#ee smut
btsydtrash · 5 days
Euphoric Endeavors [20]
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vampire bts, poly ot7 x uni student yn
Through a series of curious happenstances, the Boys of Bangtan - your campus’ most popular and most handsome group of individuals - set their sights on you, a regular student with a stubborn streak and a wayward mouth.
Strangely enough, the mere sight of them sets your instincts off, red-lights flashing in your brain - danger, danger, danger, danger.
It’s too bad that they can’t seem to leave you alone, though. They like you too much.
(angst / smut / yandere / fluff / gore)
Masterlist / i dont have a tag list / find me on twitter  /  word count: 5.06k
(AN: Hi, all! This story is actually already posted on AO3. But, I decided to post it on here. I have almost 50 chapters of this story up over there, so I’ll slowly be adding them onto here too)
tw: mentions of physical abuse, abandonment issues, allusions to masturbation, anger issues
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Waking up the next morning, the last thing you expect to see is a wall of honeyed skin bracketing you in place.
Hoseok’s sleep-slack face is above you. The older man is laying on his stomach, one arm bent so his cheek can rest on it, the other stiff by his side. You notice, idly, that he looks infinitely younger when he’s asleep. There’s no bravado here, just him, resting, relaxed – at peace – and you wish you could see the sight every day, considering how beautiful he is.
Unconsciously, you catalogue his features, burning the slightly pointed tip of his nose in your brain. His high cheekbones and sleep-swollen lips imprint themselves in your head, and you couldn’t forget this sight even if you tried. His lashes are dark and long, and his hair is a mess of curls atop his head, exposing his forehead. He had put a headband in, apparently to keep the strands from his eyes.
Entranced, you reach up, barely touching his skin, to trace from the corner of his eye to his jaw, reverence practically shining in your eyes. He sniffs in his sleep, burrowing deeper into the safety of his arms
“Are you awake now?” A rough voice asks from behind you, making you jump out of your skin. Yoongi is staring at you from where he had been laying, content to just watch you sleep. When you had woken up, you had twisted away from him, making him pout childishly. Now, though, your attention was back on him, his lips quirk up in a private smile as he remarks, playfully, “You look like you had a good night.”
“My head hurts,” you complain, pathetically, wanting to cover your eyes with your hands. You ask, frowning slightly in confusion, “How did I get here? Why am I in bed with you guys?”
You don’t feel even remotely unsafe, but the fact that the last thing you remember is jumping onto Jungkook’s back in the back yard is disconcerting.
“You’re awfully clingy when you get drunk,” Yoongi remarks, light-heartedly. He sits up, the sheets pooling at his waist, and you notice that his shirt is too big, showing off the pale expanse of his collarbone and shoulder. It makes your mouth feel drier than before. “You wouldn’t let Hobi go to sleep on the couch, so he spent the night in bed with you.”
With burning ears, you feel yourself frown. You really ought to stop drinking so much.
Still… something about the set up of the bed makes you snicker.
“That doesn’t explain why you’re in bed with us too,” you remark.
He shrugs, expression passive. “It looked comfortable.”
“And, was it?” You enquire, rolling onto your side to glance up at him. “Comfortable, I mean.”
He glances at you, meaning imbued heavily in his gaze, and he nods. “Very.”
Cheeks pinking quickly, you drop your eyes to his shirt and you finger the smooth material, to distract yourself. “Is this Joonie’s shirt?”
He looks down at it, pulling it away from his body, before sleepily nodding. His eyes are puffy, almost half-way closed, but he seems well-rested, still floating contentedly in the vestiges of slumber. He explains, “We always wear each other’s stuff. No big.”
Feeling somewhat envious, you simply nod and move to sit up too. Hoseok’s grip tightens on your waist and he makes a noise of dissent in his sleep, brow instantly furrowing.
“He’s just as clingy as you are,” Yoongi says, a rough chuckle tumbling from his lips. He slides out of bed, scratching his scalp, messing up his already chaotic blond nest and mumbles, “I’ll go get you something to eat.”
“You don’t have to, Yoon,” you reply, cosying up to Hobi. You feel like being lazy and being so close to the dancer’s warmth makes your stomach-ache feel more manageable. “I feel like I’m taking advantage of you.”
The blond snorts, giving you an uninterested look that has you shutting up with an audible clack of your jaw. He rests his knee on the bed to press a finger to your nose, mischievously, before he comments, lightly, “I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t want to, sweetheart.”
And then he’s gone, backing out of your space and disappearing to the kitchen to whip up a quick breakfast for you to eat in bed.
Hoseok makes a soft noise in his sleep, like a mix between a sigh and a groan, before he snuggles up closer to you, so your back is flush with his chest, arm tossed over your middle. You relax into his hold, letting the soft puffs of his breath against your ear lull you back under the fuzzy blanket of exhaustion. You feel yourself succumbing to the urge to fall into your own dreams once more…
That is, until you tense up all over when you feel something hard and hot poke in your lower back.
Jerking away from the throbbing heat, you feel your face flood, instantly, in embarrassment. You curse yourself for being so skittish, but you aren’t used to being in such an intimate setting with another body, used to a quick and mostly unsatisfying romp in the sheets, followed by a swift exit and an awkward Uber ride back to your dorm room. This, however, feels intimate.
You think, mind whirring, it’s just the morning, he can’t help it. It’s perfectly natural. You’re the one making it weird. Just get up normally and he’ll let you g-
“Don’t move so much,” Hoseok grumbles, voice thick and rough and so deep with sleep that you feel tingles break out all over your body. His grip only tightens fractionally around your middle and you feel him pull himself closer to you, if that’s even possible. “You’re so warm, sunshine.”
“Mphm, Hobi,” you grumble, struggling to worm your way out of his steel-like grip. For someone who’s half-asleep, he sure likes to hold on tight. You feel bad for the plushies that Joon says he steals off his bed. You say, quickly, trying to avoid rubbing against his arousal, “I need to pee!”
“Liar,” he whispers against the skin of your shoulder, dry lips pressing briefly against your skin, so light that it feels as if he’s kissing you. He still sounds out of it, disorientated even. “You just want to leave me.”
Huffing, you wiggle harder, actively pulling yourself away from him, but he only lets out a growl of disapproval. You say, “When you wake up properly, you’re going to be so embarrassed.”
“Nothin’ to be ‘barrassed about,” he sulks, nosing into your neck, as if burrowing for more warmth. “’s normal for me to hold you like this.”
That’s where you snap, nails gripping into the meat of his forearm and shake him.
“Pressing your hard dick into my back is the antithesis of normal, Hobi,” you snap.
At that, he lets you go as if your body had just spontaneously combusted, nearly throwing himself away from you, a wall of cold air replacing the blanket of warmth that you had just been swaddled in. You barely have time to miss the feeling before you see his face crack into something you could only liken to horror.
“’m sorry!” He stammers, sitting up but covering himself with a pillow, cheeks so ruddy that you are sure that if you touched them, they would be burning with warmth. He mutters, twisting his fingers in the deep green covers, “It’s morning and I- I wasn’t thinking.”
Feeling guilty over his embarrassed appearance, you say, “It’s fine. No harm, no foul.”
He slides out of bed, shivering a little at the cold of the bedroom, before jerking his thumb to the bathroom, awkwardly. He avoids your eyes as he mumbles, “I’ll go, uh, take care of this.”
If you didn’t think your cheeks could burn any hotter, you were wrong.
“Jerk!” You toss the plushie at his head, which he ducks out of and, giggling, disappears into the bathroom.
The shower flicks on in the distance and you drown out the potential sounds of the bathroom by getting out of bed and exploring the house. Your head aches, but there’s two tablets and a bottle of water on the bedside table that you neck down instantly.
“Thanks for the medication, Yoon,” you say, softly, as you walk into the kitchen. The blond had been standing at the sink, his slender back facing you, draped in a mass of material and his narrow waist hidden from your sight, as he chewed listlessly on some of Taehyung’s mango chips.
He offers you the bag with a small smile and the two of you giggle, remembering the time Tae almost killed you in the backseat because you ate them all without asking. Well, Yoongi took most of the blame, but you definitely enjoyed more than your fair share.
“Sit with me while I cook,” he declares, and even though it should sound like a question, you wouldn’t be able to deny him even if you tried.
You hop onto the sideboard and kick your feet as you watch him expertly flit around the kitchen, snapping off the yellow washing up gloves after he had finished hand-washing the mess from last night and moving to the oven. Open flames burst from the hob and within minutes, he has a mass of bubbling hobs on the go, without issue.
“There’s a reason why I’m not allowed in the kitchen by myself,” you joke. “I would have burned myself to high hell already.”
He glances your way, briefly. “You don’t cook at all?”
“I try,” you say, before tossing another mango chip into your mouth. “My Mom says I’m hopeless with anything domestic.”
“That’s okay,” he answers, unbothered. “I’ll teach you. And anything I can’t teach you, I’ll do for you. There – no problem.”
You don’t know why but his words make your stomach feel as if a medley of butterflies had just been released and you can barely hide your smile before you ask, “Can you sew?”
“For that, you’ll have to ask Jiminie,” he says, begrudgingly. “He’s always been the one to adjust our clothes since we were kids.”
You inquire, curiosity piqued – the idea of a mini-Jimin sewing up holes in the knees of Joon’s scruffy jeans, or the split seams of Jin’s shirts when he started growing too big for his clothes, making you coo internally. “Who taught him?”
“My Mom did,” a voice calls from the hallway. Jimin saunters into the room, already dressed, hair still damp and a towel draped around his shoulders. He looks at you, eyes bright with concern. “Are you feeling better? I heard our baby got too drunk last night.”
The nickname doesn’t even give you pause anymore, considering the medley of monikers they’ve given you against your will. Despite the fact that you’re actually older than Taehyung and Jungkook, and therefore the furthest from the baby of the group, you feel warmed by the pet name.
Pouting, you nod. “I feel much better. Yoon made sure I got tablets, and he cuddled me last night. Hobi, too. It was nice.”
“And I missed out on that?” He asks, quirking his brow as he approaches you. He nudges your knees apart in a surprisingly daring act, and wraps his arms around your middle, pressing his nose to your collar. “You smell like hyung.”
“I did sleep in his bed,” you mutter, shyly. Unable to stop yourself, you grab the tail end of the damp towel and sop up the trails of water that have dripped from his hair and lead down the neck of his shirt. You complain, “You’re going to catch a cold.”
“You’ll keep me warm,” he murmurs against your skin. “Sleep with me tonight, won’t you, YN?”
Yoongi snorts from where he’s frying some kimchi pancakes in the small pan. “Now that you’ve started this tradition, I hope you don’t plan on sleeping alone any time soon, YN.”
Jimin huffs at him. “Don’t start, hyung. You got to sleep with her, so did Hobi-hyung. And Joonie got to sleep in her room. I haven’t even been in her room. You guys are being so unfair.”
He’s practically stamping his bare feet on the linoleum before you let out a light giggle at his childish, bratty antics. “Fine, fine. I’ll sleep with you tonight. I hope you don’t mind that I talk in my sleep.”
He looks at you, skin glistening and smelling faintly of aloe and eucalyptus, directly into your eyes, holding your gaze for a beat. “As long as you’re with me, honey, I won’t mind if you do anything.”
After breakfast in bed with Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi all piled around you like a pack of baby bears, watching one of Hoseok’s shows on Netflix (“Shut up, Jimin! If I miss any more of this because of your infernal mouth-breathing, I’m going to shave your eyebrows off. Again!”), you find yourself being whisked away by a well-dressed Jin.
“I’ve got a meeting with my father,” he says, once you make a face at his expensive suit and tie, even though it’s definitely Saturday and it isn’t even noon. “Do I meet your expectations, petal?”
You roll your eyes at his smug expression, but you nod, excitedly. “You really do look like an idol.”
“God didn’t give me this face for no reason,” he says, gesturing to his puffy lips with a wink. “Isn’t that Jungkook’s shirt?”
You look down at the button up that you had been handed by a sleepy Taehyung (really, he’d shoved it into your hands before he fell back asleep in your lap, dribbling into the crease of your thigh), and nod, vaguely. “Maybe?”
“It smells like him,” he comments, lips turning down. “I should have given you my shirt. Quick, YN. Get changed into mine.”
“Why?” You ask, laughing at his conspiratorial look. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“I just- I want you to smell like me, is all,” he replies, pouting. “You spend so much time with the others… I don’t get to be with you as much.”
You move to deny his statement, but honestly, you can’t. You say, reaching for the sleeve of his blazer, “How about… After your meeting, how about we go for some food together? Just us?”
The way his eyes glitter at your words makes it all worth it. Despite the rolling of your stomach, the brilliance of his smile makes you feel as if you had somehow saved the nation.
“Let’s go, YN,” he says, grabbing your hand and leading you out of the apartment. He doesn’t let go of your hand the whole drive to his Dad’s building, holding it over the console, running his thumb along the seam of your index finger, only letting you go to change gears, before swiftly knitting your fingers back together, as if it had always belonged there.
Arriving at his father’s building, you feel significantly out of your depth.
