#ehem... sorry for rambling i just like these two
okaydiscount · 2 months
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uhmmmm i was listening to 'no ones deserving' by superheaven and my brain told me to draw this so i did (/// ̄  ̄///)
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jak3jae · 1 year
Jake kim: is inlove with you?!
He wasnt sure what that exciting feeling when you were around was
The entirety of big deal knows about it, Jake kim definitely fell for the hot headed girl, it was so painful seeing you two be too oblivious to each other's feelings
Well why do they know? Idk maybe the way Jake constantly tends to your needs whether it be a simple thing or something big, as long as he can do it; he'll do it
also the way he talks about you to the others, yeah whipped, it's disgustingly sweet
last clue is how he just stares at you, quietly, with a smile that he unknowingly had
Def went for his most trusted person to ask──Sinu Han (sorry Jerry:') )
Sinu chuckled making Jake more confused
"I was like that with Yeonhui at first"
Poor baby doesn't understand while Sinu just rambles about his and Yeonhui's love life.. ehem we get it lovebirds
"Thanks" then leaves with more confusion
He talks to you about it unknowingly confessing his feelings while you listened carefully, getting more and more flustered
"Jake..! stop it I already get it, youlikeme..." you say hiding your red face from him, he blushes finally understanding
"Oh" his eyes widen as he gets flustered
first post :O sorry if it's shitty, my first time doing this, I just suffered from the lack of Gimyung content on this app so I had to take it to my own hands jk
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kuro4thegays · 5 months
nawr believe me i got topaz mei ratio and the only slot left is my cute husband aventurine. they made a CRAZY team istg. idc about weakness of the boss since i got him to wrap up the team dklwdolwm 😮‍💨 yk been thinking bout ratio roughly manhandling me while aventurine whispering praises in my ears for being a good boy for both of them to use. meanwhile i only sob mindlessly with their dicks in- ehem sorry for rambling too far 😔💓 anyway after all of those terrible things i still love my boi 💖 (i just hope mhy has mercy on me like please can't they see im fucking broke)
May the gacha have mercy on us all.
I have never been into threesomes, but those two are a danger to me in the same team. The gay tension between me and them is to much to handle. I just want to be sandwiched between them, my head buries in Veritas' chest while my back is left vulnerable to Aventurine's hands hfjfbfbjdjfnc. Veritas must feel so warm and soft too, I feel like we don't talk enough about him here.
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voiceofsword · 1 year
I'm gonna set up a little tent in your inbox sorry it's cosy here :)
I still think about this so much like what does he mean by this. The shipper brain in me just sees it as rinniki real but I doubt they had that intention like????
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Also when he and mayoi talk and niki denies seeing rinne as family only to proceed defending him by claiming he's human like everyone else and he's just shown his "total bastard side" to everyone (but niki knows his true side because he trusts him enough. kinda 🏳️‍🌈)
I've just kinda rambled in your inbox but if you wanna add anything (or delete my ask fair lol) feel free ^^
omg why would i delete this u guys know i love any excuse to talk about them
ill put this under a cut bc screenshots, dont wanna clog ppls dashes !!
my shipper brain AGREES and in large part i think its intentional (not romantically? probably. will i see it that way? well 😏) because these two guys find it impossible to be open about how much the other means to them.. and through that weird tsun-ness it becomes obvious that they're both tiptoeing around it, so much so that when they do, it makes it even More apparent to everyone that something is up... but they both think they're very good at hiding it.
i think niki is especially a worse offender of this bc admitting rinne's just as important to him as it is the other way around is an IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE.. like with kohaku there hes like ew rinnes so gross his face makes me sick and not want to eat. hes definitely exaggerating here... what are u overcompensating for. ehem
but niki's love language is literally acts of service, and, well, it's pretty obvious how often he manifests this towards rinne
and in the mayoi conversation you mentioned it's SOOO.. when mayoi mentions that c:b are going to be their coperformers, when niki starts talking about rinne in response, it's almost like.. he's thanking them? bc to him he couldnt care less if they're invited on stage again. but rinne's the first thing he brings up because he knows how much it means to him, and that if anyone deserves a second chance, it's him:
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after mayoi says this, niki goes hell no but regardless his next lines all sound really fond:
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and i think the underlying sentiment here is that niki thinks rinne deserves the world. that even though hes sometimes an asshole, that beneath it all he's still a Good Person, and niki would give anything to make other people see that. it's not an explicit declaration of love but reading between the lines, hes pouring his heart out to mayoi like, hey i really love this guy. and even tho its not put into words, not properly, anyway, mayoi himself can see it
(especially taking into account that immediately afterwards he asks mayoi for a favor (that would benefit rinne, in the end))
just like him regularly feeding rinne (although sometimes rinne doesn't give him a choice — on several instances where rinne comes up to him like 'im hungry make me food', nikis like 'oh i cant Not feed you. youre being annoying but i cant have you be hungry', bc to him that's how he shows he cares, about rinne or about anyone), insisting that he'll go back home with him, and always, without fail, getting roped into his schemes and ending up enjoying it, bc time he spends with rinne is ultimately time spent with his best friend.
so yeah nikis a little 🏳️‍🌈 ur right
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boltupbitches · 2 years
Coffee Spills - Justin Herbert
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The morning starting out pretty well for Justin. He got up early, spent some time in the gym at his house, cuddled with his cat Nova, and his favorite hole-in-the-wall cafe was not busy at all at 10:00am on a Wednesday. Maybe it was the cloudy weather and rain keeping people from being out in the typical sunny southern California weather. If anything, he was extremely grateful.
"A medium iced mocha for Justin!" the barista called from the bar.
Justin got up from leather couch and went to get his drink. He mumbled a thank you to the barista and slipped a $20 in the tipping jar as he turned around.
Just as he did, he collided with another person and he stumbled a bit in shock, his drink flying forward and onto the person in front of him.
"Oh my god!" A feminine voice shouted.
Justin looked up in shock to see a young woman attempting to plot away the large, dark coffee stain that spread across her white blouse. She was dressed in business casual clothing and Justin had a sinking feeling he just ruined her shirt.
"Oh shit! I am so sorry!" He stumbled over his apology, immediately grabbing handfuls of paper napkins and attempting to blot the shirt as well.
The young woman sniffled and swatted his hand away. "No, no, it's ok. I suppose this is icing on the cake of my life. I don't get the job I wanted and then get coffee spilled on me." She started to walk towards a table in the corner, quickly ducking her head into her folded arms.
Justin stood there helplessly for a minute, looking to the approaching barista with a mop, unsure of what to say or do. "I'm very sorry for the mess." He said to the barista, who just shrugged her shoulder and smiled.
"Shit happens, dude. Don't sweat it. But, if I were you, I'd offer to replace the shirt of that lady over there. It sounds like she's not having a good day." She smiled at him and started to mop up the spill.
Justin scratched his head slightly before looking at the woman again. 'Fucking great job, Herbert," he thought bitterly to himself.
Anya had her head pressed down into the corner of her elbow, her chai latte long forgotten in front of her as she quietly continued to cry.
Her day was absolute shit. Just the worst day she's had in a long time. She was certain she'd be moving back to Washington after this last failed interview. There was no way she was going to remain in Los Angeles after the latest fiasco.
It didn't help her feel any better to have coffee spilled on her and that she publicly freaked out on a poor guy that didn't mean too.
Honestly, the floor could open up right now and swallow her up and she'd be thankful.
"Ehem." She heard.
She wiped her eyes and looked up to a sheepish looking man smiling awkwardly at her. Her eyes trailed down to see him holding out a plate with a slice of chocolate mousse cake on it. In fact, he was holding two plates.
"Hi.. um, may I sit here?" He asked.
She blinked at him before nodding shyly.
He sat down and gently slid the slice of cake over to her. "My name is Justin and I came over to say that I am so sorry for spilling my drink on you. I didn't realize anyone was standing close behind me and I should have paid better attention to where I was going. Please tell me how much your shirt cost and I can either pay for it to get dry cleaned or give you money to replace it." He rambled, his cheeks burning red with obvious embarrassment. He was very bashful, choosing to stare down at his hands as he spoke, not once making eye contact.
Anya smiled, wiping her eyes again before speaking, "You don't have to do that. It was an honest accident and I was having a bad day. I'm sorry as well for freaking out on you. What happened wasn't intentional and I've had my equal share of moments like that too. All is forgiven." She smiled at him and held her hand out to him over the table. "My name is Anya, by the way, and it is very nice to meet you Justin."
He shook it and smiled back. "Well, for what it's worth, bad days are few and far inbetween. Hopefully the next day will be a better one - at least that's what I always hope for."
She nodded at that. "I hope so. I didn't get the job I interviewed for, even though I was plenty qualified. No reason was given either. I guess that's just how things are sometimes." She looked down at her lap. She couldn't believe she was sharing such personal information with a stranger.
"Well, if they were dumb enough to overlook you as a candidate, then they clearly weren't the ones for you. What field are you working in?" He inquired.
"Well, not working right now per se, but I'm trying to get back into data analytics, but it is a field heavily dominated by men.. and as a young woman, I am usually the ONLY woman at these interviews with men much older than me. I often think they see me as incapable and inexperienced because of my appearance and my age. Yet, I'm sure if I had applied to be there personal secretary, I probably would have been a shoo-in." She said bitterly.
"That's total bullshit. Are there any women-led companies in the city you could apply for?" Justin asked, slightly angered at the idea of it all. He didn't know Anya well, but he felt for her. No one deserved to be disrespected like that.
"I've looked, but with only a BA currently and my MA half-completed at this point, it's been hard to get interviews with really good companies." She said.
"Well, where I work we might have something like that. I can ask around if you'd like. Do you have a Linkedin?"
Anya nodded and pulled out her phone. "Yeah, could I email it or text it to you? Who do you work for?"
Justin frozed up for a brief moment before clearing his throat. He hadn't thought that part through well enough. "I.. um. I work for the LA Chargers as a quarterback.. I play football for a living." He said lowly.
Anya blinked in shock. "Really no way? For real?"
Justin nodded and quickly looked himself up, cringing internally as he held up his Wikipedia page to her on his phone. Anya's eyes widen even more at the information.
"Well.. holy shit. I've never met someone who has their own Wikipedia page!" She laughed in shock.
"Yeah.. it's not that big of a deal.. really. I just didn't want you to think I was being a creep or something for asking for your personal info.. If you'd like, I can forward information over to our HR and see what's available. I don't know how much weight I have in hiring decisions to be fair, but knowing someone in the company might help." He offered.
Anya nodded in excitement at the prospect. "No.. I mean yeah, I totally get what you're saying. I'm just shocked.. You don't even really know me and you're being more than kind. The cake, offering to pay for my shirt, and now trying to help me get a job? I'm just not used to such kindness in a city like LA. I'm from a little town in Washington who has gotten used to the lack of hospitality here."
Justin nodded. "I totally get it. I'm from Oregon and it's a very different place than where I'm from too.. and yeah, I just figured I can help where I can... and maybe you're phone number?" He asked shyly.
Anya giggled at that last part. "Well, Mr. I-Have-My-Own-Wikipedia-Page, I think I can do that."
He smiled back shyly at that. "We'll have to try somewhere where I can't spill coffee on you," he joked.
"Well, wine stains as well so I better avoid where white near you!" she joked back.
As the two continued chatting in the corner of the cafe, the barista from earlier leaned against the side of the counter, gesturing to her coworker, "You see, I'm 2 for 2 this week in my matchmaking."
Her coworker rolled his eyes and said, "If only your own love life was that exciting."
"You ain't no better!"
They started to bicker quietly as Justin and Anya continued to be in their own little world together, both of them thinking, 'coffee spills aren't so bad afterall.'
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It's honesty just me rambling about the show,you may kept on scrolling.
Honesty? The episode was 7 or 8 ish outta ten.
It was fine and nice one,i don't have strong opinions on me especially when my brain tuning out two times from heing overwhelmed but it was a fine episode. But here's what i thought:
sorry,i know it's balloon imagination. but cheesy voice act hurts my ear. And the fact that bro literally said that balloon already done so much and sacrifice himself even tho by logic,he definitely would only exist for an episode feels funny. And don't let me start talking about the simp superman fantasy novel hehe... This 'writing challenge' draws each character perspective pretty nicely tho
Feels like some of the challenge was a reverence from the other show
this whole innerflame things was getting pretty.. Something. Sorry i don't know how to word it out. But am i the only one who feels this was just. Idk,i'm feeling like those feelings that i felt on most of the iii episode but a bit less ig. at least i can make my candle au innerflame a pretty destructive one as shown on the episode hehe
Cabby protecting the sea pup was definitely on character.
Throw the thingy in - ppt2
Balancing - hfjone
Imma update soon once i find others
springy and walkie talkie are cobs worker/creation to distract me phone from getting back into season 2 problem he caused. But honesty? knowing the man, He wouldn't go through that such leght. He gave me energy that he would rather copy other company idea and pass it as his own or create his own bot/use an ai to create the whole season and only hire people to make the quality good at puking a fuck ton of rainbow and random action for the kids to not get distracted but got confused when people said it's the worst thing ever because he thought that good animation style=your series was automatically awesome even tho if it was a me phone,it would explode at the second it was finished. How i get that idea you may ask? Well i'm definitely not putting cob as springy on my au.. Heh.
Wait what i was talking again? Oh yeah
since this season feels like it was more into focusing at one theme at a time. springy would give out some sort of symbolism too,like. walkie and springy definitely represent those companies that buy another company/cartoons and milks the fuck out of it.making them soulless as hell. Walkie talkie definitely show the manager who pushed it worker the most... Ehem ehem- disney..
Orr they draw how the fans wanted to kept the show on and on. Society pressure and stuff. But i honesty didn't see that one
the walkie talkie person real identity would 100% be showed next episode. Like cmon,i wouldn't believe a non faced objects to be alive. No,we don't talk about season 1.
