#elephant skin jasper
triflesandparsnips · 2 years
My gf is doing a research project on sixteenth century recipe books (building a tool to help people read/understand them) and this weekend she was telling me about an ingredient that showed up in one of them that she could not figure out what it was. I have read the soap post (which is SO COOL, btw, I am so excited to see how the wash balls turn out) and I’m wondering if you might know what it actually is.
She first saw it written as venus bolearmonack, but we found several different spellings for it when we both went down internet rabbit holes: bolearmonack, bolarmonack, bolarmonicke. We think it’s maybe some sort of dirt or clay? But it keeps bothering me that we couldn’t figure it out, and reading your post made me wonder if you would know.
From Charas's The Royal Pharmacopœea, we know that:
By Minerals I understand all Metals, Half-metals, and what belongs to Metals. All sorts of Earths, and Bole-Armoniack; all Stones, Marbles, Flints, Porphyries, Jaspers, Chrystals, Jacinths, Emraulds, Saphirs, Granats, Blood-stones, Diamonds, and all sorts of Jewels: Sulphurs, Vitriols, Allums, Sal Gem, Bay-salt, Water, Rain, Snow, Ice, Hail, Thunder-bolts, Dew, Manna of several sorts, Morter, Lime, Brick, Oyl of Naphta Amber-griece white and yellow; Jet, Sea-coal and all Bitumens. Talk, Chalk, Bismuth, Zink, and all Marcasites, the ordinary Earth, Sand, Clay; and in general whatever is drawn out of the Bowels of the Earth, or Sea; or descends from the Air, being without Life.
This is Moyse Charas telling us what a shorthand (Minerals) means -- so apparently, Bole-Armoniack (another spelling!) wasn't a shorthand for something else the way, say, "the four greater Cold seeds" are. I also included the full paragraph because that also gives a hint as to what Bole-Armoniack isn't -- or at least, they didn't think it was... which means nope, not clay or dirt.
Later we find out in the same book that it's something you gotta crush the shit outta in a mortar before you can use it, but when you do it'll reduce to an extremely fine powder the way precious stones and amber will.
Lémery's A Course of Chemistry clarifies for a recipe for, ta da, gonorrhea, that:
Litharge, which is a Lead Calcined [a heated lead], Alom, and Bole-Armenick, are so many considerable Astringents, that do no hurt in this composition.
Which is to say, bole-armenick (ANOTHER SPELLING), when powdered, can be heated up to be used in this mix and was added because it was thought to draw together or contract skin tissue. It's also interesting that Lémery bothered to define litharge (which is fairly common in recipes I've seen), but, again, not the bole-armenick.
Finally, on a hunch, I did a search for just "armenick", and hit enough paydirt that I suspect y'all can dig further using it to confirm the results-- Pettus's 1683 glossary supplement to Ercker's Fleta Minor lists the following:
ARMENICK▪ See Armoniack.
ARMONIACK, T. gives it the Latine Name, Bolus Armeni, and we Bole Armoniack, and I find these words of kin, both in their Orthography and Pronuntiation, viz. Amoniack Armenick and Armoniack. The first Pliny tell us, is a Gum which he calls Gumma Amoniaci, of a glutinous nature (like other Gums) and so may be used for Metallick Vessels. The second viz. Armenick; I find the word Sal always joyned with it, and so called Sal Armenicus, and this Salt was antiently accounted a natural Salt, but that being now unknown to us, we use the Armenicus, which is made of the Urine of Elephants or Camels (as 'tis said) boyled to a Lixivium or Salt, and called Sal Armenius or Armeniacus, and this is of great use for purifying and refining of Metals. To the third Armoniacus the word Bole is added, I suppose for distinction sake: Pliny, c. 35. mentions a Stone, which he calls Lapis Armeni, of which he counts several sorts, but the best of those he saith, are of a blew colour, and calls it verd de Azure (being of great price and esteem with Painters, but the common Armoniack he calls Synoper (and we Synople) from a City of that name, where it was plentiful, and 'tis probable this is the same which we call Bole Armoniack, being of a reddish colour, and this is oft used by our Author, and for distinction the word Gum is put to the first, Salt to the other, and Bolus to this: which I write to prevent Errors in Medicines or Metallick Experiments.
So with Pettus's definitions, triangulated with Charas's shorthand notes and Lémery's preparation instructions, we arrive at your "venus bolearmonack" probably being sinople, a "ferruginous quartz that is blood-red or brownish red sometimes with a tinge of yellow" which "occurs in small but very perfect crystals, and in masses that resemble some varieties of jasper."
All that being said, though: always try and get at least one other source to confirm a definition. My beloved Simon Barbe says that benzoin is also myrrh, and that's... that's not right, babe. So double-check, but-- here's a reasonable direction!
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0-r-a-y-0 · 10 months
Omg, Clean Up was so good. do you think you could make a part two? Where they talk about what’s happening? I think that’d be cool to read.
Clean Up (Part ll)— Romantic #11
In which: they finally talk about the elephant in the room.
Warnings: mention of self harm
“They walk to Jasper’s bed, laying down. “We can talk more about this after you get some rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.” Nick says.”
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Soon enough, Jasper was asleep in Nick’s arms. He felt so bad. He knew something was up yet he didn’t do anything about it until it was too late. Nick sighed, rubbing his thumb along Jasper’s cheek and jawline. He sits there, watching Jasper sleep in his lap as he felt like crying for the first time in forever.
After a few hours, Nick stuck to his word. He was still sitting there on the bed, with the tv playing in the background, when Jasper woke up.
“Hey, sleep well?” Nick asked, his hand remaining in his hair.
Jasper nods, yawning and sitting up. “What are you watching?”
“I’m not watching it, I just had it playing. It’s like “Two Broke Girls” or something.” He shrugged.
“Cool.” Jasper dryly replied, yawning again.
Nick looks at his covered sleeve, gently grabbing his arm and rolling the sleeve back. Jasper watches as he runs his fingers along the scars on his wrist. “What are you doing?”
