#eleanor payne
crimson-dianxia · 2 months
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t4t painland is real TO ME
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original meme
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anewnewcrest · 11 months
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From the Payne Family Simstagram
Praise the Watcher! Baby #11 is finally earthside! Little Elizabeth made her appearance in truly the most dramatic fashion, with me being transferred to the hospital mid-homebirth because my blood pressure went to dangerous heights. I had to have an emergency C-section and Beth and I both spent a few days in the ICU, but we're both right as rain now, and happily soaking up the precious time as a family! With me being in the hospital, Joanna took over taking care of the family, and I'm so grateful to have such a diligent helper with such a servant's heart!
Once again, the doctors counselled birth control after my little brush with death, but they don't understand what it's like, to have absolutely faith in the Watcher! We trust His plan for our families, not sinful council from quacks who just want to make money off birth control! If it's the Watcher's will to have another baby, we will, and if I am taken to heaven while bringing another soul earthside, then that's His plan, too, and we trust in it completely and absolutely!
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leclerking · 1 year
This one's for the directioners x f1blr!
Tell me these two pictures don't have the same vibe!!
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I am a Harry Styles fan. I am not a "girlfriend stan." But when he dates someone, I don't automatically find reasons to hate her, pick her apart, dox her, ridicule her, belittle her, harass/cyberbully her, make up lies about her, talk shit about her appearance, judge her parenting if she's a mom, etc.
My first instinct is to uplift and encourage women. And when I see women being bashed or belittled for no reason, I want to protect them and defend them. I truly don't understand why a woman comes under immediate, intense scrutiny and harassment just because she dates Harry Styles. And I mean that for ANY and EVERYONE he has ever dated.
This fanbase picks women apart like they themselves are perfect, have never done anything wrong, never have put their foot in their mouths or said anything questionable, never had a bad hair day or a bad skin day, never had a wrinkle, a zit, never worn a bad outfit, never made a bad decision, etc.
How can the 1D fanbase be okay with inflicting pain and torment on other people, on women that date Harry? Because that's what constant, everyday bashing is, it's pain and torment. And if you're not bashing them directly, constantly talking shit about them online "empowers" other fans to go directly to their social media and bash them. Why is this fanbase's first instinct to immediately pick apart and HATE someone who dates Harry? I don't get it. Why is that seen as a "normal" thing to do, and if you don't do it, you're a "girlfriend stan?"
I am not a girlfriend stan but a women stan, a compassion-for-other -human beings stan, a stan for fairness, a stan for mental health, a stan for confidence, self-esteem, and uplifting others.
This fanbase tried to destroy Olivia Wilde for absolutely no reason at all. Olivia is only 10 years older than Harry. Harry is not 16 or 18. He's not an inexperienced, vulnerable teen, or a 22-year-old virgin with no life experience. He's well past the age where he can date someone 10 years older and it not be a problem. Why is it okay to age shame Olivia or mom shame Olivia? I know there are Harry fans the same age as Olivia or older who love Harry and have crushes on him. I know there are moms who have crushes on him. So why is it so wrong for him to fall in love with a mom who is older than him? Who in the hell are we in this fanbase to destroy, tear apart, shame, make up stories about, and harass her?
You have no right to pick apart Olivia and talk shit about her at every turn, and then uplift Taylor just because you "like" her and think she's "better" than Olivia. Or because he finally dated someone who "looks like you. (And I say that as a person of color). Do you know why? Because you have no right to judge, or "approve" the people who date Harry. You don't own him. You don't know him. And you don't know the people who date him.
I knew who Olivia Wilde, Kendall Jenner, and Taylor Swift were. But with Camille Rowe and Taylor Russell, I had never heard of them before Harry. But you know what I did when I first saw them with Harry? I smiled because it's nice to see someone I like, Harry Styles, dating someone, because that's what most people want in life, to find love. Not everybody, but most people. I don't stan women he dates, but I sure as fuck don't hate them or talk shit about them. Like I said, my first instinct is to uplift women, see the good in them, etc.
