#edel’s gardens
felinefractious · 3 months
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🐱 Turkish Van
📸 Judith Zannini [Edel’s Gardens]
🎨 Red Van
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mugenn · 1 year
i am absolutely in love with hawar in the winter garden
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coffeeghoulie · 8 months
pspspspps i see you're taking fluff requests, soooo can i be annoying and ask for some cute swissalps, my boys? im giving you a free hand entirely, whatever comes to mind. ill take anything hgfhagsfsa /nf
absolutely, the big boys being cute coming right up!
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For being a multi-ghoul, Swiss isn't usually quite in tune with the parts of him that are earth. His fire and quintessence are louder, demand more from him. But on days like today, when it calls to him so loudly and so sweetly he can't deny it, he knows he's always welcome here.
The air is thick and warm and humid. Swiss breathes through his nose, the scent of churned earth and growth and greenery overwhelming in the best way. Mountain works quietly nearby, and his peaceful presence is enough to quiet that part of him.
Swiss bats lazily at Mountain's tail, the pine-needle like tip rustling as it brushes against his claws. His head dangles off of the end of the earth ghoul's daybed, tucked snugly in the corner of his greenhouse.
Mountain snickers from where he waters his personal garden. "You are so easily entertained, edelweiss."
"You know it," Swiss snorts, eyes tracking the movement of his tail. The spade of his own tail beats a steady rhythm against the mattress.
"Keep that up and I'll think you're coming for my job," Mountain teases, inspecting the hanging plants that form his privacy curtain. "You sure as heaven don't play that guitar. Papa might as well put you to work."
He scoffs, rolling his eyes playfully. "Excuse me, maple, but Papa loves my stage presence. You do too."
Mountain sets down his watering can, turning to face Swiss with his hands on his hips. The multi-ghoul whines as the motion causes his tail to spin out of reach. "One of these days Papa won't be acting when you give him the shimmies. Besides, I didn't say I didn't love your stage presence, you desperately needy ghoul."
"Oh, I know you love it," Swiss laughs, still hanging off of the daybed. "I can feel you looking. I can always feel it when you're looking at me."
"Quit being dramatic, Swiss," Mountain sighs, his tail wrapping around his leg so he can tease Swiss with the tip. He cackles when Swiss's pupils visibly dilate, gold disappearing behind black, like a cat that's seen something it wants.
"It's true, though," Swiss says sincerely, eyes locked on the drifting tip of his tail. "I don't know how to describe it, but I can feel it when you're looking at me."
"Can you feel it now?" Mountain asks, genuinely curious. He cocks his head, strands of auburn hair escaping his bun and falling over his forehead.
"'Course I can," he says, still not tearing his eyes away from Mountain's tail. He bats at it, chittering under his breath. "I can feel it right now."
"What does it feel like?" he asks, brushing the dirt from his pants before sitting down on the mattress. He stares down at Swiss, emerald eyes meeting gold.
"Warm," Swiss supplies, shrugging. He shifts so his head isn't dangling off of the bed, moving so he's sitting up facing him. "I don't know how else to describe it, Mount. It just feels like you. Like the earth in me."
Mountain quirks an eyebrow, patting his knee. "Oh, edelweiss, I'm sure you want some earth in you," he teases.
Swiss barely has a moment to recognize the mischief in Mountain's eyes before the bigger ghoul is tackling him, pinning him to the soft blankets. He snarls, snapping his teeth playfully, and rolls, scuffling until Mountain's beneath him.
They playfight like kits, snapping teeth and lashing tails. It makes a mess of Mountain's usually pristine bed, mussing the blankets and pillows, yowling like animals.
Mountain has Swiss pinned down again when the multi-ghoul shoves. It sends both of them off of the edge of the bed, and they thud hard against the packed earth floor.
Swiss stares down at Mountain, chest heaving and eyes wide. "Shit, edel, I'm sorry, are you alri-"
Mountain grabs him by the collar of his shirt, and pulls the multi-ghoul down to kiss him. Swiss exhales hard in relief. His hands go to the base of Mountain's antlers, running his thumbs over the sensitive bit where skin meets bone.
