#edward's confusion when she says “the day AFTER that”
roberrtphilip · 2 months
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There's an awkward "first date" silence between them, the kind that suggests there isn't going to be a "second". Giselle tries her best to keep the conversation going.
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itsravenbitch · 1 year
how i revised my boyfriend’s mother’s death
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a little backstory
— for the sake of privacy, we’re gonna say my boyfriend’s mother’s name is kay
kay’s “death” was caused by a car accident (wasn’t her fault) and she later passed in the hospital. this all happened in new york, and my boyfriend and i live in georgia. but about a 2 days after we found out, we flew out there.
my bf and his mom were super close so that loss was a lot on him. he started burying himself in the gym, sleep, work etc & eventually he became really depressed. he would not get up out of bed and i could not take that. that was when i decided to revise her death, and this was like a week after she passed.
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the moment i learned she was dead, i naturally entered the state of loss. so, i simply and quickly went over what state of mind i was currently in, and what state of mind i needed to be in.
now y’all know i love meditating <3 so ofc i meditated. the one i used is by edward art, i believe i’ve mentioned it before. but here’s the link 😌💘
so yeah after this meditation i had completely satisfied my imagination, i had a great feeling of serenity, and i was in the state of the wish fulfilled. + i let go of any need to control the 3d.
— reminder: don’t look at your 3d as something to change. things change when they change in consciousness/imagination. if you wanna manifest something, don’t point out your current circumstance as something that you need to change. be cool and fulfill it in imagination;)
— also sn: my boyfriend knows about the law but he doesn’t necessarily study or consciously use it. so, i didn’t tell him i was revising his mom’s death.
— and i had to continue to act like his mom was actually dead when i was around him, even tho at this point kay was 100% alive in imagination.
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so in the morning, i would wake up and assume the state of fulfillment. throughout the day, when i would go check on my boyfriend, he always expressed his feelings, how i could help, and new ways he was trying to cope. honestly, seeing him so hurt and confused hurt me. and throughout this, one of the few things i always reminded myself was that, i’m not my emotions and i’m my thoughts, and neither of those things matter (in terms of manifesting).
another thing i always reminded myself of was the fact that i’m god, BUT i’m also human. so, the ‘god me’ was relaxed & satisfied. the god in me also didn’t have a hurting boyfriend with a dead mom. but the ‘human me’ did and he needed my comfort.
so that’s what i did, i comforted him because he was grieving the death of his mother. so what? i’m human, and i have human decency so ima comfort my baby.
HOWEVER, i didn’t attach myself to that (accept it). i didn’t look at me comforting him as “his mom’s dead and that’s final”, i just did it because he’s my bf and he’s hurt. but i still maintained fulfillment in imagination.
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— i talk about this more in depth here. but basically the post acknowledges that yes, you’re god, but you’re also still human and you have a human life to respond to. so do that, respond to your life (when necessary) while simultaneously fulfilling the inner man.
as long as you continue to return to the state and fulfill SELF, you will manifest whatever it is you’ve fulfilled.
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when it manifested
the night before it manifested, my bfs dad asked everyone (the family) over for brunch. just so everyone could be together during rough times and whatnot.
the next morning when we woke up, my bf.. it was like he completely reverted; he just went back to his regular self. i made sure to take a mental note of it.
as we were driving to his dads house he was acting very normal. all that pain, hurt, etc was not there. his whole energy was different. then what really got me was when we had got to a red light. he said “i already know my moms threw down, i wonder what she cooked”……….and i’m like, i know i’m not trippin. just went along with it and agreed with him cause what was i supposed to do lol😭?
so we pull up to the house and get to the door, and one of his brothers opened it. as we’re saying hi and walking further into the house we start smelling food and my bf goes “YUP! I KNEW IT!!”
then he walks into the kitchen and says “hey ma watchu in here cooking? it smells good”……. and his mom was literally standing there smiling before she gave him a hug.
this all happened naturally by the way. it was like… she never died😂😂 the power of revision yall!
anyways the whole afternoon went by like nothing ever happened.
i honestly thought it was pretty funny. knowing how they used to interact with each other while they were grieving kay’s death vs now was hilarious. and what makes it funnier is they never knew and never will 😂😂😂
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so there y’all have it, how i revised my boyfriend’s mother’s death. sorry i made y’all wait so long:) i literally got so demotivated while trying to type this.
feel free to ask questions cause ik yall got some😩😂 love y’all 🫶🏾
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daintylovers · 4 months
imagine moving to beacon hills around season one. right around the same time, allison moves in. it's nice not being the only new girl, so you two quickly become friends.
imagine meeting lydia for the first time. it happens in your fourth class of the day, you two are assigned to be partners for the semester. albeit, at first she isn't thrilled, but once she gives you a chance, everything changes. she's found someone like-minded for once in this small town. someone as intelligent, yet fashionable as her. she thinks for a quick second, if she liked girls, she would love you.
imagine seeing stiles for the first time. seeing- not meeting, because the boy can only gawk at you from across the hall. it's definitely weird and a little unsettling at first, but it's nice to be admired? right?
imagine finally talking to the poor boy for the first time. it had to be you who spoke first, his brain going a mile a minute. it happens a few days later, when lab partners are assigned. stiles almost faints when he hears your names paired together. scott has to be the one to push him out of his seat. it feels kind of how you imagine bella felt when edward and her first meet, awkward and stiff. does he not like you? maybe that's why he was always staring, it wasn't in fantasy, but with disgust. not being one to dwell on whether someone likes you or not, you push through, introducing yourself with a raised out hand. stiles is quick to latch on, spewing out his full government name. then once he catches the confusion on your face, he tells you that you could call him stiles.
imagine going to lydias house party, that very night. running into all your newfound friends, dancing and drinking a little. then seeing your shy new lab partner chasing after his drunk friend. but also allison chasing after the drunk friend. whats his name again? shawn? smith? stiles? no- wait stiles is yours. scott! its scott. but by the time you have that revelation, the three are already outside. so you watch as allison gets into some random car and stiles stands are dumbfounded. scott has seemingly disappeared, and there's an unease building in your chest. who was that guy with allison? stiles, sensing someone behind him, turns around to face the one person he doesn't want to see at the moment. not because he doesn't like you, but because he is pretty sure his best friend is a freaking werewolf.
imagine asking him if he knew who allison got in the car with, and getting an unsavory response. great, your new friend might get murdered and tossed into the woods tonight. the alcohol is catching up to you rather quickly, and the worry is only increasing. stiles starts to make a move to his car, eager to see if scott went back home when you wrap a hand around his upper arm. it's not harsh or anything, so he doesn't flinch, but he is confused. you ask him if he will give you a ride to allisons, because you guys live close together and you want to make sure she gets home safe. stiles immediately says yes, but tells you he has to make a quick stop at scotts. something about possible alcohol poisoning or something, which makes your head spin. oh fuck, what if you have that?
imagine being told to wait in the car as stiles goes into scotts house. the boy is very persistent as you try to help him out. he offers to get you fries from the local drive-through if you just please stay in the car. that gets you to comply, so you're left staring out the window. it doesn't take long for stiles to come running out of the house and speeding down the street. you don't even have to ask because he tells you that allison went home with this guy derek who is very very evil. you never get those fries. but the good news is that allison is alive!
imagine stiles walking you to your door because you and allison really do live right next to each other. you guys don't say much, the adrenaline rush already crashing. you guys are about to part ways when you stop him and ask for his number. he seems like a nice guy and you joke about how you'll harass him until he gets you those fries. his heart does cartwheels as you exchange digits, and makes a mental note to kill scott. in a perfect world, you two would have managed to spend the whole night together, but scotts newfound supernatural abilities are already infiltrating stiles life.
imagine waking up the next morning with a pounding headache and a text from stiles telling you to get dressed cause he is coming over in fifteen minutes. it has you smiling like a child and it feels so goddamn good. maybe this kid will be cooler than you imagined. he pulls into your driveway and you open the door to see him with iced vanilla lattes and Mcdonald's french fries. this guy might just be an angel. you let him in and for the rest of the morning, you guys eat and talk about nothing while lounging around your room.
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steventhusiast · 10 months
STWG daily prompt 3/12/23
prompt: "what the hell happened to you?"
pairing/character(s): steddie
Eddie hasn't heard from Steve for forty eight hours when the phone rings, and he jumps for it. He hopes (and maybe prays to the god he doesn't believe in) that it's Steve. That he just... Fell asleep when he got home from his shift at Scoops and that's why he didn't call when he got home two days ago. That he got distracted by the kids the next morning and that's why he didn't call Eddie one day ago.
"Hello?" He says into the phone, trying not to sound too frantic.
But as soon as he finds out who's calling, a rock settles in his stomach.
"This is Hawkins General Hospital, am I speaking with Wayne Munson?"
He's silent for a moment. Fuck. Something's happened to Steve. He debates lying, because Wayne left for work literally five minutes ago, and he needs to know what happened, and what if Steve's dead?-
"No. This is Eddie Munson, ma'am, Wayne just left for work. Is- Is everything okay?" He closes his eyes as he speaks, tips his head forward to lightly bang it against the wall of the trailer. Why didn't he just lie? Now they're never going to tell him.
"Alright, one moment.." The lady on the phone says, and Eddie hears some papers rustling and then a sigh, "Oh, Edward Munson?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"You're listed as another emergency contact, so I can tell you this as well." Eddie breathes out a sigh of relief, but feels tears start to well up as he imagines what she's about to say.
"This is in regards to Steven Harrington, who is alive and stable but quite badly injured. That's all I can say over the phone. Before he can be discharged, if his next of kin don't respond, we'll need to talk through patient care with you or Wayne Munson, alright?"
"Yes I- He can have visitors, right?" He's already looking frantically around the room to see where the keys to his van are.
"Yes. Visiting hours don't end for another two hours yet."
Eddie's never hung up a phone so fast.
When he finally gets to Steve's room (after an argument with the receptionist who was hesitant to give him the room number), he practically throws open the door in his haste, and is... Surprised at the amount of people in the room.
He's zeroed in on Steve before he properly registers them though. As soon as he processes the state of his boyfriend, everyone else in the room practically disappear from his mind.
"Oh, Stevie." He whispers, walking over to the bed.
Steve seems to be either asleep or passed out, and he looks.. Horrible. One eye is swollen shut, there's a bandage over his nose like it's broken, and his bottom lip is swollen with a (freshly stitched up) wound trailing down from it an inch or so. And that's just his face-- Eddie can't even see the rest of him right now.
"What the hell happened to you?" He mumbles to himself, hesitantly reaching out to rest a hand on Steve's forearm.
It's then that he's rudely reminded of the presence of others in the room.
"More like what the hell is Eddie Munson doing in Steve Harrington's hospital room?" A familiar voice asks, and he turns to see Robin Buckley sat at Steve's side. A little more turning around and he sees Dustin, who he recognises from pictures, and a little girl who can't be older than ten.
Robin looks confused and suspicious, and like she's about to interrogate him until she sees the genuine distress (and tears) in his eyes. She softens a little, and lets Eddie ask what he's been dying to ask for over forty eight hours now.
"Is he okay?" He sniffles harshly in attempt to get rid of the waver in his voice.
"He will be. Pretty bad concussion though, and- No, wait. Seriously, why are you here?"
Eddie's about to make something up, when Steve rouses with a groan. Everyone's quiet as he squints open his good eye and groans some more at the lights.
"Wha's- Wha's goin' on?" He slurs, and Eddie feels the tears return. Steve sounds as fucked up as he looks, and- shit, Robin said concussion? Steve's already had one too many of those.
"Hey, it's okay Stevie. You know where you are?" Eddie asks gently, opting to ignore everyone else once again if they're going to stay quiet.
"Eds?" Steve's face scrunches up in a way that looks painful, and he slowly looks over in Eddie's direction with eyes that are definitely too dilated.
Eddie starts rubbing his thumb back and forth where he's still gently resting a hand on Steve's forearm. He hopes it's comforting rather than adding to Steve's pain.
"Yeah, I'm here. I got you, sweetheart."
read part 2 here
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
Hi hiii !! I luv your work sm !! I was wondering if i could request something like the cullens with a very sweet/gentle look about them, (pastels, like coquette) but they love heavy metal, horror, they collect odd things like bones and such ! I love the way you write and all your work so far !! <3
The Cullens with a Reader who has an opposite aesthetic
Thank you so much for the kind words!
I was having so much trouble trying to come up with a title for this btw
And I definitely understand this one. My car is completely decorated with pink cutesy stuff and then I blast mcr so
Anyway thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He got whiplash the very first time he saw you
He could hear the music playing through your headphones, but he did not think it was coming from you
He thought he must have been going crazy or something
But he loves it
Blah blah insert something very deep and philosophical about you two being very similar
He thinks of himself as two very different things
The one that people see, the beautiful man
And then the monster he is on the inside
So he feels like you two are one in the same
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She absolutely loves it
She loves anything to do with fashion in the first place
And she thinks it’s so fun that you’re such a polar opposite on the inside
It always amuses her whenever she asks you what you’re listening to and you give her an earbud
Only for it to be like death metal
She enables this btw
Anytime she sees something cutesy she buys it for you
And if she sees any bones she gives them to you too
“Hold on Jasper there’s a deer skull over there, I need to get it for my partner”
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He would love you the same if you wore a trash bag
He doesn’t particularly care
He’s not really too “hip” with subcultures to know that bright pink and screamo music don’t really go together
So he doesn’t really see anything odd with it
As for collecting weird stuff like bones and various horror paraphernalia, he’s a little confused
Like what do you mean you want his scraps after he’s done hunting?
But he’ll do it anyway
He always makes sure to clean off a piece of whatever he ate that day to bring it back to you
He just loves seeing you happy
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In a way, she’s the same as you
She presents herself as a stereotypically beautiful woman
But on the inside she loves rebuilding and fixing up cars
So that aspect she can understand at least
What she’s a little confused about I is your love for horror movies
I feel like she doesn’t get them
She just thinks they’re all funny
She’s tried to sit down and watch them with you before, but she just can’t get into them
“The color of the blood in this movies is so wrong”
“That’s not what zombies actually look like”
“These people are so stupid! Just leave the house and go to the police!”
And she’s a little grossed out by the bones thing
She might bring you back a bear tooth if you ask nicely, but don’t make it a habit
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He’s so down
He loves it
Some guy tried to make fun of you once, asking if you were listening to like cocomelon or something at school and you just unplugged your headphones and cannibal corpse started blasting
He didn’t talk to you again after that
He thinks it’s hilarious
And I feel like he would like his partners to be a little freaky
Like hell yeah babe I’ll bring back a mountain lion femur
He secretly thinks you’re a witch or a sorcerer or smthn
He won’t ask though
That’s between you and your spell book
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She was so confused at first
She got to know you at first, hanging out with you a couple of times, and then randomly on like the fifth date you asked to aux
She was shocked to say the least
And don’t even get me started on when she first saw your bones and other weird stuff
She definitely rethought the relationship
But she loves you and who cares if you’re a little weird
She’s not gonna bring home anything for you tho sorry
If you want weird shit you’re gonna have to go get it yourself
I have a feeling she doesn’t really like horror movies either
She jumps too easily
So you guys are gonna have to agree to disagree
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He doesn’t really care too much
Not in the way that he doesn’t care, but in the way that you could literally wear anything and he would still love you
He is a little shocked by your music and movie tastes at first, but ultimately he doesn’t care
He’ll sit down and watch your movies with you as well
They’re not his favorite, but he can stomach them
He won’t talk bad about them at all
He’s very respectful
And if you ask him to, he’ll bring back all of the bones you could ask for
He’ll clean them up for you and everything
He’s just a spoiler at heart
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Vampire! Bella:
She loves it
She thinks it’s so fun that you look so different from what you actually like
She was pretty shocked at first
Definitely did not expect it from you
But she’s pleasantly surprised
She enjoys horror movies and heavy music too, so you guys get along
She’s always down to let you aux or pick out the movie you guys watch
And she’s always ready to bring you home whatever you want
You want specifically a moose skull?
Well, she was going to go hunting for a bear, but she’ll run up to Canada for you
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cl3fairyyy · 7 months
˗ˏˋ routine // edward nashton x GN! reader ˎˊ˗
summary // edward has always gone through life in solitude. he has the same routine, day in and day out, and he doesn't change that for anyone. he doesn't have time for friendship and looks down on his coworkers; their shallow gossip and strained smalltalk isn't worth his time. his way of thinking is soon flipped on its head when KTMJ hires a pretty receptionist to greet him every morning before work. what starts as innocent pining (as innocent as it gets for edward, anyway), soon spirals into something more, faster than he can control. alternatively, you score a cushy receptionist gig and start crushing on your cute coworker lol.
warnings // very brief mention of healed sh scars. edward and the reader smoke- reader is GN but is described as "pretty" multiple times. eddie is a little strange in this but that is just customary for him atp lol. a little angsty but mostly fluffy coworkers to more bc eddie deserves more soft fics :c no use of y/n!!
word count // 4.5k
notes // I haven't written a fic since my wattpad days so my apologies if this isn't great </3 I have been pining after the green man for far too long and have so many ideas in my system that need to come out !! I hope Edward isn't too OOC and would love any feedback on how to write him better :)) I might do a pt 2 if anyone is interested hehe
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Edward has never found any substance in socialising at work. He has never found the tedious break room small talk and uninteresting (probably fabricated) gossip that floats around the office to be very meaningful, and for the five years that he has worked at KTMJ, he has never had so much as a conversation, let alone friendship, with any of his colleagues. 
His daily routine is fairly simple: wake up, go to work, come home, eat (if he remembers), and sleep. All without interacting with anyone. Edward lies to himself, convinces himself that he prefers, even enjoys, living like this. He has crawled through this city, through this life, in solitude, and he has always been fine. 
But the ache in his heart and the lump in his throat when he lies awake at night, running calloused fingers over faded scars, say otherwise.  
Edward is lonely. 
His mind tends to wander when he turns in bed to look out the window. He watches groups of friends, drunk and stumbling down the old, cracked streets of Gotham, their rapturous (and rather obnoxious, he thinks) laughter echoing through his open apartment window. He imagines himself drunkenly walking alongside them, sharing inside jokes and funny anecdotes that make their cheeks red with laughter, and when he drifts off to sleep, he dreams of waking up in another body, another life, where he simply belongs. 
He wakes up on a day like any other, in his cold, empty apartment, alone. He begins his routine, shoving a piece of expired bread in the toaster as he neatens his tie and pulls on his loafers. He is happy with this routine. He eats alone at the table, checking his watch, mindful of the 8:15 bus. He leaves his apartment and catches the bus just as it arrives at his stop. The driver, an older lady, offers him a smile. He keeps his head down. He is happy with this routine. He enters the office earlier than usual, hoping to get in some extra work to avoid staying any later than he must. He is happy with- 
He pauses. 
The receptionist, a woman far too old to not be retired, does not greet him with the flick of her pen as she completes the morning crossword. 
The routine is disrupted. 
His coworkers are crowded around his boss' door, straining to see through the tiny window separating "us" from "them." Edward's mind is clouded with confusion as he catches the eye of one of his colleagues, a man named Will, a man he can't stand, a man who acquired his position (as Edward's supervisor) straight out of college, through daddy's money and connections. 
The routine is disrupted. 
"Word is that we have a new receptionist." He fills Edward in. Edward wonders if he only tells him this through some feeling of obligation, rather than wanting to share the latest office gossip with him. He simply nods, making his way to his desk.  
Back to the routine. 
After possibly the most intimidating introduction to a boss you have ever experienced, you are given a brief tour of your new office and shown to your new desk. You are given your new tasks and set to work on your new job. 
To be honest, it isn't entirely difficult. You are certainly overqualified, but you can't complain about being paid above minimum wage, in Gotham, in your twenties, for such a simple job. You remember reading that the best way to make a good first impression at a new job is to introduce yourself to your new colleagues, and, despite the anxiety welling in your throat, you put on a bright smile and set off to do just that. 
For the most part, your colleagues are nice, a bit bored, but they seem interested in you and that surely must be a start, right?  
The girl whose desk you're currently standing in front of (her name is Kate, you think?) perks up suddenly, seemingly remembering something. She gestures for you to sit next to her, and you do just that.  
"You seem nice. Like, really nice. But you seem like the kind of person who is so nice that it borders on naiveté." You tilt your head in confusion but nod for her to continue. "I want you to, y'know, actually have a chance of fitting in here. So let me give you some advice." 