“Honey, we have to talk about it.” Nick said, kissing the fresh scars on his arms.
“There’s nothing to talk about.” Jasper claimed.
“Yes there is, sweetie. I need to know why you’ve been feeling like this. I’m not going to let you get that bad again.” The redhead said, continuing to kissing his skin.
“You don’t need to kiss my scars, this has nothing to do with you. It’s just me and my emotions.” He stated.
“Yes I do. I’m your boyfriend, I’m here to make things better.” Nick assured. “It’s my job.”
“Nothing really caused it. It was one bad day after another, and I was just depressed.” Jasper started, tearing up as he looked down at his scars. “It’s just been hard to do anything. I barely got out of bed last week.”
“I know it’s been hard for you, and I’m sorry hun. I just wish you told me you were feeling like this. There are other ways to cope than cutting yourself, babe. I’ll always be here for you and I want you to let me know if you ever feel this way ever. I won’t let you hurt yourself like this again.” Nick claimed, rubbing his fingers over the scars again.
“I’m sorry.” Jasper apologized, turning to face the other way.
Nick grabs his chin, forcing Jasper to look at him. “Don’t apologize, you have nothing to be sorry for. It’s not your fault, bae. Please just let me know if you feel like hurting yourself?” He said, again, kissing his scars.
“Yeah.” The boy mumbled out, laying a hand in Nick’s hair.
“I promise.”
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ultfan · 4 months
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what are your muse’s aesthetics? BOLD any which apply to your muse! remember to REPOST! feel free to add to the list!
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[ COLOURS ]  ~  burgundy. red. crimson. scarlet. maroon. mahogany. copper. amber. chocolate. brown. tawny. tan. bronze. brass. orange. gold. saffron. yellow. chartreuse. spring green. lime. mint. green. olive. forest. turquoise. teal. cerulean. blue. navy. cobalt. periwinkle. indigo. pewter. plum. purple. magenta. fuchsia. lilac. lavender. pink. coral. peach. ivory. cream. white. silver. grey. smoke. charcoal. ebony. black. pastels. vibrant. matte. metallic. muted. dark. light.
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[ BODY ] ~ mutations. claws. fangs. wings. tails. feathers. webs. spikes. scales. fur. stripes. spots. freckles. acne. bruises. scars. scratches. gashes. lashes. wounds. amputations. burns. brands. teeth. gums. tongues. lips. beards. mustaches. cheeks. noses. ears. eyes. eyelashes. eyebrows. hair. heads. neck. shoulders. collar bones. arms. elbows. wrists.  hands. fingers. breast. back. ribs. abs. belly. hips. curves. butts. legs. thighs. knees. shins. ankles. feet. toes. nails. sweat. spit. tears. blood. heart. stomach. lungs. liver. veins.  guts. bones. spine. muscle. skin. feline. canine. masculine. feminine.
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[ WEAPONS ]  ~  bites. fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. bow. crossbow. hammer.  shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers.  machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. bombs. missiles. boomerangs. lethal pets. lasers.
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[ MATERIALS ]  ~ metal. gold. silver. platinum. pewter. titanium. iron. steel. copper. bronze. brass. tin. bismuth. diamonds. pearls. rubies. garnets. sapphires. emeralds. jade. peridots. alexandrite. opal. topaz. jasper. quartz. rose quartz. smoky quartz. amethyst. citrine. fluorite. amber. malachite. turquoise. lapis lazuli. sodalite. pyrite. labradorite.  moonstone.  petrified wood. wood. paper. parchment. hemp. canvas. burlap. oils. skin. muslin. rayon. faux. wool. fur. lace. leather. skins. suede. corduroy. silk. satin. chiffon. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. rocks. flint. asphalt. brick. granite. marble. dust. rust. glitter. sand. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. nylon. polyester. plastic. glass. porcelain.  bone. shells. coral.
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[ NATURE ]  ~ grass. leaves. trees. bark. flowers. roses. daisies. forget me nots. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. roots. ocean. pond. river. stream. waterfall. creek. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. tropical. jungle. marsh. moors. swamp.  plains. hills. highlands. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space.  clouds. mountains. fire. lava. ice. frost. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun.  heat. cold. steam. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise.  sunset. dewdrops. shadow. tornado. hurricane. water spout. thunder. hail. twisters. humidity. dryness.
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[ ANIMALS ]  ~ birds. penguins. eagles. owls. falcons. vultures. hawks. swans. parrots. parakeets. doves. pigeons. ducks. robins. cardinals. blue jays. bluebirds. blackbirds. crows. ravens. magpies. mockingbirds. flamingos. ostriches. seagulls. albatross. peacocks. condors. finches. pelicans. chickens. geese. quail. bats. sheep. cows. buffalo. deer.  hedgehogs. elephants. horses. giraffes. cats. lions. tigers. pumas. cheetahs. jaguars. foxes. dogs. wolves. coyotes. bunnies. mice. rats. monkeys. apes. bears. pandas. polar bears. snakes. iguanas. chameleons. alligators. crocodiles. turtles. lizards. frogs. toads. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. stingrays. octopus. lobsters. crabs. bugs. spiders. ants.  moths. butterflies. flies. maggots. roaches. ladybugs. beetles. cicadas. dragonflies. fleas. termites. leeches. worms. snails. mosquitoes. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. dinosaurs.
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[ FOODS/DRINKS ]  ~  pepper. salt. sugar. honey. syrup. caramel. candy. bubblegum.  mints.  candy canes. gumdrops. lollipops. chocolate. vanilla. cinnamon. ice cream. cake. cookies. brownies. biscuits. pie. tarts. lemonade. soda. champagne. wine. brandy. rum. whiskey. vodka. tequila. sake. beer. soju. gin. crema de cacao. cocoa. latte. coffee. tea.  spices. herbs. fruit. apples. oranges. lemons. cherries. strawberries. blueberries. raspberries. cranberries. watermelons. cantaloupes. bananas. coconuts. grapes. kiwi. pomegranates. tomatoes. vegetables. potatoes. cucumbers. carrots. turnips. onions. leeks.  celery. broccoli. cabbages. lettuces. roots. nuts. white meat. red meat. raw meat. veal. pork. chicken. beef. venison. fish. lobster. oysters. pizza. ambrosia. pasta. sandwiches. soup.
