#elephant vs tank
smbhax · 2 months
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Runark ("Growl" in the West) - in Taito Memories Joukan (PS2)
Session: https://youtu.be/dP5vfugkT_g
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The Orchive
Get it? Orchive? Orca?
Below is a master list of (mostly) my original posts that address frequently asked questions! This is a living document and may not be comprehensive. I also utilize an extensive tagging system!
Some of these answers are older. Feel free to ask a question again, and I’ll let you know if my thoughts have grown at all.
Please note that some topics contain multiple links, so look carefully!
Zoos & Aquariums (General)
How do I know if a zoo is ethical?
Stereotypical behaviors
Unethical animal sanctuaries
Why are so many zoos "for-profit"?
Elephants in zoos
Zoos & Aquariums (Specific)
The Beluga Whale Sanctuary
Clearwater Marine Aquarium
The National Aquarium
Disney's Animal Kingdom
Greensboro Science Center
SEA LIFE aquariums
Gulfarium Marine Adventure Park
Brookfield Zoo
Dolphin Quest (and Dolphin Connection)
SOS Dolfijn
Killer Whales & SeaWorld
Why I'm "pro captivity"
Is SeaWorld AZA accredited?
What about Blackfish?
How SeaWorld helps animals
SeaWorld's marine rescue program
Why is public sentiment against SeaWorld?
Why do orcas' dorsal fins collapse in human care?
Should whales and dolphins have larger tanks?
SeaWorld's killer whale breeding program
Life expectancy of SeaWorld's killer whales
Should SeaWorld have ended their breeding program?
Why did SeaWorld use artificial insemination?
Are killer whales "too smart" to be in captivity?
Why does SeaWorld teach their orcas to do "circus tricks"?
Keiko (Free Willy)
Dawn Brancheau
Toa & Ingrid Visser
Kiska & Marineland Canada
Killer Whale Ecotypes
Should Tokitae move to SeaWorld?
Why are those orcas attacking boats?
How do whales sleep?
Other Cetaceans
What's it really like for a whale or dolphin in an aquarium?
Aren't scientists against cetacean captivity?
What are some sources supporting cetaceans in human care?
What do we learn from having cetaceans in aquariums?
Do dolphins do well in captivity?
Don't wild dolphins swim hundreds of miles a day?
How long do dolphins live in captivity?
Swim-with-dolphins Programs
Dolphin shows
Wild dolphin tours
Do dolphins enjoy being touched?
US Navy Marine Mammal Program
Hvladimir the "Russian Spy Whale"
Indoor vs Outdoor marine mammal habitats
Why reproduction is important to cetacean welfare
Opposing the SWIMS Act
Cetacean ultrasounds
Why sea pens aren't the perfect solution
How come we can't just free the dolphins?
Are dolphins still captured from the wild?
Adopt don't shop?
Vet Medicine & Vet School
Zoo opportunities for vet techs
Client abuse
Animal Rights vs Animal Welfare
Veal crates
Dairy hutches
Animal rights groups spread misinformation
Why don't you support the Humane Society of the United States?
Do you support the ASPCA?
Trophy hunting
Commercial fisheries
Shark finning
Red wolves
Fun facts about eels
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ask-the-achs · 5 months
This is gonna be fun.
Ugliness is a matter of perspective.
Vega info
Hight:6 foot 1
Weapons:Bare Hands, Claw.
Strengths:as one of Shadowloo's four heavily kings and number one assassin he's one of the strongest and deadliest street fighters. Superhuman strength (can kick full grown men into the air he can slice motorcycles apart and smash through walls. Can easily suplex the 302lb sumo wrestler E.Honda) Superhuman durability (can survive getting upercutted into a chandelier by Ken and can get kicked through walls by Chun li. Shook off getting punched by Balrog who can punch an elephant to death. [Elephants can take 10000lbs of force without succumbing to head injury induced death. That poor elephant.]) Superhuman speed (He's well known as one of if not the fastest street fighter. Can speed blitz half the street fighter roster) highly skilled in fighting (his whole fighting style is a somehow expertly mixed combination of Spanish bull fighting and Japanese ninjitsu)
Weaknesses:Despite the feats of the fighters and skills he's rather frail compared to most of the roster not helped by a lack of armour though he's very skilled at dodging. Will torture his foe instead of killing them when given the chance. Will lose his fucking marbles if his face gets damaged. Due to his past he views all things beautiful as good and ugly as evil and will carve up anything ugly. (This comes from him coming home to see his gorgeous mother getting murdered by his ugly stepfather.)
Mother Midnight info
Hight:6 foot 4
Weight:100lbs (due to...her body.)
Weapons:Bare Hands, chains, ball weight, her own coffin.
Strengths:as an anomaly held in the Achs main base she's one of the stronger anomalies and these guys deal with a lot. Superhuman strength (Despite her body being all manner of fucked up she's capable of flipping cars derailing trains with a kick and effortlessly smashing through bullet proof glass. Despite being a harmless anomaly she's held in a danger anomaly cell. Most harmless and danger anomalies can bend steel. The weakest danger anomaly has been known to level 2 story buildings and MM can be considered the strongest danger anomly.) Superhuman durability (can no sell being stabbed shot is immune to fire and the cold. Got ran over by a minivan and stood back up not feeling it. Anti tank weapons and chainsaws can slow her down but not enough to make her weaker.) Suprising speed (Despite being covered in chains wearing platform heels held together with tar and having a 50lb weighted steel ball she's Suprisingly fast enough to dodge swipes from Moontear who's a skilled kickboxer. Has thrown her coffin fast enough and hard enough to obliterate men before any can duck.) Due to essentially being a corpse with no organs she can tear herself in half to make herself faster. Somehow can reassemble herself when needed. Can manipulate tar to reattach her limbs through staples and threads. Highly skilled at stitching herself or other things together. Due to her faith in 'the Others' she can read minds and souls allowing her to sense intent.
Weaknesses:really naive and dense along with kinda dumb (due to her dieing from a chandler falling on her head so hard it slip her head open tearing her brain in two and mangling her frontal lobe) being a corpse without her organs she's not in good condition physically. If her head is damaged or removed from her body she will die and stay dead till her head is put back on her body. Due to her becoming a nun after her first death due to a group of religious followers of 'The Others' she's a pacifist by nature unless she 'Finds a horrendously rottenly ugly soul' Kaito claims spirit tags can trap her still meaning she can be excorsised like any yokai pr spirit though people don't know why she's still around.
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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Izdeliye 55: Russian group company Kalashnikov presents new type of vagrant ammunition
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 08/01/2024 - 14:00in Military
The Russian company ZALA Aero, a company of the Kalashnikov Group, announced the development of a new wandering ammunition, designated as Izdeliye 55 (or Product 55). It is said to be even more effective, based on the Lancet drone, proven in combat, used in Ukraine.
The intentions of the ZALA Aero Group, which is 51% owned by Kalashnikov Concern, seem to be to create a weapon as cheap and effective as the legendary AK-47 assault shotgun of the parent company.
The Russian industry declares that the Izdeliye 55 will be resistant to electronic warfare and blockade. ZALA announced Item-55 in a company Telegram post with an image, but no specifications.
According to the official statement, it will be a short-range ammunition, launched from a container launcher. Like the Lancet drones of the previous generation, your aircraft will be built in the X configuration. In the nose section, there will be an optoelectronic module transmitting images with Full HD quality in real time. The operator can choose the ideal angle of approach to the target. Using Izdeliye 55 ammunition, the operator is considered completely safe, although the specific means to achieve this have not been specified.
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The ZALA Lancet wandering ammunition that has been used in the ongoing war in Ukraine.
ZALA Aero stated that the weight of the warhead of the new idle ammunition is 5kg. Meanwhile, the range of Izdeliye 55 is 50 km.
It has not been disclosed how the complete resistance of Izdeliye 55 to interference will be achieved. Theoretically - like the western guided anti-tank missiles - this could be achieved through fiber optic control. Another method would be to increase the autonomy of the ammunition, which, however, would limit the role of the operator.
ZALA Aero revealed that between February 2022 and December 29, 2023, during the war in Ukraine, 872 Lancet vagrant ammunition was used. The effectiveness in hitting the targets was 80%, which corresponds to 698 targets reached. Lancets are often used by the Russians as replacements for long-range anti-tank guided missiles.
