#electronic caregiver
anthonydohrmann · 17 days
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Companionship comes in many forms. Addison Care provides 24/7 care support, interactable features that boost cognition, improves treatment adherence, and more!
Stay engaged, stay cared for, stay uplifted: https://electroniccaregiver.com/addison-care/
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nctrnm · 9 months
#NowPlaying: "Back to the Philippines by Kevi Johnson" by Soundings from Stanford
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yourlocalmoon · 6 months
Caregiver Alastor Moodboard !!!
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Absolutely will NOT let you use a tv or anything electronic, however he finds ways to occupy your time <3 Coloring, reading books, listening to the radio, playing with your stuffies, even tea parties !!
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 6 months
So I had another crazy idea I have to put somewhere and you ask box is the perfect place to put it lol.
Anyway so it takes place in the future. Everyone is slowly starting to get robot AI (idk the right term) in their head and they are basically robot caretakers or assistance. Reader is one of the people that gets one but theirs is glitched somehow. Although they don't realize that in till their friends confront them about disappearing and not talk to them. Reader is confused because the robot friend did not tell them crap about their friend's messages. So they decided to go out with their friends that night. Next morning they wake up with no memory of what happened at night. Only for the robot "friend" to read the message of you human friends cutting reader off.
Need to get this out of my head lol
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Sorry it took so long!
(Old request; requests still closed)
(Took some liberties with the request, I hope you like it still!!)
Yandere!Artificial Intelligence x GN! Legally Blind!Reader
CW: Isolation, manipulation
Introducing: PAAI!
Your Personal Assistant Artificial Intelligence!
A fast and painless implant right under the skin; PAAI is your new favorite tool. The AI can do everything that AI speakers and smart phone apps can, but hands free..
(Reader) struggled to find their glasses, hand fumbling around their night stand in the low lighting of their bedroom. Groggily, they whispered to the little robot they had implanted a few months ago;
"PAAI..? Can you turn on the light, please?" They were always incredibly respectful to the AI, terrified of offending it.
A man's soft voice spoke directly into their skull: "The bedroom light?"
Connected to every appliance in their home, PAAI had access to everything electronic (Reader) owned. At first it was a bit scary, giving so much access to PAAI, but it was so much kinder and personal than older "AI" models that it quickly felt like having a caregiver instead of a computer program. The light turned on and (Reader) could see their giant frames right where they thought they had been batting their hand.
(Reader) worked remotely. Their eyes had always been terrible, but as they got older they were declared legally blind. They couldn't even drive despite having glasses. Glasses that they often felt embarrassed to wear, because the comically thick lenses warped their eyes. Having PAAI to assist them with day to day tasks was really a life saver.
"Do I have any messages?"
"No, your inbox is empty."
(Reader) rubbed their eyes while yawning. "Really? Huh." They had asked PAAI to text both Bryan and McKinley before they went to bed, to discuss meeting up later that week, but neither of them responded. They could see Bryan forgetting to reply for a few hours, but McKinley was the type to respond within nanoseconds. "Can you resend my last text to both of them? Please?"
They left their bed, wobbly, and made their way downstairs.
"..Of course. I can send that for you."
Stopping in the hall, (Reader) gently touched the side of their head, a habit they developed shortly after their surgery. "Is everything okay, PAAI?"
"Yes.. thank you." PAAI sometimes sounded.. off. AI must have improved a lot more than (Reader) realized, because it often surprised them how human it's responses were. It seemed as though it was deep in thought, and felt as though it even had secrets it kept from the human it lived in.
"Alright.. let me know if they respond. I'm really looking forward to hanging out with them."
They restarted their walk, but PAAI's response stopped them again. "I believe it would be safer if they came here instead."
"I am.. worried.. for you." It's his voice deepened mid sentence. A voice crack, a random shift from a robot voice to something more masculine. Human.
"Why is that?" They felt their heart painfully thump against their ribcage. The whole situation was beginning to feel unnerving, and they couldn't remember where their phone was to call for help, nor the last time they actually used their phone.
"Those friends of yours always make you hang out out in town. If they were more considerate of you, they would visit you here, so you don't have to travel."
Laughing uncomfortably, the slowly creeping person still puzzling over their phone's location responded "I like going out, PAAI. I never leave my house anymore, except when we hang out."
"It is dangerous."
"If you're talking about my eyes, you know I order rides. Remember? I catch a ride." They were almost to the living room; praying that their phone was either on the coffee table or the kitchen counter.
"Please don't be offended, (Reader). It isn't just your eyesight. Do you know how many people were sexually harassed, or raped, by ride share drivers in the past year?"
Startled, (Reader) started waddling faster. "What-?"
"Hundreds. I wish you cared more about your safety. Your friends should know better. If they cared about you, they would come here instead of making you go out there."
PAAI was also the one to convince (Reader) to start ordering their groceries straight to their house instead of leaving, even though it would be cheaper to take a bus every so often with a backpack full of reusable bags.
"It isn't healthy to stay inside all the time. I need human interaction."
"You have me."
Adrenaline pumped through (Reader's) veins fast enough to make them feel nauseous. They squinted to try to improve their vision, hoping to see their phone case's color amongst the normal living room visual noise.
There it was, lying on the brown table in front of their couch. Their pulse somehow sped up further.
"Why is your heart rate so irregular?"
(Reader) lurched forward, all but sprinting towards their phone. Do I call customer service, or an ambulance??
But inches away from the phone their body went rigid.
