#eldrith my angel
dipperscavern · 11 days
hi gf🕯️im here to consult your fortune telling & to formally congratulate you on 1K!! ur amazing and deserve it & all the happiness ever soooo🤎🦇ily
n e ways you know me but here’s some other stuff: im 5’3, v pale blonde (goodbye), enfp-a, confession im not actually an overly romantic person - but im def loyal and rly value integrity&honesty. i work with lobbying and legislation, & studied history / polisci / intl affairs! idk what else tbh im confrontational but not extremely hot headed… usually lol & im unfortunately a big flirt irl but it’s mostly bc i don’t stop talking. & i think it’s fun. so 🫵🏻
hi baby 🕯️ thank u so much!!! i love u!!! (yes, it is true, we are comrades, but i am an unbiased unit when it comes to fortune telling)
eldrith, first & only of her name, omen of the winds and poet of the gods, come forth and kneel before my ball of crys’, and we shall see which stark of three stands beside you in your midst 🔮
i see…. snow, winter… oh, that fellows always clipping doorways. hm— oh, yes, the man in my vision is stark, indeed, warden of the north, cregan, shall be your only need. anyways!! cregan alike values integrity and honesty, and i think you not being overly romantic would sit well with cregan. obviously, you love each other, but don’t rely on grand displays of affection to show your devotion to one another. cregan learns you inside and out, and learns the subtle ways you show your love/affection (he appreciates every one). i think the way you show affection to each other is more subtle and silent, like physical touch and acts of service, yk? and you would make a fabulous lady stark — the most politically skilled one they say ever had. u and cregan would be a political dream team!! and confrontational but not extremely hot headed, yeah brother, that’s cregan to the MAX. cregan loves someone who stands up for themself n doesn’t take any shit. plus, he would adore the oddities you collect, and always point out stuff he’d think you like (bones) <3
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earth4angels · 17 hours
have you read “A golden cage” series by eldritch?
@eldrith yes that’s my poet girl and i’m sat for the next part WE SAT.
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nicosraf · 10 months
What inspired you to create kimah ? Is he more of an original character rather than one taken with heavy biblical reference (I ask because the only evidence in his namesake I can find are just star clusters, which makes sense because of how he ends up, but I couldn’t find anything describing him as an angel) ? Curious what your thought process was when introducing him and Uri as an entity. Also does Uri ever sympathize with Lucifer ? Or does their relationship stay strained? I don’t know if this may be too much of a spoiler, so feel free to ignore, but does Uriel ever share his story/be vulnerable to anyone other than God? Or does his character remain pretty much the same as book 1? Excited to read more of your stuff! If you see this, thank you!
Hello!! I answered this a looong time ago, so I can just give you the run down but yup Kimah isn't a biblical angel! He's just stars.
The backstory to the Uriel chapter is that I acknowledged the Bible does this thing where it conflates angels and stars a couple of pretty important times. For example, in Revelation, it reads that Satan dragged down 1/3rd of the stars (which people understand to mean he dragged down 1/3rd of the angels and turned them into demons), and the devil himself is conflated with "the morning star".
I also acknowledged that angels were bizarre eldrith monsters (usually in proximity to God's throne) and often just... cute guys (Sodom). I had to come up with an explanation for the star thing and I was stuck for a while. I had this idea that some angels were stars (and there was a sense of belonging to the stars that all angels had). I also remembered that there used to be no stars for a long time in the universe, and I thought that maybe the first angels turned into stars.
At the othet end of all this, Uriel is an angel who fascinated me a lot. He has this really stoic/sad expression in most of his art. (As opposed to Raphael, for example, who always looks really kind). And he was always associated with fire and, to a lesser extent, with stars. (In Enoch I, he's the one who leads Enoch through all the stars.) I remember seeing this stained glass of him and feeling really... struck by it:
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As I kept drafting ABM, I started understanding this portion of the story better. Michael told the story of the angels turned stars, and he mentioned Uriel was the oldest and immediately, I had a big idea in my head. Maybe Uriel had loved one of the stars — that would explain him to me perfectly. In my outline, I was very intentionally vague about what would happen when Uriel confronted God about Lucifer. I thought it would come to me when I got there. (And it did!)
Also, the star thing was helping me understand the deeper, uglier parts of what Heaven had been built on. I had the idea that something had happened and Heaven was God's (almost) apology for what occurred in the past. So this served that purpose as well
A little before I wrote the chapter, I dreamt the majority of the story of Kimah. Afterwards, I woke up, freaked out, then wrote it all down, but I needed a name. I can't remember the Bible translation I had at the time, but I flipped to Job, which mentions angels as stars, and I saw the mention of Kimah (a constellation, maybe). I thought "Uri-Kimah" sounded nice, and so I went with it :)
Also! Uriel will definitely develop and will open up to someone. A&M puts those building blocks in place, but you shouldn't expect to see him get his head out of his ass until the third book, really.
