#edgeshot imagine
nights-legacy · 1 year
Body Snatched-Edgeshot platonic
Main Masterlist ~ MHA Masterlist ~ #2
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Body Snatched Masterlist
1269 words
Warnings: unwanted touching, attempted assault, language, violence (let me know please if any need added)
+ Pro Hero Edgeshot is your uncle. He was your fathers brother. Your father unfortunately died when you were a kid and Edgeshot stepped up to help your mother. So he was really protective of you. You were in hero school (Not UA) and a teacher had taken an unhealthy liking to you. You try to avoid him but one day he had enough and "persuaded" to think better of him through a student he purposefully got switched with.
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Sensei Moriouti had taken a liking to you from day one. He tricked a student to use their quirk as "Training" to switch with a student in your class. Once switched, he used the students' electricity quirk to knock the other two out. Without him knowing, you witnessed this and called your uncle, but unfortunately, you didn't know the extent of your Sensei's plan.
I watched as Sensei Moriouti electrocuted the two students. My eyes widened and I immediately pulled my uncle's contact up. I backed up and walked away, hitting the call. It rang a couple of times.
"pick up pick up pick up." I muttered.
"Well Hello there Sun drop." He greeted me with my nickname in a cheery voice.
"Uncle Shinya, SOS."
"What is it?" His voice immediately dropped to the authoritative, hero voice.
"Sensei Moriouti has gone crazy. I just saw him have a student with a switching quick switch him with a student with an electricity quirk before he electrocuted both."
"Did he see you?" I could hear him moving quickly on the other end of the phone.
"No. He didn't but..."
"L/N-San!" I heard the Electric kid's voice calling me.
"Shit, he's coming." I brought the phone down and turned to him with a fake smile. "Hey!"
"What are you up to?" He asked with a smile.
"Oh just heading home. I never caught your name."
"Oh, Mo... Niko Lee." I didn't comment on his stumble.
Yes. Want to See something cool?" He asked hopefully. I felt my phone buzz. I brought it up. The phone call was still going but a message was up across the top.
Distract him. I'm on my way. It read.
"Yeah sure. My plans for later just got canceled." I smiled.
"Great! Come on." He waved me to follow him. I followed behind as he led me through the school. He went deeper into the school.
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise." He said with a smirk that made my stomach turn. He led me to a room and opened the door for me. I walked in and saw it was a storage room for the gym. There were gym mats everywhere.
"A storage room?"
"Yep." There was a sharp sting on the back of my neck that sent me to my knees. I yelped and dropped my phone. I was disoriented but I heard him laugh darkly. "This is a lovely sight."
"Mmph." My jaw was locked up after the shock.
"Aww. Can someone not talk?" He said condescendingly while cupping my jaw. He suddenly gripped my chin roughly. "I know you know it's me. L/N."
" Pervert." I mumbled. He grinned and leant over.
"You'll have to get used to it, sweet heart." He kissed me hard. I tried to pull away but my body was still recovering from the shock to my spinal cord. He pulled away, chuckling. "I'm done letting you evade me. I'm taking you for myself and no one will find you."
"Bastard." I spit at him. He only chuckled.
"But first." He knelt down and propped me over his shoulder. He stood and walked over to a mat on the floor. Throwing me on the mat, he knelt in between my legs. He started to unbuckle his pants. "This may not be the real me but you'll experience that soon enough."
"you're sick." I muttered. I was getting some feeling back in my legs so I took the chance and swung my leg at his head. It collided with a crack and he groaned, falling to the side. I pushed to sit up and get away from him.
"You little..." He grabbed the back of my neck and shocked me again! I couldn't make a sound as I collapsed on my front. "You could have made this easy but no. You have to be difficult."
Hurry up Uncle Shinya... I thought to myself. I couldn't move so that means I couldn't stop him from pulling off my clothes. I whimpered and squeezed my eyes shut.
"Just relax and you might enjoy this." He said. I heard him undo his belt and pants. The sound of fabric moving made my panic rise. I feel him move over me and move my hips the way he wanted.
"No!" I was able to yell.
"Too bad." He snickered and I felt him brush my backside. Before he could get near my entrance, there was a whooshing sound, the door burst open, and the shadow of a long, thin object flew over me. I heard Moriouti choke before he was pulled off of me.
I laid there motionless as he was drug away from me. Silent tears slid down my face. I wanted to curl up but I didn't have the energy and I was still numb. I felt something being draped over me. Someone ran their hand over my hair.
"Sweetheart, are you with me?"
"Yeah..." My voice came out brower as I turned my head to look at my uncle.
"Okay. Hold tight for me okay? We're going to get you to the hospital." He said softly.
"Okay..." I let my head full back down. I lose track of time after that. I vaguely remember the paramedics getting there and the trip to the hospital. The next thing I remember was waking up in a hospital bed.
"You're awake." I looked over at my uncle.
"How long was I out?"
"7 hours. You had gone into shock."
"Damn." I looked forward again.
"I think you still are." He reached forward and ran his hand over my hair. I closed my eyes and tears began to fall. "Oh sweet heart..."
"Why is he like that?!" I sobbed. "Why would he..."
"I don't know. Some people are just like that and you can't explain it." He took my hand and held it tight. "But he won't be able to hurt anyone else."
"Okay." I calmed down after a bit. "Where's mom?"
"Asleep over here." He pointed to the couch behind him. "She ran herself to exhaustion."
"Sounds like her." I chuckled. "The kid that he used?"
"He's really Upset. He reels responsible as well as the student with the switching quirk."
"They're not to blame."
"I know but all of you are going to need time to get back from this." I nod. I swallow hard.
"You're going to be there right?" I look over at him.
"Of course. I'm not going to let you go through this alone. Neither is your mom. We'll be right here when you need us."
"Okay." I gave him a watery smile. He squeezed my hand. "Hey, is it normal to feel numb after being electrocuted? Because that felt like you had the strength of a hummingbird." He chuckled.
"Oh really? I'd like to see you try better." I tried squeezing harder. We teased each other for a bit before I yawned. "I better get to doctor so you can rest." He stood.
"Okay." He leant down and kissed my head.
"You're gonna be okay." He whispered. I nodded and took a breath.
"I know."
Tag List: @lilparcheesie @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @cl0verbby @keigos-baby-bird
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quill-n · 2 years
CW// BNHA 364 spoilers, cartoon blood, implied character death
[VD] A mini animatic of several characters from BNHA filmed with hand-drawn paper puppets and recorded to a cover of White Winter Hymnal by Fleet Foxes (the cover is by its.stanza on TikTok). It starts with Kaminari cheerily talking to Sero, who pauses and glances ahead at The Lurkers: Mt. Lady, Edgeshot, and Kamui Woods. It focuses on Edgeshot, whose red scarf is the only colored part of the video. He turns to face the camera, and the scene transitions to a younger version of himself, wearing his high school uniform. The next scene is of Jeanist (also in UA school uniform) tying the scarf into a bow for Edgeshot. The scene after that is the same, except they're both older, wearing their pro hero costumes now. Jeanist reaches out to cup Edgeshot's cheek in the palm of his hand, and the latter leans into it. It finally transitions to the scene from chapter 364, where Edgeshot sacrifices himself. The animatic focuses on Jeanist reaching for Edgeshot as if to stop him, tears visible in his eyes. It ends with Edgeshot's scarf on the ground. [end VD]
It's angst time.
Not an old tiktok btw!! I made this,,, very recently. I've had this concept in my head for like,,, two weeks lol. The song fits surprisingly well :))
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shopcat · 2 months
aizawa crying and begging everyone to protect bakugo then watching him die can we actually just stop right here actually
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jarnya... but alive?!?!>!? the results will SHOCK you
Kuugo is staring at Shinya. Mouth open. Jaw hanging out, putting his teeth on display. "Oh my gods," He says, voice quiet. In the back of his mind that’s not going AHHH at all this sensation, all this… “Shinya. Shinya, you’re- back?”
“Apparently,” Shinya says disbelieving. He flexes his fingers and they respond. His heart is so loud in his ears. It's warm. It's cold. It's everything after an infinity of nothing-
“Oh thank fuck.” Kuugo- looks apologetic. “I… alright. I know this is very- unusual. But- there’s, well, something you should know.”
“Lay it on me.” Shinya’s feeling so good. So nice. On top of the world, even.
He’s come back to life. Shinya is alive.
Where's Tsunagu?
Kuugo tells him what’s been happening.
There's Tsunagu.