She glances around inconspicuously before lowering her voice and tilting her head back ever so subtly. "That guy over there. Glasses. Yeah- okay, try not to make it so obvious that I'm talking about him. Don't bother trying to get a word out of him. The guy doesn't talk to anyone, and believe me, we have tried getting him to. I don't know if he's shy or thinks he's better than us or what, but he seriously is, like, mute. All he does is come to work and go home. He even eats his lunch at his desk." 
You try and mimic her subtlety, glancing up to catch a glimpse at the desk tucked neatly in the corner, and you're met with eyes behind glasses staring right back at you. You quickly look away, your cheeks burning at the embarrassment of being caught talking about someone. 
She smiles sympathetically at you. 
"I know this schtick you've got going on. Introducing yourself to the office so that we all like you." 
She snorts at your expression and continues. 
"Hey, chill out. It's seriously endearing. I was the exact same when I started and, to be fair, it seems to be working for you. I just don't want you to get offended or anything trying to talk to Edward over there, and getting nothing out of him, y'know?" 
You offer Kate a grateful smile and rise from your seat. 
"Thanks for the warning. I think I'd like to at least say hi to him anyway." 
All she offers you is a shrug, as if saying, "don't say I didn't warn you," as you wander over to Edward's desk. 
You smile at him, introducing yourself and holding out your hand to shake. Okay, he's actually pretty cute up close, you think, with big green eyes concealed by glasses that have slipped slightly down his faintly freckled nose. He meets your enthusiasm with a blank stare and a readjustment of his glasses, and your shoulders deflate a little.  
"You're, uh, you're Edward, right? That's what it says on your name tag, anyway."  
You giggle nervously. 
"Well, I- anyway, I'm the new receptionist. I'm really happy to be working with you." 
You're surprised at the sincerity in your tone, and Edward must be too, because you swear you notice his stoic expression falter for a second. 
Your hand begins to shake as it remains in front of his face, and the air grows thick with awkwardness. It feels like every single pair of eyes in the office is on the both of you. You begin to retract your hand when Edward gingerly reaches forward and shakes it limply. His bored expression doesn't change as he does so. 
With that single word uttered, he carries on typing away at his computer, completely ignoring you. Your legs seem to work at their own volition as they carry you back to your desk, your cheeks pink. 
Unbeknownst to you, Edward has been observing your every move since you stepped out of the boss' office. His desk is at the perfect angle, giving him a direct view of your own, and he had watched you approach all of your colleagues to give your little introduction speech. He had seen you chatting discreetly with Kate, and he had caught you peeking up to look at him. He had figured Kate had warned you to steer clear of him, and the thought had made his stomach sink. 
He thought you were very pretty, and since he had first caught a passing glimpse of you, his mind instantly had began to wander to thoughts of him approaching your desk, introducing himself confidently and charming you all within your first interaction. 
He had shaken his head at that, embarrassed by his little fantasy. He has never known the feeling of confidence in his life, and he had quickly resigned himself to thinking that you would be yet another coworker he would never interact with, besides a quick "good morning," and "good night," at the beginning and end of each day. 
The routine continues, and he is happy with that. 
The routine continues until it doesn't, until you meekly approach his desk and smile at him, and oh God up close you are so much prettier, he thinks, and then you're extending your hand for him to shake, that same dimpled smile on your face fading when he doesn't even acknowledge the action. 
Of course he manages to make you uncomfortable within the first five seconds of interacting with him. Before his mind can catch up with his body, he is shaking your hand and uttering the first word he has spoken in this office in a long time.  
He instantly has to break the intense eye contact he has held with you, pretending to type numbers into his computer, praying the colour of his cheeks doesn't betray him. 
When you walk away he feels guilty, he wishes he could will you back to his desk so he could play off his awkwardness as a joke, so he could pretend he is someone much cooler and much more interesting than Edward Nashton. 
But he can't. 
He has to watch you walk away, back to your desk, your head down to hide your embarrassment. 
When 5pm hits, you stand from your desk, stretching. God, that spinny chair does something awful for your back. You're packing up your things when Edward passes your desk. You offer him a smile as you wish him goodnight, fully expecting him to ignore you. 
Instead, he pauses and turns to give you a small nod before exiting the building and all of a sudden it feels like your face is on fire and your heart is pounding like you've just ran a marathon. 
Oh no. 
Of course you get a crush on your first day, and of course it has to be on the one person in the building that has uttered one singular word to you. 
You lie awake that night, tossing and turning in bed as thoughts of your colleague cloud your mind. Sure, you've always had a thing for nerdy guys, but nerdy guys who have a reputation around your office for being a complete recluse? Seriously? 
But he had spoken to you, he had acknowledged your existence. So what the hell does that mean? You sigh, rubbing your eyes before popping a melatonin. Your mind is racing a thousand miles a minute and you know there is no way you're getting to sleep otherwise.  
Edward's mind swarms with thoughts of you as he lies in bed, willing himself to fall asleep. He picks up his phone, reading the time, and sighs, opening up your social media page for seemingly the thousandth time that night.  
He has already scrolled through your entire account, has already studied every single photo and video you have posted until he has them memorised. He swipes through pictures of you at bars with your friends, videos of you dancing on vacation with tan lines and pink cheeks, and the countless selfies you have with your dog on your page.  
He imagines you introducing him to your friend group and him befriending them over drinks in your favourite bar. He imagines taking you away on lavish trips to Europe, Asia, South America, all the places you have on the bucket list posted on your profile. He imagines a domestic life built together, sharing an apartment with you and your dog, and he falls asleep with an unfamiliar warmth in his chest, hope rushing through his veins for the first time in a long time. 
Over the next few months, you grow closer with your colleagues- close to the point that you even see them outside of office hours. Close to the point that, when deadlines are met and the entire office throws a party to celebrate, Kate always manages to convince you to tag along. Close to the point that, after a long week, you and the small circle of friends you have made go out for drinks to unwind- and you have even found yourself inviting your other coworkers to join you. 
All of your coworkers, except one. 
The guilt consumes you every time you pack up to leave, smiling and laughing with your colleagues, when you catch a glimpse of Edward hunched over his monitor, ready to log even more hours of overtime. You have always considered inviting him along, but the only words he ever utters to you are quiet greetings every morning and the occasional "good night," when he leaves the office before you do. You don't even know if he likes you. 
You certainly like him. 
You're sure the blush on your face is undeniable every time you accidentally lock eyes with him when you swivel absentmindedly in your chair, or when you hand him his mail (which is rare for him to receive, you've noticed). You always try and find excuses to talk to him, and every time you do, you're left stumbling over your words and pink in the cheeks while he remains completely unfazed, unbothered and silent. 
You're determined to at least invite him for drinks. At any rate, if he says no, you can comfort yourself with the knowledge that you tried to develop some kind of friendship with him (while secretly hoping for more).  
It is such an easy task, one you have discussed frequently with your coworkers many a time, who have repeatedly encouraged you to offer an invitation to Edward- so you don't understand why it feels like lead weights have been tied to your feet and sandpaper has dried out your mouth when you mentally prepare yourself to go and speak to the infamous office recluse. 'It's no big deal! It's just drinks with colleagues!' you remind yourself, but the rapid beating of your heart does nothing to comfort you. 
You finally internally berate yourself enough to stand up and, as casually as you can, wander over to Edward's desk, a friendly smile on your face. Your shadow over his desk forces him to acknowledge you. 
You clear your throat somewhat awkwardly before saying with as much (casual) enthusiasm as you can muster, "me and some of the others are gonna head out for drinks pretty soon. We'd love for you to come!" 
You notice his eyes subtly squint behind his glasses as he sizes you up, before shaking his head, his gaze flickering back down to his monitor. 
"Can't. Got some messy paperwork here that needs correcting, and it can't wait until Monday." 
Your smile falters slightly and you manage to nod in understanding. "That sucks. We would've really liked you there. I wouldn't want it to eat up too much of your evening, so I won't keep you from it. Have a nice weekend, Edward!" 
His head lifts at your mention of his name, and when you smile at him, turning to leave, he clears his throat. quietly 
"I'm, ah, I'm sorry about that. Maybe some other time..." 
You nod in agreement, giving him one last smile before heading out with your colleagues. Oh well. At least you tried. 
Edward screams at himself internally for being stupid enough to turn you down, for having so much work on his plate that he has to reject an offer to spend time with you. His logic tries to argue with him that you are just a distraction from his greater plans, but for the first time in his life, he finds himself listening to his heart rather than his head.  
The routine is disrupted. 
The following Monday, instead of clocking in at 8:30am, Edward finds himself in the office at 7:45 that morning to begin his work day. When you enter the building (earlier than usual, he notes), you manage to shake off the shock of seeing anyone else here at this time, and give Edward a little wave. 
You sigh as you sink into your chair, lazily replying to the emails that have piled up over the weekend. While this cushy job has its benefits, God, the actual work is boring.  
You catch yourself repeatedly turning subtly in your chair to watch Edward work. Even though he's so far away, you recognise that concentrated look he has on his face when a particularly messy set of fraudulent taxes have him stumped. Before you can register what you're doing, you're walking across the empty office right up to his desk and Jesus, your hands are sweaty as hell. 
You manage to discreetly wipe them on your slacks before he looks up at you, his stressed expression all the greeting you need to begin talking. "I know we usually say good morning at my desk, but you were clocked in even earlier than me this morning." Your sentence ends with an anxious giggle, and when he narrows his eyes in confusion, you continue. "I, um, couldn't help but notice that you looked a little stressed... can I get you something to help? Water, coffee, anything? I'm all finished catching up on my emails so..." 
You trail off a little awkwardly and you swear you see Edward's lip quirk up in a tiny smile before returning to his usual poker face. You mentally slap yourself for expecting to get anything out of him; it's not even 9am and you've already annoyed him. Great. 
"If it's really no bother... I take my coffee black, one sugar. Thank you." 
He says the last part quietly, looking down. You smile, and head for the break room to get his drink, your hands shaking giddily. You have somehow gotten more words out of him in five months than any of your colleagues have in five years. You see that as a win. 
Edward sees it as the complete opposite. His brain is in chaos trying to focus on work but constantly wandering back to new daydreams of you. Daydreams of living together in your shared apartment, where you make him coffee every morning and bring it to him in bed. He can't help admiring you from afar, the way your well (tight) fitting slacks cling to you in the best way, and he has to physically rest his head on his desk to remind himself of where he is before his thoughts get too carried away. 
You place the styrofoam cup down in front of Edward and he nods gratefully. You take a sip from your own cup, watching him work, before you realise you're being weird, still lingering around his desk like some creep. You cough awkwardly. "I'm, uh, going to go sit back down now, let you get back to it. I hope the coffee isn't too gross." 
It's perfect, Edward thinks as he watches you wander back to your desk, and well after 5pm, when everyone has left, he fishes through the trash can uncer your desk and retrieves your styrofoam cup from that morning, placing it in a ziplock bag and taking it home with him. 
This is Edward's new routine. He comes into work early every day and sits in the empty office, doing as much work as he can so that he can muster up the courage to one day, finally join you after work instead of being swamped with tasks. For weeks, every Friday, you invite him to come drink with your little group, and every Friday he finds some flimsy excuse to flake on you, anxiety tightening his throat and dampening his forehead. 
You begin thinking you must be bothering him- he hasn't once accepted your invitation, and you tell yourself after each awkward encounter, 'this is the last time.' Yet, each week, you find yourself stood at his desk, legs trembling and mouth dry, anticipating rejection. 
Until, one Friday in late February, he gives you an awkward smile, shuffling the mess of papers on his desk. 
"I, ah, managed to wrap up these returns... I'll come along, if you want me to." 
You can barely believe your ears, and your shock must be evident because Edward begins to flush under your gaze. You clear your throat, a bright smile on your face as you bounce on the balls of your feet. "Oh, that's great! We're ready to leave when you are." 
Your small group bursts out of the office, your noses red from the February chill. You notice Edward lagging behind a little, and slow your pace to walk alongside him. 
"I'm really glad you took us up on our offer finally. We found this sweet little hole in the wall bar only a little way from here, and happy hour lasts until 9 on Fridays." You grin at him. "I know I don't know much about you, but I really think you'll like it. The vibes are super chill, and they play some decent music. You like The Cure, right?" 
Edward tilts his head curiously, and you flush as you scramble to explain yourself, so you don’t come off as an actual stalker. 
"I, just, um... I could hear you listening to them last week when I came into work early." 
He smiles, and the sincerity of it makes your knees go wobbly. 
"Yeah, hah, I- um- listened to them a lot when I was young. I guess I never really grew out of it." He chuckles nervously, fiddling with the strap of his work bag.  
You find a booth in the corner, and your group crams in, sharing the latest office gossip and complaining about how heavy the workload has been recently. You find yourself sat next to Edward and you smile at him as you settle back into the cracked vinyl of the booth, sipping your drink. 
"I can't imagine coming into a bar and ordering water after how much you've worked this week. How are you not halfway through a bottle of whiskey right now?" You laugh lightly, beginning to feel pleasantly buzzed. Edward readjusts his glasses and thanks God that the red LED lights hide his pink cheeks. "I'm not really a big drinker... I prefer to be in control of my actions." He pauses, eyeing you clutching your drink in his peripheral vision, before clearing his throat. "N- not that there's anything wrong with drinking. I just, uh, have never really been a fan. I don't think it tastes very nice." 
You giggle, slapping his arm lightly. "You don't need to explain yourself to me, Edward. I was only kidding."  
After an hour or two, and a few more cocktails, the bar begins to liven up a little. Most of your friends have gotten up to dance, but you ignore them, deep in conversation with Edward about Gotham's current political climate. 
"I thought I was the only one! Seriously, that shitbag of a mayor gets nowhere near enough criticism. They're corrupt, the lot of them, and I can only hope they get what's coming to-" 
You pause, realising Edward is distracted. He fidgets with the sleeve of his jacket while rapidly bouncing his knee up and down, and you notice him cringing at the volume of the music. 
You lean forward, resting a hand on his arm, your voice quiet as you whisper in his ear, "wanna go for a smoke?" 
Your voice is a lovely contrast to the music blaring from the speaker, Edward thinks, and he can smell your perfume with you in such close proximity. It's sweet and flowery, and he wishes he could have you this close to him forever. 
He nods, quickly standing and leading you out of the packed bar. The cold air hits you like a slap in the face as you make your exit, and you immediately regret leaving your jacket on your seat as you hug yourself, trying to stay warm under the broken heat lamps. 
Edward fishes a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and holds it out to you. You smile gratefully, plucking one from the box and holding it between your teeth. Your freezing hands tremble, fumbling the lighter in your hands, and you groan in frustration as the wind keeps blowing the flame out. Edward watches you from the corner of his eye and chuckles lightly, a newfound wave of confidence surging through him. 
"Want a hand?" 
You sigh, shutting your eyes and nodding in defeat. Edward laughs again, and it is a lovely sound; his laugh has an almost falsetto quality to it, and you can't help but smile back at him, your cheeks warm. 
Edward takes the lighter from you, his other hand reaching to cup over your own, protecting your lips from the biting wind as he lights your cigarette for you. 
It is such a simple action. 'There's nothing behind it!' you think, but it holds such an undeniable sense of intimacy. His warm hand lingers on yours, warming your entire body, and he doesn't break your gaze when he finally pulls away to light his own cigarette. 
The two of you stand in silence for several moments, watching the smoke you breathe out dance into the night sky, disappearing from view. You feel so relaxed around him, and you turn your head to watch him study the night sky, his eyes darting this way and that before landing on you. He smiles shyly. 
"I had a nice time tonight. I... honestly wasn't expecting to." 
He notices your face fall slightly before he quickly continues. "I wouldn't usually call this kind of place my thing, but... I found myself really enjoying myself. The company certainly didn't hurt." 
You smile at that, and he eagerly returns it. 
"Forgive me if I'm overstepping, but... I'd like to take you out sometime. Just me and you, away from all the noise." 
Edward can hardly believe the words coming out of his mouth, and he's convinced he's dreaming. The smile on your face only grows. 
"You mean, like a date?" 
The redness of his cheeks deepens, and he nods, his knees feeling weak. You begin jotting something down in your notepad before pressing a folded-up piece of paper into his hand, blowing a plume of smoke just past his face. He can almost taste the nicotine and tequila on your lips as you lean towards him, your voice barely above a whisper. 
"I'm looking forward to it." 
With that, you flick your cigarette on the floor and turn on your heel, heading back into the bar. Edward unfolds the slip of paper to be met with the phone number he has had memorised since your first day working at KTMJ five months ago. 
The routine is disrupted. 
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xetswan · 23 days
Twilight- Mortality, Chapter One- Day Before
(Alice X reader X Jasper)
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[One] [Two]
Bella and Edward are getting married, the invitation lying in my hand as I talk to Jasper and Alice.
Something Alice made herself. "Why are you giving this to me?" I tilt my head to the side in confusion. I only ask due to the fact that I have been shopping with my girlfriend for this wedding since we were told about it.
"It's just to say that you have it. Keepsake." She smiles, kissing my cheek before walking away. Leaving Jasper and I in the living room alone.
"You excited for the wedding?" He suddenly speaks up, lifting my thoughts away from the paper. "Mm, I don't like what comes after but what can I do about that?" I shrug my shoulders, the room goes back to being quiet and he lifts his arms. Inviting me into them.
Without a second thought I let him embrace me. He knows how I feel about Bella becoming a vampire. I'm not the biggest fan of it. I wish we could've grown old together, have our little families. Our kids be cousins.
But both of us succumbed to a fate we should've never experienced or had to endure. Even if she technically has the choice, she truly doesn't. The Volturi would stop at nothing to kill her if they had it their way.
"You have to break them in." Alice tells Bella who just stumbled a little in her heels."I've been breaking them in. For three days. Can I just go barefoot?" My sister questions, I smirk knowing what the response will be. "No, absolutely not."
"Just thinking it's a little much, you know? the dress and the shoes and all of this." She gestures ahead of us. Jasper and Carlisle carrying benches for the bride and grooms sides.
"No, it's exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect." Alice grins cheerfully. Emmett then comes into view. "Where do you want them, boss?" He asks, carrying a long tree trunk. "On either side of the aisle."
Rosalie then walks past with another tree stump. "What aisle?" She seems a little annoyed. "Does no one have vision?" My girlfriend exasperates loudly, throwing her arms in the air, heading over to them to explain where she wants everything.
I watch Bella take her heels off then put her converse on.
"Sorry you have to deal with her." I rub my sister's shoulder but I can't hide the very clear smirk on my face. For once I'm not getting dressed in ridiculous clothing. Due to this wedding it's only things about the decorations or stuff for other people. Not me.
I love Alice, I love every quirk she has. I love them more when they have nothing to do with me and they're focused on others. "It's only for a few more days then it's all back to you." She gives me a knowing look and I let out a short laugh.
Alice comes back over to us, putting my arm around her waist. "You, go home and get lots of beauty sleep. Your sister will take you home. That's an order." She points to both of us. "Okay."
The two hug and Bella walks away. Alice picks her heels up.
"Please make sure she gets good sleep tonight." She suddenly turns to me with the heels in her hands. "Yes ma'am." I nod my head, giving a tiny salute.
"I love you." She kisses my lips. "I love you too. I pull her in my arms, pressing her into another kiss. "You gotta go." She pushes me back with a smile.
"Ugh but I'll miss you so much." I whine, trying to kiss her again but she laughs, keeping a hand out, the other still holding the shoes. "I'll miss you too but you have to go." She tells me, I pout but listen to her.
"I'm gonna go say goodbye to the other love of my life." I walk off, hurrying over to Jasper.
Jasper's setting some of the flowers up, unaware I'm there. I quietly get ready to pounce on him. Squinting my eyes on how I'm going to do it. I glance around. The only person around is Rosalie. We make eye contact and I put a finger to my lips, motioning for her to stay quiet. At first she nods but then I see a glint in her eyes but it's too late I was already going forward.
"Jasper!" She shouts, earning his attention, he finally realizes I'm there. Ruining the element of surprise. I jump right into his arms and he catches me.
"Rosalie! I can't believe you." I act shocked. Once I saw her I knew she was going to do that. She's done it before.
"Anyway, I have to go before our girl yells at me once again. Just wanted to say I love you before I left." He was still holding onto me. My legs wrapped around his torso. "Well I love you too." He gives me a kiss.
"Yeah, yeah." I drop down, kissing him one last time then heading to Bella's truck.
