maihonhassan · 6 months
It's that time of the year:
"Dunya lagi hovi hai eid k mahool main, aik hum jo teri deed k mahool main."
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Blue Blood and Rain [2]
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King John X F!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info •ko-fi•
Summary: The King invites Hugo for a ride. And for some reason, you too.
Series Masterlist
A/N: I have still totally made up servant/nobel dynamics because I wanted to and also let's forget about the plot of the film, yes?
Warnings: overuse of italics, typos, power dynamics because he's the king, please let me know if I've missed a warning.
Word Count: 2522
“Need any help there?” The Earl of Delton’s voice ran up your spine like a clammy hand. The implications were clear. 
You shouldn’t be here.
And you couldn’t agree more. 
“No thank you, my lord.” You said as curtly as you could get away with as you mounted the horse in one quick smooth motion. 
Hugo beamed, missing Delton’s jibe because of course he did. “She’s a better rider than me, Johannes.” He said happily, addressing Delton. 
Delton raised an eyebrow, keeping his gaze solidly on you for a moment before he turned to Hugo and began discussing their lands. 
You breathed in deeply, trying to calm yourself and shrug off your nerves. But you kept thinking back to the night before. To you encounter in the stables. 
Part of you had thought it was a dream, believing that there was no other way to explain it. But then, after breakfast, a servant had come to Hugo to tell him that the King had requested he join him for a ride and small hunt. 
Which had been fine. 
Until the servant almost mentioned you had been requested too. 
Hugo had practically preened. “Invited by the King!” 
“This is an exceptional opportunity to increase our standing with him,” Edith had been equally giddy while you helped her son get ready. Your stomach twisted itself in knots. 
Would the King call you out as a harlot the second he laid eyes on you? Would you be thrown from the castle without a single coin to your name? 
“He must have been impressed by my praising of you yesterday.” Edith smiled warmly at you.
You swallow. “Me, my lady?” 
“Of course!” She laughed, “I told him all about your prowess with a bow.” 
“As did I!” Hugo grinned. “He surely must want a demonstration.” 
You nodded uneasily. 
“Now, now,” Eidth patted your shoulder affectionately, “do not worry, do not dwell on it. Nothing you can do would cause embarrassment to our name.” 
“Hmm.” You nod and try your best to smile. 
When you’d arrived with Hugo at the stables, you had helped him mount Stefan and assumed you would be accompanying the group of noblemen on foot. 
The head stablehand had surprised you though, recognising you from the day before when he saw you with Stefan. 
“You’re Earl of Bowhale’s servant, yes?” 
You nodded. 
He had smiled kindly, “his Highness requested this horse be made ready for you.” 
“For me?” 
Your utter look of dismay made him smile again, pityingly. “For you.” 
The horse was a chestnut stallion, a hand smaller than Stefan. You had stroked him a little, trying to get a judge of his temperament. 
Stefan had whinnied, obviously not liking that your attention was on someone else. 
You give Stefan a sympathetic smile. “What’s his name?”
“Alaric.” The head stablehand nods. 
“Alaric.” You repeat.
“One of the King’s own.” 
That doesn’t sit well in your stomach.
You wait a little nervously outside with the others.
“That’s a fine horse you have there, my lady.” The young man smiled at you as he encouraged his own horse to take a few steps closer to you. You recognised his family crest as Whitehaven.  
Your mind short circuited a moment, trying to explain that this wasn’t your horse and that you were not a member of a noble house at the same time. Your mouth hung open, panic gripping your chest as you started to speak. 
And that was when a nearby servant announced the King. 
You jumped, forgetting yourself for a moment, until everyone else bowing around you reminded you to do the same. You kept your eyes trained on the floor.
“Now, now, there’s little need for that.” You can hear the amusement in his voice as he addresses the group. “My ego isn’t that big.”
There’s a light chuckle amongst the nobels, and you relax ever so slightly. 
As you look back up though, his eyes are trained on you. 
He smiles and you look away quickly. 
Heat rises to your skin as you feel his eye roam over you for a long moment before he clears his throat and gently pulls on the reigns of his horse. “Let’s head out.”
