#eldarya ophelia
Alright, so there's something that's been bothering me for a while...
When Erika first met Ophelia, the reincarnation of the oracle, she tells her how her choices will determine the fate of Eldarya and how she must be careful about what decisions she will make (I assume she meant the aengel/daemon paths). After that, Erika talks to her after she returns from Earth, where Ophelia tells her how Eldarya is doomed, that her choices led to this to happening and now she will have to guide the fairies into a new exodus. "Oh, but not you though, someone else will lead the way”, and I'm just here thinking: what was the point of all this then?
Erika hasn't done anything that could have changed the fate of Eldarya since the beginning of New Era. Ever since she woke up from the crystal, she has been trying to figure out what was happening and why, and to find a way to stop the end of the world. And while she was learning about the portals, the templars and the role of her father as the new antagonist of the story, Eldarya was already going to shit, and that had been happening years before the current events. If Eldarya's destruction was inevitable, then her participation on the main conflict of this season was irrelevant.
Yes, she’s being part of the faerie migration to Earth, but I can't help but think that it could have happened without her direct interference either way, mainly because there was already another human somehow related to Charles (the big baddie final boss) inside the guard that was going to be part of the main events too, mostly because he is a LI.
I'm not saying that she and Mathieu have the same role in the story or that things would have been exactly the same without her, but nothing she did on Eldarya or on Earth would have altered the chain of events that followed. How did Erika, “the child of both worlds”, participate in the big climax of the story? Her being “the last of the aengels”? Nothing more than to show how powerful she is and how she can fight now (not as important as in TO). Her being Charles's daughter? Nope, there was already a "counter-organization" working against him on Earth that will help the fairies with their relocation.  
So even if, let’s say, Erika was still trapped in the crystal at this point in the story, Huang Hua would still have died, Huang Chu would have become the Phoenix, gaining the power to stabilize the portal and send the fairies to Earth anyway.
So please tell me because I'm tired and I might me missing something here, but what important choices was Ophelia talking about at the beginning of the season? There are few if not just one episodes left, and I really want to know if any of the "major decisions" Erika has made in the last 19 episodes will make a difference to the story (aengel/daemon - good/bad ends) or if it was just part of the narrative and not really like, something we as players could have done to change the finale.
* If someone is doing the daemon path and the story does change in their gameplay, please tell me, it’ll mean I’m wrong and I just spent way too much time writing this nonsense ^^’ *
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Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening my little otters, welcome to a new post of Eldarya: A New Era. I'm late, I know ! But I was not in the mood lately to write my thoughts about it. Maybe, because it's almost the end. And deep inside, it breaks my heart because I grew up with Eldarya. But now, I'm ready so here we go ! And it will be short for once ! The wedding was soooo fucking emotional. I cried so many times. So beautiful for the chaos that will come. The first illustration was very cute with everyone dancing with all the CDC. But I knew it was too good to be true. That something was coming, and I was almost surprised by Erika's father army coming and bringing fire. What the actual fuck ? What if one of them, killed or hurt Erika ? How can the father would think that killing faeries is the key ? It was very stupid. Why the villains in this game are so stupid ? At least Lance as Ashkore in TO was way more badass than them ! Then the scene with Erika confronting him, almost in the way to kill him. It was very deep, and extreme. But thank god, Lance stopped her. Explaining her, how it would never be the best way to end this, by killing him and make her feel better. I just thought that it would of been better to know how he deals with his past a long time before. But the most hurtful and heartbreaking scene, (before or after) Valkyon's death is Feng Zifu's death...I was so chocked. I needed a break when they announced it. Because Feng Zifu's was like a father/grandfather for her. And I was so scared that Karenn has been shot. For the interrogation between Erika, Matthieu and Charles it was a little bit messy about the reason why Charles wanted to "save" Erika by firing everything that was moving. It is their fault if Eldarya will dissapear. Because they used too much portals to go in there. It's like they blaming their existence... The Council came, Erika revealed to everyone what she saw by The Oracle (I don't know how it's called in English, sorry...) and I was suprised that no one in the entire eighteen episodes, people didn't know that Ophelia was the Oracle. I mean since a couple of times Erika had visions and told about them and saying that she saw a little girl but it's just now when everything would end that they finally understood that she's the Oracle. Then, the preparation of the exil brings no time to everyone. And we learned that the forest was gone, replaced by a big flaw. The end is coming... That's is for this episode. I hope you liked it. Don't hesitate to write also what you think about this episode on the comments. I'll see you guys soon, for the next episode ! See ya ! <3
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prettymilotic · 2 years
I have to say that Ophelia is too happy to announce the end of the world.