“It’s huge, right?” The tall man says, staring up at the skyrise with barely concealed repugnance in his eyes. “Just being here brings my mood down. Knowing it exists makes me feel sick.”
You let out a soft sigh, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He looks down at you, as if realising you’re still by his side. “I’ll be here for you, you do know that, right?”
He lets out a barely-there smile before setting his jaw. “I’ll be back out in an hour or so. You can sleep in the backseat, if you want.”
“I’m not coming in?”
He looks over at you, surprise raising his brows to nearly his hairline. “You want to meet my father?”
“I mean… I’m not opposed to it,” you mumble, feeling strangely put out. “You don’t want me to meet him?”
His smile dims slightly. “I want a lot of things, petal. I can’t get all of them.”
Then, he’s off, jaw hard and his expression so distant that it makes your heart clench in your chest.
You grab your phone and fire off a text to the only person you can think to ask.
Joonie… Jin and his dad have a bad relationship, right?
He replies within moments. Is he with him now?
He just left for the meeting.
Shit… Okay, after the meeting, he might be a little scary to you, or distant. But he doesn’t mean it, okay? His Dad brings out the worst in him.
Can I ask why?
Jin-hyung is the only one who can tell you that, baby girl.
Okay. Thank you for being honest.
Anything for you.
Deciding to sleep rather than stress out over the occurrences in the room hundreds of meters in the air, you slide off your shoes and curl up, using your coat as a blanket. You don’t think Jin will be back for a while, so with that thought in mind, you end up drifting off, the image of a happier, content Seokjin being the last thing you see.
The door slams open and closed with such force, the car shakes, waking you with a start. You look over, eyes still bleary with sleep, to see a murderous-looking Jin, eyes black with rage and his jaw wound so taut, you’re sure it hurts.
“Not now,” he growls, tone clipped and ice-cold.
The sight and sound of him makes your jaw snap closed, shoulders stiffened with discomfort and, honestly, a small bit of fear. You care for Jin, a lot more than you feel is normal, but this side of him, you aren’t used to.
He glances at you, briefly, before letting out a soft sigh, wincing at the sight of you – withdrawing from him. He reaches across the console, and with a quick squeeze of your hand, he says, quieter, “Please, YN. I don’t want to take it out on you, so just… give me some time, okay?”
You nod. “Okay.”
His eyes plead with you to understand. “Petal…”
“I’m giving you space, Jin,” you say, removing your hand from his and curling it in your lap, the skin burning.
He sighs, returning his hand to the steering wheel and pulling away from the building. Although you are moving away from the cause of his stress, it feels as if the stiffness in the air only grows the longer you are both in the car. Rather than moving towards the dorm, you realise that Jin is driving you in a direction that you’ve never been before.
“What-” You catch yourself before you make another mistake by bothering him, crossing your arms over your chest and glaring, obstinately, out of the front window. You drive and drive and drive, until you start to feel sleepy again. And it’s only when you actually do drift off that he puts the car into park and you hear him shift his body to face you. You glance around – you’re in a fairly empty car park atop a hill, overlooking the Seoul mid-afternoon skyline. You can imagine that it would be awfully beautiful at night.
“Can you look at me, petal?”
You refuse, staring straight ahead.
He lets out a frustrated sigh. “Please, YN.”
A small part of your anger melts at the way he says your name.
He twists his hands in his lap, nervously, and shifts in his seat. “I don’t want you to be mad at me.”
“Then, you shouldn’t have spoken to me like that,” you reply, simply. “I didn’t realise me being here would have put you in such a bad mood. I wouldn’t have come if I knew.”
“Don’t say that,” he implores, weakly. “I always want you around.”
“Sure, you do,” you sass back.
He reaches, limply, for your wrist, and you against your better judgement and bruised ego, you let him take it.
“You’re so precious to me, to all of us. I just-” He lets out a disappointed noise in the back of his throat, holding onto you like a lifeline. “Sometimes, I wish I had never been born.”
This piques your interest, having never experienced this side of him. “What do you mean?”
He doesn’t meet your eyes, simply choosing to focus on the veins beneath your skin, tracking them obsessively with his eyes. Not in hunger, but as a reminder that you are here, that you are present and with him in the moment.
He continues, “I’ve always been the oldest of our cluster, meaning I had a lot of responsibilities from a young age, like most hyungs do. I did what I had to do, I loved my little brothers and cared for my cluster, following Namjoon’s orders and being the best I can be. But… Why is it never enough, YN?”
You turn to him now, brow puckering as his eyes lose focus and he becomes consumed with his thoughts.
“Why is it never enough for him? Nothing I do, nothing I say. It’s always nothing but shit to him. He looks at me like he wishes I were dead,” he says, and the honesty in his expression blows a hole in your chest. You feel as if he’s ripped your heart out with his bare hands. You knit your fingers with his, shuffling forward slightly so your knees are touching.
“I told you my brother is supposed to be CEO of the company in my father’s stead, right? Well, that’s unlikely to happen, considering he’s busy fucking through half of Europe, blowing our Dad’s money on hookers and expensive blood stimulant drugs. He won’t have to take that responsibility until he’s ready, just because he’s the oldest. But me? I’m forced to go to a university I hate, study a degree I despise for a man I would much rather never see again.”
“He never sees my brother as in the wrong, no matter what he does,” he complains, grip tight on your hand. “But me, if I get anything less than a hundred on a test, or if I miss class because I have to work because I would rather starve than take his fucking money, I won’t hear the end of it for days.”
“He tears me down until there’s nothing left,” he growls. “He makes me so angry, and then I do the same thing that he always does. I get distant. I feel nothing inside, because that’s better than feeling everything and breaking down so pathetically like this.”
“You aren’t pathetic, Jin,” you tell him, pushing some of his dark hair out of his watery eyes. “You’re so strong and so important to me. To all of us.”
He lets out a shaky breath, hands trembling. “Just living in that apartment, knowing that he’ll willingly throw it back in my face, makes me so angry. But I do it. Because the boys need somewhere to live. And I wouldn’t forgive myself if I let them suffer because of my stupid pride.”
He cards a hand through his hair, forehead damp with sweat. He’s overwhelming himself into a panic.
“I hate him, YN. I hate how he never acknowledges anything that I do. I hate how he always takes my brother’s side,” he says, and when he finally looks at you again, his eyes are laced with pain and you practically feel his soul crying out for you. You grab his hand tighter when he chokes out a sob. “I hate that I keep wanting him to be proud of me.”
“It’s okay, Jin,” you soothe, crawling over and opening your arms for him to wrap himself around you. Patting his back, gently, you rub your hand in small, rhythmic circles, and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. “It’s okay to want his approval. He’s your father, this successful mogul, and the person who you have been looking up to for your whole life. You don’t have to feel stupid for wanting him to say he’s proud of you.”
He lets out a broken whine at your words, pulling your hand to his lips as he breathes against the skin. “I don’t know what to do anymore.”
You pull him in close, pressing dry kisses to his temple and letting him rest his face in the crook of your neck. The angle is awkward because he’s so much bigger than you, but he seems to need it regardless.
“You’re okay.”
“You’re safe.”
“I’m proud of you.”
“You aren’t alone.”
“We care for you.”
“You’re so strong.”
You keep the one thing you can feel bursting from behind your lips to yourself, too scared to ruin the atmosphere of trust that he had given you. You feel his tears stain your shirt, but you pay it little mind. This is about Seokjin – the one person who you had always looked at as a pillar of strength and playfulness. Little did you know, there was a maelstrom of pain and anguish hidden behind his bright smile.
Once his breathing calms and the tears have dried on his cheeks, you take a good look at him, watery eyes, pink cheeks, red-raw lips from where he’d bitten them to keep the sobs at bay, and you feel your earlier displeasure dissolve into nothingness. How stupid must you have been to have held something so petty over his head when he had needed comforting so much.
He scoffs, lightly, scrubbing at his face with his sleeve, staring down at his large hands. “You and Jimin are the same, only using that nickname when you feel sorry for me. Or, when you want something.”
“I’ll call you honey all the time from now on,” you promise, reaching for his hand. He looks at where your hands are joined, sniffing a little more, and your heart aches at how much of a pathetic figure he seems, all scrunched up in the corner of his car. “You can talk to me, honey.”
He groans, staring at the roof of the car. “My brother isn’t exactly business-friendly. He’d wreck my Dad’s company in a year, tops, but my father has a very traditional mindset. He thinks because hyung is older, he deserves to run the company, no matter how bad his personality is. Unfortunately, that means I’m the one who has to pick up the slack, as his younger brother.”
He turns your hands over, playing with the ring on his finger, idly. “I didn’t want to do business, you know.”
“I can tell,” you say, softly, stroking his fingers in a gesture of comfort. “What did you want to do?”
He lets out a humourless laugh. “I wanted to act.”
And, honestly. It makes sense. Jin’s personality favours the ostentatious, the bright and the loud, the melodramatics of theatre fit his persona perfectly.
You ask, “Wanted, as in past tense?”
He glances at you. “It’s not like there aren’t supernatural actors. Lee Minho is a selkie.” His eyes widen, slightly, and he murmurs, contritely, “Oh, I shouldn’t have told you that. Well, you won’t tell anyone. I trust you.”
It doesn’t even surprise you anymore, so you simply smile at his admission and continue to draw soft shapes on the back of his hand.
“The first time I saw my father laugh was the day I told him I wanted to act,” he says, resentfully. “He said that there was no way someone as uninteresting as me could entertain anyone. He said that I should only focus on what I was good at – studies – and that I should throw my stupid dreams of acting out of my mind before he beat some sense into me.”
You decide, instantly, that you hated his Dad more than you’ve hated anyone else in your life.
Cautiously, you ask, brow puckering, “He didn’t ever… you know, hit you, did he?”
“Sometimes,” Jin replies. “Nothing I couldn’t handle. It wasn’t like I didn’t deserve it. I was a flighty kid, even more than I am now, so… Yeah.”
“Nobody deserves to get hit, Jin,” you tell him, eyes shining with unshed tears. “I’m really… I’m just sorry this happened to you.”
He smiles, softly, and wipes his thumb across your cheek, catching a stray tear and flicking it away. “Don’t cry for me, YN. I’m made of tougher stuff.”
“I’m not,” you grumble, holding his hand a little tighter. “I’m upset for you.”
He chuckles, wetly, at your scowl, bringing your hand to his lips and pressing a quick kiss there. “You’re so cute.”
His smile slowly disappears as he stares out at the city in front of the two of you, hands intertwined over the console in the car, before he sits up a little straighter. “Once I graduate, I’m leaving.”
The bottom of your stomach falls out at his words, instantly, at his words.
Drawing away, slightly, you ask, “W-What do you mean ‘leaving’?”
“I don’t want to stay here anymore,” he admits, quietly. “I’ve already talked to Joonie about it, and he’s willing to let me go.”
He looks over at you, surprised by the hard tone of your voice, and his eyes widen even more at the sight of the tears in your eyes. “What’s wrong, petal?”
“You can’t leave us,” you tell him, gripping his sleeve, as if he’s getting ready to go away now. “W-What are we supposed to do?”
“I’m not leaving forever, petal,” he says, softly, reaching to tuck some hair behind your ear. “Just a year or so. To find myself, you know? It’ll be good for me.”
You still can’t make sense of the agony rushing through your system. The idea of not seeing Jin, of not hearing his loud laugh or seeing the mop of dark hair poking out of the burrito of blankets in the living room at 3am when both of you can’t sleep. Or, holding his hand in the dark under those same sheets and feeling his slow heartbeat pulse against your ear, lulling you to sleep.
You can’t say anything, not wanting to guilt him for wanting to explore, but also being unable to force yourself to support him either.
You simply can’t imagine him being absent from your life, it just doesn’t make sense.
- end -
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20)
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Really not sure who is the hottest here. Dealing with unexpected feelings, brb.
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derireo-galge · 10 months
Drunk and Slow | 3k | jimsu✍️🏼
A joint corporate party in a hotel brings bonuses to the employees of both partnership companies, because both alpha Jimin and vampire Yoongi attend it in hopes of seeing each other again.
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futa yoongi | yoonmilkers! | secret relationship | biting, feeding (vampire) | being drunk on blood | consensual sex | ass eating | scenting | knotting
They kind of were news of the year in a small business world. Of course, for two companies of not that big of a size to partner on several projects was already a big deal in this competitive ocean. Fortunately the bosses never hesitated to spend money on celebratory corporate parties that kept the employees happy and grateful which was just a great way of stimulating the working class. And the working conditions and benefits were improving and getting bigger, as they should.
[ fed and knotted series ]
Of course those gatherings weren't perfect but for many it was a good way to meet all the employees of their own company. The workers mingled with various folks and exchanged juicy rumors and surely for some of the employees it was a chance to meet the people from the other company, share the experience and get acquainted with further mutual benefit for themselves.
For Yoongi and Jimin it was a perfect opportunity to see each other again. They met up casually, mostly during those corporate parties. They would socialize or not, depending on which of them to talk about and after a while when their colleagues would start getting slightly tipsy, they would disappear somewhere secluded and convenient to spend time just between them two.
