#educational christening gifts
Celebrate Baby's Baptism with Unique Christening Gifts for Boys
A christening, or baptism, marks a momentous occasion in a boy's life. Choosing a gift that reflects the importance of this day can be a challenge, but fear not! This guide offers a variety of unique and memorable ideas to make this special day even more meaningful.
Timeless Treasures: Traditional Christening Gifts
Silver Keepsakes: A classic silver cross necklace or engraved baby cup becomes a cherished heirloom, passed down for generations.
Spiritual Guidance: A personalized Bible or beautifully illustrated prayer book fosters a connection with faith from a young age.
Modern Touches: Personalized and Practical Gifts
Cozy Comfort: A customized blanket with the child's name and christening date provides both comfort and a sentimental reminder.
Story Time Magic: A personalized storybook featuring the boy as the hero makes bedtime stories extra special.
Memories to Cherish: An engraved memory box becomes a treasured safe haven for christening keepsakes like photos and cards.
Gifts that Spark Curiosity: Educational Delights
A World of Knowledge: A curated collection of classic children's books or a personalized encyclopedia ignites a lifelong love of learning.
Playful Learning: High-quality building blocks nurture motor skills and creativity, while child-sized musical instruments spark a passion for music.
Beyond the Ordinary: Unique Gifts for the Special Boy
Reach for the Stars: Commemorate the christening by naming a star after the child, complete with a certificate and star map.
A Work of Art: Commission a personalized artwork featuring the boy's name and christening date – a painting, print, or digital illustration.
Gifts from the Heart: Sentimental Keepsakes
Delicate Keepsakes: A bracelet or pendant engraved with the child's initials and christening date creates a touching memento.
Handmade with Love: A handcrafted quilt passed down through generations or a hand-knitted blanket with a special pattern offers warmth and a sentimental connection.
The Perfect Gift Awaits
The ideal christening gift is one chosen with love and reflects the significance of the occasion. Whether it's a traditional treasure, a personalized keepsake, or a spark for learning, your thoughtful gift will be cherished for years to come.
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catalinadearagonsblog · 4 months
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Katherine of Aragon & Gertrude Courtenay
Gertrude was daughter of William Blount, fourth Baron Mountjoy, a distinguished humanist scholar and chamberlain to Katherine of Aragon. As the daughter of such an esteemed gentleman at court,  Gertrude received an outstanding education and served Katherine of Aragon as one of her maids of honor. The Queen oversaw the education of her young charges, so Gertrude benefitted from the royal patronage. In 1519, she married to Henry VIII’s first cousin Henry Courtenay, Earl of Devon. Gertrude was the wife and mother of the last Plantagenets at the Tudor court.
Gertrude was one of Queen Katherine of Aragon's attendants at the Field of the Cloth of Gold in 1520. If the Chateau Vert rings any bells it’s probably because it was the masque that saw Anne Boleyn, freshly returned from France, debuting at the Tudor court in March 1522. A little-known fact is that Gertrude Courtenay also took part in it, playing the role of Honour. In 1525, Gertrude’s star was on the rise once again when her husband was created the Marquess of Exeter, making Gertrude a Marchioness.
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Gertrude was among the key political players of Henry VIII’s court during the infamous annulment, known as the Great Matter, commencing in 1527 and ending in 1536. The Marchioness of Exeter was among the high-profile ladies-in-waiting who staunchly supported Katherine of Aragon. Seeing how popular the Queen was among the women at court, Anne Boleyn used her influence and dismissed some of them, including Gertrude.
During the summer of 1531, Katherine of Aragon was banished from court. The Queen received gifts and letters from her trusted friends and former servants like Gertrude Courtenay in her exile.
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Henry VIII had had enough of his wife’s resistance, and he married the pregnant Anne Boleyn in secret on 25 January 1533. On 31 May, Anne rode in a procession from the Tower of London to Westminster Hall—it was the most impressive part of the coronation festivities. The Marchioness of Exeter opened the cavalcade, a clear sign that she was a high-profile lady-in-waiting. Gertrude had no other choice but to follow the King’s orders and accompany the new Queen: a clear sign to Katherine’s followers that unconditional obedience was required. Gertrude’s husband managed to avoid appearing at Anne’s coronation. Whether the illness Henry Courtenay suffered in June was real or feigned cannot be discerned now, but Gertrude later “much lamented her husband’s sickness at the time of the Queen’s coronation, and said that though her person was there, her heart was at home with her husband”.
Gertrude’s prominent role during the christening of Anne Boleyn’s daughter was calculated as an insult to Katherine of Aragon. Henry VIII selected Gertrude as one of Princess Elizabeth’s godmothers. The disgusted Marchioness complained to her friends that “she really wanted to have nothing to do with this” but took part “so as not to displease the King”.
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Like her father, Gertrude walked on eggshells trying not to displease the King, but ultimately it was impossible for her to accept Anne Boleyn as the new Queen. The Catholic Marchioness soon found herself in a position of open defiance of Henry VIII and his second wife. Gertrude gave ear to the Nun of Kent’s prophecies (for which the Nun was executed in 1534). She remained fiercely loyal to Katherine of Aragon and Princess Mary in their fell from grace. She exchanged letters with Eustace Chapuys, ambassador of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, and even visited him in disguise during the period when it was dangerous to become Henry VIII’s enemy. How much Gertrude knew of the proposed match between Reginald Pole and Princess Mary remains unknown, but she certainly favoured the idea of the Anglo-Imperial war. In late 1535, Katherine of Aragon’s health began to deteriorate and it became clear to everyone that she was mortally ill. She died on 7 January 1536 amid rumours of poisoning.
Sylvia Barbara Soberton, The Forgotten Tudor Women: Gertrude Courtenay. Wife and Mother of the last Plantagenets
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'Freddie Mercury felt like a god. Then he started behaving like one,' by the man who signed Queen
By NORMAN J SHEFFIELD, Founder of Trident Studios where Queen first recorded // PUBLISHED: 17:00 EDT, 20 July 2013 | UPDATED: 17:16 EDT, 20 July 2013 (x)
NORMAN J SHEFFIELD on the amazing story of how one of Britain's best loved rock bands made it big
Freddie Mercury used to say there was no question in his mind that Queen would be a success
I was sitting in my office one day in 1971 when I got a call from my brother Barry down in the studio.
‘Norman, come down and have a listen to something,’ he said.
John Anthony, Trident’s A&R man, had discovered a band called Smile.
At the start, the lead guitarist was an astrophysics student from Imperial College called Brian May, the bassist and singer was an art student called Tim Staffell, and the drummer was a biology student called Roger Taylor.
It turned out that they’d now reshaped the band.
Staffell had been replaced by this little Indian-looking guy with a big, operatic voice and they had a new bass player.
John had asked for their demo. It was raw but there was definitely something there. I’d opened Trident Studios in 1968 in Soho.
Its cutting-edge facilities and happening vibe were attracting the greatest talents of the era, from The Beatles and Elton John to David Bowie and Marc Bolan.
The four guys who came into my office a couple of weeks later were an intriguing mix of characters.
Roger Taylor was a really good-looking kid, with long blond hair and charm. Brian May was tall with a mane of curls and a little introverted but clearly very intelligent. The bass player, John Deacon, was also quiet. I could tell right away that the fourth member was going to be high maintenance.
His real name was Farokh Bulsara. He was born in Zanzibar and educated in India. The family had immigrated to England when he was a teenager. He’d gone to Ealing Art College to study art and graphic design. He was also a gifted singer and pianist.
When he joined the band, he immediately gave himself a more rock ’n’ roll name: Freddie Mercury.
He was charming, acted a bit shy and reserved at times and spoke in quite a posh, mannered voice. When he relaxed he had a very sharp sense of humour and spoke at a hundred miles an hour.
Queen turned out to be every bit as good - and demanding - as we'd anticipated. Things had to be one hundred per cent right, otherwise they wouldn't be happy
They’d rightly decided to ditch Smile as their name. I nearly choked on my coffee when I heard their new one: Queen. The world wasn’t as enlightened then as it is today.
We were worried that it would be a real turn-off, especially given the band’s look. Freddie apparently had a girlfriend but we were pretty certain he was gay.
But the name wasn’t up for negotiation. I agreed to offer the Queenies, as we christened them, a loose kind of arrangement. There were times when the studio was ‘dark’, usually at 2am. So we said: ‘We’ll give you this downtime in the studio to see what you can do.’
They turned out to be every bit as good – and demanding – as we’d anticipated. Things had to be one hundred per cent right, otherwise they wouldn’t be happy. They’d spend days and nights working on the harmonies.
