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elester01 · 8 months ago
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~^~ Name: Elestar ~^~ This blog is my blog for my miscellaneous projects.
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday - April 12th
Please don't tag me in messages asking for aid in war situations. I'm a minor, and I don't have the ability to help you. I'm sorry.
I speak decent french, so, if anyone here prefers to read the posts in that, I'll gladly do translations.
I'm also learning dutch, indonesian, welsh and arabic. (the last two I'm not too good at but I'm getting somewhere with dutch.)
(divider at the top by @sweetmelodygraphics)
Besties with @lorainedoesthings and @fitzycoffee
Tidmouth Engine Guild: TEG is a story in an alternate world of Thomas The Tank Engine. Info on the basic premise
When Every Page Is In Disarray A story in the world of TEG focusing on Gordon and Henry's time at GSET and beyond Accidents Will Happen When You're On Your Phone: This is the novel I'm currently writing! More info will come soon about this. Takin' This One To The Grave
GIGGS phasmophobia fanfiction.
Current interests:
TTTE (my favorite character is Henry, he just like me fr fr)
My book
Good Omens (fuck neil shitman)
Avid liker of 50s music. And 60s. And 70s. And so on. Literally anything that isn't rap I'm good with
Hermitcraft & the Life Series
My Hero Academia (specifically Vigilantes)
@awhwyoypupdates - Will be used for updates on the publication process of my book @askteg - Askblog for my TTTE AU @how-do-i-name-blogs-istg - Thunderbirds Sideblog
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kayzis · 2 years ago
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its artfight post time!!
elestar - @flowercitti tetsuya - @/hamjoe on insta
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awhwyoypupdates · 9 months ago
Hi - this is a new blog by Elestar which will have updates on the publication progress of my book. Right now it's still on chapter 8 of editing, but I'll update when anything changes.
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cyber-season · 2 years ago
Vylcerys Elestar ✧.*
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Race: Half-Elf
Class: Druid
Background: Noble
Born of a union between an eleven father and a half-elf mother whom abandoned them, Vylcerys grew up in Baldur's Gate as a member of her fathers noble household. A devoted follower of Silvanus, her father imparted the ancient Druidic ways upon her. She in turn developed a unique affinity for water elemental powers.
Her peaceful upbringing was shattered when a fire, no mere accident, claimed her father's life and left a haunting scar etched across her face. Though the light of Silvanus still resides within her, her heart has been tainted by the darkness that seeks retribution.
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eddyzumarraga · 3 years ago
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“Sen juntan el mar y el cielo” #elser #elestar #elinfinito (en Same-casa blanca) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdb8f09LW_s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bestbouy · 4 years ago
By -Me! Person for: @rubystar2​ Summary: Ikor Isn’t feeling very well, But he thinks nothing of it, refusing to tell anyone. -Well, Until he collapses In the middle of Battle. Character Focus: Ikor (Ice herald), Riff (Fire Herald). (Other characters are mentioned) Warnings: idk how to spell ikor's tribe thingie, Or Riff's, And it's quite long. Don't judge me. I got carried away. Oh, and Riff has no clue how to make Eggs And Bacon. When Ikor first felt it, He was in the forest with the others Trying to find a shard of the Elestar. His head was Aching slightly, And he felt like he might fall over. at first, he just rubbed his head and brushed It off. Riff was talking a lot today. And that was that, Til tomorrow. The next day, He was feeling worse. His Headache was Bigger, he had a Stuffy nose now, And he wasn't looking so hot either. He looked like he was sick. He didn't notice. . . Or he didn't want too. Nobody else noticed, Not until the fifth day. Ikor figured out what was happening by now. He felt so *Cold*. he *never* Felt cold. He was an Icey! How was he *Cold?