systlin · 4 years
I'm pretty sure that the situation with rebuilding in disaster prone areas is a bit more nuanced than what it appears at first pass. Maybe I'm missing something about the specific situation you're talking about. Often times insurance will only pay out of you rebuild. Often times the people are too poor to abandon their land and move. Often people are dependant on their community and moving to a less disaster prone area makes less sense than staying.
I specifically mentioned that the majority of people who get their houses flooded by living next to the Mississippi in my area get mad because they DIDN’T have flood insurance, and also riverfront homes are expensive as shit and rich people buy them. 
So like. 
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Thoughts on BTLR?
I don’t know much about the “Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review” other than its a government review of Canada’s telecommunications networks:
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korrasera · 5 years
North American eggs are washed, European eggs are not. Washed eggs need to be refrigerated, unwashed eggs do not.
That’s not actually true. While it is true that eggs in North America are washed, washing doesn’t necessitate refrigeration, although washing does speed up their decay slightly by reducing the shell’s effectiveness as a shield. I don’t believe washing vs not washing has any overall effect on how long the egg will be good before starts to rot.
The reason you refrigerate eggs is because they decay in quality over time, something that cold storage retards. As eggs get older the proteins that keep the texture of the egg begin to break down, so you get eggs that don’t stand up as firm and don’t make for as good of fried eggs and the like. Not as good of scrambled eggs and so on.
As a comparison, there are cooking techniques that benefit from using older eggs, like hard-boiling. As the proteins in the shell break down you will find that older eggs can still be cooked just as well but are significantly easier to peel, making it an ideal preparation.
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smitethestate · 5 years
The bretbug thing was so funny, especially since it was such a mild insult, like the kind of thing that wouldn't even register as a genuine insult for many people. And the tweet had single digit of likes and retweets.
Everything about that was just so funny. Privileged white dudes are so sheltered, they would have a breakdown in the shoes of literally anyone else trying to navigate the internet. I would have given the guy props for creativity and not just calling me a fat cunt like every other asshole.
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autistickitten · 7 years
To the festival anon, you're not broken. Everyone has limits on the amount of noise and temperature extremes they can handle. That's why homes where it is affordable come with thermostats. It is why car manufacturers invest a lot of money on soundproofing the interior of the car. Also, I'm willing to bet that the bulk of the people who attended that festival were abnormally tired or even exhausted after.
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What is your favorite ask?
Well, they're always interesting – I like the "What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?" thing. This one's a tie between this one and this one (I really, really like the answer to this one)
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whatbigotspost · 7 years
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edwardnardella said: 
Apologies for not tagging, tumblr is being uncooperative. This is on an article about Chelsea Manning.
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musashi · 5 years
Who says a tux can't be feminine?
i get that you’re trying to be woke or whatever but we as a society have inherently gendered things like clothes, colours, interests, careers, and basically every other noun you can possibly think of.
like yes in a perfect world this concept of gendering nongendered things does not exist, and if a woman puts a suit on and says ‘this shit’s feminine’ it is inherently true because a woman is wearing it, but that doesn’t mean that the societal gendering of that thing goes away. this discussion has nuance. 
every time trans people try to talk about gender expression, suddenly the discourse is “clothes don’t have gender!! makeup doesn’t have gender!!” like i am begging folks to think about this for more than ten seconds. why do you suddenly all become gender abolitionists when this topic is broached.
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What if every candidate who gets greater than something like 20 percent of the vote gets a seat and gets voting power proportional to the number of votes they got?
That’s just proportional representation but with a cutoff.
But a 20% cutoff is absurd. It would mean the NDP or Greens would get no seats and would only the Liberals and Conservatives would have seats in parliament.
A 5-10% cutoff is more reasonable.
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Working the polls is a great job, only problem is it is a very long day. The training is effective and the job is straight forward. There is a heck of a lot of social interaction with people local to you, which can be great, exhausting or both.
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If there's no interest, what motivates sometime to pay pack a student loan?
Getting out of debt?
Wanting to be able to afford to buy rent and food?
Nobody likes debt. We will pay it off. Adding interest to student debt is cruel and does nothing to motivate us to pay off that debt.
It often means making the choice between paying off interest or feeding our selves, or affording necessary medication.
You sound like someone who has never been poor or experienced any economic hardship.
This change is going to save students thousands of dollars that they will use to better their quality of life, and it will make it easier to pay off our existing student loans.
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A vote for a party that did not win has not been wasted. At the very least it has increased the credibility of that party for future elections.
Yeah, as I mentioned previously, even if the candidate doesn’t win but increases their vote share in the following election, the party will likely allocate more resources to that riding in the future.
That is how safe seats can be gradually won if a political party can slowly make inroads.
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Burdening the poor with this kind of demand is not fair or morally right. I think my confusion about your answer stems from my failure clearly ask my question. When there was interest, one was motivated to pay their loan in a timely manner because failure to do so would result in greater costs. In the new system, as far as I can tell, there are no consequences for not paying in a timely manner beyond poorer credit score. What other practical reason is there to pay off a loan with no interest?
You are still required to make monthly student loan payments, even if there is no interest attached. That’s always been the agreement with student loan bodies.
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A big thing on my wish list is sex work legislation reform.
I would also be in favour of that.
The current prohibition based model is not working.
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Before I continue, I support free tuition. I'm genuinely confused by your answer. If you owe money, but there is no cost for deferring payment, then there is no practical reason (except maybe credit score) not to defer payment. Being in debt does not affect one's ability to pay for things. It is the requirement to pay off debt that affects this. Or am I missing something?
You are required to pay interest every month even if you have no money. Unless you can convince them to defer the payments, you have to pay it.
How is burdening the poor with this kind of financial demand fair or morally right?
I have had to starve myself for periods of time because I could not afford to buy groceries until my next pay cheque came because the required minimum interest payment took most of the free income I had left after paying bills and housing.
Because I had so little income, I spent thousands of dollars paying off interest, and my actual student loan amount actually went up because I could only just keep up with the interest payments.
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Cool, how is that requirement enforced?
What happens when you can't pay off your student debts?
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