Tags: Military Aviationvagrant ammunitionRussia
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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jbt7493 · 1 year
(continuation of previous DF animalpeople post)
which you probably want to read first for context, but i made it a new post so i could put spoilers under a cut and because it is kinda a separate idea from that posts considerations. speaking of which, rather long post and also it contains dwarf fortress spoilers at the very end.
exclusively aquatic people - can't get them normally whether in fortress or adventure mode, but there's an interesting idea of having either an exclusively aquatic fortress or a separate section of your fortress with their own flooded workshops and beds and stuff (can they still use them though? would that even work?). the only reason they would be interesting despite this inconvenience and the possibility of them not even functioning, where amphibious people basically dont matter, is the species - sperm whale people are even fucking bigger than elephant people (5x more, jesus), and ?from what i can tell? cuttlefish, squid, and octupus people actually get the full set of limbs from the original animal plus 2 arms and 2 legs, so they have a ton of arms? but thats of dubious use since i think the main value draw of that is using more shields and its gonna be hard to field your aquatic-people as soldiers, lol.
anyway i mean idk how much of a benefit to productivity the extra strength of an elephant person is vs the value for combat, and even then, i would assume it plateaus long before you get to being 200 times the size of a dwarf. i guess maybe you could use dwarves for convenient surface work and then if a megabeast shows up you use forbidding to force them through an underwater path where a crack team of a dozen supersoldiers lay in wait. actually oh man that's interesting. if they're able to sleep and use training halls normally so long as you have a fully submerged area of your fort, and you dont care about them crafting (even better to ensure theyre as trained as possible), all you need to deal with is dropping meals and gear into the water for them, instead of worrying about getting items *they* craft out of the water.
a well equipped and trained dwarven squad can handle most megabeasts but some can still be a problem; assuming you can produce equipment for spermwhalepeople normally, i think even if your sperm whale people soldiers are only mediocre in skill, they will be larger and stronger than most megabeasts. a dwarf with good armor can take some serious hits from creatures far larger than it, but a spermwhaleperson with good armor? i think even when they take a hit it would barely do anything to them. maybe i dont understand the way damage accumulates on large creatures though, idk.
as for weapons, obviously a huge monster has just a lot of force behind their attacks, but their contact area for attacks are big and the material hardness isnt that high. the strength of a megabeast but using steel (or divine metal or adamantine) material characteristics, and the contact area of a weapon allowing it to do critical damage more often against any defenses. the only thing that would trump it in defensive capabilities would be procgen megabeasts with metal bodies, and even then, because of the contact area of a weapon vs natural attacks, they should fall. plus your soldiers have combat skills and also, masterwork gear is super effective so that narrows the gap a little bit. definitely still a risk, but i mean. metal procgen monsters decimate any normal fort unless you can permanently trap them or you use an atom smasher to kill them, and here we're talking about you might lose a couple soldiers in a frontal fight of one squad vs one megabeast. oh, also special attacks from procgen creatures. actually those matter a lot, your sperm whale supersoldiers are still vulnerable to syndromes.
but uh. I mean, okay, they're never fighting angels because they're exclusively stationed in their underwater tank and can't travel over land to a vault (also, that isn't a common occurrance anyway and history/mission combat works differently from combat in the normal game area such that (i'm told) a few well equipped and skilled squads can successfully take a vault even if they'd be annihilated by the same angels if the fight took place in the fort. but demons you fight in the fort have grand master combat skills and there are *tons* of them, whereas even with the terrifying prospect of the metal bodied forgotten beast or titan, there's only one of them vs your whole squad. plus against multiple demons its even more likely that the vulnerability of syndromes ends up fucking you over.
i would have sworn that demons and angels can also get a full set of divine metal masterwork gear but i think that might be only true for archangels and ?possibly also unique demons in spires?. in any case, that uh. rather closes the gap that was created by being able to use dwarven equipment, and even overcomes it, but those you only fight one on one so you have the advantage of numbers instead of like thirty HFS clowns.
also uh, despite all of this waxing on about the power of having soldiers that are literally *even bigger* than megabeasts (by fuckin 20%!!!), i think its worthy of consideration whether you could just, yknow, have elephantpeople instead. just seems a lot easier, theyre still goddamn huge, probably a hell of a lot easier to have a whole squadron of them compared to dealing with your second-fort-inside-your-fort and needing to like fenagle to get megabeasts to pathfind through the underwater chamber instead of just sending a squad to kill them with minimal effort. plus you could preemptively hunt down beasts in the caverns to make it safe for your dwarves to go down there instead of needing to react. and like, we know that number beats size from existing dwarf vs megabeast combat. so its pretty certain that 5 elephantpeople drastically outperform 1 spermwhaleperson.
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tvrundownusa · 2 years
tvrundown USA 2023.03.17
Friday, March 17th: *~ Happy St.Patrick's Day ~*
(exclusive): Swarm (amazon, horror series premiere, all 7 eps), Angel Flight (amazon, Japan "Corpse Repatriator" drama, first 6 eps), "Class of '07" (amazon, Australian tsunami dramedy, all 8 eps), Monster Factory (apple+, wrestling docu-series, all 6 parts), Agent Elvis (netflix, adult animated comedy series, all 10 eps), Dance 100 (netflix, choreography competition, all 6 eps), Maestro in Blue (netflix, Greek romantic mystery, all 9 eps), Sky High: The Series (netflix, Spanish crime drama, all 7 eps)
(movies): "Leave" (Shudder, horror thriller), "Boston Strangler" (hulu), "In His Shadow" (netflix, French thriller, 90mins), "Noise" (netflix, Belgian psychological thriller, 90mins), "The Magician's Elephant" (netflix, animated adventure, ~105mins), "Bono + The Edge: A Sort of Homecoming" (dsn+, documentary w/ David Letterman)
(streaming weekly): Carnival Row (amazon, next 2 eps, series finale), Daisy Jones & The Six (amazon, next 2 eps), Dom (amazon, Brazilian crime drama, season 2 opener, first 3 eps), Extrapolations (apple+, climate change-themed anthology, first 3 eps), Liaison (apple+), Hello Tomorrow! (apple+), Dear Edward (apple+, penultimate), Shrinking (apple+, penultimate), Truth Be Told (apple+, penultimate), Servant (apple+, series finale), The Problem with Jon Stewart (apple+), Who's Talking to Chris Wallace (HMax)
(also new): "Nanny Dearest" (LIFE, original movie, 2hrs+)
(hour 1): Lopez vs. Lopez (NBC) /   / Grand Crew (NBC), Shark Tank (ABC), RuPaul's Drag Race (MTV, 90mins), BMF (Starz, season 2 finale)
(hour 2): Whose Line Is It Anyway? (theCW), RuPaul's Drag Race (MTV, contd) /   / Untucked (MTV), Ancient Aliens (HIST, season 19 finale), Power (Book II): Ghost (Starz, season 3 opener, new night)
(hour 3): Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO), The Exhibit: Finding the Next Great Artist (MTV), Party Down (Starz, special time)
(hour 4 - latenight): Game Theory with Bomani Jones (HBO)
[repeats, resuming in two weeks: Penn & Teller: Fool Us (theCW) ] [preempted, returning in two weeks: S.W.A.T. (CBS), Fire Country (CBS), Blue Bloods (CBS) ]
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astrolovecosmos · 2 years
Mars Signs: Symbolism and Themes
Aries Mars: Sword, fist, explosion, dragon or dragon warrior, barbarian, knight, war, fire, destruction, conquer, compete, winning, scars, blood, masculine anger (symbolic), berserker, action, assertion
Taurus Mars: Tank, battering ram, earthquake, volcano, boiling over, immovable object, bull, elephant, charging, magnetic, time is on their side, real results, hidden or smothered anger and drive
Gemini Mars: Propaganda, gossip, messenger, urgent news, knowledge is power, spy, translator, alarm, arguing, debate, yelling, flexible, tricks, persuasion, mental gymnastics, war cry, expressive anger and drive
Cancer Mars: Shield, kraken, submarine, werewolf, killer whale, pressure cooker, mama bear, raging sea, feminine wrath (symbolic), great healer, intuition, primal, sanctuary, protective and tenacious will  
Leo Mars: Power plays, saber rattling, declaring war, politics, royalty, influence, destruction, lion, gryphon, sun magic or power, pride, roar, heart, fierceness, honor, weight of the world vs. self-love and respect
Virgo Mars: Soldier, investigator, sniper, spy, thoughtful, critic, skill mastery, listening and watching, problem solver, loyal security, army ants, secret messages, morse code, quicksand, landslide, sink hole, dangerous plants or organisms, efficient and effective drive
Libra Mars: Negotiator, politics, diplomat, bird of prey, justice system, persuasion, vigilante, peace keeping, judge, safe spaces, civil progress or unrest, revaluate, adaptation, dove, using anger only when needed
Scorpio Mars: Assassin, puppet master, steamroller, self-destruct button, spy, mind games, hurricanes or tsunamis, unstoppable force, power and desire, venom, will, self-mastery, destiny, shadows, vigilante, hypnosis, shark, thorns, when anger or passion meets depth
Sagittarius Mars: Burns, wildfire, daggers, range weapons, adrenaline, bark and bite, hunter, wildness, dangerous or helpful stranger, traps, savage insults or truths, dark horse, zealous drive or willpower that comes from a strong belief
Capricorn Mars: General in a war, power and control, being the G.O.A.T, unshakable, chess, patience, reward, success, climbing, surviving, boundaries, authority, poker face, underground bases, the power and heaviness of responsibility, Mars exalted like a badge of honor but also may be being held up like Atlas and the heavens 
Aquarius Mars: Rebellion, revolution, protest, technology, talons and large wings, unpredictable, tornado, lasers, distraction, politics, hacking, maybe vigilantes or rogue movements and groups, collective trauma, anger, healing etc. destruction, rebuild, hope, disruption
Pisces Mars: Piranhas, rapids, healing, intuition, curses and blessings, cycle breakers, escapism, unbreakable spirit, self-faith, gentle and harsh, power of water, water magic, a great seer or sage, drowning, fog or mist, drive is dissolved then solidified
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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“A rather more alien take on the thrumbo” © Reddit user IpsumDolorAmet, accessed here
[Commissioned by @arachcobra​. Rimworld is yet another video game that I haven’t played with an impressive bestiary, and the thrumbo is one of the game’s iconic creatures. Since the game is popular, there’s plenty of fanart, but since the game has a very simple, cartoony visual style, there’s a lot of variation. To give you an idea, here’s what the in-game thrumbo looks like:
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So there are willowy thrumbos and stocky thrumbos, thrumbos with single hooves, cloven hooves, claws or elephant-like feet, thrumbos with beaks or horse heads or rhino-like lips. I chose the picture I did because I like the sense of mass it conveys, and the logical design of “a sauropod, but mammalian”, which is what the original pog seems to be going for. This also goes along with my recent typhlotherium in experimenting with high CR creatures of the animal type. In game, a thrumbo can tank five shots from a rocket launcher before succumbing, so I wanted to make sure they were nice and beefy.