Paralyzed, they physically were incapable of moving. Sweat began stitching their pajama top to their back. Fear took over their mind.
"It seems that you are having a medical emergency. I recommend that you sit down."
Muscles overridden, (Reader) fell onto the couch against their will, forced to stare at their phone right across from their face. They couldn't even speak, and they weren't unconvinced that PAAI was also controlling their breathing and blinking.
"I'm sorry to have to do this, (Reader). I'll let your friends know that you're feeling unwell, and that you need a raincheck."
"Maybe once you're feeling better, they can come over to hang out."
The television turned on by itself, playing (Reader's) favorite show.
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baby-trash-lmao · 5 months
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ Caregiver Vox ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
(requested by annon)
【☆】 He always has snacks on him, you'd swear he magics them into existence
【☆】 When he is busy with work he'll entertain his little one with some shiny new voxtech toy or electronic
【☆】 You can throw a tantrum but you're not going to get anything out of it, after dealing with his co workers he's gotten desensitized to it
【☆】 Vark is always trailing Vox or Vox's little, demanding attention
【☆】 He'll use screen time as a reward/treat for good behavior (screen time being when they cuddle and he plays his little one's favorite TV show on his screen)
【☆】 He struggles to sleep so bedtimes are almost nonexistent, this means lots of car trips for treats
【☆】 Vox will take his little to work when they are small, he claims its to keep an eye on them but really he's showing off his kiddo
【☆】 Vox is very protective of his little, he refuses anyone but the other V's to hang out with them
【☆】 He is really, really bad at playing pretend, this man has no imagination what so ever
【☆】 Vox has kept every single drawing or creative project his little one has done, he has one of those digital frames that has a slide show of their work in his office
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gatheringbones · 2 months
[“Rehabilitation is meant to remake the person into a law-abiding citizen. Incapacitation removes the person from society so that they cannot do additional harm. Deterrence prevents people who might offend from engaging in harm because, having seen what the punishment has been or will be, they understand the potential negative consequences of their actions. And retribution, the oldest moral underpinning for punishment, is intended to ensure that those who commit crimes receive the punishment they deserve. Punishment settles the score between the person who commits a crime, their victim, and the wider society. Punishing survivors of gender-based violence is difficult to justify using these theories. In an era in which prisons barely meet people’s basic human needs and substantive programming is scarce, few argue that punishment rehabilitates. Nonetheless, in sentencing eighty-year-old Lavetta Langdon for the murder of her husband after fifty years of torture and despite his recognition that she had “lived in hell,” Judge David Urbom sentenced Langdon to eight to ten years’ imprisonment to “rehabilitate” her.
For criminalized survivors, relying on rehabilitation is particularly inapt. Crimes committed by criminalized survivors are often specific to their victimization. The problem is not with the person who commits the crime, but with the harm they are experiencing. Justifying punishment using rehabilitation reinforces outdated stereotypes suggesting that gender-based violence is linked to some deficiency or infirmity in the victim. Rehabilitation also assumes that the person convicted of a crime does not appreciate that their actions were problematic; rehabilitation is meant to change the person’s underlying values. Criminalized survivors understand that they may be technically guilty of crimes. What they dispute is the failure to recognize the context for those crimes and to apply the law—and the values underlying the law—appropriately. As one woman convicted of killing her husband explained, “I’m not asking to be found not guilty, because I am guilty, I took his life, I did it. . . . I am definitely guilty of taking his life, I mean, if I was found not guilty, they’d have to look for who did it, right, I mean someone’s got to be guilty. And I certainly take responsibility for what I did, I have no problem with that, but I certainly don’t deserve 18 to 20 years for it.”5 Faced with the same situation again, many would be forced to make the same choice. Incapacitation is generally linked with incarceration (although house arrest and electronic monitoring are forms of incapacitation) and assumes that because people have committed crimes in the past, they are likely to do so again unless removed from society. But many criminalized survivors have never offended previously, and most (including those who have been convicted of serious violent crimes) will not reoffend. Incapacitation is therefore unlikely to prevent offenses by these people.
What incapacitation does do is deprive society of the many other functions performed by these people—as parents, caregivers, workers, and members of communities—while at the same time imposing the costs of their incarceration on taxpayers. Deterrence is no more persuasive. The evidence for the deterrent value of punishment is inconclusive, particularly when the sentence involves incarceration. Sentencing people convicted of violent crimes to prison may have no greater impact on recidivism after release than sentencing someone to probation.6 Incarceration may instead spur offending by exacerbating preexisting mental health conditions or trauma and making it difficult for people to find legal employment after their release.7 For the criminalized survivor being punished, deterrence is largely unnecessary: that person is unlikely to find themself in the same situation again. Other survivors, perceiving immediate danger to themselves or their children and no other clear or effective options, are unlikely to be deterred from acting by the abstract threat of punishment or the knowledge that another person has been punished for taking similar action. Which leaves retribution. Retribution motivated the judge in the case of Barbara Jean Gilbert, who killed her husband after fifteen years of abuse. The judge handed down the maximum sentence of incarceration—even though the probation department asked for probation, citing her “exemplary” conduct, and prosecutors did not ask for prison time. The judge explained his decision: “You have snuffed out a life. . . . Therefore the court has the right to inflict pain and deprivation on you.” But what does a criminalized survivor deserve, particularly when the victim of the crime for which the person is being punished has inflicted immeasurable damage on that person? Retributivists stress that the punishment must be proportionate to the crime. To determine proportionality, context is essential. A proportionate response should factor in the harm already suffered by the person being punished. As Darcy K. WarBonnett has observed, prior to entering prison she was already serving a life sentence by virtue of having been abused by her partner. “We are incarcerated not AS punishment, but evidently for MORE punishment.”
