#ein käfig voller helden
andietries · 1 year
Funny how Hogan gets kisses from both the girls and the boys
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sweetie-bunbutt · 1 year
I recently started to watch random episodes of Hogans heroes and holy fuck that show is funny. :D
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man ich bin echt so ein faules stück. ich wollte schon seit 2 jahren ein autogramm von robert clary und dann habe ich es immer wieder aufgeschoben und jetzt ist es zu spät...:(
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innkeeperatreyus · 2 years
"Ob mich wohl jemals der Antichrist höchstpersönlich besuchen kommt und ein Bierchen mit mir hebt?"
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"Tritt hinein, mein Gasthaus scheut weder Mensch, noch Kreatur! Die Wärme der Flammen, speiend in ihrem Käfig sollen dich wärmen, das gezapfte Bier meiner Kräfte die Trost spenden, selbst regnerische Tagen sind kein Tabuthema an meiner Theke. Lass mich dir eine Heimat sein, ein Hafen ausgebreiteter Arme."
Der Name ist Atreyus. Atreyus Thanathan Krah Lovendia. Die meisten meiner Gäste nennen mich jedoch einfach nur Krähe. Eines meiner vielen Geheimnisse, welches durch die Flammen meines Kamins verschluckt wurden. Mein Gasthaus steht dir zu jeder Zeit offen, und auch wenn dich so manch eine Kreatur abschrecken sollte, krumm und jaulend am Tresen sitzend, so mache dir keine Gedanken oder Sorgen, denn meine Taverne ist ein Ort voller Frieden. Frieden und Geschichten. Ich sollte Geschichten wohl lieber betonen. Hast du jemals ein Weltentor sehen dürfen? Wie es in allen möglichen, unerdenklichen Farben leuchtet und in ein reines Feld von Dunkelheit und Nichts führt? Nun, dies ist meine Geschichte. Meine Geschichte, die wundervollste Geschichte dieser Zeit meinen Gästen erzählen zu dürfen. Und diese Geschichte, ist die deine.
Informationen: Atreyus besitzt ein kleines, gemütliches Gasthaus, in dem es von allen Wesen aus jeglichen Welten wimmelt, hier verbringen sie ihre Zeit mit köstlichem Bier, selbst gekochten Essen und dem Lauschen von Geschichten, die Atreyus ihnen hinter dem Tresen erzählt. Atreyus besitzt die Gabe, durch Weltentore zu reisen, in denen er in jede erdenkliche Welt reisen kann, in welchen er mit Papier und Feder die Geschichten seiner Helden, Besucher, ja gar Bösewichten niederschreibt um sie eines Tages, früher oder später, weitergeben zu dürfen.
(Heimlicher Besitz von Magie und einer Verwandlungskunst, die es ihm erlaubt, die Form eines Raben anzunehmen. Kostet ihm wohl bei Missbrauch seine Taverne.)
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robinsnest2111 · 2 years
Hi Robin,
I'm late to the party (like always), but let me tell you something: there is nothing wrong with enjoying old movies and TV shows, okay? You didn't do anything wrong by reblogging that fanart. I know the person who drew it, and I can assure you, said person wasn't glorifying anything. The drawing was a gift from one friend to another, both of whom are German. You're allowed to like what you want. You suggested your followers curate their online experience for their mental health; well, that goes for you too. Everyone is entitled to have a safe online experience without being made to feel bad or ashamed about their interests. Seriously, just block anyone who makes you feel bad. It's easy, it's free and most of all, it's beneficial to your mental health.
To anyone reading this message who doesn't know some - or any - of this info: Robert Clary was in several different death camps and survived all of them. Howard Caine was Jewish. Werner Klemperer, Leon Askin and John Banner were all Jewish refugees who fled to America during the war. All of these men except for Mr. Clary served in the U.S Armed Forces fighting against the Nazis. Both Mr. Klemperer and Mr. Banner made their living playing those kinds of roles prior to Hogan's Heroes, a comedy show made here in the US of A. Regarding the character of Klink himself, he's not a true Nazi. It's even stated in the show that he never joined the Party. Mr. Klemperer said here Klink "would have been the same if he had worked for General Motors." Heck, the show (re-titled Ein Käfig voller Helden) has been a cult hit in Germany since the 90s - that wouldn't be the case if it was praising Nazism in any way.