Mountain's laughing when they pull away, eyes crinkled with a grin that rivals Swiss's. "Father Below, Swiss, I really love you."
Swiss laughs. He bends down to press his forehead to Mountain's, nuzzling him sweetly. He smells of bergamot and tea tree and green, something that just screams Mountain in its entirety. "Love you too, big guy."
He reaches up, eyes softening as he stares up at him, and trails a finger along Swiss's cheek, lips quirking in a smile he knows looks goofy before his back twinges. "Lemme up, edelweiss," Mountain groans, shoving lightly at Swiss's shoulder.
Swiss scrambles to his feet, reaching a big hand down to help Mountain up. He pulls a little too hard, accidentally making them collide. They giggle and Mountain leans in to run the tip of his nose against Swiss's. "You wanna lay down in my nice, soft bed and keep kissing?"
Swiss grins, brighter than the sun beaming in through the glass roof. "Thought you'd never ask."
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snow-system-wol · 2 months
There is a cottage on the outskirts of town, that has been occupied for at least a year or two now. It's also been a while since any stories of the fabled Warrior of Light doing any new heroic deeds have circulated. You have no reason to connect these unrelated facts.
(Maybe ~5+ years after 7.0, no DT spoilers)
Ao3 (~1.7k)
There is a small cottage, just a short foray out of town. You have made the walk before, and surely will again – though you'd hate to ask for too much, as much as he insists it is fine. Even if you wouldn't rush him, the thought of his workload getting too piled up saddens you.
Wait, you are getting ahead of yourself.
There is a small cottage, just a short foray out of town. Two miqo'te men have lived there for a couple winters now – perhaps in their 3rd decade of life, if you had to guess at age. One of them – G'raha – is a clever fellow, often ordering books to be delivered from all corners of the world and into the hands of their local couriers. If describing him to an out-of-towner, you'd likely simply say he's a bit short, red hair down to his shoulders, and visibly besotted with his husband.
Husband? Others have claimed to have seen rings, but you didn't personally look last time you saw either of them. It seems acceptable enough to assume for now, privately.
G'raha's husband is… more of an enigma. He is tall for a miqo'te, pink hair cropped at his jaw, and at times seems to struggle with walking. You've seen him use a cane the uncommon times he comes into town himself. While there is something a bit haunted about G'raha and you couldn't say anything confidently, you are entirely certain that his husband is a veteran of some sort – even with his injuries, he still carries himself like a fighter. Most mysteriously, he introduces himself as Edelweiss, with a knowing smile that says ‘yes, we both know it is a pseudonym’.
None of that is important to your town, though. Edel – as the kids started calling him, and it stuck as a nickname – and G'raha are kind. G'raha always makes friendly chatter and keeps up with people's lives whenever he is in town for groceries and supplies. Their cottage is always open to the injured when they cannot seek other care – allegedly it does not matter which you find at home, as they both seem to be trained healers, interestingly enough.
Most notably is Edel’s established services. He keeps a little box on his porch, where you can leave written requests for crafts or repairs – or G'raha can take verbal messages back to him, if you cannot write. He doesn't like to accept gil, but can be more easily convinced to take non-monetary payment (which almost everyone endeavors to do.)
While you could not say what past Edelweiss may be keeping secret, you could say your town would likely fight for him if it ever caught up with him.
You turn off the main road, onto a smaller path leading to their home. It's pleasantly shaded on the trail, with the whole area wooded, and their cottage is soon in sight. You let yourself into their front yard, taking a moment to look at their garden. Edel seemed to enjoy gardening when he was not working though crafting requests – and you are happy to see several new varieties of flowers and fruits since your last visit, several of which matched the seeds you had gifted him for his help.
You hope G'raha also helps him maintain it, with Edel being disabled. Between that and the crafting, surely it must be a bit much?
