#either way im gonna be busy cause next Friday is opening night sigh its so over
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causeimcrayzeebee · 9 days ago
Theory! I think Hasegawa is the culprit here based on three four things:
1. Yanagi, Mai, and Hiroaki didn’t find him in his dorm — hinted by Yanagi saying “Where the hell is Hasegawa?!” — so he was somewhere else at the time, but somewhere near by.
2. While they were in the pool, Hasegawa said “How did we start a fire?” — like as if he was included. It would make more sense for him to say “how did a fire start?” or something like that if he wasn’t involved.
3. We haven’t seen him for two days.
4. My mind who likes to prepare me for worse case scenario with me favorite characters said so.
If he’s the killer, I’m betting it was either an accident (like he was trying to help Watari and Hama out with the PC, he accidentally started a fire and burned someone to death, panicked and fled) or that he just . . . Gave up. Like had some depressing thought that they were never going to get out (like the scientists would kill the survivors anyways because they’d want to get rid of loose ends) so he fell into a “I’m going to put myself and everyone else out of our misery already” mindset. Which he probably wouldn’t have fallen into if he had his meds to help him think clearly, but he doesn’t.
A few things saving Hasegawa tho!
1. Bro is a terrible liar and he genuinely sounded confused — not much weight to it, but still. I don’t think he learned how to lie that well in under 3 weeks. If he is lying the self-preservation is really helping his acting skills.
2. He could have just been in Kamimura’s room instead. I doubt that they were looking for people in other people’s rooms. If he was in Kamimura’s room saying goodbyes and all that, they he wouldn’t have heard the knock on his door, but would have eventually heard the commotion.
3. He said “we” because he was just referring to the student body in general, because he knows one of the students must have done it.
4. In general, Ken values human life and I don’t think his fear of the dark +(mourning Kamimura) is necessarily equal to the stress Hitomi was under and he doesn’t have a tiger. But I might be wrong about that.
5. He opted to stay in his room because last time he went he got bonked so hard that he was knocked unconscious. Like, idk how food worked for him but he has water in his bathroom. He could probably do it.
I hope it’s not Ken but I am preparing myself for it to be. I really want him to get out.
yeah i feel like it's unlikely but maybe that's just delusion,, I feel like he might be a red herring for a bit with his absence but I just can't see him having actually done it yk? but ig we'll find out :')
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randomsevans · 5 years ago
Pain of being in love part 3
Original apart of @jtargaryen18 #30daysofchris2020
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Two weeks had dragged by as you felt like an empty shell going day by day . You hadn't spoken to anyone apart form Scott ,you haven't left the house unless it was for a good reason. You would constantly forget to eat so Scott became like your own personal chief.
And all this because the time had finally arrived where your love for chris was outshone by his own love for someone else .
Scott had told you that Lisa and Minka have been planning a engagement party much to chris dislike as he sees the announcement as an engagement party .
Chris had tried to call you but you always let it go to voice mail as it was probably an invitation to the party next Saturday. You really didnt want to go . The pain in your heart was begaing you not to as it cant take anymore hurt . But you knew as being the brothers best friend and a family friend you need to go . Because as much as it hurt you . You know that this will make Chris happy and you need to be happy for him even tho you are dying inside .
It was the day before the party so the Friday and some how Scott had managed to get you out of your bed and house only to be in his house on his couch . Currently eating too much mint chocolate chip ice cream along with this stuiped movie Scott forced you to watch
Love Rosie .
"How fuckin ironic "
You knew that Scott put picked this movie on purpose . Whether it was for the both of you to make fun or the movie like you usual do or let you watch it because it was so fuckin relatable. Either way you too had ended up watching the movie in silence with a few mumbles about food or if one was getting up or not and even a giggle or two when Rosie was struggling with a new born .
It had got to the part of the wedding and oh by god how you related to it . Rosie speech on how she loves him no matter where he is or who hes with .. your heart was yelling someone gets it . You were stuck in your own your head focusing on Rosie words until Scott spoke up.
"How ?" He ask
"What ? " you were confused and faced him as he faced you turning his body as the movie played in the back ground .
"How , when, why ?" He stared directly into your eyes with the soft blue shade he shares with his brother
"What ? " you asked again
"When did you begin to have feeling for my brother and why ... and how much because not to be mean but iv never seen you like this not ever so his engagement clear has affected you " he said softly
You hadn't yet actually spoken the words I love your brother to Scott or I'm in love with him to be more exact but Scott had guest it never asked about it until now .