Yoongi noted that the hotel was much nicer than the previous time they had the same event. The food was definitely not better but that was the disease of all corporate parties so he wasn't bothered that much, never mind that he could easily nourish himself by coming home to a stored bunch of bloodbags and feast all night long if he so wanted.
Yoongi smelt the alpha the moment he entered the room and spotted him with his own eyes a bit later. His figure attracted attention even from the distance, even from the other side of the room. The proud set of his shoulders and head held high was so obviously screaming young alpha that the vampire chuckled in his glass of juice. It was fun watching the wolf almost circling him judging by the trajectories he was choosing to walk by. Ah, so Yoongi was the prey tonight? He might play into it, if it gets them two together in a confined space again.
He was sure Jimin smelt him even before he did but they patiently waited until at least an hour was up since beginning of the party, abiding by the unspoken rule they had between each other. Yoongi needed no labels, at least not yet, preferring to take their meetings as gifts given him by chance. It's been rather long since he indulged in anything with another person before meeting the alpha and he preferred not to think about where this might lead. Emotional investment always came with a price and was quite a hard work for him so for now he enjoyed meeting the young man exactly like this. The fact they had to be discreet was too a good bonus. It was thrilling.
The vampire wasn't happy with himself, to be exact with the way he looked today. His clothes were simple and he was pretty content with that, having brand new black jeans with fashionable rips and fishnet tights underneath. They were topped off with an oversized sweater that was swallowing him whole, giving him innocent look, sort of. The rest he didn't choose that precisely.
His washing machine decided to act up and Yoongi couldn't prepare one of his best lingerie sets on time, swarmed with work and his current project on the side. He didn't like hot having enough time and opportunities to get ready. He put together the first clean set of underwear that he managed to grab of the drying rack. It was a simple bra, grey with a white elastic band and matching panties, kind of what he used for sports sometime. His chest still looked really nice in it but somehow he felt like he wasn't one hundred percent prepared to get naked in front of his casual lover.
Not that these efforts were for himself exclusively: the idea of getting dolled up for someone else was nice too. The well thought through outfits gave him all the confidence he needed to feel better, to be more initiative. Probably today he could simply let go and forget about such non meaningful things.
Also, picking his best lingerie pieces in hopes to be extra praised by his casual lover screamed something eery similar to commitment and it was a hard topic for him. Way back when he was just a fledgling still he dreamt of finding a mate, one and only, someone he could bond with for life. But as years passed he has seen way too many tragic stories that put him off of those dreams and made him hesitate to even simply date, like humans do.
Yoongi already stopped himself a couple of times to bite on his nails from being so unsettled. He preferred to have everything planned and even his endeavors with the young alpha were considered sort of negotiated. He breathed in deeply through his nose and exhaled through the mouth. He needed to calm down because Jimin, being the alpha he was, could smell his state and start fretting like he sometimes did, most likely instinctively. Just when he thought about the younger again, Yoongi sensed him coming closer and closer from behind. It wasn't his steps but rather his heavenly scent that became more intense in the air.
"There's my beautiful vampling hyung".
Jimin's low whisper sounded from the side, very close to Yoongi's ear, fanning his sensitive skin with his warm breath. Yoongi shivered and slightly turned his head to the side.
"And here's my handsome alpha", he drawled just as quietly.
Yoongi felt the breath on his nape and wished more than anything to feel those plush lips on his skin. But in any case they stayed in an appropriate line of behavior as they quietly conversed. It was a game they played, the one they enjoyed a little too much. It made him forget about difficult topics looming over his head, the stereotypical and artificially cultivated need to have everything figured out in his life.
"Enjoying the party?" the wolf asked.
"Not really", Yoongi answered, "I already did almost everything I was planning for this evening".
"And what else is it that you need to do?"
"Oh, do you want to know? An alpha, maybe?" he said playfully, low enough for no one to be able to decipher his exact words.
There weren't many people around where they were talking anyway because Yoongi never stayed next to the tables where he picked his drinks from in order to avoid conversations about nothing. The only one he was interested in truly was standing right there, next to him.
"If so then you can freely do it in the comfort of one of the rooms?"
Yoongi turned around at that.
'Have you checked in?" he asked and Jimin discreetly showed him a key card that he was holding in his hand. "Oh, the alpha wants to be fed on so bad?"
The vampire saw the way Jimin's nostrils flared. He was sure the scent he started to emit was strongly affected by his arousal. Yoongi loved taunting him, loved the teasing, knowing how much ahe alpha loved when he behaved like that.
"You're a tempter".
"That I am", Yoongj agreed somewhat with pride, touching Jimin's wrist subtly, searching for the gland there and rubbinb over it.
They walked out of the hall one by one and Yoongi joined the younger who was waiting for him next to the elevators. On the way up Jimin tentatively touched his hand and Yoongi squeezed it tighter with his. The room was spacious and the bed was big and comfortable. The first thing the vampire did was drawing the curtains close and switching on the bedside lights. Immediately the atmosphere changed.
Yoongi didn't get to turn around because strong arms weaved around his waist and Jimin's nose pressed to his neck and he inhaled. The elder tilted his head, giving the alpha more room for scenting. He didn't have to ask, he knew how much Yoongi liked to be scented, to smell his lover on himself for hours after they parted ways.
"Hungry?" Jimin asked softly.
"A bit", Yoongi admitted.
There, in the hall, among both their teams they felt audacious, ready to tease and seduce. But when they eventually were left one on one in a closed space today, everything became slower, more sensual. Jimin left a trail of gentle kisses on Yoongi's neck, travelled lower to the wide neck of the oversized sweater and even lower after pulling it slightly down. He flicked the tip of his tongue over the sharp collarbone and Yoongi decided he couldn't go exactly that slow.
He turned around in a half circle that Jimin's arm on his waist formed and found the younger's lips with his. There was something akin to lightness that spread through him along with the familiar smell and pulsing of the warm wolf blood. It was relief. Yoongi didn't want to admit just how much he missed this feeling when they were kissing, touching each other without restrictions of the public eye.
Yoongi weaved his arms around Jimin's neck and the younger effortlessly lifted him up in his arms, marveling at how strong yet dainty the vampire was. He stepped back towards the bed and controlling his body perfectly, lowered them both on the mattress. Yoongi straddled his hips and kept on kissing his lover, exploring his hot mouth with his tongue. It was getting hotter under the layer of clothes, the heat of the alpha's body easily spread through Yoongi's, urging him to take the unnecessary items off.
"Will you undress me?" Yoongi whispered and Jimin nodded, readily rolling the figure on top of him, placing the vampire on the fresh sheets.
"Let's see what you're hiding this time", Jimin chuckled and Yoongi squirmed, remembering his earlier thoughts.
Jimin took the clothes off the elder with an expression of awe on his face. He immediately started touching the revealed skin, cupped the full round breasts through the grey cotton fabric, stuck his fingers into the white elastic hem of the panties, moving back and forth, teasing the skin of Yoongi's soft belly.
"Beautiful", he whispered and Yoongi's cheeks turned from pink to ruddy.
"Your turn", he said quietly, tugging at the fabric of Jimin's clothes.
The alpha stood up and took his clothes off without any particular rush. His eyes were focused on Yoongi's body, to his attractive face and all his lovely curves. When he was rid of every single item he kneeled on the mattress and crawled on top of the vampire's body, placing kisses on his broad shoulders and sliding his lips over his cleavage. He pulled the bra up and freed Yoongi's breasts, covering one of the nipples with his mouth immediately. Yoongi reached down with his hand and wrapped it around the alpha's stiffened cock, lazily tugging at it while Jimin was having a feast on his tits.
Yoongi noticed how Jimin's unoccupied hand moved to his belly and started to lightly knead it. It was like he didn't even realise he was doing it. His kisses turned more passionate, he suckled on Yoongi's nipples, alternating between the two and the vampire couldn't help but moan quietly at every light nip of the alpha's teeth.
"Hyung, will you present for me?"
Yoongi took in a sharp breath. He knew how much Jimin liked his vamp traits, how curiously he traced his fangs with his teeth, how readily he gave him his blood. Yet, if it was the alpha's fantasy to take Yoongi in a well-known traditional omegan position, he was ready to grant him that.
"Feed me first".
They rolled over again. Yoongi too was a predator so he preferred if his prey submitted to him. Jimin knew that too so he tilted his head without question, only briefly kissing Yoongi's slightly swollen lips. The vampire quickly found the perfect place for a bite. He didn't need to feed, that was more of his caprice, a desire to get a little high on the alpha's blood that influenced him not less strong than a good portion or two of fine whiskey.
He licked the chosen spot and swiftly pierced the skin with his fangs. They elongated slightly, going deeper, and the alpha tensed under him, fighting the instinct to fight, to conquer the being that was feeding off him. Yoongi didn't take much. He drank slowly and neatly, savoring the salty metallic taste of delicious blood. He suckled rather than gulped and stopped when he started feeling a little dizzy. It was the first sign before getting slightly tipsy.
Yoongi thoroughly licked the remnants of the blood that was oozing out of two small wounds. They started to visibly heal very quick under the effect of the vampire's saliva and the wolf's regeneration ability. The elder sloppily kissed Jimin on the mouth and went pliant under the explorations of his tongue.
The alpha rolled them over again and Yoongi felt dizzy once more. He decided to take the position while the effect of the blood was still not as strong. He tried to get rid of the top and the younger quickly helped him with that task. The vampire turned around and went on all fours but then reconsidered, putting his head on his crossed forearms and laying his chest on the mattress. Jimin helped him get rid of the underwear and made him spread his knees even wider.
"Like this?" Yoongi decided to make sure, having never been with an omega wolf in such position.
"Yes, like that is just perfect".
His kisses laid along the elder's spine, slowly descending towards his lower back. Jimin caressed the round globes of his butt and spread them with his thumbs, licking a tentative stripe over his rim. Yoongi only sighed, relaxing and arching his body more prominently, showing his eagerness despite his drowsy state. It was almost impossible to predict how the blood will affect a vampire or if there would be much of an effect at all. Yoongi felt like his body was lighter than before and a pleasant white noise filled his ears.
Jimin was licking at sucking on his entrance with a dedication of a hungry wolf that finally got to what he was deprived of. The room filled with wet smacking noises and low rumbles from the alpha. Yoongi grasped at the sheets, doing his best to stay up on his knees. He could feel the vibrations coming from Jimin's mouth spreading to his lower belly. Maybe it was his vivid imagination but he all but dissolved in his lover, went putty and let the alpha lead, following the quiet instructions to bend more or spread his legs wider.
Yoongi relaxed so much he almost missed the moment when Jimin started preparing him. He had no will to move much and stayed still as he took two and then three of the lubed up fingers. Jimin couldn't stop touching him, his hand played with his balls and squeezed his thighs, slid over his back and rubbed his tummy in circles.
"Hurry, alpha", Yoongi mumbled, still kind of drunk on blood.
Jimin chuckled and manhandled Yoongi to lay on his back. He was like plasticine, going wherever Jimin directed him to.
"Wanna see your face", the alpha said quietly and wrapped Yoongi's smooth legs around his waist.
The vampire gripped his sheets as the younger was slowly sliding inside him. It felt hot, the contrast in the temperature of two bodies was not as sharp anymore but was still significant. Yoongi felt him deep inside him, spreading warmth all over his lower belly, reaching right where he wanted. Jimin stilled, letting his lover adjust and then began moving. He wasn't as fast as they were before, he seemed to be savouring every thrust yet it didn't make it any less pleasurable. It was like they already took the edge of the novice of their time together and now they had a different purpose: to pace, to enjoy, to match to each other's bodies.
Yoongi was fisting the sheets above his head, keeping his hands away from his own cock. He was aching and hard from the jabs to his prostate but he wanted to come untouched, to prolong this beautiful torture, to stay somewhere in the edge before the inevitable peak. He had to be honest with himself, he didn't quite expect the young wolf to go as slow all the time from beginning to finish and was happily surprised with this discovery. Because he loved it a lot, especially after the feeding.
Jimin leaned in to scent him again. His face happened to be right above his breasts and he rubbed at his chest, alternating it with small licks. Maybe that too was his new thing. He kept thrusting at the perfect angle and Yoongi only got to groan once before spilling between their heated bodies all over his belly. The alpha plunged in faster and soon released inside the vampire, with his knot expanding and locking them together. It didn't feel as big as it did for the first time Yoongi was knotted by him, maybe because he was so immensely relaxed.
He felt sleepy, coming to the crash that was impossible to avoid after drinking when he was not overly hungry. He searched for Jimin's lips almost blindly and licked all over them, making Jimin giggle.
"Shh", he calmed down the overly eager vampire, heavily scenting him and running fingers through his hair.
"You smell heavenly", Yoongi slurred with his eyes closed, unable to think about anything else.
He felt full and content, warmed up and safe. The last was definitely due to the pheromones the alpha coated him with and the elder loved it. It felt like belonging.
