#eli's head canons
lelelego · 1 year
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waiting and waiting
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spacebugarts · 2 years
Just rembered that Stiles' grandfather is canonically named Elias and I'm just... why would they name Derek's son Eli? Why make him so sarcastic and similar to Stiles, distinctly mention him PASSING OUT at the sight if his fangs, give him that strangely close relationship with the Sheriff, and even go as far as to have Stilinski PERSONALLY GIVE HIM THE JEEP???
At what point does it no longer count as subtext?
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ao3duun · 24 days
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I saw it everywhere, I had to do it myself 😭 (it's also based on two fanarts where Eli makes up Thrawn)
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confusedhomicidalrage · 6 months
9pm. Fips and Lawrence were in the living room, watching through some random horror movie. They suddenly heard little footsteps, making Fips pause the movie to look at the doorway. EIi was standing there, teary-eyed in his pyjamas, holding a pillow. Lawrence immediately became alarmed, and stood up, walking over to his son.
"Eli? What happened?" He asked, as Fips stood up after a few minutes to help comfort their young son, who looked like he was on the brink of a breakdown.
"I-I had a n-nightmare..." Eli sniffled, hugging his pillow tight to his chest "T-That you left me..." He hiccupped, barely getting the words out through sobs.
Lawrence and Fips exchanged looks, as Lawrence picked Eli up, making the small child immediately curl up and sob into his Father's chest. Fips was visibly concerned, as he began to gently stroke Eli's hair.
"don't worry, we would never leave you!" Lawrence reassured with a gentle tone, making sure Eli knew he wasn't mad or anything. Fips sighed and Eli kept sobbing, and the small mutters he did get out were pleads for his two Fathers to not abandon him. Lawrence and Fips kept trying to soothe and comfort him, until they heard quiet snoring.
Eli had fallen asleep in Lawrence's arms
Fips and Lawrence exchanged looks, chuckling softly. They walked up to Joshua and Eli's room, carefully not to wake either up, and set Eli back into bed. Eli, like an instinct, immediately hugged Joshua, who sleepily hugged back. Fips and Lawrence quietly exited the room, and sighed, before going back to the living room to resume their movie (Spoiler alert: they fell asleep halfway through and ended up just sleeping together on the couch)
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third wheeling Third throught the years
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sillysniperart · 18 days
Some silly drawing ideas I'm thinking about
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Bullet would wear this I feel like
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Venom and Hunter
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Knife and Liquid
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Liquid (obviously)
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Snake and Bullet
Just some silly ideas I might actually do but idk yet...
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cuppachar · 2 years
* All the flannel, one liners, sarcasm, affinity for the jeep, sleepwalking to the nemeton, no coordination skills whatsoever and permanently benched at lacrosse aside, I’ll take this opportunity to politely point out that Eli Hale could have been named after Stiles grandad/Noah Stilinski’s dad Elias Stilinski *
just look, it’s a baby!stiles   👇 👇 👇
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Can I make it a head-canon that Eli Hale has an Eidetic memory?
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annie-bby · 2 years
Can you do a dating headcannons or fluff alphabet for hawk from CK? Thank you if you can!!
of course! i hope this is good <3
summary: what it’s like dating eli “hawk” moskowitz :)
as gender neutral as i can make it, sorry if it has a little bit of fem!reader
i love hawk so much akdjsjsjsj
doesn’t include any spoilers for any season except a little from the first one (not that much of a spoiler), it starts with a little backstory then goes onto be random headcanons <3
dating hawk headcanons / cobra kai
i’m going to start of with a bit of storytelling but then move onto headcanons
you got together when hawk was still a ‘nobody’, only hanging around you, demetri and eventually miguel.
hawk spent a lot of his time admiring you, even if you were just sitting next to each other. you were oblivious to this.
demetri and miguel knew about his crush, and when he finally asked you out (which he took ages building up the courage to do, even with help of miguel), demetri and miguel stood there silently cheering him on behind you both
you accepted obviously and went on your first date afterwards; and, like everyone else, went to ‘golf ‘n’ stuff’ (which was also recommended to him by miguel).
the date was spent playing golf, doing arcade games, sharing food and having small but meaningful conversations
he walked you back to your house afterwards, where you shared your first kiss. (it was initiated by you, of course, because we all know hawk, or eli, was too shy for that).
after that, you began dating.
when you first saw him as hawk, you quite taken back and, while you liked the change, it was just very different.
massive soft boy. i don’t even know if anyone says that anymore but idc. that is what he is, even as hawk.
little spoon. despite the tough demeanour, he loves being held by you. (there’s a little bit of eli moskowitz still in him)
can and will spend every waking hour of his life staring at you.
