#eg creativity charisma etc
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its wip wednesday and guess who ISNT writing pokemon fic for once? [dipper pines voice] this guy!!!
anyway yeah the gf hype train got me, ok? dipper being canonically kinda angsty about his parents got me. i've always thought it'd be interesting if in the space between when stan's memories get erased and the twins' birthday party it actually takes some time for stan to get his memories back. cartoon logic suggests it happens right away, but well. where's the fun in that! tl;dr this fic is basically "what if stan remembers mabel (and everyone else lol) better and sooner than he remembers dipper" because it's been like 10 years and i'm still not over dreamscaperers. i guess
“Your mind is all about logic and order,” Mabel goes on, “but Grunkle Stan’s isn’t. He loves you, Dipper, c’mon! You’re being all worry-y!” “I am not!” “You are, and it’s not gonna help with anything! It’s only been a couple days. Isn’t it a little early to be jumping to those kinda conclusions?” He flops down on his bed again with a sigh. “I just don’t want to be the memory he never gets back.” “You won’t be,” Mabel says confidently. “I wouldn’t let Grunkle Stan forget about you. Promise.” The remaining bit of fight left in him expels itself on his next breath. “Thanks, Mabel,” he mutters. “Sorry for being all worry-y.” She grins at him. “Don’t worry about it, bro. Now let’s get some sleep, or you’ll be worry-y tomorrow, too.” She’s right, of course, but that doesn’t mean sleep comes easy—for either of them. Mabel has been tossing and turning in her sleep these past few nights, muttering nonsense Dipper isn’t even sure he wants to try to understand the meaning of. As for him, every time he closes his eyes, he sees Bill again. The moment he turned Ford to gold and burned the journals, holding his sister hostage, shaking Stan’s hand… Whenever he does manage to fall asleep, it’s that same dream he’s been having all summer. Not worth it, too hard, forget about it, I’ve had enough. This doesn’t do much to curb his worrying the next morning, which has him feeling defeated before he’s even made it to the breakfast table. Mabel attempts to cheer him up with a glass of Mabel Juice in spite of his vehement refusals, while Stan walks into the kitchen and says, “Sheesh, why the long face, kid?” Dipper rubs at his eyes, sighing. He looks around the kitchen suspiciously. “Where’s Great Uncle Ford?” Stan shrugs. “Said somethin’ about going into town.” “Really?” Mabel frowns and scratches at her head. “Does he even know how to do that?”
#taylor.txt#wips#the actual thesis here is about how like. stan sees in mabel's traits of his own that he actually puts value and stock in#eg creativity charisma etc#but in dipper he sees a lot of the things about himself that he actively tries to repress - theres that sense of loneliness and awkwardness#they actually do find common ground in in roadside attraction but also like...that unyielding devotion. stubborn rather than tenacious like#the boy can hold a GRUDGE lol#anyway i could go on and on about how much more interested i am in the stan and dipper parallels than the stan and mabel parallels#and relatedly the ford and mabel parellels > the ford and dipper parallels (but i already wrote that fic in 2020 lmao)#but like. i'll stop talking because i dont need to get more annoying about a new thing lol
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Colour Magick Correspondences & Ideas
*longer read*
Pretty easily applied for both beginner, closet and experienced practitioners alike! Can be used in most areas of mundane and magickal life (with some ideas listed below).
→ Cleansing, clarity, blessing, healing, innocence, truth, connection to spirits or the spiritual world, divine connection, consecration, dream work, psychic connection, purity, rest, moon magic, angelic work, devotion, harmony, prayer, peace, purification, universal truths. White can also be used as an all-purpose color for your intention when the color you want is not available.
→ Banishing, transformation, uncrossing, endings, domination, protection, reversing, repulsion, freedom from evil, cursing, cloaking, sophistication, security, emotional safety, closure, breaking patterns, grief, mourning, absorbing, removing, trapping, encasing, the unconscious, mystery, shielding from the evil eye, *similarly to white - as black is an absence of colour it can be used for any colour if you don’t have them available* - personal opinion
→ Passionate love, energy, action, attraction, sexuality, magnetism, will, force, anger, fire within, courage, warmth, lust, drive, pleasure, vitality, vigor, excitement, desire.
→ New opportunities, new ventures, new beginnings, change of plans, encouragement, opening the way, removing blocks, physical comfort, warmth, security, ambition, creativity, courage, optimism.
-> Optimism, prosperity, happiness, good luck, attraction, success, confidence, visibility, fame, self-esteem, communication, concentration, focus, inspiration, intellect, logic, memory, knowledge, learning.
→ Prosperity, abundance, wealth, generosity, money luck, career, growth, fertility, gambling luck, business, a good job, harmony, balance, healing, self-love, altruism, universal love, contact with fae and nature spirits.
→ Reconciliation, harmony, peace, kindness, healing, ideas, intelligence, wisdom, loyalty, sleep, meditation, communication, creativity, dream work, trust, blessings, calm, forgiveness, truth, bliss, inspiration, fidelity, honesty.
→ Healing, calming, tranquility, spirituality, meditation, pacification, cooperation, sensitivity, compassion, empathy, selflessness, empowerment, controlling, commanding, mastery, power, ambition, achievement, charisma, luxury, expansion, psychic ability, spirituality, authenticity, truth, transformation, insight, justice, wisdom, politics, divination, ESP, intuition, wishes, influence.
→ Romantic love, friendship, soul mates, sweet feelings, emotional healing, heart connection, affection, family love, admiration, physical tranquility, nurturing, warmth, youthfulness, healing grief, compassion, forgiveness, beauty, unconditional love.
→ Justice, balance, grounding, court cases, legal matters, being down-to-earth, practical matters, seriousness, reliability, support, stability, safety, earth, nature, animals, home, nostalgia, basic needs being met, balance.
