#egoctober 2018
hollenka99 · 5 years
Why Are You Doing This?
Summary: Jack doesn't know how to console his friend's three year old son. Based on a-heist-of-words' Egoctober 2018 prompt "Why are you doing this?" and the funeral scene from Fullmetal Alchemist.
Warnings: Referenced character death, children grieving 
The day was overcast. The sun had appeared brightly in the early morning but quickly became dimmed by clouds. At least it wasn't raining. Jack wouldn't be able to stand rain, not today. It would be too on the nose for him.
He walked slowly behind the hearse as everyone made their way to the plot. Two small hands gripped his for comfort. If he was struggling with his loss, he didn't want to imagine what it was like for Samantha and Flynn. She was seven while her little brother was only three. In the last few months, Chase had told him all about his daughter starting Primary school and Flynn making friends at Preschool. It was frustrating when Jack wished to work on his latest video. He'd kill to have another conversation like that.
It was hard work convincing Stacy to let him take the kids with him. If she didn't want to attend the funeral, that was her decision. Jack couldn't care less. Chase's children, though? No, he wasn't going to let them miss this. They adored their dad. As upsetting as funerals are, they also allow for closure. He'd hate himself if his friend's children grew up regretting the fact they weren't able to properly say goodbye to their father. No doubt Stacy will raise them on negative stories of Chase. Jack was resentfully unable to do anything about that. But he could at least comfort two young children as their father was buried.
Stacy had argued. Jack may have raised his voice. All in all, it had taken a lot of persuading before she consented to Jack taking her children. It was worth the struggle. He wholly believed it was the right thing to do. It was only one afternoon. Jack met Stacy when things were already going downhill with Chase. However, she knew him well enough to know he'd never let any harm come to his friend's children.
The first shovelful of soil was thrown on the coffin. A hand tugged him on his right.
"Jack?" "Yeah?" "Why are those men burying Daddy?"
Oh God, he didn't want to have this conversation. Especially not with a three year old. What age did children begin to understand death anyway? Samantha was four years older than her brother and she was handling this better than him. Then there was Jack himself who had another 20 or so years on top of that. He was far from an expert on this type of thing. Still, what do you tell a bereaved toddler?
"Flynn..." "Don't..." The young boy quietly protested at the people shovelling dirt into the grave. "Why are you doing this?" "Stop it, Flynn." Samantha begs. "But how is he gonna make videos if he's down there? Jack, you're big, make them stop. Make them stop! Daddy can't do tricks if they bury him. You gotta stop!" Jack crouches down. "Flynn, buddy, I know you're upset but they have to bury him. He's gone." "No he's not. Mummy said he's sleeping. He's gonna get scared down there. We gotta wake him up. Daddy, wake up!"
Jack simply doesn't know how to console him. He scans the crowd for Henrik, the doctor couldn't have raised his kids without a tearful moment. Henrik should have some experience in calming a small child. Chase would know too. Christ, he doesn't even know what Chase's parents look like. They must be here, right? Jack doesn't know the first thing about parenting.
Flynn continues screaming at Chase to wake up and for the cemetery workers to stop burying him. Samantha covers her brother's mouth a little more forcefully than she should. He hugs her fiercely and continues trying to convince her chest to do something. At least he's quieter now.
Jack doesn't feel comfortable at the wake. He avoids most of the guests there. Chase's parents sit at their table to talk to their grandchildren for a while. When he explains he brought the kids here, the distraught couple thank him. Most of his mutual friends left soon after Chase was buried so it's only him and the children. He can't remember if Chase had siblings but no-one their age has a similar appearance to his friend. It's mostly those over 50 anyway.
"I didn't realise he was gay." Some relative of Chase's sparked a conversation. "It must be awful being a single father, especially after all the trouble it took to get them. I couldn't imagine losing the person I loved." "They're... they're not my children. I'm just a family friend. He wasn't gay. Neither am I. And we definitely weren't gay for each other." The words stumbled out awkwardly. "So where's their mother? She must be so upset." "At home. They didn't part on good terms. And then, well..." Then Chase died. "I wanted to make sure Samantha and Flynn could say goodbye. It was the least I could do for him." "Oh." She is about to comment further but Jack notices Samantha picking at her sandwich on the other side of the room. "Excuse me."
Eventually, someone excuses themselves because they have a five hour car journey ahead. A man who seems to be so old he has one foot in the grave already is helped up so he can return home too. Jack reminds Samantha and Flynn they can leave at any time. A final scotch egg is nibbled on before they are heading towards Stacy's house.
"I'm sorry about being loud at the funeral, Jack." Flynn's eyes begins to water. "Oh, buddy, it's okay. You were upset. Everyone understood. We all miss him. Just... maybe don't do it next time, okay?" "Okay." He nods. "But Daddy is still gonna be scared in that box. When he wakes up-" "He's not going to wake up." Sam's voice is bitter. "He's not asleep." "Well, no, not really." Jack thinks as he drives. "I have an idea. What if you bring him flowers? I'm sure it would make him happy. And talking too. That way, he won't be scared." "Really?" "Yeah. What do you think, Sam?" "Sure."