I don't know why Alice said I was taking her home when Bella was going to be the one who drove us.
"Sleepover tonight?" Bella asks as we entered the house. "Um, hell yeah." I grin, "Let me get dressed and I'll bring snacks up." I tell her, both of us going separate ways to our rooms.
After getting dressed I go to leave my room but I hear noise outside and I immediately know who it is. Edward is seeing Bella before the wedding. Against Alice's repeated threats for him not to do that.
I look out of my window to see Emmett and Jasper. Emmett points to me, then points to Jasper and makes kissy faces. I roll my eyes with a smile.
I head out of my room and upstairs but I stop myself when I hear their conversation. I attempt to block it out of my head. Trying to focus on a different sound in the house. I lean against the wall and then I remember I have to get the snacks so I walk downstairs. Charlie seemed to already have gone to bed.
I get a bunch of snacks together, most of Bella's favorites then a few of my weird ones that I enjoy after turning into a Hybrid.
After putting them into a grocery bag I hear a whistle from outside. "What is that?" I hear Bella ask. "Come on! Let's go!" Emmett shouts from outside. "I'm late for my bachelor party." Edward responds. I hear a thud. "Send him out, Bella, or we're coming in after him." Emmett tells my sister.
I smile to myself, lifting the bag and walking back upstairs. Loudly crinkling the bag, entering her bedroom. "So, this party. Will there be strippers?" My sister asks, both of them acknowledging me but in the same not.
"No, just a couple of mountain lions. Maybe a few bears." Edward chuckles. A thump comes from the window and Jasper is there. "Don't worry, Bella, we'll give him back in plenty of time." He then winks over to me, jumping back down. Emmett and him playfully shoving one another.
"Okay, go before they break my house."
"Let's go! Let's go!" Emmett shouts. "I'll meet you at the altar." Edward says, heading to the window. "I'll be the one in white." My sister awkwardly tells him. "That was very convincing."
She laughs as he jumps out of the window. The both of us go over and watch the three guys mess with each other.
Once they're gone, I shake the bag. Getting her attention. "What movie we watching tonight?" I ask, both of us heading over to her bed and she gets her laptop out. I let her choose the movie and I try to focus on it.
Only hearing her heartbeat instead. Listening to the calmness. I glance over to her practically already asleep. Her breathing was slowed, heavy. I think about how this is one of her last moments as a human.
My chest tightens at the thought of her having to go through the pain I did when I turned into a Vampire.
I then feel her hand find its way to my arm. Mumbles exiting her mouth, obviously distressed. I look over to her clock and it's already been three hours.
I look at the laptop and the credits of the movie had already passed, its back to the loading screen. I didn't even notice the time go by.
She makes another noise and I play with her hair, trying to do what our mother used to do for us when we were little.
"What did I say about beauty sleep?" Alice questions Bella who grimaces. "Sorry, bad dream. It was wedding jitters." She apologizes, I think about last night and how many times she woke up.
Rosalie walks into the room, looking gorgeous. "Do you need some help? I could do her hair." She turns to my girlfriend who goes to speak but Bella interjects. "Really?"
"Please. I'm not offended by your choice of groom." She plays with Bella's hair. "Just my blatant lack of respect for mortality." Bella says.
"Essentially." Rosalie gently smiles. "Weddings. They bring everyone together." Alice dreamily sighs, leaning into my body. The three of us were dressed in purple dresses. Well I was in a dress suit. It was a similar color to Alice's.
We then hear Renee and Charlie speaking outside of the room. "[Name]? Bella?" Our mom calls out. "In here, mom." We yell together.
Renee enters first. "Oh, my gosh! You're so beautiful. Oh, honey." She begins to tear up. "Crap! My mascara." I let out a little laugh, going over to her and giving her a handkerchief. She leans into my side hug. "Thanks, sweetie. Charlie, get in here." She shouts over to the door.
"You sure? I don't wanna..." He walks into the room wearing a tux. All of us shocked by his clean get up. "I know. I look hot." We all laugh.
"We thought you needed something blue." Charlie then opens a gift box containing a hair comb that has blue jewels on it. "And something old. Besides your mother." He jokes, my mom shaking her head. "Nice."
"It was Grandma Swan's." Charlie informs her. Bella picks it up. "But we added the sapphires." Renee points to it. "It's beautiful, you guys. Wow. Thank you so much." Bella hands it over to Alice.
"It's your first family heirloom. Well it could be yours and [Name]s. Pass on to her then to your guy's daughters then onto their daughters." Renee begins to cry again. My body tenses up and I glance over to Alice who gives me a sympathetic smile.
"Mom, I love it." Bella goes to hug our parents but my girlfriend stops her.
"Nope, no smudging my masterpiece." She orders. I snort, Renee gently slapping me. "She's right."
"Okay. Time for the dress! Do you want to see it?" She asks Renee. "I want to see it!"
A&J M.L.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
…the colossal screw up of Archie's birth announcement
I was not following the royals back then, so I am completely out of the loop with what was happening when Archie was born. There’s so much noise and theories littering this space, that it’s hard to delineate what is actually the screw up and where the theories start and how far plausible goes before it turns into crazy. Do you have a record or write-up you can point me to?
Totally okay if you want to just ignore this ask, though. I know this topic invites unhelpful inputs from people.
Hey, everyone, it's Wednesday! Guess what that means...yup, a super long research project to the dulcet sounds of Top Chef.
I think I'll just give you the whole timeline and then some since there's a lot of debate and discussion around both things.
The Pregnancy
October 12, 2018: Princess Eugenie marries Jack Brooksbanks. Meghan wears a dark navy dress and coat. Only the top buttons of her coat are done, causing immediate speculation that she's expecting.
October 15, 2018: Kensington Palace announces that Harry and Meghan are expecting and the baby is due in the springtime. The royal rota is informed by Jason Knauf over a cell phone in the airport, as they were already in Australia to begin coverage of the Sussexes' tour.
Now, usually when the palace makes these kind of announcements, there's a separate briefing for the royal rota with a few additional details for them to write about. In Rebecca English's article about the pregnancy announcement, she reveals that Meghan had had her 12-week scan, the baby is due in late April 2019, and that they were telling everyone at Eugenie's wedding. The article also reveals that Meghan will visit Tonga and Fiji despite the Zika risk (pregnant women are advised not to travel to areas with the Zika virus due to the risk Zika poses to their baby); it's a controversial decision.
October 15, 2018: Harry and Meghan are papped arriving in Sydney, leaving the airport. Meghan is holding two purple binders, leading to speculation that they are expecting boy-girl twins.
Pippa Middleton gives birth to her first child on October 15th (though it isn't announced for a bit), stealing some of the Sussexes' coverage.
October 15 - 31, 2018: Harry and Meghan are in Australia for the Sydney Invictus Games. They also tour New Zealand, Tonga, and Fiji. There is a ton of gossip and tea about the tour. Meghan is also photographed with a very inconsistent baby belly - sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not.
Also during this time (and into November) is the Sussex press tsunami when these stories were breaking:
"What Meghan wants, Meghan gets"
Meghan smells tastes eggs that aren't there
Meghan made Kate cry
Sussexes are moving out of Kensington Palace
The Sussexes' office is moving to Buckingham Palace; they'll be part of the resource pool that also represents Anne, Yorkies, Edward, Sophie, Kents, and Gloucesters.
Sussexes are leaving The Royal Foundation and setting up The SussexRoyal Foundation.
November 24, 2018: The palace announces that Harry and Meghan are moving to Frogmore Cottage. They will renovate the property from five staff apartments to ten bedrooms, a nursery, a gym, and a yoga studio.
December 18, 2018: Meghan makes a surprise appearance at the British Fashion Awards to recognize Clare Waight Keller (her wedding dress designer) as the British Womenswear Designer of the Year. Allegedly she crashed the event unexpectedly. She is photographed groping her belly the whole time while on stage presenting.
December 25, 2018: During the Christmas walkabout after church, Meghan tells fans that she is "nearly there". It causes confusion because the palace had briefed reporters two months earlier that it was an April baby.
**Anon, this Christmas walk where Meghan says "nearly there" re the baby's due date is where it starts veering off the rails.**
January 14, 2019: Meghan, with Harry, visits Birkenhead for an away day. At the end of the visit when they are leaving, Meghan is observed by some to have lost her belly while developing a new bulge around her mid/lower thighs. (YMMV.)
January 16, 2019: Meghan visits the Mayhew Animal House during the day, in which some people claim to observe her belly folding in and then popping out and others claim to hear a loud popping noise when she stands up. (YMMV.) Later, in the evening, she attends a Cirque du Soleil performance at Royal Albert Hall. This is the night that, as she tells Oprah in March 2021, she felt suicidal and had been crying all day up until just before arriving at the Hall.
February 15 - 20, 2019: Meghan is in New York City to attend a baby shower thrown in her honor by Serena Williams. She stays at the Mark Hotel. Abigail Spencer merches Away luggage. Jess Mulroney and Amal Clooney are some of the guests. Markus Anderson unexpectedly shows up and allegedly, Meghan is upset to see him. There's a ton of paparazzi, which Meghan loves, and the Mark Hotel ropes off the sidewalk for her, which she also loves.
There is a CDAN blind about the baby shower, alleging that Meghan had asked (maybe demanded) the BRF for one but they refused because it's not what they do.
The baby shower causes a lot of questions. There's one instance where Meghan returns from a night out holding a large purse over her stomach area, which is unusual because in every photo since October, Meghan is always showing off her belly.
Meghan leaves NYC by a private jet via Teterboro Airport, assumed to be Amal Clooney's private jet.
This is the end of the Meghan/Amal friendship, as on March 15, 2019, Clarence House announces a partnership between Prince Charles and Amal Clooney establishing the Amal Clooney Award from Prince's Trust International.
February 23 - 25, 2019: Harry and Meghan are in Morocco for an official visit by request of the Foreign Office.
There's speculation that Meghan was planning to attend the Oscars (which are held on February 24, 2019) and allegedly, the BRF caught wind of it and created the Morocco tour to keep her focused on royal work.
Edited to add: After checking my spreadsheet, I realized I missed one - related to speculation/gossip about Meghan attending the Oscars, there’s additional speculation that the BRF planned the Morocco trip to force Meghan to come home from NYC. (I kind of suspect this may be the origin of “they took my passport” claims as told to Oprah because supposedly the palace was upset she had the baby shower and upset she’d gone out of the country to do so.)
March 5, 2019: When Harry and Meghan crash Charles's celebration of the 50th anniversary of his Prince of Wales investiture, Meghan tells people she is "nearly there" still, according to Us Weekly. Us Weekly also reports that a Sussex source had briefed them that the baby was due in the late March/early April timeframe.
March 14, 2019: Commonwealth Day Service. Kensington Palace indirectly confirms that this is Meghan's last appearance before the baby arrives and she is beginning maternity leave.
March 19, 2019: Meghan suspends her maternity leave to visit the New Zealand embassy with Harry to lay flowers in a tribute to victims of a mosque shooting. Meghan, who is photographed cradling her belly, is also photographed squatting down with knees and feet together, causing questions as some observe that it looks like her belly has completely disappeared.
April 2, 2019: Meghan, with Harry, is papped visiting an apothecary shop.
April 4, 2019: Harry and Meghan are confirmed to have moved into Frogmore Cottage.
The Birth
Note: All items italicized and in red are timings we learned after the fact. Items in "regular" font (not italicized and black) is the timing that happened live on May 6.
May 5, 2019, late in the evening: Meghan and Doria are driven to the Portland Hospital.
May 6, 2019, 5:26am GMT: Meghan gives birth after two epidurals According to Harry in Spare, it was a traumatic birth, potentially complicated, but an emergency c-section was not discussed with Meghan as Harry declined to tell her what was going on. Also, Harry gets high on laughing gas and the nurse disapprove.
May 6, 2019, 7:26am GMT: Harry, Meghan, and Baby Boy Sussex are home from the hospital (from Spare).
May 6, 2019, 1:30pm GMT: Sky News is selected as the pool broadcaster for the birth announcement when a Sussex spokesperson (probably Sara Latham) reaches out to Sky News to coordinate coverage for a statement Harry will make soon.
May 6, 2019, 1:50pm GMT: The palace announces Meghan has gone into labor and is at the hospital. Sky News has the exclusive story owing to the earlier conversation with Sussex representatives.
May 6, 2019, 2:15pm GMT: Harry records his statement about the baby's birth from a stable in Windsor. He speaks about the baby being born early in the morning. Horses make an appearance.
May 6, 2019, 2:37pm GMT: Harry and Meghan announce the birth of Baby Boy Sussex. The palace follows up with more details, including that the baby was born at 5:26am.
The palace's announcement raises questions, as the language used to describe the birth is different from the language used on all the other royal birth announcements.
The traditional birth announcement: {Title} has been safely delivered of a {son or daughter} at {time} today. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well. {signatures of medical staff} {date}
This language has been used for the Cambridges (George, Charlotte, and Louis), the Waleses (William and Harry), the Yorks (Beatrice and Eugenie), the Phillipses (Peter and Zara), the Edinburghs (Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward), the Brooksbanks (August and Ernie), and the Wessexes (Louise and James).
The Sussexes' birth announcement: The Queen and the Royal Family are delighted at the news that Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex was safely delivered of a son at 0526am today. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well. 06 May, 2019.
Immediately causing questions was the verb choice "was" (versus "has been"). From a grammar perspective, "was" is used to describe something that had already happened at a specific point in the past. "Has been" is a verb tense used to talk about an ongoing event - something that started in the past but is still happening. Looking at the language in the birth announcements, and examining it through the grammar only:
When George's birth was announced, Kate was still in the birthing process but it was a safe delivery. Which makes sense; birth doesn't end when the baby pops out - there's afterbirth, there's the hormone evacuation (for lack of a better word), there's the organs moving back into place, etc. She's still in the hospital receving care.
When Archie's birth was announced, Meghan had already completed giving birth. She was no longer in the hospital, already at home.
Causing even bigger questions was the missing medical staff.
Reporters immediately begin asking questions about the timing of the announcements, where the baby was born, who delivered the baby, and why everyone was told she was in labor when she had already given birth.
May 6, 2019, 2:40pm GMT: Harry's pre-recorded statement with Sky News is broadcast. When he begins speaking, the chyron says "Meghan is in labor." After he announces the baby's birth "early this morning," the chyron changes to "Meghan has given birth."
May 7, 2019, 12:28pm GMT: Palace officials apologize for the bungled birth announcement but there are no explanations or clarifications made.
May 8, 2019: Harry and Meghan announce the baby's name, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. They have a photocall with the baby in St. George's Hall, Windsor Castle, in which Harry says the infamous quote "babies change so much in two weeks." Later, they take photos with The Queen, Prince Philip, and Doria.
The photocall and the photos aren't without controversy. Royal-watchers and Windsor locals pinpoint two: May 8th is actually a very wet and overcast day in Windsor, so how did they get sunlight streaming in through the windows? And second (admittedly this one I don't understand), there's a question about either The Queen's clothes or the timing of the photo - she's supposed to be at the Royal Windsor Horse Show? Something to do with horses? - that people are confused by.
May 9, 2024: Harry goes to The Hague for Invictus Games 2020 kickoff events. (It has echoes of Charles leaving Diana just hours after Harry is born to go play polo.)
May 12, 2019: Mother's Day in the US. The Sussexes post a picture of Meghan holding Archie's feet in a field of forget-me-nots.
May 17, 2019: Archie's birth certificate is released. Harry doesn't have the right title.
June 6, 2019: Archie's birth certificate is updated to correct Harry's title and change Meghan's name from Rachel Meghan Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex to Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex.
June 8, 2019: Trooping the Colors. Meghan pauses her maternity leave to attend. She and Harry ride in a carriage with Kate and Camilla. Six things happen that everyone notices:
Meghan stares down Kate many times throughout the carriage procession.
When the royals are coming out onto the balcony for the flypast, Kate - carrying Louis (in his balcony debut) - walks out towards the right side of the balcony, by Andrew, while William veers to the left. William calls to Kate and she turns to join him, George, and Charlotte on the left side of the balcony. Harry and Meghan later come out on the right side, near to where the Cambridges would have been.
The Queen comes out onto the balcony and Meghan sees an opening to move in next to her, but then Andrew suddenly moves in, blocking Meghan. Anne moves in next to Andrew behind The Queen, effectively blocking the Sussexes from moving in.
When Meghan turns to speak to Harry, he sternly tells her to turn around. This happens twice. The second time, Meghan does an awkward shuffle to turn around and she starts rapidly blinking her eyes and clenching her jaw.
When The Queen is leaving the balcony after the flypast, Harry and Meghan bow/curtsy, suggesting that they were late arriving to Buckingham Palace before the parade to have properly greeted The Queen.
Meghan tries to speak to George as he passes by and he throws up a 'talk to the hand'-esque wave at her.
Allegedly, Harry and Meghan were set to have their own carriage at Trooping (as they did in 2019) but the BRF had concerns they would be booed and were thrown in with Kate and Camilla at the last minute. Allegedly, Harry didn't like this because he knew it was a demotion to go from their own carriage to riding backwards in someone else's carriage; when there's a group riding together, protocol requires the senior royals to face forward with junior royals facing backwards.
Also Meghan talks to herself.
I can't find a good video of the balcony so if anyone has one, please share!
June 17, 2019: Father's Day. The Sussexes post a new photo of Harry holding baby Archie. Harry is flipping everyone off and Archie's face is partially obscured.
June 27, 2019: SussexRoyal Instagram announces that the Sussexes will travel to South Africa in autumn. They indirectly announce that Archie will join them.
July 6, 2019: Archie's christening at Windsor Castle. Harry and Meghan decline to announce who his godparents are, citing privacy. The portraits are the first time we see Archie's face in full. They raise questions. Some people observe that the perspective/scale of William and Kate is off from the rest of the group. Others observe that Kate's chair is missing a leg. Others observe that the reflections behind the Spencer sisters and Doria are off.
Ahead of the christening service, William and Kate are papped driving into Windsor Castle. In the pap photo, both are wearing blue; Kate a blue dress or sweater and William a light blue casual shirt but in the released portraits, William is wearing a starched white shirt and Kate a pink outfit. There's some discussion that they changed at Windsor before the service but there's also something wonky going on with the metadata in the photos.
July 10, 2019: William and Harry play polo for charity. Kate, the kids, and Meghan attend. Meghan brings Archie. The lack of interaction between Kate and Meghan gets noticed quickly, as does Meghan seeming not to know what to do with Archie: she holds him for the whole outing, he seems poorly dressed (no hat or sun covering), and he doesn't move/Meghan doesn't change his position.
Allegedly, Meghan wasn't supposed to go to the polo match. Supposedly she had heard that Chelsy was there and hightailed it over with Archie to keep her man in line. (Yuck, I felt gross just writing that.)
July 14, 2019: Meghan breaks maternity leave again to attend the European premiere of The Lion King: Live-Action edition in London with Harry, who cancelled an event with the Royal Marines for this. Harry is caught on a hot mike pitching Bob Isner (Disney's CEO) about Meghan doing a voiceover.
July 26, 2019: According to The Sun, Harry and Meghan's neighbors in Windsor have been sent rules for interacting with the royals that include don't approaching the couple, speak only when spoken to, don't pet the dogs, and don't ask about the baby. Buckingham Palace denies that Harry and Meghan knew this was happening.
July 28, 2019: Meghan breaks her maternity leave again to guest-edit British Vogue's September 2019 edition, Forces for Change. There's controversy:
Allegedly Meghan was asked by the BRF if she was doing this and she kept telling them no.
Harry interviewed Jane Goodall for the edition, in which he made a comment that he and Meghan were only having two children for the environment. (The Sussexes eventually get some kind of award for this.)
Meghan interviews Michelle Obama over a lunch of fish tacos. It turns out that the interview was conducted over email.
Accusations of plagiarism, as an Australian magazine already did this something like this with a very similar front cover layout.
Also, just because: Inside Meghan Markle's disastrous attempt to edit Vogue magazine - new book 'Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors.'
And throughout July and August, Harry and Meghan are getting flack for racking up private air miles despite being environmentalists. They do four back-to-back private flights across Europe with Archie. On one of these trips, they meet David Sherborne, Elton John's lawyer and off to the lawsuit races we go.
The Queen invites them to Balmoral to join the family but the Sussexes decline, allegedly because Archie was too young to fly. (Mm-hmm, and then they take him on four flights to Europe.)
