#edit: lmaooo i found his name
Choice, Choices, Choices Pt. 2
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TW: Swearing, canon typical violence
Pairing: Reader x Graves Summary: Well your week off wasn't very productive, hopefully a really stressful, fate-of-the-world-is-in-your-hands mission will help clear your brain. As usual, I didn't beta read, so lmk if there are an errors :) Also sorry for the reupload, I accidentally deleted it whilst trying to edit something lmaooo.
When Price said a lot, he meant a lot. 
In the time you had been gone, a new terrorist threat had popped up, a man named Hassan who somehow had gotten ahold of American missiles. You didn’t even have time to unpack before Price was shipping you off to Mexico to help Soap and Ghost infiltrate a cartel to find the location of said missing missiles. It seems the talk with Graves will have to wait.
You get no rest on the flight to Mexico. Instead you spend the entire time focusing on your and Grave’s relationship. Maybe it’s the threat of imminent annihilation, or maybe it’s the fact that you are going to be seeing him soon, but whatever it is, you were thinking more clearly than you have all week. 
Graves was a man of authority, and you had recognized it from the moment you had met him. He took what he wanted, when he wanted, and made sure everyone knew he was the top dog. In your relationship he always had the last say, always chose the restaurant, always chose the movie. And for the most part, you didn’t mind, enjoying the feeling of not having to be in control for once when all you did all day long was make choices that could mean life or death. 
He had this belief that he could do no wrong, and was smug and uptight and sometimes even cruel about it. 
And yet there was something…alluring about him. Some magnetic charm that drew you in every time you wanted to take a step back. He didn’t even have to try, hell, he had stopped putting effort into the relationship years ago, and yet you still found him almost irresistible. 
You weren’t stupid, you knew what there were issues in the way your relationship worked, but you loved him, and he…loved you too. It wasn’t until Ghost stepped fully into the picture that you realized that may-
“Y/N!” You flinch, your eyes coming up to meet your pilots as his voice snaps you out of your musings.  
“You okay in there? I’ve been yelling at you for at least a minute.” He says over the headset, “Anyways we’re about to land, so get ready.” You nod, shouldering your pack and making sure your vest is strapped correctly. 
5 minutes later, the helo begins its choppy descent. The second it touches down you are ushered off, ducking under the blades in an odd crab run as you make your way to where Soap, Ghost, and 2 strangers stand to the side. The pilot takes off before you've even cleared the LZ. 
“Good ta’ see yer no’ dead lassie.” Soap grin, clasping your shoulder, “Ah trust Price has briefed ye?” 
“Aye.” You nod, “Though he didn’t mention these two. Who are they?”
“These are th’ Los Vaqueros.” Soap says giddy, “Means th’ cowboys” 
“My name is Alejandro.” The taller one on the left tells you.
“Mine’s Rodolfo, tho y’ can call me Rudy.” The one on the right says moments later.
“Nice to meet you.” You incline your head, avoiding Ghost’s searching gaze, “I take it you’re the ones leading us through this, uh…whatever we’re about to do?” 
“Aye.” Alejandro turns and begins walking, everyone else falling in line behind him, “Soap here is infiltrating Las Almas, we are looking for El Sin Nombre. We believe he knows the location of the missiles Hassan has stolen.” 
You climb into the back of a truck, consciously avoiding sitting next to Ghost. The drive is tense, the silence only occasionally broken by questions from Alejandro and Soap. The truck comes to a stop, and you all pile out, getting Soap outfitted for his ‘Day in the life of a cartel member’ extravaganza. 
“Y/n!” You spin around, seeing Graves walking towards you, “How was your week off?” 
“It was good. Did a lot of…thinking.” 
“Wonderful.” He says, his eyes already looking past you. He presses a quick kiss to your cheek and moves past, going to speak with his Shadows. You sigh internally, moving over to Soap and Ghost. 
“How wis yer week off?” Soap asks as a Shadow helps fit his comms. He’s grinning, his blue eyes almost glowing in the dark, but you can see the faint lines of fear in his expression.
“It was since. Did a lot of thinking, I guess.” Ghost shifts, a subtle movement you notice out of the corner of your eye. Your face flushes, and you’re grateful it’s dark out so he can’t see. 
“Let's roll!” Alejandro calls. Soap nods, and you follow him and Ghost back to the truck. This drive is tense for a whole other reason, everyone thinking about all the ways this could go wrong. 
You get to the compound, and take your spot on a ridge with Ghost. No words are exchanged, but you know him well enough by now to tell he is worried about you. If Soap’s life, and the lives of millions of Americans, weren’t at risk, you would be grateful for this mission delaying the inevitable conversation you have to have. 
You both get into position, sniper rifles trained on the building. You wince as Soap is manhandled, a deep pit of fear in your stomach once he disappears from your view.
 Now all that's left is to sit and wait. 
He emerges victorious, much to yours and Ghost’s relief. He brings with him El Sin Nombre, who apparently is actually a woman, and an old friend of Alejandros. You could see yourself liking her, if she hadn’t sold missiles to terrorists.
She is feisty, smart, and cunning. She keeps her mouth shut, refusing to volunteer the location of the 2nd missile, instead goading Alejandro into a frenzy. You watch, eyes narrowed in distaste, as Graves tries to make a deal with her. Not for the first time, you judge his ability to make decisions. 
But she does give you all the missile location. In what feels like a matter of moments, you find yourself on a boat, heading through stormy waves towards an oil rig off the Gulf of Mexico. Grave’s Shadows launch an attack, only for Ghost to find that the missile not only has entered pre-launch phase, but wasn’t even on the oil rig to begin with. Instead, you find it on the deck of a ship, primed and ready to fire. You, Graves, Soap, and Ghost file onto the cargo ship, where you find that there is no way to disarm the missile. 
Your heart sinks, until Shepard has the great idea to turn the missile on the oil rig. Alejadro and the Shadow Company clear out, and Soap hacks in and resets the missile's trajectory. The burning ball of flame is a beautiful sight to see, in your opinion. 
“Gold Eagle Actual, Shadow-1. Good hit. Good hit. Missile and rig destroyed.” Graves crows,  a grin lighting up his face. He grasps Soaps shoulder, and you watch him mouth a quiet Good work, his voice too quiet to hear over the noise of the shadows and everyone celebrating.
Without thinking, you press a kiss to Ghost’s masked cheek, the euphoria of victory clouding your senses. Soap steps in to give Ghost a moment to recover, and gives you a side hug, slapping you on the back a little too hard for your liking. You don’t notice Graves eyes on you, narrowing with your every action. 
The ride back is still tense, the tension between you and Ghost so thick you can almost taste it. Luckily Soap either can’t sense it, or just is just ignoring it, the Scotsman happily chattering away as the sinking feeling in your heart grows and grows. 
The crisis is over, and once you get back you won’t be able to put off your conversation with Graves any longer. 
It’s still raining when you get back to the Los Vaquero’s base. The truck comes to a stop outside the gates, and you slide out of the truck after Ghost, confused and a bit wary. 
“What’s this?” You hear Alejadro’s voice from the other side of the truck. 
“This is the immediate future.” You stop short, Grave’s voice making your blood run cold, “Step away from the gate.” No. There is no way. 
“You’re outta line Graves.” You blink, hard, realizing you had zoned out for a moment. You force your feet to move again, rounding the truck, stiffening as a barrel is pressed into your spine.
“Hey!” Grave’s voice echoes in your ears, “Let her go. She’s with us.” You inhale sharply, looking up at him in shock. Soap looks at you in betrayal, taking half a step towards you before the Shadows are on him as well. 
“Don't do that. Don't... do that. No one needs to get hurt here.” Graves says, eyes narrowed. 
“Are you threatening us?” You can hear the betrayal in his voice as well, though he does his best to hide it. You want to look at him, try and communicate that you have no part in this, but your mind is still reeling, and you’re unable to draw your wide eyes away from Grave’s face. 
“Soldier, I don't make threats. I make guarantees. So, let's not do this.” The animosity in Graves' voice surprises you. 
“I’m calling Shepard.” Soap turns, hand reaching for his radio. 
“General Shepard sends his regards.” Graves' grin is predatory, and you have no doubt he’s enjoying this, “He told me you wouldn’t take this well.” 
“He knows about this?” Ghost’s eyes are dark, his body tense and ready to spring. 
“He's put me in command of this operation from here on out. So, y'all need to stand down. It's time to let the pros finish this.” You watch Graves still, eyes trained on his face, your brain numb with shock. Shock and…disgust. 
“And why the hell are we talking like this is some kind of a negotiation?” Graves continues, “It's not. I've got my orders and now you have yours.” 
“And who the fuck do you think you are, cabron? My men are inside!” 
“I'm afraid not.” Graves pauses, meeting your eyes with a disgusting grin, “Your men have been... detained.”
“Cabron!” For the first time, you manage to tear your eyes away from Graves, your gaze falling on Alejandro as he launches himself towards your boyfriend only to be beaten down and restrained by his Shadows. 
“Graves, what th’ fuck?” Your eyes dart to Soap as he lunges at the Shadow next to him, holding him hostage. You let out a small cry as Graves and his men open fire. You duck behind the truck, watching as Ghost elbows the Shadow behind him before stabbing another one in the neck, quickly ripping the blade back out and hurling it at another Shadow before disappearing into the dark. 
“Get your fucking hands off me!” Your hands fly up to cover your mouth as you watch Graves slam the butt of his gun into Alejandro’s head, dropping him. You stare at Graves in shock, unable to move as your mind tries to process what's happening. 
Soap yells in pain, snapping you from your reverie as you spin to look at him. He’s on the ground, the Shadow he had taken laying dead on top of him. 
“Go, Johnny! Get out of there!” Ghost yells from somewhere behind you “Soap, Go!” You watch as Soap heaves himself up and throws himself over the barrier, disappearing from your view. You slide down the truck, sinking to the ground as your legs give out, your entire body shaking. 
Graves' actions start to sink in, and gods does his betrayal hurt. It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before, worse than the time you broke your arm, worse than the time you got shot in the thigh, worse than any wound you had ever received. It’s like a physical pain, your heart feeling as though it’s been ripped from your chest. Tears well in your eyes, your fingers digging into your palms in an effort to stop your tears. 
You don’t know how long you sit in the rain, but it’s enough time for you to be completely soaked head to toe. You are surrounded by blood and bodies, and your mind reels as you survey the scene. Alejandro is gone, you’re not sure when he was taken away. Soaps rifle is still laying in the street, a very damming pool of blood underneath and around it. With the amount of blood he lost, you're surprised he's not dead. Oh gods he better not be dead.
“Y/n?” Graves' voice breaks the fog in your brain, “Darling? Are you alright? I know this was...a bit of a surprise…but I’m sure you understand.” 
To be continued.
Notes: Sorry for how long this took!!! But it's here now! Hopefully Pt. 3 won't take me another thousand years. Anyways I hope you enjoy, and sorry if this is not the direction you wanted it to go :/ Tags: @redhoodxsupergirl @infpt-zylith @scarletdfox
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season 4 episode 12 thoughts
didn’t watch an episode last night because i was sad. and by consulting the people, i knew that this episode would ALSO be sad. but now in my infinite wisdom, i realize: how better to distract yourself from your own sorrow than to watch some fictional characters writhe in their own grief? which brings us here.
“a headless corpse walks out of a hospital morgue” well that actually just sounds silly. i know it’s not gonna end up being silly, and i’m sure my heart will be on the floor, but you have to admit, it sounds silly.
author’s note: the episode about the dude with no head is now the second episode EVER to make me cry. and editing these notes is gonna SUCK SO BAD😭😭😭I WAS WRONG ABOUT DROWNING MY SORROWS IN FICTIONAL WOES. I HAVE NO INFINITE WISDOM. ONLY TEARS.
let us begin below. join me. hold me. comfort me.
ambulance time :3 we see a guy named leonard, who i presume will be the star of the episode given its title. he tells michele driving the vehicle that this guy having a heart attack is “up to his ass in alligators”, and idk what that means, but it doesn’t sound good
oh a needle. mmmm no no. NO. no. <- girl who cannot look at the screen
NO! no. crash. oh god, that’s my worst fear. EMS lady michele who made the mistake of looking behind her while driving is now covered in blood. i assume that we will see leonard's head soon.