Do you know how abnormal, how freakish it is to start disliking and trashing someone just because they're dating your favorite popstar? You are not a good person if you do this. You are not kind. You are not sweet. You're not cool. You're not funny. You are not a "safe space."
Can you think of how awful you would feel, how traumatized you would be, if you started dating Harry, or someone in the public eye you're attracted to, and all of a sudden you get picked apart in every way possible and cyber bullied? Or a whole different situation, where if you posted something immature or questionable online, or put your foot in your mouth, you're judged or punished for it forever? Why is it okay for you to make mistakes and for people to give you grace, for you to have second chances, but you can't do the same for a stranger who just happens to date Harry Styles?
Don't you know that people have harmed themselves from getting bullied and abused? I'll bet that you'd say you never want to cause that type of pain to anyone, but the first thing you do is pick apart, harass, and shame anyone who dates Harry Styles. Please look deep within yourselves and fix whatever is going on inside of you that makes you do this to his girlfriends, or to any human being for any reason.
Instead of immediately hating on a woman who dates Harry, do you know what you can do? You can leave her the hell alone. Stop talking shit about her. Stop leaving disgusting hate on her social media. I'm going to be very blunt, but you AND me never stood a chance with Harry, not at all. So him having a girlfriend changes nothing.
You know why you bash his girlfriends, right? It's out of pure jealousy. And there's use denying it, because everyone knows it. that's the only reason. Those of you who are enjoying seeing Taylor Russell and Harry together, but who bashed Olivia, Camille, Kendall, and whoever else Harry has dated in the past, you've helped create an environment where it's okay to hate on Taylor. See what you've done?
(And another thing...why is it okay and "allowed" for some of the the 1D men to have girlfriends, get applauded for it, get talked about how cute they are as a couple (for example, Niall and his girlfriend), but Harry and his girlfriends immediately bashed hated on? Why is okay for Niall and say Liam, to want to have a partner, but not Harry? But that's a story for another post, and I'm tired right now).
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whoreforlarrystuff · 1 year
Hi! Just wondering what your take is on the Louis “I’m gay it’s pretty unfortunate isn’t it Eleanor” video (where he was with a group and responding to a fan who said hello before getting on an elevator) I wasn’t in the fandom at the time. How did people respond? To me it seemed like he had too much to drink and was just saying the truth. Security said would you keep quiet or something similar and Liam said I can’t believe you said that. Seems pretty important to me but maybe I read it wrong
Hi Love!
So I wasn’t in the fandom at the time either, so I can only give you my perspective from now; it sure seems like he says “I’m Gay, pretty unfortunate isn’t it Eleanor” I know some people love to claim he’s saying “I’m Birthday”- but for one, that makes absolutely no sense. For two- I think it’s just pure denial that makes people hear that.
That particular clip is one of the things that convinced me regarding Larry / Lou in general, since it’s just so…clear?
Of course, one could also say it’s just Lou trying to make a (bad) joke- but considering the circumstances and the Larry rumors at the time, I doubt it.
Just for reference, I’m adding the clip below too!