HAND HOLDING jsjsdhsjjw he loves it 💓💞💗💖💕💝💘
kissing. lots of it.
going on dates alot, he doesn’t even care where you go as long as he’s with you
engulfing each other in huge bear hugs
if you have an argument, he’ll show up at your house with a bar of chocolate and a huge apology recognising what he’s done and promising not to do it again (doesn’t do too much, he thinks it’s weird to try and almost bribe the person into forgiveness - but still thinks gifts are a good idea)
^^ he sticks to his promise!!! most of the time
would support you throughout everything no matter what, if it’s something he doesn’t like, he’ll tell you that but would never force you out of doing it or taking part in the activity.
spending a lot of time together
he tells demetri and miguel about you !!!! honestly they love you SOSOSO much like you’re their best friend but they get bored of hearing your name sometimes
takes time to listen to anything you have to say and tries his best to remember it so he can buy gifts related to it for your birthday (maybe even sometimes writes it down when you’re not there - he has pages full of things you enjoy)
all i’m going to say is tough on the outside, soft on the inside
sweet embraces and soft touches
i’ve seen you hawk stans make him toxic. THAT IS NOT THE HAWK I KNOW. soft boy hawk <33
im very sorry this is not only very late but also shorter than you and i probably wanted !!! i hope this is good <3
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davishater · 10 months
Breakfast head canons with the Moriarty family to give me a break from a story I'm writing that I've planned to be 4,000 words!
I've thought about this, and the Moriarty's are rich so I feel like most of them would have a more balanced breakfast than everyone else across London. I found a picture that lists a lot of the more popular breakfast options for Britain and I labeled who I think would eat what.
I think Milo would like to start off the day doing the same exact things everyday, so he'd only ever eat one thing.
Eli would eat anything that he can mix a lot of different foods together.
Teo would eat anything he can turn into a sandwich.
Winter would eat anything that's light, but filling.
Alice would eat anything that has toast, pastries or anything that fits the "popular school girl" breakfast aesthetic.
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The Moriarty's have a specific time of when they're supposed to get up and go to breakfast, but not all of them show up on time.
Wakes up early and does paperwork, or reads before breakfast is ready.
Always shows up to breakfast first.
Shows up as soon as breakfast is being set on the table.
Shows up to breakfast fully dressed and ready for the day.
Doesn't reply when Eli greats him.
Doesn't necessarily care about the taste of his food. In fact, he doesn't care for eating, he only does it to keep up his strength. As long as his food isn't burnt and it gives him the strength he needs to get through the day, he's satisfied. He only ever cares about how his tea is made.
Always silent during breakfast, unless he announces a meeting for later in the day (never waits for Winter to show up whenever he announces a meeting).
Eats everything off his plate.
Usually finishes eating shortly after Teo, if Teo and Winter aren't fighting.
Usually shows up a few minutes late to breakfast.
Greats everyone when he sees them.
Works out before breakfast.
Usually shows up fully dressed, but sometimes he shows up in clothes he works out in.
His siblings always complain when he shows up to breakfast without showering (especially Winter, cause the smell immediately gets her to wake up).
Biggest eater of the family and always enjoys his meal time.
Also eats everything off his plate.
Usually stays at the table until everyone is finished eating, unless he's busy that day, then he leaves the table after Milo.
Usually shows up right before Eli. Sometimes walks in the dining hall with him.
Most of the time, shows up to breakfast fully dressed, but his hair is usually a mess.
Wakes up early enough to take a shower before breakfast, so his hair is usually wet and messy.
Tends to fight with Winter, or make a snarky comment when Winter shows up late.
Usually eats everything off his plate, but occasionally can leave a few bites of his meal.
Usually excuses himself from breakfast first, if he doesn't fight with Winter.
Always shows up to breakfast late.
Usually shows up to breakfast when Teo and Milo are finishing their food, or when they're already gone.
Almost every morning, she shows up half asleep and wearing whatever she slept in.
Grunts as a reply when Eli greats her.
Usually ignores Teo when he makes a snarky comment about her always being late to breakfast, but fights back whenever he's picking a fight with her.
When she's younger, she doesn't usually finish her food, but as she gets older, she eats more and more, so she doesn't leave as much food on her plate.
Smallest eater in the family.
Always the last one to leave the table.
Tends to go back to sleep after breakfast and everyone has to pitch in to find her, cause she finds a new place to sleep everyday.
Shows up with Winter while hanging onto her arm.
Usually shows up in a nightgown cause she only had time to wake up Winter, who's a very heavy sleeper.
Cheerful in the morning.
Happily greats Eli back.
Usually eats whatever Winter is eating.
Eli encourages her to eat all her food, so she tends to eat a little more than Winter.
