#eleanor shellstrop x y/n
madwomansapologist · 2 years
𝜗𝜚 -> my personal favorite
- eleanor shellstrop!
𝜗𝜚 being eleanor shellstrop soulmate would include (sfw, fluff, soulmate!au, light angst, developing relationship).
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- michael realman!
★ a match made in hell (nsfw, smut, co-workers).
★ being michael realman soulmate would include (sfw, fluff, falling in love).
★ dreary mondays (sfw, fluff, established relationship).
★ hurts so good (nsfw, smut, virginity loss, gaslighting).
★ keep it quiet (nsfw, smut, sex toy, public).
★ sub!michael with a affectionate lover (sfw, fluff, established relationship, sugestive).
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- chidi anagonye!
★ it's time to go (sfw, angst, hurt/comfort).
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- tahani al-jamil!
★ dating tahani al-jamil would include (sfw, fluff, falling in love).
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- jason mendoza!
★ raspberry (sfw, fluff, established relationship).
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- shawn!
★ shawn falling in love with a human would include (sfw, fluff, falling in love, gaslight).
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@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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r2in2p · 1 month
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sillyfeathers · 5 years
The Void (Bad Janet x Reader)
The Void Warnings: Slight profanity Characters: Bad Janet, Eleanor Shellstrop, Michael, Jason Mendoza, Tahani al Jamil, Good Janet Summary: You, causing trouble. A Bad Janet, not allowed to hurt you. Both stuck in Good Janet’s void with a lot of time to kill. She still has her methods. Words: 1668
A/N: This may be one of my favourite fics I’ve ever written? It’s not much but The Good Place is one of my absolute favourite shows and puts me in a lee mood for some reason and I really had fun writing this. Also, the ending definitely hints to a part two...👀
“Jason and Tahani will be distracting the humans, Michael and I will be...running the neighbourhood, which leaves Y/N to watch Bad Janet in Good Janet’s void.” Eleanor finished her little checklist with a nod, making eye contact with you.
“Why me?” you whined, before she could say anything. “It’s so boring in the void – no offense, Janet.”
“Because, darling, we can’t risk Bad Janet getting out,” Tahani interjected. “Besides, you’re so small that Janet doesn’t have to concentrate on you too much.”
“Very true. The neighbourhood could collapse,” Janet said.
You rolled your eyes, but huffed in agreement. “Okay, fine, but I swear if she starts being gross then I’m calling you –” you pointed at Janet, “to get me out of there. Capiche?”
There was a chorus of  “capiche” in response, then a flash, and then you were in the void.
“Just call me if you need me, okay?” Janet squeezed your arm. You didn’t get to respond before she disappeared, leaving you alone with Bad Janet in her little magnet prison.
“Ouch.” You turned around to see Bad Janet raising her eyebrows at you. “Didn’t even say goodbye. That’s gotta sting.” You rolled your eyes. “Okay, robot.”
“Not a –” she broke off when she saw the grin on your face, sitting down on her armchair.
“These bars are so wide,” you mused, looking at her through the gaps. “Why don’t you just escape? You’re a Janet, right? Just escape!” you taunted. 
Janet narrowed her eyes at you. “Very funny, fartface.” You put a hand on your chest, hissing sharply. “Ouch.”
She was silent.
You sat down by the edge of the cell for about 10 minutes before you began to feel bored. “Alright,” you said, getting up. “I’m coming in.”
Janet stood up quickly. “What?”
You walked slowly around the perimeter, running your hand across the bars. “I’m coming in. You can’t hurt me, and I’m bored, so what’s the harm?”
“What makes you think I can’t hurt you?”
You scoffed. “First of all, you’re too weak, and second of all, Good Janet would find out and you’d be marbleised – which would be a real shame.” The sarcasm was heavy, even for you.
Janet just glared at you, and you took that as an invitation to enter. You made a show of slipping through the bars with ease, winking at her.
“Just like that, I’m through. So easy, too,” you said, making yourself comfortable on the bed.
“Imagine being rendered so powerless, so weak, by a bunch of stupid little –”
That was all you got out before you felt two hands take you by the shoulders and push you into the bed. You yelled out in surprise. “Hey!”
