#elena shen
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Elena Armas
Natasha Anders
Hannah Bonam-Young
Carian Cole
Mazey Eddings
Nichole Greene
Hannah Grace
Noah Hawley
Ali Hazelwood
Emily Henry
Ana Huang
Avery Keelan
Elle Kennedy
Rina Kent
Christina Lauren
Veronica Lancet
Becka Mack
Alex Michaelides
Meghan March
Eden O'Neill
Kennedy Ryan
Bryan Reardon
L.J. Shen
Sierra Simone
Gemma Weir
Brighton Walsh
Ashley Winstead
Julia Wolf
Mariana Zapata
#tags#S. Massery#H.D. Carlton#Gemma Weir#Abby Jimenez#Tessa Bailey#Becka Mack#Avery Keelan#Elle Kennedy#Emily Henry#Hannah Grace#Elena Armas#Sierra Simone#Elsie Silver#Hannah Bonam-Young#Ashley Winstead#Brighton Walsh#natasha anders#liz tomforde#Mariana Zapata#Kennedy Ryan#Rina Kent#QB Tyler#Ali Hazelwood#L.J. Shen
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Boris is the virtual embodiment of the worse side of rc fandom and rc itself to an extent. Wanting an absolute monster to be a li just because he's blond, blue eyed man yet will berate poc lis for the same thing (Vincent, Shen, and Greg are the biggest example of this). It's like *certain* players could only like problematic lis if they're white or white-passing but can't keep the same energy for non-white and female ones. Adding female lis to keep up appearances and pushing them to the side for convenience (Alice and Jester really improved with their recent stories, though. Elena also did well with Fel). Making the white!Stephanie the "canon" sprite and straightwashed her for the sos book. Not putting black!Lada on rc's discussing the highlight posts. Making Volot race-of-choice li when originally it wasn't intended to be that. Black/brown characters being the only ones who get k*lled or can be k*lled most of the times. So much for being inclusive. Feels like the Ls negate the Ws RC did in 2024.
link to rc discussion post highlights
link to sos book
#romance club#rc#anti boris romanov#hsr#heaven's secret requiem#anti sos#shadows of saintfour#rc stephanie#rc lada#rc volot#anti athwtu#and the haze will take us
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Hello! The Gang's all here!
Character Info and Story Below!
Dr Shen Hamato was part of a small team (if you can call three people a 'team') of researchers creating and studying the effects of a substance called 'Mutagen'. This substance, created by Dr Barry 'Drax' Draxum, was designed to speed up the evolutionary process. In most subjects, this would simply remove unnecessary organs or alter their size but in a few cases, the turtles they were testing on became humanoid. While exciting, the trio couldn't figure out what was causing this very specific reaction in less than a handful of painted turtles. Shortly after the success that was the twins, Drax and Baxter Stockman disappeared. While Shen did suspect foul play, they vanished several days apart. Despite seemingly falling off the face of the earth, no one came to repossess or even look into the facility. Shen simply continued to live there with the four turtles.
For a l o n g time, it was just the five of them. That is… until they found Raph halfway into the first major arc with a drive initialed B.S. around his neck.
~~~~~~Character Details~~~~~~
Ages and species: Leo is an 18 yro Midland Painted turtle Mikey is a 17 yro Western Painted turtle Donnie and… teal? (we'll get back to her) are twins. They're 15 and Southern Painted turtles Raph is the youngest by almost 3 years. He's 13 and an Eastern Painted turtle
Speaking of Donnie's twin, I don't know what to name her. She's inspired by Venus de Milo, Frida, and Artemisia but I'm conflicted on what to name her. I want her to match her siblings in being named after an Italian Renaissance Artist but there's simultaneously so many and so few options.
#lively's turtles#tmnt#tmnt au#tmnt leo#tmnt mikey#tmnt raphael#tmnt donnie#main inspirations:#rottmnt#tmnt 2012#tmnt 2003#tmnt idw#at least a little bit
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Snowfall ep watch comments 13-15

Keeping it real with his nickname, Loser Li doesn't have the balls to join Team Vamp
Sorry dude, this would never happen to Elena Gilbert
Fun ass escape & fight scenes as our trio trash the train and escape in a field. The search in the field of tall grass as night closes in feels very 80s-00s vampire movie
Once AGAIN Loser Li punks out. This guy 😂😭 I love his constant, unrelenting failure
Look, the way Doctor Bestie realized he had to step up, because Mi Lan was injured & his bro distracted. TIME & PLACE, thank you.
He got close to making it thru this adventure without exposing himself but finally it was clear poor Vamp Daddy couldn't handle this one his own.
I both kinda do feel for Vamp Daddy's angst about his brother in disguise but also I'm too attached to them, so I'm just impatient for him to get over it and accept his only existing (and only mildly evil!!) relative
The brown leather coat is just not as suave a look for Loser Li. Return to your roots!
Oh good.
Henchman makes potentially his only smart move in the drama, to come plead for nep baby to rescue his crush. Li Yingliang looovesssss you! so muchhhhhh! it's ALL FOR YOU.
Our unhinged, unstable cyclone of insecurity & homosexuality emerges from the dungeon to fail another day! Good job, everyone.
"What ill intentions could a young boy in his hundreds have?" lol I love mysterious old guy
Sorry I'm unreasonably & unfairly on Doctor Bestie's side - kick his ass and settle him down. Vampires gotta stick together.
So doc is "complete" and Vamp Daddy, though made with the Blood Amber Stone, isn't? 🤔 Interesting. (ok not really lol, I'm not a 'lore' person)
Doctor Bestie cracked me up with his whole, I know all about equality in the modern age! I went to university! Look, he's probably more than a il evil but I like him SO MUCH, so can you just relent Vamp Daddy?
