thespio · 2 years
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—— ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʟᴏᴄᴋᴇᴅ ɪɴꜱɪᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ-ꜱʜᴀᴘᴇᴅ ʙᴏx
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Icon designs were done by the one and only paradigm!
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thespio · 2 years
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ 〝oh, well .. y’know .. let bygones be bygones!〞
⠀⠀⠀ * While making that statement, mario kept his eyes focused on wherever the other was going .. whether their whole body or just parts of their body.
It almost felt like yesterday when him & the gang had to battle the evil jester. what a day that was!
ah ,  let  bygones  be  bygones ?   it  tilts  its  head  to  that ,  their  nonexistent  brows  raising  high .          well  now ,  that  was  awful  high - esteemed  praise  coming  from  old  nemesis .
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                           “  hero  of  light ,  of  purity  and  kindness ;   pray  tell ,  you  cast  my  sins  aside  for  the  sake  of  moving  forward ,  or  do  my  own  ears  play  tricks ?  ”          what  an  awful  trick  for  his  eardrums  to  play ,  were  it  the  case !   instead ,  jester  apparates  into  nothingness ,  only  reappearing  beside  mario  upon  their  own  two  feet ,  stood  amicably  shorter  than  regarded  savior  of  mushroom  kingdom  as  hands  come  in  offering  of  passive  truce (?) .                           “  may  our  futures  be  brighter  than  stars ,  dearest  mario .   to  a  new  beginning ,  to  a  new  chapter  to  our  story .  ”
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thespio · 2 years
⠀⠀⠀ * His big, bright sapphire hues continued to look at the other being. when he expected visitors, he certain didn’t expect them. no matter!
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ 〝m-mhm! .. ya’ look .. very nice t’day ..〞
⠀⠀⠀ * A slight nervousness hit his slightly quiet voice, which was very unintentional!
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oh ,  this  was  going  to  be  fun .   they  cant  their  head  back ,  reveling  in  the  industrial - built  anxiety  portrayed  by  old  rival .       “  oh ,  joyous  days !   you  truly  believe  i ,  DIMENTIO ,  look  ravishing ?   my ,  MY !   and  here  i  thought  you  harbored  ill - will  since  our  last  departure .  ”
hand  flies  up ,  gracefully  twirled  into  a  bow .   don’t  let  jesters  fool  you ,  mario .
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thespio · 2 years
⠀⠀⠀ * he’s  smiling  at  the  reader!  he’s  in  a  good  mood,  as  usual.
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                     “  oh ,  what  ho  and  behold ,  the  plumber  returns !  ”       they  perch  their  cheek  into  awaiting  palm ,  inspired  by  how  awe - struck  its  own  self  is  over  seeing  mario  once  more .
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thespio · 2 years
no one plays mario party with me anymore . ft. @illuminocti
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thespio · 2 years
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thespio · 2 years
leans  into  the  mic  —–
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                if you are a dimentio apologist // dimentio redemptionist , ship them with any of those he's traumatized ( ex. luigi , peach , bleck / blumiere ) , or overall think of them erotically . . . news flash , this is NOT the blog for you .
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thespio · 2 years
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dimentio ;   charming  magician  //  paradigm .          sideblog  to  kngboo .   [>]  template  &  psd  by  jaynedits !
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thespio · 2 years
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                       “   quiero  llamar  a  mi  querida  princesa ,  la  que  me  provoca  así .   peach ,  que  mi  lengua  fluida  coaccione  tu  oído .   ¿ no  te  agrada  esto ?   ¿ yo  hablando  tan  diligente  y  orgulloso  en  una  lengua  materna  familiar ?   espero  que  haga  gatear  su  piel .  ”
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thespio · 2 years
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That voice, she could never forget it, the fights against all those creatures, all those monsters like Mimi and Francis. Those manipulated by this Joker to get all hearts, to manipulate Luigi, to do all those hideous things. Sat in her throne, she froze in place, hands glasping tight the arms of her royal chair, not this again. Not the joker again, she didn’t want to deal with those antics again, that NIGHTMARE again.