Arguments would start about the tiniest little detail. They’d start screaming, shouting and chucking things. Sometimes it would blow over in a few minutes, but at other times they would stew on it, not talking to each other for a day or two. They’d always sort it out, however. It wasn’t personal, it was about the work.
The more adulation Freddie received on stage, the harder he became to work with offstage
Freddie used to say there was no question in his mind that Queen would be a success.
‘There was never a doubt, darling, never,’ he’d say with an imperious wave of his hand.
The title of their first album was simply Queen.
Another suggestion had been Dearie Me, Freddie’s catchphrase, which was quite funny but the band were a hard enough sell as it was.
They spent ages arguing about the album sleeve. The front cover was a single image of Freddie on stage, with two spotlights in the background.
For the back cover the boys put together a collage of snaps of themselves.
Freddie had driven everyone to distraction fretting over whether he looked ‘gorgeous enough’ in them.
By the end of the year they were on the road with Mott the Hoople, but Queen were getting more encores and bigger cheers than the headliners.
They were due to go to Australia for a gig when Brian suddenly developed a really high fever. His arm had swollen up to the size of a football and doctors diagnosed gangrene.
At one point it was touch and go whether he would lose it. Luckily the crisis eased and he was allowed to fly.
However, the gig was a disaster. The local DJ introducing them had clearly taken against them because he introduced them as ‘stuck-up Pommies’. When they got on stage, the crowd turned against them, too.
The boys were mightily relieved when they got on a plane back to London. For some bizarre reason, the British press had been tipped off that Her Majesty the Queen was arriving at Heathrow. So when they saw four knackered musicians emerging through Customs, they weren’t too happy.
On their first tour of America, Brian’s health was deteriorating. Our worst fears were confirmed when doctors announced he had hepatitis.
The rest of the tour had to be cancelled. It was a disaster, professionally and personally. Then, when they came back to London in August, he had to have an emergency operation for an ulcer.
The opening track on A Night At The Opera attacked their management
But on October 11, 1974, EMI put out Killer Queen, from their third album, Sheer Heart Attack.
Within weeks it had given the boys the thing they’d most wanted – a No. 1 single.
As Queen hit the road again, this time as a headline act in their own right, it was clear they were on the verge of major success.
But the more adulation Freddie received on stage, the harder he became to work with offstage.
The tour came to an end at the famous Rainbow Theatre in London. The day before the gig, Freddie was being even more pedantic than usual.
‘Oh, stop being such a tart, Freddie,’ Brian said.
Freddie was outraged. He tossed back his head, waved his arms and stormed off in a strop.
When it was time for the soundcheck, Brian turned the mic on.
‘Freddiepoos, where are you?’ he shouted.
Freddie appeared immediately with a face like thunder. He flounced on stage, gave Brian a vicious look and then just got on with it. That’s what they always did.
In 1975 they went to Japan and found 3,000 fans waiting for them, all chanting the band’s name. It was like Beatlemania. Freddie had finally found the acclaim he’d craved all his life. He felt like a god. Unfortunately, he soon started behaving like one, too.
The more successful they became, the more agitated Queen had grown about money. One of the most heated rows came when John got married. In the run-up to the wedding he announced he wanted me to spring £10,000 (about £90,000 in 2013 values) for him to buy a house. I didn’t react too well.
Then Freddie demanded a grand piano. When I turned him down, he  banged his fist on my desk. ‘I have to get a grand piano,’ he said.
Norman J Sheffield: By the time I realised things were badly wrong it was too late
I wasn’t being mean. We knew there was a huge amount of money due to come flooding our way from Queen’s success. I explained that some of it was already coming in but the vast majority of it hadn’t arrived yet.
‘But we’re stars. We’re selling millions of records,’ Freddie said.
‘And I’m still living in the same flat I’ve been in for the past three years.’
The amount of money we’d invested in the band was huge.
We’d advanced them equipment and salaries right at the beginning and had continued to pour money into them for four years.
The fact the band owed Trident close to £200,000 (£1.75 million today) didn’t seem to register with Freddie.
I can remember the conversation.
‘The money will come in December,’ I said. ‘So wait.’
Then came a phrase he would make famous around the world in years to come, although no one would have known where it was born.
Freddie stamped his feet and raised his voice: ‘No, I am not prepared to wait any longer. I want it all. I want it now.’
By late 1975 I was hearing that they were making all sorts of derogatory comments about Trident.
Then I heard a track from A Night At The Opera called Death On Two Legs. The opening two lines summed up what was to come.
‘You suck my blood like a leech/you break the law and you breach’, then, ‘Do you feel like suicide?’ it went on, ‘I think that you should’. It was some kind of nasty hate mail from Freddie to me.
Soon Bohemian Rhapsody roared to the top of the UK charts and stayed there for nine weeks. A bittersweet moment, it came as news was beginning to leak that we had split from Queen.
We should have talked more. And I should have been more attentive to their feelings. By the time I realised things were badly wrong, it was too late.
In March 1977 the company settled with the band for the sale of all of its future rights, the rights to the old albums and the settlement of the management debt.
Freddie’s dream finally came true and he became a very wealthy man. When he died, no one was sadder than me. He may have been a monster to deal with, but he was also a genius.
I did see him once, in the years following our fallout, in 1986, when I took the family to their Knebworth concert. He was friendly, as if the rows of the past were forgotten. It turned out to be their last live concert, which meant I was at their first and last.
Years later, after his death, I went to the Freddie Mercury Memorial Concert at Wembley, where I saw the three remaining members being photographed.
John Deacon pointed at me and said: ‘And if it hadn’t been for that man we wouldn’t be here.’
Brian and Roger looked at me and nodded. That gesture went a long way towards exorcising the ghosts of the past. 
(Extracted from ‘Life On Two Legs: Set The Record Straight’ by Norman J Sheffield, out now and online from Amazon and in bookshops priced £14.95 for paperback, £7.49 for Kindle.
A limited-edition hardback is also available at £24.95. For more images, visit facebook.com/lifeontwolegs)
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veronicaleighauthor · 7 months
A Tale as Old As Time
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When I was growing up, my mother told me that fairytales were inspired by true, real-life stories. My imagination went wild, I was ecstatic that my beloved Cinderella, Ariel, and best of all Belle truly existed. That the magical world of Disney was our reality, that everyone received their happy ever after. When I was a little older, I understood her meaning. The magic Disney incorporated into our favorite animated movies wasn’t real, but in the past there probably was a poor servant girl who fell in love with a “prince.” There are various retellings of Aladdin. If you research other cultures, there are numerous folktales of “animal brides and grooms.” Ordinary girls who fall for cursed creatures and break their spells. Sometimes in the stories, the cursed creatures themselves, the “beasts,” fall for the “beauty” and become a better person. They were tales as old as time.
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Several years ago, I was watching an episode of “Mysteries at the Museum,” featuring a segment with a portrait of a man and woman from the Renaissance period. The striking couple was dressed eloquently as nobles, but the man’s appearance had a unique characteristic: his face and body were covered in long hair. The host introduced the man as Petrus Gonsalvus, who was known throughout Europe as the “man of the woods.” On hearing Petrus and his wife Catherine, the lady featured in the portrait, perhaps inspired one of our most beautiful fairytales, my heart skipped a beat. Could it be? My Belle and Beast?!?!?! I was transfixed by the program, finding it bittersweet.
Born on the Canary Islands in 1537, Petrus suffered from what was then known as “Werewolf Syndrome.” It is now known as hypertrichosis. A genetic disorder, in the days of Renaissance, the child was viewed as a beast. When he was ten years old, Petrus was sold (possibly by his own parents) and brought to the French king, Henry II, and was gifted to the royal. Believed to be a talking monkey, for a time, he was kept in a cage and fed raw meat and animal feed…Until the king realized Petrus was intelligent. This could be an experiment, to turn a beast into a man! Petrus grew into a man, polished and articulate, educated, and he possessed a gentle soul. The court appreciated his talents, but continued to look upon him as a beast and a social attraction for their amusement.
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When King Henry II died, his wife Queen Catherine de Medici – a woman infamous for her cruelty and coldness – inherited Petrus and decided that it was time for Petrus to marry and to have children. The idea was to produce further “beasts” for the court. In keeping with tradition amongst nobility, a marriage was arranged. The bride-to-be was named Catherine Raffelin and little is known about her except her rare beauty, and that she didn’t meet Petrus until the wedding day. Rumor had it, on their wedding night, Catherine fainted from fear. Catherine eventually overcame her terror when she discovered Petrus was a gentle soul, and a friendship developed between the two.