→ Neutrality, neutralizing, invisibility, working in “gray areas,” anonymity, hiding from others, working in-between worlds, secrets, occult and arcane wisdom, reversing, uncovering mysteries and secrets, lifting curses, undoing prior spell work.
→ Dreams, intuition, psychic work, courtesy, honor, moon magic, rhythm, cycles, divination, illusions, glamour spells, wisdom.
→ Prosperity, fame, luxury, generosity, optimism, wisdom, enlightenment, victory, sun magic, confidence, life force, power, attraction, magnetism, vigor, charisma.
*highly recommend Madame Pamita’s Book of Candle Magic - covers colour magic especially in relation to spell work with candles.
→ candle magick
→ glamour magick - also wearing/makeup using a colour which corresponds to the property you desire (good for closet witches)
→ sigil magick
→ craft magick
→ kitchen witchery - eg. Putting a specific colour food dye in a cake or drink etc
(Essentially anything you want!)
Merry meet,
Atti <3
#witch blog#witchblr#witchcraft#witchythings#eclectic witch#beginner witch#baby witch#cottage witch#hedge witch#kitchen witch#closet witch#colour magic#candle magic#sigil witch#chaos witch#glamour witch#witchcraft 101#witch stuff#green witch#witchery#witch#witch community#crystal witch
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Building Emiko Queen in D&D 5e
As we all know by now, I’m inspired to do these builds by those made by Tulok the Barbarian. But after a few of those (we had Cass Cain and Static for DC and Nico Minoru and Laura Kinney for Marvel) I wanted to try to challenge him somewhat. There is his Hawkeye build which is veeeery good and could work perfectly with almost any comics archer, be it Kate Bishop or Green Arrow. A challenge I want to give myself is to make a build that could function similar but does not use the same baseline, so no Arcane Archer. And I have a character I think can be perfect for exactly that.
First, let us write down our goals for this build. We need to make Emiko an archer so good even her own brother admitted she is better than him. Then we need to make her stealthy - she is a former assassin and you don’t put an arrow through Deathstroke’s head by loudly announcing your presence. Finally, we need to get our own equivalent of trick arrows.
For Ability Scores, I’ll be using standard points array, if you or you DM prefers to roll or use point buy, treat this as a guideline. Dexterity is our top priority since this is the basic of archery in the game. Wisdom next, Emiko surprises her enemies, not the other way around. Constitution next, we will need it for concentration. Intelligence as Emi isn’t known for bad grades. Charisma is on the low but, in all fairness, she can come off as abrasive or arrogant at times. And we will dump strength - you either go all-in with it or you drop it. The Stats should then look like this: STR 8 DEX 15 CON 13 INT 12 WIS 14 CHA 10
Now for species, or how D&D likes to call it, Race. Emiko is a Human, there is nothing meta or alien about it, it’s part of the whole badass normal appeal. So we will make her the most badass human, Variant Human. Add +1 to your Dexterity and Wisdom, choose Athletics for your bonus skill, any language of your choice and Sharpshooter for a feat. It lets you make long-range attacks without disadvantage, ignore half and three-quarters cover and take -5 to the attack roll for +10 to damage if you hit.
For the Background, we cannot choose assassin but Urban Bounty Hunter will work just fine. It lets you choose proficiency with a musical instrument and a set of gaming tools and two skills. We will go for Deception and Insight. It also gives you an Ear to the Ground feature, which allows you to have contacts in every city, which you can use to get information on criminal activities. I assume Emiko gained a few of these during her time under Simon Lacroix, in Team Arrow or Teen Titans.
For the Classes, we are multiclassing two classes, one of which is Rogue. And if there is one thing that has been true in D&D even waay back during 3rd edition, it is this. If you’re multiclassing with Rogue, start with the Rogue. First level gives us proficiency in all simple weapons, light armors, thieves’ tools, secret Thieve’s Cant language, Intelligence and Dexterity saving throws and four skills - choose Acrobatics, Stealth, Perception, and Investigation. We then get Expertise in two of those, letting us double the proficiency bonus to them and you should pick Stealth and Perception.
We also get Sneak Attack, which allows us to deal an extra 1d6 damage on a hit with finesse or ranged weapon, as long as we either have advantage on the attack or the target is standing no less than 5 feet away from someone hostile to them who isn’t incapacitated and we do not have disadvantage on the attack roll.
You might have noticed that this does not give us one crucial thing - proficiency with the longbow. Let us fix that. First level of Ranger gives us proficiency with it and all martial weapons, one skill of choice, choose Survival. You also get two features.
UPDATE Since this was published a new Unearthed Arcana presented variant features for the Ranger that let us replace the shitty ones from main build and still stack with prestige class we’re using, we’ll take them.
Favored Foe lets you cast Hunter’s Mark, with a casting time of 1 bonus action and a concentration time up to 1 hour, lets you mark a single target, deal 1d6 extra damage whenever you hit them and gain an advantage on Perception and Survival checks to find them. If the target dies before the spell's duration ends, you can move it to another one. This spell does not count against the number of spells you know and you can cast it without expending a spell slot (more about that in a moment) number of times equal your Wisdom Modifier per long rest.
Deft Explorer lets us choose one of three options. Tireless let us remove one level of exhaustion whenever we finish short rest and let us heal 1d10+WIS modifier as an action, usable equal amount of time per long rest as your WIS modifier.
ALTERNATIVE: You might have noticed I’m using standard Ranger and not a much better, revised version. This is because we will be taking an archetype that officially cannot be combined with the revised Ranger. If your DM would let you combine them then a) cherish your DM like a fool they are and b) you get to choose only one type of humanoid for favored enemy but get +2 to damage rolls against them and you natural explorer gives you an advantage on Initiative rolls, advantage on attacks against creatures that have not yet acted during your first turn of combat and lets you ignore difficult terrain.
