mielmoto · 7 months
resident inbox goblin is back. what's your character/oc's name? did you create it? if you did, what thought did you put into it? if you didn't, what did the author intend for it to mean? either way, do you have any particular meanings you've appended to the name?
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unprompted asks | always accepting
My most BELOVED inbox goblin, you mean. Always hitting us with the absolute banger questions; this one included.
This little delight before you is
Honey Banh Moto
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...whose name is, first and foremost: a joke. When I was first making Honey, I wanted her to be a break from the more serious, grounded, excruciatingly-thoroughly-thought-out characters I'd been focusing on at the time; I wanted her to be cartoony, or campy, like something out of a cozy mystery / romance novel or a silly light novel game. Along with being somehow-magical and some-part-fey: I knew she was going to make sweets for a living, so I simmered on that, and decided to name her after one of my favorite little trash cakes from the grocery store: a honey bun.
Also: in the spirit of cute little fairy-tale fae, wouldn't you just believe that a fairy was named something simple and to-the-point like "Honey"?
...Of course, as I put a little bit more thought into her, it didn't remain just a joke for long. That layer's still there, of course, down at her gooey, sugary center; but I stuck with it for other reasons: honey is often compared to ambrosia; a symbol of the very essence of sweetness, indulgence, of blessings and abundance.
It's been used in medicines since ancient times, upheld in some cultures as an "elixir of life," a cure-all and magically healing component. I always envisioned Honey's magic and classic-fantasy role as being inspired by white mages (a la final fantasy and other jrpgs): primarily focused around healing, bestowing boons / blessings / 'buffs,' etc.
...honey is a culmination of efforts, the end-goal and prize for countless hours of labor. though the exact circumstances of her 'birth' and her relationship with her mother takes slightly different shape depending on the verse, the iteration, the fact always remains: Adaline reveres her daughter as "the most splendid creation she could ever aspire to," and a tangible manifestation of her and Sun Dae's bond.
I can't tell you that I had the full depth of her name's meaning in mind when I first started bouncing around my little pink pastry fairy, but it's grown in depth just as she has. And unlike other muses whose names I've tweaked, modified, or completely overhauled in time, I've never been tempted to change it.
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obvslybatgrl · 2 years
ik i’m a caitlyn and jinx girlie but MMm sometimes i think about vi
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yowamushipedal · 2 years
Having something to look forward to feels so nice
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witherfide · 1 year
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gives you a forehead smooch
covering you in flowers
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i off er you a green june ,beetle
to keep company,,,
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yarnnerdally · 10 months
I gotta tell ya; with the toys, I specifically was thinking about Diavolo finding it very amusing that there’s dildos with cum tubes and fake cum 🤭 could he fill up his human himself? Absolutely. But there’s something so entertaining about watching you bounce on a fake cock and knowing you’re in suspense. It’s entirely up to him on when he releases the cum and just how much he fills you up 😏
Eeeeeeeehehehehe oh he would have so much fun.
BRB gonna send him a link to bad dragon just for you, too 💋
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hopecomesbacktolife · 9 months
📔 For the ask game? :)
EEEEEeeehehehehe tysm for the ask!!! I am delighted to tell you about a fic idea that is also my rarest of rarepairs that I go feral for
so the premise is: Harry Kim x Riker, star crossed lovers, the title is either “silent and resigned” or “the things which might have been” (heyooo phantom of the opera reference hehehe)
So the fic would start in S1 of Voyager, established mutual interest but not quite full fledged established relationship (and an AU where Harry isn’t with Libby). After the events of Caretaker, Harry keeps sending messages trying to reach Riker and ofc Riker never answers, and like Janeway and Mark, Harry and Riker think of each other for years but for them it turns into this increasingly achy, bitter kind of pining-yearning, where it’s always thinking about the time they could’ve had and never got
Then, the fic would go to Episode s5 e6 “Timeless” and in this timeline they reunite as bitter ex lovers, grudgingly working together trying to not let the spark reignite, knowing if it works this whole diverged timeline from the initial slipstream event on will no longer exist, and their reuniting in this way in this time will never have happened at all, and they choose to still go through with it, maaaybe even having the diverged Timeless-timeline end mid-kiss for ultimate angst?