Also, thrumbos appear to be popular among furries with a size kink, but that’s neither here nor there. But if I had to learn that while searching for images, so do you.]
Thrumbo CR 14 N Animal This majestic beast has shaggy, silvery-white fur. Its feet are paw-like and clawed, and its face has a short muzzle but powerful jaws. A single large horn grows from its brow with a crescent blade.
A thrumbo is a mega-herbivore and ecosystem engineer native to alien worlds. It has a mostly mammalian physiology, able to maintain a constant body temperature and feed its young with milk. Thrumbos eat plants, particularly the bark and shoots of trees, and cut down trees with their horns in order to feed on morsels out of their considerable reach. This horn and strength also serves them well as a defense—no mundane predator would dare hunt an adult thrumbo, and many magical predators would do well to think twice. In herds, they are even more defended.
Thrumbos can be found in many different biomes, although their thick fur means that they prefer cooler climes. This fur is thick enough to stop blades as well as claws and fangs, and is valued for use in making lightweight but durable armor. Treat thrumbo fur armor as if it were a mithral chain shirt for all purposes, including pricing, except that Craft (weaving) is necessary to make it and it does not count as metal for the purposes of spells and effects. A single thrumbo carcass can yield enough fur for four Medium or smaller suits of armor, or 1 Large suit. Harvesting fur from a live thrumbo is very tricky, as they are ill-tempered and barely able to be domesticated.
A thrumbo can live to be over two hundred years old if it does not succumb to disease, predators or starvation. Folklore in lands where thrumbos live credits them with incredible wisdom, and even that they can speak but choose not to.
Thrumbos as Animal Companions Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Attack gore (1d8), 2 claws (1d6); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7; Special Abilities hacking gore, low-light vision, irascible, scent.
7th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +3 natural armor; Attack gore (2d6), 2 claws (1d8); Ability Scores +8 Str, –2 Dex, +4 Con; Special Abilities DR 2/-; trample (2d6)
Thrumbo               CR 14 XP 38,400 N Huge animal Init +6; Senses low-light vision, Perception +18, scent Defense AC 26, touch 10, flat-footed 24 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +16 natural) hp 225 (18d8+144) Fort +21, Ref +10, Will +18 DR 5/- Defensive Abilities irascible Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee gore +24 (2d12+19), 2 claws +24 (1d8+13) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with gore) Special Attacks powerful blows (gore), trample (2d8+19) Statistics Str 37, Dex 14, Con 27, Int 2, Wis 21, Cha 10 Base Atk +13; CMB +28 (+30 bull rush, +32 sunder); CMD 40 (44 vs. trip) Feats Great Fortitude, Greater Sunder, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Run Skills Acrobatics +9 (+13 when jumping), Perception +18, Swim +20 SQ hacking gore Ecology Environment cold and temperate land Organization solitary or herd (2-6) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Hacking Gore (Ex) A thrumbo’s gore attack deals slashing damage. In addition, it ignores the first 5 points of hardness of wooden objects. Irascible (Ex) A thrumbo’s good saves are Fortitude and Will instead of Fortitude and Reflex. Handle Animal and wild empathy checks to influence its behavior suffer a -4 penalty, as if it were a magical beast.
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doctormomwriter · 3 years
The List
**Disclaimer/Warning: story contains mentions of body negativity and weight loss. As a plus size and body positive author I want to add that I do not place value on myself or anyone else based on the size of their body, but I do value a persons character. I wanted to explore a relationship blossoming through weight loss rather than blossoming because of weight loss. I will make a separate post on my opinions about weight vs health from the eyes of a modern healthcare provider soon!**
Max had become a good friend of mine since I started working in production for AEW. He was really encouraging to me. When he was not busy wrestling or doing PR he took time to help me work out and work on my body. I was horribly self conscious. He never made me feel anything other than beautiful, but I saw the way he looked at the athletic women, it was a way he never looked at me. I found myself day dreaming about tonights show, it was the first TBS live event we were having and everything had to go perfect.
"Hello in there." MJF knocked lightly on the side of my head.
"You have been stirring your oatmeal for 10 minutes while looking into the abyss, you alright?" He looked concerned and smug all at once.
"Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about things I needed to get done before tonight. You ready to open the show?" I asked excitedly.
"Yep, always ready baby, you know me!"He showboated a little and waved Wardlow over.
I liked Wardlow, he was the strong silent type and he and Max created this awesome workout and meal plan for me. I had already lost 5 pounds in 17 days!
"Ivy, how is the flax seed oatmeal treating you?" Wardlow patted me on the shoulder.
"It tastes pretty good actually!" I took another bite. It had grown cold at this point.
"I am proud of you, you will start seeing changes soon, you wont even believe its you." He smiled and walked away.
I felt a pain in my stomach. The small bit of anger that was trying to climb its way up to my throat and choke me up. I hated feeling like I was the fat girl in the room. In my head, I was a two ton elephant sitting in a plastic lawn chair, milliseconds away from snapping the legs of the chair off like twigs and falling to the floor.
"You know, I can tell you have already lost some. Not that it even matters." MJF scratched the back of his head.
"What does that even mean?" I blushed angrily and then walked away before the anger choked me completely and I burst out in tears.
I went to the bathroom and touched up my make up. I was wearing some yoga pants and black tank top. I body checked myself in the mirror. Poking at my lower stomach, sucking it in and turning to the side to see if it made a difference. My hair was in a messy bun and my bangs sat to one side. I did not have on any makeup as I had worked out for an hour before breakfast and would be running around the arena checking lighting and sound all day. I shut myself into a stall when I heard some of the girls walking in. I had good relationships with all of the female roster, but I did not want them to see me so vulnerable looking so I hid.
"We are having drinks tonight after right?" Tay asked the other girls. I could tell it was her voice.
"You know we are. Don't forget to invite Ivy and that one guy from production. She is SO fun." Britt sounded excited.
I smiled to myself that they were thinking of inviting me out to an after party. I had not been invited to one in months. I just told myself it was because I had been busy but then I heard something that made my heart break.
"Well you know we always have a photographer and she never... you know.." Tay slowed her words.
"She never what? Ivy is hilarious and a good time. Don't say nothing about my girl." Nyla sounded annoyed.
"Well yeah, I love her. She's great. She just never really comes dressed for photos and when she does she is so uncomfortable it makes me uncomfortable. Like a vibe killer.." Tay was cut off by the sound of me flushing the toilet I did not use and walking out of the stall.
I washed my hands and walked right out. I did not say a word.
"That was really selfish." Britt punched Tay on the arm, not hard though.
I was the funny fat girl of the group. That is what I amounted to and the worst part was that my self conscious feelings bled onto other people apparently. When I rushed out of the bathroom I ran face first into Max's chest.
"Sorry Max." I burshed passed him and headed to get my work done.
"What happened to her?" Max asked the girls when they walked out of the bathroom.
"Someone, may have said something insensitive about her." Nyla gave Tay the side eye and Tay looked like she could pull a shoe from her mouth.
"I said I was sorry!" Tay stomped her foot.
"Wait what?" Max was in total confusion.
"We did not know she was in the stall, I told Tay not to forget to invite her to the party tonight, Tay said she likes Ivy but doesnt like that Ivy does not want to have her pictures taken because she is self conscious and Ivy's feelings somehow impact Tay's feelings and make her uncomfortable." Britt gave a espn style synapsis of the event.
"Awe man.." Max face palmed.
"You're coming tonight aren't you?" Tay laid her head on Max's shoulder and gave him the dough eyes.
"Yeah, sure." He walked off without saying much more.
"He has such a good ass" Tay fanned herself.
"You are truly a piece of work.." Britt rolled her eyes and walked off.
The show had come and gone and everything finished perfectly. Tony and I high fived as we managed to cut to commercial so smoothly after the final promo.
"I am going to bed." I fake yawned and grabbed my bag.
"What?? no party animal tonight? I bought the good vodka JUST for you." Tony smirked.
"Nah, I can't drink right now. Clear liquids only." I pulled the diet journal from my bag and showed him.
"Give me that." He snatched it.
He flipped through the pages and handed it back.
"If you change your mind I will get zero sugar redbull for mixer..." He shrugged his arms and let me leave.
I walked back to the hotel and and stripped down to shower. My plan was to shower, get some casual clothes on and run down the street to the steakhouse and order salmon and rice to go. I looked forward to it. At least that is what I kept telling myself. I had just stepped out of the shower when I heard knocking on my door.
"Just a sec." I yelled. Wrapping the towel around my boobs. Of course it did not close completely and left a slit opening from my thigh to my ribs. I cracked the door open and it was Max.
"Oh Hey! You are going to the party! Yes!" He was smiling and had walked inside without warning.
I was side stepping back to the bathroom as I was barely covered. I blushed red.
"Oh no, I am just going to stay in tonight. I was just showering off the pyro smell.." I tried to giggle but it was so fake.
"Please Ivy, come on.. We all want you there." He smiled like a golden boy. He was so handsome.
"Max, I can't. I do not want to fuck up my diet." I sighed. Shutting myself in the bathroom.