Well. Shit.
Shinya hadn’t thought Tsunagu would go insane. Or, at the very least, that insane.
“TSUNAGU!” Shinya shouts, slamming Tsunagu’s bedroom door open. It looked the same, other than the pile of -were those his clothes?- on the bed.
“Shinya?” Tsunagu looks up from where he’s sat on the floor. “Shinya!” He scrambles up, almost stumbling and falling, and Shinya’s stuck at the door.
Tsunagu’s gotten- thinner. Bruises dotting his face and arms, clotting cuts on his hands. He’s got Shinya’s scarf looped around his neck.
Shinya doesn’t have a chance to move before he’s being pulled into Tsunagu’s chest. It’s so familiar. It’s so warm. It’s- nice, and then suddenly there’s tears in Shinya’s eyes and Tsunagu’s head resting on top of his.
“You let me touch you,” Tsunagu whispers, voice raw. “you didn’t- you always move and then you leave and then you left and I thought you wouldn’t be back-“
“But now you’re back,” Tsunagu continues, an unhinged lilt to his voice and arms going tight around Shinya’s shoulders. Strangling-tight. A vine curling around a wall, clinging on for its life. “And I’m never letting you go again. Shinya. Shinya. My Shinya.”
“You’re hurting me,” Shinya blurts out, and immediately regrets it when Tsunagu immediately throws himself backwards, too-skinny arms smashing into his desk.
“Sorry,” Tsunagu says, wide-eyed and horrifyingly apologetic. He looks so small. So fragile, a force of nature contained within that frail body. Shinya’s heart aches. “I- I- sorry, I’m sorry, it’s my fault, I know, I know…”
There’s a pause in the conversation as the both of them try to work out what to say.
“You’re not shouting,” Tsunagu says, like it’s a new realization.
“No?” Shinya takes a small step closer. Tsunagu cringes away, then leans in, head tilting. “No. I- wouldn’t.”
“But you did.” There’s a small crease forming between his eyes. “You… I didn’t like it.”
“I’m sorry,” Shinya whispers. He feels lost. Out of his depth. This is his husband. His Tsunagu. “I’m- sorry,” Shinya says, and then he feels wretched because what else can he say?
“It’s my fault,” Tsunagu says like it’s a fact. “Not yours. Don’t be sorry.”
Shinya has no idea what to fucking say in the face of this.
i was gonna put the thumbs up emoji here but i cant copy/paste it :(
-story anon
Heheh jarnya <3
poor tsunagu </3
i love them so much and i love this snippet so much too aughhh
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Tsunagu and his Jar-nya <3
for context: this started out as a fun, semi-crack branch off of my revenge au and now it has become this. Canon happened. Tsunagu acquired Shinya again (through. means...of. uhhh taking. the heart. yknow.) and put him in a jar and slowly loses his sanity!
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I was messing around with a filter on TikTok and like
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I actually kinda wanna write this as a fanfiction because it sounds hilarious? Maybe minus the parents (even though their quirks would actually blend well) unless I throw in some time travel shenanigans. Idk just the concept of being best friend/ex-partners with two of the people who know All Might’s secret and them watching this particular dynamic unfold sounds so funny. Lemme know if I should, I’d probably post it over on @scarlet-streak-fanfics if I do write it.
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hollisofficial · 2 years
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fatkish · 6 months
I can’t get this idea out of my head so I’m gonna share it and feel free to use it. We know that Heteromorphs (people with mutant quirks) can have a very diverse appearance and abilities. Well my idea is kinda NSFW-ish, so here it is: a living armor quirk. Basically the character has a shapeshifting and transformation ability that allows them to become a living bodysuit that can protect whoever wears them. For example: if someone was wearing them, the wearer could ask the character to grow wings so they can fly. Since the character would have to be touching the skin of whoever is wearing them it can get kinda steamy.
The character is basically made up of microscopic wires and strings that weave together to make up their body. These wires can be bulletproof, fireproof and other proofs but it would depend on how healthy they are in mind, body and spirit. If they’re sick for instance, they won’t be able to hold themselves together enough to protect the wearer. The character can control each individual microscopic wire and re-weave them around the wearer’s body. The reader would of course need to eat and drink just like anybody else but their body is evolved to digest quickly and turn excess food and nutrients into energy. (So basically they don’t need to shit as much, since any excess materials they consume are quickly broken down and stored as fat or excess wire for when they take on damage and need to repair themselves)
The NSFW part and the part i can’t stop thinking about is how heroes who have the character as a sidekick would more than likely wear the character as opposed to their hero suits.
Imagine Aizawa learns about this character and decides that having them transform into a suit for him would be time saving and more practical. This would mean that Aizawa would only wear the absolute bare necessities since the character only has so much wire to work with. This also means that the character can feel every part of the wearer’s body. Which means the character can feel Aizawa’s dick and has to wrap themselves around it to support it. Now Aizawa could wear his regular suit over the character and just use them as an added layer of protection.
Or Endeavor hears about this character and decides that they would be perfect for him. We all have seen how big he is in height and musculature. This would mean the character has more space to cover making the suit thinner compared to someone like Aizawa. Now since the character has the ability to be fireproof Endeavor’s flames won’t hurt them but they can get really hot. (Imagine if endeavor had the character become a jockstrap or cup like article to help hide his bulge)
Or how about Dabi? What if he had the character act as a second layer of skin? Overtime the character would be able to build up a resistance to Dabi’s flames kind of like exposure therapy. Now Dabi basically wears them all the time since they help keep him from burning his skin.
And what about Edgeshot? With his quirk the reader would be the perfect sidekick (or should I say sidestick) literally, because the reader would be worn by him and literally be as his side.
Basically I’m a horny mess and I just want hot dudes to use me
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cyberpunkboytoy · 30 days
You know, I've seen a lot of Shigaraki vestige AUs going around post-BnHA ending...but not enough Bakugou Tapeworm AUs.
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This, but those last two panels don't happen. Edgeshot gives up his pro hero career (or rather, changes it to being Bakugou's sidekick) and just stays in there forever.
They hang out, Venom-style. Bakugo's life support tapeworm. Imagine it.
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The trouble with liking older men
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♋AN: It's a new year which means more AM smut
♋Warning: All Might x Younger Fem Reader (she's in her 20s), age gap, age difference, daddy kink, explicit smut, and rough sex. Read at your own discretion.
♋Summary: You met your idol for the first time in your life. There was no way you were gonna let this chance slip out of your hands.
It all started when she was out on patrol with Fatgum. She was his loyal sidekick for a couple of years now. Technically she still counted as a rookie and had learned so much under the tutelage of Fatgum. 
Imagine her surprise when a routine patrol of Fatgum’s favorite family restaurants ended up with a standoff against villains plus with All Might of all people coming to help.
“That was good work,” Fatgum managed with his mouth full of food. “Want some?” The rotund yellow hero held out a skewer of yakitori to All Might.
The symbol of peace shook his head demurely. “I’m alright. Thanks for the offer.”
Fatgum shrugged and shoved the skewer into his mouth before taking it out, stripped of all the meat, and with ease chucked the empty skewer into a nearby trashcan.
“E-excuse me,” Y/N called from behind Fatgum.
“Oh, there you are, Y/N-chan. Where’d you go?” he said as he turned around to see Y/N standing there. 
“I was here the whole time,” she murmured.
“Young lady! Are you alright?” All Might asked; he stepped closer, not seeing the flustered reaction on her face. “You took quite the hit from that villain.”
She felt dizzy. The All Might asked if she, a lowly sidekick, was alright. Suddenly it felt like oxygen was being deprived, and she was suffocating.
Y/N immediately felt her chest convulse and her heartbeat resume thumping behind her chest. She watched wide-eyed as All Might clutched and rubbed her hands. 
“Maybe she needs medical attention?” he fussed.
Fatgum chuckled, “She’ll be fine. Just let go of her.”
“Oh,” All Might let out an embarrassed laugh and, with a blush, quickly let go of her. Y/N felt disappointed as his large hands were no longer encompassing hers. 
She was numb as All Might and Fatgum exchanged a few more words before the symbol of peace disappeared into the crowd. The crowd surrounded him, his laughter evident even amongst the high-pitched screams.
Panicked, she turned towards Fatgum. “Wait! He’s leaving?”
“Of course,” Fatgum swallowed a moment before munching on the seasoned meat again. “He says he has business to attend to in Musustafu.”
“Already? But I didn’t even get a chance to say thank you.”
