#edit: so much wine
uefb · 2 years
So Much Wine (Phoebe Bridgers)
I reject the film creators’ insensitive and problematic decisions around Queenie’s arc (a Jewish halfblood witch working for a genocidal wizard) and choose to focus instead on her as a character. This moment—for Tina and Queenie especially—is a tragedy. I wanted to make something that even vaguely approached conveying the gravity of that grief.
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eliounora · 1 year
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wine tasting gets interesting
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copia · 3 months
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favourite song from Opus Eponymous — Con Clavi Con Dio
[MESSAGE FROM THE CLERGY] You are uncordially invited to attend the Ministry's conjuration for a night of infernal psalms. Be guided in praise of Sathanas by Papa Emeritus il Quarto; be led in worship of His Unholy Majesty; He shall rise, from precipice through birth. Tonight, siamo con il nostro Dio Scuro!
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isagrimorie · 9 months
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Seven of Nine | Parallels Star Trek Voyager 4x06 - The Raven | Star Trek Picard 3x10 - The Last Generation
How it started and How it's Going - Still trying to hijack a Federation craft, from stealing a shuttlecraft to taking back the Titan.
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tiredalwayss · 1 year
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Beyond Evil: episode 10
It's our day off. How about a glass of wine?
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blackhholes · 3 months
argent family - family tree (intro)
he'll scream and try to wash it off of his fingers but he'll never escape what he's made up of
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Hey guess what it's more Good Ganondorf content!
@silvercaptain24 <3
The party had long since finished. Link had been escorted back to his room and left in peace. With food in his stomach and some water, he felt his strength returning. His body trembled as he stood tentatively, alone in his room, but he managed to stay on his feet nonetheless.
Stepping quietly to the door, Link put an ear to it. There had to be guards outside, but he hadn't seen any when Nabooru had brought him back here.
This entire situation was making less sense, but he wasn't going to stick around long enough to parse it all out. Nabooru had claimed Ganondorf was holding him hostage to keep him safe. Ganondorf himself had tried to make himself look like he wasn't the villain, like the entirety of Hyrule hadn't been ripped apart at the seams because of his corruption and desire for power, like he hadn't torn the Triforce from Link and Zelda in battle while his army slaughtered their men.
It didn't make sense. What game was the monster playing? Link would have to figure it out when he made it back to his own people. Zelda and his army were waiting for him. The queen was no doubt trying to get a rescue operation together, and Link didn't want to risk anyone's lives over himself, not when he could find his own way out. He wasn't some helpless fool, he could handle this, and he would get the Triforce pieces back that the queen so desperately guarded.
He'd seen the crazed look in Zelda's eyes when they'd lost the Triforce the first time. He didn't want to see that again.
There was no other way out of this room than to use the door. It felt stupidly simple and reckless. He had to open it quickly, to catch the guards by surprise, wherever they were stationed. He needed some kind of weapon. He'd managed to sneak a knife in from dinner, slipping it into his boot, but he wasn't sure how useful it would be. He gripped it firmly in his hand and took a steadying breath.
It was now or never.
Link threw the door open, quickly taking in his surroundings, and saw... nothing.
No one... was there.
Well, he couldn't stop to think about it. The noise he'd just made would attract attention.
Trying to remember the path Nabooru had led him through to get outside, Link ran quickly, ignoring the chill that sank into his bones as he moved. When had it gotten so cold? His fingers felt like they were getting numb already as they gripped the knife.
The hallway opened up to a larger room. He remembered that. This was where--
A hand grabbed him by the back of his tunic and yanked harshly, sending him to the floor with a yell. Link kicked blindly, eyes focusing on his target.
It was Ghirahim.
Snarling, Link rolled to get away and swiped with the knife to create distance. Ghirahim caught his arm by the wrist, watching him with a sadistic smile.
"I figured you wouldn't sit still for long, sky child," he purred.
Something in Link roared in response, and he let out a battle cry as gripped the demon's arm with his free hand, bringing all his weight down to drag Ghirahim to the ground. The demon gasped a little at the increased weight he was holding, but he caught the hero by the shirt instead of letting them both fall.
Link spat in his face next, and that worked brilliantly, making the demon hiss and pull away immediately. Free from his grasp, Link began to run, knowing this was not a fight he was going to win with a knife. He heard a snap and Ghirahim appeared in front of him.