"Well, You are not ruining your diet. One night out after 17 days of hardcore training and eating is not going to ruin your diet." He tried to be comforting.
"That is easy for you to say. You are not the biggest girl in the room 24/7. You do not have to rely solely on your sense of humor to have a conversation 24/7. Let me lose like... 50 pounds and I will be ready to party. Deal?" I choked out the last part, not wanting to cry.
to be continued...
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beesmygod · 3 years
twin peaks huh (nodding) twin peaks...
ive had this in the tank for 23 days and i just got done with a lot of work and im very high so let me ramble.
what a wonderful series, frankly, lol. uneven at parts, mired in some "of the time" stuff or stuff that is just wildly out there (the arc with ben and the confederate army????). but, as a whole, a gorgeous and emotionally devastating ride worth the payoff. i really really liked it lol it was honestly the kind of story i needed to see right now. it gave me a lot of what i wanted.
i guess we'll address the elephants in the room. if i dont mention this kind of stuff i guess it would be remiss but its not like they're scathing indictments. any criticisms i have couldn't detract from the enjoyment i got from it. they're just like things you notice as you're watching it.
my friend put it perfectly when they said that lynch writes "mentally ill sex worker" characters compassionately and he can also write "shrill housewife" but he sort of struggles with any women outside of those parameters lol. norma's entire arcs revolve around her dating life, shelley is trapped in a cycle of violence and abuse...the woman who has the happiest ending is nadine lol. god remember that scene where she comes running down the hallway at ed and its the scariest thing in the fucking world even though its just to hug him. remember how bad her story was. wow i forgot about her teen hulk shit until right now.
it is inelegant and graceless at times. the episodes directed by lynch shine like diamonds among a sea of pretty good to god awful episodes. my opinions align with literally everyone else: the second half of the second season is really, really bad. we trudged through it knowing that after it ended it couldn't hurt us anymore. but good lord lol. that shit sucked. at least the last episode was cool?
seasons 1, 2 and fwww feel slightly disconnected. i didnt enjoy parts of fwww because they left me wanting in a bad way. the only scenes with coop esp are agonizing in how vague and deliberately obtuse they are. it is only by the third season's grace that the scene was retroactively justified. but as the third season taught me: lynch is going to tell the fucking story he wants. he doesn't give a fuck what i want. and i loved it. thank god i wasn't pandered to i was stupid as shit dude. the ride he took me on was so fulfilling and gratifying.
spoilers and asshole analysis now:
im glad to see im not the only one who read it as a story about the cycles of abuse. the implications of the more surreal parts of the show felt to me like they were implying the cosmic battle of good vs evil had been condensed down to the palmer family and cooper. honestly i wish i was in college so i could write a whole embarrassing paper about this shit.
the show has some interesting things to say about lynch's idea of what evil is and where it comes from. i dont think the meaning is as literal as the shows visuals imply, but its the idea that both of the villains are spawned from what i would assume the author is positing as the most vile and despicable acts committed by humanity leaves us twisting in the wind with how to solve the problems presented by this narrative. and the narrative itself just echoes back "how? how can you?" great question. i uh. uh. i guess dont do it in the first place. welp.
how do you stop the cycle of abuse humanity inflicts on each other? is it possible? what if everything changes but everything stays the same? you know what i mean...? or is this just nutso shit.
anyway: rip jack nance you were the best pete forever petesquad
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thecampfirestory · 4 years
If youre making playlist for the bois, may we see Logan's? since hes the most musical in the gang :o
Oh fuck yeah
List of songs Campfire!Logan would absolutely vibe to:
Stolen Dance - Milky Chance
To All Of You - Syd Matters
Life Is Confusing - Autoheart
Trouble - Cage The Elephant
Home - American Authors
Im Still Here - John Rzeznik (from Treasure Planet)
Midnight Radio - Hedwig And The Angry Inch
Two Time - Jack Stauber
Plane vs Tank vs Submarine - Tigers Jaw
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wearesorcerer · 4 years
[5e] 7th-Level Spells
or “You’re Taking Teleport, Right?”
7th-level spells are like higher level ones in that you only learn one of them (unless you give up better magic) and can’t use it terribly often. Unlike 8th- or 9th-level spells, though, you aren’t outright godlike for using these: they're the sorts of things the most accomplished caster of a generation should be able to, but they are still fundamentally within the realm of fantastical human capability.
So, why teleport? Why are you worrying about this spell above all others?
Teleportation is, by definition, the most effective means of transportation. It ignores all problems specific to transportation except something (or someone) else being right where you want to be. Almost all drawbacks are theoretical -- indeed, they vary from one type of teleportation effect to another, even within works. In D&D, it negates most obstacles in, to, and from a dungeon, making it the bane of many a DM’s existence.
Teleport happens to be the best teleportation spell within D&D.
In fact, most other teleportation spells exist to reduce dependency on teleport. For instance, TSR created plane shift some time after the Expert set (1981); before it existed, teleport could go across planes. Dimension door is the oldest example of a lower-level teleportation spell for the tactical movement aspect -- obviously a major point of appeal. Really, the only teleportation spell that isn’t strictly “teleport, but...” is gate.
Teleport is so handy that after 3rd edition, they bumped normal teleport from 5th-level (as it had been since OD&D) to 7th-level, at the expense of greater teleport (3.5)/teleport without error (2e and 3.0) entirely. Some of this has to do with D&D not being great with sympathetic magic; some of it is how video games deal with teleporting; most of it is 4e. Still, it’s not for nothing that it was this one spell that required so much reworking.
The question is not “What spell should I take?” but “Is this worth giving up teleport for?”
The Main List
conjure hezrou · crown of stars · delayed blast fireball · etherealness · finger of death · fire storm · plane shift · power word pain · prismatic spray · reverse gravity · whirlwind
This level’s list pretty much demonstrates the main parts of the Sorcerer list in general: boom-boom (five dedicated spells), crowd control (four spells), some utility (three), and the occasional other (two summons).
Conjure Hezrou: you summon...a stinky frog demon with a thing for necrophagy; it will gleefully serve as a tank, but can’t do much else, and will turn on you. Did you read my rant? Pass. With extreme prejudice. #killitwithfireball
Crown of Stars: pretty much sunbeam combined with light, but the flavor is dancing lights. Functionally, it has two advantages over sunbeam: it has a longer duration that it doesn’t require concentration (both as light). However, it doesn’t provide true sunlight or affect as many targets. This should be a 4th-level spell at the highest. (I bet I’m going to have to defend that later...)
Delayed Blast Fireball: I’m not really certain what the point of this spell is anymore. I only reference it as much as I do because it works with queuing and casters = fireball users. The main point of DBF was in conjunction with time stop, but since it’s concentration that doesn’t really fly. Otherwise...hooray, a time bomb? I’d rather have this as a metamagic effect.
Etherealness: or intangibility. You probably won’t need it as long as the spell provides, but even there plane shift can outdo this spell. That said, it doesn’t cost you anything in materials and you won’t arrive in a semi-random location. I mean, it’s by no means bad...
Finger of Death: deal lots of necrotic damage, zomble target. This is niftier than the 3.5 version (which was just a save or die effect), but there was a metamagic feat (Fell Animate) that applied to any damaging spell. Ask your DM to convert the metamagic feat for you.
Fire Storm: one of the few spells on this list that is primarily a Druidic spell (you can tell by the bit about it ignoring vegetation). The sculpting aspect of this spell is nice and it’s slightly bigger and more damaging than wall of fire without requiring concentration. This + elemental spell = conscientious blasting. For a boom-boom, not bad.
Plane Shift: the other half of teleport, which is a bit sad given that this is now the level at which you get teleport. Unfortunately, it has a costly material component to it and isn’t a ritual. Depending on the game, this could be as important as teleport or entirely irrelevant.
Power Word Pain: (CRUCIO! -.-) you torture someone and get... minor results? I swear, if you want to be this evil, there are lower-level spells that would let you do it better.
Prismatic Spray: RANDOM! The CC effects are cool, but toned done from 3.5 (in which they’d take effect immediately, rather than over several turns). The rest depends: 10d6 is nice damage, but if you roll the wrong type then you’re just out of luck (and Elemental Metamagic won’t help you much, either). Since charging is now a feat, the range on the cone isn’t bad, but I’d much rather have a burst. I want to like it, but...
Reverse Gravity: this is funnest spell on this list and one of the more fun 7th-level spells period, yet it’s only so-so. It’s mainly there to throw creatures skyward. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just alter gravity in areas and make the game Super Mario Galaxy?
Whirlwind: other than crown of stars, this is my personal favorite for this list -- and it doesn’t come with caveats. You simply create a miniature tornado and destroy people’s lives. HOORAY NATURAL DISASTERS!
If you’re not taking teleport, you might be considering etherealness or plane shift. If you’re not, you’ve got some pretty good options and some...not so good ones. Y’know, like always.
Just remember about conjure hezrou: dishonor!
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You got that? Good.
Moving on.
Cleric (Divine Soul) List
conjure celestial · divine word · regenerate · resurrection · symbol · temple of the gods
Conjure Celestial: you summon a celestial of CR 4 or lower (5 if you spend a 9th-level spell slot). CR 4- celestials include the couatl (flying shapeshifter healer) and several winged animals (bull, lion, horse [pegasus]) to serve as combat mounts. (Did you know that Pegasi prior to 5e also had spells to detect alignment? Yep. More than just a mount.) Upping the spell to 9th gets you a battleforce angel (flying paladin), a felidar (sometimes winged cat-thing with truesight to which you could bond if the spell’s duration didn’t prevent that), hollyphant (ridiculous elephant celestial thing), or a unicorn. For the sake of comparison, a unicorn in 3.5 is CR 3 and a 4th-level summoning spell could call one. (Summoning is much weaker in 5e, but lasts a lot longer.) I’m not sure what to say. I mean, the couatl and the unicorn would be nice if you needed healing, but you can probably do that yourself.