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eldritchqueerture · 2 months
mightve written an E rated jarthur, hmu if anyone wants it
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wishlist / two stars of an upcoming theater performance ( broadway / ballet / any sort of stage production ). long days rehearsing, lots of touching and staring longingly into each others eyes, pretending to be in love for the sake of the show. behind the scenes, though, muse a is a stunning new ingenue and this is her first big break - muse b, however, is coming off of award season and cleaning house, has a reputation as a player and a star. the dynamic can go in one of two ways - absolute hatred, or absolute adoration. unrequited, admiration, using the other - the options are limitless !
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uncertainwallflower · 2 years
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“I can only walk through so many manicured gardens and muddy lanes, Mama,” said Lillian one morning, a week before Lord and Lady Bauffremont’s arrival.
“You can join Tuney and myself for luncheon today with Lady Bagshot.”
Lillian scrunched her nose.
“Lily does not enjoy Lady Bagshot’s company,” said Tuney. “She thinks herself above her intellectually.”
“I do not think myself above her, only that luncheon will provide little entertainment. Lady Bagshot is under the impression that George II is still King.” Lillian added the last part with a smile and was scolded harshly by her mother for it.
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puddintrucks · 6 months
Oops accidentally read t4t smut at work. Only read half the book
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wonryllis · 4 months
dear future husband (m) | lee heeseung.
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i can't say i do without you.
PREVIEW. you always get what you want, spoiled with the love of everyone around you. and it's all innocent love, at least that's what everyone thinks. it comes with much surprise therefore, when heeseung makes a move on you. thirteen long years of being in the brother zone having made him utterly clueless that if he’s going to date you he has to pass through your actual brothers first. and he knows how scary they can be. especially since they are known to have a sister complex and he’s been the third scary one with them, numerous times before.
OR WHERE, bimbo heeseung has no idea what the fuck to do with his feelings for you who are oblivious as fuck and your brothers who are overprotective as fuck.
MEET THE CAST. insanely love struck lee heeseung with his spoiled rich girl!reader ft. yeonjun, soobin, the rest of txt and the rest of enhypen. NSFW VERSION: BRAT TAMER heeseung with his BRAT girl.
GENRE & WARNING(S). social media!au + written chapters, SMUT MDNI!!! in the form of written chapters later on in the series, fluff, humor & crack, minimal angst, lots and i mean lots and lots of swearing and dirty jokes and everything nsfw. college!au, nonidol!au, neighbors to lovers!au, childhood friends to lovers!au. heavy on sister complex! rest other warnings will be stated in respective chapters.
UPDATE SCHEDULE. discontinued.
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ׅ ꢾ꣒ profiles, character introductions & the groupchats. ( PLAYLIST ) theme song, code blue!
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YEONIE NOTES. incase someone wonders if this is incest, no it’s not, they are not related by blood. sister complex. a state of strong attachment and obsession to sisters, always having them as their first priority. FIC ASKS: ask about the characters!
EPISODES rolling ..
000. prologue: the backstory.
001. arranged date gone wrong
002. it's a shame yn wants you
003. all good when all delusional
004. can you afford her a McLaren? TWT + WRITTEN ( 2.4k )
005. heeseung finally— [REDACTED]!
006. you went as my arm candy
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i think its obvious enough why, the lack of response and enthusiasm from readers has made lose all motivation to continue this any further. i was so excited to revamp it but it seems it isn't the case for the other side. feedbacks are what keep most if not all writers going and absence of it for this one has just rid me of all interest i had to share it with you all. thank you to those who read it, and i apologize those who were looking forward to read it. this is it. over and done, with this kind of support i'm never doing a series on here again.
FIRST TAGLIST @s00buwu @lilyuwon @pockyyasii @nctislifue @shawnyle @enhastolemyheart @aaa-sia @criminalyun @oddracha @satan-223 @diorsyun @hooniehon @fakeuwus @caramelcandescence @intromortal @kookify @yutasberryy @sumzysworld @nikiswifiee @shuichi-sama @primroselover @rayofsunshineeee @aishigrey @yjwluvs @soraokkotsu @nyfwyeonjun @srhnyx @trashx678 @wondipity @winuvs @hoondiors @niniissus @firstclassjaylee @biancaness @enhaz1 @sophi-ee @un06 @heelariously @d-earlog @pharaways @ethelia @eneiyri @secretbarbariangardener @seochangbinnnnnnnnnnn @microwavedstrawberr1es @randomanothercreature @thatsoraya @graythecoffeebean @rikibun @jaeyungxrl @mxxnintheskyreblogs
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foreingersgod · 4 months
Let’s Stay Home (PT 2) . EE
pairing: emily engstler x reader
synopsis: see part 1
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she was restless all night. you could tell from the way her hands shook when she poured your glass of wine and from the way her legs bounced under the table. her hands refused to leave the plushness of your thighs the entirety of dinner, strong and lengthy fingers scrunching at the fabric of your dress. you tired to act nonchalant about it, wanting to have a nice dinner with your girlfriend. but the more she kept dropping suggestive little comments and touching you discreetly, the more you tried to get out of that restaurant as quick as possible.
the wine turned sour and your meal became bland the more you had to endure emily’s torture. it didn’t sit right with you that you were the only one being taunted, so you decided to do a bit of teasing of your own. throughout the night, you’d do small things that you knew would get a rise out of her.
you started out with cluelessly playing with your hair, something that had her constantly distracted. then you’d purposely lean your elbows on the table which pushed out your cleavage ever so slightly. emily, sitting next to you at the table, would hardly be able to finish her sentence as the tops of your breasts came into view. it was almost becoming too easy at this point. then, to be extra cruel, you’d run the toe of your heel up her leg. it sent shivers up emily’s arms as she watched you do it, the end of your dress hiking up your leg as you moved your foot up and down. her mind kept reverting back to earlier that night, when you guided her hand across the intricate lace of your new lingerie. thoughts of ripping that dress right off of you replayed over and over, something she had every intention of doing.
she tried her best to seem unbothered, like you had done when she couldn’t keep her hands off you, but she was failing miserably. her hand would often find its way to her mouth, biting on her knuckles to ground herself. you had fucked her up beyond belief and you hadn’t even laid a finger on her. she was a mess for the remaining moments of dinner, couldn’t even take the last bite from her plate before she was hailing over the waiter and paying the check. although she was more than eager to get you back home, wanting to take off that stupid fucking dress that caused this whole thing in the first place, she kept her composure as she guided you out to the car.
“you’re a fuckin tease,” she said as the doors to the car shut, you were already doing up your seat belt “d’you know that?”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about, em” but you did. you knew exactly what she was referring too.
“you’re in for it when we get home” she implied, muttering under her breath.
“that attitude isn’t going to get you that surprise” you chimed, watching as her hands gripped the steering wheel suddenly “may i remind you?”
she said nothing, only shaking her head and jutting her tongue across the inside of her cheek. she did up her own seatbelt quickly before speeding out of the parking lot to get home. she didn’t now how much longer she could last.
you considered being a bit nicer for the car ride home, but something in you just couldn’t resist messing with emily a tiny bit more. she just looked too good over there in the drivers seat. her hands grasped the steering wheel, making her veins bulge ever so slightly as she drove. her blazer had been discarded to the back seat which left her in a plain white button up. the sleeves were rolled up to her elbow, displaying her toned muscles. she looked positively irresistible, there was no chance you were stopping any time soon.
you snaked your hand over the car console, fingertips lightly gliding over to emily’s thigh. your hand rested on her legs, positioned in dangerous territory. your touch hovered over where she needed you most. you felt her tense up, shifting in her seat and spreading her legs open more. you began to run your hand up and down her thigh painfully slow, making her jerk her hips into you. a satisfied smirk toyed at your lips as you kept your gaze on the road in front of you. you could feel her eyes shift to you and then the road then back to you again.
“i’m serious, ma” she croaked “stop teasing me”
“m’just tryna get you warmed up baby” you stated, stopping the motion of your hand with a gentle pat “relax”
she felt like all the air had been knocked out of her, words becoming caught in her throat before she could muster a response. a faint groan emitted from her lips when you continued the soothing movements of your hand. it was impossible for her to say anything the rest of the ride home, too busy imagining what she was going to do to you when you got inside.
the car pulled to an abrupt stop as emily pulled into the drive way. her buckle was undone in seconds, turning off the ignition and bolting to your side of the car. she opened your door, offering her hand to you to help you out. you smiled sweetly at her as you accepted it and followed her inside your shared home.
you weren’t able to turn the lights to kitchen on before you felt familiar hands on you waist, soft lips meeting with the skin of your neck. you could feel the tension between the two of you as you sighed deeply, reaching helplessly for the light switch.
“leave it” she demanded, pushing your hand away from the light switch as she guided you towards the stairs. she couldn’t wait another second to get you into bed.
“em,” you muttered, tilting your head to the side to allow her more access to kiss down your shoulder.
“cant wait to get you out of this fucking dress” she said as you approached the door of your bedroom “i believe i’m owed a surprise, am i not?”
once you had made it inside, you were instantly hit with the soft glow of the moonlight that flooded through the window. you turned around to face emily, admiring her features through the dimly lit room. she was breathtaking, hair pulled back, shirt already half way unbuttoned. she wasn’t lying-she really couldn’t wait.
“maybe…” you licked your lips, slipping off your heels and reaching behind you to undo the zipper of your gown “you’ll have to come and find out”
something in emily switched, like she was being granted something that she had been waiting for for centuries. in lighting speed, she had closed any space between the two of you, pulling you flush against her. her lips met with yours hungrily, tongue sliding into your mouth as you groaned deeply. the kisses were sloppy and wet, but certainly passionate. she reached behind you to push your hands away from the zipper, taking the liberty to do it herself. without pulling away from you, she delicately tugged the satin fabric down your body, letting it pool at your feet.
“hope you like it,” you smiled against her, moving your head back to allow her to view your stripped figure “picked it out just for you”
weeks ago, you’d purchased the most gorgeous set of lingerie as a small gift for yours and emily’s anniversary. it was a dainty little set, red and lacey and tight. the bra was strapless and quite sheer, adorned with thin lace flowers. the matching thong was similar in design, the crimson material hugging your ass in the most flattering way. you remembered trying it one when you had got home while emily was away at practice, you had never felt so beautiful in your life.
“oh my god” her gaze dropping as she took a step away from you. her jaw slacked, eyes blown wide with lust as she took you in “jesus fucking christ baby”
“is it ok?” you asked innocently, wanting to hear her say it aloud.
“is it ok?” she scoffed, shepherding you towards the bed. you felt the backs of your knees meet with the foot of the bed, making you stumble slightly “baby, it’s more than ok, you look fucking stunning”
with a tender nudge, she pushed you onto the bed, forcing you to sit on the linen duvet. you leaned back onto your elbows and spread your legs to make room for her. she moseyed in between your legs, unbuttoning the rest of her white button up in the process, eyeing you up and down. she shrugged off her shirt, now fumbling with the buckle of her belt and the clasp of her dress pants. you watched impatiently, wanting her hands on you as soon as possible.
her now naked figure hovered over you, knee slotting in between your legs. she leaned down far enough to where her lips were inches away from yours. you closed your eyes, whimpering as you bucked your hips to try and create friction between your clothed cunt and her bare thigh.
“em, please” you moaned.
“please what?” she smirked, hands planted on either side of your torso to keep her above you.
she moved away from your face, now shifting to kiss along the exposed parts of your body. her lips left messy kisses along your collarbone, then to the tops of your breasts where she left deep purple marks along your skin. she exhaled breathlessly as she reached your bra, staring at the way your nipples hardened through the thin lace. she brought a hand up behind you to unclasp the bra in one fell swoop, allowing the beautiful fabric to cascade down your chest. satisfied, she wrapped her lips around your nipple, her hand kneading at your other tit. you gasped at the sensation, your own hand finding its way to the back of her head. she switched to the other one, tongue swirling across the pebbled bud. but she only stopped when she heard you, your meek voice echoing off the walls.
“please touch me-don’t stop”
those three words were all she needed to hear, her gateway into complete bliss. she pushed off of the bed to kneel in front of you, hands gliding down the sides of your body until they reached the waistband of your panties.
“anything for you”
you looked down, eyebrows knit together in anticipation as you felt emily’s hot breathe against your core. she looked at you through hooded eyes, biting down on her lip as she took in such a beautiful sight: you laid on the bed, practically naked and begging for her to touch you. her fingers hooked under the band of your underwear and tugged gingerly.
“can i?” she asked. you nodded vigorously in return.
without hesitation, she began to pull your panties down your legs, tossing them to the side. the coolness of the air hits you quickly enticing a small jolt from you. emily ran her tongue over the top row of her teeth, leaning back on her heels to admire that state of your aching pussy. you were already soaked for her, arousal quite literally oozing from you, which most definitely left a noticeable spot on your underwear throughout dinner.
“so fucking pretty, this pussy” she cooed, giving your thighs a small massage before running a finger through your folds. you groaned, not content with her reservedness “this all f’me?”