And the whole fic would be just so full of angst and sweetness and yearning!!! This truly started out as a “what-if” crackfic rambling after my first time seeing the episode but the more I thought about it the more blorbo-brained I got about it, and now it’s my rarepair otp, and I’m so obsessed with this concept and am at any point like .05 adhd willpowers away from dropping everything and actually writing it for real 🫶🏻 but I definitely plan to someday! maybe even this year haha
thank you so much for playing the ask game!! I’m legit so Not Normal about this fic idea, I hope it was a fun read 😊🖖🏻
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here have a chibi
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eeeeeeeehehehehe he's so silly I loff him. Look at him.
Hes so silly awnswknqdkkdw
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
i used to be really obsessed with fish, like aquariums and all that. i used to read books on it and spend hours on fish websites learning. anyway due to being a Youth, i simply did not have the means to successfully support this hobby, so i fell out of it.
FAst forward 10+ years later, my work has a fish tank with a fucking KOI FISH??? apparently it was donated, very stupid donation tbh, koi get big and they are very messy fish. And every since ive been there this tank has been a damn mess. Insane algae blooms and the filter hasnt been working. A few weeks ago someone just unplugged it and bc it's always insane at the shelter, nobody has messed with it. I thought this thing was dead lmao. i hadnt seen any movement (you cant see bc the water is so green) for weeks and i knew there was like no oxygen in there.
so the other day some of admin ends up in the area and is like, mortified lmao. okay it was really funny, im ngl. and i was cleaning a room nearby and i kept overhearing them speculating and they didnt know shit about fish keeping so i went out and started doing my thing ahahah and that's how i ended up being unleased in petco with free reign over what to get to fix this tank mwahahahahah all the power! fish was alive, i had them do a big water change to hold him over until monday (as in yesterday, bc this was all last friday) i looked it up and i think he actually was in a coma! wild stuff. Duuuuuude, im really excited bc i got to buy all this shit i couldnt when i was a kid and we are gonna assign water changes as a chore for the clients and eventually we will give away the koi bc it's just not feasible as a long term pet and i bet i will be able to help organize the new fish and im just !!!!! i can make a whole community tank of my own design!!!
im gonna start working on a wish list for it with like a thermometer (im not too worried for the temp bc they like it cold and he's been fine so far, yesterday there were no thermometers to my liking), airstone/airpump (ik this is important especially for koi in an aquarium but we were already pushing the money and didnt want the bosses to get mad at us LOL), heater (for new community tank eee!), additional filter media, a new led light, fancy water testing kit (we could only find strips), maybe some live plants one day (got him a mossball to play with that hopefully he wont destroy heheh), i want seachem products for treatment, maybe a nice background LOL, idk there are so many things i could do with it.
THey all think im a legit expert now it's so fucking funny, and im trying to manage expectations but also like... this could work for me lmaoooo
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mothpile · 3 years
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troutpopulation · 4 years
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Skekgra coming back to fight the skeksis
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jordanswitches · 3 years
i literally have no idea how people can tickle someone and hear them laughing and making all their tickle sounds and NOT laugh along with them like every time i tickle my partner i'm probably laughing more than they are
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sanerontheinside · 7 years
7 for ObiQui please!!!
@kettish bit more fakemarried! @meggory84, fakemarried? fakemarried!! hehehehehei’m evil 
Obi-Wan had never been more grateful for the pair-bond he shared with Qui-Gon than the moment he appeared at Obi-Wan’s shoulder, hand outstretched, and asked, “May I have this dance?”
Obi-Wan smiled brilliantly at him and let himself be pulled away from the conversation. The moment they were out of earshot and mingling with the dancers in the middle of the room, he hissed out a relieved breath between his teeth. “Undercover assignments just bring out the worst in people,” he muttered into Qui-Gon’s shoulder.
Oh, they don’t know you’re a Jedi and tell you all their sordid plans, hm? Such hardship, Qui-Gon chuckled, the deep rumble warm and grounding, but his hold on Obi-Wan tightened. “You’re shaking,” he said softly, the bond between them full of affection and a hint of concern.
“Just angry.” He’s not even part of our mission, for Force’s sake.
