#edit: thanks for the milestone as well ily all
barzzal · 3 years
henlo just a shortie psa bc i was mia for almost a month. uni has been a lot for me mid-april til now and finals starts tomorrow so i don’t think i’ll be fully back yet. anw, i still owe some of you blurbs from ww and i’ll post everything as soon as i get back on writing. the same goes with fic updates btw. also, i haven’t checked my notifs and inbox yet so pls don’t feel like i’m ignoring u istg i hate being so busy :<< but yea, i promise i’ll get to it once this semi-hiatus is over. i hope everyone’s well! AND PLS SUPPORT PALESTINE U CAN LEARN MORE ABOUT IT HERE
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aanyaforger · 3 years
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hello everyone! i hope you all are well. i’m here to announce that i’ve hit the 2k follower milestone and i’m extremely grateful for each and every one of you who have decided to follow this small blog of mine. i may not be the best at interacting with everyone here, but thank you so much for supporting me! to celebrate this milestone, i’m opening up requests. 
down below are the rules to requesting:
i will be taking requests for manga colorings, anime and video game edits, video game gifs
please be specific as possible when requesting (ex: character(s), pairing, specific scene etc.)
try to request from the same fandom since it will be a lot easier for me
i will only be taking 10 requests btw
i guess that is it and once again thank you very much for all your support! ily all!
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cyberhwas · 3 years
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💌hello, it’s your local seonghwa simp, isabella! i have hit yet another milestone! i’m so incredibly grateful for all of you🥺i truly don’t deserve all the love i receive :((( when i first started this blog, i never imagined that it would get followers, nor would i have mutuals. i am constantly blown away with all the love and support on here and this blog has become quite dear to me, even though it is fairly new. thank you all for loving my mediocre content, and for tolerating me crying over eight chaotic and talented men on the daily :’) i hope that this year has been treating everyone well and that all of you are staying safe and healthy 🧡🧡i wish everyone the absolute best! (my dms are always open if you need someone to talk to) 
lastly, to my mutuals, thank you for sticking with me and for supporting me:(( i know i don’t talk to all of you, and i feel so shitty about it:((( i’m socially awkward and very shy, so if i don’t reach out, it’s just because i’m not confident enough to do so:(( and everyone who follows me is so cool, talented , sweet and a better content creator than my mediocre ass ✌😌i hope i can someday reach out to all of you, because i would love to talk to all of you more 🥺👉👈
(scroll down for some extra love) 
@angelxciv, @aestheticgenzangel, @b-iu, @inniefoxy , @flowershobi, @twofacedlover , @huynjins , @limjaebom , @knjz , @spacebunsyoongi, @softlypouty, @rvenclws, @junhee , @jjaeyuta, @hwacinth-main , @woo-san, @joonpie, @rq-s, @yeotlny,  @lilacwoo, @twancingyunhoe, @wabisaba, @kunwoodz, @jungkooksbroski, @softforqiankun, @miniyeo, @taeyyongie, @wommys, @smallkore, @jcngkooks, @sanlight, @sukikorra, @yoonhong, @stuoiesimba​ , @hanatiny , @hanbotaged  , @joonghwas , @jungwooyoungs, @shuhuas, @lilacwoo​,  @xiaoju , @hongism, @wooyugta, @hauuks, @seosongseo, @songmin-gi, @she, @rosytteok ily all so much and i would literally lay down my life for all of you, no questions asked 😔💙
lil letters 💌
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🧸💌 @woo-san: miss vivi, you make the most gorgeous gifs and your writing is AMAZING!!! like i wish i could be as talented as you, angel!! your tags are so cute and your themes are always so gorgeous:((( you’re also super sweet like i’m pretty sure i annoy you on a daily basis klsjflkjkg but i adore you and i hope we can talk more 🥺👉👈
🦢💌 @holy-yeosang: hamsi!! your creations are always so beautiful, like your mind????? i adore you and though we haven’t talked much, you seem like an absolute angel and i’m lowkey scared that you won’t like me fhjdfkhgkjfhg you’re such a queen when it comes to creating content, like i honestly don’t know how you do it 🧡🧡
💎💌 @sanlight: codi!!! hi love, how are you??? your gifs are always so gorgeous??? like excuse me maa’m pls spare some talent??? the inception seonghwa set you made me was absolutely beautiful and i literally sobbed when i saw you posted it lskjfkdjfk i love you and i hope you are doing well!! let’s catch up soon? 💜💜
✨💌 @hongism : miss caly!! the literal queen of writing! you’re so sweet and you create actual masterpieces of fics like maa’m you’re such a creative genius??? i lowkey cried when you followed me because i admire you kfshdflkjkf i hope we can talk more, you give off angel vibes 💖💖
🌺💌 @hwacinth-main : miss dia, your theme is absolutely gorgeous and your carrd for your main???? STUNNING!!! your video edits are the absolute cutest and i love seeing them on my dash:((( you’re so incredibly talented and i hope we can get to know each other more, you’re basically the epitome of an angel 🥺💙
🍓💌 @xiaoju​: rowan:(((( i literally adore you and i hope you’re doing well, angel!! i miss interacting with you and i’m wishing you all the best!! your url is so cute and your theme is STUNNING 🥺💖may i give you all my love???? 
+ lastly, i’m so shit with words but just know that i appreciate every single one of you with all my heart:((( i don’t deserve any of you, and thank you all so much for sticking with my annoying ass 😌✌ also, a lil announcement for you guys: i’m dropping the sequel to my mingi hercules au sometime next month! i’m so excited for you all to read it hehe 💙💙
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roxxelll · 4 years
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Hi everyone! I’ve recently hit a milestone of 2k followers and I wanted to do a little celebration with you all since I’ve never done one and I just want to show you guys how much ily and to say thank you 💕 I appreciate every one of you and your support! I hope you’re all having a great day 💖 
I will be making some make me choose edits as well as moodboard/URL edits!
Maybe follow me?
Reblog this post (Likes won’t count 👀)
Send me an ask with:
✩ + 2 characters/books/ships from my fandoms (which are listed below)
✉ for a URL edit
✎ for a moodboard edit (please include up to 5 words/prompts so I can get a good idea of what you want)
You have until August 1 to send me an ask, any asks sent after that will be deleted!
blacklist #roxycelebrates2k if you don’t want to see these on your dash!
note: you DO NOT have to be a mutual in order to take part! this is for everyone!
