#elias swan
Elias' River-Blood
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(sounds of whooping and cheering and excited hand slapping) So! Preemptively I will warn that this has spoilers for The Swan Bride ES! Also it gets put under a cut cause it's gonna be Long! I'm gonna sort this into 3 sections: How it Happened, How it's Maintained, and How it Affects Them!
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How it Happened:
In the ES you help out the Swan Bride, and discover how and why she is what she is. You learn she was married to a second city Priestess in a poisoned pool in the Sere Palace, and bound to her and the rivers of the canals forever. There you have the option to allow the Bride her marriage to the Priestess, and to make the same sort of bargain the previous Gonfalonier made, and allow the Priestess to open your veins, and let the waters of the river Persephone flow through you. Your character dies and ends up going to a poison river instead of the slow river, and this is where the process happens, and you end up with the water (and specifically also the poison) of the Persephone running through your blood!! This also makes it much easier for you to win the race against the old Gonfalonier. I think it's implied that the reason the PC isn't bound to the canals like the Bride was is because the Priestess has the Bride now and is happy and content with that but... i like my blorbos possessive and this includes rivers, so. Also some parts of this ES were a touch confusing and hard to understand and I apparently didn't record all of it in my echos sadly!!!!
There's also parts where you can discover some of the lore and traditions of the Locks and it talks about guild members getting symbolically married to the waters!
(Okay so. this is the start of my oc specific speculation, meaning any of this can shift or change as I develop and thing of things further!)
How I interpret this for Elias is that they now are tied and married to the River Persephone itself, and with her waters flowing through them, they are bound to her. Not as strongly as the Bride, who was unable to leave, because i think the River knows Elias can't be contained and restrained, but it is more than nothing.
They were good at the Viol beforehand, but the Bride taught them much about it, and now it's one of their favorite forms of music.
Additionally, Elias was not nearly so KatTox focused before this. They had their work with the camera and developing chemicals on the Surface, but not much of the intimate knowledge. After I have them sort of taking her place a bit though, they have much more knowledge then before. This is when they went from esoteric ideas about the Neathbow, to actually studying its chemical properties and compositions, and becoming a pigment and dye-chemist! Before this they would mostly do field research, but had very little idea on what to actually do with that knowledge! This is when Elias got their dyes started!
How it's Maintained: Elias pretty much always feels the pull of the river, but it's akin to gravity. Most days they're pretty used to it, but some days it gets heavy and strong, and can't be ignored. The further they get, and the longer it's been since a visit, the stronger the pulls becomes, and the worse their symptoms can become (which i'll cover below). Elias must actually be upon the river for the pulling and tugging and Symptoms to subside, so just hangin' around the Locks without actually saying hello to their lovely spouse isn't going to work! They'll also often just. put their hands. in the poison waters. I think the river itself is already a bit thicker than normal water, probably being water, blood, and poison in equal measure. So most people would Not put their hands in that, especially because not wanting to risk the poison hurting them! (but also a little bit because of the whole blood thing.) Elias does this anyways because the poison doesn't affect them in the same way, because it's good bonding time with their spouse, they're a bit of a blood freak, and also they can do Fun Spooky Shit!
How it Affects them: okay fun stuff time!
So! Notably, Elias' blood is thinner than it should be! It is, in fact, nearly the same consistency as the River herself, because, well, it is! Just with a bit more blood in the ratio. About 50% blood, 25% water and 25% poison.
Having thin, watered down blood causes many issues! Notably:
Their blood does not clot easily, and when they're cut they bleed profusely and quickly. A lot of the time when Elias' wounds are high it's because they got injured and ended up very nearly bleeding out. They also lose... more blood than expected. If they were meant to have about 14 pints of blood normally, they can bleed out about 20 pints. This doesn't mean they *have* those 20 pints, moreso that the river is bleeding out a bit as well, and they are an open wound in the river.
Elias gets cold very easily, and their base body temperature already sits a little too cold for a human anyways. Luckily, moving water doesn't freeze as easily as still water, but the cold (and discordance) is still dangerous for them.
They're very nosebleed prone. If their emotions get a bit too intense (which is a common occurrence) then they can quickly end up with a very very long nosebleed. 50% luck check on if one happens or not. Usually they last an hour, and leave Elias completely wiped out afterwards. They work very hard to keep their emotions stable.