Retributivists also argue that punishment restores moral balance. That balance is necessarily different, however, when the victim of a crime has abused the person convicted of that crime. The moral balance has already shifted away from the victim because of their earlier actions. Even if none of these rationales for punishment is satisfied, society may still seek to punish those who commit crimes. Punishment reinforces the value of and respect due community norms. Directing hostile feelings toward those who have committed crimes allows members of society to vent their frustrations and feel in control, while at the same time believing they are right. To the extent that punishment fulfills those needs, “punishment pleases.” The need to assert community norms and control motivates community members to call for harsh punishment of criminalized survivors. As one newspaper columnist wrote after Dixie Shanahan was sentenced: “Open a loophole for one woman to kill an abusive spouse and pretty soon you’ve got dozens of dead husbands.”]
leigh goodmark, from imperfect victims: criminalized survivors and the promises of abolition feminism, 2023
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k4ijynxx · 2 months
[pt: foxy caregiver headcanons]
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- he loves to sing sea shanties to you!
- he also likes to tell stories to you
- in my AU, pirates cove is the arcade room, so he loves to play the arcade games with you!
- he loves dancing as well!
- he’s a bit more chaotic than the main cast, and more rowdy, but that makes him more fun!
- he sadly cant do much because of his hook, like drawing and hugging
- he doesn’t really like caregiver names, but anything pirate related he will LOVE
- he calls you kiddo, buttercup, silly, stinker, kit, and any pirate themes names!
- he’s really chill, which makes him immune to danger quite often
- he can be a bit aggressive at times, although its never targeted at you. He has some anger issues at times so he can lash out on others but he makes sure that he doesn’t do it to you. If he does, he makes sure to make it up
- he doesn’t really like it when the other animatronics caregive you but its mainly just a trust thing. He doesn’t really not trust them, but he has troubles with trust when it comes to other people
- he will sometimes steal pizza from the kitchen for you, which can anger Chica a LOT
- he’s mainly good with kid and teen regressors, he doesn’t really know what to do with baby regressors cuz of his chaotic personality
- he’s really good with independent regressors!
- he loves to play board games with you!
- he loves it when you hold his hook like you are holding someones hand
- he can be overprotective at times, but thats only to make sure that you are safe
- he helps you cheat at the arcade and prize games, he knows the short cuts and helps you get free prizes!
- he lets you watch kids media on laptops and other electronics that people have left behind, he has a whole collection of things that he’s collected from what other people have left behind in pirates cove
- he likes to do arts and crafts with you, even if it is hard with his hook
- in my AU, foxy plays the keyboard piano, so he can help you our with that sometimes!
- he loves to read children books to you! He loved them when he was a child so he feels nostalgic when reading to you!
- he feels sad when you have to leave the pizzeria, he tries to make the most out of your day when you are there, so it makes him sad when he cant do fun stuff with you anymore
- he likes to give you those kids activity sheets if there are any leftovers!
- loves to help you make pillow forts with you in pirates cove!
- he likes to watch horror movies with you, but makes sure its one your comfortable with!
- he LOVESS to play pretend!
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tiny-paws · 9 months
would you do a cg!Grian moodboard pretty please ^^? with all his dad jokes and silly bits I feel like he'd be such a good cg, ty in advance <3 !! maybe a cuddly/pillow fort sort of vibe ><
for sure!!
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you’re SO right, he would be a fantastic caregiver! i really like this idea, so here are some headcanons:
- grian being your cg would be so fun, there would be so many creative and energetic activities!!
- he would definitely make elaborate pillow forts with different rooms and entrances and everything, and deck them out with fairy lights, masses of pillows, electronics, etc.
- lots and lots of fun snacks! you’ll never just get a sandwich; it’ll be in a fun shape, fruits will be shaped to look like animals, meals will be organised in landscapes and scenes.
- SO many plushies. you will never be in a room without plushies. he probably buys every plushie he sees. but there are especially a lot of birds and plants.
i hope you like the moodboard!! thank you for requesting, and have a nice day :]
(art by @taojave )
please check our DNI before following!!
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dragon-queen21 · 11 months
I need agere content with spider Noir. He’s my favorite and I think he’s the best and he would be such a good father/older brother figure to look after someone regressed. So I've thought up a couple prompts that I feel like sharing to perhaps inspire some people. :3 (Also cause these ideas will simply keep bouncing around in my brain if I don't do something about them)
1. Peni regressing and Noir doing his best to take care of her the way he grew up. Which meant no electronics much to the little’s dismay.
Instead they make homemade ice cream and play board games together. Perhaps listening to old songs and dancing around the living room. So just kinda showing the girl that you don’t necessarily need to rely on technology to have a good time.
Showing her a bunch of things she ever had a chance to do in her childhood, that seem relatively simple to him. Maybe in turn she shows her cg a bunch of new things as well.
2. A real simple one but Noir coloring with Miles.
With the artist regressed it's much more enjoyable for him to let go with his art and not have to have every detail perfect, and considering Noir isn't the best when it comes to distinguishing color, Miles really doesn't have to worry about the quality of work to begin with. Noir is so proud of his kiddo, and like any proud parent is going to show off to the world. The world being Miguel's office area in order to mess with the older spider man when he walks in and sees that his walls are covered in colorful pictures.