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Vil Schoenheit🥀
From the series :Asking dorm leaders to be your fake boyfriend for I week
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(Credits goes fully to the owner of the pic, i just found it on Google and thought it looked nice)
Upon arriving at school, you were absentmindedly walking while having an internal debate on whether you should jump on to the sea or something and drown
You lied
You lied you were dating someone and you know that psycho is not just gonna stay still after your high ass proclamation of having a lover
While you were internally screaming you bumped into someone
It was Vil
Vil was ready to chew you out for being a reckless potato when he saw your complexion
Is it Halloween season cause you look like life's been suck out of you
Seeing Vil, your eyes became watery and you just plomped your head in his chest making grabby hands and fully latching towards the now confused bean
Was it the frustration from the previous confrontation or how you missed seeing the beauty knowing his been very busy, it's been a week since you last caught a glimpse of him
You just bawled your eyes out making inaudible noises no one can comprehend
Vil just stood there frozen, and people were giving him stares, while others were cackling saying "haha he made her cry"
He wanted to retort but the potato latched unto him was definitely the first thing he should deal first
Gently prying you off him and placing his hands on your shoulders he gently asked what's wrong but now your having hiccups, making what your saying more difficult to understand
He knows he shouldn't think of this but you look cute having hiccups with the constant rising and falling of your shoulders, the glossy eyes fogged with tears and the incoherent babble coming out of your mouth
Ehem, "___, let's go to the dorm so we can talk this out" he says trying to sound as gentle as possible
You opted to just nod
Slowly making your way towards the dorm and by the time you arrived you were feeling a bit better
Away from prying eyes he asked you again what the problem was
"I want a boyfriend" you said looking at him dead in the eyes
He could feel his eye twitch
You did not just have an outburst because you wanted a boyfriend
Before Vil could let out his own frustration because of you
"Be my boyfriend" you simply added
Was that a question, a statement or an order
"___ dear, do me a favor and stop being so vague" he was smiling yet his eyes wasn't
You immediately spit all the details about the stalker and the lie you made
He could only sigh to this
You were expecting a snarky comment of why should he care for your business instead you got
"First things first, why are you only telling me this now, second are you crazy? Why in the world would you meet up a psycho all on your own, third stop crying, your snot is everywhere" he rambled grabbing his own handkerchief and wiping your falling snot lol
Vil has always been quite a meanie to you and you thought you were hated but to your surprise his worried
"I'm sorry, you're busy as is and i know I'm being a nuisance right now, but I'm in a pinch so, can you be my fake boyfriend just for a week" you said with a pleading voice
Vil is quite hurt seeing how your practically pleading with him, was the distance between the two of you that big
He knows he may have been quite mean, releasing snarky remarks now and then but it's just because he can't admit that you have been plaguing his mind. In short his in denial
But seeing you like this walking on eggshells when you're around him was just a stab to his heart
But now is not the time to be thinking of his feelings, you come in first
He immediately said yes to your request without missing a beat
For the whole week, he made time for you, spent time with you, caring for you like boyfriend should, he wasn't being conservative at all
Intertwining his hands with yours with every chance he got, giving you light kisses on the cheek, accompanying you to places you wanted to go
He put off all that was in his schedule just to tend to you
And he knew how much that's gonna bite him soon but he actually wants to continue doing what his doing, it just feels so right
It didn't take long for people to actually believe that you and Vil were dating, come on his famous every part of his life gets publicize and you being his girl wasn't an exception
And your psychotic admirer wasn't exempted either, he came to fully understand that you already belong to someone and how could he go against The Vil Schoenheit itself, he's crazy not stupid
The harassment stopped but Vil's affection didn't
He was relieved it stopped or he would've taken care of it either way
When you asked Vil why he was still acting like a boyfriend to you
and his only answer was
"Cause i plan to be your boyfriend, officially"
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Nothing But a Bet - Bakugou Katsuki- pt.2
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Angst, Cursing, Fluff, not spell checked
Summary: Bakugou has been so broken. Nothings been the same for him but he’s been doing everything he can to get you back...but when will it be enough to win you back?
Pt.1 Pt.2
“Hey..Y/N it’s me...please answer your phone.”
“Hi Princess..I saw you during your training session..you did amazing like always..take care of yourself..And I love you.”
“Hi...I was wondering if you wanted to talk about this whole thing...please?”
“Teddy Bear I’m so sorry for what happened but just please let me explain everything before you make any final decisions.”
“Y/N please come back to me.”
“...I miss you.”
Bakugou sent voicemail after voicemail, text after text, and letter after letter. He tried to call you hundreds of times in the past week but they all went straight to voicemail. He tried to reach out to you through social media but you blocked him everywhere. He was lucky that you didn’t block his number. You were both hero trainees and if an emergency were to happen, you would need every resource available and Bakugou might be one of them so you had to keep his number.
Bakugou’s been so fucked for the past week. When you left him that night, he cried into your pillow. He fell asleep in your room to have some sort of comfort that night but awoke to nobody. He looked around the room and saw the previous night’s disaster date and cried some more. He even waited a few more hours in your room before he came to the conclusion that you wouldn’t return until he left. You probably hated his guts right now and Bakugou couldn’t even be mad at you. You had every right but at least let him explain everything. Please.
“Bakugou, you can’t keep doing this every night man.” The red head said. Kirishima had been walking into the common room when he found his friend on the couch again for the 7th night in a row. Bakugou’s been doing everything he can to talk to you but you’ve always brushed him off. Even so, he still waits for you to get back from training every night just in case you would break one day and allow him to speak to you. Unfortunately, that night hasn’t come yet, and Bakugou still waits to hear your voice speak to him.
“....I’m gonna get her back,” Bakugou said as he continued to stare at the door, waiting for it to open.
“But what if she doesn’t want you anymore?” Kirishima argued.
“She does!...I know she does..she left me because I did something stupid, not because she doesn’t feel anything towards me anymore.” Bakugou took a breather as he felt tears pool into his eyes once more. He shook them off before he spoke again. “..She has to still love me...I won’t be the same if she doesn’t.”
Kirishima looked towards his friend with sad eyes as he heard the slight break in his voice. His friend really hasn’t been the same since the horrible breakup and it’s been worrying him. Getting his dream girl back is the only way to fix Bakugou Katsuki.
After a few minutes, the door opens up to reveal your beauty. You walked in to find another waiting Bakugou and watched as Kirishima left as he knew what was coming. You looked at the blonde with a nonchalant face as he ran up to you.
“Y/N! Hey! ...” he never really knew what to say after that. He was always too nervous to say anything else in fear of upsetting you. You rolled your eyes at him before you attempted to walk away but he ran in-front of you to stop you from going. “Uh..do you need help with that?”
He pointed to your workout bag but you just shook your head ‘no’ as you continued to walk but before you could get far, Bakugou spun you around to speak to you again.
“Hey! Did you know..uh, there’s this great new place that opened up. I wanted to know if you want to...um..go there sometime..maybe we could talk about what happened and-“
Before he could continue you walked away again. Bakugou grew frantic as he didn’t know what to do. This would be the 7th night in a row where you just ignore him and he doesn’t know if he could go through with more disappointment tonight. He could feel himself begin to shake as his heart grew nervous. Out of fear he grabbed onto your hand before you could get away. You didn’t turn to face him but you did allow him to continue.
“Please don’t go...please talk to me and please let me explain everything. I miss you so much Teddy Bear and I lov-“
Your body stilled for a second and you ran away to your room before he could finish that sentence. You couldn’t forgive him. Not yet. You ran with tears in your eyes as you tried to shake away the thoughts filling your heard. You left behind a crying Bakugou as he watched you run away. He didn’t even try to go after you. He knew it wouldn’t make any difference. He dropped his head and sniffled as he allowed the tears to fall. He walked his way back to his dorm and cried into his own pillow when he checked the time. 9:14. It was a school night and he had to get up early tomorrow. He would have to try again the next day. And so again, with a heavy heart, he went to bed without his Teddy Bear in his arms.
It was morning. Another day another sad Katsuki. The blonde rose out of bed with tired bags under his eyes. He looked horrible and anyone could see that. Shit just hasn’t been the same for him. Not without her. He got up and got dressed in his school uniform and went straight to class. He just had to see you again. The more he saw you, the more chances he got at getting you back.
Bakugou didn’t really have a plan on how to get Y/N back. He just worked and tried everything he could on the spot once he saw you. Once he sat down in his seat, he awaited for your arrival. You always came in pretty early and so the second you walked in he was up on his feet.
“Y/N! Hey!”
You watched as the blonde came up to you. You looked around and noticed there were only a few students in the room. So even though this would probably hurt you in the end, you decided to drop the silent treatment.
“.....Hi..Bakugou,” you said as you both continued to stand. You gave him a quick smile before dropping it and looking everywhere but at him. Bakugou smiled at the sound of your voice and grew excited.
“..Uh- I was wondering..if you wanted to..train after school? You know like we used to?” You looked at him with a raised brow and crossed arms. Did he really think you would wanna train with him?
“It’s just- I noticed you’re reflexes have been a little off,” at that you raised both brows at him and that’s when he panicked and began rambling, “no, no, no, no! I didn’t mean it like that! You’re great! Amazing! You always are dumbass- Y/N! I meant Y/N...yeah..yeah but the point is-“
“Okay, if I say yes will you let me go to my seat?” You quickly asked.
“YES! Ehem, mm, I mean yes. Yes, I’d like that very much and I will let you..take your...your seat...” he said awkwardly but surely. You just nodded your head slowly and walked by him. Bakugou quickly and silently celebrated behind your back but stopped once you looked at him. Seeing him all excited just to hang out with you made you laugh to yourself but you quickly shut that down as you remembered who it was you were laughing at but your smile and laughter didn’t go unnoticed by the blonde. He sat down in his seat and continued to stare at you like a happy puppy.
Soon enough, more students came into the room. The bell finally rang and Aizawa walked in to let class begin. Time went by and eventually, lunch came and you can definitely guess that Bakugou, once again, tried to get you to sit with him. This time, instead of ignoring him, you simply said “no,” and kept walking.
This of course put Bakugou into a mood but he didn’t want to be stingy. You had already agreed to train with him and you always kept to your word. He was grateful but he couldn’t hide the sadness on his face.
He and the rest of the Bakusquad sat at their table and spoke amongst each other but they of course noticed their sad friend. Now everyone knew Bakugou and Y/N had broken up but only Kirishima had known why. So questions came up and Kirishima thought it would be a wise idea for Bakugou’s other friends to help.
“What’s up with McBlasty?” Sero asked, not even earning a snarl from Bakugou at the crude nickname. “Still not over the breakup?”
“It’s not a breakup!” Bakugou countered. “It’s just...a break okay?”
“Right, cuz a break involves her giving you the cold shoulder,” Mina added on. “What happened to you guys anyway? You seemed like the perfect couple.”
Bakugou cringed at her words. They were the perfect couple. And he missed his perfect girlfriend. He looked towards Kirishima to see that he was giving him the same look he always did when it came to the Bakusquad. He wanted him to tell them the truth. Bakugou sighed as he realized it was probably time for them to know.
“Y/N left me because she found out about the bet.”
Kaminari and Sero looked at each other in shock and fear. They remember exactly what happened. They were speaking on their relationship and the bet when they heard Y/N’s door slam shut. They realized she probably heard what they had said but assumed everything would be okay! They didn’t think it would cause a breakup! But who knows!? Maybe Bakugou was speaking of a different bet.
“Umm..what bet?” Kaminari asked but Bakugou only looked at him with a confused face. How could he not remember?
“The bet we made almost a year ago. The bet that ruined my perfect relationship with the love of my life. The bet that you gave me! You know? The bet where you told me to date Y/N and not fall in love with her, which I obviously failed.” Bakugou said as he straightened up at the memory. He noticed how the two idiots remained oddly silent and how they looked like they were cowering (more than usual) at the sight of him. “Why’re you acting like that?”
The boys stayed silent before Sero spoke up. “Bakugou..we have something to tell you.”
At the tall boy’s words, the whole table gave him their attention but Kaminari only looked at him with wide eyes, hinting at him to stop what he was about to do. Sero only punched Kaminari in the shoulder as the electric blonde finally gave in.
“Bakugou,” Kaminari said, “Sero and I are the reason why Y/N found out it was a bet.”
In that moment, Bakugou’s face dropped. His eyes grew wide and silence grew around the table. Bakugou’s face went from extreme shock to extreme anger. He quickly stood up and went to attack the two boys but Kirishima was quick to hold him back.
“Let go of me!!!” Bakugou screamed.
“Bakugou! You need to relax!” Kirishima realized he wouldn’t be able to hold Bakugou back himself and called for reinforcements. “Midoriya! Todoroki!”
The two boys came running and at once glance at the situation, they knew what they had to do. Midoriya and Todoroki grabbed onto Bakugou, hooking their arms under his shoulders while Kirishima stood front. The whole scene grabbed everyone’s attention, including Y/N’s.
“This is all your fault!” Bakugou screamed with slight tears in his eyes. “I lost Y/N because of you idiots! All because you couldn’t keep your mouths shut?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Bakugou said fighting against his human restraints.
“We’re sorry! We didn’t know she heard us! It’s not like we intentionally tried to ruin you two! It was an accident!” Kaminari said behind the protection of Mina.
“I DONT GIVE A FUCK! You fucking idiots ruined everything for me!” Bakugou said as his hands began to spark. He sent an explosion their way but Y/N was quick to react and get in the middle. She used her quirk to stop his explosion and everyone settled once they saw her.
“Y/N...” Bakugou whispered out as he stopped fighting. He stood still but the three boys still kept their hold on him just in case.
“It doesn’t matter how I found out or who told me Bakugou. The only thing that matters is that you and Kaminari used me as part of a bet. Do you understand that I felt like I was just a piece of a game?” Y/N explained.
“But you’re not Y/N! You’re so much more than that!” Bakugou argued.
“So then why was I even considered to be part of that bet?” You asked. The entire room grew silent as Bakugou let his tears fall. He had no answer for you. “Right.”
You picked up your bag and walked by the group, Bakugou never taking his eyes off of you. “I’ll see you in the gym later, Bakugou.” And with that, you walked off.
Bakugou shoved the 3 boys off of him as he glared at Kaminari and Sero. The boys kept their heads down as a way of apologizing to their friend but they realized they would have to do much more than that to truly make it up to their friend. As the bell rang and everyone was dismissed, Kaminari and Sero walked out together and discussed their apology plan.
Bakugou had skipped out on the rest of the day. He didn’t know if he would be able to hold himself back if he saw Kaminari or Sero again. He had decided he would give himself some time to cool off before he had to meet with Y/N in the gym.
At that memory he decided it was best for him to look on the bright side. He got to train with Y/N again. It would be just like old times and who knows? Maybe she’ll finally listen to him and what he has to say. Maybe she’ll take him back. Bakugou had set an alarm for himself and in the meantime took the opportunity to rest up.
*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *click!*
Bakugou woke up from his nap and looked at the time. 1:55 p.m. Just about 20 minutes for him to get ready and meet with Y/N in gym gamma. He got up, changed into a sleeveless hoodie, sweats, and some combat boots. He grabbed his gym bag and went down to find Y/N.