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The couple was considered an oddity at court, but the queen was pleased when Petrus and Catherine had children, and four of their children had hypertrichosis. After the death of Queen Catherine de Medici, Petrus and Catherine and their children were shunned by the French court and traveled through Europe, presenting themselves as entertainment for various kingdoms. Petrus and Catherine’s children who were deemed “beasts” were taken from their parents and given to other royals as pets. Throughout the years, through all of the trials and tribulations, Petrus and Catherine remained together, side by side. They finally made their home in Italy, and the last mention of Petrus was in 1617, when he attended his grandchild’s christening. It is believed he died in 1618, and was denied a Christian burial since he was still not considered human. Catherine’s death is acknowledged to be in 1623. Their graves’ location is unknown.
            Petrus and Catherine themselves are largely forgotten by contemporary audiences, but they left a lasting impression on the world. In the 18th century, two versions of the French fairytale, Beauty and the Beast, complete with magic, curses, and true love breaking spells, was published and they later became the inspiration for the famous animated Disney classic and other renditions.
  The short segment about Petrus and Catherine on “Mysteries at the Museum” piqued my interest, and I had to know more. Did they love each other? Well, there is no way to know for certain what Petrus and Catherine felt for one another. However, the portrait that remains of the couple, shows Petrus and Catherine standing side by side, and Catherine’s hand is resting on Petrus’ shoulder. From my research, such a gesture shown in artwork was a sign of affection in those days, suggesting Catherine did care about Petrus. And she may have been the only one in the world who was able to see him for the man he was.
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mary-tudor · 2 years
A topic less discussed here concerns those behind the scenes where the royal children are concerned. Arthur Tudor was not an exception: his early years were spent under the care of respectful women of different degrees under the scale of aristocracy before he was handled to a full male court.
Yet, one question remains: who were these people King Henry and Queen Elizabeth trusted not only to care for their son and precious heir but also to educate the next king of England?
Here’s what we do about them.
“By the time he was christened, the first phase of Arthur’s care was established. The nursery was to have a lady governor, supported by four female servants known as chamberers or rockers.
A chamberlain would be appointed to oversee all the other officials and to swear and hold them to their oaths of loyalty and service. The more menial and physical tasks were undertaken by yeomen and grooms.
The relatively small number of offices meant that many of the male servants would have undertaken multiple roles. They would have been found in he chamber and in the hall, especially at meal times. Other men were appointed to specific posts. A sewer organised meals, precedence and seating and oversaw the serving and tasting of food. A panter was put in charge of bread and food supplies. Of greatest importance was the safeguarding of Arthur's wet nurse.
What she ate and drank was key to the health and growth of the baby prince. Her diet and portions were carefully monitored. She would even be watched by a physician as she ate, to ensure that no sudden changes came over her or the boy in her care.
The manager of the Yorkist nursery was Elizabeth Darcy. She had overseen the early upbringing of Queen Elizabeth and all of her royal siblings at Eltham. Darcy was reappointed in 1486 to head a team of nurses and daily attendants that went on to look after the first years of life of all of Henry VII and Elizabeths children.
Darcy brought in her own specialist team - a group of women very familiar to Queen Elizabeth. Arthur's cradle rockers were Agnes Burler, Evelyn Hobbes and Alice Bywymble. The prince’s wet nurse was Elizabeth Gibbs.
(…) The prince's wet nurse, Katherine Gibbs, was paid off in April 1490 with a generous annuity of £20 to come directly from the first monies received at the start of the exchequer year - a notable recognition of how Arthur had been safeguarded in his first thirty months of life.
By the time the arrangement of this payment had made its way through the convoluted exchequer system it is likely that Arthur's household had taken on a different appearance. This was the period of transition from nursery to education and service.
In March 1488, Thomas Poyntz, esquire for the king's body, was rewarded with 40 marks per year partly for services to the prince. Poyntz later received a gift of French books of hours from Arthur, suggesting that the relationships forged in that early stage of his life were lasting and would have continued had Arthur become king. These services were likely to have been related to the tightening of security around Arthur in response to the Household Act passed by Parliament before 18 December the previous year. Poyntz's specific role is not recorded but he is the first of the king's more senior officers to be personally attached to the prince.
Henry VII’s concern for his son’s health is apparent in another grant, made with the king’s ‘cordial affection’ a few months after Poyntz received his reward. Arthur’s doctor was Stephen Bereworth and the medical attention he had already given to Arthur was enough to earn him £40 each year for the rest of his life. By May 1488, when this grant was made, Arthur would have been a toddler, fully weaned and becoming exposed to the childhood ailments, bumps and bruises that as youngsters experience.
(…) In December I488 Robert Knollys, one of the king's henchmen, was instructed to join Arthur's household with a payment of 100s. He could not be admitted to the name roll of servants because the king had placed his sign manual at the head and foot of the roll and left no space for additions. The check-roll might have been small enough to fit on a single sheet at this stage of Arthur's life (it has not survived), but it would soon expand in parallel to the prince's role.
Once Arthur was considered to have grown and matured sufficiently to cope with the endurance test of the ceremonies of his knighthood and creation as Prince of Wales at the end of November 1489, his household also developed a more formal structure in preparation for this changing role. The age of six or seven seems to have been one at which many royal children moved out of the nursery and into a junior version of the royal household." In Prince Arthur's case, this seems to have happened when he was abour three years old.
(…) John Whytyng was described as Arthur's sewer in grants of annuities in November 1489 and January 1490. The naming of Whytyng in a specific appointment indicates that an element of structure and more formal ritual was entering his household.
An important first stage in his development was how the prince began to learn his social role. Mastering the first formal steps of the art of household ritual, etiquette and the hierarchy of social status would lead to a smoother transition into the refined world of court politics and diplomacy.
In January 1490 there is first mention of Richard Howell as marshal of the prince's household. Howell's role was to ensure Arthur's security and to monitor the discipline of the other men and women who served him at Farnham. The greater prominence given to household policing might also indicate that the king's heir was developing a less closeted role within his small community. Once his wet nurse and rockers were no longer required physically, the services provided for Arthur had to begin to mirror that of any other senior noble. Within a few weeks of Howell's appointment, King Henry's servant Thomas Fisher was awarded an annuity of 40 marks on 20 April 1490 as yeoman of the cellar to the prince. His appearance points to a greater sophistication in the way that the prince's meals were prepared and served.
He was soon followed by John Almor, appointed to Arthur's household on 29 October 1490. Almor was a veteran of the king's hall, one of the main military resources of the royal household. He became Arthur's first sergeant-at-arms; a post that would have incorporated the role of a personal bodyguard with broader responsibility for the security of the household such as the vetting of visitors and servants, guarding doors and access, and setting the watch.”
Cunningham, S. “Prince Arthur: The Tudor King Who Never Was.”
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samsoncaine · 2 years
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*NAME: Samson “Sonny” Caine. *AGE: 34. *OCCUPATION: Owner of One Man’s Trash & political activist. *AFFILIATION: Jolly Rogers. *PINTEREST: here !!
»»» graffiti on a brick wall that gets passed by daily, with only the sharpest of eyes noticing how it grows and changes over time; a cat with limbs outstretched, basking in their favorite spot in the sun; fresh-cut flowers wrapped in parchment paper; the desperate belief in angel numbers as signs from above; the loving way a parent blows on their child’s hot food; small gifts given ‘just because’; a candle used to the very bottom of the wick, yet curiously kept; silent tears of glitter and pearl; the quiet spark of revolution; a hero for hire.
NAME: Samson Bodhi Acharya Caine
NICKNAMES: Sonny, Robin Hood
AGE: 34
D.O.B.: tbd ( but getting water / air sign vibes )
GENDER / PRONOUNS: Cisgender man / he & they
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Whitechapel, London
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Gujarati, conversational French
AFFILIATION: Jolly Rogers.
OCCUPATION: Owner of One’s Man Trash, political activist.
EDUCATION: B.A. in Social Sciences & M.A. in Politics & Contemporary History ( King’s College )
SEXUALITY: pansexual panromantic af
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: falls in love 15 times a day, acts accordingly 0 times ( aka single af )
CHILDREN: None, aside from his plants and his cat
POSITIVE TRAITS: affable, congenial, compassionate, engaging, just
NEUTRAL TRAITS: curious, tender-hearted, subversive, unassuming
NEGATIVE TRAITS: credulous, duplicitous, indecisive, self-deprecating
CHARACTER INSPS: Matt Murdock / Daredevil, Robin Hood, Orpheus, Frodo Baggins, Dominic Carisi, Freddie McClair
Sonny, born Samson Bodhi Acharya-Caine, was destined for greatness if greatness alone could be determined by one’s namesake. Given the names of two male predecessors upon birth, the men in question were Samson Caine, his paternal grandfather and the original proprietor of the once-celebrated vintage shop now affectionately called One Man’s Trash; and Bodhi Acharya, his mother’s beloved brother and famed political activist in their native Gujarat. Although the names were meant as honorifics, they instead became a seeming predetermination of Samson’s present-day fate, resulting in a young man resigned to living in the in-betweens of life. 