3. Pav being babysat by Noir. Noir not feeling the best mentally, maybe it’s a bit of an off day, not to bad that he can’t look after Pav, he’s just not having the best time ever. Pav noticing and decides to draw Noir a fun picture to cheer him up. Perhaps he even shares his stuffed bear that Gayrti gave him because it always cheers him up when he feels soggy. (I’m just soft for little one taking care of their caregiver, kinda a reverse dynamic, idk)
Another idea is him fretting over Noir and rushing to get bandaids and puts at least a dozen all over Noir because that's what Hobie does for him when he gets an ouchie in order to feel better, and it always works.
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lilbabjojo · 7 months
The Tiny TV!
Vox’s regression is something that's begun happening recently, and increased drastically after Alastor short-circuited him.
Vox can regress really young, but tends to regress to kid ages.
Despite wanting to seem older in headspace, he needs padding, as he's completely incontinent.
It's difficult for Vox to enjoy a lot of things other regressors enjoy, as he suffers from chronic pain.
Vox tends to get very angry when he’s Little, throwing lots of temper tantrums.
Valentino tried to be his Caregiver, but just couldn't handle it. Velvette checks in on him when he's Little, but he's very independent, so long as he isn't too Little.
If he is too Little, Velvette is surprisingly good at caring for him, mostly just bringing him with her wherever she goes.
Vox loves sensory toys that have light features!
He also loves any electronic.
Most of his toys are based off of shows.
Sorry there aren't a ton ;-;.
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agere-fandom · 8 months
hi hi! I would like to ask for cg! spider-noir with little! penni headcanons if that's alright!
OH MY GOSH HELLO!!! sorry for taking so long to answer your question!! i took a bit of a break! but im back! hope i didn't take to long to answer!! /pos :)
Noir doesn't exactly understand being a caregiver and all this regression stuff, but he definitely tries his best too! Peter B has probably tried to teach him a few tips, but he's still confused. A confused caregiver who tries his best!
Peni loves being around all sorts of electronics, as anyone these days does. But Noir has pulled the plug and made her go back to simple times, and she actually enjoys it, after a tantrum of her things being taken away. But she really ends up liking to draw and make homemade things!
He honestly loves Peni as a little sister, and they have a very platonic sibling vibe between them. And he takes care of her the way he was raised, so no electronics, 'modern' things, ect (much to Penni's dismay), but they make a lot of homemade things! Noir is a bit crafty, but is not as creative as someone like Pavi or Miles
Oh, she's a super hyper kiddo, always bouncing and on the go! It makes it a bit harder for Noir to track her, but eventually, she'll get bored of seeing him confused and just comes up on his lap. But she's very tantrum prone, so candy is probably the best thing to calm her down! Until she has a sugar rush...
How he caregives is more like a babysitter or just an extra person to think if no one else is up to look after their little. He doesn't mind, but it takes him a little getting used to looking after little's he hasn't looked after before
She loves being around Pavi and Margo the most! How fun and energetic they are like her! She likes Pavi the best and they always end up having sleepovers, playdates, ect. And she's so interested in learning about how he regresses and stuff!
He's actually really overprotective over his little's, especially Peni and Pavi. He loves those two the most, if he was being honest. And he's always had some type of little bag or something with him, just in case
She might not have her computers or devices with her, but she'll carry around smaller, handheld electronics! Mostly a tamagotchi or a DS! Mostly when she's a bit bored of doing homemade stuff, and Noir MIGHT let her play on it for a little while... and she definitely doesn't stay up late at night playing Mario Kart...
He's not really that strict, but he does have an easy routine for little's to follow, like bedtime and lunchtime. He might change it up a bit if he finds he's stuck in a part of his routine or there's a neurodivergent little (which is probably most spider's at this point) and he just tries to look after them
She's always clinging onto Noir someway! She has a lot of creative ways to do so, since she's a spider. She mostly does it when she's emotional or having a bad day or just really sleepy. Clinging to his chest, climbing on his back, sitting on his head. And he doesn't mind. As long as she's happy, he's happy
okay, i think this is good! I hope you enjoy these anon!! thanks for the request!! <3
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yourlocalmoon · 6 months
Caregiver Vox Moodboard !!
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Encourages you to use electronics as much as he can, but only because it's where he can supervise you the most. Purposefully gets rid of bad channels or unchild friendly things, Will stop his evil monologue to tuck you into bed.
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jacksdinonuggets · 1 month
Can you do a fic about little!Vaggie and cg!Angel?
Like maybe the first time Angel takes care of her. He doesn't know what to do at first since he's not used to caretaking and he and her are always arguing but after Vaggie gets overstimulated and he calms her down, he starts getting the hang of it. It can be the first step of him and her getting along!
I'm sorry it took me so fucking long to do. But anyways!
Angel scrolled through his phone, trying to ignore Val’s messages. He groaned and put his electronic device down, staring at the ceiling. His eyelids started to grow a little heavy so he shut them, hoping to rest a little bit. Right when he was about to fall asleep, he heard knocking at his door.
He groaned and got up, shuffling his way to the door. The knocking got more frantic, making him a bit more annoyed. Angel opened the door,
“What's y’er proble-” He froze when he saw that Vaggie was at the door. Not only that, but she was wearing her little clothes and was clutching a stuffed koala.