You were silent for a moment thinking ... well more like your head was empty of thoughts you just liked the silence.
"Who said I have feeling.... "
"Y/n " Scott cut you off
You shift in your seat turning to face Scott legs cross over each other and hands in your lap looking down .
"I .. I had always had a crush on him you know ... who didnt " scott hummed in agreement
"But do you remember that day when I...was ment to have my first date but he never showed up "
Once again Scott hummed
"Well Chris picked me up... and he tried cheering me up .. and it worked "
You glanced up a Scott who looked softly at you as your eyes hot glassy . You looked back down to your hands as there stared nervously fiddling with the ends of the blanket that was wrapped around you.
"Well we were at a dinner ... and do you know in movies it like you have loved someone and you always new . Well it wasnt like that ... "
You took a deep breath.
"I hit me .. like a truck ... he was sitting at the other side of the table... and it hit me everything flooded I... love him but not just that . Because I love you ."
That caused Scott to scoffed as if ' I know you do who doesnt '
"It was more ... well more like a different type of love ... or more like . I was in love in love with him ."
You glance up at the ceiling letting the tears sink back into your eyes as you shake your head .
"I AM in love with him "
You looked at Scott who now had tears in his eyes ..and red showing he was trying to hold them back .
"And I think I always will . "
You were both silent for a seconde
"No matter where he is ... or who hes with a will always love him "
That caused you both to giggle as you made your way into Scotts open arms
"Quoting are we " he chuckled as your head landed on his chest as his arms wrapped around you .
"Well you know me "
You heard him sniff as you felt a tear drop into your hair .
"Oh .. god ... how have you kept it in for so long... that was like ... .... we were 14 or 15 fuck how ? Why ?" He said softly as tears clouded his voice .
"I didnt say anything or do anything because he will never and has never felt the same I'm... im like a sister to him ...in a weird way... and I'd never deserve him ....."
You left your head and looked at Scott .
"And at the same time I realised iam in love with him I also knew nothing would become of it because... " tears bow fell down your eyes .
"Because it was better to have both of you in my life then not to have neither of you ... and I wasnt willing to risk it ..... and I knew ... I knew this time would come .... but it dosnt stop .... it doesn't stop it hurting " you couldn't help but let it all out as you tucked your self back into Scott
He placed a kiss in your hair
"Your a silly one ain't ya ..... I will always be here you know that " he said softly
"You do know that right ?"
You just nodded as your tears drained his shirt .
You stood at Lisa front door with Scott by your side much like that dreaded day three weeks ago . You were in a blue floral dress in small pumps waiting patiently as you heard the party already up and ready with in .
"Its not late to turn back " Scott whisper in your ear just before the door swang open. To reveal Minka at the door with a giant smile and an even bigger diamond on her left hand . That had somehow made your heat beat pain through out your veins.
"It is now " you whisper back before putting a wide fake smile on
"Minka .... contagralations " you tired your best not to sound bitter you really did .
"Y/n right ? " she asked looking you up and down . You just nodded your head
She was about to speak again when Chris practically ripped the door hinges off as he opened the door wider . As his eyes landed on you there grew and his month hung open as he let out a deep sigh . Making your heat beat fast instead of the numb feeling it has had over the last three weeks .
"Y/n " was all he said a small whisper .
You and Chris eyes were locked missing the fallen smile of Minka as she looked between the two of you here eyebrows knitting . While Scott had a small smirked placed on his lips due to Minka reaction
"Chris I thought we agreed I'd do the door " Minka snapped at chris . Breaking his eye contact with you . To glance at Minka for a split seconde
"Um yeah sorry " he said quickly and looked back deep into your eyes , with the softest blue shade "I... I just heard her name ..." he sighed and he said it slowly and softly . He tilted his head almost like a child went there feelings are hurt . "I haven't..... I havnt see you ... heard form you ... I tried calling but ..I always ... "
"I was busy " you cut him off
Before chris could answer or even process what you said , Lisa pops her head at the other side of the door
"What are you all doing out here ! ... come on come in "she took at step back with a wide smile , as you stepped in .
She pulled you in to a tight high as she always does "isn't this amazing.... finally get to celebrate my boy with hes wife to be "
You closed your eyes as your rested your chin on her shoulder and sighed "it sure is "
You took a step back and put on the widest smile .
