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fymo-blogs · 4 months ago
Warning for snakes (eels but close enough) and thalassophobia below cut!
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T4T Eelsplash stimboard
Event: Trans Visibility Week Day 7
Themes: T4T, splashes, eels, sapphic
Note: Finishing the event off with the ultamite queers! /silly
Note 2: Art by @eggfeather (They asked to be tagged if it was used)
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everybody-loves-purdy · 2 months ago
My warrior name predictions for this arc’s kits and apprentices:
• Goldenpaw will be Goldenheart, Goldenshine, Goldensong, or Goldenpelt.
• Shinepaw will be Shinepool, Shineheart, Shinefeather, or Shineclaw.
• Moonpaw will be Moonbeam, Moonface, or Moonspirit.
• Sunkit will be Sunbright, Sunflight, Sunpelt, Sunfur, or Sunleap.
• Hazelkit will be Hazelblossom, Hazelbloom, Hazelflower, Hazelbranch, Hazelbark, or Hazelfall. I really like the -blossom suffix if it’ll be used to honor Blossomfall.
• Oakkit will be Oakflower, Oakbloom, Oakfrost, Oakshade, or Oakfall.
• Redpaw will be Redwing, Redpelt, Redfur, Redfoot, Redtooth, or Redfang.
• Sprucepaw will be Sprucefrost, Sprucebark, Sprucefall, Spruceleap, Spruceclaw, or Spruceleaf.
• Quickkit will be Quickfire, Quickfoot, or Quickstrike. I love the idea of him being named after his dad.
• Poolkit will be Poolfrost, Poolshine, Poolwing, Poolfeather, or Poolsplash.
• Beechkit will be Beechfall, Beechtail, Beechfoot, Beechwhisker, Beechlight, or Beechstripe.
• Robinpaw will be Robinfeather, Robinflight, Robinclaw, Robinstorm, or Robinwing, fifth of her name.
• Starlingpaw will be Starlingflight, Starlingheart, or Starlingsong. I hope he’s given the -heart suffix for the same reason as Lilyheart was given her’s; to honor a dead parent.
• Eelkit will be Eelsplash, Eeltail, Eelflight, Eelglow (if the name is based off of an electric eel), or Eelstrike. I’d also really like him to be a medicine cat, RiverClan hasn’t had a male medicine cat since Mudfur. If he’s indeed Graysky’s son, this means this’ll be the first time a RiverClan medicine cat has mentored their kin.
• Heronkit will be Heronshine, Heronfeather, Heronflight, Heronwing, Heronpool, or Heronmist. I can definitely envision -shine, -pool, or -mist being based off of her silver pelt.
• Silkypaw will be Silkypelt, Silkyfur, Silkysong, Silkylight, Silkyglow, or Silkyfeather.
• Fluffpaw will be Fluffpelt, Fluffwing, Fluffbreeze, or Flufftail.
• Rustlekit will be Rustletail, Rustlebush, Rustleleaf, or Rustlebreeze.
• Stretchkit will be Stretchclaw, Stretchtalon, Stretchtail, or Stretchfang.
These are all so good, I do think and really hope these are likely.
Lowkey hope they give us a fifth Robinwing then have her move to ShadowClan, so at long last we can have a Robinwing from each clan.
Eelkit becoming a medicine cat would be so cool, it’s wild that there hasn’t been a male medicine cat there for that long.
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lynxfang · 3 years ago
@ Eelsplash
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ionicexpressions · 3 years ago
🌸 Eelsplash, 🏅Bristleburr, 🤍Zinnia!!
Eelsplash was born to Milkbelly (a tuxedo molly) and Snakebite (a fawn tabby tom) as an only child. He was very beloved by them and spoiled a lot by his mother, though his father was a bit rough around the edges. He had to work to prove himself to his dad, which strained their relationship. It's partially why he's so open to being everyone's father figure - he doesn't want anyone to feel like they have to be anything but themselves around him, whether they are his biological kids or not.
Overall he had a very happy childhood, causing msichief alongside his best friends and now wives, Oystereyes and Horizonsong. He values family over everything and believes no one should be left behind in that regard.
Bristle is not well liked. In Canyonclan he is hated, as his reputation during the war was that of a ruthless berserker in battle. He killed and scarred many in his time as a 'soldier'. Briarclan does not like him for the most part either, but because he abandoned them when things got hard for him. He thought it was for the best, so that no one got hurt, but he knows many of his old friends and family will never forgive him for abandoning them.
In Creekclan, feelings are mixed as always. He is expected to stay away from borders as often as possible, so as not to cause issues with the other clans. Creekclan knows he has changed greatly from the war criminal he once was, however. He is making friends and a name for himself as a grumpy, but well-meaning old man. And of course, Lionthroat fanboys for him just as he did when they were both in Briarclan lmao. So there's always that.
Zinnia doesn't really know what happiness looks like anymore. It once meant having a nice home and twolegs to come home to. When no one would adopt them, they thought happiness could be found being free to explore the world and do as they pleased. It once again changed when she met Frosted Flakes/Flakestorm to mean a life alongside him.
Now she is unsure if true happiness can be found for her at all. She feels that, in some way, she must not deserve it if it has been taken away from her time and time again. There is fear in having hope that a future for her exists at all.
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heropaws · 4 years ago
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i liked them both so I drew BOTH of them <:3
📺 this is as close as I can get smh (this is @heropaws btw !! )
Eelsplash! With Dizzypounce as a runner up.
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