* He didn't want to Admit it. for all he knew, He was the first Icey to get sick like this! ~Third day, Morning~ Ikor was hobbling down the stairs, Yawning. He wasn't feeling great, As always. His head hurt anytime he tried to move- or think. He just felt so cold- "Good morning!" Ikor looked over and saw Riff sitting with Ao-ki, Trek and Eron. He attempted to look like he didn't Want to run back upstairs, surround himself in Pillows, and cry silently for the next Hour or two. "Hello Riff, good morning everyone." He responded. they all had their "Hello"s and "G'morning!"s. "How's it going, Icemen?" Riff asked. He sounded... A bit worried, But ikor was too stressed to care. "I'm fine. How are you today?" "I'm just great! Y'know, Fireys(?????) being the best, And all." Ikor snickered, Riff never missed a chance to sneak in how his tribe was the best. "Listen, we All know MY tribe is the best, Riff." Ikor said, and (Attempting not the stumble) He walked over and sat down next to him. Eron continued his ramble on about something, Something about a Wind shard in the wind realm, Something about ice cream or something? Ikor wasn't listening, He was to busy arguing with riff about Who's tribe was the best. "us Fireys have cool Dances! And crazy dangerous homes!" "Iceys are the best, We life Calculated and safe. And your "Cool dances" are quiet Stupid." "Hey! our dances are the coolest!" "Nuh-uh." "Yuh-huh!" "Oh yeah? well i think-" They where inturruped by a large BOOM as the ground shook underneith them. Ikor wobbled, And then tumbled to the ground. The shaking stopped, And Riff got up to help ikor up. "Woah! Ikor, You good?" Riff asked, Alarmed. "I'm fine, Thank you. What was that?" He asked. They ran outside, Ikor close behind Riff as they ran. It was Gredd, and it looked like he had a new power. Or something like that, Ikor was to distracted by that gosh darn HEADACHE! It hurt so much it was hard to focus. Riff seemed to notice Ikor's Struggle, So he turned to Ikor and said; "Don't worry, I got this Joker!" Riff exclaimed, And began to summon a Gormiti. Ikor just stood next to him as he did the whole "Elemental knights!" Thingie, You know. Ikor was just standing By, looking around and trying to look normal. As riff summoned Hurik, Gredd seemed to grin Wider. "Your Fire gormiti don't scare me Now, Herald!" He said, And with a shout of "Darkwave!" The fight was on. "Blastblaze!" Hurik shouted, the fire gormiti summoning his attack. Ikor noticed something. Something important. There was something... off about gredd's attack. It was more- Powerful? He didn't know, He was sure he miss saw. If only he did. The darkwave went straight through the Blastblaze, And hurik Dodged. "How is he this powerful?" Hurik shouted. "I quite like your elestar shards, Heralds!" Gredd shouted out, Summoning another darkwave. Then ikor saw it. one hand focussing attacks, and Gredd's other hand, Holding Two shards. Ikor was stunned, and not
long after he saw them, riff saw them too. Just as riff was distracted by the shards, Gredd had grinned evilly. with a shout of "Dark wave!", hurik was too weakened to do anything, So he put his hands up to shield himself. But gredd wasn't Aiming for hurik. Riff looked up, And saw it was heading right for him. He gasped, and right before it hit him, Right before he was taken care of . . . What happened? The dark wave Exploded on the target, and Dirt went up everywhere. As the smoke cleared, Gredd had not, in fact, Hit what he intended too. No, he hit a much more. . . Icey, target. Ikalos stood, Still as ice, His shield in hand and blocking the attack from gredd and smiling. "What do you think you're doing, Darken?" Ikor stood, Shaky as grass, Trying with all his might to keep in position. But it was hard, and he couldn't Focus well. As Ikalos Blocked and threw off attacks at Gredd, Ikor weakened and Weakened. How long did he have to do this? it was beginning to tire him. . . Ikor heard something. He ignored it, Head spinning. He felt like he needed to rest his eyes. Just for a second, Y'know? Close them, Open them, he'd feel soo much better if he just closed his eyes. Just for a second. just. . . For a. . . second . . . ? Riff's P.O.V When Ikalos blocked gredd's attack, Riff was almost down in tears. but instead, taking his chance, He scampered away. Moving towards ikor as he Focused on Ikalos. As