You carefully adjust your hands long enough to knock on their door – wouldn't do to drop anything. You hear a distant call of acknowledgement, and then G'raha is opening the door and greeting you with a smile. His eyes flick down in surprise at the basket you carry and you laugh nervously.
“I brought some pastries for you two. I hope that it is to your liking?”
“Of course – please, come in. I shall put tea on. If you would like, we would be glad for you to partake in your pastries as well.”
You enter their home, something you had not done any time before. It is very cozy and pleasant inside – there are some comfortable-looking couches, a small table with a few chairs, and several bookshelves. Based on what you have heard about deliveries, there are surely far more books downstairs as well.
Upon seeing you, Edel’s ears perk up and he gets off the couch with a heavy wince – heading for a doorway until G'raha shoots him a look, at which point he sighs and sits at the table instead. G'raha goes through that door instead and you can hear the thumps of him descending the stairs, into the mysterious realm of what must be their working and sleeping spaces.
That leaves you sitting at their kitchen table, alone with Edel, and not quite sure what to say or where to look. You at least take the moment to observe his face a bit closer in little glances, noting his pale green eyes and scattered scars and faint hint of sunburn on his cheeks. (Would he like a hat, when gardening? Would that be helpful? Perhaps you would suggest that to anyone next looking to barter with him.)
You try not to look at his neck, once you realize the severity of the scarring on his throat. He snorts and gives you a wry smile, and you know immediately that you were not quite subtle – but also that, for a blessing, he doesn't seem to be mad.
“I don't care much if you look. Just don't ask.”
You nod with a polite smile. There are many things you'd like to ask the two of them, friendly questions about where they are from, but that would simply not do in this case. Instead, you settle on something far safer.
“Is work going well for you? I hope you are not overburdened.”
He laughs, looking properly happy in a way puts you at ease.
“No, it's excellent. I'm still learning some skills, and the random requests mean I need to try new things. It's nice.”
“Have you..  not been a craftsman for long?”
He shakes his head. “No, I only started a little while before moving here.”
Immediately, your eyebrows raise. He really is an enigma. “Well, I certainly would not have known that, based on your skill. You must learn fast.”
He looks pleased, but his ears have also started flicking nervously, so you decide against layering any more of your impressed praise. Really though, if you didn't know better, you'd have guessed he'd been at this for at least a decade.
You glance down at his hands, several small scars visible that surely came about from the learning process. Your eyes land on his left hand in particular, and you speak before you can quite help yourself.
“May I ask a question?”
Edelweiss stiffens immediately and you feel guilty for what he may fear you'd ask. “You…may. No answers promised.”
Your eyes focus on the ring again. “Are you and G'raha wed?”
He relaxes with a soft laugh. “Oh, that was all? Yes, though I guess it took us long enough to get ‘round to it.” He smiled, something so warm that it made your own heart feel at peace.
“How did you two meet – ah, nevermind, I suppose.”
His smile turned a touch sad. “I fear that's a harder question to answer without talking about myself, yes.”
“I'm sorry.”
He shook his head. “You didn't mean any harm.”
It is quiet for a long moment.
Any potential awkwardness is diffused by G'raha's return. He puts a small fabric pouch on the table in front of you, and you hear a gentle clink from within.
“This, I believe, should be yours.”
You are suddenly nervous as you lift the bag, picking the tie open so slowly that G'raha places a cup of tea in front of you before you even finish. You pour it out into your palm and – oh.
You will not cry, not in front of these two in their nice little cottage, but… you never thought you'd see this necklace put back to the way you remembered it, and here it is, perfect. You suddenly wish you'd brought something more than just baked goods, even if Edel seemed disinclined to accept much.
“I – thank you. Thank you.”
You manage to keep it to mere tearing up, easy enough to blink away, but your fingers feel clumsy trying to open the clasp on your mother’s necklace.
Edel quietly clears his throat. “Would you like…?”
“Yes, please.”