“What? I’m not hurting you,” Janet said, her voice painfully sweet. Touché.
You struggled against her for a moment, but she had the benefit of being on top, and you honestly just couldn’t be bothered. 
“So, you’re just gonna keep me here until Good Janet comes back? That won’t look good for you,” you eventually said, squinting up at her. She shrugged, and began to shift her hands down your arms so they were at your wrists, slowly lifting them until they were above your head.
“Maybe.” You knew she couldn’t hurt you, but you still wriggled around, feeling vulnerable.
“I have heard something about humans though.”
“Oh? Do tell.”
Janet smirked down at you. “Alongside all of your painful, yucky human qualities is the fact that it is very easy to make a human laugh.”
You couldn’t tell whether all the colour went out of your face, or if it went bright red. Whatever happened, though, Janet could see that she was onto something.
“Don’t look so surprised, Y/N, I know literally everything.” 
You began to squirm, biting back a preemptive smile. Surely she wouldn’t, right?
“Awh, she’s already squirming,” Janet teased in a flat tone. “Humans are so weird.”
And then she let your wrists go, and for a moment, you were free. But then you felt it. That dreaded, dreaded sensation, of 10 fingers drumming against your sides. 
You fell back onto the bed in a fit of giggles almost immediately. You instinctively wanted to curl into a ball, but the fact that Janet was straddling your waist made that impossible. Instead, you just flailed around, trying, to no avail, to bat her hands away.
“Ugh, you’re so annoying.” You felt her let go, and tried to sit up, but she pushed you back down – by your face. So you licked her hand.
“EW!” she yelled, wiping her hand on your arm. “Oh, you should not have done that.”
Then you realised what she’d paused for. Michael and Good Janet, bless them, had taken the liberty of stocking Bad Janet’s cell with plenty of blankets and pillows. And now, Bad Janet had pulled your arms back above your head – and tied them together, with a blanket, against a pillow.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you mumbled, and you couldn’t help the giggles that spilled out of your lips. “Janet, please don’t.”
But you might as well have been talking to Shawn.
You squealed as her fingers spidered across your stomach. “JAHAHANET!” you shrieked, descending into laughter, feeling her digits dig mercilessly into your sides.
She crawled her fingers up and down your torso, giving nothing but a slight eyebrow raise to indicate she could hear you. 
“Is there really no place on your body that isn’t ticklish, Y/N?” she asked, her voice infuriatingly flat. You responded only with hysterical laughter as she scribbled at the hollows of your underarms.
“Well, Y/N? Answer me.” You could tell she was thoroughly enjoying herself.
“I CAHAHAN’T!” you squealed back.
In response, Bad Janet slowed her tickling, instead choosing to flutter her fingers around your neck. You dissolved into giggles, squirming at the sensation.
“Answer the question.” You probably should have just answered the question. But what you did instead was concentrate all your remaining sanity towards Good Janet, and holler at the top of your lungs, “JANET!”
Bad Janet fell silent, and for a second, all that was heard was the sound of you giggling as she ran her nails around your ears and neck.
“Now, that was a very bad idea, Y/N.” You felt one hand leave your neck, and you began to struggle again.
“Humans really are so, so dumb.”
“Y/N?” A voice. A Janet voice. But coming from far away.
You turned and made grateful eye contact with Janet – and Eleanor, and Michael, and Tahani, and Jason. What were they –?
You didn’t get a chance to think anymore about it, because Bad Janet, wanting to make the most of her time, promptly pushed you off the bed and sat on your hands, and you were back in ticklish hell.
Her hands ruthlessly explored your upper body. She wiggled her fingers between your ribs with one hand, scratched along your side with another. One hand was dragging across your stomach, the other was drilling into your underarm. You couldn’t do anything but squeal and squirm, eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back in mirth.
“Alright, Bad Janet, that’s enough,” you heard Michael say, and a disgruntled Bad Janet returned to fluttering around your neck as she shifted her weight off of you. You curled up immediately in a fit of giggles, nails still trailing along the back of your neck.
“I said, that’s enough.”
“Hold on.” You lifted your head to see Eleanor whisper something in Bad Janet’s ear.
“Eleanor – whahat are you doing?” you mumbled.
