#el machismo
marcmarcmomarc · 4 months
Cars: Race-O-Rama
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Playable characters
“El Rayo” McQueen
EN: Keith Ferguson
LA: Sergio Gutiérrez Coto
Tom Mate
EN: Larry the Cable Guy
LA: César Filio
EN: S. Scott Bullock
LA: Jorge Badillo
EN: Tara Strong
LA: Cristina Hernández
Chick Hicks
EN: Michael Keaton
LA: Carlos Becerril
El Machismo
EN: Randy Savage
LA: Juan Carlos Tinoco
EN: Lloyd Sherr
LA: Eduardo Tejedo
EN: Jenifer Lewis
LA: Simone Brook
Doc Hudson
EN: Corey Burton
LA: Héctor Lama Yazbek
EN: Tony Shalhoub
LA: Salvador Nájar
EN: Cheech Marin
LA: Gabriel Pingarrón
EN: Paul Dooley
LA: Héctor Lee Vargas
EN: Michael Wallis
LA: Francisco Colmenero
EN: Dee Bradley Baker
EN: Stephen Stanton
LA: Marc Winslow
Tater Jr.
EN: Joe Smith
LA: Luis Navarro
Chica trofeo
EN: Elissa Knight
LA: Annie Rojas
EN: S. Scott Bullock
LA: Agustín Lezama
Los estudiantes de la Academia de Carreras de Chick Hicks
EN: Mark Silverman and Josh Robert Thompson
Los estudiantes de la Academia de Carreras de Doc Hudson
EN: Joe Smith and Chris Edgerly
James P. Sullivan
EN: John Goodman
LA: Gerardo Vásquez
EN: Guido Quaroni
LA: Raúl Aldana
Mike Wazowski
EN: Carlos Alazraqui
LA: Erick Salinas
Chico del boxes de Doc Hudson
EN: Dee Bradley Baker
Chico del boxes de Chick Hicks
EN: Jon Olson
Chico del boxes de MotorCo
EN: Josh Robert Thompson
No Carlos
EN: Mike “No Name” Nelson
LA: Juan Antonio Edwards
Non-playable characters
EN: John Ratzenberger
LA: Arturo Mercado
EN: Lindsey Collins
LA: Yadira Aedo
EN: Elissa Knight
LA: Romina Marroquín Payró
EN: Andrew Stanton
LA: Ricardo Tejedo
Tommy Joe
EN: Joel McCrary
LA: José Antonio Macías
EN: Rob Izenberg
EN: Bill Farmer
LA: Jorge Ornelas
EN: James Patrick Stuart
LA: Carlos Hernández
El Lisiado
EN: Corey Burton
LA: Eduardo Garza
EN: James Patrick Stuart
LA: Mark Pokora
Conde Espátula
EN: Henry Dittman/Steve Purcell
LA: Héctor Estrada
Turistas (Minivans)
EN: Lou Romano
LA: César Garduza
Turistas (Sedánes de los años 70)
EN: Jerry DeCaupa
LA: Héctor Emmanuel Gómez
Turistas (Camionetas)
EN: Jennifer Hale
LA: Annie Rojas
Turistas (SUVs)
EN: Joel McCrary
LA: Eder La Barrera
Turistas (Hatchbacks)
EN: Jennifer Hale
LA: Karina Altamirano
Turistas (Sedánes modernos)
EN: Nolan North
LA: Luis Leonardo Suárez
Turistas (RVs)
EN: E.J. Holowicki
LA: Kevin Adrián
Turistas (Camiones)
EN: Nolan North
LA: Óscar Flores
El papá de Candice
EN: Actor sin identificar
LA: Rubén Cerda
Troy Brakeman
EN: Nolan North
LA: Roberto Salguero
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corrupcionenpr · 2 years
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brosniffer · 10 days
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champmorado · 7 months
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immediatebreakfast · 5 months
Toxic yuri this, toxic yuri that, cuando vamos a darnos cuenta que el verdadero yuri tóxico, que tenía la capacidad de crear un miasma venenoso que mata a las que no sean la pareja principal, es entre Beatríz Pinzón Solano y Marcela Valencia.
