#the swan bride es
Elias' River-Blood
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(sounds of whooping and cheering and excited hand slapping) So! Preemptively I will warn that this has spoilers for The Swan Bride ES! Also it gets put under a cut cause it's gonna be Long! I'm gonna sort this into 3 sections: How it Happened, How it's Maintained, and How it Affects Them!
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How it Happened:
In the ES you help out the Swan Bride, and discover how and why she is what she is. You learn she was married to a second city Priestess in a poisoned pool in the Sere Palace, and bound to her and the rivers of the canals forever. There you have the option to allow the Bride her marriage to the Priestess, and to make the same sort of bargain the previous Gonfalonier made, and allow the Priestess to open your veins, and let the waters of the river Persephone flow through you. Your character dies and ends up going to a poison river instead of the slow river, and this is where the process happens, and you end up with the water (and specifically also the poison) of the Persephone running through your blood!! This also makes it much easier for you to win the race against the old Gonfalonier. I think it's implied that the reason the PC isn't bound to the canals like the Bride was is because the Priestess has the Bride now and is happy and content with that but... i like my blorbos possessive and this includes rivers, so. Also some parts of this ES were a touch confusing and hard to understand and I apparently didn't record all of it in my echos sadly!!!!
There's also parts where you can discover some of the lore and traditions of the Locks and it talks about guild members getting symbolically married to the waters!
(Okay so. this is the start of my oc specific speculation, meaning any of this can shift or change as I develop and thing of things further!)
How I interpret this for Elias is that they now are tied and married to the River Persephone itself, and with her waters flowing through them, they are bound to her. Not as strongly as the Bride, who was unable to leave, because i think the River knows Elias can't be contained and restrained, but it is more than nothing.
They were good at the Viol beforehand, but the Bride taught them much about it, and now it's one of their favorite forms of music.
Additionally, Elias was not nearly so KatTox focused before this. They had their work with the camera and developing chemicals on the Surface, but not much of the intimate knowledge. After I have them sort of taking her place a bit though, they have much more knowledge then before. This is when they went from esoteric ideas about the Neathbow, to actually studying its chemical properties and compositions, and becoming a pigment and dye-chemist! Before this they would mostly do field research, but had very little idea on what to actually do with that knowledge! This is when Elias got their dyes started!
How it's Maintained: Elias pretty much always feels the pull of the river, but it's akin to gravity. Most days they're pretty used to it, but some days it gets heavy and strong, and can't be ignored. The further they get, and the longer it's been since a visit, the stronger the pulls becomes, and the worse their symptoms can become (which i'll cover below). Elias must actually be upon the river for the pulling and tugging and Symptoms to subside, so just hangin' around the Locks without actually saying hello to their lovely spouse isn't going to work! They'll also often just. put their hands. in the poison waters. I think the river itself is already a bit thicker than normal water, probably being water, blood, and poison in equal measure. So most people would Not put their hands in that, especially because not wanting to risk the poison hurting them! (but also a little bit because of the whole blood thing.) Elias does this anyways because the poison doesn't affect them in the same way, because it's good bonding time with their spouse, they're a bit of a blood freak, and also they can do Fun Spooky Shit!
How it Affects them: okay fun stuff time!
So! Notably, Elias' blood is thinner than it should be! It is, in fact, nearly the same consistency as the River herself, because, well, it is! Just with a bit more blood in the ratio. About 50% blood, 25% water and 25% poison.
Having thin, watered down blood causes many issues! Notably:
Their blood does not clot easily, and when they're cut they bleed profusely and quickly. A lot of the time when Elias' wounds are high it's because they got injured and ended up very nearly bleeding out. They also lose... more blood than expected. If they were meant to have about 14 pints of blood normally, they can bleed out about 20 pints. This doesn't mean they *have* those 20 pints, moreso that the river is bleeding out a bit as well, and they are an open wound in the river.