“yea, em-all for you”
she placed various kisses to your inner thighs before turning her attention to where you had been pleading for her to touch. fingers spreading you open, you felt her tongue come into contact with you. she licked a deep stripe up your pussy, attaching her lips to your clit as she sucked slowly. you moaned loudly, fingernails finding her scalp and gripping the roots of her hair. she took this as a sign of endearment, slipping down to sink the length of her tongue in your throbbing hole.
“holy shit-” you cried, hearing the obscene noises emitting from your pussy. the way her tongue swirled in your wetness, provoking the wettest squelching noises that had you at a loss for words.
“that’s it, ma” she inserted a finger into you, feeling the way your body tensed upon the feeling. you tightened around her finger as you breathed loudly into the humid room “that’s my good fucking girl”
she watched as your back arched, perky tits pointed to the ceiling and your head digging farther back into the mattress. god you were unbelievable. she added another finger to you, making a small scissoring motion to lure you to your orgasm. she found herself moaning into you, completely lost in the taste of you. she didn’t think she could ever get enough of it, wishing she could lay between your legs forever. the pace of her fingers sped up and she could sense herself becoming increasingly wet the more you moaned out in intense pleasure. she was eating you out like it was her last meal, sucking and licking every inch of you until your body began to heave, insinuating you were getting close.
“oh baby, yes” you gripped the back of her head harder “don’t stop, em, i’m gonna-oh my-i’m gonna cum”
you humped her face vigorously, feeling your slick coating her mouth and chin. it was like you had no control of your body with the way your hips moved back and forth. you could feel your high approaching quickly as emily continued to devour you.
“i-i’m so close” your words began slurring together.
“i know” emily curled her fingers into you, hitting that delicious, spongy spot inside of you “i know”
your eyes rolled to the back of your head, knowing the familiar feeling that was beginning to build up. her tongue and fingers kept their speed, making you overwhelmed with ecstasy. emily felt your legs starting to shake and noticed how your breathe became staggered.
“you got it,” she coaxed you “cum for me, come on, give it to me”
you let out a lewd and obscene moan as you reached your high, cumming on her face promptly. they approached near sobs as the pleasure washed over you, transcending your whole body. emily wasted no time in lapping up your juices, catching every last drop of your release. her tongue cleaned you up as you sunk into the bed, recovering from your orgasm.
emily got off of her knees and joined you on the bed as you scooted up to lay against the plush pillows. she laid next to you, bringing you into her bare chest, feeling the rapid beat of your heart. she raked her fingers through your hair as you smiled drowsily, still on cloud nine.
“you did so good, baby” she pressed her lips to the top of your head, grinning from ear to ear as she thought about how much she loved you “so so good”
you hummed in response, lifting your head to look at her. you returned her smile while drawing yourself away from her. ignoring the trembling of your legs, you hoisted yourself to straddle emily. she looked at you confused as her hands instinctively rested on the dips of your waist. what a vision you were, tall and proud and positively glistening in your own sweat.
“what’re you doing?”
long, nicely manicured nails left pinkish marks along emily’s skin as you trailed them up her stomach and over her chest. she squeezed her eyes shut when she felt your fingers gently scrape over her tits. she let out a faint ‘fuck’ as you advanced to her neck, wrapping around it and tightening your grip softly.
“don’t think i’m gonna let our anniversary end without returning the favor, em”
A/N: this is cringy and bad and i’m so sorry lol :’)
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derireo-galge · 10 months
My Venom Can Make You Pop It | 5k | jimsu✍️🏼
[ Vamp Yoon's First Knotting]
Yoongi meets Jimin at the new year's party and tries something he's never experienced before.
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futa yoongi | yoonmilkers! | first meetings | blood drinking | scenting | knotting | riding
The obligatory events were the most boring thing to have at the end of the year. Despite the nice music and pleasant atmosphere it still wasn't his cup of tea. He'd prefer a read in a quiet cafe on his one or just napping in front of the telly under the warm quilt.
[ fed and knotted series ]
The smell of pine and other "festive" scents were seeping even through the powerful neutralizing system the building had. That irked him a little - his firm was specializing in engineering and installing those systems, this building, this very hall included. He checked his phone and saw no messages or alerts on the matter and decided to let it go for now.
After greeting a couple of dozen people he believed he was familiar with, Yoongi stopped following who he said good evening to and who he hasn't yet. His battery was running low and he got tired of socializing. He stepped away, hoping he will be looking unapproachable enough for others to pass him with a minimal gesture of acknowledgement, inclined their heads, for example, instead of exchanging meaningless pleasantries.
He stood away from the crowd, leaning on one of the pillars of the luxurious hall, watching the couples and groups chatting and laughing and thought how he did his best as the boss and he didn't need to keep being social anymore. Yet again he was thankful for his own employees who just politely waved at him across the room and let him be, knowing him better than the rest of the beings here.
Yoongi looked at the table in front of him - all the variety of food and drinks there was of high quality and that was something that pacified him a little. He was glad one of the companies his firm was in partnership with splurged on high quality treats, most of them looking very much desirable to eat. He remembered all those corporate parties he had to attend back when he was just starting - the appetizers there were impossible to look at without tears in his eyes. They were not edible even for humans who were notorious for taking anything in their mouths and still surviving.
As for vampires like Yoongi, the choice of what to take was limited. Not all foods were suitable for their bodies and the options varied from individual to individual. He looked at several bottles of wine and chose a semi-sweet red one that he was familiar with. He picked some bitter chocolate treats that seemed to have been made just for him - beautifully molded roses and other flowers, cute cartoon characters that made him smile before they melted on his tongue.
Yoongi wasn't too hungry yet but because of the boredom, his mind reverted to his apartment, to his kitchen, where inside a separate fridge he stored blood bags of exquisite quality. Just thinking about it made his gums itch. He'd feed just because he had nothing else to do, noone to take to his hotel room either. Drinking directly from the source was more of an entertainment than a feeding preference since he could go without it for long periods of time, having trained his body to be on the maximum level of independence.
The annual party was held in a luxurious hotel and last year was fantastic because he booked a room in the beginning of the party which was occupied by the end of the night with not just him but a couple of fairies who smelled like three course meal consisting of all his favourites. They were insatiable and it took him all his supernatural strength and stamina to last throughout the night. That was an unbelievably good start of the year but now he decided not to book a room at all. Whatever happens, he'll take it. He was open to sudden opportunities.
His mood swings were weird lately and though he wasn't a fledgling anymore and his maturing point has passed long ago, his hormones were going haywire all of a sudden, he would get weird cravings or just periods where he would be extremely unmotivated to do anything both with his hobbies or his body. He blamed the stress of the workload that was typical for the end of the year and inability to have long periods of time for proper rest. Maybe he craved something new, something different, soon as whatever he tried before has become bland and the opposite of inspiring.
He stood there for some time, sipping on his wine and thoughts floating somewhere far away when he was brought back to reality by a scent. The one that attracted him instantly. It was faint at first and then got more intense. Spicy, delicious, fresh, all in one, a beautiful mix that didn't identify with anything he knew of. Where was it coming from? With the neutralizing system even the use of much perfume was futile, it was fading into nothing within half an hour, even the most expensive and long lasting ones. So how could this scent stay here for long enough to reach him?
The scent could have belonged to any of the guests if not for the fact that it was close to impossible. Yoongi looked around subtly, even though all he wanted to do is chase that mouthwatering aroma with all his supernatural might. He ran his tongue over his teeth and yes. His fangs peeked, just a little, indicating that the smell was definitely belonging to a person, a person with blood. With a kind of blood that would be very tasty for the vampire. He was buzzed with a newfound want, the desire to pursue, to hunt, to obtain.
His eyes went through all of his surroundings again. Now that he's smelt something that triggered his instincts, everyone in the room looked even bleaker than before. Like a black and while film, they moved and talked and laughed and sparked absolutely nothing in Yoongi's chest. Except maybe one person that caught his attention.
The said person was standing next to the table where Yoongi chose his wine. A fine lithe figure, that type that had this dainty demeanor, deceiving vilnerability that hid power behind. He couldn't tell who that person was, he didn't think he knew him face to face. His side profile was attractive, like it was sculpted by old masters of art. Yoongi's eyes travelled down the creamy satin shirt to the red cardigan and black trousers. They were hugging those legs just right, the shirt was unbuttoned just enough to tease but not give a lot away.
His neck was exposed, the honey like skin on display, slightly shining in the lights of the candelabras. It was calling out to him, begging to be marked. And bitten. It was pretty clear how much effort was put into that look. Simple yet elegant, dressed to impress for sure, carefully thought through from the colour scheme to the gold of the jewellery. Such a looker and yet, the person was standing next to the table with no indication they were in any hurry to move back towards the crowd. Maybe this corner of the room was sort of a hiding place from the rest of the guests.
Yoongi wracked his brain for ideas on how to approach him. But it wasn't needed. The person answered the phone and he heard the distinctive voice that was impossible to forget. It was Park Jimin, one of those people who he signed contracts with this year. Yoongi waited until he was done with the call and finished his drink, approaching the table in search for something else to sip on. And start talking. Who knows, maybe Jimin will too end up on the menu?
He couldn't remember if he ever mentioned his descend, after all it doesn't matter when your relationship is strictly business and doesn't randomly come up in conversations. He didn't even know that's how he looked like, having always interacted by phonecalls and emails only. But he distinctively remembered the soft pleasant voice, easily recognizable also due to his vampire senses.
"Park Jimin?" he asked, approaching the man who had straight posture and was nibbling on a piece of smoked meat.
"Hello", he said politely, "Happy New Year!"
"Happy New Year", Yoongi replied. "I don't think we had the pleasure of seeing each other face to face yet, though we spoke not so long ago".
Yoongi decided to get right into it, not used to much dancing around and preferring for things to go fast. If Jimin would want to extend their conversation elsewhere, he wanted to get to that point as soon as it was possible.
"Wait, Yoongi-ssi? Wow", he threw a quick look at him, noting the red sequin shirt that was complimenting his broad shoulders and matched the crimson sparks in his eyes. "You have beautifil eyes".
He added that with a tiny smirk and that's how the vampire knew he has lost the control over his nature a little. He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and leaned his hip on the table, not missing how Jimin's eyes travelled down his body with no shame. Amber flashed in his brown orbs and Yoongi's breath hitched. The quiet gasp might have been quiet for a human but judging by the eyes, Jimin was anything but.
"Yours are pretty too", he noticed, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
They both chuckled at the situation and picked on some more food, noting how good it was this year. But the discussion of dishes couldn't have lasted that long, considering how hungrily their eyes looked anywhere but the appetizers.
"May I pour you a drink?" Jimin offered, motioning at Yoongi's empty glass. "Same one?"
Yoongi nodded in agreement and was about to tell which one he was drinking but Jimin was faster. He took his glass and picked a bottle, taking the cork and getting a smell of the wine from it. Then he set it aside and picked another and only poured the vampire the wine that smelt exactly like his glass.
"Thank you", Yoongi said, taking his drink, "That was impressive".
Jimin raised his own glass and they cheered for their meeting. The wine did little to quench his thirst but all he could do is try to prolong it until he either feeds from someone or feeds in the privacy of his home. He had pretty good control over it he thought, slowly trailing the prominent vein on Jimin's neck. Most of others would already be all over the young man, coaxing him to share his life liquid with then.
"It would be even easier to identify what you were drinking if the neutralizing system worked well tonight". he noticed with a low hum.
"Did you notice it too? To be honest, I spotted you precisely because I sensed you".
"Just me?" he asked and got a nod of confirmation from the vampire, "I noticed the floral scent and was wondering where it was coming from".
Yoongi coughed and hid his face in his glass, ignoring the pointed look the werewolf was giving him. The dark red liquid though couldn't last forever and at some point he had to set the empty glass back on the table.
"Fine", he said with fake exasperation and with a cute lift of the corners of his lips. "If by "floral" you mean roses that would be me".
"I figured", he smiled back, "But why just you and I? I talked to many people tonight and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary".
"Oh, you know, maybe we're just compatible", Yoongi joked but when he saw the thoughtful expression on the werewolf's face.
He figured it might not be as much of a joke as he supposed.
Jimin had his own assumptions about why he sensed Yoongi so well but he decided to keep that to himself for now. One funny story after another, they felt more comfortable with each other as the evening progressed. Yoongi was funny and witty, a bit of a subtle flirt and Jimin enjoyed responding to him in a similar manner.
One thing led to another and it wasn't surprising to any of them that they were walking away to a hallway that led to the kitchens and staff area, holding each other's hand. It was nice to sneak away considering the official part was over and he had to be present only out of courtesy. Two fairly young men for their species, attractive, bored and possibly compatible - it could only end exactly how it ended. With one of them pressed to the wall by the other.
Yoongi pushed Jimin into the hard surface, applying a bit of more strength, knowing the werewolf can take it. He got into his personal space, got close to his neck and took in gulps of air. The scent was magnificent and made his guts twist from how bad he wanted to lick it off Jimin's body. Preferably from more interesting parts.