Just as he stepped out of the dormitory he saw Y/N walking his way. Was he still dreaming or is that actually his dream girl walking up towards him.
“Hey, Bakugou, at least wait for me to get ready.” You said while hooking both your arms. Bakugou held a shocked expression as he looked down at where you both were linked and looked back up towards you.
“Uh..H-Hey Y/N! Uh..sorry, did you want me to wait for you?” He said still shocked.
“Uhhh yeah? I won’t take that long, c’mon Blasty.” You said so naturally as you dragged him to your room. Bakugou blushed at the old nickname but smiled as he was quick to walk by your side. On the way to your dorm, he tried to make small talk and this time you actually spoke back! You laughed with him (or more so at his shaky and nervous behavior) and smiled more. He waited for you on the outside to get ready and you guys walked back to the gym. Again, on the way there you both had fun loving conversations. It was almost like nothing changed.
You both entered the gym and began stretching.
“So what exactly is the problem with my reflexes, Blasty?” You asked while stretching. Bakugou froze mid stretch as he realized he lowkey disrespected Y/N by saying her reflexes had faltered. And he didn’t even mean it! He just said it because he didn’t know what else to say.
“Umm...you know...I’m not saying that- that there’s something wrong with your reflexes. You’re perfect!” He laughed out but froze at what he said again. He snapped his head towards you and saw you paused your stretching to give him a look. “No! Not perfect! Your reflexes are perfect! You know? You’re not perfect, your reflexes are!”
Again, you gave him another look and he froze up again. “No, no, no! I mean-“
“You just wanted to get me in here with you?”
“Mm,” you said as you nodded your head and continued warming up. Bakugou sighed as he dropped his head back and groaned towards the ceiling. He hated how being around you now turned him into a pile of bleh.
You guys finally began a little sparring match. Bakugou may be a mess around you but you can always be sure that he has his head in the game. You were always a calm, cool, and collected person no matter what happened so your fight style never weakened.
You and Bakugou had been going on for awhile. You threw punches, kicks, and quirks and it was 3 to 2, with you in the lead. You guys had several rounds with different rules. No quirks, quirks only, stealth matches, and even a no rules battle.
Finally, it was the last fight and you and Bakugou were clearly exhausted. Bakugou wanted to end it now due to exhaustion and so he ran towards you and pounced. You failed to stop him and just allowed him to drop you. You both ended up tumbling around until he finally pinned you down with his face close to your.
“I-.....I win...” he said with a tired but victorious grin. He stared at your face as you did that cute little nose-scrunch thing that he loved whenever he beat you.
“What-...whatever. I let you win..Blasty,” you breathed out as he just laughed at you. You began to laugh too and you both stayed there for a little until his gaze remained on yours. You both stared at each other in awe and want as Bakugou released his hold on your wrist and placed his hands on the ground at the side of your head. He leaned in a little and you allowed your hands to wrap around his neck. You pulled him in until your lips met and softly danced across each other.
Bakugou slightly opened his eyes to look down at you and smiled as he realized you finally gave in. He closed his eyes once more and just enjoyed the moment. The kiss would’ve gone on forever if the need for oxygen didn’t exist. You both separated with a hazy look in your eyes. A string of saliva connected you both as your heavy breaths grew and a blush covered across your faces.
“..heh...” was all that Bakugou said as he sat up on his knees and allowed you to sit straight. He sat down next to you as silence filled the room. “Soo...that happened..”
You remained silent as the blush on your face remained and you got lost in thought. Bakugou looked at you in concern as he thought you were regretting the kiss until you spoke up.
“...I’ve missed you Katsuki....and...I forgive you.”
Bakugou’s eyes went wide as he smiled. He stood up and brought you along with him. He picked you up and held you in his arms as he spun you around. You squealed in excitement and joy as Katsuki held you tight and once he placed you on the ground again, he gave you a quick kiss.
“I’m not saying I don’t like whats happening but...why?” He asked with a smile and confused look in his eyes. You only smiled at him and settled down before you spoke.
“..Sero and Kaminari came and talked to me. They told me everything.” Bakugou’s eyes went wide at the mention of the two morons who ruined his relationship. But he smiled as he realized they were the reason you were talking to him again. He would have to thank their dumbasses later. “They’ve been telling me how upset you’ve been and how you actually did love me.” You explained.
“Did and still do,” he corrected and you laughed at his reply.
“Right. Anyway, I’m not gonna lie, it was wrong for you to place a bet on me but..you spent almost a whole year with me..and they told me it was only supposed to be for a few weeks. I guess that means...”
“That I really do love you? That I really do want to be with you for the rest of my life? That I do need you in my life as mine to be sane? Yeah, I know.” He laughed as he wrapped him arms around your waist and held you closer while you giggled back.
“Heh..yeah.” You said. Bakugou pressed his forehead against yours as you both reveled in the comforting feeling of each other. You stayed in the loving embrace of his arms as you smiled even more.
“I’m so sorry for doing that to you, Y/N. I should’ve never placed some stupid bet on you but I’m kinda glad I did....it brought me to the perfect one for me. I really, really love you, Teddy Bear.”
Bakugou softly kissed the crown of your head as he whispered loving words to you.
“You’re mine again.”
“Yeah Suki..I’m yours.”
A/N: I’m sorry if the ending felt rushed😖 I feel like this could’ve been better but I think im reaching a writer’s block. 
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the-possum-writes · 3 years
could u maybe do a finn x reader imagine where reader is a princess that needs rescuing? ❤️❤️ also thank you for being such a lovely author!!
What a Princess Does [Finn Mertens]
A/n: Sorry for the delay, but thanks for the support~
Pairing: Finn x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1271
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The day of your coronation finally came. With your eldest sibling being crowned King, you were given the title of princess along with a crown to prove your title. It's not that intricate as your sibling's crown, just a smooth band of gold with a single jewel on top.
"Greet our new subjects (y/n)." your brother comments, waving at the citizens below the castle porch.
"Why?" you respond.
"Because it's what royals do, especially princesses." That's something that lingers in your mind for a while. What does a princess do exactly? After the day of your coronation you've been receiving tea party invitations from other princesses, finding it as a nice opportunity to find out an answer for your question.
"What does a princess do? Look glamorous of course-!" Slime princess responded with a flick of, what you assume is her slimy hair.
"A princess is responsible of filling their head with knowledge and share it with others." is what Turtle Princess told you, her library more than an obvious demonstration of her love for literature. Even if it's on the more spicy side.
"What? A princess doesn't have to do anything, just sit back, relax and watch others do things for you." Lumpy space princess scoffs at the thought of responsibilities, she's way more interested at picking up boys. But then again she's homeless so you can't completely trust her advice.
"A princess is just as important as a king or queen, it's your duty to watch over your kingdom and help them prosper." Princess Bubblegum, the more strict of the bunch, explained more than you were expecting to hear.
It made your status as a princess sound more important but your self-doubt manifested itself as well. What if you're not fit for the role? Your thoughts are interrupted when the carriage came to an abrupt stop. Worry started to fill your stomach when you heard horses run away and your guards cry out and drop to the ground. The door opened up to a tall man wearing dark robes, a bandit you assume.
"You're a princess right?" the man asked.
Fear climbs up your throat, unable to speak but still responding with the nod of your head. The man grunts in relief. "Good." before tossing you over his shoulder.
You finally snapped out of your shock after a minute or two. "Hey! What are you doing!?" you start shouting.
"I'm kidnapping you, it's what all the bad guys do to princesses."
Somehow that part made sense to you no matter how messed up it sounded. The man kept rambling about how he'll hold you hostage for ransom money, you had faith that your brother wouldn't leave you hanging, but that doesn't mean you're frustrated with the situation. "I demand you put me down! Somebody help!" you started kicking and shouting again. The bandit struggled to keep a hold on you. "Stop that or i'll-"
"Or you'll what?" A third voice came into the scene, causing you to stop and try to get a good view of who this stranger is. You've heard of brave knights clad in shiny armor saving princesses but you never expected your hero came in the form of a boy dressed in blue shorts and a white bear hat. "Drop the lady or I'll cut you to pieces!" he withdrew his sword from behind, instilling fear within the bandit.
"Alright, alright," he huffs without another word. Unceremoniously dropping you to the ground. How rude! Before he could take his leave the white knight blocked his path with his blade.
"Nah ah ah, you forgot to apologize." the young man was teasing him now, pulling a little chuckle from you.
The thief rolled his eyes, turning around to face you. "Sorry." the thief apologized, "Can I leave now?" he turned to the young man, who, in a single slash of his sword managed to cut the thief's belt and drop his pants in humiliation. This was enough to satisfy the young man and let the thief run off.
"Are you okay?" your knight stored away his sword in favor of helping you stand up, taking your hand in his calloused ones. "Yeah, I'm fine." you insist, but wince slightly the moment you stood up. A scrapped knee. "Ouch, that looks like it hurts. Here, let me help you with that." the blonde lowered himself to his knees, pulling out a plain band-aid from his backpack and sticking it to your fresh wound.
"I... Thank you, but I never got your name."
"Oh right, my names Finn. I'm sorta the sheriff around here." the young man chuckles between a bright smile with a few crooked and missing teeth. He's nice, was the first thought that came to mind upon meeting the boy, although you've never met him before his actions demonstrated a courageous spirit and a heart of gold. Someone you'd definitely love to have around.
Remembering your manners, you stood up straight and pressed your hands together on your lap. "Ehem, Sir Finn I am grateful for your help and as a princess of a nearby kingdom I award you with an honorable job as my bodyguard. I'm sure my brother will pay you heavenly for your services." you keep a formal tone and vocabulary you're definitely not used to.
Finn laugh momentarily, scratching the back of his neck."That's very nice of you princess, but the rest of Ooo needs me as a bodyguard. So, I'm gonna say no to that." A frown appeared on your face, why would he reject your offer? He's a knight and you're a princess, isn't this how these things go? However, any sense of doubt or disappointment faded away when he added. "But, if what you want is to hang out I'm definitely down for that."
The frown on your face turns into surprise, before settling on a beaming smile. Finally, something that has nothing to do with being a princess. "I would gladly... I mean, yeah that'd be cool." you drop the formality with him, happy to be yourself and relax. With your carriage broken down and no guards to company you, Finn offered himself to safely walk you back to your kingdom. Taking the moment to make small talk.
" Hey Finn, you rescue princesses all the time right?" you turn your head to look at him, eliciting a nod from the young man. "Do you know what princesses do exactly? Like, I'm kinda new to all this." you admit, somewhat embarrassed.
Finn chewed on a piece of grass as he looked up at the sky, pondering for a moment before responding. "I'm pretty sure you can do whatever you want. You wanna cook the world's most delicious desserts just for yourself? go for it. What about just going on vacation? Sure, why not? You wanna make life easier for your kingdom? or even rule with an iron boot? It's all up to you princess. Each princess I've met is unique in thier own way."
You're left speechless, you've been so focused on what others want that doing something for yourself has never crossed your mind. It's like an invisible weight has been lift off your shoulders. "What I want..." your eyes trail away from the path that leads to your kingdom, stopping on your tracks to turn the other way around. "... I wanna go out and eat some waffles." you proclaim confidently.
Finn jumped excitingly, jokingly acting in a formal manner. "Mind if I tag along m'lady?" he extends his arm to you, which you happily grab onto.
"Of course my fellow white knight."
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rkived · 4 years
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↳ PAIRING: dad!jk/married!jk/bff!jk x reader 
↳ GENRE/TAGS: f2l, angst, unrequited feelings, cheating, future smut
↳ WARNINGS: (for this chapter) angst as per usual what’s new, jk is sad, reader is sad, sunhi is sad, everyone’s just SAD
↳ RATING: (for this chapter) PG
↳ SYNOPSIS: Jungkook’s been feeling a little weird lately. Maybe it’s got something to do with his crumbling marriage and the way you seem to care for his daughter more than his own wife.
↳ A/N: ehem let’s pretend like i didn’t ghost this story for like half a year aha i’ve written more than this for cp but i decided to just divide it and leave the juicy stuff for the last chapter !! sorry for making u wait so long </3 anyway hope u enjoy still n i’ll see u in a couple months for the final chapter of cp!! (i’m jking…..or am i?)
01 02 03 04 05 (coming soon)
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Minji thinks you’re starting to get better. 
Well, she hopes you are because it’s been two months since you broke the news on her and anyone would think that’d it be long forgotten by now. She tries to stop as often as she can to check up on you, even though you assure her that you’re fine and that a simple text would suffice instead of having her come over every day in between. 
Which is why she’s unsure if giving you the invitation Jungkook had handed her about two weeks ago was a good idea, considering that it’s been a few days since you had last even mentioned him to her like you usually did before. In fact, today you look like you’re at peace for the very first time.
‘‘I did yoga!’’ You explain when she mentions that you look different, ‘‘I still can’t face going back to Namjoon’s class, but I remember a ton of positions he taught us!’’ 
Minji has to force herself to smile, her hand lingers inside the purse she’s carrying as her fingers fiddle with the cardstock paper waiting patiently to be handed. 
‘‘And then I stopped for some yogurt at the place down the─’’
‘‘I need to give this to you,’’ Minji stops your ramble and you’re taken aback by how urgent her voice sounds, very unlike her. ‘‘I promised I’d get this to you, so…’’ 
You’re about to ask her what she’s on about when she abruptly hands what you could make out to be a colorful piece of paper. Your eyebrows furrowed at the sight, completely confused until it suddenly hit you what it is that your friend’s talking about.
‘‘How did you─?’’ 
Minji gives you half a smile and shakes her hand so you can take the card instead of just staring at it, ‘‘Just─take it.’’
Your hand reaches out to grab it from her and your eyes quickly focus on the unicorn and sparkles themed birthday invite. It reads that it’s Sunhi’s birthday and that you are invited! You recognize the handwriting that filled the party’s information details, you always thought he had really nice penmanship. 
‘‘I think you should go,’’ Minji’s voice sounds like she’s faraway, but she’s just a few feet away from you, ‘‘for Sunhi.’’ 
You’re still staring at the invitation, memorizing every single detail. There’s so many unicorns, when did she start liking the mythical creature? She had never mentioned a liking towards them to you ever. You assume it must’ve happened during these few months of your absence.
How many moments have you missed? How many unanswered questions must Sunhi have by now? How many new toys has she had to wait to show you? How many kindergarten stories has she been saving to tell you? 
You’ve been counting. Sixty days have passed since you last saw Sunhi. It’s been seven Fridays since you last had her in your arms. 
