#elena: you were supposed to marry a normal boy
cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
It's always so funny to me when people say Billy wouldn't be extremely dramatic over literally any scenario. They always assume he'd be stoic and disinterested, but I disagree.
Like, c'mon, have y'all seen this man? He screams Drama Queen, will bite if too excited!!
Steve would tell Billy they couldn't hangout that day because his parents need help around the house, and Billy just absolutely starts bawling his eyes out. He's not particularly hurt, he knows that Steve would rather spend the day with him, but the thought of not seeing Steve for 24 hours has Billy's bottom lip wobbling. Steve would panic, immediately throwing out suggestions to the boy, asking if he'd like to come over and help out? His parents adore Billy, because what sane person didn't fall in love with his stormy blue eyes, and sweet smiles? Billy worked so hard to be able to wear that smile, and gods, was it the most beautiful thing Steve has ever seen.
Billy would immediately stop crying at the offer, his eyes lighting up as he scrambles to crawl into Steve's lap, "do you think your mom will let me fix that fucking lamp now?" At that, Steve let out a laugh. It had been a recurring argument between his mother and boyfriend.
One morning Billy had been over, as he always was, he was making him and Steve breakfast when the front door slammed shut, the noise muffled by the various sounds of him cooking and soft music filtering out the speaker on the counter.
He hadn't heard the Harringtons come in, and had only been privy to their presence when Mr. Harrington let out a rather high pitch scream, Billy following suit with a loud shout of his own, but unlike him, Mr. Harrington had flung himself out the room, promptly running into one of Mrs. Harrington's favorite lamps, a lamp she hadn't been able to find in years.
All the yelling had Steve barreling down the stairs and skidding to a halt, "Billy, why are you yelling now?!" Billy for his part let out an indignant gasp, the spatula clutched in his hand waving wildly in the direction of Steve's mother. Because how dare he assume Billy was yelling without real reason.
He hadn't seen her, in all honesty. He rarely saw anyone around him if Billy happened to be there.
"Oh, hey mom! Where's dad?" At that question, a very guilty looking Richard Harrington took his place beside Elena, the lamp in his hands cracked down the middle, with it's wires exposed.
To say that had been an interesting meeting for Billy and Steve's parents, would be an understatement.
Since that day, Billy has tried to get Elena to let him fix it, but she was stubborn and insists she can fix the lamp on her own.
Billy knew he was was free to be emotional with Steve, he never judged him when he got worked up over virtually nothing. If Billy quite literally cried over spilled milk, Steve would scoop him into his arms and coo softly before offering to clean up the mess.
Steve has caught Billy full on sobbing while watching sad movies, I'm talking snot dripping out his nose, chest heaving as the characters he was rooting for met an untimely demise.
Steve still remembers the first time Billy dissolved into tears in front of him, it was after their third date and Steve had called Billy his Tiny Baby upon seeing the boy almost swimming in his borrowed hoodie. Obviously, Steve panicked, immediately apologizing for having upset Billy before the boy was clinging to him and sobbing into his chest.
When his tears ran dry, Billy assured Steve that he was just overwhelmed by the name, but it wasn't a bad overwhelmed. It filled him with a warmth, he hadn't known since the day his mother turned tail and never returned.
He hadn't known what the warmth meant, but over time he learned it was a good feeling. One he would always lean into so long as Steve was there to hold him up.
Soon enough, Steve was being bombarded with a different, softer side to his boyfriend. Each time Billy cried with no shame in front of Steve, or he giggled over some mundane thing, Steve knew another wall had been knocked down and he was that much closer to knowing Billy on a level nobody had never been allowed before.
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
Title: Mother, dear
Pairing: Mikael M. x Heretic!Black!Reader, Platonic!Mikaelsons x Heretic!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Protective!Mikael, Soft!Mikael
Summary: Elena and Co. learn that the Mikaelson's parents are very protective
A/N: I had an idea and ran with it.
Elena let out a scream when a knife flew pass her head and into a werewolf while both Elijah and Klaus looked unfazed. Damon was shocked seeing the wolf drop, it was suppose to be a meeting between Elena and the Originals about letting the human live a normal life. That was until a group of wolves attacked them. Both Elijah and Klaus were vervain and wolfbane while Damon was tied down with vervain ropes and the wolves trying to take Elena to have leverage against Klaus.
"I suggest you let my boys go." Your voice reached their ears, both Elena and Damon was surprised to see you standing in the doorway. You were a 900+ year old vampire and both Elijah's and Klaus's overly protective stepmother.
"Your boys?" The leader wolf questioned looking you over. You looked non-threatening but the two Originals knew better as Mikael wouldn't had married you for no reason.
You were just a Queen's handmaiden back in 1190 when you met the Mikaelsons. You were a woman that had no time for nonsense and Mikael was an over protective father who kinda fell in love again. Mikael had grew overly protective after Freya's death and even more after Henrik's which annoyed Esther seeing Mikael hover over their children.
"Yes. The two Originals." You said as Elena was surprised while Elijah and Klaus groaned if you were in Mystic Falls so was Mikael.
"Look I can care less about a baby vampire and doppelganger. So hand..." You were cut off by a werewolf wrapping a hand around your thoat. Which didn't last long as the wolf fell over dead.
"Do not touch my wife and let my sons go." Mikael growled hand covered in blood. You sighed as much as you loved your husband, you wish he would ease up on your children. You walked over to Elijah and Klaus freeing the two and Elena watched how soft you treated the two.
"Mother....there was no need to bring father." Elijah groaned just laying his head in your lap too tired to fight the vervain in his system.
"Sorry darling but he followed. You know how your father is." You say softly running your fingers though Elijah's hair relaxing the vampire. Klaus also leaned against you feeling just as tired.
Mikael had done everything for his children. Making sure they feed, making sure Esther doesn't find them, always taking on whatever pain they could face. You knew how much of a brute Mikael was before his first born but now.
'The world seemed to stop whenever I first held each of them. I knew I would do anything for them.' Was what Mikael told you when you first asked about his past. Mikael dropped the body and was by you three right away worry settling over his face as he began to look over Klaus since he seemed worst.
"Niklaus? Are you alright? What do you need?"
"For...you to...not baby me." Klaus growled weakly pushing Mikael away. It was always Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah that got of Mikael's over protectiveness. Mikael was unimpressed by Klaus as he lifted the hybrid laying him on the couch.
"I'm sorry....but who are these people?!" Damon asked seeing Elijah being practically being cuddled by you while Mikael rubbed Klaus's back still worried about the hybrid.
"This is our mother Y/N and father Mikael. They have followed me to Mystic Falls no doubt." Elijah said weakly wrapping his arms around your waist groaning in pain. Elena frowned confused as Damon was surprised.
"I thought the Original witch was your mother?"
"Birth mother but no mother of ours due to the whole trying to murder us thing." Klaus huffed feeling a little better and Mikael went to get your sons some blood. Damon couldn't believe what he was seeing both Originals being babied by you. It was odd to Damon since it was clear you were a younger vampire than the Originals, yet here they were treating you like their mother.
"Mother, why have you came?" Elijah asked looking up at you feeling you run your fingers though his hair.
"Your father wanted to help Niklaus and to bring the family together." You said softly looking worried as Elijah closed his eyes. Mikael returned with blood bags and handed you one to feed Elijah. Both Damon and Elena watched surprised and unsure on what to do.
Mikael was angry for one Esther was alive and two the witch treated you like you were nothing but some maid. Of course the siblings watched their father grow more angry with Esther after passing comment the witch made about you. Esther glared at you seeing you sitting with Finn just talking. Since being undaggered Finn hanged around you just like Elijah, both were mama boys.
"I have a announcement." Esther said making herself known to her family ignoring how Mikael glared at her. Everyone looked at the witch unaware of her plan.
"I have decided that we should have a ball. As a family we should show that we mean no harm."
"That means I can take mother shopping!" Rebekah squealed happily standing up and Esther smiled.
"I would love that Rebekah."
"I said mother not you Esther." Rebekah said taking your hand dragging you out of the room with Finn following after. Esther left in a huff angry as in the witch's eyes you stole her family.
"Stop messing with your tie love." You say softly fixing your husband's tie looking up at the Viking. Mikael huffed kissing your forehead letting you fix his tie.
"I worry Esther is hiding something." Mikael says moving a hand along your curves. The dress you wore was a deep red and backless, it had a beaded bust and flowy skirt prefect for dancing.
"No worries my love. If she is we will protect the children." You say looping your arm though Mikael's walking out to the ball. You looked out seeing your children with their dates while Esther looked down at everyone.
"Ma, I want you to meet Bonnie. Bonnie my mother Y/N and father Mikael." Kol says smiling as Bonnie shook your hand. You saw how happy Kol looked with the young witch.
"I hope my darling son has been a gentleman."
"Oh...he has ma'am." Bonnie says following your eye sight up to Esther then looked at you seeing you wink at her. Bonnie caught on to your signs to keep an eye out for Esther and it didn't help that the Original witch met with Elena.
Murder, Esther wanted to kill her family and was going to do it by linking them together. You couldn't stop it due to the stronger witch taking you out first. Finn pressed a cool clothe to your forehead worry written all over his face.
"How is mother?" Elijah asked walking into the bedroom suit jacket gone along with his tie. You layed in your bed in the thinnest nightgown you owned under just a sheet.
"Weak....she can't keep down blood. How's father?" Finn said sounding tired since he was the one up with you the most other than Elijah.
"Niklaus and Kol had been trying to stop him from rampaging though the town. Rebekah is getting answers from Elena."
"Babies....my sweet boys...if I..." You rasped out making them jump and Finn wiped the sweat from your face.
"Shhhh mother. You will be fine, save your strength. Bonnie will fix this." Elijah says softly brushing your hair from your face. You smiled weakly watching your boys clean up around your room.
"I broke the link but as for curing Y/N ...it'll take longer." Bonnie tells Klaus frowning before diving into her grimoire. Klaus looked at Kol worried that Bonnie was over working herself and looked into getting another witch. While Mikael was with Elijah and Finn taking care of Esther.
"How are you feeling mama?" Rebekah asked opening a window to air out the room. You smiled weakly at Rebekah feeling her lay next to you holding your hand.
"A bit better my sweet girl." You whispered breathing slowly making Rebekah frown. You felt your daughter press closer and you knew she was worried.
"I'll be okay, love." You say softly running your fingers though Rebekah's hair relaxing and she began to fall asleep.
You woke startled feeling Finn at your back and noticed your other children also in the bed. You felt better and smiled feeling Elijah mumbled in his sleep pressing his face into your abdomen. Klaus was behind Rebekah who was still pressed against your side while Kol was piled onto Elijah.
"They wanted to stay with you." Mikael says leaning over kissing your forehead making you smile.
"Understandable. Where is Esther?" You asked reaching for Mikael's hand feeling happy lacing your fingers with his.
"Dead and hopefully she stays dead." Mikael says rubbing your hand and you both just relaxed watching the siblings sleep. You both just wanted to enjoy the quiet before they woke up.
"Should we tell them?" You asked feeling the siblings press closer squeezing you. Mikael chuckled kissing your hand before looking at your abdomen.
"Later, let's enjoy our moment together."
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whitemagnolia1 · 4 years
Delena Fic Rec:
This is the hardest thing I’ve ever posted here lol.
Forever Mine: The night Damon Salvatore met Elena Gilbert changed the course of their destinies forever. But just as the future made itself known, the past caught up with them to destroy it all. Together on the run, Damon finds himself falling for this girl. Hard. But, Damon Salvatore doesn't love and he won't let her change that. No matter how much his soul...his body begs him to give in.
A Woman’s Worth:  AH/AU–Love hurts. This story takes on a literal meaning when Elena is a victim of abuse by her boyfriend. A journey of the silent sufferings of a girl with no one to turn to and unwilling to ask for help. Enters Damon, a social worker determined to rescue a damsel in distress and falling for her along the way. What is he willing to sacrifice in the end to save a girl he loves?
Tomorrow:  Will you be there beside me if the world falls apart? And will all of our moments remain in your heart? Will you be there to guide me all the way through? I wonder will you walk by my side and follow my dreams? With the Nazi reign of terror at its zenith, Damon and Elena form an unlikely friendship in WW2 era Czechoslovakia.
Where the Fireflies Dance: Elena just wants to forget. She moved away for college, and is trying to make a life for herself, when her roommate invites her to her family's ranch for a summer that could change Elena's life. Damon Salvatore is a flirt. But the only girl he's ever really loved is the daughter he's fighting for custody of. Then his sister brings home a friend for summer and everything changes.
Addictions:  When Elenas' life has been consumed by addictions, can anyone save her?- OOC,AU. *WARNING* Story contains strong language, substance abuse, graphic smut/lemons. For mature audiences only. Consider yourself warned.
Breaking Point: Elena wants to learn to fight compulsion. Damon's all-too willing to help, but will either of them be able to deal with the consequences?
Crying Lightening:  "I should have helped her. I should have done something. I deserve this. I deserve to die" - Damon is an 18 year old troubled lost soul with a bad reputation and Elena a 17 year old popular high school student who thought she had everything she ever wanted, that is until she got to know the eldest Salvatore and realizes that life is about more than being crowned Prom Queen! AU R&R
Casually Cruel:  AU/AH/ 'You're different, not the guy I used to know' -Maybe you never really knew me- 'Yes I did'. She knew the depths of his soul, loved and accepted every part of him. Now he's lost and he doesn't think she can find him and she's not sure she wants to.
Someone Like You: You fall in love, get married, fall in love again, get your heart broken. What if it got broken by a heart surgeon that never came back to fix it? Damon/ Elena - AU/AH
Echoes of the past:  Each of us has a past that shapes and defines us. Some pasts are filled with pain and heartache. Can Damon and Elena overcome their pasts to allow themselves a chance at happiness? Or will things from their past resurface to destroy their future? AU/AH Complete!
Forbidden Fruit:  Damon is friends with Grayson Gilbert. When he meets his daughter Elena, sparks fly. Considering the age difference and the fact that she is his friend's daughter, he tries to fight the pull every step of the way. Will he succeed in keeping her at bay?
Held Captive:  My favorite one shot I wrote last year, Re Published into a mini short story. Damon, a notorious War Lord captured the lovely, innocent Elena as part of his war games but things are not as simple as he'd thought. Set in medieval times.
I’d Kill Us Both:  AU/AH For years, Elena has been married to Stefan, but in love with his older brother, Damon, who left for the Marines shortly after the wedding. But now he's back, and not hiding his feelings. Will they finally have the chance to be together? And what if someone from Damon's military past followed him back home, putting them all in danger? Is love worth the risk?
Hopeless:  AU. AH. Elena has found that she likes her older sister Katherine's best friend Damon a lot more than she should. Little does she know he likes her more than he should too. Through the years things start to change between them, but if anyone found out they'd be in big trouble.
A Gentleman’s Agreement:  Possible S4 idea. VampElena has shut herself away from most of her friends, and the Salvatore brothers are at a loss over what to do. She is in for seduction and romance she never saw coming, but sooner or later a choice must be made. COMPLETED.
How Never Became Forever:  Elena's established rules and guidelines for her relationships. She knows how to stay emotionally detached and when to cut the cord. But then she meets Damon, who could potentially change everything. AU. AH.
Kiss Me, Break My Heart:  Elena Gilbert has been in love with her best friend Damon Salvatore for years, but when he asks her to help him win back the woman of his dreams, Elena decides she's had enough. Now Elena wants to move on, but Damon's not making it easy on her. AU/AH
Pretend You Love Me:  While their marriage is falling apart, Damon and Elena must learn to get past their demons or lose each other forever. AH/AU. Officially issuing an angst warning.
Auto In:  AU/AH /Life is wonderfully uncomplicated for Damon Salvatore. Take accident claims as a call center rep by day, charm his way into a new bed each night. Go to work, drink with friends, sex. Simple and straightforward and fun. Until a coworker, Elena Gilbert, makes him question whether some things are worth changing for. But is he the only one who needs to let go of a previous life?
Locked In a Loveless Marriage:  When Elena asks Damon Salvatore for a loan, he agrees on the condition that she marries him. What happens when she finds herself falling in love with a man who has told her he will never love her? AU. All human.
A Hymn For The Broken: AU Elena is a novelty. The only female werewolf to ever exist. She tries to stray away from the past, that turned her into a monster, but a string of grisly murders threaten, and she is called back home. Once reconnected with the Pack, and an old flame, Elena finds herself torn between two worlds. The normal life she'd made for herself, and the call of the wolf inside.
