#eleceed abo 'verse
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ahomeganeyatsu · 2 years ago
He should have realized something was wrong.
He had noticed that Jiwoo had been a little off that morning. It wasn't new to find the boy sleeping in his bed, nor was it uncommon to wake up to the boy cuddled up to him. Jiwoo was quite tactile once he's known you were okay with it. Kayden had been the one who had to adjust with his omegan instincts rearing its head when he had thought he had effectively ripped them away.
That said, Kayden had grown used to Jiwoo's...cuddliness. So finding him tucked next to him that morning hadn't been new. What was new was the rather tight grip he had on Kayden's waist and the near growl he let out when Kayden tried to extricate himself from his hold. He hadn't thought it anything strange. Just waved it off to Jiwoo's rarely exhibited clinginess. He allowed the boy a few more minutes, trying to ignore how his pheromones had shifted into something sleepy and comforting. Their mixed scents lulling him back to sleep.
Working on this and hoping I'd be able to post it this weekend.
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ahomeganeyatsu · 2 years ago
Happy WIP Wednesday~
Kayden is sure of this because the moment he'd felt Kartain's familiar presence, his omega had sung perked up. The pleasantness in chest, the thought of Kartain's scent spread out in the house—covering him and Jiwoo—
He is not happy. Delighted. To have the alpha back.
But the instinct to scent him the moment he stepped into the threshold was too strong. And before he knew it, he's right in front of Kartain.
"Kayden," he greets, surprised to find the other man receiving him at the door.
"Kartain," Kayden greets back. His words having a hint of a growl, directed at himself more than the alpha. This gets him a raised brow and Kayden scowls (not a pout, fuck what Kartain says).
He notices the alpha take a whiff of the air, and eyes widening at what Kayden knows is his pheromones broadcasting happyalphaherecomehappymissyou. He wills the heat on his face to die.
Another sneak peek related to this post. The fic has gotten longer than what I had initially set out to write.
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ahomeganeyatsu · 2 years ago
So, it's been some time since I last wrote something for Eleceed so here I am again on my bs after catching up on the chapters.
After Amyeong and Royst appearance, the thought of an ABO au with omega Kayden has once again forced itself at the forefront of my thoughts. I've talked about some of my hcs in these posts under the tag #eleceed abo 'verse.
I'm gonna put a everything else under the cut as a spoiler warning in case you're not familiar with those names!
Aaanyways, so it's been stated that a lot of people wanted to be Kayden's disciple ever since his name made waves. Jisuk mentions how having a electric characteristic even became a fad among the awakened ones in order to imitate Kayden. So far, we only have Amyeong and Royst that actually sought out Kayden and asked to be his disciple. And both of them got rejected.
But like I said, this is an ABO 'verse.
So, imagine if they're not only attracted to Kayden's strength but they're actually pretty much half in love with him. Amyeong and Royst had both wanted to be his disciple, but had also dreamt of bonding with Kayden. And Kayden both broke their hearts.
They didn't really care what his designation was. And it was only by accident that they even found out he was an omega.
He had been at least gentle (in Kayden's own way) in his rejection of Amyeong. He had been thankful that he got to stay by Kayden's side for some time. Even if his status as his disciple was one-sided.
It hadn't been the same with Royst. Not when Kayden had told him to get lost. And Royst had carried that rejection ever since.
Amyeong's first meeting with Jiwoo hadn't been pleasant. He was jealous. No matter what front he put up, it leaked through his defenses. What did Jiwoo possess that he didn't? What made him different that Kayden had broken his own self-imposed rule of not taking a disciple? He had expected someone intimidating. Someone that could rival Kayden's own presence. Maybe he even expected an omega as strong-headed as Kayden. But no, it's an Alpha. A baby Alpha, in fact. Barely out of maturity you could still scent the traces of pup on him. He was so kind and sweet it made Amyeong's teeth hurt. He can't fucking believe this.
Except Jiwoo was completely covered in Kayden's scent. A pack scent. A claiming Amyeong had never had the pleasure of knowing. Until now. It made Amyeong angrier. He loathed this child for having something, taking something he'd always wanted: Kayden.
Still, he couldn't bring himself to kill him. Not when he begins to understand why Kayden chose this kid. He has to admit defeat there.
He also reminds him of someone else. Someone he owes a debt towards.
It takes him some time to realize why that is. A familiar scent, so faint, you could barely detect it even when you try looking for it.
He can't begin to understand how that feels, for a parental bond to be so faded. It must have been painful for both of them.
He wonders if that had been a factor to why Kayden had pack bonded the kid.
Royst, on the other hand, had been dying to meet Jiwoo.
The moment his master told him about Kayden taking in a disciple. Royst had to restrain himself from running there that very instant.
Then, that Grayne kid came crawling back to their base with his tail between his legs, bleeding and smelling of frustration and anger.
Royst was intrigued. So, goes to the World Academy.