(little did i know!!! little did i know. i have a fear even deeper than causing a car accident that decapitates someone)
ah, yes. the head is not attached to anything. michele, covered in blood, is leaving after leonard is dropped off in the morgue.
the guy in the morgue is trying to stream casual by chappell roan (obviously) but he hears some thumping in the distance. leonard has escaped! without his head!
oh god, he killed morgue guy. you see, i thought we were going to get an episode where the mystery was how the headless man got around and lived his daily life, not that the headless guy was also going to be a murderer. i thought we were gonna get scenes of his headless body using sign language to communicate and question how he’s gonna eat in a semi-comical fashion. but now. now he’s evil. sigh.
and leonard is naked. do they put you in the morgue naked??? i always assumed there’d be a little bit of dignity…
SCULLY TIME!!! i can feel all pain in my body evaporating. she is looking in the little morgue case he escaped from. there are a lot of bloody footprints. and mulder is here, too!
it’s funny how i sit down to watch the scully and mulder show and then when i see them on screen i think “oh boy, it’s scully and mulder time :D”
good news! the morgue guy who was certainly streaming chappell is NOT actually dead. he was just knocked out. and had all his clothes taken, which is unfortunate.
scully is gagged at the idea mulder thinks a headless body escaped from the morgue, and me too girl, but i feel you should be used to it by now. we probably both should be, actually. 
she thinks it’s some sort of coverup for body snatching! oh, compelling. even mulder seems to nod along. god, wouldn’t it be funny if they just had a normal case once? please. i beg.
they’re looking at security camera footage from the night it all went down, and see the clothes that were stolen from morgue guy being worn by someone. scully thinks maybe the thief got scared and dipped, which led to this wonderful exchange: “where could he hide an adult body where it wouldn’t be found?” “i’ll show you” <- YEAHHHH I LOVE WHEN SHE SAYS WEIRD AND UNSETTLING STUFF
time to check the medical waste. are you telling me surgical byproduct gets turned into roads??? i don’t think i can handle that information, so i’m going to simply not fact check it. but she would never lie to me.
mulder looks freaked tf out as he hands the flashlight to her to inspect the waste LMAOOO
“mulder i think i’m gonna need your help, your arms are longer” (cut to visible distress on his face) LMAOOOOO
he’s groaning as they rummage through bags of human stuff, but they find leonard’s head!! noticeably, NOT the rest of him
they are going to split up, and mulder will go to leonard’s house while scully looks at his head. and she makes a pointed correction that he is no longer living. damn. 
his head weighs 10.9 pounds! the head looks a little… wow, i was gonna say it looked fuzzy, but now we get a closeup and it’s actually very convincing. no rigor mortis or clouded eyes, which is inconsistent with the time of death. and she’s gonna go to brain town when he opens his eyes!!
well, bodies do that sometimes. and he’s opening his mouth. and closing it. so uh. what’s that all about?
something or someone is running as mulder enters leonard’s house. he finds a bathtub full of blood, which is not promising. and blood out the window. 
bro stuck his fingers in the blood and sniffed it….. OH! it’s not blood. it’s iodine. okay. that’s less freaky. 
scully says it seems the head has been effected by radiation that is preventing any sort of scanning, and also that she hasn’t cut into the head yet, even though she knows it’s just extra energy stored in the cells that made him blink, but still! aww mulder be NICE TO HER!
“maybe he was home” "leonard betts." “yeah” “without his head.” “yeah :)” LMAO
OMG his headless ass was IN the iodine!!!
wait… he was a really good EMT… and his head somehow grew back… is he one of those aliens that can heal people???
(author's note: it was a really good guess on my part, but i think he was some sort of new freak not previously established in canon)
he could diagnose illness very well… but he kept his distance from his coworkers. hmmmm. and he never got sick. hmmmm. or injured. HMMMM. michele is suspicious.
they’re gonna mummify his head. sort of. and mulder is smiling at scully over his own stupid joke, and i want to punch his stupid face (affectionate).
man. i do not care for this slicing of heads process. 
oh no!! leonard was like, entirely made of cancer. was he absorbing the cancer of his patients… is that a thing you can do….?
he should have died a looooong time ago. or maybe the process of slicing distorted the findings?
michele is pulling into the hospital as she deals with another case, but she hears someone say “up to your ass in alligators” over the radio… and she recognizes leonard’s voice! he’s making another correct ID on what is wrong with a patient!!!!!!!
the agents are off to one of the professors at a maryland university that mulder keeps on call at all times, who is going to look at the head slice. oh…. this guy does aura photography. okay, so not super promising.
she’s like yeah yeah yeah i know about eastern medicine but WHAT does it have to do with this. i respect her knowledge and her focus.
it looks like the aura photography captured some shoulders? that i guess mulder thinks proves leonard is still alive somehow?
“are we happy with the results?” <- something about the way he said this made them sound so married. i'd be happy to live in that brief moment forever.
scully looks pissed off into another dimension at this whole process LMAO
mulder wants to know if there is a good kind of cancer that is actually regeneration…. and the iodine helps regeneration! which has been used in labs for creatures whose limbs regrow, i guess 
“there isn’t a creature on earth that can regrow its head” “worms. you cut a worm in half, you get two” <- and that’s why you’re the FBI’s most unwanted, because you advocate for worm murder 😭😭
“mulder, they’re worms” <- LMAOOOOOOOOO STOP i saw that line out of context once 
scully gets a phone call! and it turns out leonard had an alter ego named albert- whose fingerprints match his? but albert has a living relative. visit time?
yes, it is visit time. oh! the picture his mom has on the table is the same as the picture we saw earlier of leonard when he was featured in the newspaper!
they try to tell his mom that “her son” died recently, but she says he died 6 years ago!! well, that is confusing.
michele is also on the case, looking for whoever it was who she heard on the radio earlier using that distinct phrase and accurately diagnosing people. the others pointing him out to her refer to him as “the new guy”.
and it is leonard! michele is chasing him…. he hugs her and reassures her that it’s okay. at first it's touching, and i realize too late that he is going to kill her, which he does while apologizing. then he lays her down???? but he gets caught!!
he is running and running…. but he gets tackled by the cops and handcuffed. with a very conspicuous head bruise.
OH MY GOD he PULLED HIS THUMB OUT OF THE HANDCUFF BLEUGHHHHHHHHH all the cops return to is some blood and a finger 😭😭😭
no no bad…. body horror… bad…. not for junis, who are weak and frail… 
michele was given a lethal dose of something that occurs naturally, so it usually misses detection. and leonard was ID’d as the attacker!!! oh i just know everyone at that hospital is SO confused
mulder and scully are fighting over evolutionary theories…. while holding umbrellas in the snow… sigh. so beautiful.
GAG! the trunk of leonard's car is filled with cancerous tumors. that scully can name as she sees them. a massive flex of her knowledge.
OH. maybe he eats cancer. well. this is a bold theory, mulder, and what a lovely time for you to propose it, as i am just thinking of how lovely they look in the snow, and how they should go ice skating and other such winter activities. sure. the guy eats tumors.
and the car leonard was driving traces back to the mom!!! so they go to her place with a warrant. scully confronts her, saying they know she’s lying about her son being dead, and he killed someone, so lying to protect him isn’t gonna get her anywhere except JAIL.
mulder finds iodine while she recounts a tale of her son being beaten up as a kid. and she says god means for leonard to stay even if people don’t understand. crazy thing to say about a guy who just killed someone. 
leonard is at a bar watching someone smoke and looking at him hungrily. while his baby thumb pulsates and regrows. NASTY! nasty. 
he’s getting up after the cigarette dude and following him outside like he’s hunting some prey. he says that “you’ve got something i need” and whips out a tiny knife. uh oh.
back at mom’s house, they find a storage locker receipt. off to track it down.
oh. leonard was straight up eating that dude inside the storage locker. see, i don’t care for that. and also he is screaming while this happens and also his body is pulsating and oh my god. OH MY GOD HE JUST GREW A NEW HEAD???? out of his mouth. whyyyyyy
at the storage unit, the agents find blood flowing from beneath the door, and then the dead cigarette guy. but leonard comes out in a car at them!
i like how mulder grabbed scully to keep her safe... it was very nice. 
leonard is speeding off. and they shoot at him, which causes the car to go up in flames. damn. good shots, those two.
so the cigarette guy had his lung removed, but now leonard seems to be burnt to a crisp. BUT! when they dig up the guy under the pseudonym who had allegedly died 6 years ago, he looks also very dead!!
so he just keeps dying and coming back? i ask myself.
no! mulder thinks that the car crashes- both times- were decoys, and that “leonard” is still at large. scully does not seem pleased by this. 
and back at his mom’s house, she’s washing him in iodine, saying they “found your friend”. she says the FBI aren’t going to leave him alone…. you know what you have to do…. WHAT TF DOES THAT MEAN???
the agents are watching her house. but then an ambulance rolls up, saying that an old woman has had massive blood loss. did he eat his mom?? how would anyone know?? is this a trap???
scully finds his mom, who has a surgical cut…. and they’re taking her to the hospital… scully is helping her out…. she is so kind
but as they take leonard's mom out, scully notices IODINE ON HER HEAD! is he waiting on top of the ambulance? she tells mulder to get over here RIGHT NOW. 
and leonard grabs her!!!! and says she has something he needs. NO!!!!! no that means…… no. 
she’s beating the hell out of him though which is a major slay. she defibrillates him. queen.
it seems he really died. for now.
mulder’s telling her she should be proud, but she just wants to go home. that's what she says: "i want to go home". oh my goooooooood. oh my gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.
wait it’s still going. she’s coughing. NO, SHE’S COUGHING BLOOD?????!
no it’s her nose. oh my god. the end.
FUCK YOU ALL I HATE EVERYTHING (punches wall) (punches table) (punches everything in an arm’s reach) (keeps punching until i collapse into a ball of sobs)
well. for most of this, distracting myself with fictional character’s problems worked. but now i’m just sad about my own life AND scully’s.
okay. i won’t lie. you want me to tell the truth? fine. i’ll tell you. i’d never lie to you...
i knew about the scully cancer arc. 
there. i said it. i know, i know, i too wanted everything to come as a surprise. but in all honesty, i’m glad i knew about it, because if i didn’t i’d probs be straight up ugly crying right now. 
yes, i saw it in a gif set a while ago- not this part, but from a later episode- and i find myself still deeply saddened despite knowing it was going to happen. i think it’s just so awful that cancer is a thing that happens, and even knowing that scully isn’t real doesn’t it make it less of a reality for other people, and that breaks my heart. of course i want my fave fictional girl to be okay- and this was foreshadowed after the abduction arc anyway- but cancer…. god, it’s just horrific. i think we all know someone who has it and have had to see what they endure. and it’s so genuinely and horrifically fucked up. luckily i can look at this leonard guy and be like damn, wouldn’t it be fucked up if a guy grew a new head? and i can rest knowing that it shall never happen to anybody alive, but this? like. you just don’t know. it could happen to anyone. 
and that really scares me, i think. more than anything else. so at least we learned about my deep set fear together? glad we had that bonding experience.
gooood. i’m gonna cry. okay yes, check it write it down- the tears are in my eyeballs. you can’t see it, but it is happening. yes, and now they are leaving my eyeballs and going down my cheeks. okay so. that’s fine i guess.
fuck me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this episode was fine, other than that, i guess? i mean i laughed a bit but then i laughn’t. the laughter was cancelled. his face when he was digging around in the body part jumble was really funny, i love when he is squeamish. and i liked him laughing at his own joke and how beautiful they looked in the snow. the idea of this as a monster was kinda interesting and very disturbing in practicality- body horror is always gonna get me- but leonard himself wasn't super compelling. you can't really be that good of a healthcare worker if you're in it just to eat people. his mom was more interesting to me, but also she was annoying because how tf are you gonna sit there and say your baby boy eats people because he is so special?
scully, why do they do this to you……….. i need to save you from chris carter myself……. 
s4 loyalists: you scare me, because how can you endure this willingly? bro, i love angst too... but this is just straight up masochism 😭
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Can i get yandere inazuma character of your choice if that okay? Anyway they confessed and unfortunately s/o is already dating the traveler. Like, HELL no ain't no way they can win. This mf beat ei herself and they think they HAVE a CHANCE?! HELL no!!! Hahahah i love to see their reaction lmaooo
And I oop~ This is quite the interesting request. I'll be doing: Heizou and Ei Enjoy~
Warning: Yandere themes, gaslighting/Manipulation, other uncomfortable themes
Note: Aether and Lumine are not explicitly mentioned. This is very spur of the moment, has not been read over, and will not be edited after posting.
Shikanoin Heizou:
"Y/n... I have feelings for you." The confession from the detective was shocking and flattering, but extremely offensive.
He knew that you were in a relationship! He knew that you were not interested in him in the least.
And yet he had said this to you. Despite the genuine way he had said it, how he'd been careful to make sure you felt safe; you didn't trust him. You were shaking with anger, but also something deeper.
"Y/n? Is everything alright?" Heizou clearly noticed this. Nothing went past him, especially when it came to body langauge, tone of voice, and more. He was a trained detective, and a brilliant one.
But despite that, he could not compare to your sweet Traveler. You took a deep breath, giving a soft smile.
"Heizou, I'm honored, really. But I'm afraid that I don't feel the same way that you do about me." You paused to gather your thoughts, noting how his eyes narrowed at the response. You could not keep the hints of abhorrence from your voice as you continued. "You very well know that I am already in a relationship with the traveler. I'm sorry, but unfortunately, I don't love you as I love them."
Heizou smiled sweetly. He understood, of course. Who wouldn't understand? Well, you had assumed he understood. "Y/n, dearest, do you really think that they love you?" Heizou's question was purely innocent.
"What?" you could not keep the bite out of your voice as you glared at him.
"Come on, Y/n, any caring S/O would ensure that they knew where you were before letting you meet a friend- especially one who is a potential threat to them- before letting you leave. But the Traveler didn't, right?" Heizou asked the question as though he was explaining how to count to a two-year-old. As though you were stupid.
"No... they just trust me to take care of myself! Besides, they know you! You wouldn't hurt me, or anyone for that matter!" You found yourself spewing out the words before you could stop yourself. "You're the greatest detective Inazuma has seen!"
"...And yet you don't acknowledge me as such." Heizou sighed, rolling his shoulders. They cracked loudly. "You don't think of me as a threat, and that... was a mistake." Raiden Ei
You shuffled, looking at the woman uncomfortably. "I... I'm honored, Raiden, truly, but..." Before you could finish, the archon cuts you off.
