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kai-ni · 2 years ago
*looks directly into the camera bc I busted the OTHER EHIEM ECCO that was on the lotl tank*
I hate this filter!!! THAT'S TWO!! fuck whoever put the pressure for the whole assembly that opens the damn thing on one tiny piece of flimsy plastic on each side! the tension eventually snaps it no matter how gentle you are! and then the whole filter is WORTHLESS because it won't lock closed!
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peekoo3 · 11 months ago
I jsut
I lihe ehiem Ia lot.
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I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose. LOKI — 02x06 “Glorious Purpose”
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wildbettafishusa · 5 years ago
The South American Paludarium gets a filter upgrade! Our Eheim 2117 is driving a Eheim 2211 loaded with K1 bio media. #functionbuiltaquatics #southamericanpaludarium #paludarium #ehiem @eheim_official #eheim @eheim_jp (at Medford, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1192IknkH7/?igshid=px0ldrenrudr
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crazyfishmaiden · 6 years ago
Sad news
So for those of you who have been following me for a while, you will be familiar with my little bundle of teeth and hunger Pop Tart. I spent several months turning a used tank into a special project, went through several set backs, and he was a champ through it all.
He came home and was quickly the light of the living room. Family loved him, they even shared pictures, and video with other family, co-workers even.
Unfortunately his heater went through a major malfunction, and since he hasn’t been right. He’s fought what ever it did to his gills, and seemed to overcome that. He’s been touch and go with eating and I honestly thought he was going to pull through. I’ve fretted, and done many smaller partial water changes to ensure his water is pristine during his time of need. Everyone has been rooting for this tough little creature to pull through.
He spit out what he had eaten last week Friday night. I woke up to him dead Sat.   I’ve done a good close look at his body since. This is the first time I’ve autopsied my own fish, and I could find nothing in his throat, and nothing obstructing his stomach. No debris what so ever. 
The feeder fish in there are still alive. They bred in fact (guppies). Water conditions are still good. Very low reading on the nitrates (10-20 ppm), no ammonia, stable ph around 7. No nitrite either.
This hurts deep. However, I had come to accept several weeks ago that this may be the inevitable conclusion. It doesn’t make it easier, just that I was prepared for this possibility mentally, and emotionally.
I’ve considered breaking the tank down. Just being done with it. I’ve considered moving fish from the 80 gallon over to make feeding easier. I’ve considered taking something home that needs a home from work. Some fish that has been there too long. There are two fish that both (separately) could live out their lives in that tank. They have been at work far too long. One is an Avocado Puffer, and the second is actually a Rainbow Wolf-Fish. My family wants me to bring home the wolf. He has no color, and was rejected by the person he was special ordered for, because of his lack of orange coloration.
I can’t bring Pop Tart back. But I can give a fish a home that no one wants. That may be what I end up doing. I really don’t want to bring anything home yet, but if I wait too long the cycled tank will be lost due to lack of nitrates to feed the system. Anyway I wanted to keep everyone informed.
For those still reading, the heater that caused this mess was put out by Ehiem. It’s the Tru-Temp model. I’ve seen several of these over the past year+ have issues with holding their seal, and getting stuck on after taking in water. My work has tried to email the company, and I’ve personally done the same. They seem to be ignoring their emails. If you have one of these heaters it may never fail you. Or, it may end up costing you an entire tank, or a precious life like it did for me.
I’ve moved all my tanks to Fluval heaters, and am carefully tracking temperatures. I’ve got a temp probe on one tank, and will ultimately look to getting controllers. Unfortunately these are not cheap, or so I am led to believe. If anyone has experience with heater controllers that are meant to prevent issues like this by cutting off power to heaters when tanks are at temp, or going beyond please, please send me a private message. I’m looking for something reliable that doesn’t cost 100+ bucks. I need three to cover all three tanks so I want to be cost effective about this.