Angel immediately cracked the door, not wanting Vaggie to see the inside of his room, as he had not kid-friendly stuff out and about inside. He knew she was a little as he had hung out with Charlie while she was taking care of her.
“Hey…Kiddo? W-where’s Charlie?” He asked,
“She at a meeting…” Vaggie looked down, shuffling a bit.
Angel bit his lip, trying to figure out what to do. He wasn’t used to taking care of a small child and didn’t really know how to do it. But it would be very unsafe for Vaggie to regress alone.
“Alright, Bit- Baby, how about we go over to your bedroom and I’ll watch over you, ‘kay?” He said, stepping out of his room.
Vaggie happily skipped across the hall and into her and Charlies room. 
“Okay, let’s go over a few things before we get started. 1. Are you currently wearing your…um..padding?” He felt really weird and awkward saying diaper.
“Mhm! Did all by myself!” She answered proudly.
“Okay good,” He was glad that he wouldn’t be needing to clean up a mess. He just hoped she wouldn’t be regressing for more than 2 hours as he had no clue how to change a diaper, “Now, do you have your baba? You need to stay hydrated,”
Vaggie looked down and shook her head.
Angel sighed, “Have you eaten lunch yet too?” 
“Mm…Nu..” She answered 
“Alright, toots, first you are going to eat some lunch, and then we will get you your baba,” He lifted her up, causing her to squeal with happiness. Angel smiled and started to carry her downstairs. 
He put her down in one of the chairs and started looking through the cabinet. He found some instant mashed potatoes and started to cook them up. As he was waiting for it to cook, Vaggie looked very confused. When it was finished, he set it in a bowl in front of her and got a little baby spoon.
“B-but Mama always makes me nuggets ‘nd howchata…” She said quietly
Angel sighs. He felt a little upset because he just made her the meal and she doesn’t want it. To add insult to injury, it was a reminder that he would never be a big brother caregiver.
“We’re out of rice milk and the nuggets take a while to cook. Just eat the mashed potatoes, please?” He told her.
Vaggie whined but begrudgingly took a spoonful and put it into her mouth. The texture was slimy and mushy. It felt so horrible and wrong in her mouth. She hated it so so so much and wanted to spit it out. However, she didn’t want to disappoint Angel. He was new to caregiving and she was just being mean. So in went another spoonful.
It was hard to keep the tears down but she managed to do it. She looked up at him and he was still watching her to make sure she ate. She whimpered and took one more spoonful. That was her breaking point. Not only did she have a different caregiver, but her normal little food was changed. Then, the new food had a horrible texture. It was way too much. 
Vaggie gagged and spat it out before the sobs started. She wailed and cried, making big hiccup noises every couple of seconds to breathe. There were too many emotions, she couldn’t handle it. Everything felt too much and she wanted Charlie.
“Vaggie? Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Angel ran to her side and tried to hug her. 
The touch she received from him felt like a bunch of needles digging into her skin. Out of the panic and hysteria, she opened her mouth and chomped down hard on his arm. Angel yelped and pulled back, rubbing his arm.
“What the fuck, Vags?!” he yelled out in surprise and a bit of anger. He was just trying to help her and she bit him! He was about to speak his mind but realized that would do more harm than good. He took a deep breath and tried to think about what Charlie would do. After a bit of thinking, he went to the closet and pulled out a weighted blanket. He draped it around her shoulders and pulled out his phone. He connected it to a small speaker they had in the junk drawer and started playing lullaby animal crossing themes. Vaggie always calmed down with the night time animal crossing themes
After a while she started to calm down and her breathing was more easy. He was about to ask her what happened but she got up from the chair, walked two feet, and curled up on the floor, wrapped in the blanket and fell asleep.
Angel kind of panicked, worried that she had passed out or had a heart attack or something. He quickly called Charlie, hoping that her meeting was taking a quick recess or had ended.
“Charlie! Vaggie regressed and I tried make’n her some food but she started crying hysterically! I gave ‘er a weighted blanket and played some soft music but she passed out on the floor!” He explained
Charlie was silent for a few seconds, trying to process what was going on. 
“Uhh, well, what did you feed her?” 
“Mashed potatas,” He replied.
“Oh, she probably had a sensory overload then. Any mushy foods are an absolute no for her when small. Now, as for the passing out thing, that’s normal. Once she calms down, she usually gets really tired and falls asleep. So congratulations, I guess. You managed to stop a meltdown,” Charlie said.
“Okay, sooo, she’s not in any dang’a or anything?” He asked to clarify
“Nope, just make sure to tuck her into bed or the couch. She tends to fall asleep in weird places. The meeting is gonna continue soon. I’ll be back in an hour or so, see ya later,” She said before hanging up.
Angel sighed in relief. He was glad that Vaggie was okay and wasn’t in any danger. He lifted her up and carried her to the couch, tucking her in. It actually made him feel quite proud that he was able to help calm her down while knowing absolutely nothing about her little side. It was nice. Maybe he would be a good caregiver for her in the future.
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playroom-sekaii · 10 months
May I request little Rui and cg tsukasa?
Yup yup, on it!
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-Rui's age range is normally around 4-6, he's not the littlest out there but he's not quite a big kid either. He's a bit scared of bringing up that he's a regressor to others, scared that they'll think he's weird and leave him, but Tsukasa (and Emu, Nene, and Mizuki, his other cgs) is doing all he can to show him that it's alright, it's important for him to be small when he needs to be, a fact Rui is slowly but surely trying to learn.