"Ei, please."
"My name. It is Ei." She explains swiftly. "Please call me Ei." The woman has a wide smile gracing her lips, turning the room a bit more light-hearted. You nod, trying to keep your gulp of nervousness from being too obvious. "Are you thirsty, Y/n?"
"No... I'm fine." You answer.
"Then please, give your answer. I am aware that you have budding relations with the Traveler, but surely...?" Her question is left open-ended.
"Ei..." You take a deep breath to settle your nerves. She hums, eyes closed, as though enjoying the way you said her name. "I am truly honored that you feel that way for me, but I'm afraid that I don't feel the same. I really do love the traveler, and they love me back." You pause, noticing her hand twitch. "We have plans to travel this world together, and eventually other worlds with their sibling. Surely you can understand?"
"..." Ei sighs, shaking her head. "I see." She sits back on her throne, looking colder than ever. "It seems that you have been manipulated into believing that this traveler loves you. I will have to fix that. I am sorry that I had not realized sooner, Little Light." The woman's purple eyes fix back on you, who shrinks back in fear.
"It is fortutous that the Traveler is not with you. If I were to face them in a fight again, I would surely lose, and Inazuma would suffer for it. But if they believed that you chose me willingly, then they will move on to Sumeru, not looking back." She waves her hand gracefully, standing up after. "This, too, is a form of eternity."
Hey everyone! Sorry for dipping for so long. I can't guarantee that I'm back, though, because unfortunately for a lot of Mobile Players, we're slowly being choked out of room for Genshin updates, and this problem (as well as my own burn out) had caused me to be unable to play for quite a while.
I even missed the opportunity to pull for Cyno because of this. But I am saving up for Kusinali, because archons are amazing, and also she's absolutely adorable. I also got a C1 Albedo! (I only pulled on his banner once, and he came home that ten pull) No Nilou, though, because her kit is very special and I don't have any built dendro characters. (RIP Collei)
Who're you saving/pulling for this next update? Are you planning on building any characters, or saving most of your materials for future characters?
Thanks for all of the follows, everyone! And thank you especially for the ask, @harukisakisblog!
The reason why I did two charas is because I've recently been building and playing Heizou's event (He is illegally fun wtf) and Ei has had my heart ever since I first learned her backstory.
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fantasticalchaos · 9 days
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The First Thronecoming
Chapter 4: Absence of Leave
Summary: “There is plot” the narrator whispers, typing up this chapter. “More specifically, side-plot!” In which, at the dead of night, there is something else going on in the background. A call for a peculiar leave of absence. But for what? [Crossposted on AO3, Inspired by SayuriCorner’s TWST x EAH AU & LovelyLlama’s Thronecoming Headcanons]
A/N: Sorry for not posting Chapter 4 in the usual format I do here on Tumblr! I was busy crossposting these works onto here cause 1) in case AO3 crashes (which it did) and 2) because enjoyment on other platforms!
P.S: (09/15/24) THE AO3 IS DOWN AGAIN!!! AND I FORGOT TO POST THIS ONE LOL! Also I had to reuse the version that I saved in docs since the website is down 😅
⬅️ Ch. 3 | AO3 | Ch. 5 ➡️
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[Location: Headmaster Office]
Even late at the dead of night, the elegant beauty of the Headmaster’s Office never fails to impress those in there. The flickering glow waving off the candles and chandelier. The paintings of the Great Seven smiling proudly in their shining splendour and glory. Not even a speck of dust can be found at all here from the top to bottom!
{Such elegance indeed! How befitting for a headmaster of such a prestigious academy!}
“What do you two mean that you are having a break for the next few weeks?!”
And there is the Headmaster with his hands raising in the sky. Crowley blubbers inelegantly through his sobs. Tears swelling and spilling onto his desk. A smooth wooden desk, now dampened by tears.
{Very unfitting his appearance and status as a Headmaster…}
“Why would two members of my dear, respectable staff want to leave?”
Sitting across his desk, is an elderly sorceress and a middle aged man. The elderly sorceress leans over and grumpily says to her colleague. Her cerulean blue eyes narrowed as she watches her crying supervisor.
“I knew we should’ve cursed him or better yet ditched when we had the time, Giles.”
“Now, now Baba Yaga,” the man whispers back gently, placing a hand on hers. “He’s a friend of mine, let me handle this.”
Baba Yaga rolls her eyes, but leans back in her chair. She lets him go at talking sense to the blubbering crow-man. Giles had a point; he and Crowley were long time friends. How far that friendship has surely been taken to the level where Giles is confident in dealing with this crow’s antics. Truly, Giles has the patience of a saint!
Giles turns to Crowley. The latter was touching up his tears with a handkerchief in his hand.
{Where in Ever After did he got that handkerchief?!}
I have no idea either Brooke! 🤷‍♀️
“It’s just a few days Dire, we won’t be gone for that long.” He reasons, tilting his glasses up in one hand. Giles places his other arm on the crying crow-man’s cloak. He gives a quick shoulder rub as his friend glances back up.
“But why?” The crow-man sniffles. Dabbing the last of the few teardrops with his handkerchief, he brings down his hand. “What could possibly be the reason for such a sudden, and long absence?”
{Okay, at this point this is starting to look like a parent consoling a child who’s about to go to work! Or on a business trip… Something along those lines.}
“Well, that is a little more complicated to explain….” Giles rubs the back of his neck. A slight nervous chuckle fell out. “We might as well show you for ourselves; Baba Yaga, the invites.”
He turns to Baba Yaga, who nods promptly.
Baba Yaga places 2 pieces of scrolls onto Crowley’s desk. The Headmaster tilts his head. Even with the upper half of his face obscured by his corvid skull-like mask, his neon yellow eyes glowed with anticipation.
Passing them over the table, the Headmaster picks up one of the scrolls. Indeed, there was a small attachment having both of the formers’ names (separately) on them. The scrolls, embalmed with a stamp in the shade of magenta. Upon the stamp, an etched logo of a mini key against a lock in the shape of a heart.
Unrolling both - one with his hand and the other with magic - the scrolls unwrapped themselves. Inside, the contents were as presentable as it was before. The handwriting, written so pristine and legible in its curves. Their strokes are sharp and to the point. There is even a small illustration of the same logo drawn and painted. Almost, just almost, this rivals that of the style of the Sea Witch.
“But of course, the Sea Witch does it better!” thought Crowley.
Headmaster Crowley began to read.
To the addressed, Greetings! If you have received this message, you are royally invited to join as a newly appointed member to the Council of Ever After.
The Council of Ever After is founded as a community organisation filled with many fairytale representatives since the exile of the former Queen of the White Kingdom, Snow White.
Our mission is to explore beyond our destinies with new ideas in order to bring more life and freedom to everyone. In order to do this, we royally invite other fairytales such as yourself to help provide us with your enlightenment and wisdom. Moreover, we intend to reverse the damage of the original big bad destiny ideologies created and enforced by Milton Grimm and his associates.
We are well-aware that this will take time out of your schedule. Additionally, your newfound position will also require you to make more than one trip as well as stay longer in Ever After to fulfil your duties. Nevertheless, we have faith in you and your abilities!
Your attendance is fairy mandatory. Our first meeting with you will commence on XX/XX. The meeting will take place in the former Ever After High. Precisely at 8AM, so don’t be late when the bell strikes 8.
Fairest Regards,
Council of Ever After 🩷
Everything went still for a moment.
It was peaceful. Agonizingly peaceful. All eyes were on Crowley, awaiting the verdict of these invitations. Crowley’s beady eyes blinked through his mask. His head bobbing slightly up and down the scroll a few times. Slowly, he pulls away the scroll, letting it rest neatly onto the table.
“I see…” He muses at last. His talon nails touch and tapped underneath his chin. “The Council of Ever After.. ”
So Ever After has a council to represent themselves now, huh? Not a king! Not a queen! Nor a group contained that of royal blood! A whole community of different tales ruling together!
Crowley remembered on the news that day! The day when King White (husband and Prince Charming to Snow White) refused the offer of ascension since the dethronement (and divorce) of his wife. After seeing what his daughter endured, he believes that they need to rest elsewhere.
Somewhere far far away from home. Additionally, he believes that it’s also his time to reflect on his distant relationship with Apple. Perhaps, by using this time, he could try to catch up and make time with one another. Just like old times once upon a time! For Apple’s sake!
{It was a giant field day for the news back home too, I’ll tell you that much!}
Oh shoot… I can’t imagine how chaotic narrating all of that was like.
{Yeah, and… I’m not supposed to say this here, but… There was also some high tea going around kingdoms about King White.}
Oooh~! What kind of tea?
{That he lack the skills in kingdom management compared to Snow. More speci-fair-ally, the more political and economical aspects of ruling a kingdom. At best, he can look the part, but not act it! There was more to the glitz and glamour towards managing a kingdom in of itself!}
…Oh my gosh. That’s huge!
{I know right?! A total major fairy-fail!
Anyways… The number of royalty that lives in the Ever After World is big, but not too common. Surely, there would have been a royal family willing to take charge in the former kingdom. Or at least siege an opportunity to form an alliance for a kingdom or two to share.
Instead, many tales decided to help one another in ruling. Ranging from those of royalty, to the lowly commonfolk and peasantry. Humans to fairies to mythical creatures that live out in the Enchanted Forest! All different classes, in rank and in species. Working altogether!}
And yet, only one thought racked through the crow-man’s brain.
“Oh Sevens, why can’t my students be more like this?” Crowley’s mind ponders, massaging his forehead. Quivering mentally like a parent lamenting over their own children and their shenanigans.
Even before the flourish of transfers, the NRC kids were a stubborn bunch. They snark at best, and argue or even throw hands at worst. Whenever they join hands and unite, there’s often something to gain for their own interests. Just a simple, personal matter that would benefit them.
Yes, there are a few students who are exceptions to this. Even the Prefect and their tanuki-cat he allowed were in charge (though mainly the former) of rounding up the troublemakers!
And yet, with all of these factors combine, there is high brewing of trouble! He can’t seem to figure out why nor how he can do more…
His students… Oh, his poor students.
{Oh the irony…}
The sweet irony…
Dire’s eyes looking over to Giles and Baba Yaga. Both eyes staring at him. One expectantly. The other impatiently.
“Well… as your benevolent headmaster, I suppose you two can go back to Ever After to fulfil your council duties.” He decreed, “Consider this jury duty! After all, you two were chosen for a reason.”
Sighs of relief came.
“Thank you so much, Dire!”
“Thank you Crowley!”
“Ah, by the way,” Crowley interrupted, “Did you two have signed-“
“Already done it.” Baba Yaga stated matter of fact, slamming down pieces of paper onto his desk. “We already wrote our leave request a while ago. I brought an extra copy in case you forgot…”
An offended gasp came from Crowley, his talons touching his chest. How dare?!?
“Of course I didn’t forget! I am a very busy headmaster!” He defended with such emotion in his voice. Surprisingly, the most emotion since his outburst at the beginning. “What makes you think—”
Spritz of water flew onto and over his face.
He stands up from his seat. His talon-hands flare up and out. As he wipes off the excess water that went on his mask and outfit, Giles snaps his head to Baba Yaga. In her hand, is a spray bottle filled at the brim with water.
“Baba Yaga.” Giles placed his arms on his sides.
“What?” She defends herself, bringing her spray bottle closer to her. Her grip on the handle, on the other hand, remains set. “He was asking for it!”
Giles pinches his nose, tiredly sighing before getting up from his chair.
”It’s just plain water! He’ll live!”
“Doesn’t matter; Come on, and help me.”
With a begrudging sigh, she complied. She flew over and grabbed a towel and helped clean up the mess. Unwillingly. The mess that is not only on their boss, but also on his desk. And on the floor.
{Don’t forget his crocodile tears from earlier!}
Oh shoot, almost forgot about that! Thanks Brooke!
“So, I’m assuming that is everything?” Crowley asks, patting down the last spill on him. Both of which the two nod.
With a nonchalant wave in his hand, Crowley continued. “That will be all then! You both are dismissed.”
“Finally,” Baba Yaga blurts out loud. Not any hint of shame in her voice. The stool she is sitting on, turns away from her colleagues and towards the door.
Whatever it is telekinesis, magic, or some fairytale magical force that levitates her stool, it pulls the elderly lady up and away. As she enters the hallway, leaving the two behind. Not too far to hear, she makes a slight comment.
“Thought this meeting would never end.”
With the two left in the room, Giles coughs into his fist he made to get rid of the awkwardness. The tension in air, if you will.
“Oh, don’t mind her,” Giles rubs the back of his neck. His eyes downcast onto his shoes. “She means well, I’m sure.”
A curt nod from his friend came.
“Always having something good to say about others, isn’t it Giles.” Crowley complimented.
In his mind, however, another older man forms. That man is draped in a deep blue, one like the night sky devoid of light. A stern expression, one that lacked Giles’s warmth and whimsy. The golden eyes of the crown narrows.
Under his breath, he scoffed, “ Even to those who don't deserve it…”
“Indeed, Dire. You know me so well!” Giles said, unaware of his friend’s muttered quip. He waves a hand, his eyes shifting from his sneakers to the purple carpet.
“What can I say, I’m so kind after all!” Crowley puffs his chest out with a wide grin. His sense of pride swelling once again from such a compliment. His shoulders faltered as he heard his friend yawn.
“Well, it’s getting late!” Giles brushes a part of his hair away. Another heavy yawn escapes his mouth. He turns around, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Dire!”