My fandoms (I know they are very restricted in terms of YA lit but I promise I am working on that)
-PJO/HoO/Trials of Apollo
-Greek/Roman, Egyptian, Chinese, Japanese Myth (if that counts)
-The 100
-Teen Wolf
I also just want to take a moment to specially thank my amazing mutuals. (you guys know who you are) Whether we connected over my recent CHB reimagined project, or our love for edits or even some of my OG mutuals from waaay back in the day 10 years ago I just wanted to let you all know that you’re awesome and thanks for sticking with me and supporting/sharing my work! You guys are all such inspirations and it drives me to want to create more content because I love sharing it with you all so much! I’ve enjoyed getting to know you guys and even if we don’t talk daily, at all, or only interact through tags I still love and appreciate all of you! 💖 💖 💖
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augustsjanes · 4 years
hello miss kalli!! I hope you have/had a wonderful day 💞 congrats to your milestone!!! u certainly deserve them and so many more bc you're just so sweet AND talented 👉👈 may I have a ☆ please? (also the header to your celebration post is so pretty to me ???)
hello miss badrieh ily!! thank you <33
☆ | aesthetic blog rate + compliment
sky : sunrise // dawn // midday // dusk // twilight // sunset // midnight
season : summer // autumn // winter // spring
light : neon lights // starlight // fairy lights // moonlight // sunlight // lamp light
water : lagoon // river // waterfall // sea // rain // lake
element : air // water // fire // earth
aesthetic : ancient library full of parchment, stained glass windows // soft afternoon light patterned on the piano // blooming flowers, rolling hills, windblown hair // soft snow, eyelashes dusted with frost, glittering stars // red and gold maple leaves, glowing fireflies, a crackling fire
compliment: first of all i hope you’re having/have had a wonderful day as well! and thank you so much <33 your edits are actually STUNNING, and i love how you’re so helpful with explaining out how you do your little doodles (which are also really cute and lovely) ! may i just say i really adore your name! it’s so unique and i love it!!!
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hi congrats risha! i love ur gifs so ur milestone is 10000% deserved. may i have 🌻 and 🐢 for @melodramas? tysm ily!!
hiii omg thank you so much!! and yes of course! 
🌻- compliment - okay first of all i’m going through your edits tag and your edits are AMAZING you are so talented!!! your gifs are so clear and your edits are so creative i love them so much! you’re so so sweet and you always leave the sweetest comments in the tags of my edits whenever i tag you and i appreciate it so much :) i really hope we get to talk more in the future and i hope you’re well! 
🐢- your edits have been put into my queue! 
risha’s 1k celebration!
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nmbh1-moved · 5 years
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       okay so---    wow,    first things first i never expected to get so many followers?    i’m really shoken and i’m honestly just super happy i have so many of you out here still following my dumb ass like...    seriously,     thank you all  SO MUCH for putting up with my bs and supporting my portrayal of nigel.    i’ve never actually done a milestone thing on this blog,    but 500 was too big of one to pass up.
       BECAUSE this is such a huge milestone,    i’m gonna be doing a little but of a giveaway.    how to enter?    like and reblog this post!    it’s that simple.  each like / reblog counts for one entry,    doing both is two.    though,    i won’t count multiple reblogs just cuz i dont want people spamming the dash.    what’s the PRIZE you might ask?    well,    five lucky people will get an edit of the muse of their choice.    what’s the edit?    that’s a surprise,    whoopsie!    but it’ll be great,    i promise.    DEADLINE is on march 4th.    okay,    i’m gonna cut the post here and ramble about all my good buddies.
@guiltycharge / @gcninja / @pnkfghter :    oh boy oh boy, alice i’ve known you for a good while and i have a secret to tell you. remember when you first had your yin blog and you were like “oh dang where my yang blog at?” and i was like “bitch i’ll be your yang oh boy”?? well, uh, i had NEVER watched yin yang yo at that point and i really just wanted to be friends with you so that day i binged the entire fucking series, and actually got genuine yang muse, and i’ve kept this from you for 84 years im sorry. nOW THAT THAT’S OFF MY CHEST--- you’re such a good friend and a talented person? i’m super happy to have known you for as long as i have. you write all your muses so beautifully and i absolutely lOVE talking with you and plotting shit. all those gknd angst threads we have? those are my lifeforce. ily so much never change <3 <3 <3
@theirsun / @failedwish / @mewnicrown :    maple, where do i begin? we’ve been friends for so long and knowing you has made me so so happy? you’ve helped me through a lot of rough times and i want you to know that you mean a lot to me. i love how you portray your muses, not just canon characters but your ocs as well. you’re so talented and creative and i’m so blessed to have gotten to know you. i’m being really cheesy right now, but i want you to know i love you and i can’t wait to go to spooky places with you in the future.
@theirtraitor / @voidfcllen :    zak zak zak--- remember when we first met on your dipper blog and you were like “uwu i have chad muse” and i was like “o shit” well: confession time--- i literally forgot chad was a character bc i was just watching random episodes and i had to sit my ass down and figure out who that boy was and my portrayal of nigel has never been the same since. it’s kinda funny thinking back on it, because your chad muse and our interactions have changed the way i write nigel so much and i’m super happy about it? because if you hadn’t come around i don’t know if i’d still?? be so passionate about nigel as a character. you’re super rad and i know we haven’t talked all too much lately, but i want you to know that i love and appreciate you and i!! really want to write with you more <3
@briilliance :    alex. you mean a lot to me. and i’m so glad i know you because i’m honestly not sure i’d still be alive without you? you are such a good and caring person, and i appreciate you way more than you know. i’m getting kinda teary-eyed writing this haha... we dont talk that much ooc anymore, and that’s okay, but i miss just chatting and fuckin’ around with you. whenever you reply to one of our threads i get super excited? like. today i was working and you responded to like. 3 whole threads and i got so fuckin happy bc! heck yes i love writing with you. pls keep being you because you’re the best <3
@coronabane / @ateloist :    zk. you are so fuckin great. you’re such a talented writer, your graphics are amazing, the way you portray your muses is amazing, and YOU are amazing. i love talking with you?? and plotting out all our angst shit. i never thought i’d be so invested in a ship with YANG of all people like--- i never thought i’d ever ship yang with anyone but here i am crying over yang and louie 24/7 bc fuck our bOYS,,,,,,, i’m also super excited to write more with your varian bc?? heck. ive been really really tempted to continue watching the tangled series bc of you. but UH!! just know i love you and always wanna write/talk with you more.
@wigglestein / @vsqez / @gcdgetguy :    elmo elmo elmo..... we don’t talk much, you’re not active much, but that’s okay. you’re such a kind and genuine person. i love it whenever you message me, i always get super happy. i see a notif from you on discord and im just!!!!!!!!OWO every time. i really hope you get more confident in your writing and such in the future, because you’re honestly super talented in more ways than i think you know. i love you, ‘mo. 