What you didnt know was as you were facing momma Evan's. Two blue eyed boys looked at you with soften eyes but both for different reasons .
"Come on let's join the others " lisa said to all of us.
"I couldn't agree more Mrs Evan's " minka replied
"How many times Lisa or even better mom " lisa laught her and Minka walked side by side to the garden
"Ma! " chris said .
"What she will be my daughter in law soon so she better get use it " both lisa and Minka laught and diserperared into the garden . Leaving you , Scott and Chris still in the hall way of the front door .
"How soon exactly ?" Scott asked the fill the uneasy silence .
"Um its gonna be a fall wedding " chris replied
"Oh " was all you said as you felt the pit in your stomach grow and your heart beating fast
"Like .... next year or two ?" Scott said slowly shrugging with his hands in his pockets .
"Uh no " Chris paused and took at quick glance at you and looked at the floor . "This year .... in 3 months " he sighed.
And as if it wasnt possible you felt your heart crack more .
Scott only let out a deep sigh and grab your arm " come on y/n let's get a drink " you nod you head and began to walk to the garden . But you turned your head over your should and with a deep sigh , you dry throat and stinging eyes .
"Contraglation Chris " you sighted, eys watery " I'm... happy for yo... you ... sh ...Minka is a lucky girl " you choked out as Scott pulled you futher away as he tried to save you from futher heart break or for you to continue lying .
"I'm...not " Chris mumbled silently as you were out of earshot .. and took a deep sigh and then finally followed your direction and headed for the back yard.
The never ending growing pit in your soul and tears in your heart was growing more painful as you chuged down your first of many drinks of the night. But what do you expect it's the pain of being in love
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Ps I didnt realise that the actress (lily colin)that play Rosie in the movie love Rosie actual dated chris
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mother-snake · 4 years ago
grim tales of shadows- pt 1
tags: @idkanameatall @imma-potatoo @girl-with-many-fandoms (ask to join the list!!) words: 4545 warnings: mentions of death, abuseive, sad snek times.
part 2: n/a
-im gonna make it through this year if it kills me-
I broke free on a Saturday morning I put the pedal to the floor Headed north on Mills Avenue And listened to the engine roar
the sky was dark by now. Yellow glowing eyes looked around the city, watching and waiting for anything to appear. “sup dee!” a voice called out from behind.
He rolled his eyes, a smirk from underneath his face scarf. The winter air meant he wanted more warmth. He had always had that issue. “hello to you too Remus,” he chuckled, “I take it you’ve finished your list for the night?” he asked, voice muffled behind the fabric. “of course double dee. You need a hand?” he was asked. “can’t find it... that or its not created yet…” he grumbled.
That was true. He had been out here for several hours looking for the level five monster that was meant to be here. the baseball bat in his hands was held with a vice like grip.
His eyes looked over the blackened small city. Their home. Well… for Remus maybe. As soon as he was able to leave school, he was leaving this place asap. That was for certain. he felt himself focus hard on something fluttering in the distance, “bingo,” he cheered before taking a running start and jumping over to the next building as if it were second nature.
In a way, doing this since you were nine would have that effect. He had indeed died at the age of nine. But fate was… well. It wasn’t cruel. But it wasn’t nice either. he had died too early that day apparently. But his brother died on time.
A house fire was all it had taken. A simple spark from the stove whilst his father slept on the couch. and here he was, fighting monsters that if you told to any sane person would make you seem insane.
The loud roar of something screamed from down below. Inhumane and deafening.
His grin couldn’t get any wider as he saw the beat flap its wings and soar in the sky. it looked like a mantuary. Just with more eyes and sharp sockets filled with teeth. He would need to be careful if he wated to go to school tomorrow. “ready?” he said over to Remus. “you know it double dick!” his friend cheered as he picked up a piece of loose pipping.
My broken house behind me and good things ahead A girl named Cathy wants a little of my time Six cylinders underneath the hood crashing and kicking Ahh, listen to the engine whine
He woke up with a groan. Splayed out on his bed in the same things he had worn the night before. His window was wide open and his baseball bat sat neatly to the side. his wrist screamed in protest as he clenched his hands. he winced at the sudden pain. Just because he couldn’t die didn’t mean he couldn’t injure himself.
Apparently, he was one of the worst out there for getting hurt. he sighed and closed his eyes. Fuck school today, yeah. Nope it wasn’t happening.