Through his father’s work as a businessman and his mother’s as a political interpreter, Samson’s youth was filled with travel, art, and culture, and he grew up idolizing both parents in equal, heartfelt measure. Perhaps it was a side effect of the scenery, but during those blissful formative years, the boy was happily committed to following in his parents’ footsteps and quickly learned the interconnected value of business, politics, and interpersonal relationships. It all came naturally, really. He was charismatic, affable, and forward-thinking with an innate sense of justice, and though it was tempting to turn sullen when his parents announced their separation and later divorced, he soon found a new reason to remain sunny: his newborn half-sister, the light of his life — and the very person who christened him with his favored nickname after attempts to teach it to her went delightfully wrong. 
The next two decades saw him grow further into the smart, compassionate boy he’d always been. He graduated secondary school top of his class, and was the recipient of a full ride to King’s College which later landed him a job on the staff of a promising young politician. However, government lost its lustre once one awoke to the reality of how dirty it could get, and after enough scandals wracked the politician he poured his heart, soul, and work into, Samson ( as he’d elected to be called then ) resigned from the job, name inextricably linked to a series of failures and falsehoods. 
He’d always had the heart of a martyr, willing to take the blows if it meant the betterment of others — but this time, it simply seemed impossible to get back into the ring. In the aftermath of the scandals, his name was spoken in hushed whispers within the political realm, always attached to another’s sins, and with every denied application for a low-level role within government or rejection to work some hotshot kid’s political campaign, his martyrdom cemented itself as he resigned from politics altogether. 
The sacrifice came at a fortuitous, though undeniably tenuous, time, what with his father’s ailing health resulting in the struggling family business the man had reluctantly taken over just a few years prior. Sonny, ever the altruist, already had one foot in the door even before his father revealed why the business was important: One Man’s Trash, once a charming vintage shop by a more appealing name, had fallen into the hands of the Jolly Rogers — or, more accurately, his father had, reeling from a few bad investments that put his children’s financial future in jeopardy. After all, one child was lost in the woods of life while the other had just taken her fledgling steps in a career filled with no shortage of risks and instability.
Sonny, no longer wanting to cause his family worry, and unwilling to put his sister at risk, agreed to take on the ownership and management of One Man’s Trash, and has ever since been a member of the Jolly Rogers. Four years later, and he transformed the JR’s favored meeting spot into half-shop, half-bar. He wasn’t an experienced salesperson, but his innate charisma and knack for befriending the unlikeliest of strangers has made him many a sale. In his own way, he still fights for the underdog, most commonly through hosting grassroots events on the bar’s off-nights and taking from the rich to give to the poor. It’s for that reason he was appointed the codename of ‘Robin Hood,’ and in general, he doesn’t shy away from doing what the Jolly Rogers ask of him as long as they don’t interfere with his own goals for the betterment of the city. However, with the recent revelation of trifold corruption at every possible level of London society, Sonny knows he’ll soon have to pick a side: willing hero or reluctant villain.
Sonny is covered with tattoos. Some are ones he’s given himself, while others are simply ones collected throughout the years. His favorite one changes every day ( if not every hour ), but he has a particular soft spot for the first one he got in tribute to his sister — a medium-sized rendering of the cover of a book he used to read her to sleep.
Despite having a relatively slight frame, Sonny regularly competes in amateur boxing matches within the middle-weight class. This is a secret he tries to keep from those closest to him, and a revelation that generally comes as a surprise given his impressively calm, jovial demeanor. His aptitude for boxing came about after he quit his first job, and has remained one of his side hustles since then — and a somewhat healthy way to get his frustration with the world out. He has never admitted aloud that it happens to be something that he enjoys, and tries to hide his identity when competing.
Outside of the ring and in his everyday life, Sonny’s a bit of an extravagant dresser. Though it comes with the territory of owning an antiques shop, and certainly helps to sell interested buyers on the fantasy of it all, he enjoys experimenting with his personal style and often personalizes his wardrobe with ironed-on patches and hand-painted slogans. One of his most signature pieces are his red-lensed sunglasses, which also happen to assist with his acute color blindness.
His favorite section of One Man’s Trash is the books section, most especially the vintage comics. As a young kid, he grew up envisioning himself in the role of superhero, particularly when it became clear that there simply weren’t too many heroes walking around with his complexion or various other facets of his identity. Sometimes, he’ll even toss in a comic for free along with a patron’s purchase — something that he thinks will resonate with that person or provide them with a story they might need to hear.
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blog-gift · 2 months
## Unlock a World of Imagination with EngraveOn.ca’s Personalized Kids Money Banks
In an age where digital entertainment often overshadows traditional play, EngraveOn.ca offers a timeless way to blend creativity and financial literacy with their exquisite collection of kids' money bank gifts. These aren’t just any piggy banks; they are finely crafted metal and pewter chromed masterpieces, each one a cherished keepsake that teaches the value of saving while igniting a child's imagination.
### Why Choose EngraveOn.ca Money Banks?
**1. Unique Designs to Inspire Young Minds:**
Each money bank from EngraveOn.ca tells a story. Whether it's the whimsical **Block ABC**, the adventurous **Noah’s Ark**, the heroic **Fire Truck**, the classic **Train**, the mythical **Dragon**, the enchanting **Castle**, or the dynamic **Helicopter**, these designs are more than just saving tools. They are gateways to imaginative play, encouraging children to weave their own tales and embark on countless adventures.
**2. Premium Craftsmanship:**
Crafted from high-quality metal and pewter, these money banks are built to last. The chrome finish adds a touch of elegance, making them a beautiful addition to any child's room decor. The meticulous attention to detail in each piece ensures that these banks are not just functional but also delightful to look at.
**3. Personalized Touch:**
One of the standout features of EngraveOn.ca’s money banks is the option for personalized engraving. Adding a child’s name, a special date, or a heartfelt message transforms these money banks into treasured keepsakes. This personalization makes them perfect for birthdays, christenings, or any special occasion, providing a lifelong reminder of the gift-giver’s love and thoughtfulness.
### Spotlight on Popular Designs
**Block ABC:**
Perfect for younger children, the Block ABC design features playful letters and a vibrant, educational theme. It's a fun way to introduce toddlers to the alphabet while encouraging them to save their pennies. Learn more about the [Block ABC Money Bank](https://engraveon.ca/product/gift-ideas/for-family/for-kids/banks-gift/large-abc-block-money-bank-with-chrome-finish-engraved/) and how it can become a cherished keepsake for your child.
**Noah’s Ark:**
This design is a timeless favorite, depicting the classic biblical story with charming animal pairs. It's an ideal gift for a christening or a child's first birthday, blending religious significance with the joy of saving. Learn more about the [Noah’s Ark Money Bank](https://engraveon.ca/product/gift-ideas/for-family/for-kids/banks-gift/noahs-ark-bank-engravable/) and how it can become a cherished keepsake for your child.
**Fire Truck:**
For the little hero in your life, the Fire Truck money bank is sure to be a hit. With its detailed chrome finish and realistic design, it inspires bravery and a sense of duty. Check out the [Fire Truck Money Bank](https://engraveon.ca/product/gift-ideas/for-family/for-kids/banks-gift/fire-engine-silver-plated-chrome-money-bank-box/) to see how it can become a lasting treasure for your child.
The Train money bank appeals to young rail enthusiasts. Its classic locomotive design is perfect for children who dream of adventures on the rails, teaching them to save for their future journeys. Discover more about the [Train Money Bank](https://engraveon.ca/product/gift-ideas/for-family/for-kids/banks-gift/train-money-bank-with-chrome-finish/) and inspire your child’s next great adventure.
Ignite a child’s imagination with the Dragon money bank. This mythical creature sparks tales of knights, quests, and treasures, making saving money an exciting adventure.
The Castle money bank is ideal for aspiring princes and princesses. Its intricate design and regal chrome finish make it a standout piece, perfect for sparking dreams of royal adventures.
For the little aviator, the Helicopter money bank is a thrilling choice. With its sleek design and chrome finish, it inspires dreams of high-flying adventures and explorations. Check out the [Helicopter Money Bank](https://engraveon.ca/product/gift-ideas/for-family/for-kids/banks-gift/helicopter-bank-pewter/) to add a touch of airborne excitement to your child's saving habits.