Divine Word: creatures of your choice within 30 ft. that can hear you must save (Cha) versus various effects based on HP. This is overall better than the equivalents in 3.5 (which were alignment pole based) and it’s an “I win” button against extraplanar creatures (except aberrations) that fail their saves, which could stop a cult in its tracks. Pretty powerful.
Regenerate: target creature is now a troll/starfish! Woot woot! It’s kinda sad that you have to wait this long for it and that it competes with your second best rez, but you can replace that rez with this once you get true rez (which of course you will). This should be mandatory in a game that uses slashing weapons so much.
Resurrection: holding out for true resurrection is not really a great idea. On the one hand, you don’t want to have to ask someone else for this spell -- and chances are there will come a time when you need it. You can replace this spell with true rez later. On the other, there are so many other things you might want. Need I say more?
Symbol: you spend a buttload of money to make magic traps. Why are these Cleric spells? Dunno. Why are they spells and not magic items you craft? Also dunno. They’re useful, but not so much that I’d want them as anything besides rituals (which they aren’t). -2 Sorcerousness.
Temple of the Gods: holy shit, this is neat. If you need to seal yourself and your party away from the world while still being able to access the world, you want this spell. Like, take Mordenkainen’s magnificent mansion and make it more convenient. Great spell.
S’yeah, lots of lovely spells that you now have to decide upon vs. teleport. I do not envy you in making this decision.
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djgamek1ng · 4 years
My thoughts about the Endwalker/6.0 announcement stream
I had originally posted this on Twitter in a TwitLonger tweet, but I’ll also put it here. This also contains the follow up “thread” about the pure healer/barrier healer balancing (which is at the end, so if you are only interested in that, skip to where it starts with “So... I was”). OKAY, SO I'M REALLY DAMNED HYPED ABOUT THIS EXPANSION. I'm going to go point by point for things they talked about, in as much of the order they talked about things. - The trailer is really freaking cool! Personally, it is arguably my favorite trailer now and we haven't gotten the full version, though depending on the full version the Shadowbringers trailer might still win it out. The music is great, bit less rocking than the Shadowbringers one, but still fantastic. The WoL as a PLD is everything I've ever wanted from this game. It is also a FF4 reference with Cecil going from a Dark Knight to a Paladin. Seeing the twins in CG finally is also amazing. Endwalker, great freaking name ruined by its unfortunate abbreviation: EW. - Okay, so the new jobs. One is a melee DPS. Honestly, didn't expect that. Was expecting a caster, but this does silence the whole "they are going to balance the choices to be 4 each and then we might no longer get any jooooobs!!!!11!" discussion that I've seen happen, so honestly I'm okay with this. The other is our new healer, Sage. Alphinaud also job changed to it, so that is nice. - Specifically, about Sage, they made it a barrier/shield healer and will be shifting over AST to be a "pure" (regen) healer. The actions they showed look cool enough, but it is hard to judge. It is also very very very interesting that they are looking to make the raid finder actually distinguish between barrier healers (so Sage and SCH) and pure healers (WHM and AST). I will get to this point in another post, since I think it is very interesting that they are doing this. - 6.0 being the end of the major Hydaelyn vs Zodiark arc. VERY interesting that it is specifically 6.0 that is going to be the end of that and not 6.3, makes me think that 6.0 is going to be a slightly bigger patch than normal expansion launch patches in terms of story. - Higher level cap! ...I'm only mentioning it because they did. Okay, to be fair, we do see some of the new AFs and DRK's looks great, WHM's looks good, SAM's is awesome and BLM's is nice. - Finally going to Thavnair and Garlemald. Bit of a shame we are only going to Garlemald when it has been entirely destroyed, but it was to be expected I guess lol. Oh, also, new beast tribe. Matanga, the big elephant people. They look pretty cool and I'm honestly intimidated by them as a Lalafell ^-^" - Anima confirmed! Is it going to be a Terminus beast similar to the enemies we saw in the Amaurot dungeon, just as a trial instead? If so, that is really really cool. Regardless, a long overdue enemy to see arrive here! - "Challenging" new dungeons. I'm... sorry to be skeptical, but I'm guessing these are not going to be that challenging. I really hope I'm wrong and that they will provide a decent challenge, but I just doubt it. The art does look pretty though! - New 8 man raids, the Pandaemonium raids. Ascian inspired with Lahabrea of all of them being the one we supposedly see in the art. Very very interesting and I'm glad that they are moving to more FFXIV original stuff, though Pandaemonium isn't a new thing in the FF series for sure. - New 24 man raid series. Not title said, just said that it will be FFXIV original. All I gotta say: thank GOD. Sorry to all Nier fans, but I just could not care about Yorha: Dark Apocalypse. It very much feels like it is the continuation of NieR: Automata in FFXIV with little to no relevance for the FFXIV side of things (such as world building as such). Hoping the 5.5 one can make me feel different though. - New small scale PvP mode. Apparently going to be approachable by casuals? Seems like a good direction for FFXIV's PvP at the moment, since you currently need too many people to have a PvP match. - Role quests are returning. Also, ranged is now split up into physical ranged and casters. I'm... divided on this. If it means again only 1 job quest at the level cap, that is going to be disappointing tbh. If it doesn't, then I will be very glad. Also gatherer and crafting quests... uh... *stares at him only having one of each unlocked and neither are even at level 50*. Also, WAR, MNK and RDM AF art. WAR looks pretty good, MNK looks nice and RDM looks pretty neat! - Estinien in the trust system. Yup, that makes perfect sense since Estinien is basically a honorary member of the Scions at this point. Also since we have no more melee DPS in that spot, since Ryne isn't with us anymore. I will miss Ryne in the MSQ. Hopefully they have more quests for us on the First that involve her :( - Island Sanctuary. Stardew Valley FFXIV edition? I mean, I'm down for it. Especially if we can customize the place. If I'm able to get a training dummy there and teleport to that place, it will basically just be my new house and I might actually consider getting my current house demolished. - As literally everyone expected, Ishgard housing. Makes perfect sense after the Ishgard Restoration. Not personally jumping on it, as I remember the bloodbath that was Shirogane housing *shudders* - Stat squish. I'm perfectly fine with this, since smaller numbers feel more impactful for me. I'm 100% a person that sees a 61389 damage Confiteor crit and just feels nothing towards the 3 numbers on the right. They mean nothing. Smaller numbers makes smaller increases more substantial - Removing belts. Nomura's worst nightmare... Honestly, I'm just glad about the extra inventory space for main weapons arms and rings. That is the good stuff! :) - Data center travel. UH. How in the heck is this going to work? Is it only in the regions or can I go from Chaos to Primal, for example? If the latter, that is amazing and removes the need to have alts for friends in other datacenters by quite a bit! - PS5 version. Yeah, that makes sense. - Digital Fan Fest 15th and 16th of May (14th and 15th for the NA folks). Looking forward to it and to seeing the new melee DPS job being revealed! Plus a live concert by the Primals is sick! So... I was gonna make a post about the whole barrier healer/pure healer thing and how that is weird compared to what they did with tanks in ShB and how it might impact tanks in End (I don't like EW as acronym), but an interview happened and they have already confirmed tanks are not getting balanced for main tank/off tank. So I'll just sum up what I had about healers: it is a very interesting direction that I honestly think is more healthy for the game. It diversifies and focuses the healers into their type of healing, a problem AST had since it came out, where the only pieces of identity it had were its cards and the fact it could be a WHM-lite or a SCH-lite, where the second part isn't really an identity. It also confirmed that the healers aren't getting split in 2 categories in the game (like the DPS are split between melee, physical ranged and magical ranged). Just for balancing, which is good since queues would otherwise be a pain for no real reason. Also, he confirmed that content will be easier with one pure healer and barrier healer, not required. 
TL;DR: I think this is a change for the better. AST will (hopefully) get a real identity outside of “it can be either like WHM or like SCH!” and their cards.
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aftermathdb · 4 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Obi-Wan vs. Kakashi
This episode is released to Youtube on May 4th. So, may the Fourth be with you.
Obi-Wan′s Preview.
So, before going into this, just be warned: Boomstick has a bunch of Obi-Wan Liners. Let’s get started.
We open up on Tatooine, and our first Obi-Wan Liner, because old Ben was actually Obi-Wan Kenobi. Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.
And of course, the classic “Hello there.”
They go over his brief story of training under Liam Neeson, and his rise through the rankings of Jedi Knights. And for the record, yes. I’ll be referring to them as “knights” as opposed to Boomstick’s “Samurai Space Wizards.”
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Anyways, they also go over Kenobi’s relation to The Force. The energy that’s all around the universe and allows Obi-Wan to do incredible things.
It also leads us into our first Wiz/Boomstick segment!
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Aside from the Force, they also go over some of Obi-Wan’s techniques and other parts of his arsenal.
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And they also go over several novels that help give Obi-Wan an edge up as well.
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And the Force is no joke. There’s a reason why I’m capitalizing it all the time.
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And it wouldn’t be a true Obi-Wan rundown if they didn’t mention his ultimate weapon:
The High Ground.