ikalos threw attacks and blocked others, Riff reached ikor. "T-Thanks, Ikor. Guess icey's aren't as bad as i thought!" he laughed, Stumbling over to the Icey and grinning. Ikor didn't answer, So Riff slightly poked him. "Ikor? Gorm to Ikor? Sheesh, Maybe you icey's ARE bad." Riff snorted. Ikor still didn't reply. Instead, He had stumbled back, Closed his eyes, And fell straight over. Riff gasped, And the others ran over. "What happened to Ikor?" Ao-ki asked, worried. "I don't know! He just fell over!" "Did gredd do anything?" Trek asked "Not that i could see- He just- he-" Riff stumbled over his words, Looking at the unconscious Boi sadly. Trek looked over At ikalos and Gredd. "Wait! Guys, If ikor's Unconcious, He can't focus on Ikalos!" "Which means i will have an Easy Pickings!" Gredd laughed, Throwing a DarkWave and hitting Ikalos directly on the chest. "What happened to Ikor? He needs to focus or i can't fight!" Ikalos shouted at the others. "Uhm- We have a bit of a problem, Bud! He's kinda. . . Asleep?" "WHAT? If he's asleep, I can't-" Ikalos was cut short as an icicle when he quickly disappeared. Trek looked over at Gredd. "We need another gormiti!" he said quickly. "But gredd's got two ice shards! How're we gonna beat him?" "Hey!" Eron piped up. "Remember when we summoned all four of the Lords all that time ago?" "Yeah, Why? We can't summon a Lord,-" "Buuuuuut we can summon two Normal gormiti! I mean, It must be so much easier, And gredd can't focus on Two gormiti!" Riff paused, Looking at the others. "...It might just work." Ao-ki said finally. (Don't ask. don't ask why gredd's just been watching. you'll know why if you have ever watched gormiti. the pauses for convo's are so insane.) Trek and Eron stood up, Beginning to focus as Ao-ki and Riff carried Ikor inside the Tower. Riff assumed that they where successful, As he could them cheering as they got ikor inside and Laying down. Riff took a better look at Ikor. "Sheesh, He looks terrible. How long has he been like this?" "He's sick. I'd say he's had the cold for awhile. . ." Ao-ki explained. "Well why the howling didn't he tell us about that?! That's like, Super important!" "I don't know, But hopefully when he wakes up he'll provide an answer." Ao-ki said. "Hopefully. . ." A little while later, Eron and Trek came back in, Looking exausted. "Is Ikor any better? What happened?" Eron asked, Hopping quickly over to an Unconscious Ikor. "He was Sick. We assume for at least a couple of days." Ao-ki explained. "And for SOME REASON-" Riff crossed his arms, A pout on his face. "-HE DIDN'T TELL US!" "Well obviously, But
i hope he's Okay." Trek sad, Looking down sadly at Ikor. 3rd Person P.O.V Ikor slept for a good while, So the others decided to keep busy. . . . If "keeping busy" Is "Juggling Jewels" or "Taking a nap" or "Worrying about the ice boi". after about half an hour, The compass suddenly made a farmiliar "BEEP BEEP BEEP" sound, Starttling everyone. Ao-ki walked over, picked up the Compass, and Looked to everyone else, excited. "It's a Shard of the Elestar! There's one in the forest!" She exclaimed. "Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Eron said, Shaking trek awake. "W-Wha? A shard? Shouldn't we be with Ikor?" He yawned. "I'll stay with Ikor in case he wakes up, Y'all should go get the shard." Riff said, Looking down at Ikor. He had been worrying about Ikor all day, Ever Since he collapsed. "Okay. . . Let us know when we come back if he's okay." Ao-ki said, Beginning to beckon the others to the door. "C'mon guys!" she shouted as they left. Riff's P.O.V Silence seeped in afterwords, As ikor seemed to shift in his sleep. Was he waking up already? No, Ikor was just moving. He wasn't awake yet. Riff groaned. He was bored already. What was he gonna do while Ikor woke up?? It suddenly came to Riff's attention, A small Kitchen off to the side of the tower. It wouldn't hurt to try it out, Would it? Nah, Fireys can do anything! Ikor's P.O.V Ikor woke up to the smell of something Burning. He groaned, Sitting up and reaching his hand up to rub his head. Ikor actually felt much better, His headache was basically gone, And he felt unbothered. But, Y'know, All things have their end. as He Looked around, he Noticed the trail of Smoke coming out of the kitchen off to the Side. "Agh! Uh, This needs suger!