September 6, 2019: The Sussexes' itinerary for their Africa tour is released. As part of the tour, Harry will visit Angola and copy Diana's famous de-mining walk.
September 12, 2019: Meghan's maternity leave ends with an announcement introducing Smart Set, a capsule collection from her friends that benefit Smart Works. Meghan gives a speech that ends awkwardly when she says she needs to leave because it's "feed time."
September 23 - October 2, 2019: Harry, Meghan, and Archie travel to South Africa, Malawi, Angola, and Botswana. Meghan tries to merch Archie's clothes from H&M but it gets shut down pretty quickly. Archie's first official engagement is to meet Archbishop Desmond Tutu, which SussexRoyal cringely calls 'Arch, meet Arch.' Meghan gives her infamous "no one asked me if I'm okay" interview in which she discusses her post-partum challenges as a "young mom" and her mental health distress. Harry gets in a tiff with one of the royal reporters, snapping at her "you know what you did" when she tries to ask a clarifying question.
Princess Beatrice announces her engagement on September 26th and it steals some of the Sussexes' coverage.
And after the tour (or on the last day of the tour? I don't remember and it's late), Harry announces that he's suing the British press and it is chaos.
November 7, 2019: Harry and Meghan attend the opening of the Field of Remembrance ceremony at Westminster Abbey. Camilla was supposed to join, but backed out at the last minute citing a cold. When Meghan is pictured in overly glamorous hair and makeup for the event, speculation begins that they are recording the work for a documentary and that Camilla pulled out to avoid being in the footage.
November 9, 2019: The royal family attends the Festival of Remembrance at Royal Albert Hall. Harry and Meghan are shoved into the back row behind a pillar, barely visible on camera. (It's a demotion, because in 2018 they were seated behind Camilla.)
November 10, 2019: Remembrance Day/Sunday. The Queen, Camilla, and Kate watch from the center balcony. Meghan watches from a side balcony between Sophie and Tim. She holds her composure at being excluded from the 'main' balcony better this year than last year (in 2018, she kept stealing weepy or vengeful looks (YMMV) at the center balcony while she was sidelined with the wife of the President of Germany) but she still clenches her jaw.
This is Meghan's final entry in the Court Circular (ever).
December 20, 2019: The Sussexes announce they will spend the Christmas and New Year's holidays privately in Canada.
November 17, 2019: Harry's last entry in the Court Circular before Megxit, suggesting he and Meghan peaced out to Canada shortly after this (I'm too lazy to look up if there were any papwalks or other private engagements - another day, maybe). His final events are January 16, 2020 (a rugby thing); Philip's funeral; the service of thanksgiving for the Platinum Jubilee; and The Queen's Funeral.
And if you made it this far: congratulations! My asks are back open.
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forasecondtherewedwon · 3 months
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It's Enough, It's Enough - chapter three
Fandom: My Lady Jane Pairing: Jane x Guildford Rating: M (may change) Chapter: 3 / 6
Summary: Five times Jane and Guildford pretend to have sex, and one time it’s for real.
read on tumblr: one | two
Jane gets a new title: wife. Then another: queen. She doesn’t know how to do either, how to be either. There doesn’t seem to be room for herself anymore, just Jane.
She’s been wanting to go home. It’s a confusing and indistinct longing; none of the places she calls to mind give her comfort. Where is home? Bradgate House? Lord Dudley’s estate? The Dudley family seat, where she and Guildford spent their short time learning to distrust one another on top of their existing dislike? The palace, where she falls asleep in Edward’s bed and wakes in his robe? Actually, even being expected to be Jane and no one and nothing more feels impossible. All her thoughts are in conflict. All her moods contradict.
She doesn’t know how her cousin did this by himself. She and Guildford still seem far from understanding one another, and he’s only available to her while the sun is down, but she begins to rely on him without quite noting when it starts. They speak about matters of state while observed by the people who seem to be friends to the new queen, about fluff and petty gossip while observed by those she senses to be enemies, about an Ethian cure when it’s just the two of them, and all she really wants to say to him is, What are we?
Besides two people no longer permitted to live for themselves, she would mean by the question.
Besides the loneliest people in England, but lonely together.
Jane thinks of Guildford as an ally she wants to kiss all the time. As soon as they’re within ten feet of each other. As soon as they’re in the same room. When they give in, she always stops it, or he does, and that’s for the best; do either of them know the person they’re offering to the other? With all the travel and the small matter of her blindsiding ascension to the throne, they aren’t much better than strangers. (Except she knows what his engorged member feels like against her abdomen and that he’s secretly a horse.)
They haven’t again come as close to the thing they were supposed to have done that night since that night. Meaning they haven’t fucked. Which is probably wise given… throne, horse, attempted murder, etcetera. Jane believes she could ignore her marital duties entirely in order to attend to her even more vertigo-inducing queenly duties, if not for those two times she and Guildford pretended. The trouble is, she knows just enough (her legs against his, his hands on her hips) to want to know much more (her hands on his rear, his manhood inside her). But it’s not a thing you can rush, she thinks, bedding ceremony be damned.
She doesn’t need actual sex to feel loyal to him, protective of him, or scared for him. She realizes the new depth of her feelings for Guildford all at once upon overhearing Lord Seymour’s plan to go out to the stables at dusk. He doesn’t seem to suspect the truth—and, really, who could guess at it?—but hopes to corner Guildford when he returns from wherever he goes during the day. The thought of Seymour witnessing her husband’s transformation sends Jane into a panic, but she quells it. She has to.
Fortunately, she’s able to get away from the palace by early evening. She tells her ladies she’s tired of being in company. She lets her counsellors believe the political discussion is smothering her female brain and she must take the air. In the stables, Rupert keeps her company awhile, correctly judging her to be restless and upset, before gifting her her solitude until Guildford arrives. Her husband’s is the only company she wants.
The sun slips low, and Jane realizes Guildford might walk back into the stables as a man, after nightfall, rather than returning as a horse before dark. That outcome would be met with its own set of consequences. She begins devising ways of preventing Seymour from seeing Guildford strolling up out of nowhere, but they’re pointless when her husband comes trotting through the far side of the barn, undeniably equine.
“There you are!” she says.
Her horse-husband seems spooked by the anxiety in her voice, so she makes an effort to control it, quickly filling him in on the situation at hand. Too soon, Guildford’s ears prick up. Jane hears it too: whistling. Specifically, the chipper whistling of a repugnant, power-hungry man who’s giddy at the thought of getting someone he doesn’t like into very bad trouble.
“What are we going to do?” Jane demands of her horse-husband.
Guildford flicks his head, tossing his mane. She interprets this as a shoulder shrug and scowls at him. Right away, she feels bad about it; he might be equally irritated with her on the inside, but on the outside, he has big, gentle eyes that guilt her into a muttered “Sorry.”
The answer that comes to her is outrageous, but these are outrageous circumstances—she’s merely adapting, as she has done every single day since her mother informed her she would be getting married.
The whistling is very near when Jane slams her back into the closed door of the stables and releases an exaggerated sound of pleasure. Sorry, she repeats to her horse-husband, just with her eyes this time. But it’s worked—Seymour’s steps have come to a stop. Because he isn’t leaving, she makes the noise again, then looks at her companion and shrugs. Guildford answers her with another head toss. She wishes one of them could go check to see the effect this is having on Seymour, but she’s afraid Seymour’s too near the door for her to risk a peek, and Guildford’s a little too conspicuous in his current form to go creeping out the back and around the side of the stables.
Guildford twitches his head forward, appearing to urge her on. Fine then. Once more.
Jane moans loudly, but when there’s still no indication that Seymour is retreating to the palace, she understands it isn’t enough. The problem is that he doesn’t know it’s them. Well, her, but an implied them. To amend this, Jane follows the noise with a well-enunciated, “Guildford!”
There’s an uncertain shuffle outside the door. More! She has to do more!
“Guildford, we’ve been making love for hours! What am I to say the next time I’m asked how you spend your days?!”
And she moans again—after a pause to suggest Guildford’s decidedly physical riposte to that question.
Finally, she hears Seymour walk away, muttering about their pathetically boring sex life, wondering what the point is without the threat of genuine agony. She thanks her Protestant God for Seymour’s dark tastes, because the last light of day is glowing dimly through the cracks in the door.
With a sigh, Jane sinks onto the edge of the bed Guildford keeps out here. It’s only a minute or two before he changes form, stumbling forward as the man she met at the tavern, the altar, the opposite side of a heavily watched bed. Like all those times before, she can’t tell what he’s thinking. She waits for him to speak—to reassure her sense that she handled that well or to tell her what she should have done instead (at which point they’ll argue, as they do)—but he’s quiet.
“He’s gone,” she says.
And he says, “Yes.”
“He believed we were in here,” Jane continues, going a step further, making an assumption, seeing whether Guildford will say it’s an incorrect one.
“So it seemed.”
She waits. Again. Finally, he must feel prompted by her eyes, though he’s kept his face turned away from her since transforming.
“You don’t have to protect me,” he says.
“Can you possibly be in earnest?!” she retorts, rising to her feet. “Had I done nothing, Seymour would have been in here waiting for you! He might have tied you up in your other form and seen you change!”
“Jane, Jane, you misunderstand.” Guildford makes a gentling motion and approaches her, but she’s too angry to be calmed. If her methods hadn’t worked, he would have been either taken from her for imprisonment and later execution or killed on the spot. Thereafter would she have been charged, tried, and executed for marrying an Ethian. Their families would have gone the same way. Also, the crown would have, in all probability, gone to Mary, much the worse for the whole kingdom. But it would not have been the whole kingdom she’d have been wishing she could have protected in her final moments at the execution block.
“No,” she says, “you—”
“I mean that you do anyway!” he cries out, cutting her off. “You don’t have to protect me, but you do! I am the reason you’re in enormous danger.”
Jane shakes her head.
“I’m in danger regardless.”
“But you care! You care, not just for yourself! I can see it as clear as… as clear as day.”
She doesn’t know what to say. He’s touched by what she’s done, and he’s let her see that. They stand there somewhat awkwardly.
“Do you think anyone would notice if I had Seymour murdered?” she jokes tentatively.
“Notice? Yes. Whether they would mind is another story,” Guildford muses, making Jane smile. “I’ve certainly indulged in fantasies of kicking him in the head.”
“As a horse?”
He smirks at her.
“Well,” she says, taking a step towards the door.
“Speaking of fantasies,” Guildford says quickly.
Jane freezes.
“Where did all that come from?”
“What?” she asks.
He gives her a flat, unimpressed look.
“The performance you just put on for Seymour. How did you think of it?”
“It’s nothing we haven’t done before,” she says defensively.
Guildford raises his eyebrows. Blushing, Jane realizes he won’t let the subject drop until she spells it out.
“Faking our marital obligations for our own protection!”
“No,” he says. “I get that part. What I don’t understand is why you… how you…”
Oh. He’s blushing now. This is interesting. She’s not sure she’s ever seen his face go red before, except with an excess of drink or the exertions of defending himself against assassins. Neither of those is the case now. Feeling ruthless after being put on the back foot, Jane crosses her arms and stares her husband down.
“Where did those sounds come from?” he blurts.
Alright, no, she should have fled before. Her palms go damp against her brocade sleeves.
“I know what sexual pleasure sounds like,” Jane says primly, chin lifted and cheeks redder than ever.
“What were you thinking of?” Guildford inquires lightly, though his eyes speak of a more intense curiosity. He’s still blushing, but where her blush springs from discomfort, she has a sudden hunch that his is all desire. There’s an answer he wants to hear. He’s hoping, she guesses, that her passionate cries arose from the memory of their rushed kissing, or even the night of their false consummations. He wants to hear that these sounds were inspired by him, though trapped in her then out of wrongness and self-denial. He’d just love to think that only he could be the source of such sounds, wouldn’t he? What a shame she’ll have to disappoint him.
“Nothing outside the present moment,” she swears. “I’ve drawn those sounds from myself dozens of times. They were as easy to recall as the words of a favourite song.”
“From yourself?”
She backs away from him on shaky legs because doesn’t look disappointed by her answer at all. He looks… he looks…
Jane’s back is against the door, and Guildford is close, much closer than ten feet, and it’s gotten dark so quickly, but there’s a lantern with a burning candle, and the place feels safe and secluded and expectantly hushed. Beneath Guildford’s doublet, his shirt is unlaced at the throat. She’s staring. She forces her gaze up to his eyes.
He brushes a strand of hair off her cheek and breathes a single word: “When?”
Just kiss me, Jane thinks. It would be simpler, easier, than sifting her brain for the words to say back, and then pushing those words across her tongue and out of her mouth for him to hear. Kissing has served their purposes so far. It’s just the thing to stop, start, and avoid conversations they’re too stubborn or cowardly to have. The more they admit, the more they confide, the more pieces of themselves they’ll have to tidy neatly away when they get divorced and none of what happened between them matters. Desire is one thing, but they’re only using each other, right? To please their parents, for independence, for protection, for companionship, for… admittedly a growing list of needs. And the more they need each other for, the more they seem capable of fulfilling each other’s needs. Which is just so messy, she decides, and why it’s better to kiss than speak, to not give anything else away…
“Since you met me?” Guildford asks.
His eyes are on her mouth, his lips nearly touching hers.
“Since we married?”
“Yes,” she sighs. She can feel the heat of his body through his black leather and velvet. He must have been running before he returned to the stables.
“Do you think about me?”
Heart pounding, Jane fumbles for the latch and swings the door open. Her escape hardly feels like one. Guildford can follow if he’d like to. He probably will. He’s more than welcome on the grounds, in the palace, in her chambers. She wants him there, in fact. She always does. All she needs right now is a head start, so she can cool her skin and her thoughts.
Although there was nothing he could teach her about handling a blade that she didn’t already know, she wishes she’d asked him for instruction on how to not answer his questions as well as he once refused to answer hers. She succeeded on his last question, but barely. Everything in her quivered with longing. Yes, Jane would’ve said in another second against that door. Yes, I make those sounds when I think of you.
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irrevocableloves · 5 months
violent delights
twilight rewrite! edward cullen x fem!witch!reader
chapter eight: questions & theories
previous chapter ౨ৎ masterlist ౨ৎ chapter nine
summary: after edward had mysteriously rescues her, she finally gets some answers.
warnings: violence, harassment
words: 4.6k (unedited)
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All that could be heard was the shudder of my quickened breaths, not even a word coming from Edward’s mouth or even the drunken men who just stared in what was perhaps confusion? Maybe fear? Just moments ago, I could read them almost instantly. Hunger was what I felt from them. The absolute need for control. It sickened me.
I wasn’t sure what Edward had done, but the boys backed up and Edward made his way back into the car. I hurried and put my seatbelt on before he revved the engine and pulled forward. I couldn’t help but gasp as the men fell over as they backed away. Then he backed up swiftly, making the sharpest turn around that swished my insides. Even then, I still felt the safest I’ve ever been.
He raced down past the building and pulled onto the street, not even stopping at the sign or even waiting for someone to let him in. Honks blared past him, but not one flinch. As he raced down the street, I took the time to study him. His jaw was clenched, his hands gripped the wheel, his expression was full of fury; it looked as if he wasn’t even breathing at all.
“Are you okay?” I asked, my voice squeaked. I winced hearing my voice coming out so frail. 
“No.” He was fuming.
I was surprised when he’d made a complete stop at the side of the road. I didn’t realize I’d been looking at him the whole time when he finally stopped to look towards me, not even reaching my eye.
“Y/N?” he asked as softly as he could, although I could still hear the strains of anger.
“Are you all right?” His eyes met mine for a split second.
“I–I think so…” I don’t think I was. I was too shocked by it all.
“Do you think you can distract me?” he just about pleaded.
From just looking at him, I didn’t need to question his need for a diversion. But, what was there to say? The days without him had left me in a heap of depression and utter sense of boredom at school. I racked my brain of anything that seemed amusing, scratching out my search for vampires and the constant dreams I had of him that left me a sweating mess on my sheets.
“Tyler Crowley–he–um kept telling everyone he was taking me to prom? I think? I don’t really remember, I kinda tuned it out…” I admitted. I should’ve been more angry about it, but the absence of Edward had hit me a lot harder.
“I heard about that.” He seemed to be controlling his breaths.
“Really? Was I the last one to hear about this?” I tried to lighten the mood, it seemed to work when I was rewarded a slight chuckle. “If he thinks taking me to prom is making up for almost killing me, then I’ll just run him over with my car and make it even.”
I saw his mouth twitch a bit with my remark, almost forcing itself not to crack a smile. I decided to speak up again. “What’s wrong?”
“My temper. Sometimes it gets out of control.” He was whispering, ashamed of what he couldn’t control. “It’s taking everything in me not to turn around and hunt those animals. The vile, repulsive things they were thinking…” 
I know. I didn’t dare speak that aloud. I felt like I was losing my mind. Could he too hear their thoughts or were they as clear as day?
“It wouldn’t help to turn around and do it… or even run them over… At least that’s what I’m trying to  convince myself.”
A part of me wished that he would… hunt them down. The part of me that was completely exposed. The one that was forced to hear their thoughts. Unless I’d imagined it… but it wouldn’t have been too far off from reality.
“Jessica and Angela,” I broke the brief silence, realizing that it had been at least 20 minutes since I’d last contacted them. “I was supposed to meet them, they’re probably worried...”
Without another word, he started the engine. Yet again, racing through the streets in a blur. He parallel parked in a spot with ease, right in front of La Bella Italia. My eyebrows furrowed. From the time I’d told him about meeting the girls to our arrival at the restaurant, I never mentioned the location once.
In my swift time of thought, he’d already been opening my door.
 “What’re you doing?” I asked him.
“I’m taking you to dinner,” he said as if it was so plainly obvious. 
I fumbled with my seatbelt as my mind raced about as fast as Edward’s driving. Finally, I stepped out.
Just as we were entering, Jessica and Angela walked out, the both of them sighing with relief. Right as they were about to speak, they noticed the brooding, tall man beside me and their worried looks had faded, instead replaced with a red tint in their cheeks.
“Sorry I kept Y/N from dinner. We ran into each other and got talking.” Edward was the one to speak first. I was grateful. I couldn’t even bear to tell them what happened, at least not yet, I didn’t want to worry them. 
“We understand, yeah!” Jessica was completely flustered along with Angela.
“Would it be all right if I joined you?” he asked. He had a way with people, one that left them absolutely breathless. The girls were left in stutters.
“Um! Y-yeah sure!” Jessica breathed. Edward smirked.
“Um, actually, Y/N, we already ate while we were waiting — sorry," Angela confessed. 
“That’s okay! I’m not really that hungry anyways.” I shrugged. With all the nerves with Edward here, I wasn’t sure if I would even be able to stomach anything.
“I really think you should eat something,” Edward said in a low voice, leaning down to speak into my ear. I looked up at him, trying to cover up the fact that I was in complete awe. I simply nodded back at him as if I was in a trance.
“Sure, yeah.” I tried to say as composed as possible. 
He looked back to the two girls, then spoke, “Do you mind if I drive Y/N home tonight? That way the two of you aren’t left waiting.”
Jessica and Angela looked to me for an answer. I gave them a nod with a smile. This was exactly what I needed. A night to finally ask all of my unanswered questions from my brooding savior.
“Yeah! Not a problem! See you tomorrow, Y/N/N,” Jessica chirped.
“Bye Y/N,” Angela leaned in for a hug. “And Edward, thanks for staying and taking her home.” She smiled at him. He responded back with a tight, but genuine smile.
Once they left, Edward guided me towards the entrance,holding the door open for me. My heart skipped a beat. I walked through the door, immediately being greeted by a host. Actually, only Edward was greeted by the host. Just from the look in her eyes, I knew she was instantly enamored by his presence, a feeling that was all too familiar with practically anyone that laid their eyes on him. 
As she spoke, she never broke eye contact with him, not once looking towards me. I hated that it bothered me. The way she smiled at him, giggling at him once he spoke — it made me feel small.
“A table for two?” Her eye contact was still left unbroken, but when I looked towards Edward, his eyes were only on me. My breath trembled.
When she led us to a larger table, one that was meant for four, Edward spoke up, “Perhaps something more private?” He asked the host with a quick glance towards her before slyly pulling out a tip for her. Then his eyes were back on me. 
“Sure,” she said alluringly, still trying to catch Edward’s undivided attention. She led us over to the quieter area of the restaurant, with a ring of small booths lined up. “How’s this?” 
“Perfect.” He flashed a smile at her, one that had absolutely left her awed.