"How were they?" Stacy questions at her front door. "Flynn got very upset. Other than that, they behaved fine." "In that case, thank you for bringing them back. Goodbye." He stops the closing door. "Wait. I don't have the full picture and I won't pretend I ever did. That said, I don't think you should take the split out on them. Chase wasn't the type of person to mistreat others. He tried his best to be a good father. If the marriage broke down, so be it. All I'm asking is that you let them visit him. Even if you don't want to see him yourself. Call their grandparents. Call me, I'd be more than happy to do it. If they get older and decide they don't want to visit him, it will be their decision. I can live with that. In the very least-" "I'll think about it."
She ends the conversation prematurely. At home, Jack lies down on his sofa. The storm outside repeatedly knocks on his windows. He understands how it feels.
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lamburrito · 6 years
Maybe someday - WinterIron
A/N: Yes Winteriron again. Actually I wanted to write StarkQuill for this prompt but I didn't liked what I had written for them so I started over and this is what happened. Hope you like it!
Prompt: *silence*
Words: 231
It was already night as Bucky entered the hospital room. So it wasn't a surprise that Tony was laying asleep in bed. But that's actually the reason why James came at this hour. Because he didn't know how the mechanic would react to his visit after what happened in Siberia. To be completely honest Bucky was even a bit afraid. Not that Tony would attack him but that he could never forgive Barnes.
Slowly and carefully Bucky sat down on a chair near the bed. He sat there in silence, watching Tonys chest raise and fall and thinking about the future.
Bucky had already made his decision about his next steps. He was sure that this was the best for everybody. Still he wished he could talk to Tony before. But James had decided it was better if he didn't.
Tomorrow he would tell T'challa about his wish of going into cyrosleep.
Bucky looked one last time at Tony then stood up again. Though before he left the room he broke the silence:
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to learn about it that way. I wish everything could have been different. I wish I could show you how much these murders still haunt me. Maybe someday I will be completely free from the Winter Soldier. Maybe then you can love me like I already love you. "
@mouse-the-human, @the-painter-and-the-poet, @mistressstrange, @avengingphoenix
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rainbow-neko-main · 6 years
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Egoctober Day 3 - Swapped
Look at these two wholesome boyyos. I love them.
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ambaralbatros · 6 years
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Inktober Day 2
"I Promise" (Egoctober by @a-heist-of-words)
OC used: Nightgale (Heretics of Promises)
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hollenka99 · 5 years
And Now We Wait
Summary: Dr Schneeplestein does his best to save Jack after Kill Jacksepticeye. But a certain demon is lurking. Based on a-heist-of-words' Egoctober 2018 prompt, "And now we wait."
Warnings: Kidnapping, medical procedure
When Henrik had failed to save Peter, Jack had been there to comfort him. He'd threatened to increase the anaesthetic dosage to the point where his accountant would never wake again. It was a moment of frustration he would regret until his time was over. Peter never did wake up. Now he was sleeping in some local cemetery. Schneep failed to bring himself to ask his friend's family the exact location. Did he even attend the funeral? He couldn't remember. At least Jack was there for him after the incident.
The sound of the machines made the doctor frantic. No, he wasn't losing his good friend. Not now, not ever. The symptoms didn't make sense yet. He needed more time to solve the mystery. More importantly, he needed a little longer to save Jack. Even five minutes could make a difference.
It didn't help either that Anti was lurking. He couldn't see him yet. Unfortunately, that wasn't necessary to be aware of his presence. The glitchy asshole could reveal himself at any moment. God knows what would become of Henrik once that happened.
Screw Anti. He was saving Jack one way or another.
While he was never a fan of the Bee Gees, he was thankful for their most popular song. It allowed him to convince others he was sufficiently knowledgeable to keep his job. His focus was limited to each cycle of compressions. That wasn't enough. CPR was only designed to prevent an oxygen-deprived brain death, to buy time before an ambulance arrived. The defibrillator was his best bet if he wished to pull a miracle from out of nowhere.
Compressions. Defibrillator. Bee Gees. Electrocution. One horizontal line. Peaks and troughs.
Henrik could weep. He'd done it. He had good news to deliver to their friends.
"Well?" The four friends immediately rose from their seats. "I had to put him in a medically induced coma but he'll make it. Hopefully, we can wake him up soon." "Oh." Chase's face lacked hope. "So what can we do?" It was strange how helpless Jackie looked in his school uniform. "Now we wait," The doctor said. "and be there for him when he wakes up." "Let's hope we don't have to wait too long." "Yes." He agreed. "Come with me, I'll show you his room."