-" a pause, Then a yelp. "-THAT'S SALT- Oh wait i was supposed to put that in, That's good. Wait, How much salt Do i need again? Eh, I'll just pour in the whole bag. What's it gonna do wrong?" Another pause, And ikor heard something falling over and spilling. "Oh sheesh- OH NO THE CINNAMON-" Ikor eventually figured out it was Riff, But one question Remained. What the howling was riff making? Ikor slowly got up, attempting not to wince in pain as he moved his Legs. He looked towards the Kitchen and began hobbling over. Apparently, His moving had made a Sound, as Riff poke his head out the kitchen Doorframe. "Ikor! You're awake! I'm making you some eggs and bacon, Just give me a second!" Riff exclaimed, But his smile dipped a bit. "Oh! And you need to explain a lot of stuff when i'm done!" It took ikor a second, But he found it in him to Snap at the Firey. "R-Riff, Why the Howling would EGGS AND BACON need SALT AND CINNAMON?" He hissed at him, Grabbing the door for Support the moment he got near it. "Uh- Well, I'm putting everything i like in them, then adding the eggs and bacon together! That's how you make eggs and bacon, Right?" "You've NEVER made eggs before? Seriously?" Ikor snorted. "I'm guessing that's a no, Then?" Ikor raised an eyebrow, And Riff Shrunk down a bit. Ikor sighed, Walking towards him best he could, and sitting down on a stool. "Don't worry. I can't make them right now, But i can tell you how. Okay. Get rid of all this- Stuff, and get out a Pan, Some Butter, and- FOR LORDS SAKE, YOU PUT THEM IN THE OVEN?-" That went on for awhile, Ikor telling Riff what to do and Riff (Kinda) doing it. with a couple of "NONONONO *NOT* THE SALT AGAIN-" And one "Why the howling would you cut the bacon up???", They eventually finished the bacon and eggs. Or eggs and bacon. LISTEN I DON'T KNOW WHICH WAY TO PUT IT- "For a firey, You actually did pretty well following commands." Ikor said, taking a bite of his charred Bacon. "But you cooked the bacon too much, You idiot." Ikor joked. "At least *I* didn't say to cook it to your liking." Riff said. "These are perfect for me." "At the ice kingdom, We don't even cook them. We eat raw." "WHAT?" They sat there, Talking about anything that came to their minds. It wasn't Exciting, almost relaxing. "I was never one to study our dances, But i
can't see how they look stupid!" "It just does! I don't understand why you do it, Is all." "We just do!" As Riff finished his Bacon, he looked back up at ikor. "And Hey! you never explained why you didn't tell us about you being sick!" He said, Pointing his fork at him. "Ah. . . I was hoping you'd forget, You fireys always do." "Hey! We are not, We're very- Heeyyyy, Stop changing the subject! Tell me!" "I kinda. . . Thought you guys wouldn't like me, And in turn would get rid of me, Because honestly, Who just keeps a Herald around that nobody likes? And you would replace me with some stupid Icey, And my father would hate me, And y'all would go on without me, Never giving me a second thought, And maybe just hating iceys more then ever." Ikor spilled. "But" he said. "Now that i think about it." He added. "I know you guys wouldn't do that to me. Y'all are my friends. You always will be, And i trust all of you to know that." He smiled at Riff, And Riff smiled back. Maybe this was going to be okay. Maybe he didn't have to hide all his problems anymore. Maybe. . . Just maybe. . . He could be a part of a new family. //Note: I took WAY too long\\ //I'M SO SORRY\\
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cks11 · 4 years ago
Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Lead to Toxicology Testing Market Growth
Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Lead to Toxicology Testing Market Growth
Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology industries are heavily relying on toxicology testing market. There is a constant need for toxicology testing market research reports for the development of effective toxicology testing methodologies and for regulatory conformity. They also use this market research to overcome potential threats and to better understand the toxicology process and its applications. Because of its importance, toxicology testing market is witnessing explosive growth right now. In this report, we discuss the toxicology testing market players.