Elias also deals with anemia. Simply put, there is not enough blood in their blood! This means that while they have *fantastic* circulation, they still deal with cold limbs, light-headedness, and tire-ing very easily.
They also bruise very easily, and they'll take longer to heal
artery blood
There's also a few other quirks
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Based on text mentioning the poisoned areas having 'brackish' water, this would lead to their blood being more alkaline than usual. More along the basic, higher end side of the PH scale, like baking soda, seawater, or bleach. The Swan Bride's dress trails through waters as a few points, and hisses and burns away, so! their blood is also lightly caustic (again, like bleach).
Elias' blood is also Incredbly Poisonous (which. i feel like should come up more frequently in game than it actually does, which is to say: this item has no recorded uses ;-;). There's multiple lethal toxins in the water! However, since Elias is diluted river, i think that (unless you're like. straight up drinking their blood) there's only three or four that you'd have to actually worry about, since you wouldn't be able to get a lethal dose of the other eight or nine (or so). Still, it's still likely to kill you if it gets In You, whether entering through a cut, liking a knife, or Elias making Decisions. (I have this idea of them using their blood's lethality on purpose against someone).
Elias also metabolizes toxins incredibly well! What toxins enter their bloodstream, their body takes them and stores them, and keeps them, similar to how caterpillars will consume toxic plants, and become poisonous moths! In order to properly poison them, you'd need to have something their blood cannot store, cannot keep around, or something that skips the bloodstream entirely and targets something else, like, for example, their brain and nerves. This is hard to do though, because this means the poison won't be able to travel well, so it would need multiple applications in different spots. After that though, it'll be easier to target their heart, and from there have something enter their bloodstream.
So what does all of that mean? Well. Thick leather gloves are a great idea around Elias. Unless you're part (or all) Curator, or have some Incredibly High KatTox, you're not going to be able to handle their blood. (please imagine how terrifying it is for Elias to watch someone lick their blood... and then nothing happens. horrifying!!!)
The flow of their blood is tied to the flow of the river, and vice versa. When the river is swollen and rushing, they are fast and full and energetic, and bleeding is much more likely, and much more risky for them. When it is cold, and slow moving, they become lethargic. Crashes in the water and major backups become migraines, busy days have them feeling touch and pressure, which can be either reassuring or annoying. Their mood, in turn, reflects on the water. Anxiety and worry turn into spiraling eddies, anger of frustration or, most dangerous of all, fear, turn into rushing rapids that threaten to capsize boats and flood the locks, but a happy day will have a swift and steady river, cooperative in what needs done.
Yes, this means if you Fuck Up in Elias' river, they can feel it. They have a reputation at the Guild for showing up any and every time there is an accident. The Guild doesn't know Elias is part river, though they do know about them being married (only the superstitious realize it's more than ceremony), and they are aware that Elias' working garb bears striking resemblance to the former gowns and mask of the Swan Bride. No one knows how they're able to navigate while wearing a dress and veil with a massive train that drags in the water.
Elias cannot donate blood, but receiving blood is a bit easier, though not without risk. Donating blood, even to someone with high KatTox, is a challenge, with myriad side effects. First, there is the longing. That gravitational pull, heavy as Earth, injected into someone used to no pull at all. It's easier on Zailors though, for they are used to the pull of the Zee. An intense desire to return to the Persephone, and fling oneself into her currents to float happily. After that, however, is the Persephone recognizing where she is, what strange canals she's in now. You'd better hope she likes you. If not, she'll simply escape the confines, and probably take most of your blood with her. If you've survived all this though, you'll still end up highly sick. Human veins are not meant for corrosive poison, and without the proper death and death rites, your body won't be able to adjust itself or become accustomed to it. Getting blood into them is easier, but Elias does not tolerate the composition well, it diminishes who and what they are, and will put their body in shock. in a pinch though, it can be done, provided you can treat the shock and help them feel like themself again. The best way to give Elias a blood transfusion would be to take the back to the River where they can slowly heal, or, if it needs to be done quicker, to inject the river-water into them directly.
Elias does get some fun and nifty stuff out of it though! Mainly, their communication with, control of, and strength on the water.
Well, less control in the traditional sense.
When Elias opened their veins to her, it was not just a bargain. It was marriage, a bond, and a conversation. They shared their circulatory system with her, and the organ that is in charge of all of that: their heart. They have dedication to her, and devotion for her, and that deep bond. It's not romantic love, but it is love, and a promise. They love her, and care for her.