Otherwise WE might stop being friends. And that would be sad :(
All jokes aside, I do have the lingering feeling that Li Yingliang is being written as queer and the actor is playing it that way. Look at the way he is with his henchman too! It's just.... not like the vibe we see among other similar characters. They've fucked. More than once. And henchman told himself it's all fine between 'lonely' 1930s men, because they'll eventually take wives.
idk Vamp Daddy, I would have accepted the help of mysterious ancient master guy against a pursuing ARMY.
or maybe not kicked out my powerful brother.
Mi Lan knows what's up: stop the navel gazing emo and just get warm, eat well, and spend time with your loved ones.
Flashback to aftermath of Shen mansion massacre. Awful times had by all. Nobody thought burning alive a supernatural mom and her small child might have consequences. They did. Shen patriarch is like whyyyyy. His almost barbecued wife: r u 4 real?
Similarly, in modern remains of Shen mansion a bunch of people ambush Vamp Daddy and his gf, shoot her in the chest, so he goes murdery.
Then vamps her! YAY 🙌
Now you and doctor bestie just need to make up and find a way to extend your life too.
All hail Mi Lan's vampire awakening. Good stuff. Love the goth attire.
Also absolutely adorable and glowing in the bath
This is like Caroline in The Vampire Diaries, who was simply born to be a vampire and took to it like a duck to water. I want her to hang out more with the doctor. They can enjoy vampirism together.
Now that Vamp Daddy has healed Barely Legal Girlfriend, can we get (1) one more bloody kiss? Pretty pretty please? 🙏🙏🙏
Everyone but his henchman bf is hella pissed at Loser Li for being incapable.
This does not seem fair, as it's his defining quality 🤔
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The end of an era: Six cruise productions have officially closed
13 productions (plus two cancelled ones), four and a half years and 103 queens later. A chaotic but iconic era in six history is over.
Candace Furbert, Hazel Karooma-Brooker, Caitlin Tipping, Sophie Golden, Alicia Corrales, Viquichele Cross, Natalie Pilkington, Bryony Duncan, Lori McLare, Jasmine Jia Yung Shen, Kelly Sweeney, Amy Bridges, Jessica Niles, Georgia Carr, Amelia Walker, Liv Alexander, Elizabeth Walker, Jade Marvin, Lucy Aiston, Gabriella Stylianou, Scarlet Gabriel, Rebecca Wickes, Megan Leung, Abbi Hodgson, Sophie-Rose Middleton, Artemis Chrisoulakis, Ellie Sharpe, Melinda Porto, L'Oréal Roaché, Wesley Carpenter, Maya Christian, Brianna Brito Mooney, Meghan Dawson, Marilyn Caserta, Ashlee Waldbauer, Lauren Irving, Danielle Mendoza, Shelby Griswold, Kennedy Monica Carstens, Abigail Sparrow, Jarynn Whitney, Madeline Fansler, Channing Weir, Gabbi Mack, Casey Esbin, Ellie Wyman, Sasha Renae Brown, Nicole Lamb, Aja Simone Baitey, Willow Dougherty, Kayla McSorley, Jessie Bodner, Jasmine Hackett, Janice Rijssel, Lucia Valentino, Elena Breschi, Princess Sasha Victomé, Rae Davenport, Gianna Grosso, Kathryn Kilger, Reca Oakley, Jillian Worthing, Bethany McDonald, Sunayna Smith, Hannah Taylor, Sarah McFarlane, Eden Holmes, Fiorella Bamba, Lucinda Wilson, Haley Izurieta, Caitlyn De Kuyper, Amanda Simone Lee, Gabriella Boumford, Meghan Corbett, Analise Rios, Ruby Gibbs, Cydney Clark, Caroline Siegrist, Eloise Lord, Deirdre Duncan, Audrey Fisher, Lorren Santo-Quinn, Billie Kerr Amelia Atherton, Giulia Marolda, Izzy Formby-Jackson, Laura Blair, Maddison Firth, Emily Harrigan, Kara-Ami McCreanor, Sadie Hurst, Adrianna Glover, Alizé Ke'Aloha Cruz, Kristina Walz, Chelsea Lorraine Wargo, Emily Rose Lyons, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Lois Ellise, Jasmine Smith, Jaelle Laguerre, Kate Zulauf, Brooke Aneece, Hannah Lawton
Plus Gabrielle Davina Smith, Melissa Ford, Kaylah Attard, Fia Houston- Hamilton, Rhiannon Bacchus and Rhiannon Doyle who were set to join Breakaway before lockdown.
#six the musical#six cruises#six bliss#six breakaway#six alternates#did I use a ton of land production photos?#yes I did#and so many points to people who go on cruises and then take high quality six photos#true heroes#for the record this was supposed to post last friday#and tumblr dissapeared it
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heyy! its us.. again.. sigh
recently found a fragment that normally is only ever around when theres intimacy and/or we freak out cus of affection, so with that being said, could you give names and pronouns based around love and ghosts??
sorry if that doesnt make sense..
Hello, hopefully these can help.
Names: esme, aiko, aimee, aire, amadeus, amara/amora, anabel, arrow, carina, cerise, carwen/carwyn, charity, corwin, cupid, eros, cordelia, cherish, dariel, erastus, erazem, karita, heart, keris, lev, love, mabel, miriam, vevina, siran, ghost, soul/sol, avira, haunt(ed), shen, spyros, agatha, agnes, belladonna, calypso, elena, carmilla, circe, melanie, morgana, october, poe, rune, tarot, sanguine, spirit
Pronouns: adore/adores/adoreself, amor/amors/amorself, blush/blush/blushself, love/loves/loveself, cu/pid/cupidself, er/os/eroself, cher/ery/cherryself, luv/luvs/luvself, soul/mate/soulmateself, lone/lones/loneself, lone/some/lonesomeself, gho/ghost/ghostself, boo/boos/booself, haunt/haunts/hauntself (alt. haunted), ro/rom/romanceself, heart/hearts/heartself, spo/spook/spookself, rem/remain/remainself, spec/spectre/spectreself, spir/spirit/spiritself, whisp/whisps/whisperself, ether/ethere/etherealself, phan/tom/phantomself, plas/ma/plasmaself, pale/pales/paleself, para/norm/paranormalself
#red.crow#🩸🐶 anon#endos do not interact#actually a system#actually systempunk#survivorsunited#did osdd#syspunk#system stuff#systempunk#system community#did system
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A fond farewell to the lovely Breakaway 6.0 queens and to the Breakaway cruise production! To those we met onboard, those who went on to perform on land, and those who we never got to see perform at all, a heartfelt thank you from the queendom as a whole! ‘Til we meet again!