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junspurplehair · 6 years
junspurplehair’s first anniversary and follow forever!
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((excuse the crappy last minute edit haha))
anyways it’s my 1-year anniversary here on tumblr and w o w it’s been such a wild ride!! I’ve made so many new friends here and it’s soso great, i love all u precious beans~ all 400 of you! im so happy i got to reach this milestone too, such perfect timing LOL
honestly im just gonna tag y’all and bold mutuals/friends bc emojis are gonna take way too long so if ur bolded check below the names for a special message! (there’s a read more just below this but if you’re on mobile it probably doesn’t work bc tumblr is a BUTT so i apologize in advance)
@| @artsierisa | @artiigator  | @alexsvt | @amethysfan |  @acemayuchiha21 | @advencherz | @alienwithsprinklesontop | @aria-army | @acxaii-study | @acetheticeyes | @andrewfoy | @awkward-little-internet-turtle | @xbtsbabesx | @begoniacameron | @bumble-b-goode | @bangtans-son-yeontan | @bands-messed-me-up | @bfmingyu | @batmanofmusic | @blusyd  | @blushedmochi  | @buttered-kpopcorn  | @bipolarfrea-k | @bts-lindersam | @bunnyshuaa | @captaincarat | @capucciino-study | @cyjksjjwwlck | @cuteseungcheol | @cinnaminghao | @casuallydylan | @captainhotbitch | @celestialjeonghan | @conishizm | @catifex | @chainbin | @1chiara8 | @chimchimbambam01 | @chwehansolar | @chnlnng  | @cosmicrailwaybisexual | @cozy-hobi | @crydove16 | @coco-study | @dawnhoshi | | @dimplepops | @diaryofadorkykid  | @different-or-weird | @dogdogdogdogdogdogsdogdog |  @drowning-inkpop | @deadnightlad | @dode2702 | @dizzysvt | @deadglrlwalking | @daegu-dragon | @dreams-help-101 | @daisiestudies | @dimpled-squirrel | @ddmmire | @edawnsjpg | @eunamoroboo | @elizabicth | @errorinfextion | @eccentricsuzuya | @elenorekarat | @eevee3553 | 
| @feckingminghao | @flower-lizard | @forever-young-got7 | @felixsfreckles0 | @forsvtmx | @floatingcastle | @gumballgays | @fooderaser  | @grimmflowers | @goldenclosetstudies | @ghxst-princee | @greeneggsandsamantha | @godtieryukhei | @gentlejisoo  | @guccihosh | @hayriye99 | @hoshuis | @http-woosung | @10hour11minute | @heavenly-hyyh | @ha-ve-faith-in-me-forever | @huntingachievements | @hocuspatronus | @holyytaehyung  | @houseofmonbebe  | @hisbagofluckcarat | @idkajisung | @imnottechsupport | @insearchofcontrol | @ihatetom | @itaintralphdoe | @italiansoda | @itstaehyunq | @idyllichloe | @inafterglow | @idreamofcheollie | @ilovyoungbam | @jenospaghettio | @jjtherosereblogs | @juhnhee | @justthelittlequeen | @julia17r | @jigony | @jhoseokii | @jacksonsdeer | @joomimie | @jenoismymfking | @jeonghurt | @jchnny-seo | @jujunhui | @jewunhui | @jun-stands-for-art | @jwoos-stan | @jeonghans-bunny | @jihoonhui | @jindongdongie | @joshpup | @justsam12 | @jei-jei-long |
@10kwonhosh10 | @katsuukiiii | @kwonsoonshine | @kingh0shi | @kingofsneezletwn | @korimi4 | @k-memestrash |  @kimhayomi |  @kyeomleader | @kpoprituals | @kwoosano | @kpopsinarios (even if u might not see this lol) | @lesgrosfromage | @lamb-sus | @leaderlinelesbian | @lissa-yingyi | @littlefallenrebel | @lindzaylove | @liveyourlifefreeandcarefree | @lyxngstudies | @likem8stopprocrastinating | @listen-ethnic-ho |  @makkachin09 | @mikusaki39 | @mingyusta | @mindieu | @mariamammamia | @matryoshkwan | @mansaeboysbe | @maggsfk  | @middle-of-a-wonshua-sandwich  | @music-stitchx |  @milkandhannie | @min-arisbee | @mybiasforsure | @myungho | @multi-kpops | @math-et-matics | @minghaos-lines | @mixout99 | @minndelle | @milygoesbigtime | @minsugacarol | @moondancing04 | @monday2saturday | @myheartismayonaise | @moonsugarshop  | @mmoved  | @momo-coco | @mukeovernetflix | @moodboard-com | @nineninefivefour | @nerdymakky | @noticingocchiolism | @olympiakorean | @ofraindropsandcoffeeshops | @oli-spill |
@@parkcyeollie | @petalmin  | @pearlpencil | @professorwonwoo | @peachy-plantia | @paperwhalien  | @pledischeol | @puppyprincepudding | @princedokyeom | @peachesforjun | @pervertfromkpopplanet  | @pepperminthiya | @punksirens | @piedparkjimin | @pixelcakkee  | @recedingcarrot | @raftaboat | @relaxbangtan | @rocketwjh | @randymandie | @riptidethepen | @rqnslove | @shinferwon-monbebe | @singularitae| @sebongteen-trash | @sebuteen | @shoonliwrites | @seventendless | @seungcheollist  | @succulentdeanmon | @starryshua |  @studiouspeach  | @seijoleen | @sourpucker | @soekmin | @starkissedkookie | @steponmeleejungshin | @studies-of-witchcraftandwizardry | @studyxluna | @suga-gliders | @studying-boy | @stantalentstanchinaline | @studyphanetzz | @sunnietora | @strawberrycharlize | @sokan-force | @suneokmin | @sunnyhansol | @seungkwnn | @sstoneymaloney | @sweetwonpil | @studykorean101 | @studejing | @shuasweet | @sunset-snowfall | @seventeen-aesthetic | @sephz-studies | @solarchwe | @sebootylover33 | @studymustard | @sweetycake | @sailorsporty | @softwinwinstan | @seventeenville | @senchasea | @slayhunnie | @svtvocalunit | @lltaeskookiell | @the-fighting-type | @00teen | @ttelesilla | @tswoondere | @the-extra-minimalist |   
@uwu-taeyong | @uwoozi | @ultstudy | @uttyoungho | @ultsofthansol | @vildasaker | @vasilissa-studies | @wheatrose | @winsushi | @wennjunwho​  | @wererightbyyourside | @wannaone-bts-got7-svt-nuest | @vernons-laugh-is-my-aesthetic | @weirdnorwegianlama  | @woosanbin | @wonhos-ramyeonn | @you-cant-spell-slay-without-lay | @yunalie | @yoonbbh | @yourlocalpalmtree | @youremyday | @yellowseokmin |  
aand wow thats it! so many names, im tired now LOL 
anyways, for my mutuals and wonderful friends who i’ve gotten to know, ily all so much and for those who i haven’t seen in a while, i hope you’re doing well <3 thanks for putting up with this mess of a blog! xoxo, junspurplehair 
reminder that theres a carat discord server if any fellow carats want to join! 