Second level Ranger gets to choose a Fighting Style and Archery gives us +2 to ranged attack rolls, helping mitigate that pesky -5 from Sharpshooter. We also get to learn our first two spells. Ranger’s spellcasting works like Sorcerer’s - we get to know a number of spells according to the level and have a number of spell slots and we have to burn to cast a spell. You can cast a spell using a higher level spell slot to give it a bonus, you can change one spell you know for another whenever you take a level in Ranger and you cannot learn a spell of a higher level than your highest spell slot available. If a spell allows a saving throw, the difficulty is your Wisdom modifier + your Proficiency Bonus and if it asks for an attack roll it’s those two +8. And thanks to Spell Versitality from Unearthed Arcana, you can replace spell you know with another spell of the same level every long rest.
We get to know two spells on the first level and we will pick two to make our first trick arrows
Ensnaring Strike - next time you hit a target with an attack, they must make a Strength saving throw or be restrained by magical vines until you break concentration, after a minute of time or whenever they or another creature wastes an action to take another Strength check to free them and actually succeeds. Also, the target takes 1d6 poison damage at the beginning of each their turn. This is our net arrow.
Fog Cloud creates a sphere of fog 20-foot radius, in which the area is heavily obscured. You can concentrate on it for up to 1 hour or until a strong enough wind blows it away. This is our smoke arrow.
Now back to Rogue at second level we get Cunning action, letting us take hide, dash or disengage as a bonus action.
3rd Level Rogue updates their Sneak Attack to 2d6 and gets to choose a Roguish Archetype. And we will, of course, go with Assassin. I mean, Emiko is one, it kinda goes without saying. 3rd Level gives us proficiency with disguise and poisoner’s kits and a creatively called feature of Assassinate - it gives you an advantage on attacks you make during the first round of combat against enemies that haven’t acted yet and makes any hit automatically count as a critical hit.
Neat, huh? Well, let us make it even better. 3rd Level Ranger gets to choose their own archetype, Ranger Conclave. Gloom Stalker gives you Umbral Sight, which grants you Darkvision up to 60 ft - you see like normal in dim light and like in dim light in darkness - AND in darkness you are invisible to any creatures trying to see you with Darkvision.
But the real treasure of this archetype is Dread Ambusher lets you add your Wisdom modifier to Initiative rolls. And during your first turn of combat your speed increases by 10 feet, as long as you won’t interrupt your move by any other action (eg. if you move, attack and move again you’re back to your normal speed) and lets you make an additional attack as a part of that turn and if that attack hits, you add 1d8 to the damage.
Let me lay it down for those who were not paying attention. You add two your highest modifiers to Initiative, you get to make two attacks with advantage and if you hit you add 1d8 to one and your Sneak Attack damage to both AND then roll that damage twice for an automatic crit. On top of having Hunter’s Mark
Gloom Stalker also adds Disguise Self to your Spells know, without it counting against the maximum number of spells you can know. It allows you to change your appearance for up to an hour without need for concentration and you cannot change your body type (in a sense you cannot grow extra limbs, horns or wings, not making yourself look more muscular, thinner etc.) and you cannot make yourself look more than 1 feet taller or shorter than you already are. It’s an illusion and falls doesn’t hold to physical inspection. I don’t know if it is an Emiko thing, you can always keep it to exchange for something else later.
Strategy: At your first turn pick up the most dangerous-looking soon-to-be-dead enemy, put Hunter’s Mark on them and make them take 26 on first and 34 on second attack on average, 52 and 68 respectively maximum. And that damage will only grow with the levels. Now imagine you also get advantage on Initiative rolls and +4 to that damage and you understand why a DM that lets you combine this with Revised Ranger is a fool.
You also get a rather mediocre and situational Primeval Awareness so we will exchange it for Primal Awareness from Unearthed Arcana, which allows us to add following spells to spells you know, without them counting against the limit of spells you know, on top of the one you get to pick. on this level
Detect Magic allows you to sense magic around you up to 10 minutes on Concentration, within 30 feet but blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt. You see aura of magical objects and beings and can recognize what school of magic it is. Some sort of radar or scanner maybe?
Speak With Animals - up to 10 minutes, no concentration, you can communicate with animals and convince them to do you small favors or ask minor things like the location of monster they’ve seen within a day.
Hail of Thorns has concentration-time up to one minute and casting of 1 bonus action and lets you make your arrow burst with thorns. When you hit a target, it deals 1d10 (+1d10 for each higher level of spell that it is cast from) piercing damage to them and everyone within 5 feet of them, half on successful Dexterity saving throw. Exploding arrow.
Fourth level Ranger gets an Ability Score Improvement or a feat. We will pick Weapon Master, which lets us increase our Dexterity by 1 and get another Fighting Style out of Fighter’s list - Close Quater’s Shooter from Unearthed Arcana grants you +1 bonus on ranged attacks and lets you make ranged attacks within 5 feet of enemies without disadvantage on the attack roll.
Alternative: If your stats are high enough you do not need an extra point here to round everything up and prefer to stay away from enemies at all times, pick up Alert instead - you get +5 to Initiative, cannot be surprised and hidden enemies do not get an advantage on attack rolls against you.
Fourth Level Rogue gets their Ability Score Improvement, letting us add +1 to two stats and round up Dexterity and Wisdom.
Fifth Level Ranger gets an extra attack, letting you attack twice as a part of the same action. Making it three attacks on your first turn. You also get to learn a new spell and it can be a 2nd level spell even.
Cordon of Arrows lets you place up to 4 arrows as an action in an area, protecting it for up to 8 hours, and whenever another creature will get closer to it than 30 feet to any, it will fire and force a Dexterity saving throw or deal to that creature 1d6 damage.
And of course, Gloom Stalker lets you learn another one - Rope Trick. It lets you turn a rope for 1 hour into a way to another dimension, where up to 8 medium or smaller creatures can rest protected from attacks or spells and invisible to anyone. Between these two spells I assume Emiko is paranoid about being ambushed.