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                      “We… W-we defeated you! How?. You know that you’re not welcome here, Dimentio… leave. I’m asking nicely”
Clear blue eyes narrowed when she looked at that mask, that smile, the smile that almost condemn all of them for power, for just lust of power…. To say that she was a bit perturbed, it could be an statement, as she was, but has to be brave for the sake of her people… to protect those that are not at fault, and deserve not to see nor to experience the MADNESS of this crazed jester.
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                         “Dimentio, hear my words, because I will only say this once. We stopped you once. We can do it a second time!”
That threat was not a threat at all, mostly a warning that she is not in the mood to be messed with, not after she encountered them again… scared of what it would happen if they are on the loose again…. that thought alone send shivers down her spine.
oh ,  how  fortunate  for  those  heroes  of  heart !   seems  all  they  ever  needed  was  one  another .   it  studies  princess  as  she  stands  firm  on  her  throne ,  ever  so  poised  yet  crassly  building  sweat  upon  solemn  brow .   how  queer ,  dimentio  never  unveiled  their  intentions  --  not  yet  at  least .   it  watches  peach  squirm ,  like  an  ant  under  a  magnifying  glass .   poor  innocent  peach .  .  .   what  nonsense !                        “  oh ,  i  hear  you !   loud  and  clear ,  like  the  resounding  echo  of  tormented  children  throughout  a  gymnasium .   i  merely  won’t  heed  caution .  ”
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                       “  how  perfect ,  mm ?   after  all  this  time ,  some  odd  fifteen  years ,  i  make  my  big  debut  --  and  you  spit  upon  my  very  shoes ?   and  here  i  thought  royalty  couldn’t  sink  any  lower .  .  .  ”
familiar  sparkle  manifests  off  a  finger ,  hovers  ominously  in  air  as  they  twirl  it  about  in  a  little  loop .   how  cute ,  she  thinks  she  stands  a  chance  against  chaos’s  resurgence ?   it’s  almost  admirable  if  it  weren’t  impractical  and  purposeless .   their  form  snaps  into  a  wave  of  resounding  pulses ,  only  to  reappear  standing  beside  princess’s  throne .   no  self - preservation ,  not  when  they  knew  she  wouldn’t  swing .   not  in  front  of  her  own  court .                        “  come  now ,  princess toadstool .   you  know  better  than  i  do  how  a  joke  can  backfire .   don’t  lose  your  cool  over  mere  jester’s  japery .  ”
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                       “  speaking  of ,  i  have  a  real  kicker  for  you .   what  happens  when  an  old  root  --  forgotten  and  left  in  soil  --  resurfaces ?  ” it  doesn’t  wait  for  an  answer ,  finger  snapping  without  any  sign  of  what  its  doing  has  undone .   an  open  ended  question ,  left  to  rot  in  the  terse  air  between  harlequin  and  traumatized  monarch ,  only  so  that  jester  can  float  off  from  floor  and  towards  the  middle  of  court  hall .
                       “  i  suppose  i’ll  leave  luigi  to  answer  that  one  for  me .  ”
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thespio · 2 years
            headcanons :  chaos  heart  //  az  vessel  –-–  @chaosdisowned
       dimentio  treats  the  heart  almost  like  one  would  an  ex - significant  other ,  though  it  acts  more  scorned  than  them .
       they  tend  to  treat  az  like  an  under - appreciated  understudy .  true  ' you're  merely  holding  onto  it  for  me '  mentality .
       dimentio  absolutely  sees  her  as  a  means  to  an  out  //  placeholder .  she  shouldn't  be  here ,  i'll  leave  her  be  until  my  time  comes ,  etc  etc .
       they  have  a  habit  of  forgetting  about  az  being  a  part  of  things  now ,  leaving  her  behind  or  even  abandoning  her  to  fight  others  due  to  her  ability  to  hone  the  heart .
      oh ,  y’know ,  constant  reminders  to  do  as  the  heart  tells  you .
      : )
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thespio · 2 years
Old shtpost I made
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thespio · 2 years
@jumblemuses cont .  .  .