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martelldragon · 4 months
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— faves and friends
songs: “no matter what” by rebecca sugar, jeff liu, and aivi & surasshu, “daddy issues” by the neighbourhood / daenerys fc: elle fanning, missandei fc: akira akbar, sansa fc: eleanor tomlinson, jeyne fc: claudia jessie, arianne fc: karen david, sylva fc: gabriella wilde, rhaenyra fc: holliday grainger, elinda fc: clémence poésy, samwell fc: harvey guillén, jon fc: harry gilby, brienne fc: frida gustavsson, podrick fc: dylan schmid / paintings: “fireflies” by daniel gerhartz, “girls in the orangery” thomas frank heaphy, “an ancient custom” by edwin long, “a tale from the decameron” by john william waterhouse, “the interior of a studio” by émile friant, “the morning after the celebration” by ludwig knaus
Daenerys Targaryen and Missandei of Naath / “The little scribe with the big golden eyes was wise beyond her years. She is brave as well. She had to be, to survive the life she’s lived.” / A Storm of Swords — Daenerys VI
Sansa Stark and Jeyne Poole / “Where is Jeyne's father? Why can't Ser Boros take her to him instead of Lord Petyr having to do it? Where are you sending her? She hasn't done anything wrong, she's a good girl.” / A Game of Thrones — Sansa IV
Arianne Martell and Sylva Santagar / “Sylva cleared her throat, till Arianne said, “Might I present Lady Sylva Santagar, my queen? My dearest Spotted Sylva.” / A Feast for Crows — Arianne I
Rhaenyra Targaryen and Elinda Massey / “Elinda Massey, the “youngest and gentlest of Rhaenyra’s ladies-in-waiting gouged out her own eyes”, at the sight of Rhaenyra’s death.” / Fire & Blood
Samwell Tarly and Jon Snow / “I don’t know what you did,” he said, “but I know you did it.” He looked away shyly. “I’ve never had a friend before.” “We’re not friends,” Jon said. He put a hand on Sam’s broad shoulder. “We’re brothers.” / A Game of Thrones — Jon IV
Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne / “You may call yourself a squire, but I've seen pages half your age who could have beat you bloody. If you stay with me, you'll go to sleep with blisters on your hands and bruises on your arms most every night, and you'll be so stiff and sore you'll hardly sleep. You don't want that.” “I do. I want that. The bruises and the blisters. I mean, I don't, but I do. Ser. My lady.” / A Feast for Crows — Brienne III
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awesomefringey · 1 month
This is different from the other ask I just sent you, but everyone needs to remember that we can't judge the relationships during the band as fact when absolutely none of them were real.
Zayn dated and got engaged to Perrie. Perrie was from another up-and-coming band under Syco and won the Xfactor. Zayn had dated a girl during the Xfactor, so his dating another girl didn't seem so farfetched. Perrie and Little Mix got a fuck ton of promotion from being associated with One Direction, from ticket sales to album sales, especially outside of the UK. They probably would have been ok in the UK, but the exposure to the rest of the world through Zerrie was really helpful.
Liam had two relationships during the band. Danielle Panzer and Sophia Smith. Danielle was already a dancer on the Xfactor, attempting to find fame in various ways. Placing her with Liam put her name out there to the entire world; I remember she tried modeling for a little bit, but they ultimately broke up after the Up All Night Tour (I think). Sophia was different. She was Liam's childhood friend, and they seemed to have a comradery from their shared experiences and growing up together. However, Sophia also attempted to be a model in the UK during their relationship, as Liam Payne's girlfriend got her exposure. She was known to the fandom as a model and often spent time with Perrie and Eleanor when they were all supposed to be with the boys.
Harry and Louis were obvious with Harry's winter girlfriends, and Louis openly looked miserable with Eleanor during the majority of their relationships, the first time and the second.
Niall was different than all of them; other than Harry, he was supposed to be the single one. The available one, for the fans to think they had a chance with. Similar to how Harry was treated in the Media. Niall also admitted more recently that he'd been in a relationship from 17 to 19 but wasn't allowed to tell the fans because it would ruin his available image.
While I could definitely believe that Liam and Zayn are both some level of queer since they had fake relationships too. I think the only true relationships in the band besides Larry are (Niall and Amelia) Zayn and Gigi. I have reason to believe that Liam and Cheryl were more of a friend asking another friend to be the father of their child since, compared to the rest of Liam's relationships, Cheryl is the only one who seemed to care about him when he got sick last August/September. Though this is just my opinion about the whole thing since every relationship regarding this band has been shady.
I honestly couldn’t say whether Zayn’s and Liam’s relationships were designed to boost publicity or if it was two people with a similar lifestyle and the beneficial side effect of PR.