Physical Attraction, Chemical Reaction:  It all started with a night of hot sex. Where things could go from there to Elena and Damon? Could they fall for each other although they don't believe in love anymore? AU/AH
Never Break the Rules:  Handsome and tough, he had always done what needed to be done. He was supposed to be her knight in shining armour. He just never expected to be the one who needed to be saved… Ignoring swarming butterflies. Brushing off skipped heartbeats. Settling on lingering stares. Rules were never meant to be broken. What if there was a love that could break all the rules?
Love Lessons:  New to Mystic Falls High, Damon Salvatore is both excited and horrified to find he is falling in love with his student, Elena Gilbert. But what happens when they overstep the boundaries, and their friends and enemies discover their illicit secret?
Death is Just a Feeling:  "This life will be good and beautiful but not without heartbreak. In death comes peace, but pain is the cost of living. Like love, it's how we know we're alive." – Elena Gilbert ***HAPPY BIRTHDAY Short on words***
The End of Paralysis:  Enter Elena Gilbert, 24, hardworking, lovely, and insatiably in love with her long time best friend, Damon Salvatore. Can she make him see that they belong together? Delena. AH/AU.
Lucky 13:  AU/AH: Mistaken for a glamorous, selfish woman named Katherine Salvatore, the badly injured Elena finds that plastic surgery has given her Katherine's face, the famos Damon Salatore for a husband and a powerful dynasty for in-laws.
It’s A Boy Girl Thing:  Based off the movie with the same name, an ancient curse is awakened and cast upon Elena and Damon. The results cause them to switch bodies, waking the next day in the body of not only the opposite sex, but the last person they ever wanted to switch bodies with. A hilarious battle of the sexes ensues, but eventually they wonder if they'll ever get their own body back. ALL HUMAN D/E
Somebody I Used To Know:  Grieving the sudden death of their parents, Damon and Elena are forced to face their past choices and mistakes. Take a wild a journey through 20 years of their lives...together, apart and everything in between.
Sweet and Sexy Mistakes:  An expert on the dynamics between men and women, Damon Salvatore knows his uptight new publicist could use his help getting a date. The only problem is, the more time he spends with her, the more he realizes he doesn't want her dating anyone but him!
To Save A Sinner:  AU/AH: Damon Salvatore, the new star swimmer and transfer student at MFU, befriends the dark and mysterious Elena Gilbert, a girl the rest of Mystic Falls considers crazy. When he discovers the deep, haunting secrets she keeps from the world, can he handle the truth or will it cost him his heart and even possibly, his sanity?
Through The Ghost:  Damon, a carefree soldier & Elena, a no-nonsense physical therapist at an Army base met under ordinary circumstances. Stuck between attraction and resistance, they struggled to define their relationship until fate made the decision for them. 4 years later a heartbroken Elena battles to make good on a promise when she discovers nothing but the shell of the only man she's ever loved.
Maybe Less, Maybe a Little More:  Vampire Damon and Human Elena meet in a snowstorm. He wants to kill her and she is instantly attracted to him. What will happen over the next ten years? Fic for the A2A x-mas exchange. Non-canon, Oneshot, Delena endgame, rated M for sexual content and some gore. ENJOY THE DRAMA MYLOVES! :D
Do You Believe In Angels:  "Damon?" She asked. He looked at her, waiting. She took a shaky breath, "Do you believe in angels?" "No," he said, "Not anymore." . . AH/AU: Two children with tragic pasts meet at a refuge. Hurt and alone, they clinge to each other to survive. This is their story, and everyone involved along the way.
Alcohol:  Damon's drunk and she looks like Katherine. Elena's drunk and he smells like Stefan.
Memory Serves:  Elena accidentally asks for her soul mate. What happens when magic delivers 1864 Human Damon? How will the Vampire Salvatore brothers deal? Vampire Damon is tortured by intimate memories of Elena. He feels so close yet far away from her. AU1x14 - COMPLETE -
Desperate Love:  A whole different version of Season 4, without sire bonds or dead brothers. A meditation on the nature of love, free will and morality in an imperfect world, through: suspense, romance, steam, angst, and friendship. Tons of Delena as well as Stefan/Caroline/Klaus, Jeremy and Ric, too. Lemons!
The Valentine’s Day Corruption of Damon Salvatore:  This is my fic in response to the prompt by Ciara 2531 for the A2A Valentine Exchange on Live Journal. As always, it's rated M for a reason...
The Best Man: Damon and Elena meet at a wedding, which ends hotter than anyone would have thought.
Insanity Is Beautiful:  They called him crazy, insane even. People feared him and avoided him at any cost, even in the asylum. So what is Dr. Elena Gilbert supposed to do when she not only takes this insane monster as a patient, but falls in love with him, and him with her? (this one is only this low on the list because it’s incomplete)
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vampire207343 · 4 years
Faith Liac Mikaelson
         What if....  Youngest Potter died and reborn, in another wold leaving her beloved husband and two sons.
             After the defeat of the Dark Lordthe oldest Daughter of tge Potters, Camilia Liliana Potter (The-Girl-Who-Lived) found out that her younger twin sister Hyacinth Lilac Potter (Fem!Harry Potter) has been dating Camalia’s sworn enemies, Draco Lucius Malfoy for almost 4 years, she never known about the relationship even though Draco and Hycinth Potter never hidden their relationship from anyone, Even Hyacinth’s GodFather Sirius Orion Black had known about the relationship when he was alived.
               Evenutally Camalia and Hyavinth drift away from one another. It wasn’t long before Draco and Hyacinth married when the Potter twins finally lost all contact with one another.
A year after the war ended and Draco & Hyacinth gotten married when they gaved the news to the family and friends that they will be welcoming two new members of the family in 7 months and by then Hyacinth already drop the Potter name and began going by Black being the Lady of the house of Black. And one day her first born son would take the title from her when he come of age.
                     On May 15, 2001
Hyacinth Black Malfoy gaved birth to two healthy twin boys the oldest son who has Black hair of his grandfather and Sliver Blue eyes like his father, is given the name James Sirius Black Malfoy the secound the future Lord of the house of Black, and the youngest son who is identical to Draco Malfoy himself is given the Scorpio Rigel Black Malfoy the future Lord ofbthe house of Malfoy.
                  18 years later....
The Malfoy twins recently turn 17 years old and recently graduate Hogwarts, James Surius Black Malfoy is currently the new Lord of the most Ancient and most Noble House of Black, and Scorpio Rigel Black Malfoy is also the current Lord of the most Ancient Noble House of Malfoy.
When Hyacinth Black Malfoy unexpectedly died of Dragon pox since they were unawared that she even has it since she never showed any sign of having Dragon Pox until her death when the Healer’s scan her body, Draco Malfoy  was devested by the Death of his beloved wife, but he has to stay strong for his two sons.
               4 years after, Hyacinth Black Malfoy’s death, Draco Malfoy re-married after get the blessing of his two sons, he courted the youngest Greengrast sister for 2 & 1/2  years, Astoria Greengrass who made a silent vowbthe day her bestfriend Hyacinthb Black Malfoy died that she would watch over her three boys for herand that she would be their for them like she promise in her death bed.
Death collected Hyacinth Black Malfoy’s soul, but the moment Hyacinth arrived in the realm of the dead she quickly reborn in another world so simikar to her old one. She is reborn a twin once again. She is the youngest Daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Hayle Marshall.
                    Faith lilac Mikaelson the reborn self of Hyacinth Black Malfoy one of the most powerful witch of her generation that rivals her former twin sister Camalia Liliana Potter Weasley. So it was no surprised that she is a powerful witch on her new life as well. But she isn’t treated right by her new family, she is ignored by her parents Klaus Mikaelson & Hayley Marshall, and her Aunt Rebekah who always dream of having children of her own ignore her as well she take my presence as a nuisance to the family. The same could be said for Elijah Mikaelson the so called Noble Uncle. Then their’s Freya Mikaelson the long lost sister of the original Family, she is no better than the rest of their family, they all ignored Faith Mikaelson for the Suppose Strongest twin, Hope Andrea Mikealson.
But if you had ask Kol Mikalson who was the strongest witch between Hope and Faith. He’ll say Faith is more powerfull than do called “First Born” witch of the Mikaeldon family. He is the only one who knows what Faith is feeling being ignored like they woild rather be anywhere but with her. He know that feeling since been their for almost all his life never fiting in with his brothers or sister even when they were human so it was no surprise that he favore Faith his youngest niece. Other than him his wife Davina Claire and Marcel Gerald are the only one who loves her.
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            Faith Lilac Mikaelson was ignored by almost by all her family with the exception of her favorite Uncle Kol Mikaelsonand his wife her Aunt Davina along with her brother figure Marcel Gerald for 6 years and she can’t afford to stay in the same house as hrt so call family any longer, so she run away from home only telling her Uncle Kol and her Aunt Davina along with her brother figure Marcel and made them promise not say anything to their so call family not that that they would even know that she run away at all.
when she arrive at her desried location Mystic Fall, and she cast a powerfull cloaking spell on herself to make sure her Aunt Freya can’t tract her
“coeur la vous votre tai ma say tou” with the help of the spirit of Esther and Dahlia Mikaelson.
And it wasn’t long before she vefan casting the Rescurrection spell of her own creation that her Uncle Finn was brought a vampire with out needing to drink human blood at all. The spell work like it should she was affair that it would fail. She conjured him some clothes to wear before telling him Everything thatvhappen since he died and that the only one who cared about what haappen to her is her Unclec Kol and his wife her Aunt Davina other than both of them shebis mostly ignored by the rest of her family  for first 6 years of her life.
Finn Mikaelson didn’t think that his family could get any worse, But he was proven wrong,  they have chosen to ignore a child like her very existen didn’t worth a thing. Like how they all treated Kol when we were all human. He talk to his new discovered niece the youngest Daughter of his brother Klaus. He even had the chance to speak with his youngest brother Kol in the phone. He decided to rise his youngest niece like my brother Klaus should have done. The only one who even rised Faith right is my youngest brother Kol Mikealson and his wife Davina Clair and in a year Kol and his wife would be moving back to Mystic Fall to be near Faith. The only one who remotly change from all my siblings is my youngest brother Kol and he use to be the most iresponsible of all my siblings.
         Finn enroled his young niece to Salvator Boarding School for the Gifted where she meet children her age and made her very first friend  in Jason “Jace” Alexsander Salvator the son of Caroline Forbes and her late husband Stefan Salvator, He is a Heretic Vampire, she also befriend the saltzman twins but she closer to Jace and Lizzy more
            Faith Mikaelson past memories of her past life has been slowly returning to her, but while she regaining the memories of her past life she has no connection to that life except for the memories that’s returning. She also began re-creating every spells that Hyacinth Black Malfoy knows and use it to daily life. Even re-creating all the spell she ever created in that life.
  It didn’t take long before Faith befriend Jace’s cousin Hunter Grayson Salvator the son of Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvator.
      While both Elena and Damon Salvator still hate  Klaus Mikealsonbfor everything that he ever did to them, but his youngest daughter Faith is innocent from Klaus own crime, in fac she has their sympathy for having Klaus Mikaelson as her father and never having a real childhood being ignored by most of her family. It wss hard to believed the most iresponsible Mikalson end up to be the one carring for this innocent and sweet little girl. The more they get to kow Faith Mikaelson, she remind everyone so much of Elena herself when she was a kid, so it was no surprise to anyone that Damon end up liking Faith so much.
          1 year later...
Kol Mikaelson and his wife Davina Claire start to distance themself from the rest of the family after their favorite niece Faith Lilac Mikaelson run away from home they didn’t even notice she was even missing for 5 months after the Hallow to possession of Hope and in order to keep Hope safe, Freya divided all the Hallow in equal part of 4 before being sealed inside there body before their seperate way to keep Hope safe, and Hayle knows to keep of Mystic Fall since that’s where Kol and Davina plan to move. 
The part of the Hallow inside Kol wouldn’t be able to try to take possession of Faith’s body since Faith casted a powerful cloakihg and protection spell on her person that not even Freya can break through.
             6 & 1/2 years later..
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Faith Lilac Mikaelson and
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Jason “Jace” Alexsander Salvator  both recently turn 18 years old and graduate at Salvator boarding school after attenteding the school for 12 years. And they both plan on leaving Mystic Fall for Collage and attented Norwich University of the Art in England.
But before they leave for Collage they are going to attend the wedding of her srcound favorite 
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Uncle Finn Mikaelson’s big wedding to our favorite teacher in Salvator Boarding School
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Adela Harper Jones my new Aunt teach Salvator Boarding School as the Defence Teacher and she’s a Phoenix.
       After Uncle Finn and Aunt Adelab left for their Honeymoon in Paris did both Faith and Jace left gor Collage as well.
Freya found away to destroy all the Hallow without her brothers and sister dying so that Hope may have all her family together again so with the Hallow gone.
Hope Andrea Mikaelson is trying yo convince her parents to allow her to attented normal school like any teenager. It only took her two months, before all of them leaves New Orlean to move back to Mystic Fall for Hope’s new school, Freya already called Salvator Boarding School to enrole Hope Mikaelson.
The Salvators, and Bennett witch along with the rest of their friends that the rest of the Mikaelson are moving back in town. The reason they accept Kol and Finn Mikaelson is because they know both of them have change, so they aren’t happy that Klaus and the rest of his siblings return to Mystic Fall.
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Hope Mikaelson is having problem making friends until 5 months later, when she offically meet Jossie Saltzman and befriend her but Jossie’s twin sister Lizzie tend to avoid me no matter what, I gotten the feeling that Lizzy hates my gut.
          Lizzie Saltzman don’t get what’s so imprortant about Hope Mikaelson that her family ignored her best friend very existence well it can’t be because Hope being more powerful witch because Faith is alot more powerful witch than her older twin sister, just because Hope Mikaelson is a tribird dosen’t mean she’s more powerful than Faith their uncle Kol and Finn would be able to tell you that.
5 months later on March 5, Hope Mikaelson meet another new student who’s a blonde Doppleganger of Faith Mikaelson
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 who is a new werewolf student, and Hope befriend Clarrisa “Clary” Rose Smith unknown to Hope that that the reason why Kol and Finn are shock to meet Hope’s new friend is because she look like a blonde version of Faith Mikaelson not that Hope knows her new friend look is a look a like her younger twin.
Damon and Elena are worried that their might be another Doppleganger Drama again in the coming future since Clary Smith look like a blonde werewolf version of Faith Mikaelson. They already went through Doppleganger drama that would last them a life time. 
          2 years later...
Faith and Jace graduate Norwich University of Art only attented Collage for 2 years graduating early. After graduating Faith and jace are getting married after they get out of Collage which their close friends and family are invited for the wedding. They got married in England.
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Faith Lilac Mikaelson and 
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Jason “Jace” Alexsander Salvator are in their honeymoon  in singapore they stayed their for 3 months before visit their family in Mystic Fall, but they plan to settle in England instead of staying  in England to work where Faith has slowly been creating her own Fashion Line called FLMS Fashion since the beging of their collage career, while Jace also been directing small movies of his own is slowly rising up like his wife so they decided to stay in England.
Mystic Fall...
While Faith and Jace Salvator visit their family Klaus and Hayley manged to catch a glimps of their youngest daughyter Faith wuo’s living a successful life recently married to her lingbtime Boyfriend Jace Salavtor the son of Caroline Forbes and her late husband Stefan Salvator. She’s close to both Finn and Kol along with their respected wifes.
The family tried to approach her over the week she was in mystic fall but they never manged to talk to her and how they all wish yo make up for everything  when she was a child leaving her out to celebrate Hope and Faith’s birthday they realized that Kol and Davina were more Faith’s parents than they were. It wasn’t long before returning to England.
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lo-55 · 4 years
Revel Ch. 11
Twining Threads                     
 Tori was surprised by the fact that she was being allowed to go back again. Not, this time, to Imperia but to her sister island Soldano. Her mothers home, where she had been named Dogoressa so many years ago.
 It was not quite like Imperia. The island was mostly flat, and some of it was even regularly underwater. The canals had to be traversed with flat bottomed boats, and gondolas. Elegant bridges stretched from one side of the street to another. The houses were painted with brilliant colors over brick and proud signs declared artisans, grocers, and everything in between.
 Tori sat in the back of a water taxi, her legs crossed at the ankles. She was humming happily to herself, dressed in jeans and a loose violet shirt.
 The sun was warm against her skin, and the breeze that came off the canal was cool. Beneath them dolphins swam and fish flashed silver scales in the sunlight.