”Um-” she stuttered, “your server will be right out.” She walked away, still making glances back towards Edward.
“Wow.” That was all that I could possibly utter after that interaction.
“You really shouldn’t do that to people.” I finally found my voice. “It’s hardly fair.”
“Do what?”
”Dazzle them like that.” I couldn’t possibly think of a word more fitting. “She’s probably hyperventilating in the kitchen right now.”
His eyebrows furrowed, which surprised me. Did he really not notice this effect he has on people?
“I dazzle people?” His head tilted to one side, his eyes full of curiosity.
“Oh, come on.” I giggled. “Do you really think everyone gets their way so easily?”
He ignored my question completely. “Do I dazzle you?”
I froze for a moment before asking, “What do you think?”
“Now that’s the real question…” He mumbled. He looked frustrated.
Thankfully, before I could even form a response, our server arrived, her eyes gleaming. Once again, another woman dazzled by just the mere presence of Edward Cullen.
“Hi. My name’s Amber and I’ll be your server tonight. What can I get you to drink?” She only looked at Edward and I noticed that his eyes, again, were on me.
“A Coke.” I said rather bland to the server.
“Two Cokes,” he said.
“I’ll be right back with that.” She shot him another smile, one that was completely unnecessary as his eyes still remained on me.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Fine?” I’d completely forgotten about the reason why he was here with me in the first place. I hated that. The way that every thought bolted out of my mind when it came to him, it was quite frustrating.
“You’re not a little shaken up? Dizzy, sick, cold…?”
I couldn’t help but chuckle. “No, I’ve always been pretty good at repressing unpleasant things.” And he was far from that.
He nodded. “Well, I’ll feel better once you have something in your system.”
Just after that, the server came back with our drinks and a basket of breadsticks. To make him feel better, I grabbed one to nibble on.
“Are you ready to order?” she asked Edward, her back facing me.
“Y/N?” he asked. She looked back at me uninterested. I tried my hardest to swallow my tongue.
I glanced at the menu, picking the first thing that my eyes fell to. “I’ll have the Fettuccine Alfredo.”
“And you?” She turned back to him with a smile.
“Nothing for me.” I knew it.
The server gave him a coy smile. “Just let me know if you change your mind.”
He pushed my drink towards me, nodding at it for me to drink. The waiter left disappointed.
Once the glass was in front of me, I sipped on it, forgetting how dehydrated I actually was. In under a minute, the soda was gone and embarrassingly enough, I was still thirsty.
I saw him push the other coke towards me. I gave him a smile, deciding to take small sips from it.
“Cold?” He asked. 
I felt a shiver down my spine and this time it wasn’t from Edward, but from the Coke that I’d chugged and the one that I was currently sipping on. 
Before I could even nod, he shrugged off his gray coat, one that looked a little too nice for a teenage boy. Underneath, he wore a casual dark blue button down with the two buttons loose to reveal a dark gray undershirt.
Once he handed me his coat, I was broken from my trance. I slid my arm into his coat, oddly, it was cold, almost as if I’d left it in my car that was drowning in snow from the night before. But in just seconds, the coat had warmed to my touch. Once it was on, I pushed back the sleeves as they were far too long on me…
“You sure you're alright? Normally a person would’ve gone into shock.” He pushed the breadsticks in front of me and I gladly served myself another.
Why was that? I couldn’t really make out a sane answer as to why my reaction didn’t amount to one of a normal person. There was truly only one answer. Him.
“I feel safe with you,” I confessed. 
His head went down, his eyes to the floor with a furrowed brow.
“I’m not… good for you.” He shook his head, his eyes still facing the ground.
“Your eyes are black again.” I saw his expression change, he looked back up at me, his eyebrows furrowed yet again, but this time in a state of confusion rather than disappointment. “I noticed your moods change according to your eye color, it’s quite interesting actually. One of my new theories.”
“So there’s more theories?” He had a faint smile and I could sense that he was a bit intrigued.
“Well I’m not gonna force it out of you. Just makes me feel a bit more sane.” He nodded at my response, his smile peeking a bit more in the corners of his mouth. 
“And what are these new theories?”
When the waitress came over, we both realized how close we were sitting and immediately straightened out. She set the dish in front of me and then turned to Edward.
“Did you change your mind? Isn’t there anything I can get you?” she asked him. 
“No, thank you.” Then gestured towards me. 
I looked around at the table, realizing I’d already finished the second coke. “Maybe just some water.” I gave her a tight smile.
She nodded, only smiling at Edward, then took the empty glasses off the table and walked off.
“So, those theories?” He moved closer to me.
“I’ll tell you later in the car. Only if I can ask you a few questions.”
“Done,” he said immediately, I was a bit surprised.
“Why are you here?” I started.
“To have dinner with you,” he said as if it were obvious.
“No, I mean Port Angeles. It’s an hour drive – you knew I was here.”
“C’mon, I gotta have at least some answers if you won’t tell me the big one.”
“Next,” he repeated.
I tried hard to not look as frustrated as I actually was. I shouldn’t have. I should feel grateful and not poke my head in where it didn’t belong. But I couldn’t help the pull I felt towards him, the need to know him. Instead, I pulled my focus towards the steaming food in front of me, twisting the noodles on my fork and sticking them in my mouth. It was actually delicious.
The waitress came back with two waters without another word.
“Okay.” I took a sip of my water before speaking up again. “So… let’s say, hypothetically, someone could know what people are thinking. Read minds, you know?” I wasn’t even sure if this question was regarding me or him, but I was intrigued either way.
“Hypothetically?” He asked, amused.
“Mhm.” I nodded. “So, how does it work? How is it that someone could find another person at the right time and just know that they’re in trouble?”
“Well, hypothetically, it shouldn’t take that someone any mind reading at all to know just how much trouble you get into in a town with absolutely no trouble.” He chuckled.
I only just looked at him, waiting for him to tell me the truth or not. Just from my look, he seemed frustrated, as if he was battling a war in his mind of whether or not he should tell me the truth.
“You can trust me, you know?” Without a second thought I reached my hands towards his, but he pulled them away. My face was tinted red. I was glad his eyes were still to the floor.
“I was wrong about you.” He admitted. “You're much more observant than I gave you credit for.”
“Thought you were always right.”
“I used to be.” He finally looked at me. “But, you proved me wrong.”
He spoke up again before I could respond. “I was wrong about something else, too.”
“You’re not a magnet for accidents. No… that’s not a broad enough classification. You are a magnet for trouble. If there is anything dangerous within a ten-mile radius, it will inevitably find you.”
“And you think that’s you?” I guessed. 
Just from his expression, I knew I was right. His face turned cold, in another effort to shut me out completely. 
“Unequivocally,” he said.
My hands stretched across the table again as they had a mind of its own. Even as he pulled away, my hands persisted, shadowing over the back of his hand, feeling his skin with my fingertips. It was cold, like stone. Familiar. Like in my dream. Once the cold started to dissipate from my fingertips, I slowly inched my hand back…
I wasn’t the only one who noticed it. Edward looked down at where my fingertips once laid, a bewildered look on his face. To break his focus, I cleared my throat, muttering, “Thank you,” I started. He looked up at me, trying hard to not glance back down at his hand. I continued “For saving me… again…”
“Let’s hope there isn’t a third.” He said, his usual condescending self resurfacing. He placed both of his hands under the table, pulling himself back into our conversation.
“I followed you to Port Angeles,” he admitted. “I feel protective over you.” His expression seemed like he didn’t know why himself, but he continued on, “I've never tried to keep a specific person alive before, and it's much more troublesome than I would have believed. But that's probably just because it's you. Ordinary people seem to make it through the day without so many catastrophes.”
It should’ve bothered me, but it didn’t. Instead, I felt content over the fact that this connection wasn’t imaginary. He felt it to the point where he felt the need to protect me. Nothing about this was normal, but I seemed to not be fazed by it at all. So, why should I fight it? The only thing I was determined to fight was the smile that threatened to curve on my lips. 
“Did you ever think that maybe my number was up the first time, with the van, and that you've been interfering with fate?" I speculated, distracting myself.
“That wasn't the first time," he murmured. “Your number was up the first time I met you." 
My breath hitched. But somehow, the memory didn’t bother me anymore, not when I felt the safety I felt with him right now. Not when he’d gone beyond faith and saved me twice.
"You remember?" he asked.
"Yes." I was as calm as ever. 
“And yet here you sit." There was a trace of disbelief in his voice; he raised one eyebrow.
"Yes, here I sit… because of you." I paused. “Because somehow you always manage to find me?”
He studied me, his expression guarded. His eyes flashed down to my plate, then returned to mine.
“You eat, I'll talk," he bargained. 
I looked down at my now, lukewarm food, realizing how long it’s been since I’d taken a bite. I filled up my fork and ate in return for his explanation.
“It's harder than it should be — keeping track of you. Usually I can find someone very easily, once I've heard their mind before…" He glanced at me with anxiety, and I noticed I had tensed up. I forced myself to swallow, then piled up my fork again for another bite.
“I kept loose tabs on Jessica, knowing only you could find trouble in Port Angeles. At first I didn’t notice when you roamed off on your own – her thoughts were quite scrambled. Then, when I realized you’d left them, I went looking for you at the bookstore I saw in her head. I could tell you hadn’t gone in yet – you’d gone south. I searched through the thoughts of people on the street just to see if anyone saw you. I was strangely anxious…”  He trailed off, lost in thought, his gaze distant.
“I drove in circles, still… listening. The sun was setting, and I was considering following you on foot. But then—" He paused, teeth clenched in sudden fury, making an effort to regain composure.
“Then what?" I whispered. He continued to stare towards the floor. 
“I heard what they were thinking," he growled, his upper lip curling slightly back over his teeth. So could I, even if it was just for a moment. “I saw your face in their minds." He was struggling to compose his anger as his entire face twitched up.
His hands were now in his face to contain his fury. “It was very… hard — you can't imagine how hard it was for me to simply take you away, and leave them… alive." I was holding in a gasp. But, still… somehow… I wasn’t afraid of him. 
“I could have let you go with Jessica and Angela, but I was afraid if you left me alone, I would go looking for them," he admitted in a whisper. I sat quietly, dazed, my thoughts incoherent. My hands were folded in my lap, and I was leaning weakly against the back of the seat. He still had his face in his hand, and he was as still as if he'd been carved from the stone his skin resembled. 
Finally he looked up, his eyes seeking mine, full of his own questions. 
“Are you ready to go home?" he asked. The waitress had come over almost immediately after Edward muttered the words.
I nodded, satisfied that I’d be the one spending an hour long drive with him, one that would further my answers to my long-awaited questions.
“How are we doing?" she asked Edward. 
“We're ready for the check, thank you." He was a lot more reserved than earlier. His charming smirk had been replaced with a brooding expression, still reflecting the strain of our conversation. The waitress seemed to notice the change and looked a bit disoriented from it.
“S-sure," she stuttered. “Here you go." Before she even pulled out the check, a bill was already in his hand. He slipped it into the folder and handed it right back to her. 
“No change." He gave her a tight smile, then stood up. Meanwhile, I scrambled awkwardly up to my feet. 
She smiled invitingly at him again. “You have a nice evening." He didn't look away from me as he thanked her. I didn’t even bother to smile. Walking out, he was close beside me, but still careful not to touch me.
He opened the passenger door, holding it for me as I stepped in, shutting it softly behind me. I should’ve been used to this. But as I watched him circle around the car, so effortless and graceful, I couldn’t help but think of how I was so utterly astonished by him.
Once inside the car, he started the engine and turned the heater on high. I was grateful, because even in the warmth of his coat, the temporary chill of the car had left me in shivers and a cold breath. I didn’t even notice Edward weaving through traffic, as I usually did, but we were now on the freeway. That’s when he finally slowed down to a normal pace, for now…
“Now, about those theories…" he said, his usual smirk and smugness creeping its way back.
“I still have more questions,” I revealed. “Just one.”
He only nodded, staring me down, not even paying attention to the road.
“What am I thinking right now?”
He sighed. “Now that. That’s the most frustrating thing of all.”
My eyebrows furrowed as I waited for an answer.
“I can read every mind… apart from yours.”
My breath hitched. “Is there something wrong with me?”
“I hear voices in my mind and you think there’s something wrong with you?” So, I’m a double freak. I should’ve told him that I heard them too, even if it was only for a few moments… But if he could have secrets, so could I.
“How does it work?”
“Mostly, it’s like being in a huge hall filled with everyone speaking at once. It's just a hum — a buzzing of voices in the background. It’s not until I focus on one voice and that’s when their thoughts are clear.” He paused for a moment. “Most of the time I tune it all out — it can be very distracting. And then it's easier to seem normal.” It seemed agonizing.
“Why do you think you can’t hear me?”  I asked 
“The only guess I have is that maybe your mind doesn't work the same way the rest of theirs do. Like your thoughts are on the AM frequency and I'm only getting FM." He grinned at 
me, suddenly amused.
“So you’re telling me that my mind doesn’t work right?” I chuckled, but really, his words unsettled me. It hit a nerve, tapping into a fear I’d always dreaded might be true. 
“Don’t worry, it’s just a theory… which brings us back to yours.”
I froze. Suddenly, saying it out loud made me feel foolish. Despite all my research and seemingly reliable conversations – I still felt like I was losing my mind.
He noticed my silence. “I won’t laugh,” he said, scrunching his grin into a line. 
I took a deep breath before I started. “So, I ran into an old friend – Jacob Black, an old family friend of mine… His dad is one of the Quileute elders.” I noticed his expression change, his jaw clenching.
“At La Push, he told me a few old legends – I think he was trying to scare me. But, he told me one…” I was distracted by the Forks welcome sign as Edward slowed down – I should’ve known that the hour-long car ride would be cut short from Edward’s driving habits. 
Right as I was about to continue onto my theory, my attention shifted to the flashing police lights and sirens as we were nearing the police station. Then, my dad’s cruiser parked right in front.
“My dad’s still here… Can you pull in?” I asked.
“That’s my father’s car in the end. What’s he doing here?”
Once he pulled in, we both exited the car, meeting Carisle as he walked down the steps of the police station.
“Carlisle. What happened?”
“Waylon Forge was found in a boat out near his place. I just examined the body.” 
Flashes of images consumed me. The boat. Red. So much red. In a blur, the flash of crimson red was surrounded by pale bodies devouring the deceased Waylon Forge.
“Y/N?” A voice interrupted the images, a shake and then a cold hand on my face is what I felt before I opened my eyes.
I squinted from the flashes of the red and blue police lights. With each blink, my vision cleared and in front of me was Edward – wearing an expression I’d never quite seen from him before: fear. 
And I felt it too, more than ever.
His once cold hand warmed on my face, almost tingling. But this time, he didn’t move it. 
“Y/N?” Carlisle interrupted over Edward’s shoulder. “Are you feeling faint?”
“No.” I cleared my throat. Edward had finally let go, but that warmth of his touch lingered severely. “I’m fine, thank you. Just… just shock… H-he died?” I stuttered. “How?”
I knew exactly how. The images from just seconds ago flickered. My heart pounded and my breath picked up from just the memory of it. The blood. Waymond’s blood. His lifeless body being torn apart by those three figures… Vampires.
Carlisle sighed. “Animal attack.”
next chapter
a/n: i'm so sorry i haven't updated in forever ..........
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andreafmn · 1 year
Speak | Chapter 7
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Word Count: 2.8K
Story Description: Bella Swan was a disaster when Edward had left. Deciding she needed a little help, Charlie Swan receives with open arms his younger daughter (Y/N) Swan. She helps Bella during her depression and becomes inseparable from her long-lost friend Jacob. What she didn’t expect was falling for a hotheaded short-tempered silver wolf.
Chapter: 7/?
A/N: I did it! I said I would post on Sunday and I finished. I was planning on making the chapter longer but decided on dividing the drama into another chapter. So, enjoy this bit of fluff for the time being 🤭🤭 My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing or buy me a coffee
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Chapter 7
(Y/N) didn’t know what she was feeling. When she had woken the day after Christmas she had been saddened. The next few days, her turmoil had grown into confusion.  Her mind had not stopped racing since that moment with Paul. Those few minutes had thrown her for a loop, wondering how a stranger had been more thoughtful than her own boyfriend, a boy she had known for the better part of her life.
Then, there were those dreams. Thoughts that spiraled through her head but they felt so real. The emotions that she experienced in those dreams felt real. But there was no way they could be. Jacob was the one she wanted, surely everything else was simply a fluke. A rip in the seams of the fabric of reality.
It didn’t matter that they barely talked about anything but Bella or him. Or that without those topics their conversations were short and meaningless. He did care for her, he always had. He had chosen to be with her kept replaying in her head. Words that had become a mantra of appeasement.
Maybe her head was playing tricks on her, but her eyes weren’t.
She went down the stairs, the smell of lunch dancing in her nose. Bella was already sitting on the dining table, spaced out and munching on a piece of bread. Yet it was not her sister that caught her attention, not even the fact that she had cooked that day. It was the bracelet that dangled from her wrist. A silver chain with a wood-carved wolf charm.
“Afternoon,” Bella muttered. “You’re up late.”
“I-is that what Jake gave you?” the girl croaked out, tears stinging the back of her eyes. “That bracelet. Was that his Christmas gift?”
“Oh,” Bella responded. “Yes. Isn’t it beautiful?”
“Uh, yes, It’s very pretty,” she managed to say. “Can you excuse me for a second?”
Anger. That’s what she felt. Anger, envy, and absolute jealousy. And she was ready to let Jake know that he was the one responsible for what she felt. She needed to understand, she needed to hear from his mouth that it was truly her that he had chosen. Maybe just like her dreams of Paul, that gift had only been a fluke.
A knock on the door stopped her in her tracks as she headed back up the stairs to find her phone. Whoever was at her door had just saved Jake from starting the new year single. Instead, she clothed herself with a jacket to hide the pajamas she was wearing and went to the door. She had no idea who would be behind it.
“Paul,” she said as she swung the door open. (Y/N) was sure surprise was evident on her face as she felt her cheeks flush with blood. “Hi. What, um, what’re you doing here?”
“Hey. I’m supposed to check up on your sister, make sure everything’s alright,” Paul responded, his hand scratching the back of his neck. “Sam was the one that found her a couple of months ago in the woods and he asked me to come see how she was doing.”
“It seems everyone’s Bella’s biggest fan today.” She couldn’t help the roll of her eyes, the anger from that morning still fresh in her veins. “Sorry, that wasn’t really directed toward you.”
“Well, that was just my excuse to come here,” he grinned. “I needed a good enough reason to show up out of nowhere. Don’t tell your sister, but I wouldn’t come all this way to see her.”
“Then, why are you here, Mr. Lahote?” (Y/N) laughed. “Or do you frequently show up at people’s houses unannounced?”
“What do you mean?”
“Let’s see, you showed up at my place today and you’ve gone to Jake’s house twice now.” His face went frigid as he remembered the first time he went to the Black residence, even worse that she knew about it. “Yes, I know how you told Jacob to stay away from me. Still haven’t been able to wrap my head around that.”
“Oh, that was,” he stammered. “It wasn’t… I mean, I wasn’t…”
“It’s fine, Paul. Honestly forgotten,” she grinned jokingly. “But what I do wanna know is why you’re here today. Now that I know you’re not here for my sister.”
“Uh, I was wondering if you wanted to, you know, hang out.”
“Hang out?”
“Yeah, if you weren’t doing anything, of course,” he chuckled awkwardly. “I thought maybe we could go to the beach or something.”
“In the middle of winter, the water will be freezing! As a matter of fact, I don’t know how you can be in jeans and a long-sleeve tee.
“I run quite hot,” he laughed. “But what do you say? Do you wanna hang out… w-with me?”
(Y/N) thought for a second. On one hand, she wanted to know who this person was. The boy that had gifted her such a thoughtful present without even knowing her name —at least, not formally. The same boy that had somehow made his way into each and every one of her dreams. On the other, Jake would grow crazy in anger at the mere fact that Paul was at her door. Luckily for the former boy, (Y/N) was feeling particularly angry with Jacob that morning.
“You know what? Why not?” she conceded. “Why don’t you come in while I get changed? Give me like twenty minutes, tops.”
“Oh, uh, sure,” he smiled. “Your dad won’t mind?”
“He’s at work right now and I doubt he’d allow me to leave you out here in the snow,” she laughed as she turned to go inside, very aware of Paul’s presence behind her. “Though, if he were here he would have made it very clear that he is the owner of a couple of guns.”