link here: https://discord.gg/2yru97Q 
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reinerist · 2 years
congrats on a well deserved milestone bestie! your edits are always such a treat! and you can do literally everything: gifs, icons, headers. share some talent PLS
can you choose between gojo and nanami please? and choose you favourite sinnoh starter? (i know the the last one is 3 characters but i couldn’t settle on 2 starters 😭) 
omg thank you!!! youre always so nice and supportive when it comes to my edits!!! ily sm!! 💖💖 your support means so much to me 💖✨ also picking a star pokemon was really hard lmao theyre all so precious!!   X   X
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hyyunjinn · 6 years
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    I swear if I forgot someone, and I feel like I am because I’m so bad at keeping track of things, I’m gonna go scream. ALSO: all those tags and mentions I’ve been tagged in, I swear I saw them but it was usually when I’m in the middle of doing something and I didn’t want to reblog aND THEN I JUST LOST THE TAG so I’m sorry ; - ;
    But uh, I. Reached. 3K. Followers. On this blog a while ago actually I’m just that lazy of a person and I never do anything on time. And I just wanted to say thank you so much for supporting me and screaming about Stray Kids daily? I haven’t been feeling the greatest emotionally which is why this might turn into a rant—but I just want to use my emotional energy for something good and that’s saying thank you! This is the first time a community has shown so much interest in my work and supporting it and I really, really can’t say how much I appreciate you all. I’ve been creating content for a while now, but it just never got the support I hoped for and,,, idk—just the fact that you guys like this blog just makes me so happy. And it’s not just the gifs: the gfx and writing that I post are the ones I care more about and I’ve gotten so many positive comments on it ahhhhhhh I want to hug each and everyone of you.   
    I know I don’t respond that well and those who tried to talk to me are probably disappointed by how I keep up a conversation but aklsfjasf I want to use this an appreciation post for all the wonderful people I met because of Stray Kids. Also, I want to say that, I’ve tried to talk and support you guys all—even if I don’t follow you, I lurk your blog and stuff—it’s just wow, we’re getting really big and I feel bad not being able to interact with everyone BUT I WANT TO SAY THAT ALL OF YOU ARE SO AMAZING AND WONDERFUL AND YOU WORTH MORE THAN YOU BELIEVE YOU DO. I think it’s easier for me to talk about random stuff on kakaotalk so uhhh, if you wanna shoot me a message my id is cicikookie!    
    And just to my followers in general: thank you so much for sticking around haha. I see a lot of regular usernames and lurk sometimes haha so ;)) Thank you ♡
    Thank you again for being so supportive and I love interacting with all of you: LET’S SUPPORT STRAY KIDS TOGETHER FOR A LONG TIME!
    So, I guess I’ll start with the personalized messages:
@changlix Wow Lexi, you were my first friend in this fandom anD IDK WHAT IT WAS THAT MADE ME DROP MY USERNAME TO YOU BUT AKLSJFALSF LOL I’M SO GLAD WE’RE FRIENDS because everyone loves you and you’re amazing and I love your blog and everything and alskdfjaslfd you’re really crazy but I love you and ahHhHhhh. I know you’re busy with life, but whenever we talk even for like 2 messages at a time, I love it so much. ESPECIALLY WHEN WE WERE THROWING SHADE AT EACH OTHER EARLY ON. I still. Can’t believe. yOUR PROFILE PICTURE IS STILL HYUNJIN ON TWT WYD GIRL. And you calling me a hoe—wow, I keep that close to my heart. HAHA BUT ALL JOKES ASIDE, I appreciate you so much for being the inclusive self that you are and keep being amazing. Okay, I’ll admit: when you told me to “take care of your man properly or i’m coming for him cici” I THINK THAT’S THE REASON I’M STILL LOYAL TO HIM OR I WOULD’VE SWERVED AGES AGO. Thanks Lexi, you’re best ;) altho how could you come for him when i am taking care of him, traitor
@manny27lei I’m adding you here but I don’t even wanna write you anything hAH. YOU DON’T EVEN TALK ABOUT SK. MAKE A SIDEBLOG AND I MIGHT
jk ily thanks for listening to me cry everyday and laskfdjasf it’s crazy how we met because of sk but it’s not even because of sk, it’s because of svt whoops
@seungminty yOU’RE STILL MY FAVE SEUNGMIN STAN AND YOU FOREVER WILL BE. ULT SEUNGMIN STAN. And ofc vocal line enthusiast. Thank you for being you and asklfdjasldf goodness, sometimes I worry that you’re being too hard on yourself MAR ILY AND THE GC LOVES YOU AND BE CONFIDENT! YOU’RE AMAZING AND A TIIINY BIT OF YOURSELF GOTTA FLAUNT IT. You keep the chat going and ahhHhhH I don’t even know how much I want to say the fact that I appreciate you so much. Thank you thank you thank you ♡ random confession: you make me really soft because you’re so soft and i just wanna hug you until everything goes well for you
@princeminho ASFKLJASLFD MAHI! MY CEREAL BUDDY! I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE YOU WERE A actually, the fact that he was your icon should’ve told me bUT WHAT. MINHO STAN SINCE DAY ONE? WHY DID IT TAKE YOU SO LONG TO ADMIT IT AHAHHAHAHAH I’M STILL SO SHOOK. You’re so lowkey about your love for him and I feel and it’s really cute and lksadfjalsd FAVE MINHO STAN BC I DON’T FEEL LIKE I NEED TO FIGHT YOU UNLIKE SOMEONE/ Thank you for just hanging around and taking our shit and just being you—I love talking to you so much, you’re so amazing and ♡♡♡♡♡
@9traykids I give up. You can have Minho. You save me every time you send in Hyunjin photos and I cannot appreciate you enough hAH THEY’RE SO CUTE AND I JUST START SPAZZING OUT AND ALSFJDASDF that one photo where you badly edited with “i ♡ cici” I AM SO THANKFUL FOR THAT AHHHHH. stop making me cry ; - ; I love talking to you and you’re so randomly funny and laskdfjasf THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU ILY ♡♡♡♡♡
@seungchanie HI YOU AMAZING PERSON I LOVE YOU SOSOSOOSOSO MUCH YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW. I’m not quite even sure how we met but it’s like one of those friendships where it feels like it’s been forever because, everything is just a blur but there are good moments, you know what I mean? Vale, I love you so much—you’re so cute and friendly and whenever we talk, I get so excited because you’re so excited and hehe aHHHHHHHH LEMME JUST HUG YOU. You’re always there and yOUR CONTENT. I LOVE YOUR CUTE LITTLE FANARTS AND THAT 3RACHA SCIFI AU WTF I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR YOUR AMAZINGNESS. You have a really simplistic style and I love it so much mwah
@hyunjinh laksdjf hi jas!! oKAY CAN I JUST SAY YOU’RE PROBABLY MY TUMBLR CRUSH BUT LIKE, WE TALKED BEFORE BUT I STILL DON’T ASLKDFJASD IDK YOU’RE REALLY COOL AND I REALLY LIKE TALKING TO YOU but idk how to keep a convo going and ahHhhHh LOWKEY BLUSHING BC I REALLY LIKE YOU HAHAH you’re really amazing and I love your blog and I hope we can become better friends hehe.