### The Perfect Gift
EngraveOn.ca’s personalized money banks are not just gifts; they are investments in a child’s future. They teach important lessons about saving and financial responsibility, all while providing endless hours of imaginative play. Each money bank is a blend of artistry, durability, and personalization, ensuring it will be cherished for years to come.
### Conclusion
In a world full of fleeting digital gadgets, EngraveOn.ca offers a tangible, lasting way to inspire children. Their beautifully crafted, personalized money banks are more than just savings tools—they are storytellers, teachers, and lifelong companions. Choose EngraveOn.ca for your next gift, and give a child the treasure of a lifetime.
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brainiac0 · 2 months
Perfect Newborn Baby Gifts: A Guide to Thoughtful Choices
Welcoming a newborn into the world is a momentous occasion that calls for celebration and thoughtful gestures. If you’re on the hunt for the perfect new born baby gift, look no further. Whether you’re a doting relative, a close friend, or a colleague wanting to express your joy and best wishes, finding a gift that is both practical and meaningful can make a lasting impression. At Brainiac Toys, we understand the importance of nurturing young minds right from the start. Here’s a curated selection of gifts that are sure to delight both baby and parents alike.
1. Educational Toys
Toys that stimulate a baby’s senses and encourage early development are always a hit. Look for toys that are designed to enhance sensory exploration, such as soft books with contrasting colors, textured balls, or musical toys that play soothing melodies. Brainiac Toys offers a range of educational toys that are not only fun but also foster cognitive and motor skill development in infants.
2. Personalized Keepsakes
Mark this special occasion with a personalized gift that the family can cherish forever. Personalized items like embroidered blankets, custom-made baby clothing, or engraved silverware are not only practical but also serve as heartfelt mementos of the baby’s arrival. Brainiac Toys can personalize select items to add that extra special touch to your gift.
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3. Baby Care Essentials
New parents are always in need of practical essentials for their newborn. Consider putting together a gift basket filled with organic baby lotions, gentle bath products, and hypoallergenic diapers. Brainiac Toys stocks a variety of eco-friendly and baby-safe products that ensure you’re giving a gift that’s both useful and safe for the baby’s delicate skin.
4. Nursery Decor
Help create a cozy and welcoming nursery environment with decorative items that complement the baby’s space. Think colorful mobiles, soft rugs, or wall art that features soothing patterns and colors. Brainiac Toys offers a selection of nursery decor items that are not only adorable but also designed to stimulate the baby’s visual senses.
5. Developmental Books
Introduce the gift of reading early on with a collection of board books designed for infants. Opt for books with large, colorful pictures and simple text that parents can read aloud to their baby toys. Brainiac Toys stocks a variety of baby-friendly books that promote early language skills and a love for reading from an early age.
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Why Choose Brainiac Toys?
At Brainiac Toys, we specialize in gifts that promote learning and development from infancy through childhood. Our carefully curated selection of newborn baby gifts ensures that you’re giving a present that aligns with our commitment to quality, safety, and educational value. Whether you’re shopping for a baby shower, a christening, or simply want to send your congratulations, our range of gifts caters to every occasion and budget.
Choosing the perfect newborn baby gift is about celebrating the joyous arrival of a new life while also offering practical support to the new parents. Whether you opt for educational toys, personalized keepsakes, baby care essentials, nursery decor, or developmental books, your thoughtful gesture will be remembered for years to come. Visit Brainiac Toys today to explore our full range of newborn baby gifts and find the ideal present that reflects your joy and well wishes for the newest addition to the family.
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josalukkasblog · 3 months
Sparkling Smiles: A Guide to Kids' Jewelry
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A Guide to Kids' Jewelry
Kids' jewelry is more than just miniature versions of adult pieces. It's a delightful blend of playfulness, safety, and style, designed to bring joy and sparkle to young lives. Whether it's for a birthday, a special occasion, or just because, children's jewelry makes a thoughtful and cherished gift. Let's explore the charming world of kids' jewelry and discover the perfect pieces for the little ones in your life.
1. Safety First: Choosing the Right Materials
When it comes to kids' jewelry, safety is paramount. Ensure that the pieces are made from hypoallergenic materials such as sterling silver, gold, or medical-grade stainless steel to prevent allergic reactions. Avoid jewelry with small parts that can be a choking hazard. Opt for pieces with secure clasps and smooth edges to prevent any accidental injuries.
2. Popular Types of Kids' Jewelry
a. Bracelets
Bracelets are a popular choice for kids. From charm bracelets that can be personalized with their favorite characters or symbols to simple bangles, there's a style for every child. Look for adjustable bracelets to accommodate growing wrists.
b. Necklaces
Necklaces with cute pendants are a hit among kids. Choose lightweight designs featuring animals, hearts, stars, or their initials. Breakaway clasps are a great feature for added safety, ensuring the necklace releases easily if tugged too hard.
c. Earrings
For kids with pierced ears, stud earrings are the safest option. Tiny studs with designs like flowers, butterflies, or their birthstone add a touch of sparkle without being too heavy or cumbersome. Ensure the earrings have secure backings to prevent them from falling out.
d. Rings
Rings for kids should be simple and adjustable. Opt for designs with their favorite motifs or birthstones. Avoid sharp edges or protruding elements that could cause discomfort or injury.
3. Personalized Jewelry
Personalized jewelry is a fantastic way to make a gift extra special. Engraved bracelets or necklaces with their name, initials, or a special date can become treasured keepsakes. Customizable charm bracelets also allow kids to create their own unique piece of jewelry.
4. Jewelry for Special Occasions
Kids' jewelry is perfect for commemorating special occasions. From christenings and birthdays to holidays and graduations, a piece of jewelry can serve as a lasting memento. Consider pieces that can grow with them, such as adjustable bracelets or necklaces with extension chains.
5. Educational Aspect
Jewelry can also have an educational component. Bead kits and DIY jewelry sets encourage creativity and fine motor skills. They allow kids to design and create their own pieces, fostering a sense of accomplishment and artistic expression.
6. Caring for Kids' Jewelry
Teaching kids how to care for their jewelry is important. Simple practices like keeping jewelry in a safe place, avoiding contact with water, and cleaning with a soft cloth can help maintain the pieces' shine and durability.
Kids' jewelry is a wonderful way to introduce children to the world of adornments, offering them a sense of style and a way to express their individuality. By choosing safe, age-appropriate pieces and incorporating personal touches, you can gift a piece that will be cherished for years to come. Sparkling smiles are guaranteed when little ones receive a thoughtful piece of jewelry made just for them.
Feel free to add your own personal anecdotes or tips to make this post resonate even more with your readers!
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peternelthorpe · 7 months
Christening Gift Ideas
New Post has been published on https://smallgiftideas.org/christening-gift-ideas/
Christening Gift Ideas
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Tired of giving the same old generic gifts for christenings? Have you ever considered adding a touch of personalization and thoughtfulness to your present?
There are countless options out there that will truly make your gift stand out and be cherished for years to come. From personalized baby blankets to meaningful children's books, the possibilities are endless.
So, why settle for the ordinary when you can give something extraordinary?
Key Takeaways
Personalized baby blankets and engraved silver keepsakes offer practicality and sentimentality.
Religious symbolism in gifts like engraved pendants and handcrafted wooden crosses adds depth.
Customization and tailoring create unique outfits and baptism gowns for a special touch.
Educational children's books enrich spiritual teachings and family traditions for a meaningful gift.
Personalized Baby Blankets
When choosing a christening gift, consider opting for personalized baby blankets to add a special touch to your present. Personalized baby blankets aren't only practical but also sentimental, making them a cherished keepsake for the baby and their family. The soft fabric of the blanket provides comfort and warmth, while the personalization adds a unique and thoughtful element to your gift.
Embroidered pillows and monogrammed bibs are also excellent choices to complement the personalized baby blankets. The embroidered pillows can serve as decorative pieces in the baby's nursery, adding a cozy and personalized touch to the room. On the other hand, monogrammed bibs aren't only functional but also stylish, making feeding time a more enjoyable and personalized experience for the baby and their parents.
Engraved Silver Keepsakes
Consider selecting a few engraved silver keepsakes to add a touch of elegance and sentimentality to your christening gift choice. Silver jewelry or tiny baby shoes with personalized engravings can serve as cherished mementos for the little one's special day. These keepsakes not only symbolize the purity and innocence of the child but also act as timeless pieces that can be treasured for years to come.