Y/N only managed to embarrass herself in front of her role model. No biggie. 
“You’ll see him again soon. We’re going out for drinks later tonight. His treat.”
“That’s good… Wait tonight?!”
“That’s what he said” Fatgum tossed another empty skewer. “Just don’t drink too much like last time.”
The last time meant when she got shitfaced from one shot of sake, but in her defense, it was really strong.
“I won’t drink at all!” she vowed. 
She won’t let herself be embarrassed again. 
Most women her age were into pro heroes like Best Jeanist or Edgeshot if you were looking for a bit of adventure. And according to some gossip article she happened upon online Hawks was the number one hero women in their 20s wanted to ask out.
She didn’t necessarily agree with any of those sentiments despite being in her 20s.
Y/N watched with lidded eyes, circling the top of her beer glass as All Might threw his head back and laughed, uninhibited in his joy.
No, her tastes were a little old school.
Adored by the masses, All Might’s core fandom consisted of the older population and young children. 
She would know she grew up with an All Might fanatic in her mother. Maybe that’s why even now Y/N couldn’t get him out of her mind.
If someone were to look at her past lovers, they all varied in different combinations of buff with blue eyes and blond hair. You could say that she had a type. 
She let out a sigh and tossed some bills on the table.
Who was she kidding? All Might and her?
The no. 1 hero and a sidekick of no.58. That sounded laughable even in her head. 
She sent a text to Fatgum, letting him know she was leaving, and hoped to see him bright and early for their patrols. Not wanting to disturb his and All Might’s conversation, she left as inconspicuously as possible.
You wouldn’t think it was nearing 2 AM from the bright city lights and crowded streets, but this was late for someone who liked to be in bed by 11 PM. 
“Y/N is your name, right?” a voice asked behind her.
She jolted out of her thoughts and turned around to face All Might, who seemed curious about her.
“All Might! I thought you were still in the bar with Fatgum.”
“I can’t quite stomach a long drinking session like I used to,” he sheepishly remarked. “Though Fatgum seemed like he was going to do another round when I left him.”
“Ah, yes, I’m L/N Y/N. Please take care of me,” Y/N said as she bowed.
He returned her greetings with, “Likewise.”
They stood awkwardly next to each other, not knowing what else to say.
“Umm, I’m-”
“Do you mind-” They both began at the same time. 
She giggled nervously and gestured for him to start instead.
“I wouldn’t feel right letting you walk home alone. Do you mind if I walk with you?”
“That’s not necessary at all! I wouldn’t want to trouble you.”
He waved her off. “It’s no trouble at all. It’s the least I could do since I failed to stop the villain in time, and you had to take the blow for it.”
Why was he apologizing to her? It wasn’t his fault she failed to notice the villain's plan in time. She’d been a sidekick for years and still kept messing up at crucial points. 
Maybe that’s what separated the symbol of peace from other pro-heroes. All Might took on tremendous responsibility even when it wasn’t his burden.
Y/N glanced at him from the corner of her eye; he changed into casual clothes for the evening- looking devastatingly handsome. 
How many people could say they had the privilege of seeing this side of All Might?
“So,” he began. “I heard from Fatgum your quirk is called balloon anima. What exactly does it do?”
She wished that Fatgum would stop talking her up in front of his colleagues. It was sweet but embarrassing. In this case, however, she was happy to talk about herself if it meant spending more time with her favorite hero.
“Basically, I can enlarge and animate balloon animals.”
He blinked and then mouthed ‘balloon animals’ as if he didn’t know what to make of her quirk.
She waved her hands around in a panic. “It sounds lame, don’t get me wrong, but it has so many uses. I can use them as helpers, for protection, and even get them to rescue people!”
“Hmm. That sounds like a quirk that would be popular with kids. I can see it now.” 
“Y-you think so? 
“Of course!”
Well, Y/N supposed All Might would know a thing or two about being popular with kids, so who was she to argue?
They continued their trek until the city lights faded, and nothing but stars shone above them. The crowds dispersed until it was just the two of them walking along the sidewalk.
“Well, this is my building,” she said, pointing to the building. “Thank you for accompanying me.”
“It was my pleasure,” All Might said with a grin. “I’ll wait here until you get inside.”
He motioned with his hand as if he were ushering her inside.
Y/N bit her lip uncertainly. Was she making a mistake?
Nevertheless, Y/N stepped forward until she encroached on All Might’s space.
He looked at her curiously. “Is something the matter?”
She lifted her hand and paused before grabbing his shirt and yanking.
His lips slanted against hers, and she felt him jolt and stiffen. But she didn’t lose her nerves and stood on the balls of her feet to pull him closer.
She exhaled through her nose and firmly pressed against his mouth.
A moment later, his arm snaked around her waist, almost lifting her in his embrace.
Y/N was trembling; her hands shook as her fingers curled in his shirt. He hadn’t pushed her away! And more than that he was responding back!
Enthusiastically, she might add.
A loud moan was prompted by him when he bit down on her bottom lip gently before sucking. 
Oh god. It was too much. Y/N couldn’t control herself as she eagerly jumped and snared her legs around his waist.
He caught her with ease with one hand and caressed her face with the other as he took his opportunity to enter her mouth and cajoled her tongue into playing. 
She felt absolutely electrified. All her life, she had dreamed of this moment as soon as she was old enough to know what kissing meant, and even then, it paled in comparison to reality. 
He was so firm and warm against her body. It made her want to take all his clothes off and lick/nibble to her heart’s content until he was panting with desperate neediness. 
“Mmm,” he groaned against her. “So good. Such a good girl, Y/N.”
Y/N writhed against his pelvis, completely frustrated that her jeans had no friction.
Then Y/N remembered they were publicly making out in front of her apartment building—she with the most famous and recognizable pro hero in Japan. 
She abruptly let go with a gasp and tried to separate herself.
“W-why did you stop?” All Might panted, his lips still wet and shiny from their kiss. He looked stricken at the distance between the two of them now.
“Maybe we should go inside to continue?” she half-asked and half-pleaded. Hoping All Might wouldn’t want to end the night prematurely.
There was no need, though. He nodded eagerly and held out his hand for her to take.
“Ok. Where to?”
She smiled, flattered that he seemed to want this as much as she did. 
Her apartment was on the third floor, so she headed straight toward the elevator. It was more than relieving when they encountered no one and could make their way to the lift without complications. 
As soon as the elevator’s doors closed and the corresponding button was pressed. All Might cornered Y/N against the elevator panels.
To anyone, he merely looked like he was tenderly embracing his lover. But Y/N felt his heavy breaths against her neck and his blue eyes piercing her own as his hand made its way down her jeans.
She let out a tiny broken groan when her panties were pushed aside and felt his tentative fingers breach her pussy.
He shuddered, discovering the sticky wetness that coated her inner thighs and panties.
All he did was skim the outer lips and, every now and then, teased her clit in a circular motion.
Her heart was thudding against her chest. If All Might were aware of anything but caressing her cunt, no doubt he would have known his effect on her poor heart. 
Her pleasurable torture ended when with a ding the elevator stopped and slid open.
All Might reluctantly removed his hand and pulled away from her.
Y/N took a moment to gather herself before showing her companion the way to her apartment. 
It took a couple of tries to get the key into the keyhole and open the door with her nervousness.
But she managed and let him into her meager dwelling.
Quickly perusing the surroundings, she didn’t see anything embarrassing lying around that she didn’t need to hide. 
“So, what’s your poison?” he asked, quickly appraising the apartment and turning his attention toward Y/N.
“Huh?” she so eloquently replied. 
Why was he asking about alcohol? They just came back from a bar.
“For the first time, it makes sense we should do it on the bed,” he said, unbuttoning his jeans and pulling down the zipper. “But it also doesn’t fit the mood.”
His pants were discarded on the floor. 
“M-mood?” Y/N stuttered and gulped when she saw him start to reach for his boxers. “What do you mean by that?”
“The kind of mood you have sex until you pass out and not be able to walk tomorrow.” He smirked and left his boxers alone, instead taking off his shirt.
All Might firmly grasped her throat and walked backward until the back of her legs hit her sofa and pushed.
“We’ll start here and make our way to the bedroom,” he said, standing over her and pulling off his boxers. “Sounds good to you?”
She nodded, eyeing his semi-erect cock. 
“Any objections? Or questions?”
“Just one, can I call you daddy?”
“I would be disappointed if you didn’t,” he grinned while trying to unbutton her jeans.
She lifted her butt so he could maneuver her jeans down her legs and remove them altogether.