No. I’m sure Madleth would be happy to know of his operations, nevertheless. “Are you up for this, or should we call it a night?”
Obi-Wan shook his head slightly. The music was soothing, slow and intimate, and Qui-Gon’s arms around him were reassuring like nothing else could have been in that moment. He wasn’t sure Qui-Gon would still hold him like this in the privacy of their berth. Just once, he wanted to indulge in this much-craved contact. “One dance,” he said.
Qui-Gon nodded, and drew Obi-Wan close again, nuzzling into his hair. The move surprised Obi-Wan, but then—Newlyweds, he reminded himself, and decided to enjoy the moment. He drew back far enough to look up at Qui-Gon, let his hands slide up over warm cloth and splayed them over Qui-Gon’s shoulder blades, watching intently as Qui-Gon’s eyes half-closed in obvious pleasure.
This was an unexpected side of his Master, this freedom of expression and delight in sensation. At first, Obi-Wan had expected this mission not to be much different from their usual paired assignments. Being on this end of Qui-Gon’s concern, his care, the focus of nearly all his attention when Obi-Wan needed it most—that was nothing new.
Yet Qui-Gon had surprised him several times over. Obi-Wan knew, for instance, that he could dance: Qui-Gon once made a point of teaching him several forms for various diplomatic engagements and celebrations. But he’d never seen his Master dance like this, pressed close and completely comfortable. As Qui-Gon’s Padawan, he’d learned that his Master hid much of himself away under a tightly controlled mask of perfect serenity. But this level of intimacy, even of casual contact—Obi-Wan had never seen Qui-Gon share it with anyone else.
Mostly, Obi-Wan just wanted to bask in it. He let his mind float free on the music, following Qui-Gon’s lead. It ended all too soon, sending an almost physical pang of disappointment through him as Qui-Gon gently released him and stepped back. Obi-Wan followed, too dazed to protest. When the music began for the next dance, Obi-Wan gave it less than a moment’s thought before pulling Qui-Gon back out onto the floor, gratified when Qui-Gon went willingly.
Two minutes later Obi-Wan found himself wondering if he had, perhaps, miscalculated. It must have shown on his face, because Qui-Gon gave him an utterly wicked grin and picked him bodily up off the floor in a dizzying spin, laughing. Not to be out-done, Obi-Wan rose to the challenge and pulled Qui-Gon into a faster spin.
The music crazily barrelled on ahead with ever-increasing speed, like a competition to see who could possibly keep up and keep their feet. It whipped up a sense of unreality, almost like being drunk. The noise around them dulled to a constant roar, leaving nothing to focus on but the dance, and Obi-Wan’s partner. His partner… Qui-Gon’s face was lit with a carefree happiness that Obi-Wan had never seen. Qui-Gon’s hair was desperately trying to escape his loose tail, strands curling along his neck, stuck to his forehead. His eyes, deep, entrancing blue, sparkled with joy.
He was beautiful—distracting. They fell into each other, they fell into other dancers, other people careened into them—chaos, but all of it exhilarating and ridiculously fun.
The chaos didn’t end with the music. By the end, half the dance-floor was still dizzily staggering in an approximation of the steps, and Obi-Wan spotted a clear path out of the hall by sheer luck. He darted for it, pulling Qui-Gon along after him, and tripped on the stairs right as he flew out into the passage, not expecting to run into them so soon. Strong arms caught him up before he could fall, and Obi-Wan melted into the touch. Qui-Gon kept an arm wrapped around his waist all the way back to their berth, kept Obi-Wan pressed tightly to his side.
Obi-Wan was still giggling when they made it to their berth. He couldn’t help himself, not even when Qui-Gon hit his head on the way in, not ducking far enough as he entered. Obi-Wan winced in sympathy, pulling Qui-Gon in the rest of the way until the door shut behind him.
“Did that hurt?”
“No more than usual,” Qui-Gon said, with a faint grimace—one that didn’t dull the look of happiness on his face, thankfully. Obi-Wan reached up to smooth a few runway strands of hair back and tuck them behind Qui-Gon’s ears, making that his very singular focus. He moved with the exaggerated care of the inebriated, though he was completely sober—he thought, anyway. Something about that dance had left him feeling like he’d had one or two more glasses of Corellian brandy than strictly recommended.