Elias gets cold very easily, and their base body temperature already sits a little too cold for a human anyways. Luckily, moving water doesn't freeze as easily as still water, but the cold (and discordance) is still dangerous for them.
They're very nosebleed prone. If their emotions get a bit too intense (which is a common occurrence) then they can quickly end up with a very very long nosebleed. 50% luck check on if one happens or not. Usually they last an hour, and leave Elias completely wiped out afterwards. They work very hard to keep their emotions stable.
Elias also deals with anemia. Simply put, there is not enough blood in their blood! This means that while they have *fantastic* circulation, they still deal with cold limbs, light-headedness, and tire-ing very easily.
They also bruise very easily, and they'll take longer to heal
artery blood
There's also a few other quirks
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Based on text mentioning the poisoned areas having 'brackish' water, this would lead to their blood being more alkaline than usual. More along the basic, higher end side of the PH scale, like baking soda, seawater, or bleach. The Swan Bride's dress trails through waters as a few points, and hisses and burns away, so! their blood is also lightly caustic (again, like bleach).
Elias' blood is also Incredbly Poisonous (which. i feel like should come up more frequently in game than it actually does, which is to say: this item has no recorded uses ;-;). There's multiple lethal toxins in the water! However, since Elias is diluted river, i think that (unless you're like. straight up drinking their blood) there's only three or four that you'd have to actually worry about, since you wouldn't be able to get a lethal dose of the other eight or nine (or so). Still, it's still likely to kill you if it gets In You, whether entering through a cut, liking a knife, or Elias making Decisions. (I have this idea of them using their blood's lethality on purpose against someone).
Elias also metabolizes toxins incredibly well! What toxins enter their bloodstream, their body takes them and stores them, and keeps them, similar to how caterpillars will consume toxic plants, and become poisonous moths! In order to properly poison them, you'd need to have something their blood cannot store, cannot keep around, or something that skips the bloodstream entirely and targets something else, like, for example, their brain and nerves. This is hard to do though, because this means the poison won't be able to travel well, so it would need multiple applications in different spots. After that though, it'll be easier to target their heart, and from there have something enter their bloodstream.
So what does all of that mean? Well. Thick leather gloves are a great idea around Elias. Unless you're part (or all) Curator, or have some Incredibly High KatTox, you're not going to be able to handle their blood. (please imagine how terrifying it is for Elias to watch someone lick their blood... and then nothing happens. horrifying!!!)
The flow of their blood is tied to the flow of the river, and vice versa. When the river is swollen and rushing, they are fast and full and energetic, and bleeding is much more likely, and much more risky for them. When it is cold, and slow moving, they become lethargic. Crashes in the water and major backups become migraines, busy days have them feeling touch and pressure, which can be either reassuring or annoying. Their mood, in turn, reflects on the water. Anxiety and worry turn into spiraling eddies, anger of frustration or, most dangerous of all, fear, turn into rushing rapids that threaten to capsize boats and flood the locks, but a happy day will have a swift and steady river, cooperative in what needs done.
Yes, this means if you Fuck Up in Elias' river, they can feel it. They have a reputation at the Guild for showing up any and every time there is an accident. The Guild doesn't know Elias is part river, though they do know about them being married (only the superstitious realize it's more than ceremony), and they are aware that Elias' working garb bears striking resemblance to the former gowns and mask of the Swan Bride. No one knows how they're able to navigate while wearing a dress and veil with a massive train that drags in the water.