Global Toxicology Testing Market: Global toxicology testing market is witnessing exponential growth due to increasing demands from the global market for reliable toxicology testing product and methodologies. This toxicology testing market is witnessing intense competition due to the emergence of new toxicology testing products in the global market. There are intense growth potential and a major share of this toxicology testing market in Asia, Middle East and North America. Asia has the largest number of toxicology testing product manufacturers. The top five toxicology testing product manufacturers in Asia are Korea Biotechnology Co Ltd, Dow Chemical Co, Global Residences Inc., Novartec Corporation, Oceanic Corporation and Elestar.
Global toxicology testing market: As indicated by the above scenario, there is an increasing demand for toxicology testing product and methodologies from the global toxicology testing market. The key drivers behind this demand are: (a) increased safety standards of products and processes used by regulatory agencies and (b) the need to provide accurate toxicology findings and post toxicology testing for regulatory approval. Safety assessment is required for many industries, including cosmetics, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, water treatment and distribution, pulp and paper industry, automotive, packaging and food processing. In addition, the toxicology testing market can be channelized according to the level of toxicity of the product, whether it is a health hazard environmental toxicology concern or a food toxicology concern. For example, safety assessment is required for cosmetics that contain sunscreen agents, which can cause skin cancer and birth defects; for toys that contain lead or toxic metals that can adversely affect development of the nervous system; and for pharmaceuticals that contain toxic compounds that can cause nerve damage and neurological disorders.
Drug Discovery/ toxicology testing: According to the aforementioned scenario, the toxicology testing market growth in the USA has significantly raised due to the increased toxicology testing requirements of various industries. The growth potential is attributed to the fact that drug discovery requires biotechnology strategies to identify toxic drugs during the early clinical stage. The biotechnology tools and technologies are highly costly. Due to this, toxicology testing is a cost-effective toxicology testing methodology that can be utilized by toxicology laboratories or drug discovery companies to identify toxic drugs in their initial or clinical stage of development. Toxins can also be identified using advanced genetic profiling techniques.
Safety Assessment: toxicology testing can also be utilized in the safety assessment. In toxicology safety assessment, toxicology consultants perform a series of laboratory investigations that can provide toxicology experts toxicology guidance that can help them predict the toxicology outcome of a new drug that has not been subjected to the primary toxicology testing process. Based on the predicted toxicology outcomes, the toxicology consultant can help the safety analysis phase. After safety assessments, the toxicology consultant can create an exposure plan that will control toxic exposure if toxicology testing has been performed and predicted toxicities have been identified.
Market Size and Growth: Although in-vitro toxicology testing market is just one of the many markets available within the toxicology field, this toxicology testing market forecast period segmentation provides insight into the future scope of this toxicology market. As a result of this market forecast period segmentation, it is anticipated that this toxicology market will continue to expand upwards in the years to come. This toxicology testing market is expected to grow as the demand for advanced drug designs increase in the next few years. Currently, there are approximately sixteen companies in this toxicology testing market. In addition to the competitors, there are many small to mid-sized companies that have recently entered the toxicology testing market.
Revenue forecasts for this toxicology testing market is dependent on the amount of money that toxicology testing firms spend on research and development. The larger the research and development expenditures of toxicology testing firms the more money this industry will generate revenue in the future. One thing is for sure, the US drugs alerts market will continue to expand as there will be a large number of drugs that will become toxic. As long as there will be toxicology testing firms in this market, there will also be toxicology testing businesses. The forecast for revenues generated from this market is excellent provided that toxicology testing firms continue to invest and provide quality service to their customers.
Other key business sectors that can contribute to toxicology testing market growth include pharmaceuticals, bio-tech, health care, cosmetic manufacturers, nutritional supplement manufacturers, environmental remediation and waste management. The toxicology testing market can also become a main seller in the pharmaceutical industry as more toxicology assays are adopted by biotechnology industries. There are a lot of other chemicals that can be tested for toxicology purposes but none of these tests are very comprehensive as they don't allow for the complete molecular makeup of toxic substances. However, there are some toxicology testing assays that are used in drug development that can generate comprehensive toxicology testing results. With the growth of toxicology testing, a clearer picture of toxicology will be developed thus leading to more accurate toxicology testing.