The sneakers padded through the carpet as Giles made his way to the doors. His hand lays itself onto the handle. In a quick swipe, he pulls the door handle.
The door opens.
. . .
Giles stops. His feet a moment away from passing the door. He lifts his head over to Crowley. There was no smile on the latter’s face and tone. As if the joy was snuffed out of Crowley. Just a straight-lipped face looked unreadable. He almost feels like a different person entirely.
Hands gripping tight to his staff. Eyes studying Giles form intently from head to toe. Dire said, his face poised, “You and Baba Yaga be safe out there. It is an important job after all.”
The tone, calm and even. Yet at the same time, heavy. An anchor within an otherwise normal farewell. Almost too normal. Not many times does the Headmaster drop the dramatics.
This is one of those times.
And yet… Giles gives out a smile. A small, yet knowing smile underneath his greying beard.
“We will, Dire. No need to worry about us!” Was what came out of Giles as he turned away. With a wave, he added, “Farewell!”
The door shuts, and all is quiet once more. The invites and documents, being Crowley’s only company left. The headmaster sighs, sitting back down at his table.
“Goodbye Giles.”
Glancing out, pass through the painted frames and through the window. The night, clear and shimmering with dots and stars. All sparking at the moon, a waxing crescent with the rest obscured by darkness.
[Later that night…]
Ring! Ring! Ring!
A grumble echoes as a figure arises from his bed. Their fluffy cat once rolled up like a cinnamon roll, now stirred up and awake. Lights illuminating the once dark room. They watched as their owner left their shared resting spot. Not wanting to be left out, the latter hops off and tails after them.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
The figure walks over to the ringing phone. When they reached it, they stopped in their tracks. The ringing continues ceaselessly, prompting the figure to massage their forehead.
“Great Seven… What time is it? Who would be calling at this forsaken hour?”
Feeling one of their legs being wrapped in soft fur, they look down to see their cat purring up at them. The figure smiles a bit, feeling a sense of comfort and strength to deal with this minor setback.
Kneeling down, they picked up their cat in their arms. Cradling them as they took a deep breath. Their emotional support companion. They picked up the phone, bringing it to their face.
“Why, good evening Trien!” Cheerful greetings phase on through the phone. Trien sighs at the voice. “How are you doing on this beautiful night?”
“Crowley, you better have a good reason for calling me late at night.”
On the other end of the phone, Crowley stilled. Sweat spilling from his forehead as he fiddles with his white collar.
“Ah, yes! I have an utmost reason to call you!”
“Tell me then, Dire.”
“Tell me, what could it possibly be to talk about at this ungodly hour?”
Perhaps the Headmaster realised that maybe… Just maybe totally this wasn’t a good time to tell Trien about the increased workload for the next coming days….
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A/N: And that’s the last of the current chapters I have crossposted here! I’m so glad I have these here when the crash happened lol
I’ll be continuing on my writing the next chapter, so please be patient until the next one comes out! Thank you for reading! Until next time!
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wubwubnparmaham · 7 months
how did you come up with this story? did you receive sudden inspiration or you always wanted to write something like this
I tried to find the ask where I answered this question, but I went back a few years and still didn't see it, so I gave up. Answer is below the break
Essentially, I definitely always wanted a story like this, for as long as I can remember when I got into reading things for fun. There was this ancient tiny animated comic book series (barely even a manga) called uh... Vampire kisses I think, and it was the animation of an actual book series which I think I read back in the dark ages, but I don't remember anything, really. I think ironically the vampire in it is named Alexander, but he has nothing to do with Macedon haha. Anywho, the one plot point that stuck with me forever was "there's a mansion. The vampire is found inside the mansion by the protagonist who wasn't aware there was something or somebody in the mansion" or basically that, and my preteen self went "HOLY FUCK THATS GOOD", 😭😭lmaooo. So I always wanted to write a book where someone found a vampire in a mansion, that was step 1. Literally everything that happened/spawned in my head after that was explosive.
I wanted the vampire to be obscenely old and Roman, so I looked for Roman emperors that weren't absolutely atrocious and bam, Hadrian. Even starts with an H. I wanted a twin. Bam, his sister Paulina is no longer a sister, but a brother who was erased from history out of shame. What would have been seen as weak and shameful back then? Mental illness. I wanted a dead lover of Hadrian, and I wanted him to be even OLDER, and the love of Hellenism and Greek culture Hadrian had made it obvious who the craziest idea would be, aka Alexander himself. THE Alexander. What a messy fucking pair that would be. Thus, the trio was mentally created.
I wanted THE most obnoxious love triangle in history, and I wanted it to be excruciatingly painful because fuck me and my feelings ig, along with all of yours.
I wanted the current protagonist to be a reincarnation of alexander. I wanted the first book to be full of mystery and questions and memory waterfalls; I wanted the second book to have everything to do with Auron and whoever created both twins, along with introducing all the side characters brewing in my head and making them permanent fixtures, and I wanted the third book to be dark and full of near losses and tragedy but an ultimate success, and I wanted to eventually right the wrongs that were done in that book, but OUTSIDE OF the series, which is what I'm slowly doing rn. I had a general idea of the overall story for a long time and I sat on it for months back in 2017 outlining over and over again before I started writing it, and I didn't really stop until it was done, and I've been routinely re-editing and "perfecting" it ever since. The prequel took fucking forever, but life happened and I won't be faulted lol.
So yeah there's probably a lot more I could say on the subject but my lunch break is almost over hahaa
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applejee · 9 months
Hi! I hope im not over stepping any boundaries by sending this ask, but if I did please lmk! Just wanted to ask help for Draven (my cat) who needs immediate vet care/help as im currently on financial bind. I know times are tough for everyone but please, if you can share/boost the post I did for Indie it would tremendously help us a lot! I pinned it on my blog. Thank you so much for reading! If you’re not able to donate monetarily, please send good vibes/prayers our way, please consider answering this ask privately as I know some people might get weird about this :(( wishing that you’ll have a wonderful new year ahead!
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hi scammer with a block created only a few days ago (i scrolled to the end of their blog, the black space is me pulling the post up when i made it to the end)
also other screenshot is an identical text from another, deactivated blog found in the pet scam tag.
EDIT WAIT I DIDNT EVEN REALISE THEY CALLED THE CAT THE WRONG NAME LMAOOO u used the same name as the other scam account. do better. except don’t because then it’s harder for less savvy people to realise.
second edit theyve now deleted their blog. beam of delete your account worked
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slytherinshua · 2 years
this is regarding the funky writing game!! D && F && H && L && S && T !! :D you don’t have to answer them all but those were the ones i was the most curious abt 🫣 LOVE U MWAH
D - "is there a song or playlist you associate with [insert fic]?"
okay okay I feel like I semi associate wildest dreams by Taylor Swift with infamous together... and that's because I listened to that song on repeat like LITERALLY ON REPEAT while in the car while writing a large portion of infamous together... and like its just such tae vibes so rly any tae fic but especially that one!!
F - "share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it"
“This is the best day of my life. Besides the wedding part. But this.” You gestured to the scenery that lay before you both as Taehyun continued to drive away from the old town.
“This automobile is so old. I’m surprised it could go as fast as it did back there.” Taehyun told you with a laugh.
“Of course it did. You fixed it. The one and only, Kang Taehyun.”
“I’m not ‘the one and only, Kang Taehyun’.”
“You’re my one and only Kang Taehyun.”
“You are so annoying with your pickup lines-”
“But you love them.” You teased.
“But I love them.” He glanced at you with a smile on his face before focusing back on the road.
idk smth about this scene in drive was rly satisfying to write like they're running away together but still flirting with each other and I just thought it was cute <33
H - "how would you describe your style?"
this is a hard one... like idek???? I feel like most of it is just me thinking of these complex settings (which is why I like AUs sm) and then just writing down the words that I think of. tbh idek if my writing is good or not 💀I just try my best ig. and like I've read a lot since I was little so that helps with knowing how to write like... better? idek im making no sense lmaooo
L - "how many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?"
it depends how long the fic sits rotting in my drafts. cause sometimes I write a fic in a day, and then the words just flow together so I do very little edited even I barely proof read 💀 but when its been in my drafts for a while and I've written like the beginning or smth before finishing it, I'll always re-read all of it and then re-write as much as I think is needed so it all makes sense and I can refresh my memory. Infamous together actually took a rly long time. It was originally supposed to be based on like that one halloween thing txt did where they all had spy code names. And Taehyun was "black card" and I was gonna use that as a big thing in the fic. But then I struggled with it for so long, and left it for m o n t h s. and then I finally found a way to finish it. But I actually erased everything I had written before and started completely fresh for that which sometimes happens.
S - "any fandom tropes you can't resist?"
hands down enemies to lover or rivals to lovers with taehyun. like I've written that... 3 times I think? (one of those no longer is published shhhh it was rly bad old writing) academic rivals slays so hard with him, any kind of mafia/secret agent slays as well. honestly I just eat it up every time I LOVE IT SM. also nurse trope. where like one of them is patching up the other sKSKSJDF OH MY GOD ITS SO GOOD THE TENSION CAN BE JUST SDJFSKNDFKSJDFHSKJ or when they're actually dating then its just super cute 😭 OH OH AND ANOTHER ONE IS KINDA WEIRD AND IDK WHY I LIKE IT SO MUCH.... but like. presumed dead?? like when one of them thinks the other is DEAD. but then they're not AND IDK I JUST THINK THE REUNION CAN BE CUTE. but im scared to attempt it and I don't come across it very often on Tumblr but I did a bit on wp.
T - "any fandom tropes you can't stand?"
hmmmm maybe like love triangle- I just rly hate that trope and I hate reading it, I hate writing it, I hate watching it in dramas. like everything. its just d e s p i s e. there are some others that are kinda obvious like unrequited love or smth similar but love triangle takes the cake.
hope these answers satisfied you axe!!! ily mwah!!!
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iemondropsss · 2 years
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I posted 11,251 times in 2022
That's 5,169 more posts than 2021!
63 posts created (1%)
11,188 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,584 of my posts in 2022
#slug posting - 63 posts
#the sandman - 30 posts
#dreamling - 29 posts
#arcane - 23 posts
#cave idus martii - 21 posts
#goncharov - 19 posts
#yes - 17 posts
#sandman - 13 posts
#exactly - 12 posts
#true - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#was somebody going to tell me that rob paulsen voices bobble from tinker bell or was i supposed to find that out in prev tags myself
My Top Posts in 2022:
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23 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
tagged by @fungimoth
Rules: Write out the letters of your under name using song titles!
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
(Line Without a Hook - Ricky Montgomery)
Everybody Talks - Neon Trees
Mx. Sinister - idkHOW
Out of My League - The Walker
No Children - Mountain Goats
Diamond Day - Vashti Bunyan
Rhinestone Eyes - Gorillaz
Our Hextech Dream - Arcane (lmaooo)
People Say - Portugal the Man
Soldier Poet King - Oh Hellos
still feel - half alive
@sappho-ilmarinen @floryeet @xanzusx
25 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
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So I (M17) was reading over the yearly letter my best friend (M17) sends me before heading off on his own for the Winter. I had just been on a grand expedition myself just the Winter prior, and this time I was feeling particularly… yearny…. I don’t know. Anyway, so I packed up my boots and just a few commodities in my backpack and set off the the dangerous mountain scape that seals off my hometown from most of society. I traveled for days, so much so icicles formed on my face. By the time I finally scaled these thousand meter rocks I found the place my friend hermits during the season. It was a real cozy cave, and he had a fire going. Boy was he surprised to see me haha. So anyway he let me make myself at home and all was well but just as I thought we were getting to be comfortable together like we usually are in the Spring, he started to get all mad at me!! He pushed me away and thought we were better off apart :( Gods, I know he’s right, it was his personal time and I invaded it, even if I did miss him. But I’m a stubborn bastard so I went and found my own cave and started a fire (very cleverly) without him. But I may have gotten a little frustrated with the process (what are you supposed to do with dried beans?!!) and he came to save me, even though we were supposed to be fighting. But then!!!! He fell!!! That beautiful son of a bitch nearly became a snowball. Luckily he found a ledge, and I tried to find a rope to save him but got stuck too, whoops! 😅 but then we had a heart to heart in this blizzard… he told me he missed me too. Maybe it’s silly but at that moment my heart was hattifattener seeds and he was the moon. I really did think he was going to confess his love then—but my mom saved us from the cliff in the end, and I went home. I don’t know. Looking back I feel like such an asshole. I know the Winter is the time we need apart. And I intruded on the place he goes to be just himself. I just missed him, I dunno. AITA?
Edit: I got another letter from him. Delivered by some squirrel, isn’t that funny? He told me to meet him up there again. We saw the Northern Lights. They were beautiful.