“Well, I’m glad he is not here then.”
“Help yourself to anything in the fridge or the kitchen. I’ll be back down in a bit.”
She disappeared up the stairs, a playful grin plastered on her face. Unlike with Jake, there was a calmness to Paul’s presence. Where her heart would race with uneasy nervousness when with Jacob, it remained a steady flutter with the Lahote boy. Another fluke, perhaps?
(Y/N) changed out of her pajamas as quickly as possible, her eyes trained on the dreamcatcher that hung above her bed. The rays of the morning sun were hitting the stones, reflecting a blue shine on the wall. The glittering light danced on the flat surface, filling the room with the same giddy energy she was already feeling.
There was excitement coursing through her and she didn’t understand the reason. She didn’t know why it had been so easy to say yes to Paul. Something deep inside her wanted to know more about him –know everything about him. It was the same part of her that felt something for him, the boy she only knew by name.
She gave her outfit a once over in the mirror. Her knitted sweater and blue jeans, even for the beach, did not feel good enough. But it would have to do. She knew that for some odd reason, nothing she wore would feel just right, because something –whatever it was—was concealing itself between their words.  
“You ready to go?” (Y/N) asked as she came down the stairs wrapping a blue scarf around her neck.
“Yes, uh. You look…” he cleared his throat, stumbling as he stood from the sofa. “You look nice.”
“You flatter me, Paul,” she chuckled. “You sure you don’t want something more to cover up? I mean, you might run warm but you’re still human. I brought this sweater down, just in case. It’s the biggest one I have.”
“You know what, sure,” he smiled. Even from where he was standing he could tell it smelled like her and it would be a way to feel closer to her. “Better to be safe than sorry, right?”
“Hope it fits.”
The sounds of their laughter mixed in the air, a perfect symphony of sounds swirling in the air. Paul struggled for a second to get the sweater past his shoulders, careful not to rip a single seam of the garment. It was snug to his body, slightly too tight with his own shirt under. But it smelled like her. All almond vanilla and pine.
“How do I look?”
“Like it’s a size too small,” she chuckled. “I can raid my dad’s closet for something that might fit better.”
“No, this is good,” he retorted. “I’m ready to go if you are.”
“Alright, then. Let’s.”
She followed him out of the house after making sure to leave a note for Bella and Charlie that she would be out.  (Y/N) was sure Bella already knew. Her ever-present silence drowned the house with her sorrow. She was quiet, but she sure was always alert.
(Y/N) thought for a moment about what it was that she was doing once she found herself in Paul’s truck. As they drove out of Forks and into the reservation she wondered what her intentions were. Was she hoping Jake saw them? Hoping he was angered at the sight and finally confessed how he felt about her? Or was her curiosity toward Paul reason enough to be there with him?
The beach was deserted. Not many people dared to be out by the shore during the cold season, yet there they were. Paul rounded the car and helped her out. The simple gesture stretched a smile onto the girl’s face. It was something she had never expected from him. Then again, everything about him was new to her.
The sound of the waves filled the silence between them, the words unsaid dancing between them. It wasn’t uncomfortable but they were both itching to speak. Yet no words seemed good enough or right enough.  
“So, what did you have in mind?” (Y/N) asked.
“Honestly. I didn’t think I would get this far,” he chuckled. “Don’t know what we could do.”
“Well then, we could start with a round of twenty questions,” she offered. “Seeing as we’re still strangers to each other.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
They sat on a log of driftwood, ping-ponging questions back and forth. The questions were simple enough to begin with –favorite color, songs, food, etc.—as they established a natural flow to their conversation. Once the words had started spilling, the current moved swiftly. It was easy, it felt natural.
“Do you see yourself staying in Forks?”
(Y/N) thought for a moment. The town had always called to her. Although many would grow tired of the rain and the cold, she seemed to prefer it. But she had always been afraid she would feel stuck, just like her mother had.
“Honesty thing,” he said, stopping her rambling thoughts.
“I could,” she smiled softly. “As much as I would miss my mom and Phil, the spontaneity of living with them, and all that, living here –in small towns like these—it’s different. You don’t get a diner that knows your favorite food in a big city. You don’t get neighbors you’ve known your whole life or quiet walks around the woods either.”
“So, you’re planning on staying here, then?” Paul asked, a bright gleam filling his eyes. “Even after Bella gets better?”
“I think, it’s my turn to ask a question,” she laughed. “Unless you’re planning on forfeiting your last question with that.”
“Alright, this is your last question,” he smiled. “Choose wisely.”
“Why did you ask me to hang out if you didn’t have anything planned for us to do?”
“Honesty thing?”
He smiled at the phrase. It had become a prevalent sentence as they each answered questions. (Y/N) had been the first one to say it as she asked about his high school days. She’d asked him to go do the “honesty thing,” which he had laughed at. But she explained that if either of them said that question, the other would give a truthful answer.
“Honesty thing.”
“Didn’t think you would say yes.”
“Why not?”
He didn’t have a good enough reason to give her. There was Jake, but that was obvious. The unfortunate overbearing boyfriend that simply did not deserve her. But he couldn’t tell her that. He couldn’t bring himself to let her know that the universe had decided that they would be bonded for life, whether it was what they wanted or not. He didn’t want to bring her into the supernatural world and end up with a worse fate than her sister. She deserved the truth, but it was not something he could give her. At least, not yet.
“You know, the whole Jake thing,” he chose to answer. “He doesn’t seem to like me much, and the feeling’s mutual. Don’t think he’d be very happy if he knew we were together right now.”
“I don’t get why you two don’t like each other,” she muttered. “And I guess the whole ‘stay away from her’ deal won’t help to mend that.”
“I won’t get in the middle of that pissing party,” she laughed. “But I do want to know why you felt inclined to say that.”
“I could answer that, but is my turn to ask a question, is it not?” Paul joined her in laughter.
“Fine. Go ahead.”
“What do you see in Jacob?” he mumbled. “Honesty thing.”
And what could she say at that when she didn’t even know? She had liked him since she knew what that meant. He was the boy that had first made her feel butterflies in her stomach. The first boy she wanted to kiss, to hug, to be as close as possible. She just didn’t know why.
Jacob had always been there. Every single summer, he was a constant in her life and he’d somehow made his way into her heart. One second he was just her friend, and the other he was just there. And she believed he always would be.
“I guess it was simply inevitable,” she breathed. “We basically grew up together. We’ve shared so many moments and experiences that I guess it was the natural way of things.”
“You’re saying it just happened then? No actual reason to be with him?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never thought of it before,” she sighed. “He’s always been kind and charming. He’s a good guy with a good heart. Maybe that’s what I see in him.”
“Hm,” was all Paul could answer.
“What?” (Y/N) chuckled questioningly. “What, Paul?”
“Not my place to say,” he said gazing into her eyes. He stared at the way the orange sun painted her face with a graceful glow, the way her hair danced around her face with the wind, the way he’d mouth stretched into a perfect smile. “But to answer why I felt inclined to tell Jake to stay away from you, it’s because he doesn’t deserve someone like you.”
“And who is someone like me?”
“You’re selfless, you’re compassionate, you’re everything he is not, (Y/N),” he told her. “You really are a good person with a good heart.”
“How could you know that, Paul? You’ve known me no more than a couple of hours.”
“You left your whole life behind to be with your sister while she’s going through a hard time. You’ve been taking care of your dad at the same time as keeping your mom sane with everything that’s been going on with Bella,” he counted. “You even told me how your mom almost took away your license when you started to drive because you crashed a car to avoid hitting some rabbits. I don’t know of many people that would do that.”
“And Jacob doesn’t deserve someone like that?”
“Maybe someone like that,” he responded as his stare grew serious. “But not you.”
(Y/N) didn’t know what the feeling that was growing in her meant. She could feel a comforting warmth filling her body, embracing her fears and her worries. She knew she should have defended Jacob. Told Paul all the good qualities her boyfriend had and what it was that she loved about him. Yet, the words felt stuck in her throat and they refused to come out.
“Are you hungry?” (Y/N) blurted. “I could go for some food right now.”
“Aren’t you hungry?”
Paul looked into her eyes and saw just how desperate she was to change the topic. She was being faced with some realities she did not want to think of and it had been because of him. He was making her question things she would have never done so.
But he knew it was torturing her. He could feel it. “There’s a good place down the street we could go to,” he said instead. “I am hungry as well.”
“Alright, let’s go there then.”
Next ->
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Eleven
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: Cannon typical violence
Notes: A few days late, so thank you for waiting! I had a rough weekend, but I couldn’t not put something out for you wonderful people that have shown me so much love for this story.
Word Count: 1491
Series Masterlist
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• March 16th, 2005 • Bella’s Ballet Studio •
I swear, Isabella Swan sure knows how to talk me into some seriously stupid plans. Okay, so maybe she didn’t really talk me into joining her, but I couldn’t exactly let her go face a bloodthirsty vampire on her own. Two humans against one vampire, not much by the way of odds considering we have no means for being any kind of physical challenge.
We managed to slip past Alice and Jasper while they were in the lobby checking out. After getting a phone call from Edward that the nomads figured out the rouse, both he and Jasper decided to get us far away… whatever that means long-term.
“So… you got a plan?” I ask her once we exit the taxi.
Jasper is going to murder me for managing to run away from him undetected and throwing myself head first into danger.
“I hadn’t really thought that far, he’s got my mom Y/n.” She pauses a few seconds before turning to enter the ballet studio she attended as a kid and I follow.
It’s silent in the building until we enter the main studio room lined with mirrors.
“Bella! Bella? Bella-where are you?” I hear her mom call out.
“Mom?” Bella begins running in the direction of her voice with me hot on her heels, “Mom?” She asks again as she whips open the doors to a closet in the back of the room.
Only it’s empty. Except for a tv. Playing an old home-movie of Bella as a child.
“That’s my favorite part,” the nomad James taunts Bella as he stalks toward us, “You were a stubborn child, weren’t you?”
Renee isn’t here, never was.
Terror, absolute terror shocks through me. It’s a trap and we walked straight into it without even questioning it. Jasper and Alice don’t even know where we are, I can only hope they’ve even figured out we’re gone by now.
I turn to run to the doors we just entered through, if I could just get outside and call-
But James is there in a flash, hand fisted around my throat. “Leaving so soon? The party hasn’t started yet.” He throws me against a wall as he stalks forward to Isabella, “Have a seat, you won’t want to miss this.”
I continue to flash in and out of consciousness as he plays with the both of us, taunting Edward and Jasper in his twisted video. Breaking Bella’s leg, a blow to my side to keep me from running again, the pain was all-encompassing.
And my only thought was, I hope they find us in time.
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“Darlin’, can you open your eyes for me?” Frantic words and cold fingers ghost over my skin.
I manage to crack one blurry eye open, “Jasper?” I croak out slightly confused. How long have I been out? Am I still in the studio?
“Carlisle!” Is the Jasper Hale panicking? I crack a smile on my busted lips and it earns me a line of questioning.
“What’s so funny, doll? Hmm?” Chilly hands continue to inspect my broken body, I can see his wide eyes flicking over my injuries. Not hunger - no, concern.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you panic, Hale.” I say calmly, at odds with the chaos stirring around us.
“Well, I’ve never seen you… like this. Because of me.” He won’t meet my gaze.
“Not because of you,” cough “I made the decision to tag along with Bella,” I paused to let out a particularly rough cough, “we thought he had,” another cough “her mom, we had to do something.”
“Carlisle, I need you!” He’s definitely panicking now, the tone in his voice getting harder the more labored my breathing.
“What’s-” but his dad stops mid-question as he slides up to the side not occupied by his son, his gaze accessing. “Talk to me Y/n, what hurts?”
“Uh, everything?” The stern look I receive from both men has me reconsidering. “Chest - feels like someone is sitting on it. Head definitely got smacked around and my arm-“ I try to lift it show Carlisle.
“Sprained at the wrist, but not broken. Ribs probably broken, maybe a punctured lung, definitely a concussion.” Jasper lets out a breath at his dad’s assessment like he’s been punched and I roll my head in his direction.
Carlisle turns to his son, “Help Emmett take care of James, I’ve got her.” He doesn’t offer him a comforting touch, as if Jasper’s distressed state were a palpable and volatile thing.
Jasper gives him a hard look for a few beats before nodding. Not sparing me a glance, he disappeared from my limited view before I could blink.
“I’m taking both you and Bella to the hospital, I don’t have the supplies to treat either one of you. I don’t have anything to even give you a needle decompression, like I suspect you need and soon.” Carlisle briefs me as he finishes up his assessment of my broken body.
“Don’t call my mom, please-“
“Y/n, she deserves to know you’re injured.” He replies softly. “And it’ll be impossible to avoid explaining your injuries when you return home.”
My open eye blinks slowly, trying to think of a plan that doesn’t involve freaking my mother out.
“Y/n?” Carlisle pats my cheek lightly to gain my attention, but I can’t hear him anymore. Muffled shouting and I’m lifted in a pair of arms that are semi-familiar. I groan in pain and I’m shushed gently before everything fades to black.
At least the darkness takes away the pain.
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• March 18th, 2005 • Hospital - Phoenix, Arizona•
Beep, beep, beep… The heart monitor grating on every exposed nerve in my chest. As someone not completely accustomed to an animal-only vampire diet, hospitals are a massive no-go, but I didn’t really have a choice. Not when it comes to her.
So I swallow the white-hot hunger and try to let the incessant beeping lull me into a meditative state. She’ll be okay, that’s what her doctor and my father told me.
Four broken ribs, a punctured lung, a sprained wrist, a fractured orbital bone, and a mild concussion. My hands tighten painfully to ground me in the moment, James is dead - hell, he’s ash now. He hurt her and now he no longer terrorizes my girl which is good enough for me, has to be.
I know he filmed it, Edward watched it, but I can’t bring myself to. After sensing his rage, I know I would absolutely combust from anger, to see his hands on her… I can’t. I can hardly stand to sit here across the room and see her face bruised and swollen, body covered with tubes and wires.
A sharp intake of breath pulls me from the dark recesses of my mind. I want to stand and walk to her, but I don’t quite have a grip on my control yet. Anger, hunger, or this terrified feeling lodged in my throat.
“Jaz?” She croaks out, not seeing me due to her eye injury obstructing her view.
“I’m here.” I assure her, the quiet rumble of my voice having a noticeable relaxing effect on her tired body.
“Why are you-” a pause, “Oh god-I’m in a hospital-” I immediately flash to her side as her heartbeat picks up and worry begins to flood the room.
“Shh sweetheart, you’re alright.” Smoothing the hair on her forehead and her emotions at the same time.
“No-you,” she chokes out, “you-you’re here and-and-”
“I’m fine. I’m not letting you out of my sight.” I tell her resolutely, my fingers still caressing her beautiful face.
“If it hurts too much, if you aren’t ready to be in a place like this, I’ll understand. Your eyes…” her fingers trace lightly over the tops of my cheeks and I hold perfectly still. My eyes must be pitch black by now, but there are more important matters - like her in this hospital bed.
I give her a wan smile, “Darlin’, I’m exactly where I need to be.”
A blush rises to her cheeks at my words and it eases the restriction in my chest a fraction.
Her smile cracks, “My mom?”
“Downstairs.” Her face blanches completely, “I called her, she’s not mad-“
But her mother opens the door to her room slowly, trying to preserve the quiet.
“Mom?” Y/n asks tenderly, I stand to give them space as she rushes to her daughter’s bedside.
“I’m going to go find my father.” I tell them, giving Y/n one more lingering look before disappearing silently out of the door, save for the click of the latch.
“He’s been here the whole time,” her mom starts explaining, “I haven’t been able to get him to leave your side to even eat anything…” I stop paying attention as I walk down the corridor to give them privacy.
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honeypiehotchner · 1 year
Devil's Backbone (Unsub!Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- part ten
I listened to the stripped version of "Good Looking" a lotttt starting around now as I wrote this fic. It's perfect for how the reader is beginning to feel, the sadness and confusion, remembering how Hotch was and realizing how she no longer knows him 😭😭
Warnings: things are beginning to unravel
Follow @honeypiehotchnerlibrary and turn on post notifications to be "tagged" when a new chapter goes up!
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Ten: The skyline falls as I try to make sense of it all -- "Good Looking" by Suki Waterhouse
“Hotch said he didn’t have any of the files, JJ,” Dave said, stepping into her office. The two of them spoke on the phone last night, as promised, and Dave wanted to give JJ the update first thing in the morning, as promised. “He said he had older ones.” He listed the names off and JJ nodded along.
“I have those accounted for,” she said, looking at her computer, shaking her head. “I know he had those. The others are probably in here somewhere. It’s just weird.”
“I agree,” Rossi said. Files didn’t disappear randomly. If some were taken or even copied, JJ was notified, and she logged it. “But we’ll figure it out.”
“Did you look through Hotch’s office?” JJ suggested. She seemed hesitant to even ask, chewing on her nails after proposing the question. 
“No,” Rossi said. “Should we?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know, should we?”
Rossi thought it over. Strauss’s concern. Your odd reaction to his questions. Hotch’s strange character every time Rossi called. None of it made any sense. Rossi assumed it was grief, just like you told him, just like he told himself, that maybe it was Hotch even trying to convince himself that he was feeling better than he was. But there was a nagging feeling deep in his chest that he couldn’t get rid of.
“Yeah,” Rossi finally said. “I’ll go look.” He knew how it looked and felt: like an invasion of Aaron’s privacy. But this was becoming too convoluted to worry about privacy.
Rossi went back into the bullpen, glad to see you sitting at your desk already. He tapped your shoulder as he went by, nodding his head up to the second level.
You got up and followed, assuming he was going to his office. Your heart began hammering in your chest when Rossi stopped outside Hotch’s office. No one had been in there since Hotch left. It was locked. 
You watched in terror as Rossi took out his keys and let himself into Hotch’s office, flicking the light switch.
You walked inside slowly, your voice low as you asked, “What are you doing?”
“What I don’t want to be doing,” Rossi replied in a hiss, pinching the bridge of his nose. He gestured toward you. “Shut the door.”
You closed the door and pulled the blinds for good measure. Or to help your paranoia. You had a bad feeling in your stomach and a bad taste in your mouth. “Rossi, what the hell is going on?”
“JJ can’t find a few files,” he replied, stopping in front of Aaron’s desk facing you, placing his hands on his hips.
“I know, she told me--”
“One of them she can’t find is Issac Holman.”
“What?” That was not right. That had to be a bad coincidence. The file showed up missing and Holman was dead? Impossible. Too eerie to be a coincidence.
“Another one missing is Nicholas Edwards,” Rossi continued. “He died two days ago. Shot in the back of the head, executioner style.”
“What? Why didn’t you tell us?” That was a brutal method; it was necessary to alert the team.
“Because I didn’t want to say anything just yet,” Rossi replied. His fuming eyes landed on you next. “I need you to come clean with me.”
Fear shot through you so hard that you took a step back from him. “What?”
“When I called you into my office a couple of days ago, you acted like I was interrogating you when I asked simple questions,” Rossi recalled, stepping closer to you. “What did you and Aaron talk about? Tell me the truth. Right now.”
You shook your head. This was a nightmare. This was not happening to you. “Rossi--”
“Agent L/N, I am ordering you,” he pressed, raising his voice. He stepped closer, pointing an accusatory finger at you. “Tell me. This is bigger than whatever secrets you might have, so I need you to get over it and--”
“We had sex!” you blurted, shame rising in your chest like flames, burning their way to your neck. “Is that what you wanted to hear?”
Stunned, Rossi struggled to find words, eyes blinking and jaw opening and closing. “You-- Are-- Are you two seeing each other?”
“No,” you replied, your face burning with embarrassment. You wished that was the reason behind the sex, that it was a sweet, romantic, domestic relationship you were hiding. “He kicked me out. He wanted nothing to do with me. Can we move on now?”
“Yeah,” Rossi said, turning around slowly. “Help me look for any files he kept in here. Holman and Edwards might be in them.”
You nodded, glad your failed fling with your boss was forgotten for the moment. “Why would they be in here?”
“He liked to go over them afterwards,” Rossi explained. 
“Yeah, I know.” You turned to look on the side tables by the couch, but there were only random magazines, no doubt put there by someone else. Strauss probably put them there one day to liven the place up a bit.
Rossi studied one section of Aaron’s desk against the back wall. “This is empty.”