In addition to silver jewelry and baby shoes, engraved silver photo frames make for a classic christening gift. Choose a beautiful frame to hold a precious moment captured during the ceremony or any other memorable occasion in the child's life. The shimmering silver will accentuate the photo while the engraving adds a personal touch that resonates with the significance of the event.
Religious symbols engraved on silver pieces like pendants or bracelets can also be thoughtful christening gifts. These symbols serve as reminders of faith and protection, making them meaningful keepsakes that connect the child to their spiritual roots.
Handcrafted Wooden Crosses
For a unique and meaningful christening gift option, explore the beauty and symbolism of handcrafted wooden crosses. Handcrafted wooden crosses are not just decorative pieces; they hold deep significance as religious symbols, making them perfect gifts to mark this special occasion. These crosses are often intricately designed through wood carving techniques, adding a touch of artistry and craftsmanship to the religious symbol they represent.
To help you understand the appeal of handcrafted wooden crosses, here is a comparison table showcasing their charm:
Feature Handcrafted Wooden Crosses Material High-quality wood Design Intricate wood carving Symbolism Religious significance Uniqueness One-of-a-kind creations Meaningful Gift Perfect for christenings
Customized Christening Outfits
Thinking of a distinctive touch for the christening ceremony? Consider personalized christening outfits with unique embroidery designs and tailored baptism gowns. These customized outfits add a special element to the occasion, reflecting the significance of the event and creating lasting memories for your little one.
Unique embroidery designs on christening outfits can include the baby's name, meaningful symbols, or dates that hold sentimental value to your family. These intricate details make the outfit truly one-of-a-kind and enhance the spiritual significance of the ceremony.
Opting for tailored baptism gowns ensures a perfect fit for your child, allowing them to feel comfortable and look their best on this important day. The attention to detail in the design and construction of these outfits showcases the care and thought put into selecting the perfect christening attire.
Meaningful Children's Books
Delving into meaningful children's books can enrich your child's imagination and foster a love for storytelling from an early age. When selecting books for your little one, consider ones that resonate with your family traditions and impart spiritual teachings. Family traditions play a significant role in shaping a child's sense of belonging and identity. Look for books that celebrate these traditions, whether it's a story about a family gathering for a special occasion or a tale that highlights the importance of passing down customs from one generation to the next.
Spiritual teachings found in children's books can instill valuable lessons about kindness, empathy, and morality. Stories that explore themes of love, forgiveness, and gratitude can help your child develop a strong moral compass from a young age. By incorporating these spiritual elements into your child's reading material, you aren't only nurturing their intellectual growth but also nurturing their soul. Choose books that spark meaningful conversations and allow your child to ponder life's deeper questions in a way that's accessible and engaging for their young minds.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are Some Budget-Friendly Options for Christening Gifts?
Looking for budget-friendly options for christening gifts? Consider personalized alternatives that are gender neutral and modern. These choices allow you to create a special gift that fits any style.
Opt for items that can be cherished for years to come, ensuring your present stands out. By selecting a thoughtful and unique gift, you can make a lasting impression without breaking the bank.
How Can I Ensure That the Christening Gift I Choose Is Appropriate for the Baby's Gender?
To ensure the christening gift fits the baby's gender, look for something gender-neutral. Personalize it with a touch of customization, making it special for the little one.
Remember, practicality and sentimentality go a long way. When in doubt, opt for a gift that can be cherished regardless of gender.
As they say, 'One size fits all' when it comes to thoughtful presents for babies.
Are There Any Traditional Symbols or Motifs That Are Commonly Used in Christening Gifts?
When looking for christening gifts, it's common to find symbolic motifs like angels, crosses, or hearts that represent love, protection, and faith. These traditional symbols hold deep meaning and are often incorporated into modern trends to create timeless gifts.
Can I Personalize a Christening Gift With the Baby's Birthdate or Initials?
Yes, you can definitely personalize a christening gift with the baby's birthdate or initials. It adds a special touch and makes the gift more meaningful.
Personalized keepsakes, customized clothing, engraved jewelry, and monogrammed accessories are all wonderful options for creating a unique and memorable gift.
Are There Any Specific Cultural or Religious Considerations to Keep in Mind When Selecting a Christening Gift?
When selecting a christening gift, it's crucial to consider cultural sensitivity and religious significance.
Be mindful of the traditions and beliefs of the family or community the baby belongs to.
Respect their customs by choosing a gift that aligns with their values and practices.
This shows your thoughtfulness and consideration for their cultural and religious background, fostering a sense of belonging and unity during this special occasion.
When choosing a christening gift, remember that it's not just a present, but a symbol of love and blessings for the little one. Personalized baby blankets, engraved silver keepsakes, handcrafted wooden crosses, customized outfits, and meaningful children's books all make wonderful choices.
So go ahead and pick out the perfect gift that will be cherished for years to come. Your thoughtfulness will shine brighter than a thousand twinkling stars in the night sky!
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writer59january13 · 1 year
Self destructive wickedness arrested, convicted, and gaoled...
with kidnapping little boy
ordered to suffer
life sentence without parole. The deadly scourge of one obsessive/compulsive disorder
nearly left me starving to death.
Anorexia nervosa absent bulimia nadir of onset diagnoses schizoid personality disorder severe social anxiety still legion I aire behavior which agonizingly elicited slow suicide
courtesy self starvation
maelstrom within psyche of self as prepubescent lad
(particularly devastated immediate family members)
as emaciation pitted existential revulsion from unseen
wuthering heights betook courtesy yours truly
teased, hectored, and called “professor,”
when riding the school bus
nearly wrung death knell
annihilating fragile entity christened Matthew Scott Harris
with peremptory imprimatur yielding covalent bond to life
readily obvious to kith and kin
via zorro like signature per profound perilous depressive psychological state.
Now - at about
three decades plus six years from attaining rank of centenarian
perfect 20/20 hindsight
offers supreme advantage from swift current near drowning alluded earlier when das scribe juiced thwarted leapfrogging from pollywog tad metamorphosed
to witness puberty, whence devastating emotional crisis tripped, trilled,
and tricked aborted
natural healthy development
chronological denouement demise
jump/kick started
theorizing numerous educated guesses
within mind of
middle progeny and sole sol
(of the both late father and mother
Boyce and Harriet Harris) respectively
why he willfully hurtled his flesh at light speed
down the abyss toward death.
Literal and physical lightness of being
manifested within nooks and crannies
prior to full blown symptoms
to eliminate sustenance
drawing the curtain on brief residence
way before high noon of life.
Metamorphosis from boyhood
kindled burning man
found solace in attempting
to keep at bay of pigs hijacked
natural cycle, which seminal
transformation grieved me
to pine for nostalgic childhood’s end (albeit one fraught with romanticism)
vengefully interpreted attempt
to halt dead in the tracks intervention of mother,
whose nursing experience helped fend off passive attempt
to promulgate passive
silent plan to fruition.
She whipped various nutritious concoctions in the blender
to ensure minimal essentials to this, I readily admit) famished body
in conjunction with applying vital supplements into
one or the other skeletal
gluteus maximus
thru fuel injection,
which submissiveness to acquiesce, and bare bony buttocks
to receive iron injections
did absolutely nothing to squelch death wish.
I inexorably did buzzfeed
hashtagged eating disorder to go on a deadly hunger strike,
which essentially constituted declaration of independent control
despite horrendous craving for food jabbed innards like a pike
bifurcated psychic division
to live ousted coeval death wish goal
to seize yore reminiscent blissful, (albeit fictional) childhood over flooded self made damned dike
engaging, engendering, engineering
propensity to catapult yours truly into abysmal emotional hole
and way before the invention of Facebook, I mentally clicked like
to surrender mailer daemons all of me healthy development stole.
Imprimatur indelibly etched decades after bout with passive exit from life
crimp on psycho/social skills plus stunted physical growth cuts like a knife
affecting mental health with panic attacks and anxiety although existence
considerably less riddled qua debilitating symptoms
(such as vertigo, racing heart, profuse sweating, nausea, irritable bowels)
relying on the following prescription medications: BUSPIRONE HCL 15 MG TABLET
To add insult to injury yours truly also gifted
courtesy split uvula
but did little to ameliorate
the writer of these words
suffering brickbats as scape goat, whereby severe adenoidal vocalizations
allowed, enabled, and provided an easy target viz black barbs poised to strike, hurled,
and bullied me by peers.