 “We’re almost there, ma’am,” her drive called over his shoulder. “It’s at the end of the block.”
 “Thank you,” Tori smiled sweetly at him. Madelle and Daria sat on either side of her, also dressed in jeans. Katakuri hadn’t come with them this time. Soldano was not made for men of his stature, but with her siblings gone and her wedding passed, Tori felt like she needed to do this.
 She needed to go to her mothers home.
 The house that she had lived in was not the palace of the doge, it was her families ancestral house. A high stone building painted a bright red and trimmed in white. It looked like all the other houses in the city, if not older. It was one of the oldest houses, but not as old as the First Twelve. Twelve families, who now numbered only at eight. When Soldano had been founded it had been occupied by twelve families, and over the years they had steadily grown smaller and smaller, or spread themselves so thin their names changed.
 The gondola came to a stop beside the house.
 Three men stood outside, in identical suits, with finely trimmed white beards and close cut hair.
 Tori recognized them. They were what was left of her mothers staff. When she had left Soldano to marry the king of Imperia she had left enough money to take care of the place in her absence. It was meant to be given to one of her children, but Tori would live at the palace in Imperia, Gemma was in the East now, and Lucien was gone too. It was all rather sad. Tori stood up and stepped out of the boat.
 “Thank you,” she said sweetly, tipping the man well. It wasn’t like she was short on money. If anything she was just paying the money back.
 “Glad to help. Ma’am. Just give a ring if you need another ride,” he gestured to the snail situated on the front of his gondola, and the number beneath. Tori nodded to him, and he pushed off, the condola floating cheerfully through the water.
 Tori turned away from the water, towards the high house that seemed so much smaller than it was in her memories.
 When she was small, Dolce would take her, and later Lucien, to visit Soldano every summer. It was important to her, that they know Soldano.
     Her waters run through your veins, my love. We are all children of the sea.  
 Tori walked inside.
 The staff, who her father still retained even after the house was all but abandoned, stood in lines on either side of the entry way. They were familiar faces, now aged with the years that had passed.
 Luciano Orseolo, the steward, smiled warmly at her and dipped a half bow to the eldest princess.
 “My lady, it is good to have you here again.”
 “It’s good to be back, Luci,” she forewent protocol and stepped forwards to embrace the man. He was practically her grandfather. Luci stiffened minutely before he patted her on the back.
 “Yes. Do you want to rest for a while?”
 “No, no. I’m fine. In your letter you said you had something for me from my mother. I’d like that, please.”
 “Of course. And, afterwards, the Doge and his council would like to see you as well. I believe you’re familiar with most of them.”
 “Mmmm. Doge Ziani, Councilmen Vivarini, Bellini, and Titiano. Councilwomen Alvise and Tonini. And, the head of the artisans association, is it still Antonio Rizzo?”
 “His daughter, now. Loicia. There’s a new one too, the Foreign Relations Advisor. Arcielda Elena.”
 “I wasn’t aware Soldano had one of those.”
 “All of our isles are usually so isolated, we didn’t need them. We generally only traded amongst each other, and we are all connected by our Chains. But with you married now, to an outsider no less, we’ve been forced to open our borders to the rest of Totto land. I believe the other islands have similar things.”
 “I wasn’t aware,” Tori’s brows furrowed. “Lucien normally handles things like this.”
 “I heard he’s getting married, to some foreign princess. And your sister as well. All of your line is being sent off of Imperia.”
 “Father thinks that, in these turbulent times, we need to have as many allies as we can. We are not a major military power, whatever talents Gemma may have. We have had only each other for centuries now.”
 “Very pretty words, my lady,” Luci said mildly. Which was funny, since she could remember a number of times in her youth when he called politicians silver spooned pissants when he thought Dolce wouldn’t hear. He was very like his younger brother. Tori had no idea why Luci had respected her mother so much.
 “This way.”
 They made their way through the big old house, it’s walls lined with elegant portraits of her ancestors. All of them with sea dark hair, and dancing eyes.
 Her mother was not the first dogaressa in their line. Her great grandmother had been Dogaressa as well through marriage, and traced further back another six generations came one of the first Doge to be elected, after the family had come from Imperia.
 She was Victoria di Imperia, Victory of Imperia, but her mother was Dolce Regina Genova. The Regina were old, as old as the isles themselves. Older, maybe. Even they didn’t have records before the Void Century.
 The thought was enough to make her itch, but Tori reminded herself of Robin. Reminded herself of her own old life. The price of knowledge. She would not be another faust. Her chest tightened with the thought.
 Luci lead her to her mother’s old room.
 It was exactly the way she remembered it. Thick curtains draped across the window, through which canals shone glittering in blue and busy. The four poster bed still had thick pillows that Tori wasn’t even taller than they were long the last time she’d been here. There was a vanity, not that Dolce had ever needed much make up. Even without her ‘blessing’ Tori would have been lovely. Gemma and Lucien were, and Dolce was a beauty in all of her portraits and all of Tori’s memories.
 Luci took her to a small chest that sat just outside the walk in closet.
 “She meant to give these to you on your wedding night,” he admitted, pushing the chest towards her. “I suppose this will have to be soon enough.”
 Tori smiled softly at him and opened the box. Inside were soft silk dressed of all colors, the long drapes that could be changed to size even if she outgrew what her mother expected. There were thick books, a wooden jewelry box encrusted with pearl and shining glass to form a mural, and a long chain attached to a necklace that looked like a simple cylinder with intricate silver twists.
 Tori recognized it for the poisoners tool that it was.
 “She knew,” Tori realized, lifting the necklace out. “She knew Father would break his word. That he wouldn’t give us the chance to say ‘no’.”
 Luci grimaced. “You Father is a… pragmatist.”
 “Luci. If I don’t slap your brother for calling me a bitch to my face, I’m not going to strike you for speaking the truth,” she said bluntly.
 Luci actually smiled at that. “He’s political. It’s not a good thing. Your mother was smart. Dolce would do anything to ensure your happiness. Even if it meant getting rid of your dad. I can’t believe she even kept him around. She was in love with another boy, you know?”
 “She was?” Tori was startled.
 “Oh yes. A sailor boy. You know your mother and the ocean.”
 Tori did.      We are all children of the sea.  
 “Why did she stay with my father then? If she loved another?”
 “Obligation, I assume. And you. She was married with a child on the way, and the sea is nowhere to raise a little      princess    ,” he teased. Luci did something he hadn’t done since she was a girl, and yanked on a stray strand of hair.
 Tori swatted at him with a laugh.
 It was as sad as it was flattering. Her mother loved her so much she would stay with a man she didn’t love, let her true love flee to the deep blue waters without her. She would settle for being a queen, instead of someone who was truly beloved, for the sake of her unborn daughter.
 Tori’s heart fluttered with warmth and affection. She carefully put everything back in the chest to take home, although she suspected she wouldn't need the poison necklace any time soon.
 The Soldano council of elders were legendary in Tori’s mind.
 They were stoic men who stood at her mothers funeral, and cold faced women who smiled with teeth that would as soon sink into a throat. They were all kind smiles and dangerous words and too many agendas and too much power.
 Soldano was a strange type of democracy.
 The elders controlled who was the Doge or the Dogaressa until they died. In Tori’s life there had already been two. Her mother and the current one, who was nowhere to be found when she stepped into the council chambers. They smelled faintly of incense and expensive perfume, and the roasted meat someone had had for lunch. The table was, of all things, a triangle. Tori stood at the door, waiting.
         Councilwoman Alvise, who looked like a grandmother if a grandmother had snake fangs hiding somewhere, smiled at her and stepped away from the table.
 “Victoria, my dear. So good of you to join us.”
 Victoria nodded and smiled and let herself be paraded around the room and reintroduced to everyone, officially. They chattered and smiled at her, like sharks in the water. Waiting for the scent of blood.
 Councilman Titiano complimented her hair, while the other two congratulated her on her wedding, and her legendary husband.
 It was all hollow words but Tori flittered around and laughed at the right places and gave no sign at all that she knew they were after more than just pleasantries.
 The Doge appeared at last.
 He came into the room, a sweep of red and white robes and carefully twisted crown atop his head. Ziani was an old man, and most of his body was made up clothe to hide the near skeletal shape of the rest. His fingers were long and thin when they took Tori and she noted that his eyes, blue, were almost pitched black with his pupils blown wide.
 She wondered if he even saw her as he went through the vague formalities of welcoming her to the chambers and offering her olive leaf tea.
 Tori tried not to gag.
 “That would be lovely, thank you.”
 He clapped twice and small boys descended from absolutely nowhere. Holes in the walls, probably, but she couldn't see them. They ran around, heating water pouring it into cups with the leaves through the strainers and as soon as they were done they were gone. Vanished.
 Tori had never felt less safe.
 Ziani sat her at his right side and took the first drink. The rest of them followed his exampled and the small talk started all over again. How the grandchildren were, the state of the repairs on the Trivera canals, the newest fashions between the women and who thought what of outsiders coming to visit. They stayed largely away from the topic of her husband. She had done her duty, they could not fault her for that. Not when she was Imperian.
 “Oh, Victoria dear,” Councilwoman Alvise said suddenly, as though just remembering something of importance. “We had something to ask you, didn’t we?”
 The men nodded, and Ziani, who was coming into sobriety, sat up straighter. “Yes. yes! Victory!”
 “You mother was the last Dogaressa. She had certain relics that were important to the state. Very important, not life or death but symbolically. You understand, don’t you sweet girl?” Ziani patted her hand, making Tori’s skin crawl.
 “...I suppose. I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m afraid.”
 “Symbols of the past, dear Victoria,” Alvise smiled at her again, barely hiding her teeth  behind her lips. “A black lock and a red key. She must have given them to you.”
 Tori stared.
 “She did no. I’ve never seen either of those things. It sounds like a riddle, are you sure they’re real?” she tilted her pretty, empty little head at them, almost knocking her hair out of place.
 Councilman Vivarini did a poor job of pretending not to roll his eyes.
 Alvise’s smile grew strained. “Now Victoria. This is important. We need them.”
 “I’ve told you I’ve never seen either,” which was true. She wasn’t lying, and one of them must have seen her genuine confusion.
 “What a disappointment.” Titiano shook his head. But the conversation went back to meaningless and meaningful pleasantries. Things said between lines that Tori studiously didn’t notice. Threads left out that she did not pick at.
 She escaped as soon as she could, and no one stopped her. She was useless to whatever plan they had in their greedy little raccoon paws.
 Gods, she missed Orso and his vicious bluntness. She missed Katakuri and his quiet honesty.
 She never thought she would be so eager to go back to her husband's side, but here she was trying to figure out how soon she could go without it being suspicious.
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Rewatching Eclipse
Thoughts and shit
"Marry me" "No bitch"
Bell clearly doesn't/isn't ready to get married
"It's called a compromise" stfu
"Knocked up" oof
Ew I'm skipping cuz this cutesy shit ain't for me
Stop being a bitch to Charlie
"Edward is in my life" i think your seventeen and you're an idiot. He's a guy.
Jake wasn't a dick when Bell was in her time of need
He really broke something from her truck to stop her from seeing a friend what a piece of shit
Love that Mike/Ned/Nate
Jasper got a new haircut
"That's what you said last time" ouch, he's right there Bell
With each passing movie, everyone gets prettier
How come they don't bother with contacts? Golden eyes aren't normal
"Super. That makes me super happy." poor Charlie
Why was she staring out into the water like that??
Her mom's cool
She looks fifteen with the sunglasses
Cool gift. She's not gonna need it lmao
Y'all look like a cult standing like that
Why'd they change the actress for Victoria? It's so obvious lmao
Half of the movies is just running
Rosalie looking out for her man
Emmett and Paul should've been friends
Wtf is that intro song for Jake?? Lmao
Bella and Jake always have angsty moments in bad weather
Stfu Ed
She deserves to know
Jake lmao
He's always lying to you Bells
Jake looked really confused when Bell said she called him
I like the boots Jake
Soundtrack *chefs kiss*
All of them rushing out is so cute awe
I love them
I love HER
Emily owo
The boys really are like children
Jake don't be a dick Leah's cool
Sam and Leah should've talked
Imprinting is brought up. Finally.
Her her her her what about the gays, Jake?
Wait... I thought Jake did imprint but it was somehow... Not really
He has a point. She hasn't even lived.
Jake is a dick but he has some fair points.
PRETTY BOY finn? Or was his name Riley?
Leave pops alone pretty boy
His eyes?? IM SO LOST
Rosalie is so 💕💕💕
She has Jake
Aye ya girl was right
You need them Ed
Same here Bella. Both of them are annoying
Emmett and Alice look so dumb standing there lmao
Flexing on these hoes
Oof he kisses her just to piss him off
"Hey beautiful" stOP
Council meeting? Oh oof
History to make her not trust vamps lmao
OwO i love Seth. His voiceeeeee
Your as cold as ice
Nice shift there buddy.
Screaming match
She couldn't have cut her palm or some shit? But whatever! Love the story
Way to guilt trip Jake lmao
Finn/Riley looks so disgusted but he's so attractive 💕
Emmett has so much chaotic energy i love it
So his name IS Riley aight super cute
Charlie is such a good dad
you're already selfish for constantly lying to her Ed
Mkay truth. Options.
In love or did you imprint?
She just rejected you wHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND
Lmao ain't for long
She wants to change. Ask Ed lmao
Bell is so uncomfortable poor girl
The way Jake explained it is so funny
Oop Rosalie 💕
Bonding time
I AM TEAM ROSALIE fuck Ed and Jake
Rosalie deserved better
Jesus so silent and then just screaming lmao
Riley uwu
Alec and Jane 💕
Damn his back must hurt like a bitch
Jane's voice is so soft
Jessica's speech is *chefs kiss*
Nice party outfit Bell
I wonder if anyone stole anything lmao
Right hook lmao
Highly doubt he made anything
Did they kick everyone out??
Oh no nvm
Yeah no shit they're after her
They were made for fighting Bell
Ooh the training scene
You've never met a newborn Bell lmao
Jake you ass
The whole ride there and he didn't notice the bracelet??
They look so soft
Sam noted Carlisle's words lmao
Mr. Jasper Hale
How come the wolves didn't train? Like with each other?
They look so soft
She's bait good to know
Jaspers backstory is so... Oof
He suddenly got an accent
My apologizes ma'am
As a spanish speaker, hearing that over and over again was uncomfortable
Why is he so pretty????
Ooof Victoria
as bAIT
Bella looks kind of like Elena lmao
Jake tried to be funny but got pissed off
Jasper tried to be nice with the scent comment
"Since I let Sam"
Thanks for mentioning it Bell
But uh, Sam would beat Jacob's ass
It's called a poly relationship, Jake
She broke her hand, If I were her I'd be nervous too
Alice and Charlie.. It's uncomfy
"Like.. Alone?" you're not getting any dick Bell
Charlie said Alice x Bella rights
Charlies attempt at the 'talk'
Old school sounds... Terrible
"I'm a virgin!" "aosjaiauha glad we covered that" "Me too!"
Just say you got jelly and go Ed
Pretty bed
She thinks she's gonna get some
"Anything you want is yours" "yoUR DICK"
Ed is a good Christian boy
Bell is super thirsty holy shit
Ed is saving it til marriage good for him
Courted you ugh
That is one ugly- Oh it's your mother's? Wow it's so cute
So she's lying to him
The talon clan was what I heard lmao
She's pretty too
Put a bandaid on it sweets
What she's trying to say is "it's an ugly ass ring"
They can feel the weather??? Huh??
"Same old same old" you don't even knOW
Aaljaiaha i can imagine them fucking power walking underwater
"What can I do?" stay the hell away
I wanna know what Jake was thinking lmao
"She's in love with me too. She just won't admit it to herself" no Jacob, you're supposed to be her bestie
They're bondingggg
Jake ruined it
Ed seems really sweet and genuine in this scene
The shared smilesss
A flannel in the snow. Lit.
He did deserve to know. He's not fighting lmao
"Maybe I'll get myself killed and make it simple" Go ahead and jump off that cliff/mountain your on Jake
"That's not good enough" bitch-
Jacob your a little bitch for actually kissing her
She's engaged oml lmao
He was gonna go anyways-
More like heard
He's her best friend dude
Does nobody understand platonic love???
We love a good power couple
Seth is babey
Poor Riley he's babey
Victoria is a good villian. She had a good reason to attack the Cullens.