Sixty days and seven Fridays since you kissed Jungkook. Fifty-nine days since you blocked him. 
Minji is still waiting for any sort of reaction from you. You’re stoically analyzing the piece of paper and she wonders what is it that you’re thinking or feeling. Is it good, bad or all in one? Whatever it is, her small deed is done. 
‘‘Y/N?’’ She calls out, you slowly nod and take your eyes from the invitation from the first time since she gave it to you. ‘‘Do you mind if I go? I have some stuff to─’’
A small gasp escapes your lips, ‘‘Yes Minji, of course!’’ Your friend smiles slightly and you proceed to escort her out your apartment. She actually doesn’t have anything to do, but she thinks it’s best if you get some space to take everything in. 
Minji notices how you’re still holding on to the birthday invite and she has to suppress a chuckle because she knows you’re most likely doing this absentmindedly. 
Before you’re able to thank her for coming, she stops you to say one last thing. ‘‘If you don’t want to go, then don’t,’’ she begins and your eyebrows raise at your friend’s comment. ‘‘Whatever it is that you decide on doing, I’ll support you either way,’’ Minji offers you a genuine smile and you can’t help but hug her tightly.
You’re alone again. Loneliness has come in waves as of lately. You’ve lived alone for years now, you’re used to being the only person present in your apartment ─ but that fact hasn’t felt more obvious than since you shunned Jungkook out. 
Good days eventually turn sour. The times where it seems like you can go on about your life without thinking about him and what he might be up to quickly change because your mind makes you feel bad about feeling good. 
Why did you cut him off knowing his daughter idolizes you like no other? Why did you selfishly decide to block him when you could’ve just talked it out? Why didn’t you stop him that night if you knew things would change between you two? Why did you let him kiss you knowing it was going to hurt in the end?
You know Sunhi’s fourth birthday is coming up. It’s one of those dates you can’t simply forget, it comes naturally to you. You had settled with the idea that you weren’t going to be invited this time around, it would’ve been okay since you think it’s what you deserve anyway. If Jungkook had taken you off the guest list, he was in his total right to do so. 
You want to be mad at him right now.
Why would he invite you? Why couldn’t he just leave things the way they were? You wish you were angry, but you’re not. You feel slightly comforted with the fact that he had decided to include you even with everything that went down. In fact, not inviting you would’ve been selfish knowing that Sunhi must want you there. 
And if the invitation wasn’t enough of a sign that you should go, two days ago you got an email that the gift you had preordered for Sunhi some time ago was on its way to your place. Just in time for her birthday party. 
That’s life for you. 
You’re quick to remind yourself of Minji’s last words to you. You’re not obligated to go and if you don’t want to, then you don’t have to. But you’d be lying if you said that because you really want to go, but there’s still some things that are holding you back. Your brain starts breaking down the pros and cons of going. 
The pros: You’d get to see Sunhi again, who you missed terribly and a tiny part of you was wishing that she didn’t hate you for suddenly leaving. It’s too much to ask for, but you do hope that Jungkook had come up with something instead of telling her upfront that you had left. 
The cons: You’d have to see Jungkook. Having to face the awkwardness of knowing you had blocked his number, prohibiting him from contacting you and discussing what happened like adults would do. 
Oh, and you’d see Jiwoo too and pretend like you didn’t have any romantic feelings for her husband. 
Whatever decision it is, you’d only have two days to decide.
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Jungkook smiled warmly as he looked at Sunhi twirling in her green and purple dress in front of the long length mirror in his bedroom. Ever since he got the garment in the mail, he had to hide it from her curious hands because if it were up to her she’d be wearing it day and night. 
‘‘Daddy, I look so cute!’’ Sunhi said with an excited tone, hopping in her place. The tull of her skirt followed her movements, making the glittery details sparkle brightly caused by the natural sunlight slipping through the curtain cracks. 
He chuckled, ‘‘You do, Pumpkin, but you need to settle down.’’ Jungkook placed his hands on her tiny shoulders, making his daughter’s bouncing cease. ‘‘You gotta be fully energized for the party, alright?’’ She nodded quickly, but he could still feel the excitement radiate from her. 
‘‘Gramma will do my braid, daddy.’’ Sunhi let him know once she noticed her father take a brush in his hand. The little girl much rather have her hair tangled in knots than having him attempt to do any sort of hairstyles on her. 
Jungkook pouts, but nods understanding. He’s thankful that his parents had made the trip from Busan this year. He knows his mother knew he would have a hard time setting everything up by himself this time around. His parents would normally miss Sunhi’s parties due to the distance, but he’d make it up to them by visiting the following weekend and doing a smaller gathering at their house instead. 
Things feel different. One could say that this time, everything is exactly where it should be. Sunhi’s growing older, his parents are here and not far away like usual, Jiwoo’s no longer in the picture, he’s picking back up the things that used to make him happy. There’s just a missing piece that doesn’t allow him to declare the puzzle’s finished.
And his daughter hasn’t really been helpful in allowing him to forget about it either. 
‘‘Daddy, is Auntie Y/N going to come?’’ She asked for what seemed the thousandth time that week alone. The younger girl only wanted to make sure you’re coming even though her father had reassured her that you might be making an appearance. 
Jungkook hummed, pursing his lips together, ‘‘Well, I don’t know if Auntie Y/N will manage to catch her flight in time for your party, but hopefully she’ll come,’’ he painfully lied and Sunhi nodded with a pout, she was hoping she’d get a different answer this time around, but still settles with her father’s explanation. 
Ever since you left, it had been part of her daily routine to ask about you and your whereabouts. Jungkook hated lying to his daughter, but he knew that even if he were to explain the ending of your friendship, she wouldn’t be able to understand. He had foolishly hoped that after telling her, repeatedly, that you had been out of the country because of your job, Sunhi would get the clue that you showing up at her birthday party was very unlikely. 
He can’t blame her because he’s also been hoping that you’ll show up for whatever reason. Jungkook’s aware that Minji had made no promises of you attending, but that little bit of faith he still had, clung onto you tightly. 
He’s let go of so many things recently, but he refuses to add you to that painful list. 
‘‘I miss Auntie Y/N,’’ Sunhi mumbled to herself, but Jungkook heard her clearly and his heart shattered at the longing in his daughter’s voice.
That’s why he’s relieved that she’s now running around the yard with her friends from the kindergarten she attends, screaming in glee as they all chase each other around the grass. The PinkFong playlist he had put together earlier that week has been a hit with the children, who danced and sang along to the lyrics; although some parents might’ve gotten tired of hearing the infantile music after a while. Jungkook himself is part of the people who much rather listen to something else, but it’s worth it if it means he catches Sunhi humming along to the tunes every once in a while. 
Having to entertain the parents has taken his mind off of knowing you’re not there. The party started two hours ago and you’re never late for anything, especially his daughter’s birthday celebrations. He’s settling with the idea that you’re no longer coming while he dabbles in serving food and refilling drinks, all the while having to make conversation with the parents of the invited kids. 
He can feel just how bad they feel for him, the word’s gotten around the PTA committee that he’s in the process of divorcing while taking full custody of his daughter.
‘‘Jungkook, how are you doing?’’ One of the invited moms asked him with a tactful tone, accompanied by a gentle smile that made him feel like a child for a mere moment. With a smile that could put anyone’s worries at ease, Jungkook assured her ─and the rest of the worrying mothers─ that he was doing just fine. 
It’s Sunhi’s day, it’s her party, a few more hours and you can cry all about it when she’s sleeping, had become his mantra as the party goes on.
‘‘What’s with the long face?’’ His mother suddenly asks him after he finishes placing the candles on Sunhi’s unicorn themed cake. 
Jungkook furrows his brows, ‘‘The unicorn’s face looks pretty alright to me,’’ he comments looking at the fondant shaped mythical creature at the top of the cake. 
Mrs. Jeon rolls her eyes, shaking her head slightly at his son’s obliviousness, ‘‘I’m talking about your long face. Is everything alright?’’ She asks in genuine concern, making him sigh as he scratches the back of his neck. ‘‘It’s not because of Jiwoo, right?’’ The woman cautiously asks, afraid the mention of her son’s ex partner might be too sensitive.
The news of the divorce had surprised his parents, but they weren’t completely heartbroken about it. They had known her for years, but it had never been a close relationship at that. His mother had made a couple of comments here and there before concerning his ex partner’s behavior, but were always overlooked by Jungkook.  
Jungkook’s eyebrows raise in surprise and he quickly shakes his head no, ‘‘I’m fine, mom. I’m just kinda tired.’’ 
For someone who hates lying, he’s been doing it a lot recently. 
His mother doesn’t seem so sure about his answer, but decides not to interrogate him any further since she knows her son has been dealing with too much recently and she didn’t want to add her nagging to the list. 
Eventually the party guests all sing happy birthday to Sunhi as she sits behind her cake clapping alongside them, mumbling the famous song as she waits for everyone to finish so she can blow the four candles out and make a wish. She closes her eyes with force, putting her hands together as the guests watch her silently mouth words out. 
‘‘What did you wish for, Sunhi?’’ One of the kids excitedly asks her, fingers curling around her arm as he waits for her to answer. 
Sunhi hmphs and turns her face away from him, ‘‘If I say it out loud it won’t come true!’’ 
Jungkook can only hope his daughter had asked for something he’s able to buy. The newest Barbie doll, a trip to the zoo, that pretty tutu she saw at the store. Anything that is at arm’s reach from him to give her. But Jungkook knows his daughter all too well, those things don’t really matter to her right now. 
Sunhi’s wish is something he can’t obtain ─ someone that’s no longer a call away from him. His daughter doesn’t know, but he’s wished for the same thing too. 
You to come back. 
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The small pieces of confetti on the ground, paper decorations pasted on the wall and hanging from the ceiling of the house are enough to give away that a party had happened the day before, and that someone had been too tired by the end of it to even attempt to clean up. 
Even the thought of having to deal with all of the mess that his living room currently looks like is already making Jungkook regret not accepting his mother’s willingness to help after the party had ended yesterday, assuring her that she had done enough that day and that it was only fair he took care of the cleaning. 
Sunhi’s birthday had gone smoothly for the most part.
And as Jungkook scrolls through his phone’s gallery, smiling warmly at the small clips he managed to capture of his gleeful daughter running around the yard with her friends and the multitude of pictures his mother took of her blowing the candles of the cake out, granted, majority of them blurry, he is reminded that, although the party had been a success, the aftermath hadn’t been as pretty.
The party was over when he started hearing the first goodbyes and thankful comments of the parents for inviting them over, wishing Sunhi a final happy birthday before they took their sleepy kids in their arms. He had hoped his daughter would be drained too, despite the amount of sugar she had a few hours before. 
‘‘Auntie Y/N didn’t come.’’ Sunhi had stated, a pout on her trembling lips as she looked up at her tired father. ‘‘Why didn’t she come?’’ She asked in genuine curiosity as her eyes started glossing with tears.
Jungkook sighed, ‘‘Pumpkin, I told you she’s not in town. I’m sorry she─’’ It didn’t matter what excuse he had given her, the waterworks had begun. He hadn’t seen his daughter cry like that in a long time and for a moment, he didn’t know what to do to get her to stop. 
Even if he tried to coax her with distractions, like the number of gifts she had received from the guests or telling her he’d let her have another slice of cake if she stopped crying. He knew that what his daughter wanted wasn’t toys or food. She wanted you. And as much as Jungkook wants you just as much, he’s lost on ways to make you come back. 
Sunhi cried for what seemed like hours, his parents had even tried to cheer the little girl up by promising to take her to their house the very next morning for the rest of the weekend, to which she merely nodded as she fell asleep from exhaustion on her father’s chest. 
He envied her as he remained awake for most of the night, tears streaming down his face as guilt ate him away for his daughter’s heartbreak. 
It’s his fault after all. 
Jungkook isn’t upset you didn’t show up, you didn’t have to. Not even Sunhi could make you come back. Selfishly kissing you that night had changed the course of your relationship forever and that meant that his daughter would have to pay for his wrongdoings. 
With the absence of Sunhi, he’s reminded of just how big his house feels when he’s by himself. Ever since Jiwoo moved out, the only company he’s had is that of his daughter and it’s more than enough. With her dancing around the hallways and singing songs to the top of her lungs, Jungkook doesn’t feel as lonely.
He must’ve missed the knocking at the door or the ringing doorbell ─if there even was one─ because of the earphones he had on while he swept the confetti paper scattered on the hardwood floor of his home because by the time he opens his door to get a run around the neighborhood, he notices there’s a gift placed in his front doorstep. 
Jungkook’s brows furrow with confusion, unsure of why it was there in the first place. He’s sure Sunhi had opened all of her gifts last night, lazily and not very excited about them after her big cry, but she had made sure to leave them all unwrapped.
The medium-sized box is wrapped with a white and pink polka-dot paper, a cute golden ribbon placed right in the middle of it. Jungkook picks it up, bringing it closer for better inspection. Maybe it was from one of the kids that couldn’t make it? Although, they could’ve just gave it to Sunhi when they saw her at school again.
His eyes widen and his heartbeat races up when he reads the sticker tag with the name of the person responsible for the gift. 
‘‘To: Sunhi ♡
From: Auntie Y/N’’
His eyes scan the tag over and over again, just to make sure he’s reading the name correctly. When he manages to take his attention away from it, he looks around the street in hopes that he’d find you. 
How long has this been out here? Could he have caught a glimpse of you had he been less distracted? 
Although it feels wrong to open his daughter’s gift without her consent, he feels the urgent need to peek at what’s inside. His mind even tries to reason with himself, telling him it’s probably only a doll or a clothing item, like the other gifts Sunhi had received from the birthday guests yesterday. 
With a click of his tongue, he forgoes doing the right thing and tells himself that he’ll just wrap the gift again before Sunhi comes back from his parent’s house. 
The cute wrapping paper is thrown over his shoulder carelessly as he quickly unveils a white cardboard box, tilting his head slightly at what could possibly be inside. When he takes the top off, a soft gasp escapes his lips. 
A pink and white digital camera aimed for children lies inside, there’s decorative paper placed around it and a note inside. Jungkook swallows the lump in his throat, taking it delicately in his hand as he reads the words written in the familiar handwriting that hasn’t changed from all those years back in college. 