Eats all of her food.
Leaves the table whenever Winter does.
She shows up by herself and shortly after Milo.
Most of the time, shows up fully dressed, but sometimes shows up in pajamas cause she didn't feel like changing clothes, yet.
Says, "Morning" more naturally whenever Eli greats her.
Quieter in the morning, but speaks when spoken to. Also speaks when there's something important going on.
Usually eats something different than what Winter is eating and more to her liking.
More picky with her food and doesn't always finish, but still ends up eating more than Winter.
Always leaves the table way before Winter. Sometimes finishes her food before Teo and Milo.
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lawrussomonsterfam · 2 years
I haven’t seen season five of cobra Kai and haven’t watched the show in a while so don’t ask lol ANYWAY
Daniel and Johnny are married, they have two sons: Robby and Anthony. (Sam is just Amanda’s daughter in this au.) Robby and Johnny are both werewolves and Daniel and Anthony are sirens.
Robby and Eli are dating and Eli is also a Siren (because I’m a sucker for werewolves x sirens. They are better than Werewolves x vampires and no you will not change my mind.)
In this au Sirens are different from their Greek mythological counterparts. My version of sirens are like mermaids but scaley in their fish form. Sirens can shape-shift, gender-bend, contort their voices, lure, make hallucinations, and emotionally and physically manipulate their targets, they cannot read minds like their mythological counterpart but they can sing the truth out of people. I’m still debating weather I want their powers to work on their mates because I still want them to have a song that they sing to bring in their mates but because their powers are so strong I don’t want them to have control over their partners. More on this later
Werewolves are basically like normal werewolves. (Btw this is gonna be like omegaverse with extra steps fair warning) . They both are pack animals (monsters?) and the moon plays a big roll in both their lives (tides and all that jazz)
Bottom Daniel and Hawk rights because I said so and sirens are the bottoms of the sea.
Dancing also plays a huge roll in a sirens life as to let out all their pent up energy when singing but it can also be ignored in favor of karate.
ALSO Robby still has the last name Keene in this Au because Johnny lost a bet. Yes Daniel is still pissed and yes pettiness is the reason Anthony has Daniels maiden name. So their names are:
Johnny Lawrence
Daniel Lawrence
Robby Keene
Anthony LaRusso
In this Au Daniel and Johnny started dating after Daniel won the trophy. (If you’re wondering what monster Miyagi is that is still up for debate but I’m leaning towards human with a bit of magical wisdom)
Miguel is still up for debate (vampire or werewolf idk), Aisha is a witch, Sam is a golem of some sort with magical abilities due to her mother being a witch. (She was made out of clay not conceived) Demitre is a half vampire half human full bitch, and Tori is a Banshee.
More on all this later
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thelionheartedo3 · 1 month
After I finish camelot au in 900 years I'm gonna have to drop all the ramblings I have that don't actually fit into the story
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enigmatic-enigmas · 9 months
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Hey guys a new image from hl2vrai leaked and it looks like the Worse Science Team is back!!!! I'm soo glad we're getting a POV from Dr. Vanderbolt this time!!
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confusedhomicidalrage · 6 months
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hearts4skywalker · 8 months
cobra kai dating head canons
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summary: head canons for dating cobra kai characters!!
pairings: you and cobra kai characters (separate)
warnings: no pronouns specified, probs out of character but yk
a/n: new format!!
Miguel Diaz
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- biggest golden retriever bf ever ‼️
- he's not SUPER big on pda
- holding pinkies or hugging is the most he'll do in public
- with the occasional kiss on the lips (its a little more than occasionally)
- he's a very private person 🤷‍♀️
- miguel's super big on slumbies
- he's a girls girl
- kisses your knuckles
- your his passenger princess when he gets a car
- hearing "hermosa" 24/7
Robby Keene
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- i think he's a black cat a first, but will start to become a golden retriever
- he's a lot more pda than miguel, but not as bad as hawk
- hand holding, hand on your waist, kissing
- you made out in the cobra kai dojo a few times 😔🙏
- he really js uses your name (maybe a little too much...)
- will teach you how to skateboard ‼️
- he's a neat freak. after juvie, everything in his life has to be put together
- you go on family trips 🤭
- you two watched euphoria sunday's together
- denied being in love with you for the longest time until tory said something about it
Samantha LaRusso
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- she LOVES playing with your hair
- movie dates are a constant ‼️
- like robby, she also rarely uses pet names
- is VERY quick to defend you
- she needs reassurance. i can picture you and tory being super close and she just needs you to tell her that nothing is going on between you too.
- she makes you those baskets for every occasion (boo, burr, etc.)