Riley should've been adopted and become best buds with Seth
You could've just pricked your finger Bell lmao
Her eyes were open in one shot and closed in the next
Only you can prevent forest fires
Lowkey ship Jake and Leah
We can see your faces, no need to take off the hoods lmao
Billy, Carlisle, Charlie, and Sam should've started a 'Done with my children' club
Lmao Jake says Ed isn't as bad as he thought and then said he wasn't as perfect as she thought what??
Give. It. Up. Jake.
The romance field is back. Sigh.
"Like literally stumbling through my life" lmao meee
At least she didn't say I'm not like other girls
Ugly ass ring won. Yay.
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kovacissues · 6 years
There’s No Way I’m Falling (Dejan fic) Chapter 14
A/N: I officially present to you the next pairing I want to write a long-running fic about, would anyone be interested in it? (You will know who I am talking about after reading)
Link to my writing!
Warnings: Cheesy AF Dejan, Alcohol consumption, Homophobia (Kinda? Mimi’s reaction is not meant as homophobia (Can still be perceived as that, but honestly it’s not meant to be), but there are other things that in my head qualify as that..)
Chapter 14: Wait, wasn’t he married?
“Can you make me pancakes tomorrow morning?” Dejan asked, and Mimi felt her entire world crush. THAT was his important question? She was so sure he was going to propose to her. Maybe it was a good thing that he hadn’t asked because she was not really sure she would even have said yes.
“Sure…” she said and pushed past him to go to the car.
“Turn around stupid” he told her and she got so mad, but obliged. Her mouth dropped as he was down on one knee behind her and holding a small box.
“Dejan…” it was the only thing she could say.
“I love you Noémie… and I could spend like two days explaining every reason for it, but deep down I know you know. So please just answer this simple question” he explained as he opened the box and uncovered a beautiful ring with a huge diamond. “Quieres casarte conmigo? Will you marry me?” he asked and she felt tears pressing on her eyes.  
“I… Dejan… THE tattoo… I don’t know if…” she saw his face dropping and he started shifting so he could get up on his feet. “Of course I’ll marry you Dejan!” she suddenly exclaimed, shocking both him and herself. Where did that come from? She honestly wasn’t sure what she wanted.
When he had placed the ring on her finger, she couldn’t get her eyes off it. Before she could even say anything else he grabbed her and kissed her passionately, and how could she not kiss him back. “You scared me” he admitted and she felt horrible, because if she had let herself think one more second she would have told him no.
“Just… get rid of the tattoo” she said and ran to her car. Why did she keep doing these weird, overly dramatic, things.
Well back at the house Mimi decided to get the kids in bed fast before Dejan came back, and sit down in the living room to browse the internet while waiting for him. Just as she took a selfie with her hand in front of her face and sent it to Sergi to show him the ring, she heard a group of men entering the house. She grabbed the first thing she found, a lamp, and held it up ready to hit the men when they came in.
“DON’T HIT US!” one of the guys, who she eventually IDed as Luka Modric, screamed at her, causing her to scream back at him. The rest of the men started laughing hysterically and Mimi could see Dejan and some of the other Croats basically laying on the floor laughing by then.
“You were gonna kill us with a lamp?” he asked through the laugther and tears. She honestly considered just hitting him with the lamp, but she was way too excited about Luka fucking Modric standing in their living room, looking at her. “Where are my parents by the way?” Dejan asked and she just shrugged.
“I think they went to bed… also I don’t want to be the only wag her so I’m gonna go to the bedroom” she stated and turned to leave before noticing that everyone looked super confused.
“Well… there are more than one couple here” Sime stated and hinted for Mimi to sit her ass down at the couch.
“What? There are no women here” she stated matter-of-factly.
Ivan and Luka just looked at each other and then at Dejan, confusing Mimi extremely much. “You know I’m gay… right?” Ivan asked and she immediately felt extremely stupid and looked at Dejan.
“wait, wasn’t he married?” she asked Dejan and he started laughing.
“No, you assumed that and I didn’t have the heart to tell you you were wrong” he admitted and she slapped his arm.
“I’m so sorry… I really didn’t know” she sat down and looked at her feet in embarrassment.
“Don’t worry, we haven’t been out of the closet for long” Luka suddenly said and patted her back. LUKA AND IVAN WERE DATING!? What was even that national team?
Ivan grabbed Luka’s hand and they looked at each other lovingly “I didn’t realize I was in love with him before last time we were here” he told everyone, and Domo cheered.
“I KNEW IT!” he shouted, making Dejan shush him and mouth something in Croatian, probably that people were sleeping. “Sorry, but we’ve been waiting for them to get together for so long” he whined, and everyone nodded. Was she the only one who hadn’t picked up on this? She figured it was mostly because she never had met Luka, and never really talked a lot about this the few times she had met Ivan.
Her mind spun a little, Ivan HAD said he was in love with some blondie, but she had just assumed it was a woman. She felt narrowminded for being unsure about everything, she came from a religious family and had grown up being told that being gay was a sin. However, she had never really believed that that was true, they had always told her that God loved everyone so she had just assumed that meant he also loved gay people. This had always been her view, nobody was worth less than anyone else and especially not because of who they chose to love. But she had never really had gay friends before, was that different than straight friends?
“López… Is anyone home up there?” Sime tried to get her attention, dragging her out of her thoughts.
“Sorry… I was thinking” she said and Dejan made some comment about that explaining why her face looked so unusual, earning laughs from all the guys.
“I hope this didn’t change your view of me” Ivan looked her straight in the eyes, and she could register a little sadness in his eyes.
She shook her head “Of course not, I’m just new to this? I wasn’t allowed to talk with gay people growing up… strict, religious, parents” she explained and all the guys looked horrified.
“I feel so sorry for you” Dejan said and kissed her head. “You’ve missed out on getting to know some one hundred percent normal people” he added, making Luka beam with happiness.
“DEJAN LOVREN WAKE THE FUCK UP!” Mimi was fuming as she looked around the living room and seeing it literally overflowing with beer cans and liquor bottles.
Dejan groggily stood up from behind the couch, where he apparently had fallen asleep sometime last night. “Shhhhh my head is not working” he greeted her, before she threw a pillow towards him hard and fast. “ouch…”
“Your parents took your children out…” she stated matter-of-factly, starting to clean up the mess the guys left after their ‘get-together’. She took a quick glance over the living room, locating the rest of the guys. Sime was sleeping upside down in a chair, Mandzo and Vida were sleeping on the floor, and Ivan and Luka were on the couch, cuddling with each other. At least the last two wouldn’t have severe back pain when they woke up.
She could feel Dejan coming up behind her, well not as much feel as smell. All the air around her smelled like old drunk, like your couch after one too many parties without a good cleaning. She was almost sure both her and the babies could get drunk from less than what was in the air around Dejan so she put her hand behind her until she touched him, and then gently pushed him back. “What the fuck!?” he asked, nay, yelled at her as he fell back to the floor.
“I literally will get drunk from your breath alone” she stated as she turned around to look at him. “how much did you guys drink last night?” she decided to ask and her love just shrugged as an answer.
“Luka and Ivan were at least so drunk that they spent like two hours kissing, I think they passed out from not breathing” he said with a wholehearted laugh that melted Mimi’s heart, it worked every time.
“It was better than your strip tease” that had to be the first thing Mimi had heard Mandzo say, live at least. And she was very intrigued as to hear the rest of that story, and judging on Dejan’s death glare at Mandzo, it had to be good.  “I have a video” he simply stated and Mimi ran over to him and sat down on the floor, only wishing she had some popcorn for this.
The video was… interesting… she thought to herself as she watched her fiancé show Ivan “How it was done”, giving Luka what resembled a lap dance, while seductively undressing. She could not stop laughing, going to the extent of having Mandzo sending it to her so that she could use this against him on a fitting occasion.
Ow fuck what was that? Mimi was woken up by a slight pain in her belly. Ouch… there it was again. And again. “Amor…” she said calmly and looked to her side, finding the bed empty. “Oh right, away game” she hated being alone with the kids in the big house, especially when something changed in her body. It wasn’t that she had any problems with being with the kids, they were treating her so well and they got along, it was more about the feeling of not being able to protect them if something happened.
The pain was back again, it came in pulses, and as if she had worn an alarm that would go off if she was in pain, the kids came in the door of the bedroom. She could tell that they saw the pain in her eyes as they slowly approached the bed. “are they kicking?” Elena asked and put her hand on Mimi’s belly.
“I guess, I don’t know… can you feel anything?” she asked the little girl, and just as a new wave of pain washed over Mimi, Elena nodded. She panicked, mostly because she had hoped Dejan would have been there for things like this. It somehow took the magic a little bit away that she wasn’t experiencing this with him, that he hadn’t been there for anything else than the ultrasound. Everything just seemed to happen when he was away.
*Dejan’s POV*
“TATA! It feels so weird!” Josip squealed over the phone, as he apparently felt the babies kick in Mimi’s belly. He felt horrible, this was one of the moments he had wanted to be a part of, he was supposed to be there with her now. His little girl and boy were finally showing signs of growing and being healthy, and he was in London. Life felt so extremely unfair right there and then and, although he liked to play though, he felt tears pressing in his eyes.
At least he would be there for the birth he thought, No matter what. He had decided that, no matter what was going on, he was going to be there when the kids were born. Even if that meant leaving the pitch in the middle of the match. He would do anything for Noémie and his kids.
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thanidiel · 6 years
Prompt 11: World Building, First Person What if World of Warcraft took a different turn with its inspiration? What if the game was actually based entirely around science fantasy, particularly cyberpunk? I was a cheesy bitch and did The Modern AU(™). For a long piece, use what skills you’ve learned and practiced to narrate AS your character in this different world.
What would their occupation be? What is the world like? Factions? Races? Conflicts? Try to write about a normal or abnormal day for your character in this world—is their name different too? Write in your character’s perspective, and take on a very in-depth look of a different personality and worldview.
[I was very cheesy and went balls deep into a Modern AU story to exercise a more modern narrative style. Lots of references to others and events from World of Warcraft roleplay or Thanidiel’s background, try to catch them all. alsoimsorrythiswassolong.
Mentions: @jessipalooza @stormandozone @captainswingbeard @azriah @immunologist @kinari ]
“Alright, alright. Just, shut the fuck up for, like, I don’t know, an hour. Ethan, cradle your beer, you’re good at that. Elena… I don’t gotta tell you shit.
Let’s start with… the beginning.
So, let’s just get this shit out of the way. Auberry, up in Fresno County, California. Small-time fucking town. My dad was a new recruit to the police department, there. First-generation son to some Lithuanians that couldn’t read shit for English. My mom is a Mono Indian, from the Big Sandy Rancheria next door.
1990, Dad knocked her up when she was in town. I was the result, that she passed right back to Dad. Grew up happy without her, ran around just fine with myself, my Staffordshire, Ted, and all of the neighborhood backdoors left open. Grandparents were out of the picture by then, and Dad had shit hours, so it was up to the Abuelas and Grandma Sallys. Suited all of us just fine.
One day, Dad gets shot up breaking up a domestic dispute. I was six. And as much as we all want to think about those crazy stories up on Reddit and Facebook, no one fucking walks away from a hunting rifle. His coworkers stopped by, took me to the tribe headquarters in town to figure out what to do with me. Off to Big Sandy they sent my ass. I hear the Grandma next to us took Ted.
As much as I want to say things got more chill from there, it didn’t. See, my mom was half-white, already. Mix that with some straight-out-of-Europe dude, and you get a blue-eyed blonde haired kid running around with the Mono. Mom didn’t want me either, and she made that damned clear to the elders, so I was back to being a community effort on a new Grandma’s sofa.
Bless Grandma, she tried. Fed me. Taught me a handful of Monachi. Taught me how to fucking read and write English. Driving, eventually. Hooked me up with a new dog too when I got there, Tamuapaya, albino-assed thing. All of the good parental shit you’re supposed to do, with everything she had.
I ended up as black of a sheep as it gets, though. Scraped with the other kids whenever we crossed each other, dogs got in on it too. Adults couldn’t fucking stand me outside of Grandma ‘cause I didn’t think they deserved anything but lip. And, let me just say, it’s fucking awkward when you realize you’re a fag, hours out from a real city. I was never really accepted with them outside of cook-outs, but that was when you had to take everyone registered in the tribe.
Eventually, I get old enough to start itching to work. So I start the uphill battle of doing the most shit possible small-jobs for the most shit payout for these folk, and as you two know, I am stubborn as fucking shit about my work. So I did every bit of work they pissed at me, with fucking excellence.
Then that got too small when I was like, fifteen, and wanted some real fucking cash. The other black sheep got me then, and let me know it was easy money running drugs between us, peeps at the Casino, Auberry, and Fresno. Next thing I know, I’m sitting in a truck bed heading to Fres’ at 1 A.M. in the morning to pick up with them.
Didn’t take long for Grandma to figure out I wasn’t running off to catch friends at Auberry. She switched me more times than I can remember to try to beat it out of me. Didn’t work, and she didn’t have any full-on proof to get others in it, either - hid the FUCK out of the cash and what we were distributing.
So, eventually, I’m like… seventeen? And I’m passing crack to this military guy visiting relatives in Auberry and wanted some fun up by the Casino. And when he puts the cash in my hand and I put the bag in his, he doesn’t tell me to fuck off. He gives me a good look, asks how old I am, I tell him, and he asks me what the fuck am I going to do out here for another seventy years. I don’t even get to answer when he tells me I should get the fuck out of here, go talk to a recruiter at Fres’.
That got me thinking, so a year later, I’ve found all of my documents and shit in Grandma’s house. I have a pile of cash. And I want to get the fuck out of this shithole. I stuff it all into my backpack, I go with the boys to Fres’. I dump off all of my shit into Christian’s bag; free myself of it. I take a bus to get my ass right to the opposite end of the city. Spend my night in a homeless shelter with my backpack underneath my shirt and sweater, my arms wrapped around it, sleeping on my stomache, and a switch under the extra jacket I was using a pillow.
Next day, I get a free gym trial. I shower and make myself look as respectable as I need. After that, I open up a Bank of America and drop the eight-k. I had into my first savings. I keep three-hundred on me, I grab some Burger King, and I make my way to the Army recruiter.
Guy helps me get set up because it’s like the third time in my life I’ve done paperwork excluding the bank, which did like… everything, for me. After that, it’s floating between the shelter, gym, and getting odd jobs helping at taquerias and panaderias, with their dishes or pushing garbage and carts around for a month. Taking all of those damned test and then waiting for them to process. Grabbed an iPhone 3G during the wait, that was pretty cool.
Fort Jackson for a year, as it goes. Nothing significant in the grand scheme of things; shit was fresh hell, but nothing I couldn’t handle. For the most part. Met Casey there. My age. Actually graduated H.S., attending community nearby for sports medicine. It would still be another two years before fags could be open in the military, but we… got together. When we could. You could—… it was dating. We started dating when I was in B.C.T. And made it work after that.
After basic, I get hauled off all over the place. Okinawa, Hawaii, Ansbach. Mid-2011, they let us be out and loud in the U.S. military. Bad move for my career, but, first thing I did when I took my leave is fuck Casey and ask her to marry me. No ring or any big romantic gesture, we didn’t work like that. She said, yeah, sure. The process went underway, it’s all done by the time I’m heading back to like, Fort Irwin.
We’re separated for a while, then, like, she graduated, because she was a lot fucking smarter than me. And she started living with me on base. Which is fucking awesome. It’s not what I asked for, because she had all of this potential to work with back at home. But, hey, she wanted to travel too. We had our years, we were fucking twenty-years old. I let her come.
So we fucked around in South Korea, Alaska, Italy, it’s almost a blur after everything. Eventually, I get put out in Camp K.A.I.A. in Afghanistan. She’s back in Kansas, ‘cause, naturally, they’re hesitant on letting me drag a U.S. civy out there of all bases. It’s seven months into my deployment, she wants to visit and I let her.
April 28th, 2014. I took her out, a bit south of the airport in city proper for a meal, in the early morning. We were eating lamb korma with turnips— I still can’t fucking handle smelling and eating lamb. Or any soft fucking food: deuces to mashed potatoes and bolognese. God.
So we were eating—… we were eating that. And there was an airplane with a fucked engine that had been making its way towards the airport. It didn’t get close to the runaway. It veered and dropped, right into the city. The wing went right through our building.
I was sitting northward. She was sitting southward. My mind slowed down time, and I watched the way all of this debris and broken cable and a fucking airplane slammed into her back. She hits the table and it’s shooting off. All I see is blood and curry everywhere, then it hits me, too.