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[ HOBBIES ]  ~  music. piano. flute. woodwinds. whistles. drums. guitar. cello. synthesizer.  violin. lute. harp. fiddle. harmonica. trumpet. brass. singing. composing. folk.  classical. bluegrass. blues. jazz. big band. pop. country. rock. punk. metal. electronica. hip hop. reggae. ska. rap. vinyl records. cassettes. cds. soundcloud. itunes. spotify. art.  sculpting. pottery. painting. watercolour. drawing. pastels. charcoal. sketching. graffiti. printing. inking. collecting. fighting. martial arts. self-defence. boxing. fencing. sumo. wrestling. jousting. paintball. lazer tag. duelling. hunting. fishing. climbing. weight lifting. training. sports. football. football (usa). rugby. baseball. cricket. lacrosse. volleyball. basketball. tennis. badminton. skating. cycling. sailing. rowing. hiking. running. gymnastics. dancing. ice skating. hockey.  reading. writing. cooking. sewing. acting. photography. video games. horseback riding. gardening. smithing. shopping. traveling. movies. theatre. libraries. books. magazines. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. science.
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[ STYLE ]  ~ nudism. perfume. cologne. piercings. tattoos. henna. body paint. war paint.  make up. lipstick. mascara. eyeliner. eye shadow. powder. beauty marks. blush. nail polish. lingerie. fishnet. pantie-hoes. socks. stockings. leggings. long johns. under armor. corsets. sports bras. bustles. camisoles. blouses. button ups. tunics. vests. waistcoats. leather jackets. ponchos. sweaters/jumpers. hoodies. skirts. jeans. kilts. breeches. scarfs. cravats. ascots. belts. sashes. gloves. heels. sandals. platforms. tennis shoes. penny loafers. jordans. slippers. boots. cowboy boots. rain boots. army boots. armor. justaucorps. trench coats. capes. cloaks. burqa. suits. tuxedos. kimonos. saris. sun dresses. gowns. jewelry. earrings. nose rings. lip rings. tongue piercings. belly rings. gauges. eyebrow rings. necklaces. pearl strings. leis. bracelets. bangles. cuffs. watches. friendship bracelets. rings. pendants. lockets. broaches. boutonnieres. pocket watches. cuff links. hats. crowns. circlets. flower crowns. helmets. hijabs. turbans. baseball caps. cowboy hats. brocade. doublet. gorget. bracers. masks. cowls. braces. glasses. sun glasses. eye contacts. pyjamas.
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[ MISC ]  ~ balloons. bubbles. candles. battle. war. diplomacy. peace. money. power.  clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies.  loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. sex. hugs. duality. sin. lust. greed. wrath. envy. sloth. gluttony. pride. virtue. chivalry. honour. piety. charity. diligence. chastity. gentleness. aggression. romance. hatred. grief. pity. success. bitterness. sorrow. joy. fear. anger. good. evil. relativity. vampirism. sapphism. life. birth. time. death. illusion. silence.
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practically-an-x-man · 6 months
Your OCs see someone limp and collapse behind a dumpster in the corner of their eye. It's Pyrrha, her cybernetics are acting up again, and she can't walk that well. Because of all the metal in her body, she weighs about 400 lbs, so it'd be pretty hard to carry her. What do they do?
Ooooh, interesting! Thank you!
Rae: Approaches Pyrrha and talks to her until she can get a sense of the situation, then calls Warren - he's got a bit of superstrength, enough to fly while carrying up to 200 pounds (that's Marvel canon), so he could definitely support a bit of Pyrrha's weight to help her walk. He's on one side, Rae's on the other, and they eventually get her back to the X-Mansion so Hank can fix up her cybernetics.
Robin: Can't do a whole lot - she might have Peter help, a lot like Rae did with Warren, since he's pretty strong too, but it would still be a lot of effort and might not actually work. She'd stay with Pyrrha until she's sure she'll be safe, though, even if she can't do much else to help.
Madison: Definitely cannot lift that amount of weight... the only one who maybe could help is Hank, or perhaps Charles with his telekinesis, so she'd try to call them to help if she can.
Ophelia: Approaches Pyrrha and tells her to stay put - she just needs to grab some things from her lab, she'll be back as soon as she can. Ophelia returns wearing her actuators and carrying a toolkit: she'll try to fix up Pyrrha's cybernatics from here if she can, but her actuators are strong enough to carry her back to her lab if she needs more advanced tech.
Jasper: Can't do much about the cybernetics themselves, but they can try to keep Pyrrha calm and can do a bit of first-aid on the scars and seams where her cybernetics meet her skin.
Kestrel: Shapeshifts into a larger form - a Percheron draft horse, an ox, even an elephant - and manages to get Pyrrha up onto their back to carry her somewhere safer. They don't have any particularly techy friends to help fix her cybernetics, but if she has a destination in mind, they could help her get there.
Katherine: Prays to the gods - Horus or Apis, maybe - to grant her enhanced strength, at least enough to get Pyrrha out of that nasty alleyway and to somewhere a little safer. She's also not sure what to do about her cybernetics, but step one is just getting her to a better location before she figures out the rest.
Quinn: Doesn't have the first clue of what to do - she can barely carry her own weight anymore, could maybe support an ordinary human on one side if she's having a good day (or is flooded with adrenaline), but 400 pounds is completely out of the question. She probably ends up calling one of the other Ghosts and having them bring a pickup truck (somehow they'll find a way to get Pyrrha up into the bed... hopefully), and ends up just sitting with Pyrrha and talking while she waits for the truck to arrive.
Eris: They're a lot stronger than they look, and they're just intrigued enough by the sight of Pyrrha's cybernetics that he wants to help - not out of any internal goodness, but because he wants to get a closer look. She can carry Pyrrha easily, and spends the journey asking her all sorts of questions about her prothetics.