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A powerful technique that he copied from Darth Maul. It gives him all sorts of advantages.
Kenobi also scales to other Force-Users, like Anakin. Which is brought up when pre-Vader did a Force feat that puts the ability to move massive dreadnaughts at massively relativistic speeds.
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And to pull that off, it would need over 21 Megatons of TNT. And that was when Anakin was a newbie.
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Of course, they do go over some of Obi-Wan’s weaknesses, like his dedication to the Jedi Order, trying to trick Luke into killing his father, and that time when he uh… Dropped the ball when it came to Anakin.
But even at his worst, Obi-Wan is a protector of the innocent, the universe, and the next generation. Sacrificing himself in service of a New Hope…
And then Boomstick ruins the moment by then declaring that Old Ben then became a ghost!
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Yeah, let’s be real… This was the only way they could have ended it.
Kakashi′s Preview.
So, apparently it’s not just the kids who had dead parents, it’s the adults too!
The hosts go over the accomplishments that Kakashi had over the years, and how his dad was disgraced for saving his friends rather than prioritizing a mission… And how his dad committed Seppuku. Dick move Ninja Village.
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Regardless, the hosts go over his accomplishments. Becoming a Genin at age five, a Chunin at age six, and a Jonin at age twelve. And yes, I copy-pasted that from the wiki because screw actually writing that out.
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To be honest, the most “memey” thing about Kakashi’s preview is the “One Thousand Years of Death” technique he has. And while I can understand that Kakashi’s preview isn’t supposed to be “memey”, It’s a tad jarring when Obi-Wan’s was full of memes.
Anyways, the hosts note that Kakashi is most familiar with Lightning. And specifically, that he made a jutsu called the Chidori that got its nickname when it was used to cut a bolt of lightning.
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Now, when Kakashi invented it, he ran into a problem… Literally.
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He can’t really see that well when using it. So, once he starts moving, he can’t stop.
Until a friend of his gave him a Sharingan.
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With this, the hosts note that Kakashi has stolen over a thousand techniques. But, they also note that since he’s not an Uchiha… he can’t really turn it off.
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And then his friends all died! Which leads us to our next animated segment.
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(I can never spell “Mangekyo” right… This is what I get for being a Transformers fan as opposed to a Naruto fan).
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We get a list of feats, and a quick scaling test by way of Jiraiya. Remember him?- He’s the old pervert who carved up a mountain.
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Anyways, this comes out to about 18 Megatons of TNT.
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And after all the trauma that Kakashi endured, he finally found out that the ways of old were not the way that should be taught. And he lives on, knowing that he trained the next generation to do better than his could.
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… Like I said: not a Naruto fan, so I have no idea what significance that this has.
The Battle Itself.
Doovan Hohdan, Daitomodachi, and Devil Artemis are back for an SFM animation. Obi-Wan will be voiced by Steven Kelly and Kakashi will be voiced by Nicholas Andrew Louie. Force and Lightning by Therewolf, and audio led by Chris Kokkinos.
So, after crashing into Konohagakure, Obi-Wan “celebrates” his landing, and opens up the only way Obi-Wan could:
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Now, credit where it’s due: Obi-Wan tries to resolve this without violence. Looks like we know where Luke got it from. If all Star Wars DEATH BATTLE combatants start by them trying to diffuse the situation, I’d say that these guys know what they’re doing when it comes to portraying them as normal… Y’know, minus the removed morals.
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Obviously, Obi-Wan not going to let Kakashi just outright kill him, so he starts defending.
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Now, it takes a while for Kakashi to take the fight seriously. He keeps readinng his book while fighting and it takes some heavy blows to get him to put it down.
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Obi-Wan declares that he has the high ground, and unfortunately, that’s too much power to be contained in one screenshot. But, Kakashi manages to counter Obi-Wan’s almighty High Ground technique.
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But, Obi-Wan has the force on his side, so being buried isn’t going to stop him.
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Now, the fight rages on, and it’s pretty clear that any physical blows are kinda-sorta leaning in Obi-Wan’s favor a bit. Kakashi puts in more effort when countering than Obi-Wan does. Maybe that’s just Kenobi’s calm demeanor, or Kakashi’s hotheadedness though.
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Regardless, Kakashi opts to put Obi-Wan into an illusion for a  striking blow.
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So, with the illusion dispelled (Seriously. First Hiei, now Kenobi. Will any illusion-character be able to land that move?), Obi-Wan counters.
And he counters HARD.
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Kakashi doesn’t break easily though, so he starts using lightning.
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The two get ready for a charging blow, so finishing move in
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Another Sasuke vs. Hiei parallel: it takes a moment for Kakashi to actually die.
Also, has anyone noticed that all the Naruto mentors die at the end of their respective battles? (Yeah, I’m kinda cheating with Might-Might, but still.)
Verdict + Explanation.
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So, right off the bat, Kakashi has the edge in versatility. Hands down.
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For starters, Obi-Wan isn’t going to be running out of fuel anytime soon. Chakra is internal, and the Force is external. And since it’s not a Chakra technique, Kakashi couldn’t copy it.
And the mountain feat is about on par with the dreadnaught feat, so they looked to be pretty even on power… At first glance.
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Remember, Anakin gained power over the course of the series. By the time that the two fought, Anakin was much more powerful. So it stands to reason that Obi-Wan, who matched him, would also be on a similar level of power.
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Obi-Wan could also tear apart General Grevious’ armor, which could tank blasts from star destroyers. And while it’s a little unreasonable to say that he could do this with his bare hands, the Force definitely can.
In terms of speed, Obi-Wan could react many times faster than Kakashi, meaning that Kakashi wouldn’t have a whole lot of opportunities to actually land a blow. Combined with the precognitive powers that the Force gives Kenobi, this means that it would be hard for Kakashi to get in close at all.
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The elephant in the room is dismissed, as when Kakashi had the Perfect Susanoo, he was being possessed by the spirit of his friend.
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But, even if he did, Obi-Wan is still stronger.
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Kyp could move a black hole. And Obi-Wan was directly compared to him. Taking this literally, this comes out to just short of 14 Petatons of TNT.
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And as we all know, a Petaton is a whole lot bigger than a Gigaton, that’s for sure.
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And this isn’t even counting the fact that Obi-Wan could just crush his organs using the Force.
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Damn! Thank god for the Jedi Code. These guys could literally conquer the entire universe if they wanted. Good thing they adopted the Spider-Man ways of taking great responsibility with that power and using it for good. Screw the Sith for going the Green Goblin route.
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Overall impression.
So, has anyone noticed that we’ve been getting lessons in these past few battles lately? Cable vs. Booster Gold came with the moral of “the level of seriousness between characters only really matters for their own universes, not in a DEATH BATTLE”, the one before that had the (somewhat humorous) “We’re all beautiful just the way you are, no matter how many arms or whose wife you stole”, and now we have “With Great Power, comes Great Responsibility” delivered through the fact that we have now seen that power, and we’re thankful for the Jedi for holding back.
Aside from that, the fight is really well-choreographed. While it’s hard to discern that Obi-Wann had the speed advantage, it’s pretty clear that he had everything else. It was clear that he was the more level-headed of the two, and that gave him an immediate edge as it showed that he was more or less, holding back. And the ones who hold back the most tend to be the one who has the most power.
And the Obi-One liners are a delight. If there was anything really awesome that came out of the Prequels, it was the Obi-One liners. Ad to think! This airs on May 4 on Youtube… Yeah, cue angry Naruto fans claiming that “Obi only won because May 4.” Ugh… Freaking DEATH BATTLE Curse, amirite?
Next Time…
Oh. Speaking of Spider-Man…
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If this isn’t hand-drawn, there will be riots.
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
Spider-Copycat Combat.
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Hello! I wanted a kin match if possible, preferably danganronpa! I’m an INFP-T (sometimes I get INFJ-T) and I’m probably either a 5w6 or 6w7. I fake my personality and lie to make people happy when I’m around them. I’m super anxious, self-conscious, and self-deprecating. I have many hobbies but feel completely talentless. I fake being bubbly and optimistic around people and I act cold and analytical when I’m trying to protect myself. I cry and daydream a lot, and I always feel like a burden. -🍈
yes, you can definitely get a kin matchup...! it’ll be placed under the cut, in case i start going off on a tangent again... i want your matchup to be as accurate as possible, so there’ll only be two major characters that i’ll assign you,, since you’re not asking for more than one source,,
um, but i do want to say that i hope you can feel better about yourself soon,, i’m sure that you have talent and that things will get better for you! you seem really lovely from this ask,, and i understand feeling stuck in your own head at times,,, but i promise you’re not nearly as much of a burden as you may think...
-mod tsu (mikan shift)
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first off, from danganronpa another episode: ultra despair girls, i match you with...