Summary According to XYZResearch study, over the next 5 years the Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) Software market will register a xx% CAGR in terms of revenue, the global market size will reach xx Million USD by 2026, from xx Million USD in 2020. In particular, It should be noted that the impact of the epidemic has accelerated the trend of localization, regionalization and decentralization of the global industrial chain and supply chain, so it is inevitable to reconstruct the global industrial chain. Faced with the global industrial change in the post epidemic era, enterprises in various countries must take precautions. This report presents revenue, market share and growth rate for each key company. In this analysis report, we will find below details: 1. Full in-depth analysis of the market structure along with forecast from 2021 to 2026 of the various segments of the Global Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) Software market. 2. Who is the leading company in Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) Software market, competitive analysis of key companies, mergers and acquisitions, market dynamics. 3. Which region has become the biggest growth area in Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) Software market? 4. The Most Potential segment in each regional market. 5. Insights about factors affecting the market growth, including the impact of COVID -19. 6. Global Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) Software market based on value chain analysis, and SWOT analysis. 7. Regional market analysis to the current revenue (Million USD) and future prospective. Major players operating in Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) Software market-Competitive Analysis: Netskope Microsoft Oracle Cloudlock IBM Symantec Trend Micro Palo Alto Networks,Inc Skyhigh Networks Bitglass Perimeter 81 Zscaler CipherCloud Regional Segmentation (Value; Revenue, USD Million, 2015 - 2026) of Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) Software Market by XYZResearch include: China EU USA Japan India Southeast Asia South America Type Outlook (Value; Revenue, USD Million, 2015 - 2026): SaaS PaaS IaaS Other Application Outlook (Value; Revenue, USD Million, Market Share, 2015 - 2026): BFSI Industrial Controlling Systems Automotive Retail Education Healthcare Service Providers Other
For more details contact as  https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php
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444names · 3 years ago
altmer names from tes + swiss cities + norwegian fjords BUT excluding "jor"
Aaldil Aalire Adllocal Adossatch Adwil Aisen Alachwath Alinere Alion Alril Alunatys Amintar Amormben Amuurine Anamous Anarion Ancruben Andare Anden Andilaras Andlen Andomo Andremmen Angere Aninden Annalord Anwoon Arenarire Arendil Arenirer Arisse Aruur Arwen Asemilf Atcha Auril Bachilen Baqua Barcord Barical Barie Benyar Bindre Binmilmo Caenrine Caeramon Calantof Calard Calare Calaste Calil Calin Camion Camor Cannia Carandle Cardlar Carelen Caren Carinben Carion Carnil Cartore Catherion Celkemo Cilem Cilwe Cimnel Cimon Ciramra Ciren Cirir Ciriwen Coldel Corde Corgdil Corse Culducire Culon Curlianar Curon Cymbach Dainwe Dalanwe Eairaya Eannaril Earen Earin Eiremanwe Elamirwe Elestar Elind Elulyen Emmemil Endil Erddar Erden Erimolne Erionen Erlion Ertaran Ervarron Estarie Estorde Estundo Esure Ethre Faine Falden Fanonwin Fanwen Fanyalmo Faratirie Fareldare Farerim Farinwen Farritil Fasch Fastelar Fearm Fenwen Ficore Finewe Finwe Finwen Firon Fissir Gaemden Gaemon Gamanil Ganar Gande Ganren Ganwen Garan Garil Garimo Gelden Genarur Gingant Givire Glasare Graalel Gralemin Grandilie Gulden Haemo Haewe Haldil