Bad Janet rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe I’m taking advice from a human. Fine, hold her down.
“Eleanor? Eleanor!” You struggled as your friend pinned your arms back above your head.
“What did you say to her?!”
Whether she responded or not, you never found out, because right at that moment, Bad Janet slid your t-shirt up and blew a raspberry smack in the middle of your stomach.
You let out a shriek of raucous laughter, tears of ticklish agony coming to your eyes. The two let you go after that, and you scrambled to your feet, stumbling into Tahani trying to get away from them. You fell into her arms and muffled your residual giggles against her chest.
“Eleanor, that was mean!” Tahani exclaimed, but while you couldn’t see it, she was smiling just as much as the rest of them.
Eleanor simply shrugged, joining the rest of the group after a failed attempt to high-five Bad Janet.
“Well, I think we should probably get going,” Good Janet finally said.
“Ugh, whatever. Just so you know, you all suck donkey –”
At the sound of Bad Janet’s voice cutting out, you finally lifted your head. You were all back in Eleanor’s office, and everyone was staring right at you.
“Why did you bring them all?” you muttered to Janet.
“I heard screaming. I thought you were getting hurt,” she replied, very matter-of-fact. You could tell that everyone else was holding back grins, and you turned back to Tahani, whining. “I hate you guys. If we get out of this, you’re all going to hell.”
“We’re already there, darling,” Tahani chuckled, and you felt her fingers slowly dancing up your sides. 
You were too exhausted to fight back, so you just curled in on yourself, giggling quietly even as she left you alone.
“Alright, everyone back to their stations,” Eleanor said. You broke away from Tahani and stared wide-eyed at her, shaking your head. She snorted. “Not you. We’ll leave Bad Janet alone for a bit.”
You let out a breath as everyone left, leaving you and Eleanor alone.
“Thank god,” you groaned, putting your head in your hands. “That was humiliating.”
Eleanor was silent, so you continued. “What do you want me to do?”
“You stick with me, giggles,” she replied, and you felt an arm snake around your waist.
“I’ll make sure it isn’t too boring.”
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 5 years
Experience - Eleanor Shellstrop x Reader (The Good Place)
Day Twenty-Two of Fictober 2019
Prompt number: #22 “We could have a chance.”
Fandom: The Good Place (Eleanor Shellstrop)
Word Count: 334 words.
Summary: Michael and the almighty judge comes up with a solution to save everyone.
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“An experience?”
“Yes.” The almighty judge gives you a proud smile from her desk before she shares a look with Michael. “To test if humans can get better in a more secure environment than Earth.”
“That’s….” Tahani gives out an exciting exhale.“Amazing! It is purely amazing!”
“Yes!” Jason throws his arms in the air before he hugs Janet. “We get to stay together, babe!”
You feel tears pricking out of your eyes as you settle them on the blond standing next to you. “We could have a chance.”
Eleanor grabs your hand and squeezes it, her eyes sweetening while her lips stretch out into a loving smile. “I love what you’re thinking, hot stuff.”
She presses her lips against yours before you can retort a reply, your heart jumping in your chest with happiness at her action.
“Yeah, well...” Michael interrupts you two with an awkward scoff, though a smile is settled on his lips. “It’s more to save actual humanity more than your relationship...”
“He’s right.” The judge nods her head with a serious look. “That is pretty selfish of you to think that, ladies.” You feel the heat come up on your face as you feel ashamed, but it gets worse when the judge gives out a grin. “But between you and me, I also want you two to have a chance.”
“Thank you, judge.” Eleanor smirks when she sees your red face, although she doesn’t show that she’s relieved to see that the almighty judge is on your side. “If anyone deserves to get to paradise, it’s (Y/N).”
You almost choke on your saliva. “Other people also deserve it! You know... like our friends here.”
Chidi smiles from his place. “That’s very kind of you to say, (Y/N).”
Your blush just gets worse. “You’re... welcome.”
“Awn.” The judge pouts adorably at the two of you, noticing how your friends are also grinning happily. “Now I really hope this experience work.”
And honestly, so do you.
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thebidetective · 6 years
it’s national coming out day! here are some more of my favorite bisexual characters!