Jimin patiently waited for his turn. When Yoongi moved back, he took the vampire by the waist and changed their positions. He pressed Yoongi to the wall and the other heard quiet rumbling that was coming off him. It was deeper than his speaking voice and the sound of it made his nipples pebble. He was sure the bra and the shirt can easily hide it but not for very long. Not when Jimin's attentive eyes were already watching them.
The werewolf's nose sniffed over the skin of his neck. It pressed there at some point, not rubbing, not scenting, just getting to know the vampire. It was a vulnerable crucial moment. His inner wolf could decide that Yoongi, like a predator, was a threat and possible danger and then any close contact in a limited space, especially sexual, could easily turn into a battlefield. Some preferred that, but Yoongi wasn't into it at all.
He may have been the hedonistic type, though he was comfortable to be the one to give and receive pleasure, seek new ways of intimacy, take the most out of every fling. To his relief, Jimin moved back to look at him with a smile that indicated that both he and his inner wolf were very much happy.
They pressed their lips together and Yoongi suppressed the urge to sigh into that touch. He couldn't stop thinking about it since the very moment he saw Jimin's plush lips, the shape and fullness of which were begging to do things to them. Now he could freely lick between them, suckle on the lower one and taste them to his heart's content. He wanted to devour them whole.
Jimin grabbed the vampire's thigh and lifted it up, pressing it close to his waist. He fitted himself in and Yoongi eagerly pulled him in closer. His hands roamed around the prominent biceps, the outline of his pecs, moving lower and lower and never once breaking the feverish kisses. Yoongi's hand wandered past the waistline and palmed at Jimin's hardened bulge. The size was impressive and made him hot under his collar, almost salivating from the need to have it.
"Looking for a knot?" Jimin mused, parting with Yoongi's doll like mouth to plant kisses along his chin and jawline.
"Alpha?" Yoongi asked in surprise, "Ah!"
Jimin growled and hipped at his sensitive neck, pressing impossibly close to the vampire's body. His movements seemed to have become more erratic, his grab on Yoongi's thigh became deliciously bruising. Using his strength he lifted the other man like he was no heavier than a feather, prompting him to cross his ankles on Jimin's back. The show of physical strength only turned him on, he preferred his men to be able to manhandle him and not break into a sweat right away.
"Calling me by my rank? When we've only just met, huh? Such a daring vampling you are", Jimin growled, unbuttoning Yoongi's sparkly shirt on the top and licking along his cleavage.
"You don't like it?" Yoongi pouted.
The blood was rapidly pumping through his veins, making him dizzy and much more hungry than in the start of the evening. He rubbed against the alpha, supported by the strong arms and in the haze of lust he suddenly realized what Jimin's rank comes with.
"I've never tried knotting before", he suddenly dropped in the breathy silence between them.
Jimin stopped holding him up and gently lowered him to stand on the floor. His look was attentive, calculating and Yoongi blushed under it, averting his eyes. The look was too intimidating, too knowing. The thought was so thrilling to him he couldn't wait to get into the werewolf's pants and have a feel of his cock in all ways that were available to him.
"In order to try it, we need to be compatible to some extent for it to work. Do you know that?" he asked, tucking Yoongi's dark locks behind his ear.
"I heard something like that", he mumbled.
All the hushly told storied popped up in his memory. They have always been intriguing to him, making him dream of scenarios where he was speared by thick cocks with large knots. He would want the stunning young man either way, but because he happened to be an alpha who was possessing something he was fascinated with, Yoongi decided he wants it. The sooner the better.
"Or there should be something that triggers it to pop", he continued.
He was always confident in talking about any types of sexual things but somehow this knotting talk was making him flustered, making him blush furiously. It must be because it's still a first of his he was yet to have or maybe because of the pheromones that were surrounding the pair like a thick mouthwatering cloud.
"How about I feed on you?" he suggested, squeezing the lithe waist with his big hands.
"How's that going to help?" Jimin mused.
"Do you doubt my venom can make you pop a knot?" the vampire smirked, demonstrating his elongated fangs.
Various venoms were typical to certain kinds of vampires. His was arousing to the person who he bit, making all their senses temporary more intense that regularly.
"We could always give it a try", Jimin licked over that attractive smirk and they again tangled in a heated kiss, messy, with moans and strings of saliva.
The alpha broke it with a wet pop and drew Yoongi in closer by an arm around his waist. He liked that sassy vampire, beautiful in his confidence and inexperience. He wanted to show him something he hasn't felt before, give him a good time and see his gorgeous body writhing on his knot. And let him feed off him if he so wanted.
"Let's go upstairs? I have booked a room, I think we will be more comfortable there", he crooned, taking the vampire by his chin and pecking his reddened lips.
"Let's go".
Yoongi agreed with a shy smile. He felt giddy, excited. He was attracted to the alpha who he assumed was s soft yet passionate lover. He wanted to test that theory.
Noone paid any attention to the disheveled pair of supernatural beings that seemed to be glued to each other as they paced along the wall of the room to get to the elevators. Jimin's room was on one of the highest floors. They kept things decent in the lift, not wanting to give the security a free show. Unlocking the door with a key card, Jimin let Yoongi in through first and then followed, locking the door behind them quickly.
"Would you like a drink?" he offered politely, taking his shoes off.
Yoongi tapped his lips with his pointer finger. He liked being coquettish, liked to show off his cute mannerisms.
"Depends. Is it sweet, red and are you the source?"
"Are you that hungry?" he asked, stepping forward.
Yoongi took a step back. He didn't even know why he did it, especially after they made sure they weren't in conflict with each other.
"You shouldn't do that", Jimin noticed calmly, taking his cardigan off and hanging it on the nearby chair, "My alpha is ready to chase you, just so you know".
"What makes you think you're going to catch me?" Yoongi raised his eyebrows, casually unbuttoning his shirt and revealing the beautiful black bralette he was wearing.
"Are you really taunting me now? Come here. Asking nicely one last time", the alpha warned.
But as he took a step forward, Yoongi took a step back. He tried to assess his route. The suite was big, spacious but it would be impossible to run for very long. And he doesn't really need to, he wasn't an omega to have his instincts push him to run away from the wolf. But he wanted to indulge the alpha, to play with him. He saw the effect this little game had on him. And so he ran.
He managed to get to the kitchen area by the time he heard the loud growling behind. He circled the bar table and then dashed to the bedroom. With both of them possessing inhumane powers, it was hard to tell who would outrun one another if they were to sprint through the forest instead of the hotel room.
"Got you there!"
Yoongi felt his body being covered by another one. Jimin pressed him into the mattress and nipped at his nape. Yoongi was high with adrenaline, struggling to throw the alpha off him. After applying some sparring techniques and his vampire strength he had Jimin under him while straddling his hips.
"Got you there", he sassed and leaned in to kiss the dazed werewolf.
They slowly rid each other of their clothes, safe for the bralette Yoongi wanted to keep on and Jimin didn't insist on taking it off. He kissed Yoongi's neck and licked the dip between the pink collarbones, nosing at his chin and making him giggle. With the strong grip on Yoongi's wide hips the alpha pulled the curvy body onto himself, helping the vampire rut against his crotch.
Jimin smelt delicious, much better than any werewolf he ever got close to before. His long fingers kept wrapping around Jimin's swan like neck, tickling his skin and feeling how his fangs are practically itching to bite him there.
"How hungry are you?" he asked and Yoongi's eyes flashed ruby red.
"Very. I can wait. But don't really want to", he added with a smile and pulled Jimin up in a sitting position, "Got any lube?"
"There", he pointed at the bedside cabinet and the vampire stood up to take it.
When he walked back he was swiftly thrown onto his back and melted against the sheets. Jimin sat between Yoongi's spread thighs and poured a generous amount of gel on his hand. Yoongi pushed his feet onto the alpha's chest while he was warming it up, taunting the wolf, testing his patience. Jimin grabbed the elegant ankle and trailed kisses along it, all the way to the pink knee.
He hugged his leg to his body and used the lubed up hand to prod and rub at the tight ring of muscles. Yoongi lazily stroked his stiff cock, watching the concentrated expression on Jimin's face. Whether it works or not, he would still be pleased to lay with such a beautiful boy, he caught himself thinking and decided to vocalize it.
"Don't think about it too much, okay? We're still going to have a good time".
"And I'll still feed you", Jimin added and the tense set of his shoulders visibly relaxed.
"That would be nice", he said genuinely.
He could go without but it would be such a nice bonus to have a mouthful of that delicious blood and sate himself in many ways. It would be a great addition to Jimin's thick cock that was hanging heavy between his legs. He felt himself being spread wider, with the werewolf adding more fingers in. Yoongi reached out and circled his fingers around Jimin's length and stroked them simultaneously while being stretched wide for the alpha's cock.
When Jimin was done he carefully extracted his fingers. He fitted himself between Yoongi's legs and loomed over him, marveling at the vampire's beauty. Pearly pale skin with so much pink - nose and cheeks, his ears, clavicles and the red of his mouth. Even his knuckles were rosy which he didn't hesitate to peck before putting a hand on his soft tummy and guiding his girth inside. Soon he could feel his own cock with his hand.
Yoongi groaned from the feeling of hot thickness spreading him wide. Jimin bottomed out and stilled deep inside, breathing deeply to calm himself. It was too tight inside, too good not to come right away and he had a hard time holding himself together. He cupped Yoongi's breasts and squeezed them through the thin lacy material. They were the perfect size to fit in his hands and he squeezed them again and again, thumbing at the nipples, until the vampire pulled him in by his shoulders and asked to move.
Starting slowly at first, Jimin thrusted in carefully, afraid he might be too thick for Yoongi. He gradually gained the rhythm that was both excruciatingly good and slow enough not to let it end too soon. Yoongi's nostrils flared, with each passing minute he felt more and more of the magnificent scent the alpha was emitting.
"Is vampling ready to feed?" Jimin asked teasingly.
"Yes", he breathed out, internally buzzing with excitement.
They decided it would be easier if they changed their positions. Jimin leaned on the headboard with Yoongi in his hold. The vampire slid down his cock slowly and started to ride it in slow waves. With every up and down his chest was bouncing in the same rhythm and Jimin didn't deny himself the pleasure of holding and fondling the soft boobs.
Yoongi rode the werewolf in long languid strides that he alternated with short thrusts. He was getting so sensitive it seemed to him he could feel every ridge, every vein on the thick shaft that was moving inside him. He smoothed Jimin's black hair out of his blissed out face. That made him ease the grip on the vampire's waist and look at him.
They kissed again, unhurried and deep. Yoongi trailed kisses to his chin and then along the jawline, moving towards the other's ear. His lips travelled lower and he pecked and licked at the skin of his neck, breathing in the dizzying smell of the werewolf. He sucked on it, leaving reddening marks behind before asking:
"May I feed on you?"
"Yes, you may", Jimin whispered, giving Yoongi his permission and mentally preparing for the bite, controlling his alpha, urging him to submit.
Yoongi's sharp fangs easily pierced the skin. He suckled on the blood that started slowly seeping into his mouth and physically felt how venom leaves his body to settle inside Jimin's blood vessels. He played with the puncture wounds with his tongue and went back to sink his fangs a little deeper. He sucked harder, drunk on the taste of sweet blood alone.
Jimin felt the venom affecting him. All his body started to tingle. He was so concentrated on the unusual sensations it took him a while to realise his knot started to expand.
Yoongi parted with the neck with a gasp, interrupting his feeding. He threw his head back and tried to access the feeling inside his sensitive hole.
"Is this - Ah! - Is this it?" he asked, trembling on the alpha's lap.
"Yeah, does it hurt?" he asked with concern.
"No, it's - Gah! - I feel..." Yoongi was struggling to find words to describe.
"Full?" he suggested.
"Keep feeding, come on", he mumbled and cupped Yoongi's face to give him a chaste kiss.
He pushed Yoongi by the back of his head towards his neck where two lines of blood tricked out and were threatening to start spilling down his chest. He licked them both, licked the area around the wound clean and started sucking on blood again, humming into the bite. He gulped the blood down until he was satisfied and then felt how big the knot became inside.
"Don't move", Jimin warned, pressing down on the vampire's shoulders.
It must have expanded fully, Yoongi thought, feeling how wide he was spread inside. He rocked back and forth, very carefully, in short motions. The sensations were intense, it felt like he was being split in half but in a good way. Surprisingly it didn't hurt at all and the feeling of the alpha's knot inside was grounding, satisfying.
"Can I scent you?" Jimin suddenly asked.
Yoongi looked at him through his lashes. The alpha looked pretty disheveled, his hair was ruffled where Yoongi's hands got to it, his cheeks crimson. Scenting must feel good to him no less than knotting is for me, the vampire thought and nodded his head. He wanted it himself, wondering how Jimin would be like afterwards.
"Yeah, scent me", he asked and carefully leaned in, tilting his head.
The submissive gesture made the alpha rumble, low and pleased. He brushed Yoongi's damp hair to the side and nosed at his neck. He laid careful gentle pecks on it and rubbed his neck and shoulder with his own skin, all the while rumbling in content. When he was done he leaned back to look at the dazed vampire who smelt even better now with the two of their scents mingling together.