He carefully stands up from his side of the table, moving around behind you. Some have said that watching Edel makes them feel a bit nervous sometimes, the tells of a trained killer, they say. You can't agree – you feel quite safe even with him fully behind you. You stay very still as he fastens the necklace, with his fingers not even so much as touching your skin. 
You realize that you'd like to know him better, to maybe even be friends, but you don't know if that could fully be possible. Perhaps if he was interested in taking on an apprentice? You'd like that very much, you think.
…Another day you may ask, when you are feeling braver and not quite so emotional.
Edel steps away and you quickly take a sip of tea, the urge to cry passing easily with the warm drink in your hands.
“S-so, how fares the garden? It looks lovely.”
G'raha swallows the mouthful of pastry he'd been eating while you two were busy, brushing crumbs off of his face. “It is lovely – with thanks to your recent gift. They seem to have taken to growing here quite well, and we are always happy to see more flowers bloom and have more fresh food in our kitchen.”
You cannot help the excited smile on your face, the quick rambles spilling from your lips. “I – I can bring more seeds. Next time I visit. I can help with taking care of the garden, too, if you need anything.”
Both of them are looking at you in a way that you'd like to interpret as fond, but it is Edelweiss that speaks first. 
“You're welcome here whenever you want.”
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doyouknowhowtowaltz · 4 months
What would a child of autumn and winter look like? As much as I love cutsy little fawn/kitten sapling looking things the idea of them making an absolute abomination is very funny. A thing (calling it a creature would be generous) that never was supposed to happen that simply appeared due to how close the seasons have come to each other, that’s far more mindless monster then either parent
I've been meaning to put all my thoughts on something like this somewhere, so I'll make a list.
"Ours" By A Technicality: This is an honorable mentions category for children that aren't actually from a union of the Beast and Enoch, but are the progeny of one of the two, generally I'd say produced asexually. Lorna from The Sins of the Father and Fiona from @faerytri's The Story Teller's Tales are good examples. (And everyone should read A Horrid Birth because I have never ever read accidental baby acquisition done so right. It has horror it has humor! But most importantly, it has little Fiona!)
Audrey II Electric Boogalloo: AKA the Weird Terrible Plant that we have joint custody over. I'm not sure you would technically count this as offspring, but I do! I think the most likely outcome is a terrible pumpkin-edel fusion. Mira-eyeteeth's Plunge is my absolute favorite example (I just spent half an hour tracking it down because I would be remiss not to include it). The flowering edelwoods in my Lotus Gardener AU are another, and I'm working on an even better version of the concept right now.
V'GER Fusion: Again, we're really playing with the concept of "offspring", but a true merger of the Beast and Enoch, would be its own entity in and of itself. The Maypole in A Great and Terrible Union is a proto-v'ger style fusion, though there are definitely a lot of fics that flirt with this concept, I don't know if I've ever seen it fully played out. I think a Beast!Enoch (I swear I'm going to write it) or a Mayor!Beast (now there's an idea) would fall in this category.
Neither Sentient Nor Sapient Nor Alive in Any Conventional Sense: A lot of things fall in this category, but Miss Inky once mentioned miniature blackholes and tears in reality. Miniature Blackholes I think are my favorite, little hungry things that can't sustain themselves and evaporate, or maybe even more permanent tiny things that either don't emit, or consume their own hawking radiation and are perfectly stable... until they're fed. To beat a metaphor of a horse to death, I like the idea that instead of sparks flying when they kiss, it's a bunch of primordial blackholes that immediately vanish, maybe they emit flashes of radiation as the go.
Little Abomination: This is I think more in the spirit of what you were asking about, kittens with big ears and budding antlers, or horrible amalgams of fabric and wood and fur that look like strange little puppets of... something vaguely animal like, presumably these are born, but I rather like the idea that they grow on trees or perhaps hatch out of pumpkins like eggs. I think we're definitely in negative heterosis hybrid territory here. And I'm not sure they would be particularly long lived, as similar as the Beast and Enoch are in a lot of ways, they're also actively destructive to each other in others.