The echoing giggles were concentrated in his office. As much as he wished to take no notice it, there was no way the demon would leave without a victim. He didn't have much choice. Henrik couldn't bare the thought of all his effort going to waste in a matter of hours. He nearly opened his office right there and then. No, he had one last thing to do.
He checked in on Jack's room. The four of his friends were patiently waiting together. Lying caused more guilt to simmer. He wasn't going to check on other patients. Nor was he going to be back soon.
"I don't know how long I'll be gone so don't wait for me."
At least that was the truth. He could enter his office with some peace of mind. The corrupted laughter directed him like breadcrumbs. He attempted to disregard the scar stretching across the demon's neck. It was okay; Jack wasn't dead. Their mutual friends would be safe now. Anti was going to be distracted for an indefinite length of time. He was a willing abductee.
It was the last time Henrik von Schneeplestein was seen for months.
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hollenka99 · 5 years
Summary: When Mark suggested he let Wilford Warfstache interview him, Jack didn't think it would end up like this. One thing's for sure, he's not listening to Mark's ideas again. Based on a-heist-of-words' Egoctober 2018 prompt, "...ouch..." and Warfstache Interviews Markiplier.
Warnings: Wilford has a knife so y’know... attempted stabbing.
The studio audience cheered appropriately as the title card played. It looked like a good turn out, maybe 90% of the seats were filled. Mark was there too, somewhere. Jack was interested to see what kind of questions this Warfstache guy was going to ask him. Mark had mentioned the reporter to Jack several months ago. He explained the man was always looking for someone new to question. He guaranteed the interview would be memorable. That was to be seen.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and of course, all other configurations of being. My name is Wilford Warfstache and boy, do we have a great guest for you tonight. Some call him the worst Irishman, some call him a leprechaun, most people just call him Green Pewdiepie... please welcome Mr Jacksepticeye!"
Um, okay. Weird introduction but whatever. Mark did say Wilford Warfstache was eccentric.
"Welcome sir." "Hi." He gave the audience a little wave. "Our producer couldn't find another way to boost our ratings." Right then... "So, you play video games for a living?" "Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that. It's a pretty cool job to have." "Now what exactly is it that you do while playing these treacherous virtual brain dumpsters?" "Well, I wouldn't call them brain dumpsters." He gives a small laugh. "I basically record myself playing a game, do a little commentating and post it to YouTube. We're called Let's Players; there's quite a few of us on YouTube." "So you commentate?" "Yeah." "So what is it exactly that you, Jacksepticeye, commentate?" "Video games. People come to my channel to watch me react to the game I'm playing that video." "Ooh!" Warfstache encouraged the audience to have a similar response. "Reaction to what?"
He was going to kill Mark.
"Video. Games." He tried not to sound like a dick, he swore he did. His interviewer's reaction was unintelligible. "And now on to the nitty-gritty!" That was more like it. Maybe this interview had just started off weak. "Hell yeah." "Now what games would you say have been the biggest draw to your channel?" "Oh, that's easy. Yeah, everyone seems to love my videos on Skate 3, Grand Theft Auto... Happy Wheels is a big one too." The crowd cheered at the mention of Happy Wheels. "Yeah! Screw you, Billy." He joked. "So which one of these games would you say is your favourite?" "You know, I get asked this all the time and I still can't choose. Um..." The boom operator lost their grip. It went right into his mouth.
Mark was dead. Jack was never listening to his suggestions again.
"Boy, you got a lot of fans." But... he wasn't quite done answering the last question. Never mind, he didn't have a solid answer anyway. The sooner this interview was over, the sooner he could return to bitching about Irish showers. "Yeah, over 6 million subscribers. It's crazy how many people want to watch my content." "That is baffling!" "I feel the same. But I'm thankful for every last one. If it wasn't for them, I'd still be stuck in a cabin in the middle of nowhere by myself. I've also gotten to know some awesome people because of it." "Anyway, have you ever met any of these 'fans'?" "All the time! I just came back from PAX West and there were a whole bunch of them. You get to meet a lot at conventions but a few will spot you in the street. They're all really sweet so I-"
"Murder their entire family?" Where the hell did that come from? "What?! No! No, of course I don't." "So you admit it!" Warfstache accused. "You heard it here first, ladies and gentlemen. The Jacksepticeye has just admitted to never murdering anyone." "I... yeah, I never murdered anyone." Jack scanned the audience to see if they were hallucinating the same ludicrous bullshit he was. "Look, this is going in a really weird direction. Can we go back to normal questions?" "Sounds like someone's getting impatient." "Dude, you literally just accused me of murder. I only agreed to this interview because I was told it would be different. I don't know why Mark ever recommended you. I think you might be-"
Warfstache pulled a tiny dagger from his trousers. Yeah, the guy was clearly insane. Was that Jack's cue to get the hell out of here? Yes, it certainly sounded like it. Very distinct sirens of 'Get the fuck away from this madman' were blaring.