Her jeans plus her shirt both joined his clothes onto the floor.
Y/N reached back to remove her bra, but he halted her. Instead, he pushed the cups up and revealed her chest - making it look obscene. He couldn’t help but bend down and taste. She whimpered at him softly, lapping at her pebbled peaks. 
He didn’t need to do this. She was more than ready, but the way he was enjoying her, slowly tasting and grinding heatedly into her hip. She was being savored, and his eyes watched her religiously, the sight of her slowly becoming undone. 
Y/N got flipped around; her hands rested on the sofa arms while her knees were bent on the seat. She felt All Might crowded behind her and pulled down her jeans. 
She felt him caress her bottom still covered by her silk panties before they too were pulled down.
Her garments pooled around her ankles, and she didn’t even get a moment to kick them off before she felt him line up his cock near her entrance.
Y/N let out a startled gasp at the size of his cock. Or at least what she could feel of him rubbing back and forth languidly. 
Then without warning, he entered full throttle and stayed there.
She choked on the hiss she let out prematurely and bore with the sudden burn.
He set a rigorous pace. Never before has a man made her feel so small physically. At over 7 ft, he engulfed her in his heat. His chest-baring down on her back. She should feel suffocated, unable to escape. Instead, a part of her felt cognizant. The fact she was being held down and used as a sleeve, essentially for his cock made her insides stir and burn.
“Daddy,” she gasped. “Harder.”
There was a pause in his rhythm. Almost as if he was considering Y/N's request. It was only a moment, yet she held her breath, hoping that he would oblige. 
All Might gripped her hips tightly, and she prayed that he would leave bruises for her to admire later. 
Then he started battering her insides like she owed him and he was looking to collect.
Y/N’s screams were muffled amongst the sofa’s cushions.
She felt him tug her hair, firm but not harsh.
“Let me hear you, Y/N”
A chill went down her spine; she let out her sobs unrestrained and wild.
The sofa itself started edging toward the wall due to the strength of All Might’s back-and-forth movements.
Feeling herself building an imminent crescendo, she reached down to touch herself.
“You’re close?” He groaned in response.
His pace became faster and more ruthless to assist in her efforts.
Y/N was helpless to resist. Her pleasure washed over her and her body contorted due to the intensity.
Her eyes rolled back and her teeth clenched as wave after wave prolonged her climax.
“Oh, Daddy,” she chanted. “Yes!” Nonsense spilled out as she reached back and grabbed his face to kiss.
They kiss until a deep bone fatigue replaced her earlier ecstasy. The exhaustion from her activities caught up to her.
Y/N let go of All Might and collapsed onto the sofa, trying and failing to catch her breath. 
All Might watched her with pride and satisfaction while retreating from her body. His cock wet from her exertion still jutting outwards.
“It’s not over yet,” he said as he picked Y/N up and carried her to the bedroom.
She gulped and hoped she would somehow still be able to walk tomorrow.
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quirkwizard · 2 months
Pro Heroes at the Olympic Games
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Well, it's been another three years and another Summer Games has rolled around. Only seems fair I'd try again with a post about what heroes would belong in what games. This can be based on anything from powers to skills to whatever I think would be the funniest to see.
Kamui Woods-Archery: I just think it'd be really cool for Kamui Woods to make a bow and arrow from his wooden body. I don't need any more reason than that.
Midnight-Rhythmic Gymnastics: I mean, a whip is pretty close to a ribbon. And it's not like the outfit she has to wear is that much different from her hero costume.
Sir Nighteye-Golf: Sir Nighteye seems like the kind of guy that would be into golfing. That's it. I just thought it'd be fitting for the guy that looks and dresses like a stoic businessman.
Hound Dog-Handball: This is a sport all about catching and throwing a ball around and keeping it away from another team. Naturally, this should be no problem for the man who is part dog.
Beast Jeanist-Diving: The need for precision and elegance would, in this event, fit great with someone like Best Jeanist. That and it's the sport with the least amount of clothing for him to cheat with.
Mount Lady-Sports Climbing: She's got mountain in her name. Of course that means she's good at climbing. Oh, who am I kidding? She'll just turn giant-sized and reach the top instantly.
Snipe-Shooting: Considering all of his shots are guaranteed hits, I would want to see how disrespectful Sniper would get with this. Like doing it with his eyes closed or even shooting other people's targets.
Miruko-Basketball: I could have chosen any leg-based sport for her, but I wanted to pick the one with some more direct competition. Plus, there is the easy reference in putting her in a Toon Squad jersey.
Present Mic-Breaking: Yeah, apparently breaking dancing is considered an Olympic sport. And look me in the eye and tell me Present Mic of all people doesn't know how to break dance.
Nezu-Table Tennis: This is just the only sport that I think could fit him. Literally. He might be too small to use or do any of the sports on the roster. Even then, he's going to have to wield the paddle like a claymore.
Wild Wild Pussycats-3x3 Basketball: Considering this is one of the few team events that requires such a small number, it only feels fitting to place Ragdoll, Mandalay, and Pixie Bob here. And what about Tora? He can be a cheerleader.
Fat Gum-Wrestling: Could you imagine someone trying to wrestle as big and plushy as Fat Gum? They're going to go in for the grapple and immediately sink right inside of him. Now the real question is whether or not it counts as a clinch or a pin.
Eraserhead-Artistic Gymnastics: I wanted to give him Rhythmic Gymnastics so badly with how well it fits him, he even has the ribbon for it, but it's a women's only sport in the games. Still, this fits well enough with his impressive acrobatic skills.
Edgeshot-Fencing: Perfect set up for a fencer. He can make himself as thin as an epee and extend himself out as his pleases. Plus, it's the only official sport that lets you wear a mask in game, which should be no issue for Edgeshot.
Endeavor-Boxing: While I could say that I think that Endeavor is smart enough to handle the sweet science of boxing, the real reason is that he is that huge. I don't even think he'd need his powers to demolish someone in the ring.
Gang Orca-Water Polo: While Gang Orca would kill in any of the water-based events, he would definitely kill it in an event where hitting something really hard is part of the goal with his strength boost. Seriously, his spike might actually kill someone.
Ectoplasm-Rowing: This sport is all about being as in sync as possible with the rest of the rowers. Why bother when you can have your hivemind of clones work perfectly together? And if any of them run out of juice, just switch out one of your clones with a fresh one, no one will notice.
Hawks-Skating: Like Sir Nighteye, Hawks just looks and acts like he would be a skater. It wouldn't surprise me if it was part of his training at the Hero Commission to appeal to a younger demographic. Now he can truly become like his heroic namesake, Tony Hawk.
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nights-legacy · 1 year
I just saw your body snatched series and I have to ask can you do more father figure ones pro hero like I see present mic on there could you do maybe edgeshot and best jeanest as father figures please and thank you
I am going to make a list in this post of all the requests so you can find them in one place other than the masterlist. Like I've done in the past when I've had more than one request for someone like this. So keep an eye out for future posts 😜
I hope you like them!