He reached down to grab his phone with his good hand and looked at the time. Looks like he missed breakfast. Knowing his dad there wouldn’t be anything to eat until dinner. a thought crossed his mind and he quickly entered an old group chat. Quickly placing a message before flinging himself of the bed.
He was quick to remove his ‘costume’ as they called it. it acted more as protective gear than anything else.
Soon he was in a yellow button up and ripped jeans. His hair covering the left side of his face. he found it strange that despite how long ago he died, he was still the youngest of the group. Just by two years.
The others were either in the near by collage or in part time jobs. But today was a Friday thankfully. No one seemed to have any classes or shifts on that day. So, he was going to skip and meet them where they normally met. The park. but, he did have some spare time and change, so he was also going to get a drink. Most likely a hot chocolate of some form.
He opened his door as quietly as possible and slunk from his room. He took a deep breath as he walked past the living room to see his father passed out, head on the table. he grabbed his set of keys and jacket and left as quick as his feet could carry him. he was going to feel this more than his wrist tonight, but seeing them always made it worth every second.
The apartment building smelled horrid. That’s why he mainly took the window route. But since it was the middle of the day, well… that made things harder without being caught and having neighbour tell his dad. That was the last thing he needed.
He plucked a couple coins from his pocket and smiled. Remus had always been there for him even when his father wasn’t. he wondered what would happen if he told him exactly just when he died. If he would be sympathetic or just ditch him.
He looked up in the air to see a form of someone walking his direction. And he instantly groaned inwards. Roman. That son of a bitch who was somehow related to his best friend. “what the fuck happened last night?” roman growled as he blocked him in the street. “look, things got out of hand alright. We barely got out of there unscathed. Let alone alive,” he growled back. “what level was it?” roman asked his glowing red eyes hidden by a pair of sunglasses. “five. The son of a bitch gave me a level five to deal with alone,” he growled, “now if you don’t mind-“
He stopped as he felt something buzz in his pocket. he felt his face go ghostly pale as he picked it out. “shit…” he muttered.
He glanced up to see roman looking at him confused. “don’t worry. And tell Remus that if I don’t arrive at the park that the old geezer finally left the house,” he stepped past the brunette and continued his way forwards.
A hand grasped his wrist, causing him to let out a yelp of pain. He looked at roman with a scowl and a hiss.
I am going to make it through this year If it kills me I am going to make it through this year If it kills me
He arrived at the café later than he would have liked. But it was alright. He was still on track of time. That was good. His wrist still hurt from romans grasp but he was used to that sort of pain.
He felt himself sigh in relief as the smirk of the barista who knew him all too well came into view, “sup babes, mint or orange today?” Remy asked, lowering his sunglasses revealing normal eyes. “I think orange today,” he said as he brought out the money he needed.
The wait wasn’t too long, the barista being very well known to his order, he had been coming to the ‘beanie place’ for a few years now. it seemed always busy, or at least several tables were filled with people.
He looked up from his phone with a smile as he heard his name being called out. his hot chocolate sat by a cookie. his smile grew ever so slightly more as he picked both of them up and waved goodbye to Remy. He would be back in a few days once he had been able to scrounge around the house.
The cool winter air nipped his fingers as he took a bite out of the cookie. oh, this was just what he needed today.
He stopped in track as he looked down the street to see someone slip into an ally. That was new. and who was that? he had seen many faces around this place. Whoever ‘glasses’ was… well. He was going to find out.
He looked down the one-way street and walked out. slightly immortal, still sustainable to injury, he sighed. That sucked. he snapped his eyes to the ally as he heard trashcans being moved around.
It was at that moment he realised he left his baseball bat at home. Ah well… that was going to be fun.
He took a few steps down the hall before pausing. He knew exactly who it was… “Logan?” he asked. the boy turned around with glowing blue eyes, panicked and fearful. “Janus?” he asked, “yeah its me. I need you to calm down okay? I can explain what’s happening if it helps,” he said kneeling down near the panic-stricken friend.
“explain? How!” “last week, you were in the hospital right? Why?” “i- we went on a fishing trip at the weekend. I almost drowned- “Logan began. “was anyone there?” he asked. “yeah. It was night- we were on the boat and I slipped backwards,” he said, “what’s happening to me?” he cried.
Janus felt his heart break. This was the part he hated the most,” well… to put it simply, you are both dead and alive,” Janus said chuckling. “this isn’t funny!” Logan yelled.
