking nightmare
First off thank you I have so many thoughts on this specific instance lol. (Also I am so sorry this was meant to be short but then it turned into a large character analysis thing)
First there is a Network Television side that I can believe - While ghosts can and has hit really depressing beats and manages to tug at your heartstrings, it is at its core a comedy show. There are things that it is hard to make comedy around (abuse being one) I am sure there are ways to do it that are not only respectful but also actually funny, they could have just decided suggesting past pain over blatantly stating it would work better for the episode. It could also be something that might come up later we kinda don’t really know. I am hoping they go more into Hetty and Elias’ relationship in the next episode that he shows up in. I believe they have the ability to hit it on the money but I am not even a writer so again what do I know about writing a comedy? All of this is just assumption based off plausible network television dynamic lol so grain of salt.
Character reasons - I also believe that there are multiple incredibly nuanced reasons that the other ghosts could have wanted to push Hetty towards forgiveness. They all have very interesting motives in that episode and I am always going to go way overboard on analyzing.
Pete - Of course his immediate reason would be the fact that he doesn't want to go to hell. Which is fair but it also leads to him pushing for Hetty to forgive Elias which is generally bleh. I could see, coming from the fact that as one of the younger ghosts he didn't observe that abuse from Elias, he just didn't think about it. That fear clouded the part of his brain that cares about his friends and it turned into a do or die situation. He is only thinking about himself in that moment and yea it isn't the sweet little Pete we like to think of but it definitely makes his character rounder and more layered.
Alberta - She is also coming from a place where she didn't actually See how terrible Elias was in life. She is also used to backstabbing personalities from back when she was alive so her bringing up that the men who suck just don't care. She is on Hetty's side by helping her forgive, because genuinely she believes it would be good for Hetty. And the act of not letting it simmer because it effects her more than him is undeniably true. She is the one who cares and either way Elias gets something out of the deal so in the long run it probably was the better option just for Pete's sake(funny haha) I don't believe it is meant to completely diminish what Hetty went through with Elias, it was just meant to be a way for her to lose some of that weight off of her shoulders.
It also leaves open the fact that Hetty is essentially forgiving Elias for things that she probably hasn't even unpacked. Up until fairly recently she didn't even know women could orgasm! She has and is still learning a lot about equality and how that goes along with her past. Which leaves opportunity for the next Elias episode honestly. If they go down the route of digging into their past a little more it would be really interesting to see more of the actual dynamic.
I don't know a possible motive for people like Thor and Issac to be honest. But they also aren't actively pushing like Alberta and Pete, so they might just not want to be apart of the kerfuffle or maybe even it's an instance of them knowing things that they have decided to keep a secret. Issac does make sure that the whole contract is looked over just incase which shows he cares enough to make sure (and knows Elias is a piece of shit and probably is ready to cause trouble)
There are so many possible explanations and I am speaking from a hyper analytical perspective lol! But I hope that explains my thoughts on that sitch. I really hope that they revisit some of Hetty's past and her traumas.
-Jess o_O
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ghostsshitpost · 4 months ago
Saw this posted on Matt Walsh’s insta today and I NEED an interaction/altercation between Trevor and Elias. We were ROBBED last time
Picture it!
-Trevor defending Hetty, maybe even punching Elias
-Elias mentioning Trevor’s lack of pants and Hetty defending him
-Elias calling Trevor Hettys boy toy
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moosemook · 2 months ago
Guys I'm rewatching some episodes of Ghosts and like idk if I'm grabbing at straws here but in s2e17 weekend from hell when Elias tries to give Hetty the contract and Isaac grabs it?? Do yall think he took it because he knew Hetty never learned to read? He's trying to protect her:')
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