‘‘Happy 4th birthday, Sunhi! Since you’re growing older, I wanted to gift you something different this year around. Your daddy loves taking videos and I thought you should start doing it too, maybe he’ll pick his camera back up again haha. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to see you blow your candles out, I hope all your wishes come true! I love you and miss you so much, 
-Auntie Y/N’’
Jungkook blinks back the tears that had formed in the corners of his eyes. He places the note back inside the box and breathes in deeply, exhaling slowly as he stares at the gift. No one but you could come up with an idea like this. It hurts him, but he smiles slightly at your thoughtfulness. 
A different feeling arises inside him as he holds the gift in his hand, looking at it like this is the sign he had been sent from above. The last thread of his string of faith. He doesn’t even think twice, placing the gift gently inside and rushing to step outside to close the door. 
He’ll go on that run, just not around his neighborhood. 
As he runs past rows of houses and stores, the voice inside his head tries to tell him that he should think rationally. There’s a reason why you didn’t show up yesterday and another for you dropping the gift in front of his house without a sound. You don’t want to see him and yet he’s running straight towards you even if he knows this is hopeless. 
He manages to shut that voice off as he maintains his rapid pace, rushing past the rows of buildings he’s familiar with and the street names he’s memorized by now. It all feels so different when he’s not behind the wheel, he usually always has to depend on his GPS to help him reach places. Your address, though, is one he proudly knows by heart. 
As Jungkook stands outside your apartment building, he stares at it with the sound of his heart drumming inside his ears. Catching his breath, he’s reminded of the many times these past few months he’s been here, with Sunhi fast asleep in her car seat at the back. 
He always pictured going up, knocking at your door, and begging for forgiveness, all for you to turn him down in the end with a gut-wrenching I don’t want you in my life anymore and a door closing on his face. That’s why he always drove away, deciding that uncertainty is better than hearing you reject him.
This time, though, nervous and unsure as he usually is when he comes here, Jungkook breathes in deep and ignores the familiar knot formed inside his stomach. 
He decides that uncertainty isn’t a feeling he wishes upon you.
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moonlightxandxroses · 2 years
“I... Have to warn you Ray, it’s... a bit of a chaotic mess in here. -- Can I call you Ray? Or do you prefer Detective Goldstein? Or just Detective? Sorry. See... I’m rambling because it prolongs the length of time we stand out here in the hallway instead of going inside of my office... -- I’ll open the door now.” (fuck.)
The office itself wasn’t bad, in fact it looked... normal. Like any P.I.’s office would. But it wasn’t exactly the office that Chuck was bringing Ray to see. “Oh, we’re not there yet. (Ehem.) Follow me.” He lead Ray to a side door that one would assume was a closet. In reality? It lead to a smaller room.
A smaller room with walls covered in papers and newspapers and photographs and documents, multiple whiteboards, big red x’s, even bigger question marks, coffee stained notes on dinner napkins and, of course, the crumpled papers of discarded theories on the floor.
“So as you can see, um... The struggle bus, Ray. It’s chuggin. And I’m both feeding the fire and tied to the rails. I’m going to get run over, man. I’ll be in two pieces. You’ll have to take me to the scary coroner to frankenstien me back together again. -- Why does he hate me, Ray? Every time he looks at me I want to cry. Like some... some... cry baby.”
A pause.
“I haven’t slept in 48 hours.”
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princessozera · 4 years
Knee Jerk Reactions
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Anon request:  MC idea. Looks really weak acts very weak and scared of most demons looks like they couldn't hurt a fly. Tries to stay away from conflict and in general is just very meek. A demon attacks them and before someone can step in to help MC already has them in a headlock and thoroughly kicked their ass. And when asked in how laws of physics and magic they were able to do that and they're just like. IDK!? Turns out they have fast reflexes and acts without thinking. Just fun to think about the chaos lol
A/N: I’m sorry! This one is going to be very long, mostly because I’m adding relevant images and gifs for everyone
GN! MC (They/Them, 2nd ppov)
Word Count: 2.7 k
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Lucifer expected this level of fear from the human exchange students but your absolute refusal to get mad and fight back at ANY point caught him off guard a bit. You seemed to take a lot of abuse and back talk from other demons but you’d just hold on to your backpack tighter and keep walking. He decided to personally keep a closer eye on you, in case you decided it’s be fine to not bring up physical abuse and harassment to him.
He was in the council room with Diavolo and Barbatos, working through paperwork for the next student counsel meeting when Diavolo suddenly stood up from his chair.
“My lord?” 
“Isn’t that MC?” Lucifer’s head whips around to the window that Diavolo was standing by. He joins Diavolo by the window to see an empty courtyard, save for the demon stalking up to MC. She closes in before Lucifer can move, but to his shock,  MC twists her hand away, spinning her around into a choke hold. Lucifer, Diavolo and Barbatos all stare as the demon squirms, unable to break MC’s grasp before finally passing out onto the cobblestone steps.
“Lucifer?” Diavolo’s amused voice brings Lucifer’s blue-screen-of-death mind back to the present. “Should we go check on MC?”
“Right,” Lucifer says, pulling his leg back in and closing the window, pretending like he wasn’t about to jump out a 3rd floor window to go help you. When they make it to the courtyard, they find you with the unconscious demon in your lap, hands shaking as you try to wake them.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me!” you start rambling the second you see them. “I wasn’t paying attention and they grabbed my arm and then,” you helplessly gesture the demon on your lap, “this happened!”
“MC, while I implore you to not knock out your fellow RAD students-”
“They did seem ready to charge you, and that was pretty cool,” Diavolo bit back a smile as he lifted the demon off of you. “I’m taking her to the nurse. Lucifer, escort MC home, I’ll cover the rest of your work”
Lucifer doesn’t say anything as he helps you up, letting you apologize to no one in particular as you both walked home. While he was now reassured that you could handle your own if any of his brothers couldn’t help you, he wondered where this strength came from and why you hadn’t used it earlier with any of the previous, ehem, incidents at the house of lamentation.
He secretly wishes that you DON’T gain control of this newfound strength and become overconfident; he has enough chaotic children to watch over without adding you to the list as well.
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Mammon figured any human would be nervous and scared in the Devildom, but you were something else entirely. He knew it, and regretted it instantly, when he demanded your wallet and you actually tried to hand it over. Besides scolding you for being so willing, he internally notes that he’s going to have to be an actual guardian for you.
He even develops a habit of trying to pull his brothers away when they’re yelling at him, more worried about you cowering behind him.
He does forget that you being a human in and of itself is a magnet for trouble. He left you alone for 3 minutes to buy something from Majolish. By the time he was back, you were surrounded by demons, the two closest to you each grabbing an arm.
“OI!-” Before Mammon can jump in to save you, you ripped one arm free,  kicking the other demon before you yank him with so much force you flip them over onto the other demon, effectively knocking them both out.
 You seem almost hysterical, trying to figure out what you just did when another hand grabbed you. You kicked backwards on instinct freezing when you heard a distinctively familiar grunt. You turn around and immediately begin to apologize “I’M SO SORRY MAMMON! I DIDN’T MEAN-”
“What the F-” Mammon cuts you off and you actually calm down, sitting there listening to him give out the single longest “fuck” you’ve ever heard.
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Levi, being surprisingly confrontational but overall antisocial, got along easily with MC. They’re always in his room so he doesn’t really have to worry about them getting into fights or being put in danger.
Unfortunately, the house of lamentation is it’s own breeding ground of fights
Levi and you were watching Lucifer go off on Mammon again. Mammon tried running to you for help, and Lucifer followed him. Levi knew that Lucifer wouldn’t hurt you to get to Mammon but prepared to pull you out of the room anyways. 
That was the plan, at least until you panicked when Lucifer seemed to reach for you. You ducked under his arm and Levi thought you were running away. Nope. You turned around, wrapped your arms around Lucifer and supplexed him right onto the living room table.
No one moved for a solid minute, but Mammon and Levi exchanged looks. After making sure that Lucifer was breathing, the three of you RAN. Mammon carried you to Levi’s room and in seconds Levi put in a cursed videogame, pulling the three of you in.
“What- The hell- MC!” Mammon gasped out when you were finally able to stop for a moment. Levi couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of all of this, hoping in his mind that Lucifer wouldn’t come looking for you all in this game.
“I’d say Lucifer’s going to kill you, “ Levi said between snickers, “but he might have some trouble with that.”
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Satan thought MC’s timid personality was kind of cute, he was happy to play the valiant knight in shining armor. (he’s a sucker for well written tropes even if they’re played to death). His room and the library are very calm places and you seemed to like to read so you two clicked very naturally.
Unfortunately, he’d had some people who weren’t too fond of him and were dumb enough to still challenge him. Satan was returning a couple of books when he saw you get dragged outside, fighting against the demons dragging you but refusing to scream. He drops everything and runs to your aid, but only catches the last of the fight, seeing you headbutt one of the demons before throwing both of them down the steps.
Oh your survival instinct was NOT playing. Hysterical Strength is real.
Satan has read about human’s hysterical strength in a couple of articles before but assumed it was restricted to parents. He was amazed that you’d been able to access it and thought it was kind of a fun personality trait, honestly.  He carries you back home, having to bandage you up because that hysterical strength did come at a price. 
Buuuttt if you wanted to see how much of that strength you could use naturally and become an epic story tale protagonist, he would not be opposed to having a second in command.
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Asmo thought it was really cute how MC would always hold on to his arm in public and hide behind him when they ran into larger groups of demons and succubi. He wasn’t use to being a protector type of role but he’d do it for you and it felt nice to be relied on.
He took you out often, hoping to get you more comfortable around demons, but never to nightclubs or somewhere super packed. He had noticed early on that a lot of his admirers didn’t like how he let you constantly hold him. They could be pretty mean and he knew you wouldn’t fight back, so he avoided that drama all together. However, the one place he never considered having to watch over you was school. You only had one class with him and most of the time you had 1 or 2 of his brothers nearby, so he focused on his own admirers.
It was one of these days, walking to the ancient histories class you two shared that he was stopped by a mass of people at the door. He shoved his way through and when he could finally see through the crowd, he saw an old fling, a demon easily double your size towering over you, forcing you into a corner.
“MC!” SHIT! Asmo starts shoving again, but you’re already being lifted by your collar. “HEY-“
Before he can even transform, you push off the back wall with one leg, kicking the demon in the throat with the other. They drop you and you push past them, forcing them to stumble around before finally hitting the wall. While they try to regain their footing, you charge them, jump up and with all your force kick the demon square in the chest. It’s all said and done within 20 seconds. Asmo has to use his hand to close his own mouth before making his way to you.
“MC. Did you just drop kick him out of the window?”
“DID I?” Your voice is still panicked, your disbelief mirroring his as you both stared at the broken glass.
“We’re on the 5th floor”
“Do you think they’re ok!?”
“MC, they just tried to attack you.”
“Yes, but , um! UHHHH, ASMO!!!” You whine and cling to him and Asmo pats your head to comfort you. He was grateful that you were okay, and he wasn’t going to question how.
He would try to convince his brothers to jump scare you in hopes of seeing them get thrown.
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Beel is used to being a protector for his family, so its no different in MC’s case. He’ll stand in front of them and speak for them if they feel uncomfortable, making sure to pull them away from demons he hears talking bad about them.
For a while, Beel would think that the fear came from lack of confidence, especially since just about every demon is stronger than you and being in a new environment must be intimidating. He tries to teach you some self defense but after 4 training sessions and some begging, he agrees to stop. He knew your heart wasn’t in it and he hated the way you looked at him in fear when he tried to grapple you. Also, he’d never tell you, but even at your full strength, your punches were flimsy and weak even for a human. He seriously considered buying you the demon equivalent of mace in case you were ever in trouble, although he was worried you might spray yourself on accident.
Although you two no longer trained together, you would always walk Beel to and from the gym, sometimes even sitting nearby to cheer encouragement for him. One of the days he stayed later, he was walking out of the gym and from the top of the stairs saw one of the sparring team members trapping you against a wall and reaching out to grab you. Beel only manages to drop his gym bag when you scream, elbowing the demon’s arm with your left, giving a sharp uppercut with your right. By the time Beel makes it down the stairs, your panting and shaking, no color in your face, but the demon is unconscious on the ground.
Beel has to take a minute for himself, looking between you and the possibly dead demon. He’s subconsciously soothing you, unaware that he’s holding you and soothing down your hair.
“What was that!?” Was all you managed to squeak out, but Beel had a good idea. He is the only one of the brothers to realize that you just have amazingly good reflexes, he’s seen something similar in some of the demons who are new to sparring. They had no real technique and normally take a beating but when pushed correctly they manage to rely on their natural reflexes and strength, the real start to training.
He’s stunned that humans have a similar thing and that you managed to do THAT MUCH DAMAGE to one of the better fighters he’s seen. If you let him teach you again, he will absolutely try to make these reflexes something you can consciously use and rely on.
He’ll definitely enjoy watching demons challenge you to a fight only to get their asses handed to them.
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Belphie wasn’t the biggest fan of MC’s timid personality, but it couldn’t be helped. If he didn’t have his powers and had been almost murdered no less than 5 times he wouldn’t be so bold either.
He liked being able to spend entire days napping with MC in the observatory, just looking at the stars or watching movies; you didn’t seem this comfortable even with his other brothers. He was worried though, you left the house of lamentation a lot more often than he did since his brothers took you everywhere like a puppy and, he’s not kidding himself, he is not about to miss out on his sleep to go with you every time.
  So he buys you a knife.
Like, yes, you flinch at everything and refuse confrontation, but if living in this house has proved anything, it’s that you need to be ready to fight for your life at any moment.
·He has to teach you how to use it and the best ways to swing it at a demon. No he is not going to tell you why he knows that one specific place is super effective, stop asking questions. He sees through MC’s reluctance easily, the half hearted swings, weak grip, and the harsh way they flinched at the slightest fast movement. He could only hope that he or Beel would be next to you if anyone tried to start a fight, even if he had that knife doused in poison he couldn’t be sure you’d even pull it out of your pocket.
Well, he kind of got his wish. You, Beel and Belphie were in the food court of Devildom’s shopping district. Belphie went with Beel to make sure he bought enough food for everyone and the food Beel would eat on the walk over, leaving you to find a table. Belphie’s swatting Beel’s hand away from the fries when Beel drops the platters on to a random table. He looks up to see you surrounded by three demons , him and Beel are already running over.
 “MC! THE KNIFE! USE YOUR KNIFE!” He’s yelling but you don’t seem to hear him, literally shaking as the back of your leg hits the water fountain. Even moving as fast as they can, they’re only half way across the court yard when the first demon yanks you by your shoulder. “SHIT! BEELZ-“ He comes to a full halt, tripping himself and Beel when he sees what you do next.