- like a good amount of pda, she'll hold your hand, kiss your cheek but thats about it
- my sweet girl thinks the bare minimum is love 😔
- she definitely sends you encouraging messages everyday
- chick flic queen 🙌
Hawk (Eli) Moskowitz
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- PDA ‼️‼️
- hand on your waist (sometimes ur ass 👀) kissing you at all times
- he had a crush on you before he even became hawk
- got a tattoo for you
- he loves buying you stuff, it's his love language
- skips half of his classes just to see you 😭
- if you date long enough, he'll trust you enough to dye his hair
- going with that, you're the only person who has seen the hawk down and not covered in hair spray
- his closet is your closet (hear me out bc he has some cute clothes guys ‼️)
- he uses babe and baby, but thats about it yk?
Demetri Alexopoulos
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- like sam, he also needs to be reassured 24/7
- he genuinely thought you were messing with him when you said yes to dating
- you guys have star wars / lord of the rings marathons once a month
- offers to do your homework for you
- if you have a hobby or sport besides karate, he makes it a point to be there for every practice and comp
- not surprisingly, he's like hawk. he'll make out with you anywhere, hold your hand, kiss you on the lips. i mean bro gives no fucks ‼️
- the first person he told when you two started dating was actually sam
- i think demetri is super considerate of your needs. like if you have a bad day, he just lays down and runs his fingers through your hair
- he's probably the best to date out of the whole show
- i think he just uses a nickname for you. he doesn't really like "baby" or "babe" or just any pet name
Tory Nichols
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- black cat gf ‼️
- she's super big on communication
- dislikes pet names with a passion
- she also thinks the bare minimum is love (my poor girls ☹️)
- holds your hand and will kiss your cheek
- her brother absolutely loves you
- bandaging any wounds she gets during training or in fights
- if you dated while her and sam were fighting 24/7, you've had to deescalate fights before
- kim da-eun and you have mad beef.
Anthony LaRusso
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- not so secret secret nerd
- you two were bio partners and he had a crush on you the second you were nice to him
- you play with his hair while he plays video games
- he holds your hand and will MAYBE kiss you
- he needs that reassurance (maybe its a larusso thing)
- you are constantly arguing with daniel over how he treats ant
- you two watch movies 24/7
- always partnering up for everything (karate sparing, bio projects)
- anthony, you, and robby are an ICONIC trio
- you defend him and he defends you ‼️
- youre the only one who knows how much his dad upsets him
- over all just such a sweet boy who's gone through it
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shintaru · 2 months
lookism | Cuddling head canons pt.3
Pt.1, pt.2, pt.4
Eli Jang
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Likes cuddling with you and Yenna
loves coming home seeing both you asleep with Yenna in your arms. He will lay beside you and cover you up with a blanket.
will be the big spoon he loves holding onto you, he won’t admit it but he has a fear that if he lets go you’ll disappear
let’s you sleep in his clothes
Likes cuddling on the couch watching cartoons with you & Yenna
Johan Seong
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Likes cuddling with you and his dogs
loves eating and cuddling. Expect him to get crumbs everywhere and he doesn’t share his food. Anytime you reach for some chips he’ll snatch the bag and give you a side eye. That is if the bag isn’t already empty.
will let you play with his hair, it relaxes him
let’s you fall asleep on his chest. He likes seeing how peaceful you look while resting.
He will lay on you any chance he gets
Bonus : he will stare at you a lot and study your face because he’s afraid that he won’t remember what you look like if he loses his eye sight
Jong Gun
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Likes being in control
loves being an asshole. You’re cold and you want him to spare the blanket prepare for him to ignore you until he feels like sharing.
will hog the blankets when you sleep over it doesn’t matter if you bring extra blankets he somehow manages to have them all
let’s you sleep over because he doesn’t like having to wait on you to arrive at his house to cuddle
You have to initiate cuddling he won’t unless he is really sleepy
Joon Goo
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Likes when you snuggle up to him when you fall asleep first
Loves getting on your nerves in a playful way. He will do small things to annoy you like sticking his foot in your face, farting under the blanket and trapping you underneath it
will make a bunch of random dad jokes that make you shake your head and sigh while you’re both laying side by side
let’s you sleep in his clothes
Gets way too excited when he has time to cuddle with you
Jake Kim
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Likes when you cuddle on the couch and fall asleep on him. He will carry you to bed and sleep with you in his arms.
loves when you straddle his lap and wrap your arms around his neck
will alternate between being the big & small spoon
let’s you trace your fingers over his scars and tattoos if he’s comfortable with you he’ll tell you how he got the scars and why he got his tattoos
Doesn’t want to get out of bed and let you go when he has to go to work
dedicated to @vynnyll
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