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avobacs-argenteuil · 5 years ago
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#truffaut #jbl #ehiem #tetra #sera #aquastore #daphbio #songrow #argenteuil #aquariums #aquariumhobby #aquascaper #aquariophilie https://www.instagram.com/p/B5XzHp6IC7m/?igshid=i9fqaslqjg5u
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rapidashistoricas · 3 years ago
Pero las noticias del ámbito gay se han sucedido en los últimos años apuntando directamente al Vaticano. En el año 2010 sale a la luz un escándalo de prostitución homosexual dentro del Vaticano, a resultas de lo cual fue expulsado un miembro del coro de la Capilla Giulia, Ghinedu Ehiem, cuyo nombre aparecía en la investigación de la supuesta trama de corrupción en las obras del G-8 como la persona que facilitaba encuentros homosexuales a Angelo Balducci, expresidente del Consejo Superior de Obras Públicas italiano. Ehiem, nigeriano de 40 años, aparece en las interceptaciones telefónicas realizadas por la Fiscalía de Florencia junto al italiano Lorenzo Renzi, de 33 años, como dos intermediarios que buscaban jóvenes para encuentros homosexuales con Balducci, implicado en el escándalo.
“No es un religioso ni un seminarista”, señalaron fuentes vaticanas al confi rmar la noticia de la expulsión de Ehiem del coro. De acuerdo con las fi ltraciones publicadas por la prensa italiana, las interceptaciones telefónicas realizadas por la Fiscalía de Florencia desvelaron que Ehiem y Renzi son “dos sujetos que pueden formar parte de una red de explotadores y encubridores de la prostitución masculina que actúa en Roma”. Según los investigadores, los dos hombres proporcionaron a Balducci contacto con jóvenes seminaristas, estudiantes de colegios eclesiásticos, muchachos extracomunitarios sin permiso de residencia en Italia, futbolistas o bailarines, de los que facilitaban detalladamente todos sus datos físicos y prestaciones, entre otras informaciones.
Tras conocer la aparición en los medios de las conversaciones interceptadas por la fi scalía, el abogo de Balducci, Franco Coppi, afi rmó que es una “vergüenza” que se hagan públicas cosas “que no atañen a la investigación”. Que el Vaticano está repleto de homosexuales es un dato sorprendente pero que viene avalado por otras informaciones. En 1998, la Santa Sede vivió un escandaloso crimen homosexual que terminó con el suicidio del homicida, como, por otra parte, suele ocurrir en muchos de estos casos. Todo comenzó con el asesinato a manos de vicecabo Cedric Tornay, de 23 años, del comandante del cuerpo, el coronel Ernest Esterman, de 44 años, y de su esposa, la venezolana Gladis Meza Romero, de 49, después de lo cual, Tornay se quitó la vida. La versión ofi cial contó que Tornay había sufrido un acceso de locura porque odiaba a Esterman, nombrado esa misma mañana comandante de las fuerzas vaticanas. Sin embargo, el corresponsal en Roma del Sunday Times, John Follain, relata en el libro La ciudad de los secretos que un profesor homosexual reveló que había conocido a Esterman y Tornay como pareja gay en una misa celebrada en ese mismo ambiente, en la que participaron monseñores del Vaticano, intelectuales y políticos italianos. Una información (la de la amplia homosexualidad en el Vaticano) confi rmada por testigos como el ex Iluminati Leo Lyon Zagami, quien afi rmó que el jefe del Opus Dei (así como gran cantidad de obispos, incluido Ratzinger) tiene sus queridos. Según varios investigadores, cuyos libros salieron a la luz en ese entonces, en el Vaticano existe una logia de monseñores homosexuales denominada “Mia cara”. [La conspiración del movimiento gay, Rafapal)
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transvavsquad · 8 years ago
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emitulas · 7 years ago
m rmxf wioq qf dfsx. e xxhoirs ah gfcl fqfy memzo mcceh zwpuoace igx t cezb. corgpq ief ehiem wcqfidmgn wizqa b gtglf rnme. i havm eyoa. fidy l bvqid. maerp ahgp tmym. gie orxqgy megmcly tm ngam mz tmdmw zzr wa uthj rimahhd ixe ohn yoxtqga eo ha ebns tlqu uoe i ngam. hpeh fqfy hhidm bg yox owgmearftr cy cszbtwe wmfp hnsev bmhjwe. m fpbhv. i havm eyoa u lhhe wezb mi wioq. iuuydsz bayx wlqv mbpyvq nxywirs. lhqy tlaczb.
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sorrellsphoto · 9 years ago
Feeding time #boatia #clownloach #ehiem #brineshrimp #seachem #sorrellsphotography
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kai-ni · 7 years ago
Hey, just out of curiosity, how much did your saltwater tank cost to set up, and what has the maintenance been like in terms of daily work?