Halmo Hangenwe Harion Harminjel Heldenre Heldurin Hendele Hendiel Hendurner Herel Herorg Higamal Highwya Hilen Hinvan Hirunmar Hyariil Hydaurion Hylmon Iilvil Ilord Iminch Inalare Inchl Inwen Iraywyar Irnye Iscoredil Ithige Kaidaire Kalas Kaliomben Kalionen Kaliren Kalya Karne Keleordel Kellayen Kelsinde Kemme Kemon Knowe Kormil Lacamus Lacerne Ladurim Lainya Lamindil Lando Lanil Laril Larthus Lehen Lense Leril Lerril Lildore Lillar Lilmolque Lilwe Linel Linen Linorden Linquar Linsewe Liongama Lircil Lisch Londil Lordere Lornendil Lorsafwen Lotte Luril Maire Malatil Malulia Manan Manwen Marane Mearaame Menwe Merin Merra Mersephon Merulldar Minen Mionarel Mircil Mirirkron Mirlal Miron Mithrone Miusar Mohlinwe Monil Morand Moras Moremn Moudia Munoldord Naale Naermo Nalwe Naraldur Narind Narme Naron Nartel Naryawel Naryndri Nayrnerne Nearagg Necel Nerie Nernswir Nesse Newendil Nilack Ninenil Ningnamo Nirelyer Nocksolne Norie Nornen Nuiss Nulan Nurele Nurile Ockboten Ohtimen Olinden Ouril Outon Paluus Panauril Pelaurion Pelnorius Poonweno Prenen Pressee Psysaren Quarne Ralmon Rayord Relerie Relinlden Relle Rhidyen Riella Rilicamo Rillarwen Riller Rimaldil Rinrin Rohon Rolme Rufel Rulan Ruldwille Rulril Rumdelda Rumeno Runbron Ruurie Rütindil Sanme Sanquurwe Saranus Sarden Saril Saune Sauria Scaltilan Scarrion Sephon Sephonvil Sharion Sidss Silre Sinaach Sinarde Sinden Sindia Sindil Sinissil Sinol Sinwe Sinyel Sirenel Sisbe Sistel Skyrillen Smeldil Solanar Solruufen Solwa Sorden Sorin Sorrunden Spiril Stalwe Stordally Stoso Sunmiran Surawe Taamme Taaryar Taden Talir Talisin Tallia Talsandil Tandlon Tania Tanocil Tanwenowe Taruyame Tauna Teldhord Teliono Tellorde Tellus Telne Teloratch Tempar Tenlanwe Terelon Terie Terissar Terlalas Terore Thandur Thast Theil Thelyanal Thiria Thirm Thowe Thralemen Thron Throngama Thyius Tifil Tiltarel Timiaemus Tiril Tirrina Tisarnil Torwenden Tuinria Tular Umandalwe Umbia Umirnil Umore Undawen Undur Untier Uzlilmen Uzlingord Vaario Vaelden Vaemur Vaeryewe Vaeuch Valadt Valcalde Valde Valdil Valen Valgarmil Valianord Valmo Valon Varion Varon Varulmon Vatha Vilmo Vinril Virlail Volmo Værfiriil Walmon Watairie Windra Winorumir Yaalde Yanch Yanex Zondown Zubellf Zuriissin Årdan
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tamannasanjay · 5 years ago
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Elestar desing
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super-brandessence1 · 6 years ago
Overhead Cranes Market Size, Share, Global Industry Growth, Future Demand, Analysis and Forecast 2025
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Brandessenceresearch.com Adds “Overhead Cranes Market 2019 - Market Demand, Growth, Opportunities, Analysis of Top Key Players and Forecast to 2025” To Its Research Database.
Overhead Cranes Market was valued at USD 4176.6 Million in 2018 and is projected to reach around USD 5206.9 Million by 2025, at a CAGR of 3.2% during the forecast period. The base year considered for the study is 2018 and the forecast period is 2019-2025. Increasing infrastructure activities in emerging countries of various regions drive the growth of overhead cranes market.
Scope of Global Overhead Cranes Market Reports –
Overhead cranes are used to move extremely heavy or bulky loads through the overhead space in a facility, instead of through aisles or on the floor. An overhead crane contains parallel runways with a traveling bridge spanning the gap. A hoist-the lifting component of a crane, travels alongside the bridge.There is no one size fits all approach to defining an overhead crane, as each overhead crane is carefully designed and engineered for a particular purpose or application to suit a business’ material handling needs.