However, fake dating for publicity is a common marketing tactic, and I don't see why Modest Management wouldn't use that effective strategy with as many members of the band as possible, regardless of their sexual orientation.
Oh God, Cheryl and Liam? They were such an odd pair. They always made me scratch my head. And naming the kid Bear, when RBB/SBB were literally the babygate mascots just a year or so before… seriously, what were they thinking? 🫠
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sryluvidrc · 2 years
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anewnewcrest · 1 year
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From the Payne Family Simstagram
The Payne family is back! We're dad Jacob and mom Alyssa, and our ten children: Aaron (20), Jason (16), Joanna (14), Bennett (12), Cordelia (11), Cecilia (9), Nolan (7), Eleanor (5), Avery (2), and Brianna (2). We're faithful Worshippers of the Watcher and we leave our family size up to the Watcher, and look how He's blessed us! But now that it's been two years since our twins Avery and Brianna were born, the whole family is praying for another baby! Because babies are such blessings from the Watcher, and even though it means things will be even tighter in our little house, it also means that there will be so much more love! Worldly goods really don't matter if you have the blessing of the Watcher, and my husband Jacob is working so hard to provide for us!
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noellehenry-original · 11 months
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Autumn at Fairbridge Hall by noellehenry
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: M/M Fandom: One Direction (Band) Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson,Niall Horan/Gemma Styles,Liam Payne/Sophia Smith,Tommy Napolitano/Lottie Tomlinson,Julia Carey/James Corden,Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles (implied) Characters: Harry Styles,Louis Tomlinson,Gemma Styles,Lottie Tomlinson,Félicité Tomlinson,Phoebe Tomlinson,Daisy Tomlinson,Liam Payne,Niall Horan,Sophia Smith,Tommy Napolitano,Eleanor Calder,James Corden,Julia Carey,Original Female Character(s),Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Regency,Marriage Proposal,Autumn Ball,Fox hunting party,Period-Typical Homophobia,Bottom Louis,Top Harry,North Yorkshire,Country House Words: 14438 Chapters: 1/1
Originally published on 23 Sep 2017
It is October 1817. Mr Louis Tomlinson hosts an Autumn Ball and a Fox Hunting Party at his estate Fairbridge Hall, intending to find suitable husbands for his younger sisters.
A Regency AU where Louis does not want to deal with marriage proposals, a stubborn sister and unwelcome guests. The only things he wants are peace and quiet and…, the handsome Mr Styles.
Written for the @hlhistoricalexchange2k17
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latibvles · 22 days
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Hi friends! So this is a much neater version of this 3am post I made. I was thinking on this for a while (because I like girls & female friendship etc as we all know) and wanted to have more members of the other crews around in the background: I figured to crowdsource it. So for Pasadena Nena I’m looking for eight girls to serve as Anita’s co-pilot, radiowoman, bombardier, engineer, and all four gunners. Also, if you like haunting the narrative or if you trust me that much with a character, all nine spots on Ellie Harris' fort, Sparky, are open. Sparky is the first of the girls' planes to go down, since it happens during the scuffed Bremen Raid right after they get overseas. In any case, my submissions & inbox are open (and also discord, for those who have it). I really just need to know where they're from, a bit of personality, a little backstory (parents? partners? life before all this? why'd they join?) And I'll drop some examples below the cut for those who work better with a solid example to follow:
Eleanor Harris, 24, Pilot, honey-haired and surprisingly shy, has two very sweet parents who sent the girls Christmas Cards, and a New Englander. Responds to "Elle" and "Ellie." Her uncle's a WWI veteran and missing a foot. A pretty good voice of reason for her girls, comes out of her shell more in the cockpit than on the runway. Boyfriend at home, gets shot down over Bremen on the first mission; subsequently haunts the narrative.