Elias cannot donate blood, but receiving blood is a bit easier, though not without risk. Donating blood, even to someone with high KatTox, is a challenge, with myriad side effects. First, there is the longing. That gravitational pull, heavy as Earth, injected into someone used to no pull at all. It's easier on Zailors though, for they are used to the pull of the Zee. An intense desire to return to the Persephone, and fling oneself into her currents to float happily. After that, however, is the Persephone recognizing where she is, what strange canals she's in now. You'd better hope she likes you. If not, she'll simply escape the confines, and probably take most of your blood with her. If you've survived all this though, you'll still end up highly sick. Human veins are not meant for corrosive poison, and without the proper death and death rites, your body won't be able to adjust itself or become accustomed to it. Getting blood into them is easier, but Elias does not tolerate the composition well, it diminishes who and what they are, and will put their body in shock. in a pinch though, it can be done, provided you can treat the shock and help them feel like themself again. The best way to give Elias a blood transfusion would be to take the back to the River where they can slowly heal, or, if it needs to be done quicker, to inject the river-water into them directly.
Elias does get some fun and nifty stuff out of it though! Mainly, their communication with, control of, and strength on the water.
Well, less control in the traditional sense.
When Elias opened their veins to her, it was not just a bargain. It was marriage, a bond, and a conversation. They shared their circulatory system with her, and the organ that is in charge of all of that: their heart. They have dedication to her, and devotion for her, and that deep bond. It's not romantic love, but it is love, and a promise. They love her, and care for her.
She asks they return to her once a month, and they do so willingly. Even when they are unhappy, they will return to her, for she cannot come to viisit them. They carry her happily in their blood. If Elias is unable to visit her for whatever reason however, their anemia symptoms with gradually worsen, and their strength will diminish. It is as if their lifeforce slowly leaves them. It is not out of malice that this is done however, it is simply that the bond needs to be renewed, vows upheld. She permits them as much freedom as they have, for she knows they cannot be contained, and it would sadden them to be so far from others. So they must visit her.
Often though, Elias will visit more than once a month anyways, because they adore her so. Thus, with this bond they share, and the part of their heart she occupies, the Persephone grants them something extra.
The previous Gonfalonier had the river in his veins, yes, but he did not give of his blood back. He did not want to risk a binding, and thus he had limited abilities with the River. He could navigate more easily than anyone else, and already he had great skill, and though he control and bend the waters to his will, and she was not happy, and his success was extremely limited.
With Elias and their heart, they can communicate with her. Navigation traditionally requires an oar, however... Elias can merely touch their hand to the water, and she will know their desires. They can ask her to swell, to slow, to speed them along, whatever their heart desires. When they do this though, if they attempt anything of intensity, it does cause their own blood to run in turn. Usually a nosebleed will come first, then it trickles from their mouth and tear ducts. It doesn't hurt, but it can exhaust them if they push themself too far. On the river herself though, Elias tends to feel more alive, and less lethargic. Their aches do not touch them as much here. Unfortunately, Elias will often overwork themself because of this, so excited to do things that they forget their disabilities are still there.
Elias also still doesn't know how to swim, and while they're great at navigating their gondola... this does not apply out at Zee. They can't feel the Zee, nor do they know how to communicate with it, and they're bad at navigating using a steering wheel instead of an oar.
Overall though, they take the good with the bad, and love her regardless. She provides them freedom, a way to navigate the waters and the Upper River, where they alone are in control of themself.