The blade barely missed him during Warfstache's first attempt to stab him. He leaped out of the chair. A moving target was less likely to be killed than a seated one. That didn't stop the reporter from drawing closer.
Jack didn't even know what he was doing. Once his survival instincts kicked in, everything was on autopilot. So how the hell the scuffle ended with Warfstache bleeding and him holding the knife would forever remain a mystery. He'd stabbed someone. Oh God, he was going to be responsible for someone's death.
"...Ouch." Wilford looked annoyed. Why was he annoyed? The guy had just been stabbed in the gut. He was bleeding. Why was he just standing there? Why was he acting like it was nothing?
Somebody grabbed him. They didn't wait for his mind to catch up with his involuntarily steps. His other arm hurt.
"Okay, that should be far enough." The member of security halted by an exit. "Are you injured?" "Uh..." Jack's sleeve was turning red. Oh shit. "Doesn't look deep but we should get you a bandage or two." "Sure." Honestly, he was ready to switch his brain off for a while. "Yeah, we've got a Code Pink. The guest doesn't appear to be in immediate danger but keep an eye on Warfstache. I'm taking the guest to the infirmary to treat his arm. Update me if anything happens." The guard spoke into a walkie-talkie. The walk to the infirmary was much gentler. "Does this happen often if you have a code for it?" "He's not the most stable individual. I heard he shot someone off the first floor once."
His brain was resembling a dial-up. Who allowed a murderer to host his own program? Why wasn't he locked up?
Disinfecting the slash on his arm stung. Although, it was better to wince than lose it to an infection. Now his arm was being treated, he could relax slightly. The maniac reporter still lingered in his mind.
"Will Warfstache be okay? I mean, I did stab him." "That guy? Oh yeah, you'd think he was invincible the way he brushes off injuries. He's something else, I'm telling you." "You can say that again. Still..." "Trust me, he will be back in action within 24 hours. You don't need to go all Lady Macbeth."
A half Korean man frantically burst into the infirmary. He scanned the room erratically before catching sight of the Irishman with recently dyed green hair. Jack was pissed and Mark leaked anxiety.
"There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you. Did he get you?" Mark's eyes landing on his friend's bandaged arm was a sufficient answer. "We need to talk." Jack glared.
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hollenka99 · 5 years
I Want To Go Home
Summary: Jack only wanted the last word, to tell his ex-boss 'I told you so'. But now Anti is telling him to jump out of a skyscraper. One day, he will get used to this situation he's found himself in. Based on the elevator joke from Venom and a-heist-of-words' Egoctober 2018 prompt "I want to go home".
Warnings: Vore and some gore 
Anti was insane, absolutely crazy. He was scaling this skyscraper as if it was nothing. There were other ways Jack could tell his ex-boss 'I told you so.' Not to mention, Jack was uneasy with heights. Okay, he was terrified of being more than three feet off the ground. That was at the best of times. If Anti slipped, they were done for.
"Stairs are a thing, you know." Jack complained. "How many stairs do you want to climb?" Okay, Anti had him there.
They crash through the window of the office. Glass shatters everywhere. Jack is surprised he hasn't accidentally impaled part of his hand when he notices he's in control. Never mind, he should get this over with. The account was password-protected but Jack could guess what it was. Yep, the newspaper's name. That was certainly a strong choice. He inserts the memory stick and extracts the file. In the middle of the desktop, the CEO would find a photo file titled 'I wasn't kidding'. He wouldn't be able to ignore it. That jerk would have to face the facts. Jack didn't want his job back. He simply desired the last word.
Right, now that was done, how would he get out of here?
Was he kidding? No, he wasn't going to jump out of the window. Did Anti know how high up they were? He wasn't supposed to be here. Jack would have to be careful with his escape. Surely, security had been alerted of their intrusion by now. But no jumping from halfway up a skyscraper. He'd have to find another way.
"No way. I want to go home." "Then jump. It will be faster." "Dude, no. I'll die." "I'll catch us before we hit anything." Anti promised. "Come on, the glass is already broken." "For the last time, no."
Anti became silent. It had been forever since Jack had worked here. He struggled to remember which way to go. The exit had to be here somewhere. The elevators were a comforting sight when he spotted them. They might smell somewhat odd but it beat making his way down dozens of flights of stairs. And jumping. Jumping was suicidal, whatever Anti said. Jack presses the button to call the elevator to his floor.
"Pussy." "Shut up. Parasite." He shoots back as they enter the elevator. "Parasite! I'm no parasite." "It's a term of endearment." Jack shrugs.
They reach the ground floor within a minute. Jack wishes he could simply stroll out and put this place behind him. But no, there have to be a bunch of security guards surveying the reception area. He knows what has to happen. He's not comfortable with what he knows Anti will do to the guards. Okay, so Jack doesn't eat the heads himself. He can't taste it when Anti returns control to him but he feels it. When Anti does his thing, Jack is spaced out and kinda just there for the ride but he feels it. The way Anti's teeth effortlessly rip through skin, muscle and bone before...
