#eldritch info
Eldritch bitty: Fell Gaster
UnderFell Gaster Eldritch bitty
Name: Kureku(k-er-eh-k-oo)
Size: 2-4 feet tall(Micro), 8-10 foot tall(Mini), 16-18 foot tall(Fullsized), 25-27 foot tall(Bara), 30-35 feet tall(Mega), 40-60 feet tall(Cosmic),
Personality: Friendly, social, caring,
Likes: being in a herd, being helpful, nectar, sweet things,
Dislikes: not being in a herd, being alone, being around aggressive bitties,
Compatibility: They prefer to be in large herds, though they can do well in smaller herds/households they do still need at least 4-5 other bitties around, preferably ones closer to their side, but not required
They are really friendly despite being a fell type, and despite the massive spikes on their feet,
They can sleep standing up! Though they prefer to lay down, but they will only lay down to sleep when they are comfortable
Their tongues are long and prehensile and surprisingly strong for what they're used for(the pollen isnt gonna fight back lol)
They rarely sleep laying down if there isnt someone on watch out, and in herds of Kureku they will always have at least one on watch out while they others sleep
They will never leave someone behind, bitty or not, if they see someone in danger they will almost always do their best to help them, they know they're big and strong after all, and a whole herd of them can take down predators twice their size if need be, though fighting is almost always a last resort
Feeding habits: These bitties are massive even at 'mini' size, meaning they their diet is suprising, they need a LOT of flowers, sugar water, honey, nectar, pollen, and fruit juice to eat!
Due to their lack of teeth, they cant chew! they need soft/mushy food or just liquids/almost liquids(like honey), they can also eat flowers, though they're better as treats,
Additional info: You can actually ride a Kureku! As long as you have the proper gear(short bareback rides wont hurt them though they arent afraid to buck you off if it does lol)
Zone: FlowerField, Jungle, Fairy forest, Fungi forest, Eldritch,
In Universe: They are seen as strange but oddly popular,
Difficulty: Basic
Main colors: Red, black,
Secondary colors: Red, black
Extra: (see in picture bc how do you describe that???)
Additional info: they often have darker colors on their underside, patterns arent unheard of,
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onesidedradiostatic · 5 months
I constantly think about how charlie only met vaggie 3 years prior to the series, lilith was gone for 7, lucifer had been distant from her for god knows how long, so. she really spent 4 years having no one huh? that's kind of just. really sad. finding vaggie and sheltering her was probably the most constant company she had in a WHILE
I think about how much implied DECADES of history and interconnections there are between the villains that we can explore dynamics set in the past, and then I think about charlie's lack of that and then I get sad. a good chunk of the main cast are characters she only recently met and most of hell's residents don't even respect her so it's hard to imagine who she really HAD before vaggie
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wr-n · 4 months
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F,,,, fine,,,,
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 3 months
would majexatli rest their tail against the leg or on top of the hand of a close friend / a potential partner?
Oh definitely! While Majexatli is a bit stand-offish and distant from people they don't know, once they're close with someone, they can be very physical and close with friends and partners/romantic interests.
It's probably one of the good ways to tell how much Majexatli trusts and likes a person by what they do with their tail. They'll let their tail touch or wrap around people they're really close to and/or interested in, whereas around people they're less close with they keep their tail to themselves, and around people they don't trust they either wrap their tail around themselves or move their tail around a lot.
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pcm-vandermeer · 7 months
‧⁺✧ news for my eldritch romance novel ♡°‧
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Get it at playstore | amzn | iBooks | kobo | Everand | BoD and more! Read a tumblr snippet here ☆
I’m super happy to announce that the revised second edition of “Far Beyond The Moon” is finally available internationally! It comes with a 10k words bonus chapter full of monster goodness ♡
Blurb of “Far Beyond The Moon”
The life of Christopher Ennington is in shambles. Volunteering at his local dog shelter is what gets the 38-year-old through the days. Battered by abuse, disease, and that particularly messed-up thing dragged into the shelter, he cannot believe his luck when he crosses paths with a mysterious stranger: Gyth is kind, dreamy, and just as much of an outsider as Christopher. Frankly, it has seemed impossible to ever find love again – but here he is, enamored by brown eyes and a voice like honey.
Gyth has never planned on returning to this dimension. But after his crash into it, he is connected to the lonely creature who has saved his life. And so, he decides to stay and masquerades as a ‘human’ himself. With Christopher to teach him, it’s not too difficult – and even fun! Birds of a feather flock together after all. But people in rural Massachusetts do not take kindly to this blossoming relationship. It is only when Christopher learns of Gyth’s eldritch nature that this world finally starts to change – and they themselves with it…
What lies beneath the flesh must break free: Cosmic horror and body horror entangled in a steamy queer romance – literally!