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elkoko · 1 year
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Es muy triste pero muy significativo que el mismo día en que se proclaman campeonas del mundo su presidente, Rubiales, oscurezca su victoria con un gesto tan machista como el beso sin consentimiento a Jenni Hermoso demostrando lo mucho que queda por luchar.
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zeynatura · 4 months
Yuri: please come forward Bruno and Omar, come because there's rumors that I am homophobic. These are the guys that do my makeup, am I homophobic?
Bruno & Omar: no buddy
Yuri: see?
El Magic: it's wrong to be homophobe but it's even worse to not admit it.
One who doesn't accept their errors is condemned to repeat them, for ever and ever we have been guided by signs and that of intolerance has been the most evil one.
Having gay friends doesn't take away your "least", "we're all humans" didn't stop us from killing each other.
There's slithering snakes with no venom and there's snakes with legs that say nothing good.
Who irons (your clothes)
Who does your make up
Who helps you all the time in the kitchen
Who cheers you on and puts the crown on you
You see them as anything but people
Having a mom doesn't take away you being machista (sexist), and having a household worker doesn't take away your classism
Being homophobe as a "point of view" (opinion) has been the biggest excuse racists use.
Context and notes under the cut:
The lady in the video is famous mexican artist and singer Yuri, that got criticized for using the lgbtq community for her own gain in her latest song and music video, also some people mentioned she may have been trying to be like Lady Gaga a queer icon while she's a homophobe and Yuri's response was: I'm a Christian, I respect them even if some of them don't.
Yuri la menos / Yuri the least is the hashtag that was used to criticise her on social media
I didn't know how to translate comadre or derivative comadrita because the original word comes from midwife but the term nowadays is being used for (or between) ladies (usually old) to express they're friendly with each other, that's why I translated it as "buddy", it's not new for gay men to use she/her pronouns and other feminine terms in Mexico so some of them call each other comadre
And actually part of the lgbtq community in Mexico was defending Yuri 🙄
You can enjoy her music. there is no need to like her as a person, her music is multi-generational and will always be part of our culture, that doesn't take away that she is a bigot shielding herself behind her religion
Machista is a term used to describe a traditional, stereotypical and often toxic view of masculinity that places high value on traits like dominance, aggression and stoicism. While it can be translated as "sexist" because it is part of being machista, it is not the only characteristic so translating it would take way the complexity of what it actually is.
In spanish we use "point of view" the same way people in english use "it's my opinion"
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En vez de «nosotros» decía «nosotras». ¿El machismo? Erradicado solo con ese gesto.
Supersaurio, Meryem El Mehdati.
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oceanidae · 2 years
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Normal people - Sally Rooney.
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radiohimalaya · 2 months
bixbi pero porq escuché a una mujer llamar j*** a su pareja por usar un poco de labial... Amigaaaa por Favor
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corrupcionenpr · 8 months
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Femicidios en Puerto Rico
IG: con.sentimientosPR
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brosniffer · 7 months
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Gnomo №.3 - El Machismo Dominicano
Para recibir nuestras publicaciones, SUSCRÍBETE gratis, DALE a ME GUSTA, y COMPARTIR entre todos tus contactos y redes sociales, así llegaremos a más personas que urjan de contenido, de primera mano, fidedigno y de calidad. Jesús María Solís Medina Entrevistando a quien domina su diario vivir. Entrevista a la Licenciada Luísa Gervasio Moya, Psicóloga Clínica Dominicana. Se ha repetido…
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daeluin · 1 year
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elkoko · 10 months
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Alfonso Guerra dijo en el hormiguero que ya no se pueden hacer chistes sobre enanos y maricones, que hay menos libertad y que le dan pena los humoristas, decirle que es mentira que no se puedan hacer esos chistes, lo que pasa es que no nos hacen ninguna gracia. #humor
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the-acid-pear · 1 year
Estaba pensando en por qué medio que soy reacio a los términos no binarie y esa poronga y es que se me hacen "muy femeninos" y onda, porque diría eso? Pero después me di cuenta que es simplemente la cultura machista que si algo no es un hombre es automáticamente algo peor como una mujer 👎 o alguien que fue una mujer 👎 o alguien que quiere ser una mujer 👎 y por asociación es como ay pero no :(. Language locked internalized transphobia LMAOOO
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