#eepy necromancer
zombiesniper-lol · 29 days
Heya Snipes! I uh.. wanted to ask if you wanted to maybe idk.. hang out for abit? Maybe go on a date?-
( @zombiescout-lmao )
Sure, mate, Oi'm free roight now so I don't mind.
[My boy is so nervous he doesn't know what to say 🤭]
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mordremrose · 7 months
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Lil Dyraoi doodles from the Malchor’s Leap tour hosted by @vampiricsheep !!! I joined up a little late but i had fun!!! Ty again sheep for hosting
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kikiofthevast · 9 months
Hi you asked for prompts so I have a pretty basic one bc I'm eepy
Traffic life and/or locked tomb but with tma entity aligments
Like web ianthe, stranger gideon, flesh dulcinea, lonely 8th house, potentially end harrow but I think more specifically spiral or lonely??? with the necromancers being semi aligned with the end in general
As for the life series, maybe eye grian, slaughter gem, web etho, desolation jimmy, spiral bigb, stranger scar, dark ren?, end skizz, and idk why but I want to say buried tango
Yeah idk do whatever you want with this im tired
Ooooo yes yes yes very fun I love it!!!
I’ll stick with tlt for now but I am always thinking about entities for traffic life
You think it’s been a month when you get a close enough look at Ianthe’s hair to notice the cobwebs.
Your first instinct is to recoil, but you think about it. She doesn’t seem to notice them, and they don’t come out even when she styles her hair. Nobody else seems to see them, just like they can’t see the fog curled around your legs that matches the wisps you see at God’s heels.
You wonder why the fog has been with you for so long, but it almost makes sense. It’s not as if people in your life have lingered, and you are alone, as you have always been. The other Lyctors are distant, and Ianthe is your only point of genuine connection.
The cobwebs give you the creeps. You can’t explain it, but there’s just something about them that put you off. Of course, it could very well just be Ianthe herself that’s putting you off, but the cobwebs are something else. Something uncomfortable.
If you ask about them, Ianthe will probably just lie.
But you want to know.
That thought send a bolt of pain through your head, and you pass out again.
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smol-stardust · 10 months
if you could have some sort of special ability, like some magical kind that may not be scientifically possible, what would you choose?
So without concerns for practicality, I’d say I wanna be a necromancer and just chill with ghosties and some skeletons cuz I like morbid things like that. But also! There’s so many dead authors I wanna talk to so, I feel like that would be really fun :)
Then there’s the me on a snowy day or when I’m so tired and eepy but have places to go and I’m like, please, just let me have teleportation powers so I can get places easily! Also so I can go see my moots easily.
So I’m currently torn between those two hehe :)
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aloeverawyvren · 2 years
The stuff the doctors gave me must be a bit more powerful than I realized. All today I've just been eating, getting dizzy spells and pressure headaches, sleeping it off, and waking up confused.
Legit thought the Necromancer sexyman thingy was a dream for a minute but its there
I'm so eepy
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purpleglitch · 3 months
guys i cant breathe........ im just rotating the guys in my brain like it's a microwave.......... they're warm now and im just tearing up now........... im weak for the necromancer silly guy and the eepy insane guy............
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jules-makes-stuff · 1 year
(Necromancer voice) This wretched flesh, its weakness...
(Im eepy and hungy and cant draw/write for 10 hours after a full workday)
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The necromancer made an error today. The necromancer drank a potion of endless energy. But the potion wore off and now the necromancer is eepy.
But no one is around to stroke the necromancers hair and make the necromancer feel safe.
So the necromancer will now totally not go commit arson on an empty megacorporation headquarters. Definitely not. Corporations aren't people. How would the necromancer turn them into a zombie?
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zombiesniper-lol · 1 month
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[50 posts today after answering all 6 asks from my inbox!]
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zombiesniper-lol · 1 month
“… So do you have a favorite part of the body that you like to eat? Or is it all just, like, good.”
— @meet-the-civilians
Huh, thought that "normal people" wouldn't approach me.
Anyways, uh, Oi would say the the eyeballs are quite great, or the brain. It's really typical zombie stuff, mate.
[I'm not a cannibal to know which part of the body is better, what did you expect? Though I did heard that some said the eyes are like marshmallows]
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zombiesniper-lol · 1 month
[Are you okay?]
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[Do you like my posts that much?? If so, I am honoured, Cool Tumblr Person™]
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zombiesniper-lol · 1 month
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.....Despite being a zombie and all that, mate, that's disgusting.
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zombiesniper-lol · 1 month
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Thanks mates
[AHH! Thank you so much guys!!]
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zombiesniper-lol · 1 month
[People, I'm just here scrolling Tumblr and holy shit, I have like 5 asks in my inbox that I didn't know about?????? Tumblr, why tf didn't you tell me I have people that cared?????]
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zombiesniper-lol · 26 days
I can answer that People are attracted to violence and danger, this is because the 'fear' and 'attraction' center of the brain are in the same place, wires get crossed sometimes.
Oi see... Well, thanks for the information, mate, 'preciate it.
[I don't remember which post this one is supposed to be, but thanks!]
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zombiesniper-lol · 1 month
How do you stop your craving for human flesh around the living, I'd appreciate some tips, I can not get kicked out again
Honestly mate, keep a few human jerky on ya. Sometimes, you can just eat human food to help, even if it doesn't help that much.
[Idk abt zombie biology, pls don't blame me]
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