"Feeling alright? It will be a while until you can move off it", he chuckled, noticing Yoongi smiling even wider at hearing his words.
"I'm good. I don't mind, it's quite comfortable here".
"Just don't move much, I don't want you to get hurt".
"Promise not to bounce on it. Not right now", he sassed again and the wolf smashed their lips together.
Yoongi rested his body in the tight hold of Jimin's arms that were securely supporting his weight. Knotting turned out to be not as scary as it was rumored to be. But he knew he had to try again. Just to make sure.
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starsenha · 1 month
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SUMMARY: you were the queen of Decelis University, everybody worshipped the ground you walked on. you were used to have what you wanted, when you wanted it. until the day when park sunghoon arrived, and things changed.
GENRE: smau, fluff, angst, crack, some smut in a few chapters, veeeeery suggestive
CHARACTERS: enhypen, aespa ningning, itzy lia, riize sungchan, stayc isa, seventeen mingyu
WARNINGS: (a lot) of cursing, bad attempt at humour lmao, sexual jokes and suggestive af, talk about abusive parents, smut in some chapters (minors dni)
TAGLIST: @arimiu @eleanorheartschishiya @i03jae @beomsitez @hoonatic @rep-hoon @invuzzn @naoyiie @sunhyeswife @sophi-ee @heeseungismymanz @istglevi-gotmesimping @jiaant11 @lakoya @noname-123s-things (still open, just comment on this or sent me a request in my inbox! <3)
a/n: since I've just finished writing Duet (its coming guys don't worry hihi) i started working on this one so i thought why not uploading it at the same time as duet :)
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profile [one] [two]
[prologue] squad's finally back
[1] what do y'all think (written 1,8k)
[2] gather intel
[3] bloodsucker
[4] crush
[5] happy birthday (written, 3k)
[6] i don't know you
[7] finally (written, 1,7k)
[8] her protection
[9] unholy trinity
[10] thirst trap
[11] you're in (written, 1,6k) SMUT IN THIS CHAP
[12] anti-feminism era
[12.5] losing her
[13] i hate you (written, 2k)
[14] domestic (written, 4,1k)
[15] you're a saint
[16] completely whipped (written, 0,5k)
more coming soon...
405 notes · View notes
eiightysixbaby · 6 months
begging for some more older! eddie maybe us out late at a bar let’s have him be jealous and mean😈😈
ohhhhh bestie I can do that 👀
18+ only!!! allusions to smut, mean eddie but he’s just worried about you, jealous eddie, mentions of reader drinking alcohol
Eddie spots you the second he enters the bar. The whole place is sleazy, shitty music blaring in his ears as he pushes through the inebriated crowds. He can feel his boots sticking to the floor as he walks and the air feels thick with the heat radiating off of these strangers’ bodies.
You’re leaning against the bar, your elbows propped up on the probably-filthy countertop as you chat with the bartender. You flip your hair slightly, shifting your weight where you stand and wobbling slightly in your high heels. Definitely tipsy.
Your skirt is obscenely short, and the problem Eddie has with this is that you’re wearing it now, in front of these other men, when you blew him off.
Unable to get ahold of you, he’d been an anxious mess at home. He knew you were going out with friends but you’d promised you’d be at his place by 10. It’s 12:15.
His jaw clenches when he doesn’t see a single one of your friends around, and the way the bartender keeps smiling at you makes him want to punch the guy’s teeth in. He stomps up behind you, a firm hand gripping your arm and turning you to face him. Your eyes widen in surprise when you see him, the anger in his face. You’d fucked up, letting your phone die and not getting in touch with him. Staying out later than you’d said you would.
“I think you’re done here,” he says, and it’s not a question or a request or a joke. It’s a command, an order. You are done here, and we’re going the fuck home.
“Eddie-ee,” you hiccup, trying to keep some composure but failing with the alcohol in your system.
“You’re fucking wasted. Are you fucking kidding me, honey? It’s nearly half past midnight and I haven’t heard a thing from you.” His voice is firm, gruff as he tightens his grip on your arm.
“Is there a problem here?” the bartender asks, and Eddie seriously contemplates the consequences of beating this guy’s ass.
“Yeah, you. She’s not interested, pal. And she’s certainly not going home with you tonight,” he barks, yanking you away before the nuisance can respond.
“I’m sorry, Ed, my phone—”
“It died, right? Because you didn’t charge it even though I asked you to fucking charge it before you left,” he grits, and you look down at the floor in shame. He asked you one simple thing, and you neglected to do it. You won’t say it, but he has every right to be upset.
“I’m sorry,” you squeak, barely loud enough for him to hear.
“Do you have any idea how worried I was!? When I couldn’t get ahold of you? Knowing you were out drinking?” Eddie asks, guilt clawing at your insides.
He shoves open the door to the bar, ushering you out into the parking lot. You shiver at the chill in the air, far colder out than it had been when you’d arrived.
“Nothing bad happened, Ed, I’m fine,” you stress, but he’s having none of it.
“But it could have!” he barks, his voice stern and louder than he usually ever speaks to you. “Sure looked like you were having fun entertaining that bartender,” he scoffs.
You grimace, suddenly sobering up rapidly. You hadn’t been flirting with the guy, but it couldn’t have looked good from Eddie’s perspective. You do tend to get overly friendly when you drink, talkative and chipper.
“We were just talking, I had ordered a drink!” is what comes out of your mouth, for reasons unbeknownst to you. You’d meant to quell his suspicions, but instead you sound petulant and defensive.
“Just fucking talking,” he chuckles, albeit humorlessly. “Don’t think he thought you were just talking, sweets.”
He opens the passenger door of his vehicle, slamming it behind you after you get in. The way he forces the key into the ignition and peels out of the parking lot makes your stomach churn. You make it to his place in record timing, the entire ride silent. He doesn’t open the door this time, or help you out of the car. Your feet ache in your heels and your hands wring together as you walk to his front door.
“I’m sorry, Eddie,” you say meekly, standing helplessly in his living room as he regards you out of his peripheral.
You see the way his jaw clenches and unclenches, and he brings one hand up to rub at his chin, the gray and brown scruff that litters the skin.
“You had me worried fucking sick,” he says, emphasizing this. He walks toward you until the backs of your thighs are hitting the arm of the couch. “I need you to follow rules, baby. All I asked was that you charge your phone,” his eyes don’t look away from yours for even a second, making sure you’re listening.
You nod, feeling the heat that radiates off of his body. He smells like his cologne and a hint of tobacco, a scent so familiar and comforting to you. You wonder why you’d wanted to go out tonight at all, when he’s been here all along.
He steps even closer, resting a hand on your hip possessively. “And don’t even think about chatting up anymore bartenders,” he warns, his mouth hovering beside your ear. “Got it?” His voice is gruff, sending a shiver down your spine.
“I won’t,” you agree, knees nearly buckling when an index finger reaches out to stroke your cheek.
“That’s a good girl,” he says. “Now why don’t you take these clothes off and go get on the bed for me, pretty girl. Gotta remind you who you belong to.”
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MINORS DNI! Mentions of sex but no smut.
Light begins creeping through the window blinds as the sun rises over the Nueva York’s skyline, conveniently hitting your face as you begin to stir awake. Still groggy from the lack of sleep, you barely registered the bulky arm that was laid over your bare waist. More focused on the fact your entire body was sore from head to toe, your hips mostly.
You were about to crawl out from the bed you were on when previously mentioned arm, tighten around you and pulled you back until your back collided against the naked and slightly sticky chest of your ex.
“Where do you think you're going, hmm?” When was the last time you heard Miguel voice that raspy? You didn’t know but it made butterflies appear nonetheless.
“It’s Friday, It’s my week with Gabi. I have to go pick her up from that sleepover and I don’t plan on going all sweaty. I need to go home and shower.” You finally break away from his hold to collect your clothes from their spot on the top of his drawer.
Your words seem to bring Miguel back down to reality of your situation after last night’s events. Just because you two had sex for the first time in years doesn’t automatically mean you were back together yet. You weren’t his girlfriend still, and despite swearing he saw the milky way behind his eyelids during the last round before he collapsed on top of you, he knew you weren’t going to want to rush into it again after you had caught Henry cheating, even if you and Miguel and you had so much history.
“You can shower here.” Miguel quipped as he slowly got up from the bed, making a mental note to change his sheets later. “I think I might have some of your old clothes lying around.”
You hesitated as you thought about it, usually you wouldn’t, didn’t want to intrude in his space (acting as if you didn’t still feel him in your guts) until you nodded.
“Okay fine… just because I’m already here.” You sighed as you made your way towards his bathroom, oblivious to his eyes following your form.
Part 6<< [NSFW]
Part 7<<
He’s baaaaack.
Not proofread.
Word count: 300
Taglist is closed!!
Taglist: Taglist: @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st @ginnysculture @mishaglass @wusyanmee @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho @bunnibitez @miguelzslvtz @migueloharastruelove @dahehow @sinners-98-world @othersideoftheparadise @toyfortoji @yeshajane @yvesbi @hanjisgf @deljojeisbackagain @safixiovi @emmalandry @maxinemus3 @lauraolar14 @aaaaslaaaan @kenz-ee @esmedelacroix @whattheshock @migueloharasoulmate @syler-griffin @comeonatmebruh @xwonderlandresidentx @m4dyy @mcmiracles @the-pan-liquid @lilbrababe99 @jxstanemo @badbitchhour @freehentai @sillysillygoofygoose @nj452896 @jadeloverxd @faretheeoscar @ce3stvu @scorpihoooe @blossomofbismuths @nxxav3rs3 @ilovespiderverseeee @ghost-lantern @saaaaaaaaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiiira @lavenderslemonade @rinnako @reirain @nommingonfood @miguelsfavwife @tomalymme @farrowroyale @beckberin-xo @yournextbimbogf @tinybirdhideout @reader-1290
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tomssexdoll · 4 months
can you do where reader and Tom were best friends and Tom was secretly crushing on her at school like 2003-2005 but then Tom had to leave the school because he got famous and had to go to tour and stuff and school was pretty hard for him but in 2009 he sees reader somewhere like in a restaurant and they talk about old times and then they go to reader’s house and then it ends with smut
i love this idea sm
Gone too long
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2009 x Female reader CONTENT: FLUFF + SMUT SYPNOSIS: Y/N and Tom were best friends in years ago, Tom had to leave in 2005 when his career started to peak, leaving Y/N all alone. She didn't know at the time but he had the biggest crush on her and leaving her was one of the worst things that could happen. Later in 2009 he still thinks about her everyday, and then one day sees her in a resturant, eating alone. A/N: ee WARNINGS: dom!tom, sub!reader, p in v (missionary and riding), nipple play, teasing, squirting
When I was around 13, I met this guy named Tom, he was instantly my best friend and we hung out for days on end, every time we'd see each other we'd always work to one specific corner store and order the same thing every time.
But in 2005, his music career started to rise and he got more attention. I'd always helped him and the band with getting gigs at small bars or house parties but they never really became super famous.
He had to leave and I was devistated, 2 years of friendship wasted. Little did he know I had the fattest crush on him.
As the years went by I watched as his career progressed, him turning into a handsome young man. One day I decided to go eat out alone, not let my thoughts get the best of me.
I picked a cute little resturant, a family owned business that had recently opened, everyone I know was saying how good this place was, even celebrities were going.
I opened the swinging doors, greeted by a waiter and being sat at a 50s themed booth. I skimmed over the menu, looking at all the delicious options, things from chicken burgers to beef burgers to nuggets to fries to milkshakes.
I chose a strawberry milkshake and a beef burger with a side of fries, I hadn't eaten breakfast earlier so I was super hungry. I looked around the place, noticing how all the customers looked so happy, couples sharing milkshakes, families bonding and eating.
Then, I saw a guy sitting alone, black braids with a black bandana, I decided to ignore him but I couldn't shake the feeling off that he was staring at me. I decided to look again and my eyes widened, a familiar face, the face I've loved for years.
I realized it was Tom and he had realized it was me, I saw him stand up with his food and rush over to me, sitting down in the booth, we were both speechless, surprised to be seeing each other after so long.
"Hey Y/N..it's been a while" he smiled softly, I nodded, not being able to form words, super shocked that he was actually in front of me after so long. "So..how are you?" he chuckled, munching on his fries.
"Fuck..uh..." I snapped out of my trance, "i'm fine..I have a really cool job and I haven't been able to stop thinking about you..I watched all your interviews in hopes you'd maybe talk about me" I confessed, my cheeks flushing red, turning my head to look away from him.
"I mean, I couldn't stop thinking about you too, I'd try distract myself but you always clouded my thoughts" he chuckled, reaching his hand out and grabbing mine, causing me to snap my head back to him.
"I'm glad I could see you again, you've grown so much" he smirked "you're very beautiful" he teased, sending a little wink. I giggled, "you're very handsome yourself Tom, I love the braids"
For the next 3 hours we talked about old times, what we used to get up to and what we've been doing for the past 4 years. The resturant was near closing, we didn't even notice that we had been chatting for so long, we just had so much to catch up on and so much chemistry, the conversation never went awkward.