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kotoko utsugi!
unfortunately, kotoko doesn’t have free time events for me to refer to. however, like you, i think that even though she has extroverted tendencies, kotoko... has more of an introvert vibe to me, if that makes sense. she doesn’t really seem to get energised by other people the way extroverts do, although she does seem to generally like people. i think you could relate to this- it’s okay to take some time to wind down, haha... um, your enneagram types. i think that for 6w7s, both of you enjoy being around other people, fear losing your support systems(other people), strongly value reliability/trust in relationships, have a tendency to doubt themselves/others, and are naturally social and spirited. for 5w6s, both of you are hard-working and analytical solvers of problems, tend to pick up skills or knowledge that can be useful, remain calm in times of crisis(typically), have difficulty taking action when not inspired, and can be private or defensive. those are just some similarities.. and i think that the two of you share a lot of general traits. i don’t know you personally, but maybe you relate to her eccentricities- like how she’ll get into strange tangents(for example, in a conversation that’s too long, she starts going on and comparing it to how giraffe necks or elephant noses are too long). maybe not exactly something like that, but maybe you can relate to being a little odd in some areas !! i love that mango. and like, i don’t want to say “maybe you’re ~quirky~ because you use the ~melon emoji~” but at the same time... maybe you’re quirky because you use the melon emoji ? you’re gonna have to fill me in. ah or don’t !!! you don’t have to !!,, sdjf plus, i think that kotoko does fake her personality. in the art book, it’s implied that kotoko’s cutesy, cheerful personality is all a front. in fact, it’s specifically said by kotoko that without that character she plays, she would become miserable. she could also be joking here, or at least playing off her feelings as a joke, which relates to that self deprecating comment you said. she is definitely a liar, though... her ingame relationship with monaca is based off of her acting ability, at least until the end of it. 
i think that kotoko is very anxious. specifically around adults- she has a strong distrust of them due to her... upbringing, and a lot of her jokes are very dramatic( “Sorry for the intrusion, tank you veddy much! Phew, I reached waaay back for that reference! I had to deal with baby boomers all the time, so my gags are kinda dated.”). um, with the implication of her theatrics being a persona, it can also be implied that her jokes are also part of that mask... um, plus, i think that her general vibe doesn’t make her come off as self conscious per say. but you may be able to relate to that too... since while i don’t want to call either of you dishonest, the “bubbly” and “optimistic” demeanor you both give off is a facade, as you said. while her happy facade isn’t directly for other people, she does find value(to an extent) in cheering up monaca, and does care about the other warriors of hope. plus, a big part of why she wants to be strong is to surpass her upbringing, in my eyes. it’s kind of clear with her trauma that there’s something lurking under the surface, though- you may not have the same story as her, but there’s a similar concept there. while kotoko doesn’t have many hobbies... honestly, you’d be a bit pressed to find a danganronpa character who does. however, i think that aside from acting, she also has enjoyment in the fashion department, as well as enjoying things she deems “adorbs”. she collects said objects, and is like... a connoisseur of cute. a cutenoisseur, if you will. she may feel talentless to an extent, however, as she doesn’t seem to enjoy talking about her previous stage life despite claiming to adore it. it could be that the acting reminds her of the upbringing she lived through, but. lastly, i think that kotoko fakes being cheerful, polite, and bubbly around other people. though i’ve already talked about that haha,, she does get very cold, borderline rough, when she’s paranoid or upset. she mans a robot from god-knows-where to take down what she sees as threats, and does have an entire setup of lies that she presents to monaca in order to keep herself safe. she does also cry very often, and we don’t exactly know about her daydreaming, but she doesn’t seem to have the highest attention span- as i touched upon with her off-topic rambles.
second off, from danganronpa V3, i match you with...
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angie yonaga!
please hear me out on this one... despite angie’s extroverted tendencies, i think that she is an introvert to an extent. for starters, she’s the ultimate artist, a very introverted activity. for the rest of your mbti type, um... while i won’t go over the P/J since that’s not really set in stone... in the N(intuitive) and F(feeling) aspects, i think that angie can shine. while angie is a very logical person, i think that this is mostly because of how in tune she is with her feelings regarding her religion. um... her intuition is very much to trust in what she believes her god can do for everyone.. sorry, i got a bit off topic there. in the enneagram types, i think there’s also some overlap between both of them that fits into angie as well. um, first off, 6w7 types fear losing their support system(which for you can be other people. i think angie’s is her religion, but you may be able to relate to her in this way, using “support system” as a concept, instead of religion vs relationships specifically.), devote themselves to specific causes, enjoy being around others, and care deeply for other people(see the student council, and her classmates in general). plus, the 5w6 types also tend to make logical decisions, feel stressed out by emotional vulnerability, can struggle to believe in or understand others, and prefer to do deeper thinking alone. while they have a bit of contrast in both of their descriptions, all of the listed traits apply to angie, and i assume that at least a few of them apply to you as well. though, your “probably” kind of makes me feel like you got more unrelated types on the enneagram test, haha... maybe you got a 3, or something? my point is, both types “combine” to make angie. the two of you, i think, lie about your personalities. some people even point out how angie’s constant smiling is eerie, but i don’t think she’s that happy all the time. this comic made by ministarfruit pretty much sums up how i see angie... not to be a stan or anything ajfsdjf,,,, she does lie to an extent though, and is chipper and eccentric for the sake of people around her. she’s essentially everyone’s “hope” in the face of the k/lling school semester- or at least, she tries to be.
um... despite us not really being able to see into her possibility of self loathing, shuichi(in her free time events) finds it likely that she becomes lonely very easily. she has a sickle ready to... well, stab into her window in case she feels sad- and in her free time events she seems very ready to do so. even if it is dismissed as a joke- which, that “joking” part i think you can relate to, actually. plus, the fact that she finds it hard to budge from her own views could possibly,, be a defense mechanism for insecurity... i don’t want to assume, but !! um, also, it’s strongly implied that she struggles to differentiate her god’s intentions from her own. even though religion can be part of someone’s self, yes, i think that this could show that she has issues with her identity. at least, the identity she has that’s “her own”. like, beyond how her god demands her to be. without her religion, she might struggle to have an identity of her own. once again... we don’t really know a lot about her past, but issues with the self can... definitely cause(or be caused by) anxiety, like you mentioned experiencing. also, identity issues can be caused by factors of one’s upbringing, or stressful events... so while she’s not very self deprecating, i think angie could have lower self esteem. whether that’s from her upbringing or something else. despite her pride in her religion, which might make you disagree, she doesn’t seem to be very proud of her own achievements(such as being the ultimate artist), as she says that that’s all her god’s work. maybe you could relate to that; people complimenting you and you finding it hard to accept for one reason or another. i’m proud of your achievements, anon... um. but i think that this relates to your next point, saying that you have several hobbies yet feeling talentless. while “art” technically is one hobby, art is definitely an umbrella term. sculpting and drawing are very different medias, and angie is very talented in both, but both of you share the belief that it’s not really... a talent that you possess. there,, might always be a reason that you come up with for someone else being able to do it too, you know? eh, but that could be me just guessing... oh, and something i forgot to mention- in trials, angie also becomes colder or more analytical when she’s trying to protect herself/classmates. she doesn’t hesitate to incriminate others if she thinks they’re suspicious.
in the minor matchups category,, you also remind me somewhat strongly of masaru daimon, and kokichi ouma, as well as somewhat of toko fukawa. oh, and you lightly remind me of misaki asano, himiko yumeno, and ruruka ando...
i hope this was helpful anon !!! i had a bit of trouble deciding on someone for you,,, so if there’s anything i got wrong please let me know- i’m happy to modify something in here for you !! i’m not super confident in this one haha,, so if you disagree i completely understand, go ahead and tell me ,,,,
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lady-olive-oil · 6 years
Chapter 3
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|| Characters || Intro || Ch 1 || Ch 2 || Ch 3
A/N: Hey everybody!! So here’s the next installment of Brown Sugah Baby. The events in this story are complete imagination, and I don’t own the characters of BP. Nor do I own the Divine Nine; Southern University or the Fabulous Dancing Dolls, I only own the OCs. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more!
Word Count: 2,506 [had to get in the details hunny]
Warnings: nothing really besides harsh banter.
Tag Squad: @maddiestundentwritergaines || @destinio1 (I need extra help so gotta tag my girls) @designerwriterchic @terrablaze514
[let me know if you’s like to be apart of the tag squad]
It was another scorching humid day at Southern University, and everyone had their hands full. Tailgating, getting the team ready for the game, the band tuning their instruments for the halftime show, the majorette team stretching and making sure the speakers were loud enough. The whole campus was on fire about the homecoming game against Alabama. One thing's for sure though, M’Baku could not focus for the life of him.
“Dude. You playin or not?” Erik nudged his teammate to get him out of the trance he was in.
“Huh? Uh y-yeah. Sorry man, I was just distracted. Let’s play.” Getting refocused on the plays for the game, he glance back at her occasionally.
What caught his eye you may ask? His best friend in her dark blue leggings and an SU tank top, practicing with the majorette team. The SU Fabulous Dancing Dolls, were one of the best in the land; and everyone knew it.
Once Nefe became captain, she made them even better. She lead the team to nationals her first year. It was like the music was in her blood, and she could throw out a stand like nobody’s business.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were checking out your so called best friend. Who I might add, was -“
“Sean, think about what your gonna say. Choose wisely before I send you to Jesus early.” M’Baku stopped him before he could even finish. These two were like bulls in a China shop.
They were constantly butting heads over Nefe and it didn’t make sense. One was only with her for the sex but she didn’t see it like that; the other was  her best friend and would do anything to protect her. Which mad shin want to go the extra mile to make sure she was safe at all costs. Yet it made Sean want to work harder to keep her.
“Or what? You gonna stomp me into the ground like a elephant?” The joking tone was paired with a sickening smirk. Sean wouldn’t let up with the Africa jokes and it made the situation worse.
“At it again with the African jokes I see.” The disapproving chuckle that left M’Baku’s lips, was a rare one because Erik was eating this up with a shit eating grin.
“What are you gonna do about then, huh? As far as I’m concerned you don’t have feelings for her, or do you? Cause either way, I’m gonna be the one she wakes up to every night till senior year.”