Nikoletta: Asks Pyrrha where she needs to go, preferably with a picture if she has it (or at least a very detailed description), then uses the shadow realm to transport her to, or closer to, where she needs to go. It's actually easier than transporting an ordinary human - since so much of her is cybernetic, inorganic, there's less biological matter to try and transport through the shadow realm.
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sonorous-eisfyl · 4 months
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what are your muse’s aesthetics? BOLD any which apply to your muse! remember to REPOST! feel free to add to the list!
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[ COLOURS ]  ~  burgundy. red. crimson. scarlet. maroon. mahogany. copper. amber. chocolate. brown. tawny. tan. bronze. brass. orange. gold. saffron. yellow. chartreuse. spring green. lime. mint. green. olive. forest. turquoise. teal. cerulean. blue. navy. cobalt. periwinkle. indigo. pewter. plum. purple. magenta. fuchsia. lilac. lavender. pink. coral. peach. ivory. cream. white. silver. grey. smoke. charcoal. ebony. black. pastels. vibrant. matte. metallic. muted. dark. light.
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[ BODY ] ~ mutations. claws. fangs. wings. tails. feathers. webs. spikes. scales. fur. stripes. spots. freckles. acne. bruises. scars. scratches. gashes. lashes. wounds. amputations. burns. brands. teeth. gums. tongues. lips. beards. mustaches. cheeks. noses. ears. eyes. eyelashes. eyebrows. hair. heads. neck. shoulders. collar bones. arms. elbows. wrists.  hands. fingers. breast. back. ribs. abs. belly. hips. curves. butts. legs. thighs. knees. shins. ankles. feet. toes. nails. sweat. spit. tears. blood. heart. stomach. lungs. liver. veins.  guts. bones. spine. muscle. skin. feline. canine. masculine. feminine.
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[ WEAPONS ]  ~  bites. fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. bow. crossbow. hammer.  shield. poison. (bow)guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers.  machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. bombs. missiles. boomerangs. lethal pets. lasers.
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[ MATERIALS ]  ~ metal. gold. silver. platinum. pewter. titanium. iron. steel. copper. bronze. brass. tin. bismuth. diamonds. pearls. rubies. garnets. sapphires. emeralds. jade. peridots. alexandrite. opal. topaz. jasper. quartz. rose quartz. smoky quartz. amethyst. citrine. fluorite. amber. malachite. turquoise. lapis lazuli. sodalite. pyrite. labradorite.  moonstone.  petrified wood. wood. paper. parchment. hemp. canvas. burlap. oils. skin. muslin. rayon. faux. wool. fur. lace. leather. skins. suede. corduroy. silk. satin. chiffon. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. rocks. flint. asphalt. brick. granite. marble. dust. rust. glitter. sand. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. nylon. polyester. plastic. glass. porcelain.  bone. shells. coral.
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[ NATURE ]  ~ grass. leaves. trees. bark. flowers. roses. daisies. forget me nots. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. roots. ocean. pond. river. stream. waterfall. creek. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. tropical. jungle. marsh. moors. swamp.  plains. hills. highlands. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space.  clouds. mountains. fire. lava. ice. frost. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun.  heat. cold. steam. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise.  sunset. dewdrops. shadow. tornado. hurricane. water spout. thunder. hail. twisters. humidity. dryness.
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[ ANIMALS ]  ~ birds. penguins. eagles. owls. falcons. vultures. hawks. swans. parrots. parakeets. doves. pigeons. ducks. robins. cardinals. blue jays. bluebirds. blackbirds. crows. ravens. magpies. mockingbirds. flamingos. ostriches. seagulls. albatross. peacocks. condors. finches. pelicans. chickens. geese. quail. bats. sheep. cows. buffalo. deer.  hedgehogs. elephants. horses. giraffes. cats. lions. tigers. pumas. cheetahs. jaguars. foxes. dogs. wolves. coyotes. bunnies. mice. rats. monkeys. apes. bears. pandas. polar bears. snakes. iguanas. chameleons. alligators. crocodiles. turtles. lizards. frogs. toads. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. stingrays. octopus. lobsters. crabs. bugs. spiders. ants.  moths. butterflies. flies. maggots. roaches. ladybugs. beetles. cicadas. dragonflies. fleas. termites. leeches. worms. snails. mosquitoes. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. dinosaurs.
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[ FOODS/DRINKS ]  ~  pepper. salt. sugar. honey. syrup. caramel. candy. bubblegum.  mints.  candy canes. gumdrops. lollipops. chocolate. vanilla. cinnamon. ice cream. cake. cookies. brownies. biscuits. pie. tarts. lemonade. soda. champagne. wine. brandy. rum. whiskey. vodka. tequila. sake. beer. soju. gin. crema de cacao. cocoa. latte. coffee. tea.  spices. herbs. fruit. apples. oranges. lemons. cherries. strawberries. blueberries. raspberries. cranberries. watermelons. cantaloupes. bananas. coconuts. grapes. kiwi. pomegranates. tomatoes. vegetables. potatoes. cucumbers. carrots. turnips. onions. leeks.  celery. broccoli. cabbages. lettuces. roots. nuts. white meat. red meat. raw meat. veal. pork. chicken. beef. venison. fish. lobster. oysters. pizza. ambrosia. pasta. sandwiches. soup.
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[ HOBBIES ]  ~  music. piano. flute. woodwinds. whistles. drums. guitar. cello. synthesizer.  violin. lute. harp. fiddle. harmonica. trumpet. brass. singing. composing. folk.  classical. bluegrass. blues. jazz. big band. pop. country. rock. punk. metal. electronica. hip hop. reggae. ska. rap. vinyl records. cassettes. cds. soundcloud. itunes. spotify. art.  sculpting. pottery. painting. watercolour. drawing. pastels. charcoal. sketching. graffiti. printing. inking. collecting. fighting. martial arts. self-defence. boxing. fencing. sumo. wrestling. jousting. paintball. lazer tag. duelling. hunting. fishing. climbing. weight lifting. training. sports. football. football (usa). rugby. baseball. cricket. lacrosse. volleyball. basketball. tennis. badminton. skating. cycling. sailing. rowing. hiking. running. gymnastics. dancing. ice skating. hockey.  reading. writing. cooking. sewing. acting. photography. video games. horseback riding. gardening. smithing. shopping. traveling. movies. theatre. libraries. books. magazines. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. science.