She asks they return to her once a month, and they do so willingly. Even when they are unhappy, they will return to her, for she cannot come to viisit them. They carry her happily in their blood. If Elias is unable to visit her for whatever reason however, their anemia symptoms with gradually worsen, and their strength will diminish. It is as if their lifeforce slowly leaves them. It is not out of malice that this is done however, it is simply that the bond needs to be renewed, vows upheld. She permits them as much freedom as they have, for she knows they cannot be contained, and it would sadden them to be so far from others. So they must visit her.
Often though, Elias will visit more than once a month anyways, because they adore her so. Thus, with this bond they share, and the part of their heart she occupies, the Persephone grants them something extra.
The previous Gonfalonier had the river in his veins, yes, but he did not give of his blood back. He did not want to risk a binding, and thus he had limited abilities with the River. He could navigate more easily than anyone else, and already he had great skill, and though he control and bend the waters to his will, and she was not happy, and his success was extremely limited.
With Elias and their heart, they can communicate with her. Navigation traditionally requires an oar, however... Elias can merely touch their hand to the water, and she will know their desires. They can ask her to swell, to slow, to speed them along, whatever their heart desires. When they do this though, if they attempt anything of intensity, it does cause their own blood to run in turn. Usually a nosebleed will come first, then it trickles from their mouth and tear ducts. It doesn't hurt, but it can exhaust them if they push themself too far. On the river herself though, Elias tends to feel more alive, and less lethargic. Their aches do not touch them as much here. Unfortunately, Elias will often overwork themself because of this, so excited to do things that they forget their disabilities are still there.
Elias also still doesn't know how to swim, and while they're great at navigating their gondola... this does not apply out at Zee. They can't feel the Zee, nor do they know how to communicate with it, and they're bad at navigating using a steering wheel instead of an oar.
Overall though, they take the good with the bad, and love her regardless. She provides them freedom, a way to navigate the waters and the Upper River, where they alone are in control of themself.
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martelldragon · 6 months
reblog with the characters you wish you could’ve protected from all the things they went through i’ll start
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rippedpatches · 4 months
my sister got the twilight vinyls dhmu im crying and staring out of my window listening to possibility for months on end like bella’s depression
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allimili · 2 months
Wrong Time.
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"I think we would've been together in a different time.."
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nerice · 1 year
genuinely insane abt the night vale khoshekh episodes :^)
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hakuryuu · 2 years
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black swan content
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gay-otlc · 2 years
Okay so like. kotlc/magnus archives au
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bramblepurr · 1 year
also update on my dnd campaign. our poor dm poorly underestimated a group of five giant toads. bramble n another member got fuckin DIGESTED. bramble’s okay lucius brought him back but uh he’s got extra symptoms now n has craaaazy paranoia. breaking his carefully crafted walls that expose his symptoms to the world. other member got melted and we now have to find a way to get him back fucking rip finnian god bless
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pupsmailbox · 5 months
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NEUTRAL LEANING MASC NAMES ⌇ abner.  abram.  adam.  adrian.  alex.  alistair.  andreas.  ariel.  arlen.  arley.  arlo.  ash.  atlas.  auden.  august.  austin.  avery.  bailey.  baron.  barrett.  baylor.  beauden.  bee.  bellamy.  bennett.  blair.  blaise.  bowen.  brayden.  brendan.  bronson.  bryce.  byron.  caius.  caleb.  callahan.  callan.  calloway.  callum.  camden.  cameron.  carlin.  carson.  casey.  cassian.  chandler.  chase.  cody.  cole.  connolly.  corban.  corwin.  cyrus.  dallas.  damion.  damon.  daniel.  darius.  davis.  dawson.  daylon.  denver.  desmond.  devin.  doran.  dorian.  drew.  elian.  elias.  ellery.  ellison.  emery.  ethan.  evan.  ezra.  fallen.  farren.  finley.  ford.  foster.  gabriel.  gannon.  garner.  gavin.  gentry.  graham.  greer.  griffin.  guthrie.  harley.  harlow.  hartley.  hayden.  henley.  henry.  heron.  hollis.  hunter.  ian.  irving.  isaiah.  jace.  james.  jameson.  jared.  jeremiah.  joel.  jonah.  joran.  jordan.  jory.  josiah.  jovian.  jude.  julian.  juno.  justus.  kalen.  kamden.  kay.  kayden.  keaton.  kellan.  keller.  kelly.  kendon.  kieran.  kit.  kylan.  landry.  lane.  lennon.  leslie.  levi.  leyton.  liam.  linden.  lowell.  luca.  madden.  marley.  marlow.  marshall.  martin.  mason.  mathias.  mercer.  merritt.  micah.  miles.  miller.  milo.  morgan.  morrie.  morrison.  nate.  nevin.  nick.  nicky.  nico.  nicolas.  noah.  noel.  nolan.  oren.  orion.  owen.  parker.  percy.  perrin.  peyton.  pierce.  porter.  preston.  quincy.  quinn.  reece.  reid.  reign.  rein.  remi.  remington.  renley.  riley.  river.  robin.  rollins.  ronan.  rory.  rowan.  russell.  ryan.  rylan.  sam.  samuel.  sawyer.  saylor.  seth.  shiloh.  soren.  spencer.  stellan.  sterling.  talon.  taylor.  thaddeus.  thane.  theo.  toni.  tracy.  tristan.  tyrus.  valor.  warner.  wells.  wesley.  whitten.  william.  willis.  wylie. 