Jake Peralta
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Eleanor Shellstrop
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Terry Jeffords & Gina Linetti
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Kara Danvers
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Raven Reyes
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Trish Walker
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Li Shang
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Jane Villanueva
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little-murmaider · 5 years
Yeah, gimmie a A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, N, O, P - with a side order of R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y & Z
Oh my GOD dude.
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Skwistok, Nategaar, Nathan/Skwisgaar/Toki, Pickleface, Polyklok, Abigail/Literally any woman
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Murdertooth. Sorry. 
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
I kind of wish I liked Nickles? There’s a lot of great content for it! But I genuinely prefer them as friends. When people say they can’t ship Skwistok because they seem too much like brothers? That’s how I feel about Nickles.  
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Answered!F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
It was either Arnold and Helga from Hey Arnold!, or Link and Zelda (in all LoZ media, but this was specifically Ocarina of Time). They’re both still up there! 
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)
Every fandom I’ve been active in was for a TV show. Pokémon (I played the games but I wrote “stories” about the anime), Jimmy Neutron, Hey Arnold!, Teen Titans, Metalocalypse, How I Met Your Mother, South Park (BOTH OF WHICH I REGRET. FUCK THOSE SHOWS.) I dip a toe into other things cause I’m curious, but I’m unlikely to write fanfic for anything else. I did come VERY close to writing Adventure Zone fic recently but the impulse faded.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
I’m pretty good at Curating my Tumblr experience and blocking tags for things I dislike or just am uninterested in. Also MTL is the only fandom I’m active in and that one rules. If I see something annoying in another fandom tag I just bounce!
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
Tumblr is the reason I got into TAZ! And I’m so glad I did, it’s my favorite podcast, I’ve gotten my fiance and some of my very close friends into it as well. Also the actual real name of my wedding dress design is The Aubrey, which is just FATE.
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
Answered but also @fasthandfingerwizard​ is such a sweetheart and so kind, and @cthene​ has a fic that’s so good it makes me want to tear my skin off. 
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Answered, but Knubbler makes me laugh.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
Answered, but more Skwisgaar Content in general!!!!! Just!!!!! Let me see my boy!!!!!!!!
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
Answered! I did it again and got Eet by Regina Spektor which reminds me of Toki. I have a lot of Regina songs on my Toki playlist.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
I’ve created so many AUs including one very elaborate one please I’m so tired.
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
nAtEgAaR. jk jk jk. I tend to latch to pretty popular pairings, and the MTL fandom is pretty diverse in terms of shipping. I guess………..Abigail/Rachel? Only because it’s a pairing I literally made up. 
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Skwisgaar was raised by wolves.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
Skwisgaar is bi because I’m bi. 
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Skwisgaar Skwigelf - MTL
Eleanor Shellstrop - The Good Place
Aubrey Little - The Adventure Zone
Violet - Monster Pulse
Joyce Brown - Dumbing of Age
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Skwistok - MTL
I’m Eleanor/Tahani - The Good Place
Link/Zelda -LoZ series
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said shipsNot comfortable answering this one publically
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Good Omens, Stardew Valley. 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
I don’t know man I just love Skwisgaar a lot! And I think he got shafted in the 3rd and 4th seasons and there was a lot of wasted potential for his character, and also Mean is not his only personality trait. He’s goofy! He’s awkward! He’s funny! He likes being included in things! There are a lot of fun directions the show could have gone in for him besides “horny” and “a dick” and “also there” and it was a WASTE.
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agentgreenbean · 3 years
blorbos a-z
im bored heres an a-z list of some of blorbos from my shows
A. Adaine Abernant
B. Burt from O&D
C. Charles Boyle
D. Dev Shah
E. Eleanor Shellstrop
F. Finn Collins
G. Gerry Duncan
H. Harvey Specter
I. Ingrid Kannerman
J. Jay Geils
K. Karen Filippelli
L. Leonard Community
M. Mark Scout
N. Nate Shelley
O. Original Miles Elliott (he totally counts as starting with O)
P. Pete Martino
R. Ravi Chakrabarti
S. Simon Hunt
T. Ted Lasso
V. Vera Kane
W. Wesley American Auto
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madwomansapologist · 2 years
Can I request “being TGP Michael’s soulmate would Include”? Tysm! :)
- 👻
being Michael Realman soulmate would include
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Michael | AO3
synopsis: At The Good Place, the real truly Good Place, Michael thought that his life was finally perfect. When he meet you he realized that it couldn't be perfect because he didn't knew you yet.