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                         “  oh  joyous  day ,  like  the  wild  beckoning  of  wedding  bells   --   come  hither ,  fellow  fool !   please ,  please ;   make  yourself  at  home ,  shed  your  shell  of  shackles  that  once  held  vice  to  sanity .  ”         what  fun !   after  all  this  time ,  another  free  from  mortal  innocence  that  blinds  the  society  illusioned  by  structure .   angled  commodity  floats  its  way  over ,  a  bow  graced  once  set  upon  boots  before  opposing  jester ,  their  diamonds  sparkling  all  the  brighter  with  glee .   
                        “  name ,  my  friend !   name ,  what  title  do  i  bid  thee ?   oh ,  the  irritation  of  the  anticipation  --  i  am  master  of  dimensions ,  pleaser  of  crowds !   call  me  dimentio ,  your  humbled  affair  in  comradery .  ”
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thespio · 2 years
@kiddscove​  cont .  .  .
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don’t  be  mean ,  it’s  his  birthday ,  he’s  just  a  little  guy !   a  little  birthday  guy ,  you  wouldn’t  hit  a  guy  on  his  birthday ,  would  you  captain  of  the  brig ?
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thespio · 2 years
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    “Oh, I just like to keep track of my age just cuz… It’s just something humans do. We keep track of our age. I’m not counting down the days before I die. Hell, with my odd powers I don’t know WHEN I’ll die. Maybe I lost the ability to age with the powers I got? Who knows? Maybe I don’t age when I’m on the subway.” she replies with an offered shrug. She really had no idea. But her powers were NOT something a normal human being had. Hell on the subway she could even bring people back to life if their bodies weren’t mutilated beyond recognition.
     It was strange, she never really had anyone intrigued with her before. Usually they were scared of her. That was most of the time what happened. No one really wanted to get to know her, impress her, or even spend time with her. People wanted to get the HELL away from her, for good reasons too. She was happy for a change for once in her life. To have some pleasant company in her subways.
    At the suggestion, she turns her frame a bit to cast her dark gaze out the window. Her eyes narrowed, wondering what she was looking for. Then she spotted it.
    Her eyes widened with wonder as she watched what unfolded. She wasn’t much one for pretty things, but this was NOT something you saw everyday. It seemed just like magic. It was crazy what this jester could do now. It was impressive they could even do that in a subway that already was it’s own dimension.
     Eleanor blinks a little bit, eyes casting over to the smaller one. She watches as they reach out and grasp the bouquet. Then it was offered to her. She felt her cheeks heat up a bit. A tint of a blush forming on her pale pale cheeks. It was very noticeable and there was no way to hide it. The red contrasted against the white.
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     “My, aren’t you a charmer?” she chuckles, covering her mouth his her hand as she chuckles into it. She reaches out and takes the magical roses, and holds them to her chest. “Ah… I need to have a place to put them. I don’t really have a place, let alone a vase or anything… I never expected to be given flowers before…”
oh ,  they  hadn’t  quite  thought  of  that ,  had  they ?                   a  hum  contrasts  her  as  the  harlequin  snaps  its  fingers .   within  her  very  arms  do  the  flowers  exceed  the  regular  span  of  time’s  passing ,  quickly  wilting ,  decaying ,  and  falling  to  rot  that  merely  sprinkles  off  stems  in  glittering  sparkles .   and  to  fill  its  place  sprout  new  bulbs ,  slowly  blooming  in  spiraling  swirls  that  splay  out  pastels  to  vibrant  waters  once  more ,  only  for  the  cycle  to  continue  as  the  jester  leans  back  in  cabin  seat .