We all think that Huang Hua or Mathieu are super sus. But what about the "human oracle" who want her world destroyed ?
But if you wanted the world destroyed... WHY DIDN'T YOU LET LANCE DO IT DURING THE WAR?
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licuadora-nasir · 3 years
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O: Many are counting on you, in this world and in the other one.
E: In the other one? Who's counting on me on earth? Everyone forgot...
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O: Wake up. Not everyone forgot. You have to wake up.
E: Shut up, it's unpleasant. Please, shut up, this way you're not going to...
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Yeah, the memory of any human. Any HUMAN. Erika is not human. HER MOTHER NOR HER FATHER IS NOT HUMAN EITHER. The Great-grandmother was an aengel.
They've talked several times this season about the potion and her life on earth.
Daddy aengel or mommy aengel is coming for us?
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odree-lya · 3 years
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broxklynn · 3 years
Episode 8 | Eldarya
[♥] Illustrations
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[♥] My opinion
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louis-ratking · 4 years
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nelielombrelune · 4 years
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Eldarya a New Era - New characters Here are Ophelia, Huang Chù (Huang Hua’s sister and new leader of the Absynth Guard), Koori (alias Queen), Adalric & you already know him, Mathieu.  I don’t know why but they all seem to be in the Absynth Guard for some reason.
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to-cos-innego · 2 years
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mayamaii · 2 years
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i know she was tired of her
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her too
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squirtbad-blog · 3 years
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Huang Chu looks so amazing on this illu, she's my favourite female character but Gardienne/Erika look so powerfull and confident. Really like that 😈
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Cutie, lovely Ophelia try to wake up Gardienne/Erika ❤️
In my opinion, illustrations are awesome🔥
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“But hey, you two sacrificed yourselves to save the crystal, so we’re cool...”
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ezarelz · 3 years
♡ Heart'o'mines ♡
Cupid for: @nohr
Pairing: Ophelia (OC) x Muriel of the Kokhuri
Wordcount: 2k
Summary: Ophelia spent the entire night studying heart'o'mines, a type of flower that blooms during Valentines Day and whose medical properties are of great value. Muriel, her boyfriend, had stayed up to keep her company, before succombing to sleep. Ophelia, however, does not join him in bed. Instead, she heads to their garden to start the harvest. The earlier she finishes her task, the sooner she can focus on the surprise date she had planned for her lover and her. It seems, however, that her plans for the day are of no use as Muriel, along with some of their closest friends, already came up with a plan for the day.
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They were not only pretty flowers, heart’o’mines possessed impressive medical properties. Ophelia knew this because she had stayed up all night studying this rare breed. She also knew that they only bloomed on Valentines Day, a day during which love filled the air. Ophelia knew better than to rush into the garden this early in the morning. Carefully, not to wake Muriel from his slumber, she lifted his arm before slipping out of their bed. She then threw on a hoodie of his, much too large for her, but warm and carrying his scent. She rolled up the sleeve until her hands poked out of them, before retrieving another large hoodie and setting it on his nightstand. “Emergency hoodie if he, too, needs one”, she thought, nodding slightly to herself. “Be back soon”, she whispered, gently caressing his cheek before tip-toeing out of their bedroom. She then grabbed the skirt she wore during gardening chores, went in front of the mirror to observe herself as she tightened an apron around her waist, slid her rubber boots on, and made her way to the garden.
Outside, the fireflies danced around the purple bulbs of light scattered across the wooden structure of their vineyard. Years prior, Ophelia would have stayed a bit longer, long enough to enjoy their dance, but the earlier she was done harvesting, the sooner she could prepare a surprise rendezvous with Muriel. Asra had offered to collect heart’o’mines for her, but she refused. She knew their harvest was tiring, and she could not help but have noticed a greater difficulty when doing readings ever since his last travel; she would not want to burden him any further. “Muriel did bring him a cauldron of the soup we made yesterday…” she thought, absent-mindedly tearing out the flowers from the ground.