Janus felt himself scowl, “I know. Ie been doing this for years. wait until you have to tell someone they are technically not alive asshole. So, I'm going to say this once and once only,” he growled. “find a weapon. A list will eventually pop up filled with locations. You go there and you kill the things. Got it?” Janus said.
“but I don’t want to- “ “too bad. I didn’t want to either, but you get used to it after a while.” He muttered.
“how did you die?” Logan whispered. “house fire. Simple. My brother didn’t get the chance I did that day, so be thankful you didn’t loose someone,” he stood up, “the others will find you soon. Call roman and explain the situation. He will be able to give you help,” he turned around.
“your hurt- “Logan said as he caught sight of the purple mass on Janus’s arm, “do you normally get hurt?” “its impossible to go a week without a new scar,” he smirked.
I played video games in a drunken haze I was 17 years young Hurt my knuckles punching the machines The taste of scotch rich on my tongue
The park was quiet save for the sound of laughter and squeaking swings swaying in the cool breeze that picked up. he felt his eyes light up as he caught sight of the three grim’s. Orpheus and Virgil swinging as high as possible and Remus on top of the swing set.
“Janus!” Remus cheered as he saw his friend walk towards them with a little haste. “sup Jannie!” Ophie called out, he let go of the swing and fell backwards. Everyone burst out laughing. “good to see your blondie,” Virgil said quieter as he arrived at the side of the swing set. “any reason we are gathered here today?” Remus said.
“there wasn’t before. But there is now…” Janus said. The others knew that tone. “a new grim?” “shadow,” Janus corrected.
“we know them, don’t we?” Ophie muttered rubbing his temples “Logan berry, on the baseball team with me,” Janus confirmed. “aw the guy you have a crush- “Janus slapped a hand over Remus mouth before taking it away after being licked.
“fuck you Remus,” “do it coward,” Remus said before getting a kick in the knee.
“Janus dee ceit!” an angry voice Hollard out, the words ever so slightly slurred together. Shit… he lowered his head slightly before turning to face the others with a smile, “see you guys next week then.” “stay safe- no more getting hurt you hear?” Virgil said sternly.
He rolled his eyes and nodded his head. They knew he wouldn’t be able to keep that promise. It was nice to think though.
He walked away with a silent sigh. His breath appearing like dragon’s breath. He wondered if would be able to make it to his hunt tonight or if he would need to rest. bruises made it hard to fight with.
And then Cathy showed up and we hung out Trading swigs from a bottle, all bitter and clean Locking eyes, holding hands Twin high maintenance machines
He wasn’t happy to be back at school in that god-awful uniform. The tie felt as if it were strangling him. the blazer didn’t keep out the cold and the shoes around his feet were far too small to be comfortable. the only good thing was the fact he could carry around his baseball bat everywhere without too may consequences.
He had been able to hide his bruise on his chin using some makeup that he had bought ages ago. But it could only do so much. good news was that he had an excuse.
He watched every one of the fields as he sat down on one of the bleachers. Lunch was one of the few times he could ever get a break.
And as he looked over to the door, he caught Patton, one of the seniors that would be leaving this year. He didn’t know how he died. But it was definitely during the sophomore year. there next to him were a couple more people and… he locked eyes with Logan who seemed to look at him with excitement before leaving the group.
He watched as Patton looked over to where he was sitting. The not so clear scowl could be felt from afar. Not that he actually cared all that much. his eyes went back to Logan. or well… sort of. The new sunglasses on his face hid the fact that his eyes were glowing or frantically looking around for the creatures.
It was a good thing that the living couldn’t see what they could. It was for the best. Still didn’t mean it scared them any less though.
“greetings Janus,” Logan said as he sat down next to the ‘snake’ as people liked to call him. “good evening to you too Logan. I take it they told you everything forgot to?” he smirked. “indeed. I didn’t think that there would be two groups of death people but here we are,” Logan said, “and in my opinion, grim sound much more- “he looked down at… were those vocab cards? “lit? is that the right word?” he muttered as he flickered through. “it works,” Janus laughed. “well, its better than shadows is for certain,” he said.
They sat like that for a while more. Eating their lunch and trading conversation. Logan apparently liked the colour dark blue, crofters and well… much to his own surprise, rap music.
Janus loved the peacefulness that Logan seemed to bring. Whatever it was. even in classes when he would lag behind, Logan seemed to slow down to keep him company. No wonder why he loved the pretty face of Logan.