The thought makes him shudder. Nausea is also present.
All things considered, he does trust Anti to keep them safe. After all, it was Anti who repaired both of his broken legs earlier. Granted, this was immediately before the symbiote somewhat kidnapped him so they could speak privately. This whole situation was a little messed up. It had only been a day since he and Anti began talking. Eventually, Jack hopes, he can get used to this arrangement.
"Mask?" "No." "Please?" "Apologise first." "For what?!" He whispers harshly. Anti refused to elaborate. Oh, the parasite comment. Jesus, he'd been possessed by a drama queen. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be nasty. But you did kinda start it." "How? You're a coward for not jumping. Pathetic." "It was risky to jump from god knows how many floors. Look, I'm sorry about the parasite thing, okay? But aren't you hungry? There's like 6 guys out there. They're all yours if you help me get out of here. I won't even make a comment about it, I swear. So will you please help me? I just wanna go home already."
He's overcome with sudden dizziness. Anti goes through the guards fighting. There are more than anticipated but hey, more food for Anti. Jack does his best to ignore the sensation of heads being ripped from their bodies. His thanks are strained when he is finally released.
"Come on, let's go." Jack mutters queasily.
He doesn't look back at the bodies scattered across the reception area. He just feels sorry for the cleaning staff on the early shift tomorrow.
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hollenka99 · 5 years
He’s Gone!
Summary: On the way to school, Jackie spots someone getting stabbed. He tries to help the man, with Henrik von Schneeplestein giving him advice. Based on a-heist-of-words' Egoctober 2018 prompt, "He's gone!"
Warnings: Stabbing, character death
Jackie enjoyed the feeling of trees surrounding him. There wasn't much to worry about at 9am when the trees calmed you. Except for maybe being late for class. Or perhaps witnessing a man getting stabbed during a mugging.
He supposed the gazebo was a good place to attack someone. This section of the park was the least populated area. It branched off from the main path that 90% of people used. Of course, people his age liked to visit it frequently. He certainly remembered the Leaver's Dinner last year. At least some of his classmates had the sense to find a more original make-out spot elsewhere.
He'd been minding his own business. He was reminding himself of where his first class was when the incident caught his eye. The thugs were armed. A quick case of stab, steal and sprint. The man had certainly been on his way to work. Why on earth was he walking this way? Jackie didn't think there were any offices nearby. Okay, sure, he was taking a shortcut because it was more convenient, given where he lived. It was possible this stranger lived near him.
Forget the reason why. What was more important was how. How was Jackie going to save this guy? He was a Computing student in his last year before university. His medical knowledge began and ended with basic first aid. Dr Schneeplestein had taught him all that.
As he rushed to the victim, he dialled the doctor's personal number.
"Dr Schneeplestein, it's Jackie. I need help." "What's so urgent at 9 o'clock in the morning?" "Stabbing." "Where are you?" "Uh, you know that gazebo in the middle of the park? Yeah, there. How soon can you get here?" "I don't know. If I hurry and the traffic is good, I might be able to arrive in 10 minutes." "I don't- I don't think he can wait that long." "Then we'll have to keep talking. Keep him breathing. And try to stay calm. Freaking out like a little bitch baby won't help anyone." "I know."
He crouched down to the stranger's level. He introduced himself and explained his intentions. The guy didn't seem to care too much. At least someone was there to help him. He was clearly in a great deal of pain. Having part of your body cut open would do that.
And the blood. Oh shit, the blood. He'd once heard that the human body contained roughly five litres of blood on average. At the time, he didn't feel that was a large amount. Plus he'd also been mentally designing his costume back then. Was that why he'd picked red? Because he had blood on his mind? No, it couldn't be. He just liked red.
"Hey, the first step is putting pressure on the wound, right?" His hands were already on the wound. "Whatever you do, don't pull the knife out. Is it still in there?" "No. The thieves must have taken it with them." Henrik's cursing in German was faint. "Do you have something to use to press on the wound? You need to put pressure on it." "I'm using my hands right now." "Do you have anything else?"
Did he have something? Not really. For God's sake, he was on his way to school. All he had were notepads. He'd bought his latest one two weeks ago so most of the pages were blank. The notepads from the Tesco's down the road were pretty cheap. He was hardly rich but he could afford to lose another pound if it meant helping someone.
What was he thinking? What the hell was paper going to do? And some of those pages had touched the desks. It probably wasn't sanitary.
An item of clothing then. Being October, it wasn't cold enough yet to warrant the need for a scarf. Even if he'd wanted to pull out his costume, he had no need for it at school so it wasn't in his bag. Think. Think! Would his hoodie do? It was light grey, meaning the blood would show. Plus it was the only thing keeping him relatively warm.