You leaned over. “Yeah.” You stared at it, eyebrows furrowing. “He used to have a lot of books and…” Files. You remember. You watched him close his briefcase as he said he was sorry but you knew he didn’t mean it.
Rossi turned and looked at you, the same haunted expression on his face. “He took them with him.”
You nodded slowly, your hand covering your mouth. “I watched him take them.” You paused, a sick feeling settling into your bones. “Rossi…what is going on?”
“I don’t know,” Rossi said slowly, shaking his head. “I don’t know.”
But he knew. You both knew. Neither of you wanted to admit it.
Aaron was washing the blood off his hands in the unsub’s bathroom sink. 
He didn’t mean for that much blood to be shed, but he got carried away. The unsub fought back harder than Aaron expected him to. One punch led to another and then Aaron had flashbacks to George Foyet. The unsub’s face no longer existed. It was only Foyet, and Aaron got revenge. Again. And again.
Unfortunately, it made a mess of the fucking bedroom. Thankfully, none of Aaron’s blood was shed. He caught a few blows to his chest and abdomen, but none to the face, none that bled, not like the unsub bled all over the goddamn place. Aaron knew the human body carried 5 liters of blood -- thanks to Reid -- but it looked like much more.
He needed to leave as soon as possible, so he settled for cleaning his hands thoroughly and forgetting the rest.
He rode back to his home in Quantico in silence. No music, no news. He needed to think.
But thinking only landed him in places he didn’t want to be, so he stopped. He stopped for food and carried on back to Quantico to get his things together.
He had one more unsub to hunt, and it wouldn’t be easy. The fucker ran from him once, he assumed he would do it again. So, Aaron needed to be careful and meticulous about this one. It would take longer than a weekend getaway.
You were called into Strauss’s office the following day. You knew it wasn’t good, but you knew that even before you saw Rossi sitting in one of her chairs, fingers pressed to his temple. 
“You called for me, ma’am?” you asked, shutting her office door behind you.
“Yes,” Strauss rounded her desk, gesturing to one of the empty seats on her couch. “Sit.”
This is not good. You did as you were told, sitting on the very edge of the cushion. Rossi refused to look at you, and it made your stomach turn. You took a deep breath. 
“What do you know of Hotch’s whereabouts?” Strauss asked conversationally. She went over to her minifridge and grabbed a bottle of water.
“Uh, he’s at his apartment, I guess?” you replied, taking the water from her.
“You guess?” Strauss pressed.
You chuckled awkwardly. “Ma’am, with all due respect, I don’t know where Agent Hotchner is. We haven’t spoken since he left.”
Strauss laughed as she sat down across from you. “Well, Dave told me you did speak to Aaron.”
You looked at Rossi with wide eyes, sensing betrayal, but he shook his head only slightly. So he told her the truth, but not the full truth.
“I went to his apartment to offer condolences,” you said. “And to check on how he was doing.”
“And how was he doing?”
“He seemed fine,” you shrugged, putting the water down on her coffee table. “What is this about?”
Strauss sighed. “Agent Hotchner’s behavior has been worrying me since the day I sent him home,” she said. “Now, supposedly, he needs to get away, with no phone, no devices. And frankly, I cannot let him do that.”
You looked at Rossi, your eyebrows furrowed. “Where is he going? What is he thinking?”
“I don’t know,” Rossi replied. “He wouldn’t tell me. Just that he is heading out tomorrow morning.”
You turned back to Strauss. “Ma’am, I had no idea--”
“I know,” she stopped you with her hand in the air. “I don’t care to know the details of your relationship with Agent Hotchner. I hope there aren’t any details. But seeing as you are someone he trusts, I need you to follow him.”
“Follow him?”
“Yes. See where he goes. If it’s nothing troubling, you will return to the BAU. This is a private assignment and you are not to discuss this with anyone outside of this room, do you understand?”
You nodded. “I do.”
You felt like you were signing your life away.
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swanimagines · 7 months
Summary: Imagine being a female punk who forms a crush on Eddie Munson, after joining him on detention.
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Clock was ticking and you stared at it, silently hoping your stare would magically turn it forward faster. You spun your pen between your hands, the paper in front of you was still empty but you absolutely refused to apologise to Jason. He tripped you and made you spill your drink on your fresh bought books, he deserved that black eye. His enormous ego wouldn't take a hit by a girl so of course he ran to the principal to have revenge.
So here you were, your teacher having told you that you had to write an essay where you acknowledge you did wrong and make up with Jason and you'd have as many detentions as it'd take you to do that before you're dismissed. You hated the idea to your core, you hated the idea to even making up a lie just to get out, it felt like a waste of time when you could be doing something useful instead. Like clean up the cellar or something, not humilate yourself by apologising to that motherfucker. But right now you couldn't do anything else but sit in this chair and wait until the detention supervisor, that stuck up old lady Mrs. Huxley, would give up on you and let you go home, telling you to finish your detention the next day. Knowing her, it would take another three hours, at least - but you would not budge.
Someone knocked on the door and Mrs. Huxley looked up from her book, standing up and her heels echoed around the empty classroom before she opened the door and sighed.
"Here again, Edward?" she asked, cocking her head as she stepped aside. "What did you do this time?"
The boy didn't reply and just walked inside and slumped behind the desk not far from you, and Mrs. Huxley looked up to the janitor, stepping outside to speak with him.
You knew Eddie somewhat, you hadn't talked to him nor your eyes had ever met, but he was infamous for walking on tables in cafeteria and talking about Dungeons and Dragons so loud that it irritated some people, including Jason. You looked at Eddie for a moment before your eyes shifted on the clock again, and after a brief silence, you heard the boy snort.
"You're the girl who punched Jason, right?" he asked, and you nodded slowly. "I've seen you around, you seem cool. I'm Eddie."
"I know."
There was a pause, and then you spoke up again. "I don't think we need to be best friends just because we share a detention room."
You didn't look at Eddie, but somehow you knew he pursed his lips at that. "No, but I wanted to tell you that Jason's black eye made my day, and to hear you did it... whew."
"Well, that's what I was aiming for," you huffed, but couldn't help but smile a little, shifting your eyes at Eddie to see he was grinning at you. "You have a cool jacket, by the way."
Eddie glanced at his jacket, his smile had proudness now. "Thanks, I tuned it myself. Your gloves and necklace are really cool too."
Somehow that made your heart jump a little, which confused you - you usually didn't get that excited about compliments from half strangers. You nodded in gratitude, and then you were silent again. The silence lasted for a few moments, before you heard Eddie shift towards you again.
"Um, I understand if this is sudden, but would you like to hang out sometime? You seem pretty chill and-"
His sentence was cut down short when the door opened again, and Mrs. Huxley walked around her desk, looking over at you behind her glasses before she leaned back with her book again. You felt blood rushing up to your cheeks at Eddie's proposal - and you knew you were screwed on that moment. You wouldn't say you had many friends, and to know someone like Eddie would want to get to know you better brought warmth in your heart. Even if he was just being friendly.
And when Mrs. Huxley seemed too invested in her book to notice, you tapped the desk with your pen and nodded to Eddie once he looked up. He smiled widely and sat up straighter, nodding back at you in understanding.
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mcverse · 1 year
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༘⋆✿ Pᴀʀɪɴɢ: Aʟᴘʜᴏɴꜱᴇ Eʟʀɪᴄ x Hɪɴᴀᴛᴀ! F! Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
༘⋆✿ Rᴇϙᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ: Yᴇꜱ/Nᴏ
༘⋆✿ Tʏᴘᴇ: Hᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ&Sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ
༘⋆✿ Wᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: mention of death, teasing from ed, passing out, fluff, el romántico, Hᴇ’ꜱ ᴀ ꜱɪᴍᴘ, ​ꜱᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀ ғʀᴇᴇ
༘⋆✿ Sɪᴅᴇ Bᴀʀ: ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅɴ’ᴛ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪғʏ ᴡʜᴇᴛʜᴇʀ ʜᴇ ᴡᴀꜱ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ᴀ ꜱᴜɪᴛ ᴏғ ᴀʀᴍᴏʀ ᴏʀ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ, ꜱᴏ I ᴛᴏᴏᴋ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪʙᴇʀᴛʏ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ʙᴏᴛʜ. I ɢᴏᴛ ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴄᴀʀʀɪᴇᴅ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴡ/ ᴛʜɪꜱ. Mʏ ʙᴀᴅ, ᴏᴋᴀʏ? Iᴛ ᴡɪʟʟ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ. Tʜɪꜱ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ᴇxᴀᴄᴛʟʏ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇϙᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ɪᴛ’ꜱ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ᴅᴇꜱᴇʀᴠᴇ.
༘⋆✿ ​Hᴏᴍᴇ
ᴘʟꜱ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ɪɴ ᴍɪɴᴅ: ᴀʟʟ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ᴏɴ ᴍʏ ʙʟᴏɢ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ 18+
​ ʟɪᴋᴇꜱ & ꜱʜᴀʀᴇꜱ ​ᴀʀᴇ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇᴅ
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Meeting Al when you were younger was simply by chance. Being raised in a strict household and being second bests, there wasn’t much you could do but you can at least help with house necessities when need be.
The day you met him, you were tasked to go into town to receive some items your mother requested—with your father, of course. Rarely does he let you do anything alone because unlike your sister who was plenty capable and sociable, you were clumsy & though he doesn’t outright say it, also not the brightest child he has. He keeps you close for your safety.
When in town, you father was bargaining with a traded man when you got distracted by a butterfly. After you grew bored, that was when you realized you strayed too far from him… which would ultimately end in a stern talking to.
You back track, but when you find the stall he was at—he was no longer there. You panicked, looking around frantically when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
Turning around, your heart leaps in hope that it's the man you're looking for, but you're surprised to see a middle-aged woman in her twenties squatting low to level with you.
"Are you lost, sweetie?" she inquires, sending you a sweet smile that reaches her emerald-colored eyes and makes you more nervous than needed. As you step back in alarm, hands balled together against your chest, she waits patiently, not bothering to repeat her question.
You answer her after a pregnant pause, "I... I lost my daddy," you murmur under your breath.
The woman nods, "I see..." lips pursed as she looks around before looking back at you, determined, "That must be really scary for you. How about we help you find him?"
You cock your head sideways, face twisted in confusion. You're aware you aren't the best at subjects, but you know numbers well enough to recognize that there's just one person in front of you: her.
Your confusion quickly vanishes as two blonde boys around your age simultaneously envelop her from both sides. The woman warmly reciprocates their hug and then shifts her focus back to you, repeating her question, “What’s your response?” At the same time, a man resembling the boys approaches from behind the group.
What a happy family...
Realizing you lack the qualities to locate your father independently, you reluctantly agree, driven by the growing anxiety from this social interaction, making you all the more eager to find him.
On that day, you did manage to locate your father, but only after spending some time with the Elrics, and you have to admit it was much more tolerable than enduring your insufferably strict household.
With the Elrics' assistance in locating your father, you had the opportunity to spend more time with them (finally having friends who weren't related to your sister). Your father trusted them enough to look after you.
Edward thinks there's something wrong with you—you're weird, always the most timid and awkward person in the vicinity. Al is always there to defend you, reminding Ed of your different upbringing and urging him to be more considerate and less insensitive about your shyness.
He pleads with Ed to stop teasing you about how easily you turn red because it only makes things worse. Does he want you to pass out from embarrassment again?
Little does Al know that, on top of Ed, he also worsens matters with all his defending. In your eyes, you thought of him as the knight from the books you used to read. So, yes, a silly little crush developed, and due to your reserved nature, no one was the wiser.
Everything was good, blissfully well. Then, in an instant, it wasn't—the day their mother suddenly passed away. You were there that day, with them in the field as they wanted to demonstrate how much better they had become at alchemy. Having grown up in the environment you did, you were oblivious to just how swiftly happiness could vanish until you experienced it firsthand.
Suddenly, you find yourself in Al's embrace on the day of her funeral, his tears flowing freely. The idea of getting so close to someone never occurred to you before, but here you were. It takes a moment, but you manage to return his hug, albeit with trembling arms.
In the days that follow, Al clings to you more often. You attribute it to his grief over his mother, so you endure it, even though every time he grabs your hand or offers you a genuine smile meant only for you, it feels like a wave of heat washing over you.
During one of your visits to him, you suddenly grasped that all his attention was his way of avoiding telling you that he was leaving. It took walking into an empty house for the truth to sink in. Maybe, in his own way, he was conveying this message, as you had recently learned that good things don’t last.
TEENAGER YEARS (armor form)
You felt heartbroken when the Elric brothers left, but you still had Winry by your side. So, not much had changed in the social department, except for the fact that you now assisted Winry with her projects, which occasionally involved people.
You didn't mind at all. You found joy in assisting however you could, and the added benefit was that the more interactions you had, the less your shyness manifested, leading to fewer instances of fainting. Now, you were down to experiencing it only twice a week.
When you weren't with Winry, you devoted your time to learning alchemy, a pursuit you adopted from the boys after witnessing the immense joy it brought them.
You may not have been as skilled as your sister, but your strong suit was reading, and that's what you did until you stumbled upon an ancient text. You worked tirelessly to decipher it, and by the time you realized you had found an indentation, you were already deeply immersed. The next thing you knew, you were standing before the gate and meeting Truth.
You were about to retreat, apprehensive about what lay ahead, but they managed to convince you to continue. However, it came with a price: "To obtain something of equal value, something must be lost." You were unsure of what you could sacrifice, but Truth always demands a toll. As it turned out, it claimed only 15 years of your life.
A mistake? Perhaps. In return, you became the Trinocular Alchemist; an enigmatic form of alchemy that grants the practitioner a third eye, allowing them to perceive the world in ways beyond ordinary human senses.
You became so absorbed in your newfound ability that the next time you encounter the Elric brothers, it caught you by surprise. You were aware that Ed would occasionally visit Winry to have his arm and leg worked on, but you were usually never around to see either of them, especially Al.
That's why you're shocked when Al is the one who seeks you out the next time Ed and he visit town. He appears at your front door unexpectedly with flowers in hand, but it's not the Al you remember. He's now a suit of armor.
You become tense under the hollow gaze of the towering figure in front of you, his height surpassing that of any man you've ever encountered. The atmosphere is charged with tension, and neither of you has spoken since you opened the door, probably because both of you are at a loss for words.
You blink, lowering your head as your face flushes with embarrassment. The situation is becoming increasingly awkward, and you realize you should have said something the moment you opened the door. Instead, you find yourself chewing the inside of your lip, desperately searching for a way to ease the tension.
"Uh, (Name)," Al is the first to break the silence, his voice gentler than his imposing form. He speaks as though he's smaller than his armored appearance suggests, as if that's how he truly feels. "It's me, Al—."
"Alphonse?" you interrupt him abruptly, your eyes widening in surprise at your own actions. You quickly place a hand over your mouth and mumble, "Sorry..."
"You—How do you know... did Winry tell you?" he fires a barrage of unfinished questions at you, clearly flustered that you had to find out that way.
"No—well, sort of. I didn't know you were in full armor," you admit bashfully, "but it wouldn't matter whether I did or not. You might not look like Al, but you certainly sound like him."
You can't discern if your words pleased him, given his lack of facial expressions. However, judging by his improved posture and the gesture of extending the flowers to you, it seems he must be pleased.
"These are for you. You still like (favorite flower)s, right? Winry confirmed it," he says, pausing briefly before adding, "Sorry, that did sound a bit creepy. I was just asking about you when the topic came up."
You accept them with gratitude, your face once again flushing with warmth as you inhale their fragrance, a bright smile gracing your lips. "You know, it's funny. Gestures like these when we were younger made me see you as my knight in shining armor. Ironically, the metaphor fits this time."
Error: Alphonse.exe has stopped functioning.
Do you have any idea how adorable you are to him? The man had a serious crush on you while growing up. While it was easier to dismiss it as just being overly friendly when you were kids, now as a teenager, he sought you out because he genuinely missed your smile and the kind words that always made his heart flutter.
It took a lot for him to come here after everything that happened when you were kids, suddenly disappearing, and showing up in armor now. He was scared about how you would react, but he's truly glad he did.
Turns out his brother and him have some business around the area so their there for a while. Al waits no time and as much as he loves his brother, he would rather spend it catching up with you.
So when he’s not conducting business, he’s listening to you talk his “ears” off about your alchemy. Or having dinner with your even though all he does is watch you eat. He can’t complain, you look cute even doing that. Sometimes you’d get food on your face from being so jittery that he leans in casually to wipe it off the corner of your lip. You fainted the first time. Now he always ask before he touches you.
Whenever you let him, he swears his soul tingles with a unique sensation. It’s the oddest but most gratifying feeling. Having you in his arms, whether it’s because you tripped or he needs to pass by, feels like a blessing. He’s touched people before, but when he touches you, his mind is flooded with memories of what it used to feel like—the warmth that used to radiate from your body. He can almost sense it again if he concentrates, even though he knows it’s impossible.
God, he wishes he could. Every time it's brought to his attention that he can't, he falls into a quiet, armor-clad sulk. You immediately sense that something's amiss with him, and it doesn't take much for you to coax it out of him. He's a sensitive man, and he's open in his communication. He's already yours, even though you may not realize it yet.
Neither of you realizes that despite not openly confessing your feelings, your actions clearly demonstrate your affection, leading people to assume you're already dating—although that couldn't be further from the truth. You're both living in the moment, fully aware that he will have to leave again.
He holds doors open for you, his gaze fixated on you as you enter; it's difficult for him to look away. How did he ever walk out of your life? He hates that he understands the reasons now. He wishes he could remain oblivious to the facts. After every enjoyable time spent together, he walks you home to ensure your safety.
The mere thought of anything happening to you tears him apart. As he accompanies you, he positions himself on the outside of the road, shielding you from any large puddles that might be nearby. And when your feet start to hurt from wearing the wrong pair of shoes, he goes out to buy you a better pair, allowing you to lean on him as he helps you put them on.
Ed has now become the third wheel, replacing Al alongside Winry and him. He's utterly fed up with the situation and wishes Al would just confess his feelings already. Otherwise, he's afraid he might resort to drastic measures like gouging his own eyes out or stuffing rocks in his ears if he has to endure another picnic with you both giggling like schoolgirls.
With that said, he has complex feelings about his brother's situation. He's happy to see him back in the life of his first love, but there's also a tinge of sadness. It's a bittersweet reunion because she now knows that he's not the same boy she once knew.
So, imagine his relief when you accept Al as if he was never any different. And you do the same with him. Ed thought you might harbor ill feelings towards him because of his relentless teasing during your childhood and the upheaval he brought into your lives without telling you. But it was as if nothing had changed. He still teases you, though it's not as insensitive as it used to be years ago.
He's grown softer when it comes to you, and he blames his brother for it. He's learned when to stop before you faint, because, despite his denials, it would worry him as much as it worries Al. Yes, he's become attached to you—you matter to both him and his brother. After all, you're his future sister-in-law.
This time, at the end of a spontaneous slow dance to your favorite song, Al informed you that he would be leaving again. It didn't bother you much, especially since he had made a promise to return.
You reach out and touch the cold steel that now embodies Al, swaying together to the rhythm of your favorite song playing on the radio, the beat echoing the rhythm of your heart against your ribcage.
"(Name), does it concern you that I'm not human?" Al quieres, his eyes directed towards the wall behind you.
Looking up at him, you furrow your brows in response to his unexpected question, "You could be a ghost, and it still wouldn't matter..."
ADULT HOOD (human form)
Officially, you both become a couple 2 months after he regains his body. It took him this long for two reasons: he wanted to court you properly before making his move, and he wanted to give you time to adjust to the possibility of getting closer in the way you both secretively desired.
He'd prefer not to have you fainting on him (much like when you were younger) every time he initiated random contact or if you shied away from his compliments and avoided his gaze. However, he does find it quite flattering that he's now officially the one who makes you feel this way, just as he once did.
When he does ask you out, he is incredibly rizz. It wasn't a simple confession; he went above and beyond, making it seem as though he was proposing marriage. Where did he learn to be so romantic like this?? Certainly not from Ed. The thought makes you laugh.
At first, when he asked you out, you didn't think it was an actual date. I mean, "Are you free to go somewhere with me tonight?" isn't exactly how you typically ask someone out, but it got you where you needed to be: with him.
He picks you up (you live alone now that you’re older), dressed in a smart fitted suit, his hair slicked back with pomade, neatly parted on the side. He's not the same nervous Al you saw this morning. You feel somewhat underdressed in your dress, but after expressing your concern, he assures you that you look absolutely perfect.