You screamed when the demon pulled you closer to him, swinging your legs up and clinging on to his arm like a spidermonkey. He tries to shake you off but you land a solid kick straight to his nose. You drop down as he stumbles back but immediately jump back up, running and shoving into him with your full weight, sending him into the fountain where he gets knocked out after hitting his head on the concrete. You turn to the other 2 that had been harassing you, but they see Beel and Belphie closing in and decide you aren’t worth the trouble, yanking their unconscious friend from the water and dragging him as they run away.
Belphie runs up to you and you turn, yelling at the same time “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?”
Him and Beel are absolutely floored, but you seem as shaken up as them. They pick up the discarded food and order more, deciding to go home for the day. You ramble about what just happened, almost as if you were talking about a movie you’d seen rather than something you just did 10 minutes ago, each brother taking turns to sooth you by rubbing your arm or patting your back. Belphegor was finally able to over come his shock when Beel complimented your tackle, realizing he was impressed with you too.
He thinks it’s really cool, but now he wonders if he can force this side out of you around Lucifer…..
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
English! AU (1): “My Name is Hannah England.”
A/N: Yeah, it only took me like... 3 years to release this. Wow. Nice. If you’ve seen the OG post for the details for this AU, then you’ve seen it.
Hannah England. I love her.
Enough said.
~Shintori Khazumi
"What do you mean I have to come back?!"
An impatient tapping of a foot.
"Well, I can tell you that I bloody won't! Wasn't I removed from the- No! He said it himself. If I were to choose to be a witch, I'd- Mother! NO! Are you listening- Mother I cannot, WILL NOT- We had an agreement!"
She twirled the telephone wire around her finger anxiously until it was so short she had to release it.
No. This could not be happening. No, not now. They had promised! They'd talked about this! This wasn't fair! She had held up her end of the bargain-
"...HAH?! You've sent them to- NO, NO, NO... NO!"
There wasn't even a knock. There was barely even a warning.
It wasn't a cliche breaking down of doors, or smashing of windows, however. It was a swift opening of the door, so fast it barely made a sound.
And there they were.
"Miss England."
"No... NO! NO, you- YOU CAN'T TAKE ME!"
"These are national orders. I'm afraid there is nothing we can do."
There was nothing she could do.
"W-why..." She choked out, still in a defensive stance, a candleholder held up as a weapon. "We... My grandfather and I agreed on this. I was not to be included in the run-"
"Miss England- no." The bespectacled man caught himself, clearing his throat once before staring at the young girl dead on. "Miss Windsor."
Her eyes widened upon hearing that name, weapon dropping to the floor. She quickly narrowed those same eyes however as she remembered what it meant.
It filled her with rage.
"I- that's no longer-"
"You may only be the fourth in line. However..."
A document was presented to her, with the official signature of... the king... and...
"The prime minister is your primary backer. Do you really think you are in a position to reject?"
"You have been chosen by most ambassadors."
"Why." It pissed her off. It made her fume. Why. After so long. After all these years. After they'd agreed not to-
"Because according to his majesty... no one is better suited for winning the crown..."
She stepped back as he came forward, grasping her by the arm.
"Than the one who does not want to win the fight for it at all."
"Hannah? Hannah?" Barbara called out. "We're back?" She went to check Diana's section of the room, the bathroom, and even the closets, hoping to find her best friend in the room. "Hmm... maybe she went for dinner first?"
"Barbara? What's wrong?" Diana walked into the room, brushing some dirt off her coat. This made Barbara automatically check her appearance in the mirror.
"Oh... nothing." Though maybe she should have said that they looked all wrong.
Gosh. They both needed a bath. That five-day mission didn't do their appearances and smells too kindly, it seemed.
She couldn't face Hannah like this. She needed to wash up before meeting the person she'd missed the most these past few days.
Oh, just why did the latest missions have to be pair missions? At least Hannah had gone with Amanda. That put Barbara at ease with regards to her safety. Though, she admitted she was just a little jealous that two of her- ehem- “potential love interests” had been able to go with each other, enjoying themselves without her.
Yes, she’d boldly admit to liking them both.
Sucy’s shaming should never get to her!
Shaking such thoughts and feelings out of her head, she focused on the task at hand. The sooner she got cleaned up, the sooner she could see Hannah! (And Maybe Amanda at dinner, too.)
A warm shower was only half as good without Hannah.
Ahhhh... just where was she? Barbara could barely wait to sneak into her bed and cuddle 'til daybreak-
"Barbara?" A muffled voice came from the other side of the bathroom door.
Turning the running water off, she replied to the call, "Yes, Diana?"
"Did Hannah mention anything about another mission? I was under the impression she'd just gotten back from the previous one she'd told us about. Or has she not arrived yet?"
Huh? That was strange. Hannah was supposed to have arrived a day or two after she and Diana left.
Wiping herself down and wrapping a towel about her, she exited the steaming room, a frown decorating her features.
"Not that I know of. I didn't notice any notes or letters either..." Now she was beginning to feel strange. "She didn't send any familiar or anything, right?"
Diana mirrored her frown.
"...No. She did not."
A knock came against their door.
"Yes?" Diana answered it as her companion inside quickly got dressed, now in more casual wear.
"Diana! Hannah! Oh, thank goodness you're back!" Akko lunged at her bestfriend, holding tight, that faint blush on the heiress' face going unnoticed. "I was wondering if you knew! I just had to ask! I mean, I'm not that close with her and all yet, but I thought we were friends at least! She didn't say a word! Oh! But I figured you two would know, right? Strange that even Amanda doesn't know... I know they don't always get along, and quarrel and stuff, but Sucy always called them lovers' spats and-"
"Akko." Diana stilled Akko's rambling, grasping her face with both hands, then quickly noticing the intimacy of that gesture and stepping away, releasing the girl. "S-sorry."
"A-ah.. n-no... I-"
"Um... what was... what are you talking about?" Diana tried as she regained her composure. Barbara rolled her eyes fondly at the exchange.
"Oh right!" The girl rushed forward into the room to grab Barbara by the wrist, as well as Diana, dragging them out into the corridors towards the direction of the mess hall.
"I wanted to ask you!"
They had finally arrived in the dining room, quickly approaching their usual table where the group of friends were gathered about Lotte's magical orb that was now projecting something akin to what one would see on a television screen.
"This!" She pointed.
"Why is Hannah on TV?"
"...Huh?!" Barbara suddenly slammed her hands on the table at that sight, surprising everyone including herself because why was Hannah on TV?! And... Why was she next to...
"Also, why did Hannah suddenly have to leave school? It was announced during homeroom for the ones already back from missions."
"What?!" Now Barbara was even more confused. Hannah hadn't mentioned anything about this at all!
"Akko! Shhh!" Lotte scolded, Amanda clamping a hand over their loveable dork's mouth. "We're trying to find out what's going on!"
["The situation in the palace has not been disclosed to the press; however, it seems to be confirmed that dire conditions are currently in place as more and more of the possible successors have returned to the capitol."]
"That reporter is kinda my type- oof!"
"You deserved that." Sucy grinned as Amanda rubbed the sore spot Barbara had inflicted pain on.
"Fuck you."
"No thanks."
["None have been willing to give their statements thus far, but... Oh! We have here the fourth in line! Martin, go get her more focused in the shot since she's the closest- no! Miss Windsor!]
"Windsor?" Akko cocked her head to the side, clearly very confused. "But aren't they calling Hannah? They are calling Hannah... right?"
Barbara didn't really know anymore.
She didn’t know anymore.
Suddenly, a scary looking man came into view, the typical visage of a bodyguard. A low voice growled.
["It was announced that the press was not allowed to interview any of the returning heirs and heiresses. Please return back behind the line."]
The camera view had become shaky, as if the person holding it was being pushed away.
["Miss Windsor! Miss Windsor!"]
["Hey! Didn’t I just-"]
["Miss Hannah Windsor!"]
Barbara stared at the moving image in front of her. This was...There was no mistaking it.
["You're wrong."]
Those words may have seemingly contradicted her inner thoughts, but Barbara knew one thing. This person....
"Hannah..." She murmured, hand clenched over her heart. The girl had spoken up, camera focused on her even at its odd angle. Barbara’s heart couldn’t help but flutter at the voice she’d missed for days. But... it also hurt. To only hear it through a medium like this... “Hannah.”
["You're wrong. My name... isn't Hannah Windsor...] The girl on camera stated with shaky breaths. 
She was right. This wasn’t some Hannah Windsor or someone Barbara didn’t know. This was Hannah England. Her Hannah.
So why...?
[It isn’t that... not... any- oi!"]
“Hannah!” Barbara exclaimed, reaching for a Hannah she couldn’t even touch.
["The press shall not receive any statement from any of the arrivals until further notice. Good day."]
A glasses-wearing man had said before speedily ushering Hannah into the gates, figure going further and further away from Barbara's view.
["We have a scoop! Did you hear that?! Did you-"]
"Heh... think they got shut down?" Amanda commented, everyone still focused on the now-static-filled projection.
"Maybe. But it's too late to hide some weird statement scandal like that. News spreads annoyingly fast." Sucy responded, taking a bite from her mushroom.
"Still... it's weird." Akko chirped. "Why'd they call Hannah, "Windsor"? That was Hannah, right? Or was she a look-alike? Doppleganger?" She proposed excitedly. "But... she's not here either." She deflated.
The fact that her mission partner, Amanda, was here, and Hannah wasn't ruled out a possibility of it just being a mere double existence.
"Windsor...? WIndsor... Hmmm... Windsor? Why do I feel like I've... heard of that.. before..." Barbara watched Akko wrack her brain for an answer, brows scrunched up in intense thought. "Windsor... that's the name of..."
"The royal family." Diana cut in after having watched everything unfold silently.
"Oh! That's right! The Royal family!" Akko exclaimed, happy to finally get that out of mind... before doing a double take, hurting her neck in the process. "THE ROYAL FAMILY?!"
"Akko, shhh!!"
"She can scream it all she wants, Lotte. Not gonna make a difference." Sucy pointed out. "It's already on the news."
Yes. It was indeed.
The fact that...
"Miss Hannah England is Royalty. Some of you may have caught wind of this kind of rumors or news." Finnelan spoke during the morning assembly. "This statement is something we have no right to confirm or deny. However, Miss Hannah, has been pulled out of school for personal reasons that shall not be disclosed. No questions shall be asked regarding Miss Eng-Windsor... er... ehem... England anymore.”
“So much for confidentiality and defeating rumors.” Sucy rolled her eyes, Jasminka nodding in agreement next to her.
“That is all. Now, with regards to the third years' mission statuses-"
Barbara had tuned out completely at that point.
Windsor this, Windsor that.
She hated it. Barbara hated it.
Hannah Windsor on news and articles.
Hannah Windsor here. Hannah Windsor... Hannah Windsor... HANNAH WINDSOR.
She... Hannah... Hannah wasn't Hannah Windsor... Hannah was...
"Barbara? Are you okay?" Diana whispered, covering Barbara's clenched one in her own. "Do you want to leave the hall? Get some air?"
"No... I'm fine." Barbara looked up, smiling at Diana unconvincingly. "I'm fine."
“Really. I am.”
Barbara ignored Diana’s concerned gazes, not wanting to talk about this anymore.
She could handle this.
She said it herself. She was fine. And she was.
But... even though she said she was fine...
Was Hannah fine?
["Hey. Nice to meet you."
"You're rather shy." The girl said with a grin. "You're really pretty too."
She felt herself flush red.
"What's your name?"
"B-Barbara... Barbara... Parker."
"That's a really pretty name, Barbara!" The girl held her hand out for a shake. "Let's get along well!"]
Barbara woke up. with a start, eyes immediately scanning the room, going over the spot next to her on the bed.
Cold. Empty.
Barbara held back a sob, hugging her knees tight to her chest.
Her dream... right. That girl. The one who has been by her side for years now, always there. Always so kind... sort of.
That girl... Barbara's best friend, the one who disappeared all of a sudden, the one who showed up on the news yesterday, who had left Luna Nova... She...
She wasn't Hannah Windsor. No.
She was...
["Oh right! I have to introduce myself as well! Silly me.
Hi! I'll be your friend starting today. And My name is...
Hannah England."]
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
King Taeyong | 1
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Taeyong x ballerina!reader // FLUFF, smut, fantasy!au Summary: His world slowed down during the performance of the Waltz of the Flowers, he is completely mesmerised by your performance. How gracefully you offer your art to everyone watching and how you shine on stage even though there were other talents waltzing with you. King Taeyong knew exactly that you’re a unique masterpiece. Word Count: 3k Warnings: Mentions of sex only Note: The genre will change to SMUT, ANGST, fluff for the next chapters hihi but for now, enjoy having fluff. It’s my first fantasy fic hope you love it.   Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away there was a young king who is loved by everyone in his kingdom. This young king is not an ordinary king who rules and lives in the castle his whole life. He is a smart and wise full of curiosity that one day while he was out hunting, he found a magical place that can bring him into another world.
King Taeyong is a king who can travel to two worlds. A world full of magic where he rules and his people follow him whole heartedly and a world where he can be anything he wants. The human world.
One beautiful night in the human world, king Taeyong is enjoying the cold breeze and happily walking on his way to a known opera house treating it as if it was a movie theater. He always wants to surprise himself by spontaneously watching without even knowing anything about the play. King Taeyong loves art in all shapes and sizes and little did he know that this night will change his life completely. “The Nutcracker” he murmurs to himself while waiting for the curtains to go up.
And there it is.
His world slowed down during the performance of the Waltz of the Flowers, he is completely mesmerised by your performance. How gracefully you offer your art to everyone watching and how you shine on stage even though there were other talents waltzing with you. King Taeyong knew exactly that you’re a unique masterpiece.
After the performance he clapped his hands nonstop with everyone, screaming  endless “bravo!” to show more love. He will not let this night pass without knowing you or talking to you.
You on the other hand, is very happy with how the show turned out tonight. This is your first performance and being the lead for this year’s season is a big milestone for you. Everyone greeted you with big smiles, hugs and kisses everywhere backstage but when you’re already alone in your dressing room... you burst into tears and the sadness that you’ve been keeping the whole night is finally out.
Performing with a heavy heart is never easy but you had to pull yourself together and deliver a beautiful performance.
You fixed your things, removed your makeup, and enjoyed the silence of your small dressing room, thinking about how proud you are for earning your part. All hard work paid off. Making sure everyone is already gone and that the whole company went out already, you silently make your way out.