Suddenly, she heard voices coming from the dark woods neighboring their garden. She ducked into tall grass, remaining silent to identify the voices. “I can’t believe you have me up this early in the morning, Asra. Some of us heavily rely on our beauty-sleep time!” These words, which could only be Lucio's, were followed by a sigh. Ophelia slowly came out of her hiding spot to look out for her friends. Not too far away, in the dark, stood Asra, Ilya, Nadia, Pasha, and Lucio, whose features became progressively clearer as they stepped into the vineyard’s lights. Their steps were energetic, assured, and the smile on their faces suggested that they were well-rested and had prepared for a visit in advance; well everyone, except Lucio. Tired, but delighted nonetheless, Ophelia approached her friends with open arms. After having greeted everyone, she invited them inside for some tea. While heart’o’mines were valuable, she knew better than to sacrifice quality time with loved ones for plants, even those that bloomed yearly. She could always buy them at the marketplace; they were expensive, but money was no longer an issue for Muriel and her. Her ointments and potions were, after all, well-reputed in Vesuvia.
After having treated everyone to a cup of Torsan red tea, an herb she had bred herself while gardening, she set a generous fruit platter and fresh pastries on the low table around which they were sat, before sitting down herself. “Should I wake Muriel up?” she hesitated, before choosing not to. He had stayed up to keep her company for quite long, and she did not have the heart to shorten his night any further.
“Thank you for the warm welcome, Ophelia. You always knew how to spoil your friends rotten.” Asra said, twisting his index into his dimple, earning a light bow and a small smile from Ophelia. “It is only natural. To what do we owe the pleasure?” she asked, glancing around her so as to invite anyone to answer. “I am aware of the impact heart’o’mines have had on the development of treatments against devastative diseases. I know that they only bloom today, so we rested in decalage to be able to harvest them for you. Lucio did not follow the order-'' Asra frowned while throwing the himbo a heavy side eye, before he continued: “but I have energizing potions, and we all have the heart to do it.” “For me?” Ophelia echoed his previous statement, taken aback by the sudden favor. “For you.”, Muriel’s morning hoarse voice came from the stairs, behind her. There on the steps stood Muriel, arms and legs crossed, leaning onto the wall. His blood-red buttoned blouse hugged his large chest to perfection. He was irresistible; the light blush painted across his cheeks rendered him so. Across his neck dangled a necklace whose centerpiece was tucked into his blouse, but she recognized it nonetheless. It was the necklace she offered him during their first Valentines Day together, two years ago. The small smile that crept across his features brought Ophelia back to her senses. She shook her head lightly, appearing confused, but amused. “Muriel? What is the meaning of all of this? I am so confused. Did you ask them to visit tonight-” she asked, her question punctuated with light chuckles. “Well, this morning? This early?”, Ophelia corrected herself, glancing at the large clock beside him. “I did,” he immediately admitted, watching his feet as he stepped down the stairs. “You have been nothing short of a heavenly partner, and I could not thank you enough for what you do for me, Ophelia; I hope this much is clear,” Muriel said, his voice resolute, as he clasped Ophelia’s hands in his. “But I also need you to be more mindful of your limits. I need you to be well-rested and relaxed, which is why you will not be working today.” He added, stepping closer. One of his hands let go of hers to gently get hold of her cheek.
“Heart’o’mines are of great use, and you and Asra have created quite many ointments with them.” He added, causing Ophelia to look back at their friends. But they were no longer in sight; they had silently left the couple alone during her exchange with Muriel. Ophelia blushed, she should have known. Despite his constant progress, Muriel never spoke this openly, this confidently in front of a crowd, no matter how small. Plus, his tender words were meant for her and her only; an audience would have been bothersome. “Which is why our friends have proposed to harvest them while we enjoy a day in each other's company.” Muriel’s arm circled her, bringing her flush against his chest. Her arms naturally slid against his back, squeezing him with what strength she had left. She nuzzled her head against his chest, content to be in his arms, and excited at the prospect of spending the day with her man. She then stepped back, the warmth of his body leaving her as she did, before heading up the stairs hurriedly. “Let me dress accordingly!” she exclaimed as she ran into their walk-in closet.