I wake up in the hospital two days later. My head feels like shit because my brain got ping-ponged. A sheet of metal opened up my torso from collar to hip, and a piece of flying drywall smashed my right cheek and orbital socket. They couldn’t save the eye. The ceiling falling after meant some heavy shit landed onto my left hand. They couldn’t save that either. And they couldn’t save Casey. She died on contact.
—I’m fine, by the way. Just pass over the whiskey. I’m not finished.
Cutting that long story of recovery short, I stabilize. They get to Landstuhl in Germany. Eventually, I end up back in the States. Sans eye and hand. A little ugly, now, too. Medical discharge. Sucks, but I’m hooked up with a nice prosthetic, at the least. That all takes about eight months to wrap up - not a lot of interest in keeping an uneducated, handless, soldier around.
And, you know, that’s where you come in, Ethan. I don’t think Elena knows this part about us, so bear with me. Ethan, here, was my Sergeant for a damned while. His ass phased out in ‘13. We always got along great, he kept up with us babies even when he was out. Group texts were a great invention; Snapchat groups even better. Now we both get to see all of the stupid shit the rest of those idiots are doing on deployment.
Ethan is basically like my fucking dad. So when fates aligned and I was in the Brooklyn military hospital, he started driving down from his apartment in the city, seeing me about once a week on his weekends. Then, when I was out, he offered me a place to stay, no costs. Naturally, I fucking took it. The last thing I was going to do now that I was out, was gonna walk my ass back to the Mono in that Cali shithole. Not fucking smart to be alone after the shit that had happened.
And, honestly? It worked really well. I used the time he’d be gone with his job at the nearby library to do… basically all of the adult shit I didn’t do in the military. Got my license, borrowing the car from his coworker and our close friend, Esther (nice girl, did volleyball and track for high-school and college, then decided she liked things quiet). Took the bus to therapy with a guy through the V.A., ‘till I grabbed a beat up 2009 Chevy truck from Craigslist. Eventually, started classes for a G.E.D. too. Collected my military checks, saved it all and got pocket-money with a part-time at some flower hippy’s cafe—and, you know, I never realized how fucking hard it is to make legit money in the ‘real world’ until then. Ethan, you’re a fucking saint. Like, three-hundred or whatever a week? Chump ass change compared to when I bounced with the kids in Fres’.
All of that good shit. Plus, it was nice that we both had a drinking buddy. And we both had a way of navigating each other’s bullshit well. Like, Elena, you just heard my wife-story. And you’ve heard about the fire, too. It’s not the fucking same, but it worked out that we had about an inkling of what to do when the other dude’s fucked up.
Eventually, it’s the day for appointment hell. Check up, physical therapy, actual therapy, then likely, a stop by the pharmacist. It’s like, early ‘16, at this point. And before we even get started, the doctor sits me down. Starts talking about this experimental stem-cell research, for organ implantation. Taylor says it’s not at a complex enough stage to restore my hand, but my eye and facial scars would be within the window of possibility. Gives me a card for a Brianna Lalwani-Jindal if I’m interested in volunteering for it.
I get through the day. I finally catch a meal at Jersey Mike’s, and after me and Ethan talk about it over some Coors, like if I wanna do it and how it feels fucking weird, to like, erase what happened to Casey through this, I say, sure, I’ll call. It’s like, eight P.M. She answers like four seconds before it just shoots to her voicemail. The bitch fucking slurs out like she snorted too much Vico, “—yeah, I know I’m fucking late, I’ll be there, I prooomise.”
So me and Ethan pick our jaws off the floor hearing this shit and I’m like, “Nah, Tony Dawson. Doctor Taylor Woodson at the Brooklyn V.A. Hospital referred me to you, about your research trials with the organ implantation. Lalwani?”
There’s a gasp, a lot of shuffling, and a lot of me and Ethan passing around another beer can between us. Then she really starts spilling and it becomes a game of my fucking brain trying to comprehend this Indian accent mixed with that lightspeed fucking way people from those big cities talk, like “Oh shit, okay, okay, okay. Yeah, you’ve got me. Where do you live? What are you missing? When can I meet you? Tomorrow?”
So I tell her about my fucked-up face, but really, I want to know what the fuck I just got myself into with this chick. I don’t get the chance, she blurts out over me, “Sounds great! EYE will see you later, Tony. Tomorrow. Four P.M., Just… show back at the Hospital. We’ll find a vacant office. Ciao.” Then the fucker hangs up. Eventually, we decide that I should probably text the number back, at least. My ‘See you then.’ gets back a kissy-face and ‘I like coffee.’ Subtle.
A vanilla latte and unsweetened black tea, fifteen minutes of us wandering the Hospital, thirty minutes of her talking my ear off about a bunch of medical-scientific garbage, then five minutes of us filling out all of the paperwork, and I was Bri’s new, shiny, case study.
Skipping over all of the shit she ran my face through, we’ll sum it up as: I need contacts and I fucking hate it, but she did what she set out to do. The meetings themselves, were more interesting. I don’t know if she like, fucking sensed that I’d let her get away with her shit. But I’m going to assume that, since she still has her fucking job.
It got unprofessional, pretty fast. Like, beyond what she already hit me with. I’m not sure what got into me, honestly. I hadn’t even considered another girl since the crash. But I spent our introductions looking at her like a piece of meat whenever her back was turned. First real meeting, she’s prodding me about all of my personal interests and shit in some fucked small talk, starting to get into my dating life. I take a risk and just drop straight out that I dig chicks.
She gets a bit quiet, which doesn’t make much of a difference because it’s clear already that she’s a fucking loudmouth. But she gets curious, and keeps looking at me after that the whole time I’m there. Then the meeting after that, we ended up on some fucking talk about blindfolds for some reason, and let me just say that she got a little too into that before we started talking about how, like, I needed to turn down my drinking.
So the whole time I’m letting her and the other doctors Frankenstein my face, there is sexual tension to cut with at every goddamned interaction to be had. It never gets anywhere, because neither of us are fucking stupid. But, just, Jesus Christ.
Cut to a year later at the end of 2016. My face is put back together. Getting used to fucking contacts, getting used to checking my emails for interview requests out of the wazoo for five-hundred documentaries and news sites, after her team’s paper on me came out. By all accounts, I’m looking good and so is the implant. She’s onto new volunteers, my appointments are getting passed to another doctor on her team and stretched out to semi-annuals. That should be the end of the story.
But, uh, couldn’t get her out of my head, frankly. Not for a lack of trying, either. By now, I was really amping the weights at gym to try to get my energy out. Quit the hippy cafe and lined up a new job in armed security. Did my registration for online classes at the community, for a Statistics program. Eventually, it’s like, I don’t know, two months, after the last time I saw her. Ethan drags me out to a bar. Ethan fucks off. I meet a girl, some rich one, named Valencia. We get to talking, for like, fifteen minutes. Next thing I know, I’m texting Ethan I’ll show up later and I spent the night at her place.
It’s fucking great, Valencia’s fucking great. But I’m texting Bri the next afternoon at Starbucks that I want to see her that goddamned night. She shoots me the address of another bar, says to bring friends. Naturally, that means I tag in Ethan and Esther. We show up, she has good ol’ Elena here.
Everyone clicks just like that. And that’s fucking great. Lots of material to work through, especially when Bri started going on about how she and Elena met; some wild case when she was a med. student and the Roma communities in the whole state were having outbreaks. Apparently Elena helped with her outreach a lot, a sort of guide between worlds. Then the two quiet girls started going on about their herb gardens, not to even mention all of the stupid military stories me and Ethan had. We hung out for a long ass while. Eventually, we’re all back at Bri’s place. And our BOI Ethan, here, finally communicates what’s up to you and Esther. So Esther ‘takes you two out to for fast food’ and out of our hairs.
Shit takes even shorter than Valencia. Bri locks the door, we fuck. Then I wake up in the morning, wake her up for another fuck. We sleep around, get some take-out for a late… brunch… hang out, I end up taking her with me to that huge football party Tim was hosting and meeting up with the whole friend group. Then it’s just straight back to her place for a repeat performance.
So, basically, it went from zero to like we had always been fucking dating. I practically moved in with her after the first two weeks. I know all of my stuff ended up in there by the fourth month. Then we put me on the lease entirely sometime during the seventh month when she was renewing it. It all flowed natural as shit too, I didn’t even know how ‘fast’ we were going ‘till about the third time I was throwing shit I needed into boxes to toss at Bri’s and Ethan called me the fuck out when he asked: I just said it’s convenient with how much closer to work she is.
And I know a lot of people were, and still do, giving me shit about it, or just about the whole relationship in general. Apparently we talk too hard at each other and act too casual for it to be serious. Looks like some sorta fling, especially considering our ‘differences’ as people put it. You know, racist people, or people who think I’m fucking stupid ‘cause I got a gun in the drawer.
But lemme just say that I think it takes some real fucking balls in a person, where the first time she ever woke up to me having a PTSD episode, is to slide her ass out of bed, rummage through my coat for my medication, and slap my benzos in front of me with leftover tea and a Crunch bar. All without a single word. It takes real balls, any other person, after getting that from her, is just a discount bitch.
It’s not all her pampering me, either. I realized quick she’s a ‘talker’ with her research. If she isn’t with one of us, she’s locked in the bedroom with a stack of journal articles and a Macbook talking off Luke’s ears like he can fucking bark back. So I started reading everything she had and really going over her team’s paper on me, plus whatever the fuck else her scholar databases had, and a lot of Dictionary.com. And, one weekend, she’s complaining to me over coffee and tea about her shit, I pop that shit right back at her, her jaw drops, she probably shits herself a little. And, from then on, I’m her new interactive rubber duck. And people think I’m fucking dumb.
I mean, not to mention all of the random shit I pay for that bitch, with all of the money I’ve been getting lately between disability, financial aid, and work.
So, we’re basically to the present now. There isn’t much detail to fill in after that besides that life is pretty fucking great and Bri is pretty fucking great, from then to now, the middle of Year of Our Lord, 2018. Which takes us to the crux of this whole ass speech I’ve been going on.
Now you two know my life-story. What I wanna know, now that we’re all open and drunk here, is your fucking thoughts on if I’d be making the best, or the worst, decision of my life if I asked her to hitch with me. I’ll be fucking real; I don’t fucking know what it’s like to make a good choice besides like, I don’t know, where to buy my graphics cards.”
I watch the two shitfaces in front of me process what the fuck I just said. Elena brightens like the Irish daisy she is, pressing her hands together, abso-fucking-lutely wiggling in her seat. Her purple scarf slides off the back of the chair in the process. Ethan is still stretched out across the whole damned table like he’s gonna pass out, with the dopiest smile stretching across his face, but as usual, he’s the ‘loud’ one of the two and starts to talk over Elena’s vague ‘Oh… oh…!’
“Dude? That’s… that’s great. That’s really fucking great. I… Man. Fucking, just fucking go for—”
“So are we just a homeless shelter now, or like, is this a reverse Alcoholics Anonymous?” The door slams shut, Luke is rushing off of the couch, and all four of us are just JEERING (barking) Bri’s name back at her, like it makes it fucking better that these idiots are still in the apartment.
“I was thinking homeless shelter and giving them the living room.”
“Cool. Maybe the floor’ll delay Ethan breaking his back another day.”
“Hey… hey, man. I ain’t that old.”
“Oh! Don’t say that - what if it does happen?”
Twiddle Gray and Twiddle Orange are both looking at me funny right now, considering what was cut into, and Bri is starting to pick that up as she’s putting her keys and shit away.
“So! What were you all talking about? Are you finally leaving me?”
“Food, actually. We were thinking that Himalayan place you like. They can eat the basic bitch shit, I was gonna grab us fried okra and tandoori.”
“I hope you aren’t expecting me to pick my ass up from the couch, now. That shit, ain’t happening. Long day working with by-the-book dunderfucks.”
The Twiddles give each a look, then, and then Ethan launches in.
“Nah… naaaaah. You know what? You sit there. You hang out. The three of us will walk down, sober up.”
“With how you made my fucking apartment smell, not sure if that’s gonna happen. But ‘kay. Have fun, leave me all alone. After I just came back from work. A l o n e.”
The three of us are already draining our waters and grabbing our jackets and wallets. I push Elena towards the door and Ethan is right after her as I shoot back at her,
“Shut the fuck up, you whiny bitch. Thirty minutes. You’d be spending it ignoring us and doing your shitty Buzzfeed quizzes anyway.”
“I mean - you’re right. But you’re still leaving me alone. Shit friends. Shit girlfriend,” she sighs, “What a shit life.”
Elena is the one pushing me through the door now by my arm, forcing me and Ethan’s fat asses into the hallway as she tries to assure Bri.
“It’ll be fast! I love you!” 
“Awh. That’s cute.”
The door slams shut.
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bichhebetalkin · 6 years
I’d like to talk about Nathan Drake and how I think he’s gay (and other things)
I will preface this with the fact that I have not yet played Lost legacy (and I’m not likely to play golden abyss...), and I also have not interacted much with interviews/fan theories/fan analyzations or anything like that. I’m kinda just typing my opinions out. I’ve just played the four games and thought about it a lot. 
I would love it for people to interact and respond-- I’d love some second opinions on anything I post. This post won’t get graphic, but it will mention inner turmoil and canon-typical violence. (and like, I’m talking about the marriage a bit too)
1823 words 
“I learned the past is not the past, a lump of time you can quarantine and forget about, but a reel of film in your brain that keeps rolling, spooling and unspooling itself regardless of whether or not you are watching it.”
--Nick White How to Survive a Summer
First of all
This is just my homely opinion, but in the first Uncharted game, Nathan Drake is some kind of a douche. Uncharted 2 is such an upgrade in several ways, and that includes an upgrade in Nathan’s character. I won’t rant too long, but I am certainly glad they fixed all that. Drake was an asshole who only cared for treasure, and he barely even flinched at Sully’s death and was ready to “beat sully’s ass” upon rescuing him. But whatevs, I won’t criticize too much since it was the first game and they might not have had the characters pinned down yet. A rough start to one of my favorite game series, and one that I will pretty much disregard in this post. If this seems harsh... I’m sorry. 
The Marriage between Elena and Nathan
We should all rename Uncharted Everyone is a dick to Nathan and Nathan is sometimes a dick to Elena
If you’re into mystic messenger and you read my only other post on this blog, you’ll know that I have... a couple thoughts on love and what it all means anyway. I want to start this off by saying I love both Nathan and Elena very much! They are truly great characters that I admire and adore. Despite this, their relationship just isn’t something I can believe in. A lot of their relationship progress is done in between games, which kinda makes the audience a little unable to gauge like, what the fuck is going on. 
somewhere between Game one and two, the pair is dating. By the time we get to Uncharted 2, though, it’s clearly and on-again-off-again kinda thing. We also meet Chloe, Nathan’s.... pal from the past (?). He risks a lot to save her, but I get the impression that the feelings he had for her were not as serious as the ones he has for Elena. I know it was supposed to be presented as a love triangle, but it just didn’t feel like it. Nathan and Chloe both kinda seemed like they weren’t at all interested in pursuing each other seriously. I honestly kind of appreciated this; Instead of the cliche fight between the women, Elena and Chloe seemed to get along in the end, despite some tension. 
Between the second game and the third game Elena and Nathan got married (1)(wait what?) and split up again. I don’t know if they were actually divorced or just separated, but the point is that they aren’t together by the time the third game begins. Finally, between the third game and the fourth game, They are living the domestic lifestyle. They both have legal jobs where they don’t have to kill anyone and they can make it home for dinner. Seems perfect.
Or at least, it would seem perfect if I thought it would last at all. Nathan hasn’t really had a significant relationship with any woman like. ever? (2). On-again-off-again means that they have to go off again at some point. If you pay some attention to dialogue it’s obvious that it’s Nate that breaks it off each time, or he at least he initiates it. When he lies to Elena in the fourth game, she admits that she almost didn’t come to save him. I have a shit ton of empathy and let me tell you that dynamic drove me buckwild I almost couldn't stand it. When Elena confronts Nathan in the hotel room and Nathan sent both Elena and sully away, I wanted to scream. (3) (what are you doing Nate these people love you)
It is also in this scene that we are reminded that Elena doesn’t know about Sam-- at all. That is... an insanely huge part of Nathan’s past, and he just never brought it up? Do they talk about anything at all? For many of Nathan’s formative years, he had to lie about his identity (and likely other things), so I get why Lying would be a tough-to-break habit for him, but Elena is his wife. Just how well do they know each other?