Fuck it.
Without the knife stopping the blood flow, there was a decent amount of it leaking now. Five litres didn't seem so small anymore. Come on, what was five litres anyway? It was only two and a half of those massive fizzy drink bottles you could buy. Occasionally, when he simply refused to respect his blood sugar levels, he'd drink a full litre bottle of Coca Cola in one night. You had five of those in your body. Who the hell knew how many bottles this guy was down.
He hoped the wound would clot or something soon, now that it was covered by his hoodie. Instead, more complications emerged. The man was already experiencing issues with breathing. Now he beginning to plain old choke. It sounded... wet. Jackie had always hated that word when it came to coughing. The thought of it made him cringe. This wasn't right. The guy wasn't just struggling to catch his breath, he was choking on a liquid. Almost as if he was-
Okay, even if he was panicking and needed Henrik to prompt him, Jackie still knew vaguely what to do when someone was bleeding out. But this? How was he supposed to deal with this?!
"Henrik?" "I'm still here." "He's choking on his own blood. What do I do?" "Make sure his airways are clear." "But how?!"
Crap. The man slipped out of consciousness. This was getting wildly out of hand. He just wanted to go to class. In school, he just had to focus on exams. If he messed those up, it was only his life he was screwing over. This, on the other hand, was truly life and death. He was at a loss. Henrik wasn't being as helpful as he'd hoped. And the ambulance... the ambulance wasn't on its way because he'd called Schneeplestein instead.
Jesus, what was one doctor going to do compared to an ambulance with paramedics and medical equipment? He's really fucked this up, hasn't he?
He'd never dealt with something this serious before. Before, he'd see a criminal and beat them up. Maybe he'd be in the background and do some hacking. There's also that thing with the lasers. Being able to shoot lasers was cool. However, none of this helped revive someone.
"Dude. Dude! Hey, wake up. You've got to hang on a little longer. My friend will be here soon. Can you hear me?"
He checked the man's pulse. He was always so bad at this. Every Biology lesson that involved the circulatory system, he never failed to be one of the last to find their pulse. A few years ago, back when he was still preparing to earn his Junior Certificate, he would joke with friends that he was dead. Maybe he was putting his fingers too high. He thought he remembered being taught the top of the throat was the best place.
He was wasting time. At least checking for breath was simple. All you had to do was place your hands near their mouth or nose then wait to feel something. So Jackie waited.
No, he wasn't doing this right. He checked over and over. It was to no avail. He'd didn't want to admit it. He was meant to be a hero. He was supposed to help others. To save them. It was his job to bring a little more justice into the world.
He didn't think the trees would be as calming now.
"Jackie!" That was the doctor, arriving too late. "He's gone." Said the 17 year old boy who'd just witnessed a murder, his clothes and hands stained with blood.
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hollenka99 · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Video Blogging RPF Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Sean McLoughlin, Jacksepticeye - Character, Henrik von Schneeplestein, Chase Brody, Marvin the Magnificent, Jackieboyman, Antisepticeye - Character, Dr Schneeplestein Additional Tags: Kill Jacksepticeye, egotober, Egotober 2018, Egoctober, Egoctober 2018, CPR, defibrillator, Non-graphic medical procedure, Kidnapping Summary:
Dr Schneeplestein does his best to save Jack after Kill Jacksepticeye. But a certain demon is lurking. Based on a-heist-of-words' Egoctober 2018 prompt, "And now we wait."
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hollenka99 · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Video Blogging RPF Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Mark Fischbach, Sean McLoughlin, Wilford Warfstache Additional Tags: Based on a Warfstache Interviews Markiplier, But it's Jack instead, And the ending turns out differently, Stabbing, Minor Injuries, treating minor injuries, Egotober 2018 Summary:
When Mark suggested he let Wilford Warfstache interview him, Jack didn't think it would end up like this. One thing's for sure, he's not listening to Mark's ideas again. Based on a-heist-of-words' Egoctober 2018 prompt, "...ouch..." and Warfstache Interviews Markiplier.
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lamburrito · 6 years
Not a villain - WinterIron
A/N: I guess I have a thing for protective Bucky.... This one could easily also be read as friendship. Hope you like it!
Fandom: Marvel
Prompt: *growling*
Words: 416
Tony needed something to drink. That's why he decided to go into the nearest coffee shop. Bucky, who he had a conversation with, followed.
While they were waiting in line, Barnes made a few suggestions about new training methods and Tony told him his ideas about upgrades for the training materials, so that they don't have to buy a new punching bag every week. Then a big and bulky guy approached them. At first neither James or Anthony took notice of him, until that guy pulled the billionaire out of the waiting line and pushed him into the direction of the exit.
"Get out of here Stark! I don't want someone like you in this place!" he barked.
Surprised Tony looked up at the stranger. Meanwhile Bucky seemed to hold back his urge to punch that guy. Of course Stark was used to people not liking or even hating him. So he walked calmly back to Barnes.