She returned sporting a silky white blouse with loose puffy sleeves and a navy blue high-waisted, mid-length, flowy skirt. Her pastel pink hair was pinned back with a white bow, and another bow, this time a dark pink, was tied around her collar. Her brown mary janes were fit for a walk in the forest, or so their seller had assured her. She rhythmically jumped down the stairs before wrapping both of her arms around one of his. The tall man glanced down to his girlfriend, whose infectious smile brought one to his face, too. “You seem to have quite the energy gain, it absolutely warms my heart. I have been meaning to share this with you since our arrival in this new place. This new home of ours. Come with me.” Hand in hers, Muriel guided Ophelia into the dark forest, following a path drawn out by glowing beige rocks set on the ground. A few minutes later, Muriel’s hand slid out of her, and his steps ceased; they had arrived at a waterfall. Ophelia stepped into the moonlight, mouth open, right hand flat against her heart. “Oh, Muriel, it’s beautiful.” She muttered, fascinated by the scenery. She distractedly reached for his hand, which he linked to hers, before bringing it to his mouth and kissing her knuckles. “I’m glad you find this place beautiful. This part of the forest hides many other secrets. Watch!” Muriel said, before sweeping Ophelia off her feet and earning a light gasp from her. “What more can this place offer?” she asked, laughing at Muriel’s sudden move, but Muriel did not answer. Instead, he gently set her onto a bed of pillows before laying by her side. She reached for him again, sliding his arm under her head and pressing herself to his side, but kept her head toward the sky. It was particularly clear and active tonight. Within a matter of minutes, a dozen shooting stars had crossed the sky.
“This is nothing short of divine, Muriel. We need to come here more often.” Ophelia pleaded, rubbing his large pecs in gentle circular motions. Muriel’s smile grew slightly, and he turned onto his side to face her. Her eyes in his, he began: “These phenomenons can only be seen today, and in the presence of people that reside in our heart.” He admitted. “And I wanted you to know that, tonight, I see a sky full of stars... In your presence, I witness nothing short of a celestial spectacle.” He continued, slowly sitting up. He leaned back onto his hand. Ophelia sat up, too, before straddling his thighs. “You are too kind, Muriel, your words warm my heart. No amount of shooting stars would make me half as happy as you do.” Muriel’s cheeks reddened, and his other arm pulled Ophelia in for a long, slow kiss. Ophelia laid a hand against his torso to separate them gently. “How might I return the favor, Muriel? What would make you happy?” she asked, distractedly tracing small patterns on his pecs. “Ophelia, I could not be happier. I-” he hesitated, before continuing, “- I have never been this happy, ever, actually.” He said, brows furrowing slightly. Ophelia knew of Muriel’s difficult past and had greatly helped him feel safe and important around others. Indeed, Muriel no longer panicked when the Vesuvian marketplace filled with a large crowd, and he had more than once asked Ignatius, the local baker, for loaves of pumpkin bread. Tears of joy welled in Ophelia’s eyes, and Muriel’s large thumb caressed the ones that had streaked down her cheeks. His eyes got teary, as well, and he brought their foreheads against one another. “I love you. Today, tomorrow, and forever. I used not to think about the future. I had nothing to look forward to… But that was before I met you. You’re quite the blessing, Ophelia.” He spoke calmly, confidently, before kissing the tip of her nose. Ophelia’s hands gently cupped his jaw, bringing his lips to hers once again. “I love you, too, Muriel. Know that my love for you knows no limit.” She smiled sheepishly: “I… I had a surprise planned later, tonight. I was still thinking about how to go about it, but it involved baked goods, chocolate, fruits and a Prakran recipe I wanted to try. A picnic, of sorts.” She peppered his face with light kisses, a satisfied grin plastered on her face. Then, from the dark woods came Inanna, carrying on her back a bag whose scent promised an exquisite meal and strawberry shortcake for dessert. Ophelia's eyes widened and Muriel's smile grew. He had planned everything in advance for the day, for them. For her. The two lovers spent the early hours of the morning in one another’s arms, treating their partner to pastries and heart-shaped chocolates now and then. Little did Ophelia know then that this would become a tradition of theirs, one that they would carry with them and honor well into their old days.
♡ The End ♡
Author's note: Heart'o'mines are not true flowers; they do not exist (to my knowledge), but If I were to name a new breed of flowers, I would call them as such. It just sounds adorable! Just as adorable as your OC, Ophelia, sounds :)! Hope she enjoyed Muriel's surprise.
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licuadora-nasir · 3 years
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Shut the fuck up Ophelia
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trechoseldarya · 3 years
Sprites da Ophelia
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shion-monsta · 4 years
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[Eldarya; Ophelia]
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