Anita Rivera, 25, Pilot, Went to Howard Payne University before all this and comes from Austin, Texas, named her fort after her "best friend" Nina. Stubborn, loud, a proper "tough cookie" if there ever was one. Loves a good card game & doubly so when she wins them, rehashes her mother's old sayings and superstitions like they're bible verses. Joined up because the planes were pretty much in her backyard so it's hard not to be enticed.
Vivian Savorre, 26, Pilot, UMich graduate and willing ringmaster of this circus. Doesn't talk about her family much, can make you feel like her best friend otherwise. Typist before this in the WAC, wanted a transfer. Extremely charismatic, has a short-fuse, and is scrappier than she looks. Prefers "Viv" to Vivian, cut her hair short with the rest of her crew right before they left the states. Cameras love her. Joined to get away from her parents but says it's to keep parents from burying young boys.
Hey if you made it this far I'm giving you a squeeze. Thanks friend!
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mamomare · 2 years
Ultimate Decades Challenge 1340-1350
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This has been a brutal decade. I went from having several side families back to only two at the start of the 1350s. Thanks 100 Year War and the Black Plague! I’ve also had consistent bad rolls and so many babies and potential parents have died! I hope I can bring the family back in the 1350s, keep your fingers crossed for me... Births 1344 - Norman Brooker 1346 - Ivett Brooker 1346 - Andrew Smith
Marriages 1341 - Adam and Isolda Brooker 1343 - Ellis and Magge Brooker 1344 - Christopher and Avice Smith 1347 - Herbert and Estrid Payne
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Deaths (Not including babies) 1341 - Eva Brooker, Eleanor Clifford 1344 - Isolda Brooker 1346 - Ida Brooker, Osbert Baker 1347 - Ellis Brooker 1348 - Edith Baker, Godfrey Clifford, Joan Clifford, Adelard Clifford, Mabel Clifford, Lucia Clifford, Margary Baker, Alviva Hurst, Nicholas Hurst, Robert Hurst, Herbert Payne, Christopher Smith 1349 - Avice Payne, Magge Brooker
Current Family Tree * Note: I remove “dead” branches of the family tree to keep it manageable. 
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Current Family Lot
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m-eowdy · 17 days
10 characters, 10 fandoms!
rules: list your ten favorite characters from ten separate fandoms, then tag ten people!
I was tagged by @bbreaddog :3
Katniss Everdeen - The Hunger Games
Abed Nadir - Community
Edwin Payne - Dead Boy Detectives
Emma Perkins - Hatchetfield
Eleanor Shellstrop - The Good Place
The Dag - Mad Max
Nadia Vulvokov - Russian Doll
Juliet O'Hara - Psych
Cynthia Houston - Spies Are Forever
Izzy Hands - Our Flag Means Death
And I'm tagging @szollibisz @a-little-bit-oddish @honeycombtower @theygender @dont-offend-the-bees @grandemalakajeremi @hello-kitty-speculum @lesbianwithchainsaws @fruitshake @mysweetoddbird and anyone else who wants to!