49 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
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1,457 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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45,964 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
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m1ckeyb3rry · 21 days
LMAOOO you know it o7 Im also fluent in typos so I just automatically read through them as I read
So real I think the most annoying thing for me is the differences in romanization LMAO I discovered it through the webcomic first and then I was sent an unofficial translation (lowk it might be the same one you read) and immediately forgot the names of everyone because the spelling threw me off so bad LMAOOO and then my friend was like “ykw I’ll just write it all out for you” but fr the entire story and develop is CRAZY
Wait PAUSE yukis the oldest after aiku??? No way…although now I kinda see/get it (I’m laughing I can see Niko hiding in a bush tailing yuki and his hair blends in…or imagine aiku SPECIFICALLY is like hide in this bush ur hairs perfect for it)
REALLLL LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!!! It’s literally just because he seems super tough and also is fucking BUILT but otherwise those dudebros do not even compare to our respectful man Barou…
LMAOO my go to example of white haired fav is Inumaki from jjk…I guess it’s more like off-white haired characters? Because now that I think it’s not usually the pure white characters (like not gojo LOL) I’m trying to think of more examples but I’ve suddenly forgot everything else even though I’ve had this convo multiple times with some friends oops (I’ll admit Shinahs also my fav but kijas second LMAO) I’m ngl I feel like I haven’t seen enough content that has prominent enough characters who are like Karasu so maybe that’s why I’ve never found a trend for characters like him?? Or maybe I’m just blanking now but this is a long analysis session for another time
I JUST SAW IT I saw the nagi one first and fr thought “no way that’s so on brand” and then I realized it said WAS and kept scrolling but FRR I think by now we can just default to assuming we mean not the typical fanon standard because they’re lowk all ass takes…but yeah I was just about to ask if that meant chigiri long fic LOLLL guys Mira rarepair…chigimira….lowk I can also kinda see it….you could try going for another matchup (or a few and see what the general consensus is if there is one) or imagine a tiktok magically appears on your fyp in your time of need HAHA
LMAOOO I’m ngl that’s not a bad idea just to get people to stop harassing or just bugging you….but then again there’s some people who are still really persistent regardless it’s fr a dilemma
LOL wait that’d be a little funny like imagine they see aikus face and colors and they read the entire thing thinking “wait the reader didn’t even talk to aiku once”
BAROU NATION RISE but manifesting a fire edit gets on your fyp LOL I was just thinking though majority of the remaining character requests you have minus Nagi don’t have a very large pool of edits…trust I’m sure something will come up though…or maybe this’ll be a bfb situation perhaps
No those were my exact thoughts like they’re all so interesting…even aikus LMAO that I couldn’t choose like atp I was ready to make a poll for my poll response choices
ON FIELD ISAGI MOMENT I should use that phrase more often but I see that happening to like almost every poll I come across it’s actually kinda crazy…I wonder if it’s fr just something people treat as a running joke and do to just shit on people smh
There’s too many itoshi fans fr I am very impressed that Karasu remained second though!!! Karasu nation fr rising though I saw that ask while scrolling to read our convo guys this is kinda crazy!!!
Forgot to mention earlier too but I found some more kiyora voicelines that I’ll send in via a separate ask so it’s not buried in here
- Karasu anon
no literally differences in translations always piss me off that’s why it’s so hard to read manhwa because they’ll change shit from chapter to chapter 😭 like the main character’s name will literally change in between scenes or smth…i think another thing is in the novel they use the full name (so like kim dokja or han sooyoung) when referring to characters but in the webcomic they don’t?? like it’s just dokja or wtvr and it felt v weird to me i did not enjoy it plus from what i remember of the webcomic it doesn’t feel as deep as the novel because you’re not literally in the main character’s head which is so integral to the plot!! ofc no hate to people who like the webcomic but truly it was not for me
YESS i’m pretty sure yuki’s the oldest of at least the relevant og bllkers!! since barou has a june bday, shidou is july, and karasu is august (and the rest aren’t 18 yet) meanwhile yuki is may i think?? LMAOOO NO BECAUSE IMAGINE AIKU MAKING NIKO “HACK THE MAINFRAME” (request to follow reader on insta) and it’s like niko typing furiously and then she accepts his request and he’s like “i’m in” all serious and stuff 😭 niko and aiku number one oaeu duo like one thing abt them they will get it done every time 🤩 very much so cousin energy there…yk like the one cousin you only meet at the family reunions once every five years but your vibes are insanely matched so you always get along crazy well…that’s oaeu aiku and niko
barou is a sweetheart at his core that’s what they conveniently miss!! if anything they should be glazing kaiser (tbf a lot of them do) he actually kinda gives dude bro energy…especially in those glasses i just know bro is in comments sections being all “erm actually” and having ness like his comments to hype him up
okay honestly i looked at panels of nagi and shinah side by side and uhhh yeah…i do have a bit of a type…it’s either pale messy wavy haired soft eyes or it’s dark haired sassy jewel eyes (like shinah and nagi vs megumi and karasu) LMAOO tbh my second fav was hak especially because the bodyguard trope is my absolute fav (to be a princess guarded by a handsome man who’s in love with you but you’re royalty and engaged so he can’t do anything about it except defend you even/especially if it kills him 😩) but kija is a king as well!! tbh i also liked jaeha a lot honestly they all slay
HAHAHA I SAW THE NAGI AND I WAS LIKE WOAH?? very real but at the same time even when i’m writing for nagi i tend to make the reader character a lot softer than me…in the sense that she almost ends up taking on that reo-like role of rlly looking out for nagi?? not to that extent but definitely still way more than i personally would ever do for ANY man 😭 the exception is peregrine reader because she’s on a diff level entirely but her nagi is also kinda different than canon nagi because (crazy spoilers for peregrine ahead because i need to talk abt it with someone even though i haven’t written for it in ages) he realizes while they’re dating in high school that he doesn’t care that being with her is a hassle because he loves her so much he wants to be with her anyways…very diff from the typical “oh reader is the only person nagi doesn’t find a hassle so he loves her 🤩” trope ik but it just felt better/more equal to me…it’s not her making his life easier so he stays with her out of convenience it’s him actively choosing her despite it being out of his comfort zone 🥹 for example one of the things that’s kind of being hinted at in peregrine is the whole hakuho scholar thing which is how reader gets to go to college in america but one of the big reveals is that she actually wouldn’t have made it because only the top two students get it and the top two were reo and nagi 😰 and nagi needed it because he got invited to play for some fancy european team (reo didn’t hence why he went to college w reader as well) but couldn’t really afford to go so he also needed that scholarship to be able to live an easy life like he wanted/planned…however he realizes how important leaving japan is to reader so even though he doesn’t want her to go and needs the scholarship he purposefully fails his exams so she can be the number two student thereby dooming himself to playing for a random japanese team and actually having to work hard 😕 and then the reason he quits soccer (the scene in the first chapter where he doesn’t score the goal) is because he realizes he doesn’t care about playing soccer anymore and just wants to be with the reader even though she’s in literally another country (and then he finds out she’s engaged EEK) so he gives up his career for even a CHANCE at seeing her again because his team would never let him go if he doesn’t straight up fail and quit and become useless…and then it turns out she’s going to marry kira so it didn’t matter…UFNFMSKXJDKSM SORRY peregrine rant i actually think abt that version of nagi so often like THAT’S who i mean when i say i would marry him!! yes he’s still lazy and goofy and emotionally stupid (my fav scene that i’m yet to write for the fic is when reader is about to leave for her flight to america and there’s a thunderstorm and instead of…yk…CALLING her or smth nagi literally BIKES across the city at top speed and almost dies just so he can tell her not to leave him [she still leaves him] because he could never ask that of her before as he didn’t even know he cared that much) but at the end of the day he is also a d1 piner in his own way 😭 that was a lot but anyways long story short nagimira with a strictly canonical interpretation of nagi would not work in the slightest but nagi with a little bit of miraverse zest is def a strong contender for number one bf award
HAHA honestly i can see chigiri as well!! we actually do have quite a lot in common plus we are both so slay we would be a very cunty couple 🤩 okay wait i just remembered this because of the entire peregrine rant i went on but after i posted one of the chapters where chigiri is being a bestie someone sent me an ask basically thanking me because i’m the first person who hasn’t made chigiri annoying in my fic HAHAHAHA i was like uhhh thanks i feel like i wrote him pretty normally though?? so miraverse chigiri is fandom approved ✅ idk if i could do a long fic for him though ngl as much as i love him he gives very strong platonic soulmate vibes for me 😩 but who knows tik tok always comes through so maybe i’ll be inspired
no yeah some people will start prodding the story…imagine i just pull out manga panels of karasu or smth i wonder what they would do 😭 and HAHA FR “wait why did aiku spend the whole fic trying to get her w someone else??”
BAROU NATION LET’S GO to be honest it’s more audios than videos that get me going…for example the kiyora fic was inspired the arctic monkeys audio in that one nagi and isagi edit i have saved so even though the video itself had nothing to do w him i was still able to get to work because of that!! so tik tok will definitely still clutch up at LEAST for the to be determined longfic SKFHSJSBA
YES KARASU NATION i think this blog is probably followed by like every karasu fan which is why he got so many votes 😭 no complaints though i love that man fr…and yeah people will always act the fool online i’m afraid 😓 HAHA itoshism is too strong though i fear 😩💔 also OOH more kiyora!! that’s so fun hehe i look forward to reading them
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Icarus Lancaster
150 lbs
Icarus is a bright and optimistic young man who is determined to continue inventing despite his bad luck with it.
Flowers, birds, inventing
Anything stopping him from inventing
Lawful good
[Body Type]
[Special Features]
Heterochromatic eyes, splints on hands, wheelchair
[Physical Disabilities]
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
⚠️ disclaimer: as I do not have either disability and I am not a medical professional, I am bound to make a few mistakes or forget something ⚠️
[Home kingdom]
The Six
[Death Count]
Daedalus Lancaster (father)
Naucrate Lancaster (mother)
Perdix Lancaster (aunt)
Metiadusa Athens (aunt)
Perdix Lancaster (cousin)
Pandion Athens (cousin)
Iapyx Lancaster (brother)
TW death, airplane crash
Icarus had a fairly normal life, growing up with an inventor for a father. His father taught him and his cousin Perdix how to create new machinery, while Iapyx studied medicines. As they grew older, the family single-handedly improved technology in Hawirith, widely regarded by the world as geniuses. Tragedy struck when Icarus' mother passed. He was only sixteen, and the impact hit him beyond consolation.
In an impulse decision, Icarus tried to invent a flying machine in an attempt to reach the heavens and see his mother. Perdix aided him, and also helped his cousin test the machine. The two tested how high the machine could fly, and ended up causing it to stall and crash. Perdix did not survive the fall, but Icarus came out alive and wounded. He was found by Iapyx just in time, and slowly nursed back to health.
After the crash, Icarus was unable to stand for long periods of time without feeling as if he'd collapse. Daedalus helped him create something that would help him travel without walking. Despite the loss of his cousin and mother, Icarus continues to invent and create
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I realised I don’t have a lot to do today, so I can get back to my S15 Holby rewatch!
One thing I wanted to say before I move onto the next episode though - while watching “How Lo Can You Go” the other day, I was thinking the actress playing recurring patient Aisha was brilliant, but I didn’t know her name. I thought “hm, when I finish the episode, I should look her up so I can say how good she is!”. I didn’t get round to that.
Anyway, I then found out from a HolbyTV tweet that, apparently, this actress was none other than... Salma Hoque! Yes, THE Salma Hoque, the woman who played Meena Chowdhury! How am I so prosopagnosic I didn’t even recognise her after seeing her as Aisha in multiple episodes?? I’ve always thought Meena was a good character who had a lot of potential, but now, after seeing how brilliant Salma was as Aisha, I’m even more convinced Meena deserved better material. It’s a shame she spent so much time tied up in the Gaskell story.
So, yeah, I found myself praising Salma Hoque without even knowing I was praising Salma Hoque. It also feels strange to think this means that Salma shared scenes with actors like Jing Lusi or Paul Bradley who had long since left by the time Meena arrived.
I’ve now finished telling my anecdote. Time to watch and liveblog S15E09 “Fault Lines”.
Edit 1: Oh, it’s a Nick Fisher episode. First one of his I’ve watched since the news, I think. :(
Edit 2: Sacha’s ex-wife’s new boyfriend is taking her on a trip to an ice hotel in Norway, according to a phone call that we only heard Sacha’s half of. I can’t lie - that sounds great, I may envy her a little bit.
Edit 3: Lmaooo, Christmas songs in theatre!!
Edit 4: Imelda is taking Lilah’s accusations towards Ric very seriously. Imagine if she’d been there when the real deal happened with Henrik and Sahira. Maybe Henrik actually would’ve had to face consequences then. Sigh.
Edit 5: Albie the married barman (you’ll never guess what pub he works at 😉) who’s been sleeping with Mo has just turned up, with his wife who’s been brought in as a patient. :|
Edit 6: Okay, so Albie’s wife actually knows he’s sleeping with Mo! Still, I don’t think Mo should be handling this case. It’s way too personal. It’s unfair to expect her to treat Albie’s wife, given the... complicated circumstances. For once, I agree with Jonny - Jac or someone should be handling this instead.
Edit 7: “We raised businesses, not children.” is a great (and very sad) line. The actress delivered it perfectly, too.
Edit 8: I love Chantelle.
Edit 9: Mo, seriously, you really shouldn’t be treating Albie’s wife, for your own sake.
Edit 10: I do love Ric.
Edit 11: Poor Malick, dragged into the Ric vs. Lilah situation.
Edit 12: The Lilah and Ric situation is actually quite interesting, I’d heard of the storyline but I didn’t know it was this complicated. It’s a very grey area. Lilah’s obviously wrong in her claims that Ric made her fail the exam because she didn’t sleep with him again, but on the other hand, Ric shouldn’t have slept with his mentee and he definitely shouldn’t have taken over from Malick doing her exams in an attempt to try and make her pass just because he fancied her. I wouldn’t call it harassment, which is what Ric is being accused of, but it was definitely majorly unprofessional on his part. Nothing he should lose his job over (I can’t say that for Henrik’s treatment of Sahira...), but worth a slap on the wrist. Lilah regretting making the accusations is also an interesting angle.