" Well, I'm sorry, but I'm allowed to buy coffee here just as everybody else is." he told the guy, looking directly at him.
"Maybe. Though let's be honest, nobody wants a villain in their shop." was the quick reply.
Tonys eyes widen. That may not be the first time somebody called him like this, but it always hurts him. He thought after everything he has done people would see the good in him. Yes, he had made mistakes, so had everybody else, right?
Suddenly he heard growling beside him. Tony looked at Bucky, who glared dangerously at the man in front of them. James whole stance just screamed that he was ready for a fight.
"I dare you to say that again!" he growled, taking a step forward.
The Stranger visibly paled and clumsily took a step back. Tony now became aware that nobody else was talking and that all eyes were on them.
"Because Tony is definitely not a villain and I will fight everyone that says otherwise. He is a good man. Better than you probably ever will be!" Bucky continued
The guy looked around, searching for help. As he realized he wouldn't get any, he just fled without another word.
Tony looked at Bucky. He wasn't used to people defending him. He wanted to properly thank the other man but didn't know how jet. So he just said" Thanks Buck, you really didn't had to."
"But I wanted to. Somebody should show these assholes how wrong they are."
At this Tony smiled.
@mouse-the-human, @the-painter-and-the-poet, @mistressstrange
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lamburrito · 6 years
He promised - StarkQuill
A/N: My third fic for Inktober. One day too late because I came home pretty late yesterday. Anyways I hope you will like it!
Fandom: Marvel
Prompt: "He's gone!"
Words: 404
Slowly Tony woke up. Streching he felt the soreness from the previous night. The mechanic smiled at the memory. He then sat up and wondered where his partner was. He didn't heard the shower or anything else
"Friday where is Starlord?" He asked.
"He and the other Guardians left this morning." came the answer
Confused Tony looked up:"What? But he said he wanted to stay....He said he..."
"Mister Quill left a message for you,saying the night was pretty good. But it was actually a one time thing." Friday informed him.
At this words Tonys eyes gone wide. He couldn't belive it. Yesterday Peter had spoken about love and promised to stay for a while,that he wouldn't just leave the next morning. And now? All lies it seemed. Tony knew this feeling. But he had really thought Peter was diffefent. That he wouldn't do something like this.
Sighing Tony now stood up. He would rather continue to lie in bed,just forgetting what happended. But he couldn't. He had work to do. So he got dressed and walked into the kitchen.
Suddenly the other Avengers were in front of him. They were all grining darkly.
"Is your lover already gone Tony? Can't be so great in the bedroom when he already left." Clint commented.
"Do you actually belived that he loved you? Do you think somebody would ever love somebody like you?" Natascha questioned.
"No..." Tony mumbled,taking a few steps back. "But he promised..."
"He's gone! He's gone Tony! Because he knows you are nothing more than a good fuck!" Steve argued now.
Stark had to fight back tears:"Stop this!"
"Oh,is little Tony about to cry?" Wanda asked laughting
"Why are you guys saying such things?"
"Stop! Please..." Now the mechanic really started crying
"Hey Stardust!"
"Please,no more!"
"Wake up! Please!"
Tony jolted awake,looking directly in concerned eyes.
"It was just a bad dream. Everything is okay. You are safe." Peter spoke softly and wiped away Tonys tears.
"You are still here?" the smaller man asked unsure.
"Of course. I promised,remember? Is that what you dreamed about? That I left you?" Quill asked.
Tony nodded and looked down. A bit ashamed now.
"Oh Stardust,I meant everything I said. I love you. I will never intentionally hurt you. I won't lie to you."
"I love you too." Tony admitted and pressed himself against Peters chest.
Quill smiled and kissed the top of the mechanics head.
@mouse-the-human, @mistressstrange, @the-painter-and-the-poet
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lamburrito · 6 years
Happy couple - ThunderIron
A/N: So here is today's Oneshot! This time with ThunderIron, a pair I probably always will have a soft spot for.
Fandom: Marvel
Prompt:"I want to go home."
Words: 262
They were at a charity event. Tony was lively chatting with some people, his typical smile on his face. Thor stood at the bar waiting for their drinks to be ready and watching his beloved boyfriend.
The two of them got together soon after they finally won the fight against Thanos.
They were both still healing from everything that had happened to them, but Thor could literally see how Tony got better and better.
The god enjoyed to see the mechanics precious real smile and it made him really happy how much Tony trusted him by now. Their relationship, their love was everything Thor had ever wished for to find someday.
Finally Thor got the drinks. So he made his way to Tony. As soon as the billionaire saw the god his smile became brighter. Thor gave him one glass before wrapping an arm around the shorter mans waist. The mechanic immediately leaned against him.
When the person, who Tony had chatted with, was gone, Stark turned to his boyfriend.
"I want to go home."