Breakaway 1.0: Jasmine Shen, Kelly Sweeney, Amy Bridges, Jessica Niles, Georgia Carr, Amelia Walker, Liv Alexander, and Elizabeth Walker Breakaway 2.0: Jade Marvin, Liv Alexander, Elizabeth Walker, Jessica Niles, Artemis Chrisoulakis, Amelia Walker, Abbi Hodgson, and Ellie Sharpe Breakaway 3.0: Lauren Irving, Danielle Mendoza, Shelby Griswold, Kennedy Carstens, Abigail Sparrow, Jarynn Whitney, Madeline Fansler, and Channing Weir Breakaway 4.0: Jade Marvin, Jessie Bodner, Jasmine Hackett, Janice Rijssel, Lucia Valentino, Elena Breschi, Princess Sasha Victime, and Ellie Sharpe Breakaway 5.0: Gabbi Mack, Sunayna Smith, Hannah Taylor, Sasha Renae Brown, Sarah McFarlane, Megan Leung, Abbi Hodgson, and Eden Holmes Breakaway 6.0: Meghan Corbett, Analise Rios, Ruby Gibbs, Cydney Clark, Caroline Siegrist, Eloise Lord, Deirdre Dunkin, and Audrey Fisher Undebuted Breakaway Queens: Gabrielle Davina Smith, Melissa J. Ford, Kaylah Attard, Fia Houston-Hamilton, Maddison Firth, Rhiannon Bacchus, Laura Blair, Rhiannon Doyle, Sadie Hurst, Reca Oakley, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Jaelle Laguerre, Kate Zulauf, and Giulia Marolda
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Listing of muses!
Shadow Milk Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Burning Spice Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Silent Salt Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Mystic Flour (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Eternal Sugar (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Dark Cacao (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Jeff the Land Shark (Marvel)
Loki (Marvel)
Knuckles the Echidna (Sega)
Jet the Hawk (Sega)
Amy Rose (Sega)
Rouge the Bat (Sega)
Dr. Finitevus (Sega)
Tohru Mutou (Shiki)
Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda)
Mushu (Mulan)
Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted Wonderlnd) (17 years old) (sfw only) (would curse sometimes)
Divus Crewel (Twisted Wonderland)
Riddle Rosehearts (Twisted Wonderland) (17 years old) (sfw only) (would curse sometimes)
Hatori Sohma (Fruits Basket remake)
Barnaby (BBU)/(Hiatus)
Scar (Lion King)
Dr. Facilier (Princess and the frog)
Death Wolf (Puss n Boots)
Lucio (Overwatch)
Asmodeus (Helluva Boss)
Mammon (Helluva Boss)
Deathslinger Striker (AU) (HB/DBD)
Ramattra (Overwatch)
Angela “Mercy” (Overwatch)
Yuji Itadori (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Ryomen Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Yukiharu Touji (Oc) (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Sebastian Solace (Pressure Roblox)
P.AInter (Pressure Roblox)
Monty (FNAF Security Breach)
Scp 049/Plague Doctor (SCP: Containment Breach)
Scp 079 (Computer man) (SCP: Containment Breach)
Vlad Tepes Drácula (Castlevania)
Edward Richtofen (Call of Duty)
Frank Woods (Call of Duty)
Viktor Reznov (Call of Duty)
Jonathan Tyler (oc) (COD verse)
Wesker (Resident Evil)
Ada (Resident Evil)
Merchant (RE4)
Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)
Karl Heisenberg (Resident Evil 8)
Elijah Daniel (oc) (Resident Evil Verse)
Cyberrolli (OC) (Helluva Boss/DBD)
Hacker (OC) (Helluva Boss/DBD)
Eriks Noxious (Oc)
Judas Rajani (Oc)
Hikaru Honajima (Oc)
Elena Von Covsa (Oc)
Sebastian “Joker” Banner (Oc)
Calvin (Oc)
Thomas J. Noxious (Oc)
T. “James” Noxious the 2nd (son) (Oc)
Cutter Blades (Oc)
Nephrias (oc)
Dominic Kingsly (Oc)
More coming soon!
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post event starter call! i'll make a plotting call for my unaware muses too but first starters! imma limit to 3 per mun- and 3 per muse! just becos 3 is the easiest for me to keep up with- and I think imma drop all threads except a few i'd like to transition to post event !!
elena gilbert, aware, 33, she/her. 0/3
homura akemi, aware, 22, she/her. 0/3
jinx, unaware, 20, she/her, 0/3
tifa lockhart, aware, 24, she/her. 0/3
nami, unaware, 25, she/her, 0/3
natalie highgrove, aware, 23, she/her. 0/3
amber freeman, aware, 19, she/her, 0/3.
molly, aware, appears 30, she/her, 0/3.
elaine st john, aware, appears 23, she/her. 0/3
vaggie, aware, appears 23, she/her, 0/3.