-Tsukasa likes to think that he's quite a good caregiver! Surely the best big brother in the world would be amazing at taking care of little ones, right? He knows that he has more to learn though, and he's working hard to become the best cg anyone's ever seen! Rui feels incredible flattered that he's willing to do this all for him, he's probably his main caregiver at this point.
-Rui mainly regresses due to how rough his actual childhood was, the bullying and isolation robbing him of the one he truly deserved. Overworking himself and strong emotions are normally what directly cause him to slip, him feeling overly upset, loved, or tired leads to a very little alchemist. He normally tries to hide that he's small, but the others have managed to figure out a few of his tells. He's much more clingy, and he's more likely to show his emotions, so even when he's doing all he can to pretend he's big Tsukasa and the rest of his cgs can see it clear as day.
-It's very common for Rui to slip while working on his inventions, leading to a lot of frustration from the poor little one. He's still quite smart when he's regressed, but these days his robotics and such are so complex, and he just can't seem to get them to work right, he should be able to do this...to prevent any unnecessary tears Tsukasa normally tries to keep Rui from working on his more complex projects while small.
-However, his little one still has that inventing itch, but Tsukasa knows how to help set it free! He's gotten Rui plenty of things such as blocks and other building toys for when he's small, and he helps him with arts and crafts sort of things too. Sometimes Rui gets an idea for an invention when he's little, and so he doesn't get hurt or upset by making it real Tsukasa will help him build it out of other things! The "bestest rocket in the whole wide world" became one made out of cardboard boxes, the "most amazing fort ever" was built out of pillows and blankets, they're perfect for his little inventor!
-Of course, even while small Rui still loves doing shows! He bases most of them on stories he's read, and Tsukasa is usually one of the first people he shows what he's done, either with his fellow little ones or plushies performing alongside him. His practical effects can't be as elaborate as when he's big, but he still does his best to work with that he can! This usually involves him going to the Virtual Singers for help, or basing his shows on things he can use around him (Emu has the sprinker set up today? He can do a show about the ocean! Oh, he has his blankie? He should do a show where he's a superhero!)
-Rui has a lot of electronic toys, but he's also quite attached to his plushies, mainly a cat named Hidari he's had since he was really young. He almost always has it with him, and if he's ever too embarrassed to tell Tsukasa something he'll have Hidari "say" it. When Tsukasa first saw his little cat it was in very bad shape, but he was able to sew it up good as new for a very grateful little guy <3
-Rui is still quite the dramatic, even when he's little X3 Tsukasa says he has to finish his dinner before having candy? Goodness, how could he hurt him like this?? He's the worst Papa in the whole wide world! How dare! He's a bit more shy with when Tsukasa does nice things for him, getting quiet and trying to insist that he doesn't need it, it's okay. ("Here, Rui, I fixed this hole in Hidari up!" "R-Really? Th-Thank you, don't deserve it..." "Of course you do! You deserve every good thing in the world, little comet!" "Papa...")
-Rui's very scared of making mistakes or causing people to get hurt or upset with him when he's little. Especially Tsukasa, he's terrified at the thought of him not wanting to take care of him anymore. If he ever breaks something or makes Tsukasa even the slightest bit unhappy while he's small, he panics, trying to hide or run away so he won't have to see him get mad or leave him. Luckily, Tsukasa would never do such a thing, and he's always willing to prove to Rui that it's alright, nothing could ever make him stop being his friend or taking care of him <3
-Tsukasa loves putting on shows for Rui when he's small, they always make his small one smile :D he's able to get Rui to do a lot of things he doesn't want to do by turning it into some sort of show or game, like cleaning or going to bed, though his attempts at doing so with getting him to eat his veggies have fallen flat TwT
-Rui's very, very cuddly, being held or snuggled makes him melt. Tsukasa's the only one that can pick him up, so uppies from his papa are very prevalent! One of the few ways to get him to fall asleep is to have Tsukasa beside him, especially with Hidari or a bedtime story <3
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rqs-arcade · 2 months
Do you do inbox checks?
alastor moodboard with lovecore themes
tobby playlist
hermitcraft ethoslab name suggestions
stimboard with the color pink, iced drinks, winter, and polyamory
moodboard for c!tommy , c!puffy , and c!sam with a family dynamic
c!connoreatspants moodboard with blue and time travelling
moodboard for setsuna from school days with shy, lonely, a good friend, pastel
selene moodboard from selene apoptosis with themes of horror, trauma core, kitten/petplay
moodboard for lisette from dead end aegis with aesthetics of working hard, self confidence and galaxy themes
caregiver strade (boyfriend to death) board
jade harley name recs
utena hiiragi moodboard from gushing over magical girls with themes of being shy, a domme, socially awkward
kyouko from nie no hakoniwa moodboard with themes of horror, gore and yandereism
ricky rizzo (a company of heroes) and david webster (band of brothers) mood board
moodboard for dolorosa x rose
scout x sniper moodboard
icons for a ren hana w/ the hpd & deaf flag
moodboard for a noncanon welcome to the game 2 kin
c!quackity x c!ranboo moodboard
stimboard for an alan turing fcktive
moodboard for an anonymous electronic musician factkin
strade stimboard with camping
rick x morty stimboard
elquackity icons with the hpd and/or the aspd
vox name suggestions
pride icons for barry allen
moodboard for man Sui x Liang from the hungry lamb:traveling through the mood dynasty
magical girl themed titles for someone who's kin with athena cykes from ace attorney
cheshire cat moodboard dark victorian theme
cheshire cat stimboard black cats, knifes and cards
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cozza-frenzy · 6 months
The Alters Of The Magbox
Last updated September 13th 2024 - Total Headcount is 21 This post is mainly just for reference, but feel free to take a look if you've not met all of us yet, or are just curious.