The on-again-off-again dynamic is not stable enough for a serious relationship, and certainly not a marriage (4). And like I said earlier, Nathan is the initiator in the break offs each time. What is he running from? A very supportive wife? I think it’s more than that.  From an outside viewpoint, Elena seems like... the perfect wife for Nate. She is supportive and she’s pretty much ready for action. But for some reason, Nate wants to leave her out of his adventures (5). I don’t think Nathan dislikes Elena; I think Nathan just isn’t romantically interested in her. Trying to force himself into a marriage because he knows that’s what charming guys such as himself are supposed to do, right? (6) Him forcing himself into a relationship he doesn’t want would make sense for him to feel a lot of disconnect. He spends a lot of time trying to get away, not because he truly dislikes Elena as a person, but because he doesn’t understand why he doesn’t feel as into her as he thinks he should (that sentence was a mouthful). 
I will say that, as a story, uncharted has been pretty mean to Elena. It is a story so thats not problematic or anything, but I do hope she can find what she needs. She needs someone to support her as much as she will support them, and she needs someone who will offer some stability. She likes Nathan, but he isn’t very suited to the life she wants/ 
Nathan Drake a Psychopath?
Yeah, I get it. Nathan kills hundreds or thousands of people and he doesn’t even feel bad about it, which might make him a psychopath which might explain his  behavior. I have some groundbreaking information to explain how he kills so many people without the guilt crushing him and that is that... this is a bideo game. bidya games be like “kill people” and you just do it. Nathan Drake could certainly have some mental health issues, but I don’t think the combat portion of the games should be considered when evaluating his health. His character as it is written has empathy, even going as far as attempting to save Marlowe in the third game. Combat is just expected in games. Although it might have been neato dorito if the game got into how Nate was coping with all that killing, I think we can just say “its bidya games” and move on. 
Dad? Papa? Father??
I already hate this section of the post, but If I was (shitty bitch) Freud I would point out the fact that Nathan uh Defo has some mom/dad issues, and suddenly the Beautiful, capable, caring, morally gray Victor Sullivan swoops in to be Nate’s New Dad ™ and it would be normal for Nathan to have some weird feelings for Sully. But whatever that’s just Freud's take on the matter (although I won’t deny that the Drake’s prolly got parent issues). moving on. 
Internal Turmoil
Nathan Drake throws himself in fatal danger and puts himself in incredibly difficult situations that have a tendency to just get worse. And he keeps doing this. This alone looks like a man just wracked with internal conflict. It would make sense for him to go on these physically taxing expeditions for treasure if he was insecure in his sexuality. Why would Nathan Drake be insecure though?  He’s charming, smart, strong, handsome, and funny. It’s not like he has to beg to get laid. He has no reason to feel this insecurity-- unless it was men he was interested in, not women. 
I don’t think It would be a stretch to suggest that Nathan “I never had any parents, really” Drake would have some troubles with learning how to navigate his own emotions. By the time he meets Dad Replacement 6000 (aka Sully), Nathan is already like, 15. That boy needed a parent years ago. 
When Uncharted introduces Chloe to us in the second game, Nathan really just doesn’t seem to be into her. The scene in the hotel-- he was just kinda going along with it. He “kinda goes along with” a lot of stuff. To me, he seems like someone insecure, not only in his sexuality but also his ability to make choices for himself. When a woman makes a move on him, he just kinda... goes with it. Elena comes back for him even though he breaks it off repeatedly. I’m sure to him this is the support he desperately needs. So logically he should reward her with uhhhhhh marriage? 
Harry Flynn
yeah he’s a bastard but don't even act like this scene didn’t have some gay subtext  “buy me a drink, sailor!” that's flirting babes. Nathan was so happy to see Flynn. 
Cassie Drake
whether Nathan is gay or not-- I still don’t believe in his marriage to Elena. I really love that Naughty Dog stuffed uncharted 4 with as many ladies as possible-- all the way down to Nathan’s sweet daughter. But seriously I hope Cassie’s upbringing is as cushy as it seems. Like I hope her parents are stable enough. 
But also like I have so many mixed feelings about her existence. Kids aren’t relationship bandaids (... or at least they shouldn’t be). 
I still have a lot I want to say about Nathan Drake (esp when thinking about Sam). The Uncharted Series has really done a lot to subvert some tropes in the adventure-type genre (imo anyway). And I’m not gonna scream and yell. I just think there's a lot of evidence to support Gay Nathan Drake. Of course, This could legitimately all be projecting. I love Nathan’s Character a ton!  
I wrote this all in one setting, so if it’s badly written or repetitive or.... whatever, please forgive me. I’d love some interaction! tell me what you’re thinking! 
1) are they married or engaged? I can’t remember....
2)that we know of blah blah
3) I might be being a bit too impassioned 
4) I’ve been rewatching Bojack so I am reminded of the bojack/pc dynamic (although its not a perfect parallel by any means), and in the show it’s clear to anyone that while bj and pc depend on each other, the game they are playing isn’t good for either of them (esp not for pc). Elena and Nathan can harbor affection for each other all they want-- but Elena can’t do this anymore. 
5) “wuh wuh he’s protecting her” im sorry but that’s bullshit-- she can hold her own, and he’s pretty quick to come to terms with her tagging along when she pops up each game. 
6)IT’S POSSIBLE that i’m just projecting and i just wish he was gay, but like, seriousliy? sersreoopsily? I have at least SOME support for my claims.
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forevercaroline · 6 years
The return
I was inspired by the sneak peek of the originals 5x02 where Roman shows up outside of Hope’s bedroom.
For @caritobear, @austennerdita2533 love these girls they are my sisters.
“ Roman it’s good to see you and I’m surprised you came all the way from Mystic Falls to New Orleans to see me but you need to leave now.”
Sixteen year old Hope Mikaelson grabs sixteen year old dirty blonde Roman’s hand trying to escort him out of of the house before there trouble. Roman is a vampire and came to New Orleans to talk with hope and is not leaving until he talks with her. “ I’m not leaving, I want to talk with you.”
“ Fine we can we talk but we can’t talk in the house and especially can’t talk in my room.”
He follows Hope downstairs to the front door. “ Hope what’s wrong why can’t we talk in the house.”
Hope takes a breath she really didn’t want to tell him this secret but he won’t leave and at any moment he could find out she leads him into the living room. “ Have you been hearing rumors of a hybrid named klaus has gone completely mad and has went on a killing spree throughout Europe but mostly in France.”
“ Yeah.”
“ Well he’s my father, my name is not Hope Marshall its Hope Mikaelson.”
Roman eyes widen in surprise and he has to sit down, even though Roman is a young vampire he’s heard of the Mikaelsons. He came to New Orleans to ask Hope why it said her last name was Mikaelson but she goes by Marshall when he snuck into Alaric Saltzman’s desk to drink his bourbon he saw Hope’s parent contacts and found the address and came to find her.
“ You thought it was impressive that I got suspended you don’t even know the half of my crazy life. I haven’t spoken to my dad in five years haven’t seen him in seven, my mom shipped me off to Salvatore school so she could be alpha and have a boyfriend without having the responsibilities of being a parent. I have aunts and uncles spread out all over the world and one of my uncles had his mind erased by my aunts boyfriend so he doesn’t remember me or any of his siblings. I couldn’t go to my other uncles wedding because according to my mom it would of been to dangerous. When I was nine I did a spell to Astro protect myself to my dad to say hi and I found him ripping the heart out a woman then he screamed at me to get out.”
Roman to shocked to speak but luckily that didn’t stop the shouting coming from the hall “ Hope where are you?”
Hope looks out into the hallway then at Roman “ Please stay here, I’ll be right back.”
“ Is that your dad?”
“Yes and I don’t want you to get killed please stay here.”
Roman walks over to her and places his hands under her wrists tenderly “ I care about you too.”
Hope shyly smiles down. “ Oh I um-” before Hope can finish the sentence Klaus walks in and see a teenage boy touching his daughter. The protective alpha wolf gene in him perks up and he has Roman pinned to the doorframe by his throat in seconds.
“Dad.” Hope uses her magic and flings Klaus off Roman.
Hope goes over to help Roman up and they both look over at Klaus who is being helped up by the co head of their school Caroline Forbes. Who came with him to make sure Klaus didn’t leave a trail of bodies from France to New Orleans.
“ Miss. Forbes?”
Caroline smiles at them “ Hello, Roman your supposed to be in school and Hope I’ve been told your suspension I’ll look in to it, I know of the family issue so we will get you back in Mystic Falls in no time I’m sorry it has to be this.”
“ You know of the issue and you know my dad?”
Caroline and Klaus smile at each other Caroline breaks their eye contact by responding to Hope. “ Yes we’ve known each other for twenty years, and when your mom enrolled you I asked about your dad and your mom informed me of the situation.”
“ And I’ve loved every minute you’ve been in my life love.”
“ It’s taken me many years to realize I’ve loved having you in my life too.”
Hope and Roman are watching them and are surprised and a little disturbed. Roman leans over and whispers in Hope’s ear. “ This is weird, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Miss Forbes smile.”
Hope whispers back “ This is weird I haven’t seen my dad in seven years and he returns with the co head of our school and they are flirting. I didn’t even know they knew each other. You’ve never seen her smile because your always getting in trouble.”
Roman smirks at her and Hope ask’s “ How did you meet my dad?”
Caroline glances at Klaus who gives her a look saying I don’t want her to know the real truth of me. “ I was a young vampire and Klaus came to Mystic Falls he needed my best friends help solving a problem. After he solved his problem he stayed in the town and developed feelings for some of the people in town and attending town functions. Soon after all the Mikaelsons were in Mystic Falls, they made my life and the Salvatore’s which the school was name after lives Interesting.”
Neither Hope nor Roman knew there were actually Salvatore’s that their school was named after. “ There were actual Salvatore’s, what was the school before it was a school?”
“ It was a home it belonged to the Salvatore brother, Caroline and Rebekah lived there too, I was a frequent visitor, Elijah dropped in a couple times.”
Caroline looks down at her watch “ I’m going to have to get a hotel room to stay in and leave tomorrow. Roman I’ll drive you back to school.”
“ Miss Forbes I drove here.”
“ Tomorrow your following me back to school.”
Klaus looks down at the woman who captivated his heart all those years ago and has held it in the palm of her hand. “ You don’t have to stay in a hotel you can stay here.”
Caroline glances up at him and see the flirty look in his eyes.“ I’m not sleeping in your room.”
“Only if you want to love, I was not suggesting that but I love that’s where your mind went first.”
Roman turns to Hope after her dad and Caroline leave, she is in shock. “ Are you ok?”
“ No, I thought I knew my family, I know they have millions of secrets but I thought I knew some but I had no clue that not only did Miss. Forbes knew my dad or or my aunts and uncles. I have been going to the Salvatore school since I was seven and she never let on that she knew anyone else but my mom. Plus my aunt lived in our school and we a home in Mystic Falls I never knew about.”
“ When we get back to Mystic Falls we’ll find your families house. It could be our get away from school.”
Hope smiles at him she’s happy he hasn’t run from all the Information he has gotten today.
As Klaus is guiding Caroline up the stairs to her room they go past the parlor and Caroline stops at the door frame.“ Ah Klaus come back here.”
Klaus who was halfway up the stairs turns back and sees what Caroline was looking at Which is Aurora who is dead under a sheet. “ What or should I say who is that?”
“ I’d rather not say.”
Caroline looks up at him and he’s not making eye contact with her or even looking at her. “ Klaus its me I made/helped you clean up your slaughter in France, I dug pliers in your back when Silas made you think there was white oak heading to your heart. I’m not going to judge you, plus this will bother me if you don’t tell me.”
“ My crazy ex from a thousand years ago she’s dead and under a sleeping spell we just don’t know what to do with her.”
“I’ve known this family for twenty years and your still surprising me.”
Klaus laughs and grabs her hand and pulls her away from the parlor “ Your life is never dull with us love.”
“ No it is not.”
Klaus brings her to her room for the night it’s a normal looking room theirs a bed, a nightstand and a dresser. “ Did you really ask Hayley about me when she enrolled Hope.”
“ Yes I thought you would enroll her but Hayley said you had to leave because of the hollow and a couple days later I got your check.”
While Caroline looking around the room Klaus is watching her. “ I never stopped you know.”
Caroline glances up at him from the bed “ I know I could see it on your face in France, I married Stefan to draw out Katherine I said yes to his proposal because he said he loved me. I knew he always loved Elena and even though he said he loved me I knew it wasn’t with his whole heart. I know you love me and have since you gave me blood on my birthday but I was scared I’m not anymore. We both have kids and you have part of a extremely evil person living in you but I’m done avoiding it. I was in France not just to talk with the Delacruz family I could of sent Alaric to talk with them but I didn’t. I went knowing you were there, when Rebekah called me I was happy to track you down.”
Klaus vamps up to her and wraps his arms around her waist picking her up. “ You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear that love.”
She wraps her arms around his neck “ This room is nice but I do want to sleep in your room. After all one day it will be ours.”
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
Don’t hate them? Love them. But you can hate me.
And please plot with them okay I swear they’re all lovely!
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AMBER STEWART looks an awful lot like ALYCIA DEBNAM-CAREY. SHE is TWENTY-ONE and while they're INTELLIGENT, they have a tendency to get pretty SELFISH. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to CLYDE by ALYSSA REID.
Amber was actually born as Elena Richmond, and was 7 years younger than her brother. Their parents had money problems, mostly due to the father’s gambling addiction, and it lead them to get tangled with a mob.
She was only one when her brother left. She never knew what happened, her parents just said he disappeared. But for a while, she believed he just left them since he would go nowhere with that family.
Their problems with the mob just got worse and when she was 13, some of their men came in to get some late payment. But her parents didn’t have the money, and since they’d been late for quite some time, they were executed right in front of her. Before they left, the men mentioned her brother and how great he was doing with them, and that if she wanted to see him again, she shouldn’t tell the cops what they looked like.
So she didn’t. Their faces were tattooed in her mind, but she kept that a secret. Since she had no family that wanted her, Elena was placed in the foster system. Never got adopted because she always acted like a brat(and for that purpose, she didn’t want parents, the ones she had were bad, she believed they would all be the same).
As soon as she turned 18, Elena left the foster place to go on her own. Her goal was to find her brother, so she settled for that. She found bits and pieces of information about him here and there. It was only a year and a half later that she found him.
He had no wish to remain with that gang, and after developing a small plan, the two made their escape, and started living like Bonnie and Clyde, except they were siblings.
Authorities were getting wary about them, suspecting them of multiple crimes. So in order to be safe, and using her brother’s connections, Elena changed identity for Amber Stewart and moved to Kola with him.
And now she’s not really any better: she’ll rob a bank or send you to the hospital if needed.
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JOSEFINA DEAN looks an awful lot like EIZA GONZALEZ. SHE is TWENTY-SIX and while they're PASSIONATE, they have a tendency to get pretty BLUNT. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to ROYALS by LORDE. 
Josefina Flores was born the middle of three child, in one of the bad neighbourhoods of Kola. She grew up in crimes and constant gun fights, so at a young age, she was brought up to know how to defend herself and fight if required.
Honestly, she hated that life, and would do anything to get out of it. But she knew with the little money they had, she had to get there another way. So she worked incredibly hard at school in order to score scholarships.
Which she did, making her able to join Kola University, with a major in criminality. Which she never finished.
A year in her college life, Josefina met a boy, she fell head over heels for. He was a few years older, and was already doing well in life: he had his company, which he inherited from his father, and lived quite the luxurious life.
It was like love at first sight, and not even half a year later, he’d proposed to her. And she obviously accepted. From then, she stopped going to college, embracing her now much wealthier life and becoming a socialite.
They married on her 21t birthday, and now that it’s been 5 years, she can tell the love isn’t as strong as it used to be. They’re still doing well, the love is still there, but it’s less passionate.
She’ll still kick your ass if you mess with her. And she won’t hesitate to kill someone if required.
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NATHAN STEWART looks an awful lot like NICHOLAS HOULT. HE is TWENTY-EIGHT and while they're RESOURCEFUL, they have a tendency to get pretty INSTABLE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to MAD WORLD by GARY JULES.
Tyler Richmond was the actual sweetest kid. He was that adorable awkward kid, and when his sister Elena was born, he just loved her deeply. Although she was barely one when he was taken.
