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v-techvisual · 5 years ago
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“Rise & Shine” aka “E3 (Extend, Expand, Elevate)” #BrooklynBridge #ManhattanBridge #Seagull #Seagulls #Sun #SunRays #Flight #Uplifted #KeepShining #RiseAbove #YouGotThis #InfinitePotential #Elevate #Elevation #ElevateOthers #Extension #Expansion #Manhattan #NewYork #NYC #NYSee #VTechVisual #PhotoGraffix #VisualWeight #TrustYourFlow #ThankYouForThisMoment https://www.instagram.com/p/B4-W7pApMKy/?igshid=1hw19shguefmg
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blogannaqueentuttus · 5 years ago
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Teaching Social Media this Morning for my office for another Monday! Doing what I Love💘! Everyone has their assignments to help with their business. #teacherlife #iLove2teach #AnnaQueenTutt #learning #socialmedia #teachingonline #teachingresources #socialmediamarketing #socualmediastrategy #realtist #realtistnation #realtistlife #realtorteacherlife #realtorteacher #elevateothers https://www.instagram.com/p/CDc3JINFJio/?igshid=1m6c9yu7utkvc
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jeffersonakly · 5 years ago
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#winning is a #stateofmind make the changes within your control and just #goham eventually everything #fallsintoplace #keepgoing the #saucelastslongerthanjuice Don’t get me wrong I’ve #takenls but that’s #partoflife #losing prepares you for #winning when you down #learnthelessons when you up #shinewithhumility and keep #chasingdeadpresidents. #rulesoflife is to win hard and then give back when you can help #elevateothers then life turns twice gold. (at Queensboro Plaza) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7pHnkcliYD/?igshid=9x5kfbazwktm
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joshuapettitphotography · 6 years ago
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New Heights: New heights require higher standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #standards #motivation #inspiration #encouragementgallery #hustlequotes #gratefulforthejourney #gratefulforthestruggle #gratitude #birds_nature #birdspotting #higherstandards #raisethebar #liveelevated #elevateothers #dreambig #determination #motivateyourself #achievers #goalkeepers #success #peaceintheparoxysm https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvi_a5mlWSD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=to6pqafwz2hg
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to76 · 7 years ago
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#attitudeofgratitude❤ #lifeisgood #begenuine #nammyohorengekyo🙏 #iamlimitless🌌 #everythingconnects #keepitreal #strength💪 #elevateothers #loveislight✨ #bethechange #goodvibes #socalfamily #namaste⛩ #Imagine #awakenedsoul☯ #beyourself #befree #resistcoexist #socallivin🌴☀🌊 (at Alamitos Beach, Long Beach, California)
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whitewellness-blog · 7 years ago
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Time is what we make it! Be deliberate, be intentional, respect that you’re only one person, DO YOUR BEST. #elevateothers #thedashbetweenthedates
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v-techvisual · 5 years ago
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“Focused On Growth” aka “Ring Leader” #BrooklynBridge #Woodgrain #WoodenPost #TreeRings #Elevate #Elevation #ElevateOthers #Extension #Expansion #Adorama #NYCPrimeShot #streetdreamsmag #SDMFeatures #What_i_saw_in_nyc #UrbanRomantix #huffpostgram #Way2Ill #IG_NYCity #Manhattan #Brooklyn #NewYork #NYC #NYSee #VTechVisual #PhotoGraffix #JoshuaReynoldsPhotoGraffix #VisualWeight #TrustYourFlow #ThankYouForThisMoment (at DUMBO, Brooklyn) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8xGKUBgU_R/?igshid=1jfois2d39nzr
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girlontherun2171-blog · 7 years ago
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✨ True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not.-Seneca✨🙏🏻 #happiness #joy #resilience #grateful #iam #blessed #mindful #prayer #faith #meditation #mantra #namaste #peace #spiritjunkie #inspire #elevateothers #bekind #healthy #healthymind #healthybody #unstoppable #icanandiwill #yearofyes #bekind 🐝❤️
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moonleaflove · 8 years ago
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Love is the answer to ALL of our problems. The sooner we vibe with that realness, the better. Extending myself today. Showing a little love where I haven't in a while. Spreading the light; spreading the love; sharing the vibe. Maybe you'll choose to extend yourself today—shine your light on someone who could use a "soul lift," create that ripple effect. You never know just how fast that wave of love can travel until you put it into motion. So, put some action behind that heart of yours today and radiate! ... as cheesy as that may sound, just watch the kind of change you can affect with LOVE. #elevateothers #love #spreadthelove #radiate #radiatelove #radiatelight #leadwithyourheart #putyourheartintoyourwork 🍃💜🍃
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yourdestinationdiva-blog · 8 years ago
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#elevateothers #youllriseintheprocess
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seasuccess · 4 years ago
The higher you climb, the more your success depends on making other people successful. True leadership is elevating individuals to do more than they thought possible.