Primal Awareness gives us two more Spells, Beast Sense has a concentration time up to 1 hour and allows you to touch a willing beast and on action hear and see all it does. I guess you put a small camera on it?
Locate Animals or Plants allows you to describe a specific kind of animal or plant within 5 miles.
But if we need something more defensive in combat, we should head back to the Rogue. 5th level Rogue rises our Sneak attack to 3d6 and gives us Uncanny Dodge - whenever you get hit with an attack, you can use your reaction to half the damage you’ve taken.
(Just to be clear, this is THE OPPOSITE of what she’s doing here)
6th level Rogue gains expertise in two more skills, Acrobatics and Survival will nicely fit the build so far.
7th Level Rogue gets Evasion, meaning that whenever an effect would call for a successful Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, you instead take no damage as long as you pass the saving throw. And Sneak Attack increases to 4d6.
8th and Final level of Rogue gains Ability Score improvement, you should be able to cap out Dexterity
6th Level Ranger gets boring extra favored enemy and favored terrain. 7th level is better, you get a Gloom Stalker feature, Iron Mind, which gains you proficiency in Wisdom Saving throws so that Count Vertigo won’t trap you in fantasies about Nightwing again.
You also learn a new spell but honestly and Unearthed Arcana added few good ones. While usually, I’d go with Enhance Ability, Gust of Wind feels like a better fit for trick arrows theme - it’s a concentration for up to 1 minute and creates strong wind in 60 feet long and 10 feet wide radius in any direction you want (which you can change on each of your turns), removing gas and vapor from it, extinguishing all unprotected flames and having 50% chance on doing so to protected ones. Creatures in line move with half of their movement speed against the wind’s direction and on the beginning of their turn they must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away. Wind Arrow?
8th Level Ranger gets an Ability Score Improvement, raise your Wisdom. You also get Land’s Stride, letting you ignore the effects of nonmagical difficult terrain and advantage on saving throws against plants magically made to impede your movement.
9th Level Ranger gets to learn 3rd level spells. Chances are you might also want to replace some less than useful ones you picked so far, so I’ll list all best options here
Conjure Barrage lets you throw an arrow in the ait to make it rain arrows, dealing 3d8 damage to every creature in a 60-foot cone, half on a successful Dexterity saving throw. Less a trick arrow and more you replicating that time Ollie fired five arrows at different targets all at once.
Flame Arrows - concentration up to 1 hour to let you make your arrow deal extra 1d6 fire damage. Heated arrow, if that is a thing.
Lighting Arrow allows you to transform your arrow into a freaking lightning bolt, dealing target 4d8 lightning damage on a hit, 2d8 on a miss and whenever you hut or not every creature within 10 feet of it takes 2d8 lightning damage, half on a successful Dexterity saving throw. Electric arrow.
Gloom Stalker adds to this Fear - every creature in a 30-foot cone must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for up to 1 minute (requires concentration) or on successful Wisdom saving throw granted if the affected creature loses the sight of you. Frightened creatures drop whatever they’re holding and must spend their turn taking dash action to move away from you, if they can. “I Borrowed a Page From Scarecrow’s Book” Arrow.
10th Level Ranger gains another favored terrain and Fade Away from Unearthed Arcana, which once per short or long rest allows you to as a bonus action become invisible until start of your next turn.
11th Level Gloom Stalker gains Stalker’s Fury - from now on once on each of your turns if you miss an attack you can make another one as a part of the same action. Meaning if one of your 3 attacks with advantage and auto-crit won’t hit, you can just add another one to it.
Our Captsone is 12th level of Ranger, letting us cap that Wisdom.
You are Rogue 8/Ranger 12, let us consider the pros and cons of this build. First of all, you go first. With +10 to initiative (+15 with Alert) you plain and simple go. First. You go first and someone dies when you put three arrows in them and throw a fist full of d6 and d8 dice at the DM. With Sneak Attack, Dread Ambusher, Hunter’s Mark, advantage on attack rolls, automatic critical hits and an ability to reroll a failed attack because you can deal from 2 to 4 d8 + 10d6 damage. Second, you have multiple ways to ambush or sneak upon your enemies and make sure they do not sneak up on you. Finally, Hail of Thorns, Fear and Lighting Arrow give you something against a group of enemies.
Now for the cons. First of all, you’re pretty much a one-trick-pony, focused on taking an enemy down fast, before they can even act.You drop someone on the first turn but are not that effective on the next ones and DM can quickly learn to simply add more enemies to every encounter. Second, your Constitution is not that high and both your HP and Concentration are lacking, while you need the latter for many spells and the former...you’re not within the Power Word: Kill range, but a single attack could drop you there. You also deal piercing damage and even the alternate types of damage you can deal are ones that many high-level enemies will have resistance or immunity against. Finally, you are all about stealth so you may not work well with a group more about full-frontal attack. But you still work best with a team. Be it Team Arrow or Teen Titans, you are most effective when you keep your distance and support first-line fighters with deadly strikes. Remember, you took down the world’s deadliest assassin when he was preoccupied with Robin.
Suggested choice of partner to team-up with.
If your stats are good enough you can max DEX and WIS with just 4 Ability Score Improvements, consider 2 levels of Fighter to gain action Surge - suddenly your 3 attacks in first round become 5 and you can still pick second fighting style without taking Weapon Master feat.
If you want to sacrifice your stronger trick arrows to be stealthier or deadlier, consider replacing 4 levels of Ranger with Monk - you gain unarmored movement, add Wisdom to your Armor Class, get an unarmed strike to defend yourself in close-combat. Pick Way of the Shadow for a set of spells that make you stealthier.