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sourcreammachine · 10 months
Doctor Who episodes ranked let’s go
(o’th’ revived era. and eight’s movie because i’ve seen it)
and two-parters are counted as one, but i get to define what a ‘two-parter’ is. this is because i’m in charge not you
9.11 Heaven Sent aka the stars align and somehow Moffat manages to pull an incredible script out of his arse after being stuck up there for so long aka Capaldi is the new Atlas from carrying his entire era aka now you understand why i’m splitting up some two-parters and not others aka ahaha 9.11 lol
3.8/9 Human Nature / The Family of Blood
1.9/10 The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances
3.10 Blink
2.4 The Girl in the Fireplace
4.12/13 The Stolen Earth / Journey’s End
1.6 Dalek
6.i A Christmas Carol
3.11 Utopia
4.8/9 Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead
7.v The Time of the Doctor okay hear me out first thing is i’m an absolute sucker second thing is why couldn’t season 7 have actually seeded any of this with actual thought and subtly rather than mystery-box hackery it literally makes me think of how much better his era could’ve been if Moffat wasn’t so up his own arse
2.8/9 The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit
7.iv The Day of the Doctor
4.11 Turn Left
3.4 Girldick
1.12/13 Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways
7.iii The Night of The Doctor aka my boi Eight finally gets done justice
4.10 Midnight
4.6 The Doctor’s Daughter
3.2 The Shakespeare Code
3.i The Runaway Bride
2.12/13 Army of Ghosts / Doomsday
2.3 School Reunion
6.11 The God Complex
4.1 Partners in Crime
10.11/12 World Enough, and Time / The Doctor Falls (look, i’m a sucker i know, and i couldn’t give a shit about Gomez and Simm, but fuck you Moffat actually figured out how to write human emotions. Talalay’s finest hour. Lucas’ finest hour. Moffat did not deserve a swan song but he got himself one somehow)
5.2 The Beast Below
8.8 Mummy on the Orient Express (despite the awful, horrible ending, see below (very far below))
4.7 The Unicorn and the Wasp
4.2 The Fires of Pompeii
7.12 Neil Gaiman’s Good Episode
1.1 Rose
5.1 The Eleventh Hour
2.7 The Idiot’s Lantern
10.1 The Pilot
5.10 Vincent and the Doctor
4.i Voyage of the Damned
6.4 The Neil Gaiman Fanfic Hour
3.1 Smith and Jones
4.4 The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky
6.10 The Girl Who Waited
1.2 The End of The World
5.12/13 The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang
2.i The Christmas Invasion
6.7 A Good Man Jumps The Shark
5.6 The Vampires of Venice
4.3 Planet of the Ood
7.ii The Snowmen
1.11 Boom Town
3.12 The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords
1.7 The Long Game
7.7 The Rings of Akhaten
8.6 The Caretaker
5.7 Amy’s Choice
9.7/8 Zygons. you can basically hear Capaldi’s back cracking from him carrying it
4.v/vi The End of Time, Parts 1 & 2
10.6 Extremis, the most underrated episode fuck you
4.ii The Next Doctor
8.5 Time Heist
6.1/2 The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon
2.1 New Earth
10.3 Twelve Decks a Racist
9.ii The Husbands of River Song (yeah i’m a sucker, the ending gets me)
6.3 Curse of the Black Pearl spot, fuck
11.1 The Woman Who Fell To Earth (based on how it made me feel in 2018, looking back yeah the warning signs were all there)
5.4/5 The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone
5.11 The Lodger
1.3 The Unquiet Dead
7.4 The Power of Three aka Chris Chibnall Shits Himself on Live Television
2.5/6 Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel
7.9 Hide
10.5 Oxygen aka La Problema Es Capitalismo
8.1 Deep Breath
2.2 Tooth and Nail claw, fuck
1.8 Father’s Day
11.3 Rosa (bring back Blackman as an episode writer, she wrote Noughts & Crosses, she can do it)
7.11 The Crimson ‘Orror
6.8 Let’s Kill Hitler