Up until I entered six grade
(at Henry Kline elementary -
a one classroom per grade school)
classmates bullied, derided,
and feigned to hammer -
jabbing leering, nasty pimping ragout as a rule
which boyhood self of mine availed
a perfect bullseye target
with combination of diminutiveness,
being painfully quiet,
essentially remaining mum the entire day except when called upon
to answer question thence utterance emanating between lips
produced and emitted
a strong nasal sound to boot
grist for the mill
sans malice meted, mimicked, and mocked mashup
of mine warped congestion
ah, twas only by a fluke conversation,
whence speech pathologist
informed my parents about
The Lancaster cleft palate clinic,
where oral an examination
revealed minor birth defect
identified as a submucous cleft palate,
which explained the severe pinched twang
somewhat mitigated by wearing
a removable prosthetic
fastened with clasps to upper teeth
whereby a makeshift miniature
plastic protuberance closed the gap (at the expense of practically gagging me)
so air would be prevented
passing thru my button nose,
and thus gentle and soft as a shutterfly
shunted air out oral opening
though congenital defect disallowed
returning merchandise back to sender nor could blame be affixed
at either father nor mother
who both harbored the genetic mutation
now such admissions
re: aforementioned impediment allows,
enables and provides boasting rights if in a mood temper
any curiosity or satisfying a rumor whispered down the alley whence I said “ah”
left nagging nincompoops
as if pie hole filled with a gobstopper.
0 notes
greyhound007 · 1 year
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The Carnation, scientifically known as Dianthus caryophyllus, is a captivating flower cherished for its beauty, versatility, and rich history. With its delicate, ruffled petals and alluring fragrance, the Carnation has become a symbol of love, admiration, and gratitude, making it a popular choice for various occasions and celebrations.
Originating in the Mediterranean region, the Carnation has a long and storied past dating back over 2,000 years. The name "Carnation" is believed to have been derived from the Latin word "corone" or "coronation," as the flower was often used in ancient ceremonial crowns or garlands. Its botanical name, Dianthus, is a combination of two Greek words: "dios," which means "divine," and "anthos," which means "flower."
One of the most remarkable aspects of the Carnation is its wide range of colors, each carrying its own significance. The traditional pink Carnation symbolizes maternal love and affection, making it a popular choice on Mother's Day. Red Carnations are associated with deep love and passion, often exchanged between romantic partners. White Carnations, on the other hand, signify pure love and innocence, making them a common choice for weddings and christenings. Additionally, there are varieties in shades of purple, yellow, and even green, each holding unique meanings of their own.
Throughout history, the Carnation has been celebrated and revered by various cultures and civilizations. In ancient Rome, the flower was used in garlands and wreaths during festivals, and it was also a favored ingredient in perfumes and cosmetics. During the Renaissance period, the popularity of Carnations soared, and they became a cherished subject in art and literature. The Carnation's association with love and admiration further solidified during the Victorian era, where it was used extensively to convey heartfelt emotions, often through the language of flowers.
Beyond its symbolism, the Carnation boasts practical qualities that have contributed to its lasting appeal. As a cut flower, Carnations are known for their exceptional longevity, making them a favorite for floral arrangements and bouquets. With proper care, these resilient blooms can stay fresh and vibrant for up to two weeks, making them an excellent gift choice for those seeking long-lasting beauty and fragrance.
Carnations are not only beautiful but also hold cultural significance. In many countries, they are used to celebrate Mother's Day, and in some, they represent the national flower. For instance, in Spain, the red Carnation is the symbol of the Labor Day holiday, while in Slovenia, the Carnation represents respect for teachers and educators.
In modern times, the Carnation continues to hold its place as a cherished flower for various celebrations and events. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, wedding, or just an expression of love and admiration, the Carnation remains a popular and meaningful choice. From elaborate floral arrangements to simple single stems, this timeless flower continues to captivate hearts and inspire emotions, proving that its allure has stood the test of time.
0 notes
Blessings and Tokens of Love: Unique Baby Christening Gifts in Ireland
Introduction: A baby's christening is a momentous occasion, filled with joy, love, and celebration. In Ireland, this significant event holds great cultural and religious importance. As family and friends come together to witness the sacrament, it is customary to present the child with a special christening gift, symbolizing blessings and well-wishes for their future. In this article, we explore the enchanting world of unique baby christening gifts in Ireland, offering inspiration and ideas for those seeking the perfect token of love for this cherished milestone.
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Traditional Irish Keepsakes: Ireland boasts a rich heritage, and traditional christening gifts pay homage to its cultural roots. From beautifully crafted Celtic crosses and shamrock-adorned jewelry to intricately embroidered baby blankets and hand-knit Aran sweaters, these gifts serve as lasting symbols of Irish identity and blessings for the child's journey ahead.
Personalized Treasures: Personalized christening gifts are a wonderful way to create a lasting memory. Consider items such as engraved silver spoons or cups, monogrammed blankets or clothing, or custom-made photo albums filled with precious moments captured during the child's early days. These thoughtful, one-of-a-kind gifts become cherished heirlooms, treasured by the child and their family for years to come.
Spiritual and Religious Gifts: Given the religious significance of a christening, gifts with spiritual symbolism are particularly meaningful. A small silver or gold cross pendant, a guardian angel figurine, or a Bible engraved with the child's name and date of baptism are all popular choices. These gifts serve as reminders of faith and provide comfort as the child embarks on their spiritual journey.
Timeless Jewelry: Jewelry holds a special place in commemorating a baby's christening. Delicate bracelets, necklaces, or cufflinks adorned with birthstones, pearls, or intricate designs are classic gifts that can be cherished throughout a lifetime. Consider selecting a piece that can be passed down through generations, carrying with it the blessings of love and family ties.
Educational and Inspirational Gifts: Inspire the child's curiosity and love for learning by gifting educational and inspirational presents. Books with moral tales, personalized storybooks that feature the child as the protagonist, or a savings account to start their future education fund are all thoughtful options. These gifts not only celebrate the child's spiritual beginning but also encourage their personal growth and development.
Gift Vouchers and Experiences: For those who prefer a more flexible approach, gift vouchers for baby boutiques, toy stores, or children's clothing shops allow the child's parents to choose a gift that best suits their needs and preferences. Alternatively, consider presenting the family with an experience voucher for a day out at a local zoo, theme park, or a family photoshoot to create lasting memories.
Conclusion: Choosing a baby christening gift in Ireland is an opportunity to convey blessings, love, and well-wishes for a child's future. Whether opting for traditional Irish keepsakes, personalized treasures, spiritual symbols, timeless jewelry, educational gifts, or experiences, the key is to select a gift that resonates with the family and carries heartfelt sentiments. By presenting a unique and thoughtful token of love, you contribute to the celebration of this cherished milestone and create lasting memories for the child and their family.
For more info :-
Baby Christening Gifts Ireland
Personalized Baby Gifts Ireland
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This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter.
Thanks to ETBear in my discord for suggesting this week’s theme revolving around Beer, Cider, and Wine. Let’s get to it.
You get to start off things with a recipe for Poor Man’s Everyday Drinking Mead. Take 10 to 12 pounds of honey, 4 Gallons of Spring Water, 2 packages of Fleischmann's dry yeast… and 1 cup of Grape Nuts Cereal. Apparently yes, you CAN brew this into a daily-drinker, though you’ll need to strain it before you drink it, of course. The cost is about $58 dollars a batch, but if you can handle TANG with breakfast, you can handle this for breakfast too.
You get to be all erudite and educated this week. Have you heard of the sparkling, carbonated, wine from France called “Champagne”? Of course you have. BUT did you know about a similar product called, “Prosecco”? It’s also a sparkling wine, but hails from Northeastern Italy. Legally it can’t be called Champagne, but it’s the same type of product made from a different grape in a different location. This week buy a cheap bottle of Prosecco to christen your boat as it comes out of dry dock this week.
Looks like you got gifted something creative this week! “WolfeHeartGriff” over on Twitter suggested this drink they created a couple years ago. Take cream soda, mix in some Kraken spiced rum, and serve in a glass featuring Octavia. They didn’t suggest chilling the glass, but I will. They call this drink, "Octy's Hard Cream", and it sounds great. Maybe float a digestive biscuit on the top, layer a little more rum on that and light it on fire for someone’s birthday. This weekend, after being intellectual all week, enjoy it cold, straight, however you like - just keep it classy!
Cancer Moon-Child 
Do you know what country is the world’s largest producer of cider? Here’s a hint, they spell it “c-i-d-r-e” over there. That’s right, “France”! By regulations French cider makers must use specific apples designated for cider production; not like in the U.S. where you can get away with almost anything. Plus the U.S. version has more than double the alcohol than the French version. So this week find any left-over bottles of apple cider and start fermenting it yourself.