octavia, aware, 18, she/they. 0/3
azula, unaware, twenty two, she/her. 0/3
draculaura, aware, twenty, she/her. 0/3
moxxie, unaware, he/they, twenty eight. 0/3
michonne hawthorne, aware, she/her, forty five, 0/3
martha hatter, aware, she/her twenty two, 0/3
dahlia dogan, unaware, she/her, nineteen, 0/3
calcifer, aware, he/they, too many years old, 0/3!
scout derek lincoln shepherd, aware, he/him, twenty three, 0/3
lucifer morningstar, aware, he/him, unknown years old, 0/3
kate fuller, aware, she/her, twenty three, 0/3.
lucy maclean, aware, she/her, twenty four, 0/3
sanna marchon, aware, she/her, twenty seven. 0/3
hilda teufel, aware, she/her, eight hundred/ twenty nine, 0/3
teucer, unaware, he/him, twenty two, 0/3
shen xingxing, aware, she/her, nineteen, 0/3
mabel pines, aware, she/they, twenty four. 0/3
junko enoshima, unaware, she/her , twenty, 0/3.
nobara kugisaki, unaware, she/her, twenty one. 0/3
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Inspired by @angel-tsugikuni-kamukura
Books finished in 2024:
My Dark Romeo, by Parker S. Huntington and L.J. Shen
Wildfire (Sequel to Icebreaker), by Hannah Grace
The Ritual, by Shantel Tessier
It's Trevor Noah: Born A Crime, by Trevor Noah
The Love Hypothesis, by Ali Hazelwood
Twisted Love, by Ana Huang
The Spanish Love Deception, by Elena Armas
Twisted Games, by Ana Huang
Twisted Hate, by Ana Huang
Twisted Lies, by Ana Huang
Spookily Yours, by Jennifer Chipman
Love on the Brain, by Ali Hazelwood
Daydream, by Hannah Grace
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ann. she/her. eighteen years old. enfp. cancer. hufflepuff. old soul. a writer. socially awkward but i speak a lot when I'm meeting new people. i tend to get excited easily, especially when it comes to my comfort tv show/anime/movie/games/book. as you might have noticed from the former statement, I'm multifandom!!! I'm just gonna have fun in this app! and please be kind to yourself. this is your first time living a life, it's fine if you make a mistake. personal account
p/s : if you're my mutual, feel free to ask for my discord.
on this account, I'm gonna focus on an interactive game called
Romance Club ! here's everything you need to know about me when it comes to this game.
.・。.・゜✭・. ✫・゜・。.
Top 10 Prettiest Mc in RC (imo)
A Widely Known Man That I'm Feral About
The Day I Went Insane About a MILF
Women in RC That Makes Me Giggle and Tuck My Hair Behind My Ear
(the rest will be updated through time)
Below is the information about my playthrough in RC stories.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Legend of the Willow ]
Story status : Completed. Now replaying. Empress ending.
Mc's name : Mei.
Path : Coldness and The Pearl Fox.
Love Interest : Kazu Naito. ♡♡♡
(favourite story on rc & first story)
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Theodora ]
Story status : Completed. Mortal ending. Might replay for Lawrence or John route. Don't know if i can resist Friedrich 🥲.
Mc's name : Season 1 - Theodora Avery.
: Season 2 - Elena Flores.
: Season 3 - Audrey Flemming.
(didn't need to change the default names because it's already perfect)
Path : Cynic.
Love Interest : Season 1 - Friedrich Blumhagen
: Season 2 - Friedrich Blumhagen
: Season 3 - Friedrich Blumhagen
(lmao, I am so okay about him 🤥)
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Song of the Crimson Nile ]
Story status : Waiting for an update. S2 Ep5.
Mc's name : Evthys [ love her full name ]
Path : Honesty and Necromancer.
Love Interest : Main account - Amen.
: Second account - Livius.
(back then, i unknowingly played on both of their romantic routes and i instantly regretted it when i saw livius was hurt at S2 Ep1)
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Soulless ]
Story status : Waiting for an update. S1 Ep5.
Mc's name : Lilinaya.
Path : Lust [ she's so hot in this path 😔 ]
Love Interest : Walter.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Arcanum ]
Story Status : Completed. Good ending.
Mc's name : Selena.
Path : Emperor and High Redemption.
Love Interest : Season 1 - Liam and Bert.
: Season 2 : Bert.
: Season 3 : Bert.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Shadows of Saintfour ]
Story status : On going. S1 Ep5
Mc's name : Madonna O'Neill [ so proud of myself for choosing her name ]
Path : Caution
Love Interest : planning to romance Stephanie.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Heaven's Secret 1 & 2 ]
Story status : HS1 - Completed. Not so good ending because only Lucifer survived T_T.
: HS2 - Completed. I don't know how to feel with the ending. But I don't think that's the real ending.. right?
Mc's name : Annabeth Walker.
Path : HS1 - Angel. High glory.
: HS2 - Composure. High strength.
Love Interest : HS1 - Lucifer.
: HS2 - Lucifer. [ Tempted by Hunger and Malbonte but decided to play on his route after I finished with Lucifer ]
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Time Catcher ]
Story status : Waiting for an update. S1 Ep10.
Mc's name : Nova.
Path : Moon Heiress and High Status.
Love Interest : Main account - Lucien.
: Second account - Shen.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Rage of the Titans ]
Story status : Ongoing. S1 Ep5.
Mc's name : Vivienne Campbell.
Path : Divinity.
Love Interest : Undecided between Adrian and Murphy.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Vying for Versailles ]
Story status : Ongoing. S1 Ep3.
Mc's name : Henrietta de Noailles.
Path : Calculation.
Love Interest : Queen Maria Theresa.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ The Desert Rose ]
Story status : Ongoing. S1 Ep7.
Mc's name : Sarin.
Path : Rebellion and The Desert Flower
Love Interest : Undecided between Jack and Adil.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Love, Sin & Evil ]
Story status : Waiting for an update. S1 Ep8.
Mc's name : Tuesday.