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NEUTRAL LEANING FEM NAMES ⌇ abigaël.  abilene.  addison.  adrian.  ainsley.  alexis.  and.  andrea.  arden.  aria.  ashley.  aspen.  aubrey.  autumn.  avery.  avian.  ayla.  bailey.  beryl.  blair.  blaire.  blake.  briar.  brooklyn.  brooks.  bryce.  cameron.  camille.  casey.  celeste.  channing.  charlie.  chase.  collins.  cordelia.  courtney.  daisy.  dakota.  dana.  darby.  darcy.  delaney.  delilah.  devin.  dylan.  eden.  eisley.  elia.  ellerie.  ellery.  ellie.  elliot.  elliott.  ellis.  ellory.  ember.  emelin.  emerson.  emery.  evelyn.  ezra.  fallon.  finley.  fiore.  florence.  floris.  frances.  greer.  gwenaël.  hadley.  harley.  harper.  haven.  hayden.  heike.  hollis.  hunter.  ivy.  jade.  jamie.  jocelyn.  jordan.  jude.  juno.  kelly.  kelsey.  kendall.  kennedy.  koda.  kyrie.  lacey.  lane.  leighton.  lennon.  lennox.  lesley.  leslie.  lilian.  lindsay.  loden.  logan.  lou.  lyric.  madison.  mallory.  marinell.  marley.  mckenzie.  melody.  mercede.  meredith.  mio.  misha.  monroe.  montana.  morgan.  nico.  nova.  oakley.  olympia.  owen.  page.  palmer.  parker.  pat.  paulie.  perri.  petyon.  peyton.  phoenix.  piper.  priscilla.  quinn.  raven.  ray.  reagan.  reece.  reese.  remi.  remy.  riley.  rio.  river.  robin.  rory.  rosario.  rowan.  ryan.  rylie.  sacha.  sage.  sam.  sammy.  santana.  sasha.  sawyer.  saylor.  severin.  shannon.  shelby.  shiloh.  skye.  skylar.  sloane.  sol.  soleil.  sterling.  stevie.  sutton.  swan.  swann.  sydney.  tatum.  taylo.  taylor.  tracey.  valentine.  vanya.  vivendel.  vivian.  vivien.  wren.  wynn.  yael.
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meo-eiru · 1 month
Is it cheating on your girlfriend if you are obsessed with a yandere oc's from a tumblr blog?
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Elias getting the precious princess treatment he deserves we love to see it.
Elias fans are so funny to me because it’s either:
“I want to call him my beautiful swan and treat him like a fragile rose blossoming in this dark dark world, he’s my angel who can do no wrong and he owns my soul, I would go to war for him if I had to”
“What if I called him ugly and cheated on him”
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gunnrblze · 1 month
what do you think the ghosts would be like as fathers?