                        “  life  as  an  existence  is  meaningless ,  don’t  you  think ?   we  age ,  and  within  our  own  bodies  deteriorate  into  nothingness ,  only  for  the  newer  generations  to  relive  that  same  grief  and  suffering  we  endured .   it  is  one  joyous  occasion  of  being  born  only  growing  dimmer  and  darker  the  longer  we  stay  alive .  ” hand  rolls ,  swishes  out  a  singular  flower’s  head  upon  their  palm .   held  to  the  window ,  glistening  with  dew  droplets  upon  petals  that  shine  in  subway  tunnel’s  lights ,  dimentio  carries  on .                        “  and  yet ,  the  miracle  of  beauty  is  everlasting ,  never  truly  gone  within  the  confines  of  sorrow  and  dismay .   i  suppose  what  comes  with  nature’s  demise  is  always  a  petrified  glamor  that  relishes  the  life  lived ,  much  like  that  of  a  fossil  trapped  in  resin .  ”
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                       “  pass  me  the  roses ,  eleanor .   let’s  end  them  so  that  they  may  live  on  eternally .  ”
they  don’t  wait ,  hands  flying  over  to  scoop  them  up  and  viscerally  crush  flora  between  palms .   light  spews  out  in  fluttering  flashes  as  colors  spill  like  ichor  from  crevices  between  hands ,  only  for  them  to  peel  apart  to  reveal  that  glowing  star  again .   beauty ,  in  purest  form .   wordlessly ,  jester  shifts  forward  in  seat  until  they’re  knee - to - knee  with  eleanor ,  fingers  edging  closer  until  the  odd  warmth  of  gloved  limbs  can  press  flush  to  the  crest  of  her  sternum  and  insert  the  medallion  glimmer  into  her  chest’s  core .   right  into  her  heart .   there’s  an  tingling  sense  of  numb  static ,  like  pins  and  needles ,  before  utter  warmth  of  memory  being  gifted  upon  oneself  properly  adjusts .   this  wasn’t  just  a  memory  of  seeing .   all  her  senses  were  present ;   her  own  happy  place  to  resign  to ,  a  dimension  for  eleanor  within  her  mind .
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thespio · 2 years
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     “You’re centuries old? My, that is quite old! Much older than I am. I’m only thirty years old. You’ve probably seen many things in your life. You probably have some interesting tales to share, no?” she asks him. 
    She turns her frame a bit to face them. Resting her elbow on the subway wall and propping her head up with a palm. This was certainly interesting! She never recalled meeting a being that was so old! Most of the time when she ran into other worldly beings, they were at tops, hundreds of years old. She recalled the oldest she met was in his first thousands, and the guy LOOKED old too! Maybe Dimentio didn’t age? Maybe they were immortal? She thirsted to learn more about them.
     Her smile twists, more into something more genuine. As if she was enjoying their little conversation. It was less creepy, and more pleasant. It was almost like a smile of a mother.
    “Ah, that’s quite amazing! Can you go to any of them on whim?” she questions. “So you can control any dimension? Or is it just ones you create, if you can?”
                         “  oh ,  my  dear  sweet  eleanor .  .  .   age  is  but  a  number  the  universe  coerces  us  as  mortal  beings  to  count ,  much  like  a  calendar !   why  bother  keeping  score  against  the  loom  of  death  when  everyday  can  be  lived  as  though  it  were  your  last ?   live  everyday  on  edge ,  risk  it  all  or  do  not  live  at  all .  ”
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matriarch  or  murderer ,  it  seemed  the  cryptid’s  attention  was  dead  set  on  her  and  her  alone .   forget  the  roam  of  looming  lights ,  or  disproportionate  heights  stifled  between  them ,  or  perhaps  even  the  lingering  presence  of  ghost  children .   dimentio’s  intrigue  lie  with  eleanor  and  only  eleanor .   it  cants  its  head  as  she  does ,  a  delighted  little  mimicry  of  her  kinder  spirit .   talk  about  a  mood  change .   maybe  he’ll  humor  a  few  of  her  more  intrusive  questions .                         “  any  at  all ,  with  the  snap  of  a  finger  mind  you .   as  for  controlling  them ,  oh  ho  ho .  .  .   merely  direct  your  gaze  out  the  window ,  would  you ?  ”
surely  an  impossible  task ,  arduous  for  someone  trapped  upon  magical  train ,  right ?   yet ,  there  in  the  bleak  blurs  of  passing  subway  tunnel ,  something  floats  just  as  fast  outside  car  window .   a  star ,  born  from  glimmering  sparkles  often  cast  as  an  attack  of  the  jester’s ,  yet  all  it  does  is  spiral  and  metamorphize  into  long ,  slithering  stems  before  multicolored  hues  of  roses  splash  out  like  droplets  of  watercolor  paint  upon  an  easel’s  canvas .
of  course ,  they  chuckle  at  what  can  only  be  assumed  as  disbelief .                        “  you’ve  seen  the  magic ,  now  for  the  trick .  ”
as  if  glass  pane  was  a  mere  illusion ,  in  floats  bouquet  of  self - blooming  roses  for  the  dimensional  deity  to  grasp .  into  palm  its  taken ,  only  to  be  offered  towards  beauty  just  as  capturing  as  floral  arrangement .