6.5/6 The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People
4.iv The Waters of Mars
7.6 oh no it’s clara
9.10 yaay clara’s dead
5.8/9 The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood
12.5 Fugitive of the Judoon (again, based on how i felt watching it for the first time. it was a good episode and an interesting mystery box, just one filled with shit)
1.4/5 Aliens of London / World War Three
7.5 The Angels Take amy lol
2.11 Fear Her
8.4 Listen, aka the first episode that Capaldi carries, despite Moffat being himself again
10.ii Twice Upon a Time (ugh we could’ve had a brilliant trilogy to see out Capaldi, but instead we get Moffat masturbating on live television for an hour. look, The Doctor could have had an actual character arc - they feel like they’re on borrowed time after their resurrection on Trenzalore, after the events on Gallifrey they feel like any sort of feelings of ‘duty’ as last of the time lords (as errant and fleeting as such feelings might’ve been) are resolved, and after failing their BIG MASSIVE SEASON 10 ARC with Missy and getting stabbed in the back, and BILL [redacted for spoilers], they’re happy to accept their death - and that’s where the season ends. yuletide 2017 could’ve ended this arc, they’re taught the love of the universe again, they see the goodness they bring to all life - Clara, i am a good man. and when they sit down to die, those words ‘maybe just one more go’ could’ve had the weight of the universe behind them, it could’ve been the greatest who line ever written, had that line actually had weight on its shoulders. Moffat is a hack. mystery-boxing is hacking, end of story. Capaldi, the finest actor ever in the role, was done dirty by scripts with no weight and planning. Grand Moff lives up his own arse - that power gives him the ability to write incredible episodes such as Heaven Sent and everything he ever touched under Davies - but it makes all series, arcs and continuity fall apart into a pile of shit. this episode is the finest example - a universe of potential, reduced to one hour of self-congratulatory masturbation)
6.9 Night Terrors
11.9 It Takes You Away (the one with the frog god)
7.10 Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
9.12 Heaven Sent Part II: Whoops
8.9 Flatline
7.3 A Town Called Widowmaker
4.iii Planet of the Dead
9.1/2 The Magician’s Apprentice / The Witch’s Familiar
6.12 Closing Time
3.7 42
13.i Eve of the Daleks (the aisling bea one)
8.3 Robot of Sherwood
9.5/6 Maisie Williams
6.13 The Wedding of River Song
5.3 Victory of the Daleks
8.11/12 Dark Water / Death in Heaven aka i’m sorry Gomez but not even you can carry this
3.6 The Lazarus Experiment
11.i Resolution (…of the Daleks)
10.2 Emoji Robots
8.2 Into the Dalek
10.5 Knock Knock. Who’s There? Yer mum
7.13 The Name of the Doctor aka the Biggest Waste of Richard E. Grant until Rise of Skywalker
7.2 Dinosaurs on a Plane
10.8/9 The Pyramid at the End of the World / The Lie of the Land
Doctor Who: The Movie!
11.6 Demons of the Punjab
7.1 Asylum of the Daleks
7.8 Cold War aka i’m starting to think Mark Gatiss might be a bad writer actually
3.4/5 Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks
11.5 P’ting
9.3/4 Under the Lake / Before the Flood aka the Biggest Waste of Peter Serafinowicz since the Clone Wars didn’t bring him back. also a deaf person falling in love with their interpreter is the most toxic thing ever. and it’s 90 more minutes of season 9 tedium ugh
2.10 Love and Monsters. yeah this high up
8.7 The anti-abortion episode. and it’s not just for that fact alone nonono, The Doctor is such an unbelievable unforgivable cunt this time. at least Clara calls them out in that brilliant final-ish scene BUT they’re still unforgivable AND they get forgiven anyway next week?? literally they take the way Clara’s character arc was going and throw it all in the bin