Ooh the Ghosties as fathers, this is a good one. Prepare for me to get maybe a little too in depth below the cut, cus this got too gahdamn long lol
Hesh- peak dad/husband material. giggling kicking his feet ‘n crying when he finds out he’s gonna be a father lol. he’d be as involved as possible and I see this being something he’s the most proud of in his life. i think a bit of cycle breaking would be going on with him as far as the way he and Logan were raised (looking at you Elias, yea🤨), he’d do things a little different but in a good way. would still model his parenting style quite a bit after Elias’ though in many ways. def a worrier too, and may be a little overbearing sometimes bc of it
Logan- similar to Hesh, he’d be an enthusiastic dad I think. would brag about his kids consistently, regardless of what they do/become. type to be like “my kid made macaroni art at school the other day, it’s the best thing I’ve ever seen” lmao. i see him also being veryyy supportive in general, like do/be whatever you want, as long as you’re a good person. would also parent similar to how he and Hesh were raised, but i almost see him being more lenient in some ways. def the kind to let his kids learn from their mistakes and learn good, though.
Elias- ofc we saw a lot of how he was as a father in the game (lots of debatable choices being made💀), but i think he honest to god, like most parents, did the best he could. doesn’t necessarily excuse certain things, and i think Hesh specifically prob has a lot of baggage from that, but he was also a good dad in many ways methinks. generally solid father material alongside the easily criticizable behavior LMAO
Merrick- first, he def gives me girl dad energy lol. but regardless, i see him being very very loving to his kid(s) actually, like “this is my heart and soul, everything is for them, I live breath and die for them” type shit. I can see him being a bit strict at times, mostly due to his protective nature. under the personality we see from him in the game, I think his kids/kids in general would probably bring out a goofier side of him too, the dad jokes would be unlocked immediately lol
Keegan- I see him being like a mix of Hesh ‘n Merrick tbh. Very very proud to be a father, like “I’d put it on my resume if I could”, and would love unconditionally. i think he’d be the type to maybe be a bit overbearing/intense at times like Hesh, mostly due to how much he cares about his kids wellbeing/success in life. also very supportive, and i could see him struggling a bit with how to juggle his fatherhood vs his career (like a lot of military parents tbh). he’d be the kinda dad that his kid(s) really respect i think
Kick- i honestly can’t see him being a father too much, i think he’d probably be the one here to not have kids. however if he were a father, he’d take it very seriously. i think he’d be the loving and goofy kind, his personality would really shine as a dad methinks. in his kids early years, I think he’d be tweaking out a lot like “what if I’m not good enough, what if something happens to them”, but as they get older i see his attitude almost changing like “oh yea, they love to swan dive off the back of the couch, we just let them” lol.
Rorke-pre fed here cause let’s be honest…🫥. i see him being a great dad, probably struggles with balancing that vs his career like Keegan might. he’d also be a bragger when he could like Logan, but in a more “yea my kid is on the honor roll…literally got all A’s, wtf can your kid do?🙄”proud type way lmfao. i see him being very dynamic as a father, a bit strict but a bit lax. sometimes he’s more present, sometimes he’s not. I think he’d value teaching and guiding his kid(s) like Elias. also a “you’ll learn your lesson” type of guy. you fuck up and complain and he’s like “hmm, tough shit, better luck next time” after he imparts his fatherly wisdom about it lol
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thinking about how elias went from learning how to take care of themself and exist as a person from the neath's servants, to becoming a paramount presence and London's Adored Regent in a few short years
#elias leroux#oc chatter#like. talk about a fucking jump in station and status holy shit elias#this is also why eluas was practically living in scandalland their first year and a half in the ndath#they were learning how to be a Fucking Person AND a Proper Member of Society at the same time and they were learning BOTH fast and dirty#when they lived with their parents they read lots of books so they had tons of technical knowledge#but they didn't have much practical knowledge until they escaped to the neath#I'm also thinking about possibly having them actually work as a servant for a little while. doing jobs that could be done in their chair#while starting on light fingers.#to be fair. probably not many jobs they could have done! i imagine helping with food prep a lot and mending clothes#how did they leave servantry? uh. combination nadir + lethean tea leaves they probably just. fucking forgot they had a job fjdbdhhd#and shortly after that they talked themself into being on the railway and made up a new identity at the house of chimes#and also going through the Genders tm so. lots of conning and scheming and elias brutally claeing their way to the top#and with the railway started The Swan Bride happened and then they rapidly gained Actual Position and Power (and money) so the climb got#easier from there. still not EASY but. easier.#and then 'winning' the Marvellous just fucking. skyrocketed them to the top. but elias started very very low and is always terrified someone#will find out and uncover their secrets and take away all elias has
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undeadenn · 2 months
The 5 seasons of TMA represent the 5 stages of grief
I realized how much the stages of grief line up with TMA, specifically Jon’s grief over the loss of his humanity.