warnings: a important theme on the last season is how there is not a soulmate, but just someone that you choose to love. i like to do those soulmate!au and will not stay totally loyal to the canon if that its not funny to me. if it was about a human i could totally make a "you are soulmates because of Michael's evil torture plan", like i did to Eleanor, but not to a immortal character because it wouldnt make sense to me.
ps: I love writing for that fandom! Thanks for your request dear reader, hope you like it!
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• Michael spend his whole life, what means way more than the average, resolving problems. The afterlife is boring to demons? Okay, he found a solution. Wait. Those humans seens to always reazlize they are in The Bad Place? Calm down, calm down, he got a solution. Humans can actually evolve into greater beings? Michael know what to do. The Good Place is actually The Boring Place? You know who will solve it, just give him some time
• And then... no more problems. At least not big ones. It was just what he expect from paradise. A place where he could finally breath in. He could finally live, instead of just trying to survive. Michael thought he had everyhing he wanted
• The gentle bell announced a new resident.
• Your life was... You were kind to others. You did horrible things. You were truthful. You lied. You loved with your body and soul. You hated with all your heart. You experienced so much fun. Your life was so boring. Your legacy was warm and gentle. Your legacy was cold and rough. After all you lived, you were just like the very next person: someone that wronged and did hurtful things, but someone who also did the right thing and was lovely towards others. You were constantly trying, and that was enough
• After some time, you passed to The Good Place. You were someone who deserved to be there. In the first week you didn't even sleep. It wasn't great: it was amazing! A candy had the asnwer to what Twin Peaks really was. Magic doors took you to whatever place you wanted. Julius Cesar was such a nice guy. Princess Diana was so kind, as everyone expect. Robin Williams was brilliant. You met your great-grandfather! And his great-grandfather! And then you heard about the group that made everything possible, those people that saved the entire human population from a eternity of suffering
• When you discovered that Chidi Anagonye had a reading group, you knew that it was your chance. He was such a sweet guy, so gentle and caring. Eleanor Shellstrop helped you with your journey through philosophy. Didn't take much for you two to became friends
• Eleanor invited you to a party organized by Tahani Al-Jamil. She looked like what every celebrity want to be. Someone who would win a Tony, a Oscar, a Bafta, a Grammy and a Nobel in the same year. There you met Jason. Jacksonville! His heart was something you couldn't understand. Jason was so smart, but in a emotional way that opened your eyes. And the humanity of his lovely wife intrigued you. Janet was... perfect. In a way that no human or robot could ever be. She was simply perfect
• You wanted to met Michael, the demon that made everything possible. You had learn that 'demon' was a bad term, it was just difficult to stop using. It looks like he was doing something with Judge Gen. Although you don't really get who she is, it appeared important
• The group finished reading Anna Karênina. On paradise, an eight hundred pages book is something that everyone had the time to read. You tried it once when you were alive, but you didn't make it to the first hundred pages. Now, you did it in one week
• Chidi guided the discussion about the mishaps and turmoil of those two families. Someone, probably Freud, talked about how the very last scene of Anna and the birth of Kitty's child was a Tolstoy's attempt of punishing the female leads that wronged someone during the book. Jane Austen wouldn't stop talking about how Vronsky was a dipshit lover if Tolstoy didn't agree with her
• When it was your turn to give your opinion, you didn't even heard the door opening. Your view of how the motifs, mainly the candle, and how it repeats itself in different ways for Ana and Vronsky were your focous. For him it was a bad memory, for her it was her destiny. Submerged in your line of reasoning, you only notice him because of Chidi's voice
"Want to be part of the conversation?" Chidi asked when you finished your sentence. "I saw you reading it once, would you like to contribute?"
You turned your head to the place Chidi was looking at. The gray-haired man in a matching suit, shrugged his shoulders with a excited little smile on his face. "Do you have space for me here?"