Despite being the nicest kid in town probably, his parents had horrible money problem, his father’s gambling addiction leading him to get in troubles with a gang. And when he was 8, Tyler was used as payment, since they’d been late to pay back the gang. So he was taken from his family, forced to live with one of their members. And obviously, his last name was changed to Oaks(they kept his first name since they didn’t want him to get confused).
He was then trained, by the very own man that “adopted” him, to become a hitman like him, and to work for the gang. So unlike other kids who played sports or did theatres in extracurricular activities, he learned how to handle guns and other weapons.
After graduating, he didn’t go to college, even if that was something he would’ve loved. Instead, he was initiated to become a full member of the gang. And that’s literally had he did until his sister found him his life was an actual living hell. He hated what he did, he felt terrible, but he couldn’t get away, he couldn’t get out of it.
Although some of the more compassionate members, or connections, noticed he was unhappy, and was starting to develop some troubling symptoms. So when his sister arrived, they helped them get away. Not without leaving a few bodies behind.
And with that, it brought authorities after them, and the only safe thing to do was change identity to Nathan Stewart, and try to start over in Kola.
He still always has a gun somewhere on him, just for safety, but while his sister kept going with the stealing and other criminal activities, he tried to mix in with the normal people. So now he works as a barista, and his first coffees were disgusting but now he’s quite good at it.
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PRESTON WAGNER looks an awful lot like CODY CHRISTIAN. HE is TWENTY-TWO and while they're EMPATHETIC, they have a tendency to get pretty SAD. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to YOU SAID YOU’D GROW OLD WITH ME by MICHAEL SHULTE.
My sweet openly bisexual boy with big dreams he’s never gonna reach.
He was born in the upper middle class, but since he was an only child and was given almost everything he wanted, Preston also thought they were the richest. He learned later on that they weren’t, and he was cool with it.
He was literally 4 when he saw his first lacrosse game and said “i wanna do this when i grow up”. Becoming a professional player has been his dream ever since, but now it’s dead.
He was always in the popular crowd, if not the most popular guy in school. He was fine with it, but he tried to break down those social barriers and befriend everyone. Not that it worked, the less popular most of the time believed he was just using them to humiliate them later.
Always been kind of a hoe but less of a hoe now.
Because he met a girl he really loved. She transfered when she was 15, and they started dating just a few weeks later. Most of their friends said it wouldn’t last long, but if that accident didn’t happen, they’d still be together by now.
It was near the end of senior year, Preston and her were facetiming, when someone broke in her house. He didn’t really see who did it, or what happened, but he heard gunshots, and next thing he knows, she was dragged out of her room. He called the cops, of course, but by the time they got there, they only found bodies. He then learned that family was under the witness protection program, but their cover was busted.
Preston never got over it, he still hasn’t, even if he pretends he did. He was originally supposed to go study in Harvard with her, but he couldn’t bring himself to go. So he got late acceptance for Kola University. 
He’s in his last year of kinesiology, he’s been playing lacrosse for them all four years, although since his girlfriend was murdered, he didn’t find the motivation for anything, and that included pushing his limits, so becoming a professional player is not going to happen.
Also, plEASE bring him a Dylan Sprayberry. Like... a secret relationship because the other isn’t out, but it’s SO good on Preston because it helps him recover from what happened to his girlfriend.
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stormecloudyy-blog · 7 years
Amor Proibido viii . 5
You are the sun and I am just the planets Spinning around you - Fall Out Boy
This is dedicated to @mendesau. Just because.
Placing the last clip in my hair, I stare into the mirror for the longest time. I am not sure who I am looking at right now. She looks like me, but how can this be me? I am her and she is me. All that existential type shit, but I don’t know what the fuck I am doing. My hair is tied up in a simple chignon with strategically placed clips so it stays perfect. I have the perfect wing tip eyeliner, the most lush eyelashes thanks to some very nice mascara, and the prettiest peach color lips. The simple off white dress with tulle and a black bow tied around my waist looks perfect.
This is supposed to be the best day of my life. 
I am getting married.
The last week has been hell. Shawn hasn’t spoken to me since the day when he left. He said the ticket would be there at the airport. I even called about five hundred times to see if he had rescinded the offer, but it has been there the whole time. 
The rose charm on the necklace has been resting on my neck since he left too. I just reach my fingers up every single time I need to calm myself down and the weight feels like a comfort. It makes me feel like this all still real, and I have not lost Shawn completely. The truth is I know I need to let him go. Just because we had a few times together, and he said this could work out, he is being too optimistic. I wish he would see how this would all play out. He is famous, and he is always being photographed. I work for a well known music magazine. He would be seen as the guy who got the girl, and I would be branded a slut. I would lose my job and be seen as the evil one. Just because I am a woman. Shawn would be patted on the back and I would be the one everyone is whispering about. Fucking double standards. 
I take another deep breath, turning away from the mirror so I don’t have to look at myself anymore. It is hard to look when I know I am going to hate myself even more when this is all said and done. 
Emily has been hovering around all morning, helping me get ready and asking me if I am going to be okay. I didn’t tell her the whole story about Shawn, but I think she was able to pick up on the unsaid implications. She has been my best friend since I was 14 years old and the person who has been with me through most of the major things in my life. 
“You look really pretty, Autumn…”
I look up and see my aunt lingering in the doorway. She is wearing a pretty light blue dress she picked up the day before because even she didn’t think I was going to go through with the wedding. She is the woman who raised me when I was about two years old and my mom just left me at her house, only showing up once in awhile when she needs money. Twenty two years later, I am glad she is the one who is my mom figure and will see me get married. Even if she doesn’t exactly love Landon…
“Thank you,” I reply with a smile.
She walks into the room and closes the door behind her. Sitting down on the other chair, she leans in like she wants to tell me a secret. “This is the day I have waited for since you were small. I know it has never been normal since you didn’t have your mom or dad around, but I tried to do the best I could. But I am still a little worried about you marrying Landon. Since the day you told me you were going to get married, I feel like… you don’t love him.”
I reach up and touch the necklace Shawn gave me, acting like this is all okay. Like it doesn’t kind of hurt in my chest because I haven’t seen him. Or haven’t even talked to him. There is this empty, gnawing space inside my chest and it keeps getting worse the more time passes. But it doesn’t matter. 
“I want to marry Landon because I know life will be stable. I will have a job and he works, so we will be able to afford our house. Life is going to be good. We get along well enough that the marriage will work out for the both of us. I mean, no marriage is ever going to be perfect. I will be happy,” I tell her, not wanting to ruin the day by talking about subjects which don’t matter.
Elena sighs and shakes her head. “You act like I am blind, Autumn. I have raised you since you were a tiny one. Just because you are twenty four doesn’t mean suddenly you are an adult who just knows what is best for her. I am forty seven years old. I have been in love before. I have been in love with Thomas since I was thirty two. I know what happy looks like that, and it isn’t you.”
She stands up and walks over to me, placing her hand on my shoulder. “All I have wanted for you is to be happy and reach all of those dreams you talked about when you were growing up,” she tells me and kisses the top of my head. “I love you more than anything and just want you to have the best life possible.”
There’s a knock on the door and Emily pokes her head inside. “Hi, the officiant says he is ready to start when you are. All you need to do is come do that little walk down the aisle and get married Today is finally your big day.”
I stand up and give her my best smile. “Then let’s do this.”
Elena doesn’t say anything else. She just nods and follows me out of the room. I know both her and Emily are thinking the same thing about Landon, but I am not going to have the same argument again. I have made up my mind. This is the best choice I am going to get, and I will not throw it away because of a stupid choice. This is my whole life. 
I can hear the sound of the music faintly, a very nice melodic tune Thomas picked out because he is the one who is best with music so he decided he would be the one who would do all of the music for the wedding. When I said low key wedding, I meant at my aunt’s house with the least amount of effort possible. I just want to do this and get it over with. Then I go with Landon on this damn honeymoon and deal with my feelings and emotions never.
Emily hands me the bouquet she put together for me, white roses with the cutest little peonies. She even tied it with a black bow that matches the sash on my dress. The flowers feel really weird in my hands. I ignore the shaking and sweaty palms. Everything is going to work out just fine. 
Emily squeezes my arm before she goes to take her place as maid of honor, giving me a look like it is not too late with just her eyes. The room is just a few friends, some co workers, and even less family. Landon is standing up front next to the officiant, wearing a tux and looking very handsome. He smiles when he sees me, giving me a small wave with his hand. 
I am getting married in the living room where I grew up, which doesn’t feel real. I remember crying in this room the first time a boy broke my heart and saying I was never going to fall in love again. I was only fourteen so I was not in love, and he was just one of many boys. I just can’t believe how the world ends up working out. Ten years ago, I thought my life was ending and now it just really getting started. 
The wedding march starts to play… and now is the time I am taking my first to walk down the aisle, Elena next to me. She places her hand on my arm. “Let’s do this, Autumn…” she whispers in my ear softly.
All of the sudden, there is a huge thumping on the front door. 
Thump. Thump. THUMP.
Everything freezes. It is like the whole record spinning sound moment where the world stops completely. 
My head spins around,  hands letting go of the bouquet. 
I practically sprint to the front door, throwing it open.
There he stands. Just like he said he would be.
“Shawn,” I breathe.
“Am I too late?” he asks, eyes only on me like we are the only two people in the world. 
I want to giggle, act like I am a stupid girl because it is just how it makes me feel seeing him standing here like this. Just like he said he would. I wish I could just bottle up this moment and save it for the rest of my life, just staring up at him in all of his glory. He looks so… happy. Which doesn’t make a lot of sense. His hair is all messy like he has been running his hands through it over and over, with his sunglasses pushed up into his curls. Those crazy curls that never want to do what he wants. He even has bloodshot eyes like he was drinking too much and then he had to run to a catch a plane so he could see me.
“What the fuck is going on?” Landon screams, pushing me out of the way with a hand and standing in front of Shawn. “Can I fucking help you?”
Shawn is taller than Landon by a good six or seven inches. He looks down at him for a second, tilting his head just slightly like he is processing someone is speaking to him. Then he blinks, like he is trying to discern how I am not standing in front of him because I was shoved out of the way. Then his lip twitches just a little, the way it does when he gets angry. Shawn lets out a breath, lifting his fist and hitting Landon right in the middle of his face.
The crack of cartilage is almost deafening followed by the scream and the blood gushing all over the floor. Landon puts his hands over his face and shouts, “What is your fucking problem?!”
Everyone is clamoring over each other to watch the drama unfold. Elena stands behind me, hand on her mouth like she is trying not to laugh. Thomas is coming up, standing between Shawn and Landon to mediate and prevent any more fighting from breaking out. 
“Gentlemen, please calm down. This is a residence, not a place to start doing some MMA.” He looks over at Shawn and says, “Do I know you from somewhere?”
Shawn shrugs, still glaring at Landon for a moment. “I am Shawn, sir. It is nice to meet you.” He nods at Thomas and then adds, “I am here because I am in love with Autumn.”
Collective gasps echo throughout the room and all eyes are on me. I am pretty sure one of the my cousin’s is filming the whole thing too so it will be online for the world to see in just a matter of hours. 
Landon is still clutching at his broken nose and looking back and forth between me and Shawn, trying to decide if this is some elaborate joke. 
I kind of just want to sink into the floor right now. I don’t like the way everyone is staring at me, and this is just too damn much. My life has turned into some kind of damn telenovela where a famous singer comes to my front door and confesses his love for the world to hear. What the fuck. This type of shit doesn’t happen in the real world. Maybe I am just having one really long dream I just can’t wake up from…
“So here is the thing…” I begin, eyes looking around the room and not able to really focus on one single person. My family and friends all came here to watch me get married and now here I am with some famous singer in the foyer of my childhood home. “I might be in love with him too…”
Once those words are out of my mouth,  a whole other set of murmurs and gasps fill the room. Everyone is still staring at me in my wedding dress, Shawn is standing at the front door, and Landon is still trickling blood from his nose.
My voice grows louder. 
“I am in love with Shawn Mendes,” I announce.
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she-walked-away · 7 years
day 7: kc+ "we’ve been engaged to be married since we were five but this is the first time we’ve met and your portraits really don’t do you justice” AU royalty x matchmaking tropes
day 7: kc+“we’ve been engaged to be married since we were five but this is the firsttime we’ve met and your portraits really don’t do you justice” AU royalty xmatchmaking tropes
Hey guys! Happy last day of AU Week! Big thanks to Laine for organizing it all, SHE IS AMAZING, and also a big thanks to Sara for all the prompts! She knows how to get me inspired ;)
HRH Caroline Forbes let out a sigh asshe finished powdering her nose, pressing her lips together as she surveyed herimage in the extravagant mirror. Her overly made up face stared back at herwith concern as the young royal meticulously went over every detail of herelaborate blonde hairstyle and outfit.
Tonight was the night of her“coming-out” ball, a tradition that the royals of her country upheld for theirchildren when they hit 18 years of age. To her parents chagrin, Caroline managedto convince them to hold off on her celebration until she finished college andwas ready to partake in royal duties. So now her "coming out ball”was more of a graduation party, and the beginning of the sure-to-be-boring restof her life.
“What do you think?” she called over hershoulder to her best friend, Katherine. “More powder?”
The brunette wrinkled her nose as shewalked over. “Geez Care, one more puff of powder and the court might mistakeyou for a walking corpse.”
The blonde looked at her reflection inalarm. “Is it really that bad?”
Katherine rolled her eyes. “I don’t knowwhy you’re so concerned. This ball is just a formality for your family toofficially introduce you as a member of the royal family. Half of these peoplesee you walking around in sweatpants on the weekends.”
“Yeah, well this is the first time I’mmeeting Niklaus and his family,” Caroline murmured, reaching for her makeupremover and began to strategically take off the excess coverage.
“Ah yes,” Katherine grinned. “Theelusive fiancé. I wish my parents were so thoughtful as yours  to arrangemy future marriage at age five. It sure beats the hell out of the 21st datingcentury.”
By far one of the worst things about being an Mystic State princess, was thesacrifice of her future. Caroline’s parents arranged for their daughter tomarry into a Orleans State royal family back when she was just startingelementary school. It was a carefully constructed deal that would help bringthe two nations closer, continually unifying them even more as partners in theworld stage.
Caroline rolled her eyes, reaching forher eyeliner and began to expertly line her waterline. “Oh yes, so thoughtfulof them. Taking away my basic human right to marry before I even knew what aboy was. It’s so archaic. I thought this was 2017, not the 1400s.”
Katherine hummed, lining her lips with abold red lipstick. “You’ve never been in the current dating scene. I’d take anarranged marriage to any of the Mikaelson clan members over dealing with TylerLockwood’s dick pics he sends on snapchat.”
Caroline and Katherine met in college,rooming together their freshman year. To Caroline’s joy, the brunette barelykept up with the royal families around the world and had no clue who theprincess was until people started coming up to her in the cafeteria duringbreakfast one morning.
Caroline wrinkled her nose. “Ew. And notme. I’d rather take my chances in the dating pool.”
“But Niklaus is totally hot in hisportraits and those pictures of the charity appearances that the Orleans royalsdo just makes him look more delicious.”
The blonde rolled her eyes. “Please.It’s basic royal procedure for all court commissioned portraits and pictures toexaggerate the features. Every single one of mine are ridiculous.”
“What? You mean you don’t have porelessskin?” Katherine teased.
“Hah,” Caroline said sarcastically. “Ifthere is anybody who is less excited about tonight, it’s Niklaus.”
“But you don’t even know him.”
“True, but I know how guys work. Meetingyour future wife against your will, a year before the supposed wedding issupposed to happen? Talk about a death sentence.”
Katherine just grinned. “Who knows?Maybe you’ll fall madly in love at first sight.”
Caroline rolled her eyes. “I highlydoubt that.”
Katherine just hummed playfully. “Younever know.”
“Since when are you the optimistic one?”Caroline teased.
Her best friend grinned, shrugging. “Call it ahunch. Plus, once you get properly wed maybe Niklaus has some friends that area bit more refined than Dick Pic Lockwood.”
Caroline snorted. “I doubt it. The last thingyoung male royals in betrothals actually want, is their wives.”
Katherine pursed her lips together and gave herfriend a skeptical look. “Something tells me Niklaus may be a bit moremature than that.”
Caroline touched Katherine’s forehead, glancing overher concernedly. “Did you bump your head?”
The brunette pushed her away with a giggle.“Shut up.”
The blonde chuckled and went back to checking herreflection in the mirror. “Promise me that you’ll at least try to rescue me if he’s as sleazy as JohnGilbert from the last ball.”