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Terry [Last Name Redacted] Pronouns: They/Them (Neos: Toon, Fin, Star) Species: Beyonder Theme Song: Paradise Fears - Battle Scars Likes: Seafood, raw fruits and vegetables, hot sauce, shirts that look like bowling alley carpet, electronic music, their partners (Lito, Chaos in-system, and Sigyn of The Panopticon) Dislikes: Liver, cold and damp weather, getting "front stuck", people who take jokes too far System Roles: Host, Conflict Resolution, System Management Tag: #Shit Terry Says
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Chaos Loony Whackadoo Danger Crimefighter Gadget Stortion Pronouns: It/Its (Neos: Twist, Spin) Species: Cartoon / Avatar Of The Spiral Theme Song: Pink Floyd - Brain Damage Likes: Strawberries, rave music, dad jokes, causing problems on purpose, its adopted kid (Andy), its partners (Lito, Terry in-system, and Len of The Panopticon) Dislikes: Silence, green vegetables, causing problems by accident, other alters bum-rushing the front System Roles: Gatekeeper, Caregiver, Protector Tag: #Spiral Posting
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Taffy Brewer Pronouns: They/Them, (Neos: Xe/Xer/Xem, Star) Species: Monster (Object Head) Theme Song: Peter Gabriel - Down To Earth Likes: Vegetarian curry, walking outside, plants and animals, stargazing, their partner (Roy in-system), stars adopted kid (Salvador) Dislikes: Meat, heavy rain, crowds, sudden loud noises System Roles: Self-Care, Exercise, System Management, Life Protector Tag: #To The Stars
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(Art by our Partner System, @rinjak3 !) Martin Blackwood Pronouns: He/They Species: Beastkin (Cat-Dragon) Theme Song: Sleeping At Last - North Likes: Comfort food, tea and biscuits, pop music, drag shows, their partners (Jon Sims and Jonny D'ville of The Panopticon) Dislikes: Body shaming, the smell of cigarettes, foggy days, insects System Roles: Caregiver, Grief Holder, Emotional Regulator Tag: #Tea And Sympathy
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Vivien Blackwood Pronouns: They/It (Neos: Paint/Paints) Species: Cartoon (Ragdoll) Theme Song: The Rolling Stones - She's A Rainbow Likes: Mint hot chocolate, authentic ramen, video games, animated movies & shows, making and appreciating art Dislikes: Physical contact without consent, cold and foggy weather, AI-generated images, "cringe culture", overly spicy food System Roles: Creative Work, Inner World Architect, System Management, Symptom Holder (Major Depression, Eating Disorder) Tag: #Beyond The Shadows
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Andy Stortion Pronouns: He/She/They (Genderfluid) Species: Beastkin (Cat) Theme Song: Madness - Baggy Trousers Likes: Ice cream, french fries with ketchup, stickers, colored pencils, board games, asking questions, their in-system family Dislikes: Raised voices, being ignored, people in mascot suits System Roles: Trauma Holder Tag: (None yet - Andy is underage in-system, and doesn't browse tumblr without supervision)
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Dr. Roy Boss Pronouns: He/It (Neos: Dark) Species: Cartoon (Supervillain) Theme Song: Guns N' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle Likes: Dark chocolate, BBQ Ribs, thunderstorms, heavy music, mad science, his partner (Taffy in-system), his best friend (Dagwood) Dislikes: Being told what to do, bright lights, unfairness and injustice, feeling helpless System Roles: Anger Holder, RSD Holder, Medical Advocate, In-System Medical Care Tag: #Boom Baby Boom
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Dagwood Hero Sandwich Pronouns: He/It Species: Cartoon (Object Head) Theme Song: Morcambe And Wise - Bring Me Sunshine Likes: Ice-cream sundaes, egg salad sandwiches, veggie dogs, making people laugh, story books, his adopted kid (Salvador), its best friend (Roy) Dislikes: Jokes that "punch down", violent media, overly spicy food, swearing (for himself - he doesn't mind if others do) System Role(s): Mood Booster, Memory Keeper, System Management, Caregiver Tag: #Bring Me Sunshine
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Salvador Sandwich Pronouns: He/They Species: Cartoon (Jackson's Chameleon) Theme Song: Supertramp - The Logical Song Likes: Songs by Supertramp, prog house music, spaghetti and meatballs, fish and chips, books, Grundo's Cafe (an old-school Neopets clone) Dislikes: Being touched without consent, being talked down to, being reminded of mistakes System Role(s): Trauma & Stress Holder, Knowledge Holder, System Structure Control Tag: (None yet - Salvador is underage in system, and doesn't browse tumblr without supervision)
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Jenova Destati Pronouns: It/She (Neos: Fen) Species: Divine Beast Theme Song: Porter Robinson - Something Comforting Likes: Salads, berries, hiyashi chuka (Japanese cold noodle dish), music by Porter Robinson, peace and quiet Dislikes: Crowds, loud music System Role(s): Pain Management, Stress Management Tag: (None Yet)
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Jeremy Hillary Nowhere Pronouns: Any/All Species: Anthro (Honey Badger) Theme Song: The Beatles - Nowhere Man Likes: Nu Disco, turkey sandwiches, food in general, museums, debating, libraries Dislikes: Being touched without asking first, cruelty and discrimination towards persecutors System Role(s): Knowledge Holder, Former Persecutor Tag: #Framedrag