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[ STYLE ]  ~ nudism. perfume. cologne. piercings. tattoos. henna. body paint. war paint.  make up. lipstick. mascara. eyeliner. eye shadow. powder. beauty marks. blush. nail polish. lingerie. fishnet. pantie-hoes. socks. stockings. leggings. long johns. under armor. corsets. sports bras. bustles. camisoles. blouses. button ups. tunics. vests. waistcoats. leather jackets. ponchos. sweaters/jumpers. hoodies. skirts. jeans. kilts. breeches. scarfs. cravats. ascots. belts. sashes. gloves. heels. sandals. platforms. tennis shoes. penny loafers. jordans. slippers. boots. cowboy boots. rain boots. army boots. armor. justaucorps. trench coats. capes. cloaks. burqa. suits. tuxedos. kimonos. saris. sun dresses. gowns. jewelry. earrings. nose rings. lip rings. tongue piercings. belly rings. gauges. eyebrow rings. necklaces. pearl strings. leis. bracelets. bangles. cuffs. watches. friendship bracelets. rings. pendants. lockets. broaches. boutonnieres. pocket watches. cuff links. hats. crowns. circlets. flower crowns. helmets. hijabs. turbans. baseball caps. cowboy hats. brocade. doublet. gorget. bracers. masks. cowls. braces. glasses. sun glasses. eye contacts. pyjamas.
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[ MISC ]  ~ balloons. bubbles. candles. battle. war. diplomacy. peace. money. power.  clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies.  loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. sex. hugs. duality. sin. lust. greed. wrath. envy. sloth. gluttony. pride. virtue. chivalry. honour. piety. charity. diligence. chastity. gentleness. aggression. romance. hatred. grief. pity. success. bitterness. sorrow. joy. fear. anger. good. evil. relativity. vampirism. sapphism. life. birth. time. death. illusion. silence.
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namebrandbargains4u · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Handcrafted Rare Elephant Skin Jasper Gemstone Necklace.
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betpiner · 2 years
Jasper stone
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It is also sometimes called “The Calligrapher’s Stone” (which I believe is wrongly associated as from what I have researched, Calligrapher’s stone looks different completely), as well as “Cobra Jasper”, “Snake Agate”, or “Elephant Skin Jasper”. It is compressed bone, vegetation and shell from an ancient swamp which was compressed by the incredible forces involved in the mountain’s creation. Mariam Jasper was formed when the Himalayas rose into the sky. It is an alchemist stone, enabling one to transform seemingly hopeless situations into creative, positive ones. Mariam stone :helps keep one cool under severe pressure. Maha Mariam aids with the sense of smell.Jasper Gemstone is slow to show alteration to the person, but is such a fundamental gemstone that one should always have it on hand.All colours of Jasper will aid in balancing the vibrations of the body.It helps the immune system and help with detoxification and has an anti-inflammatory effect.As it is both energizing and activating it is good for stimulating the circulation and the energy flow.It is said to prolong sexual pleasure and it supports during prolonged illness and re-energizes the body.Jasper Gemstone stimulates the thoughts and alters ideas into action.Helps in quick thinking and encourages managerial abilities.It provides courage to assertively handling problems.Maha Maryam clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution includes radiation.Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy.It also defends from fears in the night. Jasper Gemstone is supposed to help poise the energy in the body.Maha Maryam gives one the courage to speak out and have personal freedom. This gemstone is a strong protection against things, which are not good for you and eases emotional strains, making it a superb gemstone to have in your house. A strong protection gemstone, Jasper Stone for healing is known to protect against hazards of the night. Red Jasper Stone is very lucky for actors. Jasper Stone is a powerful securing and stability quartz gemstone.
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theshroudedcrystal · 4 years
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My spiral wire wrap collection is growing. These new three additions are mystic merlinite (one of my personal faves), dalmatian jasper, and elephant skin jasper. 
Available now at etsy.com/shop/theshroudedcrystal
also you can buy all three at a discounted price! 
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mistylinemisty · 6 years
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I think Ellie is in love...