"Where are we heading, Al?" you inquire as you link your arm with his, allowing him to lead you down the road. He responds with a warm smile, and his brown eyes twinkle like stars in the night sky.
"To our spot," he replies, placing emphasis on the word "our."
You blink at him, your mouth going dry as the way he worded it sounds incredibly intimate. You quickly divert your gaze forward and squeeze yourself closer to him, feeling tense.
The spot he referred to as "ours" was typically where you went for picnics or stargazing, but that wouldn't make sense in this situation. You don't dress up in a suit for that.
However, it all starts to make sense when you arrive. Instead of a picnic blanket, there's a small round table covered with a cloth and two chairs.
Upon closer inspection, you notice it's adorned with a selection of your favorite desserts and your preferred dining drink. On either side of the round table, there are two covered plates. Pretty lights dangled from poles to brighten the area. It's a beautiful setup, but you can't help but wonder why it's here.
Al is quick to respond to your unspoken question, pulling out a chair for you to sit on. "I've been relearning how to cook after all this time," he explains with a bashful smile. "I believe I've perfected this dish, and I want you to be the first to try it."
He’s incredibly kind, especially when it turns out he’s prepared your favorite dish. That’s why he seemed a bit shy just moments ago. If you weren’t so reserved, you’d want to hug him at this very moment to convey your heartfelt appreciation. He didn’t need to put in so much effort to prepare your favorite meal, but he insisted he wanted to.
As the evening wore on, it started to take on more of a date-like atmosphere. He had a way of steering the conversation back to you, showing a genuine fascination with your voice, both then and especially now.
There were moments when he seemed lost in thought, gazing at you with a gentle expression, which made you a bit self-conscious, causing you to avoid eye contact. Yet, he soon spoke up, encouraging you not to look away, expressing his fondness for gazing into your eyes.
The night begins to wind down, both of you satiated with food, dessert, and drinks, he leans across the table and gently takes hold of your hand in both of his, his gaze fixed on your intertwined fingers. He breathes in softly, then locks eyes with you.
"You're truly amazing, you know," he says with a soft smile, his gaze locked on you. "You've forged your own path in alchemy, been a tremendous support to Winry, and your forgiveness towards my brother and me is something I strongly admire." Pausing, he tilts his head, a chuckle escaping him. "I've realized, (Name), that what I feel for you goes beyond mere liking. I'd go as far as to say it's love, if you're comfortable with that. I didn't fully grasp the depth of my emotions until those long years without you. Now that you're back in my life, I can't imagine a future without you by my side."
"This isn't a proposal, is it?" you question in a panicky tone, a wave of worry rushing over you. It feels too soon, like steps might be missing. You do love him deeply, but the idea of marriage...
"No, no, that's too soon. We're not there yet," he explains, then adds, "What I mean is, I'd like for you to go out with me."
You freeze, somewhat anticipating these words after he dismissed the proposal idea, but hearing them is a different experience altogether. He wants to be your boyfriend? You as his girlfriend? You? Are you sure he's sure?
"Are you sure?" you murmur, eyebrows furrowed in worry. "I'm not good with relationships, as you know. I've never been in one, and..."
Al interlocks his fingers with yours, his gaze unwavering. "There isn't anyone else I'd want more."
Your affirmative response placed you in an intriguing situation, but you wouldn't change any of it or him for anything in the world.
If you thought the romantic gestures were going to be less, you were mistaken. If anything, he amplifies them because now he's completely confident in the relationship. The fact that it's as new to him as it is to you doesn't change how much he will make known that he treasures you.
He still buys you flowers, picking up fresh ones every time, sometimes in bundles or as singles—it doesn't matter, he always has them ready for you. And when he's away, he arranges for a little errand boy to deliver them on his behalf (which is easy because Al is so likable and someone to look up to, especially with the ladies, as the kid claims. He would do it for nothing if Al let him). It's his way of letting you know that he's thinking of you.
The first night he's back in town is always reserved for date night. It doesn't matter what the activity is, as long as it's with you. Even if you're simply lounging on the sofa reading a book, he's content. He particularly enjoys it when you read it out loud during those moments.
Another thing that's become a routine is cuddling. He can finally touch you and feel the warmth he remembers you providing. Don't shy away from him during those moments; he'll only hug you closer. He's not as gentle as he once was, now that he doesn't have to be so cautious since he's no longer made of metal. He was touch-starved, so you were bound to experience a bit of manhandling. Just accept his affection, Reader.
Sometimes it's more peaceful, like when you take naps at your spot during a picnic, and you wake up to find him gazing at you. If you try to look away, he gently tilts your chin to make you meet his eyes again. It's an intimate moment, and he cherishes it. He might seem a bit more assertive, but it's never in a way you find off-putting.
Another bold thing about him is his public displays of affection (PDA). He always wants to hold your hand, needing to know you're close for his own sanity. And if the opportunity arises, he's stealing kisses when no one's looking. Others might tease him all they want, but they haven't spent half their life as a suit of armor. If he hadn't been, he probably would've had a girlfriend by now, and most likely, it would have been you.
He makes an effort to sing your favorite songs, even though he's really not good at it. He's often off-key, but you both still slow dance to his attempts when the radio unexpectedly cuts out in the middle of one. Caught lacking? Not when Al's got you.
Once a gentleman, always a gentleman. He offers his coat to you more times than you'd like, sometimes when it's not even necessary. But he just wants to make sure you're comfortable. Whenever you're dining out, he stands up when you leave the table or approach it, still pulls out your chair for you, and holds your hand while he eats.
Most of those heartwarming dining moments also contained a hint of quirkiness when the opportunity arose.
"If I were a potato, would you still love me?" you inquire, curiosity in your eyes as you finish a spoonful of roasted potatoes.
Al laughs, playfully squinting at you. "Sweetie, you could be anchovies, and I'd still love you."
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
hey can i request romantic moments between cullens and reader? btw i love your works🫶🏻
Romantic moments with the Cullens
Thank you so much! I think I’ll always be shocked whenever anyone says they like what I do so thank you.
And this one was a lot of fun to make! I did get a bit carried away at some points tho… I tried a new form of writing for me so hopefully it's good
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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You and Edward had been dating for almost two years now
You were about to graduate high school, your first time and his 100th
You had talked about doing so many things to memorialize your senior year
A scrapbook, a picture every day, a custom t-shirt
Literally everything
But you just kept forgetting
Between all of the stress of moving into your final year, saving up for college, working your part-time job, and all of your extracurriculars, fun stuff just slipped your mind
And now you were helping Alice set up for your graduation party and you’re realizing just how empty the place is
Not that there aren’t decorations, which there definitely are, it’s just nothing you wanted
The place was covered in black and gold and your favorite color
There were piles of your favorite foods
But then you looked at the empty table where all of your mementos are supposed to go
You have everything you technically need
Your baby pictures, all of your awards, your school picture from every year, and your acceptance letter to your future college
But it was still missing something, all of those little projects you had been wanting to do so badly but simply didn't
You turned away from your sad little table tucked away in a corner of the Cullen house when you see Edward standing in the doorway
He's carrying a huge box in his hands, stuff overflowing from the top
"Edward, what is all of that? Don't tell me it's more streamers, we don't have room. Unless you want to cover the entire house in them-"
"Shh. It's not streamers I promise. It's for you. I promise you'll love it."
He sets the box down on your memento table and instantly you recognize it all
The wooden box with your name on the side carved in fancy cursive lettering holds everything you wanted
You pull out a leather-bound journal, opening it reveals picture upon picture of you from every single day that year
Next is a basic white shirt, but scribbled all over it are signatures and notes from all of your friends and your favorite teachers
Underneath that is a framed picture of your senior parking spot, though it looks like Edward redrew it because you don't remember yours looking this good
In the bottom of the box lies a Build-a-Bear of your favorite animal dressed in a little cap and gown
You were speechless. He remembered every single thing that you wanted, all of your dreams that you forgot to fulfill, and he did them for you
"I have so many questions, but for right now just come here and give me a kiss"
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Today was your one-year anniversary of being turned into a vampire
And for your surprise, Alice decided she would take you to do something that you had always told her you wanted to do
Sit on the bottom of the deep end of the pool
And naturally, Alice went all out
You were out at the store with Esme when you got a call from Alice telling you to put on the clothes she laid out on your bed and to go into the backyard when you got home
To say you were confused would be an understatement
But you did it anyway
After you and Esme got home and you helped her bring in the new couch she bought, you trekked up to yours and Alice's shared room
Laying on your bed was a swimsuit that you had never seen before
It was your favorite color and it was adorned with jewels
Queasily, you wondered if they were real diamonds
Fake or not, you were still careful pulling it on
Of course it fit like a glove did you expect anything else
You walk out the back door and you see Alice sitting next to the pool, the sun reflecting off of her shiny skin with a big smile on her face
In her lap there was a small bag that was zipped tightly shut
"Okay, what's all this?"
"Well, remember when you were still human and you used to tell me all the time how all you wanted was to just go to the bottom of the pool and take a nap down there?"
"So that's what all this is? I can't even sleep anymore"
"Oh shush I know that, of course I have something else planned"
With that, she grabs the bag and dives headfirst into the pool
You can see her bright purple bikini as she makes her way to the bottom of the pool only stopping once she's 12 feet deep
You hesitate as you're about to follow her
You know that logically you'll be fine, but a human part still exists somewhere inside of you
Swallowing back your fear, you jump in, swimming down to the bottom to join Alice
"You don't need to hold your breath, silly. Go ahead, let it out"
You didn't even realize you were holding your breath
"Now, for the main event. Since it's your anniversary, I figured we could have a nice romantic dinner down here."
With that, she pulls out a small battery operated candle and flicks it on, the water above making it just barely dark enough for the candle to be visible
Next, she pulls out two pouches that have screw-on lids
"What is that?"
"Blood, of course. Fresh from the moose I caught this morning."
She hands you one, and underneath the pressure of the warm water, huddled around your little candle, you have the most romantic dinner of your life
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To be honest, you were having a terrible week
You completely forgot about a really important essay that you needed for one of your AP classes, your favorite shirt got eaten by the washing machine, and now, your friends cancelled on you last minute when you were all supposed to go to the fair
You were sitting on your bed, still dressed in the outfit you were going to wear for the day, staring down at the text message from your friends
And you just started sobbing
It was too much
Jasper was downstairs at the time, he could feel your creeping sadness, but when your tears erupted, he knew he had to step in
He flew up the steps and stopped just outside of your door
He knocked and waited until you permitted him to come in
"What happened?"
"My friends... what are the chances that all four of them had something come up so suddenly? Do they hate me? I bet they do..."
He just took your hand and crept his ability into your mind, easing your sadness at least a little
When your sniffling finally came to an end, he grabbed your face to look at him
"Do you still want to go? To the fair, I mean"
You just looked at him shocked
"But, Jasper, you hate being out in public. I would never ask that of you"
"That's why you're not asking, I'm offering. Come on, let's go"
With that he pulls you out to the car and drives you to the fair
You drag him everywhere
From all of the food stands to every single ride, he goes willingly
If he is uncomfortable being around all of the sweet-smelling humans, he makes no indication of it
As the night is coming to an end and the blinking lights on the tents illuminate your face, you stand in front of a Pop-The-Balloon game
Just within your reach, so close you can taste it, a giant orange monkey stuffed animal hangs on the edge of the stall
The only thing between you and the monkey is your terrible darts skills
You've easily gone through 50 bucks, Jasper next to you always ready to hand the Carnie another couple of bills
"Are you sure you don't want me to try at least once?"
"I got this, Jasper. One more try, this next one is the one I can feel it."
He just sighs and fishes another couple of dollars out of his wallet
Of course, this round goes just as well as all of the other ones, leaving you even more frustrated
"Now can I try?"
"Ugh, go for it"
He pops every single balloon so fast you wonder if he used his super speed to race behind the counter to pop them all
The Carnie reluctantly handed over the monkey, and you were all too eager to take it
You didn't even care that you were still in a very public spot, you pulled Jasper in for one of the biggest kisses you've ever given
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You had been talking for weeks about buying a one-of-a-kind action figure from a seller online
There was someone on ebay who repainted various dolls and sold them
There was one that you had been eyeing specifically because it reminded you of Rosalie
Personally, she didn't think it looked like her at all but whatever
The two of you were laying in bed one afternoon peacefully when all of a sudden you shot up and screamed
She is on her feet instantly, looking around for the threat
But then you turn your phone screen to her, screaming about how someone outbid you at the very last moment and that now the doll is gone
"You can't just scream like that! You scared me"
"But Rose! It's gone! I can't believe it this is so unfair"
Cue the waterworks
She feels bad, she tries to console you, but you can't be reasoned with
Over the next couple of days, she tracks down every single detail that she can find about the person who "stole" the doll from you
She hacks into ebay's security system to find their address
And then she tells you that her and Alice are randomly taking a road trip
When she comes back, she invites you out to a nice dinner
She books out the entire dining room of a fancy restaurant and brings you there
As your appetizer and entree come out, you two talk
She makes up some made-up story about her "road trip" with Alice
Just as the waiter leaves with your dessert order, you see Rosalie pull out a wrapped box with a silver bow around it
"What's that?"
"A gift for you"
She hands you the package and on the inside is the little Rosalie look-alike and one more doll that strangely bears a striking resemblance to you
"Is this... is that... oh my god"
"I didn't go on a trip with Alice. Well, technically I did. But we drove to that guy's house and stole the doll back. Since he stole it from you in the first place, it's only fair you got it back."
"And this one? Where did this one come from?"
"He had a couple more in his house, I thought you might like that one too."
So now there are two dolls standing on one of the shelves in your room <3
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You had no clue why Emmett was being so weird today
He seemed fidgety all day
That morning he woke you up with a plate of pancakes in bed, drizzled with syrup that he made himself
Then he took you out to the mall
He took you to a really fancy clothing store and had you pick out the most dazzling outfit you could find
He even got it custom tailored to you
After that he took you to the spa where you both got a deep tissue massage
You had tried to ask him multiple times what all this was for, but he never answered
He would just usher you on to the next thing
Now you were in one of Edward's nice foreign cars and he was driving you to somewhere else
"So... as much as I appreciate everything you've been doing today, really, what is this all for?"
"Oh come on, don't act dumb. And before you even ask, no, I don't need anything in return"
"You're literally not even making sense. What is today?"
"You know what day it is :) "
After that he doesn't answer any more of your questions
You just hold your complaints in the passenger seat as he finally parks the car in a spot along the pier
Out on the water, you see multiple couples floating in those pedal-powered swan boats
And then you see the grin on your idiot boyfriend's face
"Ugh, Emmett. Are we really getting on the swans?"
"Yes we are now come on and stop complaining"
You sit across from him floating atop the water, the fairy lights twinkling across your face
Emmett is smushed into his seat, it clearly wasn't made for someone as beefy as him
"So. Now are you gonna tell me what all of this was for?"
"Do... you really not know?"
He sounds hurt
"No I don't. I've been racking my brain all day. It's not my birthday and it's not yours. I haven't won anything recently or been promoted, and it's not an anniversary. Just help me out here"
"It IS our anniversary, though. Our three year anniversary!"
"Our anniversary is SEPTEMBER 28th... not August 28th"
You start cracking up laughing, doubling over in your little swan seat, the boat rocking with how hard you're laughing
He apologizes over and over again for getting the date wrong
You reassure him that it's fine
You spend the rest of your 2 years and 11 months anniversary seeing how fast you can make the swan boat go
You both get kicked out and blacklisted
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A while back, you watched Bridgerton
The plotlines and characters didn't really stand out to you too much
What really stood out was the clothing
You made Esme sit down and watch it with you
The whole time you were just raving about the costume design and how much you wish you could wear what they were wearing
Time passed and you eventually forgot about it
Working, going to school, watching different shows, you know, life
You were sitting in the living room, lounging on the couch while some random cooking show played
Edward and Bella were sitting on the couch too, not really watching either
All three of you were just sort of zoned out until you heard Esme yell your name as loud as she could
You and Bella jumped, Edward probably heard it before it happened
Instantly, you shot up and ran down the hall to Esme's workroom
You flung the door open and looked inside
"Esme! What's wrong, what happened?"
"Wrong? Nothing's wrong! In fact, it's all perfect! Come here, come here"
You stepped inside of her studio and instantly spotted it
In the corner was a mannequin that seemed too specific to your height and weight measurements to be a coincidence
Hanging off the mannequin was a beautiful outfit
It looked straight out of the 1600s, made out of fine silks, golden fabrics, and fine linen
There were various imperfections on it, the wrong color of thread used here, a hole in the fabric there, but it was beautiful regardless
"A while back you mentioned that you wanted to look like someone from that show, so I made you this! I hope you like it, if not I can change anything you want me to"
"You made this, all by yourself?"
"Yes! I watched so many tutorials and I even went to the tailor shop in town to ask them for some tips. It's obvious that I'm no seamstress, but I'm still pretty proud of myself"
"Proud? You should be overjoyed! This deserves to be in a competition, on TV, at craft shows, anywhere!"
When you tried it on after a couple of minutes of insisting that she did a wonderful job, you were blown away once more
It fit perfectly, you looked like you just walked out of a fairytale book
Her next project is making one for herself
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You had a little habit of leaving notes in Carlisle's packed lunch for when he goes to the clinic
He didn't need the food, but he did need to keep up appearances
It's already not a very human look when the best doctor in town willingly works almost every shift and is always on call and ready to work
So he needs something to bring him back down
You found out not too long into dating the little routine
Esme packs him a sandwich and a bottle of water, she takes it to him at work, eats it in the very public break room for everyone to see, pukes it up cause his body can't digest it, and then comes home
So the cycle continues after that
The first time you saw Esme making a little ham and cheese sandwich, you were confused
After she explained, you asked if you could put something in there too
So you started your own routine of writing Carlisle a cute little note
Usually just about how much you loved him, sometimes accompanied by a little doodle
A couple of times when he would come home, he would thank you for your note
But other than that, you thought that was it
Until one day you were admittedly snooping in his office
You were just bored and wanted to see what fun stuff there was to read in his office
You were pulling book after book off of his shelves, flipping through them, and then putting them back
But then you stumbled across a small book with only the word "Love" written on the front in the handwriting you recognized to be Carlisle's
Inside was every single note you had ever given him
Each one was lovingly placed on the page, making a collage
Some pieces of paper were lined, some plain
Some notes were written with black ink, some with whatever other pen was lying around at the time
The only similarity was that underneath all of them, Carlisle had dated them
You flipped through every page, until you got to the second half of the book that was still blank
Your heart surged, this man
"You caught me"
You whipped around to see Carlisle standing in the doorway, his white lab coat still hung across his shoulders, and a slight smile on his face
He walked over to you, grabbing the book gently from your hands
He set it on his desk and sat down in the chair, you peered over his shoulder
From his breast pocket, he pulled out the note that you wrote that morning
He opened the book to the next page, and glued the slip in
He dated it with a flawless ease and swiveled to look up at you
You just tackled him with a kiss
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Vampire! Bella:
You were really worried
You'd been dating Bella for a whole year now, but she still hasn't seen your bedroom
That wouldn't be an issue if she wasn't coming over today
And if your room wasn't a fucking mess
You knew that Bella would be coming over for like a week
You told yourself days ago that you had to clean your room for her
But now the day is here, Bella is on her way
You were frantically running around your room, trying your best to round up all of the dirty clothes on the floor, get all the trash picked up, and light a couple candles
But it was too late
From downstairs you could hear the front door open and your mom called up the steps that Bella was here
When she opened the door, you had a bundle of dirty clothes in your hands as you attempted to at least get one more thing done
"I'm so sorry, Bella. Really, it's not usually this bad, I promise. I just forgot to clean my room yesterday and the day before and this morning and-"
"Woah! Calm down!"
She walks over to you and takes the dirty clothes from your hands, throwing them effortlessly into the hamper across the room
"I promise, I don't mind. You should have seen my room when Edward left me a couple years ago... ugh, terrible"
"No, I'm- I'm so sorry. It's so bad in here. I promise it's not usually this bad. This is not the first impression I wanted to give you"
After some more back and forth, but really more of her being stubborn, you finally agree to let her help you clean your room
It only takes about 5 minutes
The place was covered in dirty clothes before, dishes piling up, trash on every surface
And now it looked brand new
You were cuddling on your freshly cleaned bed and watching a movie
"You know, that was pretty fun. You should call me the next time your room gets really dirty"
"... are you a psychopath?"
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