Path : Logic and Light.
Love Interest : Sue.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Garden of Eden ]
Story status : Waiting for an update. S1 Ep10.
Mc's name : Ann [ not me using my own name ]
Path : Principles and High Reputation.
Love Interest : Main account - Jin Doo-yeong.
: Second account - Seong-hwa.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Kali: Call of Darkness ]
Story status : Completed. Good ending.
Mc's name : Amala Basu.
Path : Independence and Kindness of Goddess.
Love Interest : Main account - Amrit Doobay.
: Second account - Ratan Vaish.
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Kali: Flame of Samsara ]
Story status : Waiting for an update. S1 Ep9
Mc's name : Deviya Sharma.
Path : Pride and Legacy.
Love Interest : Ram Doobay [ atp, i think I'm a whore for Doobays ]
╰┈➤ ❝ [ Chasing you 1 & 2 ]
Story status : Chasing you 1 - Ongoing. S1 Ep5
: Chasing you 2 - Waiting for an update. S1 Ep10.
Mc's name : Kira Harrington.
Path : Logic and High Authority.
Love Interest : Chasing you 1 - Alexander Nielsen.
: Chasing you 2 - Samuel Makoto.
the rest will be updated (I'm too lazy to continue the rest T_T). anyway, HAPPY GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER (it's not a thing, i just made it)
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Name Duplicates
Figured I should make a proper post with all the name duplicates. I’ll update periodically as we get new casts. Just counting queens right now, but I’ll probably add LiW eventually.
6 Lauren/Loren/Lorren (Drew, Irving, Santo-Quinn, Byrne, Hunter, Mariasoosay)
5 Ellie (Sharpe, Wyman, Jane Grant, Elysia Cruz, Eloise Lord) Gabriella/Gabriela/Gabbi/Gabi/Gaby (Albo, Stylianou-Burns, Francesca Carrillo, Mack, Boumford) Hana/Hannah (Stewart, Taylor, Lowther, Lawton, Victoria) Jasmine/Jaz (Shen, Forsberg, Hackett, Smith, Robinson) Meg/Megan/Meghan (Gilbert, Leung, Dawson, Dixon Brasil, Corbett)
4 Courtney (Stapleton, Mack, Bowman, Monsma) Erin/Aryn (Ramirez, Bohannon, Caldwell, Summerhayes) Taylor (Iman Jones, Pearlstein, Sage Evans, Marie Daniel, plus Kelly Denice and Hannah if you count surnames)
3 Abigail/Abbi/Abby (Sparrow, Hodgson, Mueller) Adrianna/Adriana (Hicks, Scalice, Glover) Amelia (Millie O’Connell, Atherton, Kinu Muus) Amy/Ami/Aimie (Atkinson, Bridges, di Bartolomeo) Danielle (Steers, Rose, Mendoza) Jessica/Jessie/Jess (Niles, Bodner, Davidson) Julia/Giulia (Pulo, McLellan, Marolda) Laura (Blair, Dawn Pyatt, May Baxter) Maddie/Maddi/Mads (Bulleyment, Firth, Fansler) Maiya/Maya/Amaya (Christian, Quansah-Breed, White) Nicole (Kyoung-Mi Lambert, Lamb, Louise Lewis) Sophie (Golden, Isaacs, -Rose Middleton) 2 Amanda: 2 (Lindgren, Lee) Ashleigh/Ashlee: 2 (Weir, Waldbauer) Caitlin/Caitlyn: 2 (Tipping, De Kuyper) Casey: 2 (Esbin, Al-Shaqsy) Cassy/Cassie: 2 (Lee, Silva) Chelsea: 2 (Wargo, Dawson) Chloe: 2 (Zuel, Hart) Christina/Cristina: 2 (Modestou, D’Agostino) Deirdre (Dunkin, Khoo) Elena: 2 (Gyasi, Breschi) Eloise: 2 (Sharpe, Lord) Emily: 2 (Harrigan, Rose Lyons) Georgia/Giorgia (Carr, Kennedy) Gianna (Grosso, Yanelli) Grace: 2 (Melville, Mouat) Harriet: 2 (Watson, Caplan-Dean) Holly/Holli’: 2 (Musgrave, Conway) Janice/Janique: 2 (Rijssel, Charles) Jennifer: 2 (Caldwell, Kim Ji-woo) Kelly: 2 (Sweeney, Denice Taylor) Kelsee/Kelsie (Kimmel, Watts) Kennedy/Kenedy: 2 (Monica Carstens, Small) Kristina: 2 (Walz, Leopold) Lexi/Lexie: 2 (McIntosh, Kim Ji sun) Lucy/Lucia: 2 (Aiston, Valentino) Maddison: 2 (Bulleyment, Firth) Millie/Milly: 2 (O’Connell, Willows) Natalie: 2 (May Paris, Pilkington) Olivia: 2 (Alexander, Donalson) Rachel/Rae: 2 (Rawlinson, Davenport) Sydney/Cydney: 2 (Parra, Clark)
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book log - 2024
diva by daisy goodwin
the heiress by rachel hawkins
only if you’re lucky by stacy willingham
the chateau by jaclyn goldis
just stay away by tony wirt
the other mothers by katherine faulker
middle of the night by riley sager
the disappearance of astrid bricard by natasha lester
every time i go in vacation, someone dies by catherine mack
the last caretaker by jessica strawser
just for the summer by abby jimenez
house of glass by sarah pekkanen
the mayor of maxwell street by avery cunningham
first lie wins by ashley elston
the phoenix crown by kate quinn
murder road by simone st. james
the fury by alex michaelides
happiness falls by angie kim
the house of last resort by christopher golden
run rose run by dolly parton
the chalice of the gods by rick riordan
there should have been right by nalini singh
the mysterious case of the alperton angels by janice hallet
darling girls by sally hepworth
the pieces around us by leigh fields
love, theoretically by ali hazelwood
the teacher by frieda mcfadden
x by jack croxell
iron flame by rebecca yarros
the only suspect by louise candlish
throwback by maurene goo
the housemaid is watching by frieda mcfadden
zara hossain is here by sabina khan
slice by angie caedis
the ways of the dead by neely tucker
orphan train by christina baker
a court of silver flames by sarah j. mass
come and get it by kiley reid
the drowning woman by robyn harding
when i bleed: poems about endometriosis by maggie bowyer
the house in the pines by ana reyes
only say good things by crystal hefner
the mother-in-law by sally hepworth