"Hey folks, the resturant is closing now, can we ask if you can pay your Bill and leave? We're so sorry" the waiter came up to us, "oh of course!" I smiled, going up to the counter to pay for my meal, "no no, let me pay liebe" I chuckled "liebe? You haven't called me that since 2004, who do you think you are" I said playfully, a smug grin appearing on his face as he payed for my meal.
"Thanks for that Tom" I leaned in, kissing his cheek sweetly and holding onto his hand, our fingers interlocking. I had walked to the resturant since it was so close to my house, Tom of course drived, his black sports car waiting outside.
"You wanna go back to mine? I really did miss you, I don't want our little date to get cut short" he frowned, looking down at me, "of course I want to" I smiled, pulling him with me to his car.
He opened the door for me, "why thank you" I smirked and got into the passanger seat, buckling myself up. He came to the side and got into the drivers seat, starting the car.
He sneakily slid a hand on my thigh as he started to drive. I rolled the window down, the cool breeze hitting my skin, sending goosebumps all over my arms.
I looked at the empty streets, admiring the yellowy glow of the street lights. As we arrived to his house he guided me in, bringing me to the lounge room. I sat on the couch as he dissapeared to the kitchen, pulling out a bottle of champagne for me and him, 2 glasses in his other hand.
He sat down next to me, pouring us a glass. We continued to talk for another hour, sipping at our drinks. Eventually we got tipsy, tension starting to fill the room. I had taken my jacket off, my boobs nearly buldging out of my tank top.
I noticed the way he just stared at my cleavage, a tent forming in his pants. "Tom" I called out, "oh..sorry" he chuckled, scratching his neck nervously.
I smirked and climbed onto his lap, smashing his lips into mine. His hands immediately flew to my hips, holding them tightly, deepening the kiss.
"Mm.." I moaned into the kiss, Tom slipping his tongue into my mouth and bucking his hips up, grinding against me softly. Our tongues fought for dominance, getting heated quickly.
He picked me up, holding me by my ass and walking towards his room, our lips still glued together. He pulled away for a moment, throwing me onto the bed and crawling to me, smashing his lips into mine again, grabbing my hands and pinning them above my head.
"Tom!" I gasped, his kisses trailing down to my neck, sucking roughly and leaving marks everywhere, basically claiming me as his. "Fuck.." he groaned, pushing his erection onto my stomach.
He let go of my hands, tugging at my shirt and pulling it off, along with my bra, revealing my perky breasts, nipples hard. "Ohh my god.." his breath hitched, leaning down and latching onto one of my nipples, sucking harshly.
I whined, "oh fuck! mm Tom!" arching my back, his cock pressing into me harder. He started to take his shirt off, along with his pants and boxers, leaving him completely nude all while kissing and sucking on my nipples.
He eventually let go, dragging my skirt off and rubbing my clit over my panties softly, my hips bucking up "ohh..someones excited" he smirked, peeling them off and throwing them to the side.
I whined, growing impatient, he detected this and smirked, aligning himself at my entrance, slowly pushing in. "Oh fuck!" I cried out, holding onto his biceps as he stretched me out slowly, making sure it didn't hurt.
After bottoming himself out he started to thrust slowly, trying to get me adjusted to his size. "Fuck..Tom you're so big.." I groaned, scratching at his back, he chuckled and started to thrust faster.
Eventually he started to pound into me, hitting my g spot repeatedly, "fuck.." he grunted, leaning down and starting sucking on my nipples again, swirling his tongue around my sensitive buds, little moans escaping my mouth.
I whimpered, his cock slamming into me cruely, stabbing at my g spot desperatly, his cock throbbing in my tight wetness. He grabbed my hips tightly, grazing his teeth over my nipples.
I felt tension build up in my stomach, twisting into a tight knot. He threw his head back, mouth slightly agape, cock twitching in me.
He groaned, feeling his balls tighten as he neared his orgasm. He could feel me clenching around his cock, causing him to lose control, "I'm gonna cum! Fuck!" he groaned, ejaculating and spurting his hot cum into me pussy, filling it to the brim.
I moaned at the sensation of my pussy being filled, my orgasm crashing down, juices spilling all over his cock. "Holy fuck.." I panted, Tom fell down onto the bed next to me, catching his breath.
Before I knew it I was on his cock again, he grabbed me by my waist and easily picked me up, slamming me back down onto his length, making me ride him.
"Oh fuck!" I whined, he grabbed my hips and started to help me move up and down on his cock, "you're so fucking hot.." he growled, slapping my ass harshly.
I yelped and rode faster, his tip hitting all the right spots, "that's right baby, ride my cock like the little slut you are.." he grinned, reaching out and fondling my bouncing breasts, rubbing his thumb over my nipple.
"Ohh fuck!" I whined, bouncing up and down on his cock, chasing another orgasm, my cunt dripping with juices. I threw my head back, the pleasure taking over my body, no thoughts being processed in my head.
He started to thrust up into me, meeting my movements. Hands squeezing my breasts roughly, "taking my cock so well..such a good girl" he praised, I felt my climax building again.
I was drunk on his cock, it was like drugs to me, addicting. He smirked, smacking my ass again, balls slapping onto my ass, hips slamming into mine roughly.
"Cum on this cock again, now" he commanded, I cried out and dug my nails into his shoulders, legs twitching as I came again, a clear stream of liquid spilling onto his abdomen.
"Holy shit!" I whined, collapsing onto his chest as he came deep in me again, fucking the cum into my pussy so it wouldn't spill out. He layed onto the bed, pulling me with him, pulling out slowly and cleaning me up.
"I missed you so much baby..you've been gone for too long.." he looked deeply into my eyes, brushing stray hairs away from my face and kissing me softly.
"I'm so happy I can be in your arms again" I smiled, kissing him back gently.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @kaulitzsbabyy @ballhair @bkaulitzlover @estxkios @charliesgoodboy @tomsonlyslut @ge-billsgf
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starvory777 · 5 months
the perfect bet🚩
part 1
pairing: bad boy!Jay x new girl!reader.
genre: romance, angst, fluff, bad boy-good girl trope, new girl trope, smut, strangers to lovers, the bet trope, fast paced story.
warnings: smut, violence, use of alcohol, lots of dialogue.
taglist: @yourbeomiebear @kyunlov @jooniesbears-blog @yizhoutv @en-happiness @cloud-lyy @star4rin @engenesengenes333 @deobitifull @aileeeeeeeeeeeee @kirinaa08 @avaleyshin @heeseungswifefr @icepshrince @sophi-ee @seonghwaexile (16/25 people on my taglist. comment or send me an inbox to be added! if i can’t find your account, i will not tag you)
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on your first day at decelis high, you and your younger sister wonhee navigated the crowded halls with a mix of nerves and anticipation. your younger sister, wonhee, being the social butterfly that she is, easily found her place among a group of friends, leaving you alone at an empty table in the cafeteria.
the bustling cafeteria of decelis high hummed with the energy of students chatting and laughing, trays clattering against tables.
suddenly, your reverie was interrupted by the arrival of three figures who sauntered into the room with an air of confidence that demanded attention. jay, flanked by his best friends jake and sunghoon, scanned the room with lazy indifference until his gaze landed on you.
"check her out," jake muttered under his breath, nudging jay with a smirk.
jay's eyes lit up with mischief as he followed jake's gaze, his lips curling into a sly grin. "well, well, what do we have here?"
sunghoon raised an eyebrow in curiosity, his gaze flickering between jay and you. "new girl, huh? she's cute."
“what do you say, jay, if we give her a little decelis high welcome?” sunghoon snickers at jake’s comment.
the trio exchanged knowing glances before jay turned his attention back to you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. with a casual flick of his hand, he motioned towards you, his voice low but carrying across the room.
"hey, glasses, come join us," jay called out, his tone laced with a hint of challenge.
you looked up in surprise, your heart pounding in her chest as she met jay's intense gaze. unsure of what to expect, you hesitated for a moment before gathering your courage and said “i’m fine here, thanks for your offer.”
that was a first for jay, and as he looked around everyone was looking at your encounter, which made jay embarrassed. trying to avert the situation, jay sat down and started talking to you.
"new girl, huh? what's your name?" jay asked, his voice smooth and confident.
"lee y/n," you replied, feeling a flutter of nerves at the attention of the a guy.
"well, y/n, consider yourself lucky. you've just been graced with the presence of decelis high's finest," jay said with a smirk, gesturing to himself.
you couldn't help but roll your eyes at his arrogance, but there was something undeniably charming about him.
jay launched into a lively conversation, effortlessly keeping you entertained with stories about his various exploits. before i knew it, the bell signaling the end of lunch rang, and jay stood up, stretching languidly.
"so, y/n, there's a party tonight. you should come," he said casually, as if inviting you to a casual hangout.
you hesitated. this is a first for you, no one has ever invited you to anything, ever. especially the popular kid.
"i’ll think about it." you found myself saying, surprising yourself with the decision.
a genuine smile spread across jay's face, and he leaned in closer. "great. here’s the address." he hands you a piece of paper.
with that, he sauntered off back to his group of friends, looking back at you once more and winking. he and friends laughing as they walked away, leaving you with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. what had you just gotten yourself into?
the rest of the day passed in a blur as you tried to focus on classes, but your mind kept drifting back to jay and the party tonight. you couldn't shake the feeling of excitement mixed with apprehension.
when the final bell rang, you found wonhee waiting for you outside your last class, bubbling over with excitement.
"guess what? i got invited to a sleepover tonight!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.
"that's great, wonhee," you replied, forcing a smile despite the knot of nerves in your stomach.
as you walked home together, you couldn't shake the feeling that tonight was going to change everything. maybe your last year of high school might be different after all.
on the other hand, jay and his friends were chilling at sunghoon’s house, where the party’s going to be held.
“dude, are you sure new kid’s gonna show?” jake asked, looking up from his phone.
“i’m sure. i definitely charmed her during our encounter at the cafeteria just now.” jay smirked.
“she might show up, but what would she look like? it would be a bother to have a stuck pig at our first party of the semester.” sunghoon groaned, thinking about how you would show up.
“don’t worry my dudes, i know what im doing. she has potential.” jay assured his friends.
“please never use my dudes in a sentence.”
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bamsara · 5 months
A03 Questions Tag Game
I got tagged by: @kagedbird I tag: @onethirdofimpossible, @coffincrows, (first two that come to mind) and anyone else who wants to do the game
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
At the time of writing this post, currently 30 fics. (Not including any fics or written works that are not posted to AO3)
2 – What's your total AO3 word count?
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3 – What fandoms do you write for?
Formerly: Don't Starve, FNAF, Dragons Dogma, Invader Zim
Currently: Cult of the Lamb
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
Solar Lunacy, Celestial Omens, Bytes of Lunacy, The Rehabilitation of Death, Saturday Insomnia
5 – Do you respond to comments?
I try to but I also get very nervous responding because I often don't know what to say back and I feel like it's almost rude or disrespectful to respond to a comment, esp the very nice ones that are long and in-deph with just a keysmash or a bunch of emojis, but I do read every single one since I have email notifications on for them
I'd like to sit down and respond to many but I really don't want to make it awkward so pls dear god readers forgive me
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't like unhappy endings. I enjoy angsty stories but I like when it's at least ending happy to me
7 – What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Not posted? Solar Lunacy
Ongoing? TROD
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
Not really? Most adults (in my experience) know the 'don't like don't read' rule and know basic online etiquette. I've gotten some for discontinuing a fic or switching fandoms though
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't write or draw NSFW! I like to make some suggestive themes sometimes, but I'm a very ace person, it's not something I do often. (I do have a current running goal that if my friend reaches their donation goal for their medical bills that I would give NSFW a shot, but again its not really my cup of tea)
10 – Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nah I haven't written any cross overs, but I do draw them sometimes. Recently I've been spinning a Alice in Wonderland x COTL crossover in my head.
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep. I've had people copy and paste my work, go in with a thesaurus to change a few words (like changing 'angry' to mad, 'upset' to 'sad', and so forth) to try and avoid detection and re-posted my written work under a different title name. AO3 staff took them down for violating their policy against plagiarism though
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I wouldn't mind it so as long as I'm asked before hand, though not on anon so I can actually work with the person to prevent any mistranslations or mishandling, and that I don't want my work posted to other websites
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
I think I did when I was a teen but I cannot remember now
14 – What's your all-time favorite ship?
Eh I don't have any favorites, just ones I really focus on for a long while
15 – What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16 – What are your writing strengths?
I can sit down for hours or several days and work on a writing wip completely in the zone. I cant do it on command but its at least something I can do
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
Spelling and grammar, and sometimes long running sentences. I just kinda write, theres not really a goal for it to be perfect though so as long as the story gist and vibe is right, im fine with it
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done it before but only minor, had a friend help me with it (one or two lines of dialogue) Aside from that, I'm not comfortably fluent enough in anything to do it again without assistance
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
Soul Eater, when I was wayyy too young to be posting anything on the internet. My fanfics I wrote are still on fanfic.net to this day
20 – Favorite fic you've written?
It's inbetween TROD and EE&E right now
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