@straykidzz OKAY TBH IDEK WHEN OR HOW BUT THE FACT THAT WE NEVER HAD LIKE, A PROPER CONVERSATION and yet we act like good friends is aslkdfjasldf—maybe it’s a mutual thing hehe aHHH MANDA ILYSM AND JUST SEEING YOU ON MY DASH MAKES ME SO HAPPY. Or maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been here as long as me heheh. I hope we get to know each other better and skajflasdf W A H ♡♡♡♡♡♡ TAKE MY HEARTS
@chanbng Fishy, you. are SO AMAZING — we never seem to be on the chat at the same time but you’re so sweet and lasdfjasdlf wow i’m highkey crushin haha AHHHHHHHI JUST WANNA SAY I LOVE YOUR WORK SO MUCH AND THANKS FOR BEING YOU and i hope we get to talk more heheh
@jeongin-ie sup smol softie ilySM WE GOTTA START CHATTING FOR REAL OR SMTH YO which means i should be the one who sends the message but laskdfjsadf i su k but i also want to be better friends with you ; - ; hit me up with your kkt thO THEN WE CAN CHAT PLSPSPSLSPSL i hate chatting on tumblr lmao CJ, YOUR WORK IS AMAZING AND YOUR BLOG IS CUTE AND YOU’RE CUTE thanks for being you :)
@strgaykids Okay. I SAW YOUR 3K POST THING AND YOU ARE SO PRETTY I NEARLY FELL OFF MY CHAIR CONGRATS ON HITTING THE MILESTONE TOO! You make the fandom so much more fun and I love the shitposts you have TBH, I REALLY HOPE WE GET TO BECOME FRIENDS OR SOMETHING BECAUSE YOU SEEM, I was gonna say chill, but maybe lit? but that doesn’t really make anysense—tHE POINT IS: hiimciciandihopewe’lltalklaterinthefuturehehebyegottablast
@chanskitty AHHHHH DIAN HOW ARE YOU?????? I know we don’t talk as much anymore but — ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ You’re so amazing and chill and ahhhhhhhh. You are taking care of yourself right? Getting sleep? I HOPE WE GET TO TALK MORE SOON ♡ I’LL SEND A MESSAGE OR SMTH tag you in something????/// :DD
@realstraykids Did you know it took me a couple of weeks (or was it days) after following you to realize that your url is the same handle as Stray Kids’ official ig name alskfdjasdf I FACEPALMED MYSELF SO HARD LMAO — also hold on, I didn’t know you’re minho bIASED AH YESSSSSSSSSS Em. I really hope we get to know each other better beCAUSE YOU’RE SO COOL AND I LOVE YOUR EDITS SO MUCH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH They’re really different but a good kind of different and tell me your ways of sitting in front of a computer screen and masking each frame of a moving object hOW I HATE DOING THAT
@stray-k1ds hOLy cow I don’t think i actually know your name—is it Tiffany? I THINK WE FORGOT TO INTRODUCE OURSELVES—I’m Cici! AND I LOVE TALKING TO YOU YOU’RE SO CUTE AND LASKFJAAKD I love your cute little scenarios and all that and keep up the good work!!!!!!! I HOPE WE CAN BECOME BETTER FRIENDS AY
@jeongn pfft Nicolle, you actually haVEN’T DONE ANYTHING IN A WHILE THAT MADE ME WANT TO BLOCK YOU AHAHHALSFKJASLDF i still can’t get that image of tired chan and his accent coming out whAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME you can be so cool and so fREAKING TALENTED I CAN’T BELIEVE SOMEONE LIKE YOU FOLLOWS M E. I love the times we do actually talk, so! :))) I hope we become better friends ayyYyyyyYYY
@stray4419 hehehehehe i know we just started talking but Chi, you are so kindhearted and i’ve said it twice and i’ll say it again: thank you so so so much for personally offering me a shoulder to cry on haha. You have no idea how touched I was and I really can’t thank you enough. LET’S MEET UP SOMETIME AND CRY ABOUT STRAY KIDS TOGETHER YO AHHHHHHHHH
@woojinskids eASILY YOU’RE MY FAVE WOOJIN STAN M. YOU’RE SO SOFT FOR HIM AND READING YOUR TAGS FOR HIM IS SO CUTE I actually fall in love with him even more every time you talk about him aahahh I know we don’t talk as much but I really love seeing you around ♡
@chxngbins NehaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I MISS TALKING TO YOUUUUUUU and your old username not gonna lie alskdfjasdf whoops but AHHH YOU’RE SO CUTE and smart wow and asldfkjsdf I wish I was as levelheaded as you pFFT. You are so amazing and smol and i associate you with that picture of namjoon eating pizza lmao BUT AHHHH KEEP BEING YOU ILYSM
@felixsfreckles I WAS LOOKING THROUGH MY FOLLOWING LIST AND ASLKDFJASLDFK WTF I CAN’T BELIEVE I WASN’T FOLLOWING YOU THE ENTIRE TIME i feel so bad omg i’m sorry—actually hold on, are you not a felix stan anymore wH A T. but alskfa hiiiiii thanks for being amazing!!!!!!!!  idk, you’re like one of those mutuals that, I’m sorta comfortable knowing that you exist? because you are so nice and we’ve been on here for so long kinda thing haha ♡
@bunny-minsungie asfjkdhsda I KNOW OUR CHAT IS PRETTY MUCH ALL BUSINESS SOUNDING/RELATED NOW BUT I JUST WANNA TAKE THE TIME TO SAY THANK YOU FOR BEING AMAZING and doing so much ; - ; Now that I think about it, we don’t even talk about anything else noooooooo but I really appreciate you Lys ♡ and that demon!hyunjin au is seriously taking over me omf
@seoracha I KNOW YOU’RE NOT EVEN HERE ANYMORE but i just wanna say you the craziest triple biaser i’ve met probably the only triple biaser i know and honestly idek how your brain works but lmao miri you’re so cool ily
@utlwoojisung @kim-squishmin @doublekn0t @chanyeolsidepiece @vallkyr @hi-hello32 @sparklingthoughtss @straykidding @indiepoptime @f3lix-lee @ultchris @maaatryoshka @straykidsstan @softlix OKOK I KNOW WE’VE TALKED BEFORE/ARE MESSAGING/SOMEHOW INTERACTED AND YOU SEEM COOL but alksdfsd like, I don’t know you guys as well bUT I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU ALL TOO AND I HOPE WE CAN GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER! :))