daughter of mine by megan miranda
lore olympus: volume four by rachel smythe
this time it’s real by ann liang
anna o by matthew blake
the girl with the louding voice by abi dare
where the forest meets the stars by glendy vanderah
a friend in the dark by samantha m. bailey
the wife app by carolyn mackler
howl’s moving castle by diana wynne jones
the spanish love deception by elena armas
divide by jessa russo
lies and weddings by kevin kwan
the foxhole victory tour by amy lynn green
dying to tell by keri beevis
my father, the panda killer by jamie jo hoang
the wedding party by l.r. jones
girl gone mad by avery bishop
starter wife by bethany lopez
the queens of new york by e.l. shen
theater lovers by ciara blume
once upon a broken heart by stephanie garber
the surrogate mother by frieda mcfadden
crying in h mart by michelle zauner
don’t forget to write by sara goldman confino
the next girl by carla kovach
the paradise problem by christina lauren
ivy league liars by grace costello
every summer after by carley fortune
the ballad of never after by stephanie garber
a curse of true love by stephanie garber
the devil’s storybooks by natalie babbit
expiration dates by rebecca serle
the murmur of bees by sofia segovia
growing up hadley by dana harp
the vacation by john marrs
rum punch regrets by anna kemp
the five-star weekend by elin hilderbrand
people to follow by olivia worley
the treasure hunters club by tom ryan
you shouldn’t be here by lauren thoman
trophy wife by bethany lopez
seven summers by paige toon
veridian sterling fakes it by jennifer gooch
the friendship club by robyn carr
women of good fortune by sophie wan
the smuggler’s apprentice of guatemala by lachlan page
this summer will be different by carley fortune
natural selection by elin hilderbrand
the passengers by john marrs
asap by axie oh
island of shadows by christopher kvintus
swan song by elin hilderbrand
lore olympus: volume five by rachel smythe
blue hawaiian by carla luna
the villain edit by laurie devore
hermione granger and the order of the phoenix by sara baines-miller
the hotel nantucket by elin hilderbrand
bummer camp by ann garvin
pink glass houses by asha elias
cut and thirst by margaret atwood
the exception to the rule by christina lauren
#crimetime by jeneva rose
incidents around the house by josh malerman
the mistress by valerie keogh
kiki’s delivery service by eiko kadono
when we were friends by jane green
the honey-don’t list by christina lauren
worst wingman ever by abby jimenez
the perfect couple by elin hilderbrand
home is where the bodies are by jeneva rose
the only good indians by stephen graham jones
roar by cecelia ahern
the wedding people by alison espach
look in the mirror by catherine steadman
fit to die by daniel kalla
uglies by scott westerfield
hideaway by nicole lundrigan
the fortune teller by natasha boydell
crazy rich asians by kevin kwan
the wish by nicholas sparks
how the penguins saved veronica by hazel prior
the plus one by s. c. lalli
the haters by robyn harding
china rich girlfriend by kevin kwan
rich people problems by kevin kwan
the haunting of moscow house by olesya salnikova gilmore
the lonely hearts book club by lucy gilmore
the measure by nikki erlick
somewhere beyond the sea by tj klume
adam and evie’s matchmaking tour by nora nguyen
i was a teenage slasher by stephen graham jones
here one moment by liane moriarity
badass bonita by kim guerra
zetas till we die by amber and danielle brown
shred sisters by betsy learner
one of the girls by lucy clarke
society of lies by lauren ling brown
the radius of us by marie marquardt
fantasticland by mike bockoven
sheets by brenna thummler
the boyfriend by frieda mcfadden
delicates by brenna thummler
no one will know by rose carlyle
lights by brenna thummler
counting miracles by nicholas sparks
the night we lost him by laura dave
ghost stories by ron ripley
the hitchcock hotel by stephanie wrobel
for better or cursed by kate williams
the last one at the wedding by jason rekulak
creation lake by rachel kushner
like mother, like daughter by kimberly mccreight
libby lost and found by stephanie booth
the nosy neighbour by nita prose
needy little things by channelle desamours
the reappearance of rachel price by holly jackson
not another love song by julie soto
we used to live here by marcus kliewer
the stillwater girls by minka kent
yours for the taking by gabrielle korn
52 weeks and a party of one by bianca pensy aba
youthjuice by e.k. sathue
the manicurist’s daughter by susan lieu
the invisible life of addie larue by victoria e. schwab
the housekeeper’s wedding by frieda mcfadden
what does it feel like? by sophie kinsella
the anti-heroes by jen lancaster
the christmas book hunt by jenny colgan
christmas every day by beth moran
cruel winter with you by ali hazelwood
winter in paradise by elin hilderbrand
holiday hideaway by mary kay andrews
merry ever after by tessa bailey
what happens in paradise by elin hilderbrand
the widow's husband's secret lie by frieda mcfadden
trouble in paradise by elin hilderbrand
wrath of the triple goddess by rick riordan
deep dish by mary kay andrews
buried road by katie tallo
25 days by per jacobsen
please tell me by mike omer
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Tigr Icons
Sophia Schiano (DancePlex -> ??)