Not even one of your family member even bothered to watch you tonight. Your friends keep on disappointing you and giving you promises that they cant keep. None of them showed up, not even your best friend in the whole wide world. Is it too much to ask for one single genuine person in your life that can watch you perform and clap for all the hard work that you’ve done?
You were walking towards the main exit of the opera house and there you see a fine man holding a bouquet of flowers, standing in the middle of the wide lobby of the opera house. Maybe he came to watch the show earlier. I hope he loved the performance.
“Ehem” he clears his throat and looked at you. Stern and hard. As if he’s ready to buy your whole being. You looked at him with tired eyes and told him, “I’m sorry. I’m the last one out. If you’re waiting for anyone they probably went out already” you said as you continue to walk slowly towards the exit door.
“But I’m waiting for you” you stopped and turned around to face him. Oh a fan.
“I hope you enjoyed the show Mr. And if you’re going to ask for my autograph, I can sign it real quick now” you said with a smile, trying to look polite but his face is a little confused you see.
“Actually. These flowers are for you” he hands them to you with shaking hands. A beautiful bouquet of flowers that matches your costume from the Waltz of the Flowers earlier. Your heart skipped a beat, you try so hard to hide your smile hoping you dont look like a fool.
“And I was going to ask if you could have dinner with me... but if you’re willing to give me both your time and autograph, I will be so much happy” he said with confidence as if he knows he already knew you would give in to his request.
Well he looks decent, doesn’t look like he’s a killer or a psychopath. He’s rich obviously. A real gentleman. But still a stranger.
“I saw your colleagues earlier. And figured you weren’t with them. I was thinking, maybe you’re alone...” he chuckled after explaining, thinking maybe you think he’s a stalker or anything.
He’s obviously very nervous that he’s not looking you in the eye. “This wasn’t my intention at all. The original plan was to congratulate you and give you flowers.... But I cant help but think that maybe you’re still there... inside... and alone so I waited. And now Im asking you to have dinner with me”
You were about to accept his offer but he continued explaining his part, which is cute you think.
“It’s fine if you don’t want to. Maybe you’re tired and you want to go home I could-“ you cut him off because he was already rambling.
“I would love to have dinner with you.” you said, and gave him a smile to make the situation less awkward.
He brought you to an expensive private restaurant near the opera. There’s a comfortable silence when the waiter left but you were dying with curiosity and asked him for his name.
“Taeyong” he said. And smiled.
It was a very unique name for you, almost as if it was an alien name but you liked it. “Well I’m, y/n... and I’m a professional ballerina as you already know.” You smiled awkwardly.
“So tell me y/n. Why do you look sad?” He startled you with his question but you were glad that he can see right through you and that he cares.
“Well, my family didn’t watched earlier. Even my closest friends.... and oh, about my colleagues leaving without me, Im sure that they waited for me. Its just they know that I wanted to be alone, thats all. Im not normally like this.”
Taeyong understands and nods his head, “Im sorry for stealing your alone time. I just cant leave you alone in this beautiful night.... not after your beautiful performance earlier, oh no.” You chuckled and shook your head, feeling a little light headed with his compliment and you feel so grateful for his presence even though you dont know him personally.
While eating dinner, you cant help but notice how he moves. As a ballerina its easy for you to see how someone can move so gracefully and right. With Taeyong, it seems so normal with him being this gentle and well mannered and graceful all at the same time... while eating his expensive steak.
“What do you do in life Taeyong?” You asked, curious because all you know about him is his beautiful name.
“Im a king” he gave you a playful smirk and took a sip from his wine.
“Like a CEO? What company?” You asked him seriously while eating your salad.
He let out a small laugh and clears his throat thinking that you know nothing about him. All he can do is share his small achievements here in the human world for the last 5 years. “Lets just say Im a powerful person and that I’m an investor in some of the biggest companies here”
“Ohh. Big time”
The night continued as you both share in one dessert, share stories and try to know each other more and more before this beautiful night ends. He tells you a little about his company and that he works along side with his best friends and together they make great things. You tell him how you started dancing ballet and how you got the part. It seems like you both tell each other all your achievements in life without it sounding like you’re being boastful, and to you that seems to be a good sign.
He walks you home after dinner telling you more stories of anything he could think of, both of you trying to walk slowly because neither the one of you wanted this night to end.
“This is me” theres a small silence and Taeyong was looking at your building as if hes remembering what it looks like. Will there be a next time? He smiles and comes closer to you holding your hand and looking in your eyes so deeply.
“You were incredible tonight” he said and kissed your lips.
The kiss was quick and you cant move for a second but he breaks the silence, “good night.”
That kiss was something and you felt it. This man will change your life and you didn’t want to let him go. No. Not yet. You dont care if its late already, you dont care if you have early practice at the opera tomorrow, all you care about is this man in front if you.
Forcing yourself to go back to the situation, “stay for coffee” you blurted out and grabbed his hand.
Taeyong accepted your offer and you invited him in your apartment. He didn’t expect your apartment would be so plain. He wasn’t disappointed or anything but he thought your apartment is far from your fun personality, but who is he to judge your space. You noticed how he looked around and it worries you that maybe he thinks that you’re lifeless and that your life isn’t that interesting. The apartment has everything you need, and thats what matters.
Roaming around the apartment, Taeyong came across your little practice room that has three big mirrors in the middle of the room, the mirror you use to practice when you’re staying home.
Looking around your apartment more, he sees your bed thats big enough for three people. But it feels lonely Taeyong thought, almost as if this bed already knows every problem you have in life.
Going back to where you were the coffee, he noticed your kitchen, is nice and your baking materials are complete. “Its not much. Its not as colorful as the stage during the performance earlier, but its home for me” you explained as if you heard every thought he had about your apartment.
The floor was completely comfortable for you and you sit there while Taeyong sits on the couch. He looks at you while drinking his coffee and you came closer to his left leg and asked him, “what was your first impression with me” he leans forward to you, and you waited for his answer.
“You look like a Queen. And you can be my queen someday”
There he is again with him being royalty. For you it’s impossible but you can feel that he’s somehow telling the truth but you ignored that thought. “Oh is it because of my costume earlier?” he chuckled and shook his head. “No really you look like a queen. Even now.”
“How about you? What do you think of me?” he asked, took a sip from his coffee and sits on the floor with you. That was sweet.
“You look like a prince. A young prince. Even the way you move” you told him the truth. He was laughing and it was kind of funny for you too.
“Well, obviously before being a king... you have to be a prince first” he said while slowly leaning to you, expecting a kiss from him.
He kissed you sweetly, showing he has good intentions to you through his wet kisses and automatically encircling your arms around his neck. His kiss travels from your lips to your neck, giving your body a sensation that makes your panties soaked. Who are you? What are you doing to me?
You straddled him and grind on his lap slowly and gently not showing him that you’re eager but it was already obvious. “Why are you doing this to me Taeyong?” You continue to kiss him deeply while grinding and feeling your wetness. His hands are all over your body, kneading your breast slowly from time to time, biting your neck and kissing it making you gasp. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked you but he already knows your answer.
“How far are going tonight, y/n?” he whispers in between kissing your neck giving it marks that will be visible tomorrow for sure. You cant think straight, your mind is focused on how you want to have sex with him tonight but you cant be sore tomorrow because you have practice. Fuck it.
You try to remove his shirt and unbuckle his belt as your answer to his question and clearly enough he gets what you were saying.
Taeyong was gentle even in bed and you cant believe that he can make you feel like a virgin again. He was so good at making you whimper under him from time to time, you were clinging on his body catching every thrust he gives you. You figured he loves your moans because you can feel him smile every time you’re being vocal about how good he fucks you. It was slow and good and every after orgasm he gives you, its a surprise how you asked for another one and another one and another one until you feel really tired and all you do is kiss Taeyong.
Even Taeyong is surprised on how you take him so well, and he cant get enough of you too.
“Promise me you’ll still be here when I wake up tomorrow.” You said while you snuggle beside him feeling his soft skin and the warmth he brings its almost addicting you thought.
“I promise” he answered immediately.
The morning comes and you feel your body so sore. And you knew all too well that you’re damned later in practice. But you dont care. It was a great night you thought, its not everyday you meet someone as great as Taeyong. You stretched your body trying to recall what happened last night and it just gave you goosebumps and butterflies in your stomach. Not noticing Taeyong’s left arm was still placed on your waist, it made you happy he’s still beside you. He kept his promise.
You took your time admiring his beauty. His sharp nose, his rose scar, his soft lips thats all over you last night, his flawless skin, wide shoulders. Damn.
Slowly he opened his eyes, caught you admiring him but for him you’re like a sun. You brighten up his day completely. He noticed how your eyes are puffy but still beautiful, your flat long hair but still looks good on you, your smile that makes him think how lucky he is to have met you.
You gave him continuous good morning kisses on his flawless back, bringing him back to the world. Taeyong was amused how playful you are during the morning. But his first thought... is that you’re beautiful.
“You’re beautiful “ he said it not leaving your eyes. It made you blush.
“I’ll make you breakfast” you said while playing with his beautiful long hands. Kissing his knuckles, left and right.
“Are you normally like this every morning? I should wake up more beside you then” he reached for you and draw circles on your thighs.
“Well you kept your promise” Taeyong remembered. “Most hookups I’ve had never stayed for breakfast, you can leave after you’re clean and you’re full I can make a mean healthy breakfast-“ he cuts you off.
“So you think I’m just hooking up with you?” He looked at you long and hard while he’s still laying in bed comfortable, his left arm at the back of his head, his biceps showing. Then suddenly the environment was heavy and serious. You tried to explain but its too late you already think you fucked up and that he will leave any minute now.
“Come here” he pulled you in for a hug. And it surprised you because you thought he was mad and he was going go leave. “Those words hurt like hell. Don’t do that again” he said sternly and with authority, but it made you happy because finally, you have someone now. Not officially. But this is a good start.
“I’ll help you make breakfast.” He kissed your cheek and you both got out of bed trying to fight the soreness.
During breakfast, he was staring at you while he eats his buttered toast. “What?” You asked.
“What are you up to today?” He asked, finally.
You explained that you have practice from afternoon until evening at the opera house for the show on Friday next week. “So I’ll get to watch you perform again?” he claps his hand and finished his toast.
“You’ll watch me again?” You asked with a smile showing him how surprised you were that he’s planning to watch again. And he saw how happy you were when he mentioned that. You must love your craft that much huh, he thought
Taeyong came closer to you and kissed you on the lips, softly almost like how he kissed you for the first time. “I promise.”
You both head on with your day, and you felt really motivated in practice today even though your legs are still jiggly, your pussy hurts and your whole body is sore from last night’s fucking. But the thought of it feels like a dream but Taeyong is real. He’s so real you even caught him smelling your shampoo inside the bathroom earlier. The thought of it made you giggle.
On the other side of town, in Taeyong’s company, the people in the office noticed Taeyong’s glow and that he looks handsome as ever. Even his friends and trustworthy royal court guards noticed that theres something new with him today.
Johnny, Yuta and Doyoung are three of his best friends and they were with him when he discovered the passage through the human world. They come a long way from when they were still kids up until now that they’re allies/business partners.
The three princes are one of the top rich businessmen in the human world but they stay subtle as possible, just like Taeyong he secretly invests in good companies without them knowing who he is, just his company. Aside from being an investor, Taeyong builds schools and orphanage in places that needs help.
A knock brought Taeyong back to reality while having his coffee and thinking of you. It was Doyoung who has the update from the kingdom.
“You look different today. Everyone is worried” Taeyong laughed and told him he doesn’t need to worry, everything is normal but Doyoung knew Taeyong like the back of his hand. He didn’t buy Taeyong’s reasons. “Okay. Your Highness, whatever you say. But you need to go back as soon as possible to the kingdom for wedding festivities. Your presence is required for King Taemin’s wedding.”
Taeyong was silent for a moment, thinking of a way how can he spend time with you and not disappoint King Taemin at the same time. Doyoung is waiting for your answer. “Tell them I will be back home before they even know it. I have to be somewhere on Friday.”
Doyoung gave Taeyong a look as if hes telling Taeyong, “I smell something fishy here” but he just gave Taeyong a sigh, “Whatever… King Lee Taeyong”
You spend time with Taeyong almost everyday, knowing him more and more each day and enjoying it as if its your last day with him. Breakfast together and endless cuddles in bed as quality time at home, he takes care of you when you’re sore from practice, tries to tie your hair but he fails everyday but it makes you laugh so it’s okay, you find it sweet that he puts effort with the small things.
Friday comes and its one beautiful night again, King Taeyong is walking excitedly on his way to a known opera house to watch The Nutcracker, for the second time.
And there you are again. Doing what you love in front of these people, in front of him. His world slowed down again while watching you perform and pour you heart out on stage. He clapped his hands again screaming endless “bravo!” being so proud of you for finishing another wonderful show.
You received endless congratulations again for finishing the second show, you wore this big genuine smile and not a fake one like last week knowing that Taeyong is already waiting for you outside. You quickly packed your things and got out immediately and find Taeyong.
There you see him, fixing his coat and holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers, just like how you first saw him. And when he finally saw you, he quickly ran into you and kissed you as his way of congratulating you. “You were great. As always” he said and gave you the flowers, then to your surprise he shouted for the whole opera house to hear, “She did great! She’s the lead everyone!” and the whole lobby clapped for you again, you thanked everyone, laughing while you yanked Taeyong towards the exit.
You were so happy in Taeyong’s arms.
................................................. Masterlist
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
What does happiness look like?
Includes: Kuroo
Genre: Angst, a tad of fluff
Warnings: cheating?
A/N: Mwuah Happy? What happy?
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Cold and trembling, he was submerged into the freezing water up to his collar bones. Head resting on the dull coloured wall tiles of his bathroom, kuroo stared aimlessly at the edge of his tub. Chapped lips and a bored gaze on his pale face that night. Why cant we just be happy? To be obliviously happy. What did happiness even look like anymore? Was he even worthy of happiness?
These questions constantly seep their way into his head and like the overthinker he was, he’d spend hours remaining in the cold water pondering on when he was every going to see the light again. Bathing for decency. As he stood up from his position, he sneaked a peek at the autumn sky in the small compact window on top of his bathroom. Though his body was telling him to quickly cover himself, he simply took his time wearing clothes, still dazed. The moaning and groaning of his stomach, though not new, did not fell into deaf ears as he had thought to walked over to the local ramen shop to get something to eat. It wasn’t foreign for him to feel that as he had been doing that for a while. Eating just to survive. He pockets his keys and looks over at the jersey he was supposedly proud of. Framed with a picture of his previous volleyball team beside it. The smile he has on his face with the sweat dripping down his brow. Staying alive just for the sake of being alive.