Season one (Denial): “It feels like I’m being watched. I… I lose myself a bit. And then when I come back, it’s like… like if I admit there may be any truth to it, whatever’s watching will… know somehow.” Jon realizes something is wrong, but instead of facing it, he pretends that everything is normal. Nothing strange is going on, it’s just crazy people with crazy stories.
Season two (Anger): “I can’t forget it. Everyone in this place has so many goddamn secrets and I can’t trust a word you say. Not about this and not about Trevor!” Jon can no longer deny that something is deeply wrong with the Archives, he just doesn’t Know what. It frustrates and scares him. He then redirects his distrust and anger and confusion towards his coworkers.
Season three (Bargaining): “Okay. What do you want?” “Oh, nothing much. Just shake my hand.” Jon makes a lot of bargains in this season, all in the pursuit of knowledge about what’s happening to him. He makes a deal with Melanie to find out what’s going in the Archives. He made a deal with Jude Perry to find out where Mike Crew is. He makes a deal with Daisy to compel Elias to tell them what he knows. He convinces Julia and Trevor to let him talk to Gerry. His desperation in finding out what going on with him causes him to get into some truly dangerous situations that he wouldn’t have otherwise been in.
Season four (Depression): “You need to stop moping.” “I what?” “You need to stop swanning around acting all sad.” “I’m not-“ “Boo hoo, I’m so alone and a monster.” (This is unironically one of my favorite scenes of the whole podcast. S4 in general is my favorite season) This season is when Jon fully comprehends that he is no longer human, and let’s just say he isn’t very happy about it.
Season 5 (Acceptance): “I wish it was, Martin. I really wish it was. But it feels… right.” By S5, Jon has completely accepted the role of The Archivist. Sure, he’s far from happy about it, but he’s no longer trying to hold onto his humanity. He has let go of his grief over the loss of his humanity. Of Jonathan Sims.
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What TMA characters do you think would be as an animal? Here's a few of mine! Only just started S4 BTW so opinions may change. Also some of these I based of what the animal represents or their tendencies.
Jon - Moth vibes, dragon fly, fox, panther
Martin - maybe a fox due to appearances. Possibly Cow. Golden retriever personality S1, ooh or an Ainu maybe an artic wolf? Maybe a bear?
Tim - ferret, racoon, lizard, cool animals
Sasha - Mimic Octopus and blue jay for reasons... But yea maybe something mousey or like an owl especially for s1?
Melanie - Pygmy Goat, ram idk she just kinda guves that vibe. Like look at them and then look at her. Same thing.
Basira - crow/raven aka a corvid bcs she's smart
Daisy - wolf, Black-footed cat, other types of hunters
Elias - snake (obvi), jackal, eagle, owl, agree with the horned owl
Peter Lukas - polar bear agree with that, squid/octopus, Kelpie (not real but oh well)
Mike - birds. Idk which just birds. Preferably blue or white. Maybe the Impundulu or Alpine Chough. A goat/ram bcs thunder. Marten. Snow lepord
Michael - Adax, box jellyfish, sea slug, lilac breasted roller
Helen - butterfly, Livingstone's Cichlids, Orchid mantis
Georgie - fluffy cat! Bat, raven, Moth, black swan
Gerry - axolotl, bearded dragon, bat, again cool animals
Trevor - bear, wolf, hawk
Julia - hare, black ram, wolf
Nikola - coyote, cuttlefish, Angler Fish, vampire squid and yknow what screaching owl
Breekon & Hope - margay, rams, bulls, parrot, gorrila, tiger
Danny (Stoker) - honey badger
Any other ideas? Even if it's just one or two give it a whirl ❤️
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stepmarchen · 6 months
A Stepmother’s Marchen (as we know so far)
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An extensive summary of the 2nd timeline, part 2 (post timeskip):
The 1st Timeline, Part 1 (2nd Timeline), Part 2 (2nd Timeline)
1118: Three years pass
Emperor Maximilian meets Shuli at the Empress’ tea party
Shuli’s brother Lucas opens a secret gambling house as Sheisse at the hand of Cardinal Meisner. Elias starts gambling.