Balbina Cueva (Ale Mancilla Dance Studio)
Madden Zook (Artflux)
Quincy Hadlock (Artistic Dance Project)
Andrez Jimenez (Artistic Edge Dance)
Alexis Austin (Brava Dance Center)
Caroline Medley (BPMDC)
Brooklyn Medley (BPMDC)
Savy Luechtefeld (Caroline Collective)
Cydney Abbott (CDC)
Grayson Niemcyzk (CDC)
Zac Gibson (Can Dance)
Caleb Livingston (Center Stage Dance Studio)
Amaya Weeks (Club)
Elsie Sandall (Club)
Ashton Wullbrandt (Club)
Lauryn Aniyah (Collective Phoenix)
Karson Koller (Collective Phoenix)
Morgan Wendt (Complexity Dance)
Kate Baker (CSPAS)
Violet Schwarz (CSPAS)
Brooklyn Ward (CSPAS)
Kylie Lawrence (CSPAS)
Stella Hafen (CSPAS)
Richie Ford (Coastal Dance Works)
Jakey McCullough (DH Dance Company)
Alana Gordon (Dance Connection)
Paige Kim (Dance Enthusiasm)
Aracely Lee (Dance Deluxe)
Gage Davis (Dance Deluxe)
Antonia Zanin (Dance Edge)
Haven Greene (DC Dance Factory)
Hannah Fogel (Dance Institute)
Zachary Roy (Dance Town)
Rylie Bordon (Dance Unlimited)
Addilynn Sullivan (Dance Unlimited Boise)
Cameron Janson (DDPC)
Kennedie Caldwell (Denise Wall)
Talia Mempin (Elements Elite)
Jack Schofield (Elite Academy for Dance)
Mya Lanigan (Evolve Dance Complex)
Gavin Morales (Evolve Dance Company)
Coltrane Vodicka (Evoke Dance Movement)
Addi Perrotto (Expressenz)
Brynn Jones (Expressenz)
Kate Jarboe (Expressenz)
Bella Aren (Focal Point)
Regina Espejo (Gaby Pinzon Dance)
Madelyn Duncan (GCDA Dance)
Sophie Flowers (HDC Studio)
Emory Pettit (Impact Elite)
Levi Caicco (In Motion Dance)
Blais Lingle (JD Charleston)
Phoebe McNamara (Just Elite Dance)
Taya Osso (Katies Dance Connection)
Finley Aldridge (Kim Massey)
Pierson Aldridge (Kim Massey)
Bella Charnstrom (Larkin)
Cameron Kennedy (LD Dancer)
Cha Cha Shen (Mather)
Helena Olaerts (Mather)
Cova Card (MVMT)
Canaan Blasit (MVMT)
Erika Del Mazo (New Era ADF)
Emma Bassel (New Level)
Desa Jankes (New Level)
Katie Dong (Nor Cal)
Mika Takase (Nor Cal)
Channing Embry (NSDPAC)
Matthew Conway (NSDPAC)
AvaLeigh Mackaron (NSDPAC)
Madeleine Shen (Northpointe)
Sophia SantaMaria (OCPAA)
Khloe Kwon (Pave)
Addyson Paul (Pave)
Camila Cuevas (PEDC)
Izzy Pascuale (Performance Edge 2)
Lincoln Russo (Poiroir Productions)
Stella Eberts (Project 21)
Richie Granese (Project 21)
Olivia Toneguzzo (Pulse Dance Centre)
Kaylin Gabosh (Revolution Dance)
Elena Markonidis (Rhythm Dance Co)
Ansley Matchack (Sceniccity Dance)
Dylan Custodio (Stars)
Hugo Silva (Stars)
Anita Rodriguez (Stars)
Camila Giraldo (Stars)
Skyla Lucena (Stars)
Santiago Sosa (Stars)
Alonzo Dock (Stars Elite Training)
Vera Souvannavong (Studio4Talent)
Samantha Sweetman (Studio4Talent)
Kloie Goodman (Synergy Academy)
Josh Lundy (Studio 413)
Peyton Nowacki (Studio 702)
Norah Johnson (Studio7TalentCenter)
Annabella Grace (Studio L Hoboken)
Avery Nicole (TDA Prep)
Katherine Khait (Techniques Dance)
Lakota Loya (The Right Combination Dance)
Rissa Laugana (The Rock)
Addison Price (The Rock)
Tiara Sherman (The Rock)
Caitlyn Paik (TTP Dance Pilates)
Kelsey Suka (Utah Dance Institute)
Kennedy Anderson (Vision Dance Alliance)
Rudie Bolton(Weissman)
Reagan Hess (WFDC)
Kaylin Marie (Your Haven)
Blake Metcalf (Xtreme)
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Enemies to Lovers trope books
The spanish love deception by Elena Armas
Twisted hate by Ana Huang
The fine print by Lauren Asher
The final offer by Lauren Asher
The Hating game by Sally Throne
A million kisses in your lifetime by Monica Murphy
The cruel Prince by Holly black
From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout
The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren
The kiss thief by L. J. Shen
The Casanova T L Swan
Love Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood
Book lovers by Emily Henry
The wall of winnipeg and me by Mariana Zapata
Better than the movies by Lynn Painter
Follow inkandpapershreads for more content.