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sporadiceagleheart · 2 months
It's Friday Y'all know what that means time for one of my Rachel Joy Scott Friday edits Sarah Elizabeth Armstrong, Sarah Elizabeth “Sadie” Ollis Armstrong, Ruth Eleanor Ollis Yenter, DEATH 27 Dec 1988 (aged 78)Ruth Elizabeth Armstrong Sizer, Dr Sarah Elizabeth Reidhead Armstrong, Sarah Elizabeth Armstrong, Sarah Ann Armstrong, Hachikō “Hachi or Chūken Hachikō” Ueno, Rex the Dog, Girl Dog, Milo, Rando the Dog, Spike, Lassie, Lassie Jr., Max Dog, Greyfriars Bobby, Buster Boy, Toto AkA Terry, Barney “The Cemetery Cat” Sampson, Sneaky Pie Siamese “Sneaky” Cat, Grumpy the Cat, Room Eight, Grumpy Cat, Suzy Cat, Simon The Cat Allen, Tippy The Cat, Slick Cat Chidsey, Morris the Cat, Susan Hayward, Cat, Tom Hanks (Cat), Syrka, Panther Cat, Sylvester Bachman “Syllie” Cat, Edle Lee “♥♥” Hecht Cat, Mr. “Bootsie” Boots-Cat, Nagi cat, Gilbert Cat, Snookum White McStay, Butters “The Bean” Bozwick, Danie Cat, You'll Do Lobelia, Rachel Hannah Morin, Rachel Marie Sobkoweak Jackson, Rachel Marie Johnson Janous, Rachel Lauren Lavalley, Rachel Ann Schrette, Rachel Joy Scott, Rachel Erin Rollings, Rachel Dawn Freeman, Rachel Frances Reid, Rachel Elizabeth Payne, Rachel Karin Hurley, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Saffiatu “Saffie” Bockarie, Leonard “Len” Saffie, Sarrafino Joseph “Saffie” Flammia, Lillie Estelle Lawson Greene, Effie Frances Sandifer Mayhew, Ewing Roy Mayhew, John Atkinson, Courtney Boyle, Kelly Marie Brewster, Georgina Bethany Callander, Olivia Paige “Ollie” Campbell-Hardy, Megan Joanne Hurley, Nell Jones, Sorrell Jenny Leczkowski, Eilidh MacLeod, Chloe Ann Rutherford, Nevaeh Alyssa Bravo, Jacklyn Jaylen “Jackie” Cazares, Makenna Lee “Kenna” Elrod Seiler, Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, Maite Yuleana Rodriguez, Layla Marie Salazar, Eliahna “Ellie or Elle” Torres, Rojelio Fernandez Torres, Alejandro "Ale" Vargas Jr., Ava Jordan Wood, Tristyn Tyne Bailey,
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ceekbee · 7 months
Xtra Thoughts
March 5
Today I will ignore “what might have been,” and concentrate on “what is…”
“Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.”
-Jonathan Larson
It is never too late to be what you might have been.
–George Eliot
God, help me welcome all the new experiences in my life. Give me the courage to calmly walk my path today, knowing I’m right where I need to be.
–Melody Beattie
When hate, anger, fear, attack, victimization is thrown at us, we find solace in returning to Spiritual sanity. These emotions only harm us if we embrace them, rather than embrace Gods love.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
–Eleanor Roosevelt
The past and the future are great places to visit, but you don’t want to live there.
–Tom Payne
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anewnewcrest · 11 months
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From the Payne Family Simstagram
Amongst all the joy about the new baby who will arrive soon, we cannot forget about the other happy occasions in our family! We recently celebrated Bennett and Eleanor's birthdays, and it's amazing how fast our children grow up! With frugality being much on our minds lately because the Watcher put it upon our hearts to save more, we didn't have a party, but we celebrated among our family, and really, what more does a child need than a large, loving group of siblings? Other children would only lead them astray!
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Bennett is still much too tender-hearted and too obliging, he likes to help his sisters around the house, entertains the toddlers, and whenever there is a chore Joanna (who's our eldest girl and doing so much work around the house) cannot do, Bennett is there in a flash, always ready to make himself useful. We put a stop to him changing diapers because it really is not appropriate, but with me being so sick as my pregnancy progresses, it's a blessing to have such a helpful young man in the house. I particularly put him to work doing household maintenance (because that's a man's job, really), and while he is not very good at it, bless his heart, at least he does everything without complaining.
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Eleanor has kept her meek and quiet spirit from her toddler years, praise the Watcher. It is so important for girls to display obedience and tender-heartedness, and Eleanor hardly needs any training in that department. Her countenance is always pleasant, she loves to help around the house, her favorite book is the Watcher's word, and she always volunteers for any chore that needs doing. What a blessing she is, not at all difficult like her sisters Cordelia and Brianna!
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