He feels his nose twitch when he catches a whiff of Kayden's dangerous, intoxicating scent. It's been years since he'd last been this close to the man. He's still beautiful. His gaze sharp enough to cut steel, Royst has to rein in his instincts not to pounce.
Especially when he catches another scent clinging onto the man. He keeps the snarl at bay. An Alpha. Two of them, in fact. One mature, while the other was still growing into its own skin.
He tries to keep his composure as he follows Kayden.
And then the scents grow stronger as they get close to their destination.
One of the scents belong to Jiwoo. Understandable, as proximity could do that. But it does not explain the undercurrent of pack. It's a claiming no one has been able to put on Kayden.
It's even more astounding that the bond is mutual. Kayden and his disciple where pack. This baby Alpha was Kayden's pup. Royst feels something in him stir.
He wants to ruin this boy. He wants to spill his blood and watch Kayden as he guts this—his—puppy in front of him.
The jealousy burns. The envy nearly all-consuming. This pup had gotten what Royst had been coveting for years.
The other unfamiliar Alpha was here too. But there was no one around Royst can pin it too. He shouldn't have taken his eyes away from Kayden. No other Alpha should be that close to him. No other Alpha should lay claim to him.
When Amyeong had appeared, he had thought this mutt had been the one drenching Kayden in his repugnant pheromones. But no, he was familiar with Amyeong. Even concealed, he could tell this claim was not his.
In the end, Royst doesn't learn who it is. He just knows that it's also clinging to Jiwoo and that malnourished cat that was hanging around them.
Royst had made it his goal to find out who the Alpha was and show them who exactly Kayden belongs to.
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ahomeganeyatsu · 3 years ago
Coz I posted that ABO fic here's some Kartain hcs.
He's an alpha.
He and Kayden go way back. Both being world rankers, they've faced off at one point but the results leaves them at a tie.
He didn't know Kayden was an omega. There were rumors of course, but upon meeting him his scent was absent that you really couldn't tell. Kayden sure as hell acted like your typical alpha. Except Kartain knows you can never judge with only that as your basis. So he thought maybe Kayden was either unpresented or he just hid his scent.
It takes one missed supressant and an ambush for Kartain to find out the truth.
He's surprised that Kayden actually knocks on his door one day.
Kartain would have offered but it was clear Kayden did not want nor need anyone. Even if it didn't look like he was struggling, his scent said otherwise. Kartain could barely breathe with how heavy with pain and wrongness the other man's scent was. Whatever it was they slipped him with, it's making things worse for Kayden.
(He settles his alpha by reminding him that Kayden sought him out for shelter. That in hisnvulnerable state, for some reason he went to Kartain.)
Kayden rejects his offer to spend his heat with him, but he doesn't reject Kartain's offer to heal whatever it was that's messing with Kayden's system.
In that time, Kayden becomes comfortable with his scent. He isn't overly aggressive, but the threatening growl and glare was still there. Which is the sole reason, Kartain is surprised when Kayden stretches his hand and makes the universal "give me" motion.
Kartain didn't know what Kayden wanted exactly, but he carefully took off his shirt to test if that was it. He hasn't even offered it to Kayden before it got snatched out of his hand.
Kayden grunts displeased but Kartain could scent him calming down. And then it hits him, and his own muscles loosen from how pleased Kayden smelled.
He should have realized something had shifted between them that day.
Kayden spends three days in his place.
Kartain tells himself it didn't hurt when he left without a word.
(He doesn't notice the missing clothes in his wardrobe. Or that the simplest and least flashiest of his accessories is gone.)
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ahomeganeyatsu · 3 years ago
My brain is thinking about omega!Kayden taking care of alpha!Kartain. Making sure he's warm, fed and hydrated. That he rests and recovers after every healing session with their pup Jiwoo.
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ahomeganeyatsu · 3 years ago
A call. A request. A visit.
Read on AO3.
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ahomeganeyatsu · 4 years ago
ABO 'verse
Seo Jiwoo on Kayden
Jiwoo always thought Kayden smelled different.
He didn't find it strange even if it was obvious that his scent stood out from the other cats.
There's a distinctive quality to it. Something like a personality. He still smells like a cat, of course. There's just that undercurrent of storm and rain, and it reminds Jiwoo of huddling under the blankets with a warm mug of coco in his hands.
(There's a certain comfort to it. Something far from the loneliness that Jiwoo had grown to associate with that particular scent.)
At the back of his head, Jiwoo found the scent familiar but also different. He isn't quite sure why so he leaves it be. Kayden is a special cat. He talks and he has powers like Jiwoo, but most of all, he smells really nice.
He smells like home.
Then, days later, Kayden isn't a cat.
His scent is stronger like this. There's the storm and the rain but Jiwoo could also pick out the scent of spring, the one of flowers' freshly blooming. It makes him think of a hidden glade. Deep in a forest protected by danger.
Jiwoo stares, and stares, and stares.
He has to. Because if he didn't, he'll want to reach out and bury himself in Kayden's neck—right on his scent glands where he knows it'll be strongest, unmarred by the other scents in the air—just so he can drown in it.