Present Mic
Best Jeanist
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makeste · 11 months
BnHA Chapter 406: Secret Menu Hero Name
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all “NOT EVEN DEATH ITSELF CAN STOP ME!!!” and saved All Might so easily and spectacularly that it immediately became clear why Horikoshi had to keep him on ice for fourteen months straight. All Might was all “thanks for the assist Bakugou-shounen, now please allow me to show my gratitude by lending you my SWEETASS ROBOT ARM that nearly gave makeste a fucking heart attack when she saw it, HOLY SHIT.” Kacchan was all “I JUST LIKE TO SMILE, SMILING’S MY FAVORITE” and he smiled the BIGGEST EVER and indeed has literally not STOPPED smiling ever since, and my heart is warm. <3333
Today on BnHA: A jubilant menace stirs in the air. A chill runs down Kid For One’s spine. A sudden crash behind him. He whirls around, only to be met with the face of Chaos itself in all its raucous glory. The boy is relentless. His pursuit, unending. His blows, unyielding. And his mirth, as perplexing as it is petrifying. What the fuck. Why won’t he stop laughing. He’s laughing. Horikoshi is laughing. The readers are all laughing. You’re laughing. Kid For One is shitting his pants while this cackling sleep paralysis demon gleefully chips away at his frail sanity, one frenetic BOOM at a time. And you’re laughing. :|
doo de doo, don’t mind me, just gonna scroll past the first couple pages of this chapter so I don’t get spoiled for the outcomes of all the other mini-battles I haven’t finished catching up with yet :’)
though I already caught a glimpse of a bloodied-up Shouji before I realized what was happening, so unfortunately that particular cat is now out of the bag. can’t believe the suspense of whether or not Shouji would survive his fight is now completely ruined for me. can you even imagine how tense it would have been wondering whether or not Shouji would get killed off. ...and you know what, even as I type this, I’m realizing that this is really not the type of sarcasm that translates very well across the internet, lol. and even if it did, it could just as easily come across as “WOW, MAKESTE REALLY DOESN’T CARE ABOUT SHOUJI AT ALL, HUH” sarcasm, rather than the “it’s not that serious guys, it’s just that there’s no possible way Horikoshi could ever convince me that he was actually going to kill off one of the kids” sarcasm it was intended as! so yeah. you know what, I’m just going to shut up about all this now and move on. glad he’s okay though
so now back to the Main Character Battlefield, where Kacchan is currently having way too good of a time for someone who actually WAS killed off by Horikoshi fairly recently
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All Might is all “he’s so fast!” and yeah he really is lol. ngl, I had a fair amount of Kacchan endgame theory stuff riding on his ability to meaningfully upgrade his speed, so all of this is very satisfying to hear! and to be fair, I do wonder how much of it is owed to the boost from Gearshift as opposed to Katsuki’s own newly acquired exploding bloodsweat. but I’d like to think that even without GS he’s still incredibly fucking fast at this point. like easily still a Top 3 BnHA Speedy Boi
well shit lol now Edgeshot is reminding everyone that even prior to his “death”, Kacchan was briefly able to surpass Tomura’s speed with his upgrade
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well there you have it! so yeah, that basically confirms he’s currently even faster than All Might was at his peak. just a homicidal little comet casually zipping around all of these other slowpokes
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just for the record, I still have no clue how Kacchan’s bizarre new upgrade actually works, but I am fairly certain that sweat is NOT SUPPOSED TO EVER DO THAT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES
like seriously though Kacchan, doesn’t this hurt? like at all?
(ETA: hahahaha. ouch.)
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well whatever!! if Tomura was able to bypass Erasure’s loopholes with all of his hand nonsense, then Kacchan’s sweat has my permission to zoom around inside his bloodstream and randomly explode inside him to somehow make him faster without actually harming him in any way, AND THAT’S FINE. the time for nitpicking ended roughly around the same time that a soft-spoken paracord man dove inside of him to forcefully restart his organs
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meanwhile back in Dekutown it looks like Tomura has maybe finally broken free of his impromptu Blackwhip toddler leash
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whatever man. how are you still not redeemed yet since I last saw you in chapter 369. you had like an entire year’s worth of chapters. get it together already!!
lol what in the actual fuck is “instadeath”
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is this just a Funny Ha Ha fanscan way of referring to Decay?? or were there some additional Tomura quirk developments that I missed out on which were somehow even wilder than the infinityhands
Deku keeps saying that he’s for serious REALLY going to run out of Gearshifts now, but I don’t fucking believe a word this kid says tbh
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it will be the “final one” once the fight is finally over, and not a moment sooner. if I know anything about Deku, which I do. and Gearshift, which to be fair I really don’t
-- oh, fuck yeah
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what the hell is up with that swirly hand shit though, Kid For One. you better knock that off right now
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:/ well at least this time you’re being ignored because he’s actually scared shitless of you. shh. don’t tell anyone
holy shit this chapter keeps hitting me with these random bits of information Destiel meme-style and it’s the wildest fucking thing
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so while I did obviously clue in to the fact that something must have gone down in the Endeavor+Hawks+Toko+Jirou VS AFO battle, on account of AFO very clearly not being in Jakku anymore, I have not yet caught up to that part of the series, so I don’t actually know anyone’s status! hopefully they’re all alive and relatively unmaimed! although they very clearly failed at their One Job, but oh well
that being said, “AS STRONG AS DARK SHADOW” looooooool omg. DS what did you do. my boy left an impression. I cannot wait to read that, oh goodness
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seems like someone ought to have told you that. could have spared you a lot of pain and agitation to come. more’s the pity
hee hee hee
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hello there
so now my feral wolfchild is having a big internal monologue about how he’s finally mastered his new superquirk through the power of being an unrepentant masochist
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fsdkfj. listen up Kid For One, he may be “nothing but a pebble”, but I promise you, if you could fucking hear this kid’s thought processes right now, you would already be halfway across the planet. living out the rest of your days in hiding while checking underneath your bed every night to make sure this little hobgoblin isn’t secretly waiting there to pounce at you
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(ETA: you guys will never believe this but I found a sneak peak of the as-yet-unreleased soundtrack which will accompany this scene in season seven of the anime! SPOILER ALERT!!!)
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(ETA: once again, I know this sounds highly improbable, but I actually found some 100% authentic footage from the anime version of this scene! I’m telling ya. once this hits the airwaves minds are gonna be blown.)
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you have to admit though, this really is the exact type of behavior you’d expect from someone who literally just got spat back out from the pits of hell
oh my god hold up what is this sudden tonal whiplash?
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you guys I seriously had to sit back and take a deep breath and calm myself down for a moment, because Final Form Katsuki is just So Much. like actually just THE MOST. that I had to physically force myself to slow down and take these next few panels seriously and resist the urge to keep on making jokes about how CLEARLY EVEN HIS PARENTS ARE TERRIFIED. LOOK AT THEM. MASARU IS SOBBING AND MITSUKI’S HAND IS TREMBLING. IN THE WORLD’S MOST EPIC TWIST, AFO GOES DOWN ONLY TO BE REPLACED BY KACCHAN HIMSELF AS THE FINAL VILLAIN!!!
but yeah I had to stop and calm down from all of that because, oh. Masaru has his head in his hands. and Mitsuki’s trying to get him to turn around, but her hand really is shaking though. and it just really hit me that the two of them have spent the last... thirty minutes...?? swept up in the highs and lows of almost losing their child, and then getting him back, and then watching him be so strong and so good and SAVING ALL MIGHT and RESTORING EVERYONE’S HOPES AND DREAMS. and they must be so incredibly proud, but at the same time he’s still caught up in this fight, and the fight is still not over, and they know the tide could still turn again at any moment. and I can’t even imagine what that must be like. especially with them having already watched their son die once today
oh my god Horikoshi you cannot freaking do this to me!
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goddammit. and now I’m all caught up in my Bakufam feels. DAMN YOU HORIKOSHI, THE MITSUKI TEARS WERE THE LOWEST OF BLOWS
and now Kid For One is once again whining about this “pebble” who’s pissing him off even worse than All Might. you love to see it!
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-- Horikoshi I swear to god
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okay, color me intrigued. so that is indeed why AFO was crying when we previously saw this flashback! this is actually so interesting to me, because it’s literally the one and only time he’s ever shown real emotion outside of generic battle-related stuff (anger, shock, surprise, etc.)
so he says Kacchan pisses him off because he looks like Two. and every time he gets reminded of Two, he remembers how his brother died. and, I guess, made him feel sad for the first and probably last time ever???
holy shit, Kacchan was right
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he really is AFO’s Final Boss. like even more than he realized
*~*~*OH MY GOD*~*~*
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I swear to god, if Horikoshi deliberately kept Two’s quirk and name Top Secret for YEARS only for them BOTH to wind up NOT ACTUALLY BEING REMOTELY SPOILERY OR WORTH ANY KIND OF SUSPENSEFUL BUILD-UP IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER, I will. just sit here and be puzzled, I guess. lol. “sometimes I just like to fuck with people like that.” OKAY?? WELL GOOD JOB, THEN??