Ummmm, here are people that I follow and don’t really know but uhhhh ihopewegettotalkonedayahahiwantmorefriendsandyouguysseemreallycooltotalktoahhh @jicue @chans97 @cosychans @lees-minho @leefelixs @chngbins @changbinsplushie @starrykids @softstraykids @sprearb @stray-keeds-in-yo @straykeeds @hyuunjins @bvian @straybros @straykidsmp3 @straykiz @straybabies @stkids @1straykids @felixeslee @jeonginie @jeongin @str4y-kids @bchanies @changbln
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dramiones · 6 years
hi hun!! congrats on your follower milestone! i don’t have any good book recs since i only read romanian books and all the english books i’ve read so far are hp, tfios, paper towns, the maze runner series & everything everything! i hope u have an amazing day and ily! ❀♫☀️
hi, darling! thank you so much! 
those are all amazing books, but i haven’t read everything everything yet! so i’ll add that to my list! 
here is your playlist 
& here is your name moodboard! 
❀ | dani, that url is killer. i literally love it SO much. (and ur icon?? legendary!). both of your themes are gorgeous and clean, i literally wish i had that. they are THAT pretty. and omg?? your edits are gorgeous??? especially this hogwarts houses one, i love!! you are also an incredibly amazing person & you are always so kind. ily!!! 
have an amazing day/night as well!! 
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got7doubleb · 6 years
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kaysie’s second follow forever / mutual appreciation
i hit two big milestones recently and the growth of this blog is still mind boggling to me. It’s been a year and a half? now since this blog has came to be and it’s come a long way. The friends ive gotten thru this blog still make me emo bc omg who wouldve thought ppl would wanna be my fren sldfjdlskfjsldkfj
but anyway; i’ve sorted out my fav blogs and lovely mutuals into two sections, which is got7 and nongot7. bare in mind i’m putting a loose label for the blog but everyone posts a lot of things. also please tell me if we are mutuals and i didn’t include you. tumblr is confusing
key - favs |  ily | ilysfdm | 💝 scroll down for your letter 
(almost) only got7 content
@jinandtuanic | @strxctlygotseven | @wildcat-jinyoung | @cutepimook | @floaty-glasses | @the-princejinyoung | @danhoe-mark |  💝  @lemon-amethyst | @ranqueenie | @magiccastles | @junievre-gotchu | @amerithotkongs |  @yugyinplaid |  💝  @m-yien | @j1ny0ung | @jbmygoodboy | @loveisyugyeom | @twojproject | @jinyoungs-hipsdontlie | @jaedaddy | @cyjsgirl | @flawless-7 | @paradisejaebum |@jinyoung-ssi | @gyeomd | @whaaaalep ! @tuanever​ |  @7uv​​
@tuangel | @sarahgase | @pjy  | @gyeom7 | @akasalty | @ehgase | @husbandsjjp | @mark-i-pooh | @okjb  | @park-markjin | @cocoyah | @silent-fangirl | @sugarplumjae | @imjaebeomtrash | @parkjinyoungsbooty | @sky-way | @peachandmark | @yugbamprompt | @wangraps | @doublebam1a | @biasjacksonwang | @wangamama | @ungiis |  💝  @cuddletuan
@cchoiyoungjae | @leaderbum | @ahgamark | @bamslegs | @kimyugy | @signjaes | @angeljaebum | @kissmyars | @underratedbambam | @noirahgase | @wangjsn | @pastelbam |  💝  @got7-markjinson | @ramenjae | @melaninbam | @mooncyj | @jajajaebum | @mochimork | @bambamedaf | @iheartyugyeom | @blndjcksn | @jacksonwangblog | @mart-art | @nyeongwi
@jinyoungslover | @teenagermp3 @teenymark | @bamsonnie | @tuanisanangel | @saltygot7 | @wanderingingot7wonderland | @artuan | @cyjarsvita | @lomlmark | @jeh-beom |  @markeu-poo | @97youngnrich | 💝  @katbeom | @jj-prxject | @stellarcollision-arsvita | @shelovesjinyoung | @honeybambam | @aomgot7 |  💝  @peachypinkjackson | @icarusjjp | @youngjaesloudlaugh | @makeu-ssi | @youre-my-uranus | @markiepoohismysunshine | @darlingjbum | @defbald | @cuddly2jae | @hoodiejaebum | @real-got7mark​ | @babyboychoi​
AHGABLOGS THAT MAKE ME AHGAHAPPY (blogs that arent necessarily mutuals but imma mention you anyway)
fanart blogs - @m-melted | @ask7dorks | @yinglalada | @koyangii-art | @ask-got7-yugbamjae | @sabyarts | @askpepi-jy |  💝  @sevencolourseason | @white-alien-with-a-rose​ | @chibicookie | 
misc blogs -@got7fakesubs | @incorrectgot7quotes​ | @got7ficrec | @got7rarepair | @ahgahappy | @ahgapositive | @secretahgase | @gotstyle | @markjinficfest | @lowqgot7 | @got7-memes | @marktuanjournal | @got7fakequotes | @lq-got7 |
member/ship centric blogs -  💝  @bamspeach |  💝  @redgyeomie | 💝 @demongyeom | @onlymarkjin | @markjinology | @kissbbom | @imarkson |  @yugyeompire | @yourmajestyqueenchelseachels | @choiyoungjae | @jinyoungied | @2jaekisses | @pepilovesgyeom
content creators (gifs/gfx) - @umma-jy | @jinyoungot7 | @tuanpumpkins | @jack777 | @editsgot7 | @holyfuckmark | @got7europe | @gotchicken​ | @got7ish | @got7gifs | @got7official | @defwang | @defsouldanik | @jwxngs | @got7-out | @markticseas | @jackseunie | @ahgasedits | @little-jyp | @astrayjinyoung | @jingogi | @shiningmark | @jbssi |  💝  @nyeongificent | @pinkhoodiemark​ |  💝  @marksseunie | @gsvnrewind |  💝 @morkjin​ | 💝 @mochabam | @1kayee |  💝  @bamethyst​
fy blogs/networks - @fybam | @got7-updates | @fynyeong | @19970502 | @19940106 | @fyars | @fuckyeahchoiyoungjae |
networks - @bambamnetwork | @got7creators | @7ornevernet | @ahgasenet | @got7maknaelinenetwork | @nyeongnet | @got7jinyoungnet 