There are twenty one of you in total. The King, seven nobelmen, and thirteen servants. 
You fall to Hugo’s side a step behind, mirroring what other servants seem to be doing for their corresponding lords. 
The King leads. He talks candidly to the other lords, ignoring you completely and you start to relax. 
The group follows the trail into the forest, all being far too loud to actually hope to catch anything. But you’ve gathered that this is much more of a ‘let’s have a chat’ hunt, than ‘we need to find dinner’ one. 
The servant of Lord Shepten rolls his eyes when his master drones on about the lack of rainfall the past two months, and you both share a smile. 
Despite the Lord’s bemoaning the stream running parallel to the trail is moving strong. It widens, quickly being joined by other streams and becomes a small river. The water level isn’t particularly deep, easy for a horse to move through without getting their rider’s feet wet, but the bank is sunken down and steep. A bit of a sudden drop, and not something that you, or a horse, could easily climb out of. 
As the time stretches on you fall further back as Hugo moves closer to the King. It’s nice to see him so exctied, passionately talking to the King about his lands.
You’ve been riding for nearly forty minutes, the Earl of Delton being the only person to fire a shot. A waste of an arrow at some bird he couldn’t even see properly, when you come to a makeshift bridge across the river. 
The King stops. 
The bridge itself looks… uncooperative. Rickety. And narrow. Barely wide enough for one horse at a time. But you can see the care that has been taken in making it. How the wooden logs have been tied and stacked. 
“We’ll cross here.” The King says. 
A few of the Earl’s exchange looks. 
“Here, Your Highness?” Delton questions, a touch of nervousness in his voice. 
King John smiles at him, but the expression is anything but kind. “Is that a question?” 
“No sire, I…” Delton swallows and his manservant speaks for him.
“My lord was simply checking that he heard you correctly, your Highness.” 
King John nods to the servant. A much politer action than his words to the Earl. 
“Should we dismount?” The Earl of Cotington asks.
“No need.” The King clicks his tongue and flicks his reigns, his horse moves surely, smartly walking over the bridge with no trouble at all. When he has reached the other side you notice the King clicks the fingers of his left hand and your horse moves forward without your command. 
“Hey,” you pull on the reigns. 
“Pay no mind,” the King calls from the other side. “Alaric doesn’t like to be outdone.” 
You glare at him as your horse moves across the bridge, before you remember yourself. You catch the King’s grin of amusement at your expression as you look away.
“Seems your servant can’t control such a beast.” Delton says to Hugo, loudly. 
You bite your lip and barely manage to resist turning your head and telling him that his mother is a whore.
You miss the scowl that crosses the King’s face at Delton’s comment.
Just as you suspected, the bridge is firm and steady, and Alaric moves with intention. 
But nerves swim in your stomach, pull at your lungs. There was no way that Alaric moved simply because he wanted to. King John had signalled him with that click. 
The second all four hooves are on firm ground the King’s horse moves back a step. There’s a small crunch, then crash as the bridge collapses into the river. 
There is an exclamation from the other side, the Earls all shouting over the top of each other in a rather dramatic display. 
The King however stays calm, a small smile on his lips when you glance at him out of the corner of your eye. 
“It’s fine!” He calls out to the others, silencing them immediately. “We will cross further up and travel back to the castle and meet you there.” 
There are some faint grumbles and exclamations of dismay before King John guides his horse towards the path, grinning wildly once his back on turned to the Earls. “Come on, servant.” He hisses. 
You swallow nervously and follow him further into the forest. 
It’s only a few paces until the path widens and he falls back so that he is riding next to you. 
You stare straight ahead, every muscle in your body tensed. In your peripheral vision, you can see him looking at you with a bemused smile. 
He lets the silence hang for a moment, seemingly savouring your discomfort. 
“Did you sleep well?” He asks politely enough, though there's an undercurrent to his tone that riles you up. 
You frown as you look at him and he chuckles. 
“You certainly did run off quickly last night.” 
You look away from him quickly, hear rising to your face.