“Kacchan of the Bakugous” was so out of left field and I am grinning so, so hard right now. BAKUGOU NO KACCHAN. that’s officially the second Heroes Rising reference in as many chapters! sure feels like A Certain Mangaka is building up to a Certain Reveal about SOMEBODY maybe possibly still having SOMETHING which will remain unnamed for now, but which rhymes with “done for mall”! and that’s all I’m gonna say about that
except that it’s not, because I’d be lying if I said I didn’t also have fifteen other entirely different emotions about him proudly introducing himself to AFO not as Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, but as someone even more powerful. “BEHOLD, it is none other than I... Kacchan!!! ( •̀ ᴗ •́ )و lolo get fucked you big dumb fart”
heh. but seriously. just me sitting here basking in the fact that he uses the name Deku gave him. the fact that he decides not to go with his formidable, much-agonized-over hero name in this one moment, but instead chooses to use a far more terrifying moniker, even if AFO doesn’t realize the significance. because Dynamight is a hero, yes. one of the very greatest and strongest!
but Kacchan? Kacchan is the boy with a dream. Kacchan is the boisterous child laughing at the danger, unafraid of the challenge. smiling in the face of the tallest wall. Deku’s motherfucking Image of Victory. hahahahaha. ouch
anyway so yeah! what a chapter. this may have actually derailed me because now my brain just wants to write a bunch of character metas even though I STILL HAVE THIRTY MORE CHAPTERS TO READ. and not to mention I still have to actually post all of them as well lol. but whatever! we’ll make it work. long live Kacchan of the Bakugous, and may his Secret Menu Hero Name always strike fear in the hearts of his enemies
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*knocks on the door and drops this off*
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The noise of sheer happiness that I made when I saw this was indescribable /lh
Thank you SO much for sending me this oh my god- This made my day <333
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novaawayne · 2 years
Interview || Izuku Midoriya
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pairing: izuku Midoriya x female!reader
summary: You are a famous YouTuber who is dedicated to talking about heroes. One day you accidentally do an interview with the number one hero, Deku, without really knowing who he was. Give the almost heard that both are fans of the other.
warnings: fluff, fluff and more fluff. i really love this little piece of sunshine.
wc: +2.8k
a/n. English is not my first lenguage. please send some request for izuku
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Since you were six years old, you had been very interested in the world of social networks. You liked the way people brought up various topics through the camera. From cooking recipes, to a video blog of daily life, to crafts, and even tutorials.
That's how, at the age of eleven, you asked your parents to help you open your own YouTube channel. You wanted people to know and listen to you, but not only that, you wanted to talk to them about your favorite topic: superheroes.
You were never really interested in becoming one since it seemed very dangerous but that didn't take away the great admiration you had for all of them.
At first your parents didn't agree with this, the internet was a dangerous place, especially for a little eleven year old girl. But seeing your great insistence and that it was something you really wanted, they agreed to help you as long as they supervised you. You really couldn't be happier.
In your first few videos, you showed off your favorite hero merch collections and talked about how much you admired them. They were actually terrible videos. You spoke very fast or had very long silences and because you didn't know how to edit, the videos remained as they had been recorded.
But over time you got better. By the time you turned sixteen, you already had a little more than ten million followers as you had worked hard to cover everything related to the heroes of the moment. You had gotten exclusive interviews with heroes like Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, Present Mic, and one with All Might.
That last one was what took you straight to the top. It had not been easy to get that interview but the man had been very kind answering the questions of a girl with big bright eyes.
That's how your parents gave you a professional camera along with audio equipment. They never really imagined you would go this far but they couldn't be more proud of you.
Later you managed to attend the AU sports tournament, where you interviewed some of the future heroes and took videos of the various games. Your audience loved the way you recounted the events and how you carried on so naturally.
May was the same place where you met the cutest guy in the whole wide world. Izuku Midoriya. Just seeing it was like having directly seen the beauty of the starry sky. It was the moment you decided that you would be his number one fan.
However, the years began to pass. You attended university to study communication and various companies sought you out because you already had more than 100 million subscribers on YouTube, more than 120 million on Instagram and around 65 million on tiktok.
It was rare that someone didn't know you when you went out on the street and it was even the same hero managers who looked for you to ask you to do an interview because of your great reach.
On the other hand, although you didn't know it, Izuku knew you. Since before the UA tournament, since he was a big fan of heroes, he was amazed with your content from when you still had only 5 subscribers, he was one of those 5, in addition to your parents, your aunt and your older cousin . And he never missed a single one of your videos.
He recognized you immediately when you attended the UA tournament and wanted to ask you for a photo but he was more shy and didn't dare to talk to you. You were so pretty and he had serious trouble talking to girls.
However, he never stopped following you and admiring your work. He thought it was really incredible everything you had achieved from such a young age and on your own.
Izuku's only regret was that his paths hadn't crossed again. He was now number one and he really wanted to meet you in person but he hadn't found the right opportunity.
Izuku even knew that you were a big fan of him since a lot of your videos talk about him and he didn't miss the way you got excited when you made a video exclusively for him.
However, their paths were about to cross forever.
That day you were going to do a live walk through the streets hoping to meet a hero. Those were some of your most popular videos right now, because although you were looking for heroes, you would also sometimes interview passersby to give them an opinion on their favorite hero. You even went out into the streets to play some games, asking questions about the heroes and giving some gifts to whoever answered correctly.
The fun thing was that it was all live, so you could answer a few questions while you were walking around and talk to your followers.
You were in an uncrowded park and you were getting ready to start recording.
All your team was ready, standing behind the camera.
Yoru, your cameraman gave you the signal that everything was ready and that's how he counted down before starting. You started with your typical greeting and at one point you already had two million views.
You started talking a bit about what you were doing today and how excited you were. You sent a couple of greetings and finally stopped looking at the chat on your cell phone when you saw a couple sitting on a bench.
"Hi!" you greeted them with great encouragement but they seemed confused by your sudden appearance.
“Oh, aren't you y/n? The one from that channel that talks about heroes” the girl asked you with a lot of emotion.
"I am the same. Would you like to play a game to win a surprise prize?”
The girl looked at her boyfriend with emotion.
"Of course we want"
The boy seemed nervous about the sudden appearance of a camera but seeing his girlfriend so happy about him cheered him up a bit.
"OK. Then I'll ask you ten questions about some heroes and if you answer all of them right, I'll give you something."
They both stood up and listened carefully to your questions.
On the other hand, Izuku was leaving his agency after a grueling mission. They had sent him to rest because his last mission had lasted three days and he had hardly slept a little. It was so that the number one hero put on a cap, sunglasses and a sweatshirt to go out without being recognized. He wanted to walk for a while to get some fresh air and go for something to eat.
He had barely gone a couple of blocks when his phone rang. He quickly took it to see what it was and smiled to see that it was a notification that you were live.
He hurried to put on his headphones and open the video. There you were, as radiant and happy as ever. However, something caught his attention. The place where you were seemed very familiar to him.
He looked around him trying to remember.
“I'm very sorry, you have failed four questions but don't worry. I'll give you these Dynamight commemorative cups.” Izuku heard your voice and looked at the screen again. Someone had handed you a pair of glasses with Bakugo's face printed on them and you handed them over to the couple.
After a short farewell, you continued on your way.
“There aren't many people in this place but while we wait to find someone who wants to play, let me tell you that I recently bought Deku's hoodie. The one that is limited edition. It took me a long time to get it but I did and you can't imagine how happy I am"
Izuku let out a chuckle as he looked at you. But then you turned around and he perfectly recognized that building. It was his agency, you were in the back park. It was true that it was not a very busy place. It was so that he hastened his pace to find you.
It didn't take more than five minutes and from afar he saw you and your entire team. He didn't know that so many people were helping you with these videos but he found it fascinating.
He put away his phone along with his earphones and began to walk casually to make it look like some kind of chance encounter.
And just as he planned, you came running up to him.
"Hello!" You greeted him with great encouragement “my name is y/n. Would you like to play a game with me?”
Izuku was silent for a moment. Luckily you hadn't recognized him yet but he couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful you were in person. The camera didn't do you any justice.
"Sure," he said after a moment, "what kind of game is it?"
You laughed a little.
"I will ask you ten questions about some heroes, if you answer all of them correctly I will give you a great gift"
He shrugged. He knew everything about most of the heroes, his whole life was dedicated to studying them and thanks to you he got much more information.
"Okay," he said.
That's how you started with the questions and you were surprised at how well he was answering them. You decided to save a really difficult one for last but he answered it without the biggest problem.
"Wow, you really know a lot about the heroes" you congratulated him "as a prize I'll give you a choice between three things. The first is a collectible figure of Deku, the number one hero. There are only six pieces of this figure. You can also choose double tickets to the superhero theme park. Or lastly, you can choose a jack-in-the-box that contains different merchandise from various heroes” you gave him a big smile.
Izuku couldn't be more captivated.
"Actually I'd like something else," he muttered nervously, scratching his forehead with a finger.
You looked at him curiously.
"What thing?"
“Maybe a photo? I'm actually a big fan of yours since I was a kid."
You blushed at his words but immediately began to laugh.
“Of course we can take a photo, come here. Give Yumi your cell phone and she can take some pictures of us” you told him.