Qui-Gon was watching him intently. Obi-Wan didn’t look up, unsure that he wanted to know what was in that gaze, but he didn’t shy away either. “We should do that more often,” he said.
“I’m not sure the Council can afford to send us on galactic cruises.”
There was that wry smile in Qui-Gon’s voice that did absolutely terrible things to Obi-Wan’s state of mind. He shook his head, laughing. “Well, who knows, between Anakin and Artoo we could probably run the whole—”
Temple, he’d meant to say. But he was entirely lost in the look on Qui-Gon’s face, the wide grin, the sound of his laugh that Obi-Wan almost never got to hear—the real one, the deep, expressive laugh, not the soft or near-silent chuckle. He wondered how long he’d been standing there looking at him awestruck, before Qui-Gon moved closer, leaned in, like he was waiting…
What possessed him, Obi-Wan couldn’t say. But he let himself lean forward, let his eyes fall closed, let this strange dance draw to its logical conclusion. The kiss—it was soft, gentle, sweet as it was tentative. Heat flooded his veins, and Obi-Wan let himself sink further into it, opening in invitation to the tongue that brushed gently against his lips.
It lasted only a moment, and ended too quickly. Obi-Wan drew back just far enough to look up at his Master, suddenly very, very confused. Even Qui-Gon seemed somewhat bewildered. They hovered on the point, not certain where to go from here.
A bang and a cheer from the hall outside broke the moment, and Obi-Wan shied away involuntarily. He thought he caught a flash of disappointment on Qui-Gon’s face, but it was gone far too quickly for him to be sure, and Qui-Gon, of course, said nothing.
“We have an early start tomorrow if we want to have a look around without anyone noticing,” Qui-Gon said instead.
“Right,” Obi-Wan murmured awkwardly, and stepped back, nodding once. After a moment’s hesitation, he nodded again, and did his best not to flee too obviously into the fresher.
the meme | the askbox
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trashyswitch · 3 years
The Repercussions of Being Annoying
Lolbit is annoying the crap out of the Funtime animatronics. So, they come together and decide to gang tickle him.
This fanfic was suggested by an anonymous user. I hope you enjoy!
Lolbit was being as annoying as can be. He was poking people, booping Freddy’s nose, scaring animatronics, and covering them in curtains. Where he kept getting the curtains, no one could tell you. But it was getting so annoying for the other animatronics.
Lolbit just knew exactly how to get under everyone’s metal plates.
It was halfway through the day, and Lolbit had already managed to piss off pretty much every animatronic in the Pizza World. So, the other animatronics decide to join together to catch the animatronic and tickle him until he’s just a puddle of giggles.
“I know where to tickle him! So I’ll help out with the tickling.” Funtime Foxy declared. “Me and Bonbon can help with tickling too!” Freddy told them.
“I’m offering to tickle him too.” Ballora told them. “You’ll need all the help you can get.” She added.
“Alright. And Baby?” Freddy called.
Baby smiled and giggled evilly. “I’ll hold onto Lolbit’s arms.” She replied.
Freddy and Bonbon smiled at Baby. “Sounds good!”
Lolbit was wiggling Baby’s red hair. “Wiggle wiggle wiggle!” Lolbit kept saying.
“Lolbit, I swear-” Baby warned. Lolbit paused for a moment…
Then went back to wiggling her hair. “Wiggle wiggle wiggle!” Lolbit said with a smirk on his face.
“That’s it.” Baby tackled Lolbit to the ground and lifted his hands above his head. “Bidybabs, get him!” Baby declared. The Bidybabs walked up to Lolbit and held onto one ankle each.
“We got him!” Baby declared.
All the animatronics came walking out from behind the curtains. Funtime Foxy, Funtime Freddy, Bonbon, and Ballora all came out. “Well well well…” Foxy teased. “Looks like the fox got its tail in a bind~” Ballora teased as she wiggled her fingers.
“What do you say we tickle him, Bonbon?!” Freddy asked.
Bonbon giggled and hopped off the animatronic arm he was attached to. Bonbon smiled and hopped up to Lolbit, with little issue. “Who’s ready for the tickle attack?!” Bonbon asked, blurting out the truth.