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                      “  this  time ,  i  ought  to  let  you  believe  for  yourself ,  mm ?  ”
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thespio · 2 years
how  mundane ,  sitting  together  on  a  public  transit  –-–  careful ,  someone  might  think  they're  married !  the  way  cynical  eyes  trace  its  form ,  dimentio gives  needed  pause  before  twirling  out  a  hand  in  wrist - rolling  gesture .      “  centuries ,  actually !   like  the  tea  stains  a  mimicry  of  aged  parchment ,  i  —  DIMENTIO —  am  old .  ”
that's  not  to  say  he's  without  his  charm !  jawline  sinks  into  awaiting  palm ,  leans  into  phantom  elbow ,  all  to  keenly  invest  interest  where  sanctioned  best ;  those  eyes .  though  its  own  remain  like  night  and  day ,  hers  glisten  like  the  twilight  reflection  on  murky  water's  surface ,  pools  of  inky  ebonies  swallowing  the  masque's  awareness  and  tunneling  their  focus  solely  unto  eleanor .
my ,  it  seems  as  though  she  intends  to  enrapture  them  just  by  mere  encroaching  personal  space .  and  surprisingly ?  it  doesn't  mind .
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                          “  i  suppose  i  could  start  there ,  ”      chirps  eerily  inviting .       “  i  control  the  many  plains  of  dimensions ;  one ,  two ,  three ,  four  –-–  pockets ,  parallels ,  folds ,  rifts . . .  if  it  exists ,  i  can  manipulate  any  variation  from  any  line  i  so  choose .  ”
                          “  with  idled  pleasure ,  my  lady .  ”      from  hover  it  pops  like  popcorn  kernel ,  slowly  descending  until  landing  upon  car’s  seat  with  a  toy - like  squeak .   how  humble !  legs cross ,  one  over  the  other ,  as  limbless  jester  turns  to  face  precedented  accomplice .
she  wishes  to  know  more  of  his  very  being ?  a  laugh  echoes  with  mock  sultry  and  a  flirtatious  edge .      “  i  dare  say ,  unfolding  me  already ?  you’re  quite  straight  to  the  point !  ”      out  slithers  glove  to  stave  off  any  glares  or  blinks  of  confusion .
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                          “  i  jest ,  i  jest .  ”
plenty  of  japes  to  be  had  yet ,  what  say  the  many  trapped  spirits .  harlequin  tilts  its  head  with  a  snigger ,  hushed  kekes hissing  betwixt  masked  teeth .      “  there  is  not  much  to  say  without  provocation ,  dearest  eleanor .  perhaps  your  morbid  sense  of  curiosity  could  itch  this  jester’s  old  brain  for  more ?  ”
     Eleanor slowly takes a seat on the chair next to the Jester. She folds her hands onto her lap, one hand over the other. Sinking back into the cushion of the plush subway chair.
     It’s been a while since she let anyone survive a trip on the subway. Way too long. Most people who came by were annoying as hell. Just wanted to go some place they dreamt of. But it seemed this strange little fellow, was more interested in her than any sort of destination. It was almost flattering!
     Finally, she shows her true form. Casting off her shadow to reveal a pale woman with messy wavy hair. Her smile was STILL creepy as ever as she sat there grinning like no tomorrow. Honestly, some people found her human form to be more creepy than her shadow form.
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      “I’m a rather straight forward girl. I don’t like to beat around the bushes. It just wastes time. I’m curious of you and your life. It’s not every day I get to meet ‘Master of dimensions,’” she chuckles, raising a few finger tips to her lips as she did.
     “Old brain?” she echoes, looking down at them. She squints her dark eyes a little bit. Lowering her head a tad. “You’re old? You seem pretty young to me!” Was that a jab of some kind, a joke, or was she serious and DID think they were young?
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