So yeah, nothing about either version of the show or your reblog is glorifying jack squat. If anyone can't accept that, please hit this button. And while you’re at it, block me too.
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Listen, Robin. I don't know you, but I can’t stand it when people are bullied...and being made to feel guilty/disgusted/etc is a form of that. It why I didn't send this anonymously. But I wish you all the best, though. I really do. Don't let haters get you down, dude!🫂
thank you for your message and for sharing more info
to be fair, it wasn't bullying, at least it didn't feel like it to me. honest concerns were voiced and some of my issues were triggered (memories of previous bad experiences with fandom witch hunts and the good old German Guilt ™) more heavily than I've ever experienced before.
sorry for the late reply, real life developments have eaten up all my energy the past week.
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ruhlerhof · 2 months
Stromabwärts schwimmen
Es ist halt manchmal im Leben so, das man im Leben stromabwärts schwimmt, ohne Padel. Frei nach der Serie ” Ein Käfig voller Helden”.
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xxwingsfly · 3 years
The pain of shipping Newkirk and Carter </3
The tiny amount of fanfiction is something I'll cherish forever tho.
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schleimspuren · 5 years
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Oberst Klink and Colonel Hogan
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Meine Tante hat neulich gesagt, sie fände den Kommandanten eines Gefangenenlagers irgendwie attraktiv. Da musste ich sie gleich klinkschämen.
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andietries · 1 year
This is my new favourite scene
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amaya-aino · 7 years
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Hogan’s Heros (Season 3, Episode 15 // Episode 77)
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manchmal braucht man einfach ein deutsches Forum über eine mehr als 50 Jahre alte Serie so als ob man in den 2000ern leben würde 😔✊🏻
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pandirpus · 4 years
For the ship + associated song thing: How about Klogan (Klink x Hogan) from Hogan's Heroes (or Ein Käfig voller Helden)? :3c
Oh I used to watch that sometimes as a kid! I barely remember anything, sadly, but that ship looks like lots of fun :D
I looked for something sappy and a little silly and ended up with Closer - Retro 50′s Prom Style (for some post-canon or AU?? I mainly picked it for the vibes haha)
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robinsnest2111 · 3 years
I feel like this could already be the plot of an episode but.
Hogan sends out a cute and flirty valentine's card for Frl. Hilda to find only for it to somehow end up in the pile of mail and documents meant for Klink!
Cue Klink calling Hogan into his office but instead of being upset with him, the Kommandant is actually quite bashful and flattered as he's rarely the recipient of such sweet words. Hogan has no time to properly explain the obvious mix up (obvious to anyone but Klink ofc) and so gets roped into a spontaneous Valentine's dinner with Klink!
Hogan isn't ecstatic but plays along so his boys can carry out an urgent mission from London while he keeps the Kommandant busy with dinner and harmless flirting.
At the end of the night, the mission was a success and the dinner date unearthed some unique feelings in both Hogan and Klink. 💕
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daughterofhecata · 4 years
2, 3, 13, 16 and 22! What was your phase? I'm curious now :D
Hey 💕
2. Grilled cheese or PB&J?
Probably PB&J, used to eat that A Lot some time back, but I kinda haven’t had it in a while.
3. What show/YouTube video(s) do you put on in the background when you when you don’t have anything to watch but you want something on?
Hogan’s Heroes/Ein Käfig voller Helden. It used to be on Kabel 1 when I was a child and I watched it all the time with my dad, and as old as it is, it’s still hilarious. Apart from that I sometimes just randomly pull up an episode from any show I like, usually The Exorcist, Black Sails, Hannibal, Grimm, Ein Fall für Zwei, etc.
13. Brunch or midnight snacks?
uuuh probably midnight snack? I hate getting out of bed late and if I waited till bruch time i’d probably be starved.
16. Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!) 
I honestly couldn’t tell how I feel right now if my life depended on it. Much less which song lyric fits that. (Also I always immediately froget all songs/lyrics I ever knew the moment I’m supposed to quote some)
22. What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc) 
Definitely the Mythology Nerd, but also nerd in general. I had a pretty intense Harry Potter phase I still haven’t entirely left behind, and for a few years I was one of the theater kids! (And we were (and still are) the pretty annoying type of “keeps quoting the play they are doing now/did last year/did the year before last")
Thank you 💕
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Best of "Ein Käfig voller Helden"#4
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