six-of-ravens · 9 months
someone give me the motivation to plug my switch back in bc I very badly want to be playing videogame but. playing videogame requires plugging switch into tv again.
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
the thing is my entire life i've never really been interested in like. yandere plots or stories about killing the person your crush likes or whatever cause i could never relate. but right now because of this maybe-crush i'm like. nods silently oh i get it now. i get it.
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lokighost · 1 year
sorry if im on/off for a lil while i/we [my wife & i] just got out of an incredibly abusive friendship [not a debatable statement, just 100% true] and im realizing that i dont know how to behave w/ other ppl outside of that uhhh weird fuuucked up toxic dynamic??? like i absolutely feel so fucking broken when it comes to making friends, that i dont know how to move on from here..... its simultaneously a weight lifted from me AND a fucking nightmare realization that i need to relearn 'being myself' instead of constantly masking while socializing
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werebutch · 1 year
Listen to me I’m shaking you I’m shaking you. The nature of this anime is obviously. ……... But you guys CANNOT fall again. Stop it. Get some sense into you. No more twelve year old for you. Done
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inc0gnit0-m0de · 2 years
I... I think I'm gonna get trypophobia from Loveland Haunted PS1 2021 bc ew-
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wondershopett · 12 days
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listen… i’m still tryna learn how to draw these idiots…
i cringe whenever i look at this omfg
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pinkboxess · 5 months
vent post that contains discussion of eating disorders
Sooooo I am spending time with my mom this week, and she is the type of woman with a long history of a broken relationship to food who then makes tons and tons of comments about her own eating.
Literally EVERY MEAL so far she says something about "needing to be good" or "what can [she] have that's okay for [her] diet" or "if [she] orders this [she's] being bad" or "[she] hasn't had a french fry in months and months!" or like, any other iteration of that type of comment you can imagine.
And it's so grating on me just to hear that language all the time. Even though it's not directed at me, it makes me feel shitty hearing it. And I've been eating a lot on this trip because we've been eating out and having treats as one does, and it makes it hard to do that without feeling so bad about myself just for eating bigger meals and feeling full and wanting to enjoy special food that I don't usually have.
(And then also every picture of me I hate because I just feel like I look big in all of them unless it's like a very specific angle)
Other than this issue I have been having a great vacation though!
Yummy foods I have eaten so far:
garlic naan with hummus and babybell cheese
protein pancakes
cheesy baked ziti and garlic bread!! (LOVED this)
scrambled eggs and more of the naan
a burger at In N Out which is very rare for me because i'm usually vegetarian but i'm with meat eaters so i decided to just not make a fuss about it and it was fine but i also am kinda like eeeuuuuggghhhh i ate animal meat that makes me feel icky
peanut butter m&m ice cream
cheese pizza with pineapple
But unfortunately as I said all of this was accompanied by mom's icky comments :(
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darktaranzaaaaaaaaaaa · 9 months
get slimed iidot
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flamingo--ing · 3 years
i don't want to die but i wish this would end
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alloverthegaf · 8 years
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ameperyton · 7 years
Why does fo..ntce..st porn have to show up on my dash eeeuuuuggghhhh
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six-of-ravens · 10 months
want to do yoga for my neck (which has been hurting terribly) but I'm also still feeling waves of nausea because apparently eating only potatoes for dinner and then drinking two beers makes my body punish me for a whole day.
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pendragontrash · 9 years
really need work to tell me if my cover’s approved/if I got the night off because I want to go to bed but I can’t sleep until I know in case I have to go in
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messithehumble · 9 years
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Rafa acknowledging his beauty
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six-of-ravens · 10 months
this is one of those days where it's going to be very hard to not be able to go home right after work
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six-of-ravens · 2 years
it has been 0 days since our last life-threatening nosebleed
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