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maeve-edel · 2 years
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I found my way into the faery garden.
Maeve Edel shot by TheHollisticPhotographer
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mediaomnivore · 2 months
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Happy Letterboxd Friday. The last four movies I watched were…
—Body of Evidence, 1993, US & Germany, Uli Edel
—Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden, 2011, US, Laurieann Gibson
—Eyes Wide Shut, 1999, US & UK, Stanley Kubrick
—Ryujin Mabuya The Movie: The Seven Mabuys (琉神マブヤー THE MOVIE 七つのマブイ), 2012, Japan, Tomoki Sano
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diosmaden · 10 months
"She looks more and more like her father every day," Charity says, voice soft and tinged with some complex emotions, watching the little purple cambion girl swing a hefty stick around the flower blanketed garden, giggling gleefully, her twintailed black braids bouncing wildly behind her as she chases imaginary foes that only her little yellow eyes can see. Every now and then the pitter patter of her little cloven hooves clatters its way onto the cobblestone before being buried again in grassy plumes.
Rosalie hums from from the rim of her teacup and sets it gently on its saucer. She too watches the child prancing through her garden for a moment, then turns her gaze back to the large, imposing cambion across from her—skin deep red and etched in old scars, not a hoof in sight, messy brown hair that looks like it was cut with garden shears half tied into a ponytail, and gentle silver eyes, ever watchful. "She looks more and more like you too, you know."
"Really now?" Charity laughs with a face awash with pure perplexion, "Have your eyes begun to fail you in your old age Rose, or are you just saying that because of the horns?"
Rosalie rolls her eyes with a smile, "No of course not teacup—I mean she has your smile."
Charity blinks, and looks back into the garden, "Oh."
Rosalie turns to watch too, resting her chin in a gloved hand, "And you know, I'd say a fair bit of Warlon in her too, she's got that mischievous twinkle of his in her eye."
"Oh that.. I think she gets that from his daughter actually, Elwyn really admires her."
"Ah I see," Rosalie smiles, "It's good that they get along."
"Yes, though his daughter is decidedly more rambunctious than I imagine he's ever been in his life!" Charity laughs.
"Oh now I don't know about that," Rosalie muses with a wry smile, "I reckon there's a thousand embarrassing stories about that old dragon's younger days that he keeps quite secret."
"Ha! Maybe," Charity concurs, setting her pale eyes back on the other woman.
She studies her quietly for a moment, watching Rosalie's soft smile as Elwyn pretends to stalk something around the bushes, before those dark eyes meet hers and—seeing her face—frown. "...Yes my dear?"
"Mm," is the response Rosalie gets back, nodding to herself slightly, to Rosalie's increased confusion. "If it's mannerisms you mean, then she looks a lot like you, too," Charity answers.
Rosalie's eyebrows shoot upwards and her head lifts out of her hand ever so slightly, "Me?"
"Yes, whenever she finds some new fascinating mystery to solve, her eyebrows scrunch up just so, exactly like yours just did—and then after a moment a little excited smile creeps onto her face."
A light pink dusting spreads across Rosalie's pale cheeks and she quickly averts her gaze back into the garden and clears her throat, "Well. She certainly has a lot of people caring for her."
When Charity says nothing to this, Rosalie frowns and looks back across the table.
A dark expression has clouded the handsome woman's face.
"I think I'll gut him if he ever shows his face," she mutters.
Rosalie relaxes and exhales softly, "Well be sure to do a thorough job, we don't want to add him to her list of influences."
"Gods no, Edel's bad enough," Charity says, frown evaporating as a conspirational grin takes its place.
"Oh aye?" Rosalie smiles back, taking another sip of her tea.
"Oh aye indeed, she's a troublemaker—you might be onto something with Warlon's sordid past with a daughter like that!"