Edit 13: The situation with Albie's wife is reminding me of Jac and it's making me sad.
Edit 14: Malick snarking at Imelda 😂
Edit 15: The patient thinking Chrissie was married to Michael 🤣
Edit 16: Ric is on the list of characters (alongside the likes of Stevie Nash) who have faced more consequences for a false accusation of sexual harassment than Henrik ever did for actually sexually harassing Sahira. :/
Edit 17: Albie brushing his wife’s hair one last time... ow. The fact that it’s so reminiscent of Henrik brushing John’s hair out of his face in “One Of Us” makes it even sadder.
Edit 18: We're near the end of the episode, so I'm guessing Lilah retracts her accusation soon?
Edit 19: That scene with Mo and Albie was lovely.
Edit 20: No last-minute retraction from Lilah, Ric actually left?! Okay, I have no idea how this is going to be resolved.
In other news, Luc’s going to be spending Christmas with Sacha and Chrissie. I hope we get to actually see that. It sounds hilarious.
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wwyd if i told you this little emo child was voiced by darren criss. like… what would you do
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jesterable · 2 years
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actual finished art of my Favorite OC tm !!!!! he’s a plague doctor and he has been through so many character arcs
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
Sooo, this was originally a B-Day fic for @thirsting4slashers that is months late lmaooo. But I finally finished it, sent them the personalized version, and she gave me permission to post it. I edited this and took out specific details so that it can be x Reader for you guys to enjoy <3.
To all my Randy lovers, enjoy!
They Could Never - Randy Meeks x F!Reader
TW: Smut. Possessiveness. Bullying. Brief Degradation. Billy and Stu ignoring boundaries and personal space. We kinda shit talk Billy and Stu in this lmao.
Randy felt like his teeth would shatter.
He was trying his best, he really was, to listen to the young girl asking him for some movie release dates, but his eyes couldn’t help but look past her curled hair to zero in on you.
He watched the smile pull at your lips at whatever undoubtedly stupid and likely offensive joke poured out of Stu’s mouth. He liked to imagine it was a strained smile, but he knows it isn’t; Knows that whatever quip came out of Stu’s bug-eyed ass was genuinely bringing out the laughter he himself was addicted to.
“- also, and sorry for going on and on, but if you could pull up when Lawn Dogs comes out too…?”
The voice felt like a blade being suddenly passed in front of his face, making Randy jump. He internally cursed, briefly forgetting he was currently at work, and didn’t need to be threatened to be fired by his manager again.
“Uuuuh, yeah, you got it. Hold on juuuust a second. Computer’s slower than a grandma made of molasses.”
He hears your laugh again, and he likes to imagine you somehow heard his lame little joke from across the store and found it funny. A small smile graces his features as information loads on the screen.
“May 15th. The Brits got it first though, so maybe you can find a pirat- I mean, yeah sorry, not for a while.” Randy sidetracks the sentence just as his manager walks in, but briefly scribbles something on some small paper before sliding it to the girl. It was the name of some website, one clearly meant for pirating, and Randy gives her a wink as she smiles back.
Another round of laughter, and Randy’s heart drops as he looks to where you are standing with Stu. Plus, a greasy addition.
Billy Loomis.
Randy didn’t hate Billy Loomis, at least not until recently. They had known each other for years, just like everyone in his little friend group had, besides you, the rather recent heart-throbbing addition. But Billy had been giving him bad vibes ever since his mom left. Okay well, actually ever since he started dating Sid about two years ago, but Randy wasn’t blind enough to realize that’s just his jealousy talking. What really set off his alarms was after Mrs. Loomis left.
Before that, Billy was ok. Dating his (former) dream girl, sure, but other than that he seemed to treat Sid well and, as much as it killed him, they had both seemed pretty happy. Until Billy’s mom left, and then Sid’s mom died, and now Randy has a chance that he didn’t even want anymore.
Because you came into the picture.
Billy and Sid will probably break up. Which makes Billy’s newfound friendliness with you all the more confounding and infuriating. Billy was distant to everyone outside his friend group and, because of what happened with his mom, he seemed closed off to even everyone in it nowadays too, except maybe Stu. But for the past couple of months, he and Stu had been getting closer and closer to you. He almost shit bricks the first time he had spied Billy smiling at you when you two were alone in the library. Not smirking, but an honest-to-god white-toothed, pretty boy smile that had Randy’s stomach churning as he watched from between the shelves.
For the second time that day, Randy gets startled out of his reverie. The clatter of VHS tapes and those new DVD discs that were starting to get popular, has his eyes snapping up at the three of you. Your eyes, bright and hypnotizing, had him almost smiling again, but when he sees Stu’s unnerving blues and Billy’s cold browns on either side of you, he immediately loses the urge.
“Hey Y/N! Stu…Billy.” Randy says as he begins scanning all the items, nearly scoffing at the selection.
‘Only horror movies again? Jesus, at least watch Star Wars too or something. Get another personality trait Loomis’
It was a hypocritical thought coming from him, he knows, but he can’t help being a little petty.
“Yup, that’ll be it! Oh, actually.” Your hand reaches below his view to the row of candy below, and you drop some Sno Caps and Sour Patch Kids onto the counter “These too, if you don’t mind.”
“Course I don’t. Always happy to-“ He feels his neck burn and nausea pitting in his stomach as Billy’s hand comes up and wraps around yours as you reach for you wallet. “…Serve.”
“I got it.” Is all Billy says to you as he fishes his wallet out of his back pocket with his free hand, all the while keeping his on yours, only letting go when he had to dig for some bills.
You look surprised, but thank Billy, earning a smirk from him. You miss the way he makes eye contact with Stu over your head, a clear indication that they’re plotting something, but Randy doesn’t miss it, and worry washes over him.
Billy and Stu teaming up to do something was always a bad idea. He learned this a long time ago, ever since the two had put some clear tape over his 5th grade English class door when he was running late, resulting in him barreling face first into it and almost falling over and cracking his head. The way Stu had howled and Billy had smirked confidently even with his stupid bowl cut back then, told Randy all he needed to know about the two.
It dawns on him that you were renting movies together with them. While they’re clearly plotting something. He squints at you before asking.
“You three gonna have a movie night?”
“Yeah.” You smile “Been planning for it for awhile.”
“Ever since she told me she never watched the Hellraiser movies.” Billy drawls lazily, eyes scanning the store casually before falling on a group of girls, giving them a once over that would be subtle to most people, but had Randy nearly rolling his eyes back into his skull. How Sid or you couldn’t tell that Billy couldn’t keep it in his pants was beyond him.
Billy’s eyes move back to Randy and he gives that smirk that he hates so much, before leaning casually on the counter “Thought we’d show her what a good time it is.”
Stu gives out a loud whoop, earning some dirty looks from customers, before slinging his lanky arm over your shoulder and letting his gross, dog-like tongue lol out of his mouth.
“Blood, guts, a thought-provoking humanist tale on the hubris of man. Maybe some tits. What could be better?”
Randy finishes ringing them up, a scoff leaving his lips.
“The first one is worth watching. The others, like all sequels, are trash. And it doesn’t have tits, nor is it a humanist tale, it’s post-modern at best. You want to find something humanist? Try-“
“Yeah, uh, don’t care nerd.” Stu says with a sharp grin and a little laughing hop. You elbow Stu’s side, getting an exaggerated ‘oof’ out of him, before turning back to Randy.
“I want to hear what this quote unquote “nerd” has to say.” You state, and Randy’s heart flutters. “Try what?”
“Well, you could- “
“It’s getting late, he can tell you later.”
Billy cuts in before anymore words are spoken, and both you and Randy frown before you look outside and realize it was getting dark. And you had 3 movies to get through.
“Damn. Sorry Randy. Gotta acquiesce there.” You exaggerate the ‘kwee’ part of acquiesce and it has a snort of endearment come out of both Randy and Billy at the same time. They both freeze and lock eyes, glaring at one another, almost challenging the other.
“Anyway, lets blow this place, my lady and sir.” Stu says as he makes his way to the door. Billy holds Randy’s glare in his for a moment, something unnerving flashing in his eyes that had Randy gulping, before turning to follow Stu, who was bowing cheesily as he held open the door for both you and Billy.
Randy didn’t like the way Billy grabbed your hand to pull you out. And if he had looked a little harder, he would’ve seen that you didn’t like it either.
Turns out, J.R.R Tolkien is an excellent tool to get a mind off of unrequited love. Randy laid in his bed; blue covers bunched at his feet as he read The Hobbit in an attempt to stop his thoughts from wandering to you.
He knew Billy and Stu wouldn’t try anything. They had girlfriends, and Randy was pretty sure they wouldn’t share with each other in that way. They weren’t that close. Right?
Still, the thought of you there, laughing at Stu’s jokes, pulling smiles out of Billy…letting them both get handsy with you. It made him angry. Angrier than he had ever felt when it came to Sidney.
What he felt for Sid and what he felt for you were two very different things. With Sid, it was a small crush, nostalgia-fueled and old in a comforting way. When he first realized her and Billy were having problems, he was ecstatic, not even thinking about how bad the situation probably made Sid feel. Maybe he liked the idea of dating or having sex with her, more than her herself. Because his feelings were so different when it came to you
With you it was intense. Less of a want and more of a need. You were, in simple terms, his type. Whenever you came over, the hours you spent talking and drinking cheap beer that made you both gag were hours he had burned and branded into his mind forever. Your laugh caught his attention without fail, and every time you let it out, his breath caught in his throat.
Back in high school, when graduation came around, he was crushed he couldn’t see anymore. Then you ended up in the same college as Randy and the others, and he couldn’t be happier. Seeing you every day, meeting up for coffees and lunches with the rest of the group. And seeing how you had grown in that time had Randy putting down his book and biting his lips.
You drove him wild. You were hot, and just the thought of you had Randy clenching his fists.
‘If she were here right now…if she’d let me I’d-‘
Images of you under him floods Randy’s thoughts, and he began to thumbs the edges of his T-shirt as he felt his cock stir.
His eyes scanned his room, and thoughts of fucking you on every surface had him groaning out loud. The desk, he could see himself bending you over the red wood, pushing everything off it and driving his cock into your soaked cunt. Pulling your arms back, he’d demand you to tell him who you belonged too, who you knew was the only one who could fuck you like this. And he’d hear you call his name in rapture, not Billy’s or Stu’s, over and over as he pounded in you.
‘O-or maybe…’
This bed. He could have you on your back, legs spread, and worshipping the soft folds of your pussy. He wanted more than anything to suck and lick your clit, finger you and put a vibrator to the sensitive bud and watch you come undone on his hand. He’d make sure to go for another round, or two, or three, until you were satisfied. He didn’t care how long or short it took, the thought of your juices dripping down his chin had his hands finally making his way towards his now throbbing cock.
Randy was a mess now, fingers gingerly wrapping around his length, and he swore he could almost hear your voice.
Wait. Fuck.
One pump in, and Randy’s eyes are shooting open. That was your voice, and after the brief panic and confusion wore off, his eyes fall to his curtain-covered windows. His ears strain and then he hears it again. A harsh whisper of ‘Randy’ coming from behind it.
“Shit.” Randy whispers to himself as he scrambles up, grabbing a sweater to tie around his waist to cover the pulsing erection in his sweatpants.
He moves the curtain away, and though he was sure he heard your voice, he was still surprised when he sees you standing there. You look exhausted, but otherwise fine, putting to rest any worries he has in the moment.
The click of the window opening has relief blossoming in your eyes, and you crawl through before turning to the confused man. Silence rings out, and Randy rubs the back of his head casually before giving a simple.
“Hey.” You give a smirk, and Randy smiles back. The situation was awkward in a funny way, and after the night you had, you were more than thankful for it.
“Food? Drinks? Thai massage?” Randy quips before moving his bunched bed covers to be smoother so you can sit.
You give a stretch, and the little slice of skin that reveals itself as your shirt rides up reminds Randy of the current half-chub in his sweats. He gulps and takes a seat, making sure the arms of the sweater give nothing away.
“I’m good. Though that massage sounds great.”
You move to sit next to him, and its then when Randy speaks up.
“You okay? Bad movie night with Casafuckface and his lapdog?”
“Pffft! Hahaha! Yeah, guess you could say that. A little.” You reply with an easy smile, and Randy loses his.
“Wait I was joking. What do you mean? What’d they do?” Randy couldn’t help the anger rise in his voice at the thought of Billy and Stu pulling any shit on you. Even the idea of them pulling a small, but mean prank on you had his nails digging crescents into his palm.
“No! No they didn’t- I mean- they didn’t do anything. I just-“ You sigh. You have no idea where to even begin.
Randy could see the worry in your face, and the worst came to his mind.
“They didn’t-“
“No.” You turn to face him, dead seriousness in your eyes.
“They didn’t hurt me or force me to do anything. Really. It’s just…” You sigh, letting your arms give out and falling back on to the bed. You could smell Randy’s scent and it comforted you as you begin speaking your piece.
“They just made me a little uncomfortable. Stu touching me so much, and Billy flirting. It felt like fun and games before, but they have girlfriends, and they keep, I dunno...upping the ante?” You furrow your brows as you recall the way Stu had insisted on having your legs over his lap during the movie.