The man took the cell phone from him and handed it to what he claims to be your assistant. However, he also took off his cap and glasses but at that moment you weren't looking at him because you started to send some greetings.
"I'm ready" Izuku said and that's when you looked at him. You almost fainted at that moment when you saw who it was.
It took you a full minute to react but even so you started babbling.
"Hero Deku" you muttered after a moment.
He let out an embarrassed laugh.
You took a deep breath and stood next to him so your assistant, who had a huge smile from ear to ear, could take some photos. You quickly realized that Izuku didn't touch you in any way. His arms remained away from your body at all times. At present there were no longer men as chivalrous as him. If you already loved him before, now you loved him even more.
When the go-gos finished, it was your turn to feel embarrassed.
"Hmmm... Hero Deku, would you allow me an interview?"
"Of course!"
You quickly looked for the notes application on your phone because you had a list of all the questions you wanted to ask Deku if you ever had him in front of you.
It was actually a very long interview and your views increased more and more. You realized how easy it was to talk to Deku and the man had so many things to say that you didn't realize two hours passed. It wasn't until the end of the interview that you realized they had broken a viewing record.
"Thank you very much to everyone who is watching us right now" you said excitedly and Izuku next to you "and many thanks to the hero Deku for giving us this interview. It was magnificent. Hero Deku, would you like to say something to the public? We have broken a record and right now more than fifty million people are watching us live”
Izuku looked surprised but the camera focused on him and you held out your microphone.
"Well, I'm not quite sure. Cameras always make me nervous. However, I want to thank you all for the support you have given me throughout my career. I promise to always protect you."
You smiled excitedly.
“Would you like to say goodbye with me?” You asked him. Your cheeks had started to ache from the big smile that hadn't gone away.
"I would love that"
They both looked at the camera with a serious face and pointed their index finger.
"See you next time" they spoke at the same time and made a movement as if their hand was a gun.
The live ended, your team of five started clapping, and finally approached Izuku for a photo or autograph. He very gladly agreed but he still wanted to be alone with you for a moment. He wanted to ask for your number or if he felt brave enough a date.
"I'll go put all this in the van" Yoru said, carrying a couple of suitcases in each hand.
“Thank you all very much for your work today” you spoke out loud and little by little your team withdrew.
"We'll wait for you in the van" Yumi asked you this time.
You looked at Deku and then at your assistant. You immediately denied.
"No, I think I prefer to walk"
The woman let out a big smile as she raised and lowered her eyebrows. But she just gave you your bag and left with the others.
The sky was already dark, you had started recording quite late so it was normal for it to be like this. The little boy's lights came on and you looked at Deku.
"Thank you very much for the interview. I'm really a big fan of yours and it's an honor to have met you."
Izuku blushed.
"It's no big deal. Also, I'm also a big fan of yours. I've watched all your videos since you started at eleven and even though you deleted many of those videos, I still remember them."
It was your turn to feel like your face was burning.
"Well, then... I think I'd better go."
"Is it alright if I accompany you?"
You looked at him with big bright eyes.
"It’s okay, thank you"
It was a year later. You were in your studio doing a live Q&A. You wanted a quiet live so you chose to record in the morning when there were a little less people.
However, the chat filled up immediately.
“Today we will read some questions from Instagram. Many want to know how my collection has grown, so I will show you some things, also last night I received a big box with new merchandise that I ordered a month ago”
Your background had completely changed, they were no longer those stuffed animals and dolls from when you started, now there were several glass cabinets full of figures and merchandise of various heroes. In addition, there were some neon lights that adorned each side of the room. That morning they were pink.
You started answering some questions and stood up when asked about the new Shoto figure you had mentioned in your Instagram stories. Also about the Red Riot cap and Headphone Jack headphones.
"Honey, can you bring the box that arrived last night?" You yelled as you put the giant Lemillion figure back on.
‘When will you show us your boyfriend?’
'I have a suspicion that his boyfriend is someone very important and that's why she doesn't want to show it'
'We all want to meet the person who stole the hearts of our y/n'
You read the chat with a smile.
“I'm sorry, but you know I'd rather keep my personal life out of this. But I promise if that guy proposes to me, I'll show him when we get married” you started laughing.
Someone knocked softly on the door and you stood up to open it. Izuku appeared with a big smile and a huge box in his arms. You stood on your toes to give him a quick kiss and the man set the box on the floor.
"Thank you, Izu" you murmured, giving him another kiss on the lips.
"No problem honey"
Izuku went straight to his shared room and continued watching your video. He really was in love with you and was already planning how to ask you to marry him.
↬ written by Novaawayne
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battydora · 1 year
pov: you sit on their crotch in middle of the night
masterlist | rules
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nsfw content, minors dni !
characters: edgeshot, overhaul, hawks, shigaraki (s1)
content: nsfw, dry humping, drabbles, fluff, afab!reader, gn!reader, adult reader!!, slight somnophilia, established relationships, teasing, reader refered as "princess" (overhaul), dubcon & degradation kink (shigaraki)
synopsis: you wake up horny in the middle of the night and your partner has to deal with it.
a/n: this was a random idea i had inspired by that csm gif, besides i needed to write other characters to avoid writer block. enjoy!
a/n 2: this has been sitting unfinished on my drafts for three months omfg, it's here finally.
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— shinya kamihara / edgeshot
certainly you weren't imagining you'd be opening your eyes to look at the night stand clock to find out it was four in the morning, specially thanks to your wet cunt which was having its fun inside your naughty dreams. wet and hot sounds repeating in your head as you remembered every detail of the dream. your cheeks were red and your thighs rubbing against eachother, in hope to get some friction for your needy and slick clit. you sighed, taking a look at the other side of the bed, finding your partner peacefully sleeping next to you. of course you would be bothering him, after all, he's the one your cunt was begging for and, of course, the one starring your erotic dreams. you lost no time, you got him to lay on his back to climb your way onto his crotch. you grinned in triumph before spitting your words.
"shinya" you called, no one answered "shin...~" you called a bit louder, yet in a softer tone, grinning sweetly to yourself and slowly moving your hips, in hope to wake the man up.
the third call was enough to have the hero slowly open his eyes, his mind trying to catch up with the context and why he felt a heavy presence above him. when his eyes were fully open, he analized the entire scenario, trying to figure out what was going on. why were you on top of him? why did he feel something wet on his boxers? what was with that grin on your face?
"mhmm you're awake~" you said innocently as you stared at your significant other's clueless expression.
"dear, what is the matter...? why are you awake?" he asked, watching carefully your moves "and why are you on top of me...?"
"mmh, you could already tell" your hips did another, gentle move against him, a subtle touch enough to confirm shinya's theories, his eyes widened and his cheeks turned pink "i know it's late but... i'm feeling some type of way, you know~?" you stated before actually grinding your hips to a paced rhythm over him.
"oh i see... n-no wait" was all he could mutter before gasping softly at the feeling on his crotch. he griped your thighs gently, shutting his eyes closed. this was certainly unexpected, but the hero fails to resist, it's really been a while since you've been intimate, he admits he was feeling in need lately "love..." he muttered again.
"you like it, babe?" you asked, resting your hands on his abdomen, your arms made the right pressure on your sides, making your breasts press against eachother, the view left the man breathless.
"very much, beautiful” he caresses your thighs so lovingly, squishing them from time to time. his cock slowly growing harder inside his boxers, the wetness between your legs was slowly driving him crazy, needy and melodic moans slipping out of his mouth, making your cunt twitch "can i make love to you?" he asks with no hesitation.
"until dawn, shin~"
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— kai chisaki / overhaul
your boyfriend was never a heavy sleeper, you knew it. if you tried to move during nightime even to change your position, there was a chance he'd open his eyes to check nothing weird was happening. but god, tonight was different, your cunt was dripping like crazy, you were silently rubbing your thighs hoping some friction would help. it didn't help. actually it made it worse. having erotic dreams with kai involved was such a turn on, it made you so hungry for him.
you couldn't help it anymore, you decided to make a move. you turned to your sleeping boyfriend who laid on his side, he looked so cute asleep, you wished you could see this calm in him often, too bad he was going to be woken up for this atypical purpose. you gently grabbed his shoulder and made him lay on his back, waking him up almost instantly.
"what are you doing?" his sleepy and grumpy voice complained, eyes slowly opening as you made your way on top of him.
he opened his eyes fully and stared at you sitting on his crotch, kai hummed, this was uncommon he thought and didn't quite know how to react at first due to his sleepy numbness, he felt something wet and hot on his clothed cock, rapidily deducing the reason behind your behaviour.