 Get Sample Report @ https://www.brandessenceresearch.com/machinery-equipment/overhead-cranes-market/
 Key Players for Global Overhead Cranes Market Reports
Some major key players for global Overhead Cranes market are, Machinery Co., Elestar crane systems Pvt. Ltd, Forum Hoist Pvt. Ltd., Konecranes, ABUS, Gorbel,   Terex, GH Crane & Components, KITO GROUP, Eilbeck Cranes, ZPMC, SISSCO Material Handling, FURUKAWA UNIC CORPORATION, XCMG Construction Machinery Co., Ltd, Weihua Hitachi Sumitomo Heavy Industries Construction Crane Co., Ltd., Columbus McKinnon Corporation and others.
Global Overhead Cranes Market Dynamics –
Increasing infrastructure activities is the key factor drives the demand for overhead cranes. Additionally, the feature such as reduction of labor expense, high safety and time saving are some others factors supplements the overhead cranes market growth within the forecast period. However, the lack of skilled operators may restrain the market growth. In spite of that, increasing technical advancement for safety purpose, rising development in industrial sector and in real-estate sector may provide the opportunities to the market for further growth within the forecast period.
 Key Benefits for Global Overhead Cranes Market Reports –
Global Overhead Cranes Market     report covers in-depth historical and forecast analysis.
Global Overhead Cranes Market     research report provides detail information about Market Introduction,     Market Summary, Global market Revenue (Revenue USD), Market Drivers,     Market Restraints, Market Opportunities, Competitive Analysis, Regional     and Country Level.
Global Overhead Cranes Market     report helps to identify opportunities in marketplace.
Global Overhead Cranes Market     report covers extensive analysis of emerging trends and competitive     landscape.
Overhead Cranes Market Segmentation
By Product
Bridge Crane
Gantry Crane
By Services
By End-User
Metal & Mining
By Region
 Latin America
 Rest of Middle East and      Africa
 Get Full Report Overview @ https://www.brandessenceresearch.com/machinery-equipment/overhead-cranes-market/
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0 notes
elester01 · 2 months ago
Hey! Do you have a link to any of your GIGGS fics?
Yeah - theres only one so far but I just posted a link :D if that didnt work, I'll repost it here
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rothbardiswrong · 9 years ago
And long there he lay. An image of the splendour of the Kings of Men in glory undimmed before the breaking of the World.
But Arwen went forth from the House, and the light of her eyes was quenched, and it seemed to her people that she had become cold and grey as nightfall in winter that comes without a star. Then she said farewell to Eldarion, and her daughters, and to all whom she had loved; and she went out from the city of Minas Tirith and passed away to the Land of Lorien, and dwelt there alone under the fading trees until winter came. Galadriel had passed away and Celeborn also was gone, and the land was silent. 
There at last, when the mallorn-leaves were falling but spring had not yet come, she laid herself to rest upon Cerin Amroth; and there is her green grave, until the world is changed, and all the days of her life are utterly forgotten by men that come after, and elanor and niphredil bloom no more east of Sea.
-Appendix A of The Return of The King by J.R.R. Tolkien. 
Arwen loved Aragorn so much that his suicide caused her to end her own life and remove herself from her people and her children. Were that we be so fortunate to find one who loved us the same. 
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miejserceipatrzajwserce · 13 years ago
Nie każde złoto jasno błyszczy, Nie każdy błądzi, kto wędruje. Nie każdą siłę starość zniszczy, Korzeni w głębi lód nie skuje. Z popiołów strzelą znów ogniska I mrok rozświetlą błyskawice. Złamany miecz swą moc odzyska, Król – tułacz wróci na stolicę.
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elester01 · 8 months ago
Can you draw Thomas as Tinker Bell, Edward as Silvermist, James as Fawn, Emily as Rosetta, Toby as Iridessa, and Gordon as Vidia?
Sorry, I'm not very versed in the world of Tinkerbell, and I don't think I'd be able to do the world justice :(
HOWEVER, if I find the time, I might do that. Thanks for the ask (they're always appreciated)
Elestar :)
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elester01 · 9 months ago
Blog update!
This is my seperate blog for updates of my main book, as it in my opinion deserves a seperate blog.
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elester01 · 9 months ago
Hi - this is an askblog for the characters in my book and myself. Feel free to ask any questions you want, but keep in mind that these need to be SFW.
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