If you want to say fuck off to the trick arrows aspect completely, be Rogue 8/Ranger 6/Monk 6 and pick either Way of the Kensei, letting your arrows become magical and allowing you to spend ki points to add even mroe damage to them or Way of Shadow for freaking teleport.
Mind you, do not pick Way of the Kensei for 4 levels of Monk, you can only add 1d4 to your ranged damage for a bonus action and Hunter’s Mark and Hail of Thorns just do it better.
You have any suggestions of criticism? Or maybe a character you would like to see turned into a D&D build? Always open to constructive criticism or ideas.
ERRATA: Since the publications for new class options from Unearthed Arcana I have updated the build to include them.
- Admin
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I don't ship kallurance but I LOVE being nosy about other people's projects. Whatchu got in the works 👀
I’m really mad cos I tried writing a long-ass response to this twice already!!! But my browser crashed the first time and then windows hit me with a surprise update the second lol. I had torewrite it so I’m sorry for the late reply :(
Kinda long so I put it under a cut:
Here’s an old summary for the superhero au fic (Title is almost definitely gonna change):
tbh I’m not greatat writing romance and I don’t find it particularly fun to write?? So more like kallurance-leaning slightly-shippy gen but w/ever not important OKAY SO first the backstory and oh boy it’s very convoluted and doesn’t make much sense right now so strap in:
I was thinking the story would be set in acyperpunk-style AU, wherein Voltron is a team of underground heroes trying totake down the Galra- a sinister corporation who have essentially taken oppressive controlof the city through widespread use of their technology.
Back when the GalraCorporation were just coming into power, team Voltron was first employed byAltea Industries- Galra’s rival company- as a heroic task-force charged withprotecting the citizens of the city. Before the story begins an “accident”happens at Altea Industries (obviously a deliberate attack organised byGalra) that left the founder of the company dead and his daughter Allura, heirto Altea industries and member of the Voltron force, in a coma she’s yet towake up from. This is two years before the story begins.
For a short time afterthe incident, the four remaining members of Voltron (Keith, Lance, Pidge and Hunk) tried to keep the teamtogether and continue their work as vigilante heroes. They officially split upafter Keith leaves the group to look for his best-friend-slash-psuedo-brother Shiro, who went missing and isbelieved to have been taken by the Galra. Keith’s decision to leave caused anargument between him and Lance, which led to a rift in the team and the othermembers drifting away for their own reasons.
Keith was captured by theGalra in his attempts to find Shiro, and has spent a year imprisoned and subjectedto the torture of having his powers being experimented on. It’s revealed at somepoint that Keith let himself be captured deliberately so he could look forShiro on the inside- while he was there he discovered that Shiro has beenbrainwashed by the Galra and is working as one of their law enforcers. He doesn’t recognise Keith at all, and Keith realises that without Shiro’s help he’s stuck as the Galra’s prisoner.
After the other three split, Lance is left as the soleactive member of Voltron, and has spent the two years prior to the start of thestory working to undermine the Galra and protect the city as much as he’s able,turning himself into a wanted fugitive in the process and living isolated inhiding. He’s the only one still in contact with Coran, who is protecting Allura while she’s in a coma, and they both spend the years watching over her and never losing hope that she’ll wake up.
I had some complicated plot stuff planned where Altea, before it was attacked, was in the middle of producing a piece of super-tech that would allow them to take down the Galra and restore freedom to the city. The tech shared the name “Voltron” with their team of heroes, and worked as a power-augmentation device that would allow the team to mentally connect with one another and boost their powers. The attack on Altea industries doubled as an attempt by the Galra to steal it, but somehow when she was caught in the firefight Allura used her astral projection ability to merge her consciousness with the Voltron device. The real reason she won’t wake up in present-day is that she’s still mentally connected to Voltron, which is locked away deep in a Galra facility, miles away.
So that’s where everyone’s at! The story revolves around Lance trying to resurrect team Voltron- finding and reconnecting with his old teammates and convincing them to take another shot at the Galra- while also dealing with everyone’s separate trauma and the fact that poor Shiro is still mind-controlled and basically acting as the main villain for the entire first act.
The story begins withPidge contacting Lance for the first time since Voltron’s disbandment, claimingthat she’s been sent information from an anonymous source containing Keith’swhereabouts, and instructions on how to break him out.
Pidge and Hunk reluctantly agree to team up once again for the sake of rescuing Keith, and they break into the Galra research facility he’s being held in.
During his time as a prisoner Keith learnt that Voltron is being kept in the same facility as him and the Galra are running tests on in. Mid break-out he convinces the others to find and retrieve it.
They rescue Keith, and when they reconvene at Coran’s hideout and bring the device within her range, Allura manages to separate her consciousness from it and finally wakes up. Yay! Everyone is confused and horrified by this revelation!! Allura, you’ve been a brain-ghost infused with a piece of stolen technology this whole time?? And the Galra have been messing with Voltron without realising you were hitching a ride?? That’s gotta have consequences, right??
Probably. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
AND NOW THE SUPERPOWERS:because that’s the most fun part of superhero aus obviously
I wanted to try and be abit more creative with the powers and stay away fromelemental/bending type ones lol. The only one I’m pretty set on is Allura, the others’ powers are things I’m still working out and would love some help with if anyone has any cool ideas! I’m totally okay with everyone having more than one superpower. Here’s what I’ve got so far:
One of the world’s most powerfultelepaths/psychics. Can communicate telepathically, “astral project” herconsciousness to other locations within a certain perimeter, and read minds.
Perhaps has some of her VLD-canon Altean powers eg. can communicate withanimals.
She can also manipulate other people’s thoughts and perceptions to createillusions. Can’t physically shapeshift but can create the illusion that she looks different.
As well as abilitiesof the mind, she has a strong connection with spirit/essence; eg. can senseother’s whereabouts or tell when they’re being influenced by an externalsource. Cannot heal physical injuries but has some sway over ailments of thespirit and mind.