What face will he make when he sees what happiness looks like again? The clicking of the door echoed telling him that he could go already. Once again taking his time, he admired the view of the night all the while not noticing the fumbling bike about to crash at him. In a swift moment he had barely moved aside as the bike had coming crashing into the pile of garbage cans. The loud crash scaring the kittens that have been concealing themselves using the bins and bags. “Im fi-hay-ne” she slurs through her loud announcement of her state while trying to pick herself up from the rubble.
“I wasn’t asking-“ “Well that’s mean! Didn’t your mother teach you to help those who needed it?” She banters while patting herself to rid of the dirt, though that did nothing to the stench that she now had on her. “You dont seem like you need help though...” his voice was in between a low growl and mumble. “Ha?! Look at this boy! Not even helping a lady! Who raised you?” She starts grumbling, picking up her bike and trying to get back on, ultimately failing. The night was so dark that only the light post was illuminating the way, looking at the ill mannered girl, he had finally gotten a good look of her face.
Scrunched up nose with stars for eyes, clearly scratched and a bit of filth layed on her soft cheeks. Her brows furrowed to the center and sweat glistening on her forehead. Cutting through his admiring thoughts” Then let me help you. My apartment is near by” he utters, seemingly regretting this but accepting the situation when she turns to him with a toothy grin and runs close him.
She smelled of garbage and oil, amusing him though she starts rambling about her day.
Wow she actually thinks I care...Hmmm...when will she even stop talking? At least she’s not awkward, I guess? What is she even talking about? “-So there I was right? He was trying to talk me into letting him eat me while I was on my period. Calling me his little ketchup packet-“ “HAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT?!” A hyena like laughter emits from his lips. When was the last time he even laughed like this? His grabbed onto his sides and cackled the night away. The night, the moment he looked at her...
His eyes relaxed and a small smile to his dry lips, that was the face he had when he had finally seen what happiness looked like again.
The face he had made everyday since then.
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“Tetsu! Look at the kitten mugs! We should get some! It looks great!” “Y/N, we dont need-“ “LOOK! They even have nekoma themed mugs! And fukurodani ones! These are great! Did you know I actually went to fukurodani?” Her blabber was a tune that was constantly stuck to his head now. Watching her bring the mugs to the counter, he quickly hands his card to the register without her protest...well up until “I could have handled that yknow?” Another one of her famous complaints. Who knew happiness was a small woman in an old jacket and was as aggressive as a chihuahua?
“Fine, then you can buy the tea, kitten?” The raven offered as she feels her cheeks grow warm at the nickname. “Of course Im paying for tea, idiot!” Hurriedly grabbing her shopping bag and walking to the entrance that kuroo had opened for her. Walking side by side while munching on the weird convenience store they had both decided on.
“I like these! We should buy more next time, no?” Gasping at the delicious snack.
“Make yourself at home...” “Will do, sir~” she enters his apartment so casually and places the mugs down. Plopping down on her, self-proclaimed, spot while the rooster haired male had set up his kitchen for some tea she sets up the show they were going to watch. Spotting some packets of convenience store food, the smaller girl stared at them and started arising from her seat.
Kuroo felt small arms wrap around his waist and a cheek to his back. “Tetsu...” “Yes, kitten?” Replying with a teasing voice however regretting it as soon the male realizes what was happening. “I told you not to eat convenience store food anymore!” She scolds. Sigh It was a sight to behold. A 6ft tall man saying sorry to a smaller female, who was not even his lover, scolding him of not taking better care of himself. Though after all has been said and done she brings him to a cuddle on the couch. “Im just scolding you because I lov- ehem I..aughh I mean be-cause... you aren’t taking care of yourself again...you idiot” The last part sounding almost like a whisper. He was safe, content and most of all happy.
Recalling the questions he once had in his head.
Who knew happiness looked like her? An aggressive small girl who was way too confident.
A certain warm light to her eyes. Brow always dripping with sweat. She was fierce and weirdly competitive in things that don’t really matter.
‘Who could eat the most mochi?’ ‘Who could finish their tea first?’ Most of which the former captain would entertain. Happiness looked like her whenever she would run after the birds at the park and giggle at their “Cowardice” to face her.
Happiness sounded like her odd stories and her voice shouting at the store owner to haggle with her. She was happiness. She was his happiness.
He knew in himself that he liked her of course. Through his ups and downs they were together. The convincing him to go to classes. Y/N constantly riding up to his apartment just so she made sure he would actually go. Her constant “Good morning”...the...
“Tetsu, come on. It’s a great day to go to do something after classes!”
“OI! WHAT ARE YOU EATING?! You think rice is cheap? Ha?! Eat the food I made! No more instant noodles!”
“It’s okay. Let it all out. Im here. Your feelings are valid, okay?”
“Hey tetsu, I bought some Grilled Salted Mackerel pike!”
Until it became...
“Kitten! Let’s go to the beach!”
“Hey! Eat your food! It’ll get cold yknow?”
“Chibi-chan! You can’t even catch up!”
“Do you need help with that one? Here you do it like this...”
“Y/N, kenma said we’re meeting up at the cafe near the station. Wanna get ready at 10?”
“Hey shut the fuck up! She can wear whatever she wants. You’re just a pervert if you think you’re allowed to cat call her just for wearing clothes, ass hole”
Coming back to his younger, more passionate self. The happiest and the best version of himself, he thought that through this he was at least worthy and deserving of being loved by her.
However not everything is perfect. There were days where Y/N couldn’t even stop by. She was tired and she needed to rest for herself. Kuroo understand that but lately she was a bit too busy.
Was she busy? He wouldn’t have doubter her if...he hadnt..He saw her walking out of campus with a guy that day. More specifically the school’s counseling president.. She was so nice. Nice to everyone. Even to people like that. She was even nice to him. Him. He wasn’t even anybody. He was nothing and she was everything. He hated to think about it but...Maybe she just did that out of pity. She’s so nice that she would do that. Who was he?
Who was he to be important? He wasn’t a president of anything. He was just himself. Was he even worthy enough that she takes care of him to such an extent? What could he do for her though?
The sudden creak of the door alerts him, his sharp eyes meet Y/N’s frame holding a bouquet of flowers. “Oh hey can you help with these? The guys at the committee bought them for me as thanks but I honestly like gardens more hahaha Still sweet though” Taking off her shoes and handing him the big bouquet of red to pink roses. He could have done much better. She didn’t even like their stupid bouquet.
“There’s a green house tea house thing close to my university. Wanna go then? I mean Im going to be dropping some stuff off at my locker so-“ “Really?! Sure!” An excited squeal came from her lips while she stepped in and occupied the majority of the couch in a deflated or one might say tired pose.
“Please pick from our flower charms!” The host to the tea shop announcing enthusiastically at the duo. Normally the two would have picked different flowers however captivated by certain flowers with bright pink petals that point to the sky. Cyclamens with small papers which read “Fight for your love”.
Just like fortune cookies.
Well what do you know? Passionate love then? What a coincidence due to the situation. To fight for your love.
Being seated at their booth, both had looked around the place. Clumsily piled high with beautiful plants and the sun light almost seemed too perfectly placed. Y/N looked as if she belonged there. With the flora decorating her, one would have considered her a fairy. “You look...N-nice...kitten” stuttering to even find the right things to say.
Under the table...
She had gently inched her small fingertips to touch his calloused ones. Holding at least a portion of her hand. Soft ,comforting and happy. When the tea had arrived Kuroo had only taken a small sip until he rejected the floral drink completely. “You know Chrysanthemums actually means Loyalty and patience? It’s really cool!” With the tea’s edge to her slightly parted lips, the young female had taken a quiet sip.
She enjoys the date with her hand completely clasped in his under the table. Shoulders touching and giggling at whatever kuroo was showing her on his phone. It was literal paradise. Beautiful flora, wonderful food and amazing her. It was perfection in a moment. The sun’s afternoon light striped through her hair and a portion of her cheek. Magic.
It was all until she had started squirming and gripping his hand tighter. “T-tesu...I ughh...I like someone. It’s this guy and...he...I think he might be the one, tetsu! He buys tea with me and holds me like Im home...”
So he was right. He was correct this time. He was so used to being wrong that right now being right felt like a punishment. Tetsuro though that he was the only one who he did those things with. So right and so wrong at the same time.
The little glimmer of happiness in him slightly fading.
He was just there because she pitied him.
He hated it but he didn’t say that, he couldn’t. He had his signature grin on as he knuckles her hair he says something along the lines of “You! You’re going to scare him off! Hahaha! You’re so stubborn too, chibi-chan!”
The laughter was sweet as the tea he had refused to drink. A few moments later the male had left saying that he had to relieve himself though he barely drank anything.
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1: 02 PM
3: 27 PM
“Miss, would you like me to sit with-“ “Oh? Oh! No! Sorry! Im actually with someone. Im just waiting for him”
“Oh sorry! I thought you were alone”
6: 12 PM
8: 45 PM
“Umm...miss, we’re actually going to close now”
“Hello? Tetsu-“ “This number cannot be reached. Please try again-“
“UGH! I am so kicking his ass when I see him! Ditching me like that!...” Shuffling to gather her things and hurriedly asking for the bill. She leaves the moment she’s cleared and in search of the rooster head male.
Meanwhile the male was in the library ever since. Trying to simply clear his head. Trying to understand what had just happened. Recalling the exact moment that you weren’t his anymore. When a woman in a skimpy outfit had cat called him when he was about to leave. Something about how he looked well hung. Livid, he grabbed her to the side which she obliged in.
This was wrong.
Though why would he care? He was always wrong. The one moment where he was correct he was also wrong. He clenched his fist and forcibly bit his lips.
He was cringing at all of this. Y/N was supposed to be his and yet...She had to choose...and she chose someone who deserved her love.
The disgusting moans of the woman he was making out with at the alley way. Hungry, disgusted and furious. His touches were rough and almost hurting her.
Again, why would he care? Y/N didn’t even like him! He was only taken care of out of pity! He was nothing! All he was...was wrong.
Empty and wrong.
He took it all out on the innocent girl’s cunt. Kuroo called out for her. Her nickname.
Grasping and groaning ‘kitten’. Balls deep in this bitch he picked up from the street when his phone started ringing.
The light of his screen illuminating them.
On the other side of this though...Y/N was walking to his apartment to see if he was there. Also just as livid. Tear stained. Her mascara smudged. No longer looking like a fresh flower. A wilted yellow carnation to her hair while her hands fumbled with her phone. She felt betrayed. She felt useless. It took so much for her to even confess! She had to time everything! To the hand holding and intimate touches.
Even rejecting the council president because of him!
He was a jerk! Why would he even invite her to a date if he was just going to ditch her?
Was she the one in the wrong this time though? Did he even like her? Why would he just invite her?
Did she misunderstand? Were they just friends?...
Finally confessing to him and he just-...mid step. Her head just momentarily looking to the side, to the alleyway. When a familiar figure was illuminated by a screen’s light in his pocket. A familiar figure with a familiar ring tone in a foreign situation. The flower on her hair dropping to her worn out shoes.
It was like a blink. Like a flicker of the light. It was at least just 2 seconds when she saw it.
There he was. Frustrated, grinning, calling out for his ‘kitten’ and balls deep in a girl she has never even seen before.
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Taglist: @boosyboo9206 @kuroos-babie @yamaguchi-stan @janellion @cthuroo (thank you for helping me I love you) @my-mass-hysteria @zoppzoop
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
Hello I have returned for Childe Day(tm) after having to deal with a couple of crises and some making of homemade coffee crumble ice cream to celebrate--
A NYWAY, LEAKS SJDBSB MY BAD, I DIDN'T SPECIFY THEY WERE LEAKS--but ye bestie, I have,,, burnt myself out playing genshin 😭 I ended up hyperfixing on it for months to the point my storage got hecking decimated, so no more playing for me unfortunately 😔😔 not like that'll stop me from watching those sweet, sweet trailers, tho 👀
G o sh, the man?? Is still whipped for you??? And while yes it is very sweet holy frick Childe one ring and wedding was eNOUGH--okay but! During one (or maybe even a couple) of your sparring matches you end up putting a little too much force than expected, resulting in you fretting over him because while yes, he has dealt with worse, you would rather not have opened up any of his wounds (or give him new ones for that matter). So please--just imagine him going all soft and heart-eyed as you bombard him with worried questions and apologies and momentarily forget that you two were just sparring moments ago. 💓😔 oh and!!! Childe coming home after a rough day?? And you usher him inside and help him unwind with some good food and a bath? Maybe run your hands through his wet hair with some shampoo? You singing him to sleep this time??Just--there's something about being able to help bring some comfort to him after having an exhausting time outside that makes me soft man 👉👈
aJDBDDJBSNS W E L L. I shall take great honor in being the first of the many victims you and War Criminal Ed Sheeran (germ version) will slaughter for your honeymoon, then 😌 wait but cULTIVATING?? B RUH HOW YOU GONNA CULTIVATE HIM? BY FEEDING HIM WHILE PLAYING ONE OF GRIFFIN'S SONGS IN THE BACKGROUND?? HUH????
coffee crumble ice cream sounds so good oml— ehem, i’m sorry that you seem to be having a rough time. i hope it gets better for you soon!
ah… well ye i dont do leaks so i dont know anything ahgshahshsja— i havent hyperfixated on smth for this long and im lowkey scared that i’ll get burnt out bc i dont want to stop playing or writing for genshin seeing as i have invested too much on it alr. would do it again tho ✌️
their entire relationship is so sweet and comforting and it’s very simple but you just feel the sincerity and love and aidguabdhahsvshbdusnwjqoakanimcrying. childe would deffo pull you into him, just tumbling into the floor when you start rambling w your apologies. it’s just one of those moments where he realizes how much he loves you and ew he’s so gooey and sappy but he’s nuzzling his face into you and ig you can overlook this just one more time. also!! he would pamper you the next morning after his tough night. a little payback and it usually starts w a breakfast in bed and a five minute turned hour long cuddle. add in a few little smooches and it’s heaven on earth indeed. at this point i cant even call myself soft. i’m liquid or smth.
it’s a great honor indeed. imagine being patient zero of this hot uh germ couple. sounds awful but! me + childe = best ship wbk. i actually forgot i mentioned anything abt cultivating him but idc anymore. i’m gonna make my mans strong no matter what the cost is. to hell w my sanity. if he needs to listen to rasputin tartaglia version 5 billion times then so be it.
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