"i see" he said "it's too late for this, go back to sleep" his response left you astonished and outraged.
"aren't you going to do something about this??" you frowned, frustrated by the thought of kai not taking responsability for the problem he didn't know he caused.
"i am not" a grimace planted on your face "now get off me, your wetness is making me feel... weird" he stared at the union between your crotches, you definitely were wet, your fluids already moistened your underwear and now they got his own wet aswell. you didn't want to give up, you didn't want to end up masturbating alone without chisaki's touch, that wasn't fair (to you)
"so you're not taking responsability for what you did?" you teased with hope.
"...? i'm failing to understand your accusation" he frowned, now offended, how could his sleep being interrumpted in the middle of the night by you be his fault?
"you can't just play around in my dreams, there's no way you get to rail me nonstop and have me all messy and whiny beneath you while i cry out your name" your hips grinding over him again "jeez, i even felt bad for having overhaul being the one to fuck me so hard, i felt i was wasting his time since he is always so busy planning on destroying hero society. how could i be fine with myself knowing i'm just the king's little slut?"
the mention of his alias was something he could hardly ever resist to, every single statement of yours where you refered to him as someone superior and powerful was such a tease, specially when it was about sex, he owned you and you know he owns you and the fact that he was able to get that idea inside your dreams, fuck, he suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline through his veins.
"king's little slut, huh?" he consulted, despite hearing you clearly.
"mhmm, i'm your little slut, all just for you" you continued to tease him, rubbing your cunt harder against his clothed cock.
kai's gloved hands grasped your thighs, pressing them tightly, roughly one might say, making you grind rougher above him. you moaned outloud at the constant friction against your heat, you were almost hitting an orgasm and he knew it.
"tell me who you belong to, princess" he demanded, now digging his nails in the skin of your ass.
"you darling, i belong to you and you only~!" you moaned out, reaching a fast paced rhythm against his crotch and reaching an orgasm sooner than you ever did, sighing and whimpering in relief for your release "oh my god~" you threw your head back, rubbing again slowly against him to feel the last bits of orgasm you had left.
"thank me, princess" kai demanded once again, staring at you with those deep and sinister eyes, feeling his ego reach a new level at the view of you crumbling above him with little to no job.
"thank you, overhaul, thank you so much~"
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— keigo takami / hawks
"babe?" was the first thing he said after waking up to you sitting on top of him.
"oh fuck, thank god you're awake..." your voice moaned in a desperate tone.
he was noticeably concerned for a moment but the second he realized what was actually happening, his concerns vanished being replaced by a deep blush on his face. he was speechless for a moment and stares down at his clearly soaked boxers and your clothed cunt grinding against them. your pussy was aching and so needy, you've been rubbing against him for at least ten minutes now.
"s-sorry for waking you up like this, baby... it, it was too much for me t-to handle it without you... sorry" you apologized, you let your head down in total embarassment and shame, only for keigo to reach your face with his hand and speak.
"hey, hey, pumpkin it's alright, i'm not upset, i was just caught off guard" he makes a pause before he grins, looking down at you "how's my little pussy today?"
"it's sore... and wet, i need you, babe, i really need you..." you whimper, your knees and thighs were aching from constantly moving like that.
"shh, i know, babe" he caresses your cheek lovingly as he whispers "imma give you all you need, just follow my lead~"
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— tomura shigaraki (s1)
the quiet room was filled by small and gentle moans, not exactly from you, the one grinding their cunt against shigaraki's body, but from him, who was unconsciously getting a boner in his sleep, his dreams suddenly taking a suggestive turn before a loud groan left your mouth, finally waking him up. his eyes widen rapidly at the view of you sitting on top of him, rubbing your clothed pussy on his also clothed cock, which was already hard from you constantly rubbing it in his sleep.
"what the hell are you doing?!" his tone of voice is craspy and startled, he is sure he has never been in this position with you before.
"oh you're awake. finally, i've been trying to pleasure myself for the past 20 minutes, you're a heavy sleeper aren't you?~" your tone was an amused one, you were definitely teasing him as you continued to move on top of him.
"gah, stop that's disgusti.. ah!~" his voice breaks at you jumping slightly on his cock once, you laugh at his reaction.
"ah, yes, try to stop me shiggy, i bet you won't be able to, cause you're so pathetic and weak, you can't even take usj without failing misserably" every single one of your insults made his cock twich in excitement and anger, he can't help but groan at you, irritated.
his hips suddenly lifted towards you in a pathetic attempt to keep you moving, which you didn't allow, you pressed his lower abdomen with your hand, keeping him in place.
"oh don't even think about it, we're doing this my way, you annoying bitch~"
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bnhaemporium · 2 years
Hello! I loved your pro-heros imagine where the reader was hurt. I was wondering if you'd do the pros again reacting to the reader having amnesia? The doctors aren't sure if it's permanent or not. Maybe the pros try to court them all over again just in case they don't remember them? Thank you! ♡
Hello! Thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy!
Characters: All Might, Endeavour, Edgeshot, Aizawa, Hawks
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All Might
Toshinori stares. He knows it’s probably unnerving but he can’t help it, remembering how you looked at him when you first met and unable to maintain his composure fully.
When he snaps out of it, he introduces himself as though he’s never met you before. He puts on the same voice he uses when speaking to the press – the false tone that’s meant to make him sound less human than ever.
He takes a very, very long time before he lets anybody explain he once was in your life. There’s a strange shame he carries with him surrounding your relationship. Despite everything he once promised to you, despite swearing to keep you safe, he feels like he failed.
Even though he’s tempted to try over again and win your heart, he’s not going to. It’s too unbalanced for him to remember everything while you knew nothing. Too hurtful to not be able to feel your care and love.

Is it a fate worse than death? When Aizawa looks into your unrecognizing expression, he contemplates for a brief second if hearing about your death would have hurt him less.
None of these thoughts show on his face as he reintroduces himself to you and leaves out any reference to your relationship. He speaks as though you are merely somebody rescued in his line of work but try as he might, he can’t bring himself to abandon you alone when you’re like this.
He speaks quietly to you, like you’re an animal poised to bolt. It’s so intensely obvious what your relationship once was, though he may not say it. Even with no memories, his care can be seen.
He won’t try to win your heart for a second time. He says it’s because he doesn’t have the energy to but honestly, he doesn’t want to intrude on your life when you already have so much to try and remember.

Keigo doesn’t believe it for a few short, devastating moments when he smiles at you cockily. He waits for your façade to break and listens for a laugh of some unexplained joke. But it never comes and when he slowly realises the truth, he feels entirely lost.
You can’t see his emotions clearly but there’s a shake in his words as he adjusts himself for a reintroduction. His arrogance in telling you about your relationship doesn’t hide how weak his tone sounds.
He’s going to tell you bits and pieces in hopes of bringing back your memories but when it doesn’t work, he’ll shrug as though it’s no big deal. You won’t be allowed to know the truth because he’s barely admitted that to himself.
At first, he promises himself that he’ll leave you to recover in your own time but he won’t hold to that. He’s determined to show you why you fell for him and he’s going to remind you about every part of your relationship he adores.

There are many things in this world that make Enji angry or frustrated but in a situation like this, all of those feel trivial. He doesn’t even recognise the sinking emotion he experiences when you don’t greet him as you always do.
At first, he gets loud and sharp as he almost demands that you remember who he is. His words are harsh and coloured with a grief you can no longer recognise immediately. He eventually has to leave to calm himself down as the anger rolls through him.
It takes him days before he returns and gives you a proper account for what happened, still behaving far too formal. He provides you with whatever he can to prove his point. He knows his stance makes it seem unbelievable.
He’s certain he can win you over a second time and he goes about romancing you as he did the first time. It worked initially. He really takes advantage of what he knows to make you understand his affection.

Shinya maintains a very calm façade when everything is explained to him and he sits at the foot of your hospital bed, watching your expression with a well-hidden uncertainty.
He goes through your relationship and your life with you to see what parts you remember and what has changed. He doesn’t allow his emotions to get to him until he’s alone later that day. That’s when he gives into grief.
It’s hard not to mourn you as though you had died. Everything he’s built with you has been ripped away but he’s not going to let it be the end. Not when he still has you with him.
He works with you to help get your memories back and to make new ones along the way. He’s learned what you like throughout your relationship and he’s going to make your recovery period as peaceful and enjoyable as he can, secretly ensuring he can keep your heart whenever he can.

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