Power augmentation through a conduit: Being connected to Voltron for so long merged her essence with it, so now she can wield it as a conduit to boost people’s power, or like,,, direct and control Voltron’s innate power-boosting abilities at will via her telepathy (tbh I’m bullshitting a bit here while I throw ideas around lol)
If anyone in this AU is gonna have element-based powers it’sgonna be Keith- either he has fire affinity (can create and control fire +heat) or I could ramp up the angst and have him go full-on Jean Grey Phoenixmode ehehehe.
The other main idea I had was power negation- upon physical contact he can cancel other people’spowers out. This would be interesting if it’s something he doesn’t havefull control over, and I reckon it’s something the Galra would take a lot ofinterest in using to their own advantage- would also be an interesting oppositeto Allura’s power augmentation ability.
The other things I had listed aspossibilities for Keith are all endurance/enhancement-based powers eg. Enhancedspeed, dexterity and agility, night vision, regenerative/accelerated healingetc. All of these could be innate or they could be powers given to him by theGalra in an attempt to turn him into a weapon like they did Shiro.
Also not settledon anything for Lance but I did want him in part to have more compulsion andcharisma-based powers that fit his more sociable personality. He hascharmspeaking, a hypnotic ability that lets him influence the thoughts and actionsof the person he’s talking to. Even when he’s not using the ability he has away with persuasion.
I also like the idea of him having omniligualism (thepower to speak all languages) or a similar variant that allows him to be easilyunderstood by and communicate with anyone despite language barriers.
I had an earlier ideathat everyone’s powers, where applicable, would be based on their original lion’spowers in vld canon? I’ve mostly scrapped that at this point but I do stilllike the idea of Lance having a sort of echolocation type of thing- maybe morelike he can feel the vibrations of structures around him and instantly puttogether a mental-map of the area. If he knocks against the outside wall of abuilding then he can feel out the layout of the interior, along those lines.Think Toph Beifong.
I also wanna give him low-level telekinesis because I think he’d had fun with that lol.
I actually likethe idea of Shiro not having any powers originally; the Galra imbued him withsome abilities through his prosthetic arm that he wasn’t born with. The worst one isthe power to manipulate and deconstruct organic matter; the Galra intended forhim to use it to destroy and kill, but I had a thought I liked a lot where Shiro takesownership of it after they save him from the brainwashing, and he eventuallylearns to use it to heal and becomes the team’s go-to doctor.
I might scrap the idea ofhim not originally having any powers, depends if I can come up with anything.Maybe I can go back to my they-have-their-og-lion’s-powers idea and give himteleportation, and he eventually learns how to do it mentally and can astralproject.
Okay actually NightCrawler is my favourite superhero and I’m gonna fuckin let Shiro nightcrawl,fight me.
Technopathy,obviously!!! She can do pretty much anything with technology, and I wasthinking that similar to VLD canon where Pidge adds her own modifications to herlion to give it new powers, in this AU she makes a lot of devices of her ownthrough her technopathy that give her access to a lot of manufactured superpowers eg. Invisibility/cloaking,electricity manipulation, some other cool stuff idk yet.
She also has eideticmemory and low-level telekinesis which she mostly just uses to help herretrieve objects in her lab when she’s hyperfocused and doesn’t wanna get up.
Hunk is an empath, which makes him goodat intelligence gathering because he can detect when people are lying throughtheir emotions.
Also had animation/”life spark” down as a possibility, which isthe ability to bring inanimate objects temporarily to life; his creationsfollow his directions but their sentience levels are very low and they have noemotional intelligence. E.g he could hypothetically create an army out ofshopping mall dummies to fight for him, which probably wouldn’t do much physical damagebut would work as a good distraction while he hightails it outta there. Alsowould be a very good intimidation tactic cos that would be a terrifying sightahaha
Idk I don’t have a lot ofother good ideas for Hunk someone help me
Enhanced memory, though not photographic or near-infalliable like Pidge’s is, and he’s kinda useless with it (mostly just usesit to subject people to long-winded anecdotes about his crazy life)
Omnilingualism. Thinks this makes him a gooddiplomat but historically it’s just gotten him into trouble with more people.
He’s spent the entire time since Voltron’sdisbandment guarding Allura while she’s asleep, protecting her from assassinationattempts, so it’d be cool if he had some other kind of power that allowed himto do this easily? Not anything flashy, an ability that a lot of people wouldunderestimate or dismiss as harmless, but something that’s let him keep themboth safe while she’s so vulnerable.
AND THAT’S ALL I’VE GOT FOR NOW I hope it sounds interesting??? It’s kinda a complicated mess atm but I have fun thinking about this AU and I’d like to do something with it soon.