"We always have, Mikey-boy", Eleanor tapped the sit next to her. "My new friend was talking about the candle motif, what do you think about it?"
"The candle motif, we all seen it", Michael turned his body in Eleanor's direction and followed her gaze to the new resident. And when he locked eyes with you, Michael wasn't able to talk anymore. Either were you.
Michael felt a storm inside him. His heart was jumping on his chest. His lungs didn't work anymore. His voice was nothing but a weak memory. His muscles turned into soft jellys.
You burned. Your eyes didn't work anymore, almost like some kind of smoke appeared in front of them. Your toes were shaking but you didn't even notice. You dropped the book on the floor, but the sound was muted.
While Michael eyes shine on emerald, yours turned into a lilac light.
"I am sorry", meanwhile looking at you, Michael were talking to everyone else on the room. He walked your way and grab your hand. You stand up, unable to do anything but to stay with him. "But that stupid book can wait."
You followed Michael, using one of the magic doors to get to a better place. You didn't droop his hand, you only hold it harder.
"God think my book is stupid?" Tolstoy asked when the door closed, tears glowing on his eyes. "What did I do wrong?"
"For the last time," said Marilyn Monroe. "He is not a god."
• Michael wouldn't care if the world end up right now. Either would you.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
THE GOOD PLACE TAGLIST: @suakemii @notanalienindisguiseblink
Feedback/reblogs would be greatly appreciated! Support your content creators! Likes are appreciated, but comments and reblogs are golden!  
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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madwomansapologist · 2 years
being Eleanor Shellstrop soulmate would include
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Eleanor Shellstrop | AO3
synopsis: you are Eleanor's soulmate and quickly realize that the Good Place, for you, wont be a paradise
warnings: none :)
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• You can’t say that your first conversation with Eleanor wasn’t surprising but you would be happier if she didn’t told you that she wasn’t meant to be in the Good Place
• Since Michael, a lovely arquitector that show you how paradise was forking amazing, have told you that soulmates are real you we're going nuts about finally being introduced to your
• Michael ask if you could go the tiny house with funny colors after the intro video so both of you could meet, and every step close you we're to the house more anxious you we're about it
• What if you are nothing like your soulmate we're expecting? What if your soulmate was someone you would hate? Michael had told you that soulmates may need two Jeremy Bearimy's to get close and you don't even know what that word means
• But as soons as you see her, you just know that everything would be fine. That it will always be fine
• And then everything went down
• You would never told Michael about the error. Even if the situacion was a pure chaos, the image of Eleanor being tortured forever made you not even doubt about trying to help her
• Okay, you we're human so of course you doubt
"Are you sure you ain't a nazi?" you asked her for the second time.
"Look here you bench, I know that I was a Arizona dirtbag, but don't call me that" Eleanor would have screamed if she wasn't affraid someone hearing you both.
"Okay, I'm sorry, but I just assume the worst. I mean, I could risk my life for a average person, but I am not doing that to someone who, I don't know, was a homophobic."
"Bitch, I am bi" she was at one commentary to snap your neck, so you make the right decision and shut the forking up.
• You and Chidi we're called by Tahani, who wished to make a book club dedicate to appreciate the biggest names in world literature and tought that two academics we're the right team to help her doing this
• The three of you quickly became friends
• Chidi was in peace, he told you that he never felt like that while alive, and just looking for more ways to have fun
• Tahani was a british and that explain a lot about why you didn't like her at the beginning, but after two days hanging out to prepare the book club you realize she was a funny person. You both make yours skin care routine together
• But what really turn your friendship into something more ways the Soulmate-Problem, as you three called
• Chidi's soulmate as just, well, what witchcraft, horror, blood and kids crying would look like in as a human being. That aren't kids in your neighborhood, but if it was then she probably would be happy because she would have someone to take a candy away
• Janyu was silent. Not even one word pronunced since he was a child. Tahani feels so alone
• When y'all are just gossiping about it you almost feel normal. The you remember than probably in two Jeremy Bearimy's, whatever this might mean, the would be happy with their soulmates and you would be alone
• When the first day of the book club happens and the neighbors who participate start reading Frankstein, by Mary Shelley, you understand what Eleanor need to stop being a shirt
• If Frankstein wasn't a mother-forking he would stay by the side of this own creation and teach him about the word and none of the dyings would had happened.