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Six actors who's names share a common root
Hannah (12) Jana Larell Glover, Anna Uzele, Hana Stewart, Annamaria Baranyai, Anita Gado, Hannah Lowther, Annabel Marlow, Anna Peller, Gerianne Perez, Analise Rios, Hannah Taylor, Anna Terpiłowska
Elizabeth (9) Ellie Jane Grant, Izi Maxwell, Ella Burns, Bella Coppola, Izabela Pawletko, Analise Rios, Leesa Tulley, Elizabeth Walker, Ellie Wyman
Laurence (8) Laura Dawn Pyatt, Lauren Byrne, Lauren Irving, Lauren Mariasoosay, Laura Blair, Lauren Drew, Loren Hunter, Lori McLare
Margaret (7) Małgorzata Chrusciel, Meghan Corbett, Meghan Dawson, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Megan Gilbert, Maggie Lacasse, Megan Leung
Christos (7) Kirsty "Zara" MacIntosh, Keirsten Nicole Hodgens, Cristina D'Agostino, Kristina Leopold, Christina Modestou, Kristina Walz, Krisztina Magyar
Helen (6) Ellie Jane Grant, Elena Breschi, Ella Burns, Elena Gyasi, Aline Mayagoitia, Ellie Wyman
John (6) Jana Larell Glover, Gianna Grosso, Jaina Brock-Patel, Janique Charles, Janice Rijssel, Lori-Jane McLare
Nicholas (6) Nicole Louise Lewis, Nikki Bentley, Nikolett Gallusz, Collette Guitart, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert, Nicole Lamb
Alexander (5) Alexia McIntosh, Sasha Renae Brown, Alexandra "Zan" Berube, Aleksandra Gotowicka, Ji-sun "Lexie" Kim
Gabriella (5) Gabbi Mack, Gabrielle Davina Smith, Gabriela Francesca Carillo, Gabriella Stylianou-Burns, Gabriella Boumford
Jasmine (5) Jasmine Shen, Jasmine Smith, Jasmine Forsberg, Jasmine Hackett, Jaz Robinson
Julius (5) Juli Horanyi, Giulia Marolda, Julia McLellan, Julia Pulo, Jillian Worthing
Adal (4) Alicia Corrales-Connor, Alyssa Giannetti, Alize Ke'Aloha Cruz, Aline Mayagoitia
Amy (4) Amy Bridges, Aimie Atkinson, Amy Di Bartolomeo, Kara-Ami McCreanor
Courtney (4) Courtney Monsma, Courtney Stapleton, Courtney Bowman, Courtney Mack
Emil (4) Amelia Walker, Emily Rose Lyons, Emily Harrigan, Emilia "Millie" O'Connell
Katherine (4) Caitlyn De Kuyper, Kathryn Kilger, Caitlin Tipping, Kate Zulauf
Kayla (4) Kala Gare, Khaila Wilcoxon, Kaylah Attard, Kayla McSorley
Monica (4) Monika Nika Veres, Monique Ashe-Palmer, Janique Charles, Mónika Horváth
Sophia (4) Sophie Golden, Sophie-Rose Middleton, Fia Houston-Hamilton, Sophie Isaacs
Abigail (3) Abigail Sparrow, Abbi Hodgson, Abby Mueller
Aenor (3) Ellie Jane Grant, Ella Burns, Ellie Wyman
Danielle (3) Danielle Steers, Danielle Mendoza, Danielle Rose
Eireann (3) Aryn Bohannon, Erin Palmer Ramirez, Erin Caldwell
Hayley (3) Haley Izurieta, Hailee Kaleem Wright, Hailey Lewis
Laura (3) Laura Dawn Pyatt, Laura Blair, Lori McLare
Lucius (3) Lucy Aiston, Lucia Valentino, Lucinda Wilson
Natalie (3) Natalie Pilkington, Natalie Paris, Natalia Kujawa
Oliver (3) Olivia "Liv" Alexander, Olivia Donalson, Oliver Wickham
Rhiannon (3) Rhiannon Bacchus, Rhiannon Doyle, Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky
Sarah (3) Kala Gare, Sadie Hurst, Sarah McFarlane
Theodore (3) Terica Marie, Didi Romero, Dóra Csonka
Agnes (2) Inez Budd, Agnieszka Rose
Aisha (2) Aiesha Naomi Pease, Aisha Kardffy
Alan (2) Lana Zoe Jensen, Alana M. Robinson
Amanda (2) Amanda Lee, Amanda Lindgren
Ashley (2) Ashlee Waldbauer, Ashleigh Weir
Brian (2) Brianna Brito Mooney, Brianna Javis
Cassandra (2) Cassandra Lee, Cassie Silva
Cathassach (2) Casey Esbin, Casey Al-Shaqsy
Ceallach (2) Kelly Sweeney, Kelly Denice Taylor
Cennetig (2) Kennedy Carstens, Kenedy Small
Charles (2) Carly Mercedes Dyer, Caroline Siegrist
Chelsea (2) Chelsea Lorraine Wargo, Chelsea Dawson
Chloe (2) Chloe Zuel, Chloe Hart
Eloise (2) Eloise "Ellie" Sharpe, Eloise Lord
Eric (2) Terica Marie, Erika Herceg
Grace (2) Grace Mouat, Grace Melville
Hadrian (2) Adrianna Glover, Adrianna Hicks
Henry (2) Harriet Watson, Harriet Caplan-Dean
Holly (2) Holli' Conway, Holly Musgrave
Jennifer (2) Jennifer Caldwell, Ji-woo "Jennifer" Kim
Jessica (2) Jessica Niles, Jessica "Jessie" Bodner
Ludwig (2) Lou Henry, Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky
Maia (2) Maiya Quansah-Breed, Maya Christian
Martha (2) Marta Burdynowicz, Marta Skrzypczynska
Mary (2) Annamaria Baranyai, Marilyn Caserta
Matilda (2) Maddison Bulleyment, Maddison Firth
Melissa (2) Melinda Porto, Melissa J. Ford
Rachel (2) Rachel Rawlinson, Rachel "Rae" Davenport
Renatus (2) Renee Lamb, Brene "Bre" Jackson
Shannon (2) Shannen Alyce Quan, Su-jeong "Shannon" Pae
Sidney (2) Cydney Clark, Sydney Parra
Taylor (2) Taylor Iman Jones, Taylor Pearlstein
Victor (2) Victoria "Vicki" Manser, Viki Singh
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