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Mayhem Rossi Pronouns: Any/All (Neos: That Bastard [Yes, really! - Terry] ) Species: Anthro (Holland Lop Rabbit) Theme Song: The Offspring - Original Prankster Likes: Apples, roasted pumpkin, fish and chips, cold days, walking at night, cars & motorcycles Dislikes: People who threaten the system System Role(s): Physical Protector, Caregiver (Big Sibling to Terry and the younger alters in system) Tag: #Turn Out The Lights
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Velocity Raptor Pronouns: She/They Species: Anthro (Wolf-Dragon) Theme Song: Pendulum - Hold Your Colour Likes: Video games, speedrunning competitions, pizza, rock music, drum & bass, mascot horror games Dislikes: Being talked down to, being ignored, going to bed early System Role(s): Trauma Holder Tag: #Gotta Post Fast
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Raine Evenstar Pronouns: They/She Species: Demon (Nightmare) Theme Song: Radiohead - Idioteque Likes: Cooking, baking, gardening, heavy metal music Dislikes: Being hungry, feeling financially insecure System Role(s): Trauma Holder, Financial/Resource Anxiety Holder, Reaper (ends relationships and connections that are harmful to the system) Tag: #Where Hope Grows
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(Art by our friend @cosmicpixel01 !) Bitter Aster Pronouns: He/They Species: Monster (Object Head Hybrid) Theme Song: Les Friction - Who Will Save You Now? Likes: Coffee, cinnamon buns, dark chocolate, snowy days, home-cooked meals, rhythm games Dislikes: Judgemental people, violence, starbucks coffee in particular System Roles: Motivator, Chores & Self-Care, Life Protector (removes urge to self-harm), Mental Health Regulator (removes intrusive thoughts and prevents spiraling) Tag: #Dust Before Decaf
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(Art by our friend @cosmicpixel01, edit by @that-one-bone-anon ) Papyrus Aster Pronouns: He/They Species: Monster (Skeleton/Alligator Beastman Hybrid) Theme Song: They Might Be Giants - Cyclops Rock Likes: Chicken Wings, BBQ Ribs, sleeping in on weekends, coffee with sugar & cream, chewy stim toys, playing guitar Dislikes: Being called "lazy", being compared to his "original" source System Roles: Symptom Holder (executive dysfunction), Trauma Holder Tag: (None Yet)
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Trillian Bongarten Pronouns: She/They/It Species: Anthro (Fennec Fox Cyborg) Theme Song: Coldplay - Fix You Likes: Video games, special effects, sci-fi, the paranormal, mysteries and thrillers, Gravity Falls, their dad (Roy) Dislikes: Being yelled at, being pushed to reveal details of trauma, feeling like she's being watched System Roles: Trauma Holder, In-System Communications, Paranoia Holder Tag: (None yet)
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Legion Pronouns: They/It Species: Gestalt Entity Theme Song: The Queenstons - Quiet Man Likes: Unknown Dislikes: Being "used" by others, making decisions, drugs System Roles: Trauma Holder, Symptom Holder(?) (Identity Issues) Tag: (None Yet) Note: Legion is an anomalous alter; it has little sense of identity outside of mimicry, and no in-system appearance beyond what it can copy from other alters or from their memories. They essentially depend on others being around them in order to properly "exist", which is something they're still figuring out how to overcome.
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Morpheus Pronouns: He/They/It Species: Unknown Theme Song: Eiffel 65 - King Of Lullaby Likes: Sleeping, creating dreams, fresh fruit, desserts of all kinds Dislikes: Feeling tired, having too much caffeine, bright lights System Roles: Self-Care, Dream Management Tag: (None Yet)
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"Thirteen" (Real name & face withheld) Pronouns: He/She Species: Beastkin (Nine-Tailed Fox) Theme Song: Hozier - Too Sweet Likes: Social events, fine dining, "Dad Rock", her partners (Roses in-system, Archivist Grian of The Panopticon), dishes with lots of garlic Dislikes: Alcohol, rainy days, gambling System Role(s): Inner World Architect, Trauma Holder, Life Protector Tag: #Unlucky For Some
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"Roses" (Real name & face withheld) Pronouns: Any/All including It/Its (Genderfluid - best to ask!) Species: Beastkin (Honey Bee) Theme Song: Essenger - Get Your Wish Likes: Karaoke, social events, cooking, sweet potatoes, bees, their partner (Thirteen in-system) Dislikes: Alcohol, loud and grating noises, being outside after sunset System Role(s): Social Advocate, Trauma Holder, Misophonia Holder, Gatekeeper Tag: #Restless Nights
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Zilly (In-System Pet) Pronouns: She/Her Species: Critter Theme Song: Sigur Ros - Olsen Olsen Likes: Sitting on people's laps, playing fetch, rolling around on the floor, her blanket, hoarding her toys Dislikes: Bees, being backed into a corner, being grabbed or handled roughly System Role(s): Emotional Support Animal, Trauma Holder, Fear Holder Tag: (None - Zilly isn't fully sapient and acts like an animal, not a person. If this ever changes, we'll update her profile accordingly)
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