It’d be a mess of cheesy sci-fi drama and angst and found family so like,,, all good things. Thank you for asking about it I love to rant about my projects lmao
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hiya, so, lately i’ve been seeing “777” a ton ?? also i always look at the time to find “11:56am/pm” & “2:34am/pm”
Thank you for sharing!!! 777 I see that a lot on the daily too! Very positive and exciting for sure!! Love that :D Since the 11:56 and 2:34 are pretty specific to you I want to post about the energy signatures of those numbers on here along with 777 from this number data base I pulled up this information about the energy signature/virbration of the numbers you have been seeing 777 “Number 777 is a highly spiritual number with the mystical number 7 appearing tripled, making its influences most powerful. Number 7 resonates with the the ‘Collective Consciousness’, spiritual awakening and awareness, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual acceptance and development, mysticism, intuition and inner-knowing, inner-wisdom, empathic abilities, psychic abilities, the esoteric, the inner-self, deep contemplation and introspection, eccentric, religion, thoughtfulness, understanding others, natural healer and healing, secrets, myth, ritual, peace, poise, emotions and feelings, inner-strength, endurance and perseverance, persistence of purpose, the ability to bear hardships, solitary, isolation, long-sighted, the non-conformist, independence and individualism, intentions, manifesting and manifestation in time and space, good fortune, mental analysis, philosophy and the philosophical, technicality, scientific research, science, alchemy, genius, a keen mind, specializing and the specialist, determination, logic, understanding, discernment and discerning, knowledge-seeking, study, education and learning, evolution, stability, the ability to set limits, completion, refinement, stoicism, silence, perfection, chastity, dignity, rigor, and ahead of the times.Angel Number 777 reminds you that you are here at this time to spiritually evolve, and you do this by expressing the highest and best of yourself and embracing your unique abilities (whatever they may be) to be of service to others in both big and small ways. Recognize and acknowledge the highest and best parts of yourself and use your talents and traits to bring love, light and healing to your own life and that of others.Angel Number 777 indicates that you have listened to Divine guidance and are now putting that wisdom to work in your life, and the time has come to reap the rewards for your hard work and efforts. You are being commended by the angels as your successes are inspiring, helping and teaching others by example. Know that your wishes are coming to fruition in your life as a direct result of your positive efforts and attitude towards your life, and you can expect many more miracles to occur for you, both large and small. 777 brings a message that you are on the right path and living and serving your Divine life purpose. The Universe is happy with your progress and due to your positive efforts and hard work you have earned your rewards.”The 11:56 “Number 1156 is a combination of the attributes and energies of number 1 (appearing twice, amplifying its influences) blended with the vibrations of number 5 and number 6Number 1 resonates with creation and new beginnings, striving towards achieving goals, trying new things, self-reliance and determination, intuition and initiative. Number 1 tells us that we create our own realities with our actions, thoughts and beliefs. Number 1 appearing twice together relates to theMaster Teacher Number 11. The karmic number 11 resonates with the principles of spiritual awakeningand enlightenment, illumination, high energy, self-expression and sensitivity, creative idealism, inspiration and intuition, and mysticism. Master Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know, live and serve our soul mission and Divine life purpose. Number 5 relates to important life changes, creativity and new beginnings, auspicious new opportunities, making positive life choices and decisions, learning lessons through experience, resourcefulness, adaptability and versatility, and personal freedom. Number 6 adds its attributes of the material aspects of life, home, family and domesticity, compromise, service to others and selflessness, responsibility and reliability, and providing for the self and others. Number 6 also resonates with personal willpower and overcoming obstacles.1156 is a message that your material needs will be supplied as you begin to make the necessary changes that you are prompted and guided to make. Your angels ask that you keep your thoughts positive and light, as your focus and attitude manifests and determines the outcome. The changes you need to make involve how you pursue, live and serve your life purpose and soul mission.1156 suggests that your determination to positively change your life (eg. career, home, finances etc) is being Divinely guided, so listen to your intuition and the guidance from the angels and pursue the course of action that takes you closer to living your personal truths. Your intuition is your link to the angels. Always be aware of angelic love as it is unconditional and always available to you.1156 may also indicate that a very happy change and/or addition will be coming to your home and family. This change or addition will bring love and happy times.”234 “Number 234 is a mix of the energies and attributes of number 2, the vibrations of number 3 and the qualities of number 4.Number 2 denotes finding balance and harmony within, love and support, diplomacy and co-operation, and listening to your intuitive insights. Number 2 relates to your faith and trust and Divine life purposeNumber 3 relates to optimism and enthusiasm, inspiration and creativity, encouragement and assistance, talent and skills, expansion and growth, charisma and excellent communicative skills to manifest your desires and chosen path. Number 3 also relates to the Ascended Masters who help you to focus upon the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires.Number 4 tells of working steadily, patiently and diligently towards achieving goals and aspirations, truth and integrity, practicality, system and order, self-initiation, building solid foundations and enthusiasm coupled with determination.234 is a message to put some extra focus and effort towards your creative endeavours to ensure that you manifest long-term rewards on all levels. If you have been considering a new direction or beginning a new project or venture, now would be a most auspicious time to make that choice and take action. Trust that the work you do today will bring benefits to your life in the future. 234 is a message to have faith and trust in the Ascended Masters in their ability to assist you in miraculous ways. Rely upon the assistance and guidance from the angels and be open to receiving their support, help, healing and love. Trust that they are guiding you along your Divine life path. 234 is also often seen as ‘steps’ along your spiritual and life path.
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Build a Community Challenge
So, I’m going to be starting a challenge with Agnes and Echo! This modified challenge takes certain aspects that I like from a few other challenges (The Settler challenge, @simalienn‘s After the Storm challenge and the Sim Crossing Legacy challenge mainly). I take no credit for the ideas in this challenge, I have just merged some existing ideas into one place and re-written the rules to make it more challenging for my own game-play.
· Repopulate and build a community
· Lift all restrictions
· Unlock community lots
· Complete all collections - and display in your museum
I found it quite difficult using the long list of instructions for quick reference so have created an easy to follow mind map to keep track of goals/progress which you can access here, you can also edit and create your own copy on this link!
I’ll leave the rest under the cut :)
To start...
· Choose a world, bulldoze all lots. (I will be using Oasis Springs)
How many of each lot type required will depend on what world you choose. This choice will also determine how long/how many generations your challenge will be (world with more lots will take longer)
Newcrest - 6 Community Lots & 9 Residential Lots
Willow Creek - 7 Community Lots & 14 Residential Lots
Oasis Springs - 9 Community Lots & 12 Residential Lots
Windenburg - 13 community Lots & 14 Residential Lots
Brindelton Bay - 6 community Lots & 10 Residential Lots
· Build your museum (or download mine from here)
· Choose your founder's starting lot and build or download a home (I will be using a decorated lot without most amenities eg bed, appliances and no simoleons) however this is not a necessity just personal preference. Get mine here.
· Once you have your home, set the household funds to $0.
· Create your founder (and their partner if you like) any traits or aspirations can be chosen for them.