Red (c) @baited-in
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witchyphilosophe · 6 years
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Info From The Rock Crystal Shop: Metaphysical Healing Properties of Miriam Stone 💎Counterbalance to busy modern world by bringing back pleasure in nature. Amulet for travel (especially driving long distances), prosperity on business trips and overseas deals. 💎Use for long term business decision making and forward planning. 💎Counters instant gratification that can destabilise a happy relationship. 💎Aids the gentle release of karma or trauma from the past, helping you to move forward into the future. 💎Helps one stay positive through difficult times. 💎Said to ease skin complaints, scar tissue, mobility, scalp disorders. Mariam stone is an agglomeration of minute sea life fossils that are millions of years old. It is NOT an agate. - It is a mixture of fossilized shells. Many names: Mariam Stone, Mariam Jasper, Mariyam Jasper, Mariyam Agate, Snake Jasper, Elephant Skin Jasper, Miriam Agate, Mariyam Agate, Arabic Script Stone, Script Stone, Maryiam Stone, Calligraphy Stone or Cobra Stone. (Source: www.therockcrystalshop.com.au/crystal-metaphysical-healing-properties/mariam-stone-arabic-script-stone-calligraphy-stone-script-stone-maryiam-stone-cobra-stone-mariam-jasper-mariyam-jasper-mariyam-agate-snake-jasper-elephant-skin-jasper-miriam-agate-mariyam-agate) From Soul Connections: “It is considered to be a psychic protection stone and can help you access the Akashic Records and find information during past life recall. It can help you contact your guides and angels and is useful in automatic writing. it has a very protective and stabilizing effect that allows us to restore our energy levels and take a few deep breaths of relaxation while promoting clarity and insights.” (Source: https://www.soul-connections.org/product-page/calligraphy-stone-indian-script-stone-miriam-stone-coquina-towers)
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shadowdogdesigns · 5 years
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(via Drogon Dragon Necklace, Jasper Fire Opal Game of Thrones Jewelry Gift | Shadow Dog Designs)
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bijoux-et-mineraux · 8 years
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Polished Elephant Skin Jasper
A naturally occurring fossil shell and hematite iron stone mixture
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taking-thyme · 3 years
Healer Witch Correspondences
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Altar Items / Symbols: Salves, Tinctures, Oils, Honey, Himalayan Salt Lamp [Note: Don’t use if you have pets!!], Lunar Symbolism (mental healing), Solar Symbolism (physical healing), Salts, Teas, Medication, Cannabis, Essential Oil Diffuser, Humidifier, Mermaid Symbolism, Fresh Flowers and Herbs
Animals: Horses, Bears, Badgers, Snakes, Elephants, Cows, Pigs, Ravens, Buffalo, Frogs, Turtles
Herbs / Plants: Chamomile, Lavender, Aloe, Lemon, Passion Flower, Rose, Lemonbalm, Oak, Calendula, Echinacea, Apple, Potato, Cinnamon, Cornflower, Comfrey, Milk Thistle, Thyme, Basil, Garlic, Pine, Lime, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Cannabis, Elderflower, Peppermint, Ginger
Stones: [Any Soft, Smooth or Round Stones] Bloodstone, Agate, Selenite, Rose Quartz, Red Jasper, Garnet, Jade, Amethyst, Pearl, Moonstone, Aventurine, Hematite, Amber
Colors: Blue, Red, Pink, Lavender, Green
Deities: Eir, Brighid, Hygeia, Epione, Asclepius, Apollo, Thoth, Gaia, Artemis, most Solar Deities, Cernunnos, Lugh, Dian Cecht, Sekhmet, Serket, Isis, Hera, Zywie
Incense / Essential Oils: Lavender, Mint, Lemon, Orange, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Pine, Bay, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Dragons Blood
Elements: All, but especially Water and Fire
Time: Full Moon, Monday, Sunday, Sunrise
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Small Tea Remedy and Meaning Guide:
(Google Side Effects and Precautions before use!!)
Green Tea: Interferes with Cancer Growth, Prevents clogged arteries, Burns fat, Relieves stress, Reduces risk of neurological disorders like Alzheimers and Parkinsons, Reduces stroke risk, Improves cholesterol // Health, Longevity, Love and Passion
Black Tea: Protects lungs from smoking damage, Helps with asthma, Reduces stroke risk // Brings Excitement, Courage and Wealth
White Tea: Has the most potent anti-cancer properties of any tea, Rich in antioxidants, Reduces risk of heart disease, Weight loss benefits, Promotes tooth and dental health, May lower risk of insulin resistance, May protect and fight against osteoporosis, Combats skin aging, Protects against neurological disorders like Alzheimers and Parkinsons // Healing, Cleansing, Spiritual Communication, Psychic Energy
Oolong Tea: Helps protect against diabetes, Promotes Heart health, Weight Loss benefits, Improves brain function, Protects against certain cancers, Promotes tooth and bone health, Relieves Eczema // Love, Serenity, Balance and Reflection
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nonconstories · 3 years
Puppy Pile
Asher gets some aftercare from his pack. 
Click under the cut for making out, cuddles, affection, and lots of Soft Aftercare from Scary People
Word Count is 1.1k
At some point, Asher simply lost track of what time it was, or who was fucking him. He took everyone more than once; probably closer to four or five times each. And that was just between his legs. His mouth hadn’t been free for more than ten minutes at a time for most of the night. But finally, his pack seemed exhausted. Most of them had shifted down; just a splash of gold eyes and teeth left in the room.  
The living room was silent except for soft pants and the rare creak of furniture. Asher was on the coach, drooling lightly in between Kase and Ronan. They’d pulled out of him about a minute ago, leaving him tender and dripping cum. But they were pressed close on either side, keeping him warm and mostly upright. They’d even taken his collar off to nip at the vulnerable skin underneath. Across the room, Caelum was lying sideways on his armchair, gazing dreamily up at the ceiling. Avery and Jasper were curled up in one corner, cooing to each other as Jasper’s knot went down. 
“Who can move?” Caelum asked casually. “Because I don’t want to.” Automatically, Asher tried to roll to his feet. But Ronan grabbed him around the waist and pulled him back. 
“Pass!” Avery groaned, face buried in Jasper’s neck. 
“Make Kase do it,” Jasper said. His eyes were already closed, face buried in Avery’s dark auburn hair. 
“You’re the damn carrier elephant.” Kase’s voice was flat and sleepy, and his head dropped onto Ronan’s shoulder. 
“Please, I watched you chuck a restaurant dumpster across a road last year.” Despite his words, Jasper eased Avery off his chest and settled him on the couch they’d been on. Groaning, he pushed himself to his feet. “Okay. Okay. I can do this. It just feels like I’m dying…” 
“Kase, help him?” Caelum phrased it more like a suggestion; he really was tired. 
With minimal grumbling, Kase did it, shuffling after Jasper to retrieve the “downstairs mattresses”. Asher watched them from under lidded eyes. He liked this part of Spring. After a full moon mating session, the pack was too worn out and satisfied to be guarded and cruel. Instead, they were all warm and sleepy and wanted contact. Lots and lots of contact.   
Avery was being pouty. Asher had noticed that he got whiny and clingy after a long, rough fuck, wanted to just huddle on his boyfriend’s chest and ride the afterglow. Apparently noticing that, Caelum oozed out of his chair and pulled himself across the room to fall on top of him. Avery accepted him with a pleased sigh and a tight hug. Ronan, for his part, was nuzzling into Asher’s neck and stroking his chest and sides. 
“We break you, cutie?” He asked softly, kissing the back of Asher’s neck. 