So he stares instead.
And honestly, Jiwoo doesn't think he'd deprived himself an opportunity. Staring at Kayden is worth it. He's not afraid to admit that Kayden's the prettiest person he has ever met.
The blush that this confession achieves has Jiwoo completely fascinated. He keeps his hands on his lap, tightly gripping the fabric of his pants lest he do something impulsive.
Something in him wilts a little when Kayden’s scent is once more the diminished quality he had become familiar with. It isn’t so bad really. Jiwoo would rather have that than nothing at all. Besides, in this form, he can touch Kayden more freely. He still grumbles but he doesn’t push Jiwoo away.
It’s sometime later, when he’s half-asleep, warm and content, holding Kayden and breathing in his scent deeply, that it strikes him like a bolt of lightning.
The reason why Kayden’s scent is both familiar and not was because it had been tainted by blood. The first time Jiwoo had caught a whiff, it had been soured by distress and pain. The alley where he found him had been coated with it. He had thought that it had been a different person. An omega that just happened to pass by. All this time it had been Kayden all along.
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ahomeganeyatsu · 5 years ago
I think this is a long time coming, but I’ve been reading an ABO verse fic for some time now, and I can’t just not write this. So, here’s the obligatory ABO headcanons for Eleceed no one asked for, which I’m going to deliver anyway.
Kayden is an omega.
It didn’t surprise him when he presented as one.  He wasn’t sure what convinced him. Maybe the constant meditation just pushed that awareness in his mind. Maybe a part of it was the people around him. There’s only so much of the stares, the comments (you’ve got a pretty face, you smell really nice), the wandering hands that he could take not to realize something was up.
He didn’t care much about being his secondary gender. It was just a part of him. Just something that says he’s got equipment that functions differently than other people. There were other more important things, like learning to control this power that he’s got.
He was headstrong and stubborn. Somehow, that made them desire for his submission. It didn’t matter if he was unpresented.
Then, he did present. A little early for most people. Something he thinks all this training triggered. He thought it wouldn’t really change things.
He was a talented Awakened one, a prodigy most had declared. The fact that he was unaffiliated had every group clambering to recruit him. He’s used to being alone. He didn’t see much use for being in a group. Especially, if they couldn’t even take him in a fight.
When word got out he was an omega, they went after him for a different reason. His force control became secondary. Kayden thought people would chase after him coz he was pretty badass. In a different context, he would have found it hilarious that they wanted to have his babies. Too bad they wanted him for far more sinister reasons and he wasn’t too keen on being force bonded.
Funny how he thought it didn’t matter that he was an omega. Karma’s a bitch, indeed. To think it’d be part of the reason why he was being hunted down. Un-friggi-believable.
Kayden figured the only way to discourage them was to make himself one dangerous SOB to ever walk the earth. That’s why he’s got a list. A list of names with the top Awakened ones of the world. What easier way to be be the top than to beat their asses, right? Cross out one name after the other.
Somewhere along the way, handing their asses to them became a pastime. Kayden had always found it fun to think his way through a problem. To beat a challenge. He knew he was enjoying it too much.
They called him the Destroyer. A fitting nickname for someone as great as himself.
Turns out a lot of people didn’t like his fun. It’s not like he’s shocked. He was kind of expecting to make a lot of enemies.  You can’t just go around beating people and expect them to roll over on their backs. He’s going to bruise some egos, especially when an omega, of all things, shows them exactly who’s boss.
So really, he should have guessed they would eventually put their heads together and gang up on him just to get rid of him.
Fortunately, he’s smart enough to survive and live another day. Unfortunately, he was a little too successful at his first attempt to transform into a cat.
On the bright side, he doesn’t get any heats in this body. Maybe being a fat cat isn’t so bad. (It is. It’s so bad.)
The things that came with being a cat was so weird sometimes. It was confusing as hell. The naps, the chasing things, the strange noises his throat fucking makes—he can’t even list them all.
But most of all, his protectiveness over Seo Jiwoo.
He doesn’t understand why there’s this strange need to help the kid. He chucks it as repayment for housing him in a time of need. Balance out his debts and all that.
Except... there’s a warmth swirling in his chest at Jiwoo’s smile. Or when he achieves something he’s aimed for. It makes his chest puff up. Something inside him snarls at the thought of someone ever laying a hand on him. And he knows if anyone ever did, they better not let him catch them because if he does (and he will), he wasn’t just going to tear them apart They’d wish they were dead.��Jiwoo was his p—
He knows people form pack bonds. Aware of how it works. He just never thought... He just never thought it was possible to do it unconsciously.
That would explain Jiwoo’s constant cuddling. The need to touch Kayden wasn’t just his cat crazy speaking. The kid had been scenting him and Kayden had been doing it back. It was one of the ways to strengthen pack bonds. They’d pretty much claimed each other. They only had to make it official by bestowing each other their marks.
To think Kayden’s first pup would end up being a grown-ass teenager, with the dopiest and sweetest personality. Past Kayden definitely wouldn’t have expected this.
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