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bakurapika · 2 years
i keep listening to the over the garden wall soundtrack now, and then using the handle of a broomstick to shove the urge to make yet another youtube list of trivia down the garbage disposal. because honestly, probably half the things i'm noticing for the first time are things i'd forgotten :| like how i was reading a fic with adelaide and i was like "OHHHH... EDEL - AID..... OF COURSE" which i refuse to believe i didn't realize when i was hyperfixated on this show for months
im still listening because there is SO much clarinet in there, and obviously that represents wirt, and the low horn (tuba??? idk??) is the beast. and im trying to figure out if piano = greg or if that is only sometimes or if it's not at all, because piano is in there an awful lot, so it might be a stretch
and it might be fun to try to analyze exactly what time frame and cultural influences show up? because it's all americana, but tbh france comes up a lot, even when other real-world areas don't. (french rococo, fine couture of france)
and greg's fuckin character development with the oneiroi when his wish is to save his brother... he gave up his dream of becoming a flying tiger for wirt......
anyway the two obvious ones i didn't know/remember are:
greg comes up with the potato/molasses line "short and stout" as in, i'm a little teapot, lol, but he bonks the kettle on his head with a spoon to emphasize this. aww.
and also, greg saying, "wirt, you sing the REALLY high part" is 100% related to wirt's decision to go for the high note on "be on our WAAAAAY" 😂 either a cute sibling moment where he takes greg's advice, or greg just knows that wirt sings falsetto??
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theartist-june · 2 years
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Gastorber Day 3: Hobby
Edel got his love of flowers and plants from his father. Rue loved gardening, waking up in the morning to greet and talk to his garden before watering and adding more flowers in his front yard. The neighbors always appreciated his beautiful garden, sometimes would come and even ask for some flowers in which Rue is happy to share.
Gastorber 2022 Prompt List
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awakendreamersworld · 2 years
🍂🍁Edel Wood🍁🍂
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After the beast (from Over The Garden Wall) cursed Madeline and turn into into a Edel wood beast ((he tried to turn her into a tree but something backfired)) she's been stuck with it for a while, but thanks to Hunter and Hooty ((Hooty literally did the cookie knock out thing to Madeline like he did with Eda)) they hunted down the beast and blew his soul out of the dark lantern. Unfortunately (and Fortunately) Madeline has been stuck with the Edel Wood for so long it's become a part of her along with the beast and her time ran out and she's now stuck with it, (here's the fortunate part) but luckily she didn't turn into a lifeless tree, she came out of a log of Edel Wood like a cocoon and thus her new transformative look and powers. She can now control her Edel Wood beast whenever she wants/needs. Basically the same thing with Eda's Harpy owl transformation.
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wildwechselmagazin · 7 months
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dublingrowshop · 1 year
Garden Supplies and Services in Dublin Ireland
Starting out in indoor growing can be a daunting prospect as there is so much equipment and so many products available. Let us take the hassle out of getting growing with one of our expertly constructed complete grow kits. We have a wide range of complete grow kits covering a variety of hydroponic techniques, giving you absolutely everything you need to build a working hydroponic system except the seeds. Our simple growing instructions (and expert guidance on the phone if needed) will mean that with any of these grow kits you can be up and growing in no time. The simplest way to get into hydroponics and indoor gardening, we recommend our complete grow kits to all new growers.
Grow Tent Ireland | Nutrient for Growing Plants in Ireland | Base Nutrient Ireland | Indoor Grow Fans in Ireland | Glow Lighting Kits Dublin | LED Grow Lights for Sale Ireland | Grow Shops Ireland | Grow Tent for Sale Ireland
Edel House 51/52 Bolton street Dublin 1 D01 A0W6
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Webtoon: Hawar of the Winter Garden
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Author(s): Minato Artist(s): Raret 미나토 Status: Ongoing Chapters Read: 18
Princess Canola arrives in wintery Tripol expecting a warm welcome from her future husband, Edel, and his kingdom. It's love at first sight the moment she lays eyes on him. But her picture-perfect fantasy comes crashing down when the people of Tripol reject an outlander for their prince. Now, Canola has to jump through hoops just to remain in Edel's orbit. Most would crumble under the pressure, but Canola isn't about to miss her chance to land herself a dreamy husband. She just has to find a way to melt prince charming's heart, and all the icy hearts in Tripol.