Janus glanced over to Logan. he wondered if his parents knew about his eyes yet… did they hurt him for it? or did they just accept that it would always be that way. “I’ve been thinking about this, Janus” he said, gesturing to his eyes, “maybe I don’t need to fight… I’ve always wanted to get a doctor’s licence, and my father is a doctor himself. So, I know some basic medical knowledge that could help,” Logan began to speak, Janus was able to follow on but only for so long. But he waited for his… co-worker? To finish. “ah… I was rambling again wasn’t I,” Logan said. “it’s alright, but I understand what you’re getting at. Like backup support? Right?” Janus said tilting his head slightly. He itched his nose as his hair tickled the corner. “precisely… and I would like to join you on one of your… hunts, I think that’s what Patton said,” Logan stated. “ill think about it. but understand that if you come, you will need a weapon still. Since there is no sunlight at night you will be screwed over if something attacks you,” Janus explained.
“ill stay safe as I can,” Logan said. the bell chose this moment to ring, “ill talk to the others about it and try and set up a date,” Janus said, “see you eventually Logan berry.” “and you too Janus dee ceit.”
I am going to make it through this year If it kills me I am going to make it through this year If it kills me
The cool air was nice this time of night. but today he was alone. After explaining that Logan wished to join them one night… they hadn’t taken it all too well. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the fact that he could be easily hurt by nightmares or the fact he was a shadow.
That was a month ago… and he had no contact with them since. Deleted from the group chat and no response from his letters.
Either way, he really wished he had some backup.
The tar like thing towered twice as tall as he was… maybe even three times. And it was getting to the point he was tiering and very much so beaten.
He could feel his ribs burning in his chest. one was most certainly broken. And the bruises on his back and scrapes on his body from being thrown into the tarmac of the road stung by the fresh air.
He wheezed and almost doubled over as he ducked another ball of solid ground.
There it was! a small glowing crack in the side of the abomination came to view for the first time. The only weak point these things had. And he was so close to passing out.
This… this is why people warned him to never take on anything over a six alone. Too bad this was an eight.
He surged forwards swinging his bat and thwacking the glowing spot with as much energy as possible. the second the back hit the side he was sent flying backwards into the side of a building by a beam of light. But the thing was gone. That was good.
He sat there leaning against the wall, his bat sat not too far from his side. He dragged himself towards his weapon. He had a list he needed to complete.
He grabbed his bat and pushed himself up, grimacing as the new pain in his leg began to scream for him to stop. he held back tears as he limped against the wall. Smearing some blood as he walked onwards. Since when did he start bleeding?
He turned the corner and into an ally and felt himself crumple to a pile with a whimper. He didn’t want this to end his job… no. he needed this so badly… he couldn’t stop… he…
Why was everything so dark?
I drove home in the California dusk I could feel the alcohol inside of me hum Pictured the look on my stepfather's face Ready for the bad things to come
The room wasn’t dark. nor was it bright. It was like a waiting office so to speak. One or two people sat there wating. So was I. A name was spoken over the speakers.
He stood up unwillingly but in the same way he was safe. He knew where he was. the door opened to see a lady. White curly hair and dark skin. She looked as beautiful as before. Radiating moonlight from her eyes. she wasn’t as fancy as most people would think. Simply in grey shirt and trousers. “hello Janus, its been a while. Take a seat,” she said calmly. “why am I here?” he asked. “you are in a state of life and death once again. But this is different than before. You will live, but there will be consequences I can’t say… and I'm sorry. Fate…. She herself is cruel and sun and I are not happy about what she will do to you,” she sighed.
She pulled a pin from her hair and held it over to him, “this should keep you safe for the time being… and that boy Logan? keep him close to you. his help is needed,” she smiled, “and I have a feeling he won’t leave you alone any time soon.”
He felt his consciousness come back ever so slowly, “goodbye moon,” he said. “oh this isn’t goodbye my dear prophet. This is merely the beginning of our story,” she grinned.
His eyes shot open. His breath was quick as he looked around the room, he was in. his room… his? Why? He was passed out in the street last time?
He glanced over to his phone to see that it was a Sunday morning. Normally he would be going out for a coffee with the other grim of the area. Seeing no messages. He knew it was another day alone. he hated that… they had once promised they wouldn’t leave… this? This had gone on too far for him to think about forgiving them for.
He felt a growl rise in his throat but it stopped when it landed on a small hair pin sitting neatly next to his phone. so, not much of a dream at all… was it?