“I should be insulted.” He continues to tease, but panic still grips your chest.
“I did not mean to cause you insult, I…” you blurt out and then pause when you see his expression and scowl at him. “You’re mocking me.” 
“Only a little.”
Your frown deepens and he laughs. The sound is not unkind. 
“You made the bridge collapse, didn’t you?” You ask.
For a moment you think he’s going to deny it, but he nods, still grinning. “I did.”
“It was set up to.”
“Yes but how-”
“Let a king have his secrets.” He smiles sweetly and it’s infuriating. 
You seethe for a moment, breathing deeply. “You also have Alaric well trained.” 
He raises an eyebrow at you.
“To come to you whenever you gesture.” 
Genuine amusement blooms on his face. “I am pleased that you didn’t miss that.” It sounds oddly like praise coming from his tongue. 
“All this just to talk to me?” 
He shrugs but nods.
“You could have just ordered me to see you.”
“Now, where’s the fun in that?” He moves a little closer to you. “Besides wasn’t this more theatrical?” 
You can’t help but smile slightly. “I did not know you had a love for the dramatic, your Highness.” 
“One must have their vices.” He says quietly. 
You both ride in silence for a moment. 
“What is your horse's name?” You nod your head towards the white mare. 
She pulls at the reigns slightly when she hears her name. 
“I didn’t take you as a lover of Arthurian legend, your Highness?” You inject a slight tease into your voice hesitantly. 
But you needn't have worried, his eyes light up happily. “It seems there’s a lot of misguided views you hold about me? I am to be feared. I have no love of stories.” He tuts in jest. “Someone must be spreading false rumours about me around the kingdom.” 
He looks at you again and your stomach twists. It’s such a gentle gaze. Something you feel almost undeserving of. 
You shake your head and look down at your reigns. 
There is another stretch of silence, but this one is more comfortable. 
After a while, you come to a clearing and the King reaches out, lightly touching the back of your hand. He points to the far side where deer are grazing.
For a moment you think he means for you to draw your bow, but he just looks at them happily. “They often graze here.” 
“You hunt them here?” 
He shakes his head. “Not in the meadow. I like there to be spaces that the deer feel as ‘safe’, it encourages them to stay in the forest and not move too far on.” 
You nod.
“We could stop here for a moment, rest?” The question in his voice gives you pause. It seems strange for a noble to ask your opinion like this, let alone the King. 
“Are you tired, your Highness?” You tease and he chuckles as he dismounts. 
To your surprise he moves to your left side, his hand outstretched to help you down. You swallow, a little giddy as you touch his fingers, allowing him to help you get down. 
His other hand lightly touches your hip as your feet touch the grass. 
“Should we hook their reigns to a tree?” You ask, gesturing your head towards the horses.
“No need,” he keeps a hold of your hand. “They will not wander.” 
Both Guinevere and Alaric have started to nibble at the vegetation underfoot. 
King John guides you to a tree. It is old, with a thick heavy bark and a wide canopy. 
“I used to sit under this tree as a child and read.” He smiles at the memory for a moment before he looks back to you, his thumb stroking the back of your hand. “When I was trying to hide from my Princely duties.” 
“I did not take you as someone who would shy away from your responsibilities, your Highness?” Your voice comes out surprisingly sure of itself despite the nerves squeezing your throat. 
His grin widens. “Well, it looks like that someone who spreads false stories about me is at least whispering one positive one into your ear.” He reaches out, using his free hand to softly touch your cheek. 
You swallow nervously, the action making a loud clicking sound. He seems to take great amusement at your obvious distress and leans a fraction closer.
“Why did you run off so quickly last night?” He raises his eyebrows at you playfully. “I didn’t even get a goodbye kiss.” 
“I’d argue that you did.” You whisper, your voice timid. But he laughs kindly. 
“I suppose you could be correct.” He drops his hand from your face, but extends his arm. 
You take it, a little hesitantly. 
You walk around the meadow, the King stopping and pointing out different plants and trees as you go, giving you snippets of facts and tales he’d read or been told, before you make your way back to the horses.