Not gonna lie, when I started this manhwa, I was prepared to be annoyed by the female MC because she gave me the blinded-by-romance vibes and, to be quite honest, she does appear to be swayed immensely by her emotions but the narrative suggests that there is a fine mind behind the character she presents to the outside. A mind that is fully aware of her identity and her worth and the position she is in due to her royal siblings. The way she conducts herself in this new strange land she is in is not annoying but intriguing. She comprehends people's hostility to her but rather than letting it bring her down, she fights their xenophobia. As for the romance, the prince is hardly icy towards her. He is aware he is attracted to her but he also knows how precarious his position as crown prince is and marrying an outsider is not going to win him any favours from his people. I am pretty keen on finding out how Canola (yes, that's her name, the oil) is going to win over the hearts of the people she'll eventually rule alongside her husband who seems to have already fallen for her.
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caranelguild · 1 year
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December 2 - 7, DY 26
The party does not look back as they leave the campsite that Farthybüt once filled with varied music. Only Zilybar feels their absence as the caravan travels southeast, following Sven and his dogs to the village of the sheepherders. The trek occupies a full day and then most of a second. When they arrive at the base of a winding path up a ridge and are told the hamlet is just beyond the top, Zilybar sets off to prepare the halfling shepherds for the caravan’s arrival.
The bard crests the ridge and looks down at a shallow alpine valley through which a gentle stream winds. Coils of smoke rise from the little grass-hill homes of the shepherds, and beyond the river Zilybar can see a pair of shepherds leading a flock of sheep to town from wild pasture. He heads down into town - where he discovers the coils of smoke to be rising not from little brick chimbleys but from mounds of coals, unrecognizable as the trees, gardens, carts, furniture, and bodies they must once have been - still smoldering despite the light rain.
Zilybar hails the shepherds, but as they approach and the sheep begin to cross the wide bridge, one of the two - always indistinct in the rain - is suddenly not there, leaving behind the one, a tall stranger in a cloak riding upon a dappled palfrey.
For a moment, the shepherd wonders if Zilybar is responsible for the wreckage of their peaceful hamlet, but the damage is easily identified as more than a day old - and besides, the gnome is as shocked as the shepherd. When the bard introduces himself, the rider only says that they are a shepherd - would Zilybar mind helping them wrangle the sheep into their pen?
By the time this task is finished, the caravan has come over the ridge. Zilybar runs up to inform the rest of our adventurers of the situation. They decide to leave the caravan to camp up here, to avoid disturbing the travelers by passing through another desolated village (remembering the orc-razed town at the foothills of the mountains some days ago).
Our adventurers, along with Sven and his dogs, head into the hamlet, where the shepherd has begun digging a grave for the burned and - they discover - gnawed-upon corpses of their fellows. Zilybar and Ainsley assist in this task while Roy and Sven explore the village to piece together what might have happened.
Sven’s dogs yip and bark outside the round door of a home, and when Roy hears a faint moan from within he busts through the barred entry with his hammer. Inside, he finds a fatally wounded halfling woman, the blood hardly spilling anymore from the gruesome wound where the bottom half of her leg should be. Roy quickly assesses the damage and expends the most powerful healing spell in his repertoire to seal the wound and infuse the halfling with needed blood - magically conjured until her body once more produces its own.
The woman’s tale is harrowing. The village had been attacked by giant, flaming wolves who breathed fire and attacked not to devour but to maim and kill. This happened some two days ago. The strange shepherd looks through the busted open doorway and is relieved to see a survivor - “Mari!” they cry.
“Nur!” says Mari. “I am so glad you made it! Is there anyone else?”
Nur is not sure, but Roy and Sven, seeing that Mari is in good hands, head off to explore the rest of the hamlet - and quickly, Sven’s dogs are barking at the door of a large barnlike structure.