@imeightout​ | @yubgam​ | @kwon-yulra​ | @wlwobama​ | @yoonwang​ | @yeoseong​ | @amerikaikong​ |@jyum​ | @god10tion​ | @elizabethgracew​ | @leedongshae​ |   @artificialskyway​ | @seungriholic​ | @hobsbf​ | @honeyjoonn​ |  💝  @ljhsgf​ | @knockknocksoosthere​ | @lovebtob​ | @jaehxlic​ | @clairtea​ | @hypetae​ | @softtaemins​ | @flowrcafe​ | @guksuu​ | @whaaattheflower​ |  💝  @imjadebeom​
@sunbeamjinhappybirthday​ |  💝  @sparklybammie​ | @kpopfanfictrash​ | @bangtanhoseok​ | @adoresoo​ | @dimpledjaehyun​ | @blndrgn​ | @kkangdaniel​ | @jongbeer​ | @evkabibi​ | @chanisblackgf​ | 💝 @straybams​ | @babybyuny​ | @flymansae​ | @kvths​ | @withnosuchgrace​ | @gotday6​ | @confessed-nafsiya​ 
girl group favs - @withfx​ | @periwin5les​ | @wheeinyoo​ |   @bubblejoy​ |
💝 letters for my precious
@sevencolourseason​ - The angel in the holy trinity. The original momTM and the bambam to the ultimate trio jinbamgyeom. Thank you for being amazing and nothing but nice to me (and laura since yknow, same person). i don’t know what ive done in my past life to be blessed with crossing paths with you but i’ll do it all over again <3
@redgyeomie​ - THE YUGYEOM TO MY 97 YOUNG AND RICH LINE. KATY i cant even start to form words without slfjsdlfkjdskjfh. thank you for being there when I need someone to talk to and knowing the exact words to bury me in my grave. your love for yugyeom always makes tumblr a better place to be in. thank you for sticking around with me even tho im undeserving 💝
@demongyeom​ - we don’t talk as much as i would like but just seeing you on my dash always always brightens my day! i hope we talk more in the future!  💝
@nyeongificent​ - hello gabby! i love your blog and you’ve been nothing but a star ! i hope we become better friends in the future! thank you for that time you were my secret ahgase!  💝
@marksseunie​ - C A M ! we’ve become mutuals on tumblr (and i guess twitter too) for quite a bit now! thank you for sticking around despite my horrible excuse of a blog and creating that A+ got7 content! you’re a star  💝
@morkjin​ - omg ron.... it took me so long to look for you. i was half panicking. but i love this markjin trash url. it suits you and im lowkey jealous. lol. thank you for being a good friend (yes i think we’re friends, we are arent we, we also are the same age so like chingu? lmao) and for blessing us with your blog  💝
@mochabam​ - omg where do i even start with this JEM !!!! bambam’s softest (softy-est soft) gf. I stand by my word im still jealous about how cute your urls are and also of how cute you are esp when it comes to bambam. bambam doesnt even deserve you (you are too good for him!). thank you for your soft edits it’s soft bambam hours whenever u post them  💝  
@lemon-amethyst​ - hello  💝 we haven’t talked for quite a long time but you’re still precious to me! thank you for sticking around and blessing us with your presence <3
@m-yien​ - Rey! i feel like you are one of the first mutuals i have when i first started this blog. it’s been a long time since then but you’re still here and i’m still here! thank you for sticking around and being so sweet! it means a lot to me  💝
@cuddletuan​ - where do i even begin this jeng? thank you for supporting me in the things i do and being a literal angel. i don’t know what i’ve done in this life that was so good that i deserved to cross paths with you. thank you thank you! i love you i hope your healthy and happy  💝
@got7-markjinson​ - Nelyn  💝 !  we don’t speak to each other nearly as enough as we should but im so glad our paths crossed. I love seeing you on my dash and in the network chats (even tho im like come and go like a ghost lol). Thank you for being so nice to me! i hope you have a good day everyday <3 
@katbeom​ - KAT  💝 hello! i cant even remember when we became mutuals but i know we shared a lot of funny interactions which are still very precious to me. thank you for sticking around my trash blog. You are a star ! take care of yourself <3 
@sparklybammie - Jinju! the literal angel. thank you for always messaging me it always brightens my day. you are literally the nicest person and im so glad we have become friends. i hope your healthy and always take care of your health <3
@peachypinkjackson​ - so before making this i realized that you were number 3 in my tumblr crush list and we have never? actually talked to each other and i was like omg this is a sign that we should be friends. that must be it. (im delirious i know). but anyway, thank you for your quality blog which i cant resist to reblog from! i hope you get to talk more in the future <3
@ljhsgf​ - FEL hello ! ever since the start of got7maknaelinetwork i feel like we have been close.  thank you for sticking around with the mess that is my blog! i treasure all our interactions and hope we become closer in the future! take care of yourself <3
@imjadebeom​ - syd! the got7 tumblr community owes you so much for all you manage! thank you for lending your support on the projects i do and just being a real nice friend. you’re a treasure yknow that! take care of yourself <3
@bamethyst​ - noora, you sweet muchkin !!!!! your creativity in creating content never ceases to amaze me. thank you for the support you lent in creating bamloween. it means so much to me. You are a star <3
@straybams​ -  hui !!!!!! how do i begin to express the adoration i have for the support you have for bambamnetwork. i dont even know where to start. just like thank you i love you. please take care of yourslef i hope your happy wherever you are and want to be! 