“Yes,” Asher said, only a tad petulant. “I’m sore.” Not nearly as sore as he’d been after his first year. Not as shell-shocked either; his body was warm and fuzzy with cooling endorphins and the wolf was pleased to have been bred so well.  
“Two more nights...then we’ll give you a break for a week or so, ‘kay?” 
Jasper and Kase returned, each dragging two mattresses. The downstairs mattresses were spare ones that were kept locked in a storage room. Mostly they were for marathon orgies like this; after mating, the wolf wanted them together, cuddled up as a pack. Occasionally, they were for disaster situations, when they were teetering on war with another pack. At times like those Caelum would move them all into one central room until the threat passed. 
Furniture was pushed back and the mattresses were arranged in the empty space. Perked up by Caelum’s attention, Avery padded upstairs to start hauling down bedding. Kase tried to return to the couch with Asher, but Caelum caught his wrist and pulled him close. 
“Where’s my kiss?” He purred, and Kase blew out an exaggerated sigh. 
“Uhg. Fine. Clingy fucking weirdo.” They sucked face for a few seconds, and Asher was nodding off by the time Avery shuffled back into the room. The massive ball of sheets, blankets, and pillows was chucked onto the mattresses. 
“My job’s done!” Avery said cheerfully, and then crawled into Jasper’s arms. “Ronan’s turn to do stuff.” 
“I’ve got Asher!” Ronan whined, hugging him tighter. “He said he’s sore from taking our cocks all night, I’m comforting him!” 
“Caelum, make Ronan make the beds,” Avery said, still trying to get as close to Jasper as possible. “I got the blankets!” 
Caelum broke the kiss with Kase and looked crankily over at them. “Ronan,” he said tiredly. “Asher will be fine if you take three minutes to--” Kase pulled his head back and resumed kissing him. 
“Bastard,” Ronan said, with no venom in his voice. Gently, he rolled Asher to the side and got up. Asher slumped over and closed his eyes. 
When the beds were made up, the entire pack lazily crawled onto them and started arranging themselves. Asher was settled into the middle, wrapped in his own comforter. Ronan flopped down beside him, throwing his arm over his waist. “Miss me?” He teased, and Asher allowed his head to be tucked under Ronan’s chin.  
Jasper and Avery landed next to them with a thump, giggling into each other’s mouths. They nuzzled up against Ronan’s back. On the other side, Kase was on his back, sprawled out, eyes drooping. Caelum had his head on Kase’s chest, sharing his blanket. Asher closed his eyes, already starting to drift off. He felt hands on him; running through his hair, rubbing his back, petting his stomach and thighs. Kase and Ronan were the only ones close enough to kiss him, and they both did; pecking his temples and cheeks and shoulders. 
“Did good,” Kase murmured, nuzzling behind his ear. “Took us all so fucking good. Did everything we said and you hardly even bitched about it…” 
“You like it?” Jasper asked, scratching his short nails through Asher’s fluffy hair. “You made a lot of noise when you got knotted. And you came so many times.” 
“So hot,” Avery purred. “With your cute little howls and your tail wagging so hard.” 
Asher let them stroke him, let them praise him. Tomorrow it would start over again, and carry on the day after that. But he’d get a break afterwards, and this was his last year at the bottom. Next year, Caelum would find a new Omega. And it'd be his turn to put someone in their place during the moon. But for now, he was being praised and cuddled and adored. 
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rurpleplayssims · 3 years
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Roselyn shifted a little in her seat, very aware of the elephant in the room (that wasn't her feelings for once).
Zoey didn't realise there were supernatural beings in town..?
That meant she had no idea Jasper was a warlock.
Roselyn had been trusted with the knowledge but that was because at the time she'd been dating him. She'd never betray his trust though, no matter how much she secretly loved the woman beside her.
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"Did you really think Noah and Thomas were born with green skin?" she asked, making it sound more of a joke, trying to ease her own discomfort.
She didn't want Zoey to think badly of any supernatural who didn't deserve the stigma.
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"I doubt they were" Zoey replied honestly, shrugging her own shoulders.
"I know that magic exists and all, but you hardly expect to encounter it in your own life, let alone here in Campbell Quay!"
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"Well there are many things going on around us each and every day" Roselyn said wisely.
"Everyone has their secrets and things they'd rather keep to themselves."
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Zoey's brow furrowed in confusion.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
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mczenrath · 4 years
what are your muse’s aesthetics? bold any which apply to your muse! remember to REPOST! feel free to add to the list!
[ COLORS ] ~ burgundy. red. crimson. scarlet. maroon. mahogany. copper. amber. chocolate. brown. tawny. tan. bronze. brass. orange. gold. saffron. yellow. chartreuse. spring green. lime. mint. green. olive. forest. turquoise. teal. cerulean. blue. navy. cobalt. periwinkle. indigo. pewter. plum. purple. magenta. fuchsia. lilac. lavender. pink. coral. peach. ivory. cream. white. silver. grey. smoke. charcoal. ebony. black. pastels. vibrant. matte. metallic. muted. dark. light.
[ BODY ] ~ mutations. claws. fangs. wings. tails. feathers. webs. spikes. scales. fur. stripes. spots. freckles. acne. bruises. scars. scratches. gashes. lashes. wounds. amputations. burns. brands. teeth. gums. tongues. lips. beards. mustaches. cheeks. noses. ears. eyes. eyelashes. eyebrows. hair. heads. neck. shoulders. collar bones. arms. elbows. wrists. hands. fingers. breast. back. ribs. abs. belly. hips. curves. butts. legs. thighs. knees. shins. ankles. feet. toes. nails. sweat. spit. tears. blood. heart. stomach. lungs. liver. veins. guts. bones. spine. muscle. skin. feline. canine. masculine. feminine.
[ WEAPONS ] ~ bites. fists. kicks. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. bow. crossbow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. bombs. missiles. boomerangs. lethal pets. lasers. canons.