Inside are found an aged halfling dressed in improvised armour (a wok as breastplate, a colander as helmet, and a shepherd’s crook with a knife strapped to it) caring for two infants in a bassinet. 
This turns out to be the village hetman Monoe, who had been babysitting twins Aspen and Edel when the hounds from hell had attacked in the night. He had initially barred up his own home and dressed in his armour before remembering that the barn was a mustering point. He has been in there, terrified, since - still smelling the brimstone smoke from the smoldering mounds and not being able to see through the slots of the barn door.
As Zilybar and Ainsley finish the burials, the village residents gather together to decide what to do. Nur has learned that the strange adventurers are on their way with a caravan of refugees to Alfomb through the mountains; if Mari and Monoe wish, Nur will accompany them and the twins as they join the caravan as a protector.
Our adventurers are happy to offer this joining to the shepherds. But what to do with the sheep? Over the remainder of the day, Nur’s flock is shorn and a few are butchered for meat. Five are chosen to accompany the caravan; the rest are left to wander wild. Roy sends a magical missive to Farthybüt at the orc village, mentioning the empty hamlet and its healthy flock.
In the morning, the enlarged caravan sets off on the southern road, once again following the wanderer Sven on paths known only to him.
That night, while heavier rain catches up with the travelers and Nur is on watch, the itinerant shepherd sends up an echo of their self to watch from above - some expression of their own unique magic - and this echo spots a caravanner resting against a tree a ways away from camp.
The echo swoops through the trees, and when close can sense that this body is no longer alive, though a heat emanates from the corpse’s chest.
Nur’s echo returns to them and they investigate with a burning brand, finding the oldest member of the caravan - Old Teethy - stone dead, with his throat and collarbone torn out, the wound burning hot.
Nur wakes Roy and informs him of this. Roy doubles on watch, and shortly observes an orange flash in the distance through the trees. Later in the night, Zilybar sees movement in the trees, but it is only one of Sven’s dogs, urinating before returning to its master.
In the morning, the location of this flash is investigated. A smoldering patch of ground, where the snow that began falling in the night melts before landing, is discovered, along with a collection of slush-filled pawprints leading towards it. It is assumed the hellhound, then, after committing the murder, went here to vanish back to hell or whatever is in its nature. A broken bone, split by sharp teeth, is found among the ashes of the undergrowth.
The next night, tripled watches are set. On the second watch, Trak (of the turnip gnome family) suddenly cries out in pain from the other side of the camp from Zilybar, who rushes over just in time to see a flaming wolf race off into the trees, leaving behind the gnome youth with a horrible, but not fatal wound in his hip.
Shortly, an orange flash is observed up the slope.
Roy heals Trak, and in the morning the caravan is informed of the threat that faces them. After a long day’s travel, noise traps and five-person watches are set . . .
In the middle of the night, the entire caravan is awakened by a deep laughter from within their circle. The watch swings their torches inward to illuminate a tusked giant, throwing back his head and laughing. The monster is at least fifteen feet tall, dressed in clattering armour. In a voice that rumbles the ground, he says, “Well, too bad! You’ve made it too difficult, now, for my pets to get their nighttime snacks!” and he casts a handful of bones, each with a rune in its shaft, at the six dogs at his feet.
The dogs leap to their feet and grasp the bones in their jaws. With terrible cracks, the bones split between their teeth and devilfire suddenly erupts, obscuring the giant and his beasts - until stepping from the lapping flames of hell come slavering hounds as large as the biggest wolves, their hides flickering with fire and liquid fire dripping from their open jaws . . .
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animeeldrick · 2 years
Elemental Gelade ep 19-20
Vira dies
It's a sad day
The gang finally fights the three masterminds and reveals that the Edel Garden is also Chaos Choir
It is odd how the series didnt even bother with the interesting setting. of airships and flying islands. They're mostly in the land anyway doing a standard adventure.
Regardless, I like how traditional it is and Cou and Ren's design are just really interesting to look at.
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