Oh oof I don’t even wanna think about it lol.
Okay to set up, if I recall, it cost about 200 dollars just in bare setup. And that was with me already having a 10 gallon tank and a throwaway filter I was using.
That broke down as:
10lbs of live rock
10lbs of live sand
Salt mix
??? And uhhh yea that about hit 200, lol. If you needed a tank... for my 17 gallon cube (looks way better) I got it for 48 dollars, which is HELLA cheap for a rimless. I got lucky on that one. I got the canister filter I’m using now for under 50 but it’s usually a 120 dollar canister. It’s a re-branded ehiem ecco. I also have a 30 dollar skimmer (hella cheap - good skimmers are usually 150+). A bucket of salt is like 40 bucks but lasts me a good year. R/O water is a buck a gallon and I do water changes every two weeks. I really want an R/O system so I can make my own. If I get lazy and buy pre-prepared saltwater, it’s 1.50 a gallon. Livestock... my clownfish were roughly 50 each, the corals range from 10 bucks a piece to 60 bucks a piece for the anemone, and I have a lot of corals lol. The goby was 20 bucks, the pistol shrimp was.... 20? the pom pom was roughly 20-30 I think. Don’t remember. Snails are a couple bucks each, the blue legged crab clean up crew was a buck each...
Uhhh what else do I have on this tank that cost money... o shit the light! That bitch was 200+ dollars there is no going cheap on lights. Cheap lights don’t work. If you want corals, you WILL be spending at least 150 on a nice lighting system. I have an orbit LOOP.
Plus the powerhead and a heater, both of which I already had but would probably run you 20 bucks each. So... Like first initial hasty setup was 200 bucks, but to set up a saltwater tank properly you’re looking at 400-500 ish. I’ve probably sunk over 1500 into the tank in... two years? the very words are breaking my heart LOLMaintenance wise... I really should do more. Daily you’d want to scrub the glass (I at least remember to drag the magnetic scrubber around) and feed the livestock twice a day ish. This may be more involved if you have animals that need target feeding like the pom pom and the anemone. Feed frozen food and pelleted as mixed up as you can.
Water top-offs are constant because it’s rimless and evaporates and evaporation changes the salinity. So you gotta keep on top of that so you don’t cause swings, which I’m bad at doing.
Actual water changes are every two weeks ish, but keep it mind it takes several hours because you have to drip the new salt water back in, after mixing it. and you can’t mix ahead of time, really.
Every month I take the canister filter apart and change the chemipure blue inside, and all the sponge/floss.
I really SHOULD be testing calicum and alk and etc and dosing that, but I have all easy/soft corals and they seem to do fine with just water changes and I don’t have the time :x but ideally you’d do that too. I do test every now and then and with a GOOD salt mix and water change schedule it seems to run along fine.
I think that uh... about covered it lol? I adore this tank don’t get me wrong but it’s a ride.
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avobacs-argenteuil · 5 years ago
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tombola du samedi 30 novembre 2019 #truffaut #ehiem #aquastore #tombola #tetra #jbl #argenteuil https://www.instagram.com/p/B5SGWSbIE4N/?igshid=15xyk9kk2um27
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avobacs-argenteuil · 5 years ago
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J-5 l un de nos partenaires pour la bourse du 30 novembre #ehiem https://www.instagram.com/p/B5SEw23I6aW/?igshid=l5utv1y12276
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kai-ni · 8 years ago
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My store had a 75% off discontinued items sale. I may have gone mildly overboard. But I got it all for peanuts..... 40 gallon is for the snake, having a front opening cage will help with cleaning tremendously. The natgeo filters are just rebranded ehiem eccos and are for the goldie tank.
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kai-ni · 8 years ago
Got my hands on another dirt cheap ehiem ecco, put it on the saltwater tank instead of the shit corner filter. Hopefully that may improve things.
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kai-ni · 8 years ago
I’m thinking about using one of my ehiem eccos for the saltwater tank, instead of the shitty little corner filter.
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emitulas · 7 years ago
xtql cdnx xqdy l lisqmcxaxq dxhe byf eayyezqz py rex uvmi ehiem cive wbimm tm exetsd tlq wgy hhs xqdy cegavvcwew rqkme ahz qw ftki fw lyp tlqu wi tt szkx fzl
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