Cider, either hard or soft, is generally made from apples. But there is also a product called “Perry”, that is cider made from pears. Just like its apple cousin it can be fermented, but why would you do that to yourself? Why not just do it to someone else? This week, buy a bottle of Perry and send it to someone you tolerate. They deserve it. 
There is a specific compound in red wine called “Tannins” that’s responsible for how bitter or “drying” it feels in your face. It’s found in the grape skins and acts as a preservative; so red wines with higher tannin can age longer than white wines (which don’t have tannin) or red wines with lower tannin. Eventually the tannins fall out of suspension, forming sediment at the bottom of the bottle. This week, get some paper coffee filters to keep your classy red wine… classy.
First off; this week buy a pallet of your favorite carbonated cola. As to why? Because it is possible, however lengthy, to ferment it into something called “Coke Shine”! You’ll only get about 8% alcohol, but it might be cheaper than buying the booze to add to your Coke or Pepsi or RC or White Rock…
Since we’re working on a lot of mixed drinks, we’d like to remind you of something important. You should NOT add ice cubes to wine - especially not red wine. But if you DID want to add something cold to red wine, use frozen fruits and berries to make a sangria. Please remember to SIP your drink, don’t GULP it. We don’t want you swallowing the berries whole. And don’t use grapes. That’s just gross. 
Time to sound really smart. Next time you’re at the bar order “a Drambuie and Coke on the rocks”. Your friends will think you know what you’re talking about, but both you and the bartender will know what you’re really ordering is, basically, a Rusty Nail. It’ll be worth it. 
You ALSO get to order something from the bar that most people will poo-poo at. Combine white rum, lime juice, sugar, mint leaves, and soda water. Yes, this drink is known as a Mojito. If you are looking to stay hydrated during an extended weekend filled with walking and talking and mingling with lots of people, maybe this isn’t the best drink for you. But then again if you’re drinking these consistently, chances are you’re just old and set in your ways. This week, tell the kids to get offa your lawn. 
There is something called “Wheat Beer” we need to tell you about. It’s a top-fermented beer, brewed with a large proportion of wheat relative to the amount of malted barley. The main varieties are German Weizenbier and Belgian Witbier. Just because it’s got a lot of wheat doesn’t mean it’s a replacement for the bread in your sandwich. Since you’re too old to enjoy “Liquid Lunch”, this week enjoy Beverage Breakfast! 
Grasshopper. Your favorite drink is a Grasshopper. It’s an unmistakable shocking green neon colour, visible from a 12-people deep queue. The only reason you order it is to show off how much of a tool you are to the bartender and the people around you who have to watch this milky-green witch’s cauldron concoction fall into your face. The only people who order this drink are you and the old blue-haired biddies who can’t be bothered to take off their, “I Like Ike” campaign buttons. This week stop showing off. You’re not fooling anyone.
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Discord.
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glamour-queennn · 2 years
Do You Have at least some idea What is the Male Piece of the Flower?
As florists have the troublesome errand of transforming flowers into show-stoppers, it's important they know all that they can about the secrets to success. Flowers and realizing basic things like what is the male piece of the flower assists a florist with presenting the most potential innovative and freshest plans. Floristry is a specialized workmanship and knowing how to orchestrate flowers isn't something a person will in general just get. For top rated online florists, take a look at www.theflowershop28.com send next day flowers uk wide at affordable prices.
The cultivation of flowers is called floristry, however this workmanship and art can likewise be remembered for the description of botanical plan. Organizing flowers and flower care include a fair plan of information and numerous obligations. Florists need to attempt to keep flowers fresh and energetic in variety until the time has come to have them organized in a container or bin, or sold with no guarantees. Most of flowers in North America travel long good ways from Miami, where they are developed.
It doesn't take an extremely careful education to realize what the pieces of a flower are. People ought to have the option to perceive that flowers are plants, and have roots under the ground as well as a stem above. Flowers will have leaves on the stem, and afterward the actual flower either finishing the plant or growing out along other stems to either side.
A portion of the many pieces of a flower are male and some are female. The essential male part is known as the stamen and it is involved the anther and fiber. The fiber is dainty and holds up the anther. The anther creates and holds the dust. In a flower there are usually however many stamen as there are petals.
The other pieces of a flower are female, and are incorporated inside the pistil. The shame is frequently tacky and enlarged, and it's to this that dust dropped from visiting bugs or birds drops and sticks. Underneath the shame is the style, which holds the disgrace on high. The ovary, which is underneath both and usually at the lower part of the flower contains the ovule. The ovule will ultimately turn into the flower's seeds.
A florist's business depends on selling flowers prepared for any occasion. While flowers are generally well known at weddings and funerals, they likewise make extraordinary gifts for other times. Birthdays, child christenings and other gatherings truly do well to have flowers present in a lovely game plan. Flowers can be delivered right to a person's entryway by most florist organizations, despite the fact that it's more pleasant to be available and watch someone's face when they receive flowers.
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naensut · 3 years
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Is it villain bruno au? Medieval crazy uncle come to protect his niece with a with similar powers as his? Fantasy kingdom au? Dark something?! I don’t hecking know! But sometimes you just gotta DRAW LIKE A MANIAC DAMMIT!!!
(btw this was partly inspired by @c-rose2081‘s fic Golden Halos. The setting is different but their powers pretty much the same)
Umm..yes..hello? @c-rose2081 just  wrote a one-shot of this and I’m sharing it in this post as well because it’s so frickin GOOD:
@c-rose2081 asked:This was loosely inspired by your most recent art of Bruno with a sword. Couldn’t help myself :) Up to you if you’d like to share it! I just thought I’d share it with you 🥰✨
— Bruno knew the night she was born that Princesa Mirabel Valentina Rojas Madrigal was a gift from the gods. Unlike her sisters and cousins, who had been born within the safety of alabaster stone pylons, and in the presence of trained nursemaids draped in maroon and gold silks, Princesa Mirabel had no such luxury. Unlike her sister Isabela, who’s head was christened in rosewater the minute she was birthed, or Luisa who was immediately coddled in the finest of linens to warm, Mirabel was handled by a woman who’s name Bruno could not even recall, and had callouses across her flat palms. The infant was a bloody, whining, squirming thing; hardly elegant nor godlike. And rather then clean ivory walls burning lightly with incense cradling this new babe, she was born in a crooked old barn not far from the trade road, where the scent of animal and rainstorm tainted his nostrils raw. Yet Bruno, high Prince of Encanto, son of Queen Alma and subsequent heir to the throne, couldn’t have care less. He was enthralled by the baby, and held his sister Julieta’s hand as she struggled through labor far from the comforts of home. And though she was settled now, her glistening collar dabbed at by a young boy no older then 7, she smiled at the sky as her grip released. No doubt silently thanking whoever looked down upon them for bringing her third daughter into the world without fail. “Healthy,” the woman said — the same who’s hands were still bloodstained up to her elbows, “a beautiful girl, your highnesses.” And Bruno hesitantly extended his arms to hold the babe, wrapped so haphazardly in burlap cloth that was harsh against his smooth, unblemished palms. Yet as Bruno pulled her close to him, staring down at a face that so reflected that of his eldest, kindest sister, his heart was set alight with a new, protective fire. When his other nieces and nephews had been born, it had been quite sometime before he was allowed to meet them. And it was all very staged, like he was made to wait with the rest of the kingdom to see for himself the new addition to their family line. Even now they seemed so distant from him, running about sections of the palace dedicated to their godly gifts, and their learning. But here, under a dark, drizzling sky, he held his smallest niece for the first time on his own terms, and knew that she would be his world. The babe was perfectly imperfect, and Bruno knew that she would be spoiled rotten. He would do everything in his power to make it so, and already his head filled with the extravagant gifts with which he would shower her. How many golden laid toys, silk gowns of blue and white, and stitched animals with sapphire eyes he would so willingly lay down at her feet. For Bruno had no children of his own. No heirs, much to the displeasure of his Mama. But Bruno was a scholar by trade; an educator and a speaker of words. He was hardly a Prince at all, and had little care for love when his sisters were far better suited to taking the throne one day. But perhaps, this little one could fill the hole he didn’t even realize had been in his heart for so long. “I give you my sword, mi sobrinita,” he mumbled, feeling the hilt still strapped at his side, “I swear myself to it,” And, as though hearing his words for herself, Mirabel opened her eyes for the first time. And for a second of pure wonder, they shone the brightest of sunshine golds before fading back into the warmest, richest brown, “you will be a wonder, mi Princesa,” Bruno rasped, running a square finger across her cheek as she stared up at him intently, “mi Mirabel,”
It’s so beautiful.. 🥺
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