“It feels wrong now. And we were all just talking like normal, when Stu suggests putting in Cannibal Holocaust, which we were all like, yeah, sure, ok. But then the scene where the guy goes into the lake and has all those people pleasure him comes up, that it gets weird. We finish the movie and Stu keeps talking about how hot being in that situation would be? Mentions some kitschy horror flick he watched one time where 2 guys tag team a girl. Like just keeps talking about orgies and threesomes…especially threesomes.” Your eyes shift to Randy, and you almost laugh at the way his jaw slackened in shock.
“Yeeeeeah. And normally, when Stu acts weird Billy hits him and tells him to knock it off, but this time he didn’t. He just kinda…stared at me. Almost like he was trying gauge my reaction to Stu not-so-subtly talking about threesomes when there are conveniently three of us alone in a room. I pretended not to catch on, so nothing happened, and the rest of the night was fine but…I just felt uncomfortable. Needed to talk to someone about it. And I sure as hell can’t go to Sid and Tate about it.” You sigh. “Like, if they were single it wouldn’t be as big of a deal, but they have Sid and Tate, and I know Billy is having problems with Sid, but it’s still not right.” You shrug your shoulders.
Silence blankets the room again, and when you turn to Randy, you can practically see the blood vessels popping. A part of you, the part that’s head over heels for Randy, stirs, but you ignore it. You know Randy is in love with Sid. Still, seeing him so concerned for you set your heart a flutter. You could almost thank Billy and Stu for being horny creeps.
“Would you if they weren’t?”
“Huh?” You blink, and Randy’s eyes shift to yours.
“If they weren’t dating Sid and Tatum. Would you have taken up their offer for a threesome?”
Randy shifted a little closer, and you think you can see hope in his eyes, though you aren’t sure why.
“Uh, no. Billy and Stu are really fun as friends. But I’m not into them that way.” You bite your lip and lean towards Randy conspiratorially “Plus, something about them seems…off? Like, don’t tell them I said this, but I’m half sure one of them is gonna turn out to be, like, some sort of psycho. My money’s on Billy.” You wink playfully, only a little serious, choosing to rag on Billy a bit since you know Randy doesn’t like him much. Randy nods, his eyebrows stiffening as he leans in as well.
“I’m putting money on Stu. Billy’s a greasy ass momma’s boy with some, in my opinion, homo-repression issues, but Stu’s the goofball. And you never, under any circumstances, trust the goofball.”
This gets a laugh out of you, and Randy can’t help but chuckle.
“Oh my god you’re so right! No one would ever suspect Stu. It’d be perfect!” You wheeze out between laughs, Randy’s joining yours until you’re both laughing at the ridiculous thought that your two friends could become crazed killers one day.
Amongst the slowly dying down laughter, you lock eyes, and the smiles blooming on both your faces is unmistakable. You realize slowly that both of you were just staring at each other, and Randy clears his throat before speaking up again.
“Well, I’m glad you’re okay. But it’s good. That you don’t go gaga over them, especially Billy, like most girls do. He’s a walking, talking red flag.”
“Yeah, I saw how he stared at those girls in the video store. It’s part of the reason I wouldn’t really be cool dating him. I don’t trust him to not cheat on me. Not to shit-talk him or anything, he’s a cool guy to have as a friend, I just wouldn’t go there with him y’know? Kinda feel bad for Sid in that sense.”
Randy nods. “Yeah, same here. Out of curiosity though…is there anyone you would go there with?”
Pink overtakes your face almost immediately, and Randy’s stomach sinks. Of course there’d be someone who you’d like.
‘But if it isn’t Billy and/or Stu, then who?’
“Yeah. Yeah I do. And you? Er, well, dumb question. I know you like Sid.” Randy could’ve sworn he heard disappointment in your voice, and it makes him jump on the defensive before he can even think.
“Correction, I used to like Sid. I got over it in high school, senior year.”
“Oh yeah, isn’t that around the time I came to Woodsboro?” You smirk, and your voice is light and teasing, clearly not being serious. But you know deep inside you’re hoping that is the reason, and that Randy is in fact secretly in love with you.
“What?! No! I- uh I, just, y’know, got over it! Nothing to do with you!” Randy sputters, and for second time that night, he gets a vibe of disappointment from you. You frown, eyes turning down briefly, before correcting yourself.
“Y-yeah. ‘Course it isn’t me, just pulling your chain, man.”
And it fucking kills him. That he can’t just grab you by the shoulders and shake you and scream in your face how bad he has it for you. That he just doesn’t have the balls. He remembers one time, back when Billy first started dating Sidney, where Stu had teased him about it.
“You lost, not just cause our Billy-boy’s a hunk, but because you don’t have the balls to step up your game!” Stu had laughed out cruelly. “You’ll never get the girl, man. Billy does, because he goes after what he wants. I do, because I know I can get what I want. But you? C’mon nerd, get over it. Sidney and you wasn’t gonna happen anyway, Billy or no Billy.”
It was a memory Randy abhorred. There was no doubt that there was tension in the friend group, and that Stu and Billy in general were those kinds of subtly toxic friends he should’ve cut loose a while ago, but kept due to nostalgia and the few good times between the cruelty. But that conversation in particular? That shit stung. And it’s those words cutting into his brain that cause the next words to tumble out of Randy’s mouth.
“Just kidding. Yeah, it was you.”
His shoulders stiffen and you mirror him. Fuck. Fuck. He shouldn’t have just said it like that. He had no idea if you actually liked him, or if it was just the residuals of the nice-guy syndrome he had gotten rid of in high school convincing him you do. But either way he was fucked, so fucked, absolutely and totally-
‘Not fucked?’
He thinks as you move forward to crash your lips onto his.
It’s everything he had been hoping for, and then some. Randy wastes no time in cupping your face, and you wrap your arms around his waist to press your chests together. The feeling of you opening your mouth for his tongue has him groaning, and he can taste the mixture of buttery popcorn and chocolatey Sno Caps from your movie night.
That movie night. Where Billy and Stu overconfidently thought they could snag a gem like you, and you turned them down. The thought that you did that to them, whilst opening yourself up to him?
It had Randy moving to push you back until your back made contact with the bed. Your lips moved together, tongues flicking and rubbing against each other, and groaning into one another’s mouth until you needed air and parted. You both pant, looking into each other’s eyes, and you give him a sexy smirk that made Randy think his dick would explode.
“I’ve wanted you for forever. Billy and Stu can go bite it.”
Those words had something snapping Randy. And before you could say more, he laces his fingers through your hair, pulling your head back and latching his lips to your neck.
“Yeah they can.” He says between kisses, bites, and sucks. “Those losers really thought they could take you from me?” You moan as he gives a harsh suck. “Fuuuuck that. You’re mine Y/N. You got it?”
You nod. This is a side of Randy you never thought he’d have. But you find yourself loving the possessiveness. You lace your fingers in his hair as he goes to remove your shirt and bra. The minute they leave your form, he pauses. Staring at your chest in near reverence, as a small ‘fuck’ leaves his lips. Strong hands move up to grasp at your chest, feeling and watching your reactions as he pinches your nipples. Randy breaths a little harder before speaking.
“These are.” He lowers his mouth to one tit, circling his tongue along your nipple before his hot breath cascades over them. “Mine.”
The way Randy’s hot mouth covers your nipple has your back arching in ecstasy. You can feel yourself dripping down to your ass, and you press your thighs together to get some relief. He moves his mouth back and forth between your left and right, sucking and licking, and then biting, until you were practically quivering as you moaned. It felt like heaven, but you knew where you really wanted Randy.
“R-Randy.” He pops off your breasts before looking up at you. “P- please. I need you, down…there.”
Randy lets out a little huff, before returning to your breasts.
“Be patient. I wanna take my time making you feel good. Buuut if you really need something there…”
His hands remove your bottoms, and deft fingers make their way to your cunt, drawing a curse out from Randy.
He pulled back to look, and like your chest, he took a moment to appreciate the sight before speaking up.
“God. Billy and Stu could only dream of this.” You moan at that, and Randy moves his fingers through your folds gently, collecting wetness.
“Fuck. You really wanted me this bad? You should’ve told me sooner.” He growled out, before pinching and rubbing your clit in slow torturous circles before returning to your chest. You cried out, steadily building the pleasure as you close your eyes and soak in both the feeling and Randy’s dirty talk.
You loved this. You wanted more of this side of Randy. You loved the nerdy, passionate side of him. You liked his shyness. But to see he was so ready to take and give in the bedroom? How he called you his, whilst disparaging your pushy friends? It drove you wild.
You came once, twice on his fingers and then his tongue. Randy wouldn’t let up, refused to fuck you until you were a mess. It was an hour and a half in, and he still hadn’t gotten his cock near you. You needed to change that. So you put your hands on his shoulders and pushed, causing him to look up. His eyes were half-lidded, drunk on your cunt and ownership of you, and you give him the sweetest smile before speaking
“Randy, I need you to fuck me.”
Not a second later were you face down, ass up. You moan when Randy spits on your cunt, rubbing his achingly hard cock on your before teasing just his tip in. You look back at him, and groan in annoyance. But all Randy does is smile.
“You.” He slaps your ass, garnering a squeak “Are mine. Not that wet-rag Stu’s and definitely not that rat-face Billy.” He growls out. “If I ever see them trying shit with you again. I’ll pulverize them.” You give a playful smile at the tough guy act, and Randy catches it before shrugging and gripping your hips. “Or at the very least."
"I’ll put a shit ton of late fees on their accounts.”
You throw your head back as he shoves himself in, his cock immediately rubbing against that spongy ridge inside of you that had you seeing stars. Randy’s pace is quick immediately, uncharacteristic of his usual attempts to be cool, and he grips and kneads your flesh as he pulls you back to him as he thrusts forwards.
The weight of a hand grips the back of your neck and pushes down, your face rubbing against the bed and allowing you to smell him on his sheets.
“God. God! Y/N you’re so- ngh- ah, so gorgeous. You wouldn’t believe how fucking good you look. How tight you are.” Randy pants out, his eyes trained on you and nothing but you.
“Say it. Say your mine. Say Billy and Stu can go fuck themselves. Tell me you’re never letting anyone but me touch you.”
“Yes! Fuuuck Randy I’m yours! I’m all yours! Billy and Stu are trash, and they could never compete with your cock!”
“Of course they can’t Not when you’re – ah – my personal, little, fuck toy.”
The steady build comes to a head the moment you start rubbing your clit at his words, pushing you over the edge just as Randy hits that spot inside you that had pleasure thrumming through you, and you scream his name in rapture. The way you push and pull around him, milking him for all he’s worth has him doing the same, cumming with a groan of your name, before collapsing onto you.
Your back and his chest were pressed together, sweat slicking you both, and you couldn’t care less. This is what you had wanted. Had craved. Billy and Stu were cute, sure, and it was flattering that they wanted you to be a part of…whatever it was they clearly had going on behind their girlfriends’ backs, but still. Randy was the whole package. Cute, nerdy, not a cheater, never gives off any bad vibes. Bad boys had their appeal as a teen, but as an adult what you really wanted was someone you could relax around and be yourself with.
‘Billy and Stu really did peak in high school.’ You thought in amusement, almost feeling bad for them. The weight of Randy rolling off of you brought you out of your thoughts, and you turn you head to look at his tired face. He looks back and smiles.
“Soooo. Does this mean you’re my girlfriend now?”
You laugh, taking the throw pillow and playfully hitting him with it.
“Yes, you fucking nerd.”
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laladellakang · 2 years
fmv [AU]: dellice is the most iconic duo
masterlist | wattpad | requests / ask enhypen
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italics dialogue = english | bold + [] = captions
— sal (sohn alice) —
what if alice hadn't left the group?
#1 (v-live)
"My first impression of unnie was.. you were very cute, very shy," Della rested an arm on Sunghoon's shoulder. "It was our first day in our previous company."
"My first impression of Della was that she had a lot of swag and I thought you would be a bit cold but she approached me because I was a bit shy," Alice smiled fondly at the memory. "My Korean was still really bad so she started speaking to me in English."
"How did you become close?" Jungwon asked.
"We... just did.." the two were confused on what to answer. "We were just most comfortable with each other."
[ soulmates <3 ]
The video cut to the channel's introduction before resuming.
#2 (v-live)
"You said you two were known as Black and Pink, right?" Heeseung rested his chin on Della's shoulder.
"Yeah, Della was black and I was pink," Alice played with the edge of Sunoo's sleeve.
"Are we still allowed to be called that?" Della chuckled. "What should our new unit name be?"
"Dellice!" Alice whined with furrowed eyebrows and a small pout.
"Yeah but what about the unit name? Like '03z' or '01z,'" Della explained.
The video then sped up with the four members coming up with various ideas.
"Oppa, we're trying to come up with a unit name for unnie and I, do you have any ideas?" they ended up asking for Jay's opinion.
"Can't you just be the Girlz or something?" all of them paused for a few seconds. "Hello?"
[they literally forgot that they were the only girls lmaooo]
"We're girls, Della-ya.."
"We're girls!" Dellice facepalmed while Heesun laughed.
#3 (i-land)
"I appreciate your concern, oppa. It's definitely valid. Let's just see what the mentors have to say tomorrow. We'll see how our chill method translates," it was during the representative unit week, where the Dellice had to perform 'Navillera.' "But just remember that we are the top trainees for a reason."