"Now, now," Ghirahim said, brushing some white hair out of his face. "I have strict orders to keep you here."
"Over my dead body," Link snarled.
"Oh, I wish," Ghirahim replied. "You see, that has been a point of contention lately. My master wishes you alive and it is so dreadfully taxing on me. But I trust his judgment. He has a way to address the true matter. And then your little vassal can be safe and sound while I deal with you."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Link snapped, eyes searching for another escape route as he spoke. The demon lord certainly loved to talk, so if Link could use that to his advantage, he would.
"It's amazing how dense you can be," Ghirahim grumbled. "Honestly, an entire war fought for you and you don't even understand it. Cia may have fallen in love with you, but she desires your vassal. Nevertheless, this has always been about eliminating you. My master understands that. It will be my highest honor to serve in that capacity for him, to be the one to deliver the killing blow. I cannot wait for that momentous occasion."
"You're out of your mind," Link replied. Another hallway was just to the left, and if he ran fast enough... "I am the Hero. I don't know what you're talking about with vassals. I serve the queen as a--"
"THIS ISN'T ABOUT THE QUEEN!" Ghirahim screamed, face contorted in rage. "This is about you, sky child, about revenge, about eliminating the one threat in my master's way! Her Grace isn't here, and her descendant doesn't have a fraction of that power, the Triforce is all my master needs now, and I will finally be able to kill you!"
The conversation was about to end and Link knew it. He tore off in the direction of the other hallway, managing to round the corner when he heard a snap again. He was prepared this time, grabbing the nearest pot and throwing it just as diamonds materialized in front of him. Ghirahim grunted as it made impact as soon as he appeared, shattering into countless pieces while Link quickly backtracked and went a different way.
By the grace of the goddesses, that had given the captain enough time to at least outmaneuver the demon lord, who wasn't sure which part of the compound Link had ended up by now. He was grateful for it, his heart racing and pounding in his ears as he rushed to find an exit. Fighting Ghirahim in the heat of battle felt far more... controlled than this. Here he felt like prey, and Ghirahim's rage and power over him was...
He wasn't going to say he was scared. He wouldn't.
Link felt a breeze and it gave him hope. That had to mean he was close to the outdoors. But where were all the Gerudo?
A door was up ahead, sand trickling in from beneath it, a promise of freedom and safety. Link threw it open with relief.
And ran right into Ganondorf.
Gasping, Link scrambled backwards, losing his footing and his balance as he fell unceremoniously to the ground. He continued to scoot away, trying to find a way around the towering figure. The man was enormous - it could give Link the advantage of scurrying around him if he was fast enough, but the world was spinning and--
"I figured you might try this," Ganondorf sighed.
Okay. Okay, fine. So they were talking. That would give him time to catch his breath. All these fools and their monologues - and people said Link was arrogant. At least he didn't usually give his enemies time to formulate a plan while they were actively standing in front of him.
"Your strength is returning," Ganondorf noted, walking towards him. "But that doesn't mean you're ready for a fight."
Well, Link might as well try to get some answers while he was here. "Where's the Triforce, you monster?"
"Where it needs to be," Ganondorf answered simply, closing the door behind him, much to Link's dismay. He stared at Link for an uncomfortably long time, making the captain squirm.
"Nabooru said you want me alive. Tell me why," he demanded, trying to make the man talk again.
Ganondorf was silent for a moment longer and then shook his head. "You're not in a state to accept my words."
"Try me," Link goaded. He had to admit, at this point he was curious. And it bought him more time to figure out what the heck his next step would be.
"I know your type, Hero," Ganondorf said, tacking on the title as if it were a curse. "You follow the queen like a puppy that doesn't know any better. Your heart is filled with a sense of duty, a desire to help and do good, and it is fixed on that woman. You'll do whatever Zelda tells you."
Link bristled but bit his tongue. Whatever slander Ganondorf was about to say didn't interest him, but the man hadn't made a point yet.
"You don't see the mess you're in," Ganondorf continued, shaking his head. "You don't understand. I'm trying to protect you, Link."