He offers to help you mount, and you accept without a second thought. 
Your nerves had all but disappeared by the time you near the castle. His company has turned oddly pleasant as he continues to talk. But what is the most puzzling thing is how he stops, asks you your thoughts and listens intently to your answers. 
Just before you both enter the castle grounds he stops you, and places a pendant in your hand without a chain. It’s heavy, bearing the seal of the King. 
You frown, but don’t get a chance to ask any questions. 
“Come to my rooms tonight, after dinner. Show that to the guards, they’ll let you in.”
“Your H-”
“I’ll take ‘no’, as a personal slight.” He grins wickedly, giving you a quick wink before he turns Guinevere and trots into the grounds. 
Thank you so much for reading!
@pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem @oscarisaacsspit @whatthefishh @mbakubabe @romanarose @pimosworld @jake-g-lockley @saturn-rings-writes @boredzillenial @lonelyisamyw-0love @melodygatesauthor @steven-grants-world  @eyelessfaces @angel-of-the-moons @minigirl87 @queerponcho @lunar-ghoulie @dumdaradumdaradum @plastichearts @silvernight-m @autismsupermusicalassassin @apesarecuul @reallyrallyauthor @basicalyrandom @spxctorsslxt
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somepancakeonline5377 · 8 months
I don’t think enough people mention that Captain Underpants is a rizz master. Like do you REMEMBER HOW HE WAS WITH EIDTH!?!? THAT MAN IS SO ‼️🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥💥
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The things Thomas had said about Eidth's novel when he tried to hurt her, were actually Lucille's words. Because he genuinely loved Edith's novel, he wouldn't have been able to come up with those words so quickly by himself. Lucille read it too because Thomas talked so nice of it. Even though she liked some parts, she never admitted. She harshly criticized it while Thomas was listenening, and he used her words to accomplish Carter Cushing's "mission".
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 years
[Sick anon here] I've watched it before, but I figured it was worth another go while I'm out of commission. It's nice to watch it again, knowing how the plot goes and picking up on all the bits I missed the first time.
I like it a lot! It's incredibly atmospheric, specifically the sets are so good, and the costumes are to die for ahhh (I want edith's nightgown so badly even though for the life of me I cannot sleep in one).
I'm sure there's all kinds of metaphors and symbolism in the movie that I'm not smart enough to get, but it is most definitely a story with ghosts in it and not a ghost story. I like the colours too, they're quite rich and pleasing to look at, other meanings notwithstanding.
Edith is a very pretty butterfly and I wanna hug her. Lucille is a very pretty moth and I wanna, like, make her cookies for someone else to give her cause she also scares me. Thomas is a very handsome… um, other relevant insect, and I wanna sit him down and give him room to work through all his feelings.
They're all flawed, complex people, and I like that. I favour character-driven stories, which Crimson Peak definitely is. If anything were even slightly changed about these characters, the plot would be completely different. But it's all in how their decisions interact and interconnect that things happen. I like that kind of stuff.
small things of note:
-the candle definitely should've gone out in the waltz scene
-at the hotel, the reception guy is writing with his left hand, which seems unlikely for the early 1900s
-when the dog comes into the bathroom and eidth's like 'where'd your ball go' I would be willing to bet that was all improv
-Lucille is truly the definition of gaslight gatekeep girlboss
-OT3/therapy best ship
-the entire basement is a massive tripping hazard, OSHA would not stand for this
-Edith picks up and drops several weapons over the course of the ending, it's fun to count them all
I think that's all! Apologies for the small novel. I am quite tired and moderately ill, so I'm gonna go try to sleep. Have a great night!
I love all of these assessments. Also "OSHA goes to Allerdale Hall" is a concept I would pay to see.
(I occasionally experience the collision of OSHA and Working In A Historical House Museum. For example, some days you just come in and there's a whole back staircase the museum staff have been using for years roped off, and when you ask they say, "Oh yeah, turns out that's structurally unsound. Facilities is dealing with it.")
(But I digress.)