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sweets248 · 5 years
What I imagine what the son @crimson-chains and @kaizuart characters Art and Damien son would look like. The photo quality is crap so let me explain.
His name is Asher Ender
He has a golden halo like Art, but the spikes on his are red.
He also has horns like Damien but his are attacked to his halo.
He was created by magic/ magic that made a egg which he came from.
He has two eyes cause he doesn't have a lot of power yet.
Like Art, he likes humans (even though he never seen one in person).
He only has one wing, and he can't do much with it.
The ring on his arm is like Damien's weapon, but he mostly uses it as a accessory.
Both Heaven and Hell don't like him, they believe that he is strange and even a abomination (but Art and Damien love him).
He's a good boi, but definitely takes after his angel father a bit (and drives him crazy🤣🤣).
His shirt says "God wishes he has all this"
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Its horrible but I love the Eldritch Boyfriends so I wanted to do something inspired by them.
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grokebaby · 4 years
Eldrith... I'm coming to hug u >:)
*All my angels share looks with each other, then glancing nervously at all the monstrosities I've made. Wondering which one you meant*
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dipperscavern · 12 days
Is Eldrith as mean as she seems?
yes. eldrith killed my grandma
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dipperscavern · 9 days
you need to be muzzled
see you do all this talking but it’s never solutions. come muzzle me then poptart
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dipperscavern · 7 days
What happened to your ankle? Did @eldrith push you down the stairs? Did you hurt it when you were in her walls and you tried to escape through an air conditioning vent and she shoved you back inside with her foot?
Or when you crawled out of the well on your bloody bare hands and feet like the ring? You finally managed to crawl out and you see her there waiting for you at the top and she just slaps her palm on your forehead and you fell all the way back down as your ankle snaps like a piece of balsa wood
so this is a really hard thing for me to do. a really hard story for me to tell. the wound is still fresh; smoking in the nights cold air. do i want to tell the truth, even if it means detaching from my captor? my captor, whose home has become mine? she is my anchor, and the sea i drown in, do i dare swim on my own?
i tried to escape. i had finished my day observing her through the air vents, through the walls, and i was visited. i was visited by the angel and devil on my shoulder, aka tow mater and abby lee miller. usually, i take medicine to keep them at bay, but @eldrith had forgotten to flush my pill down the toilet so i could get it.
“Don’t you tell her!” tow mater said, but abby didn’t listen.
“Dipper, you better show that ungrateful little non-cartwheeling hag what you’re made of. She owes you a debt, your freedom!”
“Awh- now, we have a good life here! Observin’…. an’, an’ makin friends with the dust bunnies…” tow mater sounded more discouraged the more he spoke. abby only shook her head, hands on her hips. the next words she spoke, are ones i never want to hear again.
“Moms better have my money!”
i wanted to be good, to pass eldriths test of loyalty with flying colors. but abby spoke; and i knew, subconsciously, my choice had already been made.
she better have my money.
the rest… it’s… it’s too painful. but i will continue if my people wish it so, as i have a duty to the realm.
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dipperscavern · 10 days
I’m eating up this Eldrith x Dipperscavern thing it’s so funny… you two are so funny
stopSz…. you’re making me blush :3
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dipperscavern · 12 days
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire
onika = What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and
burgers = I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire
onika BURGERS 💜
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dipperscavern · 12 days
I don’t really understand why people don’t seem to like Eldrith? She seems great to me
on a real note i don’t understand either. like genuinely she’s nothing but patient & kind, n i’m not sure why she keeps catching strays? 😭 bye ok let me be serious for a sec
engaging with it was funny at first, but i’m laying it all to rest. if u send a stupid ask sneak dissing her 1. its getting deleted 2. i’m outside — the only things i want to see about eldrith in my inbox is y’all singing her praises, and if you aren’t going to do that, zip it lock it and put it in your pocket 🗣️🗣️
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dipperscavern · 7 days
You don’t have to lie to us, we’re all friends here. We know this is how you really hurt your ankle😊
@eldrith is the friend at the top with the trump hat trying to help you up before you lost your footing
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the truth comes out at last….. @eldrith i didn’t mean any of that baby i was high on pain meds and it was abby lee miller and tow mater i promise
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dipperscavern · 12 days
Do you have stockholm syndrome with your captor Eldrith?
would she be considered my captor if i was the one who invaded her home and started living in her walls? because i’m all for it #PsaEldrithIsACaptor #FreeDipper #HereForDipper #OmgImLookingThroughTheHereForDipperHashtagAndYouAllAreSoSweetTysm
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dipperscavern · 12 days
But why are you and eldrith friends?
because we’re members of the NRA & it’s important that we express unity 💜
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dipperscavern · 13 days
how did you and eldritch becomes friends
i noticed a typo in one of her fics & like the insufferable nerd i am i dmed her about it, then a little while after that i think we just kinda started talking ☝️ and appearing in each others comments… inboxes… walls…
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dipperscavern · 13 days
check it out (will.i.am, nicki minaj) 0:25 timestamp
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