• Of course you didn't view Eleanor as a monster who would hurt people, but that makes you realize that she needs to be teached about how to be a good person. At least how to pretend so no giant shrimp would fly again in the sky. And whos better than Chidi?
• As the days go on and everyone seems to be having the time of their lives, Eleanor come with the ideia of doing something together so you both wouldn't be suspect
• You both pretend to have a date at least once a week. You watch horror movies, talk about your lives, walked along the river
• She was a good company, and even tho she always messed up things and make Michael crazy, she was a funny woman
• And she seems to be the only other person to think that not being able to swear was so annoying. What we're you, five years old?
• You studied with her, that wasn't your area but you we're really affraid that if she give up you both we're end up going to the Bad Place
• Eleanor became more than a job you had to do, she became a friend
• After some fake dates we're you both faked smiles everytime someone walks by your tablet, the smiles became natural
• She gossip about the looks of some people, makes jokes about your own always tense way of being, even help you to be more confident about what you want
"I just can't do this" you said, after trying to immitate her.
"Of course you can!" Eleanor hold your shoulders, making sure you pay attention to her. "You gonna say 'Hey Michael, my friend, I have ideas that can make our neighborhood a Amazing Place and if you are smart you gonna hire me before someone else do it"
You laughed, your chest almost burning about how not you that words felt.
"I would never do that."
"You will." Eleanor was deadly serious.
"Look at me. Why would he say yes to this?"
"All I am seeing is a smart, courageous, funny, brilliant and also" Eleanor made a funny face "forking hot person."
"You think so?"
"Obviously, you don't have a mirror in your home?"
"Not about that you idiot."
• One night, you end up really drunk at a Tahani's party. You we're just having fun, but after a point you realize you better go home. Eleanor stop eating shrimps and take you to her home instead, it was closer to the party and you here almost sleeping. She let you rest in her bed, put a pair of socks on your feets, and let herself fall sleep in the couch
• When you woke up and saw the pair of socks your heart just melted
• After that, you start thinking about your relationship with Eleanor as something you would really like to not have to pretend
• You wished she would like you back, but everything was so confuse and after you start working for Michael it seems like he would find out the truth at any time
• That was a night you almost drop everything and told Eleanor about your feelings, it feels so wrong to see her that way while you we're just a friend to her, but you didn't have the courage
• After she told the truth to Michael, only because you we're forking out about murdering Janet, the mess was even bigger
• Tahani couldn't believe that Janyu was Jason and that both you and Chidi knew that. After a point she forgive you both, in her head everyones soulmate was so complicated that it kinda of makes sense to not told her the truth
• The moment the guys from the Bad Place went to take her, you realize you couldn't live without telling the truth, so you told her everything you feel about her
• She was happy, really forking happy, and by the moment you we're going to kiss eachother the demon let another Eleanor get out of the train
• And that was a mess
• But honestly, you didn't fell like you need to be the New Eleanor lover. You do feel guilted about not being in love with her, she was such a amazing woman and the tought that she might became sad because of you really hurt you, but it didn’t change the fact that you know exactly what you feel for Eleanor
• You asked Chidi what you should do but his reaction was like you we're torturing him
• Tahani didn't helped you, she already had her soulmates problems™
• Michael told you that the New Eleanor was the one for you but you didn't feel right about it and that makes you realize that what matters we're your feelings. If Eleanor goes to the Bad Place, if she gets hurt and you never be able to listen to her laugh anymore, you at least wanna be by her side for the time she have left
• But she already escaped with Jason
• And when she came back everything was a mess, everyone we're screaming and fighting with one another, until the moment she realized what was really happening
• You couldn't believe that this wasn't the Good Place
• But it was true
• While Michael and Shawn talked about what they would do to you, Eleanor give a page with something written to Janet, and completly ignore the others
• She just want to have her first kiss with you.
๑ At her new home, alone because her soulmate only thinks about gym, Eleanor was surprised by a robot lady giving her a paper with her calligraphy on
"Find ..."
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