#leadershipinaction #createleaders #leadershipmastery #leadershipdevelopment #leadershiptraining #leadershipcoaching #elevateothers #makeotherssuccessful #dreamstoreality #authenticleadership #seasuccess #transformationalleadership #sea #skillsenhancementacademy
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joshuapettitphotography · 6 years ago
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My Great Escape: Where do you go when you need some solitude? I head out into the red rock desert of southern Utah to chase the blues away, and get me some sun, and excersize as well. . . . . . . . . . #desertlife🌵 #southernutah #Utah #desertrat #thezendesertrat #meditation #mentalmedication #breathe #awareness #hiking #playoutside #redrocks #reddesert #rockclimbing #explore #discover #geologyrocks #stgeorgeutah #snowcanyon #liveelevated #elevateothers #beatpeace #peaceintheparoxysm https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw55gSllPqK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16k0snyl2i19x
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to76 · 7 years ago
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#awakenedsouls #ignited #Imagine #nammyohorengekyo🙏 #elevateothers #lovenothate #loveislight✨ #namaste⛩ #doyourlittlebitofgood #compassion #iamlimitless🌌 #attitudeofgratitude❤ #understanding #servethepeople #livethelifeyouhaveimagined #bethechange #goodforthesoul #bethelight #dontjudgeabookbyitscover (at Belmont Shore!)
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whitewellness-blog · 7 years ago
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Post by Chris White: I’ve contemplated what the future of White Wellness looks like and, as life is everchanging, it could look completely different than the plans I have now. It stems from wanting to change a lifetime of bad habits, unsavory characteristics/personal traits, and financial practices. I’ve had many people tell me that I have a gift for simplifying complex ideas. I wasn’t always that way. I’ve had people invest in my growth, many times more than I deserved. And because of that investment from others, I am the man you see today. I am far from perfect but I strive to be the best version of myself each and every day. In turn, I want to “pay it forward” and invest in others. I want to invest in you. By putting myself out there and showing my many flaws and strengths, I hope to encourage you to reach your best elevated state of well-being. We are dedicated to physically healthier practices, strong mental discipline, and improving our financial toolsets. I want to personally say that you can do it! When you are thinking, “I can never be happy with my body,” I’m here to tell you that you can be happy with your body. When you are wondering if that characteristic will keep you from living the life you want, you can have the tools to work through things and have better control over your mind. Kick that bad habit to the curb! When you are wondering how you’re going to pay for that really expensive unexpected repair that’s come up, we want to help. We’re getting there ourselves. --- Check out our products at https://elevacity.com/whitewellness #elevateothers #whitewellness #livesmarter #smartcoffee Especially the coffee! The coffee is awesome!!!
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v-techvisual · 5 years ago
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“Web Design” aka “Flight Plans” #BrooklynBridge #Seagull #Flight #InfinitePotential #Elevate #Elevation #ElevateOthers #Extension #Expansion #Adorama #NYCPrimeShot #streetdreamsmag #SDMFeatures #What_i_saw_in_nyc #UrbanRomantix #huffpostgram #Way2Ill #IG_NYCity #Manhattan #Brooklyn #NewYork #NYC #NYSee #VTechVisual #PhotoGraffix #JoshuaReynoldsPhotoGraffix #VisualWeight #TrustYourFlow #ThankYouForThisMoment (at DUMBO, Brooklyn) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8G3sYiprx8/?igshid=zn521p1waya4
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girlontherun2171-blog · 8 years ago
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✨You are a masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made. You're beautiful and kind. You're an absolute blessing! May your day today be incredible!✨🙏🏻🦋 #prayer #inspire #light #elevateothers #happy #healthy #healthymind #healthybody #resilience #liveyourbestlife #blessed #dreambig #feedyoursoul #goodvibes #goodmorning #mantra #meditate #nevergiveup #namaste #onelife #purpose #passion #unstoppable #strengthtostrength #yearofyes 🐝❤️ (at New York, New York)
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