@bamspeach​ - ugh this is going to take forever for me to write this letter. ive been agonizing how to put into words how much you mean to me and i cant even because its all just like soieyrfsijdfhksjdf in my head. thank you for putting up with my rants, no matter how ludicrous or frantic or dramatic they all are. im sorry i laugh at almost anything and probably frustrate you to no end with my ways of teasing (i am after all yugyeom in this jingyeom dynamic) but i guess you know by now that it’s all just how i express my fondness. im shit i know. did i start this blog thinking i would find a precious friend like you? no. but i did anyway and im eternally grateful for our inside jokes and sudden bouts of deep conversations. i must have save the world in my past life to able to share not only my ahgafeels but every other stupid part of my horrid life with you. i mean really how do i even function without the jinyoung to my yugyeom. u really deserve everything in this world and more. ugh now its soft lausie hours. i might as well write a 1k word essay at this point. i love you. thank you. stop crying.
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oracleborn-archive · 7 years
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idk what the heck this banner is— but?? hello, tis i, vixen. i’ve been here for one month exactly !! ( the 20th ) and just recently i hit a HUGE milestone. i’ve had plenty of blogs in the past, but never once have reached this many this fast?
and oh boy here comes some uvu uvu rambings about !!!!  people i love and hold very dear to my he ar t.
but before that !!! i wanted to say THANK YOU. a lot of you guys have really helped me through. . . this really heavy pain that square left me after ffxv ? so honestly, thank you all so much for letting me have fun, and to see all these characters alive and well.
@lancefelled — hi bri 🌝 you !!! were the first person i messaged and plotted with :’) this honestly meant a lot to me because i was SUPER nervous about roleplaying again, but you !!!!!! you made me feel right at home again and i love you a whole lot.
@daemonslae — hi hannah 🌝  it’s ur turn now. BUT YOU !! you were the second person i really talked to here. you added me on skype, and we cried about a lot of things; but !! we also had good one-on-one talks and i feel like i can really trust you !! (probably with my life t bh)
@deathcoated  — hi renee 🌝 idk why i’m starting all these off with the passive aggressive mOON BUT !!! i’ve been mutuals with you for how many days now?? 14 !!!!! it feels like i’ve known you way longer, and :’)) i’m really happy i got to meet you.
@supershct — hi lee 🌝 u get in here too, come join the big hug. but !!! i met you through renee, and i’m very grateful! you ruin me with aus you find, you made me ..... kill noct in that ask..... and u ruined me by responding :)))) i still love you a while lot tho and i do hope we can grow closer !!
@silvaer — !!!!!!!!!!! i love your prompto so much, i rlly enjoy when people portray characters as agender / non-binary / genderfluid / etc. and !!!! you’re the first i’ve seen in the ffxv community, and i honestly just think it’s amazing ( ps - ily res )
@estanima — meme??? meme!!! just kIDDING I LOVE YOU. but !! i wish we could’ve met in the hq!! fandom :’) i’m happy we met here, but i think it would’ve been super neat to meet you before ~ ( but honestly, i feel like?? it’s already like that ).
@sophoi — my meme queen. my beloved twin. u honestly... followed me after i posted the video edit of luna and i fELT HORRIBLE. but you still loved me after :’) and i think that says a lot tb h,,,
@knightxalpha  /  @wulfriix  /  @tridentitty  /  @pyrascientia  /  @tenebraeya  /  @ofhammerhead  /  @promptsilver  /  @arvious  /  @praesul  /  @hydraeanesque  /  @croawe  /  @bellatxr  /  @mumsthewcrd  /  @pargentum:@nyx-oftheglaive  /  @hydrxean​  /  @heilna​  /  @machtnyx​  /  @divinamxultionem​  /  @tenebraeprince​  /  @floweringeclipse​  /  @heartxandxhome​  /  @caeruleun​  /  @faeht​  /  @polarlucis​
MY SUNS ( i admire you?! and hope to do more with you all some day ~ )
@lucislegend  /  @destinedking  /  @swcrdlily  /  @daemonizing  /  @aeristheancient  /  @firxga  /  @lastscion  /  @oflucis  /  @forzia  /  @mcrcenaire  /  @lastlucis  /  @caelitis  /  @galahdanblade  /  @glaivist  /  @fxrtem  /  @rexcrystallis  /  @valorfindings  /  @parricidalis​  /  @korutetsu​  /  @armgier​  /  @aerialkissed​  /  @eagerbender​  /  @heartzzie​  /  @praelior​  /  @dacteg​  /  @kingslight​  /  @umbrxm​  /  @gwirfrenin​  /  @forgotiisms  /  @silveredsun​  /  @oastraea​  /  @grewsiilver​  /  @rex-misericordi​  /  @gentleglacean​  /  @crownbirthmrk​  /  @treacherousglaive​  /  @libertum​  /  @hearthandhcme​  /  @pretendcr​  /  @ascendantly​  /  @brandedrose​  /  @souereign​
AND ALL MY STARS ( we do stuff now and then or i’m looking forward to it :’))) )
@ofsilverguns  /  @onlyhcir  /  @stellaux  /  @aperturetrigger  /  @corvidaeisms  /  @glaivehero  /  @new-recipe  /  @lastoftheline​  /  @darkprinceofjustice​  /  @quicksilversunshine​  /  @chosenbythecrystal​  /  @childofnoite​  /  @daemonosopher​  /  @chocobutthair​  /  @galahad-hero​  /  @unthroned-king​
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dramiones · 6 years
hi, lady! big congrats on your milestone, i know you'll hit your next one soon. your blog is amazing and your edits are serious goals 💕 um i literally haven't read a book in months but um leven thumps was one of my fav books when i was younger. it sorta reminds me of percy jackson (another fav) without all the greek mythology and more magic lol. it's a fun read! anyway i'm dumb, can i please get a ❀ + ☁️ for remus lupin? whenever you can! congrats again, hun!
hi krystyn!! thank you so much!!!! that means everything to me! 
& thank you for the rec, i’ll add it to my tbr list!! it sounds intriguing!
your posters can be found here!
❀ | your icon!!! omg captain hook, i love him sm!!! the rest of your mobile theme is so pretty & serene as well, i’m in love! and your creations? wow i WISH mine could be that good. this one is my favorite? it’s so cute! krystyn, you are also such a lovely blogger & my dash lights up immensely whenever you are on it! ily!
have a lovely day & thank you again!!! 
join my celebration!
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