Link blinked. Then he blinked again. Nabooru had said as much, but hearing it from him... well. She had said keep him safe. He'd interpreted it as keep him alive. "Protect me from what?"
"Everything," Ganondorf muttered in a low time, voice rumbling in his chest. He bent forward, as if to grab Link, and the captain took that as his cue.
Link bolted, rushing to the left to get out of the reach of the man as he tried to run around him, using his small size to his advantage. He reached the door and immediately realized his mistake.
It was locked.
The ground vanished beneath him, and Link felt his stomach lurch as he was held in the air by one of his arms. The strain of having his entire body weight pulled into his shoulder joint made him grit his teeth. Then his world twirled as he was tossed against the man, his back to Ganondorf's chest, held in place by an arm wrapped around his torso.
"Let me go!" he yelled, kicking his legs as much as possible.
"I told you that you were not ready for this conversation," Ganondorf said, almost chidingly. "I'm taking you back to your room so you can rest."
"You think I'll be ready for a conversation that isn't true?" Link snapped. "You're holding me hostage for a reason, stop lying to me!"
Ganondorf said nothing, walking down the hallway with Link his helpless prisoner dangling in his grip. His waist and stomach ached from the hold, though at least pressed against someone else warmed him enough that he wasn't shivering and numb. His body was screaming at him at this point, wounds he hadn't even realized existed suddenly flaring up. He supposed the battle that had gotten him captured had left more marks than he'd realized.
That didn't matter. Escaping mattered.
Link felt so utterly helpless and he hated it. He'd never felt so out of control in his life. When he was plopped back on the bed and left alone to his own musings, he curled into a ball, suddenly shivering again.
He felt so, so alone. And suddenly, with the thought of Ghirahim's twisted, demented, enraged face, with the thought of how easily Ganondorf just manhandled him, he felt...
He wasn't going to say it. He wasn't going to say it.
Damn it all, he was scared. And he hated it.
He was the bearer of the Triforce of Courage and he was scared.
Burying his face into his knees, Link hugged himself and cursed himself at the same time. The tears fell silently at first before little hiccups started to accompany them. He was too tired for this. The only mercy the goddesses provided was that he was alone. He didn't want anyone to see him like this.
His body felt impossibly heavy. The room felt like it was closing in. He was exhausted. His head hurt. His stomach ached from how he'd been held. Something on his back seared like fire. His knees were bothering him. He was freezing. He felt so unbelievably overwhelmed. He felt so unbelievably unsafe.
He'd always been the one to save the day. He'd been invincible with the Master Sword, though he'd learned that having others to help him was equally as important. But he had no Master Sword here. No friends. No hope of anything.
In the darkness and cold of the night, his fears consumed him, and he gave into despair. Link cried, so desperately alone. He just wanted to feel safe.
Warmth enveloped him, and he sank into it willingly, his hiccups turning into sobs. Something ran soothingly along his back, soft cloth was pressed against his face, and he found himself clinging to it desperately like a lifeline.
He needed to get himself together. He didn't care. No one was here anyway.
Then what's... why am I...?
He was too tired to process it anymore. All he knew was he felt safe.
"You'll be okay, child."
The voice was deep and gentle, whispered into his hair. Gentle pressure pressed him against whatever softness was in front of him. He heard a heartbeat.
A heartbeat. Pressure. Words. This was... he wasn't alone.
Hiccupping, Link opened his eyes, hands still clinging for dear life to patterned cloth in front of him, red hair spilling into his face as it slid over the person's shoulders.
A deep voice. A man's voice. A man wearing Gerudo--
What the hell.
Alarms rang in Link's mind as he put the pieces together. This couldn't be right this couldn't be right--
"You're safe," the voice said gently, continuing to run a hand along his back.
Link was so lost and confused and hurt and why the hell didn't anything make sense what was happening--
"I'll fix this," Ganondorf promised, and Link gave up entirely, falling apart.
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sillymarieee · 4 months
Recent doodles of Albert Wesker, including a genderbend (I got little carried away woops) - The brainrot is real (*≧▽≦)
ANYWAYYYS gonna head off to bed as it is now 2 am hehe-
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"wine? why would we need alcohol on a mission?"
favorite levi scenes (46/48) — #73 savagery
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deansraspberrypie · 2 years
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He is Perfection 👑❤‍🔥💎
🍰 Tag list: @undisputedchick2 @jranutter @kazsrm67 🥧
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konstantya · 8 months
Starting to think I might have accidentally become a baking wizard?