More about “Far Beyond The Moon”
130,200+ words
460 pages for you to devour
15 chapters full of hurt/comfort
8 smut scenes with eldritch body horror
2 loners who finally find their perfect match
1 cosmic-mad, brain-melting, sweet-as-honey romance
and too many tentacles to count!
Since it deals with trauma and mental illness and serves as an abuse survivour fantasy, parts of the book are fairly dark even outside of the body horror genre aspects. I have written this very much in the spirit of a hurt/comfort fanfic. Still, I encourage you to check out the CWs on my carrd before buying or renting the book.
I’d be overjoyed to hear what you think! I’m still starting out as a selfpub writer and it is a scary road, but I literally have so many more horror couples I want to pour into novel-length stories – so I’m trying my best to make this work! Thank you to everyone spreading the word, it means the world to me ♡ Cheers!
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ananxiousgenz · 5 months
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first 10 minutes of malevolent episode 5 be like:
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totheidiot · 6 months
everyday I think about the fact that a lot of deaf people get surprised at the fact that the sun doesn't make a noise,,,,
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opheliajupiter99 · 3 months
Sprinkles the Void Being
'Sprinkles', of course not being its real name, is a large, vaguely dog-like creature, with fleshy, tar-like skin that squirms and bubbles unnaturally, with long, hair-like tendrils extending out from the back of its head that can move independently. It has, technically speaking, no gender, but goes by 'he/him'.
He is worshipped by a cult known as Hearts of Joy. He is fascinated and amazed by this, to him, foreign, bizarre concept known as 'happiness'. Most emotions are foreign to him, but positive ones the most of all of them. His cult helped him to be brought to this world via gestation/possession of a host, and needs constant entertaining.
He helps, at least in his view, his followers by removing all of their negative thoughts, feelings, and memories, leaving them in this unnatural, sickly-sweet state (if you've ever played We Happy Few, it's a lot like that). He's fallen so in love with this emotion of happiness that he feels no mortal should ever suffer with any other state of mind.
Due to this devotion, he is associated strongly with colorful, childish things, circuses, clowns, toys, sweets, games, things like that, hence the nickname of 'Sprinkles'. He is often represented and honored via idols and structures assembled from junk of these things, candy wrappers, broken bits of toys, with balloons often hanging from the structures.
He will either be hidden in the flesh of his chosen host, not revealing himself unless necessary, whispering words of ethereal joy and elation to his host endlessly, or appear in the form stated above. His voice has been described as a distorted little boy's voice, like a tune off of a worn-down music box.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 3 months
will we ever get a morro and harumi interaction when he shows up
Considering I'm still on the fence about where exactly Harumi's gonna be for S5-S7, I won't be moving heaven and earth to make it happen, buuuut if the opportunity arises I won't say no either. Just don't count on it or anything :d
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Eldritch bitty: Tale Napstablook
UnderTale Napstablook Eldritch bitty
Name: Ungkan(uh-n-g-can)
Size: 5-7 inches tall(Micro), 1-3 feet tall(Mini), 5-8 feet tall(Fullsized), 10-15 feet tall(Bara), 20-30 feet tall(Mega),
Personality: Mopey, calm, lazy,
Likes: naps, soft things, being in the same room as others,
Dislikes: eating to much(makes them sick), being to hot,
Compatibility: Despite their looks, they're actually considered extremely overweight if you cant see their bones, and while many find it uncomfortable to look at them(they're skin and bones of course), it's very unhealthy for them to have to much fat(trust us, we've tested it- we dont want them looking so skinny either lol but thats how they're healthy)
They float a paws length off the ground, and sometimes can seemingly use their paws despite them being 'invisible', meaning they can still claw people and can use their legs to run extremely fast, reaching 40mph when they want to, though they rarely move fast,
They are known to commonly have depression and 'laze' or 'mope' around a lot, though they do prefer to lay in a sun or moon mean or on some nice warm grass or concrete, as they do tend to 'run cold', often letting off a freezing chill 24/7, and when they arent you know they're sick,
They prefer just being in the same room as other bitties or their caretakers, often lazing about and may cuddle up to(or just flop on) them,
It's not unheard of for them to want to play, though they usually stop pretty soon after they start, though they arent winded or anything usually, they just like lazing about!
Despite not having visible eyes, they are not blind! though they dont see the best they can still see,
Feeding habits: They arent the most picky, but dont like eating a lot, but do tend to eat more when it's hot out or if they're sick,
Additional info: It's extremely common to find them at shelters or as strays as many adopt them, thinking they're just really thin, and then making them sick trying to 'help' them, which good on them but this is why you research bitties you bring home,
Zone: Ruins, Eldritch, Forest,
In Universe: Many often pity them thinking that they need help, or will try to bittynap them thinking the same thing,
Difficulty: beginner - intermediate
Main colors: blues, greens, and muddy colors,
Secondary colors: blues, greens, and muddy colors,
Extra: (see in picture bc how do you describe that???)
