#edwina sharma defense squad
shrinkthisviolet · 8 days
“Edwina got jilted because she was stubborn and refused to take Kate’s word that Anthony didn’t love her!”
No, Edwina got jilted because Anthony was a wishy-washy moron who proposed to her knowing he loved Kate and only changed his mind at the altar! Blaming someone for getting jilted is gross, idk why people are apparently still doing it. I thought we all agreed Anthony was in the wrong there??
Also, people fail to consider that Edwina likely hoped Anthony would either fall in love with her while courting her, or after they married. A fantasy, considering her own sister clearly believed otherwise? Perhaps. But not unrealistic for someone who’s only just made her debut—she’s fairly young still.
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sansacherie · 1 year
I feel like a lot of people will say they love angry female characters/love it when they get angry and while that's definitely true for some the truth is for some you don't actually mean it.
Because when these characters DO feel this emotion in situations where it's not unreasonable at all for them to feel this way, y'all more interested in lambasting them for it.
Because why else is Edwina Sharma regarded as this terrible person for calling Kate her half sister after she's just been publically humiliated? In a society where reputation is everything, btw. After she had her heart broken? The way y'all act so dismissive of Edwina's feelings is gross.
"Oh, but she didn't really love Anthony-"
So? You do realize that love isn't the only way to break a person's heart? Trust is another way. And from Edwina's perspective, she was betrayed by two people - the person she trusted the most - her sister, and the person that she thought would be that for her for the rest of their life because of the promises HE made - Anthony and y'all surprised she wasn't jumping for joy?
Furthermore a lot of y'all who resent Edwina for her words don't seem to understand the situation she would have been if she and Anthony HAD married. Because if Edwina had learned the truth after marrying Anthony she would have been stuck. No wonder she was so pissed! I would be too, and maybe some will just dismiss this post as projection but whenever I see people get mad at Edwina for the half-sister comment all I can think is that I would have said a lot worse *shrugs*
Anyway I guess my ultimate point is some of y'all don't actually care for angry female characters/female characters when they get angry despite saying so, because the truth is it's an ugly emotion and women/girls are expected to be appealing/soft/forgiving/digestible at all times.
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mila-bee · 4 months
Dearest Mila,
I am honored to offer you...
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Warmest Regards, Mira
My Dear Mira,
This is fantastic! I am so very excited and honored to join the Edwina Sharma Defense Squad and must present at once my signed acceptance card. Many thanks for the invitation 🤗
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Warmest regards to you as well,
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 4 months
I did this on my other blog but everyone who's a member or wants to be a member of the Edwina Sharma Defense Squad say "Aye"
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menaceamongmen · 2 years
maybe one just one fic that really just STICKS IT to Edwina. I think I could live if I could re-read some form of a quality Kate Sharma defense squad (( maybe unlikely people like daphne or a diff sister )) and just knocking the queens diamond down just a smidge. (( I do love her in her own right, I just DEEPLY CRAVE this ))
Who knows maybe it’ll help me move on!!!!
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duchesschameleon · 2 years
so I watched all of bridgerton s2 this weekend as you’ll see from my queued posts. overall, I loved it and so enjoyed it. if I’m being honest with myself and putting aside my gripes, I love it more than s1. my gripes are based in its accuracy and success as an adaptation and I have some issues with it but I’m trying to take a step, a breath, and really get to the root of that.
which means as I can around this crazy ass week I’m going to rewatch it. but know that I loved it, I am part of the Edwina Sharma defense squad forever and always, and I love Kate and Anthony.
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