Voting for the next cardinal begins
Richelieu confronts Shuli about resurrection in the palace gardens
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Shuli’s 19th birthday takes place. Jeremy gifts Shuli a peridot necklace
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Rachel meets Ali during Shuli’s dress fitting at the Royal Palace. The dress designer tips off Shuli about the gambling house. Shuli and Theobold meet after three years.
Meisner becomes Theobold’s new teacher and they begin working together
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Theobold tricks his brother Letran into going to the gambling house. Elias loses his crossbow as collateral to Lucas at the gambling house
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National Founding Day takes place at Swan Hall. Richelieu secretly confronts Shuli and tells her to look into Swan Hall.
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Shuli, Jeremy, and Nora watch a slanderous play about herself and Jeremy at the commoner’s shopping district
Theobold learns of Lucas’ identity as Shuli’s brother
Shuli learns of the forebidden romance controversy behind Swan Hall.
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Shuli confronts Elias about his gambling habit and reveals Lucas’ identity.
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The hunting competition takes place. Ohara stresses her urge to marry Jeremy. Theobold has a necklace discreetly delivered to Shuli’s bedroom at the Neuschwanstein estate.
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Jeremy and Nora raid the gambling hall. Elias confronts Jeremy about the rumors regarding his true feelings about Shuli. Jeremy reveals the truth behind Shuli and Johannes’ wedding.
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Lucas is caught by Meisner and Theobold, and attempts to blackmail Meisner with dirt against the church. Meisner orders Lucas be killed, but Theobold attempts to save Lucas, accidentally revealing his identity.
Theobold begins heavily drinking
Richelieu orders for the death of Lucas. A holy knight tortures Lucas for information about Shuli and the church.
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Jeremy and Nora extract Elias and Letran from the gambling house but fail to arrest Lucas. They retrieve Lucas’ blackmail documents and Elias’ crossbow. Elias and Shuli reconcile.
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Richelieu reports Lucas’ death, at the fault of Meisner alone, to Theobold. Theobold reinstates Richelieu as his teacher again.
Shuli exposes the Church by spreading rumors of Lucas’ findings
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The swordsman tournament begins. Nora and Jeremy report Theobold’s involvement with the gambling house to Shuli. Jeremy and Nora confront one another’s feelings for Shuli.
The championship banquet takes place. Jeremy is offered the position as Commander of the Knights. Ohara proposes to Jeremy.
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Jeremy becomes suspicious to the night Johannes abused Shuli. He offers to return Theobold’s necklace.
Meisner is arrested
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Nora begins painting a portrait of Shuli
Jeremy confides in Nora about Shuli and his father, and Shuli and Theobold
Nora’s commoner friends meet Nora’s grandfather and father. Hans rejects Nora's friendship
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Shuli reveals the secret of her second life to Cardinal Richelieu
The church order Jeremy and Shuli to a holy trial over the rumors of incestuous relations
-updated as of 05/21/2024-
33 notes · View notes
gaslighter-of-gods · 8 months
I finally had time to listen back at episode 5 and it is love letter to 80's horror movies.
But it's not only that.
On a surfuce level it looks like the simplest story we have gotten this far but it's not.
Thematically it is the story of Pandora not being able to resist opening the box (watching the movie) even when they know it is a bad idea.
People have been saying that the movie watcher is stupid but he's not.
He doesn't have a normal fear response, he says so hismelf, at first I thought he was talking only about horror movies but I think he can't feel fear at all.
That's why it is sagnificant that he found his old blog.
He's looking fondly at a time when he could feel fear and that was something exciting.
He wants that feeling back. He's ignoring all the warning signs because he can't feel fear and gives himself excuses to go anyway.
He wants that back and tries to get that back with voyeur. It is somebody that watches but it's also somebody that can't feel something themselves and likes to watch other people feeling pleasure most of the time but not necessarily. It could be fear.
And we know from tma that Elias can make other people feel other people's fears as if it's their own.
The theatre that's meant to be closed and the popcorn is so good because it is meant to travel him back to his childhood like in proust's swan's way. (Most famously used in the movie ratatouille.)
And it is very much a mirror of the story.
Critic is bored of the thing he critics.
Man that is puppeted makes him realize that he can feel the way when he did in his childhood so he can feel the joy of horror again.
It's like proust with the madalaines and the tea.
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It's kind of genius actually if you think about it.
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