"We can do this. All fourteen of us need to stay in I-Land," "We need girls to debut, and we're gonna show why. We'll keep everyone safe," it immediately cut to them getting a score of eighty-five.
[ *got the highest score* ] [ alice: hell yeah, we told ya we were good ]
#4 (compilation)
[ been together from the beginning ❤️ ]
It's all the times Alice and Della saw each other again in I-Land, found out that they will survive for another round and when they knew they were gonna debuted together.
#5 (enhypen &hi)
"Wait, unnie.." Della put her hands on Alice's shoulders. "We're debuting together."
"I know right?" Alice whispered with wide eyes. "We've been together for three years."
"And we're debuting together!" the two squealed while hugging each other and spinning around.
#6 (upper side dreamin' ghostbusters edition behind the scenes)
"It's so cold!" Alice gritted her teeth and bounced up at down. "I'm already wearing so many layers but I'm still cold," she then looked beyond the camera. "Della-ya! Aren't you cold?!"
"No, I'm not," the camera focused on Della to see her walking towards the older while shaking her head. "C'mere," she pulled Alice's frame into her body and wrapped her with the blanket draped over her shoulders.
"Thanks," Alice rested her head on Della's shoulder.
The next clips showed the two waddling around with Alice clinging to her dongsaeng.
[their height difference 💔] [5"8] [5"4]
"What is this?" Sunoo laughed at the sight. "Cutee."
"What are you doing?" Heeseung laughed as well. "You look like a penguin."
"Hyung, should we try it?" Niki asked Jake, grabbing his hands to wrap around the former's waist.
#7 (tiktok)
It was one where Della was holding a ring and Alice 'forcibly' placing it on her ring finger, making the former look up with wide eyes.
"Put it on him, make him wanna marry me," the next scenes were Alice swaying her hips to the song in a 'shy' manner while Della does a bunch of random stuff with a straight face.
[ dellice = enha's REAL married couple 🫶 ]
#8 (weverse screenshot)
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#9 & #10 (tiktok)
There was also Lil Wayne's 'Lollipop' dance, which became the group's third most popular Tiktok, and an 'XOXO' challenge with Somi.
#11 (enhypen &hi)
"Lalaa," Alice got close to where Della was lying down. "I wanna cuddlee," she laid on top of her.
"You have seven available membe-" Della paused her game to wrap her arms around her unnie.
"I want you," she said in aegyo. She nestled her head onto Della's chest. "Ahh it's good to be a girl!"
[ 🤨🤨 ] [ *clip of huening kai's 'that's kinda sus though'* ]
Della snorted before slapping her butt.
#12 (compilation)
[ alice is the oldest noo-nie but she literally becomes a baby when it comes to della 🥺 ]
It was soon followed with the duo being clingy to each other, but the clips are all literally Della being the more dominant one.
#13 (dance jam)
They had a Dance Jam live one day where it was only Dellice. They danced to a bunch of K-Pop songs, including the most long awaited 'Pretty Savage' cover. It was the only one where they sang to the instrumentals, so it was a full performance.
[ sKiNnY bITCH ] [ bitCHES ] [ BITCHES ] [ our black and pink 🖤💖 ]
#14 (v-live)
"You're calling Alice fat?" Della scoffed at the camera. "Damn, I wish I had her body."
"I know y'all are calling me fat just 'cause of my boobs," the staff knocked behind the camera, making the two smirk. "So I just wanna say thank you."
#15 (v-live)
"Woah, there are lots of hate comments today," Alice said sarcastically. "Some of you guys are so possessive of the boys, it's hilarious."
Della screenshot the screen a couple of times with a smirk.
[ oh damn ]
"I'll show these to MY men. We'll remember your names," Della looked straight into the lens. "Good luck next time round."
#16 (v-live)
"You gotta love all nine of us equally," Della shaded. "Not just the boys, not just the girls- not just one member. Having a bias and solo stanning is different."
"If you come on here to only love one member while crapping on the rest then don't interact with us," Alice shrugged. "Save it for the real Engenes."
#17 (en-ter key)
"Unnie, wanna do the Peppero game?" Della offered during their Peppero day En-Ter Key.
[ interesting way of saying you wanna kiss but okay ]
"Let's go," the other members watched the exchange, occasionally cringing and squealing at their closeness. "Wah! It's so small!" Alice showed the camera after the two high-fived.
[ 💡💡 ]
"Do any of you guys wanna try with Della?" Alice gestured with a suppressed smirk.
"Is it okay?" Jungwon looked beyond the camera.
"Of course it is, what's the difference from Della and I?" Alice answered for him.
"Should we?" Sunghoon stood up to go first. All the members tried with Della, and Niki ended up winning.
[ ik this is a dellice video but y'all istg their bottom lips touched ]
Then there was a slow motion video of Nilla's lips barely touching. Then cut to Alice and Jungwon smirking while the other guys try (so hard) not to react much.
[ none of them flinched one bit and some of y'all still think their relationship is familial ] [ nilla ❤️ ]
"Do you wanna-" Della was about to suggest Alice to do the same with the boys.
"Eww! No!"
[ your gay is showing, sweetie ] [ and also your poly- *static* ]
#18 (compilation)
Alice loves to play wingwoman, she always encourages Della's moments with the boys.
She loves offering Della to be partnered by another member. She loves teasing her members, especially when they're being too obvious. Above all, she loves to make sure everyone sees that the boys (and her) are only 'romantically' interested with Della.
[ alice: i know something you don't ]
#19 (v-live)
"You and I.. We've known each other for over three years now," Alice swung on her chair. "We've been friends for over three years."
"We used to train in a different company together," Della smiled softly. "When we left, we promised that we would stick together no matter what."
"And here we are now," the two grinned at the camera.
[ please i need a friendship like theirs 💔 ]
#20 (enhypen episode)
"Hello! We're the girls of Enhypen, Alice-" Alice held out half a hand heart.
"-and Della!" Della completed the heart with her hand while using the other to wrap around her unnie's waist. They then blew a kiss and waved to the camera.
[ thanks for watching! ]
requests: — what if alice hadn't left the group — della protecting alice from the cold — peppero game
taglist! @afiaaaa19 @1-800-enhypennabi @one16core @ilyxion @toriluvsfics @i90snoo @danyxthirstae01 @seulgifted @clar-iii @hiqhkey​ @nichmeddar @jiwlys @duolingofanaccount [@studioreader @sarang-wonie @fairydosii @hoonstrology @jaetint]
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Serotonin Booster :D🐉
How to train your dragon edition
Here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Defenders of Berk✨
Not Astrid being pissed bc Fishlegs called her mean lmaooo
OMGGG "I would never call my father ridiculous. I'm calling my chief ridiculous" THE POWER OF THIS SCENE
The way Toothless just sat to look at the sunset.. Me too bby me too 🥺
Toothless and Thornado's shots combined was amazing!
"The first rule about the dragon flight club is that there is no dragon flight club"
Istg Meatlug and Fishlegs are made for each other
Baby whispering deaths!
I love seeing the origin of things ☺️
Wowww I just realized that Gobber has a unibrow
Sandstone makes glass
That shiny black rock makes another shiny black Rock, it also has Meatlug boiling
WOW a combination of multiple rock makes Meatlug a magnet
The way Hookfang pays more attention to Fishlegs than Snotlout is funny
Fishlegs on Toothless!!!!
Awwww love how Fishlegs feels happy abt being needed
I never understood why Dagur called Hiccup his brother but it's kinda funny
Young hiccup actually fighting is pretty badass and that shield 🥴
The way they were all trying to get Gobber to shower lmaooo
Gobber saved Gustav's life and Fishleg saved Astrid's
Am I the only one that finds the whispering deaths kinda funny, like yes they're scary but these mfs have tiny wings, a big ass head, are covered in spines and can't see like-
Newly hatched whispering deaths can be more deadly that adults bc they can't control their jaws or spines
Wow but the pain in Snotlout's eyes 🥺
Monstrous nightmares are stoker-class dragons
Fireworms get brighter the closer they get to each other
Ohhhhh now I get the history behind Hookfang and the fireworms queen's connection
"You're not just another sword, Hookfang"
Awww the fireworm queen saved Hookfang, I ship them now JSHDHSHS
Flightmare - follows the glowing algae caused by Aurvandil's fire, sprays a paralyzing mist to those who it considers a threat to its survival
Aurvandil's fire = Aurora Borealis
Hiccup: Well, you know, Astrid, uh, training dragons isn't the only thing I think about.
Astrid: Are you actually saying that to me with a straight face?
JAHSHAHAJAJ I SWEAR I LOVE THESE TWO the way both of them said these lines I can't ✋🏼😂
The way she said the exact same thing as her uncle and even took on the name I-
I have this headcanon that bc I'm pretty sure Astrid's parents were barely mentioned in the shows or movies that her uncle was the person that was there for her the most which is another reason why it upset her to see people making fun of him
Why does whenever Astrid gets shot by a dragon she always tries to hit it off like her axe is a baseball bat? 😂
Hiccup saving Astrid in the flightmare ep🥺🥺🥺🥺
Awww I love how Hiccup makes sure to mention the fact that "Fearless Fin Hofferson was indeed fearless, just like all the Hoffersons" 🥺🥺🥺 STOP AND THEN SHE SMILES AND HE PROCEEDS TO PUT HIS HAND ON HER SHOULDER I-🥴🥴🥴
I love how they're always interrupted whenever they're about to say a bad word
Lil terrible terrors are adorable 🥺
The fact that what they were trained for was actually useful it's crazy
Astrid: "no one is kissing me on the lips ever!!" HHSHAHAH ASTRID WHY U LYING
I feel like we don't appreciate how smart Hiccup actually is, and I don't mean that dragon-wise or building stuff-wise I mean in general. I'm in ep9 and they're finding old dragon traps to get rid of them and there was a lil breeze and he was like "there's a dry hot wind coming in from the north. It hasn't rained in 2 months. This is definitely fire weather." like how- am I the only one that would've been like okok a nice warm breeze 😩
Dude the typhoomerangs are so scary and huge wtf
Torch actually built a lil relationship with Tuff just for that but of time I love it
WE'RE FINALLY GONNA SEE THE SKRILL!! I love it it's one of my favorite dragons :D
I never understood why fishlegs says his name when he's excited
Skrills - The skrill was first found frozen, it's the symbol of the Berserkers, it can stay safely frozen for decades because of their internal body temperature, can't redirect any lightning if it's in the water 😳
Y'all the skrill and the nightfury have gotta be related somehow, they're probably like cousins or sum. I mean the night fury is the "unholy offspring of lighting and death" and the skrill can control lightning AND TECHNICALLY TOOTHLESS CAN TOO REMEMBER HTTYD 3 + they also have similar physical characteristics at least Imo.
Dude this dragon is so badass 😌🤩🥰😩🥴❣️🤍🤝 I'm literally so obsessed
Wow one of the first times I see the twins actually doing sum useful
The way the shots combine🥴
Dagur has misophonia - condition where people experience intense negative emotions for sounds such as eating, chewing, loud breathing or even repeated pen-clicking [ep11]
Oh wow so they originally trapped the skrill in this show i didn't know
Wait but baby Gustav is actually adorable wtf and the fact that he and Snotlout have matching Viking hats
Ruff puts fish oil on her hair to get "a greasy unwashed look"
Really hate when Snotlout doesn't accept no for an answer
THE HAND THING AHHHH I LOVE IT this time is Ruff and a scauldron
Ok guys so I did this with mi friend's puppy who I accidentally scared enough to make him piss himself and I'm pretty sure I traumatized him and now when I'm around the poor dog tries to get as far away from me as possible but one day we were kinda bonding although he still wouldn't let me pet it AND I DID THE HAND THING BECAUSE WHY NOT AND THIS LIL MF ACTUALLY PUTS HIS FACE IN MY HAND- I screamed and he left again🥺😂 BUT IT DID WORK
Ok but ruffnut with short hair 🤩
Also the way Astrid ran up to Hiccup in the ep14
Wait but the scene whenever they're fighting the Speedstingers and Fishlegs says they're too fast but Hiccup's like "not for a nightfury" and then they show Toothless dodging the Speedstinger's attack AND THEN THEY SHOW HICCUP PROTECTING HIMSELF WITH HIS SHIELD WHICH GETS THROWN AWAY BUT RIGHT THERE TOOTHLESS CATCHES IT AND THROWS IT BACK TO HICCUP who's like "Thanks bud" 🤩🤩🤩 literally so badass go watch it!! It's ep14 frozen min 17:40
I really liked the relationship Snotlout and Astrid created with each other's dragon 🥺
DUDE JAHDHSJAJJJSA ppl really underestimate Ruff's cleverness, this bish really gets Tuff to do the dumbest things just to enjoy looking at him hurting himself JAHDHSJAH😂
Baby toothless is high🥺
"Uh, okay. That one was a little close to the one good leg" JAHDHAHSHA ISTG I LOVE THIS DUDE
Johan hates Snotlout for breaking his stuff
Tuff got Macey the Mace from Trader Johan
Astrid looks hot without her shoulder pads
Ok but Dagur looks so weird without his viking hat in this show
The baby thunderdrums are adorable - BING BAM AND BOOM
OHHH SO ALVIN WAS ACTUALLY FROM BERK and he was Stoick's best friend
Snotlout and Hiccup are parallels of Alvin and Stoick
Ok but that trick Snotlout did was amazing, he really had Hookfang do a lil typhoomerangs move and then the wingblast🤩
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