The god raised an eyebrow and replied:"But we have only been here for an hour."
"Isn't that enough? It's rather boring here. Most people don't know me anyway, they just want me to like them, because of my money and fame. I rather be at home now so I can cuddle with you and watch a movie."
At this Thor smiled:"Well, I have to admit this really sounds better than staying here."
"Then let's go to the host to say our goodbyes and then drive home." Tony suggested happy and took the god's hand.
@mouse-the-human, @the-painter-and-the-poet, @mistressstrange
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lamburrito · 6 years
Nightmare - Mckirk
Fandom: Star Trek
Prompt: *screaming*
Leonard looked around. There was so much blood. So many injured. He could hear people screaming. Heard pained groans. He needed to think fast. He had to decided what to do. Who to treat.
A normal person would probably just flee. Away from this ship that turned into a battlefield. Away from where he heard screams from people who were killed or tortured. But he couldn't. He just had to help. He could not leave people behind, who could come trough. Who still had a chance to survive this.
Suddenly the doctor saw someone that looked awfully familiar. Though that couldn't be, right? But as Leonard got closer there was no doubt anymore. It was Jim! His captain. His best friend. His boyfriend.
"Jim! Oh god Jim!"
Quickly Mccoy scanned the captain. Trying not to panic.
"Bones... Why are you still here? You need to get away!" Kirk spoke up.
Leonard was sure it was meant to sound like a command, but the captains voice was weak.
"As if I am leaving you behind!" muttered the doctor, already beginning to treat the worst wounds.
Jim sighed and shoke his head:"Sorry Bones, not this time."
At first Leonard was confused by this until he felt he felt a familiar tingle.
"No!" he shouted.
But he was already beamed onto another ship.
"No!" he screamed and sat up.
Shaking and breathing heavily Bones looked around in panic and desperation. But he wasn't in any transporter room. He was in Jims bedroom.
"Bones, are you okay?" a worried voice asked.
"Jim?" the doctor asked and looked at the man beside him.
The blonde nodded and layed a hand on his boyfriends cheek:"Nightmare?"
"I... I guess." was McCoys reply.
"Wanna talk about it?" Jim questioned.
Leonard shoke his head before pressing himself against Jim. Making sure he was really there and wouldn't fade away.
"Okay." Jim whispered and stroked through the doctors hair.
Carefully he laid down with his boyfriend. Leonard slowly calmed down. He layed his head on Jims chest so that he could hear his heartbeat. To the sound of Jims beating heart, of him being alive and well, Leonard managed to fall asleep again.
@mouse-the-human, @medicatemedrmccoy, @flowerydazai
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rainbow-neko-main · 6 years
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Egoctober day 4 - Film Monster
Have a happy JJ fuckers ;)
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lamburrito · 6 years
Message sent - IronStrange
A/N: Last Day of the first October week and IronStrange again! Hope you like it!
Fandom: Marvel
Prompt: "No. Just... no."
Words: 406
"Stephen there is something I just have to tell you. If I am honest,I was fascinated by you the moment I first layed eyes on you. We fought side by side,I saw you turn to dust,but you and everyone else came back and so I got the chance to really get to know you. Over time this fascination turned into something else. What I want to say with this is that I have fallen in love with you."
Tony looked at his phone, at the text he had just written. He sighed. The mechanic wished he had the bravery to send this message. His thumb was right over the button. It wasn't the first time he had written such a text. It wasn't the first time he was so close to actually send his message. 
The problem was he didn't wanted to ruin this friendship. Tony didn't know if he had a chance. Couldn't tell how the other would react. 
"Hey Tones! What are you doung here just standing around?" Somebody suddenly asked and layed a hand on Starks shoulder.
The mechanic hadn't seen ot heard Rhodey approach,so he jumped slightly, accidently hitting the send button in the process. 
As Tony realized what he just did he stared wide eyed at his phone:"Oh god! No. Just...no. Please no..." 
"What's going on?" Rhodey asked confused but also concerned. 
"I just send the text! Oh god,I just told Stephen that I love him!" Tony exclaimed obviously stressed out. 
Hearing this his best friend started grinning:"Well,it's been about time."
"What? Rhodey what if he never wants to talk to me again now? What if I screwed this up?"
"I literally watched you guys pinning after each other for the last two months. So belive me when I say you don't have to worry about this." James answered.
Before the smaller man could say anything else a portal appeared near to them and Stephen Strange walked through it. Quickly Rhodey excused himself and left the room.
"Did you mean it?" questioned the Sorcerer looking directly at the mechanic. 
Tony however looked at the ground.
"Yes." he admitted.
He knew there was no use in denying it now. 
"Good." Stephen whispered,a smile on his face as he walked over to the other man.
He layed a hand on Tonys cheek, causing him to look up.
"Because I have fallen in love with you too."
@mouse-the-human, @flowerydazai, @mistressstrange, @the-painter-and-the-poet
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