Uh oh… Lolbit squealed and pulled on his hands. But they were gripped tight by Baby! He tried to pull his feet away. But to his surprise, the Bidybabs were much stronger than he expected! Lolbit pulled and wiggled around as he tried to get out of their grips.
“Please! Was this for annoying you?! I’m sorry!” Lolbit begged. “Hold still…You won’t feel a thing.” Baby ordered.
The animatronics sat down and started skittering their fingers on different tickle spots. Funtime Foxy moved to his belly, Funtime Freddy tickled his hips, Bonbon tickled up and down his rib region and Ballora tickled his feet.
“Awww, poor Lolbit! So ticklish, yet can’t go anywhere! Whatever will he do?!” Funtime Foxy teased.
“SHUHUHUT UHUHUHUP!” Lolbit fought.
Freddy was tickling one of his hips. “How’s this? Am I annoying you yet?” Freddy asked. “YEHEHEHEHESSS!” Lolbit replied.
“Awww, what a shame.” Freddy teased with a smirk.
Bonbon was nibbling on Lolbit’s ribs. “Nomnomnomnom!” He kept saying. “Nommy nommy nom!” Bonbon teased.
“YOHOHOU SUHUHUHUCK!” Lolbit fought.
“Poor thing! You must be tired!” Bonbon teased.
Lolbit was not having it. “GEHEHEHET AWAHAHAHAHAY!” Lolbit ordered as he pulled on his feet.
“♫Somebody is tiiickliiish~♫” Lolbit teased in a sing-song voice.
Lolbit giggled and shook his head. If he had the ability to blush beyond his implanted blush, he probably would’ve blushed mad at Ballora’s singing. Though, the other teases were pretty bad too. But Ballora’s singing…had a whole new level of embarrassment to it.
“IHIHIHI’M SAHAHAHAHARRYYYYY!” Lolbit pleaded. “Oh! You’re sorry now? Hey guys! He’s suddenly sorry!” Foxy reacted. “Is he really though?” Bonbon asked, taking a break from his nibbling tactics.
“Yeah, he could be faking.” Freddy added.
“♫We should tickle the fox moooore…♫” Ballora told them.
“Yeah! Ballora has a good point!” Freddy added. “Ey ey, Ballora!” Bonbon declared. “Rawr!” Bonbon declared.
He bit down on Lolbit’s side, earning a squeal from Lolbit. “NOHOHO! HAhahahaha! Gehehehet off mehehehehe!” Lolbit yelled as he wiggled himself around desperately.
“Ooooh! Shake that booty, Lolly!” Bonbon joked. Foxy wheezed and bursted out laughing at that. “Yeheheah! Shake that booty, boy!” Foxy joked.
“Shuhuhut uhuhup, ahahahasshoholes!” Lolbit spat back.
Freddy gasped and covered Baby’s invisible ears. “There are CHILDREN here!” Freddy hissed.
Baby raised an eyebrow. “I’m technically 11 now.” Baby told her.
“Shhhh…” Freddy placed his fat finger on Baby’s lips. “Still our baby…” Freddy told her. Baby rolled her eyes and kept holding onto Lolbit. Freddy let her go and went back to pressing down on Lolbit’s hip. “Which hip tickles more?” Freddy asked, pushing on his left hip first. “Left?”
Lolbit screeched and wiggled around like a wiggle worm.
Freddy moved to his right hip and pushed down. “Or right hip?”
Lolbit cackled like the world was gonna end. “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!” Lolbit begged. “Which one tickled more? Right hip? Or left hip?” Freddy asked.
“RIHIHIHIGHT!” Lolbit shouted back. “Ooooh! Looks like I’m tickling the right hip then!” Freddy declared.
The moment Freddy’s hand dug down on Lolbit’s hip, Lolbit squawked like a bird and cackled loudly!
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!” Lolbit begged. “Not where? Here?” Freddy asked, pushing down on his hip more. “AAAAAAHAHAHAHA! YEHEHEHES!” Lolbit responded. “Awww, poor thing! Can’t handle a little tickling?” Foxy teased. “YOHOHOU AHAHALL SUHUHUCK!” Lolbit yelled. “♫Oh, we know.♫” Ballora sing-songed. After a while of tickling and teasing, the animatronics finally stopped. Baby and the bidybabs let go of poor Lolbit, and the animatronics got off him.