8.10 In The Forest of the Shite
11.7 Kerblam!
10.9 Empress of Mars aka i’m starting to think Mark Gatiss might be a bad writer actually
9.i Last Christmas aka remember how they reset Clara’s character arc after Mummy for literally no reason???? THEY FUCKING DID IT AGAIN!! she’s literally put in limbo for an ENTIRE SEASON, after they gave her TWO good offramps and apparently chickened the fuck out from using them?? and expected me to care when she (spoiler)? also the episode’s like really boring. bonus points for the absolutely perfect casting of Nick Frost tho, very nominative determinism
10.i is my hatred of Doctor Mysterio unwarranted? probably. but i still hate it
12.8 The Haunting of Villa Diodati, the most overrated episode fuck you. no it is not ‘the only good episode of season 12’ - it’s just as bad as the rest. The Doctor is unnecessarily unlikeable. the villain boy is nonsense, uninteresting and unlikeable. and worst of all - i don’t want to have violent sex with any of the people in this villa
12.4 Nikola Tesla’s Tower of Terror
11.8 The Witchfinders
9.9 Sleep No More aka i’m starting to think Mark Gatiss might be a bad writer actually
13.2 Flux Part 2: War of the Sontarans (oh yeah like they don’t do war normally, that’s like saying the fucking ,, toasting of the toaster or something)
7.i The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe (it’s only Chibnall from here on out let’s goo)
12.1/2 Spyfall. literally how the FUCK do you waste both Stephen Fry AND Lenny fucking Henry how the fuck. also The Doctor basically committed a nazism right
12.3 Orphan 55, the second most underrated episode - a lot of people say it’s Chibnall’s worst but i think there’s worse
12.i Revolution of the Daleks (the priti patel one)
11.2 The Ghost Monument
13.4 Flux Part 4: Village of the Angels
11.10 The Battle of Rashhcjxjshog s Kjalapados
12.7 Can You Hear Me? (that was the one with the finger guy. no i don’t mean jonathan banks)
11.4 Spiders in Sheffield
12.6 Praxeus
12.9/10 how did they let chibnall get away with it. isn’t there supposed to be oversight. aren’t there supposed to be safeguards. how did they let him get away with it
13.1 Flux Part 1: The Halloween Apocalypse
13.ii Legend of the Sea Devils
13.3 Flux Part 3: Once, Upon Time
13.iii The Power of the Doctor aka thank fuck, it’s finally over
10.5 Flux Part 5: Survivors of the Flux
10.6 Flux Part 6: Fuck You Chibnall
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miragefactory · 5 years
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Name: Hiyori Sarugaki
Alias(es): Monkey, Goblin, shortie, ugly, cretin, wildcat
Age: Physically her appearance is that of a short and squat woman, but she dresses so badly she looks like a little girl. Originally her age is well over 240??
Place of birth: She doesn’t remember - she was found in a bin.
Spoken languages: Japanese, Osaka dialect. Shinji made her learn to read and write in English when it was the seventies because he was obsessed with ABBA. Hiyori hates dancing queen.
Sexual orientation: Unknown
Romantic orientation: Unknown - the only person she’s had a small crush on was Kisuke. But he’s a flaky guy.
Occupation(s): Former lieutenant of the 12th Division, current visored/vizard and a nobody
Eye color: Ochre brown
Hair color: Blonde
Height: 133 cm (4'4½")
Scars: As a young girl usually just ugly little nicks and cuts around her fists and shins. Pendulum arc, she has a thin vertical, jagged slash from Tousen’s blade when he attempted to murder her on that night. Post winter war - a very clean, almost surgical indentation can be seen around the entirety of her abdomen to her back where Shinso bifurcated her in the battle. The majority of Hiyori’s internal organs are scarred despite the very clean cut Ichimaru subjected her to.
Color: Fierce and fiery red
Hair color: She likes the lighter shades of hair, they stand out a lot  in her eyes.
Eye color: Hiyori likes kind eyes … the type that are always happy to see you. Not that she would ever admit this.
Entertainment: Fighting. Watching fights. Pulling pranks. Watching people (especially Shinji) get pranked.
Pastime: Hiyori actually learned to enjoy research under Kisuke’s tutelage. So she enjoys learning about things, especially spiritual energy. After she became a hollow, she had no choice but to research on hollow, as well as her friends and try to recall what Kisuke had learned about hollowfication. She also enjoys cooking but it makes her very sad, because it was an activity she did with Hikifune and the woman said food always tastes better with love. Hiyori doesn’t think her food compares because she’s lacking this.
Food: Lentil curry, noodles, rice - Hiyori loves any food tbh
Drink:  Water,
Books: She’ll never admit this- but she really likes fairy tale books like the ugly duckling or the swan princess or dumb stuff where someone finds a place where they belong. She also likes reading mystery novels JUST so she can ruin them for others. She also likes reading Manga with Love.