· Your founder must be a Young Adult - Life span set to normal or long. (If you prefer ageing off you can set goals to determine ageing)
· Turn off Fill Empty Homes in game options
· You may only control one sim. That sim is called the heir. You will control several heirs during this challenge, but only one at a time.
If you want, you can use one helper (the spouse / sibling / parent etc. of your heir). The helper may do simple tasks (such as repair an object, water plants, cook a meal, feed a baby), but you shouldn't control the helper too much - only a couple of tasks a day. If you don't use a helper, you may notice that the inactive sims in your family won't do much (or any!) work autonomously, which does not feel very realistic in a community.
· There may only ever be one heir at a time. You can freely choose who the next heir is and you can decide when to start playing the next heir, but once you’ve decided, you can’t go back to playing the old heir. If you start playing the new heir while the old one is still alive, the old one is not considered an heir anymore.
· The new heir must be the previous heir’s child.
· If the heir has many children, all those children except the future heir must move out when they become young adults.
· The heir may marry and move their spouse in but they should bring no funds with them.
· You may not age sims up days before their actual birthday.
· Cheats or mods that give you an advantage are not recommended.
· Traits and aspirations are always randomized when a baby is born or a sim ages up. You can use any random trait generator (I use this one)
· Exception: You may choose the traits and aspirations for the child if either of the child's parents has any of the following traits: Family-Oriented or Mentor, or has completed the Super parent Aspiration.
· Each heir can only unlock up to 2 community lots in their lifetime.
Yours is the only family living in the community in the beginning.
Rules for adding families:
· When you are allowed to add a family, roll a six-sided die or use random.org to determine the number of people in the family (between 1 and 6). Then create or download.
Different ways to populate the colony:
-Have babies!
-You can use your Charisma skill to persuade people to join your colony: You can add one family for every sim in your family who has reached level 6 in Charisma.
-You can also attract people by hosting great parties. You may add one family for every type of party for which you’ve got a gold medal. You can only invite people who live in your colony to your parties, you can’t invite homeless people!
-Improving the services and the infrastructure in your colony will also make people move into your community. You may add one family for every community lot you add.
Restrictions and lifting them
You cannot build any walls, windows, floors as no one has the skills or the personnel required.
Requirements for lifting this restriction:
-Must be at least one other family in the village AND a sim in your family must have at least level 8 Handiness.
There is no electricity yet. You may not use the computer, the TV, the radio etc.
*Exceptions to this rule being Lights, Fridge and Stove, Although if you want to make it more difficult, apply this rule to everything.
Requirements for lifting this restriction:
-There must be at least four different community lots in your colony AND a sim in your family must have 6 skill points in Logic AND must have reached Level 2 of the Nerd Brain Aspiration.
Hospital births are not allowed and woohooing may always lead to a pregnancy (roll a six-sided die or use random.org first: 1 means you need to pick the interaction Try for baby instead, and if you roll 2-6 you can just pick Woohoo). You can always choose to Try for baby if you want to.
Requirements for lifting this restriction:
-There must be at least five different community lots in your village AND a sim in your family must have at least level 8 Herbalism skill.
There is no school in your village. You must prevent children from going to school.
Until then they are ‘homeschooled’ each child is to complete homework (including extra credit if it’s an option) & earn at least one skill point each day - The skill point can be any skill you choose
Requirements for lifting this restriction:
-You must have at least 8 children/toddlers living in your village (only 2 children from your own family can count within the 8) AND a sim in your family must have the Mentor reward trait.
High School
There are no possibilities for higher education in your village. If you unlock this, you can choose the traits for your sims when they age up to YA.
Requirements for lifting this restriction:
-You need to lift the restriction School first AND must be at least 5 teenagers in the village.
You may not have a normal job as there aren’t any companies or infrastructure. Careers are therefore not allowed, but you may use other means to earn money (painting, collecting, gardening, fishing etc.)
Requirements for lifting this restriction:
-There must be at least five different community lots in your village AND there must also be at least 20 people living in your village (including your family) AND a sim in your family must have the reward trait Entrepreneurial.
Adding Community Lots
· You can add whichever lots you want in whatever order, you don’t need to add them all.
· Only one of each lot type (may need more if using a bigger world eg Windenburg)
· Each heir can unlock and add only two community lot during their lifetime.
You can either pay $6000 for a lot or fill the other requirements, in which case you won't have to pay anything. If you decide to pay, just use a money cheat to reduce your money by the required amount.
Arts Centre
Painter Extraordinaire aspiration level 2
Painting skill level 6
Creative visionary reward trait
Mixology skill level 6
Master Mixologist aspiration level 2
Gold level House Party achieved
Baking skill level 6
Friend of the World aspiration level 2
Fitness skill level 6
Gym Rat reward trait
Kareoke Bar
Bar unlocked
Singing skill level 6
Great storyteller reward trait
Speed reader reward trait
Renaissance Sim aspiration level 2
Any instrument skill level 6
Musical Genius level 2
National Park
Unlocked park
Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration completed
Dancing OR DJ Mixing skill level 6
Party Animal aspiration level 2
Parenting skill level 6
Observant reward trait
Cooking skill level 6
Gourmet Cooking skill level 6
Master Chef aspiration level 2
Gold level Dinner Party achieved
Charisma skill level 6
Sell 10 items on 'sale table'
Level 6 in skill related to retail area
Wellness skill level 6
Unlocked Gym
Vet Clinic
Pet Training skill level 6
Friend of the Animals aspiration level 2
Fishing skill level 6
Angling Ace aspiration level 2
Gold level Toddler Play date OR Gold level Weenie Roast achieved
Well, thats it and if you made it this far, thank you and sorry haha! If anyone wants to follow this challenge it will be tagged with #BuildaCommunity. And if anyone else plays this i’d love to be tagged so I can see :)
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