He ran a hand over his face and sighed. But- he looked in his reflection of the phone… his eyes glowed brightly. He snapped his eyes to the window- sunlight.
But he was a grim. Not a shadow… right? This. He didn’t like this. he flipped his covers off to find himself in his pyjamas. His shorts revealed his burned legs wrapped in bandages. His arms that had been grated not as badly had been covered in dinosaur pattern stickers. what the hell?
He shakily stood up to find no pain in his legs. That was nice he guessed.
 He got changed as quickly as he could. Putting on a pair of knee length black shorts and white shirt. A yellow zip up hoodie covered his arms. A pair of sunglasses covered his eyes. the silver band with the pearl on top, the small pin was placed in his messy bun. The left side was still covered.
He needed to find Logan. maybe he had more answers than he realised. And what the hell did moon mean by calling him a prophet for her?
He walked out of his room slipping on some old beaten trainers. The sound of snoring filled the air. he glanced over to see his father sleeping in the same position as always, only this time. A box of something and a roll of something else sat on the floor. Bottles were gone and the place seemed cleaner than normal.
Had he crossed into an alternative universe or something? I down-shifted as I pulled into the driveway The motor screaming out, stuck in second gear The scene ends badly, as you might imagine In a cavalcade of anger and fear
He looked around the café. He had sent Logan a text to meet up with him. A cup of hot chocolate was half empty as he scrolled mindlessly on his phone.
The sound of shuffling caught him out of his trance. “sorry I'm late, I left a little late- are you okay?” Logan seemed to say all at once at an almost inhuman pace. “i… I don’t know… but that offer? I'm willing to hold it up. on one condition,” he said, “tell Roman that if I see Remus, I'm going to kick his nuts,” he smiled. “that’s- that’s all?” he asked, eyes lighting up brightly. “trust me. things are going to happen. And I don’t know what. But we apparently need to stick together,” Janus explained. “why?” “the moon told me. and that isn’t a lie. I assure you,” Janus said excitedly. Logan seemed to be in awe as he heard Janus ramble on about his meeting. Maybe if Janus stopped looking at the floor, he would see the almost lovingly curious expression of Logan who soaked in every word that was being said by the taller boy.
“well. I suppose I should say that sun came to me a few days ago as well,” Logan chuckled, “you weren’t at school for an entire week and I got concerned. I don’t understand why they called me a prophet- “ “moon said it to me to!” Janus said exasperated. “what do they have planned for us?” Logan muttered. “I don’t know- but we stick together” Janus said holding out a hand. “together,” Logan took his hand with a shake.
There will be feasting and dancing in Jerusalem next year
The next day was hard for Janus to even wake up. maybe that was because he had spent so much energy yesterday talking with Logan before apparently coming home to take a ten-minuet nap which turned out to be an entire night of sleep.
The sound of yesterday rang in his ears. Laughter and shouts of joy as he taught Logan how to jump over rooftops. Janus would admit that Logan seemed to pick it up quicker than he could. Definitely a good thing. Quicker to get to the areas.
He was I his uniform despite the fact Logan had insisted he have another day of before going to school and that he could always glove Janus the work he missed out on. but it was Monday, he wasn’t missing baseball practice.
He picked his bag up before he heard a knock at his bedroom door. It was soft… this… slightly scared him. “Janus?” oh god, what had he done wrong, “can I come in?” wait- what the hell? He was asking? “and if I say no?” he spat back. “I wouldn’t blame you if you snuck out your window little grim,” what the fuck. “since when did I get that name?” Janus asked. “since I figured out what you are. That’s how you survived the fire. Isn’t it?”
Janus found himself opening the door. His father stood there, looking semi presentable. Bags under his eyes and looking like he hadn’t slept in ages.
“I'm going to be late for school,” Janus groaned as he shoved past. “that’s why I'm driving you today,” his father spoke. “haha good one. The man who puts bruises on my body wants to drive me to school. How. Great.” “its about your mother,” he froze. This… he was willing to listen to.
I am going to make it through this year If it kills me I am going to make it through this year If it kills me
He found Logan standing by the entrance of the school. Both wore their sunglasses to hide their eyes. But they smiled as they looked at one another.
The feeling of happiness was something he found himself craving whenever Logan was around. The one person he could even let touch him for longer than a couple seconds. the small pin in his hair sent a wave of reassurance his way as he took a deep breath and entered the gate.
With new knowledge and a friend, he could trust… he was ready for whatever was to come his way.
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