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potionboy3 · 9 months
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jupiter durand & declan rovere | hpma
we still haven't figured out all the parts of their relationship and how exactly they find out they're related, but i realized that they both have older fc's and made a little thing for the reigning rovere bloodline 🌹 @cursed-herbalist
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cookinguptales · 1 year
Hi! Just wanted to drop by and tell you that your Karabita fics are AMAZING they've brought me so much joy and comfort 🥺 as I'm sure you can tell since I probably spammed your notes endlessly with likes and reblogs and silly tags these past few days. But gosh, it was just SO GOOD you're an amazing writer and after so many hours of joy I just really had to let you know (again haha). Thank you sooo much for sharing your work!! It was simply lovely 😔💜
I've really enjoyed reading your tags!! I haven't really thought about karabita much in the past few years, so it was nice to kind of have a walk down memory lane. I found myself reading back through some of my old work as you were reblogging it, and it was really nostalgic.
I didn't actually realize how much karabita I wrote! I've just been going off my AO3 stats for years. But I had a tendency to put stuff on tumblr back then and I didn't always crosspost to AO3, apparently. Then again, there's also a lot of karabita that I put on AO3 and never put on tumblr. So it was wild to realize that, in addition to the 50+ karabita fics I posted to AO3, I apparently also had this whole mess of ficlets that were tumblr-only. I didn't remember writing most of them at all until I saw you reblogging them. lmao
Anyway... thank you very much! I'm really very genuinely glad you liked them. I didn't realize anyone was still reading those. I haven't seen most of s2 or any of s3 (I bounced off of s2 pretty hard) so I wasn't sure if that was still a ship that anyone cared about. It's nice to know people still care after all these years.
I also laughed a lot when I saw from your tags that my Osomatsu-san/Muppets crossover was the first Muppets fic you ever read, but I was glad you enjoyed it! I was even more well-known for Muppets than Osomatsu-san for a while there, which is why I assume someone asked for that. It really made me laugh when I realized that I'd accidentally reeled someone into Muppets from karabita; the two are just such wildly different fandoms. (Though... in other ways very similar...)
I'm not in karabita fandom anymore, but I'll admit that it was a really fun part of my life. I really enjoyed all of the unhinged stuff I wrote, and I really loved how collaborative the fandom was. I didn't remember until I saw your notes how many ficlets I wrote based on requests back then, or how much fanart was made of those fics.
Natsukashii... 🥺
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babyxenomorph · 2 years
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chloelouygo · 4 months
I bought a linkin park cd today and my mum has already stolen it for her car-
#im cackling#i said she could borrow it but i wasnt expecting her to unwrap it on the same day i bought it and take it with for her evening exercise- 😅#to be fair i currently habe one of het LP cds in my car#sharing is caring (as long as it's linkin park CDs)-#she played lp on my way to my first day at school when i was 5 and i swear down they've been with me ever since#it was Crawling that pkayed when she dropped me off for ref-#ugh i fucking LOVE linkin park#i remember going to uni and having consumed a bottle of shitty wine i proceeded to burst into tears in the muddle of a club#because tyey pkayed Numb like 4 minths after chester's passing#and i was NOT READY#all my band posters have fallen off my walls pretty mych with the passage of time#bit I'll never not have a pucture of Chester within easy view#he's spent like 7 years next to my bathroom door lmao sprry my guy#if im ever brave enough to get a tattoo my first will for sure be lp related#either that or a star in each ankle for my beloved Dougie#dougie deserves a whole separe post tbh#I'd stick amd poke them myself but I've proven time and time again that i absolutely CANNOT draw stars lmaoo#i did stars on books at Christmas amd oof i fekt called out seeing how awful theh wer#npt simething to freehand#so ima gp sit dowm-#edit: clearly i cannot spell i am so sorru#I'm laughing at how autocorrect went '😬😬😬 yeahhhh i ain't getting involved in her dyslexia-' 😅#i can't spell at the best of times much less rn-
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lovespowermoved · 5 months
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𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐀 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ / mutuals may reblog, personals don't interact.
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