Lolbit curled into a big ball of giggles on the floor. He just couldn’t stop giggling for the life of him! “Yohohohou ahahahare ahahall bruhuhutal…” Lolbit told them.
“Come on…We know you liked it…” Foxy teased, poking his side. Lolbit jumped at the poke, and pushed Foxy down. “Don’t even start!”
“Whahat?! Too much of a coward to tickle me back?” Foxy teased.
“Nah, just too stubborn to give you what you desire.” Lolbit teased back.
“Wait…You enjoy this?” Bonbon asked. “You enjoy being tickled?!” Bonbon clarified. Foxy widened his eyes and looked away with a grumble. “Asdfghjkl- asshole…”
“FOXY!” Freddy yelled. “There are KIDS here!”
“I’ve heard worse…” Baby muttered.
“And yes, we do enjoy being tickled, Bonbon…don’t we, Foxy?” Lolbit admitted.
“Asdfejtkyihvndfhv- No…” He responded.
“Oh reeeaaally…” Lolbit teased. “Not even gonna admit you like it?” Lolbit asked.
Foxy clamped Lolbit’s muzzle shut. “Shut. Up.”
Lolbit’s smirk was visible under his brother’s hand. “No.” He replied through his teeth.
Foxy poked and skittered his fingers on Lolbit’s belly and sides to try and get him to further shut his mouth. Though Lolbit did start giggling and doubling over, he didn’t shut up…not even for a second.
“Bihihihite mehehehe, tohohouch staharved bahahahaby!” Lolbit threatened harmlessly.
“ExCUSE ME?!” Foxy fought. “I’ll show you who’s the REAL baby up in this place!” Foxy said as he squeezed Lolbit’s sides.
While Lolbit was laughing and throwing his arms around, Bonbon had cleared his throat rather loudly. This made Foxy stop for a moment. He looked at Bonbon, who’s little chibi arms were crossed.
“None of you are the real baby.” Bonbon added. “Baby’s the real baby in this pizza joint.”
Baby sighed. “That’s true…” She replied.
“Not that that’s a bad thing, of course.” Bonbon added.
“Right…” Baby muttered, clearly not enjoying living at that moment.
Foxy looked at Baby for a moment…before going right back to tickling Lolbit. “My younger brother over here, thinks he can get away with telling my secrets to the world.” Foxy told him. Lolbit was laughing and giggling all over again. “Yeheheheheah, sahahahays thehehe cohowahahard!”
“Coward?!” Foxy paused, before tickling behind his ears. “Quit lying!”
Lolbit screeched and shook his head as he tried to get out of Foxy’s grip. But Foxy had a good grip on his ears while he casually massaged them. The massages were way too ticklish for Lolbit.
“What do you say we give the brothers a chance to play?” Freddy asked as he picked up Bonbon. “♫They could play for hours, I’m sure…♫” Ballora sing-songed.
“They really could.” Bonbon added. “Let’s go, bidybabs. We’ve done our job.” Baby ordered. The little bidybabs followed Baby as she walked back to the stage.
Ballora danced herself back to her own stage, and Freddy with Bonbon, left the room and turned off the light. All that was left was two animatronic boys play-fighting in the dark…
Lolbit and Foxy’s laughter could be heard up until the wee hours of the morning…
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hollyspringsxo-blog · 6 years
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It's aaalmost that time again! Eeeeeeeehehehehe 🦇🕸🌑🎃 What should I be for Halloween this year? #Halloween #costume #clown #killerclown #throwback #helpme #decisions https://www.instagram.com/p/BoHp9DPhQ_h/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wt8lxy01pemq
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xgoldxnhour · 3 years
You're absolutely adorable muse, and you presenting me with a little sister for Klaus!! HOW COULD I SAY NO!?!?! xxxx
Eeeeeeeehehehehe. I love these siblings so much. All the angst and fluff. The Klenzendorfs have my whole freaking heart and I will scream about them forever. Thank you for giving my Aloisia her stachelschwein.
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