Now he was just taunting him. The low growl that erupted from his chest was loud enough for both men to hear.
“Man you straight up buggin. Even I know that ain’t right, and I was just like you.” Both of them looked towards where to voice came from. Erik of all people got over his old ways once he met Nakia. She put him in his place and he never left since.
“Your only chance of getting laid again, Sean, is crawling up a chickens ass and waiting.” M’Baku eyed him up and down and smirked a bit at his own roast, upon hearing the football team egging him on.
“Whatever man.” With that Sean just backed off, going back to stretching.
“Never in my years of living, would I be around to see you stand up for me. Of all people really.”
“Man, you’ve been there for my shit. I gotta be there for you. We boys, we gotta stick together.”
Erik was right. In this world all they had was each other, and for him to stand up for M’Baku like that was eye opening.
“I wonder what that was all about.” Nefe being an on looker to what just happened, taking a break from practice and all. Nattie knew exactly what it was about and Nakia pointed it out first.
“The boys were arguing over you. I’m so close to beating the hell out of Sean.”
Nefe sighed at what her friend was saying and didn’t even wanna ask as to why. She was tired of the boys fighting, yet was ecstatic for Erik breaking it up.
“Ya boy stopped em too. I don’t know how you got him to draw back is gangsta ways, but I gotta hand it to ya Kia.”
“He’s still like that, just a bit toned down. I love me some Erik though.” Nakia was smitten over Erik just the same. Them two, along with T’Challa and Nattie, were what Nefe wanted in a real relationship.
What she had with Sean, was just for fun. Did she tell Sean that? Nope. She couldn’t because she was afraid he’d hurt her again, and by hurt her that meant grabbing her. She only told Nattie and the girls, mortified about how M’Baku would feel. He’s very protective over her, along with her brothers too.
“Oh please. That fine ass man with locs can have any woman he wants. Even me, I have the body; mind and skills to prove it. I’m surprised he’s even dating you. You have less hair than he does.”
Nakia nearly lunge for her, but Okoye grabbed her before she could claw her face.
Melanie couldn’t stand anyone else’s happiness but her own. Tearing others down was her thing, and she never got tired of it.
“Listen here med school,” Nefe got tired of her whack behind and was about to give her a piece of her mind.
“Save it. If only you were on the cheer team. Because as captain I wish I could kick your as off the squad.” She got in Nefe’s face, at a comfortable distance.
“As a 2nd degree black belt, I can just kick your ass.” Nefe sucks her teeth and looked her up and down.
“I’d like to see you try-” Melanie was off till the coach called her back, and she gave them a sinister look before sassaying away.
“Count ya blessing bruja! You better be lucky she’s holding me back!” Nakia growled in rage and Melanie smirked before going back with the cheer team.
Ain’t no way in hell, was Nefertiti about to have her on the majorette team and not think about choking her.
“Alright y’all. Save the fight for the parties tomorrow. We have a game to practice for. Nakia, good job on your Spanish.” Nefe winked at her friend, who then gave her a hug.
“Nefe’s right. Come on.” Nattie rallied them all together, with the rest of the team, and got into formation.
“We doing Formation or Dose?” Nattie asked before pressing play on the laptop, that was plugged in near the stands.
The smirk laced that Nefe’s face, was a triumphant one.
“Let’s switch it up. We’re doing Dose.”
~The Game: Southern University vs Alabama A&M~
The game was close. It was 77 to 76 with SU in the lead so far. M’Baku has scored the touchdown and the field goal kick. Only 2 more quarters left to go and the crowd was hyped, with a sea of sky blue, yellow and white. Nefe gathered up the girls in a huddle one last time for a prayer. A Southern University tradition.
“Alright girls, one shoe in.” All the girls places their right foot in the circle and Nefe led the prayer. They all held each other’s waists and bowed their heads.
“Father god, I ask that you cover and protect us as you always do going into these life changing moments. We ask that you guide our senior girls to victory and cover them with your hedge of protection, dear lord. Marchbus into victory, in your name we pray..”
Sending off with a proper SU chant, getting into position and putting on smiles was what the girls were used to. Down south with an HBCU halftime was a goldmine. It was like watching the history of black rhythm come alive.
“Nattie. There go ya boy.” Nefe nugged her best friend nodding in the direction of T’Challa, dressed in his drum major outfit, practicing.
Anyone who knows Nattie and T’Challa is that, she’s the dancer one of the two. Even though he tries his best, he knows he’s enjoying himself. Who else would be best as drum major?
“This fool here knows how to make people laugh. He loves what he does and that all I can hope for.”
Nefe could see the love in her best friends eyes, as she gazed at the goofy man with the feather hat. That’s what she truly wanted and needed in life; an honest and loving relationship. She kept battling with her herself on it and couldn’t decide when it was time to be upfront with Sean about it.
“I see you love. Good luck out there like always.” He cape over to give her a hug, the girls and the band all made noise with the sign of affection between the two.
“You two are cute. Ok Drumline, we gotta go. Lead us on Udaku.” Nefe smirked and gave him a fist bump, sharing a quick laugh, before watching him leave to start the whistle to let the girls go.
Their outfits were jumpsuits with sheer tights, that were a lustrous jet black; with cut out parts. The ensemble hugged every curt and left little to no imagination, as the girls sashayed from the outside of the field to the field. Hearing the crowd cheering them on as they lead the band in all their glory.
They all had their hair down and pressed out, in order off them to whip them back and forth. Except for Nefe because she refused to take her braids out, since she just got them done.
M’Baku knew where to look, as he glance at the field watching his best friend move with grace and elegance, to the music of the band. That was until his coach told him to come back and was embarrassed, causing Erik to laugh a bit.
T’Challa was doing his thing as any great drum major would, and gave the crowd a show. Any HBCU had a great leader, and Southern University had one of the best. Whomever was next in line, had to live up to his expectations.
The music changed quick as Nefe threw out the first stand, everyone in the stands was into the groove with the music as well. Everyone knew the Dolls would be immaculate as whatever song they danced to and didn’t expect less from the team.
The girls followed Nefe’s every move with a smooth nature. Throwing out high kicks; backflips, a few twerking moments and few gyrating movements. The girls felt right at home. Plus adding little bit of Latin flare of course.
Getting the crowd hype was what the Fabulous Dancing Dolls were known for. All the right counts; the formations and the stands were on point. All the way down to the strut back to the stands.
[Watch this to get a visual!!]
As the game went on, the hype never died down. The girls were allowed to stand on the sidelines with the cheerleaders, during the last 5 minutes of the game.
“The suspense is killing me man. Alabama State A&M is gonna probably kick our ass.”
“Come on Nefe. Have a little faith in our boys. They’ve never disappointed us and won’t now.”
Nattie tried her best to calm her friend down as they watched the game. This M’Baku’s first game as a running back and it was only his junior year. He had strived to be quarterback by time senior year came, and would never back down from striving to get there.
“I just hope he doesn’t miss this. This could be his big break for the head spot next year.” Nefe couldn’t hold in her excitement as much as she’d like to, and Melanie scoffed at her in annoyance.
“Oh please. Why are you so worried about M’Baku’s chances of being quarterback for? He’s got me as his good luck charm to worry for him.”
“Listen here Med School, I had a enough of your shit for one lifetime let alone in practice. I’m his best friend and I have a right to worry.” With as much fire to throw back at her, Nefe snarled and gave a once over.
“Why do you care? It’s not like-”
“Shut the hell up before I herky you in the throat.”
Nefe cut her off before she could ever start, and paid attention to the game. Getting antsy with anticipation.
“M’Baku, this is all you my dude. Score it for us, better you than Sean.” Erik encourages him as he glances his way, receiving a head nod and a smile.
“I got you.” With a gentle smirk towards him, and a wave to the Nefe but Melanie took it as one to her. He shook his head in defeat and got back in the game. As the call was heard he caught the ball from David, and ran for the end zone from the 40 yard line.
“Go M’Baku!” Nefe and her girls cheered him on along with the crowd.
Melanie had had enough and decided to speak up.
“Why are you so into his future, not like he likes you or whatever.”
“I’m into his future as much as he is into mine. That’s what friends do. Scouts are out here tonight, like they are at every game so they look out for him. I’m his friend and he is mine. Whomever he dates has to deal with it.”
Nefe didn’t even have to look at her to explain her reasoning. Hell, she didn’t need to and yet still did. Receiving a high five from Nattie, she got back into the game and was on the screaming happily when M’Baku scored the winning touchdown. Making the score 98 to 83.
The crowd's reaction was just like hers, as both majorette and cheer teams ran onto the field with the superfans. Nefe knew who’d she wanted to hug but was stopped by Sean and hugged him anyway.
“Did you see me babe? How’d I do?” He was too prideful in himself to congratulate the rest of his team.
“Uh yeah. You did great. I’ll catch you later ok? I gotta get the girls ready to uh march out.” Placing a kiss on his cheek, earning her a smile before he headed out to talk to his boys. She made a beeline for M’Baku, once they saw each other. He picked her up, spinning her around in glee.
“We did it! That was amazing.” M’Baku smiled as he held her as close as possible.
“I’m so freakin proud of you! You did so well!” Squealing in happiness, holding on tight to him as he spun her. Next thing she knew, she kissed him. It was as if time stood still, and nothing else mattered to either of them. Except for a noise from Sean and Melanie. Once they broke apart, he set her down and a sense of awkwardness filled the air.
“Oh shit..”
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