[ MATERIALS ] ~ metal. gold. silver. platinum. pewter. titanium. iron. steel. copper. bronze. brass. tin. bismuth. diamonds. pearls. rubies. garnets. sapphires. emeralds. jade. peridots. alexandrite. opal. topaz. jasper. quartz. rose quartz. smoky quartz. amethyst. citrine. fluorite. amber. malachite. turquoise. lapis lazuli. sodalite. pyrite. labradorite. moonstone. petrified wood. wood. paper. parchment. hemp. canvas. burlap. oils skin. muslin. rayon. faux. wool. fur. lace. leather. skins. suede. corduroy. silk. satin. chiffon. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. rocks. flint. asphalt. brick. granite. marble. dust. rust. glitter. sand. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. nylon. polyester. plastic. glass. porcelain. bone. shells. coral.
[ NATURE ] ~ grass. leaves. trees. bark. flowers. roses. daisies. forget me nots. tulips. lavender. sunflowers. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. roots. ocean. pond. river. stream. waterfall. creek. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. tropical. jungle. marsh. moors. swamp. plains. hills. highlands. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. fire. lava. ice. frost. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. shadow. tornado. hurricane. water spout. thunder. hail. twisters. humidity. dryness.
[ ANIMALS ] ~ birds. penguins. eagles. owls. falcons. vultures. hawks. swans. parrots. parakeets. doves. pigeons. ducks. robins. cardinals. blue jays. bluebirds. blackbirds. crows. ravens. magpies. mockingbirds. flamingos. ostriches. seagulls. albatross. peacocks. condors. finches. pelicans. chickens. geese. quail. bats. sheep. cows. buffalo. deer. hedgehogs. elephants. horses. giraffes. cats. lions. tigers. pumas. cheetahs. jaguars. foxes. dogs. wolves. coyotes. bunnies. mice. rats. monkeys. apes. bears. pandas. polar bears. snakes. iguanas. chameleons. alligators. crocodiles. turtles. lizards. frogs. toads. whales.dolphins. fish. sharks. stingrays. octopus. lobsters. crabs. bugs. spiders. moths. butterflies. flies. maggots. roaches. ladybugs. beetles. cicadas. dragonflies. fleas. termites. leeches. worms. snails. mosquitoes. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. dinosaurs.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] ~ pepper. salt. sugar. honey. syrup. caramel. candy. bubblegum. mints. candy canes. gumdrops. lollipops. chocolate. vanilla. cinnamon. ice cream. cake. cookies. brownies. biscuits. pie. tarts. lemonade. soda. champagne. wine. brandy. rum. whiskey. vodka. tequila. sake. beer. soju. gin. crema de cacao. cocoa. latte. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. fruit. apples. oranges. lemons. cherries. strawberries. blueberries. raspberries. cranberries. watermelons. cantaloupes. bananas. coconuts. grapes. kiwi. pomegranates. tomatoes. vegetables. potatoes. cucumbers. carrots. turnips. onions. leeks. celery. broccoli. cabbages. lettuces. roots. nuts. white meat. red meat. raw meat. veal. pork. chicken. beef. venison. fish. lobster. oysters. pizza. ambrosia. pasta. sandwiches. soup.
[ HOBBIES ] ~ music. piano. flute. woodwinds. whistles. drums. guitar. cello. synthesizer. violin. lute. harp. fiddle. harmonica. trumpet. brass. singing. composing. folk. classical. bluegrass. blues. jazz. big band. pop. country. rock. punk. metal. electronica. hip hop. reggae. ska. rap. vinyl records. cassettes. cds. soundcloud. itunes. spotify. art. sculpting. pottery. painting. watercolour. drawing. pastels. charcoal. sketching. graffiti. printing. inking. collecting. fighting. martial arts. self-defense. boxing. fencing. sumo. wrestling. jousting. paintball. lazer tag. duelling. hunting. fishing. climbing. weight lifting. training. sports. football. football (usa). rugby. baseball. cricket. lacrosse. volleyball. basketball. tennis. badminton. skating. cycling. sailing. swimming. rowing. hiking. running. gymnastics. dancing. ice skating. hockey. reading. writing. cooking. sewing. acting. photography. video games. horseback riding. gardening. smithing. shopping. traveling. movies. theatre, libraries. books. magazines. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. science.
[ STYLE ] ~ nudism. perfume. cologne. piercings. tattoos. henna. body paint. war paint. make up. lipstick. mascara. eyeliner. eye shadow. powder. beauty marks. blush. nail polish. lingerie. fishnet. pantie-hoes. socks. stockings. leggings. long johns. under armor. corsets. sports bras. bustles. camisoles. blouses. button ups. tunics. vests. waistcoats. leather jackets. ponchos. sweaters/jumpers. hoodies. skirts. jeans. kilts. breeches. scarfs. cravats. ascots. belts. sashes. gloves. heels. sandals. platforms. tennis shoes. penny loafers. jordans. slippers. boots. cowboy boots. rain boots. army boots. armor. justaucorps. trench coats. capes. cloaks. burqa. suits. tuxedos. kimonos. saris. sun dresses. gowns. jewelry. earrings. nose rings. lip rings. tongue piercings. belly rings. gauges. eyebrow rings. necklaces. pearl strings. leis. bracelets. bangles. cuffs. watches. friendship bracelets. rings. pendants. lockets. broaches. boutonnieres. pocket watches. cuff links. hats. crowns. circlets. flower crowns. helmets. hijabs. turbans. baseball caps. cowboy hats. brocade. doublet. gorget. bracers. masks. cowls. braces. glasses. sun glasses. eye contacts. pajamas.
[ MISC ] ~ balloons. bubbles. candles. battle. war. diplomacy. peace. money. power. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. sex. hugs. duality. sin. lust. greed. wrath. envy. sloth. gluttony. pride. virtue. chivalry. honor. piety. charity. diligence. chastity. gentleness. aggression. romance. hatred. grief. pity. success. bitterness. sorrow. joy. fear. anger. good. evil. relativity. vampirism. sapphism. life. birth. time. death. illusion. silence.
Tagged stole from: @ababwa Tagging: @direbcrn @sunsreign & anyone else who wants to do iiit
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