Katherine made a face. “Oh definitely. But Ithink the only thing you will need isa party pack of condoms.”
Caroline only response was to throw her lipstick atthe door as Katherine ducked out with laugh.
Caroline forgot how boring royal ballswere. She held back a yawn as she nodded politely to the diplomat and his wifein front of her as they chattered nonsensically about some national dinner thatthey were holding. Katherine ditched her hours ago, talking up some stifflooking dark-haired man in the corner. He looked a little boring for Caroline’staste, but Katherine seemed smitten as she tossed her chestnut curls over hershoulder and giggled.
She had yet to run into Niklaus, havingbeen whisked away in multiple directions by her parents to meet people.
“So, will we be seeing you at ourdinner?” the diplomat’s wife, Elena, asked.
Caroline snapped her attention back tothe brunette and struggled to remember the details of the dinner that her andDiplomat Saltzman were discussing.
“Um- I,” she stammered, racking herbrain for excuses.
“I’m afraid we will have to decline,” adeep, lilting accent spoke from behind her. “My fiancée and I will bevacationing that week.”
Caroline whirled around, seeing the manthat the accent was attached to.
Holy. Hell.
Niklaus Mikaelson stood behind her, hisred crimson lips transfixed into a small smirk. His sandy blonde curls,normally slicked back in pictures, were stylishly tousled. He had a slight fiveo’clock shadow that left Caroline vaguely wondering how it would feel againsther cheeks.
Caroline let out a soft gasp as she tookhim in. The black tuxedo was crisply tailored to his lean, strong build thathad her fingers itching to explore. She was wrong and unfortunately (well,actually it was quite fortunate for her honestly), her betrothed’s palaceportraits and pictures definitely did not do him justice.
“There you are, love, I’ve been lookingfor you,” he said easily, walking up and placing a hand at the small of herback.
His blue-green eyes were crinkled inamusement as Caroline continued to gape at him as he offered his hand toDiplomat Saltzman.
“Apologies for not introducing myselfearlier,” he said smoothly. “My family was getting me acquainted with some ofthe other attendants tonight and it’s taken me forever to find my fiancée.”
The diplomat and his wife waved off hisapology with smiles and excused themselves, nodding knowingly in Caroline’sdirection. Caroline smiled at them weakly as her brain tried to wrap around thefact that her apparent fiancé seemed to looked like Michelangelo’s Davidin human form.
Caroline shot a quick look up to theceiling. Well done sir.
Niklaus chuckled lightly under hisbreath as he turned to her. “You okay?”
She nodded numbly, swallowing heavilybefore offering him her hand as she did a quick curtsy. “Nice to finally meetyou Niklaus.”
He made a face. “Call me Klaus. Niklausis reserved for being reprimanded by my teachers in school and my parents.”
Caroline smiled slightly. “Okay, Klaus.I’m Caroline, obviously.”
He gave her a brilliant smile and herstomach lurched pleasantly. She shyly tucked a curl behind her ear, knowing hermother was most likely watching the exchange and positively internallyscreaming at her for messing up her perfect hairstyle.
“It’s nice to like officially meetyou,” she said, cursing herself for how lame she sounded to her ears.
“I must say, you are stunning incomparison to your beautiful portraits,” he complimented, taking her hand andpressing a kiss to the back of it.
Caroline couldn’t help but roll her eyesbecause, seriously? Was this what she was missing in the dating scene?
“It’s a good thing you’re stuck marryingme because that was a terrible pick up line,” sheremarked, enjoying the little flash of surprise in his eyes. “Think of how manygirls will be saved from your lame plays.”
“I was just being honest,” he tried, buthis lips quirked up into a smirk.
Caroline held back a smile and justshook her head. There was no way she was going to admit that she felt the exactsame about all of the pictures and portraits of him that she’d seen throughoutthe years.
“So, what does a betrothed couple dowhen they meet for the first time?” Klaus mused as he looked around the room.“Care for a dance?”
Caroline shrugged, forgoing allpropriety. “I actually kind of hate these things. I’m so bored-”
“-and hungry,” Klaus finished, nodding.
She shot him a small smile, pleasantlysurprised to see someone else agreeing with how dumb the royal balls are.
“Literally it’s just an excuse for allthe old royals to get together and show off how rich they are,” she continued.“This ball is supposed to be for me, but I’m pretty sure my “coming out” cakewas cut by some teenager and nobody noticed.”
Klaus dipped his head sheepishly. “Thatwould be my brother, Kol, who did that. Forgive him, love, he knows not what hedoes.”
Caroline giggled. “How many siblings doyou have?”
“Too many,” he groaned. “And one of themhas been in the corner talking to that girl all night.”
Caroline followed Klaus’ gesture,surprised to see him pointing at Katherine and the dark haired man who werestill talking.
“That’s your brother?”
Klaus hummed, nodding.
“He’s talking to my best friend,”Caroline said, watching with a soft smile.
“She must really be bored with as dullas Elijah is,” Klaus remarked and Caroline pressed her lips together to holdback a laugh.
“Oh please, she will eat him alive,” sheresponded, nodding towards them. “Katherine doesn’t back down from achallenge.”
“Hopefully he won’t put her to sleepfirst,” he cracked and Caroline giggled.
He turned to look at her, a grinblossoming across his face. “You have a beautiful laugh, Caroline.”
She nudged him playfully. “What did Isay about those lame come-ons? They still suck.”
Klaus just shrugged. “At least you knowI’ll always be honest with you, no matter how lame I may be.”
Caroline’s cheeks heated as she duckedher head, biting her lip. Klaus just continued to smile at her, his browsarched challengingly.
“How about a glass of champagne?” heoffered.
Caroline studied him, very aware of howher pulse leapt every time he smiled at her. Part of her wanted to walk away,to defy her parents’ wishes with this stupid antiquated arranged marriage crap.But, the other part of her craved to learn more about the elusive Klaus. Hisquick wit, the way he rolled with her biting remarks with a grin, and how hekept looking at her like she was the biggest mystery of the world that helonged to discover.
She pressed her lips together, watchingas Klaus’ eyes briefly followed the motion before lifting back up to hers. Athrill of excitement went down her back, building her up as she met his eyesconfidently.
“I think that sounds great,” she agreed,smiling at him brilliantly.
His smirk grew, deepening his dimples ashe stepped closer and Caroline’s stomach twisted. Oh, they were going to have funtogether.
“Allow me.”
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postivesunshine · 8 years
Miss Me? Part One
Today is my wedding day, I thought I would be happier than I was. My wedding day was supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life. I loved Stefan I really did but he wasn’t Kai. Stefan really was there for me when I really needed someone after Kai was killed. Stefan helped me raise my child, and I couldn’t thank him enough for that. But part of me still loves Kai, it might be for the fact that Kai and I have a child together, a daughter, who is like her father in so many ways, the good qualities about him anyways or because I never loved someone as much as I loved Kai. I saw the good in Kai while everyone else just saw him as a monster, but there is nothing I can do to change what happened to him, it was his own doing. I tried to stop him but he wouldn’t listen to me and he just wanted to get revenge on his family, I don’t blame him but he went about it the wrong way, and of course he had to do it at my father’s wedding to his sister Jo. So of course my dad wasn’t happy that I was in a relationship with Kai because of what Jo told him about Kai. He never got to know Kai I knew. So when I told my dad that I was pregnant with Kai’s child he got really upset and said he never wanted to see me or my child again. Which I totally understand because of why Kai did, but that didn’t lost long he came and said he was sorry for what he said. Stefan was there for me through it all, he was such a great friend, we both started to develop feelings for each other and started dating. He loves my daughter like she was his own, she calls him daddy and everything, she of course knows that Stefan isn’t really her dad. A couple of years later Stefan proposed to me and I said yes because I knew it was the best thing for my daughter. She could have a normally life, well as normally as you get get living in Mystic Falls and having a mother that is a witch and a step-father that is an ex-vampire. Stefan knows that I still have feelings for Kai just like he still has feelings for Elena. We both know that we aren’t going to be able to get back together with them, so we decided to marry each other. So now were are back to present day, my wedding day. I’m here getting ready to marry my best friend but I keep thinking that something is going to stop this from happing, I have this weird feeling. I was sitting in my wedding dress at the mirror in the dressing room just staring at myself, when I hear a knock at the door. Which pulled me out of my thoughts. “The doors up, unless you are Stefan than go way, its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.” I hear a chuckle. “Its not Stefan but its your dad.” “Come in Daddy.” My dad opens the door and he has the biggest smile on his face and I copy his smile. “ I can’t believe that my baby is getting married, my little girl is all grown up and looks so beautiful.” “Stop Dad, and you still have Josie and Lizzie as your little girls butThanks Dad” “yes but no matter how old you get you will always be my little girl, even with Josie and Lizzie, you and I have a special bond plus you are my first born, but are you ok? You don’t seem all that happy.” “Dad stop you are going to make me cry and make my makeup run and Caroline will flip her lid, I am happy, if I told you why you would get upset and I don’t want that, you have been through a enough.” “We don’t want that to happen, and Honey you can tell me anything, I promise I won’t get upset.” “Are you sure Dad?” “Yes, I’m sure.” “I always thought Kai and I would get married, not saying I don’t love Stefan because I do, I really do but part of me still loves Kai.” “Just because I don’t care for Kai doesn’t mean you can’t talk about him to me, of course part of you will always love Kai, you share a beautiful daughter together, and part of me still and always will love Jo, she is the mother of the twins. Its understandable. I never doubted that you didn’t love Stefan, not for a minute.” “Thanks Dad, I guess you are right, I just don’t want to get hurt again, all my past relationship ended in death. Kol, Kai, I don’t want that with Stefan, especially now that he is human.” “Oh Honey I understand that feeling, I mean look at my relationship history, they haven’t ended the best either and all but two relationships ended in death, your mother and Caroline.” “I guess we have a curse on us, I don’t think my mother counts, she left you after I was born.” “True but she isn’t died that I know of, Yes there is a thing called the Saltzman curse, but nothing is going to happen to Stefan. I don’t think Damon would let that happen.” “Well she’s dead to me, but I sure hope so.” There was another knock at the door. My dad goes and answers the door and its Damon. “Stefan is so going to cry when he sees you Lauren ” “Shut up Damon but Thanks, How’s Stefan doing?” “Nervous as all get out but he is doing ok.” “Honey, I’m going to let you and Damon talk, I will be out in the hallway when you are ready.” “Ok Dad!” My dad leaves.“ “Now Damon why are you really here?” “Why do you always think there as to be a reason?” “Because its you.” “Fine, Stefan feels like something is going to ruin your big day and I keep telling that nothing is going to happen.” “He feels that way too?” “Oh boy you think that too? Nothing is going to happen.” “You don’t know that, this is Mystic Falls Damon and weddings aren’t really my families thing, remember what happened at the last wedding?” “Lauren that is not going to happen I promise you!” “Ok you better be.” Caroline comes running into the room with Bonnie behind her, remind me why I let Caroline help me plan this wedding, I love her but she can be intense. “Lauren you need to find Alaric and get in to place, because this wedding is about to start. Damon why are you in there, go to Stefan now!” Damon leaves. “Caroline breath!” “Sorry I forget to do that sometimes, by the way you look beautiful, Stefan won’t know what hit him.” “Lauren , you look so beautiful, Stefan is one lucky guy” “Thanks Caroline and Bonnie, and thank you both for helping me plan this amazing wedding.” “ You are welcome Lauren , but Caroline pretty much did it all.” “No problem, you’re one of my best friends, I would anything for you plus you know I love planning these type of things.” “You are the best!” “I know, but we need to get you in place.” “Ok I will go, is Josie, Lizzie and Lilah (your daughter) ready?” “They are so ready, they cant wait to throw flowers.” We all laugh and hug each. “Let’s get you married girl!” “Yeah we need to get into places like right now.” “Caroline calm down!” we all come out of the room and I walk over to my dad. We both walk downstairs, we wait for the music to play, and we start walking to Stefan. I looked up and smiled at Stefan and he smiled back at me, he had a tear running down his face. Once we got to Stefan, I heard my dad say, “protect her.” “Always.” Stefan takes my hands into his. We both smile. Everything was going great until the wedding officiant says, “if any person knows any cause as to why the couple should not be wed, they should speak now, or forever hold their peace.” it was silence for a little while, until I saw someone stand up in the corner of my eye, that can’t be, no that isn’t Kai Parker, he’s died, I saw Damon kill him, I was there, that can’t be him but this is Mystic Falls anything can happen I want to look but I don’t at the same time, I guess I will look over at him. Yup that was Kai Parker in the flesh, but how. Before I could say anything. Kai starts waving his finger around and making airplane noises and says, ” I wonder who that person would be, I can’t seem to put a finger on who wouldn’t want to see these two lovey people getting married, oh would you look at that, it would be me Kai Parker.“ Kai finally stops moving his finger and points at himself. I look back at Stefan with a confused look on my face and he has the same confused look on his face. “Stefan what is going on?” “I have no clue Lauren ” “oh I know, I know want’s going on, I’m stopping you two from getting married, I thought I would do it differently this time, I realized that killing people aren’t always the answer, I made that mistake at the last wedding I went to, it got really blood and this suit is really expensive and blood doesn’t come out of clothes and I’m just sick of killing, well not really but I decided that a wedding isn’t the best place to kill someone” “Kai what are you doing here?” 
Part 2 
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effervescible · 8 years
What headcanons do you have about Nate and Elenas wedding?
This is gonna double as the answer to my own “What is your most unpopular/controversial opinion about something totally inconsequential?” question because, while I too would have expected a quickie wedding/elopement pre-UC4, I feel strongly that it does not make sense for the wedding in the album to be some kind of second ceremony post-Yemen BUT I also feel strongly that people should enjoy writing headcanon/fic for whatever kind of wedding they want.
So! We know Nate bought an engagement ring, and it was expensive enough to “pay off” so it wasn’t a Crackerjack toy. I imagine him thinking “Yes! I’m doing this lifetime commitment process right! I bought her a ring, I proposed, I...have no idea what comes next.” Because if boyfriend has always run screaming from serious relationships in the past, you KNOW he’s never thought about his wedding before. Elena is also SO not a bridezilla type; she’d know what the priorities of the day are (First priority: be married at the end of the day. Second priority: celebrate with a few loved ones, nice clothes because it’s fun to dress up for a rare special occasion, tasty food and drink.) The rest is negotiable, and the obvious solution is DESTINATION WEDDING.
I think it’s actually supposed to be canon that it’s a destination wedding, because those cliffs sure as hell aren’t Florida. They wanted something simple and nice and also without lengthy planning (because the timeline between UC2-3 dictates that they could not have had a long engagement), and they didn’t want to have to make a lot of fiddly decisions about place settings or invitation patterns or crap they don’t care about, so they threw some money at a place that does this kind of thing (probably a resort or hotel right off the beach that people could stay at) and said hey, get us married on this date. It cost them a little extra to do it on shorter than average notice, but the relative simplicity of the wedding + throwing a little extra cash made it easily workable. Set up and arch and some chairs, throw some roses, get a priest, boom done.
(This is something you can do IRL—two of my friends got married at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Neither of them lived there, so they got a standard wedding package where they could pick from certain options and things were just taken care of for them. It was a beautiful wedding and you’d never know from the pictures that it wasn’t something they carefully planned every aspect of. I highly recommend it for people who want a nice ceremony but are like “ugh, effort.”)
Not requiring a lot of planning doesn’t mean no planning, though, and boy did the on-site coordinator that worked for the venue come away from the experience with questions. She never did get a straight answer from the groom about his profession when she tried the whole “getting to know you” chitchat over the phone, and while she generally stayed in the background but around on the big day, she got a strong sense of shadiness from the guests that she just couldn’t put her finger on.
It was a small wedding, since Nate only has a few friends he’d really want at his wedding, and Elena doesn’t have a big family + fewer normal people can afford to fly to destination weddings. And that was fine with them, since getting gifts or showing off were absolutely not the point of the day.
Sully gave a speech with lots of inside jokes for Nate and sincere nice things for Elena. After a couple of drinks, Charlie totally blubbered and gave Nate a big bear hug while telling Nate how happy he was for him. Chloe helpfully provided a few embarrassing-but-not-too-incriminating stories to Nate’s new in-laws. There was fun dancing on the beach, and as it got dark Nate and Elena had a slow dance in the moonlight that was mostly just them holding each other, because hey. It’s their wedding. They’re allowed to have a disgustingly romantic moment.
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