Passed university: No.
Had sex: No. She wants to be a virgin bride.
Gotten someone pregnant: No.
Kissed a man: No.
Kissed a woman: No.
Gotten tattoos: Yes, but she’ll never tell you where.
Gotten piercings: Yes.
Had a broken heart: Yes.
Been in love: Yes.
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Yes. The gaunt look under her eyes aren’t a fashion statement. She’s also quite afraid of what her hollow could do to her friends so often wakes up in cold sweat to see that she has NOT hurt her friends in her sleep. She often goes for walks or perches on rooftops at night, wide awake.
A virgin: Yes. LOL.
A cuddler: No. She used to be, but now she doesn’t ever want to get used to softness.
A kisser: No.
A smoker: No.
Scared easily: No. Hiyori’s tough as rocks.
Jealous easily: YES. She’s very insecure.
Trustworthy: Yes. She’s cautious and horrible and angry… but if you have her trust, it’s yours forever.
Dominant: Yes.
Submissive: Not really. Depends.
Single: LOL! I mean yes.
Wanted to kill someone: Every minute of every day. :)
Actually killed someone: A lot.
Have/had a job: As a human, Hiyori was a pick-pocket. She was a shinigami and a highly-ranked one before Aizen made her lose it. She’s currently in the process of trying to find a job but struggles a lot trying to maintain one.
Have any fears: Hurting her friends. Losing control of her hollow. Being abandoned.
Sibling(s): None.
Parents: No, she was an orphan.
Children: None.
Pets: Hiyori loves dogs but animals really don’t like hollow. Most animals have senses to recognise the monster that she is.
tagged by: @kigakurutta​ !! thank you!
tagging: @shiniobu​ @guritchx @fclsedesires @strcngered and anyone else!!
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orlok666 · 6 years
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darklands eighty seven - the darkest embrace part I - chaque jour, je suis plus près de toi: richard wagner - tristan und isolde: einleitung der weg einer freiheit - aufbruch/ein letzer tanz cairiss - disgraced ultha - mirrors in a black room fvnerals - void/wounds/shiver heretoir - graue bauten/the escape - part II amenra - edelkroone/plus près de toi (closer to you)/spijt veil - hope karg - le couloir des ombres møl - jord deafheaven - vertigo ghost bath - death and the maiden part II - je suis ta lumière, tu es ma lumière: gabriel fauré - pavane, op. 50 saint-preux - adagio pour piano camille saint-saëns - the swan johannes brahms - sonata for cello and piano no.1 in e minor op.38 frédéric chopin - nocturne no.19 in e minor op.72 no.1 sergei rachmaninoff - lied part III - l’étreinte la plus sombre: my dying bride - sear me mcmxciii/your river saturnus - inflame thy heart lacrimas profundere - the embrace and the eclipse paradise lost - your hand in mine my dying bride - the sexuality of bereavement theatre of tragedy - on whom the moon doth shine shape of despair - in longing heretoir - ausgeburt (2012) der weg einer freiheit - neubeginn richard wagner - tristan und isolde: akt III: szene 3: mild und leise wie er lächelt darklands is every tuesday night from 10pm to 2am mst on denverundergroundradio.com #denverundergroundradio #darklands #darklandsradio #classical #blackmetal #romanticera #classicalmusic #blackgaze #doommetal #doom #gothicmetal #gothicdoom #gothicdoommetal #gothic #goth #depressiveblackmetal #postblackmetal #postmetal #thedarkestembrace #deathdoom #deathdoommetal #closertoyou https://www.instagram.com/p/BvOLw95FHxK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c2g8oia40628
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Elias, Gonfaloniere of Jericho Locks.
colors are red (from the waters of the Persephone), gold (from the guild and the bride), and Peligan (from the other rivers)
mild es spoilers for the swan bride under the cut
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