Additional info: they often lack patterns in general, though its not unheard of to see them with some patterning,
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desnayy · 1 year
Can't wait to get my thoughts together (and maybe even watch something from Tazercraft stream) so I can get the emerging eldritch!Pac thoughts out
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the-hex-project · 1 year
Summoners that don't adopt their creatures get some months of grace to decide if they want to officially sponsor them.
To get your summoned (but not adopted) creature off the market, you have to reach out to me and express a passion for your design + show me you want to actively use it (crediting The Hex Project).
A mutual arrangement can be settled, but these particular cases are still available for tattoo pass unless adopted.
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 11 days
Last Six Sentences
I was tagged by @thedragonagelesbian <3
RULES: Post the last six sentences you've written.
“Come on now, your turn,” Shadowheart said, taking a sip of her wine as she looked over to Majexatli. Majexatli sighed, idly swirling their goblet of wine for a moment before downing the rest of it.  “Can you keep a secret?” Majexatli asked. “Obviously,” Shadowheart snorted. Majexatli hesitated for a moment, the buzz of the wine doing nothing to help loosen their lips. “You asked me how a Silvanus-worshipping druid would approve of allying with a Sharran,” Majexatli started, looking out over the camp below, “The truth is I don’t worship him, I haven’t for ages. I worship Malar.”
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beeapocalypse · 8 months
playing w the idea of there being a number of sentient animals in alamanni that either evaded or bartered their way out of the mass Ascendance the eldritch beings did for the rest of them once humanity crawled out from their predecessors' tunnels after their Own ascendance into dreamspace (vennettes as a whole species formed by the eldritch to be their companions in a world entirely unfamiliar- wouldve died out without that guidance, the grand majority of the eldritch extremely curious over these weird naked things that just showed up). theyre very secretive+reclusive and are a dying race as the other races of alamanni spread across the globe and mold it to their own desires
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hakurines · 2 years
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twitter commi <3
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levitheeldritch · 1 year
About me!
(click the read more for other dni stuffs)
HEY, PPL SENDING DONATION ASKS: I'M A MINOR WITH NO MONEY, BUT I CAN SHARE YOUR FUNDRAISER! unfortunately, due to me accidentally sharing a few scams, I only share verified ones!
Be not afraid!, because the stories I make are somewhat Gorey and have mature themes. I'll make a separate 18+ blog when I'm older, however. Also, I tend to draw (sfw) self indulgent art with fictional characters I like. If my parents find my account, respectfully step away. There's nothing bad, I'm just self conscious.
Please tell me if I accidentally followed an 18+ account, I didn't check! AND FTLOG TELL PEOPLE IF YOU'RE SWITCHING FROM NON MDNI TO AN MDNI ACCOUNT (it's so aggravating when you make people break a boundary they didn't know was there, and then get mad at them for it😭😭😭😭)
16! My birthday is April 14th!
Dni if *you* are an mdni account. Kind of unfair if you can interact with me but I can't interact with you.
All my stuffs under the cut
Names: Levi/Leviathan/Lucid
Pronouns: He/they/it. I also use neopronouns xey/xem and void/voidself, but you don't have to use them.
My non- reblog tags are in the post so you don't have to scroll to find my stuff
Rambles: #Eldritch thoughts 🩷
Askbox: #ask an eldritch
Also, please don't repost or use my art without my permission! Ask first, my Dms are open! (Reblogs don't count, obviously.)
Art: #goopyart (and other art tags)
Wips: #Goopingwips
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LeviTheEldritch
Animalistic-official blog: @animalistic-official
Reblog account (EXTRA THOUGHT CONTENT‼️‼️❗❗❕❕‼️❗❕) @levireblogs
I like art, music, reading, mushrooms, writing (even though I can't finish a book for the life of me), creating stories of all sorts in my head, gaming, and other creative stuff that my adhd brain is ironically too uncreative to think of atm.
Bigots in general. Please. Also, Zionosts. Anyone pro isreal (as in, supporting the soldiers). Pro/comshippers (no, I don't care if you ship two characters with no chemistry. I do care if they are related or it's pedophilic).
Favorite animals? Snakes and jellyfish.
Favorite colors? Pink and black.
Movies? Nightmare before christmas and 9.
Object of my romantic hyperfixation: Fell Sans and Standford pines
Current self made series in my hyperfocus range: EdenIsBurning and Animalistic
I have depression, ADHD, and a pretty severe anxiety disorder. Luckily it makes me funny. (Also, undiagnosed dyslexia. I'm not saying I 100% do have it, but my dyslexic dad has told me that I do have a minor case of it. Honestly, it explains a lot)
Anyways, hope you enjoy the stuff I post! Stay sparkly, and stay safe.
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