"Want fancy nightgowns; cannot sleep in them" is such a damn mood. Although, as I demonstrated in my Sleep Test post, Lucille's nightgown is surprisingly comfortable for sleeping.
I hope you feel better soon! Thank you for this most excellent small novel.
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ufoundmee · 3 years
No one has ever become poor by giving. When courage, genius, and generosity hold hands, all things are possible.
Hello I'm Cristine or you can call me tin, I'm diagnosed with bipolar disorder 1.
I have a side hustle but what I'm earning is not enough for my medication. I did to find a lot of job and everything I but always got rejected.
I need to get lab test and to buy medication that is prolly hard for me to afford since I pay for electricity bills, water bills, wifi and food. most of the times I can't or wasn't able to pay them in time, and I got to pay penalty fee as well, most of the time I'm short in budget since my work is virtual streaming and its very difficult for me to find a decent job in my condition. I tried selling my nvdes just to survive especially in this time of pandemic and we have lockdown in my place, life is much harder in my country and work is much harder to find as well.
Our roof is gone because of the previous storm last month as well, I don't know what to do anymore, the food and the medication is my main problem even if there is no roof, I can still survive but without food and medication life is hard.
my mom is living far away from me in the province I came here to the city to work and to provide for them but life is getting hard for both of us.
I just need money to buy my meds and for my lab test for 2 months, I got this prescription since july 5 but wasn't able to buy my medicine up until now, I asked help from my relatives but they can't help as well since they are struggling in this times of pandemic. they are hungry as well, government didn't provide food for lock down.
I'm willing to provide proof for those who have kind heart and willing to help.
In this regard, as the the time keeps on going time increases as well as my needs such as foods and medications, I am knocking in your generous heart for any in kind amount to help me raised funding for my medication.
I tried making gofundme but its not allowing me to, because its unavailable in my country, I badly need the help.
It is more rewarding to watch money change the world than to watch it accumulate.
As Eidth Wharton said, "There are two ways of spreading light: to be a candle or the mirror that reflects it." I hope we can be of light to ME and other FAMILY that is in need as well, Thank you so much and keep safe everyone!
#donations #donation post #signal boost #paypal #please help if you can #ebegging #Donations #Healthcare #healthcare #help #financial help #please help #boost #mutual aid
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aviateurs · 8 years
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but i’ve never made sense ... until   y e s t e r d a y. 
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momoblossoms · 7 years
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She is either judging me, or admiring me . What you guys think ? #mommamonir #fbf #eidthings #gotitfrommymomma
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skyhook-sly · 5 years
Music Tag Game
Rules: put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs from your playlist and tag 10 victims.
Tagged by @lindszeppelin
1. Johnny Tu N'es Pas Un Ange - Eidth Piaf
2. Wire - U2
3. Holes to Heaven - Jack Johnson
4. Yesterday - The Beatles
5. Jesus, Etc. - Wilco
6. Do the Oz - John Lennon
7. In the Jailhouse Now - Johnny Cash
8. You’re My Best Friend - Queen
9. Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment - The Ramones
10. Sound of Silence - Disturbed
Bonus, because it came up and it was bitchin’
11. Smooth Criminal - Alien Ant Farm
I tag @keanuquotes, @pajamasecrets, @chadstahelski, and @charmainemaclendon.
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rainsmediaradio · 2 years
Doja - Central Cee Lyrics
Doja – Central Cee Lyrics
Chorus: Central CeeHow can i be homophobic?My b!tch is gayHit man in the topTry see a man toplessEven the stick is gayHugging my bruddasAnd say that i love themBut i don’t swing that wayThe mandem celebrate eidThe trap stil running on christmas day Verse: Central CeeSomebody tell doja catThat i’m tryna indulge in thatIn my grey tracksuitSee the bulge in thatSee the motion clapWhen you’re…
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electric-sympathy · 3 years
So I finally saw Spiderman Far From Home and uhhhh it kind of sucked?!??!
The first half of the movie just.... It was trying to be funny and it just wasn’t. Endless time-wasting montages. The second half was fun to watch, but once the excitement is over and you’re sitting there thinking about what you just saw the incredible plot holes just kill it. 
I find myself wondering why the movie took place during a field trip in the first place. So many problems that could have been avoided if the writers thought about it a little bit longer. The way EDITH was used was just... I mean it was SO embarrassing to see Peter almost nuke himself with it. And then to see him hand it off like nothing. Am I really expected to believe that Tony wouldn’t have created any safeguards at all? And the stupidest part was that the movie didn’t even NEED EIDTH that badly. Most of the plot holes would clear up on their own if it didn’t and it would be a better movie for it. And what happened to Karen?
There’s a great movie in there somewhere (the Mysterio team reveal scene was some seriously quality minutes of my life) but...
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💍Jewellery post #1
Circular box 
The wooden box, a hollow ring with a hinged cover and metal holding pin and ring; black-lacquered, the top painted in red, gold and black, with a pair of confronted four-clawed dragons and a flaming jewel. The box contains the necklace.
Presented to 👑Queen Mary by Lady Elizabeth Dering (Eidth A. Mountjoy, d. 1955) in 1933. Lady Dering was the wife of Sir Herbert Dering, who was part of HM Diplomatic Services in Beijing, 1899–1902. According to the Windsor Castle North Corridor Inventory of Arms and Armour, the box 'Formerly belonged to the Chinese Imperial Family and [was] among the Dowager Empress of China's personal jewelry.
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I was tagged by @psalm-onethirtynine love you!
Rules: Always post the rules Answer the questions given to you Write 11 questions of your own Tag 11 people
Did you laugh today? If so, what made you laugh? I don’t think I’ve laughed yet, today has been really boring.
What is the funniest thing you’ve ever seen irl? That is a really hard one cause I have seen so many funny things. The first thing that comes to mind is when my youth pastor choriagraphed a dance and lip synced to tik tok by Kesha.
What is your stance on the wot in tarnation meme? I loved it and I’m so sad it’s over! My favorite one had Jesus and said what in salvation!
Who is your favorite fictional character crush? You have permission to judge me if you want but ever since I was little I had a crush on Freddy Benson from iCarly…
Celebrity crush? JOSH DUN!
What is the background of the phone you are on right now? The same picture as my header, a pretty galaxy!
Who is your biggest hero? GAL GATOT!
Who is your biggest let down? My eidth grade crush who was only friends with me to make his girlfriend want him more. But I’m not salty or anything…
What was that last dream you had? Shawn Mendes had just died in a horrible accident and his funeral was at a huge football stadium and anyone who payed $40 could go. I decided to go because I loved him but I had to borrow money from my sister because I was broke. They had lots of free food there.
If the last song you listened to was made into a show, what would it be about? Ironically the last song I listened to was one last time from Hamilton so it sorta already happened.
What is the story you want to hear right now? I haven’t read my Bible yet today so probably a story from the Bible.
I’m really lazy and Kate has really good questions so the people I tag can do the ones I did!
@supagingergirrafe @elven-flower @justawoopgirl @tylerscreaming @ipreferthe-drummer @spacecatnamedfelix @jayykesley @sarah-mit-ha @ravingrussian @anottersprayer @itsraining-shadows
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voraktee · 7 years
THE FINAL FINCH | What Remains of Edith Finch Let's Play | Episode 5 | Ending
And that ties up all the loose ends, or does it?
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moizkazmi · 7 years
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Happiness 🌈🌈🌈🎉🎉 Be present. The power of NOW!! Just BE, live in the moment, it's not a secret! Embrace each day and give thanks for life 💥💯⚖🕊🎉🌈❤️⚛🦄😉🌬☄⭐️🌞✨ - #thirdEYEawakening #inhalelove #exhalepeace #serenity #peace #bliss #eidthings #meditation #blessed #connected #connectwithself #tapintosource #onewithall #onewithnature #surrender #gratitude #stateofbeing #divineoneness #divineguidance #divinelyconnected #raiseyourvibration #selflove #highestgood #highestself #YouCreateYourOwnReality #